
=== OffToHades is now known as BarkingFish
claydohapachelogger:  can I use   your numbers for the amount of savings possible?00:05
claydohsay, 'a memory saving of  up to 30% is possible'?00:06
apacheloggerclaydoh: yeah00:14
apacheloggerand login time00:14
apacheloggerdont forget login time ^^00:14
claydohyeah yeah00:14
claydohmy phone is shiny, the screen so bright and clear and big i can see it from here, and it hasn't evenbeen shipped yet :)00:15
claydohsorry hardware prn00:15
apacheloggerI think that already counts as nerdgasm00:16
claydohdone wiki is always slow for me00:28
apacheloggerclaydoh: cheers00:33
claydohI should do a quick blog, this is nice stuff00:34
rbelemapachelogger, ping00:53
apacheloggerrbelem: synack00:53
rbelemapachelogger, could you help me to find why this is build is failing https://launchpadlibrarian.net/80678854/buildlog_ubuntu-oneiric-i386.share-like-connect_0.0%7Egit20110923-0ubuntu1%7Eppa1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz00:54
rbelemapachelogger, what is that? :-D00:55
apacheloggerrbelem: does it build locally?00:56
rbelemapachelogger, yup00:56
rbelemapachelogger, nice music :-D00:57
apacheloggerrbelem: try without --parallel00:57
apacheloggerthat is one odd build failure00:57
rbelemapachelogger, oki00:57
apacheloggerparticularly because it says there is an error but there really is none00:57
rbelemapachelogger, but how do I do that in the pkg?00:59
rbelemapachelogger, it does not have parallel flags00:59
apacheloggerwhy is that package using dhmk anyway?00:59
rbelemapachelogger, no idea00:59
* apachelogger seems to recall that it only ought to be used for core kde packages01:00
rbelemapachelogger, ^01:02
apacheloggerinclude /usr/share/pkg-kde-tools/qt-kde-team/2/debian-qt-kde.mk01:03
apacheloggerkick that out01:03
apacheloggerand instead change your dh call to dh $@ --kde01:03
micahgcan I use lightdm with KDE or will it blow up in my face?01:03
apacheloggerrbelem:  dh $@ --with kde01:04
rbelemapachelogger, oki  :-)01:04
apacheloggermicahg: should work, afiestas made KDE compatible with it01:04
apacheloggerbut that was at UDS, so there is every possability robert broke it again :P01:04
micahgheh, well, let's see what happens01:08
rbelemapachelogger, failed again o.O https://launchpadlibrarian.net/80684068/buildlog_ubuntu-oneiric-amd64.share-like-connect_0.0%7Egit20110923-0ubuntu1%7Eppa2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz01:20
apacheloggerbut now it has an error01:21
apacheloggerdidn't see that before01:21
rbelemapachelogger, where?01:22
apacheloggerlibkactivities-dev does not depend on the library01:22
apacheloggermake[3]: *** No rule to make target `/usr/lib/libkactivities.so', needed by `lib/sharelikeconnect_provider_activities.so'.  Stop.01:22
apacheloggerthat error either means the file is not there at all or the link goes into nirvana01:22
apacheloggerin this case it is latter01:22
* rbelem hugs apachelogger 01:23
rbelemapachelogger, you are my hero!01:23
* apachelogger fondles rbelem while rehugging :P01:23
* apachelogger actually should go to bed some time :O01:23
apacheloggeroh dear01:23
apacheloggerrbelem: no uds app ui yet?01:24
rbelemapachelogger, nope :'(01:24
apacheloggergood, nothing to stop me from going to bed then :D01:24
rbelemapachelogger, gn, sleep tight01:25
ScottKdebfx: Looks like a problem with your revised "don't build the docs unless you need them" change: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qt4-x11/4:4.7.4-0ubuntu3/+build/280067104:28
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
valoriecan one do a liveUSB with the DVD iso, or must it be a DVD?06:27
valorieand is it too late to do iso testing for Kub?06:28
* valorie finally bought some more USB keys06:28
claydohvalorie: I believe  you can, don't see why not, its just a bigger image size iso iirc06:59
claydohwow I am up at 3 am 06:59
bambeeScottK: Do I need to backport patches for kdevelop too ?08:37
didrocksfregl: hey, are you around?09:33
freglhi didrocks09:36
didrocksfregl: how are you? get used to your mac? :-)09:37
freglnope, I finally managed to get linux natively running on mac09:37
freglat least for work osx drives me nuts09:37
didrocksfregl: heh, at least, you now know how it feels to use it :-)09:38
didrocksfregl: joke aside, and apart from the other bug # that Kaleo pointed to you, it seems that https://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTBUG-21578 is the latest blocker Qt side for unity-2d and a11y09:38
Riddellfabo: seen trueg's blog?  "As a consequence I advise packagers to either use libstreamanalyzer from git master or the latest tag instead of using released tarballs."09:43
didrockshey Riddell! how are you?09:44
fregldidrocks: hm, I thought menus were fixed... did you try with Qt 4.8 some time?09:45
didrocksfregl: no, we are using 4.7.4 in Oneiric (with your backport branch)09:45
fregldidrocks: that doesn't keep you from testing, does it?09:45
didrocksfregl: sure, I will give it a test, then I guess it will need a git bissect :)09:46
fregldidrocks: thanks09:46
freglalso I wasn't quite sure - reading the bug - what part of the menu is affected? like the "File" reading something else? it works in orca for me...09:47
faboRiddell: yes, I've read blog. I'm not convinced it's the way to go... tracking git head, uploading a random snapshot09:50
faboRiddell: I'll prefer he fixes his issues with strigi developement with the strigi guys09:50
didrocksfregl: Saviq is the one reporting the issue, I'm only the messenger there, he will give you more precise details09:52
faboRiddell: it should be easier now, code moved in git, each library is splitted individualy. It's a matter of fixing the release process.09:52
fregldidrocks: thanks09:53
Saviq_freenodefregl: hi, the problem is that with unity-2d's the launcher contextual menus are spoken the same for each entry09:54
fregldidrocks: anyway, in my diff, I don't see any changes in menu name stuff09:54
=== Saviq_freenode is now known as Saviq
Saviqfregl: what's weird is that it properly gets the state of the QAction (checkable / greyed-out) but not the QAction's text09:55
freglSaviq: can you check with a newer version of the qt-at-spi bridge? there were some bugs like that - also check if accerciser displays it correctly09:55
freglhm, funny09:56
freglSaviq: does it work in normal qt apps?09:56
Saviqfregl: yes09:56
=== Saviq is now known as Saviq_freenode
=== Saviq_freenode is now known as Saviq
Saviqfregl: nope, accersizer displays the same thing that's spoken10:00
Saviqwhich is a repeat of QMenu's text10:00
freglat least it's consistent10:00
fregldo you have a simple sample app? I don't have the unity stuff10:00
SaviqI'll try and hack something up, but looking at http://qt.gitorious.org/qt/qt/blobs/master/src/plugins/accessible/widgets/qaccessiblemenu.cpp#line9310:01
Saviqand then http://qt.gitorious.org/qt/qt/blobs/4.7/src/gui/accessible/qaccessiblewidget.cpp#line79310:02
Saviqto me it looks like QWidget::text() will always return the menu's name if it has a accessible name set (which it has, in our case)10:02
* bambee tests kubuntu-ppa on his eepc, everything works fine10:03
Saviqsince in line 801 it checks on the widget, regardless of the value of child10:03
Saviqand so then QAccessibleMenu::97 will return that value, again, regardless of the value of child10:03
SaviqI wonder if we should simply drop the accessible name...10:04
faboRiddell: commented on the blog ;)10:05
Saviqfregl: unless you convince me otherwise, I see a missing !child somewhere there ;)10:06
Saviqfregl: btw it's with me that you have been talking about a11y in unity when in SF for MeeGoConf10:07
freglSaviq: ah, nice. I'll be back in a few minutes. I'll have a real look then.10:11
bambeeapachelogger: where is touchegg-gui ?10:14
Saviqfregl: exactly, if I drop the accessible name from the menu, the actions are reported correctly10:15
Saviqfregl: if you ask me, http://qt.gitorious.org/qt/qt/blobs/master/src/gui/accessible/qaccessiblewidget.cpp#line801 is missing a !child &&10:18
Saviqor http://qt.gitorious.org/qt/qt/blobs/master/src/plugins/accessible/widgets/qaccessiblemenu.cpp#line96 or near that10:20
didrocksdebfx: ScottK: seems the fix for not building documentation doesn't work10:26
didrocksdebfx: are you sure that dh_listpackages works for Arch: all package in the builder?10:27
didrocksI would say, it will be the same than a local build10:27
didrocksdebfx: see https://launchpadlibrarian.net/79795376/buildlog_ubuntu-oneiric-amd64.qt4-x11_4%3A4.7.4-0ubuntu2_BUILDING.txt.gz10:27
didrocksand compare to: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/80667651/buildlog_ubuntu-oneiric-i386.qt4-x11_4%3A4.7.4-0ubuntu3_BUILDING.txt.gz10:27
didrocks(search for the ignored part: dh_auto_build -Smakefile -- docs)10:28
didrockshttps://launchpadlibrarian.net/80668507/buildlog_ubuntu-oneiric-amd64.qt4-x11_4%3A4.7.4-0ubuntu3_BUILDING.txt.gz for the amd64 ubuntu3 package, it's there10:28
didrocks(not in ubuntu2)10:28
debfxdidrocks: yes, I'll fix it10:29
debfxdh_listpackages seems to print all packages in dh_auto_* overrides10:30
didrocksdebfx: indeed, but it doesn't outside of it?10:30
didrocksdebfx: do you know how it works, how does it know it's a buildder and so != from a local build?10:30
debfxI'll move the build stuff to build-indep and build-arch10:30
didrockswould make sense, just interested in that "magic" if you know it :)10:31
ScottKbambee: No.10:33
debfxdidrocks: the difference is that non-i386 buildds don't build arch-all packages (dpkg-buildpackage -B)10:34
bambeeScottK: it's done10:34
ScottKbambee: Cool.10:35
debfxso it calls debian/rules binary-arch instead of debian/rules binary10:35
ScottKI'll try and have a look at it today.10:35
bambeeScottK: http://paste.ubuntu.com/695563/10:35
didrocksdebfx: right, I know that :) just waiting to know how it knows it's a builder or just a normal machine where it buils arch:all packages10:35
ScottKbambee: I don't see kdepimlibs on your list.  Did you check that one?10:40
debfxdidrocks: I don't get your question, what needs to know if it's a builder?10:42
didrocksdebfx: the builder itself. Like, you are on an amd64 machine (your laptop), you bzr bd -> arch:all packages are built. You are on a amd64 buildd -> arch:all are not built. Just interested on what triggers that behavior (basically how a buildder knows if he should or not build arch:all packages)10:44
debfxdidrocks: you can configure if it should build arch:all packages or not: dpkg-buildpackage -b vs. -B, pbuilder has --binary-arch10:46
didrocksdebfx: ah ok, that explains! thanks for the info :)10:47
debfxdidrocks: do you have an idea where I would run configure since it's required for build-indep and build-arch?10:51
bambeeScottK: I checked it, I forgot to put it in my list10:53
didrocksdebfx: you can do it another way, to avoid splitting and breaking the override. Create a build_doc flag at the very beginning, depending on the ifneq() result10:53
didrocksdebfx: and you that flag in the override_?10:53
ScottKbambee: Cool.  Thanks.10:53
debfxdidrocks: what would I check in the ifneq()?10:57
didrocksdebfx: you mean that the current check dh_listpackages only isn't accurate in the override stenzas, isn't it? how did you test your fix?10:57
debfxdidrocks: dh_listpackages lists all packages unless there is some environment variable set which debhelper does in override targets that actually act on packages11:01
didrocksdebfx: so, if you make the dh_listpackages check before any override? and store the build_doc there?11:01
debfxdidrocks: I think that won't change its output since the env variables are the same11:05
* didrocks opens dh_listpackages11:06
didrocksI still don't get why the DOPACKAGES dh variable contains the -doc package then, seems wrong but I'm probably missing something11:08
didrocksdebfx: do you have the list of those env variable setting this? if we can't fix it or find why there is that in debhelper, we should at least workaround again the bad way I'm afraid :/11:10
Saviqfregl: let me know when you're back, please11:25
debfxdidrocks: the problem seems to be that dh runs build instead of build-arch (which in turn run dh_auto_{configure,build})11:26
debfxdidrocks: turns out that dpkg-buildpackage calls debian/rules build and then debian/rules <binary-target>11:35
freglSaviq: re11:35
Saviqfregl: so you don't have to go back in the logs - if I don't setAccessibleMenu() on the QMenu, the QActions are ok11:36
yofelNOTICE: Natty 4.7.1 packages need testing in ppa:kubuntu-ppa/staging, esp. check for issues with the python bindings.11:36
freglSaviq: what is setAccessibleMenu() ?11:37
Saviqof course11:37
freglaccessibleName? yeah11:37
Saviqso yeah, when I don't set that, the actions are fine11:37
Saviqand that's a result of http://qt.gitorious.org/qt/qt/blobs/master/src/gui/accessible/qaccessiblewidget.cpp#line80111:37
Saviqwhenever there's a accessible name on the QMenu11:38
Saviqthat's always returned as the accessible text11:38
freglSaviq: ok, then it's clear. setting accessible name on menu... yes11:38
Saviqregardless of child11:38
freglthat's why it's not caught in the unit test - we don't set the accessible name there11:38
SaviqI'm not sure why, but we had to11:39
Saviqotherwise the menu itself isn't spoken11:40
freglI'll think about it for a few minutes where to best fix it. In Qt 5 the problem goes away since there are no longer these crazy child integers11:40
Saviqeither way, I don't think that's expected11:40
freglnope, it's a bug11:40
Saviqjust let me know what solution will you accept and I'll have a patch for you, we really want that fixed for 11.10, so I have to get that done11:41
freglyes, I want it to be the same patch that goes into 4.811:42
fregllet's at least not diverge11:42
didrocksdebfx: indeed, but with -B on the buildd for the second call, isn't it?11:44
debfxdidrocks: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=39862511:45
ubottuDebian bug 398625 in dpkg-dev "dpkg-dev: dpkg-buildpackage -B: should call build-arch target" [Wishlist,Open]11:45
apacheloggerbambee: pardon?11:45
didrocksdebfx: yeah, we agree on then.11:46
debfxdidrocks: so looks like it's just not possible11:47
didrocksdebfx: sorry, was disconnected. So I was telling "indeed, but we still have to find a workaround for getting Qt building on powerpc and armel"11:51
* bambee tests oneiric on his ac10011:53
debfxdidrocks: I guess the only options are the arch workaround and print some dots while the docs build ;)11:55
bambeeapachelogger: It's not advocated on revu anymore, and I don't find it in archives :(11:55
didrocksdebfx: well, not very familiar with qmake, so if you are on that solution to fix it… :)11:55
apacheloggerbambee: because it aint compatible with 1.011:56
apacheloggerand jose said there might not be a version that is, in time for oneiric11:56
apacheloggeryou could of course talk to jose and mayb help a bit :P11:56
bambeeoh, ok11:57
bambeeI understand11:57
freglSaviq: thanks, I got the unit test written, now I think the proper fix is to fix qaccessiblewidget to do the right thing... but it is a log easier to fix the menu instead. I think I'll go with that one.11:58
Saviqfregl: do you want me to do anything or will you just get it done in 5s11:59
debfxdidrocks: since working with qmake usually results in insanity I'd rather go with the other workaround ;)12:00
apacheloggereverywhere I turn there is a fregl, oh my12:00
freglSaviq: I'm getting it done and put it in our 4.8 and give you the patch if that's ok with you?12:00
didrocksdebfx: ok, good luck with it :-)12:00
fregland I won't get it done in 5 seconds because I got another short meeting now. but today.12:01
apacheloggerScottK: didn;t I upload digikam already?12:01
apacheloggerat least I thought I did12:01
Saviqfregl: works for me12:01
debfxallee: have you had time to test digikam?12:07
apacheloggerdebfx: you are uploading digikam?12:08
debfxapachelogger: yes, once someone has successfully tested it12:08
apacheloggerah good12:08
apacheloggercause my pbuilder appears broken12:08
didrocksScottK: Satoris has a patch for wacom tablet (bug #799202), he proposed the patch upstream: https://qt.gitorious.org/qt/qt/merge_requests/1397. Maybe we should include it? fabo can review it as well IMHO12:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 799202 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "wacom stylus jumps with latest xserver-xorg-core" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79920212:23
freglSaviq: didrocks: which version of the bridge is ubuntu using? can you give me the tag/sha1?12:35
didrocksfregl: let me have a look12:36
Saviqfregl: does git20110628 sound right?12:36
didrocksfregl: I don't have the tag, I just pushed the date :)12:36
didrocksthe one Saviq is pointing ;)12:36
freglsounds reasonable12:36
freglit is much more awesome and better when using the new stuff in Qt 4.8 ...12:37
Mamaroktime this week an upgrade in 11.10 beta gets stuck on "Setting up friendly-recovery" 12:39
Mamaroksecond* time12:39
Mamarokis this a known issue?12:39
alleedebfx: not jet.  I spend yesterday my time in a traffic jam.12:42
alleedebfx: I'll do some tests a bit later .  Should we (I can do it) ask on kubuntu-devel for testing?12:43
* Mamarok hates grub config going wrong12:45
ScottKdidrocks: Sounds like something we'd want.  If fabo or upstream blesses it, then I'd say include it.12:49
didrocksScottK: let's discuss that next week, hoping that fabo or upstream can get to it before final freeze12:51
ScottKDid you re-upload already?12:51
Riddellooh tech board votes, I wonder who to vote for12:53
SatorisScottK: a word of warning: the way the patch fixes the issue might not be acceptable to upstream, but a proper fix would probably have needed an expert on Qt object lifetime or somesuch.12:56
ScottKSatoris: OK.  Hopefully fabo can review and give us an outside expert's opinion.12:56
SatorisBut it does change the situation from "Krita and others broken for everyone always" to "working for almost everyone".12:57
SatorisSpecifically, it might break if drawing with two styluses at the same time. Which is not that common a case. :)12:57
fabofrom a quick look, the patch sounds good. I'll try to pull some more reviewers ;)12:58
SatorisThe main issue might be the global variables.12:58
fregldidrocks: Saviq: weird, the other bug sometimes hits me, sometimes it works and the button gets "I should have that name" as name...13:19
freglactually sometimes I don't get the button at all13:20
didrockswaow, weird13:22
Saviqfregl: "the other bug"?13:22
freglSaviq: ah, you weren't cc'ed, sorry. I got a mail regarding qml and loaders not working13:22
Saviqah k13:22
fregldamn heisenbugs13:26
ScottKallee: I think I''m good with updating strigi.  Could you get someone to upload it?13:32
ScottKallee: Note that fabo updated it in Debian again so we'll want his changes too.13:32
shadeslayerScottK: nope, could not find a CD13:33
ScottKshadeslayer: OK.  Fortunately someone else tested it at the last minute.  Could you find some CDs before final so you can test then?13:34
shadeslayerSure, i'll arrange something13:34
shadeslayertoo bad it doesn't boot from the USB :(13:35
ScottKThat doesn't look likely to change soon.13:36
shadeslayeryeah, i think you need hybrid ISO's or sth like that13:37
shadeslayerbrrrr ... archives are under load it seems13:38
alleeScottK: uh, I think you know better who has main upload rights.  Tell me some names and I pester them ;)14:00
ScottKallee: apachelogger, Quintasan, debfx are at least here.14:00
* ScottK suggests Quintasan for the most likley victim as he's been quiet lately.14:01
allee^^ todo digikam: new sync with debian and upload.14:06
ScottKYes.  That too.14:07
alleefabo: digikam does not show .avi thumbnails (is kffmpegthumbnailer installed).  But dragon can play the .avi.    Bug or missing deb.   If missing deb we should add it to Suggests: 14:15
faboallee: dunno, it's msp domain. I can have a quick look.14:19
alleefabo: greet him from me14:20
faboallee: sure14:29
faboallee: I can reproduce, I don't have thumbnail in digikam/dolphin but can play the video.14:30
alleeapachelogger: ^^ dear phonon master what does dolphin need to create .avi .mpg thumbnails?14:36
apacheloggernot phonon :P14:36
shadeslayerwhom should i talk to if i want isohybrid images?14:37
apacheloggerbambee was working on a phonon thumbnailer, but that will not be usable before phonon 4.6 as the API is not finished14:37
faboallee: do you have debian/patches/libav_compat.diff ?14:37
faboallee: at least, in debian, the patch is wrong.14:38
* fabo checks bzr14:38
alleefabo: I only test debfx pkgs upload yesterday afternoon. no src (yet)14:39
faboallee: looks good this patch isn't in ubuntu14:40
alleeapachelogger: so no video thumbnails in dolphing until it's implemented of is dolphin using another method?14:41
apacheloggerthere are ffmpeg and mplayer thumbnailers14:42
apacheloggernot the best of code though14:42
apacheloggerthey both are in kdemultimedia14:42
faboallee: it has nothing to do with phonon14:42
fabothe thumbnailer is using ffmpeg libraries14:43
fabo(it's maybe the reason though with ffmpeg upgrade)14:44
alleefabo: I thought dophin would be using phonon.  ...14:44
apacheloggerwould seem much saner, wouldn't it? :S14:46
faboallee: I think the thumbnail isn't created, the file is played without problem with phonon.14:46
faboapachelogger: :)14:46
alleeapachelogger: I really hope miss a peace.  I've installed kffmpegthumbnailer and mplayerthumbs.  Still no thumbnails in dolphin or digikam.  Or no video thumbnails possible in oneiric15:18
* bambee is back15:18
bambeeapachelogger: that will not be usable because pvlc is borked :P15:22
bambeewith VDO15:22
bambee(I am kidding, it's experimental I know)15:23
apacheloggerVDO is dead15:25
apacheloggerand rubbish15:25
* bambee thinks that apachelogger broke pvlc... Shhh, it's a secret...15:25
alleefabo: after  ffmpegthumbs installation digikam creates video thumbnails.  Can you verify?  Then I suggest to add it to Recommends.  In kubuntu digikam is now in universe as is ffmpegthumbs.15:33
alleeunfortunately dolpinis still without videothumbs :( :(15:34
apacheloggertry relogin :P15:35
bambeeallee: I am not sure but it's disabled by default15:35
apacheloggerthat too15:35
bambeeat least on my eepc it was disabled15:35
yofelit is disabled by default15:35
alleeapachelogger:  what's disabled?  videothumbs?15:35
* apachelogger upgrades his n95015:35
apacheloggerallee: yeah15:35
apacheloggerI think there is a whitelist for what file types get thumb'd15:36
apacheloggerand video is off by default IIRC15:36
alleeffmpegthumbs that unreliable?15:36
bambeedolphin -> configure -> configure dolphin -> general, there is a tab for thumbnails15:36
yofelallee: I don't think it's that unreliable, there's just not much point in having them15:38
yofelffmpegthumbs at least uses less resources than mplayerthumbs15:38
alleeyofel:  when digikam videon you have many files like   imgNNNN.avi   IMHO thumbs are quite helpful.  But that's only of course my personal opion.15:39
apacheloggerif the algo for thumb selection was sane that is...15:40
alleeSo would you argue pro or con  adding  ffmpegthumbs to digikam recommends15:40
yofelallee: sure, but then you can turn it on when you need it, most people don't need thumbs for videos15:40
apacheloggerallee: that would disappear with 12.04 15:40
apacheloggerffmpegthumbs almost certainly cannot go to main15:40
yofelwell, we can suggest it15:41
apacheloggerwhich gives no benefit to the user15:41
apacheloggerthe solution is phonon :P15:41
yofelthen hurry up :P15:41
alleeyofel: digikam is universe for 11.10  so recommends is possible for now15:41
bambeehttp://people.ubuntu.com/~bambi/phononthumbs.png  <-- phonon powered 15:42
yofelI know it is, but I agree with apachelogger that there wouldn't be much point to add it for one release15:42
yofelkubotu: order booze for bambee15:43
* kubotu slides booze down the bar to bambee15:43
apacheloggerbambee: it would look better with prn15:43
bambeeyofel: thanks :D15:43
alleeyofel:  6 month of less question on #digikam and #kubuntu how to get videothumbs working ;)15:45
alleefabo: not everyone is convined that ffmepgthumbs is worth a recommends in digikam.   I disagree until phonon-video-thumbs is released ;)  Your milage may vary15:47
yofelI still think it would be worth to suggest it15:49
yofelIf I got the way muon works right the software center should show it as an digikam addon on the info page15:50
yofelbtw. did someone find the software center in some _publicly visible_ place in oneiric?15:51
yofelhm, actually nvm, need to check something else15:52
yofeland btw. natty 4.7.1 packages still need testing in ppa:kubuntu-ppa/staging15:52
alleedebfx, yofel: I did basic tests with 2.2.1.  No problems found.15:53
allee*2.1.1  sorry15:54
yofelah k15:54
allee^^ digikam15:54
yofelI'll do some tests later15:54
yofelbut back to muon: in absence of jonthetaco, does someone know how a user is supposed to find the software center?15:55
allee[15:32:28] <ScottK> allee: Note that fabo updated it in Debian again so we'll want his changes too.15:55
yofelit's not in system settings15:55
ScottKallee: That was for strigi.15:56
apacheloggeryofel: kickoff?15:57
apacheloggeryofel: you could add it to systemsettings though15:57
ScottKSeems like it ought to be there.15:58
yofelapachelogger: that's not the place I would start looking at, but if it's not in system settings I would at least add it as a favorite in kickoff15:58
ScottKFavorite under computer.15:58
ScottKerr ..under computer in kickoff.15:58
apacheloggeryofel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/695704/15:58
ScottKNot favorite.15:58
alleeapachelogger: tried with kickoff .  didn't succeed.  Cheating (searching for muon) succeded ;)15:59
alleeIMHO kickoff search should use  <favorite language>  + englisch15:59
Quintasanallee: Uhh what?15:59
yofelhm, it does seem to be under computer15:59
QuintasanI'm somehow busy but I can spare 10 minutes16:00
alleeQuintasan: software center will succeed in a german installation16:00
yofelneed to check the other PC again, I was somehow totally unable to find it with german locale16:00
allee*will not16:00
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Quintasanallee: Uhh and what I am supposed to do about that?16:00
alleeQuintasan: supposed to do nothing, but if you feel like it then fix it ;)16:02
Quintasanallee: I think ScottK named me as a potential victim of pestering to get something uploaded16:02
ScottKQuintasan: I did.  digikam and strigi.16:03
QuintasanAh I see.16:03
bambeeScottK: see packagers, since the fix for kssl has a CVE, I will report a security bug (private?)16:16
ScottKbambee: Already done.16:17
ScottKLet me subscribe you.16:17
bambeeoh great16:18
debfxallee: thanks for testing!16:18
debfxScottK: I've uploaded digikam, have fun reviewing it ;)16:31
ScottKdebfx: Thanks.16:31
ScottKdebfx: Fortunately it's in Universe now, so it just needs the FFe, not a full review of the diff.16:31
debfxor unfortunately because no one will spot the packaging bugs16:33
debfxdidrocks: maybe we can work around that dpkg-buildpackage limitation by moving the docs build to override_dh_auto_install16:39
didrocksdebfx: I don't really like it, better to find a workaround for the archive for oneiric (at worst, i386) and discussing the move to override_dh_auto_install with fabo?16:41
debfxdidrocks: what's the harm of moving it to install (besides the feeling that it doesn't belong there)?16:43
ScottKNice. digikam diff -> diff from 2:1.9.0-1ubuntu2 to 2:2.1.1-0ubuntu1 (27.9 MiB) 16:43
debfxthe i386 workaround can break non-archive builds16:43
didrocksdebfx: no rationale one, just the feeling TBH :-)16:43
didrocksdebfx: yeah, so maybe try there and push to a ppa to ensure it works? (checking that amd64 doesn't build the documentation?)16:44
debfxdidrocks: yep but I'll build it locally to speed things up a bit16:48
shadeslayeri've almost managed to boot kubuntu with grub efi16:48
skfinCan I look at kubuntu's installer's translations somewhere?16:50
skfinI'd like to check Finnish translations if they are ok16:51
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skfinAnd then there is the slideshow during the installion16:53
didrocksdebfx: sure, I'll push another package on Monday with an additional patch, so feel free to just stage the change in bzr16:53
ScottKskfin: https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+source/ubiquity16:54
ScottKskfin: https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+source/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu16:55
skfinScottK: Thank you :)16:56
ScottKYou're welcome.16:56
ScottKdigikam accepted, BTW.16:57
debfxyou still have the chance to reject it from binary new :)17:03
shadeslayer1so, it boots using efi, but i get http://paste.kde.org/126601 in my Xorg.0.log17:06
shadeslayer1any ideas what to do?17:06
freglSaviq: ok, patch will be in https://qt.gitorious.org/+qt-developers/qt/accessibility/commits/4.7-a11y in about one hour from now17:07
ScottKshadeslayer1: Beyond the obvious "file a bug", no.17:08
shadeslayer1well, looks like its trying to access a memory space which is out of range17:09
debfxdoes anyone run quasselcore and is interested in testing an apparmor profile?17:24
ScottKdebfx: Sure.17:33
ScottKdebfx: The only thing is, the core is on a lucid server.17:33
ScottKDunno if that'd work.17:33
Mamarokbrilliant, now it hangs at creating grub.cfg :(18:06
MamarokOK, I'm stuck, no way to finish that update of +1, it stalls at "Setting up friendly-recovery", every now and then I manage to make it go a step further with Ctrl+C and then hangs on generating grub.cfg18:16
Mamarokany ideas?18:16
Mamarokdual boot machine that worked flawlessly until today18:17
Mamarokgrub is installed correctly in /dev/sda18:17
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ScottKdebfx: Is digikam using the embedded libs like kipi-plugins?18:35
ScottKdebfx: nevermine18:38
Saviqfregl: fantastic, thanks!18:43
freglSaviq: no problem18:43
bambeeScottK: do you think that I can use kubuntu-low-fat-settings on my ac100 ? (with 512MB of ram)18:49
bambeethe ac100 works like a charm on oneiric, seriously :D18:49
bambeeI ask this question mostly for ram...18:50
schnellecan anybody of you poke/ask some kde dev to fix this bug: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=275469 18:57
ubottuKDE bug 275469 in widget-taskbar "4 7 Regression: closed windows stay in the taskbar sometimes, taskbar doesn't react on clicks" [Normal,New]18:57
schnelleit is very annoying "in your face" bug18:58
schnellepersonally, it annoys me so much that i wont use kde 4.7 untill this is fixed :(18:59
schnellethere are no replies from devs in the bug report18:59
schnelleon oneiric installation i am experiancing this bug all the time19:01
rbelemanyone with a i386 table around?19:18
rbelembulldog98, ping19:19
rbelembambee, is ac100 a tablet?19:21
ScottKIt's arm, not i38619:21
debfxScottK: sorry for the late reply. do you use the backport?19:27
ScottKdebfx: Yes.19:27
ScottKIIRC it's a no change backport from natty at the moment.19:27
ScottKWe could backport from oneiric no problem though.19:28
debfxScottK: ok, then it should work: https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~apparmor-dev/apparmor-profiles/master/download/head:/usr.bin.quasselcore-20110915095416-l52z8ckorf896keh-1/usr.bin.quasselcore19:28
bambeerbelem: an ac10019:47
bambeeno it's a smartbook19:47
bambeerbelem: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/TEGRA/AC100, see the hardware section19:48
rbelembambee, ah! a really nice hardware :-D19:52
bambeehehe :D19:55
bambeehoping openmax will work for the next release19:56
ScottKdebfx: Seems to work.20:02
debfxScottK: great, thanks for testing. maybe we can include it in the package next release.20:09
ScottKdebfx: If you get someone like jdstrand to review it, I'd be glad to add it now.20:09
debfxScottK: he has merged it into the apparmor-profiles branch so I'm guessing he's already reviewed it20:12
ScottKFire away.20:12
* bambee installs kubuntu-desktop && kubuntu-low-fat-settings20:13
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apacheloggerit gives me the giggles20:27
Riddellapachelogger: what on earth?21:59
claydohapachelogger: lolz that was quick, though does arch even have the printer applet :-) to disable22:42
apacheloggerclaydoh: printer-applet is in KDE, so yes23:36
apacheloggerunless they patched around again23:36
apacheloggerwhich they probably did not do now that chakra is a fork or something23:36
claydohahh thought it was one of our things23:37
ScottKclaydoh: Riddell is upstream for it, but it's part of KDE.23:46
claydohmaybe that's why I thought so23:46
apacheloggeryou know23:54
apacheloggerI totally tend towards writing my own desktop shell23:54
valoriethe world sorta needs more desktop shells23:55
dtchenas long as I have my konsoles, the desktop shells be damned!23:56
apacheloggervalorie: yeah, it certainly needs one that is not rubbish23:56
apacheloggernext up: highly integrated dlna/upnp server23:58
apacheloggerof course highly integrated is a fun word to use considering there are 3000000 data storage systems in KDEmm software23:58

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