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jincreatorIs it possible to fix package in Universe after FinalFreeze without Freeze Exception?07:34
micahgjincreator: if it's not on any images07:42
micahgjincreator: universe final freeze is about a week and a half after FinalFreeze07:42
jincreatormicahg: You mean univese packages freeze even after ReleaseCandidate?07:44
micahgjincreator: yes, since they're not on any images07:45
micahgjincreator: well, at least the ones not on any images that is...07:45
jincreatormicahg: You mean if the package is not at ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, and so on?07:47
micahgjincreator: right, even those can be fixed if the bug is release critical07:48
jincreatormicahg: Thanks! I was worried about a certain package can be fixed until Oneiric release. Then I must wait more times...07:49
micahgjincreator: well, the sooner the better, which package by the way?07:50
jincreatormicahg: ttf-nanum. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ttf-nanum/+bug/83530407:51
ubottuUbuntu bug 835304 in Ubuntu Translations "contained fontconfig setting files force to make it default font" [Medium,Triaged]07:51
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hyperairdoko__: you could have just synced gtk2-engines-aurora you know...10:11
hyperairbut nevermind, i'll do it now10:12
doko__hyperair, you could have just filed a sync request you know...10:14
hyperairdoko__: yeah i could have, but you just made a redundant patch.10:15
hyperairfor linking with -lm10:15
hyperairall that was already in -2, which i didn't think was needed for ubuntu, considering we're all frozen and all.10:15
RovanionIs the wine installed on 64-bit Ubuntu 11.10 32-bit? I get the fallowing error when trying to run something trough wine: wine: '/home/rov/.wine' is a 64-bit installation, it cannot be used with a 32-bit wineserver.12:48
Rovanionuname -a clearly states that I'm running a 64-bit kernel12:49
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Laibschrecently the sponsor process has been working better (after being abyssmal for a while), but I wonder if there is a reason why bug 379382 is lingering like in the old days?18:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 379382 in gnome-utils (Ubuntu) "gnome-screenshot (Alt-Printscreen) black/blanks out top of windows in multi monitor xinerama" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37938218:52
stgraberLaibsch: it's currently at the middle of the queue (appeared on it on the 18th) so my guess is that someone will get to it next week19:00
stgraberthe queue is currently pretty long (114 entries)19:01
Laibschstgraber: I see, thank you.  Is my observation correct that time-through-queue has increased recently?19:03
stgraberLaibsch: yeah, I think the processing time increased a bit recently though my feeling is that we also are getting more submissions than we used to19:04
Laibschstgraber: If I were to resubmit a slightly modified patch (like adding Ubuntu-Bug line for DEP-3) would that put me back at the end of the queue?19:06
stgraberLaibsch: I'm not sure how that specific script works but I wouldn't think so. I'd think it works by bugnumber or by URL, neither of which should change if you just change the debdiff in the bug19:07
LaibschOK, I will try.  I'd love if you were to have another look afterwards19:07
broderit's based on when ubuntu-sponsors is subscribed19:07
LaibschI see19:08
broderspecifically the most recent time19:08
LaibschI'll subscribe sponsors to all my pet bug ahead of time, then ;-)19:08
Laibschdelivery of patch will be just-in-time ;-)19:08
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Laibschwhat is the correct and supported way to specify a non-default gcc version to use in pbuilder/pbuilder-dist?  I thought http://www.netfort.gr.jp/~dancer/software/pbuilder-doc/pbuilder-doc.html#altcompiler would tell me but it doesn't seem to work.21:52
micahgjbicha: can you have a look at the gdb-doc failure?22:54
jbichamicahg: sure, thanks for the heads up22:55
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