
micahgI have a crazy memory leak in unity-2d panel, how can I help debug00:53
DBOTrevinho, present?04:09
TrevinhoDBO: here I am04:24
Trevinhoalso if it's 6am here..04:24
DBOTrevinho, I have reviewed your branches04:24
TrevinhoI saw your reviews04:24
TrevinhoI fix the menu hacks getter thing04:25
Trevinhothen I'll merge it with the other branch to check the issues04:25
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TrevinhoI should have had done just one branch, but I didn't since I hoped you would have merged at least the first one, before :P04:26
AmaranthDBO: I forget, was there a reason the panel shadow couldn't use nux for drawing?04:27
Trevinhoanyway thank you DBO... I'll let you know when I'm done04:28
DBOAmaranth, stacking04:32
TrevinhoDBO: lp:~3v1n0/unity/menus-switching-hacks should be fine now04:55
didrocksgood morning05:35
TrevinhoDBO, I should have fixed lp:~3v1n0/unity/panelmenu-fixes Now you should be able to merge it in  lp:~3v1n0/unity/menus-switching-hacks06:53
oSoMoNgood morning07:05
andyrockdidrocks, if ti requires an FFe should i remove the assigment from myself?07:40
didrocksandyrock: no, you sould maybe ask for it, but TBH, I really doubt it will be acked for O07:40
andyrockdidrocks, but the current behavior, TBH, really sucks :)07:43
didrocksandyrock: I really like it though07:43
didrocksandyrock: if you just want to focus an app or open it, you click on it07:44
didrocksthen, the launcher will hide07:44
didrocksif you want to open more than one, especially when the session starts, you click on one07:44
didrocksthen move the mouse07:44
didrocksand the launcher stays07:44
didrocksandyrock: took more than 10 hours to get the right behavior, quite tricky07:44
andyrockindeed... but when sometimes happens that i want to focus the app A but i focus the app B for error07:45
andyrockand i should move again the mouse to the right than to the left07:45
didrocksandyrock: well, 1s timeout is not enough for you? :)07:46
andyrockdidrocks, i've not a 1s timeout :)07:46
didrocksandyrock: hum, you mean, it immediatly hides?07:47
andyrockdidrocks, yes...07:47
didrocksandyrock: because you put your mouse outside of the launcher, isn't it?07:48
andyrockdidrocks, let me try (i should revert my branch)07:48
andyrockgive me a moment07:48
didrocksandyrock: it should only hide immediatly if you click on something and put the mouse outside of the launcher07:48
didrocksandyrock: the behavior (apart from the bug I mentionned), is the same than in natty07:49
andyrockdidrocks, the super bug is a low one...07:49
andyrocki mean is not so critical07:49
andyrockbut should be tricky to solve07:49
didrocksit's annoying07:50
didrocksespecially if you are using touch device07:50
andyrockdidrocks, i've not touch device :/07:51
didrocksandyrock: basically, the mouse will still be "under" the launcher area07:52
andyrocki got it07:53
andyrockdidrocks, the timeout works well sorry :)07:54
didrocksahah! :-)07:56
didrocksandyrock: see, your branch broke that! :p07:56
didrocksthat's why the hide machine can be quite tricky :-)07:56
andyrockdidrocks, i've just delete my branch07:57
andyrockwell with my branch the launcher never hides when the mouse is over the launcher07:57
didrocksandyrock: if you want to have a look at the super issue, you're more than welcome :)07:57
andyrockmaybe the bug title is not so correct07:57
andyrockLauncher - Launcher should never autohide when the cursor is positioned over the Launcher07:58
ubot5Ubuntu bug 745707 in unity (Ubuntu) "Launcher - Launcher should never autohide when the cursor is positioned over the Launcher" [Medium,In progress]07:58
andyrockin the bug description is cleaner bug the title doesn't refert to the spread07:58
andyrockand i've read just the bug title :)07:59
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andyrocksmstacking, compiz action works as aspected only for super / alt / ctrl13:45
andyrockfor other key it's like a loop13:46
smstackingah right13:47
smstackinghrm, I seem to recall that it didn't work for keys that didn't have a modifier because of the way that we release grabs now13:48
smstackingracarr fixed that in trunk recently13:48
smstackingdunno if I've backported the fix to oneiric yet13:48
andyrocksmstacking, so it is/was a compiz bug... thx for the info13:52
smstackingandyrock: maybe13:56
andyrocksmstacking, i think the patch is not in oneiric yet13:58
andyrockusing apt-get source compiz13:59
andyrockin event.cpp i still have13:59
andyrockswitch (event->type)13:59
andyrock    case KeyPress:13:59
andyrockXUngrabKeyboard (priv->dpy, event->xkey.time);13:59
andyrock    default:13:59
andyrockassuming that this is the patch: http://git.compiz.org/compiz/core/commit/?id=6b8ecb998ce409462cfd72343696f4925aa33fdb14:00
greybackmardy: hey, is the legacytray disabled for you?14:40
greybackSaviq: ^^14:41
Saviqgreyback: yes14:42
greybackSaviq: hmm, ok thanks. I guess it's intentional then14:42
Saviqnot sure it is14:42
ubot5Ubuntu bug 779382 in unity (Ubuntu Natty) "update-notifier not visible under unity" [High,Triaged]14:42
greybackSaviq: I've just enabled it and it doesn't appear to be working. Get X Error: BadWindow.14:47
Saviqgreyback: how do you enable it?14:48
greybackdconf, in com.canonical.unity-2d.panel14:49
greybackoh wait, no I'm completely wrong.14:50
greybackThe ! is not to disable, but to force on left-most screen only14:50
greybackIt must be enabled so. Last commit adds white-listing of apps, so better see what they are to test14:51
andyrockdidrocks, I'm on "super bug"15:29
andyrockwell, as you said the problem is that RecvMouseEnter is called...15:30
andyrockwe can make RecvMouseEnter useless checking that if TRIGGER_BUTTON_SHOW is true15:31
andyrockthe problem is that not only recvmouseenter is called but also recvmouseenter15:32
andyrocksorry recvmousemove15:32
andyrockand i really don't want to use another variable to check inside recvmousemove if it's a fake one :)15:33
didrocksDBO: ^15:37
didrocksandyrock: yeah, we fixed that in nux for natty, but seems it regressed15:38
didrocksbasically, the idea was to not got any mousemove if the launcher is moving, but not the mouse15:38
DBOim confused15:38
didrocksDBO: put the mouse under the launcher area, launcher hidden15:38
didrockspress super to show the launcher15:38
didrocksthen, the launcher stays15:39
DBOit doesn't re-hide15:39
didrocksindeed, that's because we receive a mousemove when the launcher is showing (moving)15:39
didrocksas in natty before the fix15:39
didrocksso MOUSE_POST_REVEAL (or whatever is called) it set to 115:39
didrocksand is* ;)15:39
DBOokay looking it it15:40
didrocksthanks DBO :)15:40
DBOandyrock, sorry about your other branch dude, you saw my comment on why we cant merge it right?15:40
andyrockDBO, yeah15:40
andyrocki've already deleted it15:40
andyrockdidrocks, just another quick question15:49
andyrockit's too late for this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/71342315:49
ubot5Ubuntu bug 713423 in unity (Ubuntu) "Unity launcher gets cluttered when having multiple partitions and/or external volumes attached" [Medium,In progress]15:49
didrocksandyrock: need a FFe as well15:52
didrocksandyrock: TBH, I think bug #814610 (which needs a FFe as well) will be more useful15:53
ubot5Launchpad bug 814610 in unity (Ubuntu) "Since showing devices in Nautilus is removed, there is no way to format an usb stick" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81461015:53
andyrockdidrocks, a quicklist item should be added only to usb icon?15:56
didrocksandyrock: seems the easiest to me, wdyt?15:58
didrocksandyrock: but if you don't feel it, I think I'll give it a shot next week, just something I don't want we forget for finale :)15:58
andyrockthe device icon stuff should be redesigned for P15:59
andyrocki've my private branch15:59
andyrock(according to design decisions)16:00
andyrockso i can try to fix that bug16:00
andyrockbecuase i've already played with device icons :)16:00
didrocksandyrock: yeah, that was my thought, hence the fact I propose that to you :è)16:06
jonogord, around?17:16
jonoor maybe MacSlow17:16
jonoare you guys familiar with that the sizes don't show in the buttons in the file lens filter?17:16
MacSlowjono, what's up?17:16
MacSlowjono, I know about it... is in the works to being fixed.17:17
jonocool, thanks MacSlow :-)17:17
MacSlowjono, you mean the ellipsisze showing instead of the sizes?!17:17
jonoMacSlow, yup17:18
MacSlowjono, btw... do you know if that's has a bug filed on it... I'm a bit lost in the pile atm :)17:18
jonoMacSlow, I haven't seen one17:20
htorquejono: hi! have you maybe seen a bug report about the "Science & Engin..." button in the filter? :)17:24
MacSlowhtorque, that should be fixed17:24
MacSlowin unity trunk (and release) already... since two weeks or so17:25
htorqueMacSlow: should it be in trunk?17:25
MacSlowhtorque, yeah I fixed and merged that for sure17:25
MacSlowhtorque, do you still get that?17:25
htorqueMacSlow: yes, i'm on trunk from a few hours ago.17:25
htorquelet me check the beta 2 cd17:25
jonowhat is the bug?17:26
* MacSlow restarts unity with english locale17:26
htorquejono: super + a → filters. you should see  "Science & Engin..." even if there's enough room to show the whole thing.17:26
jonohtorque, I see that17:27
jonoScience & Engin...17:27
htorqueMacSlow: ok, then that seems to still be there :-(17:28
MacSlowhtorque, well my fix is in there... but we can't do magic there since the string is so long and the filter-buttons are not meant to be bigger17:29
MacSlowhtorque, I shrinked the left and right margin in the buttons... it used to be worse17:29
htorqueMacSlow: shouldn't the german terms be even longer? you don't see it with german locals, right? it's no catastrophe, it's just not very nice to look at, if you have enough room to the left. :)17:32
MacSlowhtorque, asthetics-wise there should be some padding in the filter-buttons...17:33
htorqueMacSlow: no, i meant left of the filter area (i'm opening it fullscreen on my 1600x900 screen).17:34
MacSlowhtorque, hm... there goes the man that could have answered this thing :)17:35
htorquewould have been boring if you had no tasks left for P, wouldn't it ;-)17:36
ach1mMacSlow, you asked if there is a bug filed, there you go → https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/85135917:37
ubot5Ubuntu bug 851359 in unity-lens-files (Ubuntu) "Ellipsized values in size filter" [High,Triaged]17:37
MacSlowhtorque, I can easily occupy myself for two cycles with no new feature work... I'm not kidding17:37
htorqueMacSlow: that doesn't sound too good. try not to burn out! :)17:38
MacSlowhtorque, too late... that already happend once17:41
MacSlowach1m, thanks... commented on the bug17:41
htorqueMacSlow: :-( at least you now know the signs...17:42
MacSlowhtorque, yeah... thanks to a talk jono once did at Guadec ... about two years ago... that was a shocking eye-opener I can tell17:42
MacSlowthis is my way to fight it atm: http://macslow.net/images/wheelie-12.jpg :)17:45
mterrysmstacking, :)  heyo -- remember how I was testing the PPA version of compiz for its stacking fixes?  The recent oneiric version doesn't fix as many issues as i remember the PPA version fixing.  Are there more in the pipeline?  Is it a known issue?18:41
htorquemterry: anything reproducible (then let's open a bug report)? i've only seen xchat causing trouble since the update from the ppa to oneiric.19:05
mterryhtorque, not reproducible yet19:05
htorquemterry: yeah, that's the big problem with those bugs - i'm not sure how useful bug reports without a test case are. :-/19:09
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AlanBellanyone looking at bug 85169421:58
ubot5Launchpad bug 851694 in unity (Ubuntu) "application icons in apps lens are all called "button"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85169421:58

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