
jedijfwaltman: that's crazy00:13
InHisNameChinnoDog: if u can do it but don't does that indicate a streak of lazyness ?00:39
TheEvilPhoenixholy freaking god00:41
TheEvilPhoenixKDE is so many times sexier than gnome00:41
JonathanDwife used to like kubuntu01:13
JonathanDcause it was prettier.01:13
TheEvilPhoenixits freaking SEXY is what it is :P01:17
TheEvilPhoenixexcept GDM is set as the default DM atm01:17
TheEvilPhoenix(yes, I have GNOME/Unity and KDE on the same system)01:17
waltmanjedijf: Well, there was a big post-ride party going on right off the boardwalk, so we just got some food and drinks there and then got back on the road back to Philly.01:37
michaelaanybody home lol08:23
InHisNameDidn't linger enough to get anyone to say good morning.09:15
InHisNameGood Morning everyone09:15
InHisName1Hi rmg51, good morning to you10:18
InHisName1anyone else awake yet ?10:18
InHisName1My synaptic mgr reports on my backup linux box-->You have 5 broken packages on your system! Use the "Broken" filter to locate them.10:20
InHisName1I've done that and tried various ways to rebuild / reinstall/ etc.  All end with errors.   Seems like a corruption in reading the file !!!10:21
rmg51morning again to all you sleepyheads :-D13:22
rmg51only 298 updates :-D13:58
rmg51320MB :P13:58
rmg51that's what I get for not booting the external in several months13:59
GeekyAdami still dont get what that is... is it a cyclops smirking like :/ ?14:08
rmg51it's just a way of saying hello14:09
rmg51it's a wave14:09
rmg51a head and an arm14:09
* cythes taps foot "Been a while" -- Azimon16:08
cythesGo figure, first time back and I still suffer from typo syndrome.16:11
rmg51first time I remember seeing your nick cythes16:15
cythesrmg51: I used to go by "AlexanderAzimov"16:15
rmg51that's what I thought16:17
rmg51the "Been a while" was my first clue16:18
rmg51just wasn't sure16:18
cythesYeah, I have been using mint for the last however long its been. Still ubuntu at heart.16:21
rmg51as long as it's not Windows =-O16:23
cythesLol I dislike windows with a passion. I do feel horrible for not keeping in touch so I am putting us-pa in my default channels again. What can I say, miss my old friends.16:25
cythesI founf out something that almost made me lose my hair, my grandmother is running AOL's web browser from like 2005... They dont even support it anymore.16:26
rmg51right now I'm playing around with Unity at the moment16:26
cythesI can not say I'm a huge fan of it. I'll stick to my gnomes, no matter how ugly they may be in real life.16:28
rmg51that's why I doing it on an external install16:29
cythesLol nice, I'm going to go about re-registering on freenode.16:30
rmg51go for it16:31
cythesAlright... registration complete!16:34
cythesI'm in :)16:35
rmg51I'm done16:37
rmg51with Unity for now16:38
cythesLol, I did a full installation of arch the other day... man was that fun..16:38
rmg51I still prefer a gui16:40
cythesI have been using linux in total for about four years now. Its time I actually got my hands dirty and started learning the inner workings. I'm comfortable with the basics in terminal. Even comfortable with irssi (Irc client) but its time I started getting more our of it.16:42
TheEvilPhoenixi prefer a gui too16:42
TheEvilPhoenixbut i do shittons of work in CLI16:43
TheEvilPhoenixheck, i've got ten terminals in yakuake right now with the GUI16:43
cythesTheEvilPhoenix: Ever use tmux?16:43
cythesIts like screen only updated.16:43
TheEvilPhoenixcythes:  unfortunately no16:44
cythesI would suggest checking it out some time...Might help a little.16:45
TheEvilPhoenixits not like this system is up 24/716:45
cythesnor is mine lol.16:47
cythesbrb I require food16:47
TheEvilPhoenixi have food :P\16:47
TheEvilPhoenixa huge pizza16:47
* cythes ninjas a slice.16:48
rmg51chatters eat?16:48
* TheEvilPhoenix forgot to mention its laced with a poison he's immune to16:48
cythesrmg51: Yeah some of us even have one of those life things outside of the IRC.16:49
rmg51I thought we just sat in front of our computers all day :-D16:49
TheEvilPhoenixrmg51:  i'm actually working :P16:49
TheEvilPhoenixso i multitask :p16:49
cythesTheEvilPhoenix: I'm a ninja you think I dont know how to counter poison?16:49
* TheEvilPhoenix has jobs regarding computer programming16:49
TheEvilPhoenixcythes:  you realize its liquified Nova 6 nerve toxin?16:49
rmg51I have to switch over to XP to make a birthday card ;-)16:50
cythesrmg51: How could you!!!!16:50
cythesTheEvilPhoenix: Oh... Plutoxin 7 then lol :D16:51
rmg51cythes: no choice16:51
rmg51no greeting card app in Ubuntu16:51
cythesAlright... I forgives... :D xD16:51
rmg51pleia2: tried and failed to find something as good as I have on the Windows side16:53
cythesCould always make one some time...16:54
cythesOr use gimp.16:54
cythesHell I used opendraw and gimp to draw a circuit board for something my dad and I are working on.16:55
rmg51I'm not good at drawing :-(16:56
rmg51I just click on things16:57
cythesMutantTurkey: Two guesses as to who I am lol22:10
MutantTurkeyare we G+ friends and Fb friends?22:16
MutantTurkeytwo guesses22:17
cythesYes we are... been friends for a while.22:17
MutantTurkeyalex no?22:17
MutantTurkeyknew it22:17
cythesThe prodigal son returns! well not really.22:17
MutantTurkeyis your email to do with cythes or something? by what means did i understand that?22:17
MutantTurkeyprodigal son never chilled with me this summer... you filthy Zeitgiest!22:18
cythesIts just my new username.... the Prodigal son shall be doing that when he gets a lisence / car lol22:19
MutantTurkeyChinnoDog: got some of those toe FILA toe shoes... realized I have claws...22:19
cythesSoon I hope / I installed arch.22:19
cythesIts on one of my 140 gig hdd's.22:19
MutantTurkeyi cleaned out my HD las week. didn't realize how much crap22:20
MutantTurkeynearly a gig in /root! wtf.22:20
MutantTurkey10gigs in my pacman cache22:20
MutantTurkeyjedijf: yeah, with your archbox, you probably wanna run pacman -Scc once in a blue moon, that's where pacman removes all the old packages it's saved22:21
MutantTurkeybasically they just CURL the package from the mirror and then install it, so you end up with a giant directory of packges22:21
MutantTurkeygood if you need to downgrade and also reinstall frequently but can get quite hefty22:21
MutantTurkeyanyway I gotta split, I'll be back in 30/45 cythes22:21
cythesIf I'm aorund I'll see yah then22:22
ChinnoDogMutantTurkey:  toe fila?22:25
cythesHah I'm still cythes here. :D22:32
rmg51did you expect to turn into someone else just like that?22:36
cythesI forgot I'm on two networks lol22:37
jthanI'm in Boston.23:02
rmg51say hi to jfrost for us :-D23:04
jthanIs he still up here?23:04
rmg51think so23:05
jthanHe doesn't like me much23:08
rmg51show up on his doorstep and see what happens ;-)23:09
MobileTurkeycythes: yoo23:13
jedijfMobileTurkey: resources not an issue on archbox23:25
jedijfbut good reminder23:25
MobileTurkeyjedijf: I know, just saying I mean I got up to 5 gigs randomly23:25
cythesMobileTurkey: Oh not much watching vids on youtube... wondering what to do with my new account lol.23:26
cythesYoutube account that is.23:26
MobileTurkeyubuntu user just walked in23:56
MobileTurkeyI laughed and called him some mean names23:57

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