
charlie-tcarunning UbuntuStudio ISO tests for beta2; do you need bugs filed for theme, and out of place passphrase on encrypted drive?21:24
scott-workcharlie-tca: i would say mentioning the theme bug in this channel would be enough21:35
scott-workcharlie-tca: however, i am unsure about the passphrase for encryption21:36
scott-worki would have expected the passphrase for encryption to be part of the alternate install and therefore affect all alternate images21:36
charlie-tcaIt can be placed by the plymouth theme21:43
charlie-tcabut right now, it puts the passphrase box directly centered on screen, which is over the logo21:43
charlie-tcaThe theme apparently has not been updated yet, it is still the Xfce wallpaper and panels21:43
charlie-tcaThose are the two things I see. The good news is, plymouth has the updated theme, and the images both install!21:45
scott-workwhich theme, charlie?22:18
charlie-tcaplymouth? black background, UbuntuStudio logo centered and backlit, all text except "enter encrypted passphrase" on bottom of screen22:19
charlie-tcaKind of a shadowy spinner centered around the logo22:20
scott-worki install tonight and check, thanks22:24

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