
sammmWeirdly enough, I get a better signal with my 5 inch antenna than I do my 9 inch one00:00
sammmI have enough bandwidth to do some online gaming now :D02:11
sammmIt's still not all that great, but it's bearable :)02:11
sammmAnd I can browse the web not too badly too02:11
sammmAnd I can stream 480p Youtube :D02:11
shaunothink I'm finally done wrangling ip6tables for the evening02:51
* czajkowski does a little dance! 06:48
danfishczajkowski: an Irish jig no less ;)06:50
czajkowskidanfish: can you blame me with that score :D06:50
danfishtrue.....but it was Russia06:51
czajkowskiwe're topping the pool06:52
czajkowskibeat AU06:52
danfishmind you, if rugby goes the way of football, the Ruskies will have bought up every team in the UK ;)06:52
danfishczajkowski: where does that put you for the knock out stages?06:53
czajkowskipretty good way06:54
czajkowskihowever we got the pasta folks next weekend06:54
czajkowskiPotatoes V Pasta06:54
danfishgnocchi - the best of both06:55
czajkowskiScotland V Argentina now06:56
MartijnVdSDon't gnoccit 'til you try it!06:56
* danfish groans06:56
* danfish received some infrared sensors from China off ebay - no datasheet included :-(06:59
MartijnVdSdanfish: aren't IR sensors very simple things anyway?06:59
danfishMartijnVdS: fairly simple, but some info re required voltage, whether they need pull-up resistors etc would be nice07:03
czajkowskidanfish: roll on 2015 eh07:05
czajkowskimight even seen some advertising for the oval shaped ball in the UK!07:05
danfishI see Ireland's cunning plan of losing all their warmup games is working!07:13
AlanBellmorning all07:17
czajkowskidanfish: indeed!07:24
czajkowskiwe'll take a loss to England to thrash and wipe the smugness of Au07:24
czajkowskiAlanBell: aloha07:24
czajkowskiAlanBell: so what are you up to this bright and sunny day eh07:29
czajkowskiseemingly a heat wave next week07:29
ginghow can you have a heatwave now?07:41
czajkowskiI dunno07:41
czajkowskiask the weather man07:42
gingi don't trust him07:46
ubuntuuk-planet[Laura Czajkowski] Rugby Rantings and Ravings pays off on iphone app - http://www.lczajkowski.com/2011/09/25/rugby-rantings-and-ravings-pays-off-on-iphone-app/08:13
brobostigongood morning everyone,09:29
MartijnVdS\o brobostigon09:29
brobostigono/ MartijnVdS09:30
pr0ph3thi all, does anyone have issues with the new ubuntuone frontend? It doesn't get past installation at the moment. I'm using Ubuntu 11.10 64bit09:44
MartijnVdSpr0ph3t: past installation?09:48
MartijnVdSIt works fine for me09:48
MartijnVdSit doesn't do any installation?09:48
pr0ph3tMartijnVdS, not it starts the installation, asks me for a pass and then crashes10:35
pr0ph3tit used to work, but then it stopped showing the account tab so I decided to remove it and reinstall it, something must haave gone wrong in the process10:36
pr0ph3tI managed to start it now but it says "The information could not be retrieved. Maybe your internet connection is down?" on the Account TAB, any ideas why?11:03
MartijnVdSstrange.. I didn't need to install extra stuff11:29
wayneandleanneanbody know how to setup up pidgin for irc chat?12:10
penguin42well, I'm here on pidgin on irc12:11
wayneandleannepenguin42: what settings did/are you using?12:11
penguin42wayneandleanne: Click on the Buddy list window, go to the menu bar Accounts->Manage Accounts and then add12:12
penguin42wayneandleanne: Then just select irc instead of aim or whatever12:12
wayneandleannewhich server should i choose?12:12
penguin42well, what irc channels do you want to connect to - these?12:13
wayneandleannethis one12:13
penguin42wayneandleanne: Pick one from http://freenode.net/irc_servers.shtml12:13
penguin42wayneandleanne: Not the ones in italic12:14
wayneandleannedone, thanks, but why not the italic ones/12:14
penguin42according to that page those aren't happy at the moment12:15
wayneandleannepenguin42: thanks for the help12:17
penguin42no problem12:18
wayneandleanne1did it work??12:27
wayneandleanne1anybody know the command to switch nick's?12:28
bigcalmIt is /nick wibble12:28
=== wayneandleanne1 is now known as wayneandleanne
wayneandleannebigcalm: Thanks12:29
bigcalmYou're welcome12:29
zleaphow do i reinstall grub using a live cd as i installed windows on the first hdd and i think the ubuntu install is still intact on hard disk 213:12
penguin42I think you can run grub-install13:18
zleapok thanks13:19
zleapso to install on hda1 i type grub-install /dev/hda113:19
penguin42zleap: What's your partitioning like?13:25
zleapas in13:25
zleapi have 2 hard disks13:25
penguin42ok, and what's on each, what partitions?13:25
zleapfirst one is now windows,  the 2nd did have 10.04 on it,  its still there I think as i installed windows on first hard disk13:25
penguin42zleap: OK, and what do your partitions look like - one partition on each or do you have a separate /boot ?13:26
zleapi was going to just re-install but thought i would have a go to see if i can ge tit to boot before i do that13:26
zleapi think ther eis a separate /boot on the 2nd hard disk13:27
zleapi guess the bootloader used to be on the fist hard disk, as that had linux on too (two installs)13:28
penguin42ok, you need to check, is it /dev/hdb or /dev/sdb ?13:28
penguin42zleap: Either way can you pastebin the output of   cat /proc/partitions13:28
zleapsda i think has windows13:28
penguin42ok, there is no separate /boot13:30
penguin42zleap: OK, try this as root,    mount /dev/sdb2 /mnt      then    chroot /mnt      - does that look like your ubuntu install?13:31
zleapis it easier to just install normally13:31
zleapthey are mounted anyway from the live cd13:31
penguin42well lets see if that pair of commands works - it'll only take a moment to try13:31
penguin42ok, great - now chroot into it13:32
zleapubuntu@ubuntu:~$ chroot /media chroot: cannot change root directory to /media: Operation not permitted ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo chroot /media chroot: failed to run command `/bin/bash': No such file or directory13:32
penguin42sudo ....13:33
zleapi di d13:33
penguin42ok, what do you see if you ls /media ?13:33
zleapubuntu@ubuntu:~$ chroot /media chroot: cannot change root directory to /media: Operation not permitted ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo chroot /media chroot: failed to run command `/bin/bash': No such file or directory13:34
penguin42ok, what do you see if you ls /media ?13:34
zleap 13:34
zleap failed to run command `/bin/bash': No such file or directory13:34
penguin42no, don't do the chroot for a minute - what do you see inside /media ?13:35
zleapia m sure there is a gui tool for this13:35
penguin42ok, you're best reinstalling13:36
zleapok np13:36
zleapit was worth a try anyway, thanks13:36
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pr0ph3tre all, just wondering if you people use banshee? Because on my side here it keeps hanging, but I thought maybe that's just me?15:12
sammmFFS my internet can't even stream 360p Youtube :(16:20
gordhttp://www.amazon.co.uk/Nintendo-Wiimote-Nunchuk-MotionPlus-silicon/dp/B003QKQF4Q/ - erm.16:56
bigcalmThat is a special one indeed17:00
gordits the embassador edition17:06
ubuntuuk-planet[Tony] Jorgenson Album Designer on Ubuntu - http://tonywhitmore.co.uk/blog/2011/09/25/jorgenson-album-designer-on-ubuntu/17:13
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=== Guest5754 is now known as fr-z
exobuzzoneiric beta2 is testing my patience - ever since the last batch of unity fixes (including xorg fix), compiz is being really unstable http://pastebin.com/L4xCYdEx guess i need to post a backtrace..18:59
gordrather more useful yeah19:02
exobuzz<3 weeks till oneiric release date. doesnt seem much time to fix all the issues. I hope (but doubt) ubuntu would release it later but fully polished, rather than something that feels "incomplete"19:46
exobuzz< 3 not a heart ;-)19:46
exobuzzjust feels like a lot is incomplete/missing and 3 weeks isnt long. lots of popular apps miss integration with unity, making them unusable. broken accessibility with mousetweaks. stability of unity/compiz. missing usability things like having to install ubuntu tweaks to be able to change fonts/font sizes.19:52
ali1234exobuzz: i'm still waiting for issues in natty to be fixed. if they haven't been fixed in 5 months i doubt they'll be fixed in 3 weeks20:01
exobuzzali1234, mousetweaks is broken still in natty :-)20:01
ali1234of course it is20:01
ali1234i don't think a single user visible unity bug in natty has been fixed20:02
ali1234how much does commercial ubuntu support cost?20:04
StevenRpopey: ping?20:06
AlanBellexobuzz: what is the mousetweaks bug?20:15
gordi just upgraded ubuntu and firefox lost all my search engines apart from ask.com20:16
gord*puts on conspiracy hat*20:16
pr0ph3thi all, banshee keeps crashing in 11.10, is it just me or is that the norm?20:17
gordah good, its an old bug that happens with some localised package problems20:19
pr0ph3tgord is that referred to my question?20:19
ali1234AlanBell: it's a touchscreen related bug20:22
ali1234long left click to right click doesn't work in natty20:23
ali1234not actually ts related but that is where it has the biggest impact20:23
AlanBellworks in Oneiric20:24
AlanBellin unity2d at least20:25
AlanBelland in unity 3d20:35
AlanBellthe filling the mouse cursor up with orange bit doesn't work very well for me, but that could easily be graphics card dependent and I am running it in a VM20:37
exobuzzAlanBell, simulate right click doesnt work for me on oneiric. it doesnt work on natty, but thats likely another issue.20:44
exobuzzit didnt work for me in oneiric20:44
AlanBellworked for me just now20:44
AlanBellare you on a touchscreen?20:45
exobuzzand it's still broken on natty .. which was an easy fix that no-one cares to sort out :)20:45
AlanBellI was just using a mouse in a VM20:45
exobuzzill try it again when i reboot, but i switched it on and it didnt do anything just now20:45
exobuzzthats one issue of many of course :)20:46
AlanBellof course20:46
exobuzzgord, a new firefox was just pushed out with the fix for the search engines20:46
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 858683 in Ubuntu Mozilla PPA Bugs "Lost Search engines on upgrade" [Undecided,New]20:47
exobuzzi like unity panel not to hide. i just opened thunderbird, and right now my thunderbird is underneath the panel, and a gap to the right of the window :/20:48
exobuzzcan someone tell me how users with single click touchscreens are supposed to do the middle mouse click on unity btw ;-) emulation for right mouse, but unity decided middle mouse to launch "another" copy20:49
exobuzzalso if i missed something regarding font sizes. is there plans for a font config app, or users have to install ubuntu tweak to play with fonts?20:50
exobuzzi think ill do xubuntu (xfce) for the next joggler release. should be easier to use i guess on the small screen.20:52
ali1234unity doesn't support touchscreens20:53
exobuzzi might try kde with plasma netbook interface also20:54
ali1234kde has a touchscreen interface now20:54
ali1234it has sliding panels and stuff20:54
ali1234like the android thing20:54
ali1234except you can slide it down twice20:54
ali1234which pretty much says everything about kde20:55
exobuzzthats different from the netbook one? what's it called ?20:55
exobuzzhttp://community.kde.org/Plasma/Active ?20:55
exobuzzthanks. must try that!20:56
exobuzzlooks pretty decent20:57
AlanBellinteresting point about middle click20:57
AlanBellthat isn't an option in the hover click/dwell click stuff either20:57
exobuzzno. you cant simulate a middle click20:57
ali1234unity has loads of problems like this20:58
AlanBellthat is a gnome issue to be fair20:58
exobuzzperhaps ubuntu should integrate easystroke type stuff.20:58
ali1234not really. gnome doesn't use middle click for an extremely important function20:58
AlanBellunity's issue that it uses middle clicks20:58
exobuzzclick hold to move, maybe double click to launch another and single click to focus current running20:59
exobuzzthe click and hold to move conflicts a bit with the right mouse emulation stuff too.21:00
ali1234unity still has no way to go directly to the instance of the app on the current workspace21:00
exobuzzyou have to get the timing just right heh21:00
AlanBellyeah, double click instead of single click would be more intuitive and would be simulatable21:00
ali1234expose is useless when it brings up 10 terminal windows and you can't read any of the text in any of them, because it is too small21:00
AlanBellali1234: alt-`21:01
ali1234does nothing?21:01
exobuzzali1234, linus didn't like gnome3 with the clicking to bring up previous terminal instead of loading another21:01
exobuzz(gnome 3 shell)21:01
ali1234well gnome3 is pretty bad too21:01
ali1234i dont mind the expose feature21:02
AlanBellali1234: if one terminal is focussed then alt+` should do like alt-tab does, but only within that application21:02
ali1234but pulling in everything from all workspaces is just silly21:02
exobuzzim guessing linus wouldn't like unity too21:02
ali1234AlanBell: it doesn't21:02
ali1234AlanBell: besides what use is that? it still doesn't tell me which terminal is the one on the current workspace?21:02
ali1234there is pretty much no reason to use workspaces because if you try, you will just get pulled all over the place when you switch between apps21:03
ali1234and you never know which workspace anything is on, or which workspace you are currently on21:03
AlanBellhmm, yeah, it does include them across different workspaces21:03
ali1234i just work around it by carefully arranging all windows so i can see a bit of all of them21:04
ali1234and ignore the launcher for app switching21:04
ali1234this is a trick i learned on windows 3.121:04
ali1234i thought we would have moved beyond that nonsense21:04
ali1234also bamf still fails to match loads of programs21:05
ali1234so i constantly have a "?" icon for "everything else that we couldn't match"21:06
ali1234sometimes it misidentifies things to. i've clicked on the folder and got an xterm before21:06
ali1234and then wonder why it isn't loading a folder, since i didn't have any open21:06
AlanBellI am finding it a lot less crashy today21:06
AlanBellseveral times I have booted to a desktop and nothing crashed21:07
ali1234i can't use oneiric21:07
ali1234i need my computer to keep running for at least several days21:08
ali1234+1 tends to break really bad if you wait a week between updates21:08
Azelphuranyone know a decent mobo I can buy for a media center/mythtv?21:08
AzelphurI want lots of PCI and SATA for plugging in DVB and HDDs :)21:09
ali1234use usb for dvb21:09
Azelphurbut then you can't get the entire mux, only a single channel21:09
ali1234dvb mux = 27mbit21:09
Azelphurok then USB it is \o/21:09
Azelphurmobo with lots of SATA? :D21:10
ali1234well doesn't that asus board have like 6 sata?21:10
Azelphurthe one we use for bitcoin mining?21:11
ali1234just use one of those21:11
ali1234or two21:11
ali1234or all of them21:11
ali1234make them all run mythbackend21:11
ali1234that's exactly what i do, except i only have 121:12
ali1234plug in a usb tuner to each one21:12
AzelphurI want frontend too though21:12
Azelphurand a bit of gaming21:12
ali1234so use one for that21:12
AzelphurI want it to be quite beefy, as I say the P4 3ghz with 1GB of ram is just not cutting it21:12
ali1234you still have 7 left for backends21:13
ali1234those boards have onboard nvidia graphics right? use that21:13
exobuzzAzelphur, p67/h67/z68 come with a minimum of 6xsata some with more21:13
exobuzzyou want mini-itx or microatx or ?21:13
Azelphurali1234: for a bit of gaming?21:13
Azelphurnah, full size21:13
ali1234sure why not, it is nvidia21:13
AzelphurI want it to run dolphin21:14
Azelphurand stuff like that21:14
ali1234if you want it to be quiet you are not going to get better graphics than onboard nvidia21:14
exobuzzAzelphur, crossfire/sli etc and those things or just one beefy gfx card ?21:14
Azelphurexobuzz: one budget gfx card :)21:14
exobuzzi have a ~£100 mb http://www.asrock.com/mb/overview.asp?Model=Z68%20Pro321:15
exobuzzsocket 115521:15
ali1234i think those boards were like £28 or something21:16
Azelphurthat looks ok, thinking I should go for AMD though rather than intel21:16
Azelphurbecause they tend to be cheaper, lower power, aiming at budget too21:16
exobuzzali1234, sandy bridge onboard intel gfx is quicker than intel ion last i checked though21:16
exobuzznvidia ion even21:16
ali1234but it still sucks even compared to nvidia integrated21:17
Azelphurneed decent drivers so gotta be nvidia :P21:17
exobuzzali1234, which integrated ?21:17
ali1234ion is a mobile gpu21:17
exobuzzintel drivers are decent on linux, just no opengl 3.0 etc which is a shame21:17
* Lcawte still wants nvidia-96 to be updated ^.^21:18
exobuzzali1234, which integrated gfx are you referring to. an example21:18
ali1234dunno. trying to find out what this board has21:18
exobuzzim running on sandy bridge now (intel hd 3000 or whatever), but of course i can add an nvidia card if i need at some point. not really gaming at the moment21:19
exobuzz(or at least not on games that require something better)21:20
ali1234ok this board has a Geforce 702521:20
ali1234not sure if i believe that actually21:21
exobuzzali1234, the intel graphics hd 3000 will be quicker than that old thing21:23
ali1234quicker for what though?21:23
exobuzzyou can see from there roughly where it sits21:24
ali1234i could do if i knew what nvidia 320M was21:25
gibletparadeAnyone know of an IRC client that actually times out connecting to a server and tries another?21:58
gibletparadeTrying to get onto ustream IRC but Xchat just sits there waiting on a dead server21:59
StevenRirssi ?22:00
AlanBellI never managed to get onto ustream irc22:01
AlanBellevery so often I watch the jono thing, and spend the entire show trying to get connected because the web interface is horrible22:01
gibletparadeI usually can but I think I must have got lucky with server loads22:01
gibletparadeyes the web interface, with flash ads, flash video and flash ads and chat client and flash ads, is just too much for this webbook22:02
gibletparade... so I watch video on my phone and (usually) IRC22:03
gibletparadeWill try irssi, thanks StevenR22:04

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