
=== OffToHades is now known as BarkingFish
rodriesphey, what happens that i can't find common image of Kubuntu 11.10 Beta 2, I can only download the optimized for Mac only00:04
macer1rodriesp, download dvd version then00:06
macer1or daily build cd00:06
rodriespahh, ok00:07
rodriespdaily build is beta 2?00:07
Unit193rodriesp: Check the topic00:07
IbisIn windows, if I wanted to add manually add Kubuntu to boot option, how would the command appear?00:16
winuti found dailies to be a bit risque on buntu distros myself! but maybe just a couple of bad eggs?00:16
=== massimo is now known as Guest91420
jogdishhi, anyone tested out either of the betas for 11.10?00:29
winutyeah, 11.10 was good with synaptic, not muon00:31
jogdishwinut:  mm was looking foward to muon, pity. Is it any better than 11.04 that i always found a little slower than 10.10 for booting. Any big changes?00:32
macer1jogdish, hello 11.10 betatester here :D00:39
macer1muon is not that bad00:40
jogdishmacer1:  hey, just a fan here, looking foward to this release, Kubuntu being getting very strong in recent, overall how is it?00:40
macer1jogdish, I have KDE && Unity && gnome-shell00:41
macer1KDE is working very good :)00:41
macer1but some small bugs are really annoying...00:41
saltyhow do i fix the mbr on my hardrive?00:41
jogdishmacer1:  unity as bad as everyone says, or it like KDE4.0 was , basically give it time?00:42
macer1unity works now really good, lenses i.e. for gwibber and music are very cool :)00:43
macer1However I think it was looking better in 11.0400:43
macer1the bad thing about unity is lack of animations like in KDE/Qt apps, and no kinetic scrooling like in Unity 2D in QML00:44
jogdishmacer1: have you tried Kopete, any big chagnes or has telepaty finnally come?00:45
macer1jogdish, I haven't been using KDE much before the 4.7 release, I am using Kopete with Jabber and it works with no problems. I don't checked if it is using telepathy backend now.00:47
jogdishmacer1: cool thanks for all the info00:47
macer1Unity is a really good idea, but I hate that Unity 2D version in QML looks better...00:48
macer1and have animations00:50
g0rsHi , does anybody use evolution email client?01:42
winutwhat is the question?01:43
winutmy dad does01:43
macer1!anyone | g0rs01:43
ubottug0rs: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.01:43
g0rswinut: do you know how to enable pgp in evolution, have you done that?01:43
g0rsthanks ubottu01:44
ubottuAre you sure your question allows us to help you? Please read http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxHelpAsk.html to understand how to ask a 'better' question.01:44
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.01:44
winutdo you have that installed?01:44
g0rswinut: yes i have evolution installed and am using it. I have to enable pgp in int. I downloaded a few plugins and am trying to integrate them with evolution01:45
winutg0rs: so you can get kgpg working but not with the expected behaviour?01:46
g0rswinut: I have pgp keys to add to a repository so that evoluation can decrypt emails by looking up the pgp key associated with an email address01:47
g0rswinut: i have seamonkey and gpa01:47
g0rswinut: i have to install kgpg if you say so01:47
winutwell i know that kgpg works well with evolution afaik01:47
winutno harm in trying, its kde specific as well01:48
winutnot that evolution is :-(01:48
g0rswinut: I like gnome more than kde.. it is more simplisitic and if you use it many times,.. you'd probably prefer gnome over kde01:49
winutuntil gnome 3, maybe01:49
g0rswinut: you might also make gnome look like apple lapotops  with a few tweaks.01:49
winutbut i like a distro that doesn't crash every couple of minutes01:50
g0rswinut: debian never crashes, i swear01:50
winutand i cant love unity for the left hand menu arthritis system01:50
g0rswhat is left menu arhiritis system ?01:50
g0rssomebody injured my body and jaws too . i have some problem . I hope it wont be serious.01:51
winutwell if they stick with the current unity configuration, i wont be using it01:52
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winutif you could bring the taskbar to the bottom of the screen, i could handle it01:53
g0rswinut: they are many nutcases who like to injure people so that the healthcare industry would benefit01:53
g0rswinut: the healthcare , pharma industries are big brothers in amerika01:53
winutwell its certainly not free over there01:54
g0rswinut: it is a highly unethical greedy  industry01:54
winutalso the asymmetry of left hand taskbar seems awful to me on unity, thats why the bottom is best imo :-)01:55
g0rswinut: lof of people are on anti depressants for false reasons becaues big pharma wants them to be hooked onto medication.01:55
winuti will test 11.10 to see if its stable at least01:56
winutand they are also stupid enough to take it all!01:56
winutyou cant outsource the blame fully01:56
g0rswinut: yes they are even though they think they are smart. some are helpless after stress01:56
winutsome people don't have common sense either01:57
g0rswinut: true, most are influenced by media , tv, doctors01:57
winuti would rather the average intelligence increased than the number of pushers decreased01:57
g0rswinut: what do you mean?01:57
winuti mean sense to see what they can and cant fix themselves01:58
g0rswinut: I tend to see that some people are obsessed with fixing others and these people have lot of authority, power and influence. In a way they may try to help.01:59
g0rswinut: the health care industry was kinda against me for some reason :(02:00
winutok, so you got doped?02:00
g0rswinut: i was under mind controlling drugs of big bro02:00
ssfdre38hey how can i have env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype run in the background?02:04
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DarthFrogssfdre38: Stick it in /etc/rc.local  or in ~/.bash_profile.02:22
DarthFrogssfdre38: Or write a script for ~/.kde/Autostart that launches skype and do your LD_PRELOAD beforehand.02:23
ssfdre38i needed preloaded before hand for my webcam to work02:24
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LINKSWORD2Yo everybody. I've got a question about Amarok?03:26
* LINKSWORD2 farts.*03:29
LINKSWORD2Wow. Am I the only one alive here?03:39
DarthFrogWe've all been assimilated.  Resistance was futile.04:10
=== massimo is now known as Guest48841
kingh3mpim having trouble puting music on my jump drive thrugh amrock wat do i do ?04:35
kingh3mpif i cant transfer my music with lenux im going back to windows04:36
kingh3mpmedia player 11 was my base knowlege it was easy to use quick build lists to put on my mp3 ive been messing with lenux for the past 3 hours an all i have is a damed playlist04:38
mase_worki don't know what a jump drive is, but Linux isn't for everyone.if you are happy using windows and you don't care about the lack of freedom then i would suggest you continue using windows if that is what you are comfortable with.04:38
mase_workoitherwise if you provided more information as to your specific issue, someone may be able to help you04:39
kingh3mpi have a 4 gb flash drive all im trying to do is but some musick on it04:39
mase_workand drag / drop doesn't work ?04:39
mase_workso long as amarok is configured to look for the music on the flash drive it should be able to play it04:40
mase_workotherwise the file browser in amarok should allow you to play the files directly if you don't want to import them04:40
kingh3mpno idea how to do that brb im gonna look at somthing04:40
kingh3mpi want to export04:40
mase_workkingh3mp: the music or a play list ?04:41
kingh3mpthe play list04:41
mase_workplay list -> export play list as04:42
LINKSWORD2Perhaps I should explain in simple terms...04:42
LINKSWORD2kingh3mp has a stereo that will read a USB key.04:43
LINKSWORD2He wants to play his music on that stereo, but must first put what he wants onto the key. Quickly.04:43
LINKSWORD2>.> Otherwise, we will lose him to the Windows monster....04:43
mase_workLINKSWORD2: _we_ won't lose anything. people are free to do what they like. if windows is better for him / her then they should use windows04:44
kingh3mplink u fried my stick04:45
* LINKSWORD2 dies laughing.*04:45
LINKSWORD2Context.... >.>04:45
* kingh3mp kicks link in the junk*04:45
mase_workmorn jono04:45
jonohey mase_work04:46
kingh3mphe accidently imported a damaged file and trashed the base data04:46
LINKSWORD2lost+found file.04:46
kingh3mpaccess denied file dosent exist04:47
kingh3mp20 dollar paper weight lol now i has it figured out laters04:49
LINKSWORD2I'm done for the night.04:49
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Dariaэто мило)06:08
mixa                                                                                                                                                                                                                 кися06:15
mixaдайте наушники(((06:15
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eshloxhi, which program gives the ability to control kubunt/ubuntu via android bluethooth? ;->08:54
Mamarokwhat exactly do you want to control?08:56
eshloxhm, now.. some videoplayer, vlc, smplayer, no matter..08:56
Mamarokso you want to use an Android phone/device as a remote control08:57
Mamarokcheck the Android market for that, then08:58
Mamarokon the Kubuntu side you need kdebluetooth08:59
eshloxbut i think some other bluetooth server09:00
Mamarokwhat do you mean, some other?09:00
soeedid you tested Kubuntu 11.10 beta 2 already ?09:01
Mamarokhm, looks I am a bit outdated, the bluetooth stack for KDE is called bluedevil09:02
Mamaroksoee: I did, but that is not a topic for this channel which is for support for released versions09:02
Mamarokyou can discuss it in #kubuntu-offtopic though09:02
eshloxMamarok: ok, in market i found many remote apllications but all need server appliaction installed on computer09:03
Mamarokserver application? I doubt that, all you need is make your device discoverable and the use kanyremote to u7se it as a remote control09:04
nardevis it possible to have list-view of my desktop files/icons > like this > http://lh4.ggpht.com/_B0CuCDv4i18/SckLBmN4HHI/AAAAAAAABAI/bBcx51pLCo8/desktop-list[11].png09:34
tsimpsonnardev: if you set the desktop to Folderview, then check the settings under "Folder View Setting" and "Display", you should be able to do something similar09:47
=== ocs is now known as faLUCE
soeeyofel, hi so only perl* things left to do with 4.7.1 for 11.04 ?09:53
naftilos76is there a GUI for zip that can compress a big file (let's say 50Mbytes) and output the compressed file in segmented parts of 2, 3 ,4 Mbytes?10:01
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yofelsoee: perl's fixed  now too, so the only thing that's left is Q/A11:27
soeeyofel, nice thank you :) when can we ecpect updates for 11.04 ?11:29
yofelonce it's tested enough :P11:30
yofelsomewhere during the weekend I guess11:30
alvinWhat perl issues were there?11:32
yofelpackage failing to build since it pulled in qmake-qt4 AND qmake-qt3, and latter was used11:33
BluesKajHi all11:34
alvinThanks. I was about tyo try the beta one of these days, and perl in working order is very important to me.11:36
=== ocs is now known as faLUCE
souledgehey all12:56
=== wallyworld is now known as Guest82715
souledgeanybody having issues with firefox cookie management? I can't actually delete any of them. The install used the main repo and ff is updated12:58
nicolas_I have a problem with Strigi. I use it a lot with the Alt.+F2 menu to search in my pdf library. But the problem is that as soon as you click on a document found, the Alt.+F2 menu closes down. So the file I click on was not the good one I have to Alt. + F2 again, type de search request again, and scroll down...13:00
nicolas_So I was wondering if there was another search interface for strigi13:01
nicolas_of if you have another idea...13:01
souledgeSounds more like a bug what you mention. nicolas13:04
souledgehope you find a solution13:04
souledgeworking hours seem dead hours here:)13:05
nicolas_Arf, ok... thank you ;-)13:07
Mamaroknicolas_: because you use krunner for searching, it is absolutely normal it closes13:11
Mamaroknot a bug :)13:11
Mamaroktry using the find function in Dolphin instead13:12
nicolas_Ok, I'm having a look. I didn't know the dolphin find function could use strigi13:13
Mamarokthat's default now in KDE413:14
nicolas_Mamarok: Wah, that's perfect. Exactly what I wanted!13:14
nicolas_Mamarok: thank you13:14
Mamaroknicolas_: you are welcome :)13:15
=== koalix is now known as ninniuz
markithi, I've seen 11.10 beta2 announc... am I blind or there is no link for download the iso? Isn't intended for test? If no one downloads and tries...14:38
markitoh, found, follow the announcement link14:39
markitnothing on the home page or the brief announcement there14:39
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=== koalix is now known as ninniuz
ghabitДобрый день. Ищу хорошие современные игры под ubuntu.15:00
ghabitПосоветуйте пожалуйста что-нибудь.15:00
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Unit193!ru | ghabit15:00
ubottughabit: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.15:00
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=== g0rs is now known as m0ers
oliniuszHello everybody! I've just cleared accidentally the default shortcut to switch on/off KWin desktop effects, it was ctrl+alt+F12. Could anybody tell me how I can restore one? When I press the combination I'll go to the console black screen. ;)16:59
Peace-oliniusz: systemsettings17:00
Peace-oliniusz: shortcuts17:00
Peace-global keyboard shortcuts17:01
Peace-select kwin17:01
Peace-select compositing17:01
Peace-set your shortcut17:01
Peace-oliniusz: http://wstaw.org/m/2011/09/23/plasma-desktopiy1580.jpg17:02
oliniuszPeace: i'm checking...17:05
Peace-oliniusz: see the picture17:07
oliniuszthanks Peace, i really thought it was ctrl+alt+F12, actually it's alt+SHIFT+F1217:09
TheLastProjectA package dependency could not be found.17:33
TheLastProjectMore information is available in the detailed report.17:33
TheLastProjectDetails: Package minetestc55 is virtual and has no installation candidate17:33
TheLastProjectWhat does that mean? o-o17:34
=== vinces_ is now known as vinces
Peace-what are you doing17:34
TheLastProject(That's a message from KPackageKit btw)17:34
TheLastProjectInstalling minetestc55 using KPackageKit o,o17:34
genii-around!info minetestc5517:35
ubottuPackage minetestc55 does not exist in natty17:35
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TheLastProjectPossible another repostory (that's the word, right?) is sending a bad copy? o,o17:36
TheLastProjectHmmm, I'll just download it from the official website o,o17:37
=== Wojtulas_ is now known as Wojtulas
Peace-TheLastProject: we do not support ufficially stuff outside the official rrepository17:41
TheLastProjectYeah, well, that's understandable17:41
genii-aroundTheLastProject: https://launchpad.net/~minetestdevs/+archive/daily-builds perhaps17:42
TheLastProjectI, however, am not able to see where the package is from and seeing as it's a KPackageKit error this seemed to be the best way to ask what it means =/17:42
TheLastProjectAlready found it genii, but thanks anyway17:42
jimmy51_is this the proper command to compress the contents of a directory into an archive? tar -cvf /home/jimmy51/archive.tar.gz /path/to/files/ ?18:12
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rekcuFniarBjimmy51_: it only archives, not compressing. You need to add -z  key: tar -czvf18:16
jimmy51_rekcuFniarB: ah, ok.18:21
gunkstaAnyone else seeing CPU spikes in KMail / akonadi when connected to Google's IMAP?19:02
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj:  are you there?19:04
acer__türk varmı aranaızda19:06
phoenix_firebrdDarthFrog: are you there?19:07
soeewhat is the command to do distribution upgrade ?19:12
phoenix_firebrdsoee: apt-get dist-upgrade19:14
genii-aroundsoee: sudo do-release-upgrade19:14
soeenope cant upgrade to 11.10b219:14
soeesudo do-release-upgrade19:15
soeeChecking for a new ubuntu release19:15
soeeNo new release found19:15
gunkstasoee: which did you try?19:15
genii-aroundsoee: To go to an unstable release with that command, use -d at the end19:16
gunkstasoee: do-release-upgrade -d19:16
soeeon now it works, thanks19:18
gunkstasoee: glad it worked. It is also possible for this to fail, especially early in the dev procss because of broken packages. If package a needs package b but it isn't uploaded yet, the upgrade can fail.19:20
negueberamy system can't handle atl1c and ath9k at the same time. it always get freezes. some of u have an answer?19:44
soeegunksta, lets hope there wont be any problems :) downloading pkgs atm19:47
gunksta:soee It would have errored out during the check. It is possible something could happen as you download, but its unlikely.  Good Luck!20:06
* genii-around sips his coffee and waits for something to blow up in spectacular fashion20:08
Peace-hi everyone :P bed time20:12
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soeewhere can i find some booting logs ?21:24
shane2perucat /var/log/boot.log21:29
genii-aroundboot.log is not usually that informative. the /var/log/dmesg gives you a lot more21:30
soeesaned disabled; edit /etc/default/saned what does it mean?21:33
genii-aroundsoee: It means that flatbed scanner background daemon is turned off by default21:35
soeeim trying to figureout why i cant start system after upgrade to 11.10 b221:36
genii-aroundsoee: You should visit #ubuntu+1 for 11.1021:37
SubCoolwhy does my VNC connection flicker?22:44
SubCoolif i dont move the mous for like 2 seconds it goes black..22:44
gwallaceIs there a way to get updated to beta 2 from the command line22:56
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gwallace1234Is there a way to get updated to beta 2 from the command line22:59
gwallace1234I tried sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and it did not find anything that needed to be upgraded.23:00
szalgwallace1234: #ubuntu+1 can answer you that23:08
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