
elkyobnoxious, but no different to someone putting half a novel in there really00:38
Jordan_Ubazhang: Any reason you haven't kicked qzt?00:58
bazhangJordan_U, trying to catalyze via PM00:58
bazhangilogic bears watching00:59
Jordan_Ubazhang: If you aren't actively in the process of anything I'm going to ban qxt.01:17
Jordan_UAnd I guess freenode staff should be contacted about the clear intention of continual ban evasion?01:19
qxtqin your just mad because your from China and got a really small rick dick. What are you going to do cry.01:31
* rww giggles01:32
Flannelyay forwards01:32
rwwqxt: Howdy. Have a couple of minutes to talk?01:34
qxtif you can help me with a subprocess with the ipSec of OpenBSD sure01:34
qxtI am coding atm01:34
qxtwhat would you like to talk about01:34
rwwqxt: not really, no. Would you mind staying out of #ubuntu until you get done coding and then pop back here? I think chatting about your behavior would be a bit more productive than playing cat and mouse.01:35
qxtwe are legion we are one01:36
qxtwho should stay out?01:36
rwwYes, yes, I know. Anonymous and ED and all that. Regardless, it does get a bit boring after a while, and I'm sure we both have more interesting things to do :)01:37
qxtWe are not "really" anon01:37
rwwAnyways, when you get done tinkering with IPsec, let me know and we'll have a chat :)01:38
qxtit done and we are wondering why weev took out Freenode a few years ago?01:39
rwwI think he was bored and finds that sort of thing amusing.01:39
qxtWe like irc. Have our own servers. Was dumb of him to do that.01:40
qxtNice guy though01:40
qxtSucks the Feds nailed him for the ipad thing01:40
qxtso you see some headers...wow01:40
qxtshould we change them?01:41
rwwNot really. I ran across him right before he got v&. Was a bit tedious.01:41
qxtirssi xchat bitchx01:41
rwwAnyway, this is unrelated to your ban in #ubuntu. Let's chat about that?01:41
qxtrww you know him'???01:41
qxthe is the nicest and funnest guy on earth01:41
qxtand the biggest troll01:42
rwwI've banned him a few times, does that count?01:42
rwwAnyway, yes. qxt. We seem to have a bit of a problem. #ubuntu is for Ubuntu technical support, and only Ubuntu technical support, but you were being more than a bit offtopic and uncivil. Do you think you could perhaps behave more?01:43
qxttell me what you think about weev?01:43
rwwqxt: I just said, I don't know him well, and we didn't exactly get along smashingly when we ran up against each other :(01:44
rwwqxt: Would you kindly discuss our current issue, though?01:45
qxtrww how did he take out Freenode. Is it true it became and admin here.01:45
qxtrww I know the story...01:45
rwwqxt: If I remember correctly, he got lilo's i-line password from somewhere. It was before my time, though.01:46
qxtrww not quite. He impersonated the right ppl. Social engineering was his game.01:47
qxtrww wow 23 VPN services to choose from. Some with almost 2000 server. I like this set up!01:47
qxtrww you need any help with anything. Want something tested ?01:48
rwwqxt: Yes, I'm well aware of how easy it is to evade bans. Like I said, it's also really boring and not very impressive. Probably best if we don't.01:48
rwwqxt: nah, I'm just watching Doctor Who, not working on any programming right now01:48
qxtrww I was thinking more on the lines of RFI or something.01:49
qxtDr who cool01:49
qxtold school stuff01:49
rwwqxt: So yes. Any thoughts about your behavior in #ubuntu earlier?01:49
qxtThis is not my name as you looked and no I never hang out in the Ubuntu channel01:50
qxtlol you saw the name suckitnun. The kid in me came out when I saw that in twisted wireshark01:51
rwwAlrighty. We have a bit of an issue, then. I can't let you back in there unless you're going to be on-topic (meaning: ask or answer support questions) and civil (meaning: not calling people gay repeatedly, which is a really boring insult anyway).01:51
qxtrww not sure what VPNs you might have banned but Ill make you a deal01:51
rwwAnd we could go down the route where you use a bunch of VPNs and we ban them over and over, and both sides waste a whole lot of time, but it's been done over and over again in the past and it's really not that fun.01:52
qxtSince I am thinking about others who use those IPs who are not trolls unban them.01:52
rwwYeah, that's another issue with that path.01:53
qxtrww I have 23 VPN companies to choose from. Each with like 2000 servers as said. I dont care really about me.01:53
rwwqxt: I know. I have a fairly large list of proxy servers, myself. Nothing to really get excited over :\01:54
qxtyou have fake headers and don't know if I am Goatse Security or some script kiddy.01:54
qxtyeah the debian thing is half right though.01:55
qxtOr if I hacked somebodies VPN account01:55
qxtdang that Hydra!01:56
grythe latter then I guess01:56
qxtgood guess01:57
rwwAlrighty, this is all fairly irrelevant, as I mentioned. Can we move on?01:57
qxtcheckconnection() { echo "Checking connection in $check_wait seconds..."; while [[ 1 ]]; do sleep $check_wait; echo "Checking connection..."; _tunnels=$(ifconfig -s tun 2>/dev/null); IFS=$'\n'; _tunnels=( $_tunnels ); if [[ ${#_tunnels[@]} -gt $tunnels ]]; then echo "VPN connected.";01:58
qxtwell I am getting tired. Its late on on the moon. Be nice to the poor vic that was hacked. Not sure whos account this is.01:59
qxtSee ya01:59
rwwHeh, I hope you're thanking onryo for that script :)01:59
bazhang<Evollana> StepNjump: bazhang read my name backward. You know who I am, be nice and we will be nice.02:47
bazhangqxt I guess02:47
elkyin reference to laptop screens... <Evollana> raldu Get some sand paper and rub that gloss out. I did. Use a fine grit though.03:12
rwwbazhang: no idea. Evollana's using shellmix, which is a crappy shell host but not the VPNs qxt was talking about.03:31
bazhangrww, the reference to 'we' was what made me suspect that03:31
rwwoh well, if they're mostly behaving now...03:31
bazhang<s0126h> does ubuntu use  APT or zypper03:51
bazhangusual nonsense03:51
bazhanga PPA of unity ?03:56
bazhang* amin` has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)04:03
bazhang* Evollana is now known as qxt04:03
bazhangignore the first line04:04
qxtsup bazhang ? thought we had a deal? Been helping more ppl out with there Ubuntu problems then that whole # for the last hour and then you mute me?04:08
bazhangqxt, excuse me?04:08
qxtbazhang, yeah and I asked you if you still hate me04:08
bazhangqxt, what deal was this04:09
qxtbazhang you know that I was Evollana04:09
qxtbazhang, when I logged in I said Ill be nice if you are nice04:09
bazhangqxt, I certainly suspected04:10
bazhangbeing muted and then ban evading, don't recall any deal involved04:10
bazhangrww, your ban if I am not mistaken04:10
qxtbazhang, did you not miss the talk rww and I had?04:11
bazhangqxt, since he set the ban, you can discuss with him04:11
qxtbazhang, lol, I am not worried about the ban thing. Got zillions of servers. rww said their was no point in banning me and that it was a cat and mouse game. He was not impressed etc. Asked me to chill out a while before I bothered that #04:13
qxtThing is that I was just bored of programming and decided to help ppl out as you saw.04:14
bazhangqxt, no idea you are addressing me on this. the ban is set by rww . please standby to discuss with him.04:14
qxtbazhang, I don't give the fat on a frogs fat ass about the ban. It was when I changed my name back to qxt that you muted me.04:15
bazhangqxt, thats not correct04:15
qxtbazhang, really.....04:15
bazhangas he does not seem to be around feel free to drop by later to discuss with him qxt04:16
qxtso why was I in there for like 2 hours and even talked to you as Evollana and had zero problems.04:17
bazhangI dont pre-emptively ban based on suspicions04:17
IdleOneqxt: do your logs show anybody setting a +q after you changed nick back to qxt ?04:18
qxtbazhang I don't care about the ban. What pissed me off is that I kept my end of the deal04:18
bazhangthere was never a deal..04:18
qxtbazhang, rww asked to to refrain from # for a little while before I went back.04:19
qxtbazhang, I take it that Dr. Who is over so if you are not pm'n him now ask.04:20
IdleOneqxt: do your logs show anybody setting a +q after you changed nick back to qxt ?04:20
qxtbazhang, looking04:21
qxtbazhang, was in shell using irssi and closed it.04:21
qxtThis VM is using xchat but I was not in # then.04:22
qxtEven if the headers say something else. I change them all the time04:23
bazhangqxt, well, regardless there was never a deal, you perhaps misunderstood. feel free to come back to discuss with rww as he seems to have headed off to sleep.04:23
qxtbazhang, I really don't think you have much say in when and where I go. You decide if I am going to be nice though.04:24
qxtbazhang, and if you dont think that I was being and assist to that # I dont know what is.04:25
bazhangqxt, there is no karma. follow the code of conduct and the guidelines in the channel, please.04:26
qxtbazhang, are you nuts. read the last 2 hours of help I was giving ppl under the name Evollana04:27
qxtbazhang, and nobody including you have dyslexia. Since you did not read my name backward.04:28
IdleOneWe did, consider yourself lucky we let you stay in the channel with the nick.04:29
IdleOnePlease come back in the morning and talk to rww.04:29
qxtIdleOne, ah come on. I know you have a little smirk on your face.04:29
qxtrww we going to have a ban war again.... sighhhhhh04:30
qxtIdleOne, are you the also known as Xc1le on the BackTrack team?04:33
IdleOnethat isn't me, no.04:33
IdleOnenever even tried backtrack.04:33
qxtIdleOne, kk, he was a dev there.04:33
qxtIdleOne, cool guy/nice guy btw04:34
IdleOnethanks I try04:34
IdleOneoh, you mean him.04:34
qxtIdleOne, yeah he was/is I dont know you well enough.04:35
IdleOneqxt: How about you take the rest of the night off and give our ops a break, come back in the morning and talk to rww about this ok?04:35
qxtYeah its like 6pm here in Hawaii.... should get some sleep maybe.04:35
qxtIdleOne, I am soooo not worried about the bans... its just that I said I would be nice if... and I was.04:37
IdleOne6:30 actually. So can you please part this channel.04:37
qxtIdleOne, Yeah you know rww must be English I would guess04:39
qxtIdleOne, god is in the details04:39
IdleOneDon't see how that is relevant but it isn't a fact he has hidden.04:39
qxtIdleOne, who would watch Dr. Who at the hour I talk to him04:39
qxtrww a guess04:40
qxtIdleOne, I like to guess things. I pllandfyyyy dumb. Never show my cards04:40
qxtIdleOne, good night04:40
IdleOneGood night.04:40
bazhangwell played IdleOne04:41
CatsonHey anyone?09:15
elkyCatson, is there something we can help you with?09:40
elkyCatson, why are you here?09:48
LjLi suspect because he thought he couldn't speak in #ubuntu, which might have been a glitch with the floodbots09:49
elkyah, he wasn't showing up in the tracker09:51
elkydid they mute all the things?09:52
LjLhe's muted by default because he's a webchat user09:52
LjLone of the floodbots crashed earlier, i'm thinking the exception might not have got set for him09:53
elkywell i see him chatting in backscroll09:53
elkyso it did work at some point09:54
elkyCatson, i'm going to remove you from here because we like to keep the channel clear of idlers so we know who needs attention. if you have further issues with the channels, you can come back and talk to us about them09:54
bazhangjust can't wait for 11.10 release10:22
ikoniaLjL: am I reading this right ? you seem to be up on this technology12:24
knomebazhang, is it out?12:45
ubottuIn #ubuntu, Lantizia said: !op rosalinda is PM'ing new arrivals for sex cams13:56
ikoniapythonsnake: why do you keep stating "kubuntu / KDE is awesome" randomly to people15:10
pythonsnakebecause I love it15:11
pythonsnakeI wish to discuss my remova :)15:11
ikoniapythonsnake: I understand that you love it, and that's great.15:12
ikoniahowever I've asked you not to do it randomly,15:12
ikoniayet you keep doing it, hence why you where removed.15:12
ikoniathe topic of the channel is support disucsison, and I appreciate there can be movement on that as a disucssion unfolds.15:12
ikoniahowever to just ramdonly keep saying "kubuntu/kde is amazing" out of the blue, isn't really helpful/useful in any way15:13
ikoniapythonsnake: do you understand ?15:13
ikoniapythonsnake: so you understand/agree to stop the random comments ?15:15
ikoniaok, please leave this channel and return to #ubuntu, but please keep in mind what we've discussed15:15
Tm_Tvibhav: hi, how can we help you?15:42
vibhavhey some guy is sending offensive messages to me15:42
vibhavplease kick him15:42
vibhavkick rosalinda15:43
vibhavYou want the screenshot?15:44
oCeanno need, we had earlier mentions of that15:44
vibhavwhy not kick him then?15:44
oCeanmrmist: ^15:45
oCeanvibhav: I just did15:45
vibhavthen the bot changed his name?15:45
vibhavThe bot rejoined?15:46
oCeanwhat and where15:46
vibhavjust now15:46
oCeanvibhav: we're in many channel, so some details would be nice15:46
Tm_Tvibhav: to clarify something: kicking an user from a channel doesn't stop PM15:46
vibhavhis name is rosalinda15:47
oCeanvibhav: we cannot control PM15:47
vibhavI joined just now and I got this message15:47
oCeanyou can report it in #freenode channel15:47
oCeanvibhav: once more15:47
vibhavhttp://is.gd/dG0jLg check the screenshot15:48
oCeanvibhav: I removed/banned that user from #ubuntu channel15:48
vibhavso how did he do that15:48
oCeanvibhav: do what?15:48
vibhavto pm me15:49
oCeanvibhav: you don't understand15:49
Tm_Tvibhav: we cannot control private messages, they don't need to be on any channel to send private messages15:49
oCeanyou joined #ubuntu at 17:4115:49
oCeanI removed them at 17:4515:49
oCeanwell, 4415:50
oCeanvibhav: we don't control pm15:50
oCeanvibhav: so, thanks for reporting, is there anything else?15:52
oCeanvibhav: ?15:55
h00kvibhav: how can we help you?16:14
h00kvibhav: if you don't have anything additional, please part as this channel is not for idling16:17
oCeanpythonsnake: well, we'16:57
pythonsnakerosalinda in #ubuntu spam me "hii sex cam http://msn-live.net.ms16:57
oCeanpythonsnake: well, we've noticed now. Thanks for reporting16:57
oCeanpythonsnake_> well sorry for offtopic comments again..17:39
oCeanpythonsnake> ikonia: I'm sorry, I was just testing something..17:58
oCeanhe's just trying us17:58
Coreyhttp://pastebin.com/Kc8QGvh2 Now that's just broken. :-)18:13
rwwI wish people would stop with the "I know $topic is offtopic for $currentChan, but I'm going to ask anyway!" crap.18:43
rwwMakes me want to /ar $0 consider actually following !guidelines18:43
Jordan_UIncidentily, '$0' almost looks like a reasonable emoticon for 'troll'.18:44
LjLrww: i was thinking of adding a factoidforthat yesterday19:20
rwwso I take it the IRCC meeting flopped19:20
rwwmaybe someone on IRCC should actually send meeting notifications ahead of time, since even IRCC forget they're coming up19:21
rwwbecause apparently the "put it on your calendar" I got when I asked for them isn't working19:21
rwwsince, you know, 3/5 of IRCC don't do that either apparently19:21
rwwalrighty, so attendence at IRCC meetings going back to when the meeting time last changed:19:50
rwwtopyli: 7, jussi: 5, tsimpson: 3, elky: 2, nhandler: 219:50
rww3/5 IRCC people not showing up to more than 50% of meetings seems to indicate to me that /something/ needs changing. meeting times, notifications, iono what.19:51
topylinhandler used to send reminders, but we just let our google calendar do it now19:53
rwwand I asked that he continue to do so and he didn't19:53
rwwthat he's only shown up to two meetings seems to indicate that he wasn't right about that perhaps :\19:54
elkythe meetings are, for some of us, at "plausible but not reliable" times.20:02
rwwnod. I don't know whether the issue is that meeting times need changing again or that there's a process failure, but there is indeed an issue.20:03
elkyi think it's the meeting times.20:03
elkynhandler often sends apologies because he's otherwise occupied, although quite awake20:03
elkyrww, your stats also aren't including the 'Hmm, where is everyone' meetings.20:04
rwwelky: they're including all meetings where someone showed up20:04
elkyyeah, i know20:04
rwwincluding topyli wandering in and being all "oh look i am king of the meeting"20:04
rwwIt's a bit facepalmy to me that we simultaneously need IRCC people to be online at the same time to do meetings and need IRCC people to be online at different times of the day to deal with things like cloak requests20:05
elkyah, see, i look in the ircc channel first20:05
elkyrww, utterly, yes.20:05
CoreyPerhaps expand the IRCC and institute a quorum.20:06
rwwCorey: there's downsides to that though, like increasing the possibility for drama in the IRCC20:07
FlannelCorey: increasing membership also increases the quorum requirement though.  Attendance statistics like the above make me think that it's something else, and that if we had more people, it'd just be proportionally more inattendance20:11
Flannelrww: Cloak requests are the only thing that requires IRCC to be around 'all the time', right?20:13
rwwFlannel: assuming that we don't need real-time intervention by IRCC (as "super-ops"), which I don't think we do20:14
elkyand we're limited to freenode's GC limit there20:14
FlannelWell, I imagine we can probably figure something out for less disruptive cloak requests, but I don't think that's related to meeting attendance.20:15
topylii'm not sure how important it is that cloak requests are handled real-time, as long as they're not missed and do get actioned on20:15
topylisooner the better of course, it's not nice to leave people hanging20:15
rwwFrom freenode's end, it's not important at all.20:16
FlannelSure, but a few hours of turnaround at off peak times is no big deal.20:16
rwwThe hangup appears to be entirely on Ubuntu's end, and I think involves that LP group for cloaked users?20:16
rwwwhich for some reason we think needs to be updated right when the cloak is set20:16
rwwNormal procedure for group cloaks in general is 1) user asks GC, 2) GC asks a freenode staffer, 3) staff ask the user to confirm if they didn't see (1), 4) cloak applied when the user replies20:17
rwwours appears to be 1) user asks #ubuntu-irc, 2) hopefully a GC turns up before the user gets bored and leaves, 3) if not, repeat (1) 4) GC pokes staff, 5) cloak applied in realtime unless the user gets bored before a staffer shows up20:18
Flannelrww: Again, I don't think the cloak process has anything to do with the meeting attendance.  Not that it doesn't have kinks that could be worked out.20:19
rwwFlannel: The fact that we have two things IRCC members have to do that have opposite requirements is a bit silly.20:19
rwwAnd a few hours of turnaround often turns into days before someone on IRCC's around when the Member is20:19
rwwbut yes, this is a bit of a tangent20:21
Flannelrww: I don't think IRCC feels a need to be around 24h a day to respond to cloak requests, so while our process seems to indicate it, I don't think it's actually affecting anything.20:21
ubottuth0r called the ops in #ubuntu ()20:41
rwwCan someone confirm that natali is spamming on-join in #ubuntu? They never do it for me.20:43
Flannelrww: confirmed.20:44
Myrttibayesian: hi20:52
bayesianlevae me alone20:52
rwwbayesian: something we can help you with?20:53
IdleOneleave you alone?20:55
rwwbayesian: if not, please /part the channel so that we can keep track of who needs assistance20:55
rwwbayesian: Hi. Why are you /joining this channel?20:56
bayesianill pm upi when i hav einfo20:56
bayesianrww just go away20:57
bayesianill deal with it20:57
bayesiani dont need your kick20:57
IdleOnebayesian: state your purpose for joining this channel.20:57
bayesianPM me20:57
bayesiani have ot raise an issue20:58
rwwbayesian: Then raise it.20:58
IdleOnebayesian: raise it.20:58
bayesiancalm down20:58
IdleOnebayesian: Please either state why you have joined this channel or part now.21:00
bayesiani have an to check entire column21:01
IdleOnecolumn of what?>21:01
bayesianif youll have patiene21:02
IdleOneI don't.21:02
bayesianim trying to get help21:02
bayesiando you want to me paste it raw??21:02
elkythere's pastebins for that.21:02
IdleOneI want you to tell me why you are here.21:03
bayesiani said so21:03
bayesianif you can stop distracting me ill paste it21:03
elkybayesian, it does not take this long to paste something. If you really must do it in PM, PM me. Just don't sit here doing nothing.21:08
bayesianPM me21:08
elkyNo, you want a PM, you initiate it.21:08
elkybayesian, I don't appreciate my time being misused like this. I have offered you the opportunity to PM me, and you are not PMing me.21:13
bayesiansorry I got distractged21:15
elkybayesian, I am rapidly losing patience with you.21:18
bayesianexcuse me?21:19
ikoniakick this joker. It's gone on long enough.21:19
bayesianive already been kicked twice21:20
bayesianim trying to deal with two things at once21:20
ikoniabayesian: then come back when you want to deal with this one. Leave.21:20
bayesiancant you jsut give me 1 mom21:21
ikoniayou've had enough. LEAVE.21:21
IdleOneyou've been given 30 minutes21:21
bayesianits all this distractrion21:22
bayesianI jut awnt to ask a simple q21:22
IdleOneask it.21:22
elkybayesian, you are asking that I sit here, during my work time in which I must account for all time spent, and wait, paying attention, for you to decide to communicate at whim?21:22
bayesianno elky21:22
bayesianif youre away its not a probolem21:22
bayesiani didnt want to rush you21:22
elkybayesian, then please communicate, this channel is not for idling in. That's why you're getting removed.21:22
bayesianand i just ask the same of me21:22
=== marienz_ is now known as marienz
elkythat was less than helpful.21:28
ikoniathats my fault that I pushed for that, but as soon as he was banned from here he logged off.21:29
ikoniaI have no belief that there was any genuine issue beyond time wasting21:29
IdleOneit wasn't your fault.21:30
elkyFrom my work IRC channel: <ben> " Microsoft's IE developers have a friendly tradition of sending Mozilla's Firefox developers a congratulatory cake whenever a new edition of Firefox debuts" <ben> I think I've found the cause of the shorter release cycles21:37
elkyaaand, that was wc.21:37
=== marienz_ is now known as marienz
KohelethHi there, anyone remove my ban please?21:52
KohelethBeen well over a week now21:53
KohelethAnyone with a yes or no please!21:58
ikoniaKoheleth: the time isn't the factor here.21:59
Kohelethso what is22:00
ikoniaKoheleth: I'm happy to remove the ban, if you can stop with the annoying behaviour such as pretending to be drunk22:00
Kohelethok, done22:00
ikoniano problem then.22:01
ikoniaone moment please.22:01
ikonia(please keep in mind, I'm not saying "just" pretending to be drunk, but that sort of annoying random distruptive behaviour)22:01
ikoniayou do understand that ?22:01
Kohelethsure, great thanks again22:02
ikoniano problem, just give me a minute and I'll have this removed for you22:02
Kohelethgreat luvly jubly22:02
Kohelethenglish expression for superb22:03
ikoniaI know, I'm English22:03
ikoniacan you please try to join now.22:03
Kohelethok, thanks22:03
ikoniaok, please keep in mind what we've discussed today and in the past about your contribution to #ubuntu-offtopic22:04
ikoniaand you're welcome to leave this channel now.22:04
=== marienz_ is now known as marienz
urlin2uplease look at the flowr at #ubuntu an unallfilated23:43
elkyurlin2u, i have been since before you looked here, thanks :)23:44
urlin2uno prob23:44

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