
=== tardis is now known as rww
=== marienz_ is now known as marienz
=== marienz_ is now known as marienz
rwwholstein: is that a request for an ubuntu/member/ cloak :P?02:45
Unit193jussi, elky, tsimpson, topyli ^^ holstein would like a cloak02:45
Unit193rww: Yep02:45
holsteinrww: yes please :)02:45
holsteinno hurry...02:45
rwwthat's good, because the IRCC people don't seem to be around :(02:50
elkyrww, cloak him please02:58
rwwelky, holstein: done02:59
Unit193holstein: Congrats when you get back :D03:00
Unit193And while someone is here, the !mint channel seems to be #linuxmint (http://www.linuxmint.com/contactus.php)03:03
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org03:03
rwwheh, guess they changed it. it used to be -help I know03:03
rwwsomeone feel like hopping on spotchat and double-checking?03:03
Unit193I'll connect and check03:03
rwwthanks. I would, but my hostname is non-public.03:04
Unit193Oh dear, :facepalm: Don't look at their site :/ #linuxmint :Channel #linuxmint is forbidden, redirecting to #linuxmint-help: redirecting to #linuxmint-help03:07
Unit193I'm not fond of giving my ip out03:07
Unit193Ain't I the idiot? :P03:08
rwwNah, I blame this one on Mint.03:09
Unit193Anyway, I'm sure you'll get to see me do other stuff like this later, have a nice day (Just watched Dr Who BTW :D )03:10
nlsthznour IRC channel #ubuntu-ae only has chanserv currently but used to have ubunulog as well but the bot seems to be missing in action (was looking for a log of our last meeting and saw there was no log :()... How do we get the bot back?17:54
IdleOnenlsthzn: email rt@ubuntu.com for ubuntulog17:59
nlsthznIdleOne, k... wonder why he went missing :)17:59
nlsthzn:) k, cool... cheers18:00

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