
E3D3I have Ubuntu Alternate in a LVM installed. Is making a new LV in the same VG enough for installing a new distro ?01:04
=== E3D3 is now known as Sandcastle
=== Sandcastle is now known as Sandcastles
theophilus77777Hey guys... do you think you could help me out with a Linux Mint problem?02:31
philipballewtheophilus77777, maybe. why did linux mint channel not help?02:32
theophilus77777I'm having trouble getting onto it... it's giving errors and such :P02:32
ubot2Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org02:33
theophilus77777haha, k... can you help me with this then? I was trying to get onto their channel, and it's giving me "Cannot send to channel (+m)"02:33
theophilus77777what do I do about that?02:34
philipballewUnit193, if its a simple question we can always help02:34
philipballewbut ill see if i can get on02:34
holsteintheophilus77777: its not freenode02:35
Unit193theophilus77777: I would assume you need to register your nick with NickServ, they would do that to prevent spam02:35
holsteinim on spotchat in #peppermint if you want to look me up there i'll try and help you out if i can02:35
gerryann25Hi all02:36
philipballewgerryann25, hello02:37
gerryann25I need a little help setting up my windows live hotmail to transfer it to my evolution client mail.  I was able to set up my gmail but not the msn live.02:40
theophilus77777ok sorry, noob of noobs here... how would one go about registering with nickserve on spotchat?02:41
philipballewholstein, ^02:42
Unit193theophilus77777: I've never been on spotchat, but try /msg nickserv help02:42
holsteintheophilus77777: i remember it being the same02:42
theophilus77777Ok cool02:42
holsteini registered there... so i know it works02:42
holsteinlet me know if ^^ doesnt work02:43
theophilus77777"no such nick or channel"02:43
theophilus77777(btw, I've heard ubuntu having the issue I'm having to... do ya think you could give it a chance?)02:44
Unit193#linuxmint is the correct channel02:44
holsteintheophilus77777: can you get in #peppermint?02:44
theophilus77777holstein got it :)02:45
Unit193holstein: You got him in there?02:46
E3D3I lost my Ubuntu Alternate (bootoption) by trying to install Fedora as 2nd OS in my LVM. Is there an EASY way to recover it ?02:51
holsteinnot sure about with LVM, but ive used a live CD to recover grub02:53
holsteinhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling_GRUB2 maybe02:53
E3D3I hope that I can use a live CD. Hope I never have to bother you with (almost) the same questions. Thanks for your kindness & help.02:57
gerryann25I need a little help setting up my windows live hotmail to transfer it to my evolution client mail. I was able to set up my gmail but not the msn live.03:04
Snicksiehi sheroazura :)09:12
sheroazuraim following ..09:17
=== raoul is now known as raoulmunet
=== shahan is now known as Guest30763
Guest30763Which is the best Download software for ubuntu 11.04? It should have the Resume capability with GUI.12:58
Snicksiewhat things do you download Guest30763 ? downloading via torrents, downloadsites, ...?13:00
Guest30763Download from sites13:00
Snicksiei use jDownloader for that, Guest30763 :)13:01
Snicksieit supports resumable downloading (only if the site supports resumable downloading ofcourse)13:01
Snicksiebut there is no such thing as 'the best' :)13:01
Guest30763Snicksie: tnx13:01
Guest30763Snicksie: how to install it?13:01
Guest30763Snicksie: :)13:02
Snicksiehttp://www.ubuntugeek.com/install-jdownloader-in-ubuntu-10-1010-049-10-using-ubuntu-ppa.html or https://launchpad.net/~jd-team/+archive/jdownloader13:03
Guest30763Snicksie: tnx13:05
ApOgEEhi all13:26
carpunkyI just installed ubuntu on a 2nd hard drive is there any apps that I should get right away17:44
nlsthzn3 minutes... that isn't a lot of time to respond >.<18:00
asterismohi people18:05
asterismocan someone help me to migrate gconf settings and make those the default live cd settings?18:32
urlin2uasterismo, you want a custom cd?18:33
asterismobut i followed a HowTo and i think i'm missunderstanding the instructions18:34
urlin2uremastersys  http://www.geekconnection.org/remastersys/18:34
asterismoof migrating several gconf settings18:34
asterismoi dont quite understand this %gconf.xml files18:36
asterismothat has 0 byte size18:36
asterismoand don't figure out where are my current changes of panels and apps... so i can somehow export it to the live cd structure under chroot18:37
urlin2uasterismo, personally I have never actually customized a cd, just have used the one lined to save a customizations to a ISO18:37
asterismois somebody familiar with gconf settings and export?18:39
asterismoi'm trying to use gconftool-2 --dump, but i don't know where are my really settings, /var/lib/gconf, /etc/gconf, /usr/share/gconf....?18:42

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