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xubuntu897Greetings... im installed xubuntu atm. Ive got a quick question though, as a complete newb. Aint it possible to applications such as LibreOffice on XFCE? I see, that some lightweight alternative, is about to be installed - but I surely hope, that I can easily install LibreOffice as well. Thnx in advance of anyones reply.09:32
xubuntu897to install *09:32
well_laid_lawneverything that is available in ubuntu is available in xubuntu, they both use the same repos09:33
xubuntu897Perfect, thank you :)09:33
xubuntu897My installation is complete. Excited :) Take care all09:34
xubuntu503The new installer for 11.10 is great.10:51
Unit193It's still Ubiquity, just newer ;)10:51
xubuntu503I don't recall being able to launch Firefox through the installer,  though.10:52
xubuntu503Live disc Firefox is old hat,  so I suppose it is a hybrid of the two.10:52
Unit193LiveCD for 11.10 should have FF6 or maybe even 710:55
mikeytheman112Can Xubuntu live CD be ran on a computer with 128MB of RDRAM?12:00
well_laid_lawnmikeytheman112: I've never heard of rdram, what is it?12:01
well_laid_lawnand 128mb will be too little for the live cd12:02
mikeytheman112well_laid_lawn: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RDRAM12:02
mikeytheman112well_laid_lawn: So, can I (and how would I) install it then?12:02
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal12:03
well_laid_lawnmikeytheman112: uses less memory for the install but 128mb is not much for todays xubuntu12:04
Myrttithat's twice the RAM of my first computer12:05
mikeytheman112Well, I tried downloading it from here: http://torrent.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/lucid/release/alternate/xubuntu-10.04.2-alternate-i386.iso. But it won't let me.12:05
well_laid_lawnwhat happened?12:06
mikeytheman112You don't have permission to access /xubuntu/releases/lucid/release/alternate/xubuntu-10.04.2-alternate-i386.iso on this server.12:09
mikeytheman112403 Forbidden12:11
mikeytheman112Any idea?12:11
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ollomolhola ??12:28
ollomolhola esta es una prueba del irc12:29
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #xubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #xubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.12:31
well_laid_lawnknome: seen mikeytheman112's error above while trying to access the alternat iso?12:35
xubuntu842me cachis en la mar serena12:36
well_laid_lawnsame with maverick12:37
xubuntu842same with maverick???12:38
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well_laid_lawnthis is an english channel ollomol12:38
ollomolok sorry12:39
well_laid_lawnnp :)12:39
mikeytheman112Oh, btw 403 Forbidden is on kubuntu's ISOs as well.12:41
well_laid_lawnmikeytheman112: try this   http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/11.04/release/12:45
mikeytheman112well_laid_lawn: is it weird that it's only downloading at 120 kb/s?12:51
well_laid_lawncould be that the server is busy - the beta for the next release had an update today afaik12:52
well_laid_lawnI'm guessing tho12:52
mikeytheman112well i hope the torrent downloads will be back up soon.12:54
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moylangah! i had a command written down from when xfce mucked up and all my title bars disappeared.  happened again today with updates and i can't find the command.  some sort of xfce update/repair command.  any ideas.16:13
ubottuDid your panels disappear? Press alt+f2 and run: xfce4-panel | See also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuPanels16:16
Unit193What type of "title bars"?16:16
Unit193http://www.gestalts.net/Xfce_Window_Title_Bar_missing  with the command   xfwm4 &16:18
moylanthe applitcation title bars are missing.  i can't alt -tab to different apps.  it's like unity silliness for some reason.  will try xfce-panel command.  back in a mo.  fingers crossed.16:19
Unit193moylan: Did you see the link I gave right after?  With the command to try:  xfwm4 &16:21
moylanand back to normal.  found the command.  i had taken a photo on my mobile phone.  'xfwm4 --replace'16:21
Unit193Ah, replace16:21
moylansorry dropped out of the room while i closed all windows i could get my hands on.  all the title bars with min, max and close buttons went missing.  second time.  always after an update.  this time though it only took 10 mins.  phew.  thank you for the assist though.  good to know people are listening :-)16:22
Unit193I wouldn't think that should happen (Doesn't for me)16:29
moylanalways after an update.  no idea why.  might be time to reinstall and start again.  i played with so many options when i first started that there's bound to be cruft somewhere mucking things up.16:35
Unit193Wait a few weeks though!16:40
Unit193Oneiric will be out in a few16:40
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu.  Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+116:40
moylangood advice, probably what i'll do.16:42
IdleOneooops, wrong X17:20
pincyhi, my problem is, that the xubuntu splash screen after boot wont disapear... i tried installing wdm switching to wdm in the menu which came up at install... if i press esc there are no problems at boot... and switching back to gdm makes the ttys unusable how can i get a displaymanager running again?17:32
MneumonicHas anyone heard of a bug in Xubuntu 11.04 where when i click panel preferences, add a second panel and then move it my panel disappears20:27
Mneumonicand it doesn't add the second panel20:27
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