
=== tardis is now known as rww
=== rww changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Discussion and support for Ubuntu Oneiric Ocelot | This channel is not a replacement for logging bugs | Release schedule: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricReleaseSchedule | Beta 2 released: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricOcelot/TechnicalOverview/Beta2
ubottuA schedule of Oneiric Ocelot (11.10) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricReleaseSchedule00:18
OerHeksOneiric beta 2 runs great, sofar :-)00:41
Kronsbyhow do you upgrade from ubuntu 11.10 beta 1 to 11.10 beta 200:57
rwwKronsby: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade00:58
ubottuIf you install a development version of Ubuntu Oneiric and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 11.10 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal.00:58
rww(also applies to milestone dev releases)00:58
micahghow do I change system fonts size?02:19
Viper550micahg, get gnome-tweak-tool02:19
Viper550cause Gnome 3 happened, and it crippled everything else02:19
micahgViper550: thanks02:19
Viper550it also gives you more themes than just Ambiance/Radience02:19
micahgthat requires shell :(02:20
micahgjbicha: is there a reason for that ^^02:20
jbichamicahg: gnome-tweak-tool crashes if the gnome-shell gsettings schemas aren't installed02:23
Viper550and gnome-tweak-tool can set gnome-shell themes too02:23
micahgjbicha: that seems like a packaging snafu02:23
micahgand a bug in gnome-tweak-tool that it's required :(02:24
jbichamicahg: the upstream dev was blaming dconf/gsettings for it, but maybe a try: test should be used02:25
micahgjbicha: any other packages like this that just require the schemas?02:25
jbichanone that I can think of off-hand, but maybe ccsm will once compiz switches to gsettings02:26
micahghmmm, probably not worth it for one package, but I was thinking gnome-shell-common...02:27
jbichamicahg: yeah, gnome-shell is just one package with a bunch of dependencies02:28
jbichagetting the bug fixed is a prerequisite to getting Unity configs into gnome-tweak-tool which I think a lot of people would like to see02:28
micahgjbicha: the alternative is create gnome-shell-common with the schemas file :)02:29
Viper550Also is it me, or does the installer from "Install Ubuntu" option have no wallpaper?02:29
td123so I heard that unity supports a fallback, or gnome2 interface?02:32
Viper550td123, no it doesn't. Its got a 2D port now02:33
td123oh, did it use to?02:33
Viper550td123, previous version used Gnome 2.x as the fallback02:33
Viper550due to Gnome 3, they can no longer offer this by default02:33
td123lastly, does ubuntu plan on ever supporting a gnome3 spin of ubuntu?02:37
td123or is it just putting all of its weight behind unity02:37
rwwUnity uses GNOME 3. If you mean "GNOME Shell", no.02:39
rww(Although GNOME Shell is in the repositories, just not a separate spin.)02:39
ubottuTo use GNOME Shell on Oneiric, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool". For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place a new entry in the Sessions dropdown on the login window.02:40
td123ok, ya02:41
td123I was only speaking about gnome-shell02:41
jbichaexcept that gnome-shell is uninstallable today :(02:42
micahgwhat's broken?02:42
rww23:45 < bjsnider> macer1, gnome-shell 3.2 rc1 is waiting to be built pending the arrival of dependencies. when those are built, the shell will be. i would hold off on updating until then02:43
jbichamicahg: we're waiting on caribou but Debian (bigon) might reshuffle how things are installed and didn't want to do a C/R if not necessary02:44
micahgoh, right, caribou02:44
jbichabut I don't want to wait all weekend so we'll see...02:45
td123thanks, bye02:45
jbichaand the cogl transition happened at the same time02:46
=== pace_t_zulu_ is now known as pace_t_zulu
bjsniderjbicha, i say wait until it's done right. anybody running oneiric right now is fully aware that breakage happens and if they update anyway it's their own fault02:51
bjsnidercaribou was only packaged in debian 2 weeks ago, so it's an infant02:54
jbichalol, it's too experimental to even land in Debian experimental :)02:56
td123hi, just came in to say that I might have spotted a bug in the beta 2 installer, when you select the erase my hdd and click next, it autoselects the /dev/zram or something similar dev node, this is obviously a bug as it shouldn't be there02:58
bjsnidertd123, if you believe that's a bug, submit a bug report to launchpad03:02
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.03:05
* rww ponders adding "IRC channels are not a replacement for actually filing bugs in Launchpad." a la /topic03:05
td123do you think it's a bug?03:09
bjsnidertd123, no one will come to your house and kill you if it isn't. and if it is you will have helped fix it. the package is "ubiquity" i think03:10
td123hmm, launchpad.net doesn't seem to be working atm03:11
=== Logan_ is now known as RebeccaBlack
td123fine, I'll file a bug, couldn't find anything related which was reported03:15
DeviceZer0anyone know why the stable thunderbird ppa has been disabled? https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/thunderbird-stable is it due to ubuntu now using tb?03:23
micahgDeviceZer0: because Firefox 7 isn't released yet?03:24
micahgDeviceZer0: you can still get 6.0.2 which is the current stable03:24
micahgI'll reenable publishing on release day after upstream releases03:25
DeviceZer0well..ive been using the thunderbird ppa on 11.0403:28
DeviceZer0trying to see what ppa's have been built for 11.10 so far...trying to install beta203:28
micahgDeviceZer0: oneiric has 7.0b3 for thunderbird which is latest current03:29
DeviceZer0oh. ok. awesome03:29
DeviceZer0i guess i was still in the mindsight of ubuntu having old versions...03:29
DeviceZer0as iirc has been the case in the past03:29
micahgdev release is usually up to date03:30
=== Amaranthus is now known as Amaranth
knightstalkerHeyz,libcogl2 is removed so partial upgrade is necessary and expected?06:11
urlin2uknightstalker, I still have libcogl2,and get the same partial, in general these things work themselves out; by waiting for the packages missing to be included, i other words updae at your own risk.06:14
knightstalker"New clutter (libclutter0_1.8.0-1) and mutter (libmutter0_3.1.92) depend on libcogl5 instead of old libcogl2. This is why you cannot install them now or else, gnome-shell is removed"06:15
knightstalkerDoesn't seem to be missing,but to be replaced06:15
knightstalkerlicogl5 will be installed as additional package in this update06:15
urlin2umissing in the update cluster.06:16
knightstalkeryou mean that even if its replaced,they can do something that Update Manager makes sure its safe?06:17
knightstalkerIf thats the case I thing I'll wait :p06:17
urlin2uknightstalker, I'm not a developer, but if this is the problem it will be worked out, I'm not updating as well till all is clear, I ran a update && upgrade and it failed as well, before checking the update manager, I rarely use it lol.06:19
knightstalkerThanks :)06:21
bullgard4What does this response mean: '~$ sudo dhclient eth0; RTNETLINK answers: File exists.'?06:32
=== eyes_ is now known as EyesIsServer
Volkodavwhat's up with gir1.2-cogl-1.0 <== causes partial upgrade for 2 days now ?06:52
jbichaVolkodav: it's only been 24 hours & we're waiting on caribou which might be a couple days07:04
Volkodavok so to wait is a good option07:06
Q-FUNKseems that gnome-shell and gnome-tweak-tool both need a rebuild against recent gnome3 depends. is it worth filing a bug for that?08:07
micahgQ-FUNK: gnome-shell is dep-wait08:07
micahgQ-FUNK: gnome-tweak-tool should be fine after gnome-shell builds08:09
Q-FUNKmicahg: ah, it's already queued?08:10
micahgQ-FUNK: yep, 3.1.92 is waiting on caribou08:11
Q-FUNKok, good to know. thanks!08:11
micahgQ-FUNK: gjs needs sponsoring if you're up for it, so gnome-shell won't need yet another rebuild when caribou comes along :)08:12
Q-FUNKI also have another issue, but I'm not usre what is causing it.  even though this desktop has always been configured to use fi_FI, gnoem suddenly thinks that I'm using lv_LV.  since this is gnome3, I have no idea what could cause it. any hint?08:12
Q-FUNKmicahg: I sadly don't have rights to main, except for one package.08:13
micahgnot me, sorry, but some of the other wise people might08:13
micahgQ-FUNK: all this stuff is in universe08:13
Q-FUNKis it just a straight build upload?08:13
micahgit's a bzr branch in the sponsorship quee08:14
micahgQ-FUNK: we should probably move to -motu to discuss it08:14
thotzhello, has anyone this problem: when I close a maximized window then there are a few black stripes at the top left side?08:34
thotzi am using beta 208:36
vega-how do i disable this "crash report system", appport or whatever?09:36
vega-i don't need it popping up every 2 minutes when something crashes09:36
vega-besides it never manages to send any reports for that matter09:37
moinI am not able to install gnome-shell after upgrading to beta2, i get the error: gnome-shell : Depends: libcogl2 (>= 1.7.4) but it is not going to be installed09:39
moini have all my required repositories enabled.09:40
moinsomeone help  me with the above problem.09:42
moinam i in the wrong channel or what, someone surely knows how i can resolve the problem above, i thought we have  ubuntu developers here,or just a bunch of helpless users?09:47
hejmoin, and the problem is?09:47
tomodachimoin: you sure know how to ask for help09:47
moini just posted  above about not being able to install gnome-shell after upgrading to beta2, i get the  error: nome-shell : Depends: libcogl2 (>= 1.7.4) but it is not going to be  installed09:48
mointomodachi: hej ^09:48
hejyou've proberbly got this question a few times but... what is the updated ETA on Beta2? according to the roadmap it was scheduled to yesterday09:48
moinhej: am afraid, so?09:49
moinwhat if it was scheduled for yesterday?09:49
vega-beta2 is released, read the topic09:50
moini installed it and it broke my gnome3-session in favor of unity which i dont find appealing at all09:50
ActionParsnipmoin: are there any bugs reported?09:50
ActionParsnipmoin: Unity runs in Gnome3, Unity is not a DE09:51
moinActionParsnip: bug 856481, after a google09:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 856481 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "gnome-shell is not installable after last upgrade" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85648109:52
moinActionParsnip: i know unity runs in gnome3, what i care for is gnome3-shell, unity shell, am afraid, sucks!09:53
ActionParsnipmoin: I use LXDE so imho Gnome Desktop in general sucks09:53
ActionParsnipmoin: I do however use it so I can help others09:53
moinActionParsnip: gnome desktop sucks too, i dont differ, but with gnome-shell extensions, its customizable. Unity isnt customizable, that, i beleive is why many *open* source users detaste it09:56
ActionParsnipmoin: I've also seen people with dual screens suffer with it09:57
moinGnome2 interface sucked compared to windows* interfaces, but we still survived as linux users because Gnome was customizable. You could do away with the panels and have awn and cairo dock beutify your desktop09:57
ActionParsnipKDE is nice and simple too09:58
mointell me how i can do away with that dash, or taskbar or whatever unity develpers call it, its almost impossible. Gorcing users to have to do with what comes with the OS, doesnt microsoft do that too, Canonical is slowly becoming the Microsoft of Linux Community09:59
ActionParsnipmoin: install a different DE and you will be fine10:00
ActionParsnipmoin: xfce is a lot like gnome2 classic desktop10:00
moinActionParsnip: anyways about Gnome3-shell being installable, i got the answer here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1127711510:00
moinso i'll be patiant till packages arte rebuilt10:01
ActionParsnipmoin: they don't for ce you in any way at all. There is Kubuntu, XUbuntu and LUbuntu which do not use the Unity stuff you dislike. YOU chose to install the gnome based one..10:01
vega-i think canonical tries to mimic apple more than microsoft...10:02
moinActionParsnip: I LOVE gtk3, its cooler than the counterparts used in KDE or XFCE so i'll stick to Gnome, do away with what sucks and live happily ever after. but I cant and I believe even Shuttleworth himself usually experiences trouble with Unity. He just doesnt want to admit it,10:03
jpdsvega-: https://twitter.com/DEVOPS_BORAT/status/11217818891386880010:03
moinMay the true unity diehards please stand up ....10:04
jmlMy screen dims after 10 seconds of inactivity, even though the power is plugged in.10:04
mointhen go fuck yourselves!10:05
bazhangmoin, stop that10:05
jmlwhere would I file a bug about this?10:05
ActionParsnipmoin: some love it, some hate it. I don't care personally. Just change DE and your moaning will stop10:05
ActionParsnipoh well10:05
ActionParsnipjml: check power options first10:06
jmlActionParsnip: Of course. There's no option at all for dimming the display.10:06
ActionParsnipjml: could run:  ubuntu-bug acpi10:06
jmlThere's a checkbox under "Screen" that says "Dim display to save power"10:10
jmlBut no way of enabling that for battery usage.10:10
gnomieoneiric [unity2d] successfully installed on pentium4 2.66ghz, 1 gig ram, integrated graphics! :D10:59
macer1gnomie, and how it works ;)?11:00
gnomieusb wifi dongle too.. it works~!11:00
gnomieubuntuone is behaving quite well too as far as sync'ing and nautilus integration11:01
gnomieoneconf-query has been bugging out though11:02
vega-it keeps crashing all the time11:03
gnomiethunderbird's setup is quite elegant too. impressed11:04
gnomieno more googling about it11:05
gnomiethe installer is slick as well.. glad to see it doesn't 'check' if the puter is plugged in [lulz]11:07
gnomietoo long enough to scratch that one11:08
gnomiebut, was sad that software center didnt list irssi [only smuxi] had to install via terminal [which kinda eluded me when tried to search for it in dash]11:12
gnomieterminal , that is11:12
gnomieit shows up now though..11:13
gnomieanother weird thing that happens every time i fresh install is that launchpad refuses to accept my password11:17
* gnomie shrugs11:17
gnomieonce i get it going [setting a new one] is fine11:18
greywulfubuntu 10.04 update manager offering a partial upgrade. Is this bad?11:26
arandgreywulf: Tends to be, although, depends on the circumstance, also, 10.04 is supported in #ubuntu11:29
=== sandGorgon__ is now known as sandGorgon
BluesKajHi all11:34
kbroulikhm the Kernel 3.0 changelog says "Native screen brightness changing for intel i915" but without acpi_osi=Linux nothing happens and with acpi_osi=Linux the brightness is changeable but in weird steps. dark, extremly bright, a bit bright, dark, a bit more bright etc11:35
macer1if it works with acpi_osi, it is your BIOS bug...11:48
dudismgood morning vietnam12:27
dudismi still wonder why apt-get is so slow on my computer12:27
dudismi use btrfs12:29
DeadPandacan anyone confirm whether the binary libguestfs packages are working on 11.10?  it's the only thing keeping me from testing the beta12:29
BluesKajdudism, doubt the fs has much to do with the internet speed from the repos12:30
gnomieDeadPanda: we are currently looking for fearless testers12:32
gnomiesince you're a DeadPanda , i think you kinda meet the criteria12:33
DeadPandagnomie, heh ;) yeah, I guess there's only one way to find out (they're not in the repo's though anyway, so I'm not sure it's of value to the Ubuntu team)12:33
* gnomie munches on wonton soup with shrimps12:35
BluesKajFonts can't be adjusted in system settings as root and.it's a pi** off when using a large monitor from 10ft away.  The settings shows the correct font size and type , but they aren't applied12:50
BluesKajon KDE ^12:50
BluesKajbeen like this for weeks now12:51
BluesKajand I forgot to mention there's bug in the launchpad bug report link , it can't find a browser to link up from help section of the app13:10
hacked_kernelI upgraded to 11.10 from 11.04 and I installed KDE and gnome-shell after some configurations now I'm unable to login to Unity, only Unity 2D working, I removed gnome-shell and reinstalled unity and still having that problem13:19
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ironhalikis there any way to install caffeine on oneiric? :>13:39
ActionParsnip!info kaffeine oneiric13:42
ubottukaffeine (source: kaffeine): versatile media player for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 1.2.2-1ubuntu3 (oneiric), package size 357 kB, installed size 1552 kB13:42
ActionParsnipironhalik: its in the main repo so just run: sudo apt-get install kaffeine13:42
ironhalikits caffeine, as in the screensaver inhibitor13:43
ironhalik!info caffeine13:43
ubottuPackage caffeine does not exist in oneiric13:43
ActionParsnipironhalik: it's k for kaffeine as its a Kde app ;)13:43
ironhalikyeah :>13:44
IdleOnewhat can I install to test a webcam?14:04
arandIdleOne: Cheese is in by default, no=14:04
IdleOnearand: yeah, sorry thought I was in #kubuntu.14:05
IdleOnearand: something not gtk?14:05
arandDon't know I'm afraid14:06
IdleOnedon't know why I need to install half of gnome to get cheese :/14:07
IdleOneheh, Kamera14:07
IdleOneshould have known :)14:08
drussellIdleOne: software centre search suggests Kamera or Kamoso?14:08
IdleOnedrussell: yup just found it, thanks.14:08
drussellIdleOne: np14:08
IdleOnehmm kamera is for digital cams14:09
rigvedhi everyone. apt-get tells me that 31 packages are being kept back from being upgraded. how do i fix this problem?14:16
IdleOneyou wait for them to be ready.14:17
gnomefreakrigved: update-manager should do it if they are safe. or you can use dist-upgrade but be careful some may need to be kept back. if you can pastebin the output of sudo apt-get dist-upgrade14:17
gnomefreakconsole-* is safe to remove there was another package with it that is also safe to remove14:18
gnomefreakconsolus maybe the name. hell i dont remember14:19
gnomefreakthere are held back packages that are safe to upgrade only because they install other things but others will remove packages that are needed14:20
gnomefreakdeja-dup ubuntu-desktop are safe to upgrade14:21
rigvedIdleOne, gnomefreak: ok. i will wait and see what happens. just for your info, i had installed a clean beta 1. this is not an upgrade from natty.14:25
gnomefreaknost should be ok to upgrade but i would need to see what ones. try using dist-upgrade and see what it wants to remove. but check here before letting it remove anything14:27
bjsnidergnome-shell is being held back by a dependency wait14:28
rigvedgnomefreak: apt-get upgrade output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/695664/14:30
rigvedgnomefreak: apt-get dist-upgrade output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/695665/14:30
gnomefreakrigved: thanks14:32
rigvedgnomefreak: so, should i do the dist-upgrade? i remember that there was a safe upgrade switch also, but not sure about this14:32
gnomefreakrigved: dist-upgrade is safe14:32
rippsI'm having some problems with a package that doesn't work anymore, can someone join me #ubuntu-packaging14:33
gnomefreakthe package it wants to remove has a new major version update14:33
rippssorry, that was meant for #ubuntu-motu14:33
rigvedgnomefreak: ok. thanks14:33
gnomefreakrigved: not at the moment i have alot of things im working on since i havent been here for a while14:33
rigvedIdleOne: thanks.14:34
AkariTakaiQuestion: Anyone know how to get rid of the dot-grid in the unity-greeter? I've checked Google and the /etc/lightdm/*.conf files and there doesn't seem to be any no dot grid option.14:39
Name141Hello, can anyone tell me if 11.10 will not have Gnome (or ubuntu-classic) as an option ?14:42
ubottuTo use GNOME Shell on Oneiric, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool". For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place a new entry in the Sessions dropdown on the login window.14:43
Name141IdleOne: so that will fix the crappy new GUI ?14:43
Name141that Ubuntu is pushing14:43
IdleOnefix it no, it will give you the option at boot to select either gnome-shell or gnome-panel ( similar to classic gnome)14:44
Name141Alrighty.  I might just use an LTS, since I'm only looking for an XP replacement for this "non-gaming machine" now.14:45
Name141Probably might be better and less maintanance than a regular install ?14:45
AkariTakaiDoes anyone know anything about the new lightdm login screen?14:45
IdleOne10.04 is a good option if you want the classic gnome look.14:45
ubottuUbuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/1004 - Supported until April 2013 (Desktop), April 2015 (Server)14:46
IdleOnestill has almost 4 years left on server support14:46
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information.14:46
IdleOneAkariTakai: I think there is very little documentation on lightdm but I might be wrong14:47
AkariTakai:( That's what I've been finding. I was hoping that maybe there was a website people knew about but Google missed or something. :(14:47
Name141IdleOne: I suppose since that's all the direct questions about the Beta or next release I shall part this one.14:48
jbichaAkariTakai: perhaps http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~lightdm-team/lightdm/trunk/view/head:/data/lightdm.conf14:48
jbichaand you can stick those options in /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf14:49
AkariTakaiThanks, I'll keep messing around with it.14:50
rigvedis there a .conf file in lightdm where i can change the login theme?14:52
rigvedok. don't bother. found it. /etc/lightdm/unity-greeter.conf14:53
AkariTakaiMy only guess based on what I'm seeing is that the dots are present in the theme ubuntu ships with lightdm, because changing the background picture via conf optiosn does not remove them.15:01
AkariTakaiGonna go poke around in the source and report back15:02
jbichaAkariTakai: alternatively, you could create your own greeter to lay things out as you like15:10
sajimonhello there, im trying to install oneiric beta 2, but installator hang during the process, anyone encountered simmilator problem?15:12
OerHekssajimon, the installer can take some time to calculate, see if numlock works. here it took 30 minutes to make space for Oneiric.15:17
OerHekssajimon, get a drink, you will notice the next step, with the big earth time map15:17
sajimonOerHeks: in fact it hangs on "installing packages" step, its after "copying packages"15:20
sajimonim trying again, this time i ran ubiquity from terminal to check for debug messages15:20
mihai_hello, i have  a problem concerning time indicator: it shows "Time" instead of the actual time. Can someone help me, please?15:29
alex_mayorgathe side bar doesn't pop-up when I move the mouse to the right, am I doing it wrong?16:36
alex_mayorgais it a known bug?16:40
Wolfsherzhi, can you tell me how to create a starter in oneiric?16:41
alex_mayorgaWolfsherz: Windows key "startup application"16:43
Wolfsherzi always want to start the gnome-terminal with --geometry=90x25, so i need a customized starter for this16:44
Wolfsherzalex_mayorga: thank you, but that is not what I need =)16:45
alex_mayorgaWolfsherz: ups, sorry16:46
jbichaWolfsherz: did you try Edit>Profile Preferences>Use custom default terminal size16:54
aqualuki'm running lubuntu 11.10 and i have a big problem with my system language17:05
Wolfsherzjbicha: doh, that is new, right?17:06
aqualuki installed the german language pack to try something (that didn't work but that's not my point) and then removed the language pack (all with the lubuntu gui for languages)17:06
aqualukand my half system is in german and the other half is in english and i can't set it to english17:07
aqualukis that a known bug or do you have any idea what i can do17:07
aqualukok i can solve the problem by myself17:11
aqualukthe solution was to install the german pack and reboot, then uninstall it and reboot one more time17:12
OerHekshi, why is there no option to disable screen power ? http://picpaste.com/pics/scherm-vt783Jnj.1316800345.png17:56
bjsniderOerHeks, that is a gnome 3 issue17:58
bjsniderthere is a way to do it, but it's a more complicated command than just an easy switch17:58
bjsniderand i'm not implying that i know the command17:59
OerHeksi am surpriced, that's all17:59
alex_mayorgawhat's up wit a red alert icon17:59
alex_mayorgabig one at the top centre of the screen18:00
OerHeksred alert, after an update ? that is the sign you should reboot18:00
OerHeks(for changes to take effect)18:01
OerHeksoer@Oneirix:~$ uptime  20:02:28 up 14:05,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.0518:03
dizzeyNot sure if this is the rigth channel to ask, if not please point me to the rigth one.  Im running ubuntu 11.10 64bit and i am trying to get 3d acceleration working in "play on  linux" (wine) it seems to be some problem with getting the rigth 32bit libs for my  nvidiqa card18:12
alex_mayorgaOerHeks: no, it says "The update information is outdated..."18:12
OerHeksi would use " sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade " to reload the update information again18:15
Guest1234hello all. I just upgraded from 11.04 to 11.10 beta2....i did a clean install...and now when i goto log in as my normal user(i kept /home partition)....it goes to login..then drops me back at the login screen.18:20
Guest1234also...there is a guest account(which in this case is good since i was able to login with guest and come here!)...but normally i would not want this guest account by default18:21
dizzeyGuest1234: if you dont have any imported settings delete the . folders in your homedir18:21
dizzeyGuest1234: they usaly have settings for all applikations that may not match the new system18:21
dizzeyGuest1234: .config .gtk etc18:22
Guest1234dizzey: well...specifically which ones? ...ive had this same home partition for YEARS hehe...i have many many settings in dot folders i dont want to loose :)18:22
dizzeythats true =) sadly i dont know exactly wich ones18:22
dizzeybut the ones used by unity if that is the window manager18:23
Guest1234this could be a pita finding out which ones18:23
dizzeyGuest1234: hmms but then im guessing you dont actuly need to delete them18:24
dizzeymake a new account from the shell and se if it is working with that user18:24
escottGuest1234, the guest account can be disabled by setting [SeatDefaults] allow-guest=false in /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf18:24
dizzeythen we know if it is old settings18:24
Guest1234well..im logged in as the "guest" account18:24
Guest1234and its working18:24
Guest1234so its def something specific to my normal user18:25
dizzeyGuest1234: hmms try moving .folders to some backup dir until it's working18:25
dizzeyGuest1234: then you have backups if your missing someting18:25
Guest1234That would work...but a pita. Id love to find just what folders unity or w/e is using18:26
Guest1234im scouring around for solutions18:27
dizzeyGuest1234: Just delete the configuration files/folders of unity in your home folder,. seems like .unity or .local/share/unity18:27
dizzeyand probably the the unity gconf setting. Search in .gconf folder.18:27
Guest1234hmm ok18:28
dizzeythats from google so dont know if it's the rigth answer18:28
Guest1234bah. yea. no ~/.unity/ folder18:29
Guest1234and no unity folder in ~/.local/share18:29
trismGuest1234: you could try: unity --reset;18:30
Guest1234i cant actually get in as that user18:30
dizzeyGuest1234: sure you can18:30
dizzeyGuest1234: do an ctrl + alt + f1 and log in to the console18:31
dizzeyif you dont have the trouble that im having on my laptop18:31
dizzeyno graphics in the console18:31
Guest1234it was my impression that unity --reset just restarted your current unity with default settings18:31
Guest1234that didnt work18:32
dizzeytry moving the .gconf folder18:32
Guest1234oh wait18:32
Guest1234i JUST noticed.18:33
dizzeyif they dont have a .unity folder i would not be suprised if they keept all settings in gconf18:33
Guest1234my home folder is not owned by me18:33
dizzeyor d-conf18:33
Guest1234ubuntu did not reset permissions18:33
Guest1234older user = mike...home folder = /home/mike. NEW user = mike...home folder = /home/mike....but the new mike has a diff uid18:33
Guest1234and ubuntu did not recursively chown the new home18:34
dizzeyi should have thougth of that18:34
dizzeyhave happend to me before18:34
Guest1234i didnt notice until i tried poking around the files18:34
Guest1234well...ive never had it happen on a ubuntu install...iave had it happen on different distros18:35
dizzeynowdays i never keep any important files in my home folder so i never keep it18:35
Guest1234doing a chown now.18:35
Guest1234i backup the most important files to spideroak or dropbox18:35
Guest1234brb....hopefully with my normal irc client.18:36
dizzeyi keep all my documents on a svn server and all other stuff on my file server18:36
Fen-is there any way to reverse updates ?19:04
Fen-i mean for example to reverse changes from prev update19:04
Guest1234hello all. Does anyone know the command to restart xorg? /etc/init.d/gdm restart used to work...but has not since 10.10 iirc.19:04
Guest1234I vaugly remember a weird command like "pr restart" or something very short like that.19:05
Guest1234but cannot find it via google19:05
dizzeyFen-: yes and no . you cant but if you where running a filesystem with snapshot support then you could do a rollback19:05
Fen-i got ext319:06
rwwso no19:06
rwwGuest1234: sudo service gdm restart?19:06
Guest1234rww: if im not mistaken that does not work either.19:07
Fen-rww:  well some backup software saved snapshots19:07
Guest1234somethign changed in 11.04 iirc and restarting gdm does not actually restart xorg19:07
jbichaGuest1234: I just use sudo pkill X which might not be the best way to do it19:09
Guest1234ok gonna try something brb19:10
Guest1234dammit. no gdm service in 11.1019:13
Guest1234this should not be so hard to find out19:13
Guest1234all i need to do is restart xorg lol19:13
trismGuest1234: probably lightdm: sudo restart lightdm19:16
Guest1234trism: hmm19:17
NickName321trying to restart lightdm does not actually restart xorg19:22
NickName321well...it at least does not make xorg reload the xorg.conf19:23
NickName321pkill Xorg did not force it to reload the conf either19:23
NickName321this is retarded.19:23
* gnomefreak doesnt have a xorg.conf19:27
gnomefreaki still havent found a way to drop back to default drivers19:27
bjsniderjbicha, there's the caribou!19:28
bjsnidersoon, all of my gnome-shell issues will be fixed19:28
dr`venom_I can't change the screen brightness on my dell xps17 L702x laptop. Can someone please help me fix the issue.19:37
Fen-bawawawa i think its reinstall time lol19:39
Fen-just hope i dont install beta2 updates by accident :S19:39
larnohi everyone19:43
larnoI need some help regarding nvidia optimus in beta219:43
larnois there an "easy" way to enable nvidia gpu?19:43
larnoI don't need the GPU switching functionality19:43
larnoI just want to have nvidia enabled19:44
dr`venom_<larno> just out of curiosity, are you able to change your screen brightness on your system?19:44
larnojust a sec19:45
larnowhere is the setting to change the brightness in beta2?19:46
dr`venom_<larno> Can you check using the keyboard hotkeys19:46
urlin2ularno, I use the fn key and the arrows19:46
larnoit's not working19:47
larnothe problem can be with asus laptop keyboard shortcuts19:47
dr`venom_Ok, so it is not just me...19:47
bjsniderafaik ther is no optimus support at all in linux19:47
larnoor that I'm currently working on the external monitor19:47
larnoand the laptop monitor is disabled19:47
larnothere is bumblebee and ironhide19:48
urlin2ularno, I can only change the netbooknot the monitor as well19:48
dr`venom_<urlin2u> do you have a dell laptop as well?19:48
urlin2uno a acer19:49
mongyAny else have a problem with dash whereby you search for a recent file, click it nothing happens, but works the 2nd time you do it?19:57
dr`venom_<mongy> My dash works just fine.19:58
mongymight have to install fresh beta2 then maybe.19:58
=== m4n1sh_ is now known as m4n1sh
dr`venomis anyone else in here having trouble with not being able to change their screen's brightness level?20:18
sirninjaI just installed ubuntu 11.10 on my computer, and the installation appears to go fine, but when I reboot, I get the message: "efi invalid arch independent ELF magic" in grub20:48
urlin2usirninja, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1741953  naty but the commands are thesame I believe.20:50
urlin2uyou have to know the partition though20:51
sirninjaurlin2u: I saw that post, but when i get to the command "linux ...." it says linux: command not found20:51
sirninjaand I changed the partitions accordingly20:51
urlin2usirninja, are you sure your making this exactly like this. set root=(hd0,msdos5)20:53
urlin2uyou j\have to get the commands exact20:54
sirninjaif my partition is /dev/sda7 it would be "root=(hd0,msdos8)" right?20:54
urlin2uno msdos7 I believe20:54
sirninjaI tried that as well. It's an ext4 partition, can grub read those or does it need to be ext3?20:55
urlin2upartition type does not matter as far as I knlw20:55
sirninjaI'm not having any luck with the rescue prompt. Is there any way I can just get the installer to do it that way the first time?20:56
urlin2usirninja, that portion is a standard manual boot command set.20:56
urlin2usirninja, are you sure the Ubuntu partition is sad720:57
sirninjacorrect. I'm reading the post and it says "reboot (you should now get a full grub, not just grub-rescue)" but I'm still getting grub-rescue20:57
urlin2usirninja, I would just go to the ubuntu forums and start a thread t will be faster realy.21:01
sirninjaurlin2u: would chrooting in and install grub-pc work instead of what that post said?21:01
sirninjaurlin2u: Guess I may have to do that. Thanks for your help though21:02
urlin2usirninja, you have grub-pc and grub-commons in ubuntu already, that is not the problem I would guess.21:02
urlin2uno problem, the manual boot is a bit tricky.21:02
hacked_kernelcan anybody please pastebin the default apt sources.lst file ?21:03
urlin2uhacked_kernel, http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/21:04
mongyhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/695835/   for gb mirror and partner enabled.21:04
mongyhmm, let me bookmark that repogen21:05
mongyhacked, oh and its natty21:05
urlin2uyou can choose the release21:05
mongylol, be quicker to use that repogen then21:05
mongyurlin2u, yeah  I meant my sources21:05
alex_mayorgaI have an applet hogging 100% CPU here21:06
alex_mayorgahow do I file the bug?21:06
urlin2ucool it is a cool page.21:06
mongynot currently in oneiric21:06
urlin2ualex_mayorga, an applet are you sure?21:07
alex_mayorgaurlin2u: yup! something like this one http://www.hobsoft.com/tests/jwttest.jsp21:08
urlin2ualex_mayorga, linux is not even mentioned21:10
alex_mayorgaurlin2u: it is "Test HOBLink JWT from Windows, Linux, Sun Solaris, Apple Mac"21:10
urlin2ualex_mayorga, not sure of whats happening, and that is anot a applet causing tye problem but a third party no bugs are 3rd party.21:12
urlin2uyou bug report on actual ubuntu apps.21:13
alex_mayorgaicedtea is an ubuntu app last time I checked21:14
urlin2ualex_mayorga, yes but is icetea the problem?21:15
urlin2ualex_mayorga, are you trying to test a firewall?21:16
alex_mayorgagiven that it works just fine on an XP virtual box using Oracle Java, I would think so21:16
alex_mayorgaand anything that uses 100% CPU is buggy IMHO21:17
alex_mayorgabug 857776 FWIW21:18
urlin2ualex_mayorga, sure but your using a 3rd party to get that the bug reporting is for a buggy ubuntu app.21:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 857776 in openjdk-6 (Ubuntu) "High CPU usage from java 98% - 100% " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85777621:18
urlin2ualex_mayorga, lol good luck with that.21:19
gnomieno lol ifs or buts. fix him!  >:(21:20
alex_mayorgaurlin2u: I have in the past, see http://icedtea.classpath.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=72121:20
ubottuicedtea.classpath.org bug 721 in Plugin "IcedTeaPlugin.so cannot run g_main_context_iteration on a different thread unless a different GMainContext *context is used [Crashes Mozilla Nightly]" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]21:20
urlin2ugnomie, go eat your bran flakes.21:20
gnomieopenjdk isn't acting up here ..21:20
urlin2ualex_mayorga, first it was a applet you are i=on the moon no exating details, and this is not the channel anyway, are your emplot-yers running oneiric.21:22
alex_mayorgaurlin2u: of course not, is all Windows 7 in the desktop21:23
gnomiesystem is sluggish but cpu is fine .. i believe reason to be low ram, i got about 30 thousand bytes into swap, way more than i ever had21:23
gnomieconsidering i only got one gig, unity2d is still operational21:24
gnomieif i had pci graphics i'd have better performance.. need $2021:27
gnomieam confident in saying oneiric can run on older low end systems under some conditions. i did have a crash with multiple apps running tho21:30
gnomiethat being said, 11.04 was much more responsive on this box21:33
gnomieand i did have unity2d going there as well21:33
gnomieat this stage..21:35
soeehi, guys do you have problems to run system after upgrade 11.04 -> 11.10b2 ?21:37
genii-aroundsoee: Better to just say how far along it is booting  and then what is happening. eg: grub halts.. or grub goes, then just a purple screen hangs... or so on21:38
soeegenii-around, i can pick system from grup than it hangs with full blue screen with some artefacts at top, when i choose recovery mode it hangs also at the second line (something about ram disc etc) but if i press enter after few second system starts (gdm shows up) and i can login21:40
soeeduring upgrade there were some errors in console about pixbuff and icon-cache21:43
soeethere are also 2 dependency problems: kdepim-dev libboost-dev21:43
soeebut im not sure if this is booting related21:43
genii-aroundsoee: The pixbuf/icon-cache errors are not to worry over21:44
genii-aroundsoee: What video driver were you using before upgrade?21:44
genii-aroundSo Nvidia21:45
genii-aroundsoee: does lsmod| grep nv    show it is currently loaded?21:45
soeegenii-around, soee@soee-desktop:~$ lsmod| grep nv21:47
soeenvidia              11713772  4021:47
genii-aroundsoee: Is the nouveau driver also loaded at the same time?21:49
soeehow can i check this ?21:49
genii-aroundsoee: lsmod| grep nouveau21:50
genii-aroundIf it just comes back to command prompt then it's not loaded21:51
soeegenii-around, http://pastebin.com/bjhUmipX21:51
genii-aroundsoee: Can you pastebin please contents of /etc/default/grub21:52
soeegenii-around, http://pastebin.com/2Jh8cdnX21:53
genii-aroundsoee: OK. The idea here is to make sure only the nvidia driver loads, which means to change line 11 to read: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash nomodeset"      and then sudo update-grub. For the editing you need admin rights so either kdesudo kate /etc/default/grub  or sudo nano /etc/default/grub ( I assume kde because you were in #kubuntu previous to here)21:56
soeeok ill try after update my fancontrol configuration :) one moment21:57
genii-aroundsoee: I must leave soon, but hopefully someone else can help you further afterwards21:58
soeeok brb ill try to reboot22:00
pythonsnakeis 11.10 going to break my laptop22:00
jbichapythonsnake: absolutely22:01
jbichaor maybe22:01
soeegenii-around, thank you :)22:03
genii-aroundsoee: You're welcome22:04
charlie-tcaI would say jbicha is correct, too22:04
jbichamy wife's laptop died and she was running oneiric...22:06
jbichaI tell her it had nothing to do with Ubuntu though...22:07
jbichait's not really a bug I care to reproduce though, lol22:07
rwwwhy on earth were you running oneiric on it22:08
jbichabecause I'm a Ubuntu developer and I like to break things22:08
rwwjbicha: that's what /your/ laptop is for22:09
pythonsnakewindows 8 wants to prevent installing any other os22:10
jbichaI'm a developer, I like to break other people's things too22:10
AlanBellon the first page of the installer there is a link to "release notes"22:14
AlanBellwhich opens http://ubuntu.com22:14
AlanBellshould I file a bug about that?22:15
charlie-tcaIs that the same as bug 85677322:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 856773 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Welcome Screen: Cannot reach 'release notes' link with keyboard only." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85677322:16
AlanBellnope, but it is already filed as bug 84098322:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 840983 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "release notes link incorrect" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84098322:16
* AlanBell subscribes the release manager22:19
nanobolicseemed to have lost my plugins for gedit like terminal and python console has anyone else gotten this?22:29
nanobolicif I restart gedit they appear to come back but once I enable any of them like bracket completion I loose all of them22:29
nanobolicis there a way to start gedit from a terminal in verbose mode?22:31
tomodachiionite: KDE is a desktop enviroment, like a "skin" or a gui" ubuntu itself supports different desktop enviroments like gnome, /win 1022:45
coz_is there a mini iso available yet22:46
nanoboliccoz_, I believe there is one called ubuntu-core22:49
coz_nanobolic,  mmm I will try to find that22:49
coz_m if anyone has a link to a mini,, i would appreciate it :)22:51
gnomieplugins section of thunderbird glitchy23:08
gnomienice design though..23:09
MonkeyDustin Unity i cannot find a normal menu with everything in it - hints & tips?23:11
DeviceZer0bah..all of a sudden im not getting any sound23:14
* gnomie reads about peripheral component interconnect 23:14
urlin2uMonkeyDust, I use synapse for searches, not the same thing as a menu though,23:15
charlie-tcaMonkeyDust: there is no normal menu in Unity23:15
jbichaMonkeyDust: click More Apps from the Dash that shows up when you click the Ubuntu button23:16
MonkeyDusta normal menu is too far fetched ;)23:17
urlin2uMonkeyDust, not part of the new DE, you will have to adapt, or use a distro that has one you like.23:18
gnomieuse the dash, in russia, dash searches YOU23:19
urlin2uxubuntu has a normal DE soto speak.23:19
MonkeyDust i use Mint23:20
MonkeyDustjust checking about this menu in Unity23:20
gnomiemint not supported here23:20
MonkeyDusti know23:20
* gnomie puts swap to work ! :D23:29
gwallace1234I am trying to update to the latest beta for Kubuntu, and was wanting to know if that can be done from command line.  I changed the settings in sources, and notifier is not allowing the beta update to show.23:29
urlin2ugwallace1234, if your running 11.10 it is just update && upgrade23:30
urlin2ugwallace1234, there is a packge miossing right now though in th ibunet dide causing partial upgrades not the best time to try I think.23:31
gwallace1234Urlin2u: I am running beta 1 currently.  I did the update && upgrade, and downloaded about 173 updates.  I know that firefox and thunderbird should be at ver 7, but they are still ver 623:31
gwallace1234urlin2u: Will try again later this weekend, maybe they will get it fixed by then.23:32
urlin2ugwallace1234, when did you install I had 7 on both on a beta1 install?23:33
tuv0kany problems installing jubuntu bea 2 using the desktop 64bit iso?23:33
gwallace1234urlin2u: I did a clean install of the first beta, and it has ver 6 of both.23:33
urlin2ugwallace1234, hmm maybe kubuntu is as different as I always thought it was.23:34
gnomieas different as gnome?23:35
urlin2utuv0k, thanks for the passive agressive posts.23:35
gwallace1234urlin2u: prob a diff between gnome and KDE.  Guess i will wait and try again, or wait for the final release.  THanks23:35
tuv0kjust looking for a real answer to my question in the channel I'm supposed to find it in?23:36
gnomieurlin2u: you're weird23:36
urlin2ugnomie, like looking is a mirror isn't it. :D23:37
gnomieoddly enough, i got it the first time23:38
urlin2ugnomie, I missed the post of the mangled Distro, so it looked like a PG post.23:38
urlin2umy bad23:39
gnomienever apologize; you're either right, or yer not23:41
urlin2ugnomie, sorry but life is not a dichotomy23:41
gnomieonly human23:42
gnomieThe PCI SIG strongly encourages 3.3 V PCI signaling,[5] requiring support for it since standard revision 2.3,[7] but most PC motherboards use the 5 V variant. Thus, while many currently available PCI cards support both, and have two key notches to indicate that, there are still a large number of 5 V-only cards on the market23:57
=== Lilarcor is now known as joutaro

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