
jedijfMutantTurkey: did it arrive yet?00:30
MutantTurkeyjedijf: it's shipped00:57
MutantTurkeytomorrow most likely for the accessories00:57
MutantTurkeymaybe monday for the rest.00:57
MutantTurkeyboth could arrive tomorrow00:57
MutantTurkeyjedijf: getting pretty excited00:57
jedijfMutantTurkey: awesome01:12
jedijfreport in when you get it01:12
MutantTurkeyI need to figure out how to get linux on it.01:14
MutantTurkeyI mean I gotta find a usb or something01:14
MutantTurkeyI just want to get my thinklight to light up when I have incoming mesages...01:15
jedijfMutantTurkey: usb to ide/sata cable and old cd drive01:27
jedijforder from ebay or you can borrow mine01:27
MutantTurkeyjedijf: I think I have a usb though, I might as well try and find it.02:02
MutantTurkeyI have one of those werid ones that doesn't like me02:14
MutantTurkeyjust got home.. fuuuuuuu05:57
InHisName2am on a school night, shame on you, MutantTurkey !06:32
togglesand you InHisName07:15
rmg51morning JonathanD09:04
JonathanDHey hey09:04
rmg51little early even for you09:04
JonathanDI have to go get gas.09:06
rmg51got to feed the beast :-D09:08
JonathanDtime to turn off my alarm.09:24
rmg51no, let it ring longer ;-)09:30
JonathanDthen it'll wake up everyone else.09:31
rmg51kids need to get ready for school09:46
rmg51and they need someone to get them breakfast09:46
JonathanDThen they come bother me :P09:55
JonathanDmornings are my time09:56
waltmanIt's autumn.11:10
JonathanDSO it is.11:13
JonathanDwaltman: 6?11:13
waltmanWorks for me.11:15
waltmanMama Venizia?11:16
waltmanwhich is *not* http://www.mamaveneziapizza.com/, I just realized!11:17
JonathanDThat one is a little farther away.11:17
JonathanDwaltman: I don't know that they have a website.11:18
JonathanDI'll offer to make them one and get our meals for free.11:18
JonathanD674 E Marshall St11:18
JonathanDNorristown, PA 1940111:18
JonathanDsome ideas of food.11:18
JonathanDmmm deep dish cheese fries...11:19
waltmanThey have zeps!11:19
JonathanDthey have all sorts of things.11:19
JonathanDlast time they gave us some tomato pie with brushetta on top11:19
waltmanI've never had a Norristown zep, but I think I need to go to Eve's or Lou's first.11:20
JonathanDGuy comes over and says "here try this"11:20
JonathanDI've never been to Lou's, but I've eaten at Lou's 211:20
JonathanDthe strombollis are huge.11:20
waltmanThere's a place up in Bethlehem called Hometown Heroes. They've got a sandwich that's fried shrimp and mozarello with bruschetta.11:20
JonathanDI got a 12 inch and ate for days.11:21
JonathanDwaltman: the menu says "best cheesesteak"11:21
JonathanDso it seems they have the best cheesesteak, too11:21
JonathanDI'm hungry.11:22
waltmanFlounder florentine11:22
waltmanYou don't see flounder much on menus anymore.11:22
JonathanDI like flounder.11:22
JonathanDNot had it in a while, though.11:22
JonathanDfitz has flounder11:22
waltmanIt used to be the only fish you'd see on a menu.11:22
JonathanDfitzwater station11:23
JonathanDThe canoe rental place in phoenixville.11:23
JonathanDThey also have epic seafood soups11:23
JonathanDSo much crab you can't find the soup.11:23
JonathanDcordon bleu sandwich sounds pretty good.11:24
JonathanDGot Josh PSSA test back11:24
JonathanDfor last year.11:24
waltmanmaybe I'll skip lunch so I'll be extra hungry for dinner :)11:24
JonathanDPA standardized testing11:25
JonathanDthis is the stuff I was always great at. I could kill me some bubble ins11:25
waltmanbubble ins?11:26
JonathanD#2 pencil, fill in the circles, multiple choice?11:26
JonathanDI unsubed from centos-announce yesterday, still getting spammed to death by it.11:27
waltmanYes, I'm familiar with such tests, just never heard them called "bubble ins".11:27
JonathanDThats what we called them.11:28
JonathanDhe seems to share my affinity for them.11:28
JonathanDit says I'm already unsubbed11:31
JonathanDbut I've gotten almost 100 since I unsubbed.11:31
JonathanDand it won't let me unsub again :D11:31
JonathanDwaltman: that does sound like a plan.11:33
waltmanMy brother's biking to Ocean City tomorrow.11:34
JonathanDthe appetizers are pretty cheep, so I'd like to sample a few things...11:34
JonathanDso yeah, I think a granola bar will do for lunch11:34
JonathanDto, from philly?11:34
waltmanHe's leaving from the Woodcrest Station on PATCO, and is planning on doing a century.11:36
waltmanHe's going to get wet.11:36
JonathanDyes, looks like rain.11:37
JonathanDordered todays woot sellout12:04
InHisNametoggles: I finished school for first time back '74.  how long have you been done with school?12:11
InHisNameso JonathanD you feel the need for one of those 7" internet thingys.?12:20
InHisNameOr was it because it had an alarm feature to play sounds or an app fancy-smancy style compared to clock radio ?12:21
InHisNameAwww, baconizer isn't here, and neither is PennBot to do an @later,  Bawwwww13:10
InHisNameIf baconizer shows later, someone scroll back and cut and paste this in for him.  http://theoatmeal.com/comics/bacon_love13:11
JonathanDInHisName: pandora, and recipes, in the kitchen.13:30
JonathanDis there a release party?13:31
InHisNameGee, will it by simple click make up list of groceries and eOrder from eGrocer to be delivered to your door ?13:32
JonathanDInHisName: that'd be nifty...13:40
JonathanDExcept I like shopping for groceries. Especially spices.13:40
JonathanDwhat would be nice is if I could email it and have it defrost me some chicken.13:41
JonathanDI may have to talk to hive about this brilliant idea.13:41
InHisNameNow that is a spark of ummm, errr, just how does melting icy things sparkle ?13:42
JonathanDheh :)13:43
InHisNameThe linux part was best.13:48
jthanMorning all13:52
jthanoh geeez13:53
* ChinnoDog slaps jthan around a bit with a large slab of bacon13:54
InHisNamedo the dashes still work without pennbot ?13:54
JonathanDI'll fill in for pennbot13:55
ChinnoDogno, but everyone here knows what it means13:55
JonathanDmorning has a karma score of 129,82313:55
InHisNameChinnoDog  is a bacon lover too ?   Didja catch that web site ?13:55
InHisNameOk, if you say so morning++13:56
ChinnoDogI did now13:56
JonathanDmorning has a karma score of 129,82413:57
ChinnoDogI disagree with bacon clogging your arteries. True love does make you fat though.13:58
InHisNameNot with REAL true love, you're too busy to stop and eat 2-3 times a day.13:59
jthanWait a second. Bacon?14:01
JonathanDmm bacon.14:04
jthanLearning about Cornus amomum14:15
InHisNameNice....  Silky Dogwood.    Biology class ?14:17
MutantTurkeyjedijf: misread the shipping info. next wednesday..16:41
jedijfMutantTurkey: booh16:46
jedijfh was boo and hiss16:46
MutantTurkeyway boooh17:12
TheEvilPhoenixjedijf:  thanks for sending out that email RE: user days.  do you know if they updated the normal #ubuntu-classroom schedule with the scheduled User Days sessions?17:45
pleia2it's all on the classroom calendar17:46
TheEvilPhoenixpleia2:  thanks.  i didnt want to have to check another calendar since i already subscribe to the classroom's calendar ;P17:47
* TheEvilPhoenix joins #ubuntu-classroom ahead of time :P17:49
TheEvilPhoenixugh i'm so horribly addicted to half-life 2 its scary... i just downloaded all the half life 2 soundtracks o.o17:51
TheEvilPhoenixjust so i can play through the game in my head o.o17:52
TheEvilPhoenixTHAT'S what makes it scary17:52
MutantTurkeyTheEvilPhoenix: don't sweat it17:57
MutantTurkeyI am still addicted to Age of Empires 217:57
TheEvilPhoenixMutantTurkey:  did I mention i'm also dually addicted to Doom 3 and Call of Duty Black Ops?17:57
MutantTurkeyI can't even get age of mythology running either, I have codes for both of them ( actually own the discs)17:57
TheEvilPhoenixer... triple-addicted17:57
MutantTurkeyTheEvilPhoenix: Call of duty is not good imho17:57
MutantTurkeythey are all the same...17:58
TheEvilPhoenixMutantTurkey:  i didnt say campaign :P17:58
* TheEvilPhoenix plays because his gaming clan plays17:58
TheEvilPhoenixand i'm in charge of that clan :Pp17:58
MutantTurkeyThe only console games I play are: Super  Smash Brothers (n64), Mario Kart, Ratchet & Clank (they all rock), Halo: Combat Evoloved, Halo 2, and Splinter Cell17:59
MutantTurkeyI am not yet tired of them so I haven't bothered getting into the 36017:59
MutantTurkeyalso I kick booty at guitar hero17:59
MutantTurkeyon another note, has anyone seen primal fear?18:00
TheEvilPhoenixwell i'm addicted to PC games... except for black ops, i have that on console18:00
MutantTurkeycurrent gen consoles are to locked down and too restricted18:01
MutantTurkeyprimal fear? have i sen it18:02
MutantTurkeyi am going to watch it.18:03
MutantTurkeytrailer looked good, except I had to watch some advert before I viewed  it...18:03
Pollo20any girls from allentown18:15
jedijfnow we have one!18:16
jedijfwelcome Pollo2018:16
jedijfboys, girls, other, it's linux all are welcome18:17
jedijfwe're top heavy on others18:17
Pollo20what's up18:17
MutantTurkeywho is pollo and why is he in #ubuntu-us-pa asking about ladies?20:32
MutantTurkeyjedijf: MY CASE CAME W00T21:24
MutantTurkeyonly 5 days for the rest...21:24
ChinnoDogpollo = chicken?22:10
ChinnoDogWe are 2/3 of the way to a turducken22:11
ChinnoDogbts3685|vps: get out the cajun seasonings22:20
=== MutantTu1key is now known as rabidDuck
rabidDuckuh hello? :p22:38
rmg51ummm... duck for dinner :-D22:43
jedijfMutantTurkey: what kind of case? anything magical22:48
ChinnoDogI bet a rabid duck still tastes good when it is cooked22:53

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