
b0nghitteri hope it would be possible for ubuntu server 10 to be supported by cpanel.. hopefully the devs could contact them and get it going..04:09
b0nghitteri was forced into using centos for now. very disappointed..04:10
uvirtbotNew bug: #858644 in drbd8 (main) "DRBD Linux Headers Required" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85864404:41
KM0201why is it that sudo fdisk -l always shows my /dev/md0 as not having a valid partition table?05:30
KM0201i formatted it as ext4, before install05:31
qman__md raid devices don't have partition tables, normally05:39
qman__they either have LVMs or filesystems05:39
KM0201qman__: oh ok05:41
KM0201well, it has a filesystem (i can read/write to it no problem)05:41
KM0201i jus tthought that was a weird output ... guess i was wrong.05:41
koolhead17hi all06:45
uvirtbotNew bug: #344613 in eucalyptus "NC reports failed AttachVolumes in DescribeInstances" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34461307:37
uvirtbotNew bug: #344620 in eucalyptus "Volumes marked as "deleted" cannot actually be deleted" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34462007:37
uvirtbotNew bug: #345004 in eucalyptus "add missing config flag for disabling block storage" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34500407:37
uvirtbotNew bug: #347629 in eucalyptus "in SYSTEM mode, CLC tries to discover elastic IPs from CC even though elastic IP support is not enabled in SYSTEM mode" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34762907:42
=== WinstonSmith is now known as |R2D2|
=== |R2D2| is now known as WinstonSmith
MACscrmy ubuntu server is running as a xen pvm and its having major time issues, look how fast the time is moving here: http://screencast.com/t/TbiEYeMMRIJ08:45
Abhijitapache and phpmyadmin are running but still php scripts are not being parsed firefox ask to download. this is local server. help please08:51
Abhijititsa  lamp on lucid 64 bit08:51
andygraybealMACscr, i like how 11 seconds went by after one second :)08:56
MACscrandygraybeal: i know, its screwed up. THe clock is already 2 hours ahead and i just set it 20 or so minutes ago08:59
MACscrany ideas?08:59
Abhijitapache and phpmyadmin are running but still php scripts are not being parsed firefox ask to download. this is local server. help please09:06
andygraybealMACscr, no man, i have no idea09:58
andygraybeali don'yt know much about any of this09:58
GG111greetings all,  I got a real bad one with PopTop , ( PPTPD),  "10:28
GG111"  GRE: Bad checksum from pppd " is the error, cannot connect  ( after being able to ) from XP and Win7 machines to my PPTP server .10:28
archaylhi, how do i make ubuntu samba wins server to appear in network browsing through pptp? i'm able to access using unc but the name doesn't seems to be broadcasted. tq.10:49
RoyKarchayl: wins may help11:05
RoyKarchayl: windows traditionally uses smb broadcasts to locate services, and those broadcasts may not be forwarded over the tunnel. wins is the old name resolution system. later versions (from win2k etc) have changed this to using dns11:06
archaylRoyK: i've already made smbd as wins server. I've used nblookup in windows and found the wins server using netbios name. should i look into dns for network browsing purpose? trying to access from windows 7.11:10
RoyKwin7 is set to use the particular wins server?11:27
archaylRoyK: in the connection status for pptp connection it states the IPv4 WINS server. tcpdump states that there are netbios communication happens in the tunnel.11:36
archaylRoyK: one of them http://dpaste.com/620658/11:38
koolhead17RoyK: howdy11:43
archaylRoyK: query using nblookup which returns as expected (tcpdump) http://dpaste.com/620664/11:59
RoyKarchayl: does ipconfig /all return the wins server?12:03
RoyKit may have to be set in the windows network config12:03
archaylRoyK: yup, it's there http://dpaste.com/620668/12:05
RoyKsorry, don't know then12:05
archaylRoyK: thank you anyway for trying to help me :)12:06
RoyKnp :)12:07
mfranzhas anyone ever got PXE boot working with through a KVM created through virt-manager?12:24
mfranzI'm sniffing on the network and never even see the DHCP request go out12:25
=== DrNick___ is now known as DrNick__
* RoyK just bought a AOC-SAT2-MV8 over ebay for $3814:39
RoyKgood for a home server :D14:39
x404xdo i need postfix to have ubuntu email reports ?14:58
RoyKx404x: you need an mta, postfix is good for that15:05
=== DrNick___ is now known as DrNick__
=== DrNick____ is now known as DrNick__
=== DrNick____ is now known as DrNick__
juliux_hi, i have a problem with adding something to my ldap as non admin user, you can find everything on http://paste.ubuntuusers.de/402882/ what have I done wrong with my acl's?17:01
=== Jasonn is now known as Jasonn|NotHere
=== Jasonn|NotHere is now known as Jasonn
maxbolcAccess: {2}to * by dn="cn=admin,dc=juliux,dc=de" write by * read17:14
maxbtakes precedence over what follows it17:15
maxbThe "to * ... by * read" matches everything, so nothing after that in the ACL will take effect17:15
maxbjuliux_: ^17:15
juliux_maxb: ok17:16
juliux_maxb: so the solution would be to change the order of the acl's?17:17
juliux_maxb: what would be the easiest way to do this?17:19
maxbI don't know... I greatly dislike the slapd.d/**.ldif configuration model, and stick with a plain slapd.conf myself17:19
juliux_maxb: :D17:24
juliux_maxb: also if i delete the  to * by dn="cn=admin,dc=juliux,dc=de" write by * read17:24
juliux_it is not working17:24
b0gatyrhello, I have a perl script that uses IO::Socket::INET and when executing I get this message: Your vendor has not defined Socket macro SO_REUSEPORT, used at /usr/lib/perl/5.10/IO/Socket/INET.pm line 19317:28
b0gatyrany clues?17:28
LinuxAdminHi, I forgot a KVM VM password, but I can mount it's filesystem with kvm-nbd on a local folder18:02
LinuxAdminwhat do I do next to change the password?18:02
LinuxAdminI already upload ssh certificate to .ssh/authorized_keys, to try login with passwordless, but it didn't work18:03
LinuxAdminwhat can I do next?18:03
LinuxAdminI can mount it on a local folder in the host18:04
ersiCan you or can you not mount the filesystem?18:04
ersiIf you can, just change your password in /etc/shadow18:05
LinuxAdminyes I can18:05
LinuxAdminbut /etc/shadow is encrypted and the same password on different hosts give different hash result and I'm afraid of copy from another host18:06
ersiIt's alright to copy it from another host18:06
ersiIt's supposed to be different, since it's a salted password18:06
ersiif it's the same, it's bad.18:06
LinuxAdminwhy does the same password give different hash?18:07
LinuxAdminon different hosts...18:07
ersibecause extra information is added, to make the hash different18:07
ersiso that some wiseguy can't make a huge list with "password1 = this hash, pass2 = this hash"18:07
LinuxAdminand will it work copy and past from another host?18:08
ersiYupp. You could copy the old file so that you'll have it later if you want to18:08
LinuxAdminok, I'll try it. Thanks18:08
LinuxAdminI give feed back in a minute18:09
ersinp :)18:09
LinuxAdminersi, it doesn't work, I already restart VM but I can't login. any more ideias?18:15
LinuxAdminI already did this in a physical machine, I boot from a live cd, chroot to the right mounted folder, and passwd the user account18:19
LinuxAdminI'm afraid of doing chroot on the VM host18:19
LinuxAdminany more ideias?18:19
ersiYou could just reboot the virtual machine, press edit when it boots and add init=/bin/bash to your bootline18:19
ersithat'll hax your way into the machine and you can 'passwd <user>' it like usual18:20
LinuxAdminpress edit? Portuguese keyboard does not have that key18:22
LinuxAdminwhen I used lilo a few years ago, after I choose the kernel to boot I would write single and I could single-user (root), now I don't know how to do this18:23
LinuxAdminit's in grub I suppose18:24
cloakablethe grub menu will tell you how to edit entries18:27
=== DrNick___ is now known as DrNick__
LinuxAdminI think I'll try to boot VM from a live CD and chroot it as I would with physical machines18:29
LinuxAdminI think this should work18:30
LinuxAdminI'm a little bit disappointed because I can access file system and this should be enough :(18:31
LinuxAdminersi, I tryed to copy /etc/shadow line of the same user, from different VMs with same user/password, restarted the VM, but login fails18:51
LinuxAdminAny more ideias? I think I'll restart VM from CD and use a live CD to chroot and passwd user18:52
LinuxAdminI can't find any other option18:53
LinuxAdminI'm just a little bit disappointed because I can access file system :(18:54
DulcinHi, I'm wondering, I just enabled the rewrite module for apache, and restarted apache, but mod_rewrite still doesn't seem to work?19:17
Dulcinany idea what this could be?19:17
Dulcinah, had to allow it in the config file for the vhost as well in apache19:19
x404xwhat is the best way to ensure file integrity ? I want a script to check weekly all files and report bad/changed ones by email , is sfv good enough for this ? or should i use sha1 or something similar ? the sha1 i use makes different checksums for windows and linux and are thus not compatible, what software packages are most useful for this purpose ?20:18
x404xI am also thinking of putting all the check files on a mirror on the os disk to not clutter up the file drive too much20:19
mfranzwell one way (which not only reports) but changes them is to use puppet to enforce that only the right versions are installed (primarily for config files)20:19
mfranzx404x: also "apt-cache search iwatch"20:21
mfranzand "apt-cache search inotify"20:22
x404xcan puppet change the windows sha1 files into ones usable for linux ?20:22
mfranzno, so you want something cross platform?20:22
mfranzif you need something cross platform there is the closed-source/commercial versions of tripwire20:25
x404xit would be a big plus if it could use existing sfv and sha1 files to check20:25
mfranzwhat is sfv?20:25
x404xI guess i could do a sha1 check in windows and the nuke those files and put in something for linux20:25
x404xits the most common crc file used http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simple_file_verification20:26
x404xmost of my older files have these already20:26
x404xhm ill look into inotify and iwatch20:27
x404xseems theres a ton of utils there to mirror and check stuff20:27
mfranzthose are just for monitoring (vs. deviation from a known good signature)20:28
x404xim mostly interested in mirror any file thats not there already to a backup server and check for integrity if a drive starts failing20:28
mfranzinotify is kernel-space so that is nice, no daemon or agent running hash checks20:28
x404xhm rsync might work to mirror drives20:29
mfranzhehe, yeah (there is also something called lsyncd)20:29
x404xi see20:29
x404xanother congress liberary of docs to read lol20:30
dassoukiis there a web app that one can host on their server to design uml and allow teams to build/design umls20:30
mfranzI think that is basically just inotify+rsync20:30
mfranzhaven't tried it though20:30
x404xno man for iwatch20:32
x404xwhen i installed ubuntu 11.04 i got a different desktop than the one im used to from 10 something, can i change that ?20:33
guntbert!classic | x404x20:33
ubottux404x: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".20:33
x404xhere i need to open +apps and scroll forever just to open a terminal window20:33
guntbertx404x: why are you asking that in #ubuntu-server ?20:34
x404xwell thats what im building hehe20:34
guntbertx404x: with a desktop environment? if you say so,...20:35
x404xhm yes i though it odd that id did not ask me for that20:36
x404xmaybe i should get ubuntu server version ?20:36
x404xanyway some utils are gui based so i need something to handle that anyway20:36
x404xjust text based wont do for all utils20:37
guntbertx404x: I don't know what you want/need but *this* channel is intended for the server version20:37
x404xif i logout will that stop a copy operation i have going ?20:38
guntbertx404x: if you didn't employ screen, yes20:40
LinuxAdminersi, I copyed /etc/shadow respective line from other host and now it's working, now I can login. thanks20:59
LinuxAdminI was mounting another VM, that's the reason why it wasn't working :)20:59
x404xhm I guess it never occured to me to get the server version (blush) maybe i should try that instead, does that use gnome as default ?21:03
x404xwell im building a fileserver to hold most of my files in a central place instead of over a lot other pcs, since im tired of replacing and checking for files that go bad when drives wear out it should have some good integrity checks for that and also another server as a backup for the first one21:11
x404xnow i have several dozen drives in pcs all over and its hard to find something i need lol21:12
x404xkinda neat with hotswap cages ;=)21:12
x404xa lot more neat than the old stack where i had to dismantle the whole box to change a drive21:13
patdk-lapsounds like a case for zfs :)21:13
x404xhehe if it was easyer to replace drives in a raid when they fail i would agree21:13
patdk-lapeasier to replace?21:14
x404xbut i tryed for days and finally gave up, also the 2+ days to resync the raid is not fun21:14
patdk-lapdidn't know drives in a raid are hard to replace, normally I just pull out bad one, insert new one, click, rebuild21:14
x404xyes to get the system to accept the new drive and rebuild it21:14
patdk-lapthere is no way to get around rebuild time21:14
patdk-lapexcept to have a faster drives21:14
x404xI tryed that but it failed21:15
x404xcoz the drives are not identical21:15
x404xused a 3ware controller21:15
patdk-lapthey don't really have to be identical, they just have to be larger21:15
x404xI tryed anything to make the new drive identical to the old including dd the whole drive to copy it , but still no deal, I found no way to make it work again21:15
x404xi ended up with the broken raid and a new drive alone21:16
x404xi had a lot of power failures here also and in the end I found raid to be not fun to play with21:17
x404xalthough im impressed i managed to reconver all the data from it even after all the mayhem21:17
x404xI still havent got my ups running21:17
x404xsingle drives are easyer to handle if somthing goes wrong21:18
x404xand as storages gets bigger the recovery will wear out new drives before its done21:18
x404xI read raid5 and even raid6 is becoming obsolete now21:19
twenty2twohi all...i am running g-apps for my mail server, but am trying to get the contact forms to work on the actual server...does anyone know the process? do i need to just add postfix/will that interfere with g-apps mail?21:19
x404xby the time it runs again another drice is sure to have failed21:19
arooni-mobilei'm trying to figure out why i'm not currently able to receive paypal notifications on my web app server.  i am in the paypal sandbox but i can't get a paypal notification to be sent to my server "IPN delivery failed. Unable to connect to the specified URL. Please verify the URL and try again." ... is there a way to see if any ip addresses have been banned etc?21:25
leniostry a wget URL21:28
x404xwhats a good program to compare directory trees to see if all files are identical to a backup ?21:35
jeeves_mossis there a way I can thin out my configs and fix the "relay not premitted" errors that I'm getting?  postconf -n=http://pastebin.com/JxyCMen3   http://pastebin.com/ENHnVqrT      http://pastebin.com/M9F0tpNK21:38
arooni-mobilei'm trying to figure out why i'm not currently able to receive paypal notifications on my web app server.  i am in the paypal sandbox but i can't get a paypal notification to be sent to my server "IPN delivery failed. Unable to connect to the specified URL. Please verify the URL and try again." ... is there a way to see if any ip addresses have been banned etc?21:57
JamesT_Hi, I am having trouble connecting my ubuntu server macine to my university campus wifi. The details we are given about the network are here: http://www.ucc.ie/en/sit/network/wireless/tech/ This is my wpa_supplicant.conf http://pastebin.com/WnrpP3j5 It seems to be connecting (according to iwconfig). But dhclient doesnt work.)22:12
arooni-mobilehi folks;  i just bought a mobile broadband wireless card.  it give me an ip address of x.x.x.x;  i'd like to make it so i can access my web app via http://ip-address-of-moile-wifi-card:80  ; or http://ip-address-of-moile-wifi-card:3000 ... i'm running ubuntu linux 11.04; is this possible?22:27
cloakablearooni-mobile: depends on if the IP is behind a NAT; many mobile broadband ip's are.22:33
arooni-mobilecloakable, how would i find out22:41
cloakablearooni-mobile: look at the ip address. Is it in the RFC private address space?22:41
cloakablearooni-mobile: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Private_network#Private_IPv4_address_spaces22:42
drapedupanyone recommend a good, recent php/mysql book ?22:42
Ash-FoxIf I wanted to setup a port forward in Ubuntu server, do I just write a simple script with my iptables rules that cron launches on @reboot, or does Ubuntu have some specific firewall system that I /should/ be using instead?23:20
ChmEarlAsh-Fox, same as other distros, try using iptables-restore23:22
Ash-FoxAlrighty, thanks.23:22
=== Jasonn is now known as Jasonn|NotHere
=== Jasonn|NotHere is now known as Jasonn
talntidI have an Ubuntu Server, and when I try to ping a host (google.com, for example)... it immediately resolves to IP, but the pings don't start happening for like... 4 seconds..  then they have 23ms response times.... what could be slowing this down?23:52
talntidand its like 3-4 seconds between each ping response.. but the latency is low23:53

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