
* bkerensa runs yum update12:03
bkerensa:( Darn Apache keeps failwhaling19:12
nathwilli had the same problem last night19:57
nathwillfreaking nuke and restore was needed to fix it19:57
bkerensathis was due to a plugin though20:00
bkerensakeeps borking .htaccess and making changes to apache for caching and varnish stuffs20:00
bkerensaSo because of the amount of data I have I made a backup and am going  to wait a till next friday and do a in-depth fix... Right now I just swapped out plugins20:01
nathwillapache mod or web-app plugin?20:40
bkerensaweb app20:42
bkerensaWordpress even20:42
bkerensaW3 Total Cache <--- Used it for a long time but it borks every so many months20:42
nathwillsounds fun21:41
nathwillmore of the same23:33
c_smithgetting Kubuntu up and runnin'23:42
nathwillfun :)23:42
nathwillnew pc, or just a new install?23:42
c_smithnew install is all23:45
c_smithalmost done anyway23:46
nathwillhas Kubuntu gotten better? used to be people complained that it was a really bad default KDE config.23:49
c_smithgotten better since when, might ask?23:50
c_smithfrankly. aside from the many crashes of Kwin when using Wine, it's pretty smooth.23:51
c_smithplus, this is only temporary until 11.10 comes out, at which point, I'm wiping the hard drive, installing openSUSE then Ubuntu 11.10.23:52
nathwilli don't really know, tbh. i have not used KDE much myself, aside from a brief fling w/ Fedora KDE, but i've seen lots of comments from people who disliked the Ubuntu KDE spin for some reason.23:54
c_smithwell. one thing Kubuntu has over Ubuntu is Kpackagekit is able to install a good deal of software at one time without it crashing every few selected packages like the Software Center does, this is because the software are marked for installation like in Synaptic, but not actually installed until you click "apply"23:57
nathwilli understand where Ubuntu is trying to go w/ SC, but i'm old school, and like my "apt-get" and my "apt-cache search", though i never had the problem you described w/ the crashing23:58
c_smithnever got the hang of apt-cache search, but I use apt-get for what packages I can, so I hear ya.23:59
c_smiththe apt-cache search part I never could remember the command.23:59

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