
Fudgecharlie-tca  can i pm u01:17
charlie-tcaFudge: sure, anytime01:21
HitcherI am looking for a little help i just installed ver. 11.04 and I am at a logon screen and what user name do i use?03:55
moetunesyou should have set up a user during the install Hitcher03:57
moetunesuse that one03:57
Hitcherit never asked me for one03:57
Hitcherits really weird, for an install it just does not act normal. I am at a logon prompt it says "Other...." then has a "username" nothing else03:59
moetuneswhat happens if you leave it blank and hit enter04:00
HitcherAuth fail04:00
moetunessounds like a bad cd burn maybe - did you do the cd check?04:00
Hitcheri'll do a second burn as I did check it04:01
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows04:01
moetunesand run the check from the cd menu04:02
MneumonicHas anyone on here been running the Xubuntu beta1 11.10?04:55
HitcherI am still having problems, it seems that I am not able to install it, could it be that 11.04 is to high for the sempron that I am using04:57
nopeis it possible to disable mouse wheel desktop switching=06:03
=== epzil0n is now known as epzilon
ochosinope: go to settings > window manager tweaks > workspaces > "use the mouse wheel on the desktop to switch workspaces" > untick that box ;)06:19
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nopeochosi: I found it in xfwm4-tweaks-settings07:16
nopeseems the tweaks "link" is not in my settings menu07:16
ochosinope: it's not in the menu, it's in the settings-dialog07:21
ochosibut nvm, good that you found it anyway ;)07:22
jeepkidsomeone can help me about xubuntu11.10Alternate install with hd-media?07:24
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=== Fenix2 is now known as Fenixdeux
XubuntuKrisHow do I keep the screensaver from coming on when on ac power?13:14
XubuntuKrisIs there a way13:14
XubuntuKrisI'm on 11.0413:15
charlie-tcascreensavers do not detect battery vs AC power.13:18
charlie-tcaYou would manually disable it in screensaver settings13:19
XubuntuKrisdang, thanks charlie-tca13:28
charlie-tcaProbably be possible to write some kind of script for it, since power manager can detect battery, but I honestly don't know how to do it.13:30
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cYmenIs it possible to turn off notifications with a command line option?15:06
cYmenOr cache them or something?15:07
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bashi need15:54
likemindeadAsk away.15:55
bashnmy screen is flashing, the "file" in menu is flashing15:55
likemindeadSomeone will help, if they can.15:55
bashopening and closing15:55
bashwhat to do15:56
bashits hard to write text when is flashing15:56
bashany help?16:01
=== Int-Vent-ive is now known as InfoLoco
likemindead!hi | alain__16:23
ubottualain__: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!16:23
alain__trying to install 56k modem ...16:24
alain__anyone could help me?16:24
alain__xubuntu and ubuntu are not the same16:30
alain__im trying to find networking setting that are not the same way than ubuntu16:31
charlie-tcaIt should be real close to the same16:32
alain__where is located the networking setting page in xubuntu16:32
likemindeadThe Ubuntu instructions will work for you in Xubuntu.16:32
alain__just try it then16:32
charlie-tcaIn the panel applet, same as Ubuntu16:32
alain__i did all that i did install a driver and it stil no go16:36
likemindeadAre you sure the hardware is supported?16:37
alain__NAME="Communication controller: Conexant Systems, Inc. Device 2f10 "16:39
alain__does it looks good16:40
likemindeadalain__ >> http://paste.ubuntu.com/16:40
alain__what you want me to do with paste bin16:41
likemindeadYou can past code there so as not to overrun IRC.16:43
likemindeadYou followed everything at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto but it still won't work?16:43
alain__its a real hradcore task to install a shitty 56k modem16:49
genii-aroundalain__: Perhaps see my thread here on this subject, starts at posing#49: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1015673&page=516:53
alain__why it wont recognise itself that there a pci slot in need for a driver to work16:53
genii-aroundBecause the software basically uses the computers cpu to do what the hardware used to do on better made modems16:55
genii-aroundeg: hardware modem vs "winmodem"16:55
=== Fenixdeux is now known as Fenix2
xubuntu569Hello everyone.  This has probibly been asked a million times but do I still need to edit the .desktop file to reorder menus and items, or has a menu editor been added to Xubuntu?17:02
charlie-tcaxubuntu569: depends on the release. 11.04 has Xfce 4.8 which you use alacarte to edit menus17:03
charlie-tcaxubuntu569: For Xfce 4.8, 'sudo apt-get install alacarte --no-install-recommends' in a terminal will let you use an editor to change the menus.17:03
charlie-tcaOlder releases will still need you to edit the files17:04
xubuntu569Ok.  That helps thanks.17:04
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mecklenMy gmusicbrowser icon in the notification area disappeared just now when I rebooted.  Any suggestions on how to get it back?19:11
herpderpis 11.10 aplha 2 still supported?19:19
charlie-tca11.10 is supported in #ubuntu+1. If you keep it updated, it should be at beta2 today19:20
herpderpcharlie-tca: i'm working off a livecd, and it's not displaying anything.19:21
herpderp...though i'm starting to think it's just a bad burn/download19:21
charlie-tcaXubuntu never released an alpha2 image19:21
charlie-tcaYou would be further ahead to download the daily image, which is up to date19:22
charlie-tcaOh, my mistake, we did not release alpha319:22
charlie-tcabut grab the daily, it is much better19:23
ubottuDaily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Xubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/daily-live/current/19:23
herpderpjust found the link myself, thank you!19:23
herpderpis it mirrored anywhere?19:25
charlie-tcano, it isn't.19:27
herpderpah. thanks anywho19:27
charlie-tcaIf you are looking for mirrors, maybe wait a few hours and grab beta2?19:27
charlie-tcaBeta2 will release soon, as in hours.19:28
herpderpwhoa, really?19:28
herpderpsingle- or double-digit timespan?19:28
charlie-tcaI would guess within 6 hours now19:28
herpderpi'll do that, then19:29
herpderpthanks for the heads-up19:29
charlie-tcano problem. Hate to see you spend time installing that alpha2, only to find it will take longer to update than to install19:30
herpderp_that_ many changes?19:30
charlie-tcaof course. Development images have upwards of 100 changes a day19:31
=== MortalKombatKris is now known as XubuntuKris
=== XubuntuKris is now known as MortalKombatKris
=== MortalKombatKris is now known as XubuntuKris

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