
GridCubegood evening01:08
GridCubethere was no change on images since yesterday01:15
micahgdo we not have a system tray in oneiric03:10
micahgnevermind, it's there03:18
Olbihello :D06:46
Olbicould I download daily iso and testing it, <20110921.3> ?07:04
micahgOlbi: sure, newest images will be available in ~4 hours07:05
Olbibeta2 of Ubuntu is, xubuntu will be soon release?07:06
micahgalready released07:10
micahgOlbi: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/oneiric/beta-2/07:14
charlie-tcaGood morning13:49
Unit193Good morning!13:52
Unit193Doorbell ditching?13:52
charlie-tcaHave to restart weechat to make changes take effect13:53
mr_pouitsoren: seems fixed with xfwm4 4.8.2 (released yesterday, not yet uploaded). Well, at least after playing 5 minutes with the resize handle - boring -, I can't reproduce13:56
mr_pouithey there13:56
charlie-tcaHello, mr_pouit 13:57
charlie-tcaHey, one the changes has caused windows to go to full screen when clicking on maximize and then clicking it again. They no longer come back as a small window.13:58
charlie-tcaxfwm4 issue?13:58
mr_pouitthe new release hasn't been uploaded yet, so if something changed, that's not it.14:00
charlie-tcaIt's been happening for a couple of weeks now. I will check it out using a fresh install. Maybe my settings are screwed up again.14:01
charlie-tcaThank you for working that lightdm bug. Still hoping we get that working for us.14:02
sorenmr_pouit: Awesomesauce. Is that expected to land for Oneiric?14:03
mr_pouityes, it's bugfix only, I'll upload in a few hours14:04
sorenmr_pouit: \o/14:04
mr_pouitcharlie-tca: well, our fate isn't in my hands anymore right now, I hope lightdm(+my patch) is going to get uploaded soon ;-)14:04
charlie-tcaYeah, is there anyone I can poke to make the patch get in faster?14:09
mr_pouitI only sent it yesterday, so it's still pretty new14:13
mr_pouiton the default install, in which category does "Software sources" appear in the menu?14:14
charlie-tcabooting a fresh install to verify, though14:16
charlie-tcaI am wrong14:18
mr_pouitin settings?14:18
charlie-tcamr_pouit: Software sources is in settings14:18
mr_pouitokay, thanks14:18
charlie-tcayou are welcome14:19
charlie-tcaand the thing with windows going big and staying big is my system. I verified it in a fresh install and maximize hit twice gives the original window size14:20
mr_pouitokay, so garcon 0.1.9 doesn't show any regression either, so I'll upload it as well (I'll need a FFe though for this one)14:26
charlie-tcaWe can get that14:26
mr_pouitapt-get install alacarte => 168 new packages installed14:42
mr_pouitapt-get install --no-install-recommends alacarte => 1 new package installed14:42
mr_pouitawesome /o\14:43
Unit193Yep, done that14:43
charlie-tcaAt least that works14:43
Unit193I get to try 11.10 live on hardware \o/16:59
Unit193I get to see what mad did with plymouth16:59
GTRsdkwhich package has the Xubuntu wallpapers in it?20:04
mr_pouitGTRsdk: xubuntu-wallpapers20:07
GTRsdkmr_pouit, so xubuntu-artwork? I used apt-get source but I did not see anything20:08
mr_pouityeah, the source package is xubuntu-artwork20:09
GTRsdkI think I just found the wallpaper directory... xubuntu-artwork-11.10.4/usr/share/xfce4/backdrops ?20:10
GTRsdkmr_pouit, which one is the current one?20:11
mr_pouitcurrent is greybird20:15
mr_pouitthe previous one was bluebird20:15
mr_pouitand before, it's the one with 'karmic' in its name20:15
GTRsdkmr_pouit, thanks.20:16
mr_pouituploaded xfwm4 4.8.2, xfce4-settings 4.8.3, xfce4-utils 4.8.3, and filed the FFe for garcon 0.1.9 :)20:24
micahgmr_pouit: thanks!20:26
charlie-tcaThanks, mr_pouit 20:45
charlie-tcaapparently, GTRsdk is trying to build a Fluxbuntu desktop package20:45
madnickcharlie-tca: the meeting time is not updated in the topic20:55
charlie-tcaOh, I will fix that20:56
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #xubuntu-devel to: Xubuntu Development | Oneiric Ocelot Beta2 released | #xubuntu for support | Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricReleaseSchedule | Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu | Xubuntu Community meeting 2011-09-25 at 22:00 UTC | Oneiric Ocelot images at http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/
charlie-tcafixed it, thanks, madnick 20:57
charlie-tcamr_pouit: garcon FFe approved22:21
charlie-tcayou are welcome. Just trying to help where I can. Sometimes that's really a small bit.23:32
Unit193I just had bug 828679 on booting Xubuntu 11.10. After Plymouth (that looked sweet) it went to a blank screen for a little and then to the screensaver(!). After moving the mouse, I got the "report a bug" dialog box23:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 828679 in colord (Ubuntu) "colord crashed with SIGABRT in __kernel_vsyscall()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82867923:40

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