
macer1No answer to my question...does plymouth display message when coming from hibernate?00:00
MonkeyDustanyone who has heard of and knows a solution for the kworker bug? http://askubuntu.com/questions/33640/kworker-what-is-it-and-why-is-it-hogging-so-much-cpu00:00
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nocilisMTPrower grub won't [shouldn't] affect your data00:01
Praet0rianPolah you here00:01
smwMTPrower, I will warn you that backups of important data is a good thing :-)00:01
MTProwersunice: I have to use command line? I can't install it via Windows? Command line scares me away00:01
smwMTPrower, we are not responsible for any lost data.00:01
MTProwersmw: dude, I can't do that00:01
IbisWelcome back MTPrower. How did it go?00:01
suniceMTProwers: don't fear. It's just text.00:02
smwMTPrower, can't do what? backup?00:02
MTProwerIbis: poorly. I got nowhere00:02
MTProwersmw: yep. Have nothing to back up to, and can't afford anything00:02
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smwMTPrower, my definition of backup is my free dropbox account.00:03
nocilisare the ubuntu irc logs public?00:03
smwMTPrower, anything I could not stand loosing is there :-P00:03
smw!log | nocilis00:03
ubottunocilis: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/00:03
MTProwersmw: I used to use a dropbox. I need 360 GB of space though00:03
MonkeyDustnocilis: yes00:03
smwubottu is god00:03
IbisMTPrower: Yea, I used to be afraid of that. But then I learned this... I am better off doing Command Lines for when I need to fix problems. (Hint: As long as the tutorials you google for are good).00:03
nocilisMonkeyDust thx, found em00:04
ChotazHello, can anyone help me with foremost?00:04
gnomieubottu tell smw about god00:04
MTProwerIbis: There's no way I can install grub via command line. I know nothing about command line and there's too much to memorize00:04
MaartenMTPrower: a 1 Tb external hard drive is about $80 or so these days.... you say you can't afford it, but can you really afford to LOSE data? ;)00:04
suniceMTProwers: Not too further this, but any data that is not backed up might as well have never existed.00:04
MTProwerMaarten: I get $10 a week00:04
smwgnomie, I already got a pm informing me ubottu knew nothing about is god :-P00:05
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MaartenMTPrower: you must be.... young.00:05
IbisMTPrower: Which is why I suggested a tutorial.00:05
MTProwerMaarten: or under a ridiculous system00:05
IbisMTPrower: Okay okay. Bu it would be easier if you told us the exact error message you get when trying to boot inti Kubuntu..00:05
MaartenMTPrower: except an allowence from mom and dad, I can't see how anyone gets $10 a week.....00:05
suniceMTPrower: He isn't00:05
MTProwerIbis: I don't get an error message. I get a lack of a booting option00:06
IbisMTPrower: But any fancy logo appeared?00:06
suniceMTProwers: if you cannot use the command line to solve the issue you will have to try to reinstall. That is all I think we can do for you.00:06
smwMaarten, while I must agree with that comment, I don't think it helps the conversation ;-)00:06
jojo_can any one here help me00:06
MonkeyDust!helpme| jojo_00:07
Maartensmw: agreed :) moving on.00:07
minnillowhat's your problem00:07
ubottujojo_: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude00:07
smw!ask | jojo_00:07
ubottujojo_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:07
IbisHmm, I know, I remember windows had this "Boot start up option" where you can create your own Boot Option.00:07
Chotazwhen I try to run "sudo foremost -t mp3,mkv -d -o recovery -v -i /dev/sdb" to try and recover some files from a recently formatted external HDD, foremost seems to do nothing, instead keeps replying me with the -options to run foremost?00:07
IbisThink it'll work if we just plug Kubuntu in there?00:07
jojo_which rule should i used to configure the nat ?00:07
minnillohello guys how are you all today00:07
jojo_sudo iptables -A FORWARD -o eth0 -i eth1 -s -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -j ACCEPT00:07
jojo_sudo iptables -A FORWARD -m conntrack --ctstate ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT00:07
jojo_sudo iptables -A POSTROUTING -t nat -j MASQUERADE00:07
MonkeyDustChotaz: try testdisk00:08
gnomiei believe MTPrower mentioned he has kubuntu on a flash drive. if this is the case, MTPrower needs to change boot device order in bios to boot from usb drive.00:08
MTProweribis, I successfully installed Kubuntu onto a separate partition, but I could not boot it. Instead, Windows would boot automatically00:08
smwjojo_, you may also find hep with this on ##linux or #ubuntu-server00:08
jojo_which rule should i used to configure the nat ?  sudo iptables -A FORWARD -o eth0 -i eth1 -s -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -j ACCEPT00:08
jojo_sudo iptables -A FORWARD -m conntrack --ctstate ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT00:08
jojo_sudo iptables -A POSTROUTING -t nat -j MASQUERADE00:08
MaartenChotaz: I could be wrong, but I think you have to MOUNT the drive first, instead of going straight to /dev/sdb for foremost to work00:08
IbisMTPrower: Ah, that's easy. I have an idea.00:08
MTProwergnomie: I did do that and succeeded at installation. I just couldn't boot Kubuntu for some reason. It may have been bootable, but I sure couldn't figure out how to do it00:08
ChotazMonkeyDust: My older brother manage to use my media storage external hdd to install Oneiric somehow, I want to try and recover some of the media I had inside, how will Testdisk help me?00:09
jojo_which rule should i used to configure the nat ? sudo iptables -A FORWARD -o eth0 -i eth1 -s -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -j ACCEPT00:09
jojo_sudo iptables -A FORWARD -m conntrack --ctstate ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT00:09
jojo_sudo iptables -A POSTROUTING -t nat -j MASQUERADE00:09
minnillohi guys, may i ask what header files are for? or just basically what they are?00:09
smwjojo_, stop spamming00:09
jojo_because no one ans me00:09
smwjojo_, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing00:09
Praet0rianminnillo, generally they define portions of programs00:09
minnillouhm ok00:09
MonkeyDustChotaz: apt-cache search testdisk00:09
MonkeyDusttestdisk - Partition scanner and disk recovery tool00:09
minnillonot really sure what that means hehe00:10
smwjojo_, patience. Chances are no one knew the answer. I have done nat before but I have not memorized it.00:10
Praet0rianminnillo, well in programming you have waht are called functions, in C language you can define your function definitions in a header file00:10
smwjojo_, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing00:10
Maartenjojo_: If you don't get an answer within 30 seconds, that does not mean you can spam your question again..... this is no "instant gratification helpdesk" but merely some individuals that might or might not know something, and might or might not answer. They are under NO obligation to answer even if they do know the answer. Welcome to IRC :)00:10
jojo_yes i will00:10
jojo_yes i well check on that now00:11
MTProwerQuestion: if my installation of Kubuntu is successful but I cannot boot it from a bootloader, can I just install Grub2, or do I have to start over with my Kubuntu installation AFTER installing Grub2?00:11
minnillopraetorian: hmm i see. but in linux are they the same as in programming?00:12
jojo_i just i wanted to share internet on my network and i ve done everything but non of is working00:12
ChotazMonkeyDust: it tells me to select the aprtition table type, I ahve no clue, the only reason I know this has oneiric inside was when I booted my comp with this HDD plugged in, an oneireic option pointing to /dev/sdb was showing.00:12
jojo_just like this one i follow exactly this one : http://www.somewhereville.com/?p=119600:12
jojo_but none is working..00:12
minnillopraetorian: cause i've been hearing about them lately a lot on linux whenever intalling some programs00:13
urlin2uMTPrower, can you boot the kubuntu disc and run this command and pastebin it sudo fdisk -l00:13
minnilloPraetorian: i just got curious what header files are00:13
minnilloin linux00:13
MTProwerurlin2u: which command?00:13
MTProwerurlin2u: oh sorry00:13
jojo_is this the support you need00:13
Praet0rianminnillo, no prob00:13
urlin2uMTPrower, fdisk -l00:13
MTProwerurlin2u: what does that command do?00:13
minnilloalright thanks Praet0rian00:13
Praet0rianminnillo, best way to understand them would be to take a programming tutorial00:14
minnilloare they present in Java too?00:14
Praet0rianminnillo, java uses class files00:14
Praet0rianminnillo, little different00:14
urlin2uMTPrower, it will show whch partiton contains what so we can give you the commands to install grub2 and boot all your OS's00:14
minnilloahhh i see00:14
jojo_none is here to help me00:14
minnilloPraet0rian: yeah ok i think i kinda get header files now. thanks for your help :)00:15
Maartenjojo_: perhaps no one knows. That is also a possibility :)00:15
wildbatjojo ~ just install firestarter and it havee automatic ICS setup.00:15
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jojo_how should i install firestarter>>00:16
Praet0rianjojo_ sudo apt-get install firestarter00:16
wildbatjojo_: and ~ don't think 1467 in the channel is alot 90% of the people is AFK. be patient00:16
Praet0rianI wouldnt use it though00:16
Praet0rianubuntu has a default firewall called ufw00:16
MTProwerI have a folder within Windows called "Casper" and an application file of unetbootin. Can I delete these?00:17
JeruvyMTPrower: have you set up usb booting? (for windows)00:17
jojo_is there guide on how to use a firestarter??00:18
MTProwerJeruvy: I already created a live USB00:18
Praet0rianjojo_ type man firestarter at command line00:18
JeruvyMTPrower: you should leave it in place then.00:18
gnomie!firestarter | jojo_00:19
ubottujojo_: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE Lucid and Maverick) also exist.00:19
jojo_can firestater able to share internet??00:19
MTProwerDo I need Grub if I want to keep my files but I don't need a Windows installation and only want Kubuntu? I don't need Windows, but I don't want to lose anything00:20
ChotazCan anyone suggest me a good tool to recover mp3 and mkv files?00:24
urlin2uMTPrower, grub is how you boot kubuntu, yo need it to start it up, it will also boot windows if you want to keep it. Your questions are valid within a context; but are very disjointed, you might consider the Ubuntu forums really.00:24
IbisMTPrower: My software of choice to make a bootable USB drive has always been: http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/00:25
MTProwerIblis: I tried utenbootin00:25
Tophany software of choice to make a bootable USB pendrive has always been: gnu dd00:26
MTProwerurlin2u: They're disjointed because I don't understand how this all works. Nobody bothers to make a Kubuntu installing guide for dummies. Maybe Linux users in general don't know how to break things down...00:26
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teddyroosebeltChotaz, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery00:29
urlin2uMTPrower, your on a channel that is very busy, it is somewhat expected that you would at the least, follow some directions without trying to learn it all at the same time, dong that makes it very difficult to help you. This is not train you to understand every single bit but a support channel to fix the problem.00:29
MTProwerurlin2u: I've been browsing documentation, wikis, and forums for the last two days straight. I don't think the general approach is working for me... it's like teaching students to memorize math formulas and postulates without explaining why they are important...00:29
=== dorkus is now known as JoeGazz84
teddyroosebeltChotaz, also see http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/PhotoRec00:30
MTProwerurlin2u: I'm not being... pushy or whatever the word is I'm looking for... about support00:30
urlin2uMTPrower, to be honest I think you may be trying to understand to much to fast.00:30
MTProwerurlin2u: sorry if I'm coming off that way00:30
MTProwerurlin2u: and it's possible00:31
TophanMTPrower: idk whats you problem but I suggest you install VirtualBox and install Archlinux, you will learn alot during progress00:31
Tophanif you want to learn00:31
Tophanhow things work00:31
MTProwerurlin2u: I don't expect support to be able to solve things better or faster than they can. Sorry if I appeared that way00:31
MTProwerTophan: I don't really want to learn Linux by that approach. I'd rather start with a simple GUI and work up from there. That's why I chose Kubuntu00:32
rypervencheI did learn a LOT from using Arch. I am a Debian user, but I have to say that Arch forces you to LEARN Linux.00:33
rypervencheI recommend it as a learning experience if you are brave enough :)00:33
MTProwerWhat I've decided to do was see if I could borrow an external hard drive. At least I could back up my stuff and see if I could start from scratch, with no Windows installation...00:33
Praet0rianI always thought freebsd made me learn linux00:33
MTProwerrypervenche: I don't want to learn Linux, if you know what I mean. I'm switching to Kubuntu for practical purposes and to save money and not resort to software stealing00:34
MTPrower...stupid floodbot00:34
Phr3d13how do i download/install/activate the 3d nvidia drivers? the ones that let you play games in 3d with the red/blue glasses00:34
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Chotazteddyroosebelt: thanks for the tips, im now running a scan with photorec for *.mp3 and *.mkv files, what can I expect, the whole 1TB disk used to by filled with music and movies, and now only 1,7GB of the disk is occuppied, so a great part of the sectores should no ahve been written over, right?00:36
diverdudeif i have a string like this how do i extract only the alphanumeric part of the string : echo "| smokers                                          |" | grep someExpression  ?00:36
MTProwerFor many people, using Linux is an enthusiastic hobby. I must say, my enthusiasm for "more intelligent things" lies elsewhere. My computing expertise lies in practical work and maintenance. I want a computer for practical purposes, not advanced things like command line. I'm just a normal PC guy00:37
Praet0riandiverdude, you will need a regular expressin00:37
centHOGGwhatever floats your boat00:38
diverdudePraet0rian, yes, what does that look like?00:38
Praet0riandiverdude, you will definitly have to read a regular expression tutorial, they are quite difficult to explain00:38
w30MTPrower, grab yourself a tutorial on a Ubuntu distribution and reinstall according to those specific  instructions. It's not rocket science unless you want a moon shot.00:40
SetiAmonHow do i install a .sh file00:42
SetiAmoni have tried sudo sh then install.sh(name of file)00:42
SetiAmoni'm not sure what i'm supposed to do.trying to install a script for volume control00:42
jribSetiAmon: what program do you want to install?00:42
jorge_i have problems with firefox00:42
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SetiAmonit says "simple run install.sh" but that isn't getting me anywhere.it says there is no file00:43
KMNsadfacembeierl: you there?00:43
Phr3d13does nvidia's stereoscopic (red/blue) 3d work in linux?00:43
jorge_i cant install and i cant run00:43
jribSetiAmon: what does this program do?00:43
urlin2ujorge_, what distro do you have installed?00:43
SetiAmonjbrib:gives multimedia keyboard control when using OSS like with pulse00:43
jribSetiAmon: you aren't using pulse?00:44
urlin2ujorge_, give better details00:44
Chotazwhat's the best *.mkv file player for Ubuntu, both 720p and 1080p?00:44
jorge_okei, when i run firefox this hangs, with a terminal hangs and give any error00:45
SetiAmonjrib:no i have a x-fi.the sound is horriable.static and distortion.Oss4 works flawlessly but I have no keyboard control.so i want to install this script.it says just install the install.sh but i don't know how00:45
DthenQanyone around that can help with IDLE for python?00:46
urlin2ujorge_, what is this? and any errors pastebin them.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/00:46
jribSetiAmon: you understand the dangers in executing software with root privileges (especially software not vetted by someone like a package maintainer)?00:46
phoenixsamprashelp is there a Davical ubuntu package00:46
sam555how can you tell which version of ubuntu you are using on a netbook os?00:46
jribDthenQ: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)00:46
jrib!version | sam55500:47
ubottusam555: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »00:47
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SetiAmonjrib: yeah but its a open script posted on oss4 and used by many so i don't see much of a risk00:47
jorge_i cant reinstall firefox..00:47
urlin2ujorge_, firefox hangs seems to be what your saying can you be more detaled when, where and how.00:47
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sam555thanks jrib00:47
jribSetiAmon: navigate to the directory you have the script in (using your terminal)00:47
SetiAmonI have jrib.i am there nopw00:47
jribSetiAmon: the script is named "install.sh"?00:48
DthenQneed help - how do i copy and paste some python files from documents to /usr/local/bin00:48
jribDthenQ: why do you want to do this?00:48
urlin2ujorge_, whay do you need to reinstall it?00:48
SetiAmonyes jrib00:48
jorge_because i removed00:48
jribSetiAmon: issue: chmod +x install.sh00:48
urlin2ujorge_, how did you remove it?00:48
jorge_apt-get remove --purge firefox00:49
SetiAmonok now what do i do jrib00:49
jazonnmy video card fan is goin turbo since i installed ubuntu any idea how to fix that00:49
jribSetiAmon: issue: ./install.sh00:49
urlin2ujorge_, okay, look in the software center for firefox.00:49
jribSetiAmon: if you need to run it with sudo (I do not know; check the software's documentation), do so00:50
SetiAmonCool jrib00:50
SetiAmonthanks a lot.second day back into linux.its a bit harder to pick up again00:50
DthenQjrib: IDLE looks for files in /usr/..etc, can't seem to get the files over, i'm total noob.00:51
Hunter275Hey, I'm new here but I came to ask: How do you change the backlight time on 11.04?00:51
DthenQjrib: is it more standard to set the file path of IDLE to the documents folder, or something like that00:51
jrib DthenQ isn't idle just a text editor?00:52
DthenQjrib: yeah idle is a text editor. but i'm reaaally new to ubuntu00:52
jribDthenQ: what documents do you need?00:53
DthenQjrib: when you go to 'open' in the editor, the directory path is limited to /, /user,/user/local00:53
jribDthenQ: that seems strange...00:53
DthenQjrib: i'm basically trying to set up a working folder for projects and stuff, and I have the example .py files from an ebook00:54
jribDthenQ: is there a particular reason you want to use idle?00:54
DthenQjrib: but IDLE wants to look in the .. root folder i guess00:54
w30Hunter275, try  gnome-power-preferences00:55
DthenQjrib: it's a fairly standard python editor, i think. its often recommended in the texts and its what i used in windows00:55
jribDthenQ: you can just use any text editor basically.  But if you need help with idle I suppose #python should know more about it00:55
DthenQjrib: thanks I will give that a try00:55
jribDthenQ: how did you install it by the way?00:56
Chotazwhat's the best *.mkv file player for Ubuntu, both 720p and 1080p?00:56
jorge_urlin2u, Failed to install or uninstall a software package.00:56
CluelessPersonChotaz, probabaly VLC?00:56
w30Hunter275, type gnome-power-preferences in a terminal or go to system preferences power management00:56
jorge_urlin2u, Failed to install or uninstall a software package.00:56
urlin2ujorge_, I'm not sure here sorry.00:57
gnomiejorge_: install another browser, like chromium. does that fail also?00:57
jorge_i have installed chrome00:58
w30does suspend need lots of memory for suspending with compiz installed? I have 2 gig.00:58
jorge_thanks bye00:58
jazonnmy video card fan is goin turbo since i installed ubuntu any idea how to fix that00:59
w30and it fails with 3 virtual terminals open00:59
Praet0rianwho uses irsii01:00
jribPraet0rian: probably no one01:00
gnomieirssi support in #irssi, Praet0rian01:01
Praet0riancool thx01:01
qinPraet0rian: Many.01:02
w30Praet0rian, probably RMS if it could run in Emacs, ha01:02
urlin2u!details | jazonn01:02
ubottujazonn: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."01:02
IbisMTPrower: How's it going?01:02
IbisPraet0rian: I used to, but I prefer weechat.01:02
diverdudein a loop as this: for model in `cat tables.txt`; do cake bake model "$model"; done   how do i skip the first 3 iterations?01:03
urlin2udiverdude, we don't do homework. :D01:04
diverdudeurlin2u, this is not homework01:05
brack9How do I copy over a read-only system file as root using cp?  I tried -f and that doesn't work.  still says "file exists"01:05
brack9do I have to chmod it?01:05
angel56brack9: you can't write to a read-only file system, even as root01:06
brack9cp /foo/bar /foo/bar/bar - cp: can't create '/foo/bar/bar': File exists01:06
brack9angel56: so chmod? I can't mv either01:06
angel56brack9: chmod won't help. You cannot write to a read-only file system01:06
brack9So it's impossible?01:06
Xenethbrack9, Can you use "mkdir" first?01:07
brack9Xeneth: Why?  The directory is already there01:07
brack9I'm talking about files01:07
teddyroosebeltChotaz, not unless you have used it alot since the mp3s have been deleted/lost01:08
Xenethbrack9, I came in after you said that it seems, so I may not know the whole deal.01:08
brack9How do I copy over a read-only system file as root using cp?  I tried -f and that doesn't work.  still says "file exists" - cp /foo/bar /foo/bar/bar - cp: can't create '/foo/bar/bar': File exists01:08
angel56brack9: you have to mount the system read-write if you want to write to it01:08
brack9oh ok01:08
Chotazteddyroosebelt: my brother managed to format and install Oneiric's Beta1 on it, but it was about 2~4 hours ago, and the disk hasnt been written anything ever since01:09
teddyroosebeltChotaz, good. shouldnt be too bad then.01:09
brack9angel56 thanks01:10
XenethIn Ubuntu server, how to trace a process tree?01:10
Chotazteddyroosebelt: i hope so, i had over 500GB in movies and near 200GB in mp3s that if I happen to loose even 1 byte of, ima kill my brother.01:11
phelippeGood evening, anybody play quake 3 arena here?01:11
Shirakawasunaptree, Xeneth01:11
angel56phelippe: wrong channel01:11
gnomieChotaz: not funny. and you will probably lose some files. good luck01:12
IbisUnity icons are missing from my tray. I even tried to install: unity-2d01:12
phelippeangel56: i wanna fix sound about my game, continue on wrong channel?01:12
sp4zanyone know how to change your hostname from command line? >hostname myhost doesn't change it permanently01:13
XenethShirakawasuna, States it's not installed, and when I try to install it, it say's it cannot be found01:13
IbisI purged unity, re-installed it. I'm having no luck here.01:13
angel56phelippe: if you need support, ask a support question01:13
ShirakawasunaXeneth: type 'ptree' into a terminal (my favorite feature of ubuntu)01:13
ShirakawasunaXeneth: it will tell you which package to install01:13
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phelippeOkay. My game wont start with sound. no sound. any sound. with script i can open with sound others game but this (quake3) i dont have any script for fix this. I open one script to see what is inside but i dont know much things to do alone, anyone can give me a support?01:14
XenethShirakawasuna, thanks, I was mistyping it.01:14
ShirakawasunaXeneth: np!01:14
phelippe-bash: /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/oss: No such file or directory01:16
XenethShirakawasuna, LOL  but it gives an error on install.  I have been thinking of redoing this anyhow, but I would like to figure this out anyhow...01:16
gnomiephelippe: it's possible there is a #quake channel. try01:16
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sam555can anyone recommend a good vnc server with a gui for ubuntu netbook os 10?01:16
IbisAny suggestions for making the Unity icons on the LEFT appear?01:17
xanguaIbis: tried to simply reset it¿¿01:17
xanguaunity --reset01:17
XenethShirakawasuna, And this error is caused by the same thing I am trying to figure out.  LOL01:17
ShirakawasunaXeneth: Ah, that's terrible! lol01:17
ShirakawasunaXeneth: what issue are you trying to figure out?01:17
phelippegnomie: thanks i found ioquake301:18
XenethShirakawasuna, Transmission stopped working properly.  Permission issue, yet I could not find what the issue was.  I have butchered it to the point that I was thinking of redoing the machine anyhow.  Completely unorganized right now.01:19
Int-Vent-iveHi guys, do you if there is an Ubuntu certification or test?01:19
Int-Vent-ive*do u know01:19
XenethShirakawasuna, Transmission-daemon01:19
Ibisxangua, nope but I'm trying it now.01:19
ShirakawasunaXeneth: no error messages telling you what permissions are missing?01:20
sam555anyone know how to get a vncserver running on a netbook os 10?01:20
ShirakawasunaXeneth: If you're thinking about reinstalling, you could try chown -R root:root / (then chown youruser:youruser /home/youruser)01:21
Shirakawasunahopefully ownership solves the problem01:21
Shirakawasunaif not, it's trickier01:21
XenethShirakawasuna, it said it lacked permission to the destination folder, though I set them to 777 and changed ownership to the daemon01:21
ShirakawasunaXeneth: if you do ls -la, what does the dir's permissions show?01:22
angel56sam555: install vnc4server, then start it with vncserver :001:22
Int-Vent-iveHellO, Someone knows if there is any certification for ubuntu?01:23
Int-Vent-iveJust to know01:24
XenethShirakawasuna, drwxrwx---  5 debian-transmission debian-transmission  4096 2011-07-29 19:41 torrent01:24
sam555angel56: thanks!01:24
ShirakawasunaXeneth: chmod 755 <thatdir>01:24
brack9So my filesystem is mounted rw but I still can't overwrite read-only system files.  Do i need to chmod it now?01:25
ShirakawasunaXeneth: or more likely sudo chmod 755 <thatdir>01:25
XenethShirakawasuna, It's the sub-dir.  sorry.  drwxrwxrwx  2 debian-transmission debian-transmission 4096 2011-07-29 19:41 download01:25
ShirakawasunaXeneth: ah01:25
Ibisxangua: So far, I'm getting no results here.01:25
ShirakawasunaXeneth: can you `cd download`?01:26
Ibisxangua: The icons are still missing.01:26
angel56brack9: yes, at least the owner of the file must have write permission to write (delete) the file01:26
ShirakawasunaXeneth: also, have you tried backing that dir up somewhere (mv download download-bak) and letting it get recreated01:26
surfnsoundANyone have a suggestion on why websites won't load after a fresh install (10.04)? I've disable ipv6 and changed the DNS togoogle public dns. There are no proxy setting in the network setup or browser preferences.01:26
Shirakawasunasurfnsound: can you ping anything?01:27
XenethShirakawasuna, have not backed up, it;s actually a HDD mount.  I cannot cd to it.  That may be the cause.  I'll test.01:27
surfnsoundShirakawasuna, yes, pinging in terminal is no problem01:28
surfnsoundI can run software updates, IRC, and others with no problem01:28
bikcmphm.  what's the application to help you figure out which files/folders are taking up the most room?01:28
bikcmpi can't find it.01:28
w3bg33khow would I go about running an sql statement right from the command line?  need to figure this out so that I can run it in a cron job01:28
surfnsoundI've tried 4 browsers now though with no luck01:28
Shirakawasunasurfnsound: interesting01:30
XenethShirakawasuna, LOL, I think I stripped that program out to be sure there is not secureity holes since it was not working.  have to reinstall it.01:30
Shirakawasunasurfnsound: so you can ping www.google.com and it resolves and everything?01:30
Shirakawasunasurfnsound: because I don't know why something like chrome wouldn't work then01:30
ShirakawasunaXeneth: bummer01:31
surfnsoundShirakawasuna, yes, pinging google.com resolves with 2% loss01:31
jazonnwhat more details could there be for that? ubuntu 11.04 and uhh my fan is really fast? because i don't know and thats why im asking01:31
surfnsoundI can get google to load, actually, but if I search something none of the links will resolve01:32
surfnsoundsometimes it works and sometims it doesn't01:32
Shirakawasunawhat DNS settings are you using, surfnsound?01:32
surfnsoundbut it is always very slow01:32
gnomiejazonn: turn off desktop effects, see if fan slows down01:33
ShirakawasunaI used to get slow resolution w/ ipv6, but you say you already disabled it01:33
Shirakawasunalsmod | ipv6 is clean?01:33
Shirakawasunait can be pretty hard to get ipv6 to actually go away sometimes01:33
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surfnsoundllet me try, someone told me to disable it in GRUB01:34
Shirakawasunaif this is a laptop, surfnsound, then I would expect this problem to go away if you tried say... a Starbucks Wi-Fi AP, but only if it's the ipv6 stuff01:34
surfnsoundhmmm, ive only tried it at home01:34
XenethShirakawasuna, it's easy to get it back  already have it installed.  testing now01:35
surfnsoundShirakawasuna, my wired connection actually seems to be ok01:36
surfnsoundhow do i do the lsmod ipv6?01:37
Shirakawasunaoh, sorry my command was bad01:37
surfnsoundterminal said unknown command01:37
Shirakawasunalsmod | grep ipv601:37
cswilsonhello ;)01:37
XenethShirakawasuna, Nope, still getting permission denied on creating the new foulder.01:37
surfnsoundShirakawasuna, yes, that is clean01:37
ShirakawasunaXeneth: is the drive mounted read-only?01:37
XenethShirakawasuna, Pardon the bad spelling.01:38
Shirakawasunasurfnsound: cool01:38
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Shirakawasunasurfnsound: so it's not ipv6.01:38
cswilsonuhm, i'm about all out of frustration guys...I cant get a USB audio device's mic input to show up in any of the mixers in ubuntu 11.04 server...anyone know right off the top of their head what might cause that? :)01:38
bittyx-laptophiya! i have win7 on my laptop, and i've just installed ubuntu with dual boot. how can i change the entry in grub that is selected by default when the laptop powers on? also, it seems that the "timeout" to select a system in grub doesn't exist any more - ie. previously if i don't select a system manually and press enter for, say, 10 seconds, the system selected by default would be booted01:38
cswilsonbeen searching around, found nothing the past few hours01:38
cswilsonI am getting mic audio, just cant adjust the /dev/mixer1 settings...01:38
Shirakawasunasurfnsound: if ethernet is working, it's (obviously) something related to your wi-fi, either your card, wi-fi-related software, multiple network setup stuff, or your router01:38
bittyx-laptopuh, forgot to mention - i've installed ubuntu 11.04, so it's grub201:38
surfnsoundi'm able to ping the router ok01:39
XenethShirakawasuna, nope.  It's actually my /home.  One of the things I was talking about when I said "un-organized"01:39
Shirakawasunasurfnsound: maybe it's having trouble setting up your wireless interface properly01:39
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ShirakawasunaXeneth: so your /home is called 'download'?01:40
ShirakawasunaI'm confused!01:40
surfnsoundShirakawasuna, should I try setting the ipv4 setting manually?01:41
surfnsoundDHCP autoatic with google pblic DNS didn't work01:42
XenethShirakawasuna, My mistake.  I originally thought "torrent" was a mount point.  It's not, It's in my home dir which is it's own mount point.01:42
RussWwhere is the best place to look for/request ubuntu printer drivers for Canon printers?01:42
XenethShirakawasuna, I have verified that anyone can create a folder in the dir.01:42
Shirakawasunasurfnsound: It's possible, but I don't know why it'd work.01:43
Shirakawasunasurfnsound: just trying different configurations isn't a bad idea01:43
ShirakawasunaXeneth: ok. So is the folder 'download' or 'torrent' (whichever one's giving the issues) something that 1) exists, 2) has files in it, and/or 3) can be cd'd into?01:44
surfnsoundwell, do you have any suggestions on what I can do? I'd rather not have a laptop that I can't actually be mobile wtith01:44
XenethShirakawasuna, I was thinking the daemon did not have permissions to a process, which is why I started out asking about the process tree.01:44
XenethShirakawasuna, ~/torrents/downloads/01:45
Shirakawasunasurfnsound: Are you dualbooting? If this problem persisted in e.g. Windows XP you'd know it was hardware01:45
surfnsoundI am dual booting, windows gives me no problems01:46
ShirakawasunaXeneth: can your user do `cd ~/torrents/download`01:46
XenethShirakawasuna, all appear to be yes01:46
ShirakawasunaXeneth: or `touch ~/torrents/download/testfile`01:46
Shirakawasunaso it's only this one app that has perms problems01:46
sam555when I vnc into a netbook running ubuntu netbook os 10, it keeps going to my favorites instead of keeping the view of the application.  Any ideas on how to fix this?01:46
Shirakawasunasurfnsound: darn, I was kind of hoping it was hardware01:47
XenethShirakawasuna, correct.01:47
surfnsoundyeah, i wish it was something that easy01:47
XenethShirakawasuna, though it is the only program trying to create files on it's own.  Other programs are to give me access, like ssh01:48
carpunkyCan I ask a question01:48
Shirakawasunasurfnsound: I'm out of ideas, but I'm a little new to ubuntu so don't give up yet. Basically I would start looking into your specific wireless card/drivers (lspci for the card, lsmod for modules). I would also try disabling all network interfaces besides wireless and trying things out. Also compare windows/linux side by side, right next to the router....01:49
Shirakawasunasurfnsound: after that I don't know... besides maybe trying 10.10 or 11.0401:49
Shirakawasunasurfnsound: incidentally, why are you using 10.04?01:49
surfnsoundi actually just installed it01:50
surfnsoundi was in 9.0401:50
Shirakawasunaold! :)01:50
surfnsoundi didn't want to change because when I tried upgrading when 9.10 came out I had all inds of issues01:50
ShirakawasunaXeneth: I'm really not sure, then. Transmission's having issues. Maybe it's transmission's settings.01:50
Xenethbut to be fair, Ubuntu dues update alot and fast01:50
surfnsoundthen someone said not to use the upgrade in the update manager, do a fresh install01:51
surfnsoundbut i didn't feel like reinstalling all my programs01:51
Sidewinder1!ask | carpunky01:51
ubottucarpunky: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:51
XenethShirakawasuna, so I thought too.  I purged and started fresh with same issue.  May help to know what started this....01:51
carpunkyI installed the lastest version of Ubuntu using Wubi ( something like that ) to run in widows...is it the same as installing it to the hard drive that way or will I be missing something ?01:51
Shirakawasunasurfnsound: you could try out natty's liveCD environment and see if the wireless works better01:52
Shirakawasunano need to install01:52
surfnsoundyeah, i might do that01:52
XenethShirakawasuna, I was trying to find a BT that saved torrent file.  I didn;t know at the time about the .transmission-daemon folder.  I tried installing r.torrent and this happened.01:53
surfnsoundtime to get another thumb drive I uess, haha01:53
gnomie!wubi | carpunky01:53
ubottucarpunky: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Maverick/10.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/maverick/wubi.exe01:53
Phr3d13does anyone know if/when nvidia 3d vision will be supported?01:54
Sidewinder1carpunky, Please keep in mind, Wubi is designed ONLY to try ubuntu, within the Win OS and in my considered opinion, it's not really good at that; with all due respect to the developers.01:54
Shirakawasunacarpunky: it's a little different, it's a little bit more like a virtual machine (less access to resources)01:54
gnomiecarpunky: it is not quite the same as installing to hard drive but for all intended purposes it will work the same as if01:54
XenethShirakawasuna, thanks for trying.  Now you know why I am thinking on a complete redo of the system. :)  It will haunt me to the end of my day's not knowing though.01:55
brimstonezam i safe using ubuntu and irc, the firewall seems a little slim01:55
ShirakawasunaXeneth: there's other apps besides transmission, you know ;)01:55
Shirakawasunatorrent apps that is01:55
Sidewinder1brimstonez, Couldn't be safer. :-)01:56
carpunkyThans all for replying, So Im assuming it would be better to partition or use another hard drive to get the full benefit of ubuntu01:56
surfnsoundcarpunky, my first install was a wubi install. It's a safe option to not mess up too badly while you get used to learning the environment, but for some problems it is hard find help in the forums because you sometimes have to do things slightly differently01:56
gnomiecarpunky: in other words, wubi is more aimed as a trial method. once you're comfortable enough you should decide to do a proper install01:56
Sidewinder1carpunky, Have yopu looked into dual boot?01:56
Sidewinder1you, even.01:56
brimstonezthe firewall on ubuntu make me nervous01:57
XenethShirakawasuna, true, but that lack of knowing where it saved the torrent was the only thins I disliked about it, and it's really easy to set up as long as some idiot doesn't screw up and create some ghost of a permission error.01:57
carpunkyNo, i have not looked into duel boot01:57
safe_How can I disable the cdrom and floppy? It always stops and takes about 4 minutes to search for them when I know they're disconnected.01:57
safe_At boot that is.01:57
Joknbrimstonez: what are you worried about specifically?01:58
Xenethsafe_, I think you can remove them from fstab01:58
Sidewinder1carpunky, This link should answer most/all of your questions: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/index.php   Enjoy!01:58
gnomiesafe_: you can disable boot devices in bios01:58
Xenethsafe_, e then you can mount it manually as needed.01:58
carpunkyThanks all....going to  read the link01:59
brimstonezwindows firewall blocks apps and request permission but ubuntu firewall has not prompted me at all01:59
safe_Right, thanks.02:00
brimstonezi have incoming connections disabled and i was think that since its so simple that it would block everything, do the packages open ports?02:00
rwwmacer1: The floodbots aren't sentient.02:00
Sidewinder1brimstonez, Security is a bit different in Ubuntu; you might have a look here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51081202:00
macer1rww: they are not supybots?02:01
rwwmacer1: no02:01
macer1rww: ok :)02:01
XenethDoes Ubuntu have a firewall by default?02:01
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE Lucid and Maverick) also exist.02:01
* Sidewinder1 Is ticked; rww is faster. :-)02:02
brimstonezdid you guys/gals get an unsigned update today?02:02
MonkeyDustanyone who has a solution for the kworker bug? http://askubuntu.com/questions/33640/kworker-what-is-it-and-why-is-it-hogging-so-much-cpu02:03
Sidewinder1brimstonez, No update of any kind here, 10.04.02:03
carpunkyOk...I was reading the dual boot ....So I guess thats what I did with Wubi , because when I reset my puter it goes to the boot options of win7 or  Ubuntu02:03
Sidewinder1carpunky, No, wubi is not dual boot; please read ling further. :-)02:04
Sidewinder1link, even.02:04
gnomiecarpunky: wubi does offer option to install to disk as well..02:04
carpunkyok, let me read further, i got 2 exited02:05
gnomiefurthermore, if you see a grub menu on boot, you do have a dual boot setup already02:05
Sidewinder1carpunky, Understood, the excitement that is, that link will explain almost everything.02:05
Xenethcarpunky, are you trying to decide to install, or are you just wanting to run it in windows?02:05
carpunkyhow do you reply...sorry02:06
Sidewinder1!who | carpunky02:06
ubottucarpunky: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)02:06
IbisUnity 2D doesn't have that "blank/invisible" icons in launcher bug like   the default unity does.02:06
carpunkyah, ty02:07
Sidewinder1carpunky, My pleasure. :D02:07
Ibisxangua: Just so you know.02:07
carpunkysidewinder : test02:07
Xenethcarpunky, Just having someones name in the sentences causes it to address them.  On mine, it shows red rext to let me see it better.02:08
carpunkyxeneth ty02:08
Sidewinder1carpunky, no "space" after nick.02:08
Sidewinder1carpunky, Either a , or : like this <---02:09
Xenethcarpunky, he meant no space between name and colon  "name: text"02:09
carpunkysidewinder1: test02:09
Sidewinder1You got it !02:09
carpunkythank god02:09
Sidewinder1Or any other deities that are around...02:10
carpunkyxeneth: ty02:10
XenethThank Baal02:10
Xeneth...   If I even spelled the correctly02:11
Xenethcarpunky, NP02:11
* Sidewinder1 Knew what you meant. :-)02:11
carpunkyxeneth: I already have it installed using Wubi , I was ust wondering if I was getting full use of it that way02:11
RussWyou got it right, Xeneth02:11
pdkli just wish vmware would make opengl drivers for linux guests02:11
Xenethcarpunky, never used Wubi, but if it's like other virtual machines, you have limeted direct control of hardware using it.02:12
Shirakawasunacarpunky: expect Wubi to be a little bit slower than a real installation would be02:13
RussWCanon does NOT support Linux for their printers...do I have any other options?02:13
Shirakawasunacarpunky: particularly for things like videos/games02:13
ShirakawasunaRussW: HP?02:13
Sidewinder1carpunky, Not to but into Xeneth but, really no; as I stated earlier, wubi is for trying ubuntu. One does not really get the full experience 'til you dual boot.02:13
MonkeyDustanyone who has a solution for the kworker bug? http://askubuntu.com/questions/33640/kworker-what-is-it-and-why-is-it-hogging-so-much-cpu02:14
RussWMy printer  SAYS Canon, though...02:14
XenethSidewinder1, No big, in truth, I'm not the one who started, so I butted in myself.  :P02:14
carpunkyok, you guys, appreciate all your input Im goiing to read that whole link sidewinder1 sent to me, so i dont feel so silly when asking things02:14
Sidewinder1carpunky, That way you're running ubuntu in it's own environment; not within the windoze environment.02:14
Sidewinder1carpunky, There is a learning curve; but once you understand it, it can be very rewarding. :-)02:16
Sidewinder1carpunky, Bon chance!02:16
MonkeyDust carpunky we all were newbees, once02:16
Xenethcarpunky, You will learm more about computing in linux then you can in windows.02:16
Sidewinder1Fr. for good luck.02:16
Sidewinder1Have a nice evening ALL!02:17
Xenethcarpunky, In my opinion, one of windows downfalls is that it tries doing everything instead f being customizable.  If you look in your desktop services, you will see you are running a wireless service still.02:17
gnomieRussW: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Printing-HOWTO/printers.html <-- has some information about supported printers02:18
RussWShirakawasuna (et al.): Does anyone in the Ubuntu community do printer driver conversions?02:18
D_Russhello everyone02:18
ShirakawasunaRussW: I have no idea, sorry02:19
D_Russi have read that i cant share my second harddrive on a samba network in my ubuntu box if it is in ntfs format. anyone know if this is true, i am having one hell of a time getting  a folder on that second hard drive to share.02:20
Xenethrussellw, I think I did come across some that did when I was searching on how to get my printer working.  Couldn't tell you more.02:20
RussWwould drivers from other Distro's work in Ubuntu?02:20
Xenethopps.  <:002:21
D_Russahhh it seems to always be a hardware issue with ubuntu i had a hell of a time getting my printer to work too02:21
D_Russwhat kind of printer?02:21
XenethRussW, I would think as long as you had the libraries to support it.02:21
D_Russrussw: what kind of printer?02:22
RussWCanon i900D02:23
XenethRussW, http://www.linux-drivers.org/index.html02:23
zenonunity 3d stopped working after an update. i have an nvidia gt240.  how can i get it back to work?02:23
RussWCanon chooses not to support Linux02:23
zenoni'm not sure which update broke it02:23
zenonanything i look up online on how to fix it, doesn't work02:23
XenethRussW, Thou Ubuntu is normally good at adding drivers already to the OS.02:23
D_Russmy printer is a canon also02:23
D_Russif its recent i found drivers for it02:24
carpunkyCan I just install another hard drive on my computer and install ubuntu on that02:24
D_Russyes carpunky02:24
carpunkythat seems the safer option02:24
D_Russyes it is02:25
semitones_teacarpunky: safer than what?02:25
D_Russor you can partition02:25
carpunkysafer than partitoning02:25
gnomiejust make sure you KNOW which drive you are installing to or else02:25
semitones_teacarpunky: partitioning is perfectly safe02:25
carpunkyomg, I knew there would be or esle02:25
Xenethcarpunky, yes.  What will happen is the new HDD will have Ubuntu and a bootloader called grub.  Grub will boot, then you will be able to choose what OS.  Does not really matter the location.  I run one of my linux off of my thumb drive.02:25
D_Russif you partition its a small possibility you could break your other OS02:26
semitones_teabut whatever you do, new hd or partitioning, you should be backing up regularly02:26
D_Russvery small02:26
Nautilusis there a place I can get the original /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini file for 10.04LTS ?02:27
Hot2Trotis there any way I can communicate with a windows machine via ssh and copy and move files to and from it with the linux commands I already know?02:27
D_RussRussW: what kind of printer you need a driver for?02:27
semitones_teaHot2Trot: hmm, i don't know, if you don't find an answer here, you can always try ##linux02:27
JoknHot2Trot: you could use ftp or samba02:28
XenethHot2Trot, Windos does not have ssh normally.  Youll have to install a server.  to move files, sftp would work.02:28
XenethHot2Trot, or Samba.  :)02:28
Hot2TrotXeneth: so I can install an ssh server onto the windows computer?  I would like to seemlessly add/remove files from my friend's computer who lives out of country02:29
KM0201Hot2Trot: i was gonna suggest samba, it would be easy, but FTP would work as well.02:29
Hot2Trotsorry, should have put in the not within my LAN caveat02:29
JoknHot2Trot: I'd suggest sftp then.02:29
KM0201Hot2Trot: not on your LAN, FTP is the best option02:29
Hot2Trotso make the xp machine an FTP server?02:30
NautilusTheres also TeamViewer if ya want remote desktop access02:30
Nautilus(it can xfer files)02:30
XenethHot2Trot, You can ass ssh to a window's machine, then you can have others connect to it.02:30
XenethHot2Trot, a little off topic though02:30
jubbi2gwhat is the best way to install gnome 3.1.92 on Ubuntu?02:30
Hot2TrotXeneth: what is the server software? Does putty do this?02:30
xanguajubbi2g: wait to 11.10 ;)02:31
KM0201Hot2Trot: the server software, is an OS.. i take it you want the machine to keep windows?02:31
jubbi2gI know I prob should02:31
XenethHot2Trot, putty is a client, you will have to install opssh onto the windows for a server.02:31
jubbi2gbut..what could go wrong :-D02:31
D_Russso can anyone help me with networking?02:32
JoknD_Russ: What's the problem?02:32
rhce2009what's the problem?02:32
D_Russtrying to get my windows box to read from the second ntfs harddrive on my ubuntu box02:32
D_Russjokn: trying to get my windows box to read from the second ntfs harddrive on my ubuntu box02:32
XenethHot2Trot, just google "windows ssh server"  Should get you what you want.02:33
D_Russvia samba02:33
JoknD_Russ: are you using Samba on the Ubuntu box?02:33
KM0201Hot2Trot: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/TransferFiles02:33
D_Russsamba only works it seems on ext4  format02:34
gnomieD_Russ: thats a question for ##windows02:34
KM0201D_Russ: samba works on lots of formats, not just ext402:34
D_Russi can get samba to work on files and folder on my main harddrive02:35
D_Russbut not on my second hardrive02:35
KM0201D_Russ: then there's likely a setup issue w/ samba02:35
Hot2Trotsorry, my computer went crazy02:35
D_RussKM0201: i have been googling all day trying to find the correct setup, i think i have tried them all02:36
XenethHot2Trot, yea, they be loco!  :)02:36
D_Russusing the samba gui02:36
KM0201Hot2Trot: check this out...  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/TransferFiles02:36
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D_Russits wierd because i can use the exact same set up on the main HD as the second HD and only the main HD will share02:37
JoknD_Russ: whats your smb.conf look like ?02:37
Jokn(don't paste it in here obviously)02:37
Xenethplease dont...02:38
JoknD_Russ: or are you using a GUI to configure the samba shares?02:38
D_Russjokn: it looks confusing to me02:40
D_Russnewbie to ubuntu, i have been using the gui to configure02:40
JoknD_Russ: you're using the system-config-samba tool ?02:40
KM0201D_Russ: what is the mount point of the second hard drive?02:41
blackboxI want to make my ubuntu lightweight but i don't want install those bloat ware02:42
suniceD_Russ, sometimes it is easiest to start over. replace your samba config with a default config and then go through the process again.02:42
gnomie!xubuntu | blackbox02:42
ubottublackbox: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels02:42
suniceYou may even be able to copy one from you other drive.02:42
Xenethblackbox, Ubuntu really does not have "bloatware".02:42
D_Russsunice: that was my last step to replace with default because i installed a program that screwed it up02:42
xanguagnomie: blackbox lubuntu even lighter02:43
suniceD_Rus:sorry joing this late. You mean to say you've already replaced it and it did not help?02:43
D_RussKM0201: mout point is /media/back up data02:44
gnomiexangua: lxde is nice too. no question about it02:44
KM0201D_Russ: can you pastebin your smb.conf02:45
KM0201!pastebin | D_Russ02:45
ubottuD_Russ: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:45
D_Russsunice: it fixed the screw up that the other app did (well i think it was a screw up) that was causing the samba app to give an error02:45
XenethD_Russ, Are you putting a quote around the file name?  "back up data"  instead of back up data?02:45
afromanI need to buy a new hd for my laptop. does it matter what kind? what should I think of?02:45
KM0201Xeneth: that was my thinking, i'm thinking his smb.conf is wrong02:45
jojo_is there any one who successful in internet sharing in ubuntu ive tried alot and none of them are working02:45
suniceafroman: rpm's size, and everyone has a preference.02:46
KM0201jojo_: very successful, i bought a router... my internet shares perfectly now.. :)02:46
D_RussKM0201: i will paste bin it02:46
D_Russone sec02:46
jojo_ive no router02:46
D_Russwhats the local for the samba file?02:46
KM0201D_Russ: /etc/samba/smb.conf02:46
Joknjojo_: I've successfully done internet sharing with ubuntu02:47
afromansunice: what I mean is, should any hd work with my laptop? or do I need to buy one that has the same specs?02:47
jojo_i wanted to have this one02:47
jojo_Internet Connection Sharing – Ubuntu 10.04 NAT Gateway Setup (Abridged Version)02:47
jojo_can you provide me a guide may be or help02:47
jojo_jokn: can you provide me a help ..02:47
D_Russis links allowed in IRC?02:48
Joknjojo_: You have 1 PC and what kind of internet connection? Cable or DSL?02:48
KM0201D_Russ: yes, as long as its not to porn or something... a pastebin is fine02:48
suniceafroman: the size is important, but other than that you should be good02:49
jojo_DSL ive two network card , eth0 connected to wan and eth1 connected to lan ive 15 pc connected to lan02:49
suniceAfroman: sorry more specifically the physical dimensions02:49
gnomieafroman: check the specs on your current hard drive. get the same one if in doubt02:49
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jojo_Jokn: DSL ive two network card , eth0 connected to wan and eth1 connected to lan ive 15 pc connected to lan02:50
KM0201D_Russ: ok, first... you need to make sure that in the path for "Utorrent downloads 2"... 1.  that is case sensitive, so make sure that is all right, and 2.  Put  quotes on each end of the path (before /media and after 2)....  those spaces are likely causing your problem02:50
D_RussKM0201: Samba Server Configuration Tool 1.2.63 .. thats the samba app i have been using to configure.02:50
Joknjojo_: goto the config on eth0 under the network manager and turn on "share this connection"02:50
KM0201D_Russ: i hvae no idea what that is.02:50
D_Russit gives me the optioin to choose the folder from the directory vs typing it in manually02:51
D_Russits in the software stor02:51
gnomieafroman: also, it may be possible to find a direct replacement with more space as well02:51
KM0201D_Russ: well, i don't use it...02:51
XenethD_Russ, path = /media/Back up data/Utorrent downloads 2 I think is an issue.  The space causes issue.  Try path = "/media/Back up data/Utorrent downloads 2"02:52
D_Russso let me try what you suggested02:52
Joknjojo_: it should automatically take care of the rest, create a subnet and your PCs connected to the LAN interface should be able to pull a 10.0.0.* IP via DHCP02:52
afromansunice: gnomie my laptop has 80gb hd, do U think if I could get a 400 gb and it would work?02:52
suniceafroman: is it a sata drive?02:52
afromansunice: gnomie: how do I know for sure?02:52
D_Russlet me give those a try02:52
afromansunice: sata02:52
jojo_ jojo_: Do i need to manually configure the dhcp>?02:53
sunicethen yes another sata drive with the same physical specs should work02:53
afromansunice: gnomie: it has 5400 rpm, is it ok with 7200?02:53
XenethD_Russ, Make sure you restart samba after the change.02:53
KM0201yup... i was gonna mention that after he changed it02:54
afromansunice: what do U mean by "physical specs"? size? rpm?02:54
XenethKM0201, Beat you to the punch.  :)02:54
gnomieafroman: you should consider battery life, higher rpm will drain battery faster02:54
Joknjojo_: no just set your hosts on the LAN side to DHCP02:54
kilraei'm trying to come up with a way to automount an encrypted (LUKS) partition on login (where the password is stored in gnome-keyring)02:54
Joknjojo_: I used this setup on a laptop as a wifi bridge for a long time02:55
kilraethere used to be a program that would do it (gnome-mount), but it's no longer supported02:55
XenethAnyone know of a PPA that has truecrypt in it?02:55
KM0201Xeneth: isn't that in the standard repos?02:55
KM0201!info trucrypt02:55
ubottuPackage trucrypt does not exist in natty02:56
gnomie!u | afroman02:56
ubottuafroman: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' nor 'Ur' are words in the English language. Neither are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' nor 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.02:56
XenethNope, I searched for it.02:56
jojo_Jokn: is there a manual that you could provide me..02:56
KM0201Xeneth: http://mygeekopinions.blogspot.com/2011/06/install-truecrypt-in-ubuntu-1104-natty.html02:56
XenethKM0201, I am in 10.0402:57
Joknjojo_: one moment02:57
jojo_Jokn: which side the one that is connected to WAN or the local side?02:57
Joknjojo_: Are you using the desktop ubuntu for this?02:57
suniceafroman: I sent you a private conversation to answer all of you questions.02:57
tollandI have ubuntu running in a chroot on a hp touchpad and I want to script a command to take grabs from the camera.02:58
KM0201Xeneth: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=135269502:58
tollandv4l doesn't recognise the /dev/video as being able to grab frames02:58
jojo_Jokn: yes right now im using ubuntu 10.0402:58
Joknjojo_: follow the GUI method02:59
XenethKM0201, Being dificault :)  looking for a PPA so I do not have to install for each update.02:59
jojo_ok which one?02:59
KM0201Xeneth: ah i see...02:59
Joknjojo_: section that says GUI Method via Network Manager (Ubuntu 9.10 and up)02:59
jojo_Jokn: i wanted my connection to be like this one: http://www.somewhereville.com/?p=119603:00
XenethKM0201, a DEB repository would work too.  I know truecript has a deb at their site, but no repository info.03:00
gr33n7007hhow do you connect to the internet manually via wpa_supplicant and terminal03:00
tim167hello, it seems that some files randomly get this lock icon, why is that ?03:01
afromansunice: thank U03:01
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jojo_Jokn: can you provide me a link03:01
suniceafroman: any time03:01
alkafootim167: because you aren't familiar enough with them to realize it isn't random03:01
Joknjojo_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing03:01
D_RussXeneth: and KM0201: is there a command to restart samba?03:02
KM0201D_Russ: sudo service smbd restart03:02
afromangnomie: about the battery drain, will the size, apart from the rpm, contribute in the draining too?03:02
jojo_i hoep you got my later msgs a while ago03:02
jozefkhi, 11.10 will come with Gnome or Unity?03:03
gnomie!pm | sunice03:03
ubottusunice: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.03:03
alkafootolland: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam03:03
tim167alkafoo, well it does seem random, for example some files i recorded with the same camera, transfered to my computer on the same day, the same way...etc, and now I open the disk again, and there is the lock icon on some of them, no idea why03:03
Joknjojo_: I saw the messages about the setup -- They are using the "Ubuntu Internet Gateway Method"03:03
alkafootim167: compare ls -al output03:03
afromangnomie: sunice: one last question, would the size make my system go faster or slower? what about the rpm?03:04
sunicetim167: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=84976403:04
jojo_Jokn: have you check the link that i provide ? i wanted to be setup. so the one that teach right now is the same method on the link that i provide you right?03:04
gnomieafroman: for further information, channel ##hardware might be of more help03:04
gr33n7007hCan you install ubuntu on macbook pro direct to hard drive??03:05
D_Russupdated samba with no luck. the other 2 share folders work just fine. everything is spelled and case correct. http://paste.ubuntu.com/695420/03:05
Joknjojo_: Yea I read over the link, its the same thing as the documentation I provided.  Did you already try with the setup you provided?03:06
macer1gr33n7007h, yes03:06
macer1gr33n7007h, what version?03:06
KM0201D_Russ: can you see the folder, and just not write to it, or what?03:06
gr33n7007hwhat version?03:06
jojo_yes right now im doing it03:06
macer1gr33n7007h, what version of ubuntu you want to install03:07
sunicegr33n7007h:  hopefully this helps. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro03:07
gr33n7007hcheers ;)03:07
macer1gr33n7007h, I have a macbook and I 10.04 wasn't running good for me, it was overheating and things like that. But 11.04 works nice :)03:08
Joknjojo_: If you follow those instructions, it should work.  Basically all you're doing is assigning a subnet to the eth1 and setting NAT via IP tables and routing via the kernel.03:08
D_Russi can see the folder but i cant connect to it via any windows machine on my network or via network from ubuntu03:08
D_Russi swear it has to do with the format03:08
macer1gr33n7007h, I suggest you ubuntu-11.04+mac (ubuntu11.04 without +mac are bricking macbooks, fixed in 11.10 beta)03:08
KM0201D_Russ: in a terminal type   cd /medi03:09
KM0201cd /media  (sorry)03:09
jojo_Jokn: so which means i cannot share internet on those process03:09
KM0201and hit enter03:09
Joknjojo_: Yes, you can share the internet.  That's the whole point of what you're doing.03:09
gr33n7007hi'll download 11.04 then and give that a go03:09
jojo_Jokn: after this can my computer pic up a dhcp? my client is a windows03:09
afromangnomie: 2 bad #hardware isn't as helpful as this channel03:09
D_Russi have a partition on the main HD and i cant access anything via the network if its not on the ext4 portion of the drive03:10
gr33n7007hcan u disable unity though03:10
D_RussKM0201 ok done03:10
Joknjojo_: Yes, if your Ubuntu box is running dhcp daemon03:10
D_RussKM0201: done03:10
KM0201D_Russ: pastebin the output of ls -l03:10
macer1gr33n7007h, yes, you can have gnome-panels then03:10
suniceafroman: I will do my best to help you, but not in this channel. you'd have to talk privately.03:10
gnomieafroman: hardware isn't the focus of this channel though03:10
Joknjojo_: its part of the process that you linked me to -- stem 5 and step 603:10
gr33n7007hoh good03:10
macer1gr33n7007h, but unity have great multi-touch support, works great on macbooks :D03:10
jojo_Jokn: how would i know if my dhcp deamon is running03:11
KM0201D_Russ: do you get permission denied, when you try to write to that folder(the one causing problems)03:11
gr33n7007hso better to keep with unity then with macbook03:11
gr33n7007hdo you use bootcamp or revit03:11
gnomiesunice: join afroman in channel, that'd be much more constructive03:11
macer1gr33n7007h, I think yes mainly because of cool multi touch in unity03:11
macer1gr33n7007h, and remember to download +mac if you don't want ubuntu to brick your mac03:11
D_RussKM0201: i cant even get in when i access it via network03:12
D_Russhang tight for pastebin03:12
gr33n7007hThanks macer103:12
D_RussKM0201: http://paste.ubuntu.com/695422/03:12
Joknjojo_: If you followed the instructions and configured it, then it should be running.  You can view the lists of services running by typing "sudo service --status-all" in a terminal03:12
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jojo_Jokn: dhcp-server is in minus..03:13
macer1gr33n7007h, I don't use refit, I use bootcamp for Windoze. I am using 11.10 beta - they added another macbook support feature so grub2 is running default when you power on mac, so no need for refit :D03:13
D_RussKM0201: i can read write and play movies from that folder when i go there via the file system, but not via network, hell i even tried to network into the drive at root level with no luck03:13
macer1gr33n7007h, I don't use refit because when I run OSX too often, refit got removed from boot menu and I need to install it again. Annoying.03:14
blackboxhow i make my wlan0 load or use at boot instead lan003:14
Joknjojo_: then its not running, did you follow all of those steps you provided via that link and it didn't work or whats the problem?03:14
eHAPPYcan anyone point me to a working rtorrent/wtorrent install guide for 10.04 LTS? all the ones im trying dont work03:14
KM0201D_Russ: try this.....   sudo chmod 0777 "/media/Back up data/Utorrent downloads 2"03:15
gr33n7007hok cheers (macer1) whats average partition size for ubuntu -- 320gb03:15
blackboxhow i make my wlan0 load or use at boot instead lan0?03:15
jojo_ok i will restart the computer for a moment ok ..03:15
afromanthx every1. much appreciated.03:15
KM0201D_Russ: now, type ls -l again03:16
KM0201D_Russ: what does it say next to "back up data"03:16
escottgr33n7007h, 10gb03:16
macer1gr33n7007h, first add in OSX new empty partition. Ubuntu can not modify OSX partitons in installer. Then in advanced settings of installer delete that partion and manually add partition for ubuntu and swap03:16
gr33n7007hok thanks very much03:17
D_RussKM0201: drwx------ 1 don  don  32768 2011-09-22 22:09 Back up data03:17
KM0201D_Russ: and you say thats ext4, right?03:17
macer1gr33n7007h, good luck with it ;)03:17
JoknI hope he didn't restart his computer to make the dhcpd restart...03:18
D_Russthats ntfs03:18
KM0201oh ok.03:18
XenethD_Russ, It's NTFS.  You may have to setup the permissions in SAMBA because NTFS has no linux permissions03:18
KM0201Xeneth: yeah, but.. i access ntfs partitions w/ samba no problem.03:19
KM0201i don't recall anything special03:19
KM0201D_Russ: yeah03:19
vavoyshSo lately, I've been having issues with my sound card. The longer my uptime is, the more static it produces, until eventually it starts jumbling everything to the point that I can't make anything out. I think that it's an issue with pulseaudio or something, because this doesn't happen in windows (at least, not that I can tell). A reboot always fixes it temporarily. Any ideas/more info needed? Please and thank you.03:19
cache_surplusanyone encountered this error:   No apport report written because MaxReports is reached already03:19
XenethKM0201, You still have the working Samba?  Can you post the config file for comparison?03:19
D_Russare you doing it from a windows box over the network?03:19
KM0201D_Russ: i've done both.03:20
D_Russi dont get why mine wont work then03:20
KM0201D_Russ: i don't have windows here, but i've accessed it w/ a relatives windows box w/o a problem03:20
D_RussXeneth: the permisions are all set to yes on the smb.conf03:21
XenethD_Russ, you said you can see it, just not access it?03:21
escottvavoysh, try rmmod and modprobing the driver, and see if that helps03:21
KM0201Xeneth: http://paste.ubuntu.com/695427/03:21
D_Russthe folder shows on the network but i cant get into it03:21
KM0201D_Russ: thats my server smb.conf03:22
XenethD_Russ, have you tried making that folder browsable?03:22
KM0201Xeneth: according to his smb.conf   that folder is browseable03:22
D_RussXeneth: how?03:22
accelis there a way to tell lpr: do whatever the fuck you like, just resize this pdf until it's letter size and then print it?03:22
gnomie!language | accel03:22
ubottuaccel: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.03:22
vavoyshescott: how do I do that?03:23
D_RussKM0201: i have a few less lines then you. does that matter03:24
`Immortal`anybody here familiar with gtkPod?03:24
D_Russi dont have users specified03:24
KM0201D_Russ: i don't think so....03:24
`Immortal`or is there a separate channel for gtkPod?03:24
MamiCutehi guys,mi audio is now working,,it act like is it but is not sound at all03:25
XenethD_Russ, KM0201:  The only real differance I see in the 2 are "username map = /etc/samba/smbusers03:25
Xenethsecurity = user"03:25
`Immortal`i get a segmentation fault when i try to copy music from my 5.5G ipod to my et3 Linux partition03:25
D_Russyea your right. the others ones work03:25
`Immortal`most are copied03:25
KM0201but i don't thinkt hat would cause that.03:25
centHOGGnot good03:25
`Immortal`but around 15%03:25
escottvavoysh, lsmod will list kernel modules, the ones related to sound will be snd* and you can sudo rmmod the module names you see listed there and then sudo modprobe them back03:25
`Immortal`not good03:26
XenethD_Russ, "security = user" I think means to use linux permissions which may be why it;s having trouble with NTFS.03:26
vavoyshescott: and then once I do that, if they keep bugging out, how do I fix them?03:26
escottvavoysh, i doubt its pulse, its more likely a driver issue. but if it were pulse you could just killall pulseaudio03:27
cache_surplusanyone encountered this error:   No apport report written because MaxReports is reached already03:27
D_Russok i will give it a try03:27
D_Russand see what i get03:27
cache_surpluswhile trying to install samba03:27
MamiCuteis this a help channel ?03:27
escott!ot | MamiCute03:28
ubottuMamiCute: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:28
semitones_teaMamiCute: yup, so long as it concerns ubuntu03:28
vavoyshescott: Wait, do I have to rmmod and modprobe ALL of the modules with snd*? There's a lot03:28
MamiCuteok cool,my audio is not working,just install ubuntu alongside with windows 703:28
lokomisd'oh, in one of my tabs is now a lonely /j #03:29
gnomieMamiCute: ubuntu version?03:29
escottvavoysh, probably only need to rmmod the one that is specific to your device, but also the modprobe will resolve dependencies so if you rmmod snd all should get removed, and if you modprobe snd_..._codec_.... all should get put back03:30
MamiCutegnomie, is 10.4 LTS03:30
vavoyshescott: Ok, thank you for the help. I will try it next time it bugs out03:30
escottvavoysh, feel free to try killing pulseaudio, but i doubt thats it. if killing pulse doesn't work, and rmmod does its almost certainly a driver issue03:31
D_Russthere is no way to format without erasing the files is it?03:31
D_Russi guessi would have to transfer them and then transfer them back03:32
XenethD_Russ, no, it's a completely divverant structure.  Try commenting out that line first and see if it works before going that far.03:33
MamiCuteis there audio drivers for ubuntu03:33
XenethD_Russ, err differant03:33
s0126hdoes ubuntu 11.4  come with higher or lower than Linux 2.6.3903:35
gnomie!sound | MamiCute03:35
ubottuMamiCute: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.03:35
KM0201well, 11.4 doesn't exist, so who knows03:35
xangua!info linux | s0126h03:35
ubottus0126h: linux (source: linux-meta): Generic complete Linux kernel.. In component main, is optional. Version (natty), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 all armel powerpc)03:35
escottMamiCute, lshw -c sound; lsmod | grep snd and !paste us the output03:35
escott!paste | MamiCute03:35
ubottuMamiCute: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:35
zzombieGood evening guys.03:36
D_RussXeneth: that line appears several times in the file? am i removing them all?03:36
Josesordohello all03:36
=== nosa is now known as nosa-j
zzombiehi Jose03:37
JosesordoI can install gnome 3 and have xfce 4.8 installed too?.. then I can decide what to use when I log IN?03:37
urlin2uJosesordo, what isa the release your running generally 11.04 and gnome 3 are nor advised.03:38
MamiCuteescott, http://pastebin.com/7RXaTN8h03:38
XenethD_Russ, Frop your paste, it shows 3 times, but only 1 is active.  You do not want to remove it at this point, just add ; or # so it's seen as a comment and not a setting.03:38
Xeneth....  Later it get's, worst I type....03:38
Josesordourlin2u, Im in Xubuntu 11.0403:39
=== RedWar is now known as yueroa781
urlin2uJosesordo, maybe be different with xubuntu not sure have you installed gnome 3 yet?03:40
urlin2ubasically it is not in the repos's03:41
gnomiethat's quite the jump from xfce to gnome3, i predict many issues03:41
escottMamiCute, your drivers are certainly loaded so ake sure that nothing is muted in alsamixer, and that the sound output is going to the speakers and not the hdmi. if its still not working http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Help_To_Debug_Intel_HDA03:41
D_RussXeneth: i cant find the one that is active is it toward the bottom? i see that line sever times with no # or : in front of it.03:43
Josesordourlin2u, well I tried to install it with ubuntu but didnt work well .. maybe cuz my ATI video card =S03:43
XenethD_Russ, Line 242.  Just before "#======================= Share Definitions ======================="03:43
XenethD_Russ, Wh I did a search on your post, it only shows 3 times.03:45
XenethD_Russ, err When03:45
zzombieGuys, how much effort does it take (for a noob) to set up Win7/Vista/2k on Virtual box?03:45
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D_Russmaybe i di something wrong03:45
D_Russi found it03:45
D_Russthank you03:46
FloodBot1D_Russ: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:46
dsnydersHI all.  Does anyone know of a good calendar printing software.  I want to print a week at a glance page with seven columns, rather than the "standard" five boxes plus two half boxes layout.03:47
TrfsrfrMy system is really REALLY slow lately, all the time, but is also now taking 15 minutes to come back from screen saver...any thoughts for a newb like me?03:47
=== yueroa781 is now known as RedWar
urlin2uJosesordo, its not advised to be installed in Natty I think, its more than your card, gnome 3 is in the oneiric repos, but is in development03:47
escottzzombie, virtual machine installs tend to be fairly easy. the only problem with virtualizing windows is if you want to have 3d in windows03:48
zzombiei don't  -- i want to run Word-viewer .. which uses some word-dlls, probably Win XP stuff ... any idea how hard that is?03:48
gnomie!gnome3 | Josesordo03:49
ubottuJosesordo: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely.03:49
MamiCuteescott,  i upload a pulse autio file and i get this = http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=77066d443c041bfc395320574f258b323cd6a44c03:49
D_RussXeneth: http://paste.ubuntu.com/695433/03:49
=== Auriel__ is now known as Auriel
D_Russnot having any luck with that either.03:49
MamiCuteis telling me that esd is not running03:50
MamiCuteis that for sound also ?03:50
escottMamiCute, esd is the enlightenment sound daemon, pulseaudio replaces it03:50
XenethD_Russ, ok, You can uncomment it then.  I am stumped.  It's been some time since I messed with Samba, so I am stumped without getting on your machine myself.  You can see it so Samba is sharing it.03:52
escottMamiCute, if its not a muting issue, and its not a sound being send to hdmi issue, then its probably a pin issue. check if there is an appropriate module parameter listed here http://git.alsa-project.org/?p=alsa-kernel.git;a=blob;f=Documentation/sound/alsa/HD-Audio-Models.txt;hb=HEAD or try the hda-analyzer tool here http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/HDA_Analyzer03:52
XenethD_Russ, Are you trying to get to it as guessed?03:52
_PythonAnyone there?03:53
zzombieWell, thanks for the info, escott :) Gonna give it a shot03:53
D_Russnot quite sure what that means03:53
D_Russi  just want it connect to my wired network03:53
D_Russall ethernet03:53
_Pythoni happened to notice an article about Windows8 a threat to linux03:54
_Pythonim serious03:54
_Pythonbut not a fan of windows!!03:55
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:55
K-Richugh bbl03:55
centHOGGwin8 is a flail against apple03:55
XenethD_Russ, I mean the innitial connection is whatever you have you XP username unless changed.  If no match, you are a guest.  Are you putting in a rusername differant then your XP username?03:55
iAmGodhow to install iTunes on ubuntu.. anyone??03:56
D_Russnot entering a user name03:57
D_Russits not asking03:57
XenethD_Russ, is your XP usernamt and pass the same as you ubuntu user and pass?03:57
XenethLOL  I need sleep soon  me no type good03:57
D_Russno, but the other machine is win703:57
escottiAmGod, if you want to purchase music you can try wine, or a virtualmachine. if you want to connect to the ipod most of the music players have support for some devices03:58
XenethD_Russ, and it's having the same issue?03:58
D_Russno the win 7 machine can connect with the other windows machines in the house just fine03:59
iAmGodescott.. oh..03:59
iAmGodso mean of Apple..03:59
D_Russand only a few folders on the ubuntu one03:59
D_Russthe ones that i dont need lol03:59
XenethD_Russ, I mean can the windows 7 box connect to the Samba share?03:59
iAmGodescott, have you used mono?? C# on ubuntu.?03:59
D_Russyes the 2 shares that are on the ext4 partition of the main HD04:00
D_Russbut the the second drive is ntfs and it will not connect to that04:00
escottiAmGod, no04:00
iAmGodanyone has good articles on linux kernel programming?04:01
gnomiehd: high definition | hdd: hard drive disk04:01
jdmcan someone help me write a windows 7 iso to a usb drive without using unetbootin (which isnt working, wont even list the usb drives)04:01
iAmGodI mean with some kinda example04:01
XenethD_Russ, So same issue.   What I think is happening is Authentication is failing when connecting to your Samba shares, so they log in as guest.04:01
jdmand i have th latest version of unetbootin04:01
jdmg/f needs it for school04:01
soreauiAmGod: There are probably some if you google..04:01
xanguajdm: /join ##windows04:02
soreauiAmGod: What are you wanting to do exactly?04:02
escottiAmGod, kernelnewbies04:02
XenethD_Russ, Want to know what happens if you log into Samba using the Ubuntu username and pass.04:02
jdmxangua, im in linux dude04:02
jdmxangua, i need to create a bootable windows 7 usb from ubuntu04:02
cache_surpluswubi.exe is all you need jdm04:02
xanguasee /topic04:02
escottjdm, the relevent details are still windows specific04:02
iAmGodsoreau, I havent done any sort of kernel programming... fed up with web programming and stuffs!!04:02
urlin2ujdm, thumb NTFS boot flag, and extract to it.04:02
XenethD_Russ, I may not be explaining it well.04:02
D_RussXeneth: no, not all of the samba shares are failing. only the samba shares that are on the  second HDD (thanks gnomie) that is in ntfs on the ubuntu box.04:03
xanguacache_surplus: read before answer ;)04:03
soreauiAmGod: Oh yea, web programming sucks. I'd rather do mind boggling C/C++ ;)04:03
iAmGodgreat soreau.. i realized in the end...04:03
urlin2ujdb, this works as well. http://liveusb.info/dotclear/04:03
=== JasonMovie is now known as Jasonn
_cbWhat is a good chanel to have a discussion on secure access to the internet?04:04
cache_surplusanyone encountered this error:   No apport report written because MaxReports is reached already?04:04
soreauiAmGod: But you should find something you want to do, and then look into it. The easiest entry level from my experiences is module/driver programming04:04
urlin2ujdm, http://liveusb.info/dotclear/ this works to.04:04
soreauiAmGod: There is also #kernel on this network04:04
iAmGodoh wow.. thats great..04:04
XenethD_Russ correct, NTFS permissions are different from EXT4, so guest may not be getting access to it.04:04
xanguaurlin2u: read befor answer too ;)04:04
cache_surplusjdm: so why do you need a w7 boot disk again?04:04
iAmGodsoreau.. i was into much of the ASP.NET and other stuffs04:04
XenethD_Russ, I'm just looking for a way to test that.04:05
iAmGodsoreau got frustrated with windows recently.. hence started with linux!! :)04:05
cache_surpluswaits briefly...04:05
soreauiAmGod: Like I said, find something useful you want to do/fix and start hacking04:05
jdmcache_surplus, girlfriend's computer for school04:06
jdmcache_surplus, her hard drive crashed yesterday04:06
jdmurlin2u, thank you04:06
jdmbought her a new one04:06
cache_surplushow does ubuntu fit in ?04:07
cache_surplusi said use wubi.exe for a reason... it will recognize your failed doze drive if possible...04:07
jdmurlin2u, why is it downloading so many packages?04:08
urlin2ujdm, this is off topic for this channel I can't really say any more.04:08
jdmwhy is it downloading Seabios04:09
XenethD_Russ, You know how to map a drive in XP?04:09
D_RussXeneth: no i dont think so. How do you do it in windows 7? thats what the other windows boxes are all win704:11
jdmgoing to get this shit off both computers04:11
cache_surplusgoing back to mac jdm?04:11
jdmcache_surplus, windows on both04:12
cache_surplusyah, good move, i gave up on doze computing years ago04:12
jdmcache_surplus, kubuntu on the desktop, windows on the netbook04:12
cache_surplushavent had the urge to go back even once04:12
jdmi just moved so my tower is in its box04:12
cache_surplusjust load gnome desktop and enjoy.04:12
cache_surpluseither ubuntu or any linux for that matter04:13
cache_surpluskeep it simple, i you want to get hardcore, you always have the shell04:13
XenethD_Russ, Go to command Prompt04:13
D_Russwhats the command?04:14
D_Russcache_surplus: i like ubuntu 11.04 i just wish it was completely bug free, i have 2 bugs that i cant kill yet. but i do emember spending hours trying to get things to work right on windows aswell.04:16
cache_surplusi will never use the unity desktop04:16
D_Russunity is not one of my bugs04:16
cache_surplusi never will dual boot either04:16
Shirakawasunajdb: sick of unity?04:17
ShirakawasunaD_Russ: which bugs?04:17
D_Russwhy is that cache?04:17
XenethD_Russ,  Start > Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt04:17
D_RussShirakawasuna: 3-5 minutes before my mouse or keyboard works after a restart04:18
XenethD_Russ, Then Type "net use z: \\<server ip>\<share name> \user:<ubuntu user>@<server ip> "  filling in the correct info04:18
D_RussXeneth: im in command prompt04:18
XenethHopefully it will ask for your password04:18
D_Russi have to look all that stuff up04:19
ShirakawasunaD_Russ: have you tried making your own xorg.conf (with no hotplugging)?04:19
XenethD_Russ, LOL yea, one reason I dislike windos command prompt.  There are I think 5 different kind of switches04:20
Shirakawasunaif it has something to do w/ evdev hotplugging, your own xorg.conf w/ explicit keyboard and mouse entires might fix it04:20
D_RussShirakawasuna: i dont know how to modify or access the xorg file04:20
D_RussXeneth: thank you so much for your help.04:21
KMNsadfaceif i threw an iso in my usb and booted up would it bootup properly or would i have to use a program to extract it?04:21
D_Russi am going to have to revisit this networking problem anotherday04:21
XenethD_Russ, NP, I'm more into it out of curiosity at this point.  :P04:22
D_Russyou on often?04:22
XenethD_Russ, here and there.  Less nex week when class starts up agian04:22
Xenethyea, I need sleep.  :P04:22
ShirakawasunaD_Russ: mostly from here down: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Xorg#Disabling_Input_Hot-plugging04:23
D_RussXeneth: i will try and catch you online and maybe we can kill this networking bug. then or if i find a solution i will let you know04:24
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ShirakawasunaD_Russ: the xorg.conf is the configuration for X.Org, which is the service on which all of the graphics you are currently viewing is built. This includes keyboard and mouse input into X.04:24
XenethD_Russ, NP   GL04:24
ShirakawasunaD_Russ: by default, it's minimal/nonexistent as the default hotplugging methods work, but if you write your own you can override those defaults.04:24
D_RussShirakawasuna: thank you, i am going to have a look at that04:25
gaurav_Ubutnuis there anyway to capture live streaming video in ubuntu04:25
=== Timic_ is now known as Timic
nac-godfatherfriggen crap, file splicing file too large?04:25
D_Russu know a terminal propmpt?04:25
nac-godfathernautilus crap04:25
D_RussShirakawasuna: will this effect a KVM?04:27
ShirakawasunaD_Russ: I think it'll probably be fine. If you set it up right (basically, just include keyboard and mouse entries alone and a couple master settings) it should only modify input device settings, which are pretty standard, leaving things like graphics alone04:28
ShirakawasunaD_Russ: breaking X is always a risk, though, so make sure you know how to ctrl+alt+F2 and do things from a console. Primarily sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak and sudo reboot04:29
D_Russim a newbie04:30
Jasonnanyone know how to make user-specific disk space limits without making partitions in a user friendly way?04:30
D_Russthis is not a good idea for me then04:30
Jasonnanyone know how to make user-specific disk space limits without making partitions in a user friendly way? <-- for ubuntu server, that is04:30
=== Timic_ is now known as Timic
Jasonnnac-godfather: that for me?04:31
nac-godfatherI believe that's the tool04:31
nac-godfathermkfs vfat 16 etc. (would have to look it up myself)04:32
JasonnBut I want a user-friendly way of doing it04:32
Jasonnand I am not going into virtualization atm04:32
nac-godfather"without" was what you said04:33
nac-godfatherfiguring you meant no gui04:33
Xenethnac-godfather, he said server so likely cli only04:34
nac-godfatherI'm not sure how to set limits on disk space per user04:34
OerHeksJasonn, the package quota should be able to < http://packages.ubuntu.com/natty/quota04:34
JasonnOerHeks: on ubuntu server?04:35
nac-godfathergo back to using windows if that's how you wanna run things :)04:36
frinthey         this is really basic here,  but I cant seem to get my asus a8n32 sli to load from the boot disc04:36
frintis this the right forum to address this basic quirey   :]04:36
Shirakawasunafrint: I'm sure it's fine, especially if it's an ubuntu disc04:37
Shirakawasunafrint: have you ever modified the BIOS settings on a computer before?04:37
frintI think i might have to move the jumper to clear right?04:37
frintthen start over/>?04:38
Shirakawasunafrint: not sure about that. I think more likely you need to either modify your boot priority in the bios to include your CD drive and/or figure out the hotkey for selecting boot devices during POST.04:38
frintit is my own home made 11.04 disc04:38
frintthe second part i dont get04:39
frintthe first part ive already dun04:39
JoknFrint: don't reset it, just change boot priority, some BIOS will have a hotkey built in for post04:39
Shirakawasunafrint: basically, when your computer starts it flashes the ASUS logo, yes? At that point (POST) you can press one key to get to the bios, and sometimes another to be able to select what device (e.g. cd drive) you boot from04:39
Xenethfrint, it comes up at same time as option to get into bios.04:39
Shirakawasunafrint: the keys are usually f1, f2, (...), f12, or delete04:39
shrapI believe for Asus F10 or 12 is the boot menu04:40
Xenethf12 on my asus04:40
frintyeah been there                     but dont know how to navigate that menu04:40
gnomiebut, booting from cd is usually the first boot option04:40
AlecTaylorHow do I stop the default VNC server of Ubuntu via CLI?04:40
nac-godfatherdepends on what vnc service is called.04:41
frintyeah         ive alowed the pc to go to cd first        it just doesn't recognise the 11.04 as a boot disc04:41
nac-godfathercheck /etc/init.d/04:41
Shirakawasunafrint: in the BIOS settings navigation is up/down/left/right keys, enter, escape, and some of the F# keys. In the boot device dialog, it's usually the up/down keys and enter.04:41
nac-godfatherfrint did you burn it as an image?04:41
Xenethfrint, sounds like a bad burn them04:41
gnomiefrint: burn a new one04:41
Shirakawasunafrint: so can you make other CDs boot?04:41
frintok           lets start with that              how to get the propper burn04:42
frintdo i drag the iso to nero lite04:42
frintor is that not good enough04:42
nac-godfatherno, you need to find a burning program that has the option to burn the iso as an image04:42
frintthats what i did04:42
nac-godfatherdata doesn't work04:42
gnomieright click on downloaded .iso, select to burn04:42
Xenethfrint, what os you have?04:43
nac-godfatherunless you customize it and add isolinux and a bunch of other stuff you don't need to know yet04:43
frintxp  sp304:43
Guest33600my dvd not boot linux install from dvd why ?04:43
Guest33600from cd is ok04:43
nac-godfatherprobably same issue as frint04:43
Xenethfrint, CDBurnterXP is a good free one.04:43
nac-godfatherpiratebay is a good resource for anything04:44
frintis that with the os stuff?04:44
Xenethfrint, no, you will need to download it, but it's easy and free04:44
=== Guest33600 is now known as away123
frint.............................from cnet?04:45
nac-godfatherthere should be an option within nero, i've found it in most versions04:45
gnomie!iso | frint04:45
ubottufrint: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.04:45
Xenethnever used nero04:45
Shirakawasunafrint: nero should be able to burn an iso image04:45
Shirakawasunafrint: you just need to make sure it's attempting to burn it as an image rather than the data file04:46
gnomie!burning | frint04:46
ubottufrint: CD/DVD burning software: k3b (KDE), brasero (GNOME), gnomebaker, xcdroast, wodim (command-line) | To burn ISO files, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto04:46
frintwhere do i get md5          never heard of it04:46
nac-godfatherdon't worry about that04:46
nac-godfatherjust burn it as an image dude04:46
frintyeah          nero lite only has option to burn data04:46
gnomiebut, you are trying to burn .iso in windows. so ##windows should be of more help04:47
Shirakawasunafrint: in the past I have used this when I only have windows available and need to burn an image: http://www.deepburner.com/?r=download04:47
Shirakawasunafrint: the free version, of course, don't pay for the pro version.04:47
frintIll use the xeneth way first and get back to ya             then Ill try the shirack download04:48
XenethLOL  pay for software.  ...  funny04:48
lafonanyone know why kubuntu icons force their way into lucid?04:49
AlecTaylorI'm controlling a VNC session through RDP (xrdp) remotely. How do I force a change in resolution to one not listed?04:49
Shirakawasunais k3b installed, lafon?04:50
lafonlooks like it04:51
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frintthanks all04:54
XenethThere is a lot of activity, but little chatting04:54
Xenethfrint, so it worked?04:54
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frintwell           am burning image right now04:55
frintflawless install04:55
Ibisfrint: Which image?04:55
frintsee how it loads                 11.0404:55
Xenethfrint, Glad to hear.  That was a program I liked back before I know of all this open source fun.04:55
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=== Kasjopaja is now known as Guest35639
frintare you all dipped in gnomewear.....   all gladly gnomafied?04:58
XenethI am still using 10.04, so yes.  :)04:58
frintare you all deep into the linix way?04:58
Shirakawasunafrint: yup04:58
frintjust want to know how far i can go with this path04:58
ShirakawasunaI'm using xfce right now though, no gnome :)04:59
Xenethfrint, still a newb, so not an expert, but have the bible on order and going to be studing.04:59
frintgl xe04:59
frinthow stable is the 11.04    is it solid?05:00
Shirakawasunafrint: I think it's pretty solid05:00
Xenethoxidizer, how.05:00
k1dd1sasteri got a question guys05:00
oxidizeri dont know05:01
Shirakawasunafrint: if there's issues, it's mostly due to particular hardware conflicts, which hopefully you won't have. I think asus computers tend to be pretty friendly with linux.05:01
Xenethfrint, I have it on my other PC, no issues on that.  I had trouble with it on my laptop.05:01
Shirakawasunaoxidizer: wat05:01
k1dd1sasterwhenever you enter a command and you do it incorrectly...and it puts the cursor to the next line...how do you either 'finish the command' or exit out of it05:01
Shirakawasunak1dd1saster: ctrl+c05:01
Shirakawasunak1dd1saster: or type 'done'05:01
centHOGGasus computers = priest, linux = alterboys05:01
k1dd1sasterno in linux terminal05:02
Shirakawasunak1dd1saster: that's what I mean05:02
k1dd1sasterlike type 'sort -d' ...it puts the cursor to the next line...ctrl d or done doesnt work...05:02
Shirakawasunak1dd1saster: type 'sort -d'05:02
k1dd1sasteri run into this problem all the time and have to close and reopn new terminal...05:02
Shirakawasunak1dd1saster: then ctrl+c05:02
Xenethctrl + C05:02
k1dd1sasteroh ctrl shift c works05:02
k1dd1sasterthank you!05:03
Shirakawasunayou must have a unique terminal emulator05:03
Shirakawasunanp :)05:03
k1dd1sasterim using ubuntu 11.04 terminal...05:03
Xenethk1dd1saster, I heard kicking the box works too.  :P05:04
gnomienot really, i have to use ctrl+shift+v to paste to terminal on 11.04 too05:04
Shirakawasunagnomie: that's normal05:04
gnomiethat's what i mean05:04
Shirakawasunactrl+shift+c is normally 'copy', as ctrl+c is too important05:04
AlecTaylorHow do I add a 1920x1080 baseline to my xorg.conf?05:05
k1dd1sasterohhh i changed ctrl c to copy...that must have messed with it05:05
roothow do i make a iso work on my usb when i boot up from it?05:05
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Shirakawasunak1dd1saster: yup! :)05:05
gnomieyou said 01:03 < Shirakawasuna> you must have a unique terminal emulator05:05
lafonroot, do you want to boot from a usb?05:05
gnomiewhich isn't all that unique, since it's normal05:05
Guest94688lafon: yes05:05
k1dd1sasteris there a script to cut out the noise on a channel...like the 'blah blah has quit...'05:05
XenethGuest92795, you in ubuntu already?05:06
k1dd1sastertrying to have a conversation is impossible...05:06
Shirakawasunagnomie: no, it's reversed. k1dd1saster used ctrl+shift+c to interrupt a process and (presumably) ctrl+c to copy05:06
=== Guest94688 is now known as osso
ossolafon: yes, im trying to boot from a USB05:06
Shirakawasunak1dd1saster: it depends on which program you are using, but you can usually find a configuration in the preferences that lets you ignore join/part messages05:06
XenethAre you in Ubuntu already?05:06
ossoXeneth: yes05:07
ossoXeneth: im trying to create a Win7 Repair disc and its currently an .ISO05:07
Xenethosso, then you can go upto system > startup disk creator.  Just point to your usb05:08
Xenethosso, just choose the correct ISO05:08
urlin2ustartup disc creator wont work05:09
lafonso anyone figure out why kubuntu forces its icons to gnome in lucid?05:09
gnomiehe should do that from windows anyway05:09
ossognomie: i cant boot into windows, that's why im creating a win7 repair disc so i can fix the MBR05:10
urlin2ulafon, how much of kde do you have installed?05:10
lafonurlin2u:  I used the meta KDE from synaptic05:11
Xenethosso, if creator willnot work, you may have to put it on CD until you get windows working.05:11
urlin2uosso, make the thumb a NTFS partition, out a boot flag on it all in gparted and extract the ISO to it with the file roller.05:11
urlin2ulafon, when you have n=both they share apps.05:12
jojo_any one here im having a problem sharing internet my windows client cannot ping or pullup website i follow the configuration in help.ubuntu.com05:12
OerHeksosso your windows provider has its own tool to put win7 on an usbstick05:13
lafonurlin2u:  how would i fix that though?05:13
ossoOerHeks: yes, but i cannot acces my Win7... so how would i create that lol05:13
urlin2ulafon, not sure really.05:14
jojo_any one here im having a problem sharing internet my windows client cannot ping or pullup website i follow the configuration in help.ubuntu.com05:14
urlin2uosso, follow my instructions, and you will have a bootable recovery disc.05:14
urlin2uon the thumb05:14
k1dd1sasterso im using irssi ...is there a way i can scroll up?05:15
gnomiepg up05:15
lafonI find it strange that the startup disk creator doesn't work with win7. i did it once and it was fine05:15
jojo_internet sharing problem here05:15
ossourlin2u: extract the ISO to it with the file roller; -how?05:15
jojo_any one here im having a problem sharing internet my windows client cannot ping or pullup website i follow the configuration in help.ubuntu.com05:15
jojo_any one here im having a problem sharing internet my windows client cannot ping or pullup website i follow the configuration in help.ubuntu.com05:15
urlin2uosso, hit extract, it ask where point it to the thumb.05:16
Xenethjojo_, Don't want to copy and paste like that.  I know theory, but not iptables05:16
zephyrOMFG, I love it.05:16
zephyrMy Weechat!!!05:16
jojo_Then what should i do05:16
urlin2uosso,  if you click on the iso it opens a extractor.05:16
jojo_no one ans me05:17
urlin2uosso, it opens the archive manager05:18
wildbatjojo_: you still on that?05:18
Xenethjojo_, ask and continue research.  There may not be someone on who knows that.  I could tell you what is needed, but not how to set it up.05:18
ossourlin2u: okay got it; so now just reboot into USB?05:19
jojo_oo that will be fine. what is needed05:19
AlecTaylorjojo_: %System32%\ping.exe05:19
urlin2uosso, did you format the thumb to NTFS and put a bootflag on it?05:19
Xenethjojo_, You using 2 ethernets?05:19
jojo_aw. im not using windows.... im using ubunt 10.0405:19
jojo_yes ive installed that05:20
=== k1dd1saster is now known as KidC11
Xenethjojo_, ok, You need to setup DHCP on the one going to your other PC's.  Then setup iptables to be a NAT wit port translation.05:21
jojo_my client is able to acquire address by DHCP, idont know about the ip tables05:22
Xenethjojo_, not sure of the command, but you should be able to look at the routing tables of iptables.05:22
thechad90000I was wondering if anyone could tell me what the best Dreamweaver-like software is for Linux05:22
jojo_like route -n command?05:24
Xenethjojo_, like I said, I know what needs to be done, but without the commands, it dosn't do much good.  I know how to do it on a CISCO, not linux.  I did fumble thrue it once though.05:24
thechad90000Sorry to ask again but does anyone have suggestions for a Dreamweaver-like program for Linux?05:26
Xenethjojo_,  Try http://www.server-servers.com/ubuntu-router-network-gateway/05:26
zelozelosi made a mouse theme but it wont show up where u change the mouse pointer (change background,theme,pointer tab) any idea why? it works if i change the default theme file05:26
jojo_ok will try that05:27
zelozelosgo to http://gnome-look.org/   its called Envy05:31
NoNhi guyss05:31
NoNi have a big problem with CUT command05:32
NoNcan somebody try ti help me?05:32
zelozeloswhats it doin?05:32
NoNsomebody here?05:33
davidsandsjoin #nautilus05:33
SIFTUNoN: just ask05:33
zelozelosNoN, whats it doin?05:33
NoNi'm trying to do: cat file.txt | cut -d',' -f$var05:34
NoNwhere $var is "1,2,3"05:34
zelozelosbeyond me, idont script much05:35
NoNit works when i write in console: var="1,2,3"05:35
NoNbut when I read "1,2,3" from a file and I save it in the variable var, it doesn;t work, the cut command doesnt recognize the sintaxis05:36
ActionParsnipNoN: in which language?05:37
NoNdid i explain good?05:37
ActionParsnipNoN: have you asked in #bash too?05:37
SIFTUNoN: I dont immediately.. I would try "od"ing the vars.. but the guys in #bash would prob ably know straight away05:38
NoNthanks i didn't know about this channel05:38
NoNthank you so much05:38
ActionParsnipI can't help much myself. My bash-fu is yellow belt on a good day05:39
SIFTUNoN: I would check for escape chrs in the var05:39
NoNi was thinking about that05:40
SIFTUNoN: probably a \n or something on the end of the one you read in05:40
SIFTUNoN: which is why I suggested using "od" to debug.05:40
cyphahow do I fix my mouse scrolling05:40
cyphasometimes it scrolls horizontally instead of vertical05:41
cyphait's a touchpad on a lenovo05:41
cyphai'm using a vbox05:41
NoNi havent' heard about 'od', what is it?05:41
SIFTUNoN: octal dump05:41
NoNSIFTU: i havent' heard about 'od', what is it?05:41
SIFTUNoN: var="1,2,3" && echo $var|od -c05:42
NoNit's a command?05:42
ActionParsnipcypha: did you install the guest additions? Are you fully updated?05:43
cyphaActionParsnip, yes sir05:43
SIFTUNoN: compare your manual assignement to the one you read in05:43
paulus68ActionParsnip: Goodmorning05:43
ActionParsnipcypha: cool. What is the output of:  lsb_release -sc05:43
ActionParsnippaulus68: morning to you sir05:44
paulus68ActionParsnip: Is there to your knowledge a way to give a higher priority to a data transfer from 1 computer to another through scp?05:45
NoNSIFTU: When i compare the output is exactly the same05:45
iWangActionParsnip: lsb_release -sc will output the codename05:45
NoNmaybe what i will say now is important05:46
SIFTUNoN: ok.. are you running both under sh?05:46
NoNno, no its bash05:46
paulus68iWang: that's correct05:46
NoNthis problem is in the terminal of my job05:46
NoNi just tried here in my house and it works05:47
ActionParsnippaulus68: possibly set a higher nice value on the system you want slower. You network hardware (router in most cases) may have some network shaping abilities.05:47
cyphaActionParsnip, natty05:47
NoNcould it be the version of bash? or kernel?05:47
SIFTUNoN: you #!/bin/bash at the top?05:48
NoNmmm, i dont think is the version05:48
ActionParsnipCypha: are there any mouse settings in the config of the virtualbox? It will need powering off to be changed05:48
NoNthe variable manually assigned and the read one shows the same content05:48
SIFTUNoN: ask the guys in #bash they are extreamly sharp on these things05:49
NoNhehe ok thanks for heelping05:49
rumpel_paulus68, maybe "nice - run a program with modified scheduling priority" [man nice]05:49
cyphaActionParsnip, there aren't05:49
paulus68rumpel_: thanks05:49
rumpel_paulus68, what exactly do you want to achieve? faster transfers?05:51
uw_hi friends!  /etc/init.d questions05:51
uw_how can i some program to include swtiches when i run "start" or "restart"05:51
rumpel_uw_, ok, i start: what is /etc/init.d used for? :D05:51
wsr3193Anyone having problems with firefox 6 besides me05:52
paulus68rumpel_: yes since for instance yesterday I had a transfer of 500mb from the pc at work towards home and it just went over 20K per sec while I can download from my server at 3mb per sec05:52
uw_rumpel_, lol ummm well lets say im more of a question-asker than an answer-knower05:52
uw_i think it stores scripts for starting/stopping etc stuff at boot, shutdown, and other runlevels?05:53
sim-pafhi there folks05:54
knightwisehelp :)05:54
sim-pafi have ati radeon HD 5800 Series05:54
knightwiseneed to urgently copy over an itunes directory , but JUST the differences05:54
knightwiseis there anyone who can help me ?05:55
rumpel_uw_, you want to create a custom script in init.d, which reacts to start or restart? Just browse through the other scripts in there and use them as a template. it's not very complicated.05:55
rumpel_paulus68, ok... then scheduling priorities won't help you much.05:55
StravHi. Small software question: I'm currently using audacious2 for several reasons: it's lightweight, it supports .cue files for .flacs (all my music collection is in .flac so this is a must), it has track level replay gain adjustment, in general, it can play nearly every audio format I throw at it and most importantly: It does not screw my folders organization by trying offering me a meta-tag based hierarchy like that godforsaken05:55
Stravbanshee. My only problem with audacious so far, is a long withstanding bug with audio buffering while using the pulseaudio output plugin (this is especially a problem for me since I stream from a samba share). Any suggestion on what I can use as a replacement? (read: no meta-tag based player, lightweight, good .cue & .flac support, solid audio buffering, and hopefully highly customizable)05:55
sim-paf i want to set my display to gray scale is it possible?05:55
Stravsim-paf I think it is with compiz-fusion.05:56
sim-pafStrav:wot is that?05:56
rumpel_uw_, yes05:56
uw_rumpel_, thank you for answering  well see there is one i would like to edit (add a "-f 100" and "-L") but i dont see where i could put these parameters in05:57
rumpel_uw_, read some of the scripts and you will see, how it works.05:57
uw_rumpel_, because there are other parameters that are including at start/restart, but i dont see where they come from?05:57
uw_ok i will look at others05:57
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Stravsim-paf: it's the compositing manager that now comes by default with ubuntu. It's responsible for most of the effects on your desktop.05:58
rumpel_paulus68, do you have higher rates, if you download from other servers? other locations?05:59
Stravsim-paf: let me take a quick look if it's possible, I remember seeing something like that a while ago.05:59
paulus68rumpel_: I noticed it just doing a file transfer from this pc(at work) towards my server05:59
Stravsim-paf: yes, if you install compiz settings manager, you'll have in it something called Color filters, there you can set your screen to be greyscale.06:00
Stravsim-paf: just google for compiz settings manager you'll have some nice directions.06:00
StravSo, any good alternatives to audacious2?06:03
rumpel_uw_, so you want to add more optional arguments like "sudo service foobar -verbose -debug ..."?06:03
sim-pafStrav: ohk thanks06:03
KidC11is anyone using irssi?!?!?!06:03
MyrttiKidC11: plenty of people06:03
KidC11is there a way to scroll up?!06:04
Myrttipg up06:04
FlannelKidC11: page-up.  or alt-p (alt-n is down)06:04
gnomieor, #irssi for other values of 'more info'06:04
uw_rumpel_, yes.  when i do "/etc/init.d/something start" it runs "/bin/something -a -b -c"06:04
uw_rumpel_, i would like it to do "/bin/something -a -b -c -d -e -f -g"06:05
rumpel_uw_, ah... so with fixed argument? (always -a -b -c when started)06:05
uw_rumpel_, correct, the parameters that it already is using PLUS 2 other ones06:06
grub_seekerhello :) After a couple of years of using Ubuntu, this is the first time I have a "problem" with it. I would need to install Dosbox on a computer with no Internet connection, but I can't figure out how to download all the packages necessary for it to work...06:06
rumpel_uw_, 'case "$1" in \n  start) /bin/something -a -b -c ;; ...'06:07
uw_grub_seeker, is this for a custom install disk?06:07
grub_seekerI have downloaded dosbox_0.74-1_i386.deb package, the problem is that it has dependencies06:07
grub_seekeruw_:  no, standard install06:08
uw_grub_seeker, so what you want to put in on an usbdrive and go to the other computer?06:08
grub_seekerUbuntu is already installed there, and working great, we just need Dosbox added06:08
Strav grub_seeker: can you use gdebi?06:08
grub_seekeruw_: yes :)06:08
grub_seekeri don't know what it is06:08
Stravdpkg -i will not manage the deps, gdebit will.06:08
FloodBot1Strav: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:09
rumpel_uw_, just add it to the command call in the start-section of the case-structure06:09
rumpel_uw_, but usually such things are configured elsewhere, btw.06:09
Myrttigrub_seeker: if you go to synaptic, you can create a package download script that downloads all the dependencies you need06:09
grub_seekerStrav:  so I just need to download that gdebi program?06:09
StravI think it's installed by default on ubuntu.06:09
Myrttigrub_seeker: you need to first select the packages you need and then it will create a script you can use when you are at a machine that has internet06:09
Stravgrub_seeker: otherwise, apt-get install gdebi06:10
uw_grub_seeker, using apt you can get those dependices and put them on the drive, then include that drive in your repositiories06:10
grub_seekerMyrtti: so I have to create the script on the machine without internet, transfer it to the one that has it, and then download?06:10
Myrttigrub_seeker: basically yes.06:10
surroundI am using bluetooth dialup06:10
uw_i will help you in a little bit rumpel_ is helping me now one sec06:10
surroundBut I am having problem while disconnectiing it06:11
grub_seekeruw_:  thanks :) , I would like to try your method right now06:11
surroundIt does not disconnect well, my dial up connection06:11
Stravgrub_seeker: ah didn't figured you didn't had internet access on the other machine. Sorry I'm kinda distracted atm.06:11
surroundI also tried Blueman but no success06:12
grub_seekerStrav:  it's ok, you guys are helping in an awesome way :D06:12
surroundIt doesn't integrate well with Network manager06:12
kamilI am getting a unknown file system grub recue error when I am booting after I had to do cold restart when the ubuntu 11.04 froze while on previous boot06:12
grub_seekerMyrtti: I'll first try using apt in the way uw suggested, then if it doesn't work I'll try your method06:12
surroundInfact I am using latest version of all of above06:13
grub_seekerMyrtti: and THANKS :D06:13
kamilI have checked on the forums but I am not able to get it to work06:13
rumpel_grub_seeker, do the two machines have the same ubuntu-version? also both 32bit/64bit?06:13
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surroundAny body here who can help me06:13
rumpel_grub_seeker, if there are differences, that would be very relevant06:13
grub_seekerrumpel_: version yea, but I'm not sure about architecture06:13
Stravgotta go. cya all.06:14
uw_rumpel_, i dont see where it is getting those parameters from http://pastebin.com/DkDsJV5N06:14
grub_seekermine is 64bit, but the one that needs dosbox I'm not sure is it 32bit or 64bit06:14
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Myrttigrub_seeker: what Synaptic does is it just makes a list of wget commands, and it does take the architecture in to account :-)06:14
surroundWhat does import OS command do?06:15
surroundIN python06:15
SIFTUsurround: totally wrong channel but it loads the "OS" module which has many OS related objects in it06:16
SIFTUsurround: #python is where you want to go06:16
rumpel_grub_seeker, you can check on cli with 'uname -m'06:17
surroundSIFTU: Thanks06:17
uw_rumpel_, btw, here is what IS running when i issues restart http://pastebin.com/3XYJ2KbQ06:17
gh0stIs there a way I can get a different background for each workspace I'm on? I'm running 10.0406:17
soreaugh0st: Compiz wallpaper plugin can do it06:18
rumpel_uw_, i will have a look but it takes a long time (very slow connection to pastebin)06:18
soreaugh0st: of course that means you'll lose your desktop icons06:18
grub_seekerrumpel_: thanks, great. I'll check it as soon as I get there, the said computer is at work... and we don't have the internet, so that the users wouldn't waste time06:19
rumpel_uw_, and i wouldn't recommend ftp06:19
rumpel_grub_seeker, most simple way would be to temporarily activate internet, if it's possible.06:19
whattsupHi guys, i'm trying to open MMS live stream in VLC, totem, rhythmbox... and it doesnt open. I think it could be proxy - can you try if it opens for you? mms://live2.infonetmedia.si/radio106:19
uw_thank you rumpel_ whenever you can i really appreciate your time06:19
uw_rumpel_,  but why not sftp or ftp?06:20
IbisHow do I re-arraign icons in unity-2D            The left side icons that sits on the black tray?06:20
whattsup$h1t :s06:21
rumpel_uw_, http://mywiki.wooledge.org/FtpMustDie06:21
grub_seekerrumpel_: We normally don't need the internet at work at all, so we never got it. It's just this time that we need to use our old licensed DOS program that does great job at calculating certain things06:21
grub_seekerand we don't have a real IT guy, it's a small mostly family business06:22
thrillERboyUbuntu 11.10 comes with Gnome 3?06:24
rwwthrillERboy: #ubuntu+1 for oneiric discussion and support, but yes, it will.06:25
thrillERboyThanks rww  :)06:25
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grub_seekerMyrtti: can you help me a bit on how to use Synaptic to do what you suggested?06:27
rumpel_uw_, "start-stop-daemon" seems to execute $WRAPPER, which is the string '/usr/sbin/pure/ftpd-wrapper', which sounds like another script for ftpd. I guess you could add your additional arguments there.06:27
grub_seekerso when I run Synaptic, I type dosbox in search filter06:27
grub_seekerthen what?06:28
grub_seekerthere is a "generate download script" under file, but will it automatically add dependencies?06:28
Myrttigrub_seeker: mark dosbox as installable, then generate script06:29
rumpel_uw_, ah... man start-stop-daemon: ... any additional argument after -- will be added to the command call06:29
grub_seekerMyrtti: huh, that's a lot easier than I thought it would be. Thabks a lot :D06:30
rumpel_grub_seeker, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Synaptic/PackageDownloadScript#Generate_Script06:31
robertzaccourWhats the best test for web browsers? Sunspider, Acid Test, or Javascript?06:32
rumpel_grub_seeker, but remember that this only downloads packages for one specific ubuntu version.06:33
grub_seekerrumpel_:  yup, that confirms it, you guys are awesome! Thanks a lot for everything, now I need to go to work and do these things.06:33
grub_seekerrumpel_: it's not a problem, we need it only on one specific computer, to calculate some messy economics things06:34
grub_seekerand we had an old program that does the job perfectly, which now we can use (it works great in dosbox)06:34
rumpel_grub_seeker, no... i meant: for one specific ubuntu version which is the _same_ as the one, you generated the script from06:35
grub_seekeranyways, talk to you guys later. Bye :)06:35
grub_seekerrumpel_: even better :)06:35
grub_seekerbye now06:35
shengwho can help me ? I want to compilation qt applications with static. please give me a web address06:38
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bullgard4Was bedeutet diese Antwort: '~$ sudo dhclient eth0; RTNETLINK answers: File exists.'?06:38
harry_Anyone with the knowledege of InstallJammer??06:40
julian_The hold mouse1 for mouse2 option in accessibility isn't working at all, can anyone help? (Natty 11.04)06:40
uw_bullgard4, wo liest du das?06:41
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bullgard4uv_Auf meinem Pseudoterminal tty2.06:42
urlin2u!cn | sheng06:43
ubottusheng: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw06:43
bullgard4urlin2u: Before you are shouting at <sheng> you better read what he has written before in this channel and answer to that.06:44
urlin2ubullgard4, I did and I wasn't shouting.06:45
KM0201bullgard4, if what he did bothered you, i'd suggest decaf....06:46
uw_bullgard4, ya well i figured that.  are you reading it in a configuration file or is " File exists." what it is saying when you issue  "sudo dhclient eth0"06:46
uw_bullgard4: typ "ifconfig -a"06:49
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teenboyHi! Have a problem!06:50
ikoniateenboy: just ask, and if someone can help, they will06:50
uw_rumpel_, thank you again for your help.  i bootlegged it in there and it seems to work now.  what would you recommend instead of FTP?  (that is similar for dropping off and getting files easily)06:53
teenboyikonia shanks) Problem with saving and opening of documents in LibreOffice 3.3.3. Its takes too long time(15sec)06:54
ikoniateenboy: no idea why that is.06:54
ANDruidubuntu 10.4 for laptop,mention bell is not work06:54
teenboyMy system is Ubuntu 11.0406:54
teenboyGEdit work normally06:55
teenboyIs it problem with filesystem?06:55
ANDruidalso loggin sound even i set it right after i use normal visul effect\06:55
ANDruidbut i can still listen music,so i think it is not my sound card problem06:56
rumpel_uw_, i usually use ssh because it's secure, easy to configure and is sufficient for my needs. You can also "mount" network-directories with sshfs. Or there is nfs or other alternatives.06:57
ANDruidit work right when i input password for loggin.but wrong after loading system06:57
urlin2uteenboy, you can adjust libreoffice to open a bit faster, take a look here, I don't use the quick start, although it is ticked in the picture.  http://imagebin.org/17364006:58
teenboyI don't use this. Also I turn off java( problem still active(06:59
urlin2uteenboy, if you open tools options you wil lnotice the stock is different then the image I posted07:01
NoNdo you know a channel about FTP?07:01
p896gbmhey guys, how do i play m4v videos in firefox? the mozilla-plugin-vlc doesn't recognize m4v, and the gecko-mediaplayer doesn't work07:01
NoNftp conection07:01
p896gbmis there another working plugin i'm missing?07:01
ANDruidanyone play github?07:02
Snicksiep896gbm, will this topic help you: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=864909 ?07:02
teenboyI'll try this...07:02
ANDruidi need help too07:02
p896gbmSnicksie: thanks, but this is just to play the video. i'm looking for a plugin to watch the videos in a browser07:03
Snicksiemaybe there are some codecs here that will help you p896gbm https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu07:05
p896gbmSnicksie: it's not the codecs thats the problem07:06
p896gbmit's getting an actual plugin to play the embedded videos in the browser07:06
p896gbmi can play the videos outside the browser07:06
p896gbmbut i'd have to find them in the page source and download them to watch them07:06
teenboyProblem not resolved07:06
p896gbmanyway i install the totem-plugins and it seems to have worked for now07:07
teenboySorry, I need to go, see soon!07:08
ANDruidhey,i think maybe startup session case my problme07:08
urlin2uteenboy, you might also try #libreoffice  :D07:08
ANDruidsome program for system bell must closed07:09
ANDruidand i save the session07:09
rpkHello, has anyone been able to dual boot ubuntu and Windows 8 Developer preview?07:09
ANDruidwhat program is for system bell?07:09
rpkurlin2u: and do you get the os picker interface to show up correctly?07:09
rpkI have Windows 7 Installed, with Ubuntu installed over it ( so grub goes into Win7 boot loader), and I just installed the developer preview, and now I go straight into windows 8 only.07:10
urlin2urpk, you mean the grub menu? have you run sudo update-grub  it shows as a recovery naming the partition but I have W7 as well.07:10
rpkOn another machine with just Win 7 installed, it correctly found Win 7 and listed it as an option07:11
rpkurlin2u: no I mean the windows 8 OS picker07:11
urlin2urpk, 8 jsut showed up in the grub menu for me when I look at the bootscript it just shows the same boot files as windows 707:12
rpkurlin2u: so you installed ubuntu / linux after Windows 8?07:13
urlin2urpk, no,07:14
urlin2urpk, pastebin the RESULTS.txt from running the bootscript. http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/07:15
urlin2urpk, I also installed both W7 and W8 specifically without their boot partition with custom installs.07:17
rpkurlin2u: ah ok.  I'm trying to preserve the Windows 8 boot loader.07:17
rpk(was confused since Windows 8 during normal install will set itself as the drive to boot first from, boots partially into Win8, and then displays detected operating systems in its 'os picker'07:18
rpkI was hoping that Win 8 wasn't finding my Win 7 install due to grub getting in the way somehow.07:18
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IbisAnyone by any chance think in the near future, it will be possible to snap Opera's menu bar into  Unity's bar at the very very top?07:19
IbisI bet Opera developers didn't see that coming! Ha07:20
urlin2urpk, I think if you have a windows boot partition, that the boots get intertwined like other dual windows setups, I saw on the web that the choice for either would be in a windows gui, but since all my boot is from the mbr it just was added to the grub menu.07:20
urlin2urpk, I had to reload grub I believe to the mbr I forget, thta would be what normally happens.07:21
rpkurlin2u: yeah, thats what is supposed to happen.  I (just) found other people with the same issue when Win7 and Win8 are installed onto separate drives07:21
urlin2utryl, I don't do PM without a warning07:21
tryl& i cant type07:21
trylor can i?07:22
trylforgotten my nickname's pass07:22
rpkI'd really like to preserve the Win8 boot loader / picker... looks a heck of a lot nicer than grub07:22
tryl& in single user mode07:22
urlin2urpk, I think you will need to ask at #windows really :D07:22
sveinseWhere can I find info about the updated security updates? I got a large bunch of updates this morning and would like to know what's going on...07:23
urlin2urpk, I will say though that i have 7 OS's on my computer, all will boot with grub.07:23
rpkoh, didn't know there was one.  urlin2u: yeah, like I said, I just assumed the issue was likely caused by grub wrapping over or hiding the Win7 bootloader in some way07:23
rwwsveinse: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-security-announce/07:24
rpkurlin2u: and thanks for the help.07:24
urlin2urpk, no problem.07:24
anjay-hardhi , every body , I want install gnome-ubuntu on ubuntu 10.04 ,  I can't found gnome-ubuntu in synaptic package manager07:24
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rwwanjay-hard: what do you mean by "gnome-ubuntu"?07:24
anjay-hardI want install the package07:25
elkyanjay-hard, are you saying you want to use gnome3 instead of unity?07:25
elkyanjay-hard, or are you asking for gnome 2 (gnome classic)07:26
anjay-hardgnome-ubuntu is a command , I want find out the package07:26
rwwanjay-hard: what makes you think it is? I don't see it in my package database.07:26
Shirakawasunaanjay-hard: it's not a package...07:27
elkyanjay-hard, what told you it is a command?07:27
BillClintonHello. I am looking for a program on Ubuntu similar to photoshop so I can resize photos07:27
Shirakawasunaanjay-hard: are you saying that you want to install GNOME?07:27
ShirakawasunaBillClinton: gimp07:27
firekraagBillClinton: Try GIMP: Image > Scale Image07:27
amin` i have problem with showing the regular mouse figure in xmonad. could someone tell me how could i do that? ( the current mouse shape is a clock.)07:27
anjay-hardI want change the gnome default mount option07:27
anjay-hardbut need have gnome-mount07:28
BillClintonthanks firekraag and Shirakawasuna07:28
rwwanjay-hard: that page says nothing about gnome-ubuntu07:28
eroziohow to make my "convert" convert all paged of pdf to tiff? i got converted only 1-st one07:28
rwwanjay-hard: gnome-mount hasn't been part of Ubuntu since hardy.07:29
firekraagBillClinton: http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/Linux_software_equivalent_to_Windows_software07:29
anjay-hard"you must have gnome-mount as well"07:29
elkyanjay-hard, that's not what you've been asking for :)07:30
Shirakawasunaanjay-hard: is gnome-volume-manager installed?07:30
elkyanjay-hard, then try install gnome-volume-manager :)07:31
anjay-hardcan't find the gnome-volume-manager in database07:31
DarsVaedaHi, how do I go to a smb://folder/ in the shell07:32
DarsVaedaon the shell...at the shell...hrm07:32
anjay-hardPackage gnome-volume-manager is not available, but is referred to by another package.07:33
anjay-hardThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or07:33
anjay-hardis only available from another source07:33
anjay-hardE: Package gnome-volume-manager has no installation candidate07:33
elkyanjay-hard, what exactly are you trying to achieve?07:33
anjay-hardI just want change the gnome default mount option07:34
elkyanjay-hard, why do you need to do that?07:36
anjay-hardI want build a  forensic live cd07:37
elkyanjay-hard, there are so many of those already. why not just use them?07:38
anjay-hardI want build my own one07:40
anjay-hardfor my company07:40
elkyanjay-hard, well it seem you have a lot of research to do. Firstly you need to understand how packaging works, so reading up packaging guides would help.07:42
anjay-hardyes , I know it07:43
elkyanjay-hard, I certainly cannot help you, sorry.07:44
anjay-hardIt's ok , thanks07:45
elkyanjay-hard, though, i'd kinda recommend you not start all the way from scratch with ubuntu. Another forensic live cd would be a better starting point, then you can just change the bits you need to be different.07:46
spetreaI'm building a .deb myself and have a file in debian/libpackage.cron.d which ends up in /etc/cron.d/libpackage file and that's good. the problem is nothing inside that file runs when I expect it too, tried a simple job like "* * * * * root /bin/date >> /tmp/stuff" and I saw no output in /tmp/stuff. any ideas as to what my be causing this ?07:46
AvoiderI'm a new ubuntu user.07:47
Avoideri need some help please..07:47
anjay-hardI try the way before ,  but it is not be easy , have a lot of problem07:47
AvoiderWas wondering if there was a way to change th side bar?07:48
Avoiderto the bottom07:48
AvoiderOr if that is even possible?07:48
urlin2uAvoider, no its static you can make its size change though with the unity plugin in ccsm07:48
aksxhey i am trying to install freenet on my external drive it shows java.ioexception error=13 while running setup.sh script... any idea???07:49
Avoiderurlin2u: where can i find that sir?07:49
urlin2uAvoider, install the compiz config settings manager07:50
elkyAvoider, through the software center. If you click on the ubuntu icon and start typing 'software center' it'll appear. Then search the software center for 'ccsm'07:50
Avoiderok thanks much guys07:50
urlin2uAvoider, be careful otherwise if you want the cube I can give you a link, it is not tricky but you can loose everything while tweaking.07:51
Avoidertweaking the side bar?07:52
urlin2uAvoider, no any other plugins.07:52
AvoiderSo is it best just to leave as defult?07:52
AvoiderBecause im not so familliar with ubuntu yet07:53
jongleurHi. Any idea, why my 10.04 LTS wants to do a dist upgrade; even when it's configured only to use LTS dist upgrades?07:53
urlin2uAvoider, your choice you can gave the cube it just needs to be done with a little for-knowledge, of what to exspect.07:53
ikoniajongleur: probablly to 10.4.2/307:53
Avoiderok sur07:53
ikoniajongleur: rather than 11.x07:53
Avoiderill try the link07:54
pawel__jonglerur because you are using old LTS :)07:54
jongleurpawel__: 10.04 is AFAIK the last LTS, isn't it?07:54
=== Timic_ is now known as Timic
urlin2uAvoider, I used this one in the beginning read carefully before do it. http://reformedmusings.wordpress.com/2011/05/05/howto-get-the-compiz-desktop-cube-in-ubuntu-11-04-natty-and-unity/07:55
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jongleuryes, it's 10.04.3, but nevertheless a LTS version (according to /etc/issue)07:55
ikoniajongleur: what does lsb-release -a show07:56
Avoiderok thanks07:56
jongleurikonia: Release 10.04 Description: Ubuntu 10.04.3 LTS07:57
urlin2uAvoider, no problem, basically compiz has some refresh problems and the fusion icon that normaly restart compiz can be set up as a launcher to restart that is all the function it has in Natty.07:57
ikoniajongleur: what does it want to upgrade to ?07:57
jongleurit doesn't say anything specific, but opening the update tool it displays a box mentioning, not all updates could be updated. I can choose between a partly update or nothing07:59
ikoniajongleur: then you need to go thorugh what it wants to update to, what's failing, which will probably give you an idea of whats going on07:59
urlin2ujongleur, you running 11.10?08:00
jongleurif I choose the partly update, the distribution update/upgrade (it's a german installation, where I fear, there is no difference) is shown and calculates changes08:00
jongleururlin2u: 10.04.308:00
urlin2ujongleur, sorry I missed that.08:00
ikoniajongleur: is possibly your update to 10.04.3 - it didn't work properly, so it's trying to complete08:01
jongleurafter changes have been calculated, it wants to change a lot08:01
jongleurikonia: why now? the machine has been running for months now without complaining about it08:01
jongleurI'm a little bit in fear, because all upgrades before broke the system yet (due to driver problems, I think)08:02
=== will is now known as Will123456
Will123456hey guys. vlc and cheese can read from my webcam perfectly, but mplayer is having problems. all the literature on the net doesn't seem to address my problem - anything obvious i might be missing?08:04
teenboyHave a problem this LibreOffice08:07
teenboyLO open and save files 10-15sec08:08
rpkurlin2u: hey, was it you I was talking to before?08:11
teetetoIs there a way to use the USB stick as software source?08:11
teetetoI need to install the wireless drivers and I'm stuck without connection08:11
StravHi. I have emacs started as a daemon and I'm trying to launch an emacsclient via ssh with X redirection. For normal progs, X redirection on the client side is working but when I'm trying to launch emacsclient, I get: Error: display localhost:10.0 can't be opened. Since there's no one on the ssh channels and no one on the emacs channel can help, I figured I might ask here. I did tried to set xhost + on the client side, but with no08:11
Stravresult. Any suggestion?08:11
rpkanyways, fyi, if grub is installed, Windows 8 dev prev cannot find a Win7 install 'hidden' behind grub.  There's a workable short term solution for now, but I assume it'll be fixed soon enough08:12
urlin2urpk, have you ever used the bootscript?08:13
rpkurlin2u: nope08:14
urlin2urpk, it will show what is where as far as boot information and a lot more, you might consider running it and pastebining the results.text we couls see what is actualy happening.08:15
IbisLol, It would be funny if Gnome team were like...08:15
Ibis "Awww screw this, let's just fork back what Ubuntu forked from us"...08:15
rpkurlin2u: it wouldn't be fixed by grub though, right?08:16
rpkor are you suggesting theres another issue that is causing the problem08:16
urlin2urpk, takes out the guessing, a great tool. http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/    It will show the setup and for a person who know what it should be=the boot it works.08:16
urlin2urpk, it is a diagnostic not fix tool.08:17
rpkurlin2u: yeah, just would have to boot back into ubuntu to use it08:18
urlin2urpk, cool.08:18
rpkand unfortunately, due to the brilliant guys running the show, they've decided the rendering bug where windows control (close, min, max) and title bars don't render should be closed, as unity is the future08:19
teenboyLibreOffice save and open files too long. What to do?08:19
rpkI've pretty much decided to never boot back into ubuntu ever again.  How do you close a bug which prevents anyone from using the OS in classic without running metacity --restart?08:20
AlecTaylorI've got no screens. I've tried apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop, apt-get remove xauth. I then rebooted and reinstalled them. I still can't startx due to no screens being found. What's next?08:21
amin`we I hover a mouse over a windows; xmonad show the red border around that windos. how could I change the color of this?08:22
teenboyThis bug is in Open Office(>3) too...08:22
urlin2uteenboy, whats your cpu and ram?08:22
teenboyRam 2gb Amd 2x08:23
teenboyVideo ati mobility radeon x130008:24
Shirakawasunateenboy: are the files large?08:24
Shirakawasunateenboy: and is it the opening process that's long or the dialog windows taking a long time to load?08:24
ActionParsnipamin`: in KDE?08:24
urlin2uteenboy, 32 bit or 64? I ask as I wonder if your just using a lot of the resources generally, nither OO or libreoffice opened that fast anyway in ubuntu.08:25
teenboyNo, files are small, process...08:25
teenboyIn old versions of OO worked OK!08:26
teenboyopening and saving processes takes too long time08:28
kratos_anybody knows what's the issue about a cifs client mount a remote smb partition which hangs and "d????????? ? ?    ?               ?                ? foldername"?08:28
s0126hi am looking for livcd linux where i can log into gui as root and has kernel 3.0 or higher08:29
urlin2uteenboy, you might try the ppa if you have not already. https://launchpad.net/~libreoffice/+archive/ppa08:29
teenboyI'll try08:30
warfarens0126h: i believe PartedMagic will let you do that08:31
AlecTaylorI can't ping google via its hostname. When I try via its IP Address I get "Packet filtered" errors08:32
blackcat73recently upgrade my dist to 11.0408:32
amin`ActionParsnip, in xmonad08:32
blackcat73I was using wmii or xmonad but now is broken, whenever I tried to start firefox or gajim it crash's X, anyone knows how to fix this?08:33
s0126hwarfaren i need 3.0; does it have that08:33
warfarenlast time i checked yes it does08:33
s0126hwarfaren what gui does it come with08:35
warfareni think lxde?08:35
kimmiesorry i gotta go, have fun08:35
codebeakeris it possible to decompile a package to get the original PPA build script? There's a PPA that I need, but it's too out of date, and I never programmed a build script before08:36
warfarenand yeah its running on linux kernel 3.0 since parted magic 6.408:36
=== sebek_ is now known as alexirys
iWangubuntu livecd doesn't support EFI?08:37
=== alexirys is now known as someone
iWangso how about ubuntu dvd08:37
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=== Guest66101 is now known as alexirys
urlin2uiWang, you might take a look here notice the links as well. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MactelSupportTeam/EFI-Boot-Mactel08:39
iWangurlin2u: OK,i'll check! Thanks!08:40
japrohi, i have a weird issue with networking/wlan. basically it works for some time, then suddenly i get "wired network disconnected" (which wasn't pugged in in the first place) an i only get "server not found" etc. even though it clearly states that there is a working wlan connection08:42
jojo_hi have a question who can help me here...08:42
jojo_after i install webcontent filtering my client pullup any website08:43
ActionParsnipjapro: when it drops, run:  dmesg | tail    it may give clues08:43
japroActionParsnip, ok, will try, thx08:43
bazhangjojo_, whats the actual question08:45
s0126hwarfaren nice it has 3.0 and root  but i cannot seem to mount xfs drive08:45
jojo_ok. i download squid on my server, after i activate it i was not able to pullup any website on windows client08:45
s0126hit says function not implemented;  it works in other livecd08:46
warfarenwell sorry im not very experienced with it. i just noticed it had what you asked08:46
jojo_bazhang:ok. i download squid on my server, after i activate it i was not able to pullup any website on windows client08:47
warfarenprobably youre just missing some package?08:47
Lindahe kelsey08:47
Lindaomg heeeeee08:47
kelseyhooi LINDA08:47
kelseywas dit?08:47
Lindaoh my gucci08:47
kelseyik kkr doelloos08:47
FloodBot1kelsey: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:47
Lindaahahaah< ja kweet08:47
Lindahje bithc08:47
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FloodBot1Linda: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:47
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jojo_bazhang:ok. i download squid on my server, after i activate it i was not able to pullup any website on windows client08:48
=== Guest364 is now known as AcidBun
AcidBunt/nick acidburn08:49
AcidBunwhy cant i use "acidburn" as my nick?08:50
LjLAcidBun: because it's registered by someone else08:50
AcidBunhaha acid bun was a typo08:50
firekraagAcidBun: You may be ghosted. Do you have registered your nick on freenode?08:51
jojo_is there any one who can help me08:52
=== AcidBun is now known as LaNc3r
LaNc3rthere, my old nick08:56
s0126hi have 1.txt file with  line1 = aaaa   line2 = bbbb  line3 = cccc /etc   and i want to do  cp /root/$line1$/$line1$.txt  /mnt/1  then  cp /root/$line2$/line2$.txt /mnt/1 etc  ; what is best way to do this08:56
LaNc3rdamn gui installers, why must you always fail?08:57
firekraags0126h: I'd use PHP but there may be easier/prettier solutions08:58
LaNc3rhmm, can one of you kind fellows help me manually install linux?08:59
LaNc3rthis gui fails everytie08:59
LaNc3rthis gui fails everytime*09:00
phunkers0126h: cat 1.txt|while read line do; cp /root/${line}/${line}.txt /mnt/1 ; done09:00
jojo_any one here09:00
jojo_who can help me09:00
LaNc3rwhats youre problem jojo?09:00
ActionParsnipLaNc3r: how do you mean manually instal Linux?09:01
LaNc3ras in an alternitive to useing the gui installer09:01
LaNc3ris thisnot possable?09:02
LaNc3ris this not possable?09:02
geirhaLaNc3r: Download and use the alternative cd09:04
ActionParsnipLaNc3r: sure, there is the alternate ISO which installs in text mode and gives a desktop OS09:04
geirhaLaNc3r: Sorry, alternate. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate09:05
ActionParsnipLaNc3r: its just a text based GUI rather than a graphical one, it's not 'manual' by any stretch09:05
ActionParsnipLaNc3r: you can also use the minimal ISO to install a barebones CLI ubuntu install, then install whatever stuff you want on it (i'd advise a wired connection for this)09:06
Fleckhello, i booted from live cd, copied all files from hdd, to sdd, updated grub and rebooted... i get kernel panic :/09:15
LoqusQuestion: Is there any way in Ubuntu to open, close, seek and read / write with a file directly from the terminal? Things like cat, echo, pipe, head etc. just open, seek, read/write, close in one operation - I want to manually control those operation calls to the file handler...09:16
Fleckgrub menu showed up, kernel and initrd seems to be loading ok, but at the end, when init is run, i get panic09:16
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ActionParsnipFleck: what if you choose an older kernel?09:23
Flecki tired, didnt boot09:23
Fleckblinking line stays at the left upper corner forever09:23
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, or rww!09:23
Fleck*i tried09:23
MyrttiTrivia_: yeyyyyyyyeeeesss?09:23
ActionParsnipFleck: what video chip do you use?09:24
FleckActionParsnip ATI09:24
ActionParsnipFleck: tried the boot option:  nomodeset09:24
FleckActionParsnip btw, whats the best way to update grub on new drive?09:26
ActionParsnipFleck: sudo update-grub    either in the booted OS or in a chroot from livecd09:27
FleckActionParsnip i tried chroot09:27
Fleckdid get error always about /bin/bash not found09:27
ActionParsnipFleck: can you boot to root recovery mode?09:27
Flecknot from ssd09:27
ActionParsnipFleck: then I'd review your chroot method. Let me get a guide09:28
ActionParsnipFleck: http://karuppuswamy.com/wordpress/2010/06/02/how-to-chroot-to-ubuntu-using-live-cd-to-fix-grub-rescue-prompt/09:33
Fleckthx ActionParsnip, ill try that! :)09:34
askim_66hi everyone!09:35
s0126his this format correct?   awk '{ system("mkdir /root/"$0"") }' 1.txt09:35
askim_66How can i make a software portable?09:36
przemo_rexhi everybody09:37
Andrew2Hi all, I am trying to install 11.04 server on HP microserver n36l from USB stick and after selecting language installer complains about not finding cd-rom, anyone can help please?09:38
llutzaskim_66: recompile it as static-binary, make it using relative pathes only09:38
askim_66llutz: ops! i think it is something that i don't know anythink about it... :/ there are any programs which can make it for me like on Windows?09:39
ActionParsnipaskim_66: you'd need a folder with ALL its libs and EVERYTHING it uses and somehow modify the app and paths to point to the new files, it'd get very messy09:39
llutzaskim_66: idk, i never even thought about doing so09:39
scarleoAndrew2: Did you verify MD5sum on your download? I had major problems on some installs lately due to corrupted downloads09:39
Feldegastaskim_66 some apps have already been changed to be portable, what app?09:40
askim_66Feldegast: wine09:40
elfrannein gnome system monitor there is a column named Virtual Memory : what is it ? I tough it was swap but it is not ....09:41
Feldegastwine as a standaline doesn't make much sense09:41
Feldegastas it is a compatability layer09:41
askim_66Feldegast: teamviewer works based on wine. teamviewer has it's own portable version for linux. so wine can work portable perfect.09:42
Feldegastaskim_66 i see :)09:42
MonkeyDustanyone who has a solution for the kworker bug? http://askubuntu.com/questions/33640/kworker-what-is-it-and-why-is-it-hogging-so-much-cpu09:42
Andrew2scarleo md5 does match actually. This was i386, should have been using amd64 anyway, I'll just download and try that one. Thanks, I will whine some more if I still have troubles, in an hour or so. :)09:49
ChrisPerkinsDuring removal of rvm accidently deleted .bashrc .bash_profile and now can not cd into /home/mydir. Getting "-bash: cd: mydir: No such file or directory" message.09:49
ActionParsnipChrisPerkins: copy then from /root and chown them to your user09:49
scarleoAndrew2: Ok, good luck :)09:49
ActionParsnipChrisPerkins: run:  sudo -i   and copy them over09:50
cheenuwats the difference between kernel and os?09:50
elfranneOs is a Car kernel is the engine09:51
cheenuspeak technically09:51
=== kratos_ is now known as e-DI0-t
ChrisPerkinsActionParsnip: cp: cannot stat `.bashrc': No such file or directory09:52
ActionParsnipcheenu: the kernel manages the memory and resource access in Linux distributions. The Linux distribution is the OS09:52
elfrannethe kernel is a part of the OS, it handles all the different subsystems in the OS09:52
MonkeyDustanyone who has a solution for the kworker bug? http://askubuntu.com/questions/33640/kworker-what-is-it-and-why-is-it-hogging-so-much-cpu09:52
ActionParsnipChrisPerkins: if you run:  cd /root; ls    do you see the file?09:53
cheenu@elfranne : tats fine...but i want the difference and not the definition09:54
bazhangcheenu, this is not the place for it09:54
ChrisPerkinsActionParsnip: No. But cd /root; ls -als does show it.09:55
bazhangcheenu, this is ubuntu support09:55
Shirakawasunalol, don't complain about free answers to what sounds like homework questions, cheenu09:55
ActionParsnipChrisPerkins: cool, copy it to your users home folder09:56
Shirakawasunawikipedia will define an OS and a kernel09:56
cheenu@banzhang :ok thanks09:56
=== Kirjava_ is now known as Kirjava
cheenuwat are the distributions of linux?09:57
naftilos76is there a GUI for zip that can compress a big file (let's say 50Mbytes) and output the compressed file in segmented parts of 2, 3 ,4 Mbytes?09:57
bazhang!ot | cheenu09:57
ubottucheenu: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:57
ChrisPerkinsActionParsnip: Cool it coppied. But, :-( Now getting: "-bash: /usr/local/rvm/scripts/initialize: No such file or directory09:58
ChrisPerkins-bash: /usr/local/rvm/scripts/hook: No such file or directory"09:58
ActionParsnipChrisPerkins: ok then check the file, see what is going on09:59
cheenu_how to download a youtube video from ubuntu 11.04?09:59
ActionParsnipcheenu: youtube-dl  exists09:59
ActionParsnipcheenu: or there are browser addons/extensions09:59
geirhaChrisPerkins: You may want to copy a clean .bashrc and .profile from /etc/skel09:59
cheenu_@actionparship : its showing an error after installing that package10:00
cheenu_@actionparsnip : wat addons/extensions ? pls can u explain in detail?10:01
benoliver999When it's 11.10 upgrade time, do you recommend a fresh install or is a normal package upgrade ok?10:06
ActionParsnipcheenu: which browser(s) do you use?10:07
jribbenoliver999: whatever you prefer.  Just read the release notes first10:07
ActionParsnipbenoliver999: I always do a clean install personally, fewer issues10:07
benoliver999ActionParsnip: It's tempting, but time consuming...10:07
benoliver999Oh, I've just had a brainwave.10:08
ActionParsnipbenoliver999: true but sometimes old configs can make issues, both methods have advantages10:08
benoliver999ActionParsnip: Yeah, last time I had all kinds of trouble with window manager i'd installed etc...10:08
MonkeyDustanyone who has a solution for the kworker bug? http://askubuntu.com/questions/33640/kworker-what-is-it-and-why-is-it-hogging-so-much-cpu10:08
benoliver999ActionParsnip: Not changed anything this time around though...10:09
cheenu_@actionparsnip : i am working in mozilla firefox10:09
ChrisPerkinsgeirha: should I copy them to the /root dir also or is that a no no? as my /root/.profile is the only file that differs from the /etc/skel versions10:10
benoliver999So, I want to upgrade to SSD - I think I might might fresh install 11.10 onto one of those.10:10
benoliver999Ooh, sorry for the double word.10:10
ActionParsnipcheenu: something like this then: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/easy-youtube-video-downl-10137/10:10
ActionParsnipcheenu: I don't use firefox these days so haven't tested it, but you can get addons like that which allow you to download youtube things10:10
benoliver999Would this work...10:10
cheenu_@actiponparsnip: wat browser do u use?10:11
ActionParsnipcheenu: chromium daily build and arora10:11
cheenu_tats fine10:12
benoliver9991. Make partition on HDD. 2. Put all data on new partition. 3. Get SSD and put 11.10 on it. 4. Remove partion on old HDD with 11.04, keeping the part with the data on it.10:12
geirhaChrisPerkins: Should be fine.10:13
ActionParsnipbenoliver999: I'd keep the current drive and use it 100% for /home and swap. Use the SSD for system and boot10:14
benoliver999ActionParsnip: That's what I'm thinking.10:14
alyciahow to solve hd0 out of disk error in 11.0410:14
ActionParsnipbenoliver999: swap on the platter drive will reduce wear on the SSD too :)10:14
Morgzi dunno where to start with this bug: ubuntu 11.04 - chromium browser. password saved in keyring.. Open facebook.com - enter email address, halfway thru typing password it just logs in. what's happening?10:15
cheenu_grub is a bootloader right?10:15
ActionParsnipcheenu: yes10:15
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)10:15
alyciahelp! how to solve hd0 out of disk error in 11.0410:15
ActionParsnipalycia: can you boot to root recovery mode?10:16
ChrisPerkinsgeirha: That's done the trick. Thanks10:16
alyciait boots ok, after a long time of doing nothing.10:16
ActionParsnipalycia: is that a regular boot or to root recovery?10:17
alyciaActionParsnip, regular boot. As soon as Grub loads, I see a message in the top left of the screen Error:hd0... press any key to continue. Press any key and after 2-3 minutes gdm login screen comes up10:18
ActionParsnipalycia: hold shift at boot and select recovery mode then select root, does it boot?10:19
cheenu__Is this channel to clarify doubts for boot loader?10:19
alyciaI cant test it now, cuz I m on the box that's causing the drama10:19
ActionParsnipalycia: ok thats just as good, if you run:  df -h    are any partitions full?10:20
alyciaroot partition is 86% used. 16G of 20G used.10:20
ActionParsnipalycia: or very close10:20
ActionParsnipalycia: should be ok10:20
alyciaActionParsnip, ok. I did see some references, googling, that the grub could be confused.10:21
ActionParsnipalycia: can you pastebin the output of:  uname -a; lsb_release -a; dpkg -l | grep linux-image-     Thanks10:21
alyciauumm how do I pastebin?10:21
ActionParsnipalycia: run the command and copy the text, go to http://pastie.org  paste the text and hit paste. When the page changes, copy and paste the address here10:22
alyciaoh ok. didnt know pastebin10:23
alycialemme do it now10:23
hypertypersay I have chrome maximised and the window isn't active. In order to close or minimise it, I have to click into the window, so that the menu bar appears with the X _ O buttons. Can I force those to always be there?10:24
alyciaActionParsnip, http://pastie.org/257854710:24
ActionParsnipalycia: great. Run this: http://pastebin.com/L5LSvRkX   as ONE command and it will clean up the output10:26
rekhi,hw can i access to a shared folder in a ubuntu machine using ubuntu with lxde and pcmanfm or by terminal?10:28
ActionParsnipalycia: the 'rc' means there is a residual config but the package is removed10:28
alyciaActionParsnip, running it now. I had no idea I'd had so many older kernels still there10:28
ActionParsnipalycia: you only have 4 kernels, the rest are residual configs10:28
alyciawhy 4 kernels?10:29
ActionParsniprek: pcmanfm can connect to samba shares10:29
ActionParsnipalycia: look at your pastebin and look at the lines startnig with 'ii'  those are the installed kernels10:29
alyciaActionParsnip, fglrx is now being removed for kernel 38.8, is that ok? There was a warning that the module was active on this kernel10:30
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ActionParsnipalycia: yes it's only for that kernel though10:30
safe_What is the best gui for searching? Specifically so I can search for 'name* .extension'10:31
Richiieah-berg: ... vad sysslar Linköping HC med alltså?10:31
rekActionParsnip, how10:31
ActionParsniprek: look in the file/edit/view menus, there is a 'network' entry in one and it can be used to connect to shares10:32
ActionParsnipsafe_: there is no single best app for any situations. There are options10:33
ActionParsnipsafe_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FindingFiles10:33
alyciaActionParsnip, new cleaned up output: http://pastebin.com/VADYTZXU10:33
safe_ActionParsnip: Let me rephrase, what's the most light-weight and easiest way of searching files through a Gui?10:33
alyciaActionParsnip, and should that've fixed the hd0 out of disk error now?10:33
ah-bergRichiie,  det har aldrig varit det vinande laget direkt ;)10:34
rekno action10:34
bazhang!se | ah-berg Richiie10:34
ubottuah-berg Richiie: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du i #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se. Tack!10:34
reki don't find it10:35
Richiieah-berg: vad gör du numera, du hänger en del på irc ser jag.10:38
ActionParsnipsafe_: not sure, I always use find in terminal, that link gives some options10:39
ActionParsnipalycia: possibly, try it10:39
alyciaActionParsnip, okie. Thanks a bunch for the help. I am going to have to restart my box now.10:39
alyciaActionParsnip, *hugs*10:39
rekActionParsnip, i don't see it10:40
ActionParsniprek: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=79809610:40
ActionParsniprek: possibly under the go menu? Its in that top bar10:41
Gun_BunnyReport illegal online Child Images to the http://www.justice.gov/criminal/ceos/childporn.html10:41
rekgo home i read ActionParsnip10:42
bazhangGun_Bunny, wrong place10:42
MonkeyDustanyone who has a solution for the kworker bug? i'm unable to use thunderbird and libre office http://askubuntu.com/questions/33640/kworker-what-is-it-and-why-is-it-hogging-so-much-cpu10:43
=== James is now known as Guest43860
yixuanHello everyone, anyone used ddresuce before? why I cannot mount output image under ubuntu10:48
Legend_Xeonhello world, I m getting a little problem. :-)10:48
ActionParsnipyixuan: is the partition mounted which you are running ddrescue against?10:48
Legend_XeonI am using a modem in 'Bridge Mode' to connect to the internet. Now sometimes i can't access its Homepage (, since the modem has not been assigned a IP.10:48
ActionParsnipyixuan: is the partition  you are outpuuting to mounted and writable and have enough space to store the image10:49
yixuanActionParship: no, I want to mount it to live cd folder, which is /tmp10:49
Legend_XeonSo i use "dhclient eth0" to assign a IP to that device, but the DNS entry in /etc/resolv.conf also gets changed from to So i can't access the internet. Any workaround for this so that i can assign IP to that modem with messing up with .conf file?10:49
ActionParsnipyixuan: if you are using ddrescue you don't want it mounted10:49
yixuanActionParsnip: I haven't completely my output, so can I mount it10:49
c0dexninjaSo whos alive in here.10:50
yixuanActionParsnip: I want to resuce some files which produced by lotus notes, foremost cannot support it10:50
ActionParsnipyixuan: can try, if you have the drive accessible and not too bad, you can just run data recovery apps on it10:50
ActionParsnipyixuan: use your backups...?10:50
c0dexninjaDoes anyone know a good WINE alternative?10:50
ActionParsnipc0dexninja: cedega or crossoveroffice, neither are free in any way10:51
paulus68yixuan: or use  a hiren bootcd to recover your data10:51
c0dexninjahmm I knew of crossover but i was hoping not to have to take that route.10:51
yixuanActionParsnip: which data recovery apps can I use? any recommened? I am not familiar with ubuntu recovery, I know easy recovery, but can it recovery ext3 & 410:51
ActionParsnipyixuan: scalpel maybe10:52
ActionParsnipyixuan: why don't you have a backup?10:52
c0dexninjaill look into a torrent version.10:52
yixuanpaulus68: what's mean of hiden bootcd? I am using ubuntu-recovery-remix10:52
ActionParsnip!illegal | c0dexninja10:52
ubottuc0dexninja: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o10:52
MonkeyDustc0dexninja: a wine alternative for what?10:52
c0dexninjai mean i will NOT use that route ;O10:52
yixuanActionParsnip: I have backuped most of files, but lost some... I needed them :)10:53
ActionParsnipyixuan: I suggest you review your backup regime10:53
c0dexninjaim running some programs and I think it crashes when it uses the sound driver configured in wine config.10:53
daedraHello. I have a windows partition which I wish to mount at boot. Currently it requires me to open nautilus and click the partition to mount it under /media/6FE7392HJ (some crazy name)10:53
paulus68yixuan: hiren boot cd is a recovery cd that also can be used to recover your files10:53
ActionParsnipyixuan: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery10:53
daedraIs this a `fstab` thing?10:53
anandvenkat4Hi Room10:53
c0dexninjaprogram in name is Spotify and it tells me to use OSS drivers10:54
paulus68yixuan: http://www.hiren.info/pages/bootcd10:54
daedraanandvenkat4: !ask10:54
yixuanActionParsnip: yes, I used that , try most of them, for foremost and scalpel, it seems not supported .nsf file, and I don't know how to add them10:54
bastidrazordaedra: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions10:54
c0dexninjacrashes after login screen, i think because it tries to use iexplorer or some windows command that WINE cant handle10:54
anandvenkat4How will I check programatically if Inetrenet conection is alive in Ubuntu?10:54
MonkeyDustanyone who has a solution for the kworker bug? i'm unable to use thunderbird, chromium  and libre office http://askubuntu.com/questions/33640/kworker-what-is-it-and-why-is-it-hogging-so-much-cpu10:54
c0dexninjamonkeydust, what version are you running?10:55
ActionParsnipanandvenkat4: ping
ActionParsnip!info kworker10:55
MonkeyDustc0dexninja: 2.6.38-11-generic10:55
ubottuPackage kworker does not exist in natty10:55
ActionParsnipMonkeyDust: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=163034710:55
jackThe playback of this movie requires a MPEG-4 AAC decoder plugin which is not installed.10:56
MonkeyDustActionParsnip: i knew that link10:56
jackwhich pkg might be missing?10:56
smakyhow to connect to wireless conection with channel 13 , because UBUNTU by default allows from channel 1 - 1110:57
MonkeyDustgreat, now synaptic won't work either10:57
ActionParsnipjack: do you have ubuntu-restricted-extras installed?10:57
ActionParsnipsmaky: why network managers have you used?10:58
smakyActionParsnip:  i don't understand10:58
llutzsmaky: what wifi-driver are you using? does it take options like "all_channels"?10:58
Guest43860Q). What .config do i need to change to AllowOverride, i cant seam to get my lamp to read .htaccess files ?10:59
ActionParsnipsmaky: which network management programs have you trie in order to use a different channel, the default is network manager in Ubuntu, which others have you tried10:59
benoliver999I've got 4gb of RAM but I'm on 32-bit. Is it worth upgrading to 64-bit for 11.10?10:59
ActionParsnipbenoliver999: if 32bit suits your needs, use it10:59
Guest43860benoliver999, if you have no need for 36bit then go with 64 ;)11:00
paulus68ActionParsnip: and the advantage of a 64 bit is also higher memory capacity or am I wrong?11:00
yixuanpaulus68: very useful website. do you know where can download that iso11:00
benoliver999Last time I used 64 bit, I ran into all sorts of trouble. Even getting flash to work was a ngihtmare.11:01
scarleoStrange, my Nautilus suddenly doesn't find samba shares anymore, smbclient -L shows the share as normal. What happened?11:01
paulus68yixuan: from the same website if I am not mistaken11:01
smakyi tried the code in terminal COUNTRY=DE /sbin/crda , but it says failed to change regulatory to -2211:01
Guest43860benoliver999, i said unless you have a need, i run a 64 bit Debian 6 for office, but 32bit Ubuntu for home!11:01
smakythe default regulatory domain is US , and i want to change it to another country which allow channel 1311:02
jackActionParsnip, no - will try, thx11:02
benoliver999Guest43860: Thanks. I think I'll stick to 32 bit. I don't really care about the extra GB of RAM just yet.11:02
Guest43860smaky, you need the freq not channel ;)11:02
smakywhat freq is for the channel 13 ?11:03
yixuanpaulus68: interesting, I cannot find that hyperlink to download whole iso.11:03
Guest43860benoliver999, you wont notice much performs loss or gain, unless you start using windows again lol11:03
ActionParsnippaulus68: it will also use more of the features in your CPU11:03
=== Mud is now known as Guest11773
c0dexninjawhat is your IRC program of choice anyone?11:03
Guest43860Q). What .config do i need to change to AllowOverride, i cant seam to get my lamp to read .htaccess files ?11:03
ActionParsnipsmaky: try wicd, it is quite flexible11:04
paulus68yixuan: http://www.hirensbootcd.org/download/11:04
llutzsmaky: have you tried "sudo iw reg set DE"11:04
smakyyes , but it doesnt work11:04
ActionParsnipsmaky: or you can define it in /etc/network/interfaces instead11:05
smakywhich file to edit in interfaces11:05
yixuanpaulus68: thanks so much!11:05
paulus68yixuan: np11:06
ActionParsnipsmaky: interfaces IS the file11:06
toni_where are you from?11:06
toni_i from bcn11:06
bazhang!ot | toni_11:06
ubottutoni_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:06
smakyaha , but how to download wicd manualy from another pc , because i dont have internet on ubuntu11:06
ActionParsnipsmaky: you will need to define the security (if you use any) in other ways too as the interfaces file will override any management by any other GUI app for the interfaces you configure in the file11:06
ActionParsnipsmaky: wired link maybe11:07
smakyi found it ,i hope it works11:08
paulus68ActionParsnip:is there to your knowledge somewhere documented what the advantage or disadvantages between a 32 and 64 bit11:09
ActionParsnippaulus68: wikipedia I guess11:10
paulus68ActionParsnip: ok11:11
ActionParsnippaulus68: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/11/26/32bit-vs-64bit-ubuntu-that-is-the-question/11:11
LaykeI am still really struggling with GIMP, is it possible to Wine photoshop?11:13
LaykeAnd then can I use my same licence on my windows machine if it is possible.11:14
LjLLayke: i believe it depends on the version11:14
paulus68ActionParsnip:  I found this one http://www.ehow.com/about_6598472_64-vs_-32-bit-ubuntu.html11:14
ActionParsnippaulus68: same deal, read both :)11:14
Guest43860Layke, stick with it!, there is a tut somewere to make gimp menus like photoshop which is good for the transition but im unsure were it is11:14
LaykeLjL: I've been brought up on Photoshop, and used it for ages, so I can use any version really.11:15
ActionParsnipLayke: look into gimpshop :)11:15
LaykeDo you know which works?  LjL11:15
LaykeActionParsnip,  okay, will look now.11:15
Guest43860goto winehq to find photoshop support and install info.11:15
LjLLayke: http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?appId=1711:15
LaykeI also need illustrator.. Is there any useful vector OS linux*11:15
Guest43860gimp works every where, win, mac and *nix11:16
IbisLayke: Gimp, and Inkscape11:18
IbisInkscape seems to be more of what you're looking for.11:18
IbisBut gimp = still a great tool.11:19
LaykeCheers. Also, on the Gimpshop, which I will look into, where do I actually download it for Ubuntu. I'm only seeing Windows, Solaris Mac etc11:19
ActionParsnipLayke: http://www.gimpshop.com/download.shtml11:20
LjLLayke: the Debian package might work, but no guarantees11:20
LaykeNah failed.11:20
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LaykeLjL, wrong arch.11:20
ActionParsnipLayke: ah you use 64bit?11:20
LaykeYeah, I do.11:21
LaykeBad move?11:21
LaykeI'm new to using Ubuntu as a desktop. Got fed up of using Windows and the constant bugs with PHP and impossibilities manage pecl/pear11:21
Phylockas I see it there is no reason for gimpshop now that gimp has single window mode11:22
ujjainWell, Ubuntu is not a flawless experience if you come from Windows either.11:22
ActionParsnipLayke: just means you may not be able to use gimpshop. 32bit is still slightly more supported than 64bit in 3rd parties11:22
ActionParsnipevery OS sucks11:23
ujjainI googled and many people say sudo dpkg -i fworks with the Debian package.11:23
ActionParsnipclass song11:23
LaykeActionParsnip,  ubuntu is easier for development anyway obviously :) It just means no more lunch time bfbc2 breaks.11:23
ujjainStable release 2.2.11 (based on GIMP 2.2.11) / May 17, 2006 ...11:23
LjLLayke: you might want to give Krita a try... it's a KDE application and it's relatively young, but it looks and feels more similar to Photoshop afaict11:24
ujjainAlso, you can just compile yourself if you want.11:24
LaykeNo joy on the gimpshop install. http://pastie.org/257879511:24
LjLLayke: yeah i'm not finding an AMD64 package. honestly i'd just avoid it.11:25
LaykeI'll try single window mode, that might make it easier.11:25
LaykeWhere is that enabled?11:25
ActionParsnipLayke: sudo dpkg --force-arch -i ~/Downloads/gimpshop_2.2.11-1_i386.deb11:25
LjLActionParsnip: is that a good idea?11:25
Laykedpkg: error: unknown force/refuse option `archictecture'11:27
Eclipse_Japanis anyone else in here running Natty Kubuntu one a machine with an Nvidia GeForce 550 Ti?  a couple months ago I tried to upgrade the drivers from the base install and it kept breaking X11:27
ActionParsnipLjL: ujjain  found it to be ok online..11:27
ActionParsnipLayke: sudo wget http://gimpbox.googlecode.com/hg/gimpbox.py -O /usr/local/bin/gimpbox; sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/gimpbox11:27
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ActionParsnipLayke: you can then run:  gimpbox  and it will run as one window11:28
ActionParsnipLayke: source: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/09/gimpbox-gives-stable-versions-of-the-gimp-single-window-mode/11:28
LaykeThat worked great.11:28
kbroulikhm the Kernel 3.0 changelog says "Native screen brightness changing for intel i915" but without acpi_osi=Linux nothing happens and with acpi_osi=Linux the brightness is changeable but in weird steps. dark, extremly bright, a bit bright, dark, a bit more bright etc11:28
ComradeHaz`Hi all. Falling fowl of this while creating new partitions. http://tldp.org/FAQ/Linux-FAQ/error-messages.html#fdisk-partition-does-not It says there is a newer version that doesn't do this. Is that correct? Can someone tell me a reputable source to get the latest version or a way of getting it from upstream repo's if you have them in Ubuntu...?11:29
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bengrrrhi can anyone help me i have an ubuntu install inside windows that crashed during an update and now it wont boot as it cant find the kernel and i cant recover my files becuase the ubuntu dosent actually exist as a partition any ideas?11:30
Eclipse_Japanwhats the best intro book for C++?  some programming experience but its been ages since I did much coding11:30
ComradeHaz`Eclipse_Japan: bit off-topic, pal.11:30
bengrrrany one?11:33
BluesKajHi all11:34
ActionParsnipkbroulik: oneiric is supported in #ubuntu+111:34
ActionParsnipbengrrr: use your backup for your files..11:34
kbroulikoh, right, sorry :)11:34
ujjainbengrrr: You can boot Wubi different mode maybe? Do you get a grub menu?11:34
bengrrri get grub11:34
Phylockbengrrr: have never tried the ubuntu inside windows version, do you have any access at all, terminal?11:35
bengrrrtried to boot from grub told me cant find kernal11:35
bengrrrno terminal11:35
bengrrrits dos grub11:35
ActionParsnipbengrrr: you can mount the wubi disk in ubuntu live CD. Much easier (as I say) to use your backups)11:35
ComradeHaz`Hi all. Falling fowl of this while creating new partitions. http://tldp.org/FAQ/Linux-FAQ/error-messages.html#fdisk-partition-does-not It says there is a newer version that doesn't do this. Is that correct? Can someone tell me a reputable source to get the latest version or a way of getting it from upstream repo's if you have them in Ubuntu...?11:36
bengrrrno backup of my files im afraid ActionParsnip11:36
DulcinFor some reason I'm getting a lot of 404 messages on an apt-get update, when I try to apt-get install, it tells me packages are not authorized. I tried adding a new sources.list, but even from different sources I get the same 404 errors. Any idea what it could be?11:36
ActionParsnipbengrrr: why not, isn't the data important?11:36
ActionParsnipDulcin: can you pastebin the output of:  sudo apt-get update; lsb_release -a11:37
bengrrrActionParsnip: well so so semi important  can lose it and reinstall if needed jsut lookign for a solution without that11:37
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bengrrrsome way to repair my installation would be good11:37
paulouzo ubuntu 10,04 o evolution pede senha direto11:37
DulcinActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/695584/11:38
toni_alguien castellano-parlante11:38
ActionParsnipbengrrr: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide  has a section named:  How can I access my Wubi install and repair my install if it won't boot?   which shows how to mount the image. I suggest you review your bacup regime11:39
LjL!es | toni_11:39
ubottutoni_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.11:39
paulocomo acssar brasil11:39
LjL!br | paulo11:39
ubottupaulo: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.11:39
ActionParsnipdo you have web access on the same box?11:39
bengrrrActionParsnip: thanks ill give it a read through got web access and live cds and another box so im of for that11:40
ActionParsnipDulcin: yeah, sorry. Is it web active11:40
DulcinActionParsnip: yes it is11:43
ComradeHaz`Anyone able to assist me?11:43
ActionParsnipDulcin: tried changing source?11:43
ActionParsnipComradeHaz`: ask and see11:43
ComradeHaz`Have, twice!11:43
ComradeHaz`Hi all. Falling fowl of this while creating new partitions. http://tldp.org/FAQ/Linux-FAQ/error-messages.html#fdisk-partition-does-not It says there is a newer version that doesn't do this. Is that correct? Can someone tell me a reputable source to get the latest version or a way of getting it from upstream repo's if you have them in Ubuntu...?11:43
ActionParsnipComradeHaz`: try:  sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install ubiquity gparted      then try the installation11:44
DulcinActionParsnip: Yes I did11:44
jiltdilHi is there any problem with my sound actually playing a song in ubuntu gives less sound while in fedora it is louder than ubuntu at the same sound setting11:44
ActionParsnipComradeHaz`: I assume you have web access. You will need to do this in the 'test ubuntu' desktop11:44
ActionParsnipjiltdil: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && bash ./alsa-info.sh11:45
DulcinActionParsnip: I installed it completely last weekend, then wednesday mysql-server wouldn't boot because of a mysql.host missing, then i tried to fix it but, figured I might as well reinstall it, but I couldn't reinstall it anymore11:45
ActionParsnipDulcin: can you web browse to http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/natty/ on the same pc?11:45
ComradeHaz`ActionParsnip: Think maybe I explained badly. I'm running a live 'install' and partitioning disks from there.11:46
ActionParsnipComradeHaz`: yes, you can still update the apps in the live environment, the changes just dont stick between reboots11:46
jiltdilActionParsnip,  unable to resolv host adress11:46
rekActionParsnip, ho installato samba11:46
ActionParsnipjiltdil: oh not this again :(11:46
Dulcinhmm no I can't ping it, let me try some other sources (this is what the host provider sent me)11:46
ActionParsniprek: sudo apt-get install samba11:47
rekActionParsnip, i said i've just installed samba11:47
ComradeHaz`ActionParsnip: oh, sure, I know, but I don't think the latest version is in the repo's.. Let me try an upgrade though. DIdn't think of that11:47
rekActionParsnip, i don't see anything useful in pcmanfm should i access the shared folder using smb:ip ? i think yes11:47
=== Mud is now known as Guest52951
Dulcinhmm is there some place i can get a new sources.list?11:49
jiltdilrek: please repeat your problem related to samba11:49
toni_where are yoy from jesse?11:49
jiltdilrek: perhabs i'll help11:50
ActionParsnipDulcin: try:  wget http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8850924/alsa-info.sh; chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh; ./alsa-info.sh11:51
=== raoul is now known as raoulmunet
m3asmimy ad-hoc wireless not visible11:52
DulcinActionParsnip: it seems the problem persists with any sources.list11:52
ActionParsnipDulcin: http://www.mindtrickz.org/blog/default-sources-list-file-in-ubuntu-11-04/11:54
ActionParsnipjiltdil:  try:  wget http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8850924/alsa-info.sh; chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh; ./alsa-info.sh11:54
ActionParsnipjiltdil: I put the script on my dropbox :)11:54
DulcinActionParsnip: Same problem with that sources list, just lots of 404 not found, even though they all are 100% correct11:56
ActionParsnipDulcin: do you use a proxy?11:56
Dulcinnot as far as i know11:56
ActionParsnipDulcin: then you don't. Strange11:56
m3asmi my ad-hoc wireless not visible11:56
jiltdilActionParsnip, ok11:56
ActionParsnipm3asmi: if you connect to a hidden wireless, does it connect11:57
m3asmiActionParsnip: no my my wireless is not hidden11:58
ActionParsnipm3asmi: if you restart the other system, does it show?11:58
jiltdilActionParsnip, Which online backup is used by ubuntu as by default11:59
jiltdilin repo11:59
jiltdilActionParsnip, is it  Déjà Dup12:00
ActionParsnipjiltdil: no idea. Drupal maybe....12:01
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning12:01
DulcinActionParsnip: Any more ideas what the problem could be?12:01
ActionParsnipDulcin: could try a reboot12:04
Nova685Dulcin: can you ping the reps directly?12:04
DulcinNova685: No, I thought I could earlier, but doesn't seem to work anymore12:05
netI want to use a program which is in java. It needs Java 5 and above. When I run java -version, the version is java version "1.6.0_26". However sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jre says openjdk-6-jre is already the newest version.12:05
DulcinActionParsnip: Yeah I tried several reboots12:05
netI want to use a program which is in java. It needs Java 5 and above. When I run java -version, the version is java version "1.6.0_26". However sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jre says openjdk-6-jre is already the newest version...so what's the problem?12:06
DulcinNova685: Oh I can ping the host, without http: in front of it12:06
Dulcinso my mistake :)12:07
ActionParsnipnet: try: sudo apt-get --reinstall install openjdk-6-jre12:07
Nova685Dulcin: off a whim have you tried "sudo apt-get clean"12:08
DulcinNova685: I did now, but no luck on the update12:08
netActionParsnip: tnx, I'll try12:09
netActionParsnip: it's still the same.. java -version java version "1.6.0_26"12:10
netActionParsnip: should't be Java 6 or something?12:10
kanylI want to try raid1 or raid0 on external harddrives, in live usb mode, just want to try it. What live CD should i download?12:12
Nova685Dulcin: what type of connection does the computer have to the internet?12:12
icerootnet: that is java612:12
kanylI tried gparted but it does not seem to support any ´software raid stuff12:12
ikoniakanyl: what do you mean try it? as an install ?12:12
kanylikonia: I dont want to install anything, just try creating a raid in linux.12:12
neticeroot: ok tnx12:13
ikoniakanyl: do you plan to actually use it, or just see if you can create it ?12:13
icerootkanyl: every linux-live-cd can create a software-raid. use mdadm12:13
ActionParsnipnet: I use sun java via the file from www.java.com so couldn't say. Works in my browser is all I know of java12:13
kanyliceroot: has it got a GUI?12:13
kanylikonia: just want to try it12:13
icerootkanyl: never saw a gui for mdadm12:13
ikoniakanyl: in that case, mdadm is your friend, the reason I'm asking is becase raid on usb disks will perform very bad12:13
kanylOk thanks12:14
kanylAny tutoirual you can recomend? or should i just google?12:14
ikoniakanyl: not really a tutorial as each situation is unique to that person, but there are good documetantion sites showing how to generically use it12:14
kanylikonia: which ones?12:14
iceroot!raid | kanyl12:15
ubottukanyl: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto12:15
icerootkanyl: the first link12:15
ikoniakanyl: with respect, you're going to struggle with more advance topics like raid if you're incable of searching out the base documentation.12:15
icerootroot__: you have a support question?12:16
greywulfubuntu 10.04 update manager is offering a partial upgrade. Is this bad?12:17
ActionParsnip!rootirc | root__12:18
ubotturoot__: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.12:18
DulcinNova685: I assume something like fiber12:19
ActionParsnipgreywulf: close software centre and run: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade12:19
Joel2Hey, I want to use "ps -ef|grep apache" and kill (with -9) all proccesses that are listed at once, instead of having to go one by one12:21
Joel2is that possible with a single command?12:21
jribJoel2: why?  That sounds like not a good idea...12:21
Joel2It has 3 related processes which I want to kill at once12:22
jribJoel2: why don't you just stop apache?12:22
Nova685Dulcin: on fiber your ping to google for instance should be no more then 10 seconds and if its over 250 that is a problem and can cause the timeouts12:23
Joel2It runs as a single process12:23
ActionParsnipJoel2: ps -ef | grep apache |  awk '{ print $2 }'            will give you the PIDs12:23
Joel2I can only get it to stop with Ctrl+z12:23
Joel2and then I need to kill it12:23
jribJoel2: yes, why don't you just use « sudo service apache stop » like a sane person?12:23
The_BROSAnybody knows how to syncronize Google docs & Tomboy? Or may be there is so light application in Ubuntu for Google Docks like Tomboy?12:23
greywulfActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/695603/plain/12:24
jribJoel2: sorry, "apache2", not "apache"12:24
Joel2ok, thnx12:24
greywulfso spotify doesn't like the new qt libs or something?12:24
ActionParsnipgreywulf: and the output of:  lsb_release -sc12:25
jribJoel2: there really isn't a reason to use kill unless an application is misbehaving somehow.  And kill -9 should be a last resort12:25
greywulfActionParsnip: lucid12:25
Joel2got it12:25
ActionParsnipgreywulf: no, the potify app has been made but the deps for the newer version are not available yet so it will be held until they can be met12:25
ActionParsnipJoel2: http://www.weberdev.com/get_example.php3?ExampleID=1672 ;)12:26
jribJoel2: ok good.  Just for your knowledge, pkill would do what you wanted12:26
greywulfActionParsnip: so presumably no kaboom, if I upgrade, except maybe spotify12:26
Joel2ok, thnx for the help!12:26
ActionParsnipgreywulf: should be fine12:26
ActionParsnipgreywulf: GUI apps are nice but nearly always tell you nothing and hide the reasons why stuff is happening. CLI alwas tells you exactly what is what12:27
greywulfActionParsnip: yeah, so it seems..12:28
Tixoshey guys, any reason im getting hash mismatch error in repos for PERL packages? main server12:31
Tixosand us server12:31
greywulfActionParsnip: back from reboot, no kaboom spotted.12:32
greywulfActionParsnip: thanks!12:32
ActionParsnipgreywulf: np :)12:32
ActionParsnipTixos: try: http://pastebin.com/yJtKp9Vw12:32
roo_how to install in Dns help anyone12:35
KM0201!info dns12:35
ubottuPackage dns does not exist in natty12:35
DulcinNova685: My ping to my pc is 0.030 ms on average to google.de (server is in germany)12:36
Dulcinnot to my pc12:36
DulcinMy ping to google.de is 0.030ms - server is also in germany12:36
ActionParsnipKM0201: if you want a DNS service, try dnsmasq12:37
KM0201ActionParsnip: i don't, roo_ does12:37
sveinse0.030 ms?   30 us ?12:37
D_Russhello all12:38
ActionParsniphi D_Russ12:38
KM0201D_Russ: did you get anywhere yesterday?12:39
Dulcinsveinse: http://paste.ubuntu.com/695610/12:39
D_RussKM0201: yes, i got a headache12:39
D_Russthats as far as i got12:39
KM0201lol... sorry to hear12:39
KM0201just doesn't make sense12:39
D_Russyea i know12:40
codemagicianwhere do private key SSL certificates go on Ubuntu 11.04 running apache2 ?12:40
sveinseDulcin: That is indeed impressive. I don't get that low latency even on my GbLAN12:40
stevecamive got a Intel HD 2000 Graphics Processor, will Ubuntu work with this?12:40
D_Russfunny thing is that earlier this morning i was able to get into that folder via the network on my ubuntu box which is a first12:40
KM0201D_Russ: what version of ubuntu were you using again?12:40
s0126hhow come ubuntu livecd sucks; i cannot do anything; even open terminal12:40
D_Russbut not able to get in on a windows box12:41
Dulcinsveinse: perhaps they're in the same datacenter12:41
D_RussKM0201: then shortly after things on ubuntu went funny, menus disappearing so i did a restart and now i cant access the folder again via nework on ubuntu12:41
KM0201D_Russ: what version of Windows are you using?12:42
D_Russwindows 712:42
MonkeyDustD_Russ: you may have the kwork bug12:43
D_Russwhats that monkeyFust12:43
KM0201D_Russ: which versin of win 7?12:43
MonkeyDustD_Russ: i had it too, same symptoms, had to reinstall my system12:43
D_Russi believe its home premium12:44
D_Russlet me check12:44
MonkeyDustD_Russ: kworker bug is in ubuntu12:44
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D_RussKM0201: its home premium.12:45
D_RussMonkeyDust: what were your symptoms12:45
D_Russand what version you using MonkeyDust12:46
MonkeyDustD_Russ: no wallpaper, no libre office, no thunderbird, no chromium12:46
D_Russthats not me12:46
Nova685Dulcin: i have had the update software do something similar before but i didnt get the error 404, the package no longer was used and i ended up upgrading the packages one at a time because the one error stopped the whole process12:46
ActionParsnipD_Russ: http://thelinuxexperiment.com/linux/accessing-windows-7-shares-from-ubuntu-is-a-pain/12:46
KM0201ActionParsnip: i think his problem is reverse12:47
MonkeyDustah win, i missed that part12:47
roo_how to install in vmware in ubuntu 11.4help anyone12:47
D_Russthank you ActionParsnip12:47
KM0201he's ttrying to access ubuntu shares, from, windows12:47
D_Russyes ActionParsnip Km0201 is correct12:48
roo_ how to install in vmware in ubuntu 11.4help anyone12:48
carpunkyHello, After looking up stuff on google, I was thinking about installing Ububtu 11.4 on a external  usb hard drive...It is is installed right now from Wubi on my windows...I guess the real question is , will I see performance increase this way ?12:48
carpunkyor should i ust put it on a 2nd internal hard drive12:49
Islamhi there12:49
D_RussMonkeyDust: i dont have the same symptoms you have. i just expierieced a one time wierdness, where the start menu and all menus next to it disappeared and my apps would not open, a restart fixed it, and that was the first time so far.12:49
Nova685read write speed is limited to the speed of the usb drive then12:49
ActionParsniproo_: so do you want to install Natty as a VM or do you want to install VMware software onto Ubuntu so you can then run VMs??12:49
ohhi2carpunky,  booting from usb will take 4 times longer i think12:50
roo_how to install in samba package ubuntu  11.412:50
ActionParsnipcarpunky: it is stored on NTFS so will also be impacted by the fragmentation of NTFS over time12:50
Islamwhen I log in my ubuntu I get the error that I dont have kernel loaded, and I should load it, then I try again and it works12:50
ActionParsniproo_: same as any other package12:50
carpunkyohhi2: ty, i didnt than abut that12:50
ActionParsnipIslam: try:  sudo update-grub    see if it helps12:51
carpunkyactionparsnip: thanks12:51
nsahoois there a way to import the keyboard shortcuts from one ubuntu installation to another new installation?12:52
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Islamwhen I tried it I get that : cat: /boot/grub/video.lst: No such file or directory12:52
Nova685carpunky: internal hd r/12:52
D_RussWell folks my limited time here this morning has expired. I will be back later today after work, as i am sure this problem wont fix itself, lol. have a good one.12:52
greywulfcarpunky: depends on what you want. I have ubuntu installed as a dual boot on another partition https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot12:52
ActionParsnipIslam: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc    please12:52
soreaunsahoo: Depends on where you set them12:53
Islamhow can I know what you are askin about Actionparsnip ?12:53
ActionParsnipIslam: its a terminal command12:54
soreauIslam: Its a command you run in your terminal12:54
Islamthats what I got when I did what you told me12:54
andybrineHey everyone12:54
Islamislam@ubuntu:~$ sudo update-grub12:54
Islam[sudo] password for islam:12:54
IslamGenerating grub.cfg ...12:54
Islamcat: /boot/grub/video.lst: No such file or directory12:54
IslamFound linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.38-11-generic12:54
IslamFound initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-2.6.38-11-generic12:54
FloodBot1Islam: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:54
nsahoosoreau: i set them on System/Preferences/Keyboard Shortcuts12:55
andybrineis there anyone here who does video editing?12:55
ActionParsnip!anyone | andybrine12:55
ubottuandybrine: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.12:55
soreaunsahoo: So they are probably somewhere in .gconf would be my guess12:55
nsahoosoreau: ok. thanks12:56
LaykeAbout what I asked a few hours ago, one of the reasons why I find it more difficult to get into GIMP, is the whole keyboard shortcuts are different. and finding out which shortcut I can use is non intuitive.12:56
Islamwhat should I do Actionparsnip ?12:56
IslamI got you all I have12:56
soreauLayke: Different than what?12:56
ActionParsnipIslam: what is the output of:   lsb_release -sc   please12:56
andybrineOk, when i playback my video in any video editor it plays back very fast, i wonder if anyone esle has experienced that?12:56
Islamhow do I get that output ?12:56
ActionParsnipIslam: its a terminal command12:57
soreau! terminal | Islam12:57
ubottuIslam: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal12:57
Laykesoreau, Sorry, my original question an hour ago was "can I install photoshop on ubuntu" since I was having trouble getting the hang of GIMP and have always used PS. People said to just stick trying to use GIMP, but you can install PS using Wine.12:57
Laykeie, I can't even figure out without Googling how I should rotate a object.12:57
carpunkyI have a extra internal hard drive that I was going to use for Ubuntu ...would it be best to just unplug my other hard drive that has win7 on it, until I get ubuntu  installed ?12:57
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soreauLayke: Learning often times requires reading. GIMP is not PS and does not strive to be12:58
IslamI got natty, actionsnipt12:58
soreauLayke: There is also #gimp on this network12:58
greywulfcarpunky: if you want to select at boot whether you go to windows or ubuntu, you should install according to the instructions12:59
Islamdoes any body know what natty supposed to mean ?12:59
auronandace!natty | Islam12:59
ubottuIslam: Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/110412:59
DaghdhaIs there a compatibility list being kept for Ubuntu upgrade from 10.x to 11.x?12:59
soreaucarpunky: I would plug them both in before installing any OS so it knows what hw you will be using12:59
ActionParsnipIslam: ok, run:  echo vbe | sudo tee /boot/grub/video.lst; sudo update-grub13:00
ActionParsnipIslam: should be ok. Source: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=908705713:00
Braden`What is the manpage package for c++ documentation?13:00
carpunkyI sut get so many answers on google on how to install 2 os's on 2 differ hard drives that it is confusing13:00
ActionParsnipIslam: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/natty13:01
soreauBraden`: I believe that C++ is much too complex for a manpage.. it can fill many books (and has)13:01
ActionParsnipcarpunky: not really, install Windows as you expect and have the other unpartitioned, then install ubuntu to the free space13:01
Total_Oblivionhello, how can i install skype at ubuntu?13:01
Braden`soreau:  Well, for example, if I do:  man 3 printf13:01
Braden`It outputs the manpage for printf13:01
Braden`I am quite sure there is a manpage for std::cout13:02
andybrinehas anyone had the issue with video playback in a video editor?  for some reason the video playback plays back really fast13:02
soreaucarpunky: Its pretty easy. Just plugin the hard drive, boot ubuntu live install session and select manual partitioning13:02
carpunkyactionparsnip: I alreay have win 7 installed on this hard drive, I am adding another hard to install ubuntu13:02
soreaucarpunky: From there, setup your target hard drive to be the root partition for ubuntu (mount point /)13:02
ActionParsnipcarpunky: even easier13:02
andybrinealso it plays out of sync because it plays back fast13:02
Islamstill same problem and it says no such directory13:03
melvincv_Total_Oblivion: $ sudo apt-get install skype13:03
Braden`carpunky:  You need to put your mbr on the first hdd13:03
carpunkybraden: mbr ?13:03
soreauBraden`: He shouldnt even have to worry about that since the install will take care of it automatically13:03
soreaucarpunky: mbr=master boot record. You shouldnt need to worry with it at all13:04
Total_Oblivionmelvinc_: it told me that it wansn't in a package or something13:04
carpunkysoreau "Ok13:04
ActionParsnipTotal_Oblivion: grab the deb from the skype site, easier13:04
melvincv_Total_Oblivion: Yes, you can get the .deb installer from skype.com13:04
Total_Oblivionthis one?http://www.skype.com/intl/en/get-skype/on-your-computer/linux/13:04
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carpunkyok let me try this  thanks13:05
andybrineto be honest i dont know what i can search for to find out a solution13:05
andybrineany help would be great13:05
Total_Oblivionand that will be downloaded to the download folder right?13:05
ActionParsnipTotal_Oblivion: after you try and install it, run:  sudo apt-get -f install     and it will grab any deps needed13:05
soreauandybrine: a video editor is not a video player. look into avidemux13:06
andybrinesoreau yeah i know and when i playback video with any video editor so i can edit. The playback ends up to be really fast13:07
soreauandybrine: Try a different video editor like avidemux13:07
furyoshonenTotal_Oblivion: you can also go use the Ubuntu Software Center, its the shopping bad icon on your launch bar, search for skype after you open the program, and hit install13:07
soreauandybrine: also you may have to adjust the output format settings13:07
andybrinefor example I am using open shot and have tried kdenlive and the same thing happens13:07
andybrineis that in avidemux?13:08
soreauis what in avidemux?13:08
andybrineare you sure that is what i need to use to fix this error?13:09
soreauYou will have to try it for yourself13:09
soreaualso install mplayer and ffmpeg13:09
andybrineI dont want to use another video editor as the editor is not the issue here13:09
andybrineit is the playback within these editors13:10
melvincv_Hi guys, I have 2 pop email accounts in Evolution, but the mails from both accounts get downloaded into one folder. Is there any way to separate the mails into two inboxes???13:10
soreauWell then you know more than us, why are you asking for help here13:10
andybrineI am not saying i know more I just dont think you are understanding the issue13:10
soreau<andybrine> it is the playback within these editors <<--->> <soreau> andybrine: a video editor is not a video player.13:10
soreauandybrine: Uses mplayer to play the video13:11
andybrineok yeah13:11
ActionParsnipmplayer rules13:11
andybrinewhen i playback with mplayer it is ok13:11
soreauandybrine: a video editor is not a video player. <-- what part of this dont you understand?13:12
Islamdoes any body know how to solve this, when I open my ubuntu it gives me this error: file not found... & error: you need to load kernel first13:12
soreauIslam: What do you mean by open your ubuntu?13:13
melvincv_Hi guys, I have 2 pop email accounts in Evolution, but the mails from both accounts get downloaded into one folder. Is there any way to separate the mails into two inboxes?13:13
andybrineOMFG lol yes it is not an editor congratulations!!!13:13
soreauandybrine: It is an EDITOR not a PLAYER13:13
IslamI have windows and linux, when I choose linux and I start it it says that13:13
ActionParsnipIslam: did the text in the file clear the grub update?13:14
Teh_Lemon!info sqlite13:15
ubottusqlite (source: sqlite): command line interface for SQLite. In component main, is optional. Version 2.8.17-6build2 (natty), package size 16 kB, installed size 88 kB13:15
IslamI dont know it gave me the error I showed you Actionparsnip13:15
andybrinethis is hillarious.... I know it is something to do with the playback...I am not stupid. Not really going to solve the prob knowing the difference between the 2. I have been and gone through elementary school already13:15
soreauandybrine: please stop typing now, because your ignorance is ruining everyones morning13:15
andybrinejust what you are saying does not help slove anything its merly stating the obvious :)13:16
Islamit gives me the error of file not found when I run the command you gave me Actionsnip13:16
roo_how to install in blind package13:17
soreau!info blind13:17
ubottuPackage blind does not exist in natty13:17
soreauroo_: What do you mean blind package?13:17
Memphis1lol soreau13:17
ActionParsnipIslam: so what is the output of: cat /boot/grub/video.lst13:17
Islamcat: /boot/grub/video.lst: No such file or directory13:18
ActionParsnipIslam: then you didn't run my command13:18
IslamI did13:19
andybrinethe issue is that video playback generally ok and it is only when i have updated yesterday I have faced this issues. It seems a problem with video playback yes13:19
Islamand it gave me the same error that you see now13:19
ActionParsnipIslam:  echo vbe | sudo tee /boot/grub/video.lst13:19
ActionParsnipIslam: does that give any output13:19
Islamit asks for my PW, then it says vbe13:20
Martin_Hi guys.. on my VM, ifconfig shows the adapters with the correct ips but i cant connect to it, or ping external addresses13:20
Martin_it is configured as a NAT in virtualbox13:20
jndlsnlhi, how can i pastebin my file?13:20
nicofswhere would i have to go to get support on how to create subtitles for a movie?13:20
soreauMartin_: try #vbox13:20
Martin_ok thanks soreau13:20
ActionParsnipIslam: ok now run:   cat /boot/grub/video.lst    what is output?13:21
soreau! paste | jndlsnl13:21
ubottujndlsnl: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:21
hal-jQuick unity question for you folks.  Under "classic" mode, my virtual desktops are appearing in a grid (good).  but all 9 seem to want to appear as a single row (despite configuration saying 3x3) when in Unity 2D mode.  Am I missing something obvious?13:21
Islamthe same vbe13:21
ActionParsnipIslam: so NOW you ran the command, you didn't last time, or it would have done THAT last time13:22
ActionParsnipIslam: now run:  sudo update-grub13:22
hal-jMy previous install (an upgrade of an upgrade of an upgrade… dating back to I believe 9.10? 10.04?) didn't have this issue.13:22
Islamit gave me every thing found and done13:23
Islamis it solved now ?13:23
ActionParsnipIslam: anything about a missing file?13:23
Islamshould I try to resart ?13:23
ActionParsnipIslam: strange how you SAID you'd ran the command but got the same issue, but you reran it and it magically starts working13:23
ActionParsnipIslam: think about that.... reboot to test13:24
quiescensa wizard did it13:24
ActionParsnipmust have13:24
IslamActiosnip I did try it the first time and it gave me the same answer vbe13:24
soreauhal-j: Well for one thing, unity sucks13:24
Islamlol, ok thanx I'll try it out13:24
hal-jsoreau: indeed13:24
hal-jmore of a curiosity than anything else.13:25
soreauhal-j: It is really just compiz with a plugin that breaks stuff13:25
soreauhal-j: Id recommend disabling unity in ccsm and using compiz13:25
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soreauhal-j: Be warned that disabling unity plugin can cause all ccsm plugins to be disabled13:26
ActionParsnipI don't mind unity personally. Its a bit like marmite13:27
KM0201ActionParsnip: funny, i was gonna compare unity to a root canal.13:28
kasi_I've a second graphics card with /dev/fb1. How can I start a second instance of Xorg on this particular one?13:28
hal-jif I could put the dock where I wanted I'd like it more.  if I could have my 9 desktops in a grid, I could _use_ it.  9 desktops in a single row isn't usable13:29
ActionParsnipKM0201: Just switch DE and you gots no issues :)13:29
hal-jclassic mode it is13:29
hal-jthanks guys13:29
KM0201ActionParsnip: thats a great solution!13:29
ActionParsnipKM0201: LXDE here ;)13:30
soreaukasi_: You would probably have to setup multiple screens in xorg.conf though there is no guarantee two cards will even work13:30
Islamthanx Actionsnip its fixed13:31
ActionParsnipIslam: sweet13:31
amin`this is http://paste.pocoo.org/show/481079/ my xmonad.hs ; i got it from xmonad config archives. but i don't know what tis the reconfiguration (recompile) key-bindings?13:31
Islambut I have another q, I cant get to my files through terminal13:31
* soreau doesnt see how anyone could ever be comfortable with the plethora of bugs in Nattys unity13:31
mickepaprikai remember someone telling me about a utility to automatically generate init.d scripts, but can't remember what it was called13:31
mickepaprikaanyone heard of this?13:32
Islammy files are in the media file, when I log it through terminal and type dir it says its empty13:32
Islamand I noticed it creates a file in the media that I should enter it to get to my files13:32
auronandaceIslam: what about: ls -a13:32
kasi_soreau, isn't it possible to start another instance of Xorg?13:33
nicofsCan someone help me create a subtitle file? I can't use Subtitle Workshop or any of it's clones... I need simple GUI with video preview where you scan to the right moment in the film and say "insert here"...13:34
Islamls -a gives me the file I told you it automatically creates with a strange name in a purple colour13:34
melvincv_Hi guys, I have 2 pop email accounts in Evolution, but the mails from both accounts get downloaded into one folder. Is there any way to separate the mails into two inboxes?13:35
auronandaceIslam: that is the mountpoint inside /media/13:35
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ActionParsnipnicofs: there are subtitle sites all over if its a commercial video file13:35
Islamand how am I supposed to get to the files with it, if I already tried to log though it and I couldnt13:35
nicofsActionParsnip, as i said... i need to create myself... otherwise i wouldn't put me through that13:36
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auronandaceIslam: you just said that all your files are in that folder (the mountpoint), what is the problem?13:36
rocktopcan some one help to stop this http://pastebin.com/Jc2NLGEu ?13:37
Islamin the browser its in the media file, through the terminal when I enter the media file I find another file created automaticaly and it have a long name13:38
ActionParsnip!info subtitleeditor13:38
ubottusubtitleeditor (source: subtitleeditor): Graphical subtitle editor with sound waves representation. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.38.0-1build1 (natty), package size 422 kB, installed size 1620 kB13:38
melvincv_rocktop: just curious, what's the real issue?13:38
auronandaceIslam: that is the mountpoint13:39
auronandaceIslam: if you plug in a usb stick it will create a mountpoint under /media/13:39
Islamall I'm asking about is it normal to be there a file that creats its self like that ?13:39
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soreaurocktop: Im pretty sure no one will be able to help you without some sort of context13:40
auronandaceIslam: yes, mountpoints are dynamically generated13:40
ActionParsnipIslam: auronandace: or one in ~/.gvfs maybe?13:40
davydehi http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/695641/ in ubuntu 10.04 how can i get the packages?13:42
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melvincvWhy is my pointer disappearing after I stop moving my mouse in Ubuntu 11.04, Gnome2?13:47
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melvincvDoes anyoneelse have the same issue?13:47
jribmelvincv: do you happen to be running "unclutter"?13:47
jribmelvincv: mine does that because I want it to :D13:48
rocktopmelvincv_: ddos attack13:48
melvincvNo, I don't know what that is...13:48
jribmelvincv: ps -ef | grep unclutter13:48
melvincvmelvin    2896  2842  0 19:18 pts/1    00:00:00 grep --color=auto unclutter13:49
benoliver999melvincv: That could be a graphics driver issue.13:49
melvincvThat was the output of that command.13:49
martianI have a remote system mounted via fuse/sshfs and whenever that system becomes unavailable (after I have it mounted) it causes my system to get a little crazy. I can't umount the mountpoint as it says it's busy, lsof hangs, and if I try to stop /etc/init.d/networking it says "not deconfiguring network interfaces: network file systems still mounted". What can I do aside from restarting?13:50
jribmartian: then it's not unclutter. Check bugs.ubuntu.com13:50
melvincvI have an Intel 845GL chipset for a video card... Could that be the issue?13:50
martianjrib: buh? Unclutter? Did you mean to reply to me?'13:51
Aquaguyis there any way to launch gnome as root? So I can browse files as root instead of using terminal?13:51
jribmelvincv: then it's not unclutter. Check bugs.ubuntu.com13:51
jribAquaguy: why?13:51
benoliver999melvincv: I used to have the same problem on my laptop, trying to remember how I fixed it...13:51
melvincvOh, bug... in what package?13:51
Aquaguywhy? 'cause I prefer to do it that way haha13:52
jribAquaguy: do what exactly?13:52
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benoliver999melvincv: Ah crap, I think it fixed itself with the 11.04 upgrade. Sory.13:52
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mo0n_sniperdoes anyone knows why do I see this error in the syslog?:           be2net:Out of MCCQ wrbs13:52
Aquaguybrowse as root, for example when I want to seplets apache's error logs I have to enter to terminal, sudo, then navigate to the logs folder and delete the log, I would like to place an logs's folder alias on desktop and delete the log right away, for example.13:53
jribAquaguy: you may use « gksudo nautilus »13:54
melvincv<benoliver999> I'm having the issue on 11.04. Waiting for 11.10 and of course, a new PC. :)13:55
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benoliver999melvincv: :)13:55
melvincvIs there any way to quickly copy a person's nick to mention him in a chat? Other than highlighting and ctrl+c?13:57
jrib!tab  | melvincv13:58
ubottumelvincv: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.13:58
melvincvubottu, hi13:59
mo0n_snipernice guy that ubottu :)13:59
melvincvha ha lol13:59
Ibissoreau: Unity is sexy by the way.13:59
soreauIbis: That is a matter of opinion. In mine, bugs are not sexy14:00
compdocUnity is horrible14:00
IbisWell, Unity 2D is great in case the original unity isn't working well for them.14:00
IbisYea,  I dun like bugs either.14:00
Nova685<3 unity O.O14:00
IbisOh thanks for reminding me, I wanted to take the Ubuntu test.14:01
* [gnubie] waves14:03
[gnubie]i need help. i'm always getting a kernel panic and the screenshot is at http://imagebin.org/17369414:03
[gnubie]changing my kernel line from root=LABEL=/ to root=/dev/sda5 still with no luck. any advice?14:03
BluesKaj[gnubie], what are you trying to do  ?14:05
ionitehey guys14:05
ioniteubuntu is it suitable for net books?14:05
Memphis1yes ionite14:05
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ioniteMemphis1: would it be too heavy? i heard unity have got some probs14:06
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tomodachiionite: linux by design is quite modular, so you can easily adapt it to everything from smartphones to computers14:06
Teh_Lemonthere is also a netbook version of ubuntu afaik14:06
[gnubie]BluesKaj: boot my system14:06
hal-jionite: been running it on a netbook for a few years14:06
Memphis1ionite, Unity won't run if it doesn't think its capable of running14:06
hal-ja clean install of natty gave me some unity issues I didn't have in my upgraded system, but that's a different story14:07
tomodachiionite: battery power consumtion though is higher that with other os:es14:07
ionitethen what about KDE and others? what are their merits that Ubuntu doesnt have?14:07
ionitewhat's Ubuntu not good at?14:07
hal-jI was getting 8 or so hours prior to the reinstall14:07
edbianionite: playing windows games14:07
tomodachiionite: kde is just a desktop enviroment, but ubuntu compared to others, It has a bigger userbase, hence more support and easier to find people with fixes for known problems14:07
hal-jno idea how that compares on this netbook, never ran anything else14:07
compdocUbuntu makes a poor cup of coffee14:07
ioniteedbian: is that all?14:07
bazhangionite, thats offtopic for here14:07
Drussis this the support chanel?14:07
h00kDruss: this is14:08
bazhangionite, #ubuntu-offtopic for chit chat14:08
ioniteedbian: i'm afraid of hardware compatibility problems.14:08
drapedupionite: better to tell what you want to do with it. we can't name everything it can't do14:08
hal-jwhich netbook?14:08
edbianionite: You might have some.  But you can try the liveCD and know definitively before you ever install.14:08
BluesKaj[gnubie], what happens when you try to boot ?14:08
bazhang!une | hal-j14:08
ubottuhal-j: Starting with Ubuntu 11.04, the Ubuntu Netbook Edition is no longer being offered as a separate install as Unity is now standard for all Ubuntu desktop installs.14:08
edbianionite: Most hardware problems can be fixed these days by someone like us14:08
ionitedrapedup: can i install ubuntu and remove KDE?14:08
drapedupionite: ubuntu doesn't come with KDE installed. kubuntu does14:09
hal-jubottu: yup.14:09
Drussedbian: ohh really?14:09
ioniteedbian: Can I remove my current KDE and install ubuntu?14:09
edbianDruss: did I just start something?14:09
hal-jah bot…. fun :)14:09
ioniteedbian: or do i have to start all over from a clean install?14:09
bazhang!puregnome | ionite14:09
ubottuionite: If you want to remove all !Kubuntu packages or !Xubuntu packages and have a default !Ubuntu system, follow the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureGnome14:09
tomodachiionite: KDE is a desktop enviroment, like a "skin" or a gui" ubuntu itself supports different desktop enviroments like gnome, unity or KDE14:09
[gnubie]BluesKaj: kindly check => http://imagebin.org/17369414:09
edbianionite: KDE is not a distro.  It is not mutually exclusive to Ubuntu14:09
edbianionite: What did you install?  What are you trying to achieve?14:09
ioniteedbian: i;ve got kde and i wanna switch to ubuntu14:10
Drussedbian: no but i have a ubuntu problem well 2 thats proving very difficult.14:10
auronandaceionite: kde on which distro?14:10
edbianionite: That does not make sense. You cannot have KDE without running some other distro. What distro are you running?14:10
ioniteauronandace: 4.714:10
edbianDruss: what is it?14:10
ioniteedbian: 4.7 SC14:10
edbianionite: what?14:10
auronandaceionite: no, not the version of kde, what linux distro are you using?14:11
ioniteauronandace: how do i check?14:11
ioniteedbian: what are the common problems with Unity?14:11
drapeduptype "/exec uname -a"14:11
martinjlowmanyone who's familiar with building metacity themes?14:11
Drussedbian: KB and mouse takes 3-5 minutes to respond after a restart. only after a restart. and i have issues connecting to my ntfs drive on my ubuntu box from a windows machine over the samba network.14:12
edbianionite: people don't like the bar on the left.  It isn't customizable14:12
edbianDruss: KB ?14:12
auronandaceionite: uname -a14:12
Drussedbian: keyboard14:12
drapedupionite:  type "/exec uname -a"14:13
edbianDruss: that's strange! :(14:13
ioniteauronandace: Linux david-NX116 2.6.38-11-generic #50-Ubuntu SMP Mon Sep 12 21:18:14 UTC 2011 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux14:13
amin`first is it the norm to have no combination keys for recompile and only for restart? second xmonad --recompile ---> http://paste.pocoo.org/show/481087/14:13
auronandaceionite: then you are running ubuntu14:13
drapedupyou're running ubuntu 11.0414:13
Drussedbian: yes it is. im on 11.0414:13
BluesKajcan ayone esle check [gnubie]'s problem pasted above ...I've never seen this before so I have no idea how to help here14:13
jrib /url 114:13
ioniteauronandace: so how do i uninstall KDE and install ubuntu?14:13
auronandaceionite: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop14:13
drapedupionite: check url above14:14
bazhangionite, I gave the link to you14:14
[gnubie]thanks BluesKaj..14:14
jribamin`: #xmonad is more appropriate, but pastebin your xmonad.hs14:14
ioniteauronandace: how do i remove?14:14
wisevoyagerionite, sudo apt-get remove kubuntu14:14
auronandace!puregnome | ionite14:14
ubottuionite: If you want to remove all !Kubuntu packages or !Xubuntu packages and have a default !Ubuntu system, follow the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureGnome14:14
ionitewisevoyager: thanks!14:14
bazhangwisevoyager, that will do nothing14:14
ioniteauronandace: so i should install before removing?14:15
bazhangionite, read the link14:15
auronandaceionite: check the link above14:15
ioniteauronandace: ok thanks14:15
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ioniteauronandace: can i still access terminal after removal of KDE?14:17
drapedupyes you can ionite14:17
drapedupKDE is only a window manager that handles visual interface14:17
auronandaceionite: of course14:17
ioniteauronandace: thanks14:17
ionitedrapedup: oic14:17
auronandaceionite: no worries :)14:17
Drussok so maybe someone can help me with my samba networking issues?14:18
ioniteauronandace: can i use purge to remove kde?14:18
SIFTUdrapedup: techinally KDE is the DE and kwin is it's WM14:19
auronandaceionite: don't know sorry, i've never tried it14:20
drapedupSIFTU: you're defeating the purpose of what I'm trying to do, which is simplify things for this guy14:20
SIFTUdrapedup: just saying14:21
laosmorning everyone - anyone here know why ubuntu server's apache2 server is having a hard time after having an internal ip change? (from to
laosdynamic dns isn't working anymore as a result14:22
Drussok anybody know about KB & mouse issues? 11.04 keyboard and mouse dont work for 3-5 minutes after restart, only after restarts, its usb kb & mouse.14:22
mk1342laos: might want to try #ubuntu-server14:23
laos@mk1342 thanks14:23
ujjainCan somebody help me fix my Grub? I keep on getting errors, :(14:24
Drussok does anyone in here like unity? is there a seperate channel for natty?14:24
mk1342ujjain: what are the erros?14:24
ujjainI am currently in my Ubuntu install, I cloned it via Ubuntu live to new disk14:24
amin`jrib, http://paste.pocoo.org/show/481079/14:24
ujjainsudo grub-install /dev/sdb --root-directory=/mnt -> grub-probe device.map:2 no open paranthesis found14:24
auronandacelaos: just so you know, in some clients putting an @ infront of a nick stops it from highlighting14:24
mbeierlDruss: many people like unity :)  I happen to be one, but I cannot use it due to display issues :(14:24
BluesKajlaos, did you change the IP in /etc/network interfaces ?14:24
ujjainusr/bin/grub-probe: error: /mnt/boot/grub/device.map:2: No open paranthesis found.14:25
ujjainI tried super grub disk, but failed too, without giving an error.14:25
Drussmbeierl: i like unity as well. but i see quite a few people that dont like it.14:25
BluesKajlaos, correction :  in /etc/network/interfaces ?14:25
laosbluesKaj you mean to manually with static ?14:26
BluesKajlaos, yes14:26
mbeierlDruss: it's new.  it's different.  if you are used to a certain ui and you change, expecting things to be the same, you won't like it.  Ah well.14:26
laosif i were to do that, where could i get the correct information such as gateway etc. beyond the ip14:26
dk12Hi all, laos, maybe check in /etc/hosts too14:27
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Drussmbeierl: thats true, i am trying to wien myself from windows, but i have a couple bugs that i cant kill.14:27
laosdk12 in hosts im just seeing
dk12laos, it's ok then14:28
mbeierlDruss: I see your posts.  I can't help at this time, but perhaps try restating the samba issue explicitly?  As the for key/mouse over usb, no help here :)14:29
Drussmbeierl, i used ubuntu in the past but i never stuck with it because i could not get past some bugs.14:29
Drussits cool14:29
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BluesKajlaos, what about /etc/resolv.conf..are the dns entries listed there ?14:30
djmattyg007does anyone know where i can find a guide to configuring ircd-irc2?14:30
mbeierlDruss: any thing in specific?  I've been using linux/ubuntu for over 10 years, with the past 5 or so as the primary desktop for home too.  My kids, wife, etc, all use Ubuntu at home14:30
laosblueskaj i tried some changes to networking and the box is rebooting, i'll let you know in a sec14:30
mk1342ujjain: sorry, i can't seem to find anything about those errors14:30
ujjainsudo grub-install /dev/sdb gives /usr/sbin/grub-setup: waarschuwing: Your embedding area is unusually small.  core.img won't fit in it..14:30
ujjainnot much helpful either.14:30
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, or rww!14:31
jpdsJizm: 'sup.14:31
laosblueskaj setting the static ip to worked :)14:32
auronandaceJizm: why did you do that?14:32
laosonly thing now is to check ddns, thanks14:32
Drussmbeierl, as of right now i only have the KB & mouse issues and the networking issues.14:32
JizmI wanted to know if you ops are hella horny like me14:32
BluesKajlaos, good :)14:32
mbeierlDruss: samba networking?  as in interconnectivity by MS Windows machines to your Ubuntu box?14:32
mbeierlDruss: or just plain ol' network 101?14:33
bil21alis gnome player is also called Mplayer??14:34
djmattyg007does anyone know where i can find a guide to configuring ircd-irc2?14:34
ujjainI don like Linux anyre.14:35
bil21alis gnome player is also called Mplayer?14:35
auronandacebil21al: gnome-mplayer is a gtk frontend to mplayer14:35
Drussmbeierl: i have 2 hdd's on my ubuntu box. one is ntfs format, the main is partitioned with windows 7 and ubuntu side by side. 11.04.14:35
auronandacebil21al: or are you thinking of totem?14:35
mbeierlDruss: ok...14:36
bil21alauronandace:  no no in a bug Mplayer is written i search in dash it gives gnome player so i m just asking that is gnome player is also called Mplayer??14:36
rigvedbil21al: yes. it's called the gnome-mplayer14:37
Drussmbeierl: i cant get any of my windows boxs in other rooms to connect to the ntfs drive or any ntfs partition on my ubuntu box.14:37
auronandacebil21al: not sure sorry14:37
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bil21alrigved: ok14:37
mbeierlDruss: ok, let's back up a little here so I understand the context.  You have ubuntu booted from the second hard drive?14:38
mbeierlDruss: and the other computers can see the samba network presented by the ubuntu box?14:38
AkariTakaiQuestion: anyone know how to get rid of the dot-grid in the new unity-greeter on Oneric?14:38
jribamin`: and if you join lines 87 and 88?14:38
mbeierlAkariTakai: try #ubuntu+114:38
auronandace!11.10 | AkariTakai14:38
ubottuAkariTakai: Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu.  Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+114:38
carpunkyOk, I finally installed a old 2nd hard drive...do i need to reformat it.. (.it has win xp on it ) before I install ubuntu on it14:39
jribamin`: also, install xmessage14:39
auronandacecarpunky: yes14:39
compdoccarpunky, the ubuntu installer will format it for you14:39
ActionParsnipcarpunky: the installer has a step to setup partitioning14:39
carpunkyok, thanks all14:40
compdocjust make sure you format the right drive14:40
Drussi have a ubuntu box with 2 hdd's and the main drive has a partition with ubuntu on it the partition is ext4, the rest of that main hdd is ntfs. now i have a second drive that is all ntfs. yes the windows boxes in other rooms can see the drive over the samba ntwk but cannot access the files of any of the share folders on any of the hdd that is in ntfs format. did i explain it good?14:42
compdocthe shared drive does not have to be ntfs14:42
Nova685ubuntu cant set privlages on an ntfs drive14:42
Nova685sometimes it works others no14:43
Nova685its a privlage issue most likely though14:43
Drussmbeierl: that second drive is inthe ubuntu box. i did notmention that above.14:43
Nova685sorry was talking to Druss:14:44
compdocyou should format it to ext4, unless you use the drive in another system14:44
auronandaceDruss: you don't need samba to access a drive on the same machine as ubuntu is running14:44
DrussNova685: really? so it wont work unless i reformat the drive to ext414:44
mbeierlDruss: the problem with NTFS support under Ubuntu is that the drive is mounted as a specific user, which means that one user effectively "owns" all the files.  So the sharing of the NTFS drive is going to be restricted as far as security controls go14:45
DeadPandais there some easy way to disable all of the "Open with Wine..." garbage that gets stuck into Gnome when I install Wine?14:45
Drussauronandace: thats not what im trying to do, trying to access it via windows box14:45
compdoccan be ext3, or whatever14:45
auronandaceDruss: ah, sorry14:45
Drussso that explains it, i need to reformat it.14:46
lessyvhi all14:46
Nova685Druss: any format native to linux is fine because ubuntu neess to set privlages on it in order to share it14:46
theadminDruss: Anything which supports POSIX permissions, basically14:47
mbeierlDruss: yes, and no.  If you want all the network users to have the same access and not worry about protecting files from others, then no.14:47
DeadPandaAlso, I've disabled the integrated app-menu for all of my Gnome apps by adding "export UBUNTU_MENUPROXY=0" into my Xsession.d, but this doesn't work for QT apps - where's the setting for them?14:47
Drussnow if i reformat will windows on the parttition be able to read it. from within the windows os?14:47
lessyvplease how can I tell dpkg-shlibdeps that a .so cames from a manual library install, a kind of source-depends but for library not debianized ?14:47
compdocDruss, its dual boot?14:47
Nova685Druss: you will need read/write privs to the user or group and yes14:48
Drussyes its a dual boot box14:48
PolahDeadPanda: You can remove files with the name wine-extensionsomething in ~/.local/share, don't remove ~/.local/share/applications/wine though since then your Applications menu wine entries won't appear14:48
compdocthen you dont want to format it ext414:48
theadminDruss: You can read ext2-4 filesystems with a software called ext2read on Windows14:48
auronandacetheadmin: i wouldn't recomend that14:49
DeadPandaPolah, thanks, I'll remove that directory to and make launchers in the correct categories14:49
theadminauronandace: Works fine for me, but yeah, not really well-done14:49
webservferhas anyone played with jGRASP on linux?14:49
Drusswill i have to remove my data or will a ext4 format retain the data thats on it?14:49
theadminDruss: Formatting will erase all data.14:49
compdocyou wont be able to boot windows14:50
PolahDeadPanda: No. Don't remove the directory.14:50
mbeierlDruss: it is one of the problems of dual boots, yes.  Neither one has perfect support for the other...  The same is true for NTFS support on a Macintosh box...14:50
Drussok thats what i thought, but was hoping i was wrong.14:50
PolahDeadPanda: Remove files named wine-extension-something, but leave everything else, including applications/wine14:50
mbeierlDruss: are all the network users part of the same authentication group?14:50
webservferjGRASP is wrote in java so it runs on linux, but linux wont let if write files14:51
amin`jrib, it was the nano i forgot to use -w and my xmonad.hs is gone now. what about xmassages14:51
DeadPandaPolah, I'd rather not have WINE creating its own application launchers, is there a better way to prevent that?  "applications/wine" doesn't seem to contain anything critical14:51
Drussis there a format that i can use that win and lin and read favorably?14:51
mbeierlDruss: you can always make the ntfs files group read/writeable do that everyone has the same access, regardless of user14:51
jribamin`: xmonad will try to use xmessages to show you errors, so might be nice to have14:51
PolahDeadPanda: It contains things required for Applications > Wine > Programs14:51
mbeierlDruss: I hate to say it, but FAT32 is one of the most widely supported formats - although it has size limitations14:51
DeadPandaPolah, which is exactly what I don't want, hence my deleting it14:52
Nova685mbeierl: thats what im saying ubuntu cant set that priv on ntfs14:52
Drussmbeierl: im not sure what you mean by authentication group? i can access the ext4 files from windows boxes in other rooms with no issues over the samba.14:52
PolahDeadPanda: Well, you can just hide the Applications > Wine section from System > Preferences > Main Menu, removing wine-extension... file will stop it showing up notepad and suchlike when attempting to open files14:52
DeadPandaPolah, that doesn't work in Ubuntu 11.04+14:53
sukcbeNova685 - can't you set the owner/group and perms when you mount the disk14:53
Nova685noy on ntfs14:53
DeadPandaPolah, the dash doesn't seem to honour the show/hide tags14:53
PolahDeadPanda: It does in GNOME, perhaps not Unity. I don't know if the same applies to Unity, perhaps leave it14:53
Nova685you can on linux native formats14:53
winterdjif I just want my web server to send email (for example with the php mail() function) which package should I install? aptitude install sendmail?14:53
sukcbeok, maybe that is just a FAT thing aswell then...14:53
winterdji don't want to actually host any email - just send from scripts14:53
theadminwinterdj: Likely so, sendmail and probably mailx14:54
Nova685fat you can14:54
PolahDeadPanda: That's because there's files for programs registered to certain formats, which are names wine-extension-something.desktop, and then there's applications/wine which maintains the Wine > Programs listing14:54
mbeierlDruss: that is due to the fact that it is Linux that is presenting the files as a network share, and can map the owners and groups according to its own native rules.  NTFS has different rules, and in fact the actual user IDs are special to MS Windows, and Ubuntu does not currently support those at all14:54
wisevoyagerDoes anyone know why? When I click on Home Folder windows open for a few seconds and dissapeared.,14:54
sukcbeseems like that is the best bet. could he create multiple partitions.. with ext, fat, ntfs?14:54
Drussmbeierl: i have been trying to set permissions on that ntfs drive all day long yesterday with ubuntu. maybe if i try changing the permissions with windows i will have better luck?14:54
Nova685linux cant set privs on ntfs its still experimental to even use ntfs14:55
mbeierlDruss: can you do me a favour?  Can you output the contents of the "mount" command for the ntfs mount?14:56
Drussi think reformatting the drive is my best option. is there a format that lin and win can both be happy with, without the addition of extra software?14:57
theadminDruss: Not really.14:57
SIFTUDruss: you want to mount it manually with "mount.ntfs-3g -o uid=1000 gid=1000 /dev/sdx /mnt/point"14:57
Drussmbeierl: im not home now. wish i could.14:57
mbeierlDruss: ok.  What size is the drive?14:57
Nova685ext is best for linux and can set privs to14:57
Nova685but fat is best for both14:58
Druss750gb on the full ntfs and 1tb on the partition drive (i have a lot of movies)14:58
SIFTUNova685: ntfs-3g is not experimental14:58
jacksigh. i installed  ubuntu-restricted-extras, but i still get "The playback of this movie requires a MPEG-4 AAC decoder plugin which is not installed." when i try a mp4. any other hint?14:59
BluesKajjack, which player ?14:59
Petskullresizing Win7 partition...14:59
* Petskull crosses fingers14:59
Nova685SIFTU: its only recently considered stable and not fully functional15:00
Drussany compromises by going with fat32 vs ext4 and some software on windows?15:00
lessyvwhere can i find ubuntu packagers please?15:00
jackBluesKaj, totem15:00
SIFTUNova685: it's in the kernel!15:00
BluesKaj!medibuntu | jack15:00
ubottujack: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org15:00
mbeierlDruss: The best option is FAT, although I am confused about what the real volume size limit is.15:00
SIFTUDruss: some light reading http://www.tuxera.com/community/ntfs-3g-advanced/ownership-and-permissions/15:01
rigvedjack: i am not sure but i think that you need to restart after installing the restricted extras.15:01
Drussmbeierl: fat has a volume size limit?15:01
Nova685SIFTU: has been for years but wasnt actively used till like 2 years ago15:01
mbeierlDruss: but actually, FAT and NTFS with all files being owned by the same person are effectively the same thing.15:01
PetskullDruss: it's like 196Gb15:02
DrussSIFTU, thanks15:02
mbeierlDruss: it does.  or it did.  I can't recall the exact numbers but FAT32 used to be 4gb or so15:02
Petskullthat when I started to go with ntfs15:02
djmattyg007where can i download the Ubuntu kernel source code?15:02
jrib!kernel | djmattyg00715:02
ubottudjmattyg007: The core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)15:02
PolahDruss: If you have a lot of movies FAT may not be a good choice. FAT filesize is limited to only a few GB and thus any high definition or long movies may exceed that.15:02
jribdjmattyg007: see the compile instructions15:02
djmattyg007i don't want to compile it, i just want to grep it15:03
Drussohh 196gb wont cut it. im just going to have to go ext415:03
mbeierldjmattyg007: apt-get install linux-source15:03
jribdjmattyg007: that's fine, guess what the first step to compile it is...15:03
PolahDruss: FAT32 volume size limit is 2TB15:03
theadminjrib: make menuconfig?15:03
Drussohh really?15:03
jribtheadmin: well you need source code first :P15:04
Drussthats the way to go then.15:04
theadminjrib: Well yeah :D15:04
Nova685but max filesize is around 4gb15:04
PolahDruss: Yes. 2TB volume size limit, 4GB file size limit for FAT32. Volume size for FAT<32 is significantly less15:04
PetskullPolah, I dunno- I've hit the limit before, and I've NEVER had a 2tb machine before15:04
theadminNova685: 3.8 or so to be bit more precise15:04
Drussohh i have files that are 8gb, that wont work15:04
Shaba1Hello I am using ubuntu under wubi15:05
theadminShaba1: That's your problem15:05
Petskullwhatever, I just got with ntfs for my data partition nowadays15:05
PolahPetskull: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File_Allocation_Table max volume size under FAT32 is 2TB, FAT16 is 2GB and FAT12 32MB15:05
Shaba1How do find out if I have the 64 bit or 32bit version15:05
theadminDruss: FAT32 won't be any more helpful than NTFS permission-wise15:05
jribShaba1: uname -m15:05
Petskullthanks, Polah15:05
theadminShaba1: uname -m as stated by jrib15:05
theadminGiven that he's using wubi...15:06
Drusstheadmin: thanks, im just going to go ext4 and get some software for windows so it can read the ext4 format.15:06
theadminShaba1: That's a terminal command, in case you didn't understand15:06
pratzhey guys i am trying to connect to amazon through ssh and i have an .pem file, what would be the ssh command to connet to amazon ??15:06
ActionParsnipShaba1: i686 == 32bit   x86_64 == 64bit15:07
PetskullPolah, that makes sense- I musta been doing something wierd15:07
* Petskull scratches head15:07
PetskullDruss- let me know if you find some!15:08
PetskullI think there was something good for Ext2 for a while, but I think it was crappy with some newer versions of Win15:08
PolahPetskull: There's a few pieces of software that can get Windows to read ext3/415:08
Shaba1thank theadmin and jrib15:08
Shaba1that worked15:09
Shaba1now another question15:09
theadminPetskull: ext2read works well with ext3 and ext4, too, and I'm using Windows 7, so...15:09
pratzhey guys i am trying to connect to amazon through ssh and i have an .pem file, what would be the ssh command to connet to amazon ??15:09
Shaba1does KDE come with the ubuntu install15:09
Drusspetskull: there was a reccomendation for the sftwr in here a few lines up15:09
Shaba1or do I have to add that15:09
theadminShaba1: No, apt-get install kubuntu-desktop15:09
Shaba1Sorry I ama windows pers15:09
Drusswell a lot of lines up15:09
PetskullI guess I'll have to give it another try15:09
Shaba1so I know these sound like stupid question15:09
ActionParsnipShaba1: no, kde comes with kubuntu. You can install kde in ubuntu and choose the DE at login15:09
PetskullI'd like my data partition to be Ext3, if I could actually15:09
Odaymyou better apologize :P15:09
jribpratz: just pass the .pem file to ssh using -i15:10
cylonmathwhat was the cpp channel ?15:10
PolahPetskull: Why not ext4? (:15:10
theadminShaba1: , beleive me, the questions I asked when I started were much stupider :D15:10
ActionParsnipShaba1: you are new so questions are natural15:10
theadmincylonmath: #c++ I beleive15:10
cylonmathjoin #c++15:10
theadmincylonmath: The /15:10
Drussmy win 7 pc can read my android phone and my android is ext4.15:10
PetskullPolah, I dunno- I think when Ext4 came out there was some concerns about something, so I decided to stick with Ext315:10
cylonmaththeadmin: Nope... i got it it is ##c++15:11
theadminDruss: Android has special drivers, though15:11
pratzjrib: i tried this dude ssh -i file.pem user@domain/ip , but it is not working15:11
Drussohh i see.15:11
Petskullthose issues are probably long gone by now..15:11
jribpratz: pastebin outpt15:11
pratzjrib: i am getting timeour error15:11
sajimonhello there, im trying to install oneiric beta 2, but installator hang during the process, anyone encountered simmilator problem?15:11
pratzjrib: No route to host15:11
cylonmaththeadmin: Nope... it is notright again15:11
theadminsajimon: Wrong channel.15:11
MonkeyDustsajimon: #ubuntu+115:11
PolahPetskull: Most probably, it's an improvement on ext3 and is the default for Ubuntu now.15:11
jribpratz: well are you sure you are providing the right host?15:12
sajimonokey, thanks15:12
PetskullOk- resize ops completed... new we reboot and see if Win7 still works...15:12
* Petskull *sigh*15:12
bcessahi, I've a problem, how can I adjust the SMPT port from 25 to something else to use it with postfix?15:13
Petskulllemme try to mount the partition from the livecd first and see how that goes15:14
pawan_tejwanican anybody please tell me about "Why I am getting ip address as" in Ubuntu server instead of getting
Drusssoo now that, thats resolved and i thank you. theadmin, mbeierl, nova865 and anyone else i forgot. maybe someone can help me with my final issue of keyboard and mouse not responding for 3-5 minutes after a restart and only after a restart.15:14
dude123neutrinos will allow time travel!15:14
Petskulldude123, too early to tell15:14
Pici!ot | dude12315:14
ubottudude123: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:14
Shaba1ok another newbie question15:15
dude123I have a toshiba l65015:15
dude123but the BT does not work15:15
dude123and the power level indicator as well.15:15
theadmindude123: We don't support backtrack15:15
Petskullok... taking forever to mount the Windows partition... this can't be good15:15
Shaba1is there a way of turning off the touchpad on my laptop temporarily15:15
Shaba1it seems to be getting in the way15:15
Shaba1I am touching it while typing15:16
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Shaba1and it freezed ubuntu15:16
PetskullShaba1, break it!15:16
Petskulltry a hammer15:16
theadminShaba1: I think the mouse options had a checkmark to disable it while typing15:16
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pawan_tejwanihow to revert the IP address to previous configuration ?15:16
pawan_tejwaniby mistake I assigned IP address as 192.1815:17
pawan_tejwaniwhereas I configured at time of installation as DHCP15:17
pawan_tejwaninow everytime I reboot it, it acquires
pawan_tejwaniwhat can be the problem ? please help15:18
theadminpawan_tejwani: Is that a desktop system?15:18
theadminpawan_tejwani: As in, do you have networkmanager running?15:18
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PetskullWin7 'needs to be checked for consistency'...15:18
Drussi have heard that hal causes mouse and keyboard issues.15:18
pawan_tejwanitheadmin: its ubuntu enterprise cloud15:18
pawan_tejwanitheadmin: basically for private cloud15:19
auronandacePetskull: boot into win715:19
theadminpawan_tejwani: No idea what on Earth that is, doubt I can help you there15:19
auronandacePetskull: it should then run a chkdsk15:19
=== Generalen is now known as FreDuw
Petskullauronandace, that's what I'm doing...15:19
theadminpawan_tejwani: Just try to stop dhcpcd from autostartingand reconfigure it to use a custom IP adress15:19
Petskullit's checking drive C15:19
FreDuwI'm hacin' a problem with Ubuntu.15:19
pawan_tejwanitheadmin: networking is same as desktop only but through command prompt and I am damn bad at networking :(15:19
auronandacePetskull: good, it should boot as normal after that from then on15:20
PetskullI hope so!15:20
Petskullnah, everything seems to be going fine15:20
Petskullstage 2!15:20
FreDuwAfter I have installed Ubuntu and trying to boot up I come to a black page where it says "grub >"15:20
Tixoshey, how can i add the option to run Nautilus with SUDO ?15:20
auronandacePetskull: i think gparted tells you that should happen15:20
theadminTixos: gksu nautilus, but make sure you know what the heck you are doing.15:21
pawan_tejwanitheadmin: wait I will restart dhcpd service15:21
PetskullFreDuw, step 1: Get LOTS of coffee...15:21
theadminpawan_tejwani: Do not restart, stop it15:21
Petskullauronandace, musta missed it15:21
theadminpawan_tejwani: Also, it's dhcpcd15:21
FreDuwPetskull: I hate coffee, anything else?15:21
Petskullstage 3!15:21
djmattyg007i am still unable to locate the actual kernel source code. i don't want to compile it or anything fancy with it. i just want to read it.15:21
theadminpawan_tejwani: With a silly nonsensical "c" after the dhcp thing :D15:21
Tixostheadmin: what does that do exactly? i can run 'sudo nautilus' from terminal, but this isnt ideal every time15:21
PetskullFreDuw, Heroin15:21
theadminTixos: gksu is sudo for GUI apps.15:21
auronandace!grub2 | FreDuw15:21
ubottuFreDuw: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)15:21
Petskullyou're gonna be up a while15:21
Shaba1theadmin,  that is diabled15:22
FreDuwubottu: I wiped the harddrive, twice, it still comes up.15:22
ubottuFreDuw: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:22
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Tixostheadmin: what would be the command i could add, to make it a GNOME Menu Item ? can i just add that command to here as a termainl application?15:22
Shaba1I think it was the touchpad buttons15:22
ryanninstalling ubuntu to a quad core 3.2ghz machine with 48gb ram.. it's a spare machine for hobby.  am i better off installing 32 bit with a kernel aware of the extra memory, or going 64 bit?15:22
theadminTixos: No need for "run in terminal" if that's what you mean15:22
theadminTixos: gksu is a GUI app so15:22
Shaba1I just turned those off so let see if that makes a difference15:22
GreekFreakHi. Why does my ubuntu hang on a black screen before login most of the time, yet other it loads fine?15:22
PetskullFreDuw, if the drive are empty, then OBVIOUSLY grub doesn't have anything to boot!15:23
melvincvHi all15:23
djmattyg007does anyone know where i can download the ubuntu kernel source code?15:23
Tixosso what do i do ?15:23
bencchow can I encrypt folder or partition?15:23
Tixosto make it a button15:23
theadmindjmattyg007: apt-get install linux-source15:23
theadminbencc: Check truecrypt out15:23
FreDuwIt's not empty, I have installed ubuntu fresh two times!15:23
Tixosbencc: truecrypt ?15:23
usr13FreDuw: What is it you are trying to do?15:23
FreDuwStill got the error.15:23
PetskullSuccess!! Win7 is Booting!!15:23
FreDuwOr.. Ye, that page.15:23
theadminTixos: Use alacarte (the gnome menu editor) and add it to your menu15:23
djmattyg007@theadmin i did that. i don't know where it's installed the files to15:23
Tixosas an application ? command = gksu nautilus ?15:23
theadminTHECOME: Do not caps, do not spam.15:23
benccheadmin: Tixos: will truecrypt work with mysql?15:23
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THECOMEok sorry15:24
auronandaceTHECOME: stop spamming15:24
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Tixosbencc: how do you mean15:24
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THECOMEput like in my facebook page " ultimate stunts".. its very important for me!15:24
benccheadmin: Tixos: I mean, encrypt the folder mysql put files in15:24
FreDuwusr13: I'm trying to install ubuntu on my computer, it completes but when I'm rebooting I come to a page where it says "grub >"15:24
Petskullokie doke- install Natty time..15:24
theadmindjmattyg007: /usr/src/linux?15:24
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ikoniaTHECOME: please stop15:24
ikoniaTHECOME: this channel is for ubuntu support discussion only.15:24
usr13FreDuw: What kind of PC and what kind of HD?15:25
PetskullFreDuw, I'm not much help, but I feel your pain... been there15:25
FreDuwA regular computer, P4 with 1GB ram.. 250GB western digital15:25
PetskullI think you have to do some initrd thing, and then set the drive and then 'boot'15:25
usr13Petskull: What is he up-against?15:25
Petskull... or something like that15:25
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ActionParsnipFreDuw: boot to liveCD and reinstate Grub215:25
Petskullit's a headache to figure out15:25
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Petskullusr13, ?15:25
usr13FreDuw: Is this on the primary drive?15:26
djmattyg007theadmin: i'm looking in there now. what sort of file/folder am i looking for?15:26
FreDuwusr13: Yes, of course.15:26
auronandaceFreDuw: that is the grub rescue prompt15:26
theadmindjmattyg007: ?... That's the source-code15:26
PetskullFreDuw, yeah, what ActionParsnip said15:26
Petskulldo that15:26
usr13FreDuw: Are you writing grub to the MBR of the primary drive?15:26
Shaba1Ok last newbie question15:26
theadmindjmattyg007: It should be right there if I'm correct15:26
FreDuwusr13: Say what?15:26
usr13FreDuw: What kind of PC and what kind of HD?15:26
Shaba1on windows I can right click on the desktop then choose arrange icons by name,type,date e.t.c15:27
PetskullFreDuw, do you have more than 1 HD?15:27
FreDuwPetskull: No.15:27
Shaba1is there anything like that in linux15:27
usr13FreDuw: And how may HDs do you have?15:27
djmattyg007theadmin: there are a lot of files and subfolders in that folder15:27
ikoniaShaba1: yes,15:27
FreDuwusr13: Just one, as i said 1  minute ago.15:27
Shaba1I only see arrange by name when I right click on the linux desktop15:27
Shaba1Well ikonia  what is it?15:27
Shaba1how do you do it15:27
theadmindjmattyg007: So? The source-code is not one single file or anything15:27
PetskullFreDuw, he was typing as you responded- this channel moves fast15:27
ikoniaShaba1: you right click and use the options in there15:27
PetskullI know it's frustrating.. chill15:28
FreDuwHow do I get out of Grub and into Ubuntu desktop?15:28
ikoniaFreDuw: you use grub to boot ubuntu15:28
PetskullFreDuw, boot into the livecd15:28
Shaba1options in where ikonia ??15:28
ikoniaShaba1: if you right click on the desktop, there are arrange options, I wonder if it's been removed in unity15:29
Shaba1It must be ikonia15:29
theadminikonia: I don't think so, unless nautilus no longer manages the desktop folder15:29
melvincvHow may I monitor my CPU temperature and fan speed from Ubuntu?15:29
Shaba1becasuse I only see arrange by name15:29
ikoniatheadmin: I didn't think so eiher, but judging by Shaba1's comments it's not there15:29
LjLmelvincv: first step is installing the package "lm-sensors" and running "sensors-detect" to configure it15:30
FreDuwPetskull: What does LiveCD mean?15:30
=== LoRez is now known as L
usr13FreDuw: What kind of PC and what kind of HD?15:30
melvincvI'll try that...15:30
PetskullFreDuw, probably similar to this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows15:30
Shaba1Maybe becasue I am running ubuntu classic?15:30
FreDuwusr13: Intel P4, 1GB of ram and 250GB harddrive15:30
PetskullFreDuw: What kind of PC and what kind of HD?15:30
FreDuwOk, I'll try that.15:31
usr13FreDuw: What kind of PC and what kind of HD?  i.e.  IS it a laptop or desktop. Is it an ide or sata  dirve?15:31
FreDuwDesktop, IDE15:31
FreDuwIt reads and writes just fine, it's the bootup of the OS that's fked up.15:32
usr13FreDuw: Did you tell it to write Grub to the MBR?15:32
ikoniaFreDuw: control your langauge15:32
FreDuwikonia: What did I say wrong?15:32
theadminFreDuw: "f**k" is not a family-safe word15:32
ikoniaFreDuw: if you have to remove a letter to type the word, don't use it15:32
=== L is now known as LoRez
allballsGood morning. I've got an Ubuntu server install, 9.04, that I need to get to 9.10, so I can then get it to 10.04 -- do-release-upgrade fails with message: "An upgrade from 'jaunty' to 'lucid' is not supported with this tool." -- I don't want to go jaunty->lucid, i want to go jaunty->karmic->lucid -- help, please?15:32
theadmin!eolupgrade | allballs15:33
theadminoops... uhm...15:33
auronandace!eol | allballs15:33
ubottuallballs: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades15:33
theadminauronandace: Thanks.15:33
m6locksupgrading using usb stick is pretty easy15:34
melvincvlm-sensors says 'Sorry, no sensors were detected' :( Any other way?15:34
allballsauronandace: I believe I have been using this page.15:34
GreekFreakHi. Why does my ubuntu hang on a black screen before login most of the time, yet other it loads fine?15:34
Petskull11.04 install- I can't create my own mount points names?15:34
usr13allballs: lsb_release -a  #What does it say.15:35
allballs(i just brought it up from 8.10 -> 9.04, btw)15:35
melvincvLjL, lm-sensors says 'Sorry, no sensors were detected' :( Any other way?15:35
PetskullI have to name the recovery partition '/dos'... that's gay15:36
Petskull... and my data partition- that's usually '/Slinky'15:36
Petskullnope!  must use The Man's names..15:36
PetskullI have to give it a slave name15:36
theadminPetskull: Look, you normally put partitions under /media.15:36
usr13pastebinit /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades15:37
rcmaehlI need help configuring my netbook to work with my school's wifi15:37
Petskulltheadmin, I don't15:37
MiaFarrowsI just installed ubuntu 11.04 server, I tried to change the keyboard layout to Spanish(Spain) but I can't make it work. I've tried doing sudo dpkg-econfigure console-setup, but it use lets me select the encoding, charset, font face and font size.15:37
MiaFarrowsAnyone, please?15:37
kallisti5so 11.10 will start supporting PowerPC again?  I see a powerpc version in the daily builds.15:37
auronandacetheadmin: i'm old-fashioned, i prefer /mnt/15:37
melvincvPretty old PC, you see :(15:37
* Petskull grumbles..15:37
theadminauronandace: /mnt is a generic-purpose mountpoint, you normally don't create stuff *under* it, but it is up to you15:38
PetskullI can't even crate a name for slinky at all15:38
ActionParsnipkallisti5: ask in #ubuntu+1 for oneiric please15:38
allballsusr13: what is you want me to do? -- my release-upgrades file  has in [DEFAULT] section, "Prompt=normal"15:38
kallisti5oy. it was a simple question.15:38
usr13allballs: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades15:38
Petskullnow I gotta *figure out* how to do it after the install15:39
ActionParsnipmelvincv: I see you15:39
allballsusr13: yeah. I'm there, and that's what I've been reading to get me from 8.10 -> 9.04 -- its instructions for 9.04 -> 9.10 are ineffective.15:39
theadminPetskull: /etc/fstab?15:39
Petskullyeah, yeah- it's just crap15:39
Petskullthe 'easy way' used to be right there15:39
MiaFarrowsanyone can tell me how to change the keyboard layout in Ubuntu Server 11.04 so it uses the Spanish keyboard layout PLEASE?15:40
theadminPetskull: I don't ever do things the easy way, but ok.15:40
theadminMiaFarrows: Doesn't loadkeys work?15:40
LjLmelvincv: uh, did you run sudo sensors-detect first?15:40
Petskullright- let's do it the hard way for sport15:40
usr13allballs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades/Jaunty15:40
bastidrazorMiaFarrows: there is a #ubuntu-server channel that may be helpful.15:40
melvincvLjL, yes15:40
PetskullI used to have a boss like you15:40
* theadmin is an Arch user, Petskull, probably tells something :P15:40
LjLmelvincv: at the end did it show a list of modules to install?15:41
allballsusr13: again, this page provides instructions that simply do not work.15:41
melvincvLjL, that sensors-detect gave me the error that no sensors were found.15:41
allballsThe do-release-upgrade is trying to go from 9.04 straight to 10.04, which is NOT what I want -- I want the intermediary 9.1015:41
ActionParsnipPetskull: something like:    echo "setxkbmap es" >> ~/.bashrc15:41
LjLmelvincv: sure you ran it with 'sudo'?15:41
theadminauronandace: Server. No X.15:42
theadminActionParsnip: ^15:42
ActionParsnipsource: http://www.ubuntuka.com/ubuntu-command-line-tricks-set-3/15:42
usr13allballs: What you have to do is edit  your sources.list  so that it shows 9.10 sources15:42
Petskull"Warning: No mount point assigned to the ntfs file system blah blah blah..."  BECAUSE YOU WON'T LET ME MAKE ONE!!!15:42
melvincvLjL, yes, sure it was run with root privileges15:42
_cbany channel where one can brainstorm securing a pc that needs access to the internet?15:42
theadminActionParsnip: setxkbmap is for X.15:43
rcmaehl_cb: ##security15:43
Petskullafter this install- remind me to find out whoe changed this so I can kick him in the balls15:43
theadminActionParsnip: Which I think is obvious from the name15:43
LjLmelvincv: :\15:43
usr13allballs: Did you do that yet?15:43
theadminPetskull: Stop your swearing. And it's probably Shuttleworth.15:43
allballsnyet. working on it now.15:43
auronandacePetskull: make a mountpoint then: sudo mkdir /media/nameofmountpoint15:43
ActionParsniptheadmin: its in the server guide I found, is it not used ni server too?15:43
theadminActionParsnip: Servers have no X, so nope, you should use "loadkeys"15:43
ActionParsniptheadmin: I see15:43
Petskullauronandace, stay with me here... don't miss the point..15:43
allballsusr13: ok. now what?15:44
_cbrcmaehl am getting ##security :Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services. What do I need to do?15:44
usr13allballs: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude safe-upgrade15:44
auronandacePetskull: what is your point?15:44
Petskulltheadmin, go tell him I need to see him15:44
Pici!register | _cb15:44
theadminPetskull: Heh, as if one can ever reach the guy xD15:44
ubottu_cb: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode15:44
rcmaehl_cb: register your nick15:44
allballsusr13: you realize then your instructions do differ from the page you referred me to.15:44
Petskullauronandace, that they changed the easy option for mounting fs's on boot15:44
_cbok thanks.15:44
theadminPetskull: Please stop your random swearing, this is a support channel, not a... complaining channel15:45
usr13allballs: Did you do it?15:45
auronandacePetskull: easy option?15:45
melvincvLjL, weird, right? :( This is a computer from the time when windows XP released ;)15:45
Petskullheh- point taken15:45
allballsusr13: in progress.15:45
bastidrazorPetskull: maybe it didn't like your capitilization of the mount point?15:45
LjLmelvincv: well, i guess it's *possible* it's too old to have sensors, however sensors have been around for a long time now15:45
Petskulltheadmin, I'm swearing?15:45
theadminPetskull: lol, someone should make #ubuntu-complains, there's a lot to complain about recently ;)15:45
melvincvlol, yeah15:46
theadminPetskull: But yeah, "kick in the balls" is sort of a swear, don't you think?15:46
usr13allballs: If and when it finishes successfully, do this:  sudo do-release-upgrade15:46
Petskullbastidrazor, nah- it use to allow you to type in a mountpoint, now it only lets you choose one from a dropdown15:46
Petskullok ok, I haven't said anything since15:47
allballsusr13: yep.15:47
usr13yep what>?15:47
Petskullanyway- when you tell the ubuntu installer to use something as ntfs, now it only lets you choose '/dos' or '/windows'15:47
Tixoscan anyone tell me how to run an executable text file from a command, so i can put it as a GNOME menu item15:47
allballsyep == that is what I will do.15:47
usr13Ok  very well.15:48
theadminTixos: /path/to/whatever/the/filename/is15:48
Tixosdidnt work15:48
theadminTixos: Is it marked as executable?15:48
usr13Tixos: depends on the type of executable file15:48
TixosFailed to execute child process "/" (No such file or directory)15:48
Tixosi removed my path15:48
usr13Tixos: Waht command did you use?15:48
Tixosits 'Mantra' browser15:48
Tixosif i double click the file it works15:49
Tixos"Mantra Security Toolkit - Gandiva" is an executable text file.15:49
theadminTixos: Ahem, you need to kinda escape the spaces15:49
ActionParsnipTixos: symlink the file into /usr/bin15:49
PetskullI *do* like that it asks you the config question during the install instead of before it15:49
theadminTixos: Make sure you put the path in quotes if it has weird characters like those15:49
FreDuwThank you, Boot-Repair worked fine.15:49
usr13Tixos: The tap key is your friend15:49
Petskulleven though it only saves like 2 minutes15:49
Tixosyou lost me ...15:50
auronandace!tab | Tixos15:50
ubottuTixos: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.15:50
theadminTixos: Spaces are special (weird) characters, you need to write the path in the manner like this: "/path/to/whatever/lol"15:50
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, or rww!15:50
theadminTixos: With those quotes15:50
=== AndroUser2 is now known as D_russ
Tixosi just renamed it lol15:51
D_russhola amigos15:51
KM0201theadmin: wouldn't that be "/path/to/what ever/lol"15:51
usr13Tixos: What command did you use, (that does not work for you)?15:51
theadminKM0201: Well, the point is still there, the quotes are the point15:51
KM0201theadmin: i know, i was teasing you.. :)15:51
usr13Tixos: Oh, ok, you got it then.15:52
Tixosusr13: like theadmin said, it was the spaces, so i renamed to singluar words + dirs and its fine15:52
theadminTixos: You could have just used the quotes15:52
soulslayerhey guys how i can reenable the ubuntu on boot OS detection ?15:52
D_russsoo how is everyone?15:52
Tixosor i could have quoted like he pointed out15:52
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soulslayerthere was a flag somewhere in init.d/15:52
Tixosi know but i had already done it :P15:52
soulslayerbut ... i cat remember where it is15:52
auronandace!ot | D_russ15:52
ubottuD_russ: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:52
ActionParsnip!away > Clueless_AWAY15:53
ubottuClueless_AWAY, please see my private message15:53
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D_russi know ubottu. believe me my question is coming. lol15:53
theadminD_russ: ubottu is a bot, no point in talking to her15:53
soulslayersomeone ?15:53
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D_russso anyone in here good at KB & mouse issues?15:54
nixmaniackis there any way we can simulate the 'middle click of Mouse' with keyboard?15:54
h00kD_russ: just go ahead and ask the actual question.15:55
usr13nixmaniack: Exactly what is it you want to accomplish?15:55
nixmaniackusr13, the middle click paste function15:55
usr13nixmaniack: What exactly is your situation?  Do you have a mouse?  If so, what kind?15:55
usr13nixmaniack: is it just a two button mouse?15:56
ubottuPlease do not use noisy away messages and nicks in Ubuntu channels. It is annoying and unnecessary. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently. See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»15:56
D_russwell my mouse and keyboard dont work for 3-5 minutes after a restart. never fals always a 3-5 minute delay before i can use either after a restart.15:56
WinCamXPI wanted to know how well Ubuntu would run on a Toshiba Satellite 1115-S10315:57
nixmaniackusr13, no, it's 3 button, but i need it sometimes when i select something from somewhere and get on keyboard and type and paste without going to mouse15:57
WinCamXPIf I'm not mistaken, it has 512MB of RAM15:57
usr13nixmaniack: If you are copying from and to GUI apps, you can use   Ctrl-c  and  Ctrl-v15:57
PetskullD_russ, wow... no idea!  I'd try reinstalling15:57
Petskullbut that's me15:57
melvincvWinCamXP, The best way is to try it from the Live CD15:57
D_russtry it and see wincamxp15:57
ameerhi there..15:57
nixmaniackusr13, that i know!! but i use both buffers of pasting15:57
usr13nixmaniack: I see.15:57
WinCamXPmy internet was just out though, dont know how well downloading an entire ISO of ubuntu would work15:58
melvincvWinCamXP, Or perhaps install it inside windows15:58
D_russis there a way to reinstall and keep all current apps and settings?15:58
PetskullWinCamXP, google it?  That's what I do.  "ubuntu on Toshiba SuperCrap3i6"15:58
usr13nixmaniack: ... and I do to sometimes, but I use the mouse to do it.15:58
auronandaceD_russ: what mouse and keyboard are you using?15:58
nixmaniackusr13, so is there any way of simulating it? I had seen this simulated in Blender but don't know how they did it15:58
WinCamXPhmm, I read on the forums, sometime before '08 these two guys had toshiba laptops and had button artifacting issues, they turned something off in their xorg config to fix it15:58
usr13nixmaniack: I use a combination of the mouse's middle button, (the scroll wheel) and Ctrl-c  and   Ctrl-v15:59
WinCamXPwould this still apply 3 years later?15:59
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D_russauronandace: MS wireless usb mouse and an hp usb KB.15:59
theadminWinCamXP: We can't predict the future15:59
dr_willisWinCamXP:  perhaps not. My x505 works fine15:59
usr13well, I don't know really15:59
* Petskull can!15:59
auronandaceD_russ: both are wireless?15:59
* Petskull hunts down his crystal ball15:59
D_russno keyboard is wired15:59
WinCamXPhmm, also, this laptop uses a PCI or whatever card for my wireless network, should that work?16:00
WinCamXPits certainly not a very new one16:00
PetskullWinCamXP, just torrent the ISO with uTorrent, burn it, and try it16:00
Petskullwho knows16:00
marowannaa pcmcia card?16:00
CharlieSuAre there instructions for putting the UBUNTU install CD onto a SD card anywhere?  I'd be doing it from an OSX laptop16:00
WinCamXPit goes into the side of the laptop...16:00
auronandaceD_russ: hmm, the keyboard shouldn't take 3-5 mins to kick in16:00
dirty19I am using Ubuntu 11.04. I recently installed updates after few months. When I boot, after showing the ubuntu logo, it gets stuck on a blank screen. I have an ATI 5430 HD mobility Radeon graphic card. I removed nvidia common package (which also removed ubuntu-desktop) thinking it might be causing a conflict. What should I do?16:00
Petskullraise your hand is you have a Toshiba 115-S10316:00
* Petskull looks around16:00
* WinCamXP raises hand16:00
WinCamXPactually its three 1's16:01
D_russauronandace: the keyboard is wired16:01
allballsusr13: doing release-upgrade now -- wish me luck.16:01
Petskullheh- it's ok16:01
auronandaceD_russ: i know, you said, thats why i said it shouldn't take 3-5 mins to kick in16:01
PetskullD_russ, hit it with a hammer16:02
Petskullneed to borrow a hammer?16:02
ks07Hey guys, I'm trying to mount a filesystem with sshfs, but I'm getting permission denied on /dev/fuse - The permissions are fine, and my user is part of the fuse group. Any suggestions?16:02
Petskullthat's a weird problem..16:02
WinCamXPit was a gift from my grandparents....it was loaded with malware and crap, went at the speed of a pentium 2 trying to run a minecraft server even after cleaning16:02
usr13nixmaniack: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/oneiric/man8/mouseemu.8.html16:02
auronandaceD_russ: tried using different usb ports?16:02
usr13allballs: good luck!   :)16:02
james333jameshey is anybody available to help me with my english it need just few seconds16:02
D_russits a ubuntu issue. its a dualboot machine and the KB & mouse work perfectly on windows.16:02
h00kjames333james: try ##english please16:02
nixmaniackusr13, oh great!! thanks a lot..16:03
WinCamXPthis is freenode, there's a channel for everything16:03
dirty19I am using Ubuntu 11.04. I recently installed updates after few months. When I boot, after showing the ubuntu logo, it gets stuck on a blank screen. I have an ATI 5430 HD mobility Radeon graphic card. I removed nvidia common package (which also removed ubuntu-desktop) thinking it might be causing a conflict. What should I do?16:03
D_russsomeone suggested i reinstall natty. can that be done and keep my current settings and apps16:03
theadminD_russ: Back up your home directory16:03
PetskullWinCamXP, I've install ubuntu on some pretty crap hardware before16:03
Petskulltry it- let us know16:03
WinCamXPdirty19: im not a very good person with that, but try booting into a livecd or into the command line and installing ubuntu-desktop with sudo apt-get16:03
Petskullyeah- D_russ try that first!!16:04
Petskulla livecd16:04
D_russso back up that directory and then after reinstall, just drag and drop and overwrite?16:04
theadminD_russ: Quite so.16:04
Petskulltell me if you still have the issue there16:04
dr_willisD_russ:  unles syou want system settings saved also.. then it gets harder16:04
WinCamXPwhat key did old toshibas use to access the bios during startup?16:05
PetskullWinCamXP, a hammer16:05
usr13D_russ:   If you have your /home directory on a separate partition, you can just install and leave it un-formatted and use same user name and you'll have it all there when youre done.16:05
Petskulltry f2 or del16:05
D_russsystem settings such as?16:05
Petskullor f1216:05
auronandaceWinCamXP: a google search will find that out quickly16:05
KM0201D_russ: pretty much, but that won't reinstall your apps, all your /home directory is, is configuration files... so say you've set up an app (Xchat for example).. for some custom fonts, etc.. when you reinstall ubuntu, reinstall xchat, then copy xchats configuration file into your new home directory, and xchat will be like it was before you reinstalled ubuntu (not sure that makes sense, but thast the best i can explain it)16:05
WinCamXPhmm, heres a linux mint 9 cd16:05
dr_willisD_russ:  those wontbackup what apps you have installed. but you can make a list of what apps you have installed16:05
WinCamXPapparently i have two lm9 cds16:06
PetskullD_russ, but you DON'T want to save your settings!  your settings are the problem!!16:06
D_russohh i see. the setting is what was a PITA. lol16:06
auronandaceWinCamXP: mint isn't supported here16:06
WinCamXPim just stating that i found that on my shelf16:06
dirty19WinCamXP: I had that package (ubuntu-desktop) even when I was facing the problem of the blank screen. There might be a package I updated which is causing the conflict? How can I identify?16:07
KM0201D_russ: yeah, if you're having a big issue... i'd back up the settings for specific programs hat are not related to the problem.. and then just use  acompletely new home16:07
WinCamXPim going to look for the ubuntu cds16:07
D_russPetskull: you have a point. lol16:07
james333jameshey anybody can check if my english is correct it need just few seconds please16:07
WinCamXPdirty19: try downloading the *tabs out*...fglrx driver?16:07
Petskulljames333james, pm me16:07
KM0201james333james: say what?16:07
auronandacejames333james: looks good so far16:08
melvincvjames333james, It's erfect!16:08
melvincvjames333james, It's perfect!16:08
h00kjames333james: please take it to ##english: /join ##english16:08
james333james i already tried on english channel but nodoby was available to help me16:08
D_russand to back up setting for specific programs would be example: .thunderbird or .firefox folders?16:08
WinCamXPthen try #finnish16:09
h00kjames333james: this still isn't the appropriate place16:09
james333jamesh00k:  you are right but i need just 2 seconds of attention anyway someone is helping me in PVT so i will not bother the channel anymore16:09
KM0201D_russ: affirmative16:09
h00kjames333james: thanks :)16:09
melvincvjames333james, try a spoken english course, why ask here? :\16:09
KM0201D_russ: assuming those apps are not related to your problem.16:09
WinCamXPthe newest livecd i have for ubuntu is probably 10.10, should i try that anyway?16:10
D_russcool. i think a usb install might be my best bet, CD installs seem to be a bit dicey.16:10
WinCamXPi seriously doubt that thing supports booting from usb16:11
bartjone of my dev machine (has an external address) and is connected to the router16:11
WinCamXPthis machine right here is sooo much newer than that craptop and even this can't boot from usb16:11
bartjI think the routing table of the dev machine is messed up16:11
bartjbecause, it can't ping the router16:11
D_russi have read that HAL causes mouse and KB issues somewhere while googling. and that HAL is not needed. anyone confirm this?16:11
ubottuhal is in the process of being deprecated.  See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Halsectomy and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hardware_abstraction_layer for more info.16:12
usr13bartj: What address does it have?  And what address does the router have?16:12
bartjrouter: and dev m/c:
Petskulljames333james wanted some QC on a note he wrote, not english class16:13
WinCamXPusually the router is from my experience...16:13
Petskullno biggy16:13
bartjthe dev and the router also have two different external IP addresses16:13
usr13bartj: Well certainly they do, but are they both in the same subnet?  (Look to see what the netmask is)16:14
WinCamXPdirty19: have you tried using the fglrx drivers? according to this post from '08, that's what you use for newer ati cards16:14
josePHPagodai'm running 10.04 and i'm wanting to set up clamav... the version in the main repo is too old, and the ppa doesn't seem to have a new clamav16:14
D_russso where cani find the ubuntu small talk chanell?16:14
theadminD_russ: #ubuntu-offtopic16:15
WinCamXPjosePHPagoda: find the website for that program16:15
josePHPagodait points me to the ppa16:15
D_russthanks theadmin.16:15
WinCamXPmight be like super tux kart, the ubuntu repos dont actually have the newest version16:15
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josePHPagodawhich doesn't contain what is needed, I also checked the official ubuntu docs and those don't help16:15
josePHPagodayeah... i use getdeb and playdeb for that stuff16:15
josePHPagodaclamav is supposeadly in the backports, but it seems like the ubuntu team has been a bit slow on keeping it up to date16:18
WinCamXPwhat exactly is clamav?16:19
tomodachiWinCamXP: antivirus for linux16:19
Petskullan STD16:19
WinCamXP"av" sounds like "antivirus"16:19
WinCamXPoh ok16:19
josePHPagodait's an antivirus16:19
Petskullyeah, an antivirus16:19
WinCamXPdoes it look for linux viruss or windows viruses?16:19
Petskulldamnit, you guys ruined it16:19
allballsusr13: perfect -- thanks a bunch for your insight. my upgrade process is now complete.16:19
compdocmore of a virus scanner, no?16:19
josePHPagodawe're using it for windows viruses and such16:19
WinCamXPrunning a fileserver?16:19
dirty19WinCamXP: I'm not sure if I have used those drivers. I'll install them from the AMD site and try. Thanks.16:20
Petskullalright- ya'll take it easy!16:20
WinCamXPim not sure if the amd site has linux drivers16:20
WinCamXPgo ahead and check16:20
* WinCamXP will be back momentarily16:20
josePHPagodaWinCamXP: it's kind of a fileserver16:21
josePHPagodamore of a webserver though16:21
WinCamXPi see16:21
josePHPagodait's just frustrating, because debian (which is "older) has updated packages :-(16:21
josePHPagodaubuntu just seems to be dragging their feet16:21
WinCamXPi wish there was a username much like this one, except that pertains to linux and doesn't sound retarded like AndroidCamUbuntu16:22
ActionParsnipjosePHPagoda: it uses what is known and tested to be good, packages are updated on merit, not just because a new one is out16:22
WinCamXPew. no.16:22
josePHPagodaActionParsnip: the trouble is, the current tested one doesn't update16:22
josePHPagodaso it has 0 virus definitions16:22
josePHPagodait's stable, but won't ever find anything16:23
ActionParsnipjosePHPagoda: if you mean clamav there is a clamav ppa with new defs and engine16:23
=== derp is now known as Trololololololol
WinCamXPgoogle "clamav ubuntu"16:23
josePHPagodathe ppa doesn't have the new clamav :-(16:23
josePHPagodai've already got it added16:23
=== Trololololololol is now known as Trololololololo
josePHPagodathat's a rename Trololololololo :-P16:23
tensorpuddingit sounds likely that the ubuntu clamav team has gone to lunch16:23
WinCamXPif i were to put ubuntu server on a pentium 4, how well would a minecraft server run on it? i would assume not very well16:24
ActionParsnipjosePHPagoda: report a bug is all I can recommend, or try a different solution16:24
dan___hey i have a machine running ubuntu server which freezes if i try to shut it down or reboot it . any suggestions?16:25
ActionParsnipWinCamXP: I'd ask in a minecraft channel16:25
theadminWinCamXP: Indeed it'd run quite badly16:25
dan___WinCamXP: depends a lot on RAM as well16:25
WinCamXPit probably has like 1GB16:25
WinCamXPdoesnt really matter, my friend's father is bringing home an actual server machine running OpenSUSE anyway today, I'll SSH into it and use that16:26
josePHPagoda(i doubt anything will be done, the current version lost support in april of 2010) :-(16:26
dan___I have run minecraft on an amazon EC2 micro server16:26
dan___it ran but it was fairly laggy16:26
WinCamXPwhats the specs of that?16:26
josePHPagodai guess custom compiling is the only option16:27
Pooky5guys, i have big problem16:27
dan___im not sure about the processor but it has 613MB of RAM16:27
WinCamXPalso, about that pentium 4, would a CLASSIC server (MCForge) run acceptably? I mean, all it really does it block updates, player movements, and chat, plus the commands and stuff, not very much else at all16:27
Pooky5I make mistake and move /usr/bin to ~/Desktop/bin and I cant move it back16:27
Pooky5if i try any command it says16:28
dan___what is the clock on the P4?16:28
Pooky5bash: /usr/bin/python: Directory or File doesn't exists16:28
DuelistiI'm running Ubuntu 11.04, classic desktop. When for example I'm using firefox and have my mouse pointed at a tab, it brings a "tooltip" with white background without text. I would like to see what it says.16:28
WinCamXPnot sure, probably 1.5GHz16:28
Pooky5what can i do to fix this?16:28
josePHPagodarun a ~/Desktop/bin/mv16:28
WinCamXPPooky5: reinstall?16:28
josePHPagodato try to move it back16:28
josePHPagodayou need to specify full path to the mv to move it back16:29
Pooky5josePHPagoda: there is problem there is no mv command16:29
ActionParsnipPooky5: sudo update-alternatives --config python16:29
Pooky5can't use sudo16:29
Pooky5same error16:29
josePHPagodainside of ~/Desktop/bin/16:30
ActionParsnipPooky5: what about from root recovery mode?16:30
theadminPooky5: ~/Dekstop/bin/mv ~/Desktop/bin /usr/16:30
josePHPagodathere is not a mv executable?16:30
Pooky5shure shure16:30
Pooky5i try it16:30
dan___oh beat me to it16:30
bastidrazorPooky5: add /home/user/Desktop/bin to your path in .bashrc?16:31
theadminPooky5: More like... PATH=$HOME/Desktop/bin sudo mv ~/Desktop/bin /usr/16:31
theadminThat's better.16:31
fVckingmaniahello to everyone!!!16:31
josePHPagodahi fVckingmania!16:31
fVckingmaniaI need some help with postfix restrictions!!!16:31
bastidrazorfVckingmania: there is a #postfix channel16:31
Pooky5uff thanks guys :)16:32
theadminPooky5: No problem.16:32
theadminPooky5: Don't do silly things again.16:32
fVckingmaniabastidrazor, ups sorry I didn't know16:32
bastidrazorfVckingmania: no worries. good luck16:32
Pooky5theadmin: i want move only one file not whole directory, just miss click16:32
Pooky5or miss tape16:32
dan___does anyone know why my server might be freezing when it tries to power off?16:33
carpunkyI did it finally, installed ubuntu on a 2nd hard drive16:33
theadminPooky5: My suggestion is to use a livecd to move the stuff back16:34
theadminPooky5: Would be the easiest16:34
DuelistiI'm running Ubuntu 11.04, classic desktop. When for example I'm using firefox and have my mouse pointed at a tab, it brings a "tooltip" with white background without text. I would like to see what it says.16:35
dan___Duelisti: are you using google toolbar?16:37
Duelistidan___, no16:38
Duelistithis happens with other applications also16:38
dan___oh well my googling has failed me =P16:38
dan___ah its system wide16:38
Wolfsherzhi, is there a channel for oneiric beta already?16:39
SIFTUDuelisti: have you tired changing the gtk theme?16:39
theadminWolfsherz: Yes, it's #ubuntu+116:39
DuelistiI'll try it16:39
Wolfsherztheadmin: thank you16:39
theadminWolfsherz: That's the channel for the next Ubuntu version, always, just so you know16:39
Duelistiyeah, it does work with another theme16:40
DuelistiWhere can I change it16:40
DuelistiDoesn't work with customize -> colors16:40
JuJuBeeI have a 2GB flash drive that won't mount.  dmesg gives this .. http://pastebin.com/n0pNrycv16:41
nocilisDuelisti System-Preferences-Appearances?16:41
JuJuBeeI don't see anything wrong...16:41
nocilisJuJuBee what does fdisk -l show?16:41
theadminJuJuBee: "sudo fdisk -l" and "sudo mount /dev/whatever /wherever", please16:42
nocilisJuJuBee probably have to be run as root16:42
nocilisJuJuBee what theadmin said16:42
Duelistinocilis, like I said, can't change it from there16:42
JuJuBeetheadmin: ok16:43
JuJuBeetheadmin: it seems to have mounted now.  I was using kde and the most recent device notifier to mount it when it failed...16:44
theadminJuJuBee: Ah, okay, well KDE + Ubuntu often equals "ARGH"16:45
theadminJuJuBee: And I have no idea why16:45
JuJuBeeso now it is mounted as root, I cannot copy anything to it...16:45
BlessJahhow can i convert multimple html files into mht file?16:46
Max229Does Ubuntu have anything in their software repository that allows me to view several news stories at once? I'd prefer not to have to open like 8 tabs.  Get it all in one place...16:46
theadminJuJuBee: Mount options, geez... sudo mount -o uid=$(id -u your_username) /dev/blah /wherever16:46
nocilisMax229 why not just use a RSS reader?16:47
Max229Probably going to regret asking this, but how do I do that?16:47
hikenboothello i have installed cacti and nagios on a ubuntu (Latest) server cacti webpage doesnt come up but nagios does. On top of this my httpd.conf is empty how is nagios working without it and what do i have to do to get cacti working?16:48
nocilisMax229 I use google reader (google.com/reader), very simple, just add the url of each website and it will collect all the articles16:48
nocilisMax229 updates pretty quickly after new content comes out16:48
Wolfsherzcan someone tell me how to create a customized starter in oneiric? i wish to start "gnome-terminal" with --geometry=90x25 always.16:48
theadminWolfsherz: Oneric isn't supported here16:49
bastidrazorWolfsherz: compiz settings!16:49
Wolfsherzbastidrazor: thank you16:51
hikenbootanyone get cacti working on ubuntu?16:51
esteevenHello. I am trying to boot 11.04 from CD but my video is "garbled" - lots of multi-coloured lines. The card is a ATI Technologies Inc RV710 [Radeon HD 4350]. I hear the "desktop ready" sound but there's nothing I can do. I can't even open another VT16:51
vnhi, is I want to mount cifs shares, do I really need to install the package smbfs?  I'm trying to add a cifs share in fstab with the credentials option16:51
theadminvn: Yeah, you'd need smbfs here16:52
BlessJahnn52: but you've checked16:52
BlessJahnn52: you were courious16:52
osseI allowed others to see my desktop via Remote Desktop Preferences. When I use Remote Desktop Viewer and try to connect to 'localhost' I get "connection closed". Why?16:52
osseI thought it should work16:52
nn52hm w816:53
SIFTUosse: you are using a vnc viewer?16:53
vnconnectiong to vnc on localhost = infinite loop16:53
osseSIFTU, I think so! I use the program called Remote Desktop Viewer16:53
osseSIFTU, it's called Vinagre16:56
osseThe default one16:56
=== Guybrush_Threepw is now known as Guybrush88
SIFTUosse: you can see if you machine is listening for vnc by firing up a command line and typing "netstat -an|grep 590"16:57
osseSIFTU, there was only three lines of the type 'unix    3   [ ]    STREAM    CONNECTED .....'16:58
SIFTUosse: any of them say "LISTENING"16:59
osseMaybe the VNC protocol doesn't like looping like this17:00
SIFTUosse: no the server isnt started17:00
surroundhello everyone17:01
CharlieSuAre there instructions for putting the UBUNTU install CD onto a SD card anywhere?  I'd be doing it from an OSX laptop.  I need the SD card to be bootable so that i can install everything on another computer17:01
rypervencheCharlieSu: Use unetbootin to do it.17:01
=== mscahill is now known as thinkjson
CharlieSurypervenche: thanks i'll check it out17:03
surroundHow to show screenshots yo u17:03
surroundto community17:03
usr13!paste | surround17:03
ubottusurround: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:03
rypervenchesurround: PrintScreen button to take the screenshot, then use www.imagebin.org or imgur.com17:04
surroundThanks to all17:04
MaartenCharlieSu: I would use a USB stick instead of a SD card, many machines can't boot from SD cards, but can from USB.17:04
julius__on a default ubuntu 11.04 installation with no further mail setup, where do the user mails land?17:05
nocilisCharlieSu the exception would be to use a usb sd card reader17:05
dan___hey my server crashes when it tries to shutdown. please could someone help? here is the log http://paste.ubuntu.com/695739/17:05
nocilisCharlieSu although I'm not sure how that would work out17:05
CharlieSuok i'll check out17:05
Kingsyhi guys.. just booted my ubuntu pc up this morning and it has no title bars on any of its windows.. what the hell happened??17:05
usr13julius__: Depends on where they're sent.  mail17:05
julius__usr13, ah just found mails in /var/mail/username17:06
julius__i was looking for cron output17:06
deanHi all I am currently dual booting windows xp and ubuntu 10.04 is there a way of deleting the xp partition and reclaiming the space for Ubuntu easily?17:06
theadminKingsy: Broken window manager17:06
ggg3hi guys. anyone know what apt-get package will have shell text utilities like 'flds'17:06
m0erswhat can i do if I'm being harassed by government agencies?17:06
dan___dean: format it as ext4?17:07
theadminKingsy: If you can get to a terminal, try the following command: "metacity --replace &disown"17:07
usr13julius__: Just type  mail   at the cli17:07
Kingsytheadmin: what would you suggest? I literally havent changed anything.. strange that it would just Break17:07
usr13and read your mail.17:07
julius__usr13, its not installed by default17:07
deandan___, My xp parition or Ubuntu?17:07
Kingsytheadmin: that worked...17:07
Kingsyhmm what did that do? and what was the problem?17:07
theadminKingsy: Great. That launched the Gnome's standard window manager, Metacity.17:07
dan___dean: the XP partition. I dont think that will merge them though17:07
theadminKingsy: The problem was no window manager running17:07
theadminKingsy: You might have configured your system to use Compiz and removed it17:08
surroundsee this one  http://imagebin.org/173734      & this one   http://imagebin.org/17373617:08
Kingsytheadmin: so am I going to have to do this every time I boot?17:08
surroundtell me which one is true17:08
dan___dean: looks like you could do it with Gparted but I have no experience in using it17:08
surroundThese screenshots are from same computer within one or two seconds17:08
deandan___, What I am looking to do is wipe the xp partition and reclaim the hd space without having to reinstall completely. I can use gparted but I don't know whether doing that will mess up grub because I installed xp then Ubuntu alongside17:09
julius__usr13, the one from mailutils showed it...thx17:09
surroundWaiting for description17:09
rhin0whats the problem where the cursor seems to drift off click points on a dell laptop/touchpad 10.04 ... anyone know?17:09
rhin0its irritating17:09
surroundI am using only pidgin & mozilla17:09
vnspeaking of compiz, I installed compiz-settings-manager and checked the cube, but I still don't have it, am I missing something?  haven't tried since AiGLX17:09
Kingsytheadmin: anyways.. thanks17:10
sogeking99hey guys, im new to linux, i have used windows all my life. i wondering about downloading software. programs are kept on repositories, in this case the software centre right? so how do you get your program on there?17:10
surroundplease see following screenshots   http://imagebin.org/173734      & this one   http://imagebin.org/17373617:10
theadminsogeking99: Your program?17:11
sogeking99say for example i made my own graphics editors, how would i make it available of the software centre17:11
deansogeking99, It installs it when you click on install17:11
surroundtell me which one is true17:11
tomodachisogeking99: sogeking99 well you have to be an "program developer" and get your program acceppted into the main package manager.17:11
rhin0I think it has to be approved by a committee somewhere sogeking9917:11
theadminsogeking99: Oh, you need to contact the Ubuntu MOTU, or put it on Launchpad.17:11
dan___dean: i think if you formatted the XP partition then GRUB would survive but i am not certain. another solution i can think of is to copy the ubuntu install to another drive then format the drive you are using then copy it back but that may be impractical17:11
tomodachisogeking99: you can have your own repository thoug. And link to it. so ppl can ad it, and download programs from it.17:11
J11I see in a log that gltext invoked oom-killer, any idea how to trace why that happened?17:11
deandan___, Ok thanks man this will be drawn out lol17:11
surroundLooking for help?17:12
m0ershi surround , can i pm you?17:12
sogeking99oh right. because i've not seen programs that come with installers yet. only things on the repositories through sudo apt-get install GIMP for example, or source which your meant to compile17:13
dan___dean: this might help but i dont know how advanced you are or your understanding of filesystems http://www.howtoforge.com/linux_resizing_ext3_partitions17:13
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jimisrvrox2hey guys just a quick question. when I do du -sh I get a total dir size of 6.8GB but when I do properties in nautilus I get a dir size of 7.3GB why is it not matching up?17:14
deandan___, Thats a bit advanced for me lol17:14
dan___hey my server crashes when it tries to shutdown. please could someone help? here is the log http://paste.ubuntu.com/695739/17:14
P3P0hola a todos17:14
zarusHeya. I was wondering, is there an app that can periodically remind me to do things? Like to drink water every 30-45 minutes?17:14
martianI have a remote server that I think may be stuck on the "could not mount blahblah press S to skip" step of the boot process. Is there any possible way to remotely tell it to skip? sshd is not up yet, so.. anything?17:14
dan___zarus: you could probably write something in bash to tell you to do it fairly easily17:15
theadminzarus: while true ; do sleep 45m ; xmessage "DRINK WATER!!!!" ; done17:15
deanPerhaps if I used gparted wiped my xp partition and then used grub update in terminal that will work?17:16
martianzarus: apt-cache search reminder17:16
nn52Hello , anyone can help me? -> http://www.speedyshare.com/files/30444354/1-1.ogv.tar.xz <- on video is problem. ( rmd)>17:16
IamTryingI have installed Ubuntu 64-bit i have this strange problem it takes 10 to 15 minute to boot point 2. Dont have any desktop?????  1. BIOS ( http://i.imgur.com/exkCP.png   http://i.imgur.com/3fk1d.png )   2. OS http://i.imgur.com/Pv5rZ.png17:18
deanDoes bad sectors mean my hard drive is damaged?17:18
sogeking99are there good books for a complete linux beginner who has used windows all his life?17:19
rhin0dean: probably17:19
J11is it possible that gltext has a memory leak?17:19
rhin0it logs bad sectors to go around them -- still means your hard-drive is useable sogeking9917:19
deanIt is an old laptop so hardly surprising rhin017:20
rhin0dean: just keep an eye on the amount of disk space available ... bad sectors will be a small area of the disk17:20
=== danadara is now known as hosungs
edinnyWhat is the name of the print tool in jaunty?  I need to run it remotely in X17:20
h00k!manual | sogeking99 this may help17:20
ubottusogeking99 this may help: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/17:20
deanrhin0, Ok thanks17:21
dan___hey my server crashes when it tries to shutdown. please could someone help? here is the log http://paste.ubuntu.com/695739/17:21
rhin0dean: I ran a large hard drive 500gb on 11.04 ... 10.04 no problems I think 11.04 is more fastiduous in logging disk faults ... your drive will probably be ok17:21
martiannn52: I don't know how you did that, but you could try simply recreating your user account. Create a new one by doing "sudo adduser tempadmin" then do "sudo usermon -aG tempadmin admin" then log in as that user, delete your old user account using "sudo deluser yourusername" then do the same thing as before but with your old user name17:21
rhin0some people are pessimistic about this issue dean17:22
deanrhin0, Ok thanks. Do you know much about gparted at all?17:22
ChrisGagnonIamTrying: your bios might be set to boot from uefi , if you can set it to use legacy mode it might fix your problem.17:22
rhin0I mean - dean - 11.04 was showing mucho errors when it was just being fastiduous in logging them17:22
rhin0I know it's powerful17:22
rhin0I only use it for blanking usb keys17:22
deanrhin0, I am trying to delete my xp partition and reclaim the partition17:23
ChrisGagnonIamTrying: a lot of systems won't install 64 bit ubuntu when with the default bios settings, but 32bit ubuntu won't have that problem.17:23
rhin0never done it -- ask someone else or google it someone will have done it ... good on you for getting rid of XP17:23
ubottuThe Ubuntu forums can be found at http://www.ubuntuforums.org. There is also a channel on IRC freenode #ubuntuforums.17:24
rhin0dean ^17:24
rhin0search facility for issues on there Dean17:24
dan___dean: if you delete the windows partition you might be able to use this method to resize into the unallocated space https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowtoPartition/ResizingPartition17:25
deandan___, Thanks17:25
surroundsee this one  http://imagebin.org/173734      & this one   http://imagebin.org/17373617:27
surroundtell me which is true17:27
surroundsame computer17:27
surroundis this a big or other thing17:28
IamTryingChrisGagnon, i have i7 processor, 8GB RAM brand new PC to get started. I am trying Ubuntu 64-bit to install. While installing with DVD rom, it was not showing this problem after install that problem show up. let me try legacy mode.17:28
dan___surround: i dont understand you17:28
IamTryingChrisGagnon, in my BIOS > Boot > UEFI Boot <disabled> as default17:29
surroundDan_; which one is right17:30
vnIamTrying: whats your error?  stdin error()?17:30
usr13surround: What do you mean, which is true?  They probably both are, or at least I would assume they are.17:30
IamTryingvn, i have this screen http://i.imgur.com/Pv5rZ.png17:30
cyphacan I make caps lock = ctrl?17:31
pfrenchI am trying to prevent openvpn from autostarting on a laptop running 11.04.  What is the easiest way to do this?17:31
q_hey amtrying17:31
theadmincypha: Yes, surely17:31
surrounddan_: They are taken from same computer & at almost same time17:31
IamTryingvn, my PC is brand new i7 processor, 8GB ram, installed Ubuntu 64-bit17:31
cyphatheadmin, can I make it both?17:31
vnIamTrying: heh..fun, whats your motherboard and the chipset?17:31
ChrisGagnonIamTrying: can you get to the grub menu? if you boot in to recovery mode does it work?17:31
theadmincypha: Huh?17:31
vnIamTrying: if thats after the boot menus, try tab or escape17:32
surroundusr13: load average is very low & processor usage is high17:32
cyphaso it functions as Caps Lock and Ctrl17:32
IamTryingChrisGagnon, no grub, no linux staright http://i.imgur.com/Pv5rZ.png17:32
q_i have a qwestion17:32
vnq_ ask it?17:32
theadmincypha: How can one key act as two keys?!17:32
usr13surround: One screenshot you sent shows info about  processes   and the other shows info about resources  So what is your question?17:32
dan___surround: i cant see the whole table but surely they should be the same?17:32
q_can i keep my viersion of linux butt update the reposetorys17:32
clvxhello there, any way to reinstall unity. I messed it up playing with compiiz in ubuntu 11.10 beta 2, and I'd like to reinstall o get it to default setting. I tried using #unity --reset, #uniti --reset-icons without success; when it ends all the desktop is gray and the sys tem tray icons don't appear.17:32
theadminq_: No.17:33
dan___hey my server crashes when it tries to shutdown. please could someone help? here is the log http://paste.ubuntu.com/695739/17:33
q_upgrade my kernal i mean17:33
dan___apt-get update17:33
dan___apt-get upgrade17:33
q_the kernal17:33
q_i wont to upgrade that17:33
Gentoo64q_, you can17:34
cyphatheadmin, ok, so how do i do it?17:34
=== vinces_ is now known as vinces
dan___if there is a new one available then apt-get upgrade will grab it for you17:34
Gentoo64q_, but you wont get updates from update manager17:34
usr13surround: Try  htop    (Maybe it will be more legible to you.)17:34
jcpI'm having a major problem: my screen just blacked over on my laptop (11.04) and I can see the mouse but nothing else.17:34
pfrenchwhat was the last thing you ate?17:34
jcpAnd I have work that's unsaved that I need to get at. I can see the mouse on the screen and move it but the normal password entry for unlocking my screen never shows.17:34
jcp(I'm sending this from one of thsoe ctrl+alt+fX virtual terminals using irssi)17:35
rypervencheq_: You can try backports for a newer kernel17:35
surroundjcp: press ALT+CTRL+BACKSPACE17:35
IamTryingvn, Booting takes 10/15 minutes so that i can press tab/shift http://i.imgur.com/exkCP.png17:35
jcpsurround: Didn't d anything17:35
jcpin the X server itself.17:35
* jcp tries17:35
jcpsurround: No effect.17:36
kesccall i have is a folder extracted from an rar file that i put in the wine folder, how can i make a shortcut of the "WoW.exe" file and put it on the desktop?17:36
dan___hey my server crashes when it tries to shutdown. please could someone help? here is the log http://paste.ubuntu.com/695739/17:36
RenatoSilvahas anyone used banshee and windows media player pointing their libraries to the same directory? I want to share my ntfs music directory with linux but I'm afraid banshee messing either the directory per se (e.g. creating annoying subdirs like podcasts, idontcares etc) or even with the music files (updating tags or anything else, without my consent)17:37
ravenseveral files in /var/lib/dpkg broken - how to repair that?17:37
RenatoSilvacrossposted in ##linux17:38
jcpIf anyone has any ideas... I'm killing myself over the work I'm going to lose if I have to just restart17:38
kescci have a folder extracted from an rar file that i put in the wine folder, how can i make a shortcut of the "WoW.exe" file and put it on the desktop?17:38
jcp(which is what I've had to do whenever this has happened before; it's happened probably five times in the last month)17:38
lgp171188Hi, when I open an embedded YouTube video in Firefox, the title of the video in the embed is displayed as boxes as it is in Tamil. How to make the text appear? I have install ttf-tamil-fonts and I am able to read tamil content alright on web pages.17:39
IamTryingvn, now i have Ubuntu screen ?17:39
IamTryingvn, but why its take 10/15 minutes to boot in Ubuntu?17:39
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pfrenchhow can I prevent openvpn from autostarting in 11.04?17:41
jcpAlright, I'm just going to restart. If anyone has any ideas on how to solve this, please memoserv me17:41
khoang_chanhwhat type format install ubuntu in vmware??? pls!  (linux ext2 or ext3 or swap)? tks17:41
khoang_chanha a a a17:43
kescchow do i make an desktop shortcut of an .exe file that is placed in a folder another place17:44
ravenseveral files in /var/lib/dpkg broken - how to repair that?17:46
IamTryingHow can i increase the vmalloc=512M in Ubuntu 64-bit 11.04? Is it in /boot/grub/menu.lst or /etc/default/grub?17:48
kescchow do i make an desktop shortcut of an .exe file that is placed in a folder another place17:49
dan___right click on the exe and make link?17:50
kescchow do i make an desktop shortcut of an .exe file that is placed in a folder another place?17:50
magpiicould someone point me in the direction of a user friendly (gui) internet radio braodcasting software for ubuntu please?17:50
soulslayerhey guys does anyone use a utility called extundelete ?17:51
m0erskescc: this is  a linux channel17:51
soulslayerits for recovering delete files17:51
kesccm0ers : ???? yes??17:51
ravenseveral files in /var/lib/dpkg broken - how to repair that?17:51
m0erskescc: click on the file and select send to desktop17:51
kesccm0ers : you can run exe files on ubuntu too? heard of wine?17:51
magpiiwine is ok but a bit touch and go17:52
m0erskescc: i have used wine but it is not good enough17:52
mrstibbons_someone here who is using kernel 2.6.38-pae and a broadcom wireless network card? I lost my kernel module and it would be great if someone could upload me wl.ko :)17:52
kesccm0ers : that doesent work17:52
carpunkyWhat are you using instead of wine ?17:52
kesccm0ers : ok any file then forget about the exe17:52
cyphahow can I have a command run on startup?17:53
shrapkescc create a customer launch then prepend the location of the .exe with wine17:53
m0erskescc: I'm not really an expert on that and i have to figure that out.. you may ask others in the channel17:53
dan___hey my server crashes when it tries to shutdown. please could someone help? here is the log http://paste.ubuntu.com/695739/ anyone?17:53
kesccshrap how?17:53
maciej_my name's is Maciej17:53
maciej_jESTEM MACIEJ17:54
oCean!pl | maciej_17:54
ubottumaciej_: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.17:54
m0ersmaciej_: speak english or spanish :)17:54
nn52macieje #ubuntu-pl <- tutaj17:54
shraphere is a copy of a shortcut i have for spotify: " wine C:\\users\\username\\Application\ Data\\Spotify\\spotify.exe"17:55
nn52maciej_, dont trolling17:55
m0ersmaciej_: english or german would be okay17:55
oCeanm0ers: this is not the german channel17:55
oliniuszmrstibbons_: Linux oliniusz-laptop 2.6.38-11-generic-pae #50-Ubuntu SMP Mon Sep 12 22:21:04 UTC 2011 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux17:55
oCeanmaciej_: /join #ubuntu-pl17:55
mrstibbons_oliniusz: sounds perfect :)17:56
nn52Guys where in my account at home , is appearance, and all customization???17:56
nn52saved? :D17:56
nn52+ panels with icons17:57
nn52icons are on top panel17:57
mrstibbons_oliniusz: could you also send me the output of "locate wl.ko" please?17:57
KransbyAnyone else get a complete freeze while watching youtube17:59
oliniuszmrstibbons_: hmm lsmod shows wl but not used18:00
Jordan_UIamTrying: /etc/default/grub18:00
magpiican someone point me in the direction of a radio braodcasting software that doesnt require me to spend hours in terminal compiling code please18:00
oliniuszmrstibbons_: locale: unknown name "wl.ko"18:01
ravenseveral files in /var/lib/dpkg broken - how to repair that?18:01
mrstibbons_oliniusz: locaTe18:01
oliniuszi'm tired :)18:01
oliniuszi'm searching18:02
mrstibbons_oliniusz: but with a small t :)18:02
cyphahow can I have a command run at startup?18:02
SIFTUcypha: add it to /etc/rc.local18:03
hypertypermy mouse has stopped working in ubuntu and windows7 since I've started dual booting. The mouse doesn't respond until I plug it out and back in. It lights up but does nothing... any ideas? ty18:03
LaykeHow do I create a new folder from the explorer window whne i'm viewing my desktop ?18:04
cyphaSIFTU, before exit 0?18:04
SIFTUcypha: yes18:05
oliniuszmrstibbons_: http://pastebin.com/bH1Qd6wd18:05
LaykeIf I right click I have to click on a file already there, so I get he context menu, and can't create a folder in there.18:05
cyphaSIFTU, just like this--> setxkbmap -option ctrl:swapcaps18:05
yaerbaLayke: ctrl+shift+n18:05
Laykedanke :)18:05
neil_mkein problem18:06
cyphaSIFTU, and it says i need to change the execution bits to run the script, otherwise the script does nothing?18:06
SIFTUcypha: yeah should work.. you might want to add a & on the end18:06
cyphaSIFTU, with a space before the &?18:07
SIFTUcypha: sudo chmod u+x /etc/rc.local18:07
SIFTUcypha: yes18:07
cyphacool, done18:07
cyphathank you18:07
mrstibbons_oliniusz: thanks :)18:07
SIFTUcypha: reboot and see :)18:08
cyphatoo much stuff open =S18:08
cyphabut I will at some point in life18:08
cyphahopefully never have to :)18:08
cyphaalthough it is a vbox18:08
mrstibbons_oliniusz: can you upload me that file to rapidshare or uploaded or sth like that please? the one at /lib/modules/...18:08
IslamI have a problem while loging in, says load kernel first ! does any body have a solve ?18:08
magpiii keep trying to start icecast in terminal and all i get is this http://codepad.org/ZAap0NCi18:10
Islamany body here ?18:11
dizzeyNot sure if this is the rigth channel to ask, if not please point me to the rigth one. Im running ubuntu 11.10 64bit and i am trying to get 3d acceleration working in "play on linux" (wine) it seems to be some problem with getting the rigth 32bit libs for my nvidiqa card18:11
oCeandizzey: Oneiric/11.10 is not yet released (still beta). Please join #ubuntu+1 for further support and discussion18:11
dizzeyoCean: thanx18:11
yaerbaIslam: Are you logging in through the GUI?18:11
Islamyaerba: no I'm loging in through irssi18:12
MonkeyDustirssi rules18:12
Islamu ?18:13
yaerbaIslam: You log in to your machine with irssi?18:13
yaerbaIslam: It looks a lot like this issue, if it happens during boot:18:14
amin`doing xset -DMZ left_ptr  in terminal doesn't set the mouse figure and also it get error http://pastie.org/258043718:14
Islamyeah right18:14
IslamI'm using ubuntu18:15
dizzeyyaerba: you never did define what he was logging in to ie machine irc server etc18:15
vulnHello there. So whenever I turn on my computer without my 3G modem connected in it doesn't show the option to connect to the internet through it. When I forget to turn it on with the moden already plugged in I have to restart my computer. What service should I restart to make the computer notice it?18:15
vulnUbuntu 10.418:15
=== Jasonn is now known as Jasonn|NotHere
=== Jasonn|NotHere is now known as Jasonn
skelhas anyone successfully setup ubuntu with free-nx or nx-server and forwarded sound through the client via esd?18:16
nuclearwormhello, i have a mobile connection which oscillates, im wondering if there s a way to get it stable on it s peak?18:16
Jasonnhi, I have a problem when uploading files via FTP. IT seems to give me: 550 Permission Denied. When I try to upload to my home dir.,18:16
IslamI used this command "sudo update-grub" and it doesnt say that there is any thing wrong18:16
oliniuszmrstibbons_: http://www.mediafire.com/?3a9ip2fytdasqp418:16
mrstibbons_oliniusz: my savior! thanks a lot man!18:17
dizzeyCan someone running ubuntu 11.04 64bit with nvidia closed drivers please do a ls -al /usr/lib32/libG* and send me the output18:18
yaerbaIslam: Does your machine boot?18:19
nuclearwormhello, i have a mobile connection which oscillates, im wondering if there s a way to get it stable on it s peak?18:19
Islamafter a retry18:20
yaerbaIslam: It fails with that message every other boot?18:20
lolI need some help with the Internet connection.18:21
Jasonnhi, I have a problem when uploading files via FTP. IT seems to give me: 550 Permission Denied. When I try to upload to my home dir.,18:21
lolI forced shut down my laptop last night, and after that Internet stopped working.18:21
IslamI've windows amd linux, when I log on to the ubuntu it gives me an error "error : file not found ,, Error : you need to load the kernel first"18:21
UBBWant free ZNC or counter-strike gathers, or free ventrilo channel? join irc.ubb.lt support in #help channel, don't hesitate to /q amex for free bnc or anything else you want18:21
UBBWant free ZNC or counter-strike gathers, or free ventrilo channel? join irc.ubb.lt support in #help channel, don't hesitate to /q amex for free bnc or anything else you want18:21
FloodBot1UBB: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:21
MonkeyDustlol: check /etc/network/interfaces18:21
Jasonnlol: that sucks man, looks like you corrupted some kind of file18:22
lolMonkeyDust: okay.. on it.18:22
MonkeyDustlol: type cat /etc/network/interfaces|pastebinit and paste it here18:22
zelozelosgeez why is it so hard to make cursors? no wonder there's not a lot of info on it out there..hardly anyone can do it@18:22
larno_hello everyone18:22
larno_can someone please help me with proprietary nvidia drivers on beta 2?18:23
lolMonkeyDust: what? xD18:23
madwilli'm trying to compile swftools on ubuntu 8.04 but i get weird errors18:23
MonkeyDustlol: so we can see it18:23
DthenQwhat does this pastebin do18:23
larno_I have asus laptop n53sv with hybrid graphics intel/nvidia18:23
larno_when I install proiprietary nvidia drivers only unity 2d works18:24
MonkeyDustDthenQ: it makes a webpage of you typed18:24
larno_and without them (nouveau) I have compiz working but the performance is quite bad18:24
yaerbaIslam: look at /boot/grub/grub.cfg and see if the block "menuentry 'Ubuntu, with linux $most_recent_kernel-generic" points to linux and initrd files that actually exist on disk.18:25
Islamany body here ?18:25
lolit said18:25
loldpkg was interrupted.18:25
yaerbaIslam: That seems to be the problem in that forum topic.18:25
larno_anyone, please? just a suggestion or a link with some help18:25
MonkeyDust!helpme| larno_18:25
ubottularno_: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude18:25
DustmiteHow come when I'm installing Ubuntu it doesn't have the automatic resize my Windows partition feature to sit Ubuntu in next to it easily like I'm sure it used to?18:26
Islamok I'll check it now18:26
MonkeyDustlol: if dpkg was interrupted, reboot in recovery mode and repair18:26
yaerbaIslam: If grub.cfg doesn't point to an existing kernel and initrd, edit the file so it does.18:26
larno_sorry guys18:26
larno_is anyone else having issues with hybrid intel/nvidia on beta 2?18:27
Islam-bash: /boot/grub/grub.cfg: Permission denied18:27
yaerbaIslam: Once you get Ubuntu to boot, make the changes to /etc/default/grub and run 'sudo update-grub'.18:27
escottDustmite, you can resize manually with gparted in the live cd part of the install disk18:28
larno_I can't get compiz to work with proprietary nvidia drivers. it always fallback to unity 2d18:28
yaerbaYou might have to 'sudo less /boot/grub/grub.cfg'18:28
bbbeeehi room18:28
yaerbaIslam: You might have to 'sudo less /boot/grub/grub.cfg'18:28
IslamI already used sudo update-grub and it says every thing is found and good18:28
larno_!helpme | it work with nvidia drivers uninstalled but with bad performance18:29
ubottuit work with nvidia drivers uninstalled but with bad performance: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude18:29
yaerbaIslam: I have a class in 20 minutes.  Throw your grub.cfg up in a pastebin and perhaps someone else can help.18:30
Islamthanx yaerba,18:30
larno_I don't know if this is a bug or what...18:30
mang0Any ideas for a low bandwidth screensharing prog to run on ubuntu (NOT teamviewer)18:30
angel56mang0: nx18:31
bbbeeei wanted to ask one thing.. if i will do SSH to ubuntu or any LINUX and want to migrate too big files which need too much big time, so how can i do this if by chance putty get close then still that copy will not get close ?18:32
mang0angel56: Is it easy to set up?18:32
angel56mang0: define 'easy'18:32
mang0angel56: Download 1-2 files, a little bit of terminal work?18:33
larno_seems like I'm out of luck :(18:33
angel56mang0: probably. You need two files for the server, one for the client18:33
mang0angel56: I see.18:33
angel56mang0: I would recommend going to their site and downloading the free ones from the company as opposed to whatever is in the repos18:34
=== _ruben_ is now known as _ruben
mang0angel56: Right, and why is that?18:34
lolMonkeyDust: How exactly do I repair?18:34
angel56mang0: I installed NX a while back with no headaches, but first wasted a lot of time trying to get 'freenx' working from the repos18:35
ryanntrying to install ubuntu 11.04 x64 server to a proliant machine, and it boots from cd, but once i select to "install ubuntu server" the screen goes blank.  any ideas?18:35
lolAnd dpkg being interrupted is the cause for internet connection to fail? i'm directly connected right now.18:35
angel56mang0: the software from NX is free, but it isn't the open source version...some people have an issue with that18:35
mang0angel56: I see. Thanks :)18:35
mang0oh oky18:35
perlsyntaxDoes anyone know why JDE for emacs in the apt-get will not install for and they is a fix for that?18:36
perlsyntaxsiad it broken file when i try to install it.18:37
larno_!repeat | does anyone have any experience with hybrid graphics on beta2 (intel/ proprietary nvidia)?18:37
ubottudoes anyone have any experience with hybrid graphics on beta2 (intel/ proprietary nvidia)?: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/18:37
wodKaHi, quick question. I would like to set up an intranet web server and already have a copy of ubuntu desktop, would it be beneficial to download a copy of the server edition or does it not matter much?18:37
perlsyntaxI hope someone know something about JDE why not installing.18:38
Jasonnlol: that sucks man, looks like you corrupted some kind of file18:38
adi11hi. what is this error mean: ATA1: SRST failed (error = -16)18:38
Jasonnhi, I have a problem when uploading files via FTP. IT seems to give me: 550 Permission Denied. When I try to upload to my home dir.,18:38
perlsyntaxSo no one knows??18:39
lolJasonn: Dude, would you mind helping me instead of saying the same crap?18:39
Jasonnlol: sorry man, I resent the wrong message18:39
adi11during boot after grub screen i am forced to choose system recovery entry. while the system booting it hangs on this error.18:40
adi11can anyone understand this? thanks18:40
wildc4rdevenin all!18:40
lolIf 'dpkg' is interrupted, and I go on recovery mode how exactly am I supposed 'repair', any help?18:40
martianI have a remote server that I think may be stuck on the "could not mount blahblah press S to skip" step of the boot process. Is there any possible way to remotely tell it to skip? sshd is not up yet, so.. anything?18:40
adi11ATA1: SRST failed (error = -16)18:40
perlsyntaxIs there a new PPA for jde?18:41
UbuntuBrandonHello all. :D18:41
pietr101hello, how to add new disk drive to mdadm raid0 device?18:41
dizzeymartian: should not be doable18:41
ActionParsnipmartian: i think you need a smarthands request18:41
ActionParsnip!ppa | perlsyntax18:42
ubottuperlsyntax: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa18:42
martiandizzey: then a hiking I shall go :)18:42
dizzeymartian: yeah dont forget to edit fstab so it does not hapen soon18:42
perlsyntaxi look there and don't have it!18:43
lolIf 'dpkg' is interrupted, and I go on recovery mode how exactly am I supposed 'repair', any help?18:43
rostayobI feel stupid but I removed the power and bluetooth icon from the panel and I can't get them back18:43
FenderHi! How do I enable compositing in ubuntu 10.04? I run the netbook edition on a samsung nc10, and need to enable it to use gnome go18:43
martiandizzey: well, the funny thing is that right before I did the restart, I checked to make sure that _netdev was there. I must have made a mistake.18:43
ActionParsniprostayob: run bluetooth-applet18:43
lolIf 'dpkg' is interrupted, and I go on recovery mode how exactly am I supposed 'repair', any help?18:43
Ptitristjoin <#ubuntu-fr>18:44
rostayobActionParsnip: it says it's already running18:44
ActionParsnipLol: sudo apt-get -f install18:44
Fendergnome do*18:44
lolActionParsnip: wut18:44
UbuntuBrandonIf you wouldn't mind showing some support, and you have a YouTube Account, who all would want to sub to my Ubuntu Screencast channel?18:44
lolActionParsnip: Okay.. I'll do that exactly.18:45
lolthanks .. er18:45
UbuntuBrandonIt is /UbuntuBrandon :D18:45
h00kUbuntuBrandon: that's more of a mailing list question.18:45
ActionParsnipFender: sudo lshw -C display    will show the video chip. You can use it to find guides18:45
pincydo i need to reinstall the nvidia driver after a kernel update? it looks like i cant startx beacuse the missing module, which wasnt before...18:46
h00kUbuntuBrandon: also, please don't poll in here18:46
bbbeeewhat will be alternative if putty get close or internet get close, can we run commands at backend that if internet get down on ur side still command will be running ?18:46
h00kthat too.18:47
bbbeeesuppose : scp command then ?18:47
ActionParsnippincy: reinstall dkms and it should build it18:47
dizzeybbbeee: screen18:47
pincyActionParsnip: dkms?18:47
adi11does anyone know wht is this: ATA1: SRST failed (error = -1618:48
ActionParsnippincy: yes its the package which builds the modules for you18:48
Fender@ActionParsnip okay.. I got a lot of information. What do I do with it?18:48
ActionParsnipFender: copy the product in websearches to find guides18:49
JasonnActionParsnip: Perhaps you can help me :)18:49
JasonnActionParsnip: FTP Wont let me upload files to my home dir from one user18:49
ActionParsnip*product line18:49
ActionParsnipJasonn: I'm not familiar with ftp dude, sorry18:50
JasonnActionParsnip: :/ thanks anyway18:50
ActionParsnipJasonn: check permissions is all i can advise18:51
JasonnActionParsnip: permissions are all fine, thats the first thing I did :/18:51
dizzeyCan someone running ubuntu 64bit with nvidia closed drivers please do a ls -al /usr/lib32/libG* and send me the output18:51
bbbeeeany one ?18:52
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter18:52
dizzeybbbeee: the answer should still be screen18:52
=== Viper is now known as Guest14149
adi11nomodeset: i tried setting my boot parameter but for me it didnt help. my laptop still boot in to purple screen where i only can puch power button for 5 sec18:53
ActionParsnipAdi11: which video chip?18:54
adi11ActionParsnip nvidia18:54
adi11 product: C67 [GeForce 7150M / nForce 630M]18:55
ActionParsnipAdi11!  Use:   nouveau.blacklist=1   instead18:55
adi11how should i do this?18:55
adi11what config file is that i should add that line...?18:56
ActionParsnipadi11: same way you added nomodeset18:56
adi11grub config?18:56
ActionParsnipadi11: yes, its a bootoption18:57
bbbeeehow can i do scp at background that if my internet get down still copying will be occuring on server ?18:57
adi11ActionParsnip : do u know what this might be? i see it a lot when i choose recovery system on grub. ATA1: SRST failed error = -1618:58
dizzeybbbeee: and why would screen not work for that?18:58
NetworkRendererHi, hab ein problem18:58
bbbeeescreen command ?18:58
dizzeybbbeee: yes18:58
dizzeybbbeee: lets you resume consoles18:58
dizzeyapt-get install screen18:59
guntbert!de | NetworkRenderer18:59
ubottuNetworkRenderer: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!18:59
ActionParsnipAdi11: no idea, is it mentioned in the forums? Have you fsck'd the partition in live cd?18:59
dizzeybbbeee: screen (then you are in a screen )  start scp and if you ssh connection breaks you log in to the box and resume your screen18:59
dizzeybbbeee: wich still has it's commands running19:00
adi11ActionParsnip : i installed from usb pendrive19:00
Fen-after recent update.. anyone managed to install gnome-shell again ?19:00
Fen-on 10.1119:00
alexskanHi all, is there any app which lets me rip audio from youtube vider? Hopefully getting also the download and edit function for audio stream19:01
pincyActionParsnip: thx, hope it works now :)19:01
PiciFen-: Do you mean 11.10?19:01
Fen-yeah i failed19:01
ActionParsnipAdi11: its an installed OS so the way you did it is irrelevant now. A USB install is the same as a CD install19:01
PiciFen-: Then you'll want to ask in their channel: #ubuntu+119:01
rwwFen-: #ubuntu+1 for oneiric support, and it's currently not installable because it's waiting on dependencies.19:01
Fen-Grr lame19:01
Fen-why the hell did they had to make more updates19:02
Fen-and then remove gnome3 so they can readd it19:02
nn52okay , new problem ,anyone using xchat???19:02
ActionParsnipFen: its prerelease, what did you expect..19:02
adi11ActionParsnip :  http://paste.ubuntu.com/695789/      this is my grub entry. where exactly should i put "nouveau.blacklist=1" ?19:02
rypervencheI love how people come in here and get pissed that a Beta isn't working.19:03
rwwFen-: no idea, ask #ubuntu+1 :P19:03
ActionParsnipadi11: in the quotes with quiet splash. Then run: sudo update-grub19:04
adi11urlin2u :  get rid of  quiet splash ?19:04
Fenderhow do I know if my graphic card support 3d effects and things like that?19:04
adi11ahh ok. thanks19:04
urlin2uadi11, only if you want a text boot19:04
ActionParsnipadi11: by you enquiring like this, I'm guessing you didn't add the nomodeset option.19:05
soreauFender: What is the output of lspci|grep VGA ?19:05
adi11ActionParsnip : i did but i didnt have any luck. with nvidia proprietary driver still no luck19:06
Fendersoreau: the output of what? :S19:06
soreauFender: lspci|grep VGA19:06
pdklis there a good guide to customize ubuntu 11.10 , aka especially the thems19:06
Tophanpdkl: #ubuntu+119:06
soreauFender: Its a command you run in your terminal. It should output information about your video card, typically one line19:06
Fendersoreau: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GME Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)19:07
larno_!help | why do I get the No such device on modprobe nvidia when my laptop has the geforce GT54M card?19:07
ubottuwhy do I get the No such device on modprobe nvidia when my laptop has the geforce GT54M card?: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:07
soreauFender: That is a fairly decent card and should be able to do most 3D with the default drivers that are already installed19:07
Tophanwhats the best way to make Ubuntu run this at boot? :19:07
Tophan# echo level 7 | sudo tee /proc/acpi/ibm/fan19:07
ActionParsnipadi11: you can set it in root recovery mode or simply hold shift at boot and press e to edit the kernel options for this boot only19:08
larno_!help | why do I get the No such device on modprobe nvidia when my laptop has the geforce GT54M card?19:08
soreauTophan: put it in /etc/rc.local19:08
=== nat is now known as Guest17434
64MAAB2N8When I looked into /usr/bin/ there is a file there entitled "[". Should there be a file called /usr/bin/[  ?19:08
Tophansoreau: thanks19:08
soreauTophan: Note you can remove the sudo from the command19:08
Tophansoreau: ok19:08
Guest17434boa tarde19:09
Fendersoreau: I can't seem to enable any nicer effects at all.. I can't enable compositing (whatever that means). But I have to enable it in order to use gnome do19:09
auronandacelarno_: don't prefix help with !, it is parsed as a command to the bot19:09
ActionParsnipTophan: add it in /etc/rc.local   above exit 0. No need for sudo19:09
64MAAB2N8Does anyone else have a file called [ in \usr\bin?19:09
soreauFender: What is the output of glxinfo|grep renderer? (after installing mesa-utils package)19:09
=== 64MAAB2N8 is now known as hagus
llutzhagus: sure19:10
ActionParsniplarno_: try:  sudo nvidia-xco19:10
hagusSo,it's ok?19:10
llutzhagus: type " whatis [ "19:10
larno_ActionParsnip,  command not found :S19:10
ActionParsniplarno_: sudo nvidia-xconfig    reboot to test19:10
larno_ActionParsnip, lol, ok19:11
Fendersoreau: one moment..19:11
ActionParsniplarno_: yeah bus wiggle made me hit enter on my phone19:11
hagus[ (1)                - check file types and compare values llutz19:11
soreauActionParsnip: bus wiggle? :P19:11
llutzhagus: thats what it does (aka test)19:12
larno_ActionParsnip: VALIDATION ERROR: Data incomplete in file /etc/X11/xorg.conf.Device section "Default Device" must have a Driver line.19:12
Fendersoreau: OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Intel(R) 945GME GEM 20091221 2009Q4 x86/MMX/SSE219:12
ryanndoes anyone know if "ubuntu-11.04-server-amd64.iso" offers a "live cd" boot option??19:12
larno_ActionParsnip: should I ignore that?19:12
soreauFender: Looks good. Now what is telling you that you cannot enable compositing, or how are you trying to enable it?19:12
ActionParsniphagus: try:  file /usr/bin/\[19:12
guntbertryann: no, it doesn't19:13
hagus/usr/bin/[: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.15, stripped19:13
larno_ActionParsnip: I'm going to reboot now. Hope it helps ;)19:13
m0ersis anybody from the midwest here?19:13
hagus"/usr/bin/[: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.15, stripped19:13
ActionParsnipsoreau: type on a bus with a tiny screen. Bumps cause mayhem19:13
ryannthanks guntbert.  hoping the x64 desktop does then :)19:13
Arthuris there a way to install a .bat file on Xubuntu? Wine won't let me install setup.bat :/19:13
ActionParsnipRyann: it won't give live cd19:13
Fendersoreau: I've done some googleing, and tried some commands I found on different forums, but nothing have helped. So I thought it couldn't be done19:13
guntbertryann: yes, the desktop versions do19:14
soreauFender: Sure it can. Pastebin the output of compiz --replace from your terminal to pastebin.com19:14
hagusThanks for reassuring me that it is harmless, llutz and ActionParsnip :)19:14
llutzhagus: what is is for: http://wiki.bash-hackers.org/commands/classictest19:14
ActionParsnipArthur: i'd read the file, see what it does.19:15
dr`venom_I have an XPS17 laptop and I just installed Ubuntu 11.10 beta2. Unfortunately, I am unable to change the display brightness. I've tried changing the brightness with my computer's short keys (Fn + F4) and via the the screen settings without any success. Can someone please help me fix this issue?19:15
ArthurActionParsnip: it displays some texts like del data.uha > nul and some more dels and startw wunpack.exe and some echos at the end >.< I have n o idea of what should I do19:15
Guest1234hello all. How do i restart xorg on ubuntu 11.04/11.10?19:15
Fendersoreau: I don't have compiz installed.. Last time I tried to install it the computer died.. I haven't dared to try since.19:15
Guest1234there is no gdm and19:15
soreauFender: Well you certainly wont be able to use compiz without having it installed19:16
nat_boa tarde19:16
hagusWow - not only is it OK - it seems to be pretty much essential!19:16
ActionParsnipGuest1234: are you using oneiric?19:16
mosdef100200Hi there im trying to install a package and all i keep getting is Unable to locate package when trying apt-get install?19:16
=== Cam_ is now known as Cam
Guest1234ActionParsnip: yea19:16
mosdef100200would anyone know a solution?19:16
* hagus breathes more easily again19:16
llutzhagus: it's just a strange "filename"19:16
hagusNever come across anything like it before :)19:16
ActionParsnip!11.10 | guest123419:16
ubottuguest1234: Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu.  Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+119:16
Guest1234ActionParsnip: yea. i know. But no one in there knew. I had this same issue with 11.0419:17
Fendersoreau: do you think my computer can handle it? from what you've seen about my graphic card? I might have installed it wrong when I was new to ubuntu19:17
Guest1234so lets pretend im still on 11.0419:17
genii-aroundmosdef100200: does apt-cache policy <packagename> show that it's available in some repository you have in your sources.list ?19:17
rymannphilippehello to anybody19:17
soreauFender: Yes, it can handle compiz19:17
ArthurHow can I install setup.bat on Linux? When I try to open it it displays few lines :(19:17
rymannphilippethis is my first time on an irc channel19:17
Fendersoreau: okay. Brb19:18
ActionParsnipGuest1234: you are using oneiric now so you are supported in #ubuntu+1 til release day19:18
soreauhi rymannphilippe19:18
angel56Arthur: a .bat file is for windows, you might be able to run it under wine, but no guarantees19:18
m0ershas anyone tried pgp with evolution email client?19:18
rymannphilippecan someone help my with JOLICLOUD and FLASH?19:18
urlin2urymannphilippe, you have a support question?19:18
m0ersrymannphilippe: which pgp utilies have you used?19:18
Guest1234ActionParsnip: oh wait. crap. i just realized...im actually on 11.0419:18
ActionParsniprymannphilippe: jolicloud isn't supported here19:19
mosdef100200genni-around: Hi thanks could you remind me how i find that out again i cant remember19:19
Guest1234since I HAD THE SAME ISSUE ON 11.0419:19
ikoniarymannphilippe: sorry, we don't support jolicloud here19:19
rymannphilippeok sorry19:19
rymannphilippeis there some better room for that?19:19
hagusI installed netbeans 7.x, having already had 6.9.  I have removed 6.9 but netbeans 7 is still there and working. Where does it live?19:19
ActionParsnipGuest1234: same still applys19:19
hagusI wanted to remove netbeans 719:19
ArthurThank you angel56, it was always being executed with a linux program by default, now I've set Wine and it's working :D19:20
genii-aroundmosdef100200: In the Software Center is where you can tell the system what repositories to use.19:20
ActionParsniprymannphilippe: #jolicloud possibly19:20
urlin2urymannphilippe, not any channel I can see try the FF addon flash aid.19:20
soreauActionParsnip: probably not..19:20
rymannphilippethanks urlin2u19:21
ActionParsnipsoreau: sometimes they state the server and channel of the support in the motd :-)19:21
mosdef100200genni-around: nope19:21
rymannphilippewhats ff addon flash?19:21
larnoActionParsnip: nothing, no screens found19:22
soreauActionParsnip: yea I guess it does have a proper topic set..19:22
genii-around!repos | mosdef10020019:22
ubottumosdef100200: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories19:22
urlin2urymannphilippe, the flash aid addon in Ubuntu and some others downloads the flash, from adobe you can go straight to adobe as well19:22
rymannphilippeoki doki19:23
mosdef100200im trying to install xen19:23
mosdef100200is it hard?19:23
ikoniamosdef100200: yes19:23
ubottuXEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen19:23
hacker_anonimohow all are you?19:23
ikoniamosdef100200: it's a complex technology unless you understand it and have the needed hardware19:23
Fendersoreau: oh, btw.. Does it matter that I have a netbook (samsung cn10) with ubuntu 10.04 netbook edition?19:23
mosdef100200think ill give up then19:24
mosdef100200cheers anyhow!19:24
soreauFender: Not particularly though newer versions of ubuntu have newer drivers, naturally19:24
soreauFender: Still should work19:24
ActionParsnipmosdef100200: could be a project to learn something new :-)19:24
mosdef100200oh got so many projects on the go19:25
mosdef100200xen would be way down the line lol19:25
vachoI need some expert help. I want to compress an entire directory and all it's subfolders and hidden files and keep their permissions.. and then move this compressed file to another server and uncompress it keeping the permissions but not the owner... does this make sense?19:25
DesertFoxNightWhat's the command to run a PHP file on the background?19:26
dr`venom_I can't adjust screen brightness, can someone help me fix the issue?19:26
soreauvacho: Sure, just tar it up19:26
soreau! tar | vacho19:26
ubottuvacho: Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression19:26
vachosoreau, I am having problems with exacly what parameters to use to keep it all perfect.. right permissions etc..19:27
soreauvacho: I believe tar should automatically preserve everything in tact by default..19:27
vachosoreau, so when I unzip it in a user folder on the other server, who will be the file owner?19:28
ActionParsnipdr`venom_: what make and model system?19:28
soreauvacho: See --no-same-owner in tar --help19:28
dr`venom_dell xps17 L702x19:29
ActionParsnipvacho: i believe you can set the perms to be preserved with extract options19:29
soreauvacho: See the example commands at the top (of tar --help)19:29
=== Cam_ is now known as Cam
erikandreA Intel pentium 4 with 2.8Ghz With latest ubuntu doesnt feel to much of smooth view. The computer has 4GB of ram.19:30
m0ershow to find the list of all channels?19:30
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:30
erikandreI try to figure out where the problem is. Cause it feels like a 386sx 33mhz19:30
soreauerikandre: What version of ubuntu?19:30
larnoActionParsnip: should I try to install newest nvidia driver?19:30
ActionParsnipdr`venom_: websearc:  laptop Linux   there may be a guide for your model. Also check for bugs for the system too19:30
erikandresoreau: 11.0419:30
urlin2um0ers, in xchat it is a right clickserver19:30
urlin2ulist of channels*19:31
erikandrewith ATI Technologies Inc RV730 Pro AGP [Radeon HD 4600 Series]19:31
soreauerikandre: Are you using unity? Have you checked to see if any process is using too many resources? (using top in terminal)19:31
dr`venom_<ActionParsnip> ok, I'll give that a try.19:31
SIFTUdr`venom_: you want the dell_wmi kernel module loaded19:31
ActionParsniplarno: all i can suggest is tweak xorg.conf   you may also want to read:   less /var/log/Xorg.0.log19:31
erikandreTrying to figure out where to check if i am running unity or not.19:31
erikandreIǜe checked and not running unity.19:31
soreauerikandre: ps ax|grep unity|grep -v grep19:32
erikandreCause then there would be a fanzy start menu19:32
soreauerikandre: ps ax|grep compiz|grep -v grep19:32
erikandregompiz is running top tells me19:32
llutzpgrep compiz19:32
ActionParsniperikandre: ps -ef | grep unity | grep -v grep19:32
dr`venom_<SIFTU> I'm quite new to linux... Do I get dell_wmi from the software center?19:32
llutzpgrep unity :)19:32
larnoActionParsnip: but xorg.cong has nothing to do with it. it clearly says No screens found. the same thing happens when I try to manually load the nvidia driver19:32
Os-Mahiaouiim Ubuntu Linux user19:33
soreaullutz: shhh ;)19:33
larnoActionParsnip: it doesn't recognize my card19:33
SIFTUdr`venom_: it should come with the kernel.. what version of ubuntu are you running19:33
dr`venom_11.10 beta219:33
Os-Mahiaouiand i need help about my network card19:33
ActionParsniplarno: the xorg.conf defines the display and the screens so has everything to do with it19:33
erikandresoreau: 1568 ?        Ss     0:00 /bin/sh -c /usr/bin/compiz-decorator 7610 ?        Sl     0:09 /usr/bin/compiz19:33
larnoActionParsnip: it is already defined to load the nvidia driver19:34
ActionParsnip!11.10| dr`venom_19:34
ubottudr`venom_: Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu.  Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+119:34
soreauerikandre: Does it make a difference if you try metacity instead? (by running metacity --replace from Alt+F2 run dialog. Switch back to compiz with compiz --replace)19:34
MTProwerCan somebody tell me how to install an icon set to Kubuntu? I'm brand new to Linux. I already downloaded the icon set I think I want, but I would rather use an automated downloader/installer19:34
larnoActionParsnip: but it says no screens found which means that my device is not recognized as nvidia card19:34
ActionParsniplarno: then its not quite right or it would work, hence me saying to tweak it19:34
larnoActionParsnip: you can't tweak the xorg.conf to recognize something if the driver doesn't support it19:35
soreaularno: What does lspci|grep VGA say?19:35
erikandresoreau: A new feeling ;) <319:35
larno00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 09)01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation GF106 [GeForce GT 555M] (rev a1)19:35
ActionParsniplarno: if there isn't the settings the driver needs to run then it won't load and therefore, no screens19:35
dr`venom_ok I'll go to that channel thanks19:36
SIFTUlarno: you are running optimus19:36
erikandresoreau: How to set to metacity default?19:36
ActionParsniplarno: oh jeez is it one of those dual gpu monstrosities?19:36
SIFTUlarno: do not install the nvidia module19:36
soreauerikandre: It could be a compiz plugin using too many resources or that your graphics driver is less than perfect.. which graphics driver are you using? (preferably you want to be using the default radeon, not the installable proprietary driver)19:36
larnoSIFTU: I've said in the beginning that it's laptop with hybrid graphics19:36
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vachohow do I check the filesize of a directory and all it's sub directories???19:37
erikandresoreau: using the priprop from ati19:37
SIFTUlarno: ok i didnt see that.. the nvidia drivers for linux do not support it19:37
larnoI don't need the GPU switching, I just want the nvidia card to work19:37
soreauerikandre: You should remove it and use the radeon driver instead19:37
MTProwerCan someone tell me where I can change my icon set in Kubuntu? I'm new to Linux.19:37
erikandreOkey. So how to i get back to gompiz default?19:37
ActionParsnipLarno: ive never seen a success story with that. All i know is its a pain and that bumblebee is a project to make it work.19:37
SIFTUlarno: yeah bumblebee is the attempt to make it work19:38
larnoSIFTU: I know and I don't want to use baumblee or anything similar19:38
SIFTUlarno: then if you dont have a option in the bios, too bad19:38
soreaularno: Ok so you have hybrid graphics. Look in your bios to see if you can disable the intel card19:38
ActionParsnipMTPrower: system settings and search for icon, it will show you what to click19:38
larnoActionParsnip, SIFTU: so the only way to activate nvidia is via bumblebee or the other iron something?19:38
SIFTUlarno: what laptop?19:38
MTProwerActionParsnip: where is "system settings"?19:38
larnoI can't disable it19:38
larnoit's asus n53sv19:38
MTProwerActionParsnip: found it. Sorry19:38
larnodisabling via bios is only possible on lenovo laptops if I'm not mistaking19:39
SIFTUlarno: yes, as most hybrid graphics laptop pipe the nvidia output through thr intel to display.. so quite often you cant disable the intel19:39
ActionParsnipLarno: i have no idea. I'm avoiding that nonsense like Paris Hilton avoids talent19:39
soreaularno: scrutinize your bios settings. the option may be hidden in an unlikely name19:39
SIFTUActionParsnip: good move.. wish I did19:39
larnosoreau, it's not there trust me ;)19:39
soreaularno: Then you are screwed ;)19:40
SIFTUlarno: with kernel 3.0 the intel performance is quite good19:40
larnoSIFTU: it's definately better than before but dash still lags and the alt-tab switching is to slow to start up19:40
SIFTUlarno: what kernel are you running?19:41
larnothe default one on beta219:41
ActionParsnipSurprised my battery has lasted so long19:41
ActionParsniplarno: the19:41
larnoSIFTU the default one on beta219:41
larnoActionParsnip ??19:41
Fen-can i reinstall ubuntu and save content from /home/ HDD ? :p19:41
SIFTUlarno: not sure.. dont run it.. but I have run kernel 3.0 since it came out and have no problems with the intel anymore19:42
ActionParsnipThen you are supported in #ubuntu+1 not here, larno19:42
larnoActionParsnip, sorry didn't know that19:42
=== Calinou_ is now known as Calinou
ActionParsniplarno: this is for the stable releases, pre-release in #ubuntu+119:42
=== GNUdog_ is now known as GNUdog
erikandresoreau: i thinking of buying this ASUS G74SX 17.3" Full HD 120Hz 3D19:43
Fendersoreau: I hope you'll lol at me now, but I installed compiz and everything is fine. I must have done something wrong the last time I installed compiz19:43
erikandreGeForce GTX560,Core i7-2630QM,16GB RAM,160 GB SSD, 750 GB HDD,BD-RE,BT19:43
erikandreIs this a good buy?19:43
soreauFender: Awesome :)19:43
soreauerikandre: Ask in ##hardware perhaps19:43
ActionParsniplarno: you don't have to know. Its in the motd at the top of the channel....19:44
Fendersoreau: thanks a lot for the help19:44
FenderIm out19:44
soreauFender: no problem, glad to help19:44
ActionParsnipBd-re and bt. Wow i only have qp and gh19:45
genii-aroundDoes sudo mv put temporary ownership of root onto destination files until they are finished moving?19:45
neurohi, is someone have a netbook working with ubuntu & a nvidia gt555m, I have kernel panics with mine :/ (asus n55sf)19:46
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lukezhello, i was wondering if anyone could tell me how to enable hardware virtualization support in natty?19:50
Logan_lukez: I believe that you must enable it in your BIOS.19:51
salvociao a tutti19:52
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».19:53
genii-aroundeg: http://paste.ubuntu.com/695813/ is what I'm currently seeing as it moves the stuff in the /dump directory19:53
MTProwerHey guys, I have another newbie question. Where can I install a window manager? I downloaded the Air Oxygen window and I want to install it.19:56
MTProwerOh yeah. I use Kubuntu. Sorry.19:56
Logan_!pm | skeptic__19:57
ubottuskeptic__: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.19:57
hje841hi. does anyone have any experience with Synergy?19:58
sunicehje841: yes19:58
MTProwerhje841: the Final Fantasy XIII paradigm role? : D19:58
MTProwerhje841: ...lol lame pun19:58
hje841dunno anything about Final Fantasy19:58
MTProwerhje841: that's too bad ( :19:59
sunicehje841: Please ask more detailed question so we can try to help19:59
salvociao a tutti19:59
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)19:59
hje841I'm trying to start synergy from terminal and it starts without any complaint, but I can't move my cursor from one screen to the next20:00
hje841here's my config file: http://pastebin.com/bSHD3ZHq20:00
MTPrower...I'm gonna ask my question again. Dun mind me if this is too soon. Not tryin' to be rude or anything... How do I install a window theme in Kubuntu? I'm using Oxygen but I downloaded a new window theme that I'd rather use.20:01
sunicehje841: do you get any errors in the terminal?20:01
rubbshje841: you have synergy set up on both correct? and one is a server?20:01
hje841sunice: none what so ever.20:01
projecthow can i make exe files for java20:01
ikoniaproject: that's not how java works, look in ##java for lessons20:02
hje841rubbs: I start synergys on the server - the one I want to use the keyboard/mouse from. and synergyc from the other20:02
rubbshje841: I've got no idea. let me check out my setup quick and compare20:03
projectikonia:but i can't get into #java20:03
projectikonia:what should i do?20:03
rusty149hje841: Try typing the IP address for the Synergy Server instead of the computer name20:03
ikoniaproject: it's ##java20:03
ikonianot #java20:03
Pici!register | project20:04
ubottuproject: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode20:04
hje841rusty149: tried it. I think I've tried almost any combination of hostname and IP20:04
guntbertMTPrower: try #kubuntu20:05
rubbshje841: yeah, I can't find anything wrong. I'd try what rusty149 said.20:05
hje841rubbs: it had no effect.20:06
rubbshje841: I got nothing sorry20:06
rusty149hje841: Try using IP address again but make sure the server starts first.20:06
hje841rubbs: ok. thanks anyway.20:06
rusty149hje841: It could just be a network issue are either computer connecting wirelessly20:07
sunicehje841: are you passing the server ip when you start the client?20:07
sunicehje841: synergyc IP20:07
hje841rusty149: both are connected to the same router20:08
hje841sunice: I am20:08
sunicehje841: and both are pigable?20:08
sunice pingable*20:08
hje841sunice: yes20:09
hje841maybe I should try a different port. any ideas?20:10
lukez_Logan  would you be willing to go to private chat?20:10
Logan_!pm | lukez_20:10
ubottulukez_: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.20:10
hje841what can I use for a portscan?20:11
sunicehje841: you could test it by "telnet ip 24800"20:11
rusty149hje841: Have you tried the Synergy gui?20:11
hje841rusty149: yes. it works fine with Quick Synergy20:12
rhin0x2x is plainer than synergy if you have problems -- x2x command line v easy to set up ... but it doesn't have cut n paste like synergy20:13
rhin0with synergy -- on the machine which you are driving (client) be sure to turn the "repeat key when pressed" off option20:13
rhin0otherwise it will be repeating twice20:13
rhin0with synergy or x2x20:13
rusty149 hje841: There is a #synergy irc channel20:14
hje841rusty149: thanks. I'll try it out20:15
hje841hmm.. not much talk on #synergy20:17
IamTryingAny idea why i have this always after boot? e.g: http://i.imgur.com/EDlUU.png20:19
c0mh4cxxerdose any one live in ma20:20
saint_greetings all20:20
saint_i made what i think is a bootable usb stick using a MAC, but my PC won't boot on it. ANyone familiar with ubuntu server installation from usb ?20:21
axelHello! I want to change the dates (creation date, change date, last access) of the files of a whole folder to a date in the exif-information. How to do this?20:22
jribaxel: use touch20:22
axeljrib: Doesn't it change the date to the current date?20:22
jribaxel: well you need to pass the right things to touch20:23
guckohi guys20:23
axeljrib: Ah! I see it in the manpages.20:23
axeljrib: Thanks.20:23
guckoI ran out of space and I have a big sized folder. I want to put this folder in an archive. Is there a way to put it in an archieve without copying it? cuz i ran out of space :(20:24
guckocuz creating a zip file basically means copy most of the space from that folder20:25
watermarkWhere's the dislike button?  Dislike the floodbot question thing20:26
quanthello, after intalling Ubuntu 11.04, I get "autochk not found" when i try to boot into Vista and the machine restarts, any help, please?20:28
urlin2uquant, I think that is a vista problem, did you install Ubuntu without resizing Vista first?20:29
quanturlin2u, yes, it happens now after I've reinstalled Ubuntu20:30
oldschoolhi does anyone here know how would i down grade from ubuntu desktop 10.04 to ubuntu desktop 8.4 useing the terminal20:30
quanturlin2u, I didn't resize anything20:30
quantoldschool, you can't20:30
urlin2uquant, you had a unallocated area for Ubuntu?20:30
quanturlin2u, I had an ext4 partiton20:30
SIFTUgucko: try "tar cvf - name | gzip > name.tar.gz"20:31
SIFTUgucko: you will still need space as it does delete the original20:31
urlin2uquant, so vista choice is going back ti the grub menu?20:31
quanturlin2u, yes20:31
oldschoolok thanks quant is there anyway of doing a fresh install of ubuntu desktop useing the terminal20:32
urlin2uquant, I woluld try a sudo update-grub in ubuntu, if that doesn't work a chkdsk in vista using a recovery or istall to get to the repair console.20:32
quanturlin2u, ok, ty20:33
guntbert!alternate | oldschool20:33
ubottuoldschool: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal20:33
urlin2uquant, did you remove any vista partitions?20:33
oldschoolquant this is the os of my server i cant use a live cd20:34
quanturlin2u, no20:34
quantthe funny thing is that the first partion appears as Linux instead of NTFS in fdisk -l (http://paste.ubuntu.com/695829/)20:35
quantoldschool, you want to install ubuntu from within ubuntu? I don't understand what you're trying to do20:35
urlin2uquant, cool check that the bootflag is on the right partition for vista with gparted in Ubutu, as well20:35
tsaknorrisi had this problem maybe 1 year ago. i dont anymore remember the solution. USB-hard drive is read only mode!?!?  it was easy maybe i have to just mount it with other filesystem hmm....20:35
quanturlin2u, I've tried the boot flag on both my windows and ubuntu partition an no difference... where should the boot flag actually be?20:36
rypervenchetsaknorris: How did you mount the drive?20:36
allowoverrideneed a little help, here is the error message when apt-get installing samba...  http://pastebin.com/f1fC3C1b20:36
tsaknorrisrypervenche, automatic, i just plug it in20:36
urlin2utsaknorris, you can open nautilus in root gksudo nautlus and change the permission i=on the usb20:36
oldschoolquant am trying to go back to unbuntu desktop 8.4 installing it from the terminal20:37
urlin2ugksudo nautilus*20:37
jriboldschool: ubuntu desktop 8.04 is very old and no longer supported20:37
urlin2uquant, without seeing the boot script I don't kmow not on ubuntu that is for sure.20:37
zykotick9oldschool, why do you want to go back to 8.04?20:38
oldschooljrid i know but i need to install it on to my server20:38
quantany idea why is my windows partition showing as linux in fdisk -l?20:38
jriboldschool: why?  Use a supported release.20:38
urlin2uquant, http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/20:38
tsaknorrisurlin2u,  this happened to my friends APPLE :P and now im at home but i was just thinkin because i had same kind of issue. i think it will work if you do mount -t vfat /dev/foo /Volume/bar20:38
tsaknorrisfunny was that when i did ls -al i got r,w and x permissions20:39
oldschooljrid its the only one that run well on my old server20:39
urlin2uquant, did you over write it?20:39
quanturlin2u, no20:39
quanturlin2u, just installed ubuntu instead of debian20:39
oldschoolis there a way to do it useing the terminal20:40
=== gucko_ is now known as gucko
urlin2uquant, sonds like you did, t wont boot and fdisk -l shows it as linux20:40
quanturlin2u, it mounts perfectly fine in ubuntu and works fine... as ntfs20:40
quanturlin2u, I can access all the files20:40
urlin2uquant, run the bootscript and pastebin the RSULTS.txt20:40
scales11Hello all, I am pulling my hair out trying to get my ubuntu 10.10 server to connect to a ms sql database with FreeTDS driver.  Does anyone by chance have and experience with this?20:41
quanturlin2u, ok, a sec, trying something...20:41
tensorpuddingscales11: might be worth taking to any freetds forums that exist20:42
allowoverrideneed a little help, here is the error message when apt-get installing samba...  http://pastebin.com/f1fC3C1b20:43
vbajpaiI am running a ubuntu VM as a development env. which is quite old (hardy heron). I just installed hg; but it's at v0.8.5. What would be the way to get recent debs for this version of ubuntu?20:43
scales11tensorpudding: i am looking through the ubuntu ones now, i cannot get tsql -S server.domain.com -U username to work, i keep getting "Msg 20009,...unable to connect: Adaptive server is unavailable or does not exist"20:44
zykotick9allowoverride, it looks like you "trunc'd" off the actual error messages20:44
allowoverridelemme check20:45
allowoverrideok, http://pastebin.com/Z8yWsSPf updated full message20:46
zykotick9allowoverride, can you currently run "sudo apt-get -f install" successfully?20:46
allowoverrideno, not -f20:46
allowoverridejust apt-get install20:46
allowoverrideshall i retry with -f ?20:46
allowoverridesame result...20:46
zykotick9allowoverride, The error output suggests you try "sudo cp /usr/share/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf" then "sudo dpkg --configure -a".  Have you?20:47
allowoverrideill try20:47
zykotick9allowoverride, -f is for fix, "sudo apt-get -f install" is a general/non-specific attempt to fix broken installations20:48
lukez_!pm Logan20:49
allowoverridezykotick9: okie, that worked, no -f, installed, it was smb.conf missing from /etc/samba, interesting. thanks20:50
zykotick9!pm > lukez you need to use a | or > to send bot messages20:50
ubottuzykotick9: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:50
aj00200What do I need to do to allow me to run wireshark from a non-root account?20:50
petesterhey, can anybody reccomend a terminal based web browser?20:50
allowoverridei would think it would insert that conf, apparently not20:50
aj00200petester: lynx or links220:50
petestercool thanks aj0020020:50
allowoverridewhats the quick way after installing of course, to get EFS running on ubuntu server? cmds thanks!20:50
htlmHi yall20:51
coilbuckerI've somehow ruined my ubuntu installation. How do I reinstall it without deleting vista?20:51
aj00200coilbucker: you will probably need to use the advanced install mode to overwrite your ubuntu partition20:52
zykotick9coilbucker, how did you install ubuntu?  Did you using Wubi (the install, inside windows) or a physical dual-boot with separate partitions?20:52
KM0201coilbucker: thats correct, (what aj00200 said)20:52
* KM0201 always forgets bout wubi-voodoo20:52
coilbuckerBy advanced install mode, do you mean the text based one?20:53
aj00200coilbucker: no, there is a gui but you will need to identify the hard drive partition20:53
htlmcoilbucker how did you install it?20:53
reachingperfectihey all , only when query can i expect to see gnome 3 on ubuntu 11.1020:53
tsaknorrisurlin2u, other option is ofcourse that MAC:s kernel doesnt even support -t vfat filesystem :D well next time ;)20:54
coilbuckerOh, I made a dual boot.20:54
KM0201reachingperfecti: probably november20:54
nac-godfatheranyone know how I can copy over large files (5GB+) to my external hd without running into the error, file too large, etc.20:54
zykotick9nac-godfather, don't use fat as the file system20:54
adminzbigniewThe question is Ubuntu or Windows 7 ?20:54
KM0201adminzbigniew: i guess that depends on what you need to do... for me, it's a no brainer.(not necessarily ubuntu, but Linux)20:55
reachingperfecti<KM0201>  i think 11.10 is on unity again20:55
KM0201reachingperfecti: it will have a working gnome 3 in the repos however20:55
htlm adminzbigmore for what purpose?20:56
adminzbigniewNew question Ubuntu or Kubuntu ?20:57
guntbertadminzbigniew: in any case the questions are not on topic for a support channel20:58
hypertyperis there a way I can navigate nautilus back / forward with my mouse button? I know I can change the keyboard shortcuts but not to the mouse buttons... (ubuntu 10.10)20:59
htlm coilbucker  then get    ubcd  which saved my butt and a few hundreds dollars  it as a few hundred apps for , testing, probing , and fixing till your little hearts content .... Well get it and then go to live mode and delete it, that simple...21:01
David__Hi all, wonder if anyone knows about a problem getting to [eu-west-1.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com], I'm getting apt-get timeouts from an ubuntu server in the EU when it tries to access that server.21:02
IUChi jerome21:03
htlm coilbucker    heres the link21:05
VampsDaBeasthey guys, is it possible to run Gnome without Compiz?21:05
vbajpaiI am running hardy heron, I want to install the latest python and mercurial versions. What is the best way to do it?21:06
edinnyCant print to my Lexmark T630 from 11.04 on my 64 big machine.  Worked fine with my last version.  Set it to print via an older machine, but a pain nevertheless21:06
trismVampsDaBeast: select the (no effects) desktop when you log in, it will use metacity (or if this is a version older than 11.04, set visual effects to none in the appearance settings)21:07
zykotick9VampsDaBeast, alt+f2 then run "metacity --replace" should turn compiz off.21:07
David__Does anyone know of a way to force the apt utility to fetch data from the US servers? They all work from a box in the US, but my EU box gets timeouts when it accesses a different server in that region.21:08
ochristiDoes not synpatics offer to select which servers to load from?21:08
urlin2uDavid__, change the mirror in software sources21:08
David__I didn't understand the "synpatics" reference.21:09
htlm edinny good luck  I hate 11.04 cox of all that extra work thats not needed21:09
David__and urlin2u, how do I access "software sources" I'm not following 100% yet..21:09
rajvihi all ;)21:09
VampsDaBeasttrism, i'm running 11.04, I'm tryin to figure out why after a patch to Hero's Of Newerth all i get is a black screen.. forums suggest disabling Compiz.. but after just tryin.. it didnt work21:10
htlmHi rajvi21:11
urlin2uDavid__, in synaptic-settings-repositories-downpoad from21:11
Lorenzohello all21:11
Lartehey all21:12
David__Can you help me understand what synaptic is? I'm only so-so on linux administration21:12
KM0201!synaptic | David__21:12
ubottuDavid__: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto21:12
=== jrib is now known as Guest75052
David__ah yep, just pulled that up21:12
htlmLarte hi all21:12
LarteHow do I reinstall my ubuntu on a laptop easiest? I dont want to save any of the files on the laptop?21:12
David__thanks, I'll go through it, looks like what I needed, I appreciate it!21:12
* KM0201 thinks Guest75052 is sneaky.21:12
LorenzoI need quick help on a ubuntu server (I messed up...)21:12
yeatsDavid__: synaptic does the same thing as the Ubuntu Software Center - just a different interface21:12
RicardoMontalban...For some reason Ubantu has stopped recognizing my CRT and now it just says Unknown and it's stuck at 1024x768 at 60Hz (this is a CRT so imagine how annoying that must be on your eyes)... and i'm using an 82845GL and scrolling and moving windows is pretty laggy and its annoying21:12
al_nz1morning all21:12
KM0201yeats: that and synaptic doesn't suck.21:13
al_nz1how do you start the http daemon in ubuntu, or at leats check its running?21:13
KM0201Lorenzo: what did you do to server? (you might try asking in ubuntu-server)21:13
David__I see, so no apt-get's and the like...21:13
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yeatsKM0201: heh ;-)21:13
David__Oh, but this is a command line server21:13
David__no UI...21:13
jribno, just a stupid client21:13
LarteHow do I reinstall my ubuntu on a laptop easiest? I dont want to save any of the files on the laptop?21:13
yeatsDavid__: ah - then...21:13
KM0201jrib: :)21:13
mkanyicyal_nz1: sudo service apache restart21:13
yeats!aptitude | David__21:13
ubottuDavid__: aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. Like other APT front-ends, it can install/remove packages and their dependencies. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide21:13
KM0201David__: then you'll need to use apt-get or aptitude21:13
mkanyicyal_nz1: sudo service apache2 restart21:14
lamefunwhat libs I should install to cross-compile x86_64 -> x86?21:14
David__changing the mirror on apt-get is my goal now I think, but never done anything like that before21:14
LorenzoI've make an error on a script: chown -R lorenzo:lorenzo /*21:14
htlmRicardoMontalban I'M guessing unity try to play with it to get it to work21:14
yeatsDavid__: aptitude is somewhere between the CLI and GUI, so it might be a good optoin21:14
al_nz1mkanyicy: that worked (apache2)21:14
KM0201Lorenzo: owned21:14
RicardoMontalbanhtlm, i'm using Gnome because I hate Unity and it says i dont have the hardware for it21:15
David__I'll play with aptitude, I have always used apt-get to build the server21:15
mkanyicy!yay | al_nz121:15
ubottual_nz1: Glad you made it! :-)21:15
KM0201Lorenzo: that is gonna be a ery very very tough one to undo21:15
al_nz1ubottu: yeah, this software needs a http daemon, it talks about service httpd , but i guess apache will do?21:15
ubottual_nz1: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:15
plouffe_Larte, you can overwrite the old install21:15
yeatsDavid__: in that case, pick a URL from https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors and substitute it for the one in /etc/apt/sources.list21:15
LorenzoI stopped it as soon as I realized... it has changed permission on bin boot dev etc home lib21:16
David__aha, sources.list, I just saw that in some doc... ok, I'll look at that, sounds promising. Thanks yeats21:16
plouffe_just go through the normal install and select the partition it's on21:16
KM0201Lorenzo: yeah, it's probably gonna be a lot easier to reinstall.. sorry.. be a bit mroe careful next time21:16
mkanyicyal_nz1: ubbotu is not a person21:17
Larteplouffe_ ok so I just download the install.iso and run it again?21:17
laananCan someone explain to me where programs should be installed (if I don't use apt-get, for instance)? Like, say a word processor or a game or something? (I am a recent Windows convert)...21:17
plouffe_Larte, yea21:17
edbianlaanan: /usr/local/bin/21:17
yeatsLorenzo: just think of it as another lesson in why people warn you to be careful as root ;-)21:17
plouffe_Larte, burn it to a disk, then boot from CD21:17
edbianlaanan: or /opt  (but I've never used that)21:17
Larteplouffe_ okeyokey thanks21:18
edbianlaanan: Also you could put it in /home/<you>/bin but then only you can run it21:18
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Lorenzothe script has a $variable got blank....21:18
mkanyicylaanan: use /usr/local/bin21:18
KM0201Lorenzo: like i said, be more careful next time, this will be a good learning experience for you21:18
hypertyperwhat's my best bet for finding out about ubuntu one sync status? I've tried installing an applet but can't figure out how to install it :| Can't find anything useful on googl21:19
KrenairWhat are GCC's 32-bit development libraries called in the package manager?21:19
Lorenzochown root isn't a good idea isn't it ?21:19
yeatsLorenzo: no - there are many files that should not be owned by root21:20
Lorenzoyes... I imagine... service users ?21:20
yeatsLorenzo: exactly21:21
laananedbian, mkanyicy thanks21:21
LorenzoI've not yet restarted the server: how many probs to not booting at all ?21:22
NathanWWI have some questions about Clusters as i'm looking at building one for the fun of it. however throught all my research ive not been able to get some simple questions answerd is there anyone around that knows some about clusters? and debian? and that would perhaps have a few min to spare and maby get me looking in the right directions.21:22
NathanWWnot debian sorry i mean ubuntu21:22
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japroso i'm in the process of setting up stuff on my new 64bit ubuntu and when trying to restart i get a lot of "tainted shutdown" or similar21:22
yeatsNathanWW: why don't you just ask your question(s)?21:22
yeatsNathanWW: someone may know - if not here, probably in #ubuntu-server21:23
edbianlaanan: sure21:23
RicardoMontalbanthis is so annoying, i cant figure out why my monitor is suddenly not detected and its just stuck at 1024x768 @ 60Hz21:24
RicardoMontalbanit used to list my monitor's name in gnome monitor settings21:24
LorenzoKM201: if I reboot it's dead ?21:25
misterbotI am running Ubuntu under a virtual machine (Parallels).  Moving away from Ubuntu (and back) will sometimes kill gnome window boarder (e.g., with window re-sizing).  Is there a way to respawn gnome without loosing my login session?21:27
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coilbuckerThe live usb works and I've got a functioning ubuntu desktop. What do I do to the partitions again?21:29
hellfirexIf im here looking to join one of the art projects who do i talk to?21:34
rhin0anyone know what to do to get ubuntu 10.10 to install on a dell inspiron m5010 -- there is an obvious problem (something to do with "acpi = off"?) ...21:34
bittyx-laptophi guys! i have two servers that i can access with ftp. one is a game server and the other is a web server. now, i need to set up a cron job that connects to the game server, finds the logs directory, and copies any new log files to a path on the web server, again, through ftp. is there some application that can already do this?21:34
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alkafoohellfirex: someone involved with one of the art projects21:34
alkafoorhin0: what's the problem?21:35
edbianbittyx-laptop: What is a game server?21:35
yeatshellfirex: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork?action=show&redirect=ArtworkTeam21:35
hellfirex@alkafoo i was in that channel i no one answered21:35
edbianbittyx-laptop: This doesn't make sense for many reasons.  For example, you cannot automatically log in to things, you'd have to type your password.21:35
rhin0it doesn't install on an inspiron m5010 straight away -- somebody sai dit does if acpi = off but I can't even get to a prompt21:35
rhin0i'm just being lazy should investigate ... just thought someone would know21:35
alkafoobittyx-laptop: so what's the problem?21:36
alkafooedbian: of course you can21:36
yeatsbittyx-laptop: you could set up NFS and rsync21:36
edbianalkafoo: how?21:36
alkafoorhin0: what does it do?21:36
rhin0just a black screen after initial purple loading screen21:36
alkafooedbian: all sorts of ways21:36
edbianalkafoo: such as?21:36
alkafoorhin0: can you hear the install disc spinning21:36
alkafooedbian: keys21:37
coilbuckerI've got the installer up in the live usb. How do I reinstall the os without accidentally erasing vista?21:37
rhin0it does spin because it begins to boot21:37
hellfirexthank you21:37
alkafoorhin0: does it keep spinning?21:37
edbianalkafoo: good point21:37
alkafoocoilbucker: ...reinstall?21:37
rhin0no idea21:37
hellfirexthis the answer and questions channel?21:37
alkafoohellfirex: sure21:37
rhin0i'll stick around keep trying it alkafoo21:37
coilbuckerReinstall. I've screwed up my ubuntu desktop somehow and now it won't boot correctly.21:37
zykotick9rhin0, if you use ati/nvidia check "/msg ubottu nomodeset"21:37
alkafoohellfirex: finding a mailing list or list of project members might be more helpful to you21:37
bittyx-laptopedbian: sorry, i wasn't clear enough. basically, i have two remote servers that i can log into via FTP. i'd like to sync them, copying anything new that appears on one server (in a particular path of course) to a place on the second server.21:37
edbianbittyx-laptop: can you ssh into them?21:38
hellfirexis the fix for 11.04 on a 1311 braodcom card out?21:38
alkafoorhin0: check the BIOS, see if there are any SATA compatibility modes you can toggle21:38
bittyx-laptopalkafoo: i don't really have a problem - i just don't know which program i would use for that21:38
alkafoocoilbucker: what happens when you try to boot it?21:38
bittyx-laptopyeats: i've heard of rsync - what is NFS?21:38
rhin0if the disk has stopped spinning alkafoo -- that could be what it is?21:38
yeats!nfs | bittyx-laptop21:38
ubottubittyx-laptop: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.21:38
alkafoobittyx-laptop: any easily scriptable ftp client, or rsync, or scp21:38
rhin0i've tried from a USB key -- the same happens alkafoo21:38
bittyx-laptopedbian: i don't have ssh access, but i have ftp access21:38
coilbuckerThe unity desktop lets me log in, but gets several errors like the text when you mouse over things doesn't disappear.21:38
rhin0so it's not disk alkafoo21:38
alkafoorhin0: I've had a problem before where the CD drive wouldn't spin because of a BIOS option yes21:39
edbianbittyx-laptop: do you have ftp access to the log files you wanna move / copy ?21:39
alkafoorhin0: if it turns out that's what it is, and if you'r dual booting Windows, remember to toggle it back before booting Windows21:39
bittyx-laptopalkafoo: well that's what i'm looking for - can you recommend an easily scriptable ftp client?21:39
rhin0ask I said alkafoo -- usb key also freezes21:39
zykotick9!nomodeset | rhin021:39
ubotturhin0: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter21:39
alkafoobittyx-laptop: lftp maybe?21:39
bittyx-laptopedbian: yes21:39
rhin0how can I get kernel boot parameters when it doesn't even let me in21:39
alkafoobittyx-laptop: all the ones other than ordinary 'ftp' are pretty advanced, IRC21:39
alkafoobittyx-laptop: but I'd use scp21:39
bittyx-laptopalkafoo: i'll check it out, as well as the other things you've mentioned21:40
edbianbittyx-laptop: then I it should be possible.  I'm not aware of anything that does it automatically but something could easily be built (using bash or python or something)21:40
bittyx-laptopalkafoo: i'd prefer something i could run as a cron job, say, every 3 hours21:40
yeatsbittyx-laptop: try to get SSH access going - it would ease your issue21:40
rhin0alkafoo - how can I get kernel boot parameters when it doesn't even let me in21:40
alkafoobittyx-laptop: you can run anything as a cronjob, including an scp transfer21:40
alkafoorhin0: you'd need the GRUB menu screen21:40
bittyx-laptopyeats: well that would be nice, but both servers are on hosting plans that don't allow ssh21:40
yeatsbittyx-laptop: yikes21:40
rhin0yes but - alkafoo the grub menu you don't get when you boot from the live cd/usb21:41
bittyx-laptopbasically, i'd run a process on my own server that sort of "connects" the two remote servers21:41
bittyx-laptopi'm just not sure how to google that21:41
alkafoorhin0: not even when holding SHIFT during bootup?21:41
rhin0ah -- shift -- didn't know this alkafoo21:41
alkafoorhin0: you're just trying to install Ubuntu, right?  For a dual boot or just Ubuntu alone?21:42
zykotick9alkafoo, that doesn't apply for livecd/usb - that's for grub.  it's press any button at the first GUI screen (with the stick man)21:42
rhin0ubuntu alone21:42
davydewich one is better to run xp in ubuntu? wmware virtual box or qemu?21:43
userI purchased a new battery for my laptop and it's oly charging to 60% so ubuntu says21:43
edbianuser: yeah, batteries suck don't they?21:43
alkafoozykotick9: you mean it doesn't do that for GRUB for the live images?21:44
useri just tried to run off battery and it died after 40 secs21:44
alkafoodavyde: kvm is the best, then VirtualBox21:44
userIs there any calibration?21:44
zykotick9davyde, vmware = nonfree, virtualbox is good for desktop stuff, qemu/kvm for server or cpu intensive stuff21:44
alkafoodavyde: or if you require seamless mode, VirtualBox might be the best21:44
edbianuser: batteries just do that.  Over time they hold less and less of their charge21:44
zykotick9alkafoo, livemedia doesn't use grub actually21:44
alkafoowhat's it use?21:44
useredbian: it's new21:44
yeatsdavyde: I'd go with VirtualBox, myself21:45
edbianuser: then there might be some calibration as well21:45
davydealkafoo, i want only try something on xp without reboot21:45
zykotick9alkafoo, not sure21:45
zelluzhi, I have made a bootable usb disk of ubuntu 11.04 64bit version as described on the ubuntu site, I try to restart my mac with osx installed, with alt button(tried also with c), but it will not find my usb... any tips? Been on this for the last 5 hours!21:45
alkafoozykotick9: ...right21:45
useredbian: any idea where?21:45
davydecan i put the virtualmachine on other partition?21:45
zykotick9alkafoo, isolinux maybe?21:45
zelluzosx lion*21:45
alkafoodavyde: like I said, kvm is the best, but egrep 'svm|vmx' /proc/cpuinfo has to report something for you to be able to use it21:45
edbianuser: I'm guessing the system does it automatically so if you fully charge and discharge it should get better at guessing21:46
alkafoodavyde: VirtualBox is the "simplest", and has a cute feature called seamless mode you might like21:46
alkafoodavyde: the others really aren't worth your time outside of extremely special situations21:46
zykotick9davyde, kvm is non-trivial to use compared to VBox.  I'm not a fan of the libvirt addition, but ymmv21:46
useredbian: thats what i thought. i did just that last night.21:46
* yeats agrees with alkafoo and zykotick9 21:47
userit worked longer last night.21:47
edbianuser: I'm not sure then.  Is it saying that the battery only holds 60% of it's charge?21:47
user2 hours21:47
userWell it did last night now it says 100% but died after 40 sec.21:47
edbianuser: the battery died after 40 seconds?21:47
useroh wait, i got some strange stats21:48
usertime till full: 021:48
usertime till empty: 021:48
userpercentage: 0.0%21:48
userCapacity: 100%21:48
userrate 0.0w21:49
edbianuser: It doesn't know what's up21:49
edbianuser: or the battery is ruined / disconnected21:49
hypertyperI have ubuntu one and dropbox installed on two machines and it seems uOne hasn't noticed a change by the time dropbox has already enforced it on the other. Is dropbox just faster?21:50
useredbian: i did think of it being ruined. Disconnected is not possable..21:50
rhin0alkafoo: got it going pci=noacpi -- whats that?  (pls)21:50
useredbain: thanks..21:50
japrowhat package contains libGL?21:50
edbianuser: sorry man!21:51
japroi tried libgl1-mesa-dev but it doesnt solve my compilation problem21:51
alkafoorhin0: voodoo21:52
alkafoorhin0: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Configuration_and_Power_Interface21:52
userebian: just been looking online and it's what we said, to run down complete and charge up... I'll try again tonight..21:54
nomadicus_Hello I am trying to install Ubuntu 10.04 onto a HP Mini 1030nr and during the install the screen glitches and the process freezes.  What causes this and how can I cure it?21:55
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|Slacker|nomadicus_: have you tried 11.04?21:56
|Slacker|maybe it's a driver issue21:56
rachonomadicus_, also md5 checksum the image file and check there are now errors with the cd (if installing from a cd)21:58
RadarGhello I need some help, I need to be able to search for all files belonging  to user and copy them to another directory21:59
RadarGI figure grep can do it but I dont have the command right21:59
phassberHello! I need a bluetooth USB something for my XMBC setup.. can someone recommend som hw which is known to work22:02
genii-aroundWhat sort of "something" is it supposed to be?22:03
qinphassber: man find; find . -user username -exec cp {} /some/where/ \;22:05
SIFTUphassber: that doesnt make sense.. as genii-around said.. what is the something you need22:05
qinRadarG: ^^^ (wrong nick, sorry)22:06
phassberSIFTU: what do you call it bluetooth interface?!22:07
alkafooyou can get an expensive one from bestbuy etc.22:08
SIFTUphassber: remote.. transmitter?22:08
alkafooor wait for a really cheap, potentially crappier one from dealextreme.com22:08
phassberSIFTU: reciever ;D22:09
alkafooexpensive being around $3022:09
phassberSIFTU: Ill use my wii remote but need  some bluetooth card or some such to connect to my xbmc22:10
a4_So with Ubuntu (Natty) many common applications are only updated upon each new release and ONLY at each release even though the program itself has since updated. How do I bypass this and update the program?22:10
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alkafoophassber: go to computer/office supply store, buy USB bluetooth dongle, done22:11
SIFTUphassber: http://global.ebay.com/BLUETOOTH-USB-DONGLE-LINUXWINDOWSMAC-SUPPORT/180718765461/item22:12
phassberalkafoo: ye that was my question for recomendations22:12
phassberdongle was apparantly the word i was looking for22:12
MeanEYEOh, this channel is unexpectedly quiet.22:14
alkafoophassber: you might make sure it supports a2dp if you want to use "high quality" audio with any wireless devices, but other than that they don't vary much in quality22:14
iceroot!backports | a422:14
ubottua4: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging22:14
MeanEYEI guess it's only before the storm which will come with 11.1022:14
phassberalkafoo: cheers22:14
alkafooalkafoo: what bestbuy has (they have no selection last I checked, just rocketfish) will do fine22:15
alkafoophassber: most of the ultra-cheap ones you can get online will also do fine, you just have to wait for them22:15
alkafooreally better if you need a bunch of them22:15
phassberthanks really very much appreciated22:15
rycarhow do I change the order of the icons in my dock?22:16
a4iceroot is there any REAL danger to running backports?22:16
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alkafoorycar: did you try click-and-dragging?22:17
rwwa4: sure. they don't get tested anywhere near as much as normal updates, and if they break things they're not supported in here.22:17
rycaralkafoo: yes, but that makes all of the icons scroll together instead of changing order22:17
rwwat least, I don't think they are :\22:17
MeanEYErycar: You need to drag icon off the launcher and then drag it where you want it.22:17
rycarMeanEYE, THANK YOU SO MUCH!22:18
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MeanEYErycar: Don't mention it :)22:18
a4rww in all likely hood wouldnt it just make the app itself unstable? say if im using a backport version of VLC media player... its not gonna crash ubuntu is it?22:18
rwwa4: I'd highly doubt it, but anything's possible.22:18
japrowhat am i doing wrong, i'm tryint to compile something but always get "cannot find -lGL" but i definitely install libgl1-mesa-dev22:18
MeanEYEa4: If you are using older libs than app needs application is not going to start. If you have newer libs, they usually keep backward compatibility.22:19
alkafoojapro: why're you compiling something22:19
japrobecause i'm programming something :D22:19
japroacutally i just try to setup my cuda environment on my new machine22:19
japrobut i can't get the samples to compile22:20
coilbuckerKM0201: just saying thanks for getting my install working. Aside from grub getting the names of my vista partition and recovery partition mixed up, everything works great.22:21
MeanEYEjapro: http://www.stealthcopter.com/blog/2010/02/compiling-and-running-cuda-2-3-sdk-and-toolkit-on-ubuntu-9-10-x64-64-bit/#comment-424222:21
KM0201coilbucker: hmm, not sure why it would have done that, but glad all is resolved22:21
MeanEYEjapro: It's an old post but might help you.22:21
coilbuckerI can probably fix that by switching some names in a text file or something. At least I have a working linux desktop now.22:22
MeanEYEjapro: This is a bit more extensive post: http://forums.nvidia.com/index.php?showtopic=17159022:22
KM0201coilbucker: yeah, it should be easy enought o modify, or.. don't risk bricking it, and leave well enough alone22:22
coilbuckerWill probably just leave it. Either way, thanks.22:23
latexHelpHow can I remove "???" -file?22:24
MeanEYElatexHelp: Where did you see it?22:24
MeanEYElatexHelp: and from which application?22:24
latexHelpnonsense, I created it myself22:24
SIFTUlatexHelp: lol, delete the inode22:25
latexHelp"?" is a special character, I need to somehow remove the file22:25
MeanEYElatexHelp: Either remove inode like SIFTU said, or try from terminal by escaping characters.22:25
alkafoorm \?TAB, or rm "???"22:25
SIFTUlatexHelp: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/delete-remove-files-with-inode-number.html22:25
nomadicus__What are some possible causes and solutions for correction the boot problem: " Unavle to mount / "?22:26
alkafoo1) kicking it22:26
MeanEYEnomadicus__: Did you change hard drives, cables or anything? That can be a problem. Also if you changed fstab, that can be too.22:27
latexHelpSIFTU: thank you, worked.22:28
japrohmm, libGL.so is in lib3222:29
japrocan i just link against that?22:29
SIFTUlatexHelp: np.. I once had a kind someone who uploaded a bunch of undeletable files to an ftp server and had to use that method22:29
japroor was it a mistake to have the driver installer install "32bit compatibility"-thingy?22:29
MeanEYEjapro: You have 64bit system?22:30
japroMeanEYE, yup22:31
TechnicusMeanEYE; There were no hard drive changes.22:31
MeanEYEjapro: and you are trying to compile 32bit examples?22:31
wolfe213Just installed ubuntu natty, how do I get my home and trash icons on my desktop?22:32
japroMeanEYE, uhm, i don't think so, its the cuda toolkit and i downloaded the 64bit version22:32
coz_wolfe213,  not sure that you can but hold on22:32
japroi think it's the other way around libGL is only present in lib32 and the linker doesn't find a libGL when i just hit make22:33
wolfe213well you def can, cause every other distro that uses gnome works that way.. heh.. I could make shortcuts or links but rather it just be the normal icons22:33
MeanEYETechnicus: fstab changes maybe?22:33
coz_wolfe213,   open gconf-editor... maneuver to apps/nautilus/desktop and see if you can enable them from there,, I have not tried but that is where you can do it if it works22:33
SmoziousHey guys, should I keep a RAID 1 setup in BIOS or setup RAID 1 in Ubuntu?22:34
SmoziousRight now I am unable to detect my raid 1 hard drives in Ubuntu with them set up with BIOS22:34
MonkeyDustwolfe213: control center > desktop settings22:34
SIFTUSmozious: ubuntu22:34
MeanEYEjapro: That doesn't make sense.22:35
SmoziousUbuntu 11.04 sorry22:35
RadarGdoes anyone know the proper syntax to search  . for all files belonging tp a certain user and move them to a directory?22:35
SmoziousI currently have two 160GB sata drives22:35
japroMeanEYE, what part?22:35
MeanEYEjapro: That make doesn't detect 64bit libs.22:35
SmoziousI am doing a practice run on how to recover a raid 1 drive if it dies or gets disconnected22:35
SmoziousBut I cant even get the OS to install on them22:35
SIFTUSmozious: no setup software raid in ubuntu..  most MB RAIDS are software only anyway and are built for windowsdrivers. with the linux RAID 1 you can always get your raid back on another machi ne if your MB dies22:35
japroso what I did: remove ubuntus nvidia drivers, install cuda development drivers (64bit), install cuda tools (64bit), install cuda sdk samples (generic version)22:36
SmoziousOkay, so if one of the hard drive goes down, can it just be unplugged and the other one boots like normal?22:36
japroand now i can't compiler because it doesn't find libGL22:36
MeanEYEjapro: Hm, you have propriatary drivers?22:36
SIFTUSmozious: well yes and no :).. if you have grub installed on both :)22:37
SmoziousBut they are mirrored...22:37
japroMeanEYE, i need to for cuda22:37
SIFTUSmozious: by the partitions.. the MBR isnt22:37
SmoziousOh, why not?22:37
SIFTUits not in a partition22:37
SIFTUSmozious: but it's quite easy to install grub on both HDD's22:38
SmoziousI'm guessing it doesnt mirror Window's MBR either eh?22:38
MeanEYEjapro: Hm, sorry, I don't have that much experience. Did you take a look at that link I gave you?22:38
MeanEYEjapro: From nVidia forums22:38
japroyes, but it doesn't cover my problem22:38
SmoziousWhat do you need to do to install grubs on both HDDs?22:39
SIFTUSmozious: the windows mbr gets over written by grub, and grub boots both linux and win22:39
szaljapro: any specific reason to build the nVidia driver yourself?22:39
SmoziousThese hard drives are only going to have Linux on them, i was just asking if windows did that too for a future reference...22:39
japroszal, i need the cuda development drivers22:39
MeanEYESIFTU: win boot manager can boot linux (in theory) :D22:39
SIFTUMeanEYE: well never tried that.. you22:40
MeanEYESIFTU: just heard of it. I don't use windows for some time now. :) Nor do I plan on using it again.22:40
SmoziousOkay, do you have a recommended guide on setting RAID 1 up in Ubuntu then?22:40
MeanEYEjapro: sorry I can't be of more assistance. :(22:40
szalMeanEYE: the XP bootloader sure can (did that once w/ the W2k bootloader, which was the same)..  as for the Vista/Win7 bootloader, dunno22:40
japroMeanEYE, thx for trying :D22:41
KM0201Smozious:  a guide?.. don't think so.. but you'll probably need to use either the ubuntu-server cd, or the alt. cd.. i've set up a raid 1 w/ the server cd lots of times22:41
SmoziousSo you don't think the normal desktop version will work?22:41
KM0201Smozious: i'm almost certain of it (it might, but i don't think so)22:42
SIFTUSmozious: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID22:42
NathanWWdoes anyone know of a debian or ubuntu based LVM like whats being done at http://www.linuxvirtualserver.org?22:43
SmoziousThanks, can you give me a link to installing Grubs twice as well?22:43
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japrook it just got even more confusing, there are three versions of libGL.so in usr/lib22:43
japroone without number won with .1  and one with .270.41.19 (which is the driver version)22:44
DulcinSo, I'm wondering if I"m doing this right: If I want a group of people to have access to /var/www and be able to do anything in there, should I create a group for it, and chmod the www folder to 755 and everything in it to 775?22:44
japromaybe the makefile is broken and somhow messes with the lib path22:44
japroMeanEYE, szal, turns out libGL.so was a broken symbolic link -.-22:50
MeanEYEjapro: Heh, great. So much expertise and no one could have remembered that.22:51
sburwood1Is there a list of network devices (usb, pci, or pcie) that are "guaranteed" to work with Ubuntu, whether it be 32 or 64 bit22:51
sburwood1like there is with Sane for the scanners22:52
soreauoh yea.. make sure to check your libGL.so22:52
MeanEYEsburwood1: Ubuntu has a list of certified hardware. Most of drivers are in kernel so I hope they have a list too. :D22:52
sburwood1MeanEYE: I ask that question because I haven't yet found something to help me with the installation of a USB Wifi key from D-link22:53
MeanEYEsburwood1: Does `lsusb` command list it?22:53
Gneasburwood1: yes, there is22:54
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs22:54
Gneasburwood1: ^^^ look at that URL, there's a link to officially supported devices22:54
sburwood1%Octobre > >  > > 1 et 2 : retransmission de notre conférence générale > >  > > 8 : journée du Temple et de la famille > >  > > 9 : jour de jeûne et de témoignages (demander un jeûne spécial pour > > soeur JoséeMeanEYE : lsusb does, but something called iwlist scan doesn't find it22:54
szalsburwood1: ?22:55
sburwood1szal: What?22:55
MeanEYEsburwood1: And what `ifconfig -a` shows?22:55
szalsburwood1: what's that French stuff about?22:56
sburwood1szal: I messed up something.  A copy paste error22:56
=== ErikT is now known as Guest54
NathanWWdoes anyone know of a ubuntu based solution for this "Virtual server is a highly scalable and highly available server built on a cluster of real servers. The architecture of server cluster is fully transparent to end users, and the users interact with the cluster system as if it were only a single high-performance virtual server"22:59
sburwood1szal: I have something strange to say about the list of certified hardware from D-Link.  I have a DWA-135, but the CD that comes with it speaks of a DWA-123.  Neither are listed.22:59
NathanWWpoint me in the direction of somthing ubuntu based? or is linuxvirtualserver.org the only real option?23:00
isaacSome guy Mez long shot pinged me or something and I'm wondering how the hell he did that. Up top it said ~mez@ubuntu/member/mez so I came here23:00
isaacwat now?23:00
sburwood1MeanEYE: I did ifconfig without prefacing with sudo.  It came back with no reference to the Wifi key I have23:01
sburwood1MeanEYE: Which thing is the most interesting to look at, eth0, lo, or vboxnet 0?23:02
MeanEYEsburwood1: eth0 is you ethernet, vboxnet is virtual nat for vbox23:03
MeanEYEsburwood1: lo = loopback23:04
sburwood1MeanEYE: When I did  do lsusb, it came back with Bus 002 Device 004: ID 2001:3c17 D-Link Corp.23:05
sirninjaI'm buying a wireless card for my computer. If I get an intel one am I pretty saf with ubuntu compatibility?23:05
compaqgnome monitor preferences shows my monitor as unknown and it says 1024x768 at 0Hz.... what do I do? I use a 82845GL Intel integrated graphicz23:05
MeanEYEsirninja: Intel is one of Linux's biggest contributors, so I guess you are safe with that choice. I've never had anything Intel that didn't work.23:05
MeanEYEcompaq: Is everything working as expected?23:06
MeanEYEsburwood1: can you give me the exact model?23:06
compaqMeanEYE, yes but i want to use a resolution like 1280x96023:06
sburwood1MeanEYE: As far as I can tell (nothing is written on the key), it is a DWA-13523:06
MeanEYEcompaq: Do you have an option to switch to higher resolution?23:06
compaqalso my monitor shows it as 60Hz23:06
compaqMeanEYE, its stuck at 1024x768 and theres nothing else23:07
compaq60Hz is eye cancer pretty much23:07
szalon a CRT yes, on a flat panel not23:07
compaqi'm on a CRT23:07
MeanEYEsburwood1: Oh, that one... Did you try playing with ndiswrapper?23:07
compaqi'm so poor please kill me23:08
alkafoosirninja: http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Devices or ask ##hardware23:08
MeanEYEcompaq: You are confusing me, which monitor you want to configure?23:08
sburwood1MeanEYE: I know that it exists, but playing around with that, I haven't yet done23:08
compaqMeanEYE, http://i.snag.gy/ulmyQ.jpg i'm on a desktop with a CRT monitor and i see this23:08
sburwood1compaq: No, I won't kill you23:08
SIFTUcompaq: pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log also what graphics card are you running?23:09
freedom07compaq, what size CRT?23:09
MeanEYEsburwood1: I think that's the only way. I could be wrong but installing windows drivers for such poorly supported devices is th eonly way if you ask me.23:09
compaqfreedom07, 16'' HP 7650 CRT23:09
sburwood1MeanEYE: can you give me a crash course in playing with ndiswrapper?23:10
compaqSIFTU, 82845GL integrated Intel graphics.. http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/695891/23:10
sburwood1and installing windows drivers23:10
MeanEYEsburwood1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper23:10
MeanEYEThat should help.23:10
sburwood1MeanEYE: Can't hurt23:10
SIFTUcompaq: do you have a /etc/X11/xorg.conf?23:11
MeanEYEsburwood1: Well, ask someone else to confirm that I gave you the right link. Am not sure. Haven't played with ndis for some time now. ndisgtk comes preinstalled on Mint so I never had any problems with the installation itself but I never used windows drivers. Looks simple and easy to use.23:11
compaqSIFTU, no23:12
sburwood1MeanEYE: I am hesitant whenever someone tells me that something is easy23:12
SIFTUcompaq: you do have some badness happening in there :)23:12
MeanEYEsburwood1: I said it looks easy to use :D ... I can make it complicated for you if you wish :D23:13
compaqSIFTU, so i should make a config?23:14
SIFTUcompaq: can you paste the output of "lspci|grep VGA"23:15
compaqSIFTU, 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 01)23:15
SIFTUcompaq: and lately "uname -a"23:16
compaqLinux compaq-desktop 2.6.38-11-generic #50-Ubuntu SMP Mon Sep 12 21:18:14 UTC 2011 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux23:16
IamTryingWhen i  check gst-inspect Decklinksrc it says "No such element or plugin 'decklinksrc'". Which package i have to install?23:17
compaqSIFTU, highlightan you incase you didnt see my uname -a23:19
japroMeanEYE, yay, everything works now :D 750 gflops while running the nbody sample23:21
SIFTUcompaq: yeah i was looking at bugs23:21
MeanEYEjapro: Great. :D23:21
SIFTUcompaq: its like this https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+question/15511223:21
=== plamen is now known as pr0ggie
geth022Hi, i'm having some problems with my soundcard, specifically the output jack, can anyone help?23:26
whois1423just looking for someone to talk. anyone? im pretty bored23:27
bazhang!ot | whois142323:28
ubottuwhois1423: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:28
urlin2uwhois1423, #ubuntu-offtopic23:28
whois1423urlin2u, thanks, im new here23:29
alkafoogeth022: laptop?23:29
sirninjaI'm having difficulties with my current wireless card. It's detected fine and can list and connect to most networks, but can't connect to wpa enterprise. It's listed as an rt3092.23:29
urlin2uwhois1423, no problem, just giving you the place.23:29
geth022Hi, i'm having some problems with my soundcard, specifically the output jack, can anyone help?23:29
alkafoogeth022: laptop?23:29
geth022ohp, sorryk, yea23:29
alkafoogeth022: first go through alsamixer looking for muted channels, hit TAB if you run out of ones to check23:30
alkafoogeth022: then you'll want to look at laptop model values you can pass to alsa's config23:30
alkafooor go to linux-laptop.net and you might luck out and get exactly the info you need23:30
nac-godfathersirninja, is the wpa network unsecured, or using a wpa passphrase?23:31
ChaserWas trying to create usb startup disk on 10.04 and I get segmentation fault with usb-creator!23:31
geth022I guess i am not familiar with "laptop model values" and etc. :(23:31
sirninjanac-godfather: it's Wpa enterprise, with Protected EAP and MSCHAPv223:32
geth022i got to the alsamixer thing but i am not familiar with which channel i am looking fo23:32
alkafoogeth022: just look for ones that are muted or have low levels23:32
nac-godfatherif you have pulseaudio  installed, (probably), issue "/etc/init.d/pulseaudio restart23:33
nac-godfatherthen see if sound works23:33
alkafoogeth022: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting#Is_ALSA_using_the_correct_model.3F23:34
alkafooit's just his laptop headphone jack23:34
nac-godfatherany good movies I should check out tonight23:34
geth022alkafoo: so what i'm looking for is a set of levels that are below both the white AND the green? So like set to zero?23:34
JasonGriffeehas anyone gotten runescape to work in ubuntu?23:35
alkafoogeth022: you're trying to rule out ALSA being configured to have your output jack muted or with volume so low you don't hear it23:36
alkafoogeth022: but it's probably going to end up being a model/config issue23:36
nac-godfatheryeah, why don't you just test the sound properties.  Try alsa, pulse, etc.23:36
geth022 alkafoo: ok, i hear absolutely no sound, the thing is, prior to now there had been one time where it HAD given output to my speaker23:36
alkafooJasonGriffee: http://www.google.com/search?q=%22runescape%22%20site%3Aappdb.winehq.org23:36
nac-godfatheruntil you get one that works23:36
nac-godfatherspeaking of which, mine isn't at the moment ha23:37
alkafoogeth022: ...which was connected to your headphone out?23:37
nac-godfatherAnyone here got a multimedia plugin to work with firefox amd64?23:37
nac-godfatherlike vlc or gecko or mplayer23:37
geth022alkafoo: indeed23:37
cburgessAnyone have any expierience using preseed to customize the install process?23:37
JasonGriffeealkafoo: Seriously? Can't I use FF or chrome?23:38
alkafooJasonGriffee: what?23:38
MasterOfMinutiaGood day, folks.  I am attempting to alter my default TTL.  I have succeeded in changing /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_default_ttl via sysctl, and have verified that the change does in fact occur.  However, pinging google.com gives the same TTL back no matter what I set ip_default_ttl to.  I am connecting via wifi on a laptop.  Ideas?23:39
alkafoogeth022: check the connections, check with a different cable, check the speaker with a different output source23:39
JasonGriffeealkafoo: why can't i go native?23:39
alkafooJasonGriffee: oh it's Java =P23:40
IamTryingIn Ubuntu 10.04 and 11.04 i always get this, what i can do to fix it any idea? # gst-inspect decklinksrc No such element or plugin 'decklinksrc'23:40
alkafooJasonGriffee: if it's not working you probably need a different JRE/version23:40
JasonGriffeealkafoo: how?23:41
alkafoofind in your package manager, then install23:41
MasterOfMinutiaIamTrying:  Was that directed to me?23:41
h0piNetwork: WARN-Firewalled And Fast23:41
h0pihow can i solve this?23:41
wolfe213_how do I move my window controls to the right? whatever setting has them on the left is overriding all themes23:42
geth022alkafoo: the connections are fine as far as they can go, i checked it with my phone and ipod, both played,23:42
SIFTUJasonGriffee: you want sun-java probably23:43
alkafoogeth022: ok, maybe you updated some software23:43
KM0201wolfe213_: on 11.0423:44
JasonGriffeeSIFTU: software center?23:44
geth022alkafoo: what do you think i should do?23:45
IamTryingMasterOfMinutia: yes, how can i get this now?23:45
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wolfe213_KM0201: yes23:45
alkafoogeth022: I'd probably search 'laptop model here' + "jack" site:ubuntuforums.org first23:46
KM0201wolfe213_: this might work.. not sure..  http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/13535/move-window-buttons-back-to-the-right-in-ubuntu-10.04/23:46
urlin2uwolfe213_, gconf-editor23:46
wolfe213_see the wierd thing is this is the 2nd change I've made now in gconf-editor.. and I kept my home dir from debian so wth it even has these settings is confusing to me23:47
SIFTUJasonGriffee: try http://paste.ubuntu.com/695909/23:48
urlin2uwolfe213_, keeping the same home across distros is not really recomeneded.23:48
wolfe213_urlin2u: I replaced debian wheezy with 11.04 so I should have all these gnome settings already23:49
wolfe213_f'n with a users settings isn't recommended if you ask me.. heh23:49
urlin2uwolfe213_, keeping the same home across distros is not really recommended.23:49
KingsyI have some r01 r02 etc files.. I installed unrar-free on ubuntu, and when I run unrar on the rar file it says "failed"23:50
Kingsywhat have I missed? or failed to install?23:50
wolfe213_yeah well you're just being redundant and stupid now.. if you change os, the last thing you wanna do is delete /home which has all your personal data23:50
urlin2uwolfe213_, your not getting the obvious bro, and calling me stupid is justa aprojection of your own understanding.23:51
geth022alkafoo: you mean just typpe it in the search bar?23:51
MasterOfMinutiawolfe213_:  Back up your personal data then do a clean installation.  Not hard.23:52
alkafoogeth022: what's the laptop model?23:52
geth022Toshiba Satellite L655D23:52
SIFTUwolfe213_: all the dot files for the DE and WM will be int he home.. you could clear these out.. or rename the home dir and create a new user and copy accross the stuff you want23:52
alkafoogeth022: like this: http://www.google.com/search?q=%22l655d%22%20%22jack%22%20site%3Aubuntuforums.org23:52
wolfe213_w/e there is no need to erase or backup home.. worst case you just move it out of the way if there are issues23:52
petesterwin goto 123:52
wolfe213_at any rate its not an issue here.. so we can stop talking about it23:53
geth022alkafoo: sorry, i'm kind of an imbecile when it comes to Ubuntu23:53
angel56wolfe213_: I agree with SIFTU, just delete the hidden files and folders that contain the possible config issues23:53
computerxI have an entry, set via crontab -e, starting @reboot, but it's not running and I don't see any log entries about it...23:53
alkafoogeth022: just a general internet search tip23:53
wolfe213_everything works fine except for the fact that I have ubuntu default gnome configs and I'm trying to change that.. so my configs, your configs none of that matters23:53
Kingsyanyone? am I missing somethin?23:53
jribcomputerx: how are you determining that it is not running?23:53
alkafoogeth022: second link thread in results seems to have a solution for you, have fun23:54
geth022alkafoo: ohh, okay, i forgot how to do that with google :P23:54
Kingsyor could the rar just be corrupt?23:54
jrib!helpme | Kingsy23:54
ubottuKingsy: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude23:54
SIFTUcomputerx: that only gets run after a reboot.. not shutdown powerup23:54
alkafoowolfe213_: Debian and Ubuntu don't even use the same versions or configurations of GNOEM23:54
geth022alkafoo: kk, thanks dude!23:54
wolfe213_I got my desktop icons back, manually hacking gconf, fixed my panels.. last issue is the buttons on the wrong side of the window23:54
alkafooKingsy: unrar-free, while free, is occasionally inferior to the non-free version23:54
alkafoowolfe213_: I think you were already given a link for fixing that, no?23:55
Kingsyalkafoo: so should I just install unrar?23:55
alkafooKingsy: yeah23:55
wolfe213_indeed I was, and its not working so far23:55
computerxjrib: It's my own script, and it's not running :p23:55
alkafooKingsy: or whatever the proprietary package is called23:55
urlin2u!repeat | KingPin23:55
ubottuKingPin: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/23:55
petesterwin grow 323:55
alkafoowolfe213_: sudo workplz23:55
jribcomputerx: pastebin your crontab23:55
computerxSIFTU: Really? Then what about the command for start up?23:56
petestergod those forward slashes are killing me23:56
alkafooKingPin: people are a little bot happy in here, don't worry about it23:56
alkafoopetester: ?23:56
computerxjrib: No need, it's small: @reboot /home/computerx/to-encode/start-encoding23:56
SIFTUcomputerx: put the command in /etc/rc.local before the exit 023:56
jribcomputerx: pastebin your script23:56
JasonGriffeeSIFTU: it doesn't like the fist line23:56
wolfe213_ah it would seem I missed the menu: part23:57
alkafoowolfe213_: you misser you23:57
Kingsyalkafoo: thanks23:57
SIFTUJasonGriffee: hmm try without the quotes23:57
alkafooKingsy: working now?23:57
computerxjrib: Again, not neccessary, aside from some cd/rm/mv it's just: nohup php lampedEncoderDriver.php &23:57
jribcomputerx: you need a shebang23:58
wolfe213_now I am off to recompile hedgewars I guess.. since that too is broken now.. heh.23:58
jribcomputerx: and you probably need to provide full paths to the programs you call if they aren't in the PATH that cron uses23:58
=== Grrrant is now known as NimbleDonkey
Max229Silly question, but how do I erase the contents of a CD/DVD so that I can burn something on it again?23:58
computerxjrib: I do, #!/bin/bash, which is valid because until now I've used it directly. The path however, is a great idea. I'll add that in.23:58
jribcomputerx: and you need a space after 'cd'23:58
=== Lilarcor is now known as joutaro
SIFTUjrib: @reboot ONLY works after being issued a reboot.. if you shutdown and powerup.. it will not be run23:58
jribSIFTU: not true23:59
petester(5.5 * 1.004) E (24-38)23:59
computerxYeah, I doubted the restart thing tbh23:59
pnhay guys i am having a problem :: need python binding for libvte ?????23:59
bazhangpetester, stop that please23:59
pnwhat that means23:59
=== derp is now known as Trololololololol
SIFTUjrib: really?23:59
jribSIFTU: from crontab's man page: @reboot        Run once, at startup.23:59
=== Trololololololol is now known as Trololololololo
pnbeen looking in the synaptic no result23:59

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