
=== marienz_ is now known as marienz
iculeHi, gang!  I'm in the process of learning / trying Bazaar.  My background is Git, so I'm trying to reformulate my Git habits with Bazaar.  One thing I miss is, having many branches over a shared repository, seeing them all at once (a bit like I do with gitk).  Any hint or idea?00:32
AuroraBorealisbazaar explorer can do that00:33
AuroraBorealiswhich is the GUI written in qt400:33
iculeI start it at the level of the shared repository?00:33
AuroraBorealisare you using it right now?00:34
iculeYes.  But I'm pretty new to all this, so you might have to take me by the hand a bit :-).00:34
AuroraBorealisso you just go to "open exisiting location"00:34
AuroraBorealisand open up the shared repo00:34
AuroraBorealisand it should list all the branches that are under it00:34
icule(I have to find the equivalent translation for the terms you use.  Maybe I'll restart explorer with the English locale.  A minute! :-))00:35
iculeDo I open the top-level .bzr?00:37
AuroraBorealisthat button00:37
AuroraBorealisin bazaar explorer00:37
AuroraBorealisno you just open the folder that "is" the repositiory00:37
AuroraBorealis(that has the .bzr folder )00:37
iculeYou're quick! :-)00:38
iculeI then get a list of branches.00:38
AuroraBorealisthere might be a way to do it via the command line too00:39
iculeBut now, I would like the common DAG.00:39
iculeI mean, the graph from with which I could see all branches.00:39
iculeAll DAGs of all branches combined into a single DAG.00:39
iculeThat would allow me to visually have an idea of how the branches are inter-related, the amount of commonality between them.00:40
icule(Directed Acyclic Graph)  I mean, the drawing full of circles (one per commit) and the lines showing the parental relationship between them.00:41
iculeThis is at least shown with "bzr viz" and "bzr qlog".00:41
AuroraBorealisyou mean that?00:41
iculeYes, exactly.  Currently, I can only see one branch at a time.00:42
AuroraBorealiswell i think you only see stuff related to that branch00:42
AuroraBorealislike in the screenshot00:42
AuroraBorealisthats just one branch (the main one)00:42
AuroraBorealisbut you can see other branches were split off and were eventually merged back into it00:42
iculeI would like to see all branches at once, and where various branches fit in that dag.  Like with gitk.00:42
icule(if you know it)00:42
AuroraBorealisso it only shows the other branches if it got merged back into00:43
AuroraBorealisthe branch you are looking at00:43
AuroraBorealisbut i dont think there is something like what you are talking about, which i think is the github like view00:43
AuroraBorealiswhich is a shame cause it would be awesome to have :<00:43
iculeHmph!  I thought about merging branches randomly before examining them, but that's not negligible overhead, both human and machine.00:44
AuroraBorealisbut yeah, unlike github (and i guess whatever else) it doesn't show the other branches if they haven't been merged back00:44
iculeIf I have many branches, and do not know how they relate to one another, there would be a lot of exploratory work and comparison to get the overall picture.  So I wondered if there is any (easy) tool for that.00:45
AuroraBorealisis that what you mean?00:45
AuroraBorealiswhat you want at least00:45
iculeBecause one needs the overall picture *before* merging.00:45
AuroraBorealisbut is that what you are wanting ^ like the github network grapbhs00:47
iculeYes, that GitHub graph shows it in some way, yet the graphics is not as clever as gitk, and the tips are a bit randomly selected (GitHub explains somewhere its algorithm).00:47
AuroraBorealisi dont think there is a tool that does that currently00:47
iculebzr viz does it nicely (more nicely than GitHub in my opinion), but a single branch at a time.00:47
AuroraBorealisbut it would be really nice to have one. is there an paper on how they do that? cause it would be an interesting feature to work00:48
iculeOK.  I just wanted to ask here.00:48
fullermdqlog can show multiple branches at once...00:48
AuroraBorealiscan it?00:48
iculeI studied Git a bit deeply, years ago, it is quite simple internally.  I do not know the internals of bzr structure.  Do you know if there is a document about it?00:48
AuroraBorealisi have no idea, but i probably should ask since i'm messing around in the code haha00:49
iculeGit is simple enough that I understand how it is possible to merge all branches in a single place.  Bazaar, I do not know.00:49
iculeI'm slower than you.  Let my try qlog.00:49
iculeOh, before going further, "bzr explorer" does not show graphs, does it?00:50
iculeThe circles and lines, like you showed me in one of your (blazing fast) screenshots.00:51
iculeHey hey!  "bzr qlog" does it, if I start it above branches!  :-) :-)00:51
AuroraBorealisbazaar explorer has a "log" button00:52
AuroraBorealisand that starts qlog00:52
iculeOh, thanks for this bit of info!  Nice.00:52
AuroraBorealisand oh crap it does. nice work whoever makes bazaar explorer hehe00:52
iculeAnother question, which may look like a criticism, but I do not mean it that way.00:53
fullermdA lot of what Explorer does is just launch other q-commands.00:53
AuroraBorealisand yeah, it works with multiple branches. i think this is what you want: http://i.imgur.com/8vgwm.png00:55
iculeI compared "bzr viz" and "bzr qlog" a bit.  Both are slow, but in a different way.  "viz" preconditions its work, and is reasonable afterwards.  "qlog" starts faster, but crawls more and more if I keep opening branch expansions.  I guess it abuses the graphical toolkit.  (Maybe both do).   Is there any trick to know to regain more speed, with either of them?00:55
AuroraBorealisprobably not. its probably just the code being a bit rough i guess00:55
AuroraBorealisdunno about 'viz' but qlog uses qt4, which is in c++ so qt4 isn't slow00:55
iculeExactly what I want.  It allows me to get an overall idea of the interrelation between branches.00:55
iculeWell, if *all* tens of thousands of commits are drawn all at once, even a C++ program would crawl.  Normally, the drawing shold open lazily around the visible part of it.00:56
fullermdviz is gtk00:56
iculegtk, qt4, are likely both C or C++.  Oh, you mean, with a Python wrapper or not?00:57
* fullermd doesn't know that he'd classify qt4 as 'not slow' :p00:57
AuroraBorealisbzr viz opened up in like a few seconds and drew the graph in 5 seconds00:58
AuroraBorealiswhich is pretty good considering the number of revisions...00:58
iculeFor small graphs, it likely does not matter.  The repositories I'm playing with have many tens of thousands commits.00:58
iculeI guess there is not much to do, but I do not know that much about Bazaar, so I thought that I might ignore some tricks :-).00:59
AuroraBorealisthe bazaar trunk branch has 37,890 revisions soo00:59
iculeAuroraBorealis: Amusing nick! :-)01:00
AuroraBorealisso i feel thats a fair number =P01:00
AuroraBorealisamusing D:01:00
AuroraBorealisand bzr viz is kinda crappy, you can't resize the columns so they dissapear to where you can't see them...01:00
iculeYou say, 5 seconds for 30000 commits?   Nice indeed.  I got the impression that qlog quickly gets slow (hmph, pun not intended) if I keep expanding merges.01:01
iculeThanks a lot for helping me on these things, and not bashing me over my newbeeness!01:02
AuroraBorealisi mean im playing with the qlog graph01:03
AuroraBorealisand i see that some expansions are slow but its not unusable01:03
AuroraBorealisi mean, if it takes half a second to expand then...thats fine xD01:03
iculeI should confess I've been rotten by Git, which is instantaneous in most circumstances.01:04
iculeBut then, after the expansion (which is fast) the scrolling crawls.01:04
AuroraBorealisi mean every program can always be faster01:04
AuroraBorealisits usable for me, but then again i have a pretty good video card so i dunno =P01:04
iculeThe machine I use, while not being so slow, has a few years already.  It could also be part of the problem.01:05
iculeSo far, Bazaar has been reasonably fast.  I was expecting worse (because of what I read).  One thing which surprised me is that Bazaar repository compression is as good as Git.01:06
iculeHow does garbage collection go in Bazaar?01:07
AuroraBorealisgarbage collection?01:07
iculeSuppose I have a share repositoy, and in one branch, I "bzr add" many movies :-).  Then I scrap the branch.  How does the space taken by the movies, in the respository, gets reclaimed?01:08
AuroraBorealisi am not sure.01:08
Kamping_Kaisericule: are you suggesting they should be removed from the history?01:08
AuroraBorealissomeone more knowledgeable then me will have to ask hehe01:08
AuroraBorealiswell if he just deleted the branch01:09
AuroraBorealisis what i think he means01:09
iculeKamping_Kaiser: Should it not?01:09
iculeIn my understanding, if there is no branch, and no tag, reaching a set of commits, there is no need to retain the space they describe.01:10
Kamping_Kaiseri've not worked with shared repositories, so don't know how they behave01:10
iculeKamping_Kaiser: You never work on more than one branch at a time?01:11
iculeIs there a formal bzr command to get rid of a branch?01:11
Kamping_Kaisercorrect. on the rare occasion i have multiple branches i simply branch again01:11
iculeI tried this exactly, a few hours ago, and the repository seems to be automatically shared.01:12
icule(Given you used init-repo to start with.  This is the natural thing to do if you intend to branch many times, so I think.)01:13
AuroraBorealishere seems to be01:13
iculeAuroraBorealis: Thanks!  You're the king of the screenshot, my friend! :-)01:14
iculeI should learn to imitate you.  Should get a bit more speedy on the mouse, I guess :-).01:14
Kamping_Kaiserhm, remove-branch. guess i have used shared repos then, in some sense (the sense that i removed a lot :p)01:15
AuroraBorealiswell thats the actual documentation page hehe01:15
iculeI tried "bzr branch" on unrelated places.  There is first the stream of commits, and in a second phase, the building of the file tree.  If I "bzr branch" in a neighbouring directory in the same "init-repo", the stream of commits is nearly instantaneous, it immediately switches to the tree extraction.01:16
iculebrb~ ??01:16
iculeMay I ask another question.  If you reply, you encourage me to ask more.  That's your fault!01:17
Kamping_Kaiserjust ask, if he/she/it can reply (or someone else can reply), they will01:18
iculeSuppose we have a "master" repository and we branch out of it.  When we merge back, the version numbers get a bit more complicated, and this is later reflected in other branchers.  Now, let's presume we *loose* the master repository.  We restore it from one of the copies.  Is there a way to "renumber" or "simplify" the version numbers then?  Or do they get forever dirty?01:19
icule(OK, dirty is a bit strong.  Let me say "compound without reason".)01:20
fullermdNumbers are dependent on the head.  If the head is the same, the numbers are the same.01:20
iculefullermd: Maybe my fear is unjustified.  I'll have to experiment more to get a more firm idea.  It's more intuition than knowledge right now.01:21
iculefullermd: Thanks for the link.  I read a lot of pages today, but I do not remember having seen this one.01:23
iculeOK, thanks again everybody.  It was a pleasure to meet you.  Have a good end of day!01:23
fullermdThe other stuff under http://wiki.bazaar.canonical.com/MatthewFuller/SpotDocs may also be useful to you.  In particular, PiecesInBrief talks about terminological usage, which differs somewhat among different VCSen.01:24
=== marienz_ is now known as marienz
chrissbxWhen using "bzr git-apply ../00*", all patches that have multiple lines in the message, when afterwards shown in bzr log, end up missing two newlines between the first (subject) line and the rest (body).02:07
chrissbxI'm on Debian stable, bzr 2.1.2. Has this been fixed, or is my interpretation wrong?02:08
chrissbxAh well, and it doesn't apply the changes at all.02:13
AuroraBorealisive never used git-apply o.o02:13
chrissbxSo, this alternative actually almost worked: bzr fast-export-from-git foogit/.git exportfile && mkdir foobzr && cd foobzr && bzr init && bzr fast-import ../exportfile02:21
AuroraBorealiswhat are you trying to do02:22
chrissbxThe only thing is it uses the git committer time for patch times, and looses the git author times.02:22
chrissbxI've previously converted a bzr repo to git, worked on it, now trying to bring my work back into bzr.02:22
AuroraBorealisi dont think you are meant to use fast import/export repeatedly :302:23
chrissbxwell, the bzr history has been kept identical.02:23
chrissbxOnly thing that bothers me a bit is that my author times are lost.02:24
AuroraBorealismight be a bug with the git things02:24
AuroraBorealisi dont use git with bazaar so i cant say02:24
fullermdI'm pretty sure bzr doesn't have multiple timestamps...02:25
chrissbxI'd like to have a flag to tell it "use my author times, not committer timestamps as bzr timestamps"02:26
chrissbxAre bzr timestamps changing if you rebase or cherry-pick (well that's git terminology..) patches?02:27
AuroraBorealisi thought bzr really isn't meant for..cherry picking02:27
fullermdThey're set when a revision is created, and fixed afterward.02:27
fullermdWhether rebase copies over the timestamps to the new revs, I dunno.  For rebase-ish operations, I think I'd guess no...02:28
fullermdBut that's implementation detail, not fixed.02:28
chrissbxCan you create a patch file with everything and apply it afterwards? (like git format-patch  and git am)02:29
chrissbxwith everything in a commit02:29
fullermdThat sounds like the territory of merge proposals and bundles.02:29
=== medberry is now known as med_out
GungaDinIs there a way to specify excluded files/paths without specifying -x infront of each of them?05:59
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
AuroraBorealisput them in .bzrignore?06:00
GungaDinnah.. can't you just specify them with one -x???06:12
GungaDincomma separated?06:12
AuroraBorealisim not sure06:12
AuroraBorealisnever used that before06:12
fullermdAnd .bzrignore is unrelated to [ci] -x.06:14
vilahi all !06:26
vilapoolie: ping ?06:26
pooliehi vila06:26
vilaI'd like to discuss about library_state06:27
vilathe scope is unclear to me at the moment as is the intended use,06:28
vilado we intend to support threads ? Recursive calls ?06:29
vilaWhich kind of global do we expect to add ? (Apart from the comment saying none should be added)06:30
vila"Accessing the current BzrLibraryState  through this variable is not encouraged: it is better to pass it around as part of the context" puzzles me,06:32
poolieoh hi06:32
pooliesure i'd be happy to discuss that06:33
vilapassing the state around ? Do we want to add such a parameter everywhere (almost) ? Rely only on a few strategic objects to propagate it (branch, repo, wt) ?06:33
pooliethe simple end of it is: there is a bunch of global state06:33
pooliefor instance, the ui factory, hooks, etc06:34
pooliethis needs to be initialized when a program using bzrlib starts06:34
poolie(and possibly closed off)06:34
pooliealso, it is typically reset when running tests06:34
poolieat the moment, this is done ad-hoc for different types of state06:34
vilaencodings and i18n also comes to mind06:35
vilaright, so you describe indeed a simpler scenario: initialize the state once06:36
vilabut nothing about threads or possibly calling bzrlib with a new state while preserving the current one06:36
poolieperhaps eventually you'd want to have multiple threads each with separate state06:39
pooliethat would be perhaps a clean way to allow multiple completely independent threads more safely06:39
poolie(each running a ui, for instance)06:39
pooliebut that's not really on my radar at the moment06:39
poolieyes, i18n and encoding are good examples06:39
pooliesimilarly i don't see much urgency to do recursion except for the particular case of testing06:40
poolienow as far as propagating it06:40
poolieto start with, having just one global (the state) that points to every other bit of global state is in itself an advance06:40
poolieat least it's easy to switch just that and know you've reset it06:40
poolieobviously that wouldn't scale to threading, but as i said that's not urgent06:41
poolieby 'pass it around'06:41
poolieyou wouldn't want to pass it to every function06:41
pooliewe might manage to put it into eg the bzrdir, then pass that down in to objects opened off there06:41
pooliethis tends to run in to trouble when we pass through a non-method function06:42
vilayeah, that's what I meant with "strategic" objects but it's blurry at best06:42
vilaok, so, that means the "various bits of global state that are slowly being eliminated" really means the aim is to centralize first and may be, in the long term, eliminate it, but nothing I can nor should worry about right ?06:44
poolieso, your specific thing is reading configs just once ,right?06:45
vilahmm, not a haaa of surprise but of relief :)06:45
vilanot yet06:45
vilathe specific bit is about bug #49119606:45
ubot5Launchpad bug 491196 in Bazaar "want a way to set configuration options from the command line" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49119606:45
vilaand how this should be shared with all stacks06:45
vilaso not the config files yet but kind of the same issue06:45
vilathere is only one instance of some dict holding the overridden options and it should be used by all stacks06:46
vilashort path: a new global06:46
vilapreferred (?) path: use library_state, but AFAICS it's not even supported by the test suite today06:47
poolieoh ok06:50
pooliei'd so much love to see that added06:50
vilashould we start by filing a bug asking for library_state to be used by the test suite ? (Note that we can now debug code where stdin/stdout are redirected which should help a lot !)06:50
poolieso i do think that belongs in the library state06:51
poolieperhaps not exactly a specific concept of 'command line options' (though that would be ok)06:51
vilaoverrides ! not options06:51
pooliebut rather 'low priority config stacks' and 'overriding config stacks' or something06:51
vilabut you realize that using a specific state for tests is a recursive use case (simpler than a general case but recursive nevertheless)06:53
poolieyes i do06:53
poolie<poolie>  similarly i don't see much urgency to do recursion except for the particular case of testing06:53
vilaoh, sorry :D06:53
poolienp :)06:53
poolieso, i think it would not be much harder to put it in the library state than in a global06:54
* vila nods06:54
poolieeven-if the test integration doesn't promise to save and restore the whole state, and it only does the specific config stuff06:54
pooliebut, perhaps it will turn out that just an overrideAttr on the library state is enough to make it work06:54
vilahehe, right I always miss those shortcuts :)06:55
vilahmm, I'd feel better with a bug about library_state so we can focus on some minimal stuff there without mixing that with other aspects, I'll do that unless you object06:57
pooliewhat would that bug say?06:59
vilalibrary_state cannot be used06:59
poolieyes it can :)07:00
vilaby the test suite mainly, but even by code as the recommended usages are unclear07:00
pooliei think we can get there one step at a time by adding new stuff to it, or migrating07:00
poolieand since we're adding something new07:00
pooliei think it will be no harder than adding a global, and it may make stuff easier07:01
poolieso i'd like you to try it07:01
poolieif it turns out to cause byzantine failures, let me know07:01
* vila scratches head07:01
vilaoh, you mean I should overrideAttr for tests... but only for the part I care about ?07:02
pooliewell, i think that would still be incrementally better07:02
pooliethan just having a global07:02
vilaok, I think I see :)07:02
vilathanks for the teddy bear'ing07:04
* vila switches to make tea, lp rollout planned at 0830 UTC07:04
* fullermd wonders what vila is adding to the tea to cope with that :p07:05
vilaand other substances I'm not allowed to speak about publicly07:06
vilano, I didn't even write that07:06
pooliestinky cheese :)07:07
pooliebit early for that though07:07
vilamy daughter was doing that when she was young ;)07:07
vilaRoquefort was her favorite...07:08
poolievila, i'm going to go out in a bit07:14
pooliehi jam07:15
vilapoolie: it's ok, I have enough feedback07:15
poolieoh, did you understand my terse comment about lazr.restful?07:15
pooliei fixed a bug in it to do with indexerror07:15
pooliewe would need to either release and deploy it, or run from a checkout07:15
pooliei could look into it next week07:15
vilaoh yes, I knew about that, what I don't know is how and when it will be deployed though07:15
poolieit will probably help the existing backoff stuff work quite a lot better07:15
poolieme either :)07:16
* vila nods07:16
pooliebut those are the main choices07:16
poolie1- run from a checkout07:16
poolie2- make a release, build it, backport it, cat-rebuild it, get that installed07:16
vilaI commented about that: 'make tea' is a catch-all, it doesn't mean we shouldn't fix every case where we can07:16
jammorning poolie07:16
vilapoolie: I prefer 2 despite 1 giving better control07:17
jamhi vila07:17
vilajam: _o/07:17
vilapoolie: the aim should still be to be able to control the imports without ssh access, so the less specific bits we maintain ourselves, the better07:18
vilapoolie: and I deal with my own contradictions on the topic ;)07:19
poolievila, ok so then the next step is for someone to make a tarball release07:20
poolieeither you or i, or we moan at someone from #launchpad to do it07:20
pooliesince this is only the first step of a bunch of changes perhaps it's easier to just do it07:20
pooliethat package has so much weird stuff for its size i don't anticipate the release being trivial but perhaps it will be07:21
vilapoolie: please do :)07:22
vilahttp://egbg.home.xs4all.nl/counterscript.html ftw ! Just got a telemarketer hang up *during* the 2nd question !07:36
vilamake tea experiment failed (due a minor bug, I have a fix): the circuit_breaker failed to access the db08:51
vila~100 failures will be retried shortly08:53
vilathe first failure was unknown: bzrlib.errors.UnknownErrorFromSmartServer: Server sent an unexpected error: ('error', 'xmlrpclib.Fault', '<Fault -1: \'Unexpected Zope exception: DisconnectionError: could not connect to server: Connection refused\\n\\tIs the server running on host "lp-prod-pgbouncer.canonical.com" and accepting\\n\\tTCP/IP connections on port 5433?\\n\'>')08:54
vilaI've added it to the known transient ones08:54
vilatwo more imports failed with the same error08:55
vilathe following ones were lazr.restfulclient.errors.HTTPError: HTTP Error 500: Internal Server Error so covered by the next lazr deployment (poolie you confirm?)08:55
vilaha, poolie is gone, nm09:05
vilaI'll monitor again during next rollout currently planned next Tuesday 0830 UTC09:11
vilaall transient failures has now been re-processed, so we recovered in one hour only, with some manual prodding, still better than the several hours previously needed (less failures though)09:28
vilatesting my fix right now (found a way to trigger the faulty code path without shutting down launchpad ;)09:33
vilatest successful, ready for next rollout09:41
briandealwisis there any way to tell if a plugin is being run from the smart server rather than the bzr client?10:34
jelmerbriandealwis: how do you mean?11:09
jamjelmer, briandealwis: I think he means something like bzr-email. Is there a way to tell that the server-side hook is running and causing the email to be sent, rather than the client.11:30
jamI don't know of any sort of generic way.11:31
jamYou could always disable the client plugin with "BZR_DISABLE_PLUGINS=pluginname"11:31
briandealwisjam: I actually have a plugin (just polishing and will then announce) and wanted to alter the plugin's behaviour if it's running within the server11:37
jambriandealwis: so you mean can you tell from-within-the-server11:38
jamyou could tell based on the URL you are working on11:38
jamwhether it is a local or remote one.11:38
briandealwisthough it would be local if bzr client was working on local branch too, right?11:38
jambriandealwis: yes11:38
jamthough I wouldn't be surprised if you wanted that11:39
jamdepending on what you are doing, you could just check hostname11:39
jamI don't know how specific this is to your system.11:39
briandealwisjam: I'm polishing up a "reflog" plugin for bzr.  I want to record the action that changed the tip though (e.g., pull, commit, uncommit), but that info isn't available from the post_change_branch_tip hook.  So I'm currently hooking the other branch hooks, but those aren't sent on the smart server.11:46
briandealwisMaybe I should just change the bzr source to provide a reason the ChangeBranchTipParams11:47
jambriandealwis: That would make more sense, though the layering might make it a bit tricky. As noted, though, it does sound like you want that to run for clients as well as on the server.11:47
jamSince probably 90% of the time the server side is "pushed" :)11:47
briandealwisa separate question: how do I specify an encoding when requesting or writing a file through a transport?11:49
briandealwisnm, I didn't realize I needed to encode and decode lines explicitly12:05
jambriandealwis: yeah, content is binary12:14
=== med_out is now known as medberry
jelmerjam: hi13:35
jelmerjam: thanks for that review. In general, I was going for minimal impact with that foreign-branch-tests-pt-6 branch.13:36
jelmerjam: You're probably right that we should do some refactoring13:37
jelmerjam: I think a .is_initializable() would make sense; do you know if there's any particular reason assertInitializeEx doesn't just raise TestNotApplicable itself?13:37
jamjelmer: assertInitialize ?13:38
jamjelmer: found it13:39
jamI think it should just raise TestNotApplicable13:39
jamit would clean up a lot of other code, too13:39
jamI'm guessing it was before we had NotApplicable13:39
jamwhere there was a debate between SKIP being used for a test that is missing a dependency13:39
jam(a test you could make pass somehow)13:39
jamand NotApplicable meaning never-will-happen13:39
jelmerjam: ah, fair enough13:40
jamvs just passing the test because it wasn't something you could fix13:40
jamjelmer: if you look at the code, all the code paths have "if control is None: return"13:40
jamand you can get rid of all that boilerplate by raising the exception.13:40
jelmerjam: Well, that's what I thought. But I also figured whoever wrote it probably was doing that for a good reason :)13:41
jelmerI think I forgot there was a time when we didn't have TestNotApplicable13:41
jamjelmer: yeah, that was quite a while ago :)13:44
jelmerjam: Thanks, I'll have a look at raising TestNotApplicable and introducing .is_initializable()13:45
jamjelmer: of course, all of those lines were recently copied by you, so it is a bit hard to see how old they are :)13:45
LeoNerdI'm honestly surprised nobody's registered  bzrhub.com  yet15:27
* vila runs15:42
* jelmer counts further down.. 28 failures left :)15:47
vilajelmer: \o/16:04
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
exarkunyo what's up, http://codepad.org/bU40nmSJ19:39
jelmerhi exarkun19:40
jelmerexarkun: you need a newer version of bzr-fastimport that matches your bzr19:40
exarkunHow do I know what version of bzr goes with what version of bzr-fastimport?19:41
jelmerexarkun: generally speaking, newer versions of bzr-fastimport will work with bzr >= 2.019:42
jelmerr313 of lp:bzr-fastimport fixes this particular issue19:44
exarkunThanks, I think that worked19:46
exarkunI think I did my fast-import-filter wrong though19:48
exarkunHow do I remove one directory from history?19:48
exarkunI have /master/ and /support-master/ and I want to get rid of /support-master/19:49
exarkunI tried -i master/ but that dumps all of master/ into /19:49
jelmerexarkun: perhaps -x ?19:50
jelmerthough I should note I don't have much experience using fast-import-filter19:50
exarkunoh right, I should have re-read the docs after upgrading.19:51
exarkunyea, -x works just right.  thanks.19:52

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