
=== tardis is now known as rww
ubottumacer1 called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()00:08
rwwdealing with it ^00:08
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (jojo_ appears to be flooding, but emergency mode is on)00:14
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=== marienz_ is now known as marienz
PerfieMWhy, hello there03:11
rwwhi PerfieM03:11
PerfieMis mquin a oper too?03:11
PerfieMohh, I see03:12
IdleOnePerfieM: Why did you join here?03:14
PerfieMWell, I joined #ubuntu but I got forwarded here03:14
PerfieMIdleOne: I just can't seem to stay away :(03:15
IdleOneok well, stop trying to join #ubuntu because the ban will not be removed and you won't be forwarded here.03:15
* rww ponders how to parse that sentence03:16
IdleOnePlease part the channel now.03:16
PerfieMCan't I just hang out?03:16
PerfieMNow that we're all friends and stuff?03:16
rwwNope. Idle policy, and all that.03:16
IdleOnePerfieM: no.03:16
PerfieMI promise I wont talk :303:17
PerfieMIt makes me feel "apart of the team" even if I actually cant be :(03:17
IdleOnePerfieM: no.03:17
rwwPerfieM: once you become an #ubuntu* core op or freenode staff, you can hang out here to your heart's content.03:17
PerfieMIdleOne: Please?? :(03:17
rwwuntil such time, please /part :)03:17
=== Amaranthus is now known as Amaranth
ikoniaelky: I'm not sure this guy is playing straight, he wants to change the mount options, then why is he trying these fantasy commands and looking for volume control packages07:34
elkyyeah, im confused now too07:35
elkyhe's got to that post by searching for pretty much exactly the task he's doing07:36
elkyit's an xyproblem he's asking y. we need to know x.07:36
elkylol forever07:37
ikoniaforensic live cd07:37
ikoniaand at that point....I'm out07:37
ikoniamaybe the command ubuntu-make-cd -forensic-mode would help07:37
elkyurlin2u needs to back off like whoa07:55
bazhang<Linda> hoer  <--- I am guessing that's not nice08:48
LjLno, it's whore08:49
ubottuTrivia_ called the ops in #ubuntu ()09:23
Tm_Twas it ! or $ for banforward?09:25
Myrttiboth work, $ officially09:25
Tm_Tawww, I keep failing (:09:26
Myrttidon't worry though, I doubt he'll ever come back to the channel09:26
Myrttinone of them have09:26
Myrttiit's a campaign of some sort09:26
Tm_TI would like to notice if he does09:26
ikoniait's a bit of a poor campaign, they need to up their game (hi if you're reading the logs)09:53
ikoniatry eating prunes10:14
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, vibhav said: !se is ah-berg Richiie: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntu support hittar du i #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se. Tack!10:38
ikoniawhere is se ?10:40
ikoniaso vibhav is now using google translate to update factoids randomly.....10:41
bazhangcopy and pasting the command I used10:41
ikoniaahh, he's correted a gramma error10:41
Tm_Tif it's an error10:41
ikoniaI assume it is, but I don't know10:42
LjLit's not10:44
Tm_TI have forgotten most of what I have learnt about swedish grammar, but I was assuming it's not an error (:10:44
Myrtti!se ~= s/support/stöd/10:48
ubottuI'll remember that Myrtti10:48
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, vibhav said: !in is  हिंदी भाषा में मदद आपको #ubuntu-in में मिलगी | धन्यवाद!10:50
grythis bot has an ignore list I'm guessing10:51
bazhangmore of a command10:51
Myrttigry: no, we have an ignore list10:51
vibhavwas this fine10:52
ubottuIn ubottu, vibhav said: !forget10:52
Myrttihow about no10:52
vibhavwhy Myritti?10:52
Myrttithere's a tabulator in your keyboard, use it10:52
Myrttiyou can use it for completing nicknames10:52
Myrttiright above the caps lock key10:52
vibhavI mean my edit request10:53
Myrttifor all we know, you could have just made exactly the same kinds of mistakes with that factoid as you tried with !se10:53
Myrttiso we're not going to approve it10:53
vibhavMyritti - I get good grades in Hindi10:53
ikoniavibhav: what is wrong with the current factoid10:53
LjLwhat would that word that Google translates as "Milgi" mean, vibhav?10:54
Myrttihm, let me check my informant about something10:54
LjLikonia: actually nothing, since #ubuntu-in mandates English anyway10:54
LjLwhich is entirely silly, but whatever10:54
ikoniaok, so why are we looking at changing a factoid that's fine10:54
ikoniaLjL: it's something to do with dilect, one of the operators there explained that to me ages ago10:55
LjLit's probably something to do with people whining about Hindi being the official language of India10:56
vibhavbunk the factoid , when am I unmuted?10:57
ikoniavibhav: when you can show you can participate properly in the channel10:57
ikoniavibhav: as I told you, we'll contact you.10:57
vibhavone more chance?10:57
vibhavIll participate properly10:58
ikoniavibhav: you've had a lot of chances, your using offtopic, I suggest you continue to do so10:58
vibhavNo copy paste . I promise :)10:58
ikoniavibhav: we'll let you know when the situation changes11:00
ikoniavibhav: the idea of not messing with things you don't understeand11:00
ikoniaeg: you don't speak Swedish, but you tried to change the factoid.11:00
ikoniaunderstand even.11:01
vibhavI lost my connection11:05
ikonianot a problem11:05
ikoniathat's fine,11:05
ikoniayou're not responsible for your connection, it's fine, these things happen11:05
vibhavunmute please?11:07
ikoniavibhav: sorry, not at this time.11:07
ikoniavibhav: we'll let you know when the situation changes11:08
bazhangionite knows all that14:10
IdleOnethe !puregnome factoid hasn't been updated for Unity, not sure it will remove everything.14:16
IdleOnemight leave a few packages behind14:16
ubottuJizm called the ops in #ubuntu ()14:31
Tm_TI wonder what is the source of ops call, who/where it was first used14:43
ubottuops-#ubuntu-ops has no aliases - added by tsimpson on 2010-05-31 16:32:06 - last edited by Seveas on 2007-11-01 16:41:1114:49
ubottuops aliases: kops, op, calltheops, call the ops - added by Seveas on 2006-07-29 12:54:12 - last edited by Flannel on 2011-09-05 18:02:3114:49
PiciAt one time it was aliased to !medic14:50
jussiI guess go look at the logs for around that date there when seveas added it14:50
IdleOneor ask seveas.14:51
IdleOneprobably won't get the answer you'd expect though14:51
Tm_TI mean, was the same or siimilar call system used elsewhere on IRC before ubot(t)u?14:52
IdleOnethere used to be an eggdrop script that would msg channel ops in emrgency iirc14:54
IdleOnenot sure if it was triggered by users or not14:54
Tm_Twhy I'm asking is that I am amused every time someone uses ops call on a channel where is no bot acting on it14:55
Tm_Tand I wonder if the use of the call has originated from ours14:56
jussiits used elsewhere?14:57
IdleOneI see it in #freenode now and then14:58
FlannelI see it in other various channels sometimes too.15:02
ubottuomgwut called the ops in #ubuntu ()15:50
IdleOne^ drive by15:51
h00kDid I do that manual forward correct?15:52
IdleOneyou forgot the $15:52
h00kah craps.15:52
h00kI think I fixed it.15:53
h00kin a one-liner15:53
IdleOneyou did15:53
mneptokh00k 1  ||  Freenode-specific IRC syntax 116:43
mneptokbut the season is far from over.16:43
ubottuThe Instant Messenger client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete17:01
topyliso what was the new syntax again? /me goes to look17:01
topyliah, the old one is still in place17:01
topyli!no im is <reply> The Empathy Instant Messenger is installed by default and supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and  variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also  !Kopete17:02
ubottuI'll remember that topyli17:02
topyli!no im is <reply> The Empathy Instant Messenger is installed by default and supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and  variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete17:03
ubottuI'll remember that topyli17:03
charlie-tcapidgin is still in Xubuntu be default17:05
ubottuThe Instant Messenger client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete17:07
topyli!no im is <reply> The Empathy Instant Messenger is installed by default and supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and  variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete and !pidgin17:07
ubottuI'll remember that topyli17:07
topylipidgin is probably default in lubuntu too17:08
h00kmneptok: I try. I really do ;)17:19
Coreyjtrucks: Something we can help you with?  (kidding, kidding)18:02
Tm_Toy, lorry!18:09
* Tm_T hides18:09
h00knorly, what do you need.18:16
* h00k ducks18:16
KohelethStill band from off topic I see, can it be removed please?20:34
Kohelethbanned even20:35
Kohelethany chance of a ban removal guys?20:47
LjLlet me check20:48
LjLuh sorry, too long of a track record for me to consider removing the ban. you'll have to come back when the ones who placed it are around.20:50
Kohelethtrack record :)20:51
Kohelethfirst time ban20:51
Koheleththanks anyway20:52
LjLKoheleth: first time ban but followed by many strange things20:57
LjLit's something i need to discuss with other ops20:58
KohelethStrange, like what, just having a gas on off topic :)20:58
LjLstrange like having 14 bantracker entries20:59
Kohelethwhats bantrackers?21:00
Kohelethnot tried to evade the ban at all if thats what it means21:01
LjLa place that keeps track of kicks and bans21:02
LjLno, i know you didn't21:02
LjLbut you were kicked from here, kicked from #ubuntu etc21:02
Kohelethonly banned once?21:02
LjLactual *bans* yes, i can see only one. there's a couple of mutes though.21:02
Kohelethnever really explained to me, just someone with a beef21:02
Kohelethah, ok21:02
Kohelethprefer mutes21:03
Kohelethanyway, thanks will try later21:03
LjLKoheleth: i just can't remove a ban like this without first talking with the people who set it, sorry.21:03
Kohelethsure ok, its ikonia who deed the dirty deed lol21:04
Kohelethsaid a week but its plus now so I thought I woulf check in21:04
KohelethI am ok on bunt+1 so thats ok21:05
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=== Guest75052 is now known as jrib
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (David__ appears to be flooding, but emergency mode is on)21:14
rwwlies ^21:14
popey22:12:32 -!- sammmm [~Samuel@cpc5-cwma8-2-0-cust154.7-3.cable.virginmedia.com] has joined #ubuntu-uk21:15
rwwpopey: /whois would imply so21:46
rwwin that it says samuel-notafk in it21:46
ikoniapopey: I had hoped he's gone for good.21:48
popeyah there we go21:50
popeyhe's been coming back recently talking about rather unsavoury personal issues in the channel21:51
popeyI've not been online when he's been around21:51
popeyhe seems to be less of an issue now21:51
popeymaybe growing up21:51
ikoniaI've seen him in a few other channels as samual-afk or samual-not-afk21:51
ikoniastill a fool.21:52
ikonianot seen him join an ubuntu channel for a while, hence my hope he'd gone21:52

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