
sladenhope you all made it home okay00:19
knightwiseanyone up ?05:52
knightwisehelp ?05:54
harry_Anyone with the knowledege of InstallJammer??06:41
MartijnVdSnever heard of it06:44
MartijnVdSI'd just use Wx or Qt if I wanted a cross-platform GUI06:45
MartijnVdSharry_: according to their website, development was discontinued last month06:46
harry_ya i got a mail from damon(Admin)..06:47
harry_but as such i need certain anwsers as such i mail to damon about my qerry but as such i did not receive any reply yet..06:49
DJonesMorning all07:10
ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] Represent - http://www.jonobacon.org/2011/09/23/represent/07:13
* MartijnVdS discovers a new cool scp feature07:27
MartijnVdSscp host1:file host2:07:27
MartijnVdSscp -3 host1:file host2:07:27
diploWat does the -3 do then ?07:28
MartijnVdS(first one copies from host1 to host2, second one does the same, but uses the host you're running scp on as a "middle man")07:28
MartijnVdS(in case of firewalls between host1 and host2)07:28
TheOpenSourcererlol - how do I remove an iptables rule? I can't see it when I do iptables -L but it is there...08:03
MartijnVdSTheOpenSourcerer: iptables -D <number>08:04
MartijnVdSiptables -D chain_name number08:04
TheOpenSourcererI don't know the number08:04
MartijnVdSstart counting from 1 in each chain (table)08:04
MartijnVdSiptables -L shows them in order08:04
MartijnVdStop one is 108:04
TheOpenSourcererI was testing a redirect.08:04
TheOpenSourcereriptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -d -i eth1 -j DNAT --to
TheOpenSourcereriptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth1 -j MASQUERADE08:04
TheOpenSourcererWhich works.08:04
MartijnVdSTheOpenSourcerer: also, replaceing the -A with -D should work08:05
TheOpenSourcererThis should be the only rules on that box08:05
TheOpenSourcererBut why can't I list them?08:05
MartijnVdSTheOpenSourcerer: you can flush all rules using -F08:05
MartijnVdSbecause they're in -t nat08:05
MartijnVdS"iptables -L -t nat" should show them08:05
TheOpenSourcererThanks MartijnVdS08:06
TheOpenSourcerer-F did what I wanted.08:06
TheOpenSourcererAnd my redirect worked. Just fyi, what's the difference between -A and -D08:07
MartijnVdSTheOpenSourcerer: -Add and -Delete08:16
TheOpenSourcererYeah - sorry I was being lazy ;-)08:16
TheOpenSourcererAm reading some stuff online.08:16
TheOpenSourcererlo popey08:22
bigcalmMorning peoples08:22
JamesTai1Happy Friday, everyone!08:31
=== JamesTai1 is now known as JamesTait
* TheOpenSourcerer had rather a lot of chinese last night.08:44
TheOpenSourcererAll you can eat for £13.9508:45
bigcalmI wonder why emails from the Wolverhampton Civic are so full of broken images. All ways have been as well08:45
TheOpenSourcererWe had ~6 starters each, crispy duck and pancakes, curry.08:45
bigcalmRight, it's about time you Ubuntu boffins help me fix my shutdown/reboot problem :)08:46
MartijnVdSbigcalm: just press the button ;)08:46
bigcalmIssuing a shutdown, sleep or hibernate will reboot the system. It no longer powers off08:47
MartijnVdScool :)08:48
MartijnVdSdid you update the BIOS recently?08:48
bigcalmI have to wait for POST and then hold down the power button08:48
MartijnVdSMaybe there's an update available?08:48
bigcalmNo reason for it to change its behaviour08:49
MartijnVdSbigcalm: no new kernel version? Ubuntu version?08:49
TheOpenSourcererWe have an aberrant server running natty (not my choice). It appears to have gone "overloaded" again. But now I cannot get in via ssh anymore... I blame AlanBell personally. 10.04 is a good, solid server platform.08:49
bigcalmMartijnVdS: Ubuntu version has stayed the same at 11.04, though the kernel has most probably been updated08:50
brobostigongood morning everyone,08:53
MartijnVdSbigcalm: i have no idea, sorry08:56
bigcalmRight, must be time to ditch Ubuntu then!08:56
MartijnVdSbigcalm: because that's the ONLY solution if I don't know something08:57
MartijnVdS(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻08:57
TheOpenSourcererhey brobostigon How's it going?08:57
bigcalmUnicode win!08:58
brobostigonTheOpenSourcerer: not bad, alittle tired, didnt sleep proerly, and my eczema is alittle dodgy. how about you?08:58
TheOpenSourcererI'm good thanks. Still rather full up from last night's digital dogging session.08:58
czajkowskiTheOpenSourcerer: yes I did ask where the lord was only to be told you were dogging, I wasn't surprised really :p09:00
popeyguy at work told me there's hp touchpads in carphone warehouse bracknell09:26
bigcalmDo people really want HP touchpads now that they are available? I thought it was all about getting one when nobody else could.09:30
diplobigcalm: I'd say it was all about the price point more than anything else09:35
bigcalmdiplo: you could be right09:37
diploI'd really like one at that price09:40
* popey tickles TheOpenSourcerer 09:49
TheOpenSourcerertee hee09:49
* TheOpenSourcerer is waiting for an email from his friend at HP09:50
davmor2morning all10:01
=== redbaron is now known as maxivano
AlanBellTheOpenSourcerer: I blame Daviey11:40
TheOpenSourcererFair enough11:40
davmor2AlanBell: You're wrong it's always czajkowski fault honest I went through this with TheOpenSourcerer before ;)11:41
diploIs it still issues with cron TheOpenSourcerer / AlanBell ?11:45
diploRemember from a week or so ago ?11:45
TheOpenSourcererdiplo: Dunno this time. Can't get in :-(11:45
TheOpenSourcererSame server though yes.11:45
diploNo console access ?11:45
TheOpenSourcererI wish.11:45
diploI miss that so much from my new job11:45
diploI bought a brilliant digital KVM from dell at last place11:46
czajkowskidavmor2: oi11:51
davmor2czajkowski: but you break systems all the time so it must be your fault somewhere down the line Honest ;)11:52
davmor2czajkowski: morning by the way11:52
czajkowskiI kiiiiillll you davmor211:54
davmor2czajkowski: aaaaahhhhh thanks I didn't know you cared :P11:55
Myrttiweekly friendly reminder of "memento mori": get a life insurance, kids!12:00
czajkowskireally likeing how simple BAlsamiq is12:01
czajkowskibut wondering is the pencil project better12:01
AlanBellso is the compaq integrated lights out thing a good way to get on to an unresponsive server and see what is happening?12:01
czajkowskiBalsamiq has a nice video showing how easy it to use12:02
AlanBellpencil is easy too12:02
czajkowskithen there is mocking bird12:02
czajkowskineed to find one that's nice12:02
czajkowskithe mac one we have here is very easy12:02
czajkowskibut not on a mac12:02
AlanBellpencil is GPL which is more convenient if you want to share the design work with others12:04
diploGuys back on my ssh setup i was talking about yesterday12:14
diploI am creating a user to store a authorized_key file and a .ssh/config file12:14
diploI want to use that one user to add peoples pub keys to that authorized keys file and config12:15
diploAnd then be able to push that authorized key folder to 80+ machines12:15
diploand the config to 20 ish users12:15
diploAnyone know of a proper way, or am I going to have to do some scripting ?12:15
sjkHm, why do you need that initial user?12:27
diploI just want a centralised place to create the auth file and to have a script12:28
sjkdiplo, will you just need to push them all once?12:31
diploThat was what i was thinking yeah12:37
diploAdding new customers/ removing users who have left company etc12:37
czajkowskiAlanBell: installed pencil shall play with it and see13:04
ubuntuuk-planet[Matthew Garrett] UEFI secure booting (part 2) - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/139232.html14:13
shaunohm.  my box of tricks seems to be woefully underequipped to reshape 3mill steel plate :(  I need new toys14:44
DJonesSheesh, damm good job all our calls are recorded, after signing up for a £100K system, they've come back & said that the part that links in with our accounts system isn't included15:08
DJonesThats despite me talking to them and telling them how the old system worked & how it was automatically linked in to the accounts system15:09
diploDJones: We had lods of that at our last place, I reckon part my manager part sales man15:20
DJonesJust listening to the conversation with their demo people "most of our clients use the same systems as you, we already do that for them", director has just told them that if the system isn't capeable of doing it, we're cancelling & going with their competitor which was a very similar system15:22
diplowhat are you integrating ?15:29
DJonesdiplo: Sorry, was just on the phone with them, the new system is a travel industry system, details of clients, booking, payments etc, it has to link with sage accounts15:53
diploOooh fun15:54
diploWe are just about to integrate Sage into our system, new and old15:54
diploNo one is really looking forward to it15:55
DJonesIts shouldn't be that hard, sage is actually quite easy to import into if you've got the add on module for 3rd party integration15:55
diployeah I think we just applied for the developer pack15:57
shaunohttp://www.flickr.com/photos/shaunoneil/6175563198   a very productive day off :D15:59
diplooh dear shauno :)15:59
Monotokohey guys...I'm trying to create a global LAN...in that I want people to be able to connect to my server (authenticated, there will be about 100 users) and then go where they need to. I want to add another TLD inside the network, for example www.main.dev takes a user to the main page...could OpenVPN do this?16:00
ubuntuuk-planet[Matthew Garrett] Supporting UEFI secure boot on Linux: the details - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/139356.html16:13
shaunoMonotoko: I want to say yes, but that's not going to be all openvpn, but a combination of tricks16:13
MartijnVdSI think this bug needs some more attention16:20
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 840826 in flashplugin-nonfree (Ubuntu) "Firefox (flash) mute pulseaudio and do not appear in sound app list" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:20
MartijnVdSor we'll get LOADS of "flash sound is broken" bugs/complaints after release16:20
ks07Hey guys, I'm trying to mount a filesystem with sshfs, but I'm getting permission denied on /dev/fuse - The permissions are fine, and my user is part of the fuse group. Any suggestions?16:21
ks07(This is in an OpenVZ container)16:21
MartijnVdSks07: did log out + back in after adding the user to the fuse group?16:23
MartijnVdSalso.. ewww openvz :) that messes with lots of things, probably mounting as well16:23
ks07MartijnVdS, yes, I'm definitely in the groups16:23
MartijnVdSks07: then fuse and openvz aren't compatible16:23
ks07They are, but I'm beginning to suspect the host has disabled such feature16:24
ks07Guess I'm waiting for support response (out of office hours, fun!)16:25
Monotokoshauno, would you mind pointing me to some tricks? :)16:31
shaunoMonotoko: hosting .dev is going to mean running a nameserver inside the vpn that thinks it's authorative for that root.  then when openvpn pushes nameservers to the clients, they want to point to that16:44
esteeven Hello. I am trying to boot 11.04 from CD but my video is "garbled" - lots of multi-coloured lines. The card is a ATI Technologies Inc RV710 [Radeon HD 4350]. I hear the "desktop ready" sound but there's nothing I can do. I can't even open another VT17:16
MartijnVdSLaney: I get similar DBus errors on my unity STDERR17:58
MartijnVdSLaney: WARN  2011-09-23 19:43:33 glib <unknown>:0 Failed to fetch view type at /org/ayatana/bamf/application0x7f41c400f400: Method "ViewType" with signature "" on interface "org.ayatana.bamf.view" doesn't exist17:58
diploevening all18:18
diploHow well does natty/Oneric play with intel chipsets ?18:19
MartijnVdSworks fine here18:19
diploThinking about upgrading this lappy18:20
bigcalmNatty works well on my dell18:20
diploMay just go straight to Oneric18:20
bigcalmCheck the supported hardware list18:20
diploTrying to find chipset now18:21
MartijnVdSif it works now, it'll work in Oneiric18:21
MartijnVdSunless it's REALLY old hardware18:21
MartijnVdSas in "from the server rack on Noah's ark"18:22
jacobwhey zleap19:09
diploSorry MartijnVdS, its a Dell D820, so old but not ark19:09
diploi965 i think19:09
MartijnVdSshould be fine then19:10
diplohttp://releases.ubuntu.com//oneiric/ - URL for 64bit not working, where do we report broken links19:15
shaunoseems to work here?19:16
diplolol does for me now as well19:17
zleapwhen is 11.10 released ?19:17
diploTried it in two browsers, now works :/19:17
shaunoit's down for oct 13th, but it's never set in stone until it happens (they've had to delay it a couple of times)19:18
AlanBellshauno: the party is on the 13th no matter what happens!19:30
shaunoif it comes to the worst, you can cry into your beer together :)19:31
zleapthanks alan19:31
zleaphi kellyh19:31
* AlanBell fails to install Beta 2 in virtualbox :(19:32
zleapis synaptic being removed from11.1019:48
MartijnVdSonly from the default install, I think19:49
zleapok thanks19:50
Myrttioooo errrr20:51
Myrtticheap entertainment, just ate and now the room spins around me20:51
sammmmHazRPG: I have no internet 'til the 10th :'(21:12
sammmmNo Battlefield 3 beta for me :'(21:12
HazRPGsammmm: gutted21:15
sammmmHazRPG: What I have feels worse than dial up :(21:15
sammmmOMG I managed to gather enough bandwidths to connect to Steam21:17
HazRPGesp since the internet today, uses more bandwidth for most sites...21:17
sammmmBut I'll probably just go into offline mode21:17
sammmmHazRPG: Yeah, stupid backwards web development ><21:17
sammmmFacebook is too bandwidth heavy for me to use :(21:23
sammmmHazRPG: Oh yay I'm getting internet on the 6th. I only have to wait 2 horrible weeks21:24
HazRPGsammmm: btw, servers/games/etc don't use as much bandwidth as you may think... remember it just strings of text that get passed back n forth... it's the updates and patches that you need to worry about21:28
sammmmHazRPG: Hmmm I might try some CoD4 then21:29
sammmmHazRPG: The Wi-Fi is so flaky because it's about a mile away too :(21:29
sammmmHazRPG: Does IRC use much bandwidths?21:30
HazRPGsammmm: almost non really21:30
HazRPGsammmm: again, just text21:31
sammmmHazRPG: What about Steam?21:31
HazRPGmost stuff will just be text being passed back n forth21:31
HazRPGunless its sending images and what not, it won't take up much21:31
HazRPGhowever encryption can sometimes take up more... but gotta remember, most games worked perfectly fine back in dialup days21:32
HazRPGI've played WoW fine on dialup before too21:32
sammmmHazRPG: This is worse than dialup21:32
HazRPGhowever patching WoW on dialup is not fun21:32
sammmmHazRPG: Games just won't load up on Steam :(21:32
HazRPGsammmm: dialup is anything that's less then 56k dude21:32
HazRPGI remember being on dialup and getting only 14.6k21:32
HazRPG(if I was lucky!)21:33
sammmmHazRPG: Steam won't launch my games because I don't have enough internet :(21:33
sammmmHazRPG: I think I'm on 14.6k :(22:09
KrimZonit should work without any internet22:13
gordheh no, steam doesn't really work without internet very well, even in "offline" mode22:16
gordbut hey, its a drm platform, its what we all bought in to, trying not to get anymore steam games now because of annoyances like that22:16
KrimZonAhh... I remember assurances years ago that it would still work offline. But if it doesn't I should start avoiding steam too.22:28
KrimZonsleepy time22:29
sammmNot having any internet is so shit22:31
AlanBellinteresting twist to the thread on the mailing list22:31
hamitronsammm, indeed, you wouldn't get to talk to us.... ;)22:34
sammmhamitron: I have enough internet to talk to you, but not do anything else22:42
hamitronoh? :/22:42
hamitronI sort of feel your pain22:42
hamitronbut I've started to just not care. and enjoy what is available22:43
sammmhamitron: I'm on dial up 14.2k22:43
sammmhamitron: But I can't get the battlefield 3 beta or play any online games :(22:43
hamitronyeh :/22:43
sammmOr watch porn22:43
hamitronneed 56k to game properly on most half recent games22:44
hamitronwell, games from 10 years ago22:44
sammmhamitron: The Battlefield 3 beta begins on the 29th but I won't get internet 'til the 6th :(22:46
sammmSooooooooooo gay22:46
hamitronI don't download any games, takes too long22:47
sammmI might phone them up and tell them that I need it sooner so I can play Battlefield 322:47
sammmhamitron: But it's not just any old game22:47
sammmIt's Battlefield fucking three!!!!!!22:47
sammmBiggest game in the last 6 years or so22:47
hamitronyeh, but it will be huge22:47
hamitronI just got F1 2011 on DVD off ebay22:48
sammmBiggest game since UT2004, CS:S and BF222:48
hamitronas it was download only in the UK22:48
sammmhamitron: Why don't you download games?22:48
sammmSteam is great for that22:49
* hamitron checks connection22:49
hamitronso it would take ages, slow down my internet....22:49
hamitronplus I like a physical game copy22:49
hamitronplus steam have bullied me once before22:50
shaunohamitron: http://www.flickr.com/photos/shaunoneil/6175563198   how's that for physical copies :)22:52
hamitronomg man22:52
hamitronmy first PC did have a 4 speed cdrom and sound card though22:53
hamitrongot over 300 pc games on optical media22:53
shaunomost things I have from the last decade or so all live piled on one harddrive :/  but my amiga .. just piles of junk22:53
shaunoit's been in bits for about a year tho.  took today to sit down 'n put it all back together.  and ended up sat on ebay buying more junk for it22:55
hamitronshauno, I know I am a little stuck in the past, but I like to think I've moved onto things that are nearly as functional as modern stuff22:55
hamitronmost are win95 onwards22:55
shaunoI don't have much from that era22:56
hamitronbefore then I was all NES and SNES22:56
shaunoI pretty much skipped win32 completely.  moved to linux on my dekstop in 96, and have a good 10 year gap in my gaming starting right there22:56
hamitronyeh, I bet22:57
hamitronany game pre-win95 I have got since win9822:57
hamitronmost are 2nd hand22:57
hamitronnot even played most of them tbh, just wanted some of the classics22:58
shaunodo they stil have 'sold out' there?22:58
hamitronI like cerial boxes, for the old games22:58
hamitronin very nice condition, with full instructions22:59
gordbig boxes gave them a reason to fill them with stuff22:59
hamitronand bigger is better22:59
gordwell not really, i mean i got rid of my boxes years ago because geez they take up too much space23:00
hamitronit also gives me a reason for hoarding, when collecting such things23:00
gordfor what is essentially just cardboard and empty space23:00
hamitronbut I like to see them23:00
shaunoall my big boxes got left behind when I left the UK23:00
hamitronjust so nice to stack a load of originals on a desk, and look at them23:01
shaunothey look great on a shelf, but become worse than useless when you have restless feet23:01
hamitronI sadly don't have enough wall space for that many shelves23:01
gordmy little megadrive collection is bad enough, thinking about getting rid of the boxes for those and just having carts. but they are so pretty...23:01
* hamitron votes "yes" to the question "should gord keep his boxes"23:02
hamitronsince I started with my NES, I just kept everything as a kid23:02
hamitronnever buy anything on a new release, to save myself money to spend on more stuff23:03
hamitron(and yes I have a mess here)23:03
shaunomegadrive boxes aren't so bad; they're just like fat dvd cases23:03
hamitronmegadrive and megacd are things I am playing with the idea of getting23:03
shaunonever had a megacd23:04
gordwell they are the same size vertically as a dvd case, but 2/3 times as wide, which just eats up space on shelves23:05
shaunowanted a cd32, but by time saving that much money became realistic, chicks & beer showed up23:05
gordyou don't need to get a megacd, there is only one game worth playing on it anyway23:05
gordwell no a few japanese imports23:05
hamitronshauno, no dedication to geekism ;)23:05
gordbut you won't find those for cheep23:06
hamitrongord, it just looks cool23:06
hamitronthe one that mounts underneath23:06
hamitronI am also a fan of optical media23:06
shaunomegadrive was pretty decent tho.  that's still one of my favourite controllers23:07
gordno, what looks cool is a sonic the hedgehog 3 cart, plugged in to a sonic and knuckles cart, plugged in to a game genie cart, plugged in to a 32x, plugged in to a mega drive23:07
hamitronbrb, gotta go put bike away23:09
* hamitron not been home long23:09
* hamitron gone23:09
sammmI have over 100 PC games on digital23:16
* AlanBell prefers analog PC games23:17
sammmNow that I don't have an internet connection, I can get round to playing a couple of these SP games that I bought on Steam but never played lol23:18
shaunoit boggles my mind that people do that.  I know a load of people that haven't played half of what they bought on steam23:21
sammmshauno: I'm one of those people :(23:22
sammmshauno: I've stopped doing it now23:22
sammmshauno: Stupid Steam sales made me think I was getting a bargain when I couldn't play them all23:22
sammmshauno: I once had a friend with 700 games on Steam but he played like 5 hours a week LOL23:22
gordi'v got like 120 something, some of them i have barely played on steam, but they are mostly games i have played years ago and wanted to rekindle the magic a bit23:26
* sammm is watching Lara Croft in a diving suit23:27
sammmFFS why do Tomb Raider puzzles have to be so difficutl?23:35

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