
YoBoYgood morning06:01
vifitorcan someone tell me how to install wlan on ubuntu12:52
vifitorsprecht ihr deutsch?12:53
bkerensavifitor: Het is het beste om naar # Ubuntu terecht voor ondersteuning moet doen begrijp je?12:56
bkerensaom naar #ubuntu12:56
vifitorich versteh dich nicht12:56
vifitori dont understand12:56
bkerensaSupport in #Ubuntu12:57
bkerensaAlthough for Deustch try maybe a local channel for your language?12:57
bkerensaNiederländisch oder Deutsch?12:58
bkerensavifitor: Nederlanse?12:58
bkerensaok one sec12:58
bkerensavifitor: http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/12:59
vifitor-nl is nederlanse?12:59
vifitori need german12:59
head_victim!de | vifitor 13:00
bkerensavifitor: In that case join #ubuntu-de13:00
bkerensaJust type /join #ubuntu-de13:00
head_victimOhhh no bot in here13:00
vifitorwell thanks13:02
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
=== XOXO1 is now known as Antwon
paultagmhall119: dude, reedfeeder18:18
paultagmhall119: been a while since I've looked at it18:19
paultagmhall119: the screenshot looks really really really good18:19
paultagmhall119: looks like you're doing a super awesome job18:19
paultagkeep it up18:19
paultag<- impressed18:19
mhall119paultag: I'm considering killing it18:39
paultagmhall119: Any reason why? or is it just taking up too much free time and not enough intrest?18:40
mhall119not enough interest, it doesn't seem that there's really a demand for it18:40
mhall119I haven't gotten much feedback from beta users, but most logged in one or twice and stopped using it18:40
paultagmhall119: well, sometimes to move forward it becomes necessary to move back18:41
paultagmhall119: humm.18:41
mhall119I've got some functionality additions I still want to make, and then I think I'm going to open it up to general availability for free, and see where it goes18:41
mhall119I don't see it working as a subscription model though18:41
paultagmhall119: yeah that might be tough to do.18:42
mhall119oh well, fail fast, right?18:42
paultagmhall119: yessir!18:42
paultagno need for it to become a time / money / server load pit18:42
mhall119if it doesn't work, I'll move it back to my personal use only (because *I* like it), and move on to my next idea18:42
mhall119yeah, right now it's $15/month, not a big deal18:43
mhall119I'll be honest, probably my biggest problem is me, not readfeeder18:43
* paultag shrugs18:43
mhall119I suck at promotion and personal interaction18:43
paultagmhall119: Yeah, that's why I write software for myself - and if I find it useful, perhaps other people will too18:43
mhall119and readfeeder is still AGPL, so other people can do what they want with it18:44
paultagmhall119: one of these times I'll hit it right and someone who loves it will do something to help it have a skitch of popularity18:44
paultagmhall119: Yeah, truth18:44
paultagmhall119: I finally got around to pushing launchphplib up a bit :)18:44
mhall119anyway, I think I'm going to look at shifting focus away from bloggers and trying for a more facebook-like audience18:44
paultagmhall119: it works, and it works fairly well - http://pault.ag/launchphplib/18:44
paultagmhall119: yeah, solid idea18:44
mhall119well, as cool as something containing php can be anyway18:44
paultagmhall119: dude that code is divine18:45
mhall119paultag: I'm still trying to solidify some actual design around the idea of "making news reading a social activity"18:45
paultagmhall119: if it were an overnight sort of solution, facebook, one of the newspapers, twitter, reddit, slashdot and whoever else would have exploded by now18:45
paultagperhaps bring it back to the busy-yet-interested folks18:46
mhall119Google Reader already has a sharing feature, but I've not heard anybody say they use it18:46
paultagemail digests if you've not logged in18:46
paultagmhall119: yeah, I've never used that18:46
mhall119so, I'm trying to figure out what people's activities would be interesting to their friends,if not what articles they're reading18:47
paultagmhall119: people seem to like moral outrage at things18:47
mhall119"Your friend paultag is totally reading some liberal socialist hit piece over on Huffington post, you should tell him how immoral he is"18:48
mhall119I can see that working18:48
paultagmhall119: hahahahaha that would be awesome18:48
mhall119i'd have to adopt Facebooks "You have no privacy" stance though18:49
* paultag shrugs18:49
mhall119hmmm, I wonder if a comment thread that's only between your friends would be something people use18:49
paultagmhall119: humm18:50
mhall119I can see that working if I use Facebook connect18:51
paultagmhall119: one cool thing that people have always done is newspaper clippings - email forwards - facebook wall posts18:51
paultagmhall119: there's no real good system for sharing and talking about news18:51
paultagand then organizing that in some neat way18:51
mhall119stuff to think about18:54
paultagyeah, for sure18:54
paultagmhall119: but figured I'd tell you that the screenshot made it look usable (which is rare) and fairly neat / complete18:54
paultagI'd not seen it since you opened up the site, so it looked like a huge jump18:54
* paultag gets back to patch review18:58
paultagmhall119: prod :)21:32
paultagI need a review of a logo concept 21:34
mhall119paultag: prod-back23:16
paultagmhall119: feedback? - http://tag.pault.ag/tagliamonte.png23:16
mhall119cjohnston: works better in bash23:18
mhall119paultag: I like it23:18
mhall119the mountains are nice, minimal yet very clear what they are23:18
paultagsomething seems... off23:19
paultagI can't figure out what it is23:19
mhall119I think it's the motto23:20
paultagyeah, true23:21
mhall119but without it, it's too short and wide23:21
paultagyeah and thin on the bottom23:21
mhall119could the motto be incorporated into the mountain?23:22
paultagmhall119: I'm thinking of making a sort of trapazoid below the mountin with some slogan in it23:23
paultagmhall119: but I think it might end up being meh as well23:23
paultagI might just need to sleep on it23:23
paultagbut something's off about it23:23
mhall119yeah, I think adding anything more would be too much23:23
paultagthanks, mhall119 :)23:24
mhall119paultag: any opinion on client-side javascript UI toolkits?23:25
paultagmhall119: jQuery is awesome23:25
paultagI really love jQuery a lot23:25
paultagI'd go out of my way to use it23:25
mhall119ever used ExtJS?23:25
paultagmhall119: no, is it nice?23:25
paultagI played with prototype of whatever, and it was fairly meh23:25
mhall119I liked it's API design better than JQuery23:25
paultagmhall119: humm, yeah?23:26
mhall119it seemed more concise to me23:26
mhall119you pass a config object to the constructor, rather than having to fill out a list of parameters23:26
mhall119their objects were nicer, IMO23:26
paultagmhall119: see, I don't mind passing params23:26
paultagbut that's cosmetic23:27
paultagmhall119: ExtJS seems super nice23:27
mhall119it's okay when you have a handful, but if you only want to specify one, and it's the 10th one in the parameter list23:27
paultagmhall119: you can do named params23:27
paultag{ "foo" : "bar" }23:27
mhall119can you in javascript? I didn't realize23:27
paultagmhall119: yeah, man23:27
paultagfoo({ "foo" : "bar" }, 200);23:28
paultagis fairly common23:28
paultagand very jQueryish23:28
mhall119in ExtJS you do new ObjectClass({'foo': 'bar'})23:28
paultagmhall119: yeah, ExtJS seems nice. I think if I spent time with it, I'd like it23:28
paultagI do, however, adore jQuery23:29
mhall119my concern with ExtJS is that it's really all-encompassing23:29
paultagI also like Javascript in general23:29
paultagI think as a language, it's nice23:29
mhall119which not only makes the library bigger, but it also means I'll have to re-invent some components if I don't like he ExtJS does them23:29
mhall119ExtJS 4 has a full data modeling framework, like Rails or Django23:30
mhall119which would be nice if it integrated with those easily, but it doesn't seem that it does23:30
mhall119I had something that I wrote for Moffitt that would generate a bridge between ExtJS 3 and Django models on the fly23:31
mhall119but it wasn't open sourced :(23:31
paultagmhall119: write another one :)23:32
mhall119well I'm likely to, whether for ExtJS or JQuery23:32
mhall119I just need to decide which23:32
* paultag shrugs23:33
mhall119ExtJS tries to make your app feel like a desktop app, with resizable frames and tab panels and stuch23:33
mhall119and I'm definitely going to use it for my next project23:33
paultagI prefer jQuery, but it might be because I "grew up" with it23:33
mhall119but I don't think I'll be able to integrate many of their widgets into ReadFeeder's look and feel23:33
mhall119which means it'll be mostly unused23:34
paultagI like jQuery's transition effects23:34
mhall119I'm leaning towards jQuery23:35
mhall119and just spending extra time making custom UI code23:35
paultagmhall119: you could try to do a few small things in both23:35
paultagsee which comes easier23:35
mhall119first thing's first, I need to make a JSON API for RF23:35
* paultag nods23:36
mhall119I think I'm going to try piston this time, instead of rolling my own23:36
paultagmhall119: I think it's easy to SOAP it23:36
paultagbut it's not easy to implement client side23:36
paultagand xml is ugly23:37
mhall119I'll trash RF before I do SOAP23:37
paultagok, well, off to get drunk with nerds23:38
mhall119have fun23:38
paultagthanks again, mhall119 23:38

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