
=== canis_ is now known as El_Saviore
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DBOsooo I need another release of bamf01:21
RAOFDBO:  Do you test external monitor support on netbooks?  How much of a performance penalty is going over the max gl texture size expected to exact?01:39
RAOFBecause today's empyrical testing suggests the answer is "at least one order of magnitude" :)01:39
DBORAOF, going over the max gl texture size should just break it01:40
DBOit shouldn't run01:40
RAOFWell, then!  Rejoice!  It runs.01:40
RAOFAt roughly 30seconds per frame, but it runs.01:41
DBOseriously how?01:41
RAOFDunno.  Any way for me to get unity to tell me?01:42
DBOIm baffled01:42
DBOyou sure glxinfo says you exceeded it?01:42
RAOFIt complains a bunch about windows unmappable to textures, but displays everything correctly.01:42
RAOFGL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE= 2048, a 1920x1200 monitor + a 1024x600 monitor.  Stacked one above the other it works fast, stacked one next to the other it's interestingly slow.01:43
DBORAOF, it must be falling back to copy mode01:44
DBOwhich is SLOW01:44
DBOso yes01:44
DBOexceeding max texture size is bad01:44
DBOvery bad01:44
DBOis your desktop rendering?01:45
RAOFI'm not sure, let me check...01:46
RAOF(I'm obviously not IRCing on the netbook, or you'd see a 1 minute latency on anything I typed :))01:46
DBORAOF, you have dual monitors set up?01:46
DBOcan you confirm that branch makes alt-tab follow monitors for you01:47
DBOI am concerned it wont work right on xrandr systems01:47
SarvattRAOF: whys that a surprise? 1900 pixels < 2048, 2944 > 2048. meanwhile 8 year old netbook gpu's suck but they are supposed to be certified with ubuntu01:48
DBOhaving australians in the company is incredibly helpful01:51
DBOI can force them to test my work when my coworkers are off hours01:51
RAOFSarvatt: I'm surprised that it *works*01:52
RAOFOr, rather, works at all.01:52
RAOF"Works" might be overselling it somewhat.01:53
DBORAOF, seriously though, can you confirm the fix on xrandr systems?01:53
Sarvattyeah i915 started falling back to unaccelerated mid maverick01:53
DBO(I only got nvidia)01:53
RAOFYeah, I will.01:53
DBOSarvatt, is that it?01:53
DBOits using software rendering01:53
Sarvattyou can get 4096x4096 but anything over 2048x2048 is completely unaccelerated01:53
Sarvatttoo slow to be usable :(01:54
DBOSarvatt, does that apply to ATI as well?01:54
RAOFEspecially on the poor little atom netbook.01:54
Sarvattnope depending on how far back you're going01:54
Sarvattthe atom gpu's are 8 years old01:54
Sarvatti mean like r500+ can do 4096x4096 fine01:54
DBOno I mean01:54
Sarvattanything in the past 5-6 years is fine01:54
DBOdo they have a "fallback" size01:54
Sarvattnot that i know of01:54
DBOATI HD2600 is getting similar crap performance reports01:55
DBOwith dual monitor01:55
DBOfglrx is fast with it01:55
Sarvattthats really odd outside of ati being slow with web browser scrolling in general because of EXA, they dont have anything like intels gen3 unaccelerated once you go past 2048x2048 that i know of01:59
DBOI am going to get more feedback on it today from the reporter02:00
DBObut we shall see02:01
RAOFDBO: Does that branch require a newer nux?02:04
DBORAOF, yes02:04
Sarvattthe alternative on intel was not working at all >2048x2048 like lucid and before, 4096x4096 works on the netbooks with a 2D session at least acceptably.. we have a crapload of machines that cant be certified with ubuntu because compiz works like crap with an external monitor plugged in with gnome defaulting to rightof even though its a hardware limitation and would work ok above or below02:05
DBOI am thinking of methods of rendering it top/bottom02:06
DBObut having the layout be left/right02:06
DBOIm not sure its possible sadly02:06
RAOFDBO: I just need to pull nux trunk?02:07
DBORAOF, yes02:07
DBOonce desktop team told us so long as old unity works on newer nux, and it doesn't matter if newer unity doesn't work on older nux02:08
DBOa whole new world of fucking around opened up02:08
RAOFSweet.  A whole new world of C++ compiling opens up.02:11
RAOFMan, I hope that core is retracable.  32 frames of ?? leading into HandleEvent.02:12
SarvattRAOF: incoming http://sarvatt.com/downloads/gdb.txt02:15
DBOSarvatt, how did you do that?02:17
DBOSarvatt, that is REALLY old?02:17
Sarvattyeah REALLY old02:17
* smspillaz only sees capital letters02:18
smspillazSarvatt: we have a plugin to get around the max texture size limitations02:19
smspillazSarvatt: it's called 'Copy To Texture'02:19
DBOmesa kinda does that for you now smspillaz02:19
smspillazDBO: realy ?02:19
DBOon intel yeah02:19
RAOFFor sufficiently loose values of ?kinda?.02:20
smspillazDBO: it creates multiple textures with correclty offset tex-coord matrices and vertex lists ?02:20
* smspillaz thinks that functionality is on the wrong layer02:20
DBOit boosts the max texture size from 2048 to 409602:21
desrtsmspillaz: weird.  your comment reminded me of a random half-dream thought i had while waking up this morning02:21
DBOat the cost of performance02:21
smspillazDBO: ok, that's not a real solution02:21
Sarvattsorry that was just an example of me going, how much bigger could this possibly get once i get debug symbols installed? and having it be 2.8mb of repeating info a long time ago :)02:21
desrtsmspillaz: which is that the UN classified capslock as a crime against humanity02:21
RAOFNo.  It falls back to software rendering, providing an astounding 30 sec/frame performance.02:21
smspillazdesrt: +102:21
DBOdesrt, +102:21
smspillazDBO: ok, I don't call that 'mesa doing it for you'02:21
DBOsmspillaz, I only mean to say, it doesn't crash02:22
smspillazDBO: I call that 'don't ever let mesa do that'02:22
smspillazDBO: it didn't crash before02:22
smspillazDBO: you just get a white texture02:22
smspillazor rather02:22
smspillazyou don't get a texture at all02:22
RAOFDBO: I think that ?works? on my xrandr system.  Is it really meant to pop up the alt-tab switcher on the display with currently focused window?02:22
DBOwell now you do02:22
smspillazit only crashed because we had a distro patch which would assert and fall back to metacity whenever a texture failed to bind02:22
DBORAOF, or where you mouse is kind of yes02:23
smspillazDBO: it doesn't crash, I tried it just now02:23
DBORAOF, its supposed to follow your workflow in general yeah...02:23
smspillazDBO: make a test app that creates a 10,000x10,0000 window02:23
smspillazit won't crash02:23
DBOsmspillaz, cheeze it02:23
smspillazDBO: ???02:23
smspillazRAOF: DBO: Sarvatt: in any case, we should enable copytex by default. There's not reason not to have it and it only kicks in whenever tfp fails02:24
Sarvattslow > white texture, but its still not usable and quite a lot of netbooks aren't getting shipped with ubuntu because of it. almost wish falling back to metacity was still an option because that would have passed certification :)02:24
smspillazwhy not just enable copytex ?02:24
smspillazit's much faster than software mode and you don't get white textures02:25
RAOFDBO: In that case, it doesn't seem to work.  It seems to pop up on the display with the currently focused window, and I find that pretty awkward.02:25
smspillazthe only thing is that if you create huge windows they will get nontransparent decorations02:25
RAOFDBO: Is there any way that you could just pop it up on *all* connected displays?02:25
smspillazand support for window-based decorations is a little flaky at the moment02:26
DBORAOF, how would you prefer it to work other than what you just said02:26
Sarvattis that done automatically? as it is now if you plug in an external monitor in unity its "unusably" slow according to the people doing the certification02:26
smspillazbut with P it should be better02:26
smspillazSarvatt: no, at the moment it probably just falls back to software mode02:26
RAOFDBO: I'd prefer it to appear on the display the mouse is on; that's generally where my focus is.02:26
DBOsmspillaz, how do I get the display where the mouse is in compiz?02:27
smspillazDBO: screen->outputForPoint (CompPoint (pointerX, pointerY));02:27
smspillazor something like that02:28
smspillazRAOF: the old alt-tab did it based on what window currently has focus02:28
DBOso I have to first query the mouse position02:28
smspillazDBO: no, you don't02:28
RAOFsmspillaz: And I hated that, too :)02:28
smspillazit will be updated enough to guaruntee that its in the right spot02:28
smspillazDBO: it updates every time you enter a window02:28
smspillazRAOF: IMO, having it where the cursor is doesn't make much sense. maybe it should be based on timestamps02:29
smspillazeg, when you move the cursor, its timestamp is the most up to date the cursor takes priority02:29
RAOFFrankly, I think it should be on *all* connected displays.02:29
RAOFIt's a desktop-wide action.02:30
smspillazotherwise the thing with the last updated  _NET_USER_TIME takes priority02:30
RAOFThat would also work, yes.02:30
DBORAOF, hold on a moment02:30
smspillazRAOF: the context switch is already massive enough when you hit alt-tab since the thing is huge02:31
DBORAOF, okay pull02:32
RAOF:(.  A retraced backtrace nets us exactly 3/68 frames that aren't ??02:32
* smspillaz goes back to his uni assignment02:33
smspillazdue in ..... 6 hours02:33
DBORAOF, once you test and confirm it works for you02:34
DBOplease leave a comment here https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity/unity.alt-tab-follow-monitor/+merge/7666702:34
RAOFJust an "it works"?02:35
DBOit works02:36
RAOFAh!  *That's* what the assert is.compiz: /usr/include/boost/smart_ptr/shared_ptr.hpp:418: T* boost::shared_ptr<T>::operator->() const [with T = UnityFBO]: Assertion `px != 0' failed.02:42
smspillazRAOF: backtrace ?02:43
RAOFsmspillaz: I'll try to get you one that's not 63 frames of ??02:43
RAOFDBO: Comment left.02:45
DBORAOF, sexellent02:46
DBOsmspillaz, wanna +1 the review (its free karma)02:46
smspillazit seems like subscribing to the wayland mailing list you get the same flamewars again and again and again02:50
smspillazClient Side * sucks!02:50
smspillazNo it doesn't!02:50
smspillazYes it does!@02:50
smspillazX sucks!02:50
smspillazYeah X sucks!02:50
DBOjoin a different side each time02:50
smspillazSo lets Client Side *!02:50
smspillazDBO: its gotten to the point of02:51
smspillazevery single time someone makes a wild assertion02:51
smspillazI have to put "disclaimer, I don't claim that this is better, but this is *actually* the way * works"02:51
RAOFThe thing that I don't get in the CSD flamewars is that X *in no way* mandates server-side decorations.02:52
brycehboo flamers02:52
brycehneed a procmail rule that only passes through emails from people whose address actually appears in the wayland git tree02:53
smspillazRAOF: indeed, except that people in the 90s very quickly realized that doing them server side was the only way to Stop The Madness [tm]02:53
smspillazof course, doing them server side created more madness02:54
smspillazarguable server side decorations is the whole reason why we have the entire ICCCM Section 4 today02:54
smspillazRAOF: bryceh oh, I was going to ask you02:54
ubot2Ubuntu bug 856043 in compiz "compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in _XFreeEventCookies() (dup-of: 851472)" [Undecided,New]02:54
ubot2Ubuntu bug 851472 in compiz "compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in _XFreeEventCookies()" [Critical,Confirmed]02:54
smspillazwe seem to be getting a lot of those02:54
smspillazand the crash happens when we call XNextEvent02:55
jbichafree cookies! :)02:55
DBOI hope they are thin mints02:55
smspillaz _XFreeEventCookies (dpy=0x855810) at ../../src/XlibInt.c:78002:55
smspillaz XNextEvent (dpy=0x855810, event=0x7fffa408d510) at ../../src/NextEvent.c:4702:55
smspillaz PrivateScreen::processEvents (this=0x8404a0) at /build/buildd/compiz-
smspillazI haven't been able to reproduce this particular one myself yet02:56
smspillazbut if someone's been able to reproduce that I can single-step through Xlib02:56
DBOsmspillaz, do we know when this first started happening?02:56
smspillazSeptember 1802:57
brycehxtrace might tell what's going on with X02:58
broderRAOF: does it make sense for there to be a "does anybody have a problem if i set the resolution to this?" "yes, i have a problem if you set the resolution to this!" protocol?03:30
broderto avoid some of these texture size issues?03:30
RAOFI don't know.  It sounds moderately complicated.03:35
RAOFAnd it's fundamentally still a work-around; compositors *can* handle those resolutions, but don't.03:36
broderbut they can't handle them well03:36
broderi'd rather not have gnome-desktop extend the external display i plug into my dinky, 8-year-old netbook if it's going to cause my performance to suck03:36
broderi would be similar to QueryEndSession/EndSession in gnome-session03:38
RAOFWell, there's no reason for your performance to suck; it's possible for the compositor to break the textures up into <= max texture size chunks.  We just don't have that enabled or tested.03:53
smspillazRAOF: you only have to enable one plugin ...04:00
smspillazand I've tested it04:00
smspillazit works fine04:00
smspillazRAOF: the only case it won't work right now is because we redirect paint into an fbo for unity04:00
smspillazand this is not broken up04:00
RAOFYeah, but "you testing it" is not the same as "tested on all the many and varied crazy hardware that Ubuntu runs on".04:02
smspillazit should work the same everywhere04:02
smspillaznext cycle then04:02
RAOFWe should totally enable that out of the gate in P.04:02
RAOFWell, and make sure that Unity works with it, too ?04:03
smspillazRAOF: we need a framebuffer object implementation that supports buffers > max texture size04:09
smspillazreally, the only way I see this working is if I re-wrote the paint system04:09
smspillazand made it so that buffers were inserted at points04:09
smspillazso that they can control if, eg, a window must be painted multiple times04:10
smspillazI plan to do that anyways, but probably not for P04:10
smspillazwhat will likely end up happening is that some applications is going to misbehave once again and screw up stacking04:10
smspillazand then there is going to be a huge emergency where everyone blame me for their problems again04:10
smspillazand I end up being a social outcast etc etc etc04:11
smspillazand then don't get to work on making the paint system awesome04:11
smspillaz"c'est la vie"04:11
RAOFThe life of a window manager author.04:13
RAOFAlright.  Now that I've got debugging symbols for everything under the sun, let's see if I can't get a useful backtrace out of that xrandr crash.04:15
lifelessRAOF: btw04:16
lifelessRAOF: someone commented on my adding of xrandr to xvfb, that it has regressed in oneiric; did someone drop all the patches perhaps ?04:17
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jasoncwarner_hey...anyone having sound problems lately? my seems to "go away" and I have to reboot to get it back.04:27
TheMusojasoncwarner_: What do you mean by go away?04:29
jbichais file-roller broken for y'all also? when I enter a subfolder and return to the previous folder, the folders start multiplying04:29
TheMusoBearing in mind that I use audio all day, and haven't had a problem.04:29
jasoncwarner_TheMuso: one minute sound is working and then, not there hte next04:30
jasoncwarner_haven't noticed exactly when it goes away04:30
TheMusojasoncwarner_: Is it reliably reproduceable?04:30
jasoncwarner_but all indications are that it is working except there is no sound04:30
jasoncwarner_TheMuso: don't know how to do it exactly, still looking04:30
TheMusoOk, I'd check dmesg and syslog when it happens.04:30
TheMusoAnd if you can come up with a reliable way of reproducing, please file a bug, and follow the steps at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio/Log.04:31
RAOFlifeless: Looks like that did indeed get dropped.04:35
lifelessRAOF: what should I do ?05:02
RAOFI think we might want to evaluate whether xvfb is the best tool for what we're after; it's basically just a headless environment to run tests in, yes?05:05
lifelessyes, used by various dx projects and lp05:06
lifelessI know upstream are insane and not taking patches05:06
RAOFOne of the things in a talk at XDC was a desire to remove everything but the xfree86 DDX, on the basis that it actually does everything all the others do too.05:06
RAOFCan we run a regular xfree86 server, loading the dummy video and dummy input drivers?05:07
lifelessif you wrap it in xvfb-run, we can do anything you want05:07
lifelessat this point, *AFAIK*, the screen-capture aspect of xvfb-run is not used by 'us'05:07
RAOFOk.  So, I think the answer there is that I should work out how to make that happen.05:08
lifelesswith bated breath I wait05:10
RAOFDBO: Are you in the market for a compiz backtrace?05:11
RAOFMmm, overloaded operator ->05:11
smspillazRAOF: DBO is asleep. send it this way05:28
RAOFsmspillaz: http://paste.ubuntu.com/695462/05:31
RAOFIt seems that it's possible for paintOutput to be called after Refresh () and before Relayout() has had a chance to actually set up the fbos for the output.05:33
RAOFWith hilarious consequences!05:33
didrocksgood morning05:35
smspillazRAOF: that's a fun race condition05:36
RAOFGood morning didrocks05:36
smspillazwe should probably only trash the fbos on Relayout then05:36
RAOFAh, but what about hotplug?05:36
didrockshey RAOF, how are you?05:36
smspillazhi didrocks05:37
RAOFIt's not so much that you've trashed the fbo.  The fbo hasn't yet been set up! :)05:37
smspillazRAOF: relayout will get called05:37
smspillazyeah, because we're waiting on gtk to give us the new monitor geometry rather than compiz05:37
smspillaz(why does it even work like that)05:38
smspillazRAOF: I think I'm going to start implementing an iron fist approach on unityshell05:38
smspillazif you're a plugin start acting like one etc etc05:38
didrockshey smspillaz05:41
smspillazRAOF: ok, we'll find out in the 20 minutes this takes to build if this actually works05:43
RAOFsmspillaz: Got a branch you'd like me to test?05:43
jasoncwarner_smspillaz is awake! yay...06:03
jasoncwarner_smspillaz, I want to get a call about multi-monitor stuff with dbarth, RAOF and anyone else interested in fixing these bugs.06:04
jasoncwarner_smspillaz RAOF https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/83094906:04
ubot2Ubuntu bug 830949 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[Intel N10 Graphics] Plugging in external monitor to VGA port makes both displays corrupted with thick slanted lines " [Critical,Invalid]06:04
ubot2Ubuntu bug 813343 in unity "nvidia drivers, second monitor covered by black" [High,Confirmed]06:04
ubot2Ubuntu bug 815613 in unity "[intel] When I plug in a second monitor, I get a black bar across the top of my screen and the second monitor is black except for the bar at the top." [High,Confirmed]06:04
RAOFAt least for intel I've half-confirmed that bug.  It doesn't crash for me in the way described, but it does become unusably slow.06:05
jasoncwarner_RAOF: any idea on fix, by chance? I know I only gave this to you guys like 8 hours ago....06:06
RAOF"Don't do that"06:07
RAOFWell, don't do that for now.  For P try and ensure that compiz can shatter its textures/fbos.06:07
RAOFAs smspillaz will undoubtedly chime in to say, compiz itself will handle that situation nicely, it just requires enabling a plugin.  Unity however has slightly higher demands.06:08
RAOFWe *used* to crash out and start metacity instead, but that's not exactly a winner when running Unity. :)06:09
jasoncwarner_RAOF & smspillaz options for O, though? what can we do to make compiz/unity not, you know, completely barf in the multi-mon situation06:13
RAOFWell, it's only really an issue for netbooks.06:13
RAOFNow, if only netbooks weren't a focus area... :)06:13
RAOFBy and large multi-monitor works just fine.  Modulo some bugs - smspillaz, how's that build going?06:14
RAOFjasoncwarner_: Probably the best thing to do for O would be to patch gnome-settings-daemon to not set up the displays in such a way that it breaks.06:15
jasoncwarner_RAOF: what kind of patch? like, what we g-s-d do? now allow certain resolution monitor configs?06:18
RAOFRefuse to automatically configure a desktop with a dimension > max texture size, and throw up a big warning for manual setting of that.06:19
didrocksjasoncwarner_: RAOF: I would tend to thing, we should to that in the display monitor capplet06:19
didrocksjasoncwarner_: RAOF: and same, if you use the nvidia blob driver, prevent it's usage06:19
didrocksthe results if you do so are quiteā€¦ interesting :)06:19
RAOFWhat happens with the blob?06:20
RAOFDoes unity not notice the hotplug or something?06:20
RAOFdidrocks: Anyway, it has to be done in g-s-d rather than the capplet because g-s-d's xrandr plugin will automatically set up a new display on hotplug.06:20
jasoncwarner_RAOF: can we get that information (dimension > max texture size ) and basically say 'this computer can handle these resolutions" and , ash didier say, only show them what they have that unity can handle (for now)06:21
RAOFThat information is very easy to get, yes.06:21
didrocksreally? nux people were telling it wasn't available?06:21
didrockssince natty06:21
RAOFMax texture size?06:22
brycehglxinfo reports max texture size for  instance06:22
brycehxrandr tells you all about available resolutions06:22
brycehfwiw, the issue that this needs handled in g-s-d has been known for  years; I can probably dig up the bug report about it06:22
jasoncwarner_So, RAOF bryceh didrocks and smspillaz , what I'm hearing is that we can create a workaround in g-s-d (and maybe display capplet) for Unity not doing what it should...and that might get us through O?06:24
jasoncwarner_(assuming the above is correct)06:25
RAOFPretty much, yes.  I'm not sure what's happening with the nvidia blob, though.06:25
jasoncwarner_it still doesn't fix compiz/unity...06:25
jasoncwarner_which we would need to do06:25
jasoncwarner_Ok...do we have a bug for the g-s-d work around yet? want to add that to release-manager checklist06:26
jasoncwarner_and, didrocks...might want to add the above to your didier tag list06:26
RAOFThe compiz stuff is already done - the Copy to Texture plugin handles the compiz end.06:26
didrocksjasoncwarner_: yeah, IIRC, the black screen with nvidia is already on, let me checkc and ensure06:27
RAOFThe problem is that Unity uses fbos, which don't have an equivalent plugin.06:27
jbichadidrocks: good morning, bug 856884 is annoying for users who use Unity & other desktops06:28
ubot2Launchpad bug 856884 in unity "Running unity --reset breaks metacity keyboard shortcut defaults" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85688406:28
didrocksjbicha: is it still the case since beta 2?06:28
didrocksjbicha: i guess I fixed it06:29
brycehjasoncwarner_, not spotting the g-s-d bug on this; I'm sure there was one tho06:29
jbichadidrocks: no, it's still the case as of right now06:29
brycehmaybe it got expired06:29
didrocksjbicha: so, if you unity --reset, can you confirm ctrl + alt + T still works in compiz now?06:30
jasoncwarner_bryceh or RAOF could you file a new bug for g-s-d so I can get it on kates checklist?06:30
RAOFI'll file one.06:30
jbichadidrocks: yes, but the bug is about the other 3 keyboard shortcuts that unity --reset breaks :)06:30
jasoncwarner_RAOF: awesome, thank you!06:30
brycehbug 555641 maybe?06:31
ubot2Launchpad bug 555641 in compiz "MASTER: max texture size prevents compiz from running (dup-of: 824099)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55564106:31
ubot2Launchpad bug 824099 in compiz "[~30 systems] Plugging in external monitor to VGA port makes both displays corrupted with thick slanted lines" [Critical,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82409906:31
RAOFbryceh: Yeah, I'll resurrect that into a g-s-d bug.06:32
didrocksjasoncwarner_: it's not unity --reset, it's compiz not being nice06:32
jbichadidrocks: I've been frustrated by the bug for several weeks, your patch finally helped me realize what was creating the ~/.gconf/metacity stuff06:33
brycehRAOF, yep sounds good06:33
jbichaI didn't expect unity --reset to _add_ stuff06:33
didrocksjbicha: it's not that simple06:33
didrocksjbicha: basically, unity --reset reset all compiz gconf value, isn't it?06:33
didrocksjbicha: and those keys are magically bound to metacity one by the gnome-compat plugin06:34
didrocksso it then updates the metacity ones06:34
didrocksnot something I can fix easily then, as the default aren't the same between session (as unity provides those keys)06:34
brycehRAOF, there's a compiz patch in comment #8; dunno if it's relevant06:34
didrocksjbicha: I guess I can change the setting for Meta + D06:35
jasoncwarner_RAOF: when you have new bug #, let me know so I can get that kate...thanks!06:35
jbichait's doing it wrong, it should read what the defaults really are (maybe the gsettings thing will fix it)06:35
brycehTravis said, "Ideally Xorg would sort this out though which I believe is the point of the 'shatter' work."06:35
didrocksjbicha: want to make a compiz patch? :)06:35
didrocksjbicha: I'm afraid it won't, hence the fact that smspillaz should be aware about it now ;)06:35
brycehjasoncwarner_, maybe that shatter stuff is what dbarth's thinking about06:35
jbichadidrocks: I can try copying what you did06:36
RAOFYup.  Either Xorg, or compiz, or both.06:36
didrocksjbicha: won't work for other keys, they will conflict with unity keys06:36
didrocksand prevent unity to start06:36
brycehjasoncwarner_, unfortunately X.org Shatter is so heavily delayed I doubt it'll ever exist06:36
didrocksare you using unity --reset that often?06:36
jasoncwarner_bryceh RAOF not up on my 'shatter' these days...06:36
jasoncwarner_ah, so not exactly a solution?06:36
didrocksI shouldn't have added this option I guess :)06:37
jbichadidrocks: I always run the dev releases, so yes it happens, quite a few users mess with ccsm too & I've been recommending unity --reset06:37
didrocksjbicha: it's really hackish FYI :-)06:37
RAOFbryceh: IIUC you get it for "free" with airlied's hybrid graphics support work.06:37
didrocksjbicha: so, I have an idea06:37
jbichaI don't understand why patching the keys will break unity, I delete my ~/.gconf/metacity and things work fine06:37
brycehRAOF, hmm, mayhbe06:37
didrocksjbicha: again, we don't set those keys directlly06:38
didrocksjbicha: basically, when a key under ~/.gconf/compiz changes06:38
RAOFjasoncwarner_: I'm resurrecting bug 824099 to track this.06:38
didrocksthere is gnomecompat which updates the corresponding metacity key06:38
ubot2Launchpad bug 824099 in gnome-settings-daemon "[~30 systems] Plugging in external monitor to VGA port makes both displays corrupted with thick slanted lines" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82409906:38
didrocksjbicha: ok until there?06:38
jbichathose keys are the metacity defaults, either from upstream or as packaged in the metacity ubuntu package06:38
didrockswait for my explanation06:39
didrocksjbicha: are you ok about the compiz -> metacity change?06:39
jbichathe gnomecompat plugin does some crossover thing with metacity, I don't understand it much deeper than that06:41
didrocksbasically, when a gconf compiz key changes, it updates the metacity one06:41
didrocksin the default for compiz, with the unity profile, the Alt + F1, Alt + F2 are dealt by unity, not by the shortcuts general settings06:42
brycehjasoncwarner_, the original X.org shatter was proposed several years ago; there was some work done on it by redhat, but I haven't heard anything more about that in a long time.06:42
didrocksto the gconf compiz key  bound to those metacity shortcuts are set to "null" to avoid conflicts between compiz and unity06:42
jbichaso it's hacks on top of hacks?06:43
brycehjasoncwarner_, the effort RAOF refers to is also by redhat, but is also similarly highly experimental and doesn't have an ETA afaik06:43
didrocksjbicha: it's just compiz not enabling two plugins having the same key06:43
RAOFXRandR 1.4 was going to support it, too.  Again, delayed.06:43
didrocksjbicha: so when you --reset (which isn't a core experience case normally), you reset all keys to default06:43
jbichado we even need gnomecompat?06:43
didrocksand those 2 keys to defaults06:43
brycehjasoncwarner_, it might be something we'd want to look at for 12.04 for hybrid graphics support, but even there it's probably >6 month effort06:43
didrocksjbicha: yeah, it's the only way to get the same number of worspaces, and the gnome session integration06:44
didrocksjbicha: it's also the only way to set the compiz key in g-c-c06:44
brycehRAOF, hmm, can you find a reference to that about randr 1.4?  I hadn't heard that.06:44
didrocksso, what we can do is working this issue06:44
didrockslike, patching unity --reset to then set the metacity gconf key back06:44
brycehrandr 1.4 sounds a lot more feasible for possibly backporting than the stuff airlied's doing06:44
didrocks(which won't be picked by compiz, and so no compiz plugin conflict)06:44
brycehwe might even be able to persuade keithp to help06:44
RAOFbryceh: It was part of the per-crtc pixmap thing - that's basically shattering the framebuffer into monitor-sized chunks.06:45
RAOFThe compositor would then only need to deal with textures as big as the biggest monitor, rather than as big as the combined framebuffer.06:45
RAOFOf course, I don't think xrandr 1.4 has gone anywhere since it got backed out from 1.11.06:46
didrocksjbicha: want to fix that?06:47
brycehRAOF, yeah but it was pretty close at that point.  I can follow up with keith about it06:47
jbichadidrocks: would it be bad to just have unity --reset rm -rf ~/.gconf/apps/metacity/global_keybindings06:47
didrocksjbicha: urgh, don't do that!06:48
RAOFbryceh: And also check that my understanding is correct :)06:48
didrocksjbicha: this is bad for gconf, he never really supported touching those files manually06:48
brycehRAOF, right :-)06:48
didrocksjbicha: better to reset using gconftool-206:48
didrocksif those are null06:48
RAOFbryceh: That said, it'll require compiz changes to get working.  And if we're allowing compiz changes, it *might* just be easier to make those compiz changes anyway; compiz can work around xserver limitations.06:49
jbichadidrocks: ok same thing: gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/metacity/global_keybindings06:50
didrocksjbicha: yeah, I think just run than in unity --reset06:51
didrocksjbicha: want to make a patch? I'll review it06:51
brycehRAOF, true06:51
brycehRAOF, I'm just trying to make sure we got all bases covered from the X perspective06:52
jbichadidrocks: you said that's in compiz?06:53
RAOFSure.  If it'd make compiz's job easier, and is feasible, it'd be a good idea.06:53
didrocksjbicha: no, the unity "binary" is in unity itself06:53
didrocksjbicha: look at tools/unity.cmake06:54
didrocksjbicha: it's a small python script06:54
brycehRAOF, jasoncwarner_ so is there an assignee for bug #824099?07:00
ubot2Launchpad bug 824099 in compiz "[~30 systems] Plugging in external monitor to VGA port makes both displays corrupted with thick slanted lines" [Critical,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82409907:00
RAOFbryceh: Do you think the wording of 824099 sufficiently describes the problem, and our proposed solution?07:03
brycehRAOF, yes that looks very good.  Might elaborate a bit on the second paragraph - why is unity particularly limited in this case?07:06
brycehRAOF, there's (I think) 3 use cases we need to address:07:07
RAOFMight need to get smspillaz to elaborate on that bit; I'm not totally sure what the specific details are.07:07
bryceh1.  Boot.   So compiz/unity needs to avoid starting up if the system's configured in this fashion07:07
bryceh2.  Hotplugging another monitor (which I think the bug's description covers)07:08
brycehmm, maybe just those two cases07:09
brycehwas going to say setting up the external monitor and restarting compiz, but that's basically a subcase of #107:09
jasoncwarner_RAOF and bryceh so we'll track it via bug #824099 ? I'm cool with that...07:10
brycehRAOF, for #1, does compiz already cover that well enough, or do you think we need another bug about that?07:10
ubot2Launchpad bug 824099 in gnome-settings-daemon "Max GL texture size can break multi-head" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82409907:10
jasoncwarner_RAOF, are you able to handle the g-s-d portion of the fix?07:10
didrocksjbicha: looks good, did you try it to ensure we don't have unseen side effects?07:11
rickspencer3is anyone else seeing that notify-osd no longer shows the volume in the notification when changing volume via keyboard?07:11
RAOFbryceh: I think compiz already covers #1.07:11
didrocksjbicha: as compiz is ran after, I'm afraid that the key will still be overwritten, so maybe, that should be done afterwards07:11
RAOFjasoncwarner_: I think I can take the g-s-d portion, yes.07:11
jasoncwarner_rickspencer3: yeah, chrisccoulson was looking at that07:11
didrocksrickspencer3: yeah, it's known and under work07:11
rickspencer3chrisccoulson? not Dx?07:11
jbichadidrocks: no, do I have to build nux too?07:11
rickspencer3thanks didrocks07:11
jasoncwarner_rickspencer3: I thought it was fixed, though (though I'm on desktop ppa at the moment)07:11
chrisccoulsoni uploaded a fix for that yesterday07:12
rickspencer3thanks chrisccoulson07:12
didrocksjbicha: no, just run make install for the tool/ directory07:12
rickspencer3I'll get it later today, I guess07:12
* rickspencer3 dist-upgrades07:12
chrisccoulsonyeah, it seems it was accepted yesterday - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/oneiric-changes/2011-September/010183.html07:13
rickspencer3didrocks, should I remove the desktop PPA before I upgrade?07:13
didrocksrickspencer3: no, the upgrade should be smooth from there07:14
rickspencer3thanks didrocks07:14
jbichadidrocks: I'm having trouble building just a directory, I'll try again after I sleep :)07:18
jbichathanks for all the help07:18
didrocksjbicha: no hurry! do not hesitate to ping me if you need any help with cmake ;)07:18
didrocksjbicha: thanks you for looking at it :)07:18
brycehRAOF, short of shatter, is there anything more that can be done on the compiz/unity side to improve the situation?  Or is the workaround the best we're going to do for the time being?07:21
brycehlike, any potentials on improving the performance of the compiz "shatter" workaround?07:22
jasoncwarner_hey RAOF bryceh and didrocks you all mentioned that g-s-d for the multi-mon stuff was the correct way, but as didrocks mentioned, should we patch monitor capplet to not allow to high monitor sizes as well? stop it on two fronts?07:24
didrocksI would say so, but I'm just not aware enough of all this resolution stuff :-) (but still, at least, we should blacklist the capplet for nvidia blog driver use)07:25
rickspencer3uh, how do I tell nautilus to open a file with mplayer?07:31
RAOFbryceh: I *think* the workaround is the minimum-risk path for the time being.  I don't know what the performance of compiz's shattering workaround is; it'd have to be better than the software fallbacks we currently get.07:36
brycehRAOF, oh I thought the compiz shatter *was* the software fallback; no?07:37
RAOFI believe the current fallback is in mesa, to software rendering.07:39
RAOFWe don't have copy-to-texture enabled by default; maybe I should fire up the netbook and check what influence that has.07:39
didrocksrickspencer3: right-click -> open with another application? (if it's not on the list of supported mimetypes for this extension)07:45
rickspencer3didrocks, right, so you used to be able to enter a command in that dialog07:46
rickspencer3I guess I'll have to make or change the mplayer desktop file for something :/07:46
didrocksrickspencer3: yeah, seems it's not listed (just installed it) indeed07:46
rickspencer3respin beta2!!!07:47
rickspencer3I'll start the incident report07:47
jasoncwarner_RAOF bryceh smspillaz didrocks (anyone else listening about multimonitor). how does this sound for workaround07:48
jasoncwarner_1. patch g-s-d to not allow unity to start with higher than max 3d resolution07:48
didrocksrickspencer3: heh!07:48
jasoncwarner_2. patch monitor capplet to not allow someone to actively choose a resolution higher than max 3d reoslution when running unity07:48
brycehRAOF, are you taking the action for doing both of those?  (I gather they both will require some hacking on gnome-desktop)  Or should someone else take #2?07:49
RAOFI think 1. would actually be a patch to unity_support_test; g-s-d doesn't actually determine whether Unity runs or not, right?07:49
didrocksjasoncwarner_: agreed on that :)07:49
didrocksRAOF: hum, but if resolution changes?07:49
didrocksRAOF: unity isn't restarted07:49
bryceh1. patch g-s-d to not allow increasing resolution beyond max texture buffer size if unity is running07:50
RAOFWhat I expect to do for 1. is to ensure that g-s-d won't set a resolution that unity won't work at, rather than trying to stop unity from starting if the resolution is too high.07:50
bryceh2. patch monitor capplet to not allow someone to actively choose a resolution higher than max 3d reoslution when running unity07:50
RAOFRight, that.07:50
didrocksyeah, with misreading the 1. agreed with bryceh and RAOF :)07:51
jasoncwarner_(was going a bad place...just skipped like 10 steps...moving on)07:51
jasoncwarner_morning seb07:51
RAOFHey seb!07:51
didrockssalut seb12807:51
brycehhi seb12807:51
jasoncwarner_RAOF: could you update the bug with the plan?07:51
seb128hey didrocks bryceh jasoncwarner_07:51
RAOFI think that's already on there?  Clearly not sufficiently obvious ;)07:51
seb128what bug is that?07:51
RAOFbug 382409907:52
RAOFOr, rather, bug #82409907:52
seb128that's an old one!07:52
ubot2Launchpad bug 824099 in gnome-settings-daemon "Max GL texture size can break multi-head" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82409907:52
seb128or not ;-)07:52
smspillazsubmitted a demotivational for my assignment07:52
smspillazfeel like a bucket of win07:52
brycehRAOF, yeah you got it right; maybe jason's wording is less jargonny :-)07:52
seb128is that bug old like the world?07:53
RAOFThat bug is old like the world, yes.07:53
seb128like tseliot patched the capplets years ago for that07:53
brycehseb128, right07:53
seb128but we dropped the patch since because the drivers were supposed to be good nowadays07:53
chrisccoulsonhi seb12807:54
rodrigo_oh, cyphermox uploaded the new NM and NM-applet!07:54
rodrigo_hey seb12807:54
RAOFWell, the drivers work, but terribly slowly, since you're exceeding a hardware limit and falling back to software.07:54
RAOFThis used to work well because compiz would crash, and spawn Metacity :)07:55
micahghi seb128, thanks for sorting out seed yesterday07:55
brycehRAOF, and Copy to Texture was considered a "real" solution, but doesn't work (yet) under unity?07:55
RAOFbryceh: That is my understanding, yes.07:55
seb128right, ok07:56
seb128hey chrisccoulson, rodrigo_, how are you?07:56
seb128micahg, you're welcome07:56
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, good thanks07:56
chrisccoulsonwinding down day for me :P07:56
seb128do you still have anything to get done for Oneiric?07:56
seb128or anything we should watch for while you are away?07:57
rodrigo_chrisccoulson, :)07:57
didrocksseb128: no, wait 6PM to tell "oh chrisccoulson, there is a bug issue in firefoxā€¦"07:57
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah. i've just remembered that i need to make firefox look in gsettings for the accessibility settings07:57
seb128didrocks, ;-)07:57
* rodrigo_ prepares a ton of bug reports for 5:3007:57
seb128chrisccoulson, is tb contact syncing working?07:57
chrisccoulsonseb128, thunderbird-couchdb is in source new :)07:58
seb128once we get thunderbird-couchdb out of NEW07:58
chrisccoulsonif you feel like reviewing it :)07:58
didrocksrodrigo_: weak, 6 is better! :-)07:58
seb128should that be installed by default?07:58
didrockshey rodrigo_07:58
rodrigo_didrocks, yeah, right07:58
seb128bah, I missed robert_ancell07:58
seb128why didn't we get new unity-greeter and lightdm07:58
micahgis anyone aware the new pitivi claims to want python-gst0.10 0.10.28?08:02
rodrigo_is the ca-certificates package fixed? is it safe to upgrade it?08:02
micahgrodrigo_: should be, yes08:03
seb128micahg, no, I will check with jbicha when he's there08:03
rodrigo_micahg, ok08:03
micahgseb128: ok, thanks, seems to be my only broke package ATM08:04
=== tkamppeter__ is now known as tkamppeter
rickspencer3jasoncwarner_, so if someone who is having multi-mon issues simply chooses a lower resolution, their problems will go away?08:31
jasoncwarner_rickspencer3: I believe so, yes...as long as that resolution is supported in 3d configuration (which RAOF will only allow after he patches from above)08:32
RAOFWhere their problems are caused by exceeding the max texture size, yes.08:32
RAOFThere may be other problems (there's a race in Unity where monitor hotplug can crash compiz), but they're not caused by X :)08:33
seb128imho it would be a better experience to tell them to use unity-2d that to tell them they can't use their monitor08:33
seb128unity-2d is close enough from unity and you usually want to use your monitor resolution08:34
RAOFYes.  That requires a logout though, doesn't it?08:34
seb128but well rather than blocking those choices I would display a warning saying to relog in 2d08:34
RAOFSo we can't really do that automatically when they plug in a monitor.08:34
mvoseb128, pitti: it appears that bug #854622 (and friends) are caused by the changelog sharing feature. see comment #8 in this bug. this is all a bit mysterious though08:34
ubot2Launchpad bug 854622 in update-manager "Could not install libglib2.0" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85462208:34
seb128mvo, hey, I've no real clue about the changelog sharing and pitti is off today08:35
RAOFseb128: You mean - block those choices *and* display a warning saying to relog in 2d, yes?  That's a fine plan.08:35
seb128RAOF, no, don't block those choices08:36
seb128RAOF, but if somebody picks one display a warning saying that it will slow down their session and that if they want to use the resolution then should use 2d rather08:37
seb128RAOF, ie the choices are just not available people will think Ubuntu is broken and that they can't use their monitor08:37
seb128we need in some way to explain why the choices are not available and what are the solution for people who want to use their native resolution08:37
RAOFI think we're on the same page.08:38
seb128ok, great ;-)08:38
RAOFI don't mean "not display those options at all", I mean "display those options, but when the user sets them tell them "whoops, you need to go to unity 2d to set this"".08:38
mvoseb128: ok, thanks. I mark it as high and target for oneiric to keep it on the radar08:41
mvoseb128: I don't have a clue about this feature either, but something really fishy is going on08:41
RAOFmvo: Oh - were I to guess, I'd suggest that pkgbinarymangler is selecting libglib2.0-data as the primary changelog package on i386 (where it's built) but not on amd64 (because it's not built there).  But I thought that there were checks for that.08:41
seb128mvo, well, it seems wrong that the lib binary got -data in its changelog08:41
mvoRAOF: ohhh, that is a interessting thought!08:42
mvoseb128: yeah, indeed08:43
rodrigo_do we have a "keyboard-layouts" icon?08:45
rodrigo_we are using the same icon for the region and language selector in g-c-c08:45
rodrigo_couldn't really find one that matches08:45
seb128rodrigo_, key_bindings.png would work I guess08:47
rodrigo_ok, looking08:47
seb128rodrigo_, or better, preferences-desktop-keyboard08:48
rodrigo_seb128, hmm, not sure it's good08:48
rodrigo_oh, looking that one08:48
seb128rodrigo_, eog /usr/share/icons/Humanity/apps/24/preferences-desktop-keyboard-shortcuts.svg08:48
rodrigo_yes, that one's better08:49
seb128eog /usr/share/icons/Humanity/apps/24/preferences-desktop-keyboard.svg08:49
rodrigo_well, that's the same one as the keyboard panel08:50
rodrigo_so we need another one08:50
seb128rodrigo_, the keybinding one then?08:52
seb128it's not ideal but it's better than what we have...08:52
rodrigo_yes, I guess it's too late to create a new icon, so yes08:53
rodrigo_can't find a better one08:53
seb128especially that a new icon would only be in our theme08:53
mvohrm, focus-follow mouse seems to act oddly with the latest unity -:/08:53
seb128so break if you change to the gnome icon theme08:54
rodrigo_seb128, yes08:55
Sweetsharkhi all.09:03
seb128hey Sweetshark09:05
seb128didrocks, you probably noticed but there is a new sni-qt listed on version, is that something for Oneiric still?09:17
didrocksseb128: yes, it is, it's on my list for today09:17
didrocksseb128: minor fixes, but still good to know09:17
seb128didrocks, ok great, thanks09:17
didrocksI tried to convince agateau to do the packaging himself, but he's shy :)09:17
seb128didrocks, I put you for it on the etherpad09:17
didrocksseb128: sure, thanks!09:18
seb128thanks ;-)09:18
* didrocks hopes a release team member will still be around, seems I made a booboo in the oneconf package if people have no .mo file09:18
seb128rodrigo_, is there a way to load a local g-c-c .so09:25
seb128like for debugging, I want to use the one from the build tree without having to install it09:25
didrocksseb128: oh, he didn't push 0.2.409:25
didrocks0.2.3 is basically the version we have today09:26
seb128didrocks, ok09:26
didrockswill wait on monday so that he release 0.2.4, he told me you would do it yesterday09:26
seb128those french people...09:27
didrocksyeah, not reliable :-)09:28
* didrocks tries to use pitti's tool to build the French CD09:29
seb128where is the spanish?09:31
seb128rodrigo_, ola senior?09:31
* didrocks is eager to try cross-building (building the amd64 flavor on my i386 as it's possible)09:32
didrocksbut let's see if I get a fine i386 first :)09:32
asachi guys! running stock oneiric ... wonder if there is any app included nowadays to take photos from my webcam or if i need to install cheese?09:35
didrocksthere is none AFAIK09:36
asacok. my best hope was shotwell ... seems it doesnt support taking photo from next to the import action09:37
asacdidrocks: is cheese the best option?09:37
seb128asac, yes09:38
seb128asac, hey btw ;-)09:38
seb128asac, cheese is the best option09:38
didrockspitivi can't do that, isn't it?09:39
rodrigo_seb128, sorry, was preparing a snack :)09:39
seb128didrocks, I don't think it does handle inputs09:39
rodrigo_seb128, g-c-c just looks at its own prefix, for lib/control-center-2-0/09:39
didrocksseb128: yeah, didn't try for a while but that's my bet09:39
rodrigo_seb128, so no, not possible09:40
seb128rodrigo_, so every time I want to debug a panel I need to install the .so over the system one?09:40
seb128it's ridiculous...09:40
asacseb128: cool09:40
rodrigo_seb128, yes, or use jhbuild/a local prefix09:40
glatzormvo, rodrigo_ , a limited packagekit compaitibilty layer shouldn't be doable. It is just more or less about moving some bits from session-installer and the former apt backend of packagekit to aptdaemon. But will a dependency on python-packagekit :)09:41
rodrigo_seb128, install to /tmp or whatever09:41
glatzorshould be doable09:41
seb128rodrigo_, we should add a command line option to let specify a .so :p09:41
rodrigo_glatzor, why would it have to depend on p-pk?09:42
rodrigo_ah, for the apt backend09:42
rodrigo_glatzor, but can't we just provide the PK bus API on top of aptdaemon? why would it need to depend on python-pk in that case?09:42
rodrigo_I think for P we'll have to implement compatibility dbus layers, for PK and systemd, which are being used more and more in GNOME09:45
rodrigo_instead of having to patch every app that uses them09:45
glatzorrodrigo_, because we would need the enums09:47
rodrigo_glatzor, what enums? the ones in the C API?09:48
glatzorrodrigo_, we could also hardcode them. e.g. we would have to emit Package signals which contain the security level of an upgrade - the level is a string which is defined in p-pk09:49
rodrigo_glatzor, right, so not a real need to depend, just we need a way to "share" those strings/enums, to avoid copy/paste errors09:50
rodrigo_glatzor, of course, this is P material, so maybe we should have a session at UDS?09:50
glatzorrodrigo_, mvo, indeed. I won't be at UDS. But perhaps I can join on IRC09:52
rodrigo_glatzor, oh ok, then we'll assign all tasks to you :)09:53
rodrigo_glatzor, on the other hand, is anything in PK missing for it to replace aptdaemon?09:54
Sweetsharkseb128: any idea on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/+bug/745836 ? To put it bluntly it seems that at least 75% of all reported Libreoffice crashes come from this single root cause, which is: encrypted swap is broken.09:56
ubot2Ubuntu bug 745836 in libreoffice "soffice.bin crashed with SIGSEGV in cppu::throwException()" [High,Confirmed]09:56
glatzorrodrigo_, right, the whole s-c integration.09:56
rodrigo_glatzor, hmm, s-c uses aptdaemon, right? so it could, if PK offered all it needs, use it instead, right?09:58
rodrigo_or what do you mean?09:58
seb128Sweetshark, not really...09:59
seb128Sweetshark, try asking on #ubuntu-devel maybe09:59
seb128Sweetshark, you might have somebody with an idea there09:59
Sweetsharkchrisccoulson: bug 745836 might also be interesting to you. (Or anyone else who has reports of weird crash when the app was swapped out)10:00
ubot2Launchpad bug 745836 in libreoffice "soffice.bin crashed with SIGSEGV in cppu::throwException()" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74583610:00
glatzorrodrigo_, That is the way free software works. But you would need to push a lot of features to PackageKit, chaining transactions, mupltiple authentication, licensekey handling, handling of failed installation, method to repair the system ...10:01
rodrigo_glatzor, ok, that's the answer to my 'what's missing' question :)10:01
glatzorrodrigo_, the whole purchase process is deeply integrated in aptdaemon10:02
glatzorrodrigo_, The InstallPackages method is not the main purpose of aptdaemon. But indeed PackageKit is catching up in some areas e.g. debconf handling, the next release will support config file conflicts questions.10:04
Sweetsharkseb128: given that bug, I really want to have "encrypted swap/home" reported by apport too.10:04
glatzorrodrigo_, but there isn't yet a InstallPackageFile method10:04
seb128Sweetshark, should be an info easy to collect10:05
rodrigo_glatzor, ok, then we'd be fine with the compatibility layer for now, I guess10:05
glatzorrodrigo_, mvo It also seems that richard is moving away from the session bus interface to the native glib client - introducing PkTask which handles the transaction dance10:05
rodrigo_oh cool10:07
mvohm, I always like the session bus interface10:07
glatzorrodrigo_, mvo me too.10:08
glatzormvo, rodrigo_ oh guys, I have to leave for work. See you!10:08
rodrigo_well, PkTask would be a layer on top of it, or is the session interface going away?10:08
rodrigo_bye glatzor10:08
mvosee you glatzor10:10
didrocksX crashed on too many writing on disk :/10:11
glatzorrodrigo_, the session interface doesn't seem to go away but most new applications just use the glib client10:13
glatzorrodrigo_, at the time the session bus was introduced glib introspection wasn't available too10:14
rodrigo_glatzor, right10:16
seb128rodrigo_, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/695561/10:29
seb128rodrigo_, could you tell me if that seems ok to you?10:29
seb128didrocks, ^10:31
rodrigo_seb128, looking10:31
seb128didrocks, the ubuntu session are "ubuntu" and "ubuntu-2d" right? and the XDG... name is Unity for both?10:31
seb128just checking, the patch seems to work fine there10:31
chrisccoulsonyeah, i seem to have Unity for the XDG name here (in 2d)10:32
seb128chrisccoulson, thanks10:32
didrocksseb128: looks good for the sessions name, (pinging dbus to ensure we are in the session doesn't make sense I guess?)10:33
seb128chrisccoulson, $ gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.session session-name10:33
didrocksseb128: not sure for the XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP, is it set by lightdm?10:34
seb128chrisccoulson, can you tell me what it gives?10:34
rodrigo_seb128, looks good to me, yes. I would use g_str_equal instead of g_strcmp0 though, but don't worry abnout that :-)10:34
chrisccoulsonseb128, it says "ubuntu" here10:34
seb128rodrigo_, you are wrong :p10:34
seb128chrisccoulson, in 2d?10:34
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah10:34
seb128crap :-(10:34
chrisccoulsonthat doesn't sound right, does it?10:34
seb128rodrigo_, http://developer.gnome.org/glib/stable/glib-Hash-Tables.html#g-str-equal10:35
seb128"Note that this function is primarily meant as a hash table comparison function. For a general-purpose, NULL-safe string comparison function, see g_strcmp0(). "10:35
rodrigo_seb128, yeah, g_strcmp0 checks for NULL indeed10:35
seb128rodrigo_, I've been checking because I saw you used g_str_equal in your region panel patch10:35
seb128crap, that doesn't work10:40
seb128settings org.gnome.desktop.session session-name has no effect10:41
seb128vuntz, !!!10:41
didrocksseb128: what set XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP ? instead of relying in nautilus on the dbus settings (but more exact to know if unity runs or not), I should probably rely on it10:42
seb128didrocks, no, session "org.gnome.desktop.session session-name" in gsettings doesn't change the session as it should10:42
seb128ok, I will do it the debian way, hide that switch, it's just broken10:44
didrocksseb128: that doesn't answer on XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP, is it linked to that? ::)10:44
seb128didrocks, lightdm does set it, I just copied what others did in gnome-control-center and gnome-screensaver10:45
seb128that seems to work fine10:45
seb128didrocks, chrisccoulson, vuntz: ok, the issue is that "org.gnome.desktop.session session-name" is only respected when there is no --session given to gnome-session10:46
seb128so it works for a "startx" login10:46
didrockshum, /me grep -r in lightdm and didn't find it, looking10:46
didrocksseb128: meaning that all of those integration will be broken on gdm, better to still rely on dbus thenā€¦10:46
seb128didrocks, well I'm not sure what set XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP, I though it was lightdm10:47
seb128we really a "is_unity_running()" api distro patched in glib or something :p10:47
seb128or gtk10:47
didrocksor set that in the /usr/share/xsessions/*desktop file10:47
seb128I need to talk to desrt about it10:47
seb128if I distro patch that in glib he will track me down :p10:48
didrocksand he has good chance to find you! :-)10:48
seb128but we need to figure a proper way to get that info10:48
* didrocks still grep -r around :)10:48
didrocksah, gnome-session10:49
seb128didrocks, https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=65404110:49
ubot2Gnome bug 654041 in general "Respect XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]10:49
seb128didrocks, seems gnome-session read it?10:50
didrockshum, we have a distro-patch though10:50
didrocksquite lame to distro-patch our distro-patches .session files10:50
didrocksI guess I already have to refresh it because of that, but well :)10:51
seb128oh ok, distro patch in gnome-session10:51
seb128didrocks, so yeah, that should work with any login manager10:52
seb128so we can probably use that for GNOME and Unity, they both use gnome-session for all their sessions10:52
didrocksseb128: I'll probably add the complex dbus call for nautilus on P then10:55
seb128vuntz, hello, how is "org.gnome.desktop.session session-name" supposed to interact with --session? ;-)10:58
didrocksseb128: it's the default session if no --session is set11:00
didrockswhich I override to "ubuntu" for LTSP11:00
seb128didrocks, ok, so I fail to see how it can work even for gnome-shell11:01
seb128since all the gnome session we ship have a --session11:02
seb128i.e gnome-shell.desktop has "gnome-session --session=gnome"11:02
didrocksyeah, but is org.gnome.desktop.session session-name different?11:02
seb128it means the only case where the option can work is when you pick no session but startx11:02
seb128didrocks, different from what?11:02
didrocksis shouldn't gconf/gsettings shouldn't store states, isn't it?11:02
didrocksseb128: should still be ubuntu11:02
seb128didrocks, the "force fallback" switch in the info panel change the value of this key11:02
seb128that's how it "forces fallback"11:03
didrocksah, interested :)11:03
seb128i.e it set the key to gnome-fallback11:03
didrocksyeah, I guess it doesn't work then11:03
didrocks(in ubuntu)11:03
didrocksbecause for the gnome-shell session11:03
seb128so my patch I just did was doing ubuntu,ubuntu-2d rather than gnome,gnome-fallback11:03
didrocksby defaut, the desktop key is Exec=gnome-session11:03
didrockswithout --session11:03
seb128well I will just do what debian did11:03
didrocksseb128: the better way would be that to set the session in .dmrc11:04
seb128"   * 90_force_fallback.patch: new patch. Disable the ā€œforced fallback11:04
seb128     modeā€ switch, since we already provide a xsession file for it in11:04
seb128     gnome-session-fallback."11:04
seb128that's what Debian did11:04
didrocks(sorry, slowly catching up on that, didn't follow at all this discussion :))11:04
seb128didrocks, well, I'm leaning toward "just use the login screen selector to select your session"11:05
didrocksyeah, either that, or set the .dmrc11:05
didrocksbut one place seems better IMHO11:05
seb128I don't fancy adding code to deal with dmrc :p11:05
seb128let's be consistent and use the login screen11:05
seb128thanks ;-)11:05
seb128lunch time11:05
didrocksyw :-) thanks to you! Sorry for the time for catching up on the subject :)11:05
seb128rodrigo_, there?12:23
seb128or something else not under compiz12:23
seb128chrisccoulson, ? ;-)12:23
rodrigo_seb128, yes12:23
chrisccoulsonhi seb12812:23
seb128could you try to open the removable media panel in system settings12:24
chrisccoulsonyeah, done12:24
seb128click on "other media", close the dialog, click on "other media" again12:24
seb128does it work the second time or display a small empty dialog?12:24
chrisccoulsonit works ok the second time12:24
seb128hum ok, thanks12:24
seb128chrisccoulson, oh12:25
rodrigo_seb128, yes, works ok both times12:25
seb128can you close it by the wm button12:25
seb128not by the close button12:25
rodrigo_seb128, it doesn't under compiz?12:25
chrisccoulsonseb128, ah12:25
rodrigo_there's not, on gnome-shell12:25
chrisccoulsonnow it's broken ;)12:25
seb128rodrigo_, alt-f4?12:25
chrisccoulsonso is that a bug that we can't blame compiz for?12:25
seb128chrisccoulson, seems so, thanks ;-)12:25
rodrigo_ah, but using atl-f4 indeed shows it's broken12:25
seb128I will open a bug12:26
seb128thanks guys12:26
seb128well maybe I should check if that will still apply to trunk once they move that dialog in the info panel12:26
rodrigo_seb128, checking it now12:27
seb128rodrigo_, thanks12:27
rodrigo_seb128, happens the same, so assign the bug to me if you want12:28
seb128rodrigo_, ok, thanks12:28
rodrigo_ok, lunch now, bbl12:29
seb128well it's a very low priority issue12:29
seb128still a bug ;-)12:29
seb128rodrigo_, enjoy12:29
cyphermoxseb128: hey12:42
seb128hey cyphermox, how are you?12:43
cyphermoxnot bad, doing the evo stuff now12:43
=== smspillaz is now known as smstacking
cyphermoxrodrigo_ needs libnm-gtk, can you ack the network-manager-applet upload?12:43
seb128no, it's a release team call, try asking on #ubuntu-release12:44
cyphermoxoh, sorry, thought you were :)12:44
seb128sorry, I'm archive admin but not release team ;-)12:44
cyphermoxah, that's my mistake then :)12:44
Sweetsharknice, bug 745836 just got kernelteamed.12:58
ubot2Launchpad bug 745836 in ecryptfs-utils "ecryptfs encrypted swap corrupts application stack/heap [was: soffice.bin SIGSEGV cppu::throwException()]" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74583612:58
kirklandthat bug title is painfully inaccurate :-(12:59
Sweetsharkkirkland: what would you like instead?13:00
kirklandSweetshark: the swap is not encrypted by ecryptfs;  it's encrypted by the kernel's dmcrypt13:00
kirklandSweetshark: it was configured by ecryptfs-setup-swap13:00
kirklandSweetshark: which is merely a shell script that sets up swap for device mapper encryption13:01
Sweetsharkkirkland: hmm, right. Ill remove "ecryptfs" from the title.13:02
tseliotcyphermox: do you plan on uploading the workaround attached in bug #856631 ? I solves the problem here13:13
ubot2Launchpad bug 856631 in pidgin "irc: periodic '/who' polling causes connection drops" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85663113:13
cyphermoxtseliot: are you sure this is the right bug number or that I'm the one you want to ping? :)13:15
cyphermoxthat said, I certainly can upload that fix once I test it :)13:15
tseliotcyphermox: yes, that's bug. I use pidgin and I'm affected by that problem13:16
tseliotcyphermox: and thanks for your help :)13:16
cyphermoxseb128: you mentioned a new e-d-s tarball yesterday; where would that be? it's not showing up on ftp.gnome.org (or at least I don't see it)13:17
seb128cyphermox, sorry, my mistake, it was in the 3.0 serie not 3.1 :-(13:17
cyphermoxtseliot: sure, I'll get to it shortly (but it's after e-d-s/evo on my todo :)13:17
cyphermoxseb128: ah ok :)13:18
cyphermoxare we affected by that bug though?13:18
tseliotcyphermox: excellent, thanks again13:18
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rodrigo_cyphermox, seb128: well, we are disabling the libnm-gtk stuff, so not really needed, just that if available, I'll remove the patch to disable it in g-c-c13:47
cyphermoxrodrigo_: well, it's in queue now, pending approval by the release team13:47
cyphermoxI had asked pitti about it before, he seemed okay with it once I explained the change13:48
seb128rodrigo_, bug #856824 is yours13:48
ubot2Launchpad bug 856824 in gnome-control-center "Gnome Control Center crashes if light-themes are not installed" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85682413:48
seb128cyphermox, try maybe pinging in #ubuntu-release13:48
cyphermoxseb128: I had13:48
rodrigo_seb128, ok13:48
cyphermoxwell, didn't ping anyone, but I mentioned it :)13:48
seb128ok, let's wait for them then ;-)13:48
seb128slangasek, hey14:11
seb128slangasek, I've opened bug #857434 about the plymouth blocking the boot for 5 seconds issue, let me know if you need extra details14:12
ubot2Launchpad bug 857434 in plymouth "creates a 5 seconds delay in the boot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85743414:12
jbichaseb128: here's a proposed desktop-extra list: http://paste.ubuntu.com/695657/14:13
seb128jbicha, hey14:15
seb128jbicha, some people were looking for you ;-)14:15
jjardonseb128: hi! Is it planned and update of the epiphany-browser package? (the new webapp feature is only available in 3.1.x versions)14:15
seb128jjardon, no14:15
seb128jjardon, hey ;-)14:15
seb128jjardon, epiphany 3.1 depends on an unstable webkit serie (1.5) and our security team doesn't feel like shipping an unstable webkit14:16
seb128jjardon, webkit-gtk really needs to get a schedule which is aligned with GNOME if GNOME depends on the current version :-(14:16
seb128jjardon, we will probably need to get those in the GNOME3 ppa or something14:16
jbichaseb128: I uploaded a new pitivi if that's what the problem was14:17
jjardonseb128: mmm, good to know. I'll talk with webkitgtk devels14:18
seb128jbicha, that work one of the two issue, the second one is that gnome-shell needs to be rebuilt for the clutter;cogl soname change but depwait on caribou14:18
seb128jjardon, thanks14:18
seb128jbicha, that work -> that was14:18
seb128jbicha, so right know gnome-shell is being removed if you dist-upgrade14:18
seb128jbicha, can we go back to patch the caribou requirement out to get it to build?14:19
jbichaI was waiting on bigon for caribou for gnome-shell as he wanted to fix/rearrange without needing a conflicts/replaces14:19
seb128jbicha, well, I doubt caribou will be in before monday, it would be nice to not let gnome-shell broken for the w.e14:19
jbichathat's too invasive, the first time wasn't too bad but it was a headache when I tried to rebase that patch14:19
seb128jbicha, it will first need to be uploaded, then to be reviewed14:20
seb128then to get a ffe14:20
seb128ok, so I guess we will live with a broken gnome-shell for some time14:20
jbichathe ffe was already granted: bug 845300 pitti uploaded the first time & would have uploaded yesterday14:20
ubot2Launchpad bug 845300 in Ubuntu Oneiric "[FFe] [needs-packaging] caribou" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84530014:20
bigonfred peters suggest me somethng for caribou yesterday, I'll ahve a look14:21
seb128jbicha, ok, so let's see how it goes, it's usually hard to find archive admin on the w.e14:21
bigonthis weeken14:21
seb128jbicha, thanks14:21
seb128jbicha, your desktop-extra set seems a good start, we shouldn't list things that are in the desktop set though, i.e gnome-utils14:22
jbichabigon: thanks, the caribou thing happened at the same as the cogl transition which broke some things14:22
seb128jbicha, synaptic also is probably rather a mvo,packaging team component than a desktop one14:22
davmor2guys any idea why when I click on a date evolution tries to open?  I haven't installed evolution14:22
seb128jbicha, otherwise the list looks good14:22
seb128jbicha, we can discuss that next week during the team meeting14:23
jbichaseb128: ok I'll make those changes and mail to the desktop list14:23
seb128jbicha, yeah, mailing the list seems a good idea, thanks ;-)14:23
seb128davmor2, bug14:23
davmor2seb128: nm it looks like contacts sync pulled it in14:24
jjardonseb128: so the plan is to have 1.6 for GNOME 3.214:46
seb128jjardon, ok, great, I doubt we will be able to change major series for webkit now though14:47
seb128jjardon, it's a bit suboptimal, they failed to their plan in previous cycles (i.e we ship 1.3 because 1.4 was not there for 3.0 in natty)14:48
seb128jjardon, and there was no 1.5 tarball for like 2 months this cycle so it didn't seem on track by then...14:48
seb128jjardon, well anyway I will check with pitti what we can do next week, thanks for checking with upstream14:48
seb128micahg, chrisccoulson, mdeslaur: ^ do you have any opinion on what webkitgtk serie would be best for Oneiric?14:49
jjardonseb128: I'll point this in the next r-t meeting. Definitevely we should improve this for the next cycle14:49
seb128well I doubt 1.4 to 1.6 will get a ffe now14:49
seb128jjardon, thanks14:49
mdeslaurseb128: honestly, I would like to stay with 1.4 so we don't ship a pre-release version again. That being said, we don't have a way of fixing the zillion security issues with webkitgtk as it is now, so I don't really know.14:51
seb128mdeslaur, well as said I doubt we can switch now anyway14:52
seb128the diff between those is probably far from trivial and webkit is used in quite some applications14:52
seb128including several desktop ones from the default installation14:52
mdeslaurit's kind of late to switch now, IMHO14:53
cyphermoxwhy bother with webkitgtk when we have gtkhtml? :D14:53
jjardonseb128: those are using the pre-release version for some time now14:53
* mdeslaur cries at so many default desktop applications exposing users to security issues14:54
chrisccoulsonyeah, i'm glad i don't have to touch webkit ;)14:57
seb128jjardon, well the issue is that it's a non trivial diff, we sort of decided on the version to use at ff, we didn't do any testing of our softwares with 1.514:58
rodrigo_hmm, I wonder if we don't add Adwaita to the list of themes in the Appearance panel14:59
rodrigo_design decision, but still, I think it would make sense to offer it as a choice15:00
seb128rodrigo_, they would probably be fine with it knowing that it's not there by default anyway15:00
chrisccoulsonrodrigo_, yeah, i'd like to be able to switch to adwaita when i use gnome-shell (without opening gnome-tweak-tool) :)15:01
rodrigo_yes, I guess they wanted the 4 themes we offer as choice, just because those are the only GTK3 ones installed by default15:01
jjardonseb128: the GNOME community already did some testing for you ;)15:01
rodrigo_chrisccoulson, I personally prefer Ambiance, much darker, which is what I like15:01
rodrigo_but yes, Adwaita should be in the list15:01
rodrigo_seb128, do you think we can add it this late?15:01
jjardonseb128: also Fedora15:02
jbicharodrigo_: well it would only show if users have it installed, right?15:02
rodrigo_jbicha, yes, with my last change to the theme selector patch I just pushed to bzr15:02
seb128jjardon, not on ubiquity for example15:03
seb128or other ubuntu tools that use webkit15:04
jjardonxan_: Is there any api changes between 1.4 and 1.6?15:04
jjardonseb128: ^15:05
jjardonseb128: what are your concern? regression bugs?15:06
seb128jjardon, my concern is that it's 1 week from oneiric15:07
seb128we are hard frozen15:07
seb128it's hard to take non trivial changes and regression test them accross ubuntu in a week15:07
seb128even if in theory there is no change it could have bugs or we could have some application doing stupid stuff that used to work15:08
seb128i.e it's a risky change15:08
seb128I wish somebody would have raised that as an issue earlier than during hard freeze15:08
seb128I think we will just have to deal with webkit being 1.4 for Oneiric and get the new one in a ppa15:09
seb128and work better next cycle with webkitgtk guys to have a public schedule and regular tarballs15:09
jbichaI looked for a release schedule but couldn't find one, I agree with seb128 that it was unclear whether it would be ready15:09
seb128when we decided at feature freeze there was only one tarball in the 1.5 serie in months and it looked like it was going to not get there on time15:10
xan_we have said a bunch of times we are in sync with gnome15:10
seb128we did the reverse in natty, we went for 1.3 and got bitten by 1.4 not being on time15:10
seb128xan_, and you failed to roll regular tarball, and you failed to roll 1.4 in time for GNOME 3.015:10
rodrigo_seb128, so, do you agree on adding Adwaita to the list of themes (only shown if it's installed)15:10
xan_I guess the message is not getting across, so I accept suggestions to improve it15:11
seb128rodrigo_, yes15:11
rodrigo_seb128, ok15:11
xan_seb128: 1.4.0 made it for GNOME 3.0 AFAIK15:11
xan_everyone is using it at least15:11
slangasekseb128: plymouth> is this a different machine than the one being put through daily testing by QA?15:11
seb128xan_, we shipped natty with 1.3.13 which was current when we hard froze natty15:11
jjardonkenvandine: some free time to roll a new package? https://launchpad.net/indicator-power/trunk/0.815:12
jbichaxan_: https://lists.webkit.org/pipermail/webkit-gtk/2011-June/000594.html we of course shipped in April15:12
xan_jbicha: that's 1.4.215:12
slangasekseb128: seems so, looks like it's a machine you have local access to... ok, will chase that bug, thanks15:12
seb128slangasek, sorry, was replying to xan15:12
seb128slangasek, the machine is my work laptop15:13
seb128slangasek, so I get do any testing you need15:13
slangasekseb128: ok, cool :)15:13
seb128slangasek, out of the "I don't want to reboot now because I don't want to stop what I'm doing" ;-)15:13
seb128slangasek, thanks for looking into it15:13
xan_jbicha: 1.4.0 was released on april 25th15:14
kenvandinejjardon, sure15:14
jjardonkenvandine: thanks!15:14
jbichaxan_: but that was the first announcement as stable to the mailing list15:15
seb128xan_, which was 3 weeks after GNOME315:15
seb128xan_, we usually need the stack a bit earlier than GNOME since we hard freeze close from the new GNOME dates15:16
seb128xan_, so it means your schedule is one month late for us (or was for 1.4)15:16
xan_seb128: true, 3.0 was a busy cycle, we just delivered for it to be in the distros. Lots of development happened for 3.0.1 in many modules.15:16
xan_in any case, we try to be in sync with gnome, and we ourselves depend on webkitgtk+ so we'll ship it15:17
seb128xan_, ok, noted for next cycle15:17
seb128xan_, it would help if there was a public schedule somewhere we can refer to when we take our decision (even if it states that you will stick to GNOME) and to have regular tarballs during the cycle15:17
seb128xan_, it tooks months to get a 1.5.2 this cycle it seems, when we looked at 1.5 at our feature freeze current was style .115:18
slangasekseb128: so are you referring to the 5 seconds between plymouthd startup and udev startup?15:18
xan_seb128: we do as many as we can, we are all very busy :)15:18
seb128slangasek, yes15:19
seb128xan_, right, and we ship on fixed dates and need a stable version so we have our constrains as well15:20
seb128xan_, 1.4 seemed to best choice when we looked at it for this cycle15:20
xan_seb128: I'm not really complaining15:20
xan_I was just asked to join and answer questions15:20
xan_if there's misunderstandings about our intentions it's good to clarify them and we can try to do a better job15:21
seb128xan_, ok, thanks for joining15:21
slangasekseb128: why is plymouth in your initramfs?15:21
slangasek(crypted swap?)15:21
xan_but in the end we can fail to do as many releases as we could or release exactly on time, we are only human...15:22
xan_(and releasing webkit is not trivial unfortunately)15:22
seb128xan_, I will note for next cycle that you really try to stick to GNOME schedule and that we should be fine updating15:22
seb128slangasek, euh, dunno, my user is an ecryptfs one15:22
slangasekseb128: right, ecryptfs turns on crypted swap.  ok15:22
seb128slangasek, but out of that I did nothing technical to my config15:22
xan_seb128: that sounds fair. If we screw up massively you won't be the only one complaining anyway15:22
seb128xan_, thanks15:23
seb128xan_, sorry it didn't work well this cycle, we will do better next one ;-)15:23
xan_seb128: we were particularly busy this cycle, hopefully the next one will go smoother15:23
jjardonMaybe It would be a good idea to have a special rule for external dependencies, to avoid situations like this.15:24
seb128xan_, and yeah, I understand people being busy, release being hard to get out etc, that's why we decided to be conservative since our shedule doesn't let lot of margin for slips15:24
seb128things is that we can trust GNOME tarballs to be on time15:24
seb128but it's harder for external depends, there is no promise there15:24
xan_seb128: one thing you can do is see what epiphany does, which I maintain15:24
seb128it's a best effort thing, and some bite us back in the past15:25
xan_if it depends on unstable webkit you can be sure a stable release will happen ;)15:25
seb128or not... see 1.4 ;-)15:25
xan_well, we released a couple of weeks later15:25
xan_but pushing 1.4 if you are already using 1.3.13 is a no-brainer IMHO15:25
seb128which was after we pressed our CDs15:25
xan_right, well15:26
seb128we don't like to press CDs with an unstable version of an important lib15:26
xan_I guess your schedule is extremely tight15:26
seb128it is15:26
xan_then I agree it's risky stuff15:26
seb128which was my point, we tend to be conservative because we have little time margins for slips15:26
xan_I guess I can try to be fanatic about releasing exactly on time15:26
xan_but you could also have some more buffer time for GNOME stuff :P15:27
seb128it would help to at least have a RC with GNOME RC ;-)15:27
seb128yeah, I'm trying to work on that for next cycle15:27
xan_well, we shipped 1.5.90 this time15:27
seb128GNOME shifted a bit his cycle as well, we used to ship with .115:27
xan_and I think we delivered in all the past cycles15:27
xan_1.0.x and 1.2.x15:27
seb128so seems we should try to follow you next cycle15:28
seb128and I will come complaining if things slip too much and we are in a difficult position :-)15:28
xan_please do15:28
seb128or complaining^W nicely ask for a tarball15:28
seb128thanks! ;-)15:28
xan_if someone asks nicely about really needing a tarball it's more likely to happen :)15:28
jjardonseb128: feel free to complain to the r-t also ;)15:28
seb128jjardon, I will do, though it's not really in r-t realm to tell webkit what to do since it's part of GNOME ;-)15:29
seb128it's always a bit difficult with external depends15:30
jjardonseb128: sure, but we can try to search a solution if the things are not working well15:30
seb128it's like cairo, should we follow 1.11. ;-)15:30
xan_I have to say that for an external dependency we are massively aligned with gnome in any case15:30
xan_so we are not the usual external dependency..15:31
seb128right, I was a bit unsure about that, it's good to read15:31
jjardonthere are plans to divide external dependencies in several classes, Its not the same libxml2 than webkitgtk, for example15:31
seb128it's part our fault for not having somebody assigned to maintain webkit in Ubuntu15:32
jjardonwe are going to discuss that for the next cycle15:32
kenvandinejjardon, i see you have a couple of bug fixes in trunk since 0.8, want to roll a 0.9 and get those in too?15:32
seb128so nobody with close contact with upstream or enough insight to have a good opinion on what to do15:32
jjardonkenvandine: oh, you are rigth. let me roll a 0.9 release15:33
kenvandinelet me know when it is ready15:33
slangasekseb128: reassigned to the kernel ;)15:34
seb128slangasek, thanks ;-)15:34
xan_ok, see you15:34
jbichakenvandine: there's no particular reason why gwibber still uses python-support, is there?15:38
dobeydesrt: ping15:39
kenvandinejbicha, i don't think so15:40
jjardonkenvandine: https://launchpad.net/indicator-power/trunk/0.9 ;)15:41
kenvandinejjardon, thx15:41
dobeyrodrigo_: feliz cumpleanos15:42
didrocksdobey: who is working on the ubuntu-sso-client this cycle?15:43
jjardonseb128: I'd like to have feedback about the external dependencies reorganization: https://mail.gnome.org/archives/release-team/2011-April/msg00232.html15:43
dobeydidrocks: in what sense? i'm guessing you don't mean in terms of windows porting :)15:44
didrocksdobey: no, on the ubuntu version :)15:44
jjardonrodrigo_: feliz cumpleaƱos!!15:44
rodrigo_dobey, jjardon: gracias :)15:45
seb128jjardon, I like it mostly, it would just be nice to have a public list of what you consider being in each category, is that list somewhere?15:45
rodrigo_indeed, it's my birthday, so time to go out and get drunk :)15:46
jjardonseb128: no, we are still discussing it15:46
dobeydidrocks: mostly nobody; is there a bug that needs fixed or something?15:46
seb128jjardon, also for 2. I would prefer something which encourage not depending on unstable series for those components since having a stable GNOME depending on an unstable library is not a good thing for anyone15:46
didrocksdobey: yeah, it seems to puzzle people, one sec, filing step to reproduce15:46
jjardonseb128: agree15:47
rodrigo_seb128, pitti, didrocks, chrisccoulson: if you feel like, please endorse me when you have time at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RodrigoMoya/MOTUApplication15:47
seb128rodrigo_, oh right, will do15:47
rodrigo_as I said yesterday, I'll pay endorsements back with beer :)15:47
rodrigo_oh jbicha already won 1 beer!15:48
chrisccoulsoni was just about to suggest that ;)15:48
jjardonseb128: maybe we should depend on stable libraries in the end of the cycles15:48
rodrigo_thanks jbicha15:48
chrisccoulson-EPLEASEINSERTBEER :)15:48
seb128jjardon, what do you mean? you can't really go back, let's assume GNOME 3.1.1 started depending on cairo 1.11 or poppler 0.1715:49
desrtdobey: pong15:49
rodrigo_talking about beer, time for me to go pick one or 2, so have a good weekend all!15:49
seb128jjardon, what would you do now since those are still not close from a stable version?15:49
jbicharodrigo_: lol, have a good weekend15:49
seb128rodrigo_, thanks, enjoy your w.e!15:50
dobeydesrt: why does g_settings_set_strv() take a const gchar * const* if _get_strv() returns a gchar**?15:50
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jjardonseb128: so you suggest that 2 dependencies should be always stable versions?15:51
desrtdobey: it's quite usual that functions return references to you but do not consume the ones that you pass to them15:51
didrocksdobey: does it make sense to you: bug #85751415:51
ubot2Launchpad bug 857514 in ubuntu-sso-client "/usr/lib/ubuntu-sso-client/ubuntu-sso-login shouldn't stop if a login dialog is shown" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85751415:51
dobeyg_settings_set_strv(settings, key, g_settings_get_strv(settings, key)); -> compiler warning15:51
desrtdobey: as well it should be.  you just leaked memory.15:51
desrtdobey: g_settings_get_strv() is documented: Returns: a newly-allocated, NULL-terminated array of strings, the value that is stored at key in settings.15:52
dobeythe memory leak is obviousl wrong there, but passing in a gchar** doesn't leak memory15:52
dobeyand gcc doesn't warn about memory leaks (though would be awesome if it did)15:52
desrtdobey: so you're dealing with my second most-hated thing about C15:53
desrtdobey: use C++ :)15:53
seb128jjardon, yes15:53
desrt(seriously: if you compiled exactly that code with a C++ compiler, the warning would go away)15:53
desrtC++ understands that it's always safe to promote char** to const char * const *15:53
desrtbut C does not15:53
desrtso you must cast15:53
dobeyi want to use APIs that aren't designed to give me compiler warnings15:53
desrtdobey: use a cast15:54
seb128jjardon, or at least that we require having a public schedule from those project stating they will have their next stable out on time15:54
desrtdobey: or construct an array of const char *15:54
desrtthat's not so difficult to do...15:54
desrtdobey: or petition the ISO to fix this stupidity15:55
desrtdobey: casting 'char **' to 'const char **' is actually unsafe15:55
dobeydidrocks: no, that doesn't make sense. it tracks pending requests afaik15:55
jjardonseb128: I think that would work: If some GNOME dev needs some unstable version of a external library, He has to request info about the plans to the library authors, and make a propossal to the r-t with the info later15:56
desrtdobey: but 'char **' to 'const char * const *' should really be automatic15:56
seb128jjardon, right15:56
didrocksdobey: can you test? I experienced it, and multiple people experienced it15:56
didrocksdesrt: I have an easy way to test if you are on oneiric up to date16:00
desrtdidrocks:  i am not :)16:07
didrocksargh dobey ^16:09
didrockssorry desrt ;)16:09
didrockstoo many d* here :)16:10
seb128cyphermox, did you upload evolution yet?16:11
dobeydidrocks: my laptop is up to date16:11
dobeyi need to get lunch though right now; add it to the bug :)16:13
didrocksdobey: done, I guess that's the easiest way to get it, I'll add a different test case as well16:15
micahgseb128: I think we should stick with 1.4.x for release, we can do rebuild testing and upgrade to 1.6.x post release if we have to16:16
seb128micahg, right16:17
micahgand I'll get natty fixed eventually...16:17
cyphermoxseb128: I did16:27
jbichakenvandine: gwibber wouldn't build for me http://paste.ubuntu.com/695718/16:28
seb128cyphermox, ok, I've looked at the vcs, there is quite some git_* still there, should they we cleaned?16:30
seb128cyphermox, you didn't push the update the to the vcs as well16:30
didrocksdobey: so, reproducer on comment #2, should give you more insight :)16:30
cyphermoxno, not yet because it's still in the unapproved queue, thought it better to wait16:30
seb128cyphermox, no, it's usually better to not wait ;-)16:31
kenvandinejbicha, wrong valac version16:31
kenvandinejbicha, it needs 0.1216:31
kenvandinei should make the build smarter to detect valac-0.12 and use that16:31
jbichakenvandine: ah, thanks16:32
seb128cyphermox, better to push whatever you do to avoid somebody else to commit other changes and have to rebase16:32
kenvandinejbicha, so to build locally, you need to update-alternatives --set valac /usr/bin/valac-0.1216:32
kenvandinesomething like that16:32
cyphermoxpushed now16:32
kenvandinethen if you want valac-0.14 to be the default, change it back after you are done building16:32
kenvandinesucks, i know16:33
cyphermoxand yeah, we should drop those files. they're not listed in debian/patches/series though16:34
mterrykenvandine, deja-dup uses a modified version of PROG_VALAC that specifies 'valac-0.12' as the executable to help with that: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~deja-dup-hackers/deja-dup/20/view/head:/acinclude.m416:38
kenvandinemterry, awesome, thx!16:39
seb128cyphermox, thanks16:46
seb128cyphermox, yeah, seems like you added them a while back and forgot to bzr del them once they were dropped from the series16:47
cyphermoxbrb, lunch16:51
seb128cyphermox, enjoy!16:53
didrocksok, time for week-end and some exercice, see you on Monday guys!16:56
kenvandinejbicha, ok, gwibber trunk will build now without updating alternatives16:59
jbichakenvandine: I pushed the dh_python2 switch to the ubuntu-desktop branch17:04
kenvandinejbicha, thx, i'll look at it17:09
seb128jbicha, did you add the "ffe?" to the gthumb line in the etherpad?17:15
jbichaseb128: yes17:16
seb128jbicha, not sure but I assume we are on an unstable serie so we can as well get the current version from it17:17
* kenvandine needs to get around to a gwibber 3.1.92 release this weekend... so behind17:18
seb128kenvandine, keep some capacity for next week, you have to maintain firefox, tb and deja-dup for a while17:21
* kenvandine hides under a big rock17:21
seb128oh, come on, mterry and chrisccoulson deserve some holidays and you stocked energy with yours ;-)17:23
jbichaseb128: I guess you're right, the fact that we shipped 2.13.1 in natty confused me17:28
jbichaseb128: what do you think about bug 839407? it's a regression from Natty, does it need a freeze exception to get back on the CD?17:29
ubot2Launchpad bug 839407 in gnome-utils "gnome-font-viewer missing in oneiric" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83940717:29
seb128jbicha, check with pitti on monday, I'm not sure how useful it is to install fonts in an OS where you can't select the font to use...17:30
seb128"on an OS"17:30
seb128but I'm fine having it on the CD as well17:30
seb128i.e I don't really have a strong opinion either way, I don't think it's really that useful for most users but it's small and doesn't hurt to get17:31
mterrytedg, how are dbusmenu_menuitem_proxy objects created?17:35
mterrytedg, (I don't see the entry point to them from the rest of libdbusmenu)17:36
tedgmterry, They're created by the sound menu and the messaging menu.17:40
tedgmterry, They're the custom menuitems in those menus.17:40
tedgmterry, The app exports, the service then proxies and exports an integrated menu.17:41
mterrytedg, ok.  found a small leak there, but it's not the big one17:41
tedgmterry, Ah, cool.17:42
* tedg is starting to realize that he doesn't have the bandwidth to have Qt installed on his machine... qt4-doc, 85M, seriously?17:43
jbichaseb128: are you able to push caribou into the new queue or do I need an AA even for that?18:05
micahgjbicha: seb128 is an AA :)18:12
jbichamicahg: cool, thanks18:15
jbichaseb128: I believe we're ready for caribou then18:15
jbichabut can core-dev add new source packages?18:17
micahgjbicha: MOTU and core-dev can upload a new source, an AA has to review it before it can hit the archive and build18:18
seb128jbicha, do you need sponsoring?18:48
jbichaseb128: yes please https://code.launchpad.net/~jbicha/+junk/caribou18:49
seb128jbicha, sponsored, you can go on #ubuntu-release to point to the ffe bug and ask for it to get in ;-)18:59
ricotzcyphermox, hello :), i noticed a small problem with network-manager-applet -- libnm-gtk0 is missing a versioned conflict with the old nm-gnome package19:09
cyphermoxricotz:  good catch19:10
ricotzcurrently the update is a bit bumpy ;)19:10
cyphermoxit has been released?19:10
ricotzit isnt accepted yet, so you can still replace it19:10
cyphermoxahah, yeah19:10
cyphermoxI'm not familiar with that procedure quire so much; seb128, I just upload a new revision on top?19:13
seb128cyphermox: either that or reupload the same and ask for the previous one to be rejected19:14
cyphermoxcan you reject it n-m-applet?19:14
seb128cyphermox: seems infinity is doing active review, you can maybe get him to ack the upload for you ;-)19:14
seb128cyphermox: rejected19:15
cyphermoxI hate netlink so much.19:57
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jbichaseb128: does gnome-shell need to be manually pushed for depwait or will it rebuild automatically?20:22
seb128jbicha, the later one20:22
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slangasekanyone here know when the new upstream version of lightdm is meant to be uploaded?  it's entangled a plymouth-shutdown-related fix that I had staged in bzr21:54
slangasekI don't think I want to push that to the archive without robert_ancell's sign-off :)21:54

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