
=== Evixion` is now known as Evixion
=== Freejack is now known as Guest23925
pcmantrying cmake now08:41
l33oi am here on lubuntu 11.10 and i cant find an option or menu to choose desktop background wallpaper.....is this a bug?08:41
pcmanright click on the desktop08:43
pcmanl33o: and you'll find it.08:43
l33oi did that, its gone i think08:44
l33owhen i right click there is Obconfig and Reconfigure...but these wont offer me any background changes08:45
KM0201sounds like pcman isn't running08:46
l33oi changed background many times, but i guess now this isnt working because i cant find it anymore08:46
l33ojust run pcman manually in shell?08:46
pcmanl33o: try pcmanfm --profile lubuntu --desktop &08:47
l33oi get this respone: [1] 212708:48
pcmanl33o: then right click on desktop08:55
l33owhat next then?08:55
l33oObconfigure or reconfigure?08:56
pcmanl33o: oops08:57
pcmanl33o: then I guess the file manager crashes08:57
pcmanl33o: try pcmanfm --desktop-pref then08:57
pcmanl33o: if nothing works, I guess the file manager crashed.08:57
l33othaaaank youuuuu veryyyy much :)))))08:58
l33othis is the menu, that is lost here somehow :)08:59
pcmanl33o: actually there is a shortcut in applications menu/preferences09:00
l33oi cant find it anymore ...its gone09:00
l33oi found that many times before09:00
pcmanl33o: and I guess you have enabled the "use desktop menu of window manager" option.09:00
pcmanl33o: so pcmanfm always use the openbox desktop menu rather than its own.09:01
l33owhere can i find this use desktop menu option ?09:02
pcmanl33o: the pcmanfm --desktop-pref dialog.09:03
l33oaaa :)09:03
l33oyes, you are right09:04
l33othis is enabled, i did that some days ago09:04
l33othank you pcman09:05
pcmanl33o: np09:05
pcmanl33o: is the file manager buggy?09:05
pcmanl33o: does it crash often?09:05
l33omabye one time it crashed09:05
l33obut only for one sec...then the desktop rebuild and i canwork....no freeze or so09:06
l33obut i decided to use compiz with lubuntu so i can reload window manager very easyily09:06
l33oin case of some crashes or dissapearing of the window decorations ( happend one time)09:06
pcmanl33o: ok09:06
* pcman is only worried about the buggy file manager he wrote.09:07
l33oworks very stable here ( old intel graphics laptop chipset)09:07
l33oworks perfect09:07
l33oonly for remocing usb stick safely i have to use the disc util09:07
pcmanl33o: thanks09:07
l33othakn you09:07
l33othank you09:07
pcmanactually it's buggy.09:08
* pcman doesn't have time to fix them yet.09:08
l33ono problem...i am using the disc utility and i can remove very safely09:08
l33othe file manager is working really stable here09:09
l33ousing it alot09:09
head_victimpcman: don't be too worried, it works damn well.09:09
l33othere was a problem but its gone: sometimes when deleting something from the desktop everything was selected and deleted from the desktop09:10
l33obut this bug is gone09:10
l33osorry had to do a halt -p09:27
l33omenu was gone hehehe09:27
sam_Hi lubuntu broke my system. I would appricate help getting it back..12:05
sam_I did a fresh Natty install on this hardware http://pastebin.ca/208268612:05
sam_I then installed lubuntu-desktop and dependencies just to give it a try.12:05
sam_Now I cannot log into gnome, it gives an error something like: "too many xserver?/xsesson? arguments (2)" after the gdm login screen.12:05
sam_I tried apt-get --purge remove lubuntu-desktop, but the xserver message persists, and I end up completely locked out of the machine, and have to re-install lubuntu-desktop from the command line in order to get a GUI back.12:06
sam_Anyone have any ideas12:06
kajasam_: i know what's wrnog, but since i have never used ubuntu or gdm i donno how to fix it heh :p12:07
kajasam_: if it's anything like a more 'vanilla' system, the solution lies in your ~/.xinitrc12:07
kajasam_: basically there's an artifact in your gdm config telling it to start into your old DE AND LXDE12:08
sam_kaja, OK thanks12:09
sam_that is someting to go on12:09
sam_can i edit ~/.xinitrc or is it a system only file?12:09
kajayou may, but i suspect that isn't the solution because gdm does silly things12:10
kajabut yeah read through it and have a look12:10
sam_can i just use an alternitive to gdm? i seem to remember there is one?12:11
sam_or would apt-get --purge gdm + reinstall be worth a try?12:11
sam_might just try xdm12:15
kajameh, i dunno. i don't even know what the point of gdm is tbh12:19
stlsaintgdm for gnome12:20
stlsaintlxdm for lubuntu, etc etc12:20
oregano4Hello@all, i think it should beonlyalittle Question, how to change the login backgroundimmage?13:23
jayPdoes anyone know how to change keyring password on lubuntu?13:34
jayPdoes anyone know how to change keyring password on lubuntu?13:36
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=== Guest20132 is now known as silverarrow
silverarrowis there a way to fix grub in lubuntu?14:26
KM0201silverarrow: of course14:27
KM0201you'll need a live cd/usb14:27
silverarrowI was booted in live cd just a few minutes ago14:29
silverarrowI could not find any grub related apps14:29
KM0201it has to be done via command line14:29
KM0201hang on14:29
KM0201silverarrow: follow the "chroot" section.   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub214:30
KM0201silverarrow: actually the part right above that, looks a lot easier14:32
KM0201if you want to do that under "copy partition files"14:32
KM0201but either of those will work14:33
silverarrowI get to "grub line bash editing is supported ... press tab for commands14:33
KM0201yeah... you need to boot a live cd/usbto run those commands14:33
KM0201silverarrow: there's also a "purge and reinstall" section on that doc.. it looks pretty easy as welll (actually i think thats what i'd do)14:34
silverarrowI am in deep ....14:43
KM0201whats wrong?14:44
KM0201restoring grub is not that difficult.14:45
silverarrowI shall just have to go for it, ....down for reboot14:45
KM0201well whats the..14:45
KM0201hm, guess he didn't want to stick around for clarification14:46
bioterror!grub2 | KM020114:47
ubot5KM0201: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)14:47
bioterrorKM0201, next time use that ;)14:47
KM0201bioterror: i didn't know ubottu was alive here, but thats the link i gave him anyway14:47
bioterrorKM0201, but if you dont give him exact commands, he will say "are you messing with me?"14:58
KM0201i know how to use ubottu...14:58
pip__Is there a bug open for a menu error when using lxpanel located at the top of the screen at all?14:59
bioterrorKM0201, I mean mr. arrow ;)14:59
KM0201oh really?14:59
KM0201i've not helped him all that much, so don't know much about him, but he seems to have a lot of problems15:00
bioterrorpip__, you've checked launchpad?15:01
pip__I am doing so now bioterror15:02
pip__it's already been reported & confirmed :)15:26
KM0201i guess he just wanted to come here and tell us :)15:31
KM0201i wonder if silver ever got his problem fixed15:31
mhhow can I apply my keyboard layout system-wide?15:59
mhand second question, can I enable  window snapping like I do in unity?16:02
KM0201mh: not to my knowledge on the window snapping.16:10
mh KM0201, thanks16:10
mhwhat about the keyboard layout? it resets each time I reboot16:12
mhby the way, I have a question about the BIOS. Do you know where I can try to ask in the IRC?16:15
KM0201no idea on the BIOS>16:17
KM0201as for keyboard layout...16:17
KM0201open a terminal and type this.. "gksudo lxkeymap"   and when the utility opens, make your changes and apply them.16:18
KM0201see if that changes it permanently16:18
mhokay KM0201, I will reboot16:20
mhbut I am not very optimistic... I will let you know16:20
KM0201ubuntu_: welcome16:20
ubuntu_I was given a  link to a grub repair, but i cannot seem to find it now that I am in live cd16:21
ubot5GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)16:22
KM0201ubuntu_: probably the second link16:22
KM0201actually, its probably the first16:22
KM0201the second link has some instructions for it also though16:23
ubuntu_: )16:23
KM0201must be a configuration file somewhere16:24
mhI cannot set it to dvorak by default...16:24
ubuntu_if I understand it correctly, there is a boot repair in the live lubuntu CD, and which also seem to be recommened ?16:26
KM0201yes, you need to use a live cd to repair grub.16:26
ubuntu_I am in live cd now16:27
ubuntu_it says install  boot repair,  but not much more16:27
ubuntu_from terminal? package manager?16:28
KM0201ubuntu_: either one... package manager will probably be easier16:28
KM0201mh: sudo nano /etc/default/keyboard16:29
KM0201the key there, is  "XKBLAYOUT=us"16:29
KM0201the problem is, i don't know what you replace "us" with, to make it dvorak16:29
ubuntu_I cannot find it it package manager16:30
KM0201ubuntu_: hang on a sec16:30
KM0201you're connected to the internet, right?16:31
mhoh thankssss16:31
mhthanks KM020116:31
KM0201mh: no problem16:31
KM0201after you put whatever you want there (in place of US)... hit Ctrl + X  to save16:31
KM0201then reboot, and see if it works16:31
ubuntu_you usually set keyboard under: menu-preferances-keyboard & mouse16:31
mhthanks, I will use emacs16:32
KM0201ubuntu_: it seems to be a known bug, that it doesn't save w/ the GUI tool (at least googling turned up lots of hits)16:32
KM0201ubuntu_: do you only have one hard drive?16:33
mhoh, but it appears to be okay16:33
KM0201well yeah, but.. if you change that configuration file, it should work16:33
KM0201mh: did you change it prior to looking at it?16:34
ubuntu_not me16:34
mhwell, yeah, through the gui though16:34
KM0201that's why its currently correct16:34
KM0201doesn't matter16:34
KM0201the GUI is just a front for that file really.16:34
KM0201try this..16:34
KM0201do something to that file (like type a letter then delete it)16:35
KM0201then save it.(make sure you're root)16:35
KM0201and then reboot and see if the hcanges take lace16:35
KM0201ubuntu_: do you only have 1 hard drive?16:35
mhokay thanks16:36
ubuntu_I mean, I have an usb connected one for storage16:36
mhokay, let's sudo reboot now16:36
ubuntu_usb sata in  a caddie16:36
KM0201ok, i was referring to internal drives16:37
KM0201ubuntu_: wait, i see now...    https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair16:39
KM0201go there16:39
ubuntu_lost wifi connection16:39
ubuntu_am I still here?16:39
KM0201go to that website16:39
ubuntu_that's where I am, and trying to understand16:40
mhno luck.16:40
KM0201ok,... you're on a lubuntu live cd, right?16:40
KM0201sorry mh, i'm at a loss on that issue.16:40
KM0201mh: maybe bioterror or phillw will know16:40
KM0201ubuntu_: open a terminal16:41
KM0201paste this line into the terminal...   sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair16:41
KM0201let it add the repository16:41
KM0201sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y boot-repair && boot-repair16:41
KM0201then paste that line, and let boot-repair install16:42
ubuntu_it is installing !!16:42
ubuntu_I must have made some pasting error16:43
mhanother question; I am the only user here and I don't want the login window when I boot. how can I disable this?16:43
ubuntu_I am a lubuntu user?16:44
KM0201i'm assuming you are anyway16:44
KM0201mh: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/FAQ/Guides#How_to_enable_automatic_logon_in_LXDM16:46
mhI changed my account type from custom to administrator to see if it helps with my layout issue16:46
KM0201ubuntu_: did it install ok?16:46
ubuntu_yes, and I started it16:46
KM0201mh: i bet that will fix your problem16:46
ubuntu_do I just run the simple repair ?16:46
KM0201ubuntu_: i would try that first16:47
ubuntu_if I make a boot info summary, it will not interfere ?16:47
KM0201ubuntu_: i wouldn't think so, but..  don't know, i've never really used that utility16:47
ubuntu_recommended repair is running16:48
ubuntu_sda1 is always internal?16:48
KM0201no, not necessarily, but usually16:48
ubuntu_oh no16:49
phillwmh: use https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/FAQ/Guides#How_to_enable_automatic_logon_in_LXDM16:49
ubuntu_I didn't unplug my usb hd16:49
KM0201ubuntu_: i was just thinking that16:49
KM0201well, hopefully it won't mess w/ it16:50
mhthanks phillw16:50
ubuntu_it's blinking something worryingly16:50
phillwsorry for the echo, KM ;)16:50
KM0201it happens16:50
ubuntu_I hope any error is repairable16:50
KM0201if it's not, this will be an abject lesson to disconnect unecessary drives while tryign to fix a drive16:51
KM0201(but it's probably OK)16:51
ubuntu_I'm letting the process run through, it might be all right16:52
ubuntu_it takes several minutes it seems16:52
ubuntu_doing a thorough job16:52
ubuntu_it would be majorly stupid to have grub on a usb16:53
KM0201ubuntu_: not really, it's not an uncommonthing for people to do.16:54
ubuntu_I am not alone ?  : )16:54
ubuntu_the boot repair is a nice on16:55
ubuntu_a program that runs its self16:55
KM0201ubuntu_: as long as it works16:56
ubuntu_great for not experts16:57
KM0201as long as it works..16:58
ubuntu_trying to fix stuff in file manager and root is major16:58
KM0201naa, you just gotta get the hang of it16:58
KM0201it's easy after you've done it a while.16:58
ubuntu_it feels like the big confusion17:00
=== ubuntu_ is now known as silverarrow
silverarrowI can now reboot17:01
KM0201i figured that was you17:01
silverarrowsorry, at first the nick change lagged17:02
KM0201no problem17:03
silverarrowI'm doing the summary too17:03
silverarrowlubuntu is nicer than puppy17:04
silverarrowdesktop is more soli17:04
silverarrownot so flimsy17:04
silverarrowmaybe I can  get the lubuntu desktop in puppy linux17:04
mhnothing worked17:04
KM0201silver why would you do that?17:05
mhchange keyboard layout did not work, disable login screen did not work17:05
KM0201i think you're doing something wrong, are you editing thos efiles, and saving them, as root?17:06
silverarrowediting keyboard should be the easiest thing17:09
KM0201lol, i love his little wise ass comments17:13
KM0201he can't find his rear end from a hole in the ground, and then talks about how easy things should be..lol17:13
mhI do everything with sudo17:17
KM0201well, thats just as silly17:18
kvarleywhat's the current progress on Arm builds of LUbuntu? :)17:19
mhKM0201: I mean everything that was involved in this process...17:20
KM0201yeah, i know.. :)17:20
phillwkvarley: the latest info I can find is at http://www.ubuntugeek.com/ubuntu-11-10-beta-2-oneiric-ocelot-released.html17:23
mhKM0201: can you please repeat the file that is behind the keyboard layout?17:24
KM0201mh: /etc/default/keyboard17:24
silverarrowit worked17:26
silverarrowall fine17:26
silverarrowthought I have no idea where the grub wet17:27
KM0201my guess is, you did something to it.17:28
silverarrowhow do you get the grub info?17:31
Unit193!grub2 | silverarrow17:31
ubot5silverarrow: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)17:31
mmhhI am mh. Gosh, I cannot access Lxkeymap now17:39
mmhhprobably since I changed some stuff in that keyboard file17:40
silverarrownot that is not the grub17:41
phillwsilverarrow: there is some background reading on grub2 along with some notes at http://forum.phillw.net/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=517:42
mmhhcan anyone tell me what do you have inside etc/default/keyboard? how are those four lines?17:42
silverarrownothing in a way17:44
phillwmmhh: http://pastebin.com/DeV10c4R17:44
mmhhthanks phillw17:44
Unit193mmhh: http://paste.ubuntu.com/696787/17:45
* Unit193 USA17:45
phillwmine is an extended kbd with UK layout17:45
phillw(windows key on it)17:45
mmhhthanks Unit19317:45
phillwUnit193: cool, my LVM guest additions are now working with lubuntu on my VM :)17:46
silverarrowoh a bit late there17:46
Unit193phillw: Awesome! So still testing LSC?17:46
phillwUnit193: indeed. I have the latest one on. Very impressed with it :)17:46
Unit193phillw: The one in bzr should be newer17:47
phillwbbl - dinner time!17:47
Unit193Have some great grub17:48
silverarrowhow do I check where grub went?17:49
Unit193Where grub went? Did it walk off your computer?17:49
silverarrownot far from17:50
Unit193You have to be a little more clear17:50
silverarrowI ran a grub repair, and I am a bit worried it went on my external usb connected SATA hd17:50
Unit193check /etc/default/grub for config items17:50
mhstupid question: how can I put a shortcut in the menu bar?17:51
Unit193mh: Ah, it's handily in the FAQs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/FAQ/Guides17:51
silverarrowlooks like it is in the right place17:52
mhthanks Unit19317:53
silverarrowthanks for the grub help17:54
mhhey, if I choose Default instead of Lubuntu I get Xsession: unable to launch Lubuntu xsession, failing back etc. How can I solve this?18:06
mh(In the login)18:06
Unit193In LXDM, the session that's supposed to be used is Lubuntu18:07
mhUnit193: instead of Default?18:07
Unit193Exactly, see if that works18:08
mhit works, but I assume that this error is connected to the fact that Lubuntu is not saving my keyboard settings when I boot18:08
mhwhen I reboot18:09
mhit also always showing the login screen, even when I set not to show it18:09
Unit193Set not to show it in /etc/lxdm/default.conf ?18:11
mhif I logout, the keyboard settings remain18:17
mhbut they dissapear as soon as I reboot18:17
pip__what's the little button that gives one shudown options etc called?18:17
pip__I've managed to delete it from my panel & would like to put it back....18:18
mhthe strange thing is that if I comment everything in /etc/default/keyboard, change stuff in lxkeymap, nothing changes in  /etc/default/keyboard . Even after reboot, everything is still commented18:20
mhby the way, I have chosen lxdm instead of gdm. maybe this is the reason?18:21
mh(I started with ubuntu and changed to lubuntu)18:21
neofita I want to install the x86_64 Lubuntu inside a luks partition which in turn is installed inside a group of HD in RAID5 configuration. Made with a RAID5 controller Intel ICH10R18:41
neofitabut the installation often freezes or ends but the system does not start18:42
neofitava bene lascio perdere18:45
neofitaokay I give up18:45
mhI would like to run an app when lubuntu starts, how can I do that?19:23
mhactually I want to add a line19:23
mhsetxkbmap dvorak :)19:23
jmarsdenmh: If it needs to run as a startup script, add it to /etc/rc.local .  If it needs to run at GUI logon, see the FAQ for autostarting apps...19:29
mhthanks jmarsden19:34
jmarsdenmh: You're welcome.19:35
cjohnstonphillw: are you around?20:08
phillwcjohnston: I'm lurking :)20:08
cjohnstonI'm wondering if my issue with lubuntu booting up has to do with the fact that those nvidia drivers are having trouble installing20:09
cjohnstonI get a crash when it tries to install.. I'm trying to find the bug that was reported by apport last time20:10
phillwcjohnston: as I don't run on nvidia, I'm not really the best person to ask. I'm sure one of the support team has experience of them.20:10
neighborleecurious..does lubuntu have a decent installer similar to anaconda, whereby if you have windows7 and need to do paritition but are a naive windows user, that it guides you at least , or is this guidance in the self teach arena ? ;)20:54
mh"xsession:unable to launch ubuntu x session"21:03
mhand gives me lxde instead of lubuntu21:04
m6locksneighborlee: never had to do any kind of repartitioning, but yes, the installer was graphical and pretty good one21:04
mhit happens whenever I reboot21:04
mhany help on this?21:04
mhthis happens if I use lxdm. I have no problems with gdm21:04
mhshould I use gdm instead of lxdm?21:05
phillwneighborlee: the ubiquity installer that the ubuntu family use will happily install side by side with windows, Lubuntu uses the same system.21:08
phillwmh: Instead of "startx" try "sudo service lxdm start". That should give you the actual Lubuntu DE instead of standard LXDM.21:10
mhphillw: where? I got that error from startx when I boot21:11
phillwneighborlee: have a read of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot21:11
phillwmh: does issuing the command to start lxdm work when startx dies?21:12
mhit goes to lxde desktop21:13
mhit shows an lxde desktop, with the lxde wallpaper etc. not the lubuntu one21:14
phillwmh: okies, then we can try to start lubuntu instead. I just wanted to see if we could get a desktop running :)21:15
Unit193How about startlubuntu?21:15
phillwUnit193: one step at a time, my good friend :D21:15
mhphillw:  I can start lubuntu by logging out and choosing lubuntu21:17
mhbut it won't save when I reboot21:17
mhand I get the same error21:18
mhunless I switch to gdm21:18
mhso I will stick to gdm. unless there is any reason for not doing this???21:18
phillwmh: do you have both gdm and lxdm installed?21:19
mhno, I just removed lxdm21:22
mhphillw: is it okay to stick with gdm?21:25
phillwif you want gnome, then fine. one of the ideas behind lxdm was to reduce the resources needed to run a system. The raison d'etre for Lubuntu :)21:26
mhso is more consuming for my everyday computing to use gdm than lxdm?21:31
phillwgdm uses more resources than lxdm21:32
mhis gdm running all the time or is it only that login screen I get?21:32
mhsorry for stupid questions21:33
Unit193It's going to stay running21:33
phillwmh: gdm will remain, have a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/UpgradeToLubuntu it does explain a bit more about things and how to 'cleanly' switch.21:34
phillwmh: In all honesty, I'd really suggest you make a seperate /home partition - that way, come what ever you do, your data is safe (unless you nuke the entire drive!).21:35
phillwmh: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving21:36
mhokay, thanks21:37
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neighborleephillw, ok ty for info..sorry was away downstairs but got it. ;)21:47
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