
JamesTai1Happy Friday, everyone!08:31
=== JamesTai1 is now known as JamesTait
gatoxralsina, what happend? do you need me to do something?10:49
ralsinagatox: we are discussing it right now. No big deal, just changing a couple of colours :-)10:50
gatoxralsina, ok, let me know if i can do something....10:50
ralsinagatox: find out if your hotel has a free room? ;-)10:50
gatoxralsina, i've seen that anyone review my branches from yesterday :P10:50
gatoxralsina, let me ask in this one..... i'm staying at the one that is in front of the PyCon10:51
ralsinagatox: yes, sorry, I kinda-EOD'd at noon10:51
gatoxralsina, no problem!10:51
faganVery quiet in here13:11
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
jo-erlendhmm. Isn't u1 music store built into banshee?13:27
dobeyit is an extension, not built-in directly13:32
dobeyjo-erlend: are you using a clean install of yesterday's oneiric image?13:34
jo-erlenddobey, yup.13:34
jo-erlendthe day before, actually.13:34
dobeyjo-erlend: ubuntuone-installer installs it, but it should be installed by default again as well when new images show up on the server13:35
jo-erlendoh, ok.13:36
jo-erlendoh, I see. I just needed to restart it. :)13:37
jo-erlendoh, but there's no jamendo or magnatunes?13:51
dobeyi don't know13:54
dobeyit would appear banshee doesn't have them13:55
Chipacaakgraner: ping14:48
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
dobeylunch, bbiab16:14
akgranerChipaca, pong16:31
Chipacaakgraner: was going to ask you if you'd received my email. Sent it again just in case ;)16:32
akgraneryep got it - thank you so much16:32
Chipacaakgraner: feel free to ping me for clarifications or rewriting of any obscure parts16:32
Chipacaakgraner: reach me on gmail, jlenton@16:33
akgranerdid you send my a picture16:33
akgranerI'm not seeing it  - maybe I missed the attachment16:33
Chipacanot attached, i sent you a link16:33
Chipacaattachments are things that serve to make you look silly by forgetting them16:33
akgranerahhh ok16:35
akgranerwill format this weekend and followup with you on Monday should I need more info and just publish on Tuesday16:36
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
dobeyralsina: want to review some branches?18:45
ralsinadobey: nope, I am not working18:45
ralsinadobey: I can check them for you tonight maybe18:45
ralsinadobey: I am finishing slides for speaking in 30 minutes :-)18:45
dobeyralsina: am i th only person working today on my taem?18:45
ralsinadobey: yes you are18:46
ralsinadobey: how was standup? :-D18:46
dobeywas great18:46
ralsinadobey: I worked a few hours but very very early18:46
dobeywish it was like that every day :P18:46
dobeyi guess i'll review my own branches too18:46
ralsinadobey: mail me the MPs I will take a look in a few hours18:49
pythonsnakeDoes Ubuntu One publish or use or whatever my Full name ?19:18
beunopythonsnake, what do you mean?19:20
pythonsnakeIs it safe to put my real name ?19:21
beunopythonsnake, yes, we keep information private and it's not exposed publicly anywhere19:21
pythonsnakenever ?19:21
pythonsnakeI'm wondering why is Full name needed..19:22
beunopythonsnake, I think it's just a basic piece of information19:22
beunowe would use it for example19:23
beunowhen you share a folder with someone19:23
beunowe may say "XYZ wants to share $folder with you"19:23
beunoso if you share folders privately with other people, your name will be sent to them19:23
pythonsnakeah ok19:24
beunoI can't think of another example right now19:25
pythonsnakeThank you beuno, that's all what I wanted to know :-)19:25
pythonsnake504 Gateway Time-out19:27
pythonsnakeThe server didn't respond in time.19:27
pythonsnakeI get that when I enter confirmation code19:27
pythonsnakeAny ideas of how it is ?19:27
beunopythonsnake, I'd refresh the page19:27
beunoand I'll let a sysadmin know about this19:27
pythonsnakeConfirmation code unknown19:28
pythonsnakeBTW, is my files kept private ?19:29
beunoabsolutely yes19:29
beunothe only time your files may be public is if you publish them19:30
pythonsnakeso I can even put in my mail passes ?19:30
dobeywe don't encrypt your data19:30
pythonsnakedo you access my data ?19:30
dobeyit is transmitted over SSL encryption, but it is not stored encrypted on the server19:31
beunopythonsnake, you should be able to get some answers from here: https://one.ubuntu.com/help/faq/19:31
pythonsnakeOne more question: DO I need to pay to stream music ?19:33
beunopythonsnake, only if you want to use it  :)19:34
pythonsnakeThank you all :)19:39
pythonsnakeHave a nice day/night19:47
mandelralsina, ping21:16
ralsinamandel: pong21:16
mandelralsina, in you machine, you do not have the old beta installed, right?21:16
mandelralsina, I'm done with the code that returns if is installed, we can do an IRL now :)21:17
ralsinamandel: I'd rather not right now :-)21:17
mandelralsina, booh :P21:17
ralsinabut maybe tomorrow morning? I have a small problem with the release21:18
mandelralsina, ok21:19
ralsinamandel: is there a chance we can do a full update test?21:21
ralsinaAs in, put a XML and make it download a release and everthing?21:22
mandeljoshuahoover, I'll take over the IRL update test to see if it works all the way21:29
mandeljoshuahoover, may I have the url with the newest update (to my mail please)21:29
joshuahoovermandel: sure, sending now21:30
mandeljoshuahoover, cheers, I might go offline a few minutes, I'm running out of batery :(21:33
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away

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