
Kilosmorning all07:17
KilosMaaz, coffee on07:17
* Maaz washes some mugs07:17
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!07:21
KilosMaaz, ty07:21
MaazEnjoy Kilos07:21
KilosMaaz, and rusks07:21
MaazI hid them away Kilos Pm me and I'll tell you where they are07:21
KilosMaaz, dankie man07:22
MaazGroot plesier my vriend07:22
superflyafternoon sakhi10:55
kbmonkeyevening all18:38
Kilosevening all18:38
Kiloslo kbmonkey 18:38
Kiloswe musta typed that together18:38
Kilosi started first but type slower\18:38
kbmonkey@set echo off18:39
inetproKilos: you were 6 seconds slower to press ENTER18:39
Kiloslol ty inetpro 18:39
Kilosas i say i type slower18:40
inetprogood evening Kilos, kbmonkey and everyone else18:40
kbmonkeythat's 1.82 seconds slower per key 18:40
Kilosand i look at the keyboard while typing18:40
kbmonkey... just blame it on the internet Kilos ;D18:40
Kilosyou guys all good18:41
Kilosi slept mosta the day18:41
nuvolarinaand oom Kilos 18:41
nuvolariand kbmonkey 18:41
Kiloslo nuvolari 18:42
kbmonkeyhi nuvolari 18:42
nuvolarioh, and inetpro too18:42
* nuvolari tips hat18:42
* inetpro takes a bow18:43
kbmonkeyyou got a feather in that hat :D18:43
Kilosstop it, my heads too sore to laugh18:43
kbmonkeyis that a fedora?18:43
inetprohmm... nuvolari I hope it's not red18:44
nlsthznevening gents ( kbmonkey , Kilos , inetpro , nuvolari and others)18:47
kbmonkeyhello nlsthzn 18:48
Kiloshi nlsthzn the ahabs changing i see18:48
inetpronlsthzn: hiya18:48
Kilossaudi king grants woman the right to vote18:48
nlsthznKilos: awesome... must be tired of not getting any18:49
kbmonkeygood observation! he he18:49
Kilosjpm[mobile], doesnt you fone battery every go flat18:49
Kilosnlsthzn, now their problems are really gonna start18:51
* Kilos waits to be shot down18:51
* nlsthzn stays quiet... very very quiet18:51
nlsthznThey have a long way to go but good for them for starting at least18:52
kbmonkeythats good to hear they moving away from such crappy world views :]18:52
nlsthznwell, enjoy the rest of your Sunday :)18:53
Kilosthem peeps are really hard on their woman18:53
Kilosgot nearly no rights18:53
Kiloscheers nlsthzn 18:53
kbmonkeybye.. oops18:55
Kilosnight everyone. see you tomorrow. sleep tight19:09
inetprohmm... evryone way to quiet today19:14
nuvolaribedtime. night everyone19:20
kbmonkeygn nuvolari 19:23
kbmonkeyyes quite. looking at salix now19:23
kbmonkeypretty nice http://ompldr.org/vYWowbg/salix.jpg19:24
inetprokbmonkey: interesting19:26
kbmonkeynot sure why my qemu network doesnt pick up. huh19:27
kbmonkeyyes i miraculously had some bandwidth to use, so i get new distros :)19:27
kbmonkeystarted getting the new knoppix, then I decided to try something different19:28

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