
urlin2urobot-army, I think there is no icon, you might look for one or try deluge it has a icon .00:00
robot-armyqin: ah, daemon makes sense.  I'll give that a shot.  Do you happen to know offhand if the web interface will be enabled with just the daemon running?00:00
qinrobot-army: No clue, using rtorrent :P00:01
robot-armyqin: gotcha.  I'll start by changing the command to start the daemon and fiddle with it from there, thanks for the reply  =)00:01
qinrobot-army: np00:01
mnemonic76Anyone help me with a cp script?00:03
mnemonic76I am stuck, and can't figure out what the heck I'm missing... the script finds and copies the files I want, but it does not re create the directory structure.00:04
qinmnemonic76: Try this: mkdir ~/test && find . -type d -exec cp -r {} ~/test \; (if find will include test in results there will be a trouble)00:08
qinmnemonic76: I think it is easier to use rsync anyway.00:09
qinmnemonic76: And I can bet for 10 bucks that -r was missing ;)00:10
ubunso then the developers for ubuntu/linux distros. work for free?00:13
bazhangubun, did you have an ubuntu support question?00:13
ubunbazhang: sorry i did but someone sent me on a goose chase00:13
bazhangubun, please keep support here , and chit chat to #ubuntu-offtopic , thanks00:14
ubunactually bazhang: i was trying to find out if you can change the layout of the ubuntu11 layout. (the help i found only shows you how to switch to classic gnome. i just want to change the position of things00:16
bazhangubun, the unity dash? that is on the left bar and immovable as far as I know00:17
ubunbazhang: yeah. thats what i wanted to know...00:17
qinubun: There is no Ubuntu 11, either 11.04 or 11.10, and Unity do not provide much options, atm.00:17
ubunqin: ubuntu 11.0400:17
Matt_799my ubuntu user icon is a flower, how can I change it, I see no option in user and groups00:18
pythonsnakeHello bazhang !00:18
ubunok. so the question i asked  earlier about UNIX- was a typo i meant to ask about unity. ok so the gui for ubuntu11.04 is unity??00:19
xanguaMatt_799: try in the user indicator00:19
pythonsnakeubun: y00:19
pythonsnakeubun: positive00:19
Jordan_Uubun: By default, when 3D accelleration is available, yes.00:19
ubunpythonsnake: ok.00:19
ubunjordan: i see00:19
mingdao_How much trouble is it to switch to Fluxbox in Ubuntu? Or is it even possible?00:20
Jordan_U!tab | ubun00:20
ubottuubun: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.00:20
bazhangmingdao_, install it, then choose from login window00:20
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mingdao_bazhang: Thanks. I'm not the type that needs the features of a desktop environment.00:20
ubunJordan_U: that is the best advice ive gotten(regarding the chat) thanks00:20
Matt_799xangua, i searched system setting for user indicator with no resutls, do i have to download it?00:21
KiriorHI, how can i check and repair my filesystem using fsck from commandline within livecd? every time i try i got this ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ fsck fsck from util-linux-ng 2.17.200:21
Jordan_Uubun: By the way, using a nickname of "ubun" makes it rather difficult to follow conversations with you using "/lastlog ubun" as that would give all lines from any message mentioning "ubuntu".00:21
xanguaMatt_799: User Indicator, one of the indicators in the tho right corner00:21
=== Guest28794 is now known as Logan_
Jordan_Uubun: You're welcome.00:21
ubunJordan_U: hmmm... never thought of that. ill think of something better00:21
Matt_799xangua, got it, thx00:22
KiriorJordan_U: HI, how can i check and repair my filesystem using fsck from commandline within livecd? every time i try i got this ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ fsck fsck from util-linux-ng 2.17.200:22
mnemonic76qin: thanks... i am testing now..00:24
ChotazHas anyone ever used mp3check?00:24
bazhangChotaz, have some questions about it?00:25
ArathI'm trying to install wireless usb driver.  But the instructions are very hard to understand, it tells me to first "set the "MODE = STA" in Makefile and choose the TARGET to Linux by set "TARGET = LINUX". Define the linux kernel source include file path LINUX_SRC.00:25
qinmnemonic76: It is one lever, it fails if deeper00:25
tobeJordan_U: there i changed my name...00:26
ahmad_daoudKirior: specify file system to be checked ;)00:26
Jordan_UKirior: To see the manual for a given command use "man some_command", like "man fsck". In this case you need to run "sudo fsck /dev/sdXY" replacing "X" with a letter and "Y" with a partition number. "sudo blkid" will list all partitions, you want the one with a filesystem type of "ext4".00:26
Kiriorahmad_daoud: i would like to check my linux partition (ext2) when i tried using fsck while running ubuntu it spit warning that it will cause damage so i went to live cd and tried here but this http://paste.ubuntu.com/696414/ is all i get00:27
ahmad_daoudJordan_U: Perfect reply :thumbs up:00:28
KiriorJordan_U: cheers man, as always helpfull :)00:28
Chotazbazhang: in deed.00:28
ahmad_daoudso , your original / may be mounted ... check it00:28
Chotazbazhang: I recently had to use PhotoREc to try and recover some music files from a recently formatted HDD, i ended up getting 20k+ files restored and I want to spot and delete all the corrupted ones, i heard mp3check can do it, i just dunno how.00:29
ahmad_daoudthen fsck (as Jordan said) , specify /dev/XXX00:30
KiriorJordan_U: what is a vfat partition? and just to confirm this means that there are no problems what so ever? http://paste.ubuntu.com/696419/00:31
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bazhanghttp://pwet.fr/man/linux/commandes/mp3check   Chotaz here you are00:32
Chotazbazhang: ty00:33
Kiriorahmad_daoud: and if i would like to check an ntfs drive? and fix or attempt to fix errors? is windows chkdsk better for that?00:35
mnemonic76qin: How would I use rsync to do this? I am not really wanting to copy... I want to move all the .wav files out of the FLAC dir and recreate all the subdirs in the WAV dir... make sense?00:36
autojackI just started a text-mode install of Ubuntu 11, but I realized that I want to change some of the packages I selected. can I cancel the install and back up, or do I have to wait 1+ hrs for this to finish?00:36
urlin2uKirior, you want to use windows or a windows disc to run chkdsk on a ntfs yes.00:36
ahmad_daoudKirior: yes , use chkdsk for windows ntfs .. it's perfect  ... chkdsk /f E:00:36
_PythonHi, Could any one please let me know a good video editor for ubuntu??00:37
Kiriorahmad_daoud: /f not /r?00:37
tobeso is there a program to make a "restore point" before i do anything. this is a fresh install and i would rather not screw it up "again"00:37
ahmad_daoudKirior:  /f : fix , i think00:37
qinmnemonic76: That is more correct: find . -type d ! -name . -exec mkdir ~/test/{} \;  or this very nice way: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/copy-directory-structure-only-208796/#post106607500:38
urlin2uKirior, I would run r it implies f00:38
ahmad_daoudi didn't use windows for 3 years00:38
Stanley00!backup | tobe00:38
ubottutobe: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning00:38
qxtahhh this Unity really is weird on my 24" 1920x1200 screen. fvwm or Awesome would be a hell of a lot better.00:38
Kiriorurlin2u: thanks, :)00:38
tobeStanley00:  thank you00:39
Chotazbazhang: i don't see a parameter that allows me to automatically remove the faulty files?00:39
coz_qxt,  have you tried gnome3 instead?00:39
ArathI'm trying to install wireless usb driver.  But the instructions are very hard to understand, it tells me to first "set the "MODE = STA" in Makefile and choose the TARGET to Linux by set "TARGET = LINUX". Define the linux kernel source include file path LINUX_SRC.00:39
coz_qxt,  rather classic interface00:39
autojackanyone? canceling an install?00:39
urlin2uautojack, if you cancel you will have to start over.00:40
ahmad_daoudKirior: and this is ubuntu  ;)00:40
qxtcoz_ yeah and its almost as gay. I have Eclipse on one side of my screen. emacs on the other and about 5 shells open00:40
autojackurlin2u: that's OK, it hasn't gotten very far.00:40
tobeis there a difference as far as memory usage between unity and gnome?00:40
autojackurlin2u: I just wanted to get back to the package selection step I guess00:40
urlin2uautojack, if this us a install, not a upgrade.00:40
autojackyeah it is00:40
autojacka new install00:40
qxtcoz_, gnome3 just does not feel like gnome00:40
urlin2uautojack, you can shut it down a,d start over no biggie00:41
coz_qxt,  ah I see ,, gnome3 isnt that bad but I understand the difficulty in the changes00:41
qxtxfce is ok00:41
autojackI was hoping for a cancel option00:41
Kiriorahmad_daoud: oh yes i know sorry but today i dug up my old broken down 1TB drive and managed to restore its capacity (before  both wind and Ubuntu sow only about 15GB) and now just want to check if all the disk integrity is fine and here are loads of ppl that are dual-booted :P00:41
qxtcoz_, been using GNU/Linux since 9200:41
Kiriorand know more than me :)00:41
qinmnemonic76: Apparently rsync have -d option. mna rsync00:41
urlin2uautojack, you can do a soft reboot or shutdown crtl-alt-prtsc REISUB is rebot REISUO is shutdown type slowly.00:42
mnemonic76qin: I really want the files AND the directory structure... i00:42
autojackI just went with ctrl-alt-delete :)00:43
qxtcoz_, all I want to do is use pydev in Eclipse and emacs for C . All the blinky gay "facebook" stuff is lame00:43
tomvolekhi:  I have few servers behind a home wireless router,  How can I set these as static IP behind my dhcp router ?00:43
coz_qxt,  so you want to stop compiz,,, maybe unit2d would be better for you/00:43
g0rstomvolek: it is configure your router . did you want a static ip in the router or with your WAN.if you want your computer to be visible on the internet, you have to set up a DMZ host00:44
qinmnemonic76: What would be wrong with "cp -r", but rsync gives you more option (and ssh support).00:44
qxttomvolek, easy you can use http://dyn.com00:44
Kiriorthx guys again time to go for me bb, Jordan_U ahmad_daoud urlin2u00:44
g0rstomvolek: and then use a dynamic dns service00:45
urlin2uqxt, please don't use gay a a perjorative.00:45
Ubulindyok, I nstalled Ubuntu 10.10 off NetBoot and all I am getting is terminal like with no desktop environment even tho gnome is installed00:45
ahmad_daoudKirior: bad sectors ? or broken me00:45
mingdao_urlin2u: don't think you need Ctrl ... just Alt+PrtSc+{R,S,E,I,S,O,B} ... or whatever options00:45
tomvolekg0rs,  no I need to setup mysql replciation inside my home network .. I am using OCMcast dhcp right now on my wireless router, etc.00:45
g0rstomvolek: why do you need a static ip address?00:46
urlin2umingdao_, thats' the rumor ethier works.00:46
qxtcoz_, I don't use compiz at all. A long time ago I helped dev on Beryl.00:46
tomvoleksettgin up mysql replication between two hosts behind my wirless router00:46
=== sysadmin is now known as Guest41512
Guest41512How do I find my computer address?00:46
g0rstomvolek: are these hosts in your lan connected to your router ?00:47
coz_qxt,  oh!! by what you were saying about the "Facebook" effects i assumed compiz was running which it should be by default with Unity00:47
tomvolekyes sir00:47
qxtcoz_, for me it is all work station programming. We are 10 developers and just need to get work done.00:47
coz_qxt,  i completely understand :)00:47
tomvolekOne of the serves which will be the salve for mysql will be visible outside later on, via a pokeing a hole in the router firewall00:48
coz_qxt,  and I assume that if you are running Unity you already know compiz is running ...yes?00:48
tomvolekg0rs, does that make sense ?00:48
g0rstomvolek: youd have to use a dmz host and open a computer to be visible outside. use a dynamic dns service00:48
g0rstomvolek: i did that sometime ago when i wanted to connect to my computer from an external host using vnc00:49
urlin2umingdao_, I think the soft reboot is sometimes different per keyboards, the wikipedis says the key combo you suggest, but reisub.00:49
mingdao_Guest41512: "wget -q -O - http://whatismyip.org"00:49
tomvolekexactly that is what I am doing...00:49
mingdao_Guest41512: in a terminal00:49
g0rstomvolek: there are lot of tutorials on the web to do th same. setting up DMZ host and use a dynamic dns service00:50
tomvolekg0rs, so first thing i need to setup my two hosts(mysql master, slave) as static IP .. then move to the other iisues00:50
mingdao_urlin2u: I'm an old timer remembering RSEIUB ... raising skinny elephants is utterly boring ... but the kernel source (where is it in Ubuntu) has a file sysrq.txt which explains it well00:51
tomvoleki have been gooling, and a lot of pointes, but figured ask here form gurues in a live irc00:51
qxtcoz_, no since I use noscript, betterprivacy, ABP, Ghostery , HTTPS-Everywhere, Calomel SSL Val, changed headers, etc.00:51
urlin2umingdao_, cool thanks. :D00:51
g0rstomvolek: i dont know how mysql works. but if you want to conneect to a computer which doesnt have static ip and is behind a router, you configure the internal ip of that computer inside the router as a DMZ host and use dynamic dns service00:51
mingdao_urlin2u: reisub ... different for different situations rather than kbds00:51
mingdao_urlin2u: where *is* the kernel source? I feel naked!00:52
edbianhow can I set my audio to mono using alsamixer00:52
tomvolekok, will read on that subject  g0rs.. thanks00:52
g0rstomvolek: you might want to google that , it is simple and not too complex00:52
qxtand its not called Firefox it is Iceweasle. Not really FOSS to call it FF.00:52
tomvolek"setting up DMZ host ubuntu "    g0rs ?00:52
bazhangqxt, you are on debian?00:52
qxtArch Linux and Debian Wheezy are kick ass nice00:52
qxtbazhang, yeah00:52
qxtbazhang, how did you guess.00:53
qxtIW part =)00:53
=== lol is now known as {}
bazhangqxt, please stay on topic, it's Firefox for Ubuntu00:53
g0rstomvolek: yes, setting up a dmz host and i cant recall if ports have to be forwarded. you may check that too in tutorials00:53
urlin2umingdao_, found this one seems apropos  Reboot Even If System Utterly Broken00:54
tomvolekthanks g0rs  ...00:54
qxtbazhang, gay gay gay. A lot of ppl helped dev Mozilla and then it gets branded. Not nice for the FOSS ppl out there.00:54
mingdao_urlin2u: that's right ... good ... thanks, I'd forgotten that acronym00:54
bazhangqxt, thats neither appropriate not called for, please desist at once00:55
qxtbazhang kick me and cry lol00:55
g0rstomvolek: lets say if your computer has an ip address like then you setup a dmz on that ip address.00:55
g0rstomvolek: that is within your lan00:56
g0rstomvolek: you want to map your computer in internal lan to WAN which might have an ip like
g0rstomvolek: you want to map your computer in internal lan to WAN which might have an ip like
tomvoleki am looking on my wireelss router firewall setting, and DMZ is not set,  so I think I can take it from here , thanks00:58
iLogicI'm starting to become a little anxious for the release of ubuntu 11.1000:58
qxttomvolek, try this VPN=$(/sbin/ifconfig tun0 | awk '/inet addr/ {print substr($2, 6)}')00:58
iLogicwhat should I do? smoke grass or something?00:58
xaviergmailHey in linux mint there was a way to check if the installation CD was valid, how do I do it on this? (11.04)00:59
qxttomaw, ahh wait that is my tunnel just change it to your eth0 or wlan0 whatever00:59
qxtbazhang, stop pm'n me you lurker!01:00
spleenneed help concerning SED. Somebody can help me please01:01
complexityanyone know a good way to have ubuntu save desktops01:02
complexitylike firefox always open on desktop 201:02
mingdao_xaviergmail: did you get an answer?01:02
mingdao_xaviergmail: did you burn a CD from an ISO image you downloaded?01:03
AlpineTypical win7 bullshit01:03
xaviergmailyes I did01:03
AlpineNo sound driver functionality.01:03
mingdao_spleen: you need to ask a question, but I think this channel is for Ubuntu help ... see if there is a #sed channel01:03
xaviergmailI mean I burned from an ISO , didn't get answered though01:04
AlpineWhen will Bill Gates stop being such a turd.01:04
qxt_sorry spleen did not hear ya01:04
mingdao_xaviergmail: there is an md5sum for that ISO image ... you need to compare it to your ISO01:04
qxt_that homo bazgay face baned me01:04
BizzehAlpine: how is that typical behaviour? and how is it anything to do with a guy who hasnt worked at microsoft for 5 years now?01:04
Bizzehand hasnt written a line of code for over 20 years01:04
mingdao_xaviergmail: md5sum image.iso (replace image with the name of the ISO image) will give you the md5sum of the ISO image01:04
AlpineYou mean bill steal gui gates?01:04
AlpineMr.  I don't invent things I pay 50,000 for a copy of the disk operation system.. then steal the gui interface from of all people xerox?01:05
mingdao_xaviergmail: then if your ISO image was good, put your CD in the CD-ROM drive and in a terminal cd to the directory with the ISO image01:05
iLogicAlpine: have a little more respect, he is my uncle01:05
mingdao_xaviergmail: in that directory with the CD in the drive issue "cmp /dev/sr0 image.iso"01:05
mingdao_xaviergmail: if your CD-ROM drive is ISO01:05
BizzehAlpine: bill gates never claimed to be a good programmer, he claims to be a good business man, which he is, as a business man, he is impecable01:06
mingdao_xaviergmail: start by getting the md5sum of the ISO from wherever you downloaded it01:06
AlpineOh I can't take that away from him.01:06
xaviergmailI checked the md5 on my laptop, it's ok01:06
mingdao_this isn't #billgates fellas01:06
AlpineAnyone that can get away with that murder has gotta be a good buisness man.01:06
xaviergmailif I have 3 gb RAM how much swap should I give it?01:06
Jordan_U!ot | Alpine Bizzeh iLogic01:07
ubottuAlpine Bizzeh iLogic: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:07
AlpineI appriciate Mr. Linus for helping create the linux kernel :)01:07
akem3 prolly01:07
urlin2uxaviergmail, 3 gigs01:07
ahmad_daoudxaviergmail:  SWAP = 2X RAM  ;)01:08
qinxaviergmail: If you suspend, balance ram, 3bg +/-01:08
shawn_hey can someone help me01:08
iLogicJordan_U: come one, the guy was dissing my uncle.. how could I not respond?01:08
urlin2uahmad_daoud, not any more.01:08
shawn_Im pretty new to xubuntu01:08
AlpineYou can just create the swap automatically.01:08
shawn_u talkin to me?01:08
ahmad_daoudurlin2u: sorry ? O_o01:08
AlpineLinux kernel should auto create the proper swap size.01:08
qinAlpine: hm?01:09
AlpineThere is not a need to manual that on a dual boot system.01:09
AlpineIf this is what your attempting.01:09
Jordan_UiLogic: That wasn't your first offtopic comment. Please don't make any more.01:09
shawn_alpine who are u talkin to01:09
urlin2uAlpine, in yout=r opinion01:09
mingdao_xaviergmail: sorry, had to help my daughter01:09
mingdao_xaviergmail: the md5sum of your ISO image is good?01:09
iLogicJordan_U: dude, dont be such a hitler.. live a little01:09
AlpineNo no it's stolin ilogic01:10
xaviergmailmingdao_: yes01:10
Alpineunt dia admin?01:10
qinAlpine: s/a/o01:10
Jordan_UiLogic: Comparisons to nazis are not acceptable here. Please join #ubuntu-ops if you wish to discuss your ban.01:11
mingdao_xaviergmail: issue "ls -l /dev/cdrom" in a terminal and see what it is a link to01:11
mingdao_xaviergmail: something like /dev/cdrom -> sr001:11
AlpineBack to topic now.01:11
AlpineAre you trying to set up swap for dual boot?01:12
qin!who | Alpine01:12
ubottuAlpine: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)01:12
xaviergmailmingdao_: yep01:12
mingdao_xaviergmail: now issue "cmp /dev/sr0 image.iso"01:12
mingdao_xaviergmail: it will take a few minutes, maybe, but should return to a prompt with no output01:12
mingdao_xaviergmail: if so your CD is the same as your ISO image01:13
=== administrator is now known as Guest38369
mingdao_xaviergmail: there are other ways to do it, but IMO this is the easiest/quickest and is reliable01:13
xaviergmailoh, I'm on the  live DVD atm01:14
xaviergmailthe ISO is on the other computer01:14
xaviergmailI thought there would be one built in like there was in mint01:14
Jordan_Uxaviergmail: There is an option in the boot menu for Ubuntu liveCDs for checking the disk integrity.01:15
GameBoyHi.. I am a superuser.. is there a way to see the passwords stored in the /etc/shadow?01:15
GameBoyi need them decrypted...01:16
qinGuest38369: It looks strange, any trouble?01:16
maujhsnHow can I fix this: E:linux-image-2.6.32-33-generic:subprocess install01:16
maujhsnpost installation script returned error exit status 101:16
Jordan_UGameBoy: No. There are no passwords stored in /etc/shadow, only hashes of passwords.01:16
qxtOh would you stop banning me... gosh you suck as and admin.01:16
Guest38369how to find it01:16
shawn_Can anyone help me?... I installed.. Xbuntu last night.. and im duel booting Windows 7 /xbuntu... so i didnt create a partition.. but i wanna add more gigs to this OS.. i installed gparted.. and its saying ive already have 5 partitions01:16
qinGuest38369: Find what?01:16
Awesomeo2000say what?01:16
Guest38369find the passwd01:17
qinqxt: Change nick to "remorse"01:17
qxtbazhang, would you stop banning me ... I am staring to run out of server. Down to 1892 now!01:17
Stanley00shawn_: you need an extended partition...01:17
shawn_cant make one01:17
shawn_wont let me01:17
qinGuest38369: What password? Do you use live cd?01:18
Guest38369how to set  a vitual IP adress01:18
qxtqin a troll always comes back. I learned a lot from Weev and gang. Miss ED.01:19
GameBoyJordan_U.. so there is no way in finding out the passwords?01:19
Stanley00shawn_: hard disk only has most 4 primary partition, if you want more, you have to make 3 pri part, and one extended part, and then create logical part in that ext part01:19
Awesomeo2000the passwords are encrypted.01:19
qxtGameBoy, you need a pw? From what?01:19
maujhsnubottu E:linux-image-2.6.32-33-generic:subprocess install01:19
maujhsnpost installation script returned error exit status 1. Help!01:19
Jordan_UGameBoy: Correct.01:19
qin!details | Guest3836901:19
ubottuGuest38369: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."01:19
Jordan_UAwesomeo2000: They are not encrypted, they are hashed. It is an important distinction.01:20
Awesomeo2000it's stored in /etc/shadow01:21
xtqNo really you soooooooo suuuuck balls as an admin01:21
xtqGame get DVWA and Metasploit Framwork with BackTrack and you will be rolling. I like XSS with RFI and some of the newer LFI. Might be able to dork an sql injection an01:21
xtqget root01:21
sweetandyWhen I connect my encrypted 1TB external usb drive, a dialog box automatically pops up; what program is that? cryptsetup? ccrypt? something else?01:21
xtqdarn you stop banning me01:21
Awesomeo2000I thought they're encrypted.01:22
qinxtq: shellmix have admins too.01:22
xtqCUDA is your frind for brute force.01:22
mingdao_kline is for lusers01:22
RodneyJarvisHello, I've acquired an ipod touch recently, I'm hating it thus far in windows with the restrictions itunes imposes, what are the Linux alternatives like if any are worth doing?01:22
xtqqin you think we care01:22
Awesomeo2000RodneyJarvis: gtkpod01:23
GameBoyJordan.. one doubt.. why it is hashed and stored? Coz hashed stuffs has no key to retrieve.. is it for some kinda integrity check.. if so ... any idea?01:23
austin_what's a good IDLE for C++?01:23
GameBoyhey Rodney.. even i had the same issues... did you try wine?01:24
maujhsnUbbottu I have a problem installing recommended updates from update manager: Ubuntu 10.04 returns with error codes. E:linux-image-2.6.32-33-generic:subprocess install01:24
maujhsnpost installation script returned error exit status 1.01:24
GameBoyheard a specific version of itunes works on wine without any hassles..01:24
RodneyJarvisAwesomeo2000: Thanks, are you using that yourself?01:24
Awesomeo2000RodneyJarvis: yeah.01:24
austin_itunes is fail.01:25
GameBoyTotally agree austin01:25
GameBoyitunes sucks big time...01:25
GameBoyI have an iPad.. and regretting... any one tried running ubuntu on an iPad.. just curious?01:26
RodneyJarvisGameBoy: I'm not an iphad user until recently due to this ipod touch... I now can agree with your statement.01:26
maujhsnubottu I have a problem installing recommended updates from update manager: Ubuntu 10.04 returns with error codes. E:linux-image-2.6.32-33-generic:subprocess install01:26
ubottumaujhsn: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:26
maujhsn<maujhsn> post installation script returned error exit status 1.01:26
RodneyJarvisGameBoy: I almost bought one, I got a netbook instead lol.01:26
GameBoyRodney.. haha... LOL01:26
RodneyJarvisGameBoy: Thus far I'm very happy with the netbook, over what I have seen with the ipad2.01:27
austin_I've used an ipad- but I don't know about ubuntu/ipad functionality.01:27
maujhsnubottu answer my question!01:27
ubottumaujhsn: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:27
GameBoyRodney.. i just watch movies and read books... should have bought something cheaper!!01:27
austin_I think Amarok has ipad/ipod usage though... could be wrong01:27
RodneyJarvisGameBoy: Kindle...?01:27
RodneyJarvisGameBoy: Oooh Cheaper....01:28
GameBoynot kindle.. heard we could run android on nook01:28
RodneyJarvisGameBoy: Uhmmm netbook would have worked... Netbooks also have Ubuntu functionality built in ^_^01:28
qxtwas that you qin not nice.... sniff01:28
austin_=O Bourne Identity is on encore01:28
austin_say whoot?01:28
mingdao_GameBoy: you can run Android on Nook ... quite nice01:29
mingdao_sorry ot01:29
GameBoymingdao.. yep.. we could.. it just have issues with the camera during video conf01:30
austin_Is there a way to not view the join/quit info in the irc read out... new to IRC.01:30
mingdao_austin_: yes01:30
austin_do tell01:31
BWMerlinI the news about UEFI and Windows 8 logo programme really that bad and will lock out the installation of linux on Windows 8 logo computers or is it just a bit over hyped?01:31
qinaustin_: What client? xchat?01:31
mingdao_austin_: /help ignore01:31
mingdao_austin_: mingdao assumes everyone uses irssi ... but that should work for you01:31
austin_i'm using irssi01:31
Boom_FarmerGameBoy: The nook has no camera, and already runs Android. You can install different versions of Android, certainly, and Ubuntu, somewhat.01:32
mingdao_austin_: if you can't understand the help ask again ... if it's OT and channel is busy PM me or ask in #irssi or #freenode01:32
qinaustin_: On irssi website you will find tips and proper command to quite channel a bit, also /j #irssi01:32
austin_thanks guys.01:33
GameBoyBoom_Farmer: How do I install ubuntu on a nook? Do you have any links?? googling is eventually leading to some bogus sites01:33
mingdao_austin_: yw01:33
moesqin, What about in xchat01:33
qinmoes: Same, /help ignore01:34
moesqin, thanks01:34
jwrigley!anyone | ubottu01:34
ubottujwrigley: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.01:34
Boom_FarmerGameBoy: As of January 2011, http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=10306407#post1030640701:34
qinmoes: And there is #xchat channel too.01:34
jwrigleybaah, no fun.01:34
austin_Ok, back. I think I fixed my problem...01:36
hikenboot/proc/version has information on installed versions but what place shows what the system was built off of for compatable compiling01:36
lolcatJordan_U is a spammer, please ban him01:37
mingdao_hikenboot: ? gcc -v01:38
ahmad_daoudi have a corrupted iso (not cd) , i tried acetone, isomaster, testdisk, poweriso , fuseiso , but failed to recover anything .... actually they were 2 dvds but one was (udf) , and photorec helped me too much.. any program suggested ??01:38
Boom_Farmerahmad_daoud: Find the original source of the iso, reacquire via rip or redownload.01:40
ahmad_daoudactually they were home-made , photo dvds01:40
ahmad_daoudBoom_Farmer, just want to recover whatever possible , if available :(01:41
Boom_FarmerYo the corrupted isos are the originals?01:41
ahmad_daoudBoom_Farmer, sorry ??01:42
Boom_FarmerAre the corrupted isos the only version of those files that you have?01:42
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Boom_FarmerFor example, do the files on those isos exist elsewhere?01:43
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urlin2uahmad_daoud, you can mount them and extract them.01:43
ahmad_daoudBoom_Farmer,  yes , only the isos .. the dvds : one is very scratched , the other is lost01:44
ahmad_daoudurlin2u, by file utility , both are (data) ... not defined01:44
urlin2uahmad_daoud, ah not sure then.01:44
Jordan_Uahmad_daoud: ddrescue may be able to recover more data from the scratched DVD.01:44
Boom_Farmerahmad_daoud: have you tried physical recovery methods for the scratched DVD? a DVD polish?01:45
ahmad_daoudJordan_U,  well , i have collected much data with that dvd , the problem is the (lost) one !01:46
deridenscould anyone recommend an IDE to use for programming in C++?01:46
shawn_has anyone had any problems with realtek alc888 sound card on xubuntu?01:46
Awesomeo2000deridens: emacs01:46
shawn_the sound doesnt come from my speakers comes from the sub01:46
nilziewould it be a bad idea to have 0 primary partitions and just logical partitions ?01:46
tobehow do you enable the additional drivers found. I have a nvidia video card. i says the drivers are not in use. do i need to do anything or is it fine like this?01:47
Jordan_Unilzie: No, though if you're never going to have Windows installed on the drive you might want to consider GPT.01:47
escottnilzie, some OSes and bioses dont like to boot from logical partitions (and you still have a primary it just only contains logicals)01:47
ahmad_daoudto specify : by file utility it is (data) , when mounting with  : -o loop -t auto (unable to determine FS) in dmesg | tail , any thing else ?01:47
Awesomeo2000isabel: welcome.01:48
nilzieJordan_U: GPT?01:48
Stanley00tobe: you have to active it01:48
escottnilzie, the newer paritition format for disks >2TB allows for unlimited partitions01:48
mingdao_tobe: it is probably using nouveau, the open source driver01:48
shawn_Has anyone had an any probs with Realtek ALC888 sound driver?... the sound doesnt come from speakers comes from sub01:48
mingdao_tobe: lsmod will tell you01:49
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tobemingdao_:  let me check01:49
Jordan_Unilzie: GUID Partition Table. It is a newer partition table format that is more flexible than the old msdos partition table format which can handle drives larger than 2 TiB and an unlimited number of partitions (without the complexity of primary vs logical partitions).01:49
nilzieescott: i have a 80 gig harddrive, and i want to make a /home thats about 15-16 gigs (not sure) then have one for / and another for swap. not sure how big the swap should be and what should be primary and what should be logical. it's a laptop with 2gb ram01:49
mingdao_tobe: if nouveau works for you there is no need to install nVidia proprietary driver, but it's your choice01:50
nilzieJordan_U: i see. but im not sure if the installer has that01:50
=== _Jeepbeats is now known as Jeepbeats
escottnilzie, ubuntu shouldn't care about primary vs logical. windows does01:50
fdsai have a ?01:50
fdsamy user name is clone01:51
fdsaso when i try to connect to a network01:51
fdsawith irssi01:51
aeon-ltdfdsa: one line please01:51
Jordan_Unilzie: Ubuntu's installer uses GPT on any drive larger than 2 TiB. I don't know if you can specify it manually for drives smaller than that or not.01:51
escott!enter | fdsa01:51
ubottufdsa: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:51
tobemingdao_:  does nouveau use the video card to its best potential. (for high graphics games)01:51
whitehanyone know if it's possible to save gedit's currently open files via the terminal? my gui (in debian), sadly, froze up01:51
nilziehow big should my swap be if i have a 2gb laptop? some told me 2x the ram, but others told me that rule is useless for big amounts of ram. but others told me i need a large swap for sleep and hibernate...01:52
escottwhiteh, look for a backup file should look like filename~ or #filename# in the same directory01:52
fdsamy user name is clone, and when i try to connect to a certain network with irssi it wont let me because 'clone is erroneus' and i cant change my nick before i connect01:52
mingdao_tobe: I have never played a game on the computer, but I hear it won't be as good as nvidia for some games.01:52
mingdao_fdsa: maybe it says clone is registered?01:53
fdsanah it wont because clone is a common irc term01:53
mingdao_fdsa: registered != erroneus01:53
escottnilzie, to hibernate the ram must be written out to swap. so if you are using 1GB of swap and 2GB of ram you need 3GB of swap to hibernate. you can see how much swap you are using with "free -h"01:53
shawn_has anyone had problems with realtek alc888 that can help me when i try to play something (music) it comes from the base not the main speakers01:53
mingdao_fdsa: issue this: /nick clone01:54
fdsais there a way i can just change my user name?01:54
nilzieescott: i havent installed ubuntu yet so i dont know. how much would u make the swap?01:54
Awesomeo2000escott: free -t01:54
fdsaits the one that shows in the top right of the screen01:54
Awesomeo2000nilzie: usually the rule is double the ram.01:54
mingdao_fdsa: /nick <username> changes your username01:54
fdsait wont let me when im not connected to the server01:55
Awesomeo2000nilzie: so 2gb ram, you would set 4gb swap.01:55
escottAwesomeo2000, thanks i get that confused with du01:55
mingdao_fdsa: if you can't change fdsa to clone ask in #freenode01:55
qinfdsa: check ~/.irssi/config and try /join #irssi01:55
whitehanyone know if it's possible to save gedit's currently open files via the terminal? my gui (in debian), sadly, froze up. Either that, or is it possible to restart the gui? I tried 'metacity --replace' & 'gdm restart' but neither worked01:56
mingdao_fdsa: clone [~clone@unaffiliated/clone]01:56
nilzieAwesomeo2000: thanks01:56
escottnilzie, it really depends on the applications you run. and how many you plan to run at one time. so its not easily answered. your system is not considered to have "lots of ram" so I would go with 2x01:56
mingdao_fdsa: as I told you, someone else has registered the nick clone ... pick another one01:56
shawn_can someone help me with realtek alc888 sound card ???01:56
nilzieescott: and which partition would you make active?01:56
mingdao_qin: clone is registered01:56
fdsano im trying to connect to a different network not this one01:57
escottnilzie, afaik ubuntu doesnt care about it being marked active, but it would be /boot (and if you dont have a /boot then /)01:57
fdsaand it disconnects me before i can change my nick01:57
mingdao_fdsa: then go ask on that network :-)01:57
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nilzieescott: thanks again. would you recommend to have a /boot?01:57
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Stanley00whiteh: if it frozen, try waiting, if then you have to look at the autosave file, if luck ;)01:57
Zgomoti need a root scan :)01:57
Zgomotplease help me01:58
qinfdsa: Once more, you can set handle (or nick) in irssi config file01:58
escottnilzie, for a single OS system i dont see a benefit01:58
celltechVBox. How do I force drivers to stay connected?01:58
=== harryf is now known as _harry_
fdsawhats that /dir again?01:58
Stanley00Zgomot: what is "a root scan"?01:58
qinfdsa: ~/.irssi/config01:58
Zgomotroot linux01:58
Zgomotfor scanning01:58
Stanley00Zgomot: you mean scan root fs?01:59
Zgomotfor creating eggdrop bnc :)01:59
nilzieescott: thanks a lot. do you happen to know if theres an ubuntu version with gnome 3? like theres kubuntu for kde.01:59
fdsai have no idea where that is, im new to linux and i dont really understand the file system01:59
escott!gnome3 | nilzie01:59
ubottunilzie: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely.01:59
_harry_I'm having issues with sound. The sound worked before I did an update, but now nothing. I also installed flash for firefox. And I checked, it's not muted.01:59
escottnilzie, or wait for oneiric01:59
qinfdsa: less ~/.irssi/config01:59
nilzieescott: but that has unity. i want "gnome 3 - shell"01:59
Zgomoti need a shell02:00
Zgomotplease help me02:00
Awesomeo2000nilzie: you can always install gnome 3 later02:00
escott!sudo | Zgomot02:00
ubottuZgomot: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo02:00
fdsais that the terminal command to run that dir?02:00
qinfdsa: ~ means /home/clone, less is pager, let you read files.02:00
escottfdsa, no thats the file you need to edit02:00
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo02:00
Zgomot!sudo root02:01
Awesomeo2000zgomot: you meant "su"?02:01
qinfdsa: cd (change directory), man cd02:01
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo02:01
Zgomot!sudo Zgomot02:01
qinZgomot: Please, make sense, it is early and most of people here have kaffeine poisoning.02:02
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escottZgomot, if you need to ask the bot questions please /query ubottu first02:02
Boom_Farmerqin: Please, make sense, it is late and most of people here have sleepdep issues.02:02
_harry_Any suggestions for my issue?02:03
_harry_Not sure if anyone saw that I posted.02:03
Boom_FarmerWhere did you check that sound was not muted?02:03
_harry_Pref > Sound02:04
Boom_FarmerWhich program, which desktop environment?02:04
escott_harry_, have you rebooted since the upgrade that broke things/can you check the apt log to see what was upgraded02:04
fdsahow do i open this config file i cant figure out how to open it with a text editor02:05
_harry_Boom_Farmer, not exactly sure what you mean, but no programs have sound and I'm using Natty 11.0402:05
_harry_escott, yes I have rebooted and how do I check the log?02:05
escottfdsa, gedit ~/.irssi/config or vim ~/.irssi/config or $EDITOR ~/...02:05
qinfdsa: cd ~/.irssi && cp config config_old && gedit config02:06
escott_harry_, tail -n 100 /var/log/apt/history.log02:06
Boom_Farmer_harry_: Okay, so it's an OS-level issue. Open a terminal and run 'alsamixer', and tell me what you see.02:07
_harry_Boom_Farmer, I see AlsaMixer v1.0.24.202:08
Boom_FarmerThere should be a number of vertical colored bars. Do any of them have 'MM' at the bottom?02:08
_harry_all of them do02:08
Boom_FarmerWell, that's your issue. Everything's muted.02:09
Boom_FarmerUse left and right arrow keys to select a channel, and up and down arrows to set the volume.02:09
_harry_Boy do I feel dumb.02:09
MeGustavoif someone available to help me out lemme know :)02:09
mingdao_another *dude* looking for a +b02:10
MeGustavo2 packages ive installed dont show up in dpkg --get-selections02:10
Boom_FarmerDon't feel dumb; rather, be happy that you have learned a new troubleshooting tool.02:10
_harry_still new to this, thanks a lot for the help guys02:10
_harry_You're right ;)02:10
Awesomeo2000_harry_:not learn to keybind it to control the volume so you don't have to run alsamixer everytime.02:11
_harry_Okay, good idea, thanks.02:12
mingdao__harry_: after you close alsamixer run "alsactl store" to save your settings across reboots02:12
_harry_Okay, thanks mingdao_02:12
mingdao__harry_: np02:13
_harry_If, I can ask one more question. I installed LMMS using Synaptic, but it doesn't show up in my "audio production" menu.02:14
_harry_I can get it to run, but I would like it to be with all of the other files in the menu.02:14
escott!alacarte | _harry_02:15
escott!info alacarte | _harry_02:15
ubottu_harry_: alacarte (source: alacarte): easy GNOME menu editing tool. In component main, is optional. Version 0.13.2-1ubuntu2 (natty), package size 52 kB, installed size 336 kB02:15
_harry_Great, thanks a million.02:15
t0kenanyone using kexec in ubuntu for super fast reboots?02:16
_harry_Take care all.02:16
fbc_mxIs there a network utility that give you a graphical display of Access Point Channels? So you know which channel is clear?02:18
t0kenfbc_mx: kismet mebbe02:19
fbc_mxt0ken, awesome thanks02:19
MeGustavoif someone available to help me out lemme know :)02:21
MeGustavo2 packages ive installed dont show up in dpkg --get-selections02:21
MeGustavocompliling from source02:21
fbc_mxt0ken,  is there anyway that it can display the BSSID so you know which ones are yours and need to be moved?02:21
MeGustavopianobar and php02:21
escottMeGustavo, if you compiled from source what makes you even think they would be in dpkg02:22
t0kenfbc_mx: probably, it's basically a wireless sniffer.  I haven't used it in many years tho02:22
Fudgewondering if anyone is using a new amd laptop, mine seems to have seconds of lag for no apparent reason. could jsut be swapping from intel perhaps02:23
Atamiskanyone up here good at running git?02:24
itaylor57Atamisk, try #git02:25
Atamiskgood idea:P02:25
escottFudge, "lag" can be a lot of things. ive had painful lag with firefox because of filesystem issues and firefox's frequent use of sync calls02:27
Fudgeescott  its more when i switch from consoles to gnome or other way round02:28
Fudgethere is a few seconds of lag, but i have not experienced it on my netbook or other machines with same setup02:28
qinfbc_mx: Not sure if this is graphical enough: "sudo iwlist wlan0 scanning | grep Channel:"02:29
escottFudge, that is common. a lot of graphics card state has to be saved and torn down for the console. switching to console is not something you should do when running the proprietary drivers02:29
FudgeMeGustavo  if you compile from source the software is not registered with debian packager02:29
alazyworkaholicHas anyone tried running LGP's game Cold War on ubuntu recently? I can't get sound. I got a message that suggests /dev/sound/dsp doesn't exist & it should.02:30
Fudgeescott  ah that makes sense02:30
fbc_mxqin, thanks, but the kismet option give alot more info.02:30
escottMeGustavo, when compiling from source you are completely responsible for those packages. you have to update them, and you have to be able to remove them02:30
NighthwkMy `puter keeps crashing on ubuntu 10.04 when the montior goes to sleep. Any ideas how to fix?02:31
MeGustavoi'll read up on that then02:31
escottMeGustavo, you should try to use a --prefix argument for ./configure and put them in /opt02:31
MeGustavoi thought it was a glitch02:31
MeGustavoopt as in optional?02:31
Awesomeo2000MeGustavo: opt is a directory under root /02:32
alazyworkaholicIf a program is looking for /dev/dsp & can't find it because sound systems have evolved, is there a way to reroute the program?02:32
escottMeGustavo, or use /usr/local if you prefer that over /opt02:32
escottalazyworkaholic, symlink02:32
StepNjumpHi guys, something happened with my grub. It boots up with GRUB Rescue> Any idea what I could do to fix that?02:33
NighthwkMy computer keeps crashing on ubuntu 10.04 when the monitor goes to sleep. Anyone have any ideas how to fix?02:33
t0kenMeGustavo: nothing really to add, but this may be useful for future endeavors02:33
escottStepNjump, could be a corrupted fs, boot the live cd and fsck the partitions02:33
alazyworkaholicescott: I suspected as much, but the message is this: /usr/lib32/libtdb.so.1.2.9open /dev/[sound/]dsp: No such file or directory02:33
alazyworkaholicwarning: Can't open default OpenAL device, using no-sound mode.02:33
escott!grub | StepNjump02:33
ubottuStepNjump: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)02:33
Julien_Hi, what's the best OS for an old PC (core2duo E6300, 2GB ram, Geforce 8600GTS) ? W7 or the last ubunu?02:34
StepNjumpescott, I installed Acronis for windows and when it rebooted, I found out it would no longer boot up. Must be due to Acronis that made a change to the boot sector02:35
aeon-ltdJulien_: lol old pc :)02:35
xanguaJulien_: if you joined the ubuntu channel, what do you think is the answer you are gonna get¿02:35
aeon-ltdJulien_: dude that's modern as hell02:35
aeon-ltdJulien_: anything would be good, though i'd choose ubuntu just to save cash02:36
t0kenheh, old pc = 486 DX202:36
Julien_aeon-ltd: lol not in japan ¨!02:36
aeon-ltddude everywhere c2d is only one generation old02:37
Julien_xagua: i hope you are loyal,. windows channel tell me ubuntu, so ...02:37
Awesomeo2000Julien_ : so download the livecd and try it out.02:37
urlin2uStepNjump, I have seen this happen with acronis the #windows channel may help but the forums are a great resource as well. http://www.sevenforums.com/02:38
MeGustavothanks escott Awesomeo2000 and t0ken02:38
StepNjumpThanks a lot urlin2u02:39
StepNjumpsudo add-apt-repository ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair02:40
urlin2uStepNjump, no problem, I only use windows for writing college papers and helping those that need it, and am anti brand loyalty, it is childish. :D02:40
StepNjumpooops sorry... duh this is not a terminal window02:40
NighthwkMy computer keeps crashing on ubuntu 10.04 when the monitor goes to sleep. Anyone have any ideas how to fix?02:40
XenethIs there a way in Ubuntu to check if my laptop has a graphics GPU capable of Cuda or Stream?02:40
Awesomeo2000xeneth: nope, if you know what nvidia card you have, you can go to nvidia website to check.02:42
StepNjumpurlin2u.. I fully agree with you. I am more anti windoze now than ever... What a waste that they forced people to upgrade all the peripherals that no longer work under Vista or Win7... We should have a new moto  for Linux: Linux is GREEN02:42
neil_mXeneth lspci | grep VGA02:42
neil_mthen goodle02:42
neil_mehh google02:43
StepNjumpurlin2u, I just keep it because it came with this notebook. I only use one software on it because my peripheral will not work under Ubuntu. I love Linux. As a matter of fact, I just had it installed at my old aunt of 70 years old just today. She loves it! I think it will be easier for her to learn Linux. She was getting very nervous with all those Windoze errors she kept getting lol02:44
urlin2uStepNjump, I'm not so anti any OS to be honest I started on open source, they all have a good, bad and ugly side. I use open source though mainly, less work.02:44
EvollanaStepNjump: so damn true02:44
neil_mplus think of all the leet points she will gain running linux02:45
EvollanaStepNjump: so damn true02:45
StepNjumpEvollana, what? about Linux being Green?02:45
StepNjumpI hate waste resources02:45
EvollanaStepNjump: wtf is Linux most ppl don't know. It is a kernel02:46
StepNjumpCan you imagine all the landfills with all those scanners, monitors, printers and I don't know what that no longer work under Win7 that just a few months ago would sell big price... ridiculous02:46
bazhang!ot | StepNjump Evollana02:46
ubottuStepNjump Evollana: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:46
StepNjumpok bazhang02:46
StepNjumpWe got carried away. Np... sorry02:47
EvollanaStepNjump: bazhang read my name backward. You know who I am, be nice and we will be nice.02:47
StepNjumplol ok!02:47
neil_m!seen sense02:48
ubottuI have no seen command02:48
StepNjumpguys what would be a good term I could download?02:48
Xenethneil_m, Thanks.  That would be a not though.  :(02:48
neil_mXeneth:  unlucky man02:49
EvollanaStepNjump: Terminater is nice02:49
t0ken+1 for Terminator02:49
=== MeGustavo is now known as Tubboi
neil_malthough dont feel bad my thinkpads ati radeon 7500 sucks also02:49
StepNjumpk tnx Evollana. I'll give it a try02:49
aeon-ltdStepNjump: rxvt-unicode02:49
mingdao_StepNjump: rxvt-unicode02:49
Xenethneil_m, It's a hand me down computer, so it may have been before development of stream.  it's a 9050 radeon02:49
EvollanaStepNjump: good stuff imho02:49
neil_mXeneth ahh02:50
ralduanyone here also hates glossy laptop screens too?02:51
Xenethraldu, I like them, makes it seem like new... Though I use it in a cave so no glare...02:51
Evollanaraldu oh gosh yeah! I am half blind now because I had a Sony!02:51
raldudude, it's really disturbing02:52
ralduI don't know where to put my laptop to get the "perfect" view02:52
mingdao_although rxvt-unicode in Ubuntu seems to be built without the perl extensions ... how does one fix that?02:53
ralduthere is always something wrong with brightness02:53
mingdao_and without tabs ... it's neutered02:53
Evollanaraldu Get some sand paper and rub that gloss out. I did. Use a fine grit though.02:53
raldulol serious?02:53
bazhangraldu, Evollana this is far outside the scope of this channel, #ubuntu-offtopic for chat02:53
mingdao_raldu: don't rub your monitor's screen with sandpaper02:54
mingdao_rub Evollana's with it, but not yours02:54
zillyWhat's the easiest way to automatically login a user with Xubuntu?02:54
escottraldu, think seriously about any advice someone with a nick like that gives you02:54
ralduyea I see now02:55
tensorpuddingmingdao_: you could change the build options in the source package and build your own customized version02:55
Guest38369xubuntu is naive02:55
mingdao_tensorpudding: sorry, new to Ubuntu ... but not to buildling from source02:55
Xenethmingdao_, raldu:  Why use sandpaper when a sledgehammer does much better ...  and more satisfying.02:55
Guest38369do you think so02:55
Ubuntusawr[xD]mingdao_: Lawlz, as if anyone here does... *doesn't point a few who do*02:56
tensorpuddingmingdao_: well i don't know if there's another way02:56
adam_hi all02:57
tensorpuddingshort of finding a PPA hosting customized versions, but that's not likely02:57
Ubuntusawr[xD]Hello adam_.02:57
adam_i'd like to say i love the new ubuntu beta 2 release02:57
Xenethmingdao_, What are you trying to get/do?02:57
Ubuntusawr[xD]adam_: 11.10?02:57
adam_unity is improved quite a lot02:57
Ubuntusawr[xD]OMG, I should hop onto that now.02:57
adam_the trick to adapting to unity: learn the kb shortcuts02:58
mingdao_Xeneth: urxvt has features such as tabs; launching URLs with a click, etc02:58
Guest38369what about the ubuntu 11.1002:58
Ubuntusawr[xD]adam_: I'm using 11.10 right now. (Unity 2D baby!!).02:58
adam_I got the 3d drivers for my ati card02:58
adam_works beautifully02:58
Guest38369it much like the apple02:58
tensorpuddingmingdao_: i don't believe you can get that functionality without it being built in02:59
tensorpuddingmingdao_: which means compiling02:59
mingdao_Those are simple configure options that whoever built it didn't include.02:59
tensorpuddingare you sure?02:59
mingdao_tensorpudding: ./configure -help on the source ...02:59
mingdao_tensorpudding: yes02:59
mingdao_tensorpudding: I run Gentoo and Slackware02:59
Xenethmingdao_, May want to look around on launchpad.  There are some PPA's that may have what you are looking for.03:00
Ubuntusawr[xD]mingdao_: Actually, wouldn't it be:  ./configure --help03:00
mingdao_tensorpudding: my wife's PC has Ubuntu, and I installed it on this new ThinkPad last night to have something running other than Windows03:00
tensorpuddingmingdao_: i meant, are you sure that it isn't configured in the package?03:00
tensorpuddingwhich parts aren't available, you say?03:01
Evollanain vi and just punched in a Python program. Need to set IPT in RT. How do you open a subprocess. I just hit something like this p = Popen('/usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/touch /tmp/foo.txt'.split(),03:02
Evollanastdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE)03:02
tensorpuddingmingdao_: i'm looking at the source package now03:02
tensorpuddingmingdao_: there aren't any configure options for tabs03:02
Evollanaahh Ill go back to C. Python is not my thing03:03
jribEvollana: #python03:03
Evollanajrib program is done03:03
tensorpuddingmingdao_: what do you mean by "perl extensions"? it's built with --enable-perl03:03
jribEvollana: you're not asking a question?03:04
Evollanamingdao_ use cpan03:04
tensorpuddingand there aren't any options involving the mouse that aren't already included03:04
mingdao_Ubuntusawr[xD]: -help or --help ... if you want to use an extra keystroke03:05
tensorpuddingare you sure you have the right package?03:05
tensorpuddingthere's a -lite package that has perl disabled03:05
tensorpuddingare you sure that the packages you've used before are the same upstream?03:06
tensorpuddingand not a newer version than in ubuntu (9.12)?03:06
Evollanajrib I was asking a question. I was coding in Python and needed to sudo. To do that I was not 100% sure how to punch in popen there. I did it with pexpect.03:07
mingdao_tensorpudding: 9.09-3 (rxvt-unicode)03:07
tensorpuddingi'm on 11.10b203:07
tensorpuddingthe version in natty might be older03:07
jribEvollana: yes, please ask python questions in #python03:07
brian99join #ubuntu-es03:07
brian99como voy a ubuntu español?03:07
mingdao_tensorpudding: it's been in there for ages03:07
xangua!oneiric | tensorpudding03:07
ubottutensorpudding: Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu.  Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+103:07
ex0do it..03:07
mingdao_tensorpudding: maybe I just need some ~/.Xdefaults to trigger it03:07
xanguabrian99: /join03:08
brian99ah gracias ;)03:08
tensorpuddingxangua: not asking for help, i just realized i was quoting a beta version at him and not being very helpful03:08
mingdao_tensorpudding: how does one get a newer version of an app?03:08
tensorpuddingmingdao_: well, you use a beta version of ubuntu, or you track the upstream, or you build the latest development version of the ubuntu packages03:09
mingdao_tensorpudding: how stable is it? (11.10b2)03:09
tensorpuddingmingdao_: it's not really appropriate for this channel03:09
tensorpuddingthe beta is discussed in #ubuntu+103:09
mingdao_tensorpudding: I shudder to ask ... but what is the appropriate way to build from source in Ubuntu?03:09
tensorpuddingi don't know if this is a version issue03:09
mingdao_tensorpudding: you said you run it ... just asked if it was stable03:09
tensorpuddingone moment03:09
tensorpuddingit's mostly stable03:10
mingdao_tensorpudding: no, it's a lack of ~/.Xdefaults on my part ... late night and I'm busy with other things ... wasn't thinking good03:10
tensorpuddingoh, that makes sense03:10
tensorpuddingit's configured with Xdefaults03:10
mingdao_tensorpudding: it's PEBKAC03:10
tensorpuddingit's been a few years since i used urxvt03:10
tensorpuddingi like gnome-terminal now03:11
mingdao_tensorpudding: that's where you get the tabs and clickable links, etc setup03:11
Evollanajrib now I am using Trolltech's (I lol'd) QT designer 4. I thought with all the Linux ppl here I could get a quick "like this"03:11
tensorpuddingand translucent backgrounds and color schemes as i recall03:11
mingdao_tensorpudding: been using Fluxbox and minimum apps for ~8 years03:11
tensorpuddingi spent a lot of time getting the color scheme just like Tango03:11
mingdao_tensorpudding: yes, all the bells and whistles03:11
tensorpuddingi still have my old .Xdefaults03:11
tensorpuddingi even had the urlLaunch and perl-ext-common settings03:12
mingdao_tensorpudding: I've hated all DEs for years ... but used Gnome 3 on someones machine for a few hours and liked it03:12
tensorpuddingif i had taken the time to look at mine i could've told ou what was wrong a while ago03:12
mingdao_tensorpudding: if I wasn't so tired ...03:12
mingdao_tensorpudding: now when I setup a box most of that just gets rsync'ed from another ~/03:13
mingdao_on a server03:13
avoiderIs there anyway to change the theme or layout of the sidebar on the left?03:13
tensorpuddingavoider: depends what you mean by theme03:13
tensorpuddingavoider: you need to install the Compiz Config Settings Manager, and look at the Unity plugin03:14
avoiderchange settings...like mobe to bottow or something.03:14
tensorpuddingavoider: it's available in the software center03:14
avoiderauto hide?03:14
tensorpuddingavoider: you can change how it hides03:14
xanguaavoider: hide yes, move no03:14
urlin2uavoider, compiz configuration settings manager does some no moving it though.03:14
tensorpuddingavoider: can't change where it spawns from though03:14
tensorpuddingavoider: and as far as theme goes, you can change the way it tints03:14
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)03:15
avoiderSo no matter what the bar will always be at left?03:15
urlin2uavoider, apparently so for now.03:15
avoiderIntresting... well thats not an issue.03:16
GameBoywhat is the default bootlevel of ubuntu?03:16
EvollanaDoes Ubuntu use gdm still?03:16
xanguaEvollana: natty yes03:16
rwwEvollana: in 11.04, yes. in oneiric, we switched to LightDM.03:17
Ubuntusawr[xD]mingdao_: Does your wife like Ubuntu?03:17
mingdao_Ubuntusawr[xD]: she doesn't know the difference03:17
Evollanaxangua kk was wondering. A few years ago I spent like a week patching Gnome to multiseat. gdm was kind of bloated at the time. 50k lines of code.03:18
mingdao_Ubuntusawr[xD]: the machine boots and her 2 apps start and she's happy ... but no, the interface is too confusing for her (Unity)03:18
Ubuntusawr[xD]I see. ^^03:18
avoiderI dont see that program in the software center03:18
avoiderCompiz Config Settings Manager03:19
mingdao_Ubuntusawr[xD]: she's been running a machine with Fluxbox for years, so it's a bit different ;)03:19
GameBoywhat is the etc/rc0.d directory.. anyone?03:20
avoiderIs there another way to install Compiz via online?03:21
GameBoyany one.... etc/rc0.d directory?? wats its purpose?03:21
Evollanaavoider: git://git.freedesktop.org/git/xorg/app/compiz03:21
Ubuntusawr[xD]GameBoy: There should be a config file, I remember using that as a way to tell my Ubuntu, that when it boots, it will load my list of programs for me.03:22
Evollanayou need git first03:22
XenethGameboy just made me remember a question I have been meaning to ask.  /home = home, /dev = devices, /boot = boot.  What is var and etc?03:22
ex0 /etc etcetera03:22
xanguaavoider: compizconfig-settings-manager if you mean to configure compiz03:23
Ubuntusawr[xD]Xeneth: etc would be where most system configuration files are stored at.03:23
Evollanaavoider: http://wiki.compiz.org/Install/Git03:23
avoideryes thanks xangua03:23
GameBoyXeneth: /var -> Variable data such as logs03:23
XenethUbuntusawr[xD],  Looking for what it stands for.  ex0 say's etcetera.  Will be looking that up because I do not know that word.03:24
xanguaEvollana: i don't think that is what he was refering03:24
Ubuntusawr[xD]Xeneth: And var... I really think it's for custom softwares... At least, thats where  often times, the www folder appears at. Theres also a log folder in there too.03:24
GameBoyXeneth: /etc -> system configuration files03:24
ex0its true though /etc stands for etcetera almost 100% sure03:24
GameBoyXeneth: in the /etc directory there is info about boot03:24
GameBoy*booting process03:24
Ubuntusawr[xD]Xeneth: It means anything else. Mainly configuration files sits in there.03:25
Evollanaxangua has ccsm too.03:25
ex0correct :)03:25
sbaker48Hello. I am trying to set up a laptop with windows xp and ubuntu. I partitioned the drive and installed xp in one partition fine. Then I installed ubuntu 11.04. Now when I boot I get "error: out of disk. grub rescue>"03:25
ex0hense ETC (etcetera)03:25
LoshkiXeneth: 'et cetera' == latin for "and the rest..."03:25
Evollanasbaker48: try df -h03:26
GameBoyUbuntusawr: THanks buddy... but by any chance rc1.d directory means that the current run level = 1?03:26
sbaker48Evollana: I am at a "grub rescue>" prompt. It gives "Unknown command 'df'"03:26
XenethGameBoy, Loshki:  Thanks.  I alway's think of it when I cannot ask.  Trying to learn linux, and I learn by knowing why.  Helps alot.03:27
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)03:27
Evollanasbaker48: ext3-4 both have reserved space for the system. you should be able to boot from grub.03:27
GameBoyXeneth: No probz...03:27
GameBoyUbuntusawr: there???03:27
foul_owlHello, I am having trouble copying and pasting with a java text box. (I am running the falstad circuits applet) ctrl-c doesn't work.03:28
JoeyAIs it possible to blacklist a package so I don't accidentally install it?03:28
GameBoyfoul_owl: What do you mean by a java text box?03:28
urlin2usbaker48, run this script from the ubuntu cd and pastebin the RESULTS.txt.  http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/03:29
GameBoyfoul_owl: i believe it is a web app...03:29
iqbalkhanexcuse me guys03:29
sbaker48urlin2u: ok will try it03:29
Evollanasbaker48: Did you install Windows after GNU/Linux ? If so Windows might have messed your mbr chain up.03:29
iqbalkhani have a problem in my ubuntu03:29
iqbalkhanthe grub not show in boot menu03:30
GameBoyfoul_own: there is a javascript function onpaste*(name quite not sure) enabled to false... do i make sense.. or am i lost here :)03:30
ex0no windows first03:30
urlin2usbaker48, cool it will show us what is where.03:30
iqbalkhanjust my windows shot in boot menu03:30
iqbalkhananyone can help me03:30
escott!grub | iqbalkhan03:31
ubottuiqbalkhan: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)03:31
urlin2uignarps, was it a wubi install?03:31
escottJoeyA, you might google for pinning. perhaps there is a way to accomplish things there03:31
urlin2uiqbalkhan, was it a wubi install?03:31
alazyworkaholicHas anyone tried running LGP's game Cold War on ubuntu recently? I can't get sound. I got a message that suggests /dev/sound/dsp doesn't exist & it should.03:31
iqbalkhani use ubuntu 11.0403:31
iqbalkhanurlin2u: i installed ubuntu in separate partition03:32
urlin2uiqbalkhan, did you install it from insiide of windows?03:32
iqbalkhanurlin2u: no03:32
JoeyAalazyworkaholic: There's a way to emulate the dsp interface when running an application.  I don't remember it off the top of my head.03:33
iqbalkhanurlin2u: i use separate partition to installed ubuntu 11.0403:33
urlin2uiqbalkhan, are you runnng W7 and did you download the service pack 1?03:33
iqbalkhanurlin2u: i use microsoft windows xp sp203:33
urlin2ubefore this happened?03:33
JoeyAalazyworkaholic: padsp: http://linux.die.net/man/1/padsp03:34
alazyworkaholicJoeyA: The terminal message is this: /usr/lib32/libtdb.so.1.2.9open /dev/[sound/]dsp: No such file or directory: warning: Can't open default OpenAL device, using no-sound mode.03:34
foul_owlbasically, i have a java applet window03:34
Evollanaiqbalkhan: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows03:34
foul_owlthis applet here: http://www.falstad.com/circuit/03:34
foul_owli made a circuit03:34
ramonhow do i get bash to play a sound every time i enter a command?03:34
foul_owland you can save it as a text file03:34
urlin2uiqbalkhan, theeasiest way to do this is confirm what is where, run this script and pastebin the RESULTS.txt use the ubuntu cd.  http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/03:35
foul_owlby going to export....but you have to select the text and copy and paste it into a text editor. ctrl-C doesn't seem to work for copying03:35
Evollanaiqbalkhan: Windows is evil. If you need to play games I would get an xbox03:35
JoeyAalazyworkaholic: You could try running the game (or wine) with padsp.  There might be other problems, though.03:35
JoeyA(at least that would probably solve the audio issue)03:36
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iqbalkhanEvollana: hahaha, i'm not just to play games, but for work03:36
shawn_Can someone help me?.. I dl'd the live cd... burned the iso onto a cd.. restarted windows... installed ubuntu on a partition.. and installtion complete an says please restart.. restarted an i dont get no option to boot into ubuntu03:36
EvollanaJoeyA True the Pulse Audio Dig. Sig. Processor works but you need a fast cpu.03:36
Blue1shawn_: you have a dual boot?  windows/ubutnu?03:37
urlin2ushawn_, installed from windows=wubi03:37
t0kenramon: no idea how to do what you're trying but you might want to look at setting the "bell" for the term03:37
shawn_well this is what i did03:37
shawn_I installed the live cd03:37
alazyworkaholicJoeyA: The game runs perfectly. Just no sound. I tried running padsb coldwar . The game ran, but still no sound & the same error message.03:37
shawn_burned the iso03:37
shawn_copyed to a cd... restarted computer an then installed it onto a partion03:37
shawn_an then told me to restart again which i did... well it did by its self03:38
Blue1shawn_: you said restarted windows so......03:38
iqbalkhanurlin2u: okay i'll try and i'll be right back to show you resuls.txt03:38
JoeyApadsp was all the advice I had.03:38
escottramon, if you want a bell when the terminal completes a command you add it to the PROMPT command somehow. google for bash prompt customization03:38
shawn_yeh thats what it did after intalltion it restarted windows03:38
Blue1shawn_: do you have both windows and ubuntu on the same machines?03:38
EvollanaJoeyA: alazyworkaholic tell wine to use ALSA and start the game in cmd with padsp03:38
JoeyAalazyworkaholic: maybe winecfg will let you configure sound?03:38
shawn_Yeh.. i made a partion for it03:38
JoeyAyeah, what Evollana said.03:39
urlin2ushawn_, did you install it from a running windows?03:39
Blue1shawn_: sorry if I appear dumb -- yes or no?  windows and ubuntu?03:39
alazyworkaholicEvollana: It's not a wine game. It's a native Linux port from Linux Game Publishing.03:39
shawn_i installed it from a live cd..03:39
Evollanaalazyworkaholic: hmmm what game?03:39
shawn_I still have windows yes thats what i was trying to do dual boot03:39
shawn_but something went wrong.. i guess03:39
Blue1shawn_: okay this may/may not help:  http://pkill-9.com/recovering-ubuntudebian-linux-after-a-windows-installhiccup/03:39
tomeoWhen Im adding a call to a script from /etc/rc.local, do I have to write ./path/to/script or do I just write /path/to/script ?03:40
escottramon, i think you just add an ascii bell \a to your $PS103:40
alazyworkaholicEvollana: Cold War03:40
Stanley00tomeo: /path/to/script is better03:40
Stanley00tomeo: but two of them will work ;)03:40
tomeoStanley00: Would you please tell me the difference?03:41
Evollanaalazyworkaholic: alazyworkaholic hmmm weird. A linux game that does not work? Did you use the get deb repo for it? Pulse Audio is not default on Wheezy03:41
Stanley00tomeo: ./ is starting form where you are, and / is alway starting from root dir03:42
sbaker48urlin2u: here is the output from the boot info script: http://pastebin.com/QWECEY5X03:42
escotttomeo, ./path/to/script is wrong it means `pwd`/path/to/script and it assumes pwd=/03:42
urlin2usbaker48, hold on03:42
maslenHow can I disable the autologout on idle for a locally logged on user?03:43
tomeothanks a lot Stanley00 escott03:43
Stanley00tomeo: you are welcome :)03:43
Evollanamaslen: under your screen saver if you are using gnome03:43
Blue1maslen: sounds like a power management issue.  System/Preferences/Power Management03:43
s0126hdoes ubuntu have different ISO for mac than pc?  or same ISO will work for both?03:44
alazyworkaholicEvollana: No, I bought the DVD from LGP's website a couple years ago & it worked fine with 8.04. I'm now using 11.04 & having this problem.03:44
Evollanamaslen: I dont even use Ubuntu so I can only guess what they did to the UI03:44
Blue1maslen: or screensaver03:44
arooni-mobilehi folks;  i'm riding my motorcycle from seattle => argentina;  currently in baja mexico.  right now i suspend my laptop which i think is fine cuz it doesnt come on ;b ut i do have a regular magnetic platter hard drive... is this OK?  or should i be shutting down the laptop each time?03:44
maslenBlue1: I don't mind the screen turning off, but I'd like to remove the need to enter the password again03:44
escotts0126h, if it is an intel mac you should be able to use the same cd just install it under bootcamp as if it were windows03:44
Evollanaalazyworkaholic: Pulse should work with OSS ALSA and even JACK. Weird that you dont have sound.03:45
Blue1arooni-mobile: if you are travelling always best to shutdown03:45
Evollanaalazyworkaholic: well not JACK but you are not using that anyway03:45
zykotick9maslen, screensaver remove the lock screen option03:45
s0126hescott  what if my harddrive is competely empty on my mac03:45
ramoni want bash to play an mp3 whenever i enter a command.03:45
t0kenarooni-mobile: and also, I'm way jealous.  That sounds like agreat ride03:45
maslenAh, in the screensaver options, the option  'lock the computer when idle' was checked. Thanks.03:45
maslenty too zykotick903:45
Blue1maslen: look at the screensaver settings - there is a lock screen after -- that should be unchecked.03:46
arooni-mobilet0ken, its been *great* thus far ;)03:46
urlin2usbaker48, script looks good it should be booting, use the install disc to reload grub from this link to the mbr, just read carefully.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Copy_LiveCD_Files03:46
escotts0126h, that makes things harder because macs don't have anything close to a standard boot sequence. you probably need to install os x to get a bootable anything03:46
maslenthanks for your help Blue1, Evollana03:46
alazyworkaholicEvollana: the error is: /usr/lib32/libtdb.so.1.2.9open /dev/[sound/]dsp: No such file or directory                             I wonder if maybe /dev/sound/dsp existed years ago & now I'd have to put in a symlink to reroute the audio, but I don't have any idea where to.03:46
* maslen attempts to get some work done03:47
Blue1maslen: I always lock mine, because my cat can send email by just licking the mouse - wouldn't believe it, if I hadn't seen it.03:47
sbaker48urlin2u: ok I'll take a look, thanks03:47
CptJohnCampbellHow good is virtual machining in a gnu/linux distro, using a internal hdd for windows files?03:47
Blue1CptJohnCampbell: it works fairly well, as long as your machine supports virtualization03:47
c-beamshow can i check the current speed of d while it is running03:48
CptJohnCampbellthanks blue1!03:48
Blue1CptJohnCampbell: welcome03:49
s0126hdoes ubuntu use  APT or zypper03:50
bazhangs0126h, apt03:51
EvollanaBlue1: you mean dd like in this ? dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda bs=1M03:51
escotts0126h, see http://www.rodsbooks.com/ubuntu-efi/index.html03:52
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skausb-creator-gtk is very picky.. I can't get it to work for many .iso's03:52
bazhangska iso's of what03:52
ex0use..Unetbootin for usb image handling03:52
zykotick9ska, it only works for ubuntu ISOs (usb-creator)03:52
Evollanabazhang you still hate me?03:52
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bazhangEvollana, lets stay on topic please03:53
Evollanabazhang: =)03:53
s0126hdoes ubutu's apt  only work with  x86?  or does it work with others like  ppc/ia64/amd64/03:53
bazhangs0126h, it works with all03:53
s0126hbazhang even ia64?03:54
JoeyAThough saying Ubuntu "works with ppc" is somewhat deceptive.03:54
zykotick9bazhang, really?  Ubuntu supports PPC and IA64?  I didn't think so?03:54
escotts0126h, apt will install packages for your architecture whatever that is. its probably amd6403:54
Evollanas0126h: its a tool like anyother.03:54
iqbalkhanurlin2u: this is link for my results.txt03:54
bazhangzykotick9, seems there was a community build of ppc, not sure of ia, but sure apt, not zypper per s0126h 's question03:54
iqbalkhanthis is my results.txt content http://pastebin.com/Lp1F1ErA03:55
iqbalkhananyone can help?03:55
IbisIs there by any chance a PPA where I can get an updated version of unity, although it's not stable?03:55
Evollanawhat will be crazy cool is Debian is now going mulitarch. Ubuntu will follow.03:55
sbaker48urlin2u: I followed those directions, and I still have the same results, "error: out of disk." and then the grub rescue prompt03:56
c-beamshow can i check the current speed of dd while it is running??03:56
Evollanasbaker48: ext3 and ext4 will by default save 5% of your hdd for the system so you dont get locked like you say.03:57
ex0verbose switch possibly: c-beams03:57
raidoska: Try unetbootin03:57
urlin2uiqbalkhan, you have some grub files in sda6 did you have a install there or have youtried some fixes?03:57
Evollanasbaker48: I am guessing that the chain from the mbr on boot is borked by Windows03:57
cryptodirahi folks,  ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4200 Series, amd64, ubuntu 10.10....... if the machine goes to sleep more than 2 times between reboots.... i lose the video while keeping audio in both vlc and movie player...... how can i recover these functions WITHOUT rebooting?03:58
escottc-beams, iotop? or stop the dd process and ask it to give you status updates03:58
ramonoooh nvm i got it. edit ~./.bashrc where it says "# enable programmable completion features" and put in whatever command03:58
Evollanasbaker48: If you can get shell try df -h03:58
sbaker48Evollana: I have not booted windows since I installed ubuntu (I can't. I can't boot at all except for the live CD)03:58
iqbalkhani did not install the grub in sda 6, it strange for me03:58
iqbalkhanso how do i fix that?03:59
Evollanasbaker48: with the live CD try to mount your HDD and run the cmd df -h03:59
urlin2usbaker48, you may need to chroot in can you post that script again I had to ren=boot and lost the link.03:59
Evollanasbaker48: that will tell you how much space you have.03:59
zykotick9cryptodira, does restart Xorg fix the issue?  "sudo service gdm restart" type thing?  Also, can you change the VO of VLC/Movie Player to test?03:59
iqbalkhanurlin2u:i did not install the grub in sda 6, it strange for me,04:00
sbaker48urlin2u: http://pastebin.com/QWECEY5X04:00
iqbalkhanso how do i fix that?04:00
cryptodirazykotick9,  i do not know.... i will try those options and report back.... thanks.04:00
escottiqbalkhan, you likely mistakenly did grub-install /dev/sda3 instead of /dev/sda and then blew through the warnings. As for removing that, you could use dd but im not sure how to do that savely04:01
escottiqbalkhan, safely04:01
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iqbalkhanescott:what is dd?04:02
Evollanacryptodira: a guess would be to flush the video buffer. Try Ctrl F1 Then back to Ctrl F8 or whatever your windows manager is using for gnome04:02
escottiqbalkhan, a low level disk modification tool04:02
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iqbalkhanescott: i use boot-repair04:03
zykotick9iqbalkhan, as a translation of escott's "a low level disk modification tool" it's more a bit-for-bit copy tool.04:03
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cowlicksI was getting an error message that asked me to report a problem, and it required me to enter an administrative password, why?04:04
iqbalkhanescott: and i installed the grub in separate sda, and i select sda604:04
urlin2usbaker48, I would try a chroot, I'm assuming you understand these commands. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#ChRoot04:04
iqbalkhanescott:is that cause the grub not show in boot menu?04:04
escottiqbalkhan, you mean you want to have sda6 be a /boot partition? the reason you aren't booting is that your mbr is looking to sda3 and its /boot directory04:05
iqbalkhanzykotick: um,, i never use that04:05
escottiqbalkhan, whatever is in sda6 is not being used right now04:05
escottcowlicks, to collect information needed to debug the problem04:05
iqbalkhanescott: so escott how to fix that?04:06
iqbalkhanescott:use the boot-repair again?04:06
escottiqbalkhan, how do you want your boot to work. do you want to use what is in sda6 or what is in sda304:06
iqbalkhanescott:i want to use in sda304:07
JusticeZeroI downloaded an old package in the form of a .tar.bz2 file. I want to install the package. (the new veresion appears to have broken things, and I want to test that). What do I need to type/do to install it?04:08
bonez2046what controls 'lo', the loopback adapter? I open irssi today and couldn't get a login until I ran 'ifconfig lo up', and then everything connected correctly04:08
urlin2uiqbalkhan, so sda3 is whch /home or /boot and sda6 is what grub is competeing, it looks like a seperate home setup?04:08
ex0justice: tar -zxvf filename.tar.bz204:09
escottiqbalkhan, in that case you need to 1) boot the live cd 2) mount the sda3 partition but not the sda6 partition 3) remove the files in /mount/sda3/boot 4) mount sda6 onto /mount/sda3/boot 5) chroot into /mount/sda3 6) run grub-install /dev/sda04:09
escott!compile | JusticeZero04:09
ubottuJusticeZero: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall04:09
JusticeZeroI don't know about compiling. I just want to revert to an earlier version.04:10
urlin2uiqbalkhan, you fstab shows sda3 as the boot partition.04:10
ex0df --help04:10
escottJusticeZero, if you can get the old deb file you can dpkg install it directly and then pin04:10
urlin2uiqbalkhan, well not exactly boot but /04:10
iqbalkhanescott: now i'm in live cd i'll try now04:10
escott!pinning | JusticeZero04:10
ubottuJusticeZero: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto04:10
ChrisHHello, first time on Ubuntu IRC. Trying to start unity-2d from an Ubuntu Chroot 11.04 install; unity-2d and gdm are installed, xserver and xterm are running. I am unsure of the exact command line sequence to launch the desktop.04:10
sbaker48urlin2u: gah. still the same04:11
escottJusticeZero, check your /var/cache/apt for the old deb04:11
iqbalkhanurlin2u: what do you mean fstab?04:11
todd_anyone know of an easy way to run cheese maximized?04:12
Nautilusjust curious, in /etc/php5/apache2 there is a php.ini.ucf-dist file .... whats the "ucf" stand for?04:12
bonez2046ChrisH: Welcome.. if you have xserver and gdm installed correctly the gui desktop should load after you reboot..04:13
symptomanyone know where to set the syndaemon defaults in ubuntu 101004:13
JusticeZeroescott, I only see the new (broken) version, not the older.04:13
urlin2uiqbalkhan, if you look art the boot script towards the bottom you will see this  sda3/etc/fstab, if your not familiar it ereally doesn't matter the question is which of the two partitions sda3 and sda6, did you make / and home or did you .04:13
iqbalkhanescott: what the command to mount sda3?04:14
urlin2uiqbalkhan, I would follow escott that is where I was headed.04:14
Stanley00todd_: try cheese -f ? it will be full screen04:14
KrenairWhen I upgraded to natty, I noticed a few of my applications broke slightly.04:15
todd_Stanley00: No :-(04:15
KrenairThey're still usable but behave oddly.04:15
LindaLoveLaceis there a way i can change my windows startup services from ubuntu? im having an issue with Windows booting.04:15
KrenairFor example, dropbox's icon in the top right (I'm using classic desktop) has no colours04:16
Glitchy_anyone here know the anonymous irc channel?04:16
escottiqbalkhan, sudo mkdir /media/sda3; sudo mount /dev/sda3 /media/sda304:16
LindaLoveLaceGlitchy_: it wouldn't be anonymous if everyone knew.04:16
Krenairjd-gui has lost it's toolbar, and the open file dialog is screwed04:16
Glitchy_lol yeah I guess your right04:16
ex0google.com has the answer04:16
LindaLoveLaceGlitchy_: if i were you i would use a SSL before you go in there lol04:17
Glitchy_tried that, but I'm somewhat new to IRC...and when I say somewhat, I mean first time ever logging in lol04:17
urlin2usbaker48, not sure here if it was me I would in the chroot purge and reinstall grub, or use a supergrub disc to get in. here is the chroot purge. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Purge_.26_Reinstall  here is supergrub. http://www.supergrubdisk.org/super-grub2-disk/04:17
bonez2046anonymous irc?04:17
todd_I think I need to make the window fullscreen after the fact, any way to maximize a window by pid, or something???04:17
ChrisHbonez2046: xserver came installed with Ubuntu chroot, gdm was installed afterward with 'sudo apt-get install gmd'. Is there a way to verify these were installed correctly? They are both using official Ubuntu repos04:18
escottJusticeZero, check the mirrors?04:18
seiki'm sure groups like that just love strangers wandering in04:18
Glitchy_#LindaLoveLace Yeah, wondering if I should use Tor...but I don't know how to run an SSL, and I'm still very unfamiliar with this stuff...Hell, I'm still getting used to Ubuntu lol04:18
Stanley00todd_: I remember compiz has some setting to maximize some spec app, you should search for that if you want04:18
LindaLoveLaceis there a way i can change my windows startup services from ubuntu? im having an issue with Windows booting.04:18
sbaker48urlin2u: ok thanks I'll take a look at those. This is very odd because I'm really not doing anything out of the ordinary at all. No idea why this wouldn't just work from the beginning04:19
iqbalkhanescott: how to remove file /sda3/boot?04:19
JusticeZeroAs noted, I found one, in .tar.bz2 form. tar does not like it because it is not gzip format.04:19
bonez2046ChrisH: they are working if your system loads a gui interface, not character mode as in here, but graphical instead04:19
silv3r_m00nI have a firefox icon on my desktop , where can I get the icon image?04:19
iqbalkhanescott:can you give me the command in each step you said, if you don't mind,,04:19
LindaLoveLaceGlitchy_: tbh if you dont really understand ubuntu and what not i wouldn't suggest going in anonymous channel, their gunan think your a skiddie, but if your just looking for there movement and information then sure. -we also like to tell you that it's illegal :D04:20
bonez2046ChrisH: you may have to tweak your xserv.conf or appropriate configuration file for your video hardware to get it to generate the graphical interface04:20
todd_Stanley00: What I am not sure what you mean???04:20
cowlicksI was getting an error message that asked me to report a problem, and it required me to enter an administrative password, why?04:21
KrenairAnyone know why JD-GUI looks strange on Ubuntu 11.04 classic desktop?04:21
Stanley00todd_: nvm what I said04:21
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Glitchy_Don't really care  about legal/illegal, just want to be a part of it...It's driving me nuts trying to converse with them via their blogspot comments...not one response...just would feel way better if I could be a part of the convo04:21
JusticeZeroI have it in a file on my desktop and also open in Archive manager, but it is unclear how I get it from there to a running package.04:21
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symptomanyone know where to set the syndaemon defaults in ubuntu 101004:21
urlin2usbaker48, sometimes a install just doesn't go right, not very often though, so i suggest the purge or the suprgrub, or since it is fresh i hate to say reinstall, but that may be it.04:22
serealwhat does the permission 's' mean? drwxrwsr-x04:22
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LindaLoveLaceGlitchy_: fully understandable i myself support them, but i would suggest making sure you're secure before you enter because that is their turf, not saying their all destructive but you also never know who is in there.04:23
sereali'm trying to setup my permissions for /var/www so I can make files and edit stuff with my normal user, I have added myself to the www-data group.04:23
todd_Stanley00: Hey! I came across wmctrl in my compiz search, ever use that???04:23
escottiqbalkhan, i need to get to sleep. but its basically the following: sudo -i; mkdir /media/sda3; mount /dev/sda3/ /media/sda3; mount (and make sure sda6 is not mounted); rm -rf /media/sda3/boot/*; mount /dev/sda6 /media/sda3/boot; mount -t bind /dev /media/sda3/dev; there are a few others like the last check the chroot instructions; chroot /media/sda3; grub-install /dev/sda04:23
LindaLoveLaceGlitchy_: anyways i need to reboot win7 is having issues /sigh typical lol04:23
Glitchy_True, I really need to learn more about this OS and learn how to secure my stuff prior to hopping in there anyway, that way I don't put them at risk...04:24
Stanley00todd_: nope, I just use oneiric, and there a setting in unity, dont know much about natty and before...04:24
Glitchy_K, hit me up if you can, maybe you can help me a little04:24
LindaLoveLaceGlitchy_: well i would suggest sitting in this channel and playing around with ubuntu as much as you can, exploring is considering hacking aswell ;)04:25
todd_Stanley00: a setting in unity???04:25
LindaLoveLaceGlitchy_: sorry - it IS a part of hacking** basics are key point to learning04:25
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ChrisHbonez2046: Is there a manual command sequence to launch GDM or Ubuntu 2D from the command line? Perhaps that will display error feedback that I can use to troubleshoot xorg. When executing just 'ubuntu-2d' from terminal, it returns 'command not found'. Was hoping I was misstyping the command or should include somehting like 'exec ubuntu-2d' or something04:26
Stanley00todd_: in oneiric, it has a key /apps/compiz-1/plugins/unityshell/screen0/options/automaximize_value that auto maximize a win, but I didnt see it in natty, maybe it  hides somewhere04:28
ariesamq opinan d Google+ ?¿04:28
Stanley00todd_: but I dont see much diff between maximize and fullscreen, just use what you have then ;)04:29
LindaLoveLaceGlitchy_: i pmd u04:29
CoffeeIVI am using tar to do regularly scheduled backups of some files that change (log files), and I would like to suppress the "file changed as we read it" message tar gives, because it makes the script appear to fail. GNU tar documentation online refers to --warning=no-file-changed , but this doesn't appear to be in Ubuntu.  Any suggestions besides capturing stderr and etc from tar in the backup script ?04:29
todd_Stanley00: I got it... wmctrl -r Cheese -b add,fullscreen04:30
todd_Stanley00: Thanks04:30
Stanley00todd_: glad you found it04:31
serealcan someone give me a hand with user permissions?04:33
todd_Stanley00: Well next time someone wants to manipulate a window... wmctrl :-)04:33
todd_chaio, and thanks!04:33
serealI'm trying to add myself to the www-data group so I can edit and make files in /var/www04:33
serealI have added myself to the group, but I can't seem to figure out why I can't edit and add files :p04:33
Ibissereal: adduser <username> <groupname>04:33
Ibissereal: It could because the group only has view permission. (ANd so far, the owner has full read-write permission).04:35
Ibissereal: If you're doing this on your own personal computer. I would simply just make a  virtualhost and then set it up so that document root is in  my home folder.     /home/<myself>/mywebsite/public_html         Visit the #httpd channel for more info on setting up virtualhost04:37
IbisI usually ignore my /var/www folder04:38
JusticeZeroOK, I just unpacked this troublesome archive into a directory on my computer. I want to install it as a package, though. (I have it in a .tar.bz2 as well, but I tried a tar command as suggested early on and got an error that it was not an acceptable format.) What do I do?04:45
mingdao_JusticeZero: file blah.tar.bz204:46
JusticeZeroI don't want to tinker with it or anything, I just want to install it as package.04:46
Pavlzat the moment i  am using the shell and irssi to write in chat04:46
mingdao_JusticeZero: you don't just install a tarball as a pkg04:46
JusticeZeroWell I can't find any other formats. :p04:47
Pavlzi got a problem with Ubuntu: it is possible to open only a little part of firefox04:47
mingdao_mouse error04:47
Pavlzi try in any way to open totally, but i don't find a solution04:48
Pavlzanyone can help me ?04:48
JusticeZeroThe latest wine update broke the program I was using, and they seem to no longer keep archived older versions on the site.04:48
mingdao_JusticeZero: type "file blah.tar.bz2" in a terminal and post the output just to see what type of file you have04:48
Glitchy_Hello everyone04:48
sivakumar_hi good morning to every one04:48
mingdao_Pavlz: open a little way?04:49
JusticeZero>wine-1.3.27.tar.bz2: bzip2 compressed data, block size = 900k04:49
Pavlzyes only a little part of firefox :-(04:49
mingdao_JusticeZero: tar xf wine-1.3.27.tar.bz2    will unpack the tarball04:49
mingdao_Pavlz: you mean not in full screen?04:49
Pavlzthere is not way to see which windows are opened04:50
sivakumar_i am facing a problem...that  i loss my window control buttons now i cant able to close any window......how to solve it please help me04:50
varunvyashi all i m on 11.04 now, is it safe to move on 11.10 ?04:50
KM0201varunvyas: what do you think?04:50
mingdao_Pavlz: or do you mean firefox is on top of other windows and won't minimize or anything/04:50
varunvyasi yhink to move but not sure04:51
urlin2uvarunvyas, if you have to ask no is the general respone. :D04:51
KM0201varunvyas: i think you need to reevaluate, it is a beta, which breaks.. frequently.04:51
JusticeZeroOK, and then what?04:51
varunvyasok, thanks for suggestion :)04:51
Pavlzwhen you open firefox, you have the possibility to open to full screen the main window, using the mouse, or don't use all the screen04:52
xaviergmailhey, any way to re-install / update grub to it recognises windows?04:52
kneauxdoes anybody use rygel? I can't even get started.04:52
mingdao_Pavlz: yes ... you click on the square box to make Firefox minimize04:52
Pavlzi don't know why, but now is  not possible to open to full screen or to track with the mouse04:53
urlin2uxaviergmail, are you in ubuntu?04:53
josephseraoshi everybody, I'd like to make my screen to sleep. How could I do it via command line?04:53
kneauxor, alternatively, can someone suggest a DLNA server, or tell me a better way I can make beautiful music come out of my computer speakers from my phone?04:53
kneaux*different/better DLNA server than Rygel04:54
xaviergmailurlin2u: yep04:54
mingdao_Pavlz: right-click on the Firefox menu and click on maximize, or minimize, or whatever you want04:54
urlin2uxaviergmail, if ubuntu was the last linux install run sudo udatye-grub04:54
urlin2usudo update-grub xaviergmail04:54
josephseraosI know this command "xset dpms force off" but it doesn't work very well. It seems to be working but for some reason after 5 seconds of suspend it goes back to the screensaver mode.04:55
Pavlzon the firefox logo ?04:55
t0kenkneaux: might check out subsonic if you're just streaming to your phone.  It's a pretty swank music/jukebox app too04:55
xaviergmailI had to install ubuntu before windows since my windows disc didn't work04:55
Pavlzi can tell you that on the top of the menu i can access till a part of view04:55
urlin2uxaviergmail, how did you get inst ubuntu?04:56
xaviergmailhad 2 cds04:56
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xaviergmailubuntu's partition was set to system04:56
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xaviergmailwindows' was set to something else04:56
mingdao_Pavlz: sorry, I don't understand or know how to help04:56
Pavlzthe screen works  fine, for the simple fact that is new and i read all to full screen04:56
urlin2uxaviergmail, 2 HD;s04:56
xaviergmailonly 104:57
xaviergmailbut I think that command worked04:57
xaviergmail"Found Windows 7 (loader) on /dev/sda1"04:57
t0kenPavlz: I don't suppose you have a way to take a screen shot and post to imgur.com or something?04:57
urlin2uxaviergmail, cool windows should have overwritten the MBR.04:57
urlin2uon a install04:57
xaviergmailit didn't because the other partition was set to system  and the one i was instelling windows on was something like storage04:58
xaviergmaillet me reboot brb04:58
Pavlzmingdao_ i told you that is posssible to view only a part of the browser firefox, it is possible to watch the top of menu, where is writeen view04:58
Pavlzt0ken, will be a good thing, but is not possible to open totally firefox04:59
sivakumar_can anyone solve my problem please.....yesterday night i installed  vmware player..after rebooting it ...i lost my windows controls to close,minimize,maximize window?????can05:00
Pavlzit is possible  to seen  from the the top to the  bottown a part fo firefox05:00
mingdao_Pavlz: do you have imagemagick installed?05:01
Pavlzt0ken it is possible to see from the top to the bottom a part of firefox05:01
Pavlzi don't know05:01
Pavlzi have to close irssi05:02
sivakumar_please help.me i lost my ...window controls can anyone fix them????05:02
Pavlzso i can't remember05:02
t0kenPavlz: so, has the firefox window just moved so you can no longer see the File Edit stuff at the top of the window and you need to just move it down?05:02
t0kenlike you cann't grab the top of the window?05:02
Pavlzi need to resize the window to the right size05:03
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Pavlzi can asee only a little part from the top to the bottom  in the left size of the screen05:03
t0kentry alt+f7 to move it around or alt+f8 to resize05:04
t0kenother than that...no idea man, sorry05:04
Pavlzi'll try it immediately05:04
Pavlzso i   have to close irssi to do access05:05
DarkForest<sivakumar_> try this: System->Preferences->CompizConfig Settings Manager->check the 'Window Decoration' checkbox05:05
Pavlzi have to reboot the systems05:05
Pavlzthanks again05:05
Na`vii need help05:06
JusticeZero*beats head on wall*05:07
knandanI am trying to install php5-curl on my machine..but I get the follwoing error....can anyone tell me what could be the reason?05:07
JusticeZeroSomeone is having a similar problem on the forums and was advised to install PlayOnLinux to manage versions.... but the software center refuses to install PlayOnLinux because it doesn't trust one of the components.05:08
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knandanI am trying to install php5-curl on my machine..but I get the follwoing error....can anyone tell me what could be the reason?05:09
urlin2uJusticeZero, pastebin the install tried in a terminal the error.05:09
urlin2u!repaet | knandan05:09
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/05:09
Na`vii installed debian in a drive and i formatted the drive.Now i want to install ubuntu inside windows will there be any residues of the debian if i do like that/?05:09
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knandanurlin2u: sorry..i thought my question would have skipped other's eyes..thats why i repeated..05:10
sivakumar_DarkForest, how ???05:10
knandanbut i will take care in future05:11
urlin2uknandan, its cool just making sure you knew the drill. :D05:11
Na`viI have windows 7 in my computer.i installed debian in a drive and i formatted the drive.Now i want to install ubuntu inside windows will there be any residues of the debian grub if i do like that/?05:12
urlin2uNa`vi, before you install a wub you may want to read what the designer says. http://howsoftwareisbuilt.com/2009/03/12/interview-with-agostino-russo-wubi-ubuntu/05:12
knandanBTW.. i am using Ubuntu 9.04/jaunty05:13
urlin2uknandan, you know jaunty is end of life I assume.05:14
knandanso..does that mean, i wont be able to install software on this?05:14
knandanis that the reason why i am getting this error?05:15
kneauxt0ken, thanks, i'll check it out, although i am weak and will try as hard as possible to make things work through repositories05:15
urlin2uknandan, I think so, it is not in the regular repos, but there are ways not sure of them though without searching the web.05:16
KM0201knandan: yes, that is why you are getting those errors.  When a distro hits end of life, the repos "close".05:16
KM0201!eolupgrade | knandan05:17
Na`viWhy cant i give more than 30 for WUBI installation/?05:17
KM0201!eol | knandan05:17
ubottuknandan: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades05:17
KM0201knandan: read the 'EOL U pgrade" part of that link05:17
Na`viWhy cant i give more than 30GB for my wubi installation05:17
JusticeZerogarrr. my network is a steaming pile of garbage.05:18
knandanurlin2u: KM0201 isnt it bizarre..lets say I am having a version of linux..and after the eol I am not able to install ...?05:18
sivakumar_DarkForest, it is not working05:18
billet75I started a new install of 11.04 using the alternative  image. I get a error: cryptsetup: evms_activate is not available05:18
urlin2uNa`vi, that is the way it is designed did you get a chance to read the link.05:18
KM0201knandan: no its not bizarre at all... do you break out your windows 3.x software, and try to install it on Win 705:18
Na`vi<url> am reading05:19
billet75it's a fresh install like twice05:19
billet75any ideas05:19
KM0201billet75: yes, don't encrypt your home drive05:19
billet75ok thx will that resolve it?05:19
sivakumar_i have installed vm ware player last night...till then after rebooting the my pc i lost my window controls ..please help me its disgusting05:19
KM0201billet75: look at the error.05:19
kneauxhow do I make my computer available as a DLNA service on my (android) phone?05:20
urlin2ubillet75, take a look here. http://askubuntu.com/questions/49946/switch-from-encrypted-partition-to-unencrypted-error-cryptsetup-evms-activate05:20
knandanKM0201: but Ubuntu releases are quite too often...and also in case of windows the support doesnt stop so abruptly..05:20
KM0201knandan: it's supported for 18months... if you want longer support, use an LTS release (3yrs)05:21
knandanKM0201: so..what is the way out for me..i need to have the latest ubuntu installed..?05:21
KM0201knandan: at this point though, the next LTS is in about 10mo, so... if you have really new hardware, installing 10.04 (the last LTS release) you might have some hardware recognition issues05:22
KM0201knandan: did you read the link i gave you?05:22
knandani have just started reading it..05:22
KM0201knandan: pay particular attention to the "looking to upgrade an EOL release" link.05:23
knandanKM0201: alright..05:23
billet75it's a clean install, brand new machine, I want full disk encryption due to the kind of work i do. It asked me if I wanted my home directory encypted after choosing full disk so I should not choose yes for my home dir correct?05:24
KM0201billet75: what on earth do you need full disk encryption for?.. that's a recipe for fail... install ubuntu (w/o encryption)... then after its installed, use some of the free tools to create some encrypted folders, and keep your porn in those folders.05:25
KM0201some of you guys amaze me how you'll go out of your way, to just "try" and create a problem05:26
billet75I am using it on my 10.10 64 bit love will not boot until you give it the password it's the most secure05:26
billet75search google the FBI and Price Waterhouse can't break it05:27
* KM0201 sighs05:27
mfranzKM0201: FDE is a requirement for most large organizations. Folder based encryption doesn't cut it.05:27
KM0201mfranz: well, then.. there's other distros that will do this natively05:28
billet75I don't want to be the idiot that gets his laptop stolen and everyone reads about05:28
mfranzthe alternative install works fine you install ubuntu-desktop later05:28
billet75mfranz, I think I choose the wrong option, after it ask in lvm for the encryption then it asked if I want to encrypt my home dir, I believe this is the root cause of the error not sure has anyone else  got it05:29
mfranzyeah, I don't use the $HOME encryption the LUKS (LVM) encryption works fine, although as of 10.04 it didn't actually zero out/randomize your disk like Debian does05:31
billet7511.04 I have installed like three time same error so I am trying 10.1005:31
billet75it's new hardware so no data05:31
mfranzbillet: I even managed to recover from a livecd once when I forgot my password (but not my key)05:32
billet75yep,  this is the error I got Switch from encrypted partition to unencrypted (E)05:33
billet75error: cryptsetup: evms_activate is not available05:33
billet75it's my understanding that you can not encrypt the drive after install correct05:34
sivakumar_DarkForest, it worked05:34
mfranzbillet, not LUKS because you are encrypting it prior to creating the filesystem05:35
billet75so why do think it's having an issue with evms after the first boot05:35
billet75could it be because I told it to encrypt the home dir after it had already set the key on the entire disk?05:36
sivakumar_how to fix vm ware05:36
kneauxi've tried rygel and supersonic and still can't figure out how i'm supposed to make my computer available as a DLNA server, any help?05:37
knightrageheya guys. i am trying to VNC into one of my machines, but the computer isn't logged in.... [basically, it had a power outage but the BIOS settings turned it back on, and is not waiting at the 'select a user and enter a password' screen]05:37
XenethAny advanced programmers or system analyst on?  I have a quick question, and while it's nut Ubuntu, it does not fit to any channel that I know of.05:38
kneaux(software that assumes you already know how to use software like it is the biggest fail in software. no contest. no argument. hands down. dlnafail.)05:38
knightragei can ssh into it fine. is there any way I can access it via VNC or XDMP or something?05:38
mfranzknight, you can start vnc session while logged in via ssh05:38
mfranzknight. apt-get install tightvncserver05:39
knightragemfranz: is there a way I can start the :0 screen? so, when the human turns on the physical monitor, it will be already logged in05:40
mfranzknight: that I don't know05:40
kneauxfor instance, when I run rygel, what network interface should i be telling it to listen on? Shouldn't it be broadcasting on a network interface as well?05:40
knightragehmm ok05:41
mfranzknight, if you find out where it stores the settings to do autologin and edit those, I'm assume it would work05:41
knightrageaaah ok i'll google. thanks05:42
htlmbillet75 what's wrong05:42
htlmXeneth give a shot ... maybe I direct u05:45
Xenethhtlm I came acro a condition in a CMTS at work in which I got in when I shouldn't have.  It's a IOS like cisco, but it's not.  What happened was that I I was letting my fingers move out of habit putting in a user/pass for another machine.  3 times I got access denied as I was expecting.  The forth time I got in.  I had less permissions then even the non-privileged mode becuase I was not even able to do a show command.  What I'm trying to und05:49
Xenetherstand is how.  Did I get with a missing uid?  Basiclly I am going to bring this up to our NOC, but I want more info to tell them.05:49
Xenethhtlm, I wand to be able to explain it because I do not think I could duplicate it.05:50
htlmwooow mmm .... slow down a bit what's with all the lingo or abbreviations05:52
htlmXeneth ...  what...05:54
Xenethhtlm, CMTS I am not sure it's full meaning.  I think "Cable Modem" is the CM.  It's an RF routed for my ISP.05:54
Xenethhtlm, err router05:54
Xenethhtlm, RF = Radio Frequency05:55
Xenethhtlm, IOS = Internal Operating System (Unix Based I think)05:56
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Xenethhtlm, may be wrong on that one.05:56
htlmwhat's acro ...     and cmts and  ios  noc?05:56
Xenethhtlm, Now you see why I was asking for an advanced programer or system analyst.05:57
Xenethhtlm, NOC = Network Operations Center.  The group that directly deals with the routers/switches/equipment of the network.05:58
htlmwell my my policy is is trying to take a problem head on and no matter what you doin I can always improve on the spot for what just you, and if I get lucky  I can help more people ....lol which I seem to do... its a win win05:59
htlmno no matter what my skill level is *05:59
htlmso you work on  cisco system?06:00
htlmwhat os is it ....06:01
Xenethhtlm, It's close to a cisco, but it's not.  I was thinking of asking that channel too.06:01
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htlmOK ... what's the exact model06:02
Xenethhtlm, Can't give details for security reasons, I wanted to ask a specific question, but need someone who knows in depth of the authentication process of unix OS's.06:02
Xenethhtlm, just because you asked, I googled it.  CMTS = Cable modem termination system06:04
htlmwell ... for what I know of bash... just  push up of the lady command ..can you do that.. the take a sceenshot  for every command06:06
htlmso what's that do..06:06
AmdpcHi...I want to add the toolbar (which has file,edit etc options) to the panel..any ideas ?06:06
Awesomeo2000amdpc: like a mac?06:07
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AmdpcAwesomeo2000 : Exactly :)06:07
Xenethhtlm, It's a sophisticated router foe providing Internet connections to cable modems/06:07
MokilokWhat language are core Linux apps written in? is it C++?06:07
blahsphemer_I am attempting to understand why my race condition exploit (homework) wouldn't work on ubuntu 11.04 but works fine on 9.04. The symlink creation happens fine, but open returns EACCESS error06:08
Awesomeo2000Mokilok: more like c06:08
blahsphemer_How do I diagnose this06:08
Awesomeo2000Amdpc: i did it once. give me a second to recall.06:08
AmdpcAwesomeo2000 : Do you know how to do it ?06:08
Amdpc<Awesomeo2000> : ok06:08
Awesomeo2000amdpc: it's called global-menu06:09
Awesomeo2000amdpc: not sure if it's still supported. but check it ou.06:09
Amdpc<Awesomeo2000> : I am using 10.10 mavrick....and where can I get the global-menu ?06:10
htlmblahsphemer_ good luck 11.04 has a lot of problems  try 10.04 or 10.1006:11
blahsphemer_htlm: it wouldn't work even in 10.10 either. I just found that it;s because of kernel.yama.protected_stick_symlinks.06:12
Awesomeo2000amdpc: http://code.google.com/p/gnome2-globalmenu/06:12
Amdpc<Awesomeo2000> Let me check it...pl wait06:12
blahsphemer_htlm: I want to know how this this works06:12
htlmXeneth  IM learning about the very ones your asking about ... just a sec06:13
Amdpc<Awesomeo2000> : Till then..how can I remove the standard toolbar whi opens in every window ?06:15
htlmblasphemer are you talking about.. I different get what you just said06:15
Awesomeo2000amdpc: i don't remember how i did it. There may be an option to hide it. Read their wiki.06:16
Amdpc<Awesomeo2000> : Thanks :)06:20
Awesomeo2000amdpc: no problem. don't forget to get awn as well.06:20
knightragehey guys. using natty. so i can ssh into a machine but i can't vnc into it (because it doesn't have a user logged in). is there any way i can configure it, via ssh, it auto-log in?06:28
theadminknightrage: What is your login manager?06:28
knightragetheadmin: the default, so gdm06:29
theadminknightrage: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/GDM#Automatic_login06:29
gulzartried installing gnome3 from ppa .... system broke. Then purged the ppa everything reverted back but only panel is missing and getting this error : E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)06:34
theadmingulzar: You can't safely downgrade, well, basically anything. Sorry.06:35
gulzar<theadmin> downgrade worked only rythmbox is creating this prob.....06:36
theadmingulzar: You just said gnome-panel is06:36
theadmingulzar: Which is the main part of Gnome, anyway.06:37
gulzar<theadmin> ya the panel can be replaced ny awn but this dpkg error not06:37
theadmingulzar: Try the usual routine maintenace stuff06:38
theadmingulzar: sudo dpkg --configure -a ; sudo apt-get -f install and such06:38
gulzar<theadmin> tried both the command -- NO06:38
gulzar<theadmin> will uninstalling rythmbox solves it?06:39
theadmingulzar: Think so.06:39
KM0201if rythmbox is causing the prob, i don't see why it wouldn06:39
gulzar<KM0201> so removing it is OK?06:40
KM0201gulzar: why wouldn't it be?  it's just a music program.06:40
gulzar<KM0201> lets try then06:40
henningvisi need help with login screen. I removed Pam Face authentication and now my password for login is not recognized.  I chose automatic login with start up so I can start up, but when the screen locks I can not log in again. Also cant install or kae any changes due to password not being valid06:42
KM0201henningvis: Pam Face authentication?06:43
henningviscan you help?06:44
henningvisthe program is removed now, but the login is now is a problem06:45
KM0201is it the login for your username, are you just entering th password wrong ?06:46
p1und3ris 11.10 stable enough to upgrade to from 11.04?06:46
henningvisthe username is stil the same , the password is the prob06:46
theadminp1und3r: It's not06:46
KM0201p1und3r: is it final release?06:46
theadminp1und3r: If it were stable, it'd be released06:46
KM0201henningvis: boot recovery mode, and change the password on that user.06:46
p1und3rthey replaced grub this release?06:47
henningvisI am very new06:47
henningviscan you guide me on how to do that please06:47
EmotionsI use wifi but i have an ethernet cable plugged in from my computer to my imac g3 and i'm hoping to do some ethernet sharing.. i did it but its not working and nm-applet doesnt seem to show anything connected under wired.. i know i dont need a crossover cable, it worked perfectly fine under Windows 706:47
KM0201henningvis: you'll have to reboot, are you on a separate machine right now?06:47
theadmin!ICS | Emotions06:48
ubottuEmotions: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing06:48
henningvisnow same machine06:48
Emotionstheadmin: that's what i did....06:48
henningvishave ipone on me for instrutions06:48
theadminEmotions: Ah, sorry06:48
KM0201henningvis: in order to get help, you'll need to be on a separate machine....06:48
Emotionsit cant be my imac g3 either because it's worked before with windows06:48
henningvislet me see if i can log in on phone and then i will get back to you ok?06:48
KM0201henningvis: ok06:49
henningvisis there a tutorial somewhere that you know of..step by step instructions??06:50
KM0201henningvis: hang on, lemme look.06:50
KM0201henningvis: you know what your username is right?.. you just don't have the password06:50
henningviswell i hope so06:51
theadminhenningvis: Boot recovery mode, choose root shell, do "passwd USERNAME" (where USERNAME is your, well, username), reset the password this way... Then do "reboot". We're done there!06:51
henningvishow would i establich06:51
sivakumar_how to replace workspaces ..by mistake i removed them from my panle06:51
KM0201henningvis: this should do it..   http://www.linux-radar.net/reset-password-ubuntu.html06:51
KM0201henningvis: that also tells you how to verify your username06:51
theadminsivakumar_: Right-click -> Add to panel -> Workspace... whatever it's called06:51
henningvistx u a star06:51
sivakumar_theadmin,thank u its works06:52
theadminsivakumar_: Well of course :D06:52
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:58
Chris-AdminLooking for help with changing Advanced Power Settings in Ubuntu. Critically low battery is set at 30% and need to change it07:16
elemental1mam pytanie07:17
Chris-AdminLooking for help with changing Advanced Power Settings in Ubuntu. Critically low battery is set at 30% and need to change it07:17
elemental1skąd ściągnąć kernel - jeśli kernel.org nie odpowiada ?07:17
ubottuNa tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.07:18
Chris-AdminLooking for help with changing Advanced Power Settings in Ubuntu. Critically low battery is set at 30% and need to change it07:21
DiamondciteChris-Admin: Which ubuntu version?07:22
Chris-AdminDiamondcite - 11.04, i have Ubuntu Tweak installed, does that have settings for it ?07:23
Chris-AdminDiamondcite - Ubuntu tweak doesnt have anything about it. I am looking to change the Battery % for Critical Battery etc. I have a long life battery, but when it hits 30% my laptop suspends and i cannot use it07:24
DiamondciteChris-Admin: Unfortunately I still use 10.10.. I wonder if gconf-editor still exists for you07:24
Killeur57I have a problem its someone could help me07:25
ActionParsnipKilleur57: ask and see07:25
Chris-Adminoh yes, i have that. but i havent got much experience in it07:25
Killeur572 days ago when I installed my ram (2GB) 4GB already has it that by identifying 3 qand go and I go to ubuntu studio and I had no more material for his (then I looked Tomorrow's since I've tried lots of stuff but nothing works. I do video editing with no sound then do not it sad  oligist @ ubuntu: ~ $ lspci 00:00.0 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc.. P4M890 Host Bridge 00:00.1 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc.. P4M890 Host Bridg07:25
DiamondciteChris-Admin: Starts gconf-editor07:26
Chris-AdminDiamondcite, Already have :), where should i look for that setting?07:26
DiamondciteChris-Admin: / -> apps -> gnome-power-manager -> thresholds -> percentage_critical07:26
DiamondciteChris-Admin: My value for that is set to 307:26
ActionParsnipKilleur57: so you installed some RAM and the system doesn't boot?07:27
Chris-AdminDiamondcite- My Critical it set to 3 as well, does that maen 30% or 3% ? i notice that the problem only happened when i disconnected power.07:27
Killeur57It starts normally07:28
young0011hello every body,i wonder how to keep my ssh connection always alive?07:28
ActionParsnipKilleur57: so what is the issue, your question is very disjointed. What app or hardware is not working?07:28
DiamondciteChris-Admin: Odd... I REALLY don't notice that.. I usually run my netbook down to 10%, and I never had the critical battery warning any earlier..07:28
ActionParsnipyoung0011: change the timeout in /etc/ssh/sshd_config07:28
Killeur57audio equipment07:29
Chris-AdminDiamondCite - I will see how it goes, but i saw that when i changed the settings for the Ciritcal, it said "Only Applies if use_profile_time is false" should i disable that and see if its using the profile from my old battery?07:29
ActionParsnipKilleur57: so you have no sound?07:29
young0011ActionParsnip: if i want to keep it always on,so i can change it to a very big number?07:29
ActionParsnipyoung0011: you can disable it to be indefinite07:30
Killeur57ubuntu does not notice my sound card07:30
young0011ActionParsnip: ok ,thx07:30
Chris-Adminkilleur57. I have had the same issue with ALSA07:30
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DiamondciteChris-Admin: There is a chance that it's judging by time left.07:30
Killeur57mais avant que je rajoute des ram le son marchait bien07:30
abhinavmehtain mac, I'm having VMWare Fusion...what similar VM is available for ubutnu..?07:31
auronandace!fr | Killeur5707:31
ubottuKilleur57: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.07:31
abhinavmehtaVM for ubuntu..?07:31
rwwabhinavmehta: Virtualbox07:31
PupenoHow do I configure Ubuntu to auto-mount a tablet, a Asus Transformer (running Android 3)?07:31
Chris-AdminKilleur57. Go to your terminal and type uname -r. Then go into Synaptics Package Manger, and find the linux-headers that correspond to your kernel. Select to Re-install all of them, and then choose to re-install Alsa-Base.07:31
abhinavmehtaPupeno: thank you. :)07:31
Chris-AdminDiamondCite - I have disabled that setting and i will see how well it works. Thank you for your help :)07:32
dr_willisPupeno:  with my android stuff when i enable the usb-storage - the file manager pops up automatically without me doing anything07:32
DiamondciteChris-Admin: Hope it works out for you.07:32
Pupenodr_willis: android 3 doesn't implement usb storage anymore.07:32
Chris-AdminDiamondcite - Thank you :)07:32
Pupenodr_willis: it uses mtf or something like that.07:32
DiamondciteChris-Admin: Also, just incase, try to change the setting to something else and change it back. It might have been overwritten07:32
Killeur57I did not understand07:32
ActionParsnip!sound | Killeur5707:33
ubottuKilleur57: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.07:33
dr_willisPupeno:  saving up for a tablet for xmas. :)07:33
Chris-AdminDiamondcite - You mean, change the critical from 3 to 4, then back ?07:33
DiamondciteChris-Admin: Yes.07:33
Killeur57thank you07:33
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ActionParsnipKilleur57: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh; chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh; ./alsa-info.sh07:34
elemental1kurde . Mocp nie chce odpalić na alsie ani na OSS. Natomiast audacius korzysta z Alsa plugin07:34
elemental1i działa07:34
young0011ActionParsnip: you mean to disable the connection time in server?07:35
ActionParsnipyoung0011: you can disable the timeout functionality in SSH so it NEVER expires. I thought I outlined this already...07:36
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ActionParsnipyoung0011: http://rackerhacker.com/2007/04/12/disable-ssh-timeouts/07:37
ActionParsnipyoung0011: simple websearch would have found you that...07:37
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young0011ActionParsnip: thx,i will google first next time07:38
ActionParsnipyoung0011: makes life easier, plus makes you more autonymous :)07:38
PupenoCan autos mount mtp devices?07:40
gulzarcannot remove residual config from synaptic. After selecting for complete removal the apply button is still grey. How to do it?07:40
Pupenoor is there another way to make an MTP device, like an Android 3 device, easy mountable.07:41
ActionParsnipgulzar: can you pastebin the output of:  sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade    be sure to close synaptic first07:41
dr_willisand a dozen other hits for 'mtp ubuntu mount' when i looked. :)07:41
dr_willissudo apt-get install mtpfs07:42
ActionParsnipdr_willis: seems we are the chosen 2 that google/duckduckgo allow access to their sites07:42
dr_willisseems to be  step 1 :)07:42
dr_willis!info mtpfs07:42
ubottumtpfs (source: mtpfs): FUSE filesystem for Media Transfer Protocol devices. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9-3 (natty), package size 14 kB, installed size 84 kB07:42
Pupenodr_willis: I already have mtpfs and I can mount by hand, but my wife can't.07:42
ActionParsnipPupeno: make a script with your command :)07:43
dr_willismake fstab entry,   with the users option enabled then Pupeno07:43
ActionParsnipPupeno: just use gksudo instead of sudo07:43
dr_willisthat site has some other stuff that may be out of date. its hard to tell with each new release more stuff gets enabled by default07:43
llutzPupeno: you added your wife to "fuser" group?07:43
Pupenothat still requires openiung the console.07:43
llutzPupeno: use an udev-rule07:44
dr_willisor make a script/icon...07:44
ActionParsnipPupeno: not if you make a script, it can be double clicked on the desktop07:44
dr_willisive also seen many a mount gizmos gui;s in the past. :) with buttons.,07:44
Pupenollutz: do you mean fuse? no, I haven't. She's an admin though.07:44
cjsSo, my remuco-mplayer package under 11.04 doesn't seem to work; it doesn't play anything with "remuco-mplayer a.mp3 b.mp3 c.mp3" even though mplayer is in my path, and just using mplayer with that command line works fine. Where do I go for help on this?07:45
IamTryingUbuntu 11.04 - has serious BUG when you ues capture card in 64-bit. Where Ubuntu 10.04 does not had that.07:45
llutzPupeno: sry fuse i meant, yes. since mtpfs is a FUSE-fs, she needs to be member to use it (iirc)07:45
Pupenollutz: I'll try that, thanks.07:45
dr_willishttp://forum.xda-developers.com/archive/index.php/t-1077572.html  has info on the eepad :)  been looking at getting one of those.07:46
gulzar<ActionParsnip> http://pastebin.com/vvbb2wnG07:47
tp43if you connect your monitor to your laptop, is it possible to have dual screen?  Cause right now, my laptop display and my monitor connected via vga show the same thing07:48
dr_willisI just access my android devices over the network - :) with WiFi File Explorer on my android stuff.07:48
cjsOh, seems remuco does not use standard BT remote controls. Never mind.07:48
gulzar<ActionParsnip> upgrade: 0 to install 0 to remov 0 to updgrade... means nothing in it07:49
llutzdr_willis: andftp, totalcommander do well07:49
tp43dr_willis, how is android for programs, can you run same programs on your desktop on android?  what is kernel version?07:49
ghabitHello. How to change ubuntu's popup window position? it is too far from top of screen.07:49
dr_willistp43:  You have to have android apps. :)07:49
ActionParsnipgulzar: ok then run: sudo apt-get --purge autoremove07:49
ActionParsnipdr_willis: I just use dropbox :)07:50
Pupenodr_willis: I got my wife one, I like it. I'll get one for me when I can.07:50
tp43dr_willis, no freedom eh, better off with windows ce then cause there are tons of gpl programs for it07:50
cjsIs there anything that will allow me to use the play/pause and track forward/back controls on my Bluetooth headphones with any Ubuntu player?07:50
dr_willistp43:  i never said there was no 'gpl' programs for android.. theres more then likely more for android then windws cd.07:50
auronandacetp43: do you have a nvidia card?07:51
dr_willistp43:  You asked if the same app runs on your linux desktop.. answer is it needs tobe compiled for your desktop os, or for android.. since the 2 are both using linux as the core.. but are not identical07:51
tp43dr_willis, glad to hear it, I will buy one asap.  I heard ms is taking a cut for every android device07:51
tp43auronandace, I think so07:51
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Pupenollutz: adding her to the fuse group didn't fix it.07:52
tp43auronandace,  obility Radeon X30007:52
dr_willisPupeno:  you wold need to log her out/back in for the group change to take effect.07:52
auronandacetp43: ah, then no07:52
Pupenodr_willis: did it07:52
tp43dr_willis, yeah, but is there a decent package management system and ready to go packages available, cause who is gonna waiste time compiling for a handheld toy07:53
auronandacetp43: i don't know how to do dual screen with ati cards07:53
dr_willistp43:  thats the whole point of the android markets and the .apk files..07:53
tp43auronandace, what about the AMD radeons, cause I thinking of buying an hp laptop07:53
gulzar<ActionParsnip> no help.... list is still full in synaptic and apply button is grey07:54
auronandacetp43: i've only ever done dual screen with nvidia cards07:54
tablemasterif I don't get a login screen when my computer boots, and I have to switch to a different tty and startx to get a desktop, what can I reinstall to fix the problem?07:54
tp43auronandace, but as far as hardware goes, you can use the vga port separately then the direct connection to you laptop display to dual screen with a desktop monitor?07:54
auronandacetp43: yes, it is possible but i wouldn't know how07:55
tp43auronandace, well, my question was specific to the laptop case, using the vga plug07:55
Pupenoyou have to be logged in in ubuntuforums to read pages?07:55
dr_willisPupeno:  yes.07:55
PupenoWTF? why?07:55
dr_willisask in #ubuntuforums  i guess07:55
tp43auronandace, so you did it before, you had a laptop, and you plugged in a desktop display and had dual screen?07:56
dr_willisspam/abuse would be my guess.07:56
auronandacetp43: i'm using dual screen myself with a t61 and an external monitor via vga so i know its possible07:56
htlmllutz I was wondering about that app... I need it for college or one like it..  we I hope I can help and be helped07:56
auronandacetp43: i configured it via nvidia settings07:56
tp43auronandace, think pad t61, and the two screens are different?07:57
auronandacetp43: yes07:57
auronandacetp43: it what i'm talking to you on now07:57
tp43so i'd say nvidia rules, I am sure it can be done with amd's ati too though07:57
ActionParsnipPupeno: ask in #ubuntuforums07:57
ActionParsnipgulzar: can you pastebin the output of both commands please07:58
auronandacetp43: yes it can, but I don't know how, so i can't help you there07:58
ActionParsniptp43: +1 for nvidia07:58
tp43amd owns ati now, so you see vid cards called amd radeon instead of ati radeon07:58
htlmtp43 I seen a few apps in the Ubuntu app center  and out on the internet07:58
gulzar<ActionParsnip> http://pastebin.com/vvbb2wnG07:58
ActionParsnipgulzar: mint isn't supported here07:59
tablemasterwhen I startup my computer, I never got a login screen, how can I fix it?07:59
ActionParsnip!mint | gulzar07:59
ubottugulzar: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org07:59
ActionParsniptablemaster: what do you get?07:59
gulzar<ActionParsnip> right but the problem is of synaptic07:59
gulzar<ActionParsnip> so asking about to remove residual configs07:59
ActionParsnipgulzar: irrelevant, you are using mint. Mint isn't supported here07:59
tablemasterActionParsnip: tail end of the boot process with some funky formating08:00
tp43htlm, like on my pocket pc I use CE board and the crafty engine, I am sure they ported to Android.  Also, i use tcpmp player08:00
ActionParsniptablemaster: what are the last few lines of text08:00
tablemasterActionParsnip: bluetooth starting, battery state08:00
ActionParsniptablemaster: did you recently install proprietary drivers?08:00
ghabitHello. How to change ubuntu's popup window position? it is too far from top of screen.08:00
gulzar<ActionParsnip> Ok Thank You08:00
tablemasterActionParsnip: oh, and pulseaudio, and they all say ok08:00
tablemasterActionParsnip: nope08:00
dr_willisghabit:  popup window? what window?08:01
StanleyAIn my torrent folder I have a rar file of an iso image.08:01
tp43I installed Linux on my IPAQ but there weren't a decent browser to support https for gmail08:01
tp43it was 2.2 kernel, and even that is gone now, cause the site is down08:01
StanleyAbut when I use virtual box to open it up the folder is not there08:01
dr_willisghabit:  compiz has various plugins to set options for specific window types. I use it for example to make the file-copy windows always be on top.08:01
StanleyAany ideas how to fix this?08:01
htlmdr_willis I like that app... IM thing buying it08:01
ghabitdr_willis, 'connected to eth0' for example, other notifications.08:01
dr_willisStanleyA:  use vbox to open a rar with an iso in it .. to boot in vbox? i dont think vbox handles rars08:02
ActionParsniptablemaster: boot to root recovery mode and reinstall gnome-power-manager (it might be management)08:02
tablemasterActionParsnip: thanks08:02
tp43you know, a few times, when I am watching youtube or ctv videos in flash format, my system freezed, and I have to reboot08:02
tp43I can't even get a text terminal, I have to power off08:02
zykotick9ghabit, i think "notification" is the key word, not pop-up08:02
ghabitzykotick9, thank you, my english is poor.08:03
ActionParsnipStanleyA: did you MD5 test the ISO?08:03
htlmtp43 I think that 2.2 kernels is a little old what distro and version are you running?08:03
ghabitHow to change ubuntu's notification window position? it is too far from top of screen. Or maybe it is possible to switch off?08:03
ActionParsnipStanleyA: if you are using windows, your dumb OS will make it appear as an archive because winrar can handle ISO files. You do NOT extract the files08:04
ActionParsnipghabit: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/05/finally-easy-way-to-customize-notify.html08:04
dr_willisghabit:  you dont like how its down about 20 pixles from the top? and all the way to the right?08:04
dr_willisTheres a reason for it not being all the way at the top. :) or so they say.08:04
tp43htlm, no, I was talking about when I installed linux on my ipaq, actually, I think it was 2.4, but there didn't have a 2.6 available08:04
ares_Who can help me! ?08:05
ghabitdr_willis, not 20, in my case it is about 2-3 cm08:05
tp43htlm but it was still good, there just wasn't a web browser that supports https, that was the only problem08:05
Corey!ask | ares_08:05
ubottuares_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:05
ares_I'm using ubuntu 10.10 x64 and i haven't got sound on x86 ubuntu 10.10 i had sound so where is the problem? :(08:05
tp43ares_, probably muted08:06
ActionParsnipares_: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh; chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh; ./alsa-info.sh08:06
ares_on x86 it was muted08:06
tp43ares_, open mixer and turn up volume08:06
IbyssIn case my ubuntu will not boot, how do I get to Ubuntu recovery mode?08:06
gabsonthis is a bit off topic but could someone direct me to a channel where i can get general programming help?08:06
ActionParsnipIbyss: hold shift at boot and select recovery mode08:06
ActionParsnipgabson: which language?08:07
tp43Ibyss, when you are in grub, scroll down08:07
IbyssActionParsnip: Alrighties. THanks.08:07
Corey!sound | ares_08:07
ubottuares_: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.08:07
htlmghabit  this is Ubuntu  so come on  theres some one thats already done it... and UN  sure ive seen it done ...app? look about08:07
Ibysstp43: I tried that part. But that isn't happening. (Theres onl ubuntu on that harddrive).08:07
johanssonIv'e got a question, im doing a assignment at school that wants us to install ubuntu 10.04, then learn some commands etc..the last assignment is to do something that only root is able to without "knowning" the password eg. hack the root account somehow. I've read about to edit the grub bootloader and type in "rw init=/bin/bash" after the kernelline, this works but I need to know what "rw init=/bin/bash" accually does. Can anybody08:07
johansson help me or show me some informative link etc?08:07
johanssonofcourse, if you have any better or other tips, please advise me =)08:08
htlmtp43 which one are you on08:08
tp43Ibyss, whenever I install Ubuntu, I get two boot options for each install, one is regular and one is single user mode which is Linux version of safe mode for Windows08:08
gabsonActionParsnip, no language specific just need some help understanding modules for a flowchart assignment i have08:08
ghabithtlm, sorry, cannot understand it )08:08
ActionParsnipjohansson: hold shift at boot, select recovery mode then select root08:08
dr_willisjohansson:  replaces 'init' with the command you gave...08:08
ActionParsnipgabson: try ##programming then08:08
ActionParsnipjohansson: you now have root access, no password08:09
htlmtp43 IM guessin your new to Linux stuff08:09
ares_ubottu: i will try08:09
ubottuares_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:09
tp43htlm, you misunderstood, I installed Linux on my IPAQ handheld from handhelds.org which is shutdown now, and it was 2.4  Currently i am on my laptop which is 2.6 ie Ubuntu 1008:09
johanssonokey, thanks08:09
ActionParsnipares_: if you can run the command I gave it will make a URL, what is the URL08:09
johanssonguess i need to read on the init command then08:09
Pupenodamn ubuntu vs mtp devices.08:09
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto08:10
ares_ActionParsnip: I tried your commands but it's not working08:10
ActionParsnipares_: can you be more detailed please08:10
johanssonfound some stuff, it's like a program that starts processes right? and put the computer in different runlevels?08:10
ActionParsnip!runlevel | johansson08:10
ubottujohansson: In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.08:10
johanssonokey, so most guides are out-dated, because everyone i read mentions /etc/inittab08:11
htlmAres we are as blind as you let us see...  so the better and more info the better we see08:11
ghabitdr_willis, http://img405.imageshack.us/img405/2283/92033400.png08:11
dr_williseverything eventually becomes outdated. :)08:11
johanssontrue =)08:11
ares_ActionParsnip: I'm using ubuntu 10.10 x64 and i haven't got sound I don't know why..08:12
dr_willisghabit:  so? thats normal. the space is there for 'space' for any SPECIAL  type notifications. You were given a url earlier on how to customze the NotifyOSD system. modifying it is basically not supported here.08:12
ActionParsnipares_: if you run the command I gave, you can select to upload to the servers andmake a URL, what is the URL?08:12
johanssonwell, thanks for your help guys. see you later08:12
ghabitYes, thanks a lot!08:13
dr_willisthers also ways to totally replace the notify-osd stuff and have it appear in differnt areas/ways. :) like Lubuntu does.08:13
stodandid anyone try to install beta2 with btrfs over dm-crypt and lvm? install always fails on linux-generic package08:13
ActionParsnipstodan: ask in #ubuntu+1 for anything Oneiric related please08:14
htlmtp43 IM on my android now  so IM have limited input .. but IM still here08:14
ares_ActionPatsnip: There is a problem I'm not very good on english language :(08:14
ares_ActionParsnip: There is a problem I'm not very good on english language :(08:14
ActionParsnipares_: when you run the comamnd, what is output? use http://pastie.org to host the text08:15
ares_ActionParsnip: http://pastie.org/258802408:16
ActionParsnipares_: that's what we needed, the data is at http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=0fc25e7bd25e27722cc5ff04bffc007dbe1caed908:16
ActionParsnipares_: hold on to that link08:16
htlmtp43 pm ?08:17
ubuntu_I have a question - I am new to linux.  I have lubuntu running now from my usb stick and do not want to instal it but run it here on a live usb but every time I reboot I lose my personal settings08:17
ActionParsnipares_: run: http://pastebin.com/W1eEnqFm08:17
llutzubuntu_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent08:18
ActionParsnipubuntu_: you can make the stick with persistence08:18
ares_236MB ? :D08:18
ubuntu_i made it with  1gb persistence08:18
tularisActionParsnip: i installed with alternate version of ubuntu08:18
tularisActionParsnip: it worked fine for one day08:18
ActionParsniptularis: why are you asking me?08:18
tularisActionParsnip: and now, i can't start again ><08:18
ubuntu_it still does not work08:18
ares_ActionParsnip: ow is downloading drivers 236MB ? :D08:18
tularisi'm updating you :P08:19
ActionParsnipares_: yes, newer Alsa08:19
tularissudo apt-get install ActionParsnip08:19
ActionParsniptularis: update on what?08:19
tularison my yesterday problem08:19
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ActionParsniptularis: oh jeez, I've drank and slept since then dude08:19
dr_willisits very easy to fill up a persistant save file. if you treat thesystem as a 'normal fully installed system' :)08:19
Pupenoif I run the mtpfs command with sudo it works, but with gksudo it doesn.t08:20
tularisok folks :P08:20
tularisi got a new Error08:20
tularisi installed ubuntu with alternate version08:20
AndChatDuring the ubuntu 64 11.04 installation,  I'm at a black screen filled with text.   I chose to encrypt my home directory,  so I think 'code: <lots of letters numbers> ' is probably an encryption key...08:20
ubuntu_alternative might work on a 4gb usb?08:20
tularisand now i can't boot up, i got a black screen. In recovery mode, the screen freeze at the secon line "Loading initial ramdisk"08:20
htlmubuntu_ did you think  reading the docs of it...  and 3gb is what I say if need after updates programs and finally your data or aka files08:21
tularisubuntu_:  it does08:21
AndChatThen,  after lines starting with "rip" "rsp" and "cr2" it's just paused or frozen,  while I see my spinning cursor.   Is this normal????08:21
starpwnagedoes anyone here know basic php that can look over my small script and tell me what i did wrong? It is probally something really simple.  http://pastebin.com/w90rCsry08:22
ActionParsniptularis: what video chip?08:22
ActionParsnipstarpwnage: have you asked in #php08:23
starpwnagemy codw works, just it doesnt redirect if successful (last 2 lins of code)08:23
patsonhere's a funny problem - if I start Clementine up normally or in the console, then try to quit it, it hangs, eating upp all the CPU time on one core. However, it works just the way it should if I run it through GDB or Strace08:23
Killeurtchat français08:23
patsonany ideas?08:23
AndChatRight now the line it's stuck on is "[ 1026.040030]  CR2: 0000000000000028"08:24
starpwnage#php says i need n invite08:24
dr_willisstarpwnage:  sure its not saying 'regiestered nick only' ?08:24
AndChatActionParsnip:  I'm cluelessperson,  I was talking to you yesterday.  :p. I'm struggling with my ubuntu install.08:25
tularisi think the chipset is: Intel GMA HD Gfx 3000, Intel Core i3-2357M ULV Processor (1.3GHz, 3MB L2, 1333MHz DDR3)08:25
AndChatStarpwnage,  do ##php08:26
tularisActionParsnip: and i installed a driver for it yesterday08:26
AndChatStarpwnage:  I'll look at your script.08:26
ActionParsniptularis: add the boot option: nomodeset   may help08:26
starpwnageok thanks, its ##php :)08:26
tularisnomodset Oo?08:27
tularisi just have recovery mode08:27
tularisnormal mode08:27
tularismemory check08:27
tularisand old version of ubuntu08:27
htlmubuntu_ yes it work.. 4gb is fine for web surfing few pdfs homework ... and Linux can do all that.. but the space you give it is the thing you want more of.... like a 26page PowerPoint all decked out and and all the multimedia on the flash drive included....its about full... so get a 8gb or up to a 16gb just it just depends on you n your needs...lol but if your like some of us.. even me.   lol you'll fill it up fast !08:28
dr_willis!nomodeset  | tularis08:28
ubottutularis: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter08:28
htlmAndChat   LOL how that android of yours LOL ..) IM on it too... love it08:29
AndChatI'm trying to install ubuntu 64 11.04 and my screen seems frozen filled with next while I see my spinning mouse cursor...   Is this normal???  I've been waiting 10 minutes on it already.08:29
AndChathtlm,  it'd be nicer with tab.   I enjoy my lovely phone,  but I'm stuck.08:30
ares_is in ubuntu 11.04 exsists gnome ? :D08:31
martjanhi guys! does someone can help me?08:31
ActionParsnipares_: yes08:31
AndChatGod,  I need a working computer.08:31
ActionParsnipmartjan: ask and see08:31
ares_but i think ubuntu 10.xx Better that 11.xx08:32
AndChatActionParsnip,   can yu help me next?  :p. I'm cluelessperson from last night.08:32
martjani'm trying to have a tablet emulator on my pc08:32
jackjon89hi my OS gui has changed on it's own, it looks old style, like win 98. can anyone help ?08:32
martjani made it with eclipse and it function...08:33
ares_jackjon: go to visual settings :D08:33
martjanbut i can't simulate double touch08:34
ares_jackjon89: click mouse2>change desktop settings>themes and choose which you want :]08:34
dr_willisjackjon89:  ive seen some bug reports where it can auto-set back to  a default theme.  seen forum posts on how to fix it. but never had the issue.08:34
htlmto install  AndChat   from a usb ? is a bit slower ... it depends on the slot you put it in which determines the speed you're going at..version anyway... and 11.04?  LOL in my opinion that's just asking for trouble....I just don't like that the version number anyways   there's too many problems its way too but you to be considered stable08:34
martjani do this with a double coursor mouse, for instance...08:34
martjanis it possible, if you know?08:34
AndChatHtml,   it hasn't changed for over 10 minutes.08:36
htlmAndChat so go with a lighter gui and a different version/os  ,10.04   is nice08:37
Edulixhi people!08:37
AndChatI fear having to change my mind.08:37
jackjon89hi, tried that, the top bar won't change from win98 style08:37
EdulixI have openjdk-6-jre installed in my 11.04 ubuntu, but still I cannot load java applets in firefox, why?08:38
dr_willisEdulix:  how did you install it?08:38
Edulixdr_willis: it was installed last time I checked it08:38
AndChatThe ubuntu installer is useless now.   Dear god.08:38
l33osince 5 days the ubuntu update doesnt show new updates...i am here on lubuntu 11.10 ...is this a known bug ???08:39
AndChatUtterly usele#,  it wont even funtion with windows.   They've screwed it up completely.08:39
llutzl33o: #ubuntu+108:39
Edulixdr_willis: Version: 6b22-1.10.2-0ubuntu1~11.04.1 is what I have installed, for amd64, shown by apt-cache show08:39
zhiweil33o: you can use the main source list and try again08:39
l33owhould you suggest the ubuntu update, synaptic update or apt-get update?08:40
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llutzl33o: #ubuntu+1 for oneiric questions08:40
tularisActionParsnip: i added nomodeset option, and i still got a blackscreen08:40
l33othanks llutz08:41
AndChatNow I have to reinstall windows, then download,  make a usb boot drive,  and attempt 10 because they fucked the ubuntu install up.   I started this 4 HOURS AGO.08:41
htlmI'm trying to save you a bunch of heartache so please and time..  ... don't forget that Hugh time on simple things....  rrr .....  sorry just makes me upset that my baby is sitting there and UN still here trying to fix it08:41
tularis(more purple than black, anyway no change with or without the option)08:41
htlmwho messed up  !08:41
htlmAndChat who ?08:42
Edulixhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java says I need icedtea6-plugin08:42
martjanSorry guys I try to summarize my question better: you can have on a mouse with two pointers ubuntu? two pointers, or otherwise connected to two mice? I was told that perhaps it is possible to change xorg.conf, you know something? Thanks!08:42
dr_willisEdulix:  i alwyas tend to just install the ubuntu-restricted-extras  and rarely need to mess with anythign else.08:42
AndChatHtml,  whoever's changing ubuntu.   I've never had any issue with it and now I can't even install it.   It infuriating.08:42
Edulixdr_willis: I need to create a guide about how to use my web page that uses a java applet so08:43
dr_willisEdulix:  i alwyas tend to just install the ubuntu-restricted-extras  and i belive it installs the needed java packages.08:43
tularishey guys i got a blackscreen at startup, I tryed to boot with nomodeset option but it did'nt fix the black screen08:43
tularisany ideas ?08:43
Edulixdr_willis: I know but I cannot do that08:44
dr_willistularis:  and what was the video chipset?08:44
Edulixas I just said =)08:44
htlmmartjan stop dont touch it.... it can be done ... just get to mice ... to physically plug into the computer... I get a wired and wireless computer....and I tried it on a different 1 with the mouse pad and a wireless 108:44
ZepretenderHi there ! I'm kinda newbie and trying to use Xubuntu on an old ladtop...08:44
htlmAndChat what do you mean ... what you mean the newest version as just came out like 6 months ago08:45
ZepretenderI'm looking for xfce4-autostart-editor to automaticly start Vino... but I can't find it. It doesn't work on the teminal08:45
AndChatHtml,  now windows wont boot,  damn it.08:46
hexacodewat is the '%' used for?  im talking wildcards here.08:46
ActionParsnipZepretender: if you add a symlink to the .desktop file in /usr/share/applications into ~/.config/autostart    it will run at login08:46
dr_willisI thought vino was built into gnome.. xfce uses it also?08:47
ActionParsnipdr_willis: sure why not ;)08:47
htlmAndChat  .... LOL IM guessing it new....08:47
AndChatHtml, I'm trying to fresh install a dual boot.08:48
Abhijitapache and phpmyadmin are running but still php scripts are not being parsed firefox ask to download. this is local server. help please08:48
llutzhexacode: in what context?08:48
tularisdr_willis: Intel GMA HD Gfx 3000, Intel Core i3-2357M ULV Processor (1.3GHz, 3MB L2, 1333MHz DDR3)08:48
ZepretenderActionParsnip arrrg, you talk chinese for me... how can I do a "symlink" with /usr/lib/vino/vino-server ?? If I understand, then, I need to create a .config/autostart folder on root ??08:48
tularisoops sorry, my graphic chipset is Intel GMA HD Gfx 3000, Intel Core i3-2357M ULV Processor (1.3GHz, 3MB L2, 1333MHz DDR3)08:48
ActionParsnipZepretender: you don't make it in root, you use your user.08:49
ActionParsnipZepretender: run:  pcmanfm ~/.config/autostart   then right click in the folder and select to make a new launcher, make it launch the app and then when you login it will be ran08:50
htlmAndChat  well I can still... loll and its free... for you and in volunteered time and effort and all but the Chanel operators...08:50
ZepretenderActionParsnip no, I wantedt to say "0on the root of filesystem" ? where is ~/ ???08:50
ActionParsnipZepretender: ~ is your home folder08:51
dr_willis~ = a shortcut for /home/yourusername08:51
htlmAndChat u still there08:51
ZepretenderI need to install PCMAn08:51
AndChatI'm complaining that it's been talen from working beautifully to being useless and noninstallable.08:51
ActionParsnipZepretender: I only used that because I thought taht was the default file browser08:51
ActionParsnipZepretender: use whatever the default file browser in xubuntu is08:52
jigalhello my laptop everytime starts up in low graphics mode.08:52
jigalhow do i get out of it?08:52
htlmok... I see...08:52
ZepretenderOk, I made it08:52
AndChatInstall correct drivers08:53
htlmhow many computers u have?08:53
htlm how are you talking to me ?08:53
AndChatJigal,  yes you have video but your video hardware isn't being used correctly,  thus a default and standard low resolution mode08:54
ZepretenderActionParsnip now, how can I make a symlink ? I don't know what is it08:54
AndChatHtlm,  I have 3 computers in the room.  Talking to you via phone08:54
ActionParsnipZepretender: its like a windows shortcut but waaay more powerful08:55
salvatoreHi there. Anyone can tell me why Ubuntu 11.04 changes itself my desktop theme reboot?08:55
ZepretenderBut I don't know how to make it08:55
ActionParsnipZepretender: if you make the launcher, the link isn't needed08:55
kiriorhi all, my problem is that i cannot change volume for my sound card. i can see the icon of a speaker but cannot change the values, but i can do so in media player. how can i fix the issue and be able to change it back from the top right hand-side panel08:55
AndChatJigal,  update/install the correct drivers to allow your software to drive your hardware correctly08:55
tularisSo I tryed to add nomodset but i still have the black screen when i boot, my graphic chipset is Intel GMA HD Gfx 3000, Intel Core i3-2357M ULV Processor (1.3GHz, 3MB L2, 1333MHz DDR3) on a lenovo x121e08:55
ActionParsnipkirior: can you do it in alsamixer08:56
htlmtell me on every one what u are doing  with them... what's on them... dual boot ?08:56
ZepretenderActionParsnip I installed Vino with Ubuntu Software... it doesn't appaer in XFCE. I don't know how to create a symlink in the directory i've created08:56
salvatorei installed ubuntu with wubi and keep windows on same partition...08:56
salvatorei dont know if this is a good practice08:56
ActionParsnipZepretender: as I said, if you made the launcher in the file browser, you don't need the link. The launcher will be ran at boot and run the command08:57
llutzhtlm: stop asking nonsense questions/posting random comments08:57
ActionParsnipsalvatore: should be fine08:57
AndChatSalvador: Did you have to create a new ubuntu partition?08:57
salvatoreno i didn't08:57
salvatorei went to ubuntu web site08:57
salvatoreand choosed the third choice: run it with windows08:58
dr_willisIve seen way to many issues with Wubi from being in here. :) I would not reccomend using wubi.08:58
kiriorActionParsnip, how do i start it? i found it on my sile system but when trying to open got error message.08:58
ZepretenderActionParsnip I don't know if I made the launcher... I don't know what is it :)08:58
htlmllutz.. I stop that a while ago...  IM trying to help this guy out but his not giving much to work with08:58
ActionParsnipZepretender: right click in the folder, can you make a launcher frmo that menu?08:58
AndChatWell,  it seems the newest version of ubun is crap. ;_; sorry.08:58
ActionParsnipAndChat: why apologise for your own opinion, thats pretty poor08:59
AndChatI'm off to download ubuntu 1008:59
ares_ActionParsnip: That alsa drivers that you recommended to install now installed so i need to restart computer or just log out and log in ?08:59
ActionParsnipAndChat: maverick is still fully supported08:59
ActionParsnipares_: can't hurt08:59
ZepretenderActionParsnip No... I only can make a blank document08:59
AndChatUbuntu 1008:59
htlmyes 10.04 lts09:00
llutzAndChat: maverick = 10.1009:00
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salvatorethen? nobody knows why my ubuntu 11.04 chanches itself desktop theme on reboot?09:00
dr_willissalvatore:  gnome setting deamon crashing I thinkis what i read about in the forums on that issue. Or check askubuntu.com i think ive seen it mentioned there also.09:01
tularisif nomodeset does not work can i try to remove the graphic drivers via shell ?09:01
ActionParsnipZepretender: what is the command you want to run?09:01
ActionParsniptularis: you can blacklist the driver to force it to use the vesa driver09:01
dr_willistularis:  for intel video cards. the drivers are included by default.  but theres been some issues with the newer built in intel video ive heard.09:02
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:02
salvatorethank you! don't u know how to fix this problem?09:02
tularisHow can i blacklist the driver ?09:02
tularis(is there another alternative than nomodeset ?09:02
ActionParsnip!blacklist | tularis09:02
ubottutularis: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist.conf and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »09:02
ZepretenderActionParsnip /usr/lib/vino/vino-server09:02
tularisdon't blaclist me ActionParsnip09:03
dr_willissalvatore:  never had the issue.. never needed to fix it.. ive just read about it..09:03
kiriorActionParsnip, http://imagebin.org/17394709:03
ActionParsnipZepretender: if you run:  mkdir -p ~/.config/autostart; leafpad ~/.config/autostart/vino.desktop09:03
ActionParsnipZepretender: paste in this text, zsave the new file and close leafpad  http://paste.ubuntu.com/696556/09:04
ActionParsnipZepretender: actually change leafpad for mousepad, it's the default text editor in Xubuntu09:04
purencoolhi ubuntu lovers. I am wondering does 11.04 have the touch screen support for the desktop09:05
salvatoreok thanks...i got then another issue on my new ubuntu installation: ubuntu is not able to save configuration of some application...ex: everytime chrome ask me if i wont it as prefered browser...09:05
tularisi think i should'nt have installed new graphic driver for ubuntu09:05
tularisi should have kept the native one09:05
tularisthey were working just fine09:05
ActionParsnipsalvatore: did you use the home folder from a previous install?09:06
tularisthere is no other alternative than blacklisting the module or nomodeset grub option, is it ?09:07
ZepretenderActionParsnip ok, a new file has been creatited in autostart Folder, this textfile contain /usr/lib/vino/vino-server09:07
dr_willistularis:  what driver was it anyway?09:07
salvatoreno i didn't. i installed ubuntu using wubi. it is installed on same partition of windows. wubi made everything. i just lounched it.09:07
tularisdr_willis: i'm tryoing to remember09:07
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ActionParsnipZepretender: the file needs to contain the text I pastebinned for you09:08
tularisdr_willis: can i access the name of this driver using command line ?09:08
dr_willistularis:  you can use lspci to see what your video chipset is..  that would be a start09:08
ares_ActionParsnip: Sound works! but one person sad that Alsa is piece of shit is that real  ?:D09:09
tularisdr_willis: i told you Intel GMA HD Gfx 3000, Intel Core i3-2357M ULV Processor (1.3GHz, 3MB L2, 1333MHz DDR3)09:09
dr_willistularis:  then i have no clue what drivers you may have installed.. the intel drivers are installed by default.09:09
tularisdr_willis: yeah my mistake i think ><09:09
ZepretenderActionParsnip ok, I did it :)09:09
dr_willisso installing any ati, or nvidia drivers. wouldent  affect the intel stuff as far as i know.   tularis09:10
AbhijitGuest7570, ask09:10
dr_willistularis:  this is on a laptop with a single video card? not one of those new dual-card laptops?09:10
ActionParsnipZepretender: ok, save the new file and reboot. You can then run:  ps -ef | grep -i vino    to make sure it is running09:10
tularisdr_willis: http://shop.lenovo.com/SEUILibrary/controller/e/frweb/LenovoPortal/fr_FR/builder.workflow:Enter?sb=:000000F0:0000025B:&smid=7DC88DC46B8321F759F36448171B2BD209:11
Dookiewoo dual card laptops? I wonder how fast do they melt09:11
Guest7570i dont even know where to start09:11
ares_ActionParsnip: Why my sound is very bad quality ? sound like from a bottle :DD09:11
dr_willisDookie:  not very fast. :)09:11
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dr_willisDookie:  one card is for common low-power ussage. other is for your games.09:12
tularisdr_willis: is it enough ? :)09:12
Your_DogWhat's the recommended burning speed, when burning an ubuntu iso?09:12
Your_Dogcan anyone please tell me? thanks in advance09:12
dr_willistularis:  i cant even access the link. :) its so long i cant cut/paste it.09:12
ares_Your_dog default09:12
ares_Your_Dog: if your cd is x52 and cd rom is x52 use about x4809:12
tularisdr_willis: http://tinyurl.com/3bx5x7d09:13
ares_Your_Dog: Don't use max speed it can make errors :]09:13
jpmhudev does not recognize the device I specified in /etc/udev/init.d/10-my-devices09:13
Your_Dogok ok I got it09:13
Your_DogI was going to ask that "error" thingy I was experiencing09:13
ares_Your_Dog: Your welcome :]09:13
htlmit does on a iso?09:13
ZepretenderActionParsnip ok, thank you !!!09:14
kiriorhi all, my problem is that i cannot change volume for my sound card. i can see the icon of a speaker but cannot change the values, but i can do so in media player. how can i fix the issue and be able to change it back from the top right hand-side panel09:14
dr_willistularis:  id check the forums and the askubuntu.com site for info on that exact chipset. it may be some known bug with a work around.09:14
ares_ActionParsnip: maybe you know how to make better sound quality ? :(09:14
dr_willistularis:  if feeling brave you could test the beta release. :)09:14
Eremesguys why when using FTP command line , I dont see the real-time transfer rate while uploading ???09:14
tularisdr_willis: it's actually for my girl friend09:15
ActionParsnipares_: my sound knowledge is low09:15
tularisdr_willis: i use a dell and have no issue with it ><09:15
ares_ActionParsnip: I'm using realtek so if i install realtek drivers sound will be better quality ?09:15
tularisdr_willis: she is like godzilla with computer, so we took her a lenovo09:15
tularisFATAL ERROR ><09:15
Catsontest test09:16
ActionParsnipares_: they are in a default install, I'm not knowledgable in sound stuff so asking me is a lost cause09:16
Catsoncan you guys see my test?09:16
LjLCatson: yes09:16
Eremesguys why when using FTP command line , I dont see the real-time transfer rate while uploading ???09:16
Eremesanyone know what command to add to display the transfer rate ?09:16
CatsonCan anyone maybe help me with my temperamental GPU?09:16
CatsonI'm getting this odd error in my xorg log09:17
EremesCatson: try to upgrade the firmware09:17
CatsonYou know i've never tried doing that before.. lemme give it a shot :o09:17
htlmAres makes me think ...... about that ...theres a open source version for that ... did it once ... but its but way to long09:17
Besnik_bHello, a Ubuntu user on a EeePC is complaining about distorted pictures, saying that he did not have such perception under Windows on EeePC? What should I check out?09:17
EremesCatson : flash it !09:17
CatsonThanks Eremes :)09:17
Eremessure np09:17
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Eremesanyone happens to know how to see the transfer rate while using FTP command line while upload shits ?09:18
Besnik_bI said to him to try different photo viewers, but he insists that he see distorted pictures...09:18
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tularisi would prefer no blacklist the driver09:18
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tularisbut uninstall it directly09:19
tularishow can I do that ?09:19
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prototypehi 2 all09:19
salvatorehi there anybody can say me why unity won't save my launcher on reboot?09:19
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salvatorethe launcer in the sidebar i mean09:19
CatsonEremes would I have to get the firmware update from the vendor's site?09:20
prototypedoes someone know what`s the command to install NET SSH2 from CPAN ? becouse i forget it -.-"09:20
EremesCatsan: yes for sure09:20
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Catsonalrighty :)09:20
ActionParsnipsalvatore: arewhen a program is running, right click it then select 'keep in launcher'09:20
stu-2Hi, I allowed Ubuntu to upgrade itself recently. Is there some easy way to roll it back to what I had before the upgrade09:20
popeyzT: just install libnet-ssh2-perl09:20
ActionParsnipsalvatore: is that what you are doing?09:20
jasonmsphey all.  My current wirless adapter card doesn't seem to support an ad-hoc connection on Natty and I would rather just order a new one.  Is there somplace I can go to determine what network adapters support ad-hoc connection (for the purpose of sharing my internet connection?)09:21
zTfrom CPAN popey?09:21
popeyzT: why do you need it from cpan?09:21
zTSetting up Install Process09:21
zTNo package libnet-ssh2-perl available.09:21
zTError: Nothing to do09:21
zTthat why09:21
salvatoreit save at that moment but when i reboot i lost all my launchers09:21
zTuse Net::SSH2; #You need to install this module from CPAN09:21
ActionParsnipzT: why hit ENTER after every 3 words like that?09:21
tularisHow can I uninstall graphic driver09:22
tularisfrom command line ?09:22
popeyzT: what version of ubuntu are you using?09:22
zTit`s not ubuntu09:22
zTit`s CentOS09:22
ActionParsniptularis: If you blacklist it, it won't load09:22
zTCentOS Linux release 6.0 (Final)09:22
popeyzT: then you'll probably not be wanting #ubuntu then09:22
ActionParsnipzT: then it is offtopic here09:22
ActionParsnipzT: this is ubuntu support09:23
zTa sec,i have an ubuntu 2 :)09:23
stu-2Hi, I allowed Ubuntu to upgrade itself recently. Is there some easy way to roll it back to what I had before the upgrade09:23
popeyzT: if you're on ubuntu then sudo apt-get install libnet-ssh2-perl09:23
pythonsnakeCan I use Ubuntu One folder with KDE ?09:23
dr_willisstu-2:  not really.09:23
ActionParsnipzT: the issue is in CentOS, so is supported in teh CentOS channel, not here09:23
zToky popey,now i will try09:23
dr_willispythonsnake:  yes - it can work with kde.09:23
stu-2thats discouraging'09:24
tularisActionParsnip: i don't know the name of the driver09:24
pythonsnakedr_willis: is there ubuntu one app for kde ?09:24
tularisi just checked modprobe.d folder09:24
dr_willispythonsnake:  no idea. check thepackage manager for ubuntu one.09:24
dr_willispythonsnake:  there might be one just for kde.. or the gnome version should work also09:24
stu-2i felt browbeaten into doing it and personally dislike 11.04 intensley09:24
tularismy_blacklist.conf does not exist, which means i don't have a clue to know my driver name09:25
popeystu-2: you can login to classic desktop if you prefer it, in 11.0409:25
dr_willisstu-2:  you may want togive a bit more detail as to what you are trying todo.09:25
tularisthe ideal would be to comment a module that is loaded09:25
dr_willis'upgrade' can be taken several differnt ways. :)09:25
tularisbut to blacklist one i need its na;e09:25
zTpopey and ActionParsnip ,thank,it`s works09:25
tularisname ><09:25
aztakHi guys! Looking for a way to edit/administrate entries in the Unity Launcher. Probably been asked many times, so if there's a FAQ for it, please point me there :)09:26
salvatoreanybody can help me?09:26
pythonsnakeDoes this channel support KDE ?09:26
zTpopey for support and help for centos where i sould go? what channel? becouse CentOs it`s not working09:26
salvatoreUnity sidebar wont save my launcher. when i reboot it resets all my changes09:27
aztak(editing launcher entries through a text-editor is the preferred solution for me...)09:27
ActionParsnippythonsnake: yes, as long as it is KDE on Ubuntu09:27
popeyzT: #centos i believe09:27
pythonsnakeActionParsnip: means Kubuntu :-) right ?09:27
ActionParsnipzT: /join #centos    maybe09:27
tularis!blacklist | tularis09:27
ubottutularis, please see my private message09:27
zTpopey: it`s not working09:27
ActionParsnippythonsnake: yes09:27
dr_willispythonsnake:  theres also #kubuntu09:27
zT¤11:27¤ ¬zT¬ a09:27
zT#centos-unregistered Cannot send to channel09:27
popeyzT: works for me, you probably need to have a registered nickname on freenode09:27
ActionParsnip!register | zT09:27
ubottuzT: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode09:27
pythonsnakeHow can I speed up KDE ?09:27
tularisActionParsnip: could help me to find the module i have to blacklist ?09:28
dr_willispythonsnake:  turn off the extra eyecandy/effects.09:28
ActionParsnippythonsnake: disable some of the effects can help09:28
ActionParsniptularis: if you run:  sudo lshw -C display    you will see  driver=    that is the driver loaded09:28
pythonsnakewill do. thanks09:28
nmvictorhow do have my menus retained in their applications and not show up in the global menu in Unity09:29
pythonsnakealso, where can I find unity panel applets(if there are some)09:29
nmvictorpythonsnake: none i have heard off, unity makes most of us sick.09:29
dr_willisnmvictor:  thers ways to disable the global menu, either totally. or per-app basis. I saw a guide on it at the webupd8 blog site.09:30
pythonsnakesick ? you meant it sucks ? nmvictor09:30
tularisActionParsnip: i don't get any information about driver =09:30
tularisActionParsnip: but my prompt became blue ^^09:31
raventeratec aureon 7.1 usb + 11.04 - no sound input via SPDIF - how to solve?09:32
tularisActionParsnip: i got description, product, vendor, physical id, bus info, version, width, clock, capabilities, configuration, and resouces => nothing on drivers09:32
tularisi also have display Unclaimed09:32
Dookieum I installed linux on C:\ partition along with windows, is it possible to browse data from there or mount it?09:32
tularisDookie: yes it's possible09:33
nmvictordr_willis: i am reading the guide, i have this command APPMENU_DISPLAY_BOTH=1 gedit to have the menu show in both Unity panel and the application. However, the command simply launches gedit, my menu is still in unity panel.09:33
Dookietularis: kek thx09:33
tularisDookies: you need to find on internet a software to read ext partitions on windows09:33
tularisDookie: and install a package that can read ntfs from linux09:34
Dookieor get rid of the evil windows alltogether09:34
pythonsnakeapt-get install kubuntu-desktop && apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop would bring me from ubuntu to kubuntu right ?09:34
nmvictorIf Unity developers want fans, let them work on making the unity panel removable or customizable, i.e able to take some applets.09:34
tularisor you can use fat32, but no more than 4 gig for a file09:34
dr_willisnmvictor:  i tend to just remove global menu totally.09:34
dr_willistularis:  thats one way to get ignored.09:35
tularisdr_willis: sorry :(09:35
benoliver999tularis: Get to the point.09:35
raventeratec aureon 7.1 usb + 11.04 - no sound input via SPDIF - how to solve?09:36
dr_willisDookie:  with a wubi install the windows drive is mounted to the some /host or other directory in / (i forget the name) you can copy files to there. and they will be on the windows C: i belive.09:36
dr_willisDookie:  windows accessing the wubi 'hard drive file' may be a little harder to do.09:36
tularisi got an intel graphic chipset, i installed by mistake some graphic driver, now i get a blackscreen, i tryed to add nomodeset to grub option boot, and now i'm trying to get the name of the driver I install to blacklist it09:37
Dookiedr_willis: wubi install is the one that behaves like a program under windows?09:37
dr_willisDookie:  yes.09:37
dr_willis!wubi | Dookie09:37
ubottuDookie: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Maverick/10.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/maverick/wubi.exe09:37
tularisi tryed lshw -C display, but i got no information on the driver09:37
dr_willisDookie:  i dont reccomend Wubi.09:37
benoliver999Using the Ubuntu installer off a USB, I want to place /home on a different drive.09:37
nmvictordr_willis: i think the global menu works best when the app window is in fullscreen, then when the window is unmaximized, the user can do with the menu in the application which is more nearer in that case.09:37
dr_willistularis:  that would just show your hardware.09:37
Dookiedr_willis: I don't think I have it that way09:38
benoliver999I don't need to keep my old stuff.09:38
nmvictordr_willis: totally my opinion.09:38
tularishow can I find the driver I installed ?09:38
dr_willisnmvictor:  i fullscreen eveyrthing anyway these days. :)09:38
nmvictordr_willis: :)09:38
dr_willistularis:   You did look in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file to see what driver X is set to use?09:38
tularisOr maybe you have another idea, such as uninstall it, or >>09:38
tularisdr_willis: OH let me check09:39
pythonsnakeKDE is so customizable !09:39
benoliver999I think I've got it, but I'm just checking - do I select the drive/parittion then put '/home' in the 'mount point' box?09:39
dr_willistularis:  about the only drivers you may have installed would be the fglrx, or nvidia drivers.  you could just tell apt-get to remove them. and  see if they are there to remove.09:39
* nmvictor hoping over to #ubuntu+109:39
dr_willispythonsnake:  and so cluttered in ways. :)09:39
tularisdr_willis: i'll try that, thanks !!09:40
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dr_willistularis:  you can also get te system to just boot to 'text' mode. and try 'startx' and look for error messages to see why X isent starting09:40
pythonsnakedr_willis: It's so customizable that you can remove the bloat09:40
tularisdr_willis: glx module09:40
tularisdr_willis: i can try that to :P09:41
dr_willisas far as i know. Installing the nvidia drivers or fglrx shouldent break the system on an intel gpu machine. Unless the xorg.conf is messed up.09:41
alexfpmsHI all, my laptop can connect easily to some wireless networks and cannot connect to others (all WPA)... anyone can help please?09:41
dr_willispythonsnake:  i said it was cluttered. not bloated. :)09:41
Dookieoh the C:\ was in /host, thx anyway09:42
pythonsnakewill apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop remove unity ?09:42
dr_willispythonsnake:  that wont remove much of anything09:43
dr_willisIf you dont want to use unity. then use the classic desktop. or install some other desktop. i dont reccomend removeing it via the package manager09:43
=== zT is now known as motion
=== motion is now known as blow
benoliver999alexfpms: Might be a channel problem. Type sudo iwlist scan09:43
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benoliver999Are the networks you want listed there?09:43
antiphysicisthi, what are my options for installing windows xp or 7 onto a computer without a working cd/dvd drive, bearing in mind i'm having trouble with usb install09:44
pythonsnakedr_willis: I've installed kubuntu-desktop, but I don't want a bloated system.. what can I do ?09:44
benoliver999antiphysics: USB is about it I'm afraid - you need something independant from the main hardware.09:45
alexfpmsbenoliver999, yup09:45
alexfpmsbenoliver999, btw I have another laptop connected to that network now (From wich i'm talking)09:45
SquarismWhat does headless NAS mean?09:46
Squarism...i know NAS09:46
Squarismbut what is headless?09:46
benoliver999alexfpms: Then you might have to go into the router settings and change the channel. That command I just gave you also gives the channel.09:46
ActionParsnipSquarism: headless means no monitor09:46
benoliver999alexfpms: I can't guarantee it's the solution, but it's worked for me in the past - my family got online OK, mine dd not. Changed the router channel an hey presto.09:47
alexfpmsbenoliver999, It's a shared network, I've no access to the settings :(09:47
benoliver999alexfpms: That sucks. Tell which SSID you want to connect to then paste the output of sudo iwlist scan09:48
dr_willispythonsnake:  i wouldent worry about it. :) i alway sinstall kubuntu, ubuntu and lubuntu on my systems.  theres the following factoid if you want to clean out packages you dont want09:49
dr_willis!purekde | pythonsnake09:49
ubottupythonsnake: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »09:49
benoliver999alexfpms: Sorry for all the typos, crap wireless keyboard.09:49
dr_willispythonsnake:  its not like  you will gain any speed.  just save some disk space.09:49
alexfpmsnp :)09:49
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tularisdr_willis: after startx i checked log in Xorg.0.log, error seem related to acpi09:50
=== poaksdoiqjwe is now known as potarnick
tularis"Open ACPI failed" (path/to/acpistuff) (no such file or directory)09:51
alexfpmsbenoliver999, http://pastebin.com/tMkuUHfD09:51
pythonsnakedr_willis: thanks09:52
chovynzI'm trying to setup a net hotspot / computer training store. I have two computers. I want to install something light / easy to use OS, then use virtualbox to make a virtual HD ubuntu thing so that I can re-roll the instore computers. What os first do you recommend?09:52
chovynzam I going about the process correctly / most efficiently / easily setup?09:53
chovynz(another option is to have the computer iso's backup on a NAS box.09:54
benoliver999alexfpms: I just don't see it I'm afraid, can't help thinking it's a channel issue. Especially since you can connect to others.09:54
chovynzcan I do ubuntu inside ubuntu?09:54
raventeratec aureon 7.1 usb + 11.04 - no sound input via SPDIF - how to solve?09:55
dr_willischovynz:  inside? virtualbox lets you run a guest os in a host.09:55
chovynzdr_willis: yeah. But what should be host and what should be guest?09:55
alexfpmsbenoliver999, do you have any idea how to reset all network settings? I already tried to remove network manager and reinstall it, but he keeps all settings...09:55
chovynzdr_willis: is it a good idea to run ubuntu inside ubuntu?09:56
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tularisdr_willis: after i removed glfx, X has started09:57
tularisthanx Doctor !09:57
benoliver999alexfpms, it'll be in a config file somwhere I guess. Have you tried wicd?09:57
benoliver999alexfpms, sometime that works for people.09:57
htlmwhat if i had a ubuntu that way i want with everthing installed and all the work done to it... then is there i way i can save it like an iso and clone or something to other computer i have?09:58
chovynzhtlm: virtual box. save as iso.09:58
alexfpmsyup, I always use wicd, but when I started having troubles, I moved back to network manager09:58
dr_willis!remaster | htlm09:58
ubottuhtlm: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !LiveCD or !Alternate installer? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization - Or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility09:58
alexfpmsbenoliver999, yup, I always use wicd, but when I started having troubles, I moved back to network manager09:58
benoliver999alexfpms, then I'm all out of ideas I'm afraid. You can remove individual networks from network-manager in the 'edit connections' dialog.09:59
alexfpmsbenoliver999, I already tried that... thanks anyway for your time :)10:00
htlmalexfpms ..umm  do you get sometime it kicks you off line ? or says its connected  but its not... or take very lony time to connect?  if so im having all these....  but never came across someone thats using it to ask em10:01
benoliver999Anyone else know how to help alexfpms with this one? Why can't he connect to this network: http://pastebin.com/tMkuUHfD ?10:01
htlmdr_willis whats this for ?10:02
freeroutehi everyone, # dcfldd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=1024 2> /var/zerolog on a 128gb SSD is taking 10 hours and only 15254mb is written, is this normal? I'm using a live USB environment btw.10:03
tularisdr_willis: my girlfriend than you too :P10:03
tularishave a nice day ubuntu !10:03
GG111greetings all, working on this one for three days now, reached page 10 in Google results :), all threads mysteriously end without anyone reporting success ..10:03
alexfpmshtlm, It still asking for the password again and again... and when I was using wicd, it says it cannot retrieve IP adress.10:04
raventeratec aureon 7.1 usb + 11.04 - no sound input via SPDIF - how to solve?10:04
GG111In Poptop pptp server, when trying to connect in, I get " GRE: Bad checksum from pppd "10:04
GG111anyone had any experience with this one ? I'm about to give up, but its not really an option. . .10:05
SPFthere's a small flaw in update-grub, if both windows xp and windows 7 boot loader are on a disk, it will go for the windows 7 boot loader, even if it isn't active10:06
htlmalexfpms   restart /set   routor and pc  ... hoping the ip adress is fixed ...did you update? recently?10:07
GG111sorry, got disconnected .10:08
pythonsnakeGG111: happens to everyone :)10:09
alexfpmshtlm, It's a shared connection, I've no access to the settings/router... And yes, I updated yesterday when I was visiting a friend... but troubles started over a week ago !10:09
nmvictoris it possible to remove unity dash, i think it looks ugly especially with the windows on the backgound. Besides, i bet gnome-do or synapse are sufficient for lauching or traversing my system dirs for files. so is their a command to kiss unity dash goodbye!?10:09
pythonsnakeI have encrypted my home at instalation. will it still encrypted if i remove ubuntu-desktop ?10:09
raventeratec aureon 7.1 usb + 11.04 - no sound input via Optical SPDIF / Toslink - how to solve?10:09
pythonsnakewill there be any compatibility/integration problem ?10:09
patr|ckhello. how can i change the number of workspaces on Ubuntu 11.04.?10:10
htlmalexfpms its seem to do that with me with the ekyring and router password... make sure you keep the app apart from each other  them dont seem to play nice... and it may be that theyre just fighting over the same stuff.. so fix that10:10
ActionParsnippythonsnake: its a hollow metapackage so uninstalling it will do nothing10:10
pythonsnakeActionParsnip: nothing ? o010:11
pythonsnakeActionParsnip: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE doesn't think so10:11
alexfpmshtlm, how to fix it?10:11
htlmalexfpms dont use it with anything else ... or just uninstall...10:12
ActionParsnippythonsnake: yes, it may stop gnome stuff being installed later, otherwise nothing10:12
pythonsnakeActionParsnip: so how to ubuntu->kubuntu10:12
alexfpmshtlm, excuse me, I'm a bit lost... uninstall what exactly?10:13
dr_willispythonsnake:  i gave you the '!purekde' factoid earlier10:13
dr_willis!purekde | pythonsnake10:14
ubottupythonsnake: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »10:14
pythonsnakedr_willis: ActionParsnip told me it won't uninstall ubuntu...10:14
dr_willisubuntu-desktop is a meta-package. it just pulls in other packages.. removeingit will not remove the other packages.10:14
dr_willisit WONT uninstall anything. its a metapackage...10:14
htlmalexfpms mm  theres alot that can be said...  just where to start... when i get the error ... put in password ...... here..   to the router ...rrr is when i started up or havent been on /active10:15
dr_willisits used to pull in stuff. :)10:15
pythonsnakeI don't get it :/10:15
dr_willisits a shortcut to intall lots of other pacakges...10:15
dr_willisnot to remove them10:15
bazhangpythonsnake, read the links yet?10:15
pythonsnakeHow to delete/get rid of Ubuntu ?10:15
pythonsnakebazhang: yes10:16
bazhangpythonsnake, read the links, then you would not keep repeating that same question10:16
nmvictorUnity, its great. I only wish it was customizable. i.e the dash removable, the laucher completely hidden and the panel removable.customizable. Ooh, did i just describe gnome-classic. sure, thats what most users want. Unity is a big shame for canonical, they gotta revise their homework and give this open source community an open and workable UI. Unity is so much a closed in terms of user customization10:16
htlmalexfpms though it look promising and has a bunch of other feature standard that you have to dig around in the operating system just again but the app has it right here in front you... so im still trying to debug it10:17
dr_willisaptitude does things a little differntly then apt-get also. :) thats the 'imporntant bit' in the docs.10:17
ActionParsnipnmvictor: Install xfce4 and use xfce, it looks and smells lke gnome210:17
* nmvictor is swicthing to gnome3-shell.10:17
bazhangnmvictor, file a wishlist bug then, this is not really the place for that10:17
ActionParsnipnmvictor: does that answer your obfuscated question10:17
nmvictorActionParsnip: no10:18
dr_willisMy launcher is hidden....10:18
htlmnmvictor right !10:18
dr_willisas for the panel.. its hidden also..10:18
ActionParsnipnmvictor: what is your question then please10:18
nmvictordoes that answer your obfuscated question, ActionParsnip ?10:18
nmvictorActionParsnip: i need Unity dash out10:18
bazhangnmvictor, lets move on if you just wish to criticize unity10:18
ActionParsnipnmvictor: it wasn't obfuscated, it was direect and plain. Try using words correctly and you will look less foolish10:18
nmvictorbazhang: no, its a quastion10:19
dr_willisPurekde wiki page. needs updated. :) its getting behine.10:19
htlmbazhang if it the groups support i know of no other place10:19
nmvictorbazhang: i'll paraphrase, is it possible to do away with unity dash*?*10:19
ActionParsnipnmvictor: there is also a ppa with an unsupported fork of gnome2 called 'mate'10:19
bazhangnmvictor, no10:19
bazhanghtlm, chit chat #ubuntu-offtopic10:20
nmvictorActionParsnip: Did you say i look more foolish, thats clever of you.10:20
nmvictorbazhang: that was a cool answer10:20
ActionParsnipnmvictor: using words incorrectly in order to send some jkind of attitude, will make you look worse. That's all10:21
nmvictorActionParsnip: YOU WIN10:21
broon_sparrowHi. I'm trying to set up a LAMP server on my desktop computer to learn php.  I'm following this http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu_debian_lamp_server but when I navigate to /var/www/test.php it just keeps opening more firefox tabs - what have i done wrong, or is there a better guide to follow?10:21
ActionParsnipnmvictor: its not a case of winning, i just want to convey what I mean so that you get it :)10:21
nmvictorActionParsnip: i get the message, happy now?10:22
ActionParsnipnmvictor: Gnome based ubuntu is using dash+unity etc by default, if you disike it  then simply change DE10:22
htlmwell thats one... but a place where EVER one is a voter and even rights ...  a place to say what you like to see in ubuntu ...is there a place10:22
nmvictorActionParsnip: Or i could install gnome3-shell, which is happening right now.10:23
bazhanghtlm, brainstorm10:23
bazhang!brainstorm > htlm10:23
ubottuhtlm, please see my private message10:23
ActionParsnipnmvictor: that too10:23
ActionParsnipnmvictor: so why the long rant earlier?10:24
Excushello everyone :)10:24
ActionParsniphi Excus10:25
nmvictorActionParsnip: coz im dissappointed in Unity, I prefer GTK which is why I have to use Gnome, yet Unity lets me down.10:25
nmvictorExcus: hi10:26
htlmbazhang  wooow this is new ... thank!you10:26
ActionParsnipnmvictor: millions are, but they don't come in here and rant do they10:26
pythonsnakeI'm on KDE!!10:26
ActionParsnippythonsnake: nice10:26
pythonsnakeActionParsnip: kde terminal looks lots better10:26
ActionParsnippythonsnake: I use guake in gnome/lxde and yakuake in kde. yakuake rocks10:27
MokilokIn regards to the whole KDE vs Gnome and Unity war, Aren't they just for different purposes? It seems that Gnome / Unity is for beginners whilst KDE offers more advanced functionality? I'm fairly new to linux so would you say that is accurate?10:28
pythonsnakeActionParsnip: install/testing it :)10:28
bazhangMokilok, way offtopic for here10:28
htlmpythonsnake have fun   ... just make sure  you have the horse power for  it10:28
pythonsnakehtlm: oh yeah i5!10:28
nmvictorI have a 10 gb root partition and 339 GB extended partion with several logical partions in it. I s their a chance i could ever resize(extend) the 10gb partition with free space in the extended partition?10:29
diverdudeDoes django exist in the ubuntu repo?10:29
dr_willis!info django10:29
ubottuPackage django does not exist in natty10:29
pythonsnakediverdude: no10:29
dr_williswhatever django is. :)10:29
bazhangdiverdude, you mean python-django ?10:30
pythonsnakepython framework10:30
pythonsnake!info python-django10:30
ubottupython-django (source: python-django): High-level Python web development framework. In component main, is optional. Version 1.2.5-1ubuntu1 (natty), package size 4118 kB, installed size 20052 kB10:30
nmvictorI have a 10 gb root partition and 339 GB extended partion with several logical partions in it. I s their a chance i could ever resize(extend) the 10gb partition with free space in the extended partition?10:30
pythonsnake!info python-django | diverdude10:30
ubottudiverdude: please see above10:30
htlmpythonsnake  good and the ram an gpu ?10:30
pythonsnakehtlm: 2GB and GMA HD10:30
bazhangnmvictor, please dont repeat every five seconds10:30
pythonsnakenmvictor: try gparted?10:31
pythonsnakewhy rekonq as default web browser o.O10:32
brachyon1c what the f...10:33
brachyon1chow did I get in #ubuntu lol10:33
nmvictorpythonsnake: i have it installed. i have some free space at the begining of the extended partion. what next, my partitions are arranged as: [  10 GB ] [[XXXX] 339 GB ]. The XXX represent free space.10:33
gingerlingjust upgraded to natty10:33
gingerlingam in unity hell10:33
gingerlingkinda close to tears actually10:33
gingerlingcan anyone help me?10:34
htlmthere ..there its OK10:34
pythonsnakeubuntu tells me   linux-headers-2.6.38-8-generic linux-headers-2.6.38-810:34
pythonsnakearen't needed and I can autoremove them10:34
Mokilokgingerling: you can go back to the classic interface from the login prompt. Is that  what you are trying to do?10:34
gingerlingdoes that give me menus?10:34
gingerlingreal menus10:35
gingerlingthat are linear?10:35
pythonsnakenmvictor: and?10:35
gingerling(sorry, that was to mokilok)10:35
htlmgingerling the menus are combined in the upper bar on screen10:36
gingerlinghtlm: I just cant find anything10:36
gingerlingits not linear10:36
nmvictorpythonsnake: i want the 10 Gb extended to use the free space .10:36
gingerlingits all app ish and smartphoney10:36
gingerlinghtlm:like cluserts not lines10:37
htlmseems like a Mac to me10:37
gingerlinghtlm I used mac for years10:37
gingerlingits not like mac10:37
gingerling(well, the menu for each progam is)10:37
gingerling(but thats it)10:37
pythonsnakeHow can I get pure kde ? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE doesn't show packages for natty.10:37
gingerling(even on mac you can just open  program menu and follow it linearly)10:38
gingerlingthis staandard interface thing someone mentioned10:38
gingerlinghow do I get this?10:39
gingerlingis that like old gnome?10:39
ubottuThe default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".10:39
htlmwell just hover over the top middle left to the left corner10:39
pythonsnakehttp://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde Is this way supported ?10:39
pythonsnakeor use it at your own risk ?10:39
gingerlingsay that again10:40
gingerlingI looged out but didnt see any such option10:40
htlmgingerling  me?10:41
gingerlingI dont know10:41
bazhang!classic > gingerling10:41
ubottugingerling, please see my private message10:41
gingerlingcant see who said wat now10:41
IbisHmm, what kinda of message I would get if I were to open up "System monitor" while in Unity?10:41
gingerlingubottu - how?10:41
ubottugingerling: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:41
gingerlingis that nerd humor or aree you actually a bot10:42
IbisI see Gnome 2.32.1 under the "system tab" in System monitor.10:42
IbisFor when I'm using Unity 2d.10:42
LjLgingerling: ubottu is a bot10:42
vasstergingerling, click on desktop, then on top panel goto Help->Ubuntu help. Read for a few minutes. It describes a lot of common things10:43
gingerlinghtlm: somone said I could get ubuntu clasic back10:43
gingerlingwas that you?10:43
LjL!classic | gingerling10:43
ubottugingerling: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".10:43
htlmi was going to .but someone else got to the punch...10:43
Hot2TrotI'm trying to move a bunch of avi's from directories within the current directory i'm, to the current directory i'm in.  I run the command 'find Tv_Episodes* -iname |mv .' but it says I'm missing the file operand after .        How do I remedy this10:44
dr_willisclassic is supposed to go away in the next release 11.10 also. :)10:45
IbisUnity doesn't use metacity at all, right?10:45
htlmyeaaaa!  ..p  unity10:45
dr_willisIbis:  unity 2d does.10:45
dr_willisi think that may be geting changed in 11.10 also however.10:46
htlm ? means what10:46
Ibisdr_willis: So far, it seems as though Unity 2d is affecting the settings of unity. Whenever I try to login to Unity, I'm pushed into unity-2d instead.10:47
dr_willisIbis:  they have differnt settings. but if unity3d does not have the right 3d drivers to use. it couldbe falling back to 2d.10:47
pythonsnakeHow to get a pure kde in natty10:47
Ibisdr_willis: Before I broke my 11.04 install, I was able to get into unity 3d.10:48
dr_willischeck your video drivers then i guess. see if you can get compiz working10:50
=== Lemon`BRB is now known as Teh_Lemon
htlmpythonsnake I think you can download that in the package manger10:52
dr_willisremoveing  is a bit harder then installing.. :)10:53
dr_willisits just a annoyance of how the pacakge manager system works.10:54
dr_willisaptitude is said to handle dependencies and make removing stuff easier then apt-get but i rarely remove things10:54
digitalsparkhow to use avant navigator without unity interface???10:54
htlmpythonsnake  but be warned that when I did  it didn't work out of the box for me ... and a few problems ..... but you got a better PC then I do ..  so it might just work...10:54
dr_willisdigitalspark:  personally   i just set the unity panel very small and to auto hide.  then use awn.10:55
dr_willisdigitalspark:  you could  make a custom gdm session to run what window manager you want and awn.10:55
Ibisdr_willis: I'm going to be right back. Thanks for the suggestion.10:56
ActionParsnipdigitalspark: log into gnome classic session, run compiz but disable Unity plugin10:57
htlmdr_willis u seem to got a good idea  about a tuned up unity ... I would like to see your version.. and if you made one ..) Id try it10:58
dr_willishtlm:  i just  hide thepanel and run awn.. thats it.10:58
htlmbut in talking about most things you say are spot on and most of you guesses too10:59
htlmnot just it... how did you do it..11:00
dr_willisccsm has settings for the panel to tweak. and set awn to auto run...11:00
dr_willisLinux is all about Layers and Legos. :) layers of software made up of little blocks of apps/software.. forming the whole. just dissect the layers.11:01
htlm? your speaking forein to me11:01
agus_sintang_i got a problem, please help me...... how to totally remove echo 'export http_proxy="pandan6@chem.its.ac.id:8080@proxy.its.ac.id:8080"' >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc11:02
htlmohhhh..  I forgot about that... and is that why Linux has a hard time getting junk ?11:02
glitchdcan anyone tell me how i could extend or resize a fat32 partition from linux?11:03
dr_willishtlm:  hard time geting junk... is vague...11:04
dr_willisglitchd:  gparted is a gui tool that can do that.11:04
htlmgparting.. mm not sure how to spell11:04
llutzagus_sintang_: nano ~/.bashrc,  remove that line, save+quit. then   "unset http_proxy" or just re-login11:04
glitchddr_willis, how would i install gparted in ubuntu 10.04?11:04
glitchddr_willis, cant seem to find a deb package for it11:05
dr_willisglitchd:  witht he package manager tools. if its not allready installed.11:05
dr_willissudo apt-get install gparted11:05
dr_willisno need to 'find a deb'11:05
ActionParsnipglitchd: possibly in gparted in liveCD11:05
dr_willisusing gparted from a live-cd is often the best way. Theres also the specilized gparted live cd. thats worth getting.11:05
glitchddr_willis, ActionParsnip laugh at me, i didnt even check to see if gparted was already installed...dundundun11:06
glitchddr_willis, ActionParsnip, it is11:06
htlmdr_willis like viruses spyware and a bunch of stuff like that11:06
glitchddr_willis, ActionParsnip, do any of you know if its possible to extend or resize a fat32 partition without losing data on it already?11:06
ActionParsnipglitchd: run your backup once more before starting and you should be ok11:07
llutz!pm | agus_sintang_11:07
ubottuagus_sintang_: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.11:07
glitchdActionParsnip, thats the thing, its an ext hd and it has all my movies on it for my xbox,  now i jus need to make the partition bigger because i have tons of movies to put on it11:08
Sidewinder1glitchd, In addition to backing up, defragment the fat/32NTFS prior to resizing.11:08
htlmlol... its OK glitchd we are all learning different things at different paces11:08
=== emilio is now known as fester-
glitchdhtlm, lol thx11:08
broon_sparrowhi. I'm running 11.04. I want to install LAMP on a local machine. I've installed apache and php5 and tried to make a test page. When i go to test.php firefox just keeps opening a new tab in some kind of loop!  My phptest page simple has <?php phpinfo(); ?> in it. Any thought on what I've done wrong?11:08
ActionParsnipglitchd: thats fine and possible11:08
htlmoh God that helps!11:08
htlmmust defrag !11:09
glitchdActionParsnip, any for-site  on how i would go about this?11:09
agus_sintang_ubottu: oke..... after i input command : echo 'export http_proxy="pandan6@chem.its.ac.id:8080@proxy.its.ac.id:8080"' >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc, i only can open website www.its.ac.id , how to fix it?11:11
ubottuagus_sintang_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:11
ActionParsnipglitchd: backup your data, resize partition. restore any data that breaks11:11
llutzagus_sintang_: nano ~/.bashrc,  remove that line, save+quit. then   then type "unset http_proxy" or just re-login11:11
dD0TIs there a way to force gnome fallback mode in ubuntu 10.04?11:11
glitchdActionParsnip, is there a way to do it without copying everything back? theres like 200 movies on it right now11:12
glitchdActionParsnip, i just want to make the partition bigger with unallocated space11:12
soreauWhat is the gparted equivalent in kde?11:12
llutzgparted soreau11:12
soreaullutz: It's not installed by default on kubuntu live cd..?11:13
htlmglitchd welcome..    and its in it all we have a gold mine of info that I never seen when I was a windows user only and had to pay for every little thing .. here I learn and past it on11:13
ActionParsnipglitchd: if it goes well, you won't have to. You sound like there is no backup11:13
htlmlike a p2p11:13
agus_sintang_llutz: i've done, but it still not work11:13
ActionParsniphtlm: indeed, makes the community stronger too11:14
glitchdActionParsnip, no there is no backup and no real way or space to backup11:14
llutzagus_sintang_: "env|grep -i proxy"   any output?11:14
glitchdthats the reason i keep all these movies on the ext hd11:14
ActionParsnipglitchd: so what if the drive motor fails?11:14
ActionParsnipglitchd: where is your data11:15
htlmI just wish I can get my PC up and running so I can get my ,reference material thats on it and all my freshest things better on there11:15
glitchddown the toilet basically11:15
glitchdActionParsnip, down the toilet basically11:15
ActionParsnipglitchd: exactly, get a backup11:15
glitchdActionParsnip, but its only movies so im not super worried about it11:15
agus_sintang_llutz : ubuntu_menuproxy=libappmenu.so11:15
glitchdthey were all free so not a real big concern11:16
htlmdropbox much ?11:16
ActionParsniphtlm: could be pricey long term11:17
htlmbig buck bunny for my little brother oh yah11:17
htlmActionParsnip then I been asking to make my own and have it shared between community...11:18
agus_sintang_llutz : i use my proxy in my school, use this command : echo 'export http_proxy="pandan6@chem.its.ac.id:8080@proxy.its.ac.id:8080"' >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc    and then when i go out to another place i only can open www.its.ac.id11:18
dr_willisagus_sintang_:  make a script that sets/unsets that variable as needed.11:19
htlmit would be nice to know how to make my own cloud11:19
ActionParsniphtlm: sure, you can use sshfs11:19
dr_willisagus_sintang_:  its just adding a line to the end of the .bashrc which runs when you start up a shell/login/app.11:19
htlmI can't find the it11:19
htlmhuh what's that ?11:20
dr_willissshfs is handy.11:20
dr_willisremote ssh server shows up as a local directory. :)11:20
dr_willisssh is worth learning very well.11:20
ActionParsniphtlm: its part of openssh-server11:20
dr_willis!info sshfs11:20
ubottusshfs (source: sshfs-fuse): filesystem client based on SSH File Transfer Protocol. In component main, is optional. Version 2.2-1build1 (natty), package size 39 kB, installed size 140 kB11:20
htlmthats tiny!11:21
dr_willisits a fuse addon.11:21
htlmso whats it do11:21
agus_sintang_dr_willis : when i remove the line, i still can't open another website except www.its.ac.id11:21
dr_willisremote ssh server shows up as a local directory. :)  <--------------  htlm11:21
dr_willisagus_sintang_:  remove line. log out/ back in...11:22
htlmash man I Sony know a thing about ssh11:23
agus_sintang_dr_willis : sudo gedit ~/.bashrc and then i remove line, and reboot...?11:23
htlmrrr  darn phone is autocorrecting feature11:23
dr_willisIm not sure thats the proper way to set the http_proxy really agus_sintang_  there may be a better way.11:23
dr_willisagus_sintang_:  i said LOG OUT11:23
dr_willisnot reboot. :)11:23
Ibisdr_willis: Lol, I'll just wait to see if there is going to be updates for an experimental driver. xD Thanks again.11:24
IbisI can only gget into unity 3D IF I use an experimental driver.11:24
agus_sintang_dr_willis : it's still not work11:25
htlmso I  get ash thing I can make a cloud server ?...11:26
llutzhtlm: ssh(fs) has nothing to do with cloud-servers11:26
Squarismwhat the fuxors.. why dont : sed 's/\r/\n/' .... replace mac endings in files?11:27
Squarismisnt \r "ok"?11:27
htlmIM wanting to make my own dropbox  ...11:28
htlmsshfs ... what is it for... and I wanted to get it on my android11:30
llutzhtlm: why do you want it, if you don't even know what it is?11:31
glitchdActionParsnip, just so im clear, ive deleted the rest of the hd so the only partition remaining is the one with all my movies, i should be able to extend that partition without losing and data, right?11:33
htlmI foisted asked for what a sshfs is and  if its what I need then cool.. and or how to go about making my own... sorry I wasn't any good at English class11:33
raventeratec aureon 7.1 usb + 11.04 - no sound input via Optical SPDIF / Toslink - how to solve?11:33
ActionParsnipglitchd: technically yes, nothing is guarunteed11:34
ActionParsniphtlm: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=92837711:34
glitchdActionParsnip, well heres to hoping i dont lose everything..11:35
pythonsnakeKDE crashed11:35
htlmwell if you make it as a back up hdd then sure  .... n windows it work11:35
pythonsnakebug report ^11:35
htlmi warned you11:35
raventeratec aureon 7.1 usb + 11.04 - no sound input via Optical SPDIF / Toslink - how to solve?11:35
=== nosa is now known as nosa-j
ActionParsnipglitchd: thats why backup is good, no issues11:36
htlmthe core of kde... it might conflict with something else or is improperly installed11:37
pythonsnakewhat is" something"11:38
htlmActionParsnip, glitchd, agreed and no matter what osu running windows linux mac or something from the future a backup is always good11:39
glitchdActionParsnip, if that was possible i would..11:39
airtonixhtlm: if you want ssh access to your android tablet or phone, get sshdroid11:39
ActionParsnipglitchd: you'll see11:39
glitchdActionParsnip, indeed11:39
htlmi dont know a thing a bout ssh..11:39
airtonixhtlm: typically a novice user would use ssh as a means to transfer files through an encrypted tunnel11:40
llutzhtlm: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SSH11:41
everst_I downloaded the 11.10 beta 1 iso some time ago. Question... Do I have to download the beta 2 iso or can I just run update after installing the beta 1?11:41
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airtonixhtlm: as the above link will also tell you, it's also you can use the terminal of a remote machine11:42
htlmi like a gui on my cell , for there is times IM so busy it seems, where I using my toes to type on my cell11:42
htlmOK thanks.   andsmb? app what about that11:43
ilari_Hello folks, i have a problem with unity desktop: I installed  unity on ubuntu-studio. I have added ''compiz --replace ccp''  to run on startup. Still, the unity wont load my previous  settings etc. icons i have added, or desktop applications. How  can i make the unity to load my settings from the last session?11:44
Sopranohi, I am trying to get Postfix to do auth before smtp, without using SASL, but there is only documentation on using SASL, anyone know where I can find more info on this?11:44
glitchdActionParsnip, god im like terrified to press apply...11:44
Laserseverst_: Since you're using it on non-production "toy" machine, you can do what you want to. I'd use zsync myself to update the iso.11:44
ilari_...distro is 11.0411:44
ujjainHow do I downdate to a previous kernel? (I previously removed via apt-get remove)11:45
htlmSoprano youtubue ? blip.tv?  sometimes people leave links in the videos comments11:45
pythonsnakeWhy doesn't kubuntu have g++ ????????????????????????????????????????11:45
LjLpythonsnake: spare us the multiple question marks please. also, of course it has g++, you just need to install it...11:46
pythonsnakeLjL: no it doesn't11:46
pythonsnakeLjL: at least it doesn't with aptitude..11:47
oCean!info g++ | pythonsnake11:47
ubottupythonsnake: g++ (source: gcc-defaults (1.98ubuntu3)): The GNU C++ compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.5.2-1ubuntu3 (natty), package size 1 kB, installed size 40 kB11:47
pythonsnakeLjL: also, sorry for question mark11:47
LjLpythonsnake, Kubuntu and Ubuntu are the same thing, just with different packages installed by default, so if Ubuntu has a package, Kubuntu *must* have it too.11:47
pythonsnakeLjL: check it out !11:47
pythonsnakekubuntu-desktop meta package11:47
oCeanpythonsnake: check out what ubottu told you11:47
everst_Lasers, i'll read about zsync and get back11:47
TantiveIVsay whats the command to browse into my username directory, I go to cd /home then cd /myusername ...but it says nothings there?11:47
LjLpythonsnake: obviously it's not in kubuntu-desktop, otherwise it'd be installed by default. it's not. you need to install it.11:47
agus_sintang_how to completely remove proxy setting? or how to restore my connection setting... fresh ubuntu after installed?11:47
ActionParsnippythonsnake: it can be installed, its just not default11:47
oCeanpythonsnake: also, I'm running kubuntu, and yes you can install g++   sudo apt-get install g++11:47
Sopranonobody has Postfix + auth before SMTP running without SASL?11:47
Laserseverst_: Okay. It's pretty straightforward command (Use terminal).11:48
insmodwhy can't ubuntu see or burn my DL DVD?11:48
ActionParsnippythonsnake: install build-essential  and you will get it11:48
ActionParsnipinsmod: if you manually mount it, does it work11:49
LjLujjain: just reinstall it with apt-get install, and you'll have it back as an option in your GRUB menu11:49
insmodActionParsnip: they are blank11:49
ActionParsnipinsmod: can you access disks with data on ok, and watch DVD movies?11:50
llutzSoprano: you might ask in #postfix11:50
insmodActionParsnip: yes11:50
pythonsnakeWhat else do I need to install ?11:50
pythonsnakeif I uninstall ubuntu-desktop and install kubuntu-desktop ?11:50
conntrackHow good the ubuntu ARM support?11:50
htlmwell thanks all11:51
htlmwell in a sec11:51
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htlmconntrack for what  a atom cpu?11:51
conntrackOMAP :)11:52
htlmquays that mean11:52
pythonsnakeActionParsnip: awesome !11:53
htlmwhat's that mean11:53
pythonsnakealso Kubuntu team have done great work :-))11:53
everst_Lasers, I cannot find the ubuntu-11.10-beta2-desktop-i386.iso @ http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/oneiric/beta-2/ !?11:54
ilari_Hi,I ask it again:  i have a problem with unity desktop: I installed  unity on ubuntu-studio 11.04. I have added ''compiz --replace ccp''  to run on startup. Still, the unity wont load my previous  settings etc. icons i have added, or desktop applications. How  can i make the unity to load my settings from the last session?11:54
Laserseverst_: Heh. http://goo.gl/RpOiH11:56
Lasers(And now everybody is downloading it!)11:56
stomaTantiveIV: cd /home then cd myusername (no slash) or cd /home/myusername or cd ~11:56
TantiveIVthanks, I inadvertantly already figured that out11:57
htlmtell that to the guys that made it and the 18 people that just asking about unity its self,  4-7person thats asked along those lines  just in the last 4-6hrs.  ilari_11:57
ActionParsnipstoma: could also use:  cd /home/$USER  or   cd $HOME11:57
TantiveIVIm trying to get my wireless working on my laptop with ubuntu. It wants me to install the ndiswrapper packadge, just wondering how one does that, as Ive downloed the file11:58
TantiveIV<--- ubuntu noob11:58
llutzstoma: just "cd" brings you $HOME11:59
oCeanTantiveIV: even just  cd  (no arguments) will bring ..11:59
oCean^ yeah that11:59
TantiveIVyea the standard seems to be already at home11:59
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TantiveIVerr I mean12:00
jianfeii just ask my ubuntu chick to fix it12:00
TantiveIVat the username directory12:00
htlmis that the forced driver  if not found one .. be warned12:00
jianfeihtlm, warned? rofl... its just a OS man...12:01
Laserseverst_: Make sure you put zsync with existing iso -- You might even have to rename the iso to match. It'll check bytes.12:01
htlmnot u silly12:01
htlmI'm on my cell phone is being really laggy... so in 3 seconds I'll get 20 replies the next 10 minutes I'll not only get 112:02
Loki_hey guys is there any way to disable the wlan password prompt in ubuntu 10.10 if the wlan connection wont get established? i know the password is right, the system doesnt need to ask me 20 times a day if its really right just because i lost the connection because im too far away from the router :(12:02
htlmjianfei   no its a package for a wifi    silly .. and I didn't get the name12:03
sam_Anyone had problems wit lubuntu-desktop breaking xsession login? More here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=184973812:03
jianfeihtlm, i will have a chat to the operator's i dislike you calling me silly.12:04
everst_Lasers, thanks. I'll give it a try once I download the .iso.zsync file! ...internet connection is acting weird today.. i'm downloading at 3KB/sec right now! :]12:04
gingerlingI have a question about unity12:04
ilari_htlm: hmm.. i just joined the channel, so i not able to see the previous discussions. I've been to unitys irc-channel, but they guided me here. I've tried googling but havent found similiar problems. If you, or anyone could share a link, it would be useful.12:05
htlmLoki_ u might want to check a bug reports to.. a sometimes get that too.. rrrr!12:05
TantiveIVhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/SergioZanchetta/Old/AcerAspire1363WLMi  <--- for wireless, I cannot install the ndiswrapper via apt-get, since the laptop has no internet. I downloaded a ndiswrapper-157rc1.tar,gz   but this is not an install packadge is it?12:05
Edulixhi people12:05
Loki_htlm is there really no fix for this? :( i cant find anything in google too12:05
Edulixis there a way to create a link to install a given package by name?12:06
Loki_htlm there must be way more people complaining about this annoying prompt12:06
Edulixthat works by default in ubuntu i mean12:06
htlmu just missed dr_willis   he seems to know this ....12:06
jianfeihtlm, ive recorded your comments12:06
Edulixsomething like that, that I can put in the web12:06
gingerlingin the control centre, under main menu, you can click things to go, or not go, in your menu: where are these things actually appearing on your computer? It doesn't seem to change the side bar thingy, and I find no where else for them to be?12:06
everst_Lasers, I run "rsync oneiric-desktop-i386.iso.zsync" and all i get is "-rwxr-xr-x     1424180 2011/09/25 17:49:55 oneiric-desktop-i386.iso.zsync"12:06
everst_Lasers, i renamed my beta1 iso to oneiric-desktop-i386.iso to match the zsync filename12:07
htlmLoki_ I haven't even got time to fix it with unity yelling at me all the time12:07
htlmjianfei   its just me being playful , didn't mean to get you affended ..im sorry if I did12:09
glitchdActionParsnip, ok, i grew a pair nd jus clicked the dam button12:11
glitchdActionParsnip, lets jus hope it doesnt blow up in my face now12:11
everst_Lasers ...well, the rsync replaced my beta1 iso with the .iso.rsync file's content! so i don't have my beta1 iso anymore.. this is ridiculous! :D12:11
htlmeverst_  what's the iso for?12:12
everst_htlm, i was trying to update by ubuntu 11.10 beta1 iso to beta2 using rsync :)12:12
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htlmwhat's rsync?12:13
everst_but it'll have to wait now... or maybe not... coz now i have to download the iso all over again... and it'll be the beta2 iso this time... lmao12:13
Loki_is there any way to disable wireless lan password prompt on a failed try to connect, and make ubuntu (10.10) just retry without asking for the password?12:13
everst_hey wait a minute...12:14
everst_Lasers, htlm, s***! I ran rsync instead of zsync. ******12:14
htlmLoki_ so what pops up ?12:14
everst_I'll have to tweet this! :P12:15
htlmso... that means?12:15
oCeaneverst_: if you have to obfuscate words, don't use them12:15
* bintut waves12:15
bintutanyone can help me fix on this problem? => http://imagebin.org/17395612:15
bintutchanging from root=/dev/sda5 to root=LABEL=/ in my kernel line of my /boot/grub/menu.lst , still doesn't help12:16
Loki_htlm a password prompt from keyring i think, where i can change the password and press connect again12:16
htlmh U H? oCean?12:16
Loki_htlm it pops up every 2 minutes or so after a failed connection12:16
Loki_htlm very very annoying12:16
lapionbintut don't forget to change it in fstab as well12:16
htlmahh... yes how I hate that...12:16
conntrackNeeone have a Dell Ultrasharp monitor?12:16
htlmLoki_my guess is to reset the key ring12:17
bintutlapion: i also changed my /etc/fstab12:17
pythonsnakeDoes ubuntu have turbo boost ?12:17
everst_oCean, people don't mind when I don't obfuscate the words? ok then.12:17
Loki_htlm i dont have a keyring password, i dont have to type the keyring password anyway on failed connection.. its the wlan key it wants from me12:17
ikoniapythonsnake: what are you talking about turbo boost12:17
htlmLoki_ google that and you might just end up having a successful search12:17
oCeaneverst_: I told you to not use them at all12:18
Loki_htlm i googled any possible search request i could think of and got no results thats why im here12:18
lapionbintut, use the uuid12:18
LjLikonia: probably http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intel_Turbo_Boost12:18
bintutlapion: ok. i will try to use the uuid then..12:18
pythonsnakeikonia: i5 processor, nehalem12:18
ikoniaLjL: but that's a hardware thing ?12:18
LjLikonia: the OS needs to activate it12:19
ikoniapythonsnake: there is power management in it12:19
htlmjust try it.  ubuntu keyring reset .12:19
everst_oCean, oh ok.. i didn't catch that! Is it in the official channel guidelines? :P ...nevermind, i won't12:19
pythonsnakeikonia: it's not power ..12:19
Loki_ikonia remember my issue when i couldnt boot to runlevel 2 and several services wont start? its an upstart bug and the solution is here... you was interested in it ;) http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1393573.html12:19
ikoniapythonsnake: the question isn't really does "ubuntu have it" - but does "linux" have it, and if so, at what kernel does it kick in12:19
pythonsnakeikonia: it's like overclock12:19
ikoniapythonsnake: but it's controlled by power scaling as I read it12:19
everst_Lasers, thanks for all the help... i learnt about the zsync command today... and i'll never mistake it with the rsync command every again!12:19
ikoniaLoki_: let me have a read12:20
ikoniaLoki_: (thank you for remembering)12:20
pythonsnakeikonia: nevermind. Got it -> i7z :)12:20
ikoniapythonsnake: i7z ? is it supported in Linux ?12:20
Loki_ikonia no problem :) its in /etc/init/rc-sysinit.conf ... it was on "start on filesystem and net-device-up IFACE=eth0" thats why i only had all services and runlevel 2 when my ethernet cable was plugged in12:21
Loki_ikonia now i changed it to start on filesystem only and it works perfectly12:21
agus_sintangdr_willis : piye? any other solution? i'm sorry if i disturb you....12:21
pythonsnakeikonia: of course12:21
ikoniapythonsnake: why of course ?12:21
ikoniapythonsnake: how is it enabled/disabled, is it done through power managment ?12:21
TantiveIVIm trying to install the ndiswrapper, but I see only an amd64 version, will this work on my 32 bit system?12:22
systemclientwhere can I alter the $PATH for all users?12:22
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ikoniapythonsnake: that just looks like a reporting tool as I'm reading it. Is that what you epxected a reporting tool ?12:23
pythonsnakeikonia: no12:24
pythonsnakeikonia: it enables turbo boost12:24
ikoniapythonsnake: oh, it can be used to set it ?12:24
pythonsnakeI've tested a loop with and without it12:24
ikoniapythonsnake: what ?12:24
* dr_willis is in and out all day.. i missed the problem12:24
Stanley00systemclient: try edit /etc/profile or other bash's init file12:24
pythonsnakewith i7z, processor goes to 2.6 (2.4 is max)12:25
Stanley00systemclient: see man bash for more details ;)12:25
ikoniapythonsnake: but that's not down to this tool as I'm reading it12:25
lotuspsychjeim looking for an url referer hider without redirecting to original url12:25
ikoniapythonsnake: apologies, I'm confused, if you know this thing works, why did you just come in to the channel asking if Linux supported it ?12:26
gjli recently upgraded to a 2560 x 1440 monitor but I get a black screen when I try to use the nvidia proprietary driver. the free driver works fine, though12:26
gjlthis is with natty and the oneiric beta12:26
pythonsnakeikonia: I asked before I discovered that tool :)12:26
ikoniapythonsnake: so you built and tested that in 2 minutes ?12:26
gingerlinganyone know if I can move indicator applets arround my panel now?12:27
pythonsnakeikonia: yes12:27
ikoniapythonsnake: very impressive12:27
gingerling(stupid unity!!!!!!!!)12:27
Teh_Lemongingerling: right click + MOVE12:28
systemclientStanley00: okay, I just added a "PATH=$PATH:..." into /etc/profile.d/gem.sh12:28
auronandacegingerling: you don't have to use unity if you don't want to12:28
gingerlingteh_lamon. where is move12:28
Stanley00systemclient: ;)12:28
pythonsnakehow is qmake-qt4 package under ubuntu called ?12:28
pythonsnakecan't find it :/12:28
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ikoniapythonsnake: qmake is normally in kde distros like kubuntu12:29
auronandace!find qmake | pythonsnake12:29
ubottupythonsnake: Found: qt4-qmake12:29
Stanley00pythonsnake: it's qt4-qmake12:29
gingerlinghi guest12:29
Guest82904whats ups12:30
gingerlingtha_lemmon: sorry, I didnt understand. Right click and what exactly)12:30
gingerlingguest: computer troubles. You?12:30
ujjainanybody who changed ctrl+shift+c/v to something that doesn't suck?12:30
Guest82904is how is use..12:30
htlmI forget now who's having wifi troubles12:31
Teh_Lemonim not tha lemon12:31
Teh_LemonTHA sux12:31
Teh_Lemonright click on applet12:31
pythonsnakeHow to move a process running in a terminal emulator to tty ?12:31
Teh_Lemonand select MOVE12:31
Teh_Lemonand move your cursor, applet will move too12:31
gingerlingin unity, dossnt seem to have that option12:31
gingerlingright and left click just do the same12:31
ikoniapythonsnake: you can't, they run in that terminal (a virtual tty)12:31
gingerlingand none have that option12:32
htlmgingerling I just got back... it still at it12:32
dr_willispythonsnake:  you should look into using 'screen'12:32
dr_willispythonsnake:  or byobu.12:32
gingerlinghtlm: getting there. some guy made a gnome menu for unity as an aplett12:32
pythonsnaketmux ?12:33
gingerlingbut now cant move aplets arround12:33
gingerlingis right click supposed to do diffrent stuff: maybe my right click is broken?12:34
htlmgingerling so you just what the classic Ubuntu?12:34
gingerlinghtlm: think im gonna have to bite the bullet with unity eventually12:35
gingerlingso just gonna try set it up how I want it and haive it some time12:35
jiohdigingerling, nah, openbox works great :)12:35
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pythonsnakeubuntu rocks !!12:36
pythonsnakehow can I change my grub entries ?12:37
Sexbuntuive remastered ubuntu and im looking for free server or mirror?12:37
Stanley00pythonsnake: edit /etc/grub.d/*12:37
Stanley00pythonsnake: or simplier /etc/default/grub12:38
ikoniaSexbuntu: that's not something for this channel please.12:38
jiohdithen update-grub or grub-update12:38
Stanley00jiohdi: thanks ;)12:38
brianhi anyone help me with ubuntu one?12:40
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Guest13631 hi anyone help me with ubuntu one?12:40
htlmgingerling   I hate this thing,until they get to fix it I am not really going to use it,, and no you don't you don't have to bite the bullet and we can stand up and say no this is linuxif you don't like something go out to make your own distro or have a group stand up and petition what you don't like    m.youtube.com/watch?desktop_uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DYTtn4PPT1e8&v=YTtn4PPT1e8&gl=US12:41
brian_hello i need assistance on ubuntu one12:42
htlmrrr don't like you autocorrect.... dint have to bite the bullet gingerling12:42
gingerlinghtlm: I agree in princeple, however, I am trying to sort out my computer as am starting a new buisness in 3 weeks from home. just need it to be as simpe as possible12:42
brian_hello i need assistance on ubuntu one12:43
gingerlinghi brian12:43
gingerlingI dont know anything.12:43
brian_hu gingerling12:43
gingerlinghtml, you know anything about ubuntu one?12:43
gingerlinghtlm: I have a mate coming round in a bit, will see what he sais12:44
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brian_<gingerling> nope12:44
htlmgnucash  is like quicken I hear but for a free version if that... I just read it ... and if you're trying to set up a business computer there might be other options for you12:44
Tantivesay I installed ndiswrapper so I can install windows wireless drivers. I found the .inf file from the windows drivers, and in the list of Wireless Network Drivers it says Hardware present: yes12:44
brian_<gingerling> thanks12:44
gingerlingcan someone help brian?12:44
Tantivedo I need to manually fill in all wireless connections?12:44
Stanley00brian_: what's your problem exactly?12:44
gingerlingthanks stanley! : )12:45
brian_<Stanley00> i need some explaination on ubuntu one12:45
Stanley00gingerling: I dont think I can help, just know how to login with ubuntu one ;)12:45
pythonsnake!ask | brian_12:45
ubottubrian_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:45
brian_<Stanley00> i can't seem to sync my files12:45
Stanley00brian_: did you have an ubuntu one account?12:46
brian_<Stanley00> yes12:46
Stanley00brian_: and log in?12:46
brian_<Stanley00> yes12:46
pythonsnakeE: Unable to find a source package for /home/pythonsnake12:46
pythonsnakeWhat's wrong ?12:46
ikoniapythonsnake: what command did you do ?12:47
Stanley00then move your file to ~/Ubuntu One, they will sync automatically12:47
htlmgingerling ask around for a business distro  there are a few good ones I hear out there..  what your business for ?12:47
gingerlinghtlm: an online shop12:47
brian_<Stanley00> the sync to ubuntu one is greyed out when i right click files from my drive12:47
gingerlinghtlm: I didnt want to reinstall totally as I have a disk partition half windows (for my other job wich needs windows) and half ubuntu. back at work tomorow and didnt want to mess to much12:48
pythonsnakeikonia: that's where I get in troube12:48
Stanley00brian_: Maybe you should move that file to ~/ubuntu one12:48
ikoniapythonsnake: ? why ? what's happened ?12:48
ikoniapythonsnake: I just want to know what command you did to get that error ?12:48
ikoniapythonsnake: it will give me a better idea of what's failing/why12:48
brian_<Stanley00> ok let me try12:48
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pythonsnakeikonia: I did source .bashrc12:51
htlmgingerling   I'm just suggesting they are things out there for business purposes,like redhat ....  just a spark your imaginationand curiosity..... LOL  haven't you ever heard of virtual box12:51
tsaknorrisi have ask stupid question just generally speaking. i have one server up what works completely with java. i did press hide button and i didnt anymore managed to get it open (im talking about that control window) only way to configure server was to kill it and start it again :D12:51
pythonsnakeikonia: also, it asked me for sudo pass12:51
pythonsnakeif that can help..12:51
gingerlinghtlm: I am a non-tech extreme. I juts like it simple.12:51
ikoniapythonsnake: it looks like it's trying to install something - I'd remove that file very quickly12:52
ikoniapythonsnake: I'll read through the file now, but I'd remove that bashrc file quickly12:52
brian_<Stanley00>  moved that file to ~/ubuntu one. but the sync this folder option is still greyed out. what do i do to sync?12:52
pythonsnakeikonia: why ? :312:52
ikoniapythonsnake: well, you've downloaded a script from someone, that you have no idea what it does, and on login, it executes a command to try to install software you have no idea what.....that's not good.12:53
gingerlingf*** this. can I permentanly move back to 10.412:53
gingerlingand how12:53
ikoniagingerling: control the language please.12:53
Stanley00brian_: hmm, there a folder Ubuntu One in your home, all files in that folder will synced automatically,12:53
pythonsnakeikonia: ah ok12:53
htlmvirtualbox is a simple you gonna get as 1 of the basics,,, it's a program that allows you to put in an operating systemso you can try it out install it or do some work on it and I have a lot of people that do that,12:53
brian_<Stanley00> oh i see...12:53
gingerlingikonia. I am sorry. I am just so angry. I cant do what I want and no one can help me with that, and I keep ending up with people suggesting other stuff thats more work than what I want12:54
gingerlingI just want to move an indicator applet12:54
htlmgingerling most of us or all of us do that in a linix community....12:54
pythonsnakecool. There's ubuntu one for kde12:54
ikoniapythonsnake: that script does a lot of things I wouldn't trust,12:54
ikoniapythonsnake: is there something in that script you specifically want, that way we can look at implementing "just" that one part, rather than that whole script12:55
brian_<Stanley00> and do i need to log io it's website to dowload the files incase i want those files in my workplace PC?12:56
htlmfingerling I gave you the link so you can set Ubuntu the way you wanted like 10min ago did you get the12:56
ioniteWhy does ubuntu take 10 secs to open ever applications? what can i do to improve the speed?12:56
htlm(htlm) gingerling I gave you the link so you can set Ubuntu the way you wanted like 10min ago did you get the12:57
Stanley00brian_: no, you dont, just log in on your ubuntu one client at your workplace12:57
brian_<Stanley00> could be installed on windows platform?12:58
htlmionite if you got the hardware for it in the horse are behind it... called preload12:58
ionitehtlm: so what should i do? should i disable something?12:58
Stanley00brian_: there is one client for window recently, you can search for that12:58
brian_<Stanley00> o thank you12:59
hansg01while installing utorrent server on ubuntu 11.10 beta 212:59
hansg01there is an error12:59
Stanley00brian_: you are welcome ;)12:59
hansg01./utserver: error while loading shared libraries: libssl.so.0.9.8: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory13:00
Stanley00hansg01: oneiric is on #ubuntu+1 please :)13:00
hansg01ohk thank u!13:00
htlmgingerling m.youtube.com/watch?desktop_uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DYTtn4PPT1e8&v=YTtn4PPT1e8&gl=US13:01
ionitehtlm: so what should i do? should i disable something?13:02
ionitewhat's causing the lag in my ubuntu? how can i fix it?13:03
* agus_sintang very happy....13:03
pythonsnakeikonia: sorry - just got some network problems13:04
ikoniapythonsnake: that's fine13:04
pythonsnakeikonia: I want colors in my terminal13:04
ikoniapythonsnake: is that it ? that's all you wanted and you use that bashrc for that13:05
ionitewhat's causing the lag in my ubuntu? how can i fix it?13:05
hansg01is ubuntu+1 active?13:05
hansg01as in no one replyting there13:05
ikoniahansg01: yes13:05
Stanley00hansg01: all the time ;013:05
pythonsnakeikonia: aliases, welcome message..13:05
ikoniapythonsnake: using someones elses file like that when you don't know/undertstand what it does is a bad idea.13:06
hansg01Stanley00: but no one replying there13:06
pythonsnakeI'm just searching a good bashrc as I don't like configuring much13:06
ikoniapythonsnake: I'd suggest you setup the stuff you want, so you know exactly what's in it13:06
ikoniahansg01: just wait13:06
ionitewhat's causing the lag in my ubuntu? how can i fix it?13:06
Sidewinder1ikonia, I had a look at that script; seemed to go on forever.13:06
hansg01ikonia: yeah i m13:07
ikoniapythonsnake: you're sort of missing the point of linux and the learning you say you want to do, if you seem keen to learn, don't download other peoples stuff, make your own13:07
htlmionite well if your like me and got 3 server and 22 avg (web) and a few programs open  is when you see the lag  on a 2.1amd 2gb ddr2  sata 320 hdd   is when u see the lag ... so whays your specs13:07
Stanley00hansg01: yes, I know, I'm in there too ;)13:07
pythonsnakeis there a gui bash configurator ?13:08
Stanley00hansg01: just wait untill someone know your problem, try searching the web if you bored ;)13:08
ilari_someone now how can i get unity to load previous settings on startup.13:09
ionitehtlm: http://nexxon.com.sg/projects1.html13:09
htlmhansg01 what  u need13:09
ikoniahtlm: please join #ubuntu+1 if you wish to support hansg0113:09
hansg01htlm: yeah ikonia is correct join ubuntu+113:10
Sidewinder1hiwk, haha_guy13:10
haha_guyanyone know how to share folder via adhoc (wireleess)13:10
Sidewinder1hiwk, even.13:10
Benkinoobyhi, a friend is about to install ubuntu to his mac book pro5,5 according to this site https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro5-5/Lucid there are guides for lucid, maveric and natty... which one should i recommend ? he's not to much interested in playing with OSs but needs linux for university13:12
Sidewinder1That was weird?13:12
Benkinoobywrong link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro13:12
ionitewhat's causing the lag in my ubuntu? how can i fix it?13:12
haha_guydoes anyone know how to share folder via wireless adhoc?13:13
ionitewhy does ubuntu takes 10 seconds to launch applications at my launcher bar?13:14
domedagenionite: What type of application?13:14
blupweird question, since i partitioned my system to have 40gb in / and 160gb in /home, even though most of my files are in /home (and it says 130gb free), i'm getting an alert that / is getting full...13:16
ionitedomedagen: simple ones like ubuntu software centre and firefox browser. there's a significant lag.13:16
Teh_Lemonblup: and your programmes?13:17
rajmahendraHow can i upgrade Ubuntu 11.10 Beta2  11.4 ?13:17
pythonsnakeWhat is the command to launch ubuntu one ?13:18
domedagenionite: What does System Monitor say?13:18
pythonsnake!ubuntu+1 | rajmahendra13:18
ubotturajmahendra: Oneiric Ocelot is the codename for Ubuntu 11.10 - Support only in #ubuntu+113:18
leepingHi there - I have a very wide monitor (3840x1200) and I would like Ubuntu to recognize it as two separate monitors (for the purposes of maximizing windows, full screen video etc.)  Can anyone tell me how to do this?13:18
rajmahendrabut i have 11.413:19
rajmahendracant i upgrade to 11.10 ?13:19
ionitedomedagen: it doesnt say anyting? could it be some settings?13:19
pythonsnakeWhat is the command to launch Ubuntu One Application on KDE ?13:19
domedagenionite: What's your CPU level and RAM at?13:20
Stanley00rajmahendra: oneiric is on beta now, and unstable13:20
Stanley00rajmahendra: run "update-manager -d" if you want, do that at your own risk ;)13:20
rajmahendrabut i have alredy using 11.413:21
ionitedomedagen: currently at 40plus percent13:21
domedagenionite: So it probably isn't hw related, when was the last time you restarted? Or the frist time you noticed this?13:23
Stanley00pythonsnake: idk, try running "apropos ubuntuone"13:23
htlmionite what's that for ... the web page you gave me13:23
ionitehtlm: my netbook specs.13:23
Benkinoobyhi, a friend is about to install ubuntu to his mac book pro5,5 according to this site https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro5-5/Lucid there are guides for lucid, maveric and natty... which one should i recommend ? he's not to much interested in playing with OSs but needs linux for university13:24
ionitedomedagen: KDE was very prompt. it only happen when i did a clean removal of KDE and installed ubuntu.13:24
x404xwhat filesystem is best suited for ubuntu 11.04 os install / boot etc ? jfs ?13:24
Benkinoobywrong link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro13:24
Stanley00x404x: ext4 is also good?13:24
x404xhm everyone says different13:25
x404xsome say ect3 is best13:25
x404xwhat differences are there ? any advantage on some ?13:25
pythonsnakedo ubuntu one have bandwitch limit ?13:25
htlmBenkinooby just a sec OK ... wait you wait search, Ubuntu for macs13:26
x404xmaybe jfs has more advantage on raids ?13:26
pythonsnakeBenkinooby: sup13:26
leepingx404x, I found that using ext4 has broken backward compatibility for some system cloning software that I use, but that's about it.13:26
Stanley00x404x: idk, try searching on the web, if you dont have some special need, all of them is the almost the same ;)13:26
Benkinoobypythonsnake, hi13:27
Benkinoobypythonsnake, how are you?13:27
pythonsnakeBenkinooby: fine you ?13:27
Stanley00pythonsnake: yes, in my case ;)13:27
x404xi noticed jfs was sturdy in raid6 so i hoped to use zfs now, but its not listed , I guess it wont matter if I dont run raid, since I had a hard time replacing a failed drive and getting it back into the array i will just use single drives now and have a backup drive for each13:27
BluesKajHi all13:28
pythonsnakeHey BluesKaj13:28
Sidewinder1Mornin' BluesKaj13:28
pythonsnakeSidewinder1: 15 isn't morning anymore13:28
htlmionite  so what Dodd you needed help with?13:28
Sidewinder1All the snakes are here.13:28
Benkinoobyhtlm, it's not about how to do it... i am rather asking for experience. my main point is that i'd go for 10.04 because it's LTS and well tested. on the other hand natty has all the nice new stuff, but i don't know if that's worth the risk. the efforts for installing seem to be the same for both13:28
BluesKajhi pythonsnake , Sidewinder113:28
Sidewinder1Python1320, 'Tis here. :D13:29
ionitehtlm: why is ubuntu so laggy in my netbook?13:29
domedagenionite: I'm unable to solve this. Some people on the internet say it's ATI related, others HDD. But if you say that it only happened in Untity you could try temporarly booting up with Gnome13:29
lotuspsychjeionite: what kinda netbook?13:29
htlmchange your gui to a much lighter one13:30
pythonsnakeHow to toogle ? keyboard13:30
pythonsnakeHow to toogle keyboard?13:30
ikoniapythonsnake: toggle ?13:30
pythonsnakeikonia: enable/disable13:30
ikoniapythonsnake: plug/unplug13:31
pythonsnakeikonia: touchpad13:31
BluesKajjust installed a new m-audio soundcard , got most of the options working , it's set as default but no audio with flash like youtube etc... any ideas ?13:31
pythonsnakenot keyboard13:31
Stanley00pythonsnake: some where in the mouse optition, I think13:31
domedagenionite: Lgoin Screen Settings Select ubuntu Classic or Ubuntu classic no effect13:31
ionitelotuspsychje: my net book specshttp://nexxon.com.sg/projects1.html13:31
* Python1320 bites Sidewinder1 for lazyness13:31
Sidewinder1BluesKaj, You may need to reinstall the proprietary flash driver, with new card installed?13:32
Stanley00pythonsnake: or in keyboard setting, cant remember13:32
hans01any one there to help me out?13:32
domedagenionite: And see if its GUI related. Are you using ATI btw?13:32
Sidewinder1Python1320, Side gracefully accepts the bite. :-)13:32
ikoniahans01: with what ?13:32
rajmahendraWhen is the main release of 11 released ?13:33
rajmahendrastable release13:33
lotuspsychjeionite: whats laggy on the netbook?13:33
ikoniarajmahendra: ubuntu 11.10 will be released next month13:33
hans01rajmahendra: 13 october13:33
Stanley00rajmahendra: on 13 Oct13:33
RovanionIs 32-bit wine installed on a 64-bit 11.10 install?13:33
domedagenlotuspsychje: Application launch time13:33
hans01ikonia: i m hansg0113:33
domedagenlotuspsychje: For example Ubuntu Software Center13:33
ikoniahans01: ok, so what can we help you with ?13:34
lotuspsychjedomedagen: what default Os came with it?13:34
hans01ikonia: my prob not solved in ubuntu+0113:34
ikoniahans01: so why do you keep asking in here after you 've been told not to13:34
hans01ikonia: noreply13:34
domedagenlotuspsychje: He said fresh install of Ubuntu from KDE distro13:34
ikoniahans01: so wait for a reply.13:34
ikoniahans01: stop asking in here, #ubuntu+1 is the channel for 11.10 discussion as you've been told.13:34
Sidewinder1BluesKaj, Just a "WAG", on my part..13:34
hans01ikonia: ohk sorry13:34
BluesKajSidewinder1, strange thing is I have some flv files that play ok on dragonplaye13:34
lotuspsychjedomedagen: i fixxed my netbook, enabling BIOS network boot to bypass all lags/freezes13:35
domedagenlotuspsychje: If he was using AMD ATI then maybe ubuntu picked worse driver from him my theory was13:35
htlmBenkinooby I would go for 10.04 I would go with 10.04 because of this long term support that is near guaranteed and for him  to experience this out FIRSt because all the other versions take it roots from this version.. and since he's a mac user or windows user the makers made it so it's easier transition first,if you wanted to try sending out a new but you but susana virtualbox first then try that out if you messes up the you don't have to13:35
rajmahendrais there anyone using 11.10 on there machine.. just curious... i already have 11.4 ...  to do or not to do upgrade now :)13:35
domedagenlotuspsychje: Seems we lost him13:35
htlmrr auto correct I don't like you13:35
x404xcan i get rocketraid 1820 controller to log smart temp data in smartmontools ?13:36
ThomasB2kI am having trouble running Gnome Activity Journal in Ubuntu. Here's the output of me running it in terminal: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/696671/ Does anyone know what's going on?13:36
Stanley00rajmahendra: dont if you use 11.04 for youe work :)13:36
domedagenlotuspsychje: #ubuntu is depressing13:36
lotuspsychjedomedagen: also ati works fine on my netbook13:36
jiohdirajmahendra, if what you have does what you want and what is coming is not much better... better to wait till some of the bugs are found and fixed13:36
domedagenlotuspsychje: By default?13:37
rajmahendra:) no its just home use only :)13:37
jiohdirajmahendra, fight that desire to have the newest only because it is the newest :)13:37
htlm10.04 has a lot of nice features to it,customizing it was keepin busy till he's old Benkinooby13:37
lotuspsychjedomedagen: yes after connecting wlan before install13:37
lotuspsychjedomedagen: lol depressing as in not being to help?13:38
Benkinoobyhtlm, i don't understand that "...,if you wanted to try sending out a new but you but susana virtualbox first then try that out if you messes up the you don't have to"13:38
lotuspsychjewb ionite13:38
Benkinoobyhtlm, but i think, as you are enforcing 10.04 too, i'll recommend him 10.0413:38
ionitelotuspsychje: sorry it was so lag that i gotta restart13:39
domedagenlotuspsychje: Maybe he didn't and thats why it fails him.13:39
Stanley00rajmahendra: I think you should wait, oneiric crashes randomly now, if you can live with crash, you can update ;013:39
domedagenionite: Did you log into ubuntu Classic?13:39
ionitedomedagen: sorry it was so lag that my browser got srewed13:39
ionitedomedagen: how do i log into ubuntu classic?13:40
htlmBenkinooby ok... just remember to install virtualbox so he can add on or play with other distributions and get some practice in how to use lyrics without having to worry about breaking is expensive machine13:40
lotuspsychjeionite: did you install ubuntu enabling wlan before install?13:40
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».13:40
ionitelotuspsychje: yept13:40
lotuspsychje!it | barba13:41
ubottubarba: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)13:41
Benkinoobyhtlm, hm, i don't hink he wants to play around with other OSs... he just wants a linux on his mack that works13:41
lotuspsychjeionite: can you tell us with ati driver you using atm?13:41
domedagenionite: Applications>System>Installed>Login Screen13:41
htlmdomedagen m.youtube.com/watch?desktop_uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DYTtn4PPT1e8&v=YTtn4PPT1e8&gl=US13:41
Benkinoobyhtlm, further on, his macbook is 64 bit (intel core 2 duo) ... from the bast i remeber that 64 bit versions of ubuntu were troublesome...is that still the case?13:42
ionitelotuspsychje: i don't get what u mean.13:42
ionitedomedagen: what could be the possible reasons for the delay to launch applications? i was previously using KDE and it was lightning fast.13:44
=== jnix is now known as jnix_detached
domedagenionite: My theory is that when you installed Ubuntu, you got rid of the drivers that worked better with your GPU and you have some OS alternative now13:45
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domedagenionite: This could be tested if you logged in to the no effect ubuntu. If you still have delay then its not your GPU13:46
=== jnix_detached is now known as jnix
=== ghost is now known as erkan^
ionitedomedagen: drivers? meaning?13:46
ionitelotuspsychje: u there?13:46
htlmBenkinooby kinda but I did get a lot of patches in a lot of people worked up on it... and it help if you do the hard stuff  for him he can get a vlc to work then a like wise apps and a new found passion for it ... oh and tell him Unix and bash are in Mac and Linux alike13:47
domedagenionite: Software needed for your hw to run perfectly.13:47
htlmthe passion will take care of itself later on for the hard stuff you're just trying to interduce and it's like a first date13:48
ionitedomedagen: so what should i do?13:48
domedagenionite: I would like you to try log in with ubuntu Classic no effects13:49
domedagenThen return here with results13:49
domedagenionite: k?13:49
htlmdomedagen did you get that video ?13:49
ionitedomedagen: even opening a simple calculator takes a 2-3 second delay13:50
domedagenhtlm: I did but havent watched yet13:50
htlmionite your on ddr1  you know this right?13:50
htlmthen watch I T13:51
ionitehtlm: i don't get what u mean?13:51
domedagenhtlm: That exaclty what I told him13:51
ActionParsnipionite: is your RAM healthy?13:51
ioniteActionParsnip: it's 2gb. i think so?13:52
ActionParsnipionite: are the drives healthy, use fsck and the tool from the ultimate boot cd13:52
ActionParsnipionite: test your RAM using memtest in grubv13:52
htlmno it is 1gb is what you showed me on the link13:52
ionitehtlm: the link is 1gb but i upgraded it to 2gb13:53
ioniteActionParsnip: how do i test?13:53
OerHeks2-3 second delay opening calculator is normal, imho13:53
htlmif you test your waiting about under somewhere an hour13:53
CluelessPersonhtlm, you're still here?13:53
domedagenionite: lotuspsychje said he had similar problem until he installed correct drivers, try log in to ubuntu classic no effects13:54
htlmhow am I talking to13:54
CluelessPersonhtlm,  Well, first, a number of things.  Natty 64's installation is screwy, or the screen ttime out is screwing up its' install, I'm not sure.13:54
ionitedomedagen: ok.13:54
CluelessPersonhtlm,  Also, the usb creation utility from ubuntu.com on Windows 7 will not work because apparently windows 7 truncates filename/path lengths of over 64 characters.13:55
CluelessPersondo the spaces between options in fstab matter?13:55
CluelessPersonsorry, does the amount of space between options in fstab matter?13:55
ikoniaCluelessPerson: can you give me an example13:55
ikoniaCluelessPerson: the options are tab/space seperated13:56
Lantizia!op rosalinda is PM'ing new arrivals for sex cams13:56
ikoniaagain, no problem13:56
CluelessPersonramfs  /media/ramdisk ramfs  defaults,size=512m      0       013:56
CluelessPersonikonia, so I can get away with one space between those options?13:56
Stanley00CluelessPerson: add as much as  you wish13:57
CluelessPersonikonia, I screwed up my fstab earlier and don't want to repeat, although this is a different thing13:57
ikoniaCluelessPerson: that looks fine, the spaces are needed13:57
domedagenLantizia: Problem :)?13:57
CluelessPersonikonia, I figured, just being careul, thanks.13:57
ikoniaCluelessPerson: no harm in that at al13:57
Lantiziadomedagen, not now he/she has been booted13:57
ionitedomedagen: yes it's faster.13:57
domedagenionite: I knew it!13:57
domedagenionite: Hurray for me13:57
ionitedomedagen: so what should i do?13:57
ionitedomedagen: hurray13:57
CluelessPersonare we being flodded?13:58
htlmCluelessPerson and I talk to you before13:58
domedagenionite: There is the easy but stupid way and the smart way13:58
CluelessPersonhtlm, I was on my android before. :p13:58
lotuspsychjeionite: keep using classic, or find fast drivers for ati card13:58
domedagenionite: Which one would ypu like to try?13:59
CluelessPersonhtlm, Now My netbook is installed and configured for dual boot13:59
htlmahh ok13:59
CluelessPersonmy server is installed as well.13:59
CluelessPersonconfiguring the server to get minecraft back up quickly13:59
cvtorrelagunahi, im having this issue http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1849804 Im in a hurry because this is not my computer and i have to go and leave it fixed before i go :S can anybody help me?13:59
CluelessPersonand figuring out some VM management13:59
CluelessPersonI plan on doing some things13:59
CluelessPersonand learning about ram allocation :D13:59
CluelessPersonand mounting using ramfs, since tmpfs sucks13:59
domedagenionite: ?14:00
=== Freejack is now known as Guest45874
domedagenionite: ?14:03
htlmCluelessPerson spot it internet ... I need to you get one and see if you can following me OK ? get on facebook and speakeasy.com   or is it   .org ?(internet) speed test) ping google14:04
domedagenlotuspsychje: Even if you suceed partually solving their problem they still DC on you14:04
lotuspsychjedomedagen: lolz14:05
n4dspanyone familiar with Evolution Mail?14:06
myrmidettehow do I view a jpg file's metadata?14:06
ActionParsnipmyrmidette: imagemagick can show it i believe14:06
lotuspsychje!ask n4dsp14:07
htlmCluelessPerson did you get that done14:07
myrmidetteActionParsnip, anything easier?14:07
myrmidetteafaik imagemagick is an art unto itself14:07
n4dspIs there anyone familiar with evolution mail?14:07
myrmidetteand I don't know the commands :(14:08
hans01n4dsp: yeah a little14:08
ionitedomedagen: the best way: fast on my netbook and pretty appearance14:09
ionitelotuspsychje: how did u solve ur problem?14:09
htlmthe gui only14:09
hans01me too14:09
lotuspsychjeionite: my netbook freezed on me, i had to enable BIOS network boot14:09
ActionParsnipmyrmidette: maybe something in nautilus, not sure.14:10
n4dspI am trying to send all my 'sents' to the Trash folder so I can then do a CTRL E for expunge but they wont go there. They stay in the Sent folder or I can send them to the 'Junk' folder and they sit there.14:10
ionitelotuspsychje: did u do any settings adjustments?14:10
lotuspsychjeionite: did you look at additional drivers for ATI?14:10
myrmidetteActionParsnip, could you explain how to do it w/ imagemagick?14:10
myrmidetteI don't have nautilus :(14:10
ActionParsnipmyrmidette: me neither14:10
ionitelotuspsychje: sorry i'm a ubuntu noob. please guide me.14:10
ActionParsnipmyrmidette: just run:  identify imagefilename14:11
htlmlotuspsychje I was thinking you did not set that up right did you do that14:11
ActionParsnipmyrmidette: e.g:   identify swirl.jpg14:11
domedagenionite: Additional drivers14:11
CluelessPersonhtlm, sorry, I wasn't watching, what?14:11
ActionParsnipmyrmidette: for a lot more detail, run:  identify -verbose swirl.jpg14:11
n4dspIs there an evolution forum or irc channel?14:11
lotuspsychjehtlm: what u mean? set up what right?14:11
ActionParsnipmyrmidette: http://www.imagemagick.org/script/identify.php   go crazy with it :)14:12
htlmlotuspsychje everything there is a process to set something up14:12
domedagenionite: Application>System>Installed>Additional Drivers14:12
lotuspsychjeionite: look here http://www.ubuntuvibes.com/2011/04/things-to-do-after-installing-new.html14:12
domedagenionite: What does it say?14:12
htlmdid you make sure you call the process to the t14:12
ionitedomedagen: lotuspsychje my additional drivers showed nothing14:13
hans01n4dsp: yeah14:13
=== MeLoveUlongTime is now known as qtx
myrmidetten4dsp, irc://irc.gnome.org/evolution14:13
n4dspthanks hans and myrmidette14:13
qtxלא, הייתי רק טיפה את מסד הנתונים.14:13
hans01n4dsp: its #evolution on irc.gimp.org14:14
japrois there some key kombination of anything to boot ubunto to a recovery console?14:14
japroit's just stuck at the splash screen with the five dots14:14
Fuchsjapro: hold shift while starting the machine14:14
rumpe1japro, yes... add "recovery" to the kernel line in grub14:14
domedagenionite: That's unfortunate, can you confirm your using ATI though?14:15
Fuchsthat should show you GRUB, where you can choose the recovery option14:15
Stanley00japro: no, press shift when booting to see grub menu14:15
ionitedomedagen: how do i check?14:15
qtxjapro well a reboot can be done like Cttl+Alt+print screen+b14:15
myrmidetteok, general photography question: do jpg images store the camera settings they were taken with?14:15
myrmidetteif not, what filetypes do?14:15
Stanley00myrmidette: maybe14:16
qtxionite check what?14:16
myrmidetteStanley00, ?14:16
domedagenionite: Since its not an PCI, good question14:16
ioniteqtx: check if my gpu is ati14:16
japroubuntu is the only os on the system, so it doesn't go throug a grub screen14:16
Gentoo64myrmidette, no idea. but i would use png over jpeg anyway14:16
htlmonly what's left over by 8 megapixel camera is going to take an 8 megapixel picture14:16
qtxionite lshw will list all the hardware on your system14:17
htlmGentoo64 why ?14:17
Stanley00myrmidette: it store in jpg EXIF info14:17
Gentoo64htlm, because its lossless14:17
Gentoo64ionite, do glxinfo | grep OpenGL14:18
domedagenionite: You dont happen to know what laptop you are using14:18
htlmI don't know it means14:18
ActionParsnipcould use RAW and be a man ;)14:18
ActionParsniphtlm: go fnid out, its an interesting subject14:18
myrmidetteStanley00, how can I read this exif info?14:18
Gentoo64htlm, jpeg is like mp3 png is like flac14:18
ActionParsniphtlm: opposite of lossless is lossy14:19
japro_i official an idiot and pressed ctrl-alt-prtscreen-b on the wrong keyboard14:19
=== japro_ is now known as japro
htlmoprah help me I'm not sure what a r a w  is14:19
Stanley00myrmidette: run "apt-cache search exif" to show a list, choose as you wish14:20
Gentoo64htlm, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raw_image_format14:20
ActionParsniphtlm: RAW is a huge image file size, professional cameras use it and the images are arount the 20-30Mb size14:20
japroholding shift doesn't seem to do anything tried it twice now14:20
htlmflac is what14:20
Gentoo64htlm, google them its fftopic14:20
ioniteGentoo64: domedagen qtx lotuspsychje this is my lshw: http://paste.ubuntu.com/696693/14:20
Gentoo64ionite, so its intel gpu, dont htink theres additional drivers for that14:21
Gentoo64i could be wrong but im guessing its just kernel ones14:21
htlmreally?  so is that why the pics look so good? the big file size14:21
ioniteGentoo64: i tried to install compiz manager but i got this error Package dependencies cannot be resolved14:21
qtxionite kk one sec.14:21
Gentoo64ionite, dont ask me... lol :(14:22
Sidewinder1!reisub > japro14:22
ubottujapro, please see my private message14:22
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lotuspsychjeclock 33mhz lol14:22
Gentoo64htlm, with jpeg its lossy as in the quality degrades, with png its lossless and compressed (like a flac file) so you get full quality14:22
ionitedomedagen: so what should i do next?14:23
qtxionite you are not using a ATI you are using N10 Family Integrated Graphics Controller14:23
Gentoo64ionite, i dont think the intel gpu has anything to do with that compiz error14:24
ioniteqtx: there's some screen delays and i feel so helpless.14:24
ioniteqtx: how should i go about?14:24
japroSidewinder1, it doesn't react to anything :-( i don't get it, i have no idea what changed14:24
lotuspsychjeionite: didnt you say u had ati card in pciE?14:25
qtxionite I would think that is not the worlds fastest chip. I would not use things like compiz etc14:25
ionitelotuspsychje: mine is interaged n10 gpu14:25
domedagenionite: hmm Since it's an Intel Atom I suppose you're not using ATI graphics.14:25
myrmidettety Stanley00 and ActionParsnip14:25
qtxionite you can see more if you do this sudo lshw | grep display14:25
ioniteqtx: that's why i need to install compiz manager to disable some settings but i keep getting this error: Package dependencies cannot be resolved14:26
japrodo i have to press shift at som specific point?14:26
lotuspsychjeionite: so its like qtx says better no compiz on intel card14:26
Sidewinder1qtx, qtx = qxt ? Just curious.. :)14:26
japroti seems to get stuck at the "ubuntu" screen no matter what i do14:27
qtxSidewinder1, the one and many!14:27
ionitelotuspsychje: so how do i disable the compiz?14:27
domedagenionite: How did your last KDE desktop look? Are you sure you can have a lot of desktop effects?14:27
lotuspsychjeionite: just login to ubuntu classic without compiz14:27
qtxSystem -> Pref -> Appearance and just turn off effects14:28
lotuspsychjeionite: or try lightweight ubuntu distro's14:28
Gentoo64yea id recommend that theyl feel snappier14:29
qtxionite the above was to you. Not sure what windows manager you're using.14:29
ioniteqtx: so do i still log in as classic w/o effects?14:29
qtxionite or the14:29
htlmjapro was wrong14:29
qtxionite or that.14:29
domedagenionite: You can use Untiy but you have to disble some effects14:29
japrohtlm, ?14:30
domedagenionite: Until you found a good balance between apperance and speed14:30
ionitedomedagen: how do i go about?14:30
jackjon89Hi, wondering if someone can help.... it seems to be a bug and i have found a partial fix.  basically gnome fails to load a theme on startup and i get the old win98 look.  I have made a partial fix to add some time before running the gnome settings on startup which has fixed the launch and start bars... but my home folder still looks like the old style... please help ?14:30
domedagenionite: Or you could go Gnome 3 and disable some effect14:30
ioniteqtx: i dont see any disable appearance settings in the appearance preferences14:30
htlmjapro did you need help14:31
ljsoftnetjackjon89 try a default theme, the theme that goes with ubuntu14:31
ionitedomedagen: what are the other light weighted ubuntu alternatives that are pretty and snappy?14:31
qtxionite I dont know what UI you are using but I am guessing you doint even have effects working then. What do you see in if you use the cmd top14:31
ioniteqtx:  what are the other very support ubuntu that are snappier and pretty?14:32
japrohtlm, yes, i have a computer here that runs ubuntu only and gets stuck at the "ubuntu" screen with the five dots14:32
japrodoesn't react to any keyboard input it seems14:32
domedagenionite: xfce for really old computers but it will look as boring as anying else without effects14:32
domedagenionite: Open control center14:33
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qtxionite yeah but there are not Ubuntu =) Mint has a Ubuntu type OS. Much faster in the UI14:33
jackjon89hi ljsoftnet, the theme is the standard 'Ambiance' theme, i haven't changed it... gnome just stopped loading the theme suddenly.  I found a partial fix here : http://www.webupd8.org/2011/06/fix-ubuntu-linux-mint-theme-changing-to.html14:33
Anubisjapro, have you tried CTRL + ALT + F1 to F5 to switch to a terminal?14:33
ioniteqtx: is mint supported in this channel?14:33
jackjon89the above fix sorts the launch/start bar... but my home folder is still win98 style :(14:33
japroAnubis, yes14:33
qtxionite well it is Ubuntu but the UI is not the same. Heard the it was the 2ed most popular *nix OS after Ubuntu14:33
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oCeanionite: no it is not14:34
Anubisjapro so you get a terminal?14:34
japrono reaction whatsoever14:34
ioniteqtx: i need a good channel support because i'm such a idioit to ubuntu and i really don't wanna go back to windows anymore.14:34
qtxionite no but it is Ubuntu if you look at the kernel (lots of blobs) and the repo is the same14:34
htlmjapro  how to spell about what happened did you install something14:34
oCeanqtx, ionite that still does not make it subject of support in this channel14:34
ioniteoCean: so are u using mint?14:34
htlmjapro how'd this come about14:35
oCeanionite: no14:35
ioniteoCean: i mean since ubuntu is unsuitable for my netbook. so what should i use?14:35
qtxionite yeah I understand your dilemma.14:35
japrohtlm, i can't tell, i guess i did install some stuff like geany, and it also updated stuff14:35
oCeanionite: I'm not using a netbook14:35
ioniteqtx: since i'm so lagging here. and i don't like kde as ubuntu is better in some ways but now it's lagging which kinda upsets me.14:35
domedagenionite: Did not find any effect setting with Unity but try log in to Ubuntu Classic (with effects) and see if you can find a way to tweak it14:36
htlmyou updated so for some reason it broken the packages and its doing this14:36
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels14:36
qtxionite on some of my VMs I have used Mint. I am more into Arch GNU/LInux with a fvwm14:36
japrocan i boot to a console with the install cd?14:36
qtxionite, would not recommend that if you do not feel at home with Ubuntu though.14:37
ioniteqtx: i'm a noob to ubuntu. so what should i use for stability?14:37
domedagenionite: Are you lagging with no effects?14:37
gp2mv3hi all, i've a problem with my brother's computer, it show dmesg log randomly while the session is open. Is there a simple solution ?14:37
ionitedomedagen: slightly.14:37
jackjon89can anyone help with gnome themes not loading in my home folder ?14:37
qtxionite, Mint might be a 2ed to Ubuntu if you really don't like the feeling of Ubuntu.14:37
domedagenionite: :( What OS was your LT shipped with?14:37
domedagenionite: XP or W7?14:38
ionitedomedagen: was shipped with netbook edition of ubuntu14:38
japrocan i somehow disable the spash screen to at least get the messages and have some idea what is going wrong?14:38
MonkeyDustionite: i use Mint for that reason14:38
lotuspsychjedomedagen: url said ubuntu remix14:38
htlm control alt f 414:38
ioniteMonkeyDust: is mint support good? because i'll ask alot beginner's questions14:38
ilari_I have a problem with unity in ubuntu studio 11.04. Unity wont load previous settings at startup. What should i do?14:38
gp2mv3hi all, i've a problem with my brother's computer, it show dmesg log randomly while the session is open. Is there a simple solution ?14:39
Gentoo64ionite, are you coming from windows then?14:39
qtxionite, I have only seen Windows computers though shells. I like the XP ones the most ;)14:39
ioniteqtx: i mean i like ubuntu but it's the delays which is frustrating me.14:39
ioniteGentoo64: nope.14:39
oCean!mint | ionite this channel is not to discuss various distributions14:39
ubottuionite this channel is not to discuss various distributions: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org14:39
jackjon89ilari_ do those settings include themes ?14:39
thegladiatorany alternatives to evince ? i need a pdf reader with good color schemas like for night reading and stuff14:39
Anubisjapro you should be able to boot from a livecd or live usb and mount your file system.14:39
irenicus09Hi I have this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/poedit/+bug/61353014:39
Gentoo64thegladiator, epdfview is similar bhut miles lighter14:39
ubottuUbuntu bug 610975 in wxwidgets2.8 (Ubuntu Maverick) "duplicate for #613530 relocation error with latest wxwidgets2.8" [Medium,Triaged]14:39
qtxionite Ill look up that N10. See just how slow it is... on sec14:40
antiphysicisthi, is there any way other than usb/cd install to install xp on dual boot14:40
japroAnubis, how would i then go about figuring out what is wrong?14:40
irenicus09anyone can point out how I can fix it?14:40
ioniteqtx: thanks so much14:40
domedagenionite: What if you return to that?14:40
Anubisjapro other than that I would have to do research and be in front of the system in other to help sorry14:40
htlmgp2mv3 huh14:40
MonkeyDustantiphysicist: wrong channel14:40
thegladiatorThanks I am basically looking for a pdf viewer that can actually give me good color choices to read better during night time etc14:40
ionitedomedagen: return to?14:40
Benkinoobysome1 here who isntalle ubuntu on a mac?14:40
thegladiatordoes ubuntu support apps that are paid ?14:41
ilari_ackjon89: no. I mean unity wont load icons i have added and desktop apps.14:41
Gentoo64thegladiator, epdfview has less features, so im not sure what else to suggest. hasnt evince got invert colours otions?14:41
gp2mv3htlm: i never saw that in 8 years of ubuntu...14:41
ionitebtw if i wanna purge wine. what commands do i type in terminal?14:41
domedagenionite: Ubuntu Remix?14:41
pythonsnakegp2mv3: saw what14:41
thegladiatorInvert colors aint quite good , it makes it black and white - can I chose colors  in Evince ?14:41
gp2mv3hi all, i've a problem with my brother's computer, it show dmesg log randomly while the session is open. Is there a simple solution ?14:41
antiphysicistmonkeydust: sorry, why is this the wrong channel and which should I use?14:41
Gentoo64thegladiator, no i dont htink so14:41
Gentoo64thegladiator, epdfview has pretty much no options14:42
MonkeyDustantiphysicist: it's a win question, this channel is for ubuntu support14:42
Anubisjapro: have you tried the "safe mode" from the selection prompt on boot, you know from grub?14:42
thegladiatorokay I have a reader in Ipod which gives me a nice yellow black background which is good for night time reading14:42
gp2mv3pythonsnake: hi all, i've a problem with my brother's computer, it show dmesg log randomly while the session is open. Is there a simple solution ?14:42
japroAnubis, i don't get a grub screen14:42
pythonsnakegp2mv3: 0o14:42
Sidewinder1antiphysicist, Just remember, if one installs Win*, after ubuntu, you'll bork GRUB.14:43
gp2mv3japro: in the gdm you can choose gnome safe mode14:43
japroi don't get to gdm14:43
thegladiatorAny way my other question is do we have app store where you can pay and buy softwares like in Apple14:43
qtxionite I took a little shotcut david and had a look at your system. You are using a D410 Atom with a GMA that should be "OK" Your not going to get super speed14:43
Gentoo64thegladiator, if you like ncurses stuff i think zakuma its called maybe yuou can on that, but itll be ugly compared to evince14:43
thegladiatorI know the default app store for Ubuntu14:43
lotuspsychje!ask | ilari_14:43
japroit boots up and straigt after the bios stuff i get the pink screen and it is stuck there14:43
ubottuilari_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:43
Gentoo64thegladiator, zathura i mean14:43
domedagenionite: I see your probelm. Netbook Remix is now merged with regualar Ubunt14:44
htlmionite it you're going to lag almost no matter what unless you're going to increase your am still better ram.... for now chain your g u I14:44
gp2mv3japro: did you install the boot sequence ?14:44
ionitedomedagen: lotuspsychje MonkeyDust Gentoo64 oCean qtx honestly, how do i know for my system specs if i am suitable for ubuntu or not?14:44
thegladiatorGentoo64, thanks would try that14:44
ionitedomedagen: that's right!!! netbook remix has merged. so now i'm stuck.14:44
qtxionite because I know about hw14:44
gp2mv3ionite: lspci ?14:44
ioniteqtx: but i upgraded my ram to 2gb14:44
Gentoo64ionite, what do you mean? try xuubntu or lubuntu both are much lighter and look nice still14:44
japrogp2mv3, uhm, no idea. it was a entierly empty system and i just did the most standard install14:44
gp2mv3japro: in alternate or liveCD ?14:45
qtxdomedagen is a Swedish dude who likes fast gear!14:45
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gp2mv3japro: because at the end of the alternate installation it ask to install the boot sequence14:45
lotuspsychjeswedish stuff is nice14:45
domedagenionite: Or at least xubuntu http://www.xubuntu.org/14:45
japroi guess it's the livecd then14:45
ioniteqtx: so what is ur suggestion?14:45
ionitedomedagen: can't i disable somethings in compiz?14:46
japrocant remember, i only did stuff like configuring keyboard during installation14:46
domedagenionite: Not if "no effects" doesnt help Im afraid14:46
conntrackanyone own a trim slice?14:47
domedagenqtx: Whats that all about?14:47
qtxionite well you got 2GB on your system as it is. Should be enough by far. I often toss together a distro for my own use that uses 64MB only14:47
domedagenionite: Avoid lubuntu though14:47
qtxdomedagen, no you going on about what ionite and I are talking about. No big deal14:48
KM0201domedagen: why is that?14:48
KM0201lubuntu is awesome14:48
ionitedomedagen: oh no... i'm so tired or changing so many environment...14:48
KM0201ionite: well, if he's telling yout O 'avoid lubuntu'.. that simply shows he has no clue.14:48
KM0201not saying that is your answer, your issue is clearly compiz/3D junk14:49
KM0201since lxde runs w/ bare minimum effects..  it probaby would be ok.14:49
ioniteKM0201: so how do i disable compiz when i cannot even install the compiz manager?14:49
domedagenionite: xubuntu could probably be the solution14:49
KM0201xubuntu or lubuntu, either would work fine.. xubuntu has become bloated IMO, fell out of favor w/ me.14:49
domedagenionite: Im not familiar with low spec computers but my intuition tells me that this will work14:50
KM0201ionite: did you try logging out and logging in to "Classic: No Effects"14:50
KM0201that disables compiz.14:50
ioniteKM0201: that's what i am doing now.14:50
ioniteKM0201: it still feels slightly delayed compared to KDE.14:51
htlmionite OK I got what you need ... xfce . is the gui u need to see the speed  boost you ask for14:51
gp2mv3this is the xsessions-error for my problem: http://pastebin.com/DSzhiy0q14:51
qtxionite Nothing wrong with your cpu. If you want to speed things up a bit get a cheap card like a Nvidia 210G or something. Cost like 20 USD. That card uses 32nm tech and a few cuda cores that can be tapped into.14:51
domedagenionite: This is what I think about you switching to lubuntu instead of xubuntu http://nooooooooooooooo.com/14:51
ioniteqtx: but my netbook are all integrated features. i can't just add on?14:51
KM0201ionite: i dunno, i hate KDE, it always feels like my OS is running through water, so im not a fair judge, but gnome: no effects has always been fast and stable for me, lxde is very fast.14:51
KM0201domedagen: do you have any basis for that, or.. just being witty?14:52
CyborgSmurfIs there a program equivalent to portforward on Ubuntu?14:52
japroi get the impression that it somehow doesn't recognize the keyboard14:52
* Morfeus^ is away: I'm busy14:52
htlmionite no you strip down14:52
ionitehonestly i'm not trying to have a competition here on which environment is that best or etc but i'm just frustrated with myself as i don't know which is better for me and my system.14:52
xanguaCyborgSmurf: and what does this portforward do¿ not psychics here14:52
KM0201ionite: lxde is very much for the minimalist though, if you like wild graphics, 3D effects, etc... it won't work.14:53
oCean!afk > Morfeus^14:53
ubottuMorfeus^, please see my private message14:53
japroas soon as it is stuck i can't even toggle the caps lock led on the keyboard etc14:53
pythonsnakeHow can I get KDE 4.7.1 ?14:53
KM0201ionite: if you can't get 3D to work, your best bet is either xubuntu or lubuntu... only reason i don't like xubuntu, is that window compositing does not work well, and made the GUI funny at times.14:53
Morfeus^ubottu, sorry14:53
ubottuIt's ok, I am only a bot so I cannot stay mad at you. For apologising to humans though, take a read of http://mdzlog.alcor.net/2009/07/20/on-apologies/14:53
qtxionite, yeah I saw that. If your not the DIY type that wants to open up the thing .... Still think that crappy little GPU should be OK. Maybe Ubuntus new UI is a hog?14:53
xanguapythonsnake: add the kde ppa14:53
xanguabackport or something like that is called14:54
KM0201qtx: lol, maybe?14:54
CyborgSmurfxangua: I need it to be able to play StarCraft on battlenet... Im not good at this so bare with me. It opens ports within a specific range. I need to add something to my router, I think...14:54
ioniteqtx: i think so too so i'm so lost now..14:54
qtxKM0201, is it? I stopped using Ubuntu at 10.10 when I first saw it.14:54
KM0201unity will be the downfall of Ubuntu if they don't get it back on track.14:54
KM0201qtx: it's a mess, it's why i stopped using ubuntu14:54
qtxionite give Mint a try. My mother could use that.14:54
htlmread watch youbue about them ...  IM telling u ice dint this and have it right now .. I see a 7-16% in changing a few things around and one being the gui14:55
KM0201qtx: but.. i do have faith that in a few releases, unity will probably be pretty good.14:55
KM0201Mint?.. gag.14:55
domedagenKM0201: Just look at the screenshots! No one should be stucked with this 201114:55
lotuspsychjeunity rox14:55
KM0201domedagen: that doesnt' make sense.14:55
* Sidewinder1 Hands KM0201 a hankie.14:55
KM0201a hankie?14:55
ioniteqtx:  what's mint support channe? i need a environment that has gd support and stable OS.14:56
Sidewinder1You gagged, didn't you?14:56
KM0201ionite: it's stable, but mint channels are not very active (i hang out there to help new users, even though i don't use it)..14:56
domedagenKM0201: It actually makes perfectly good sense. They haven't tried to make it look smooth14:56
KM0201how do you know that?14:56
qtxKM0201, I hear you on that. As a programmer it was not much of a workstation. Have Eclipse, emacs, DDD and like 10 terminals all open on the same time on that UI. lol .. not14:56
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KM0201real men use command line..lol (if only i could use a web browser..lol)14:57
irenicus09Anyone can help me fix this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/poedit/+bug/61353014:58
ubottuUbuntu bug 610975 in wxwidgets2.8 (Ubuntu Maverick) "duplicate for #613530 relocation error with latest wxwidgets2.8" [Medium,Triaged]14:58
KM0201since i started using linux on my server, i've gotten pretty good at command line.14:58
qtxionite, Yeah they should. I mean it is the 2ed most used Linux Desktop now. Lots of Ubuntu defectors moved to Mint14:58
* Sidewinder1 Begins his download with Kermit..14:58
ikoniairenicus09: it's a duplicate bug, work with people working on the master bug14:58
ioniteqtx: is it better for low end netbooks like mine? what's the difference from ubuntu?14:58
oCeanqtx, ionite Enough, this is not a discussion channel for various distributions (as I've said before), let's move back to support, ok?14:59
ioniteqtx: what's mint support channel? i need to make sure someone canhelp me though.14:59
oCean!mint | ionite14:59
ubottuionite: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org14:59
ikonia!mint | irenicus0914:59
ubottuirenicus09: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org14:59
ioniteoCean: i tried that channel but there's no one but me?14:59
oCeanionite: this channel cannot help you with that14:59
htlmionite LOL herds what you stand ... debian, puppy Linux  ,lubuntu ,meego ,xubuntu (stripped  down a bit)15:00
ikoniaionite: the channel is full, it's just not on freenode15:00
ioniteoCean: yes i know i tried that channel u gave me but no one is there>15:00
ioniteikonia: ?15:00
KM0201ikonia: it might be full, but nobody ever talks there.. thats the issue w/ it15:00
ikoniaionite: there IS, it's not on freenode, it's on irc.spotchat.org as the factoid says15:00
a4is there a way via command line on a shortcut that i can make the program open in fullscreen? (Ubuntu 11.04.)15:00
ikoniaKM0201: it's quite active, I'm in it15:00
KM0201ikonia: so am i15:01
domedagenionite: What ahppened to xubuntu?15:01
KM0201right now is an exception, the channel is usually dead15:01
ioniteikonia: oic.15:01
ionitedomedagen: honestly i really enjoy the support here in ubuntu but the environment is laggy for me.15:02
htlmwhat do you mean15:02
Stanley00a4: it depends on the prog, try run with --help to see if there is an option, or use wmctrl prog15:02
domedagenionite: But xubuntu drains no power15:02
pythonsnakewhat is kde pim ?15:02
ikoniapythonsnake: personal information management15:02
japroso i booted the livecd now, where would i look for boot error messages?15:02
pythonsnakeikonia: what is it for ?15:03
ikoniapythonsnake: http://community.kde.org/KDE_PIM15:03
pythonsnakemanaging personal info ?15:03
domedagenionite: You will likly have the same trouble with Linux Mint KDE/Gnome as you have with ubuntu Unity15:03
pythonsnakethanks for the link ikonia15:03
ikoniapythonsnake: you may want to try #kubuntu for kubuntu disucssion15:03
ikoniapythonsnake: more specialist people there15:03
ionitedomedagen: oh no... maybe i should just go back to windows? sighs.15:04
domedagenionite: NO! Aboslutly not15:04
KM0201no, you shouldn't just go back to windows... just over unity silliness15:04
pythonsnakeikonia: ok15:04
a4i ran --help on it (google chrome) in terminal and all it said is that there are hundreds of command line options for chrome that come and go but it doesnt list a single one Stanley0015:04
KM0201ionite: what are your system specs?15:04
htlmionite distros is what IM good at ....15:04
domedagenKM0201: HERESY!15:04
ikoniaionite: use whatever platform works best fo ryou. If that's windows, that's fine15:04
escottjapro, logs are in /var/log and dmesg15:05
domedagenionite: Actually, that's not fine15:05
ikoniadomedagen: yes, it IS - we do not tell people what to use15:05
ionitethe handshake between ubuntu evironments and my low end netbook is frustrating me out.. and windows is so screwed..15:05
KM0201ionite: what are the specs of your netbook.15:05
abysshi, i'd like to testing aireplay-ng, and when I try to send packet i get this error: wlan0 is on channel -1, but the AP uses channel 915:05
lotuspsychjemy netbook rox on unity15:06
domedagenionite: But you have only tried the heavy ones because we didn't understood you used Intel Atom15:06
abyssubuntu 11.04, 2.6.38-11-generic, Intel 4965/5xxx (wlan)15:06
abysshow can i fix it?15:06
outer_spaceis there a way to mount a remote ftp directory so it looks like a regular directory I can edit stuff in my text editor?15:06
ionitedomedagen: sighs... kde is too buggy. now ubuntu is laggy.15:06
domedagenikonia: Unless we can free a soul from being a slave of the Microsoft corporation15:06
ikoniadomedagen: no - not at all, please don't bad mouth microsoft,15:07
ikoniaionite: what OS came with the netbook ?15:07
outer_spacewhat is "too buggy" its relative15:07
KM0201domedagen: plus, he only has 1gig of ram, no wonder he's having an issue.15:07
ioniteikonia: netbook remix which was a discontinued product.. sighs.15:07
lotuspsychjeionite: domedagen sugested few times already to run classic without effects...doesnt that work out for you?15:07
ionitelotuspsychje: no. it's still slightly laggy.15:07
domedagenionite: KM0201 ikonia dont know anything about your specs dont listen to them15:07
outer_spacedebian might work better than ubuntu for 1gb ram, ubuntu likes more ram15:07
ActionParsnipionite: there is a PPA for it though15:08
outer_spaceI think theres a debian netbook version15:08
qinionite: xfce415:08
ikoniadomedagen: I've not suggested anything, just asked questions.15:08
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KM0201domedagen: i do know his specs, he sent them to me, what ar eyou talking about/15:08
ikoniaionite: what ubuntu versions have you tried ?15:08
Stanley00a4: do you need that much? if so install wmctrl and learn using that, i didnt use that before15:08
ActionParsnipon low resource systems use Lubuntu, its badass. Or even lighter, install ubuntu minimal, then install openbox15:08
outer_space1gb ram is the least of your problems, the display is tiny and the keyboard is all clacky15:09
domedagenKM0201: He has 2GB of RAK15:09
ioniteikonia: KDE, XFCE, LTS for both as well, Ubuntu is my current one15:09
pythonsnakewow! Kubuntu 11.04 is impressive!15:09
KM0201domedagen: the specs he sent me, says 1gig15:09
ionitei upraged my ram to 2gb15:09
obsessed_with_jeIs the netbook remix version of ubuntu supposed to be a joke? it's the most laggy and slow version ive ever installed, ubuntu runs faster on my netbook than the so called netbook-version15:09
abysshi, i'd like to testing aireplay-ng, and when I try to send packet i get this error: wlan0 is on channel -1, but the AP uses channel 9, ubuntu 11.04, 2.6.38-11-generic, Intel 4965/5xxx (wlan), how canI fix it?15:09
ActionParsnipobsessed_with_je: do you mean the one in Jaunty?15:09
Sidewinder1outer_space, I've been running ubuntu with only 1 GB of RAM, no problems, even with compiz cube, and many other apps running.15:09
KM0201well, he didn't tell me that.15:09
ActionParsnipSidewinder1: same15:09
japrook, so apparently X fails to start, what do i change the Driver to if the nvidia module falis? vesa?15:10
ikoniaionite: what was the issue with xubuntu from your point of view ?15:10
outer_spacemy ubuntu box takes up over 1gb ram after it boots up, but debian takes up 200mb15:10
ActionParsnipjapro: blacklist the nvidia driver and nouveau will load15:10
xanguaikonia: kicked by using kubuntu¿ o_O15:10
lotuspsychjeobsessed_with_je: some netbooks still sold with remix15:10
htlmionite   m.youtube.com/watch?desktop_uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DxSYxPYv5BTo&v=xSYxPYv5BTo&gl=US    this is about desktop environments and what you need to know15:10
domedagenKM0201: If you're specs says he has 1GB then maybe something went wrong with the installion of RAM, np?15:10
ActionParsnipouter_space: what are you loading at startup?15:10
ioniteikonia: lack of channel support which is so important to me as i'm such a nooob.15:10
tiagoHello guys, a small question: I got 11.10 Beta 2 running here and I would like to know if when it gets officially launched, the upgrade will be smooth or will be better to format and reinstall the new version?15:10
KM0201domedagen: i'm telling you the link he gave me... he just told me he upgraded it to 2gigs (which he didn't tell me before)15:10
outer_spacei dont know, usual ubuntu stuff, maybe a webserver too15:10
oCeantiago: Oneiric/11.10 is not yet released (still beta). Please join #ubuntu+1 for further support and discussion15:10
ikoniaionite: ok - so the actual distro was "ok" to you just the lack of support in the channel ?15:10
tiagook, thanks for the tip15:11
ActionParsnipouter_space: webserver will chew a lot of RAM. I have Kubuntu and samba, ssh, fatrat, transmission and KDE run and it's litle over 1Gb15:11
domedagenKM0201: What link was that?15:11
ioniteikonia: it's too plain too.15:11
KM0201domedagen: he PM'd it to me15:11
ikoniaionite: plain, could you expand a little on that please15:12
ActionParsnipouter_space: my LXDE desktop uses just under 300Mb15:12
ioniteikonia: i'm just looking for something slighltly more pretty as I'm a financial planner i need to show clients my research reports.15:12
ActionParsnipionite: LXDE?15:12
outer_spaceis there a good native way to mount a remote ftp directory before i start trying stuff15:12
ActionParsnipouter_space: nautilus can do it15:12
KM0201ionite: w/ your specs, you're not gonna have very much "pretty".... second, thats really an application issue, i doubt they're gonna care fi your desktop ha 3D while you're showing them docs15:13
outer_spaceyou should show them stuff from a webserver with jqplot or some nice javascript15:13
ikoniaionite: so is it the application you want to look more fancy, or the OS15:13
domedagenionite: What link did you send KM0201? You can ask xubuntu questions in here as long as you dont mention your using xubuntu15:13
outer_spacethen you can give your clients a user/pass to look at your charts hosted from your computer15:14
ikoniaionite: also there is the channel #xubuntu that support xubuntu spefcially, and has good users.15:14
ioniteikonia: just good HW sync with my blackberry, scanner.15:14
ikoniaionite: ok - you're not going to get blackberry sync,15:14
ikoniaionite: blackberry support with Linux is very very poor15:14
domedagenionite: Because if that link says you have 1GB and you think you have 2GB something is wrong15:14
ionitedomedagen:  i changed it to 2gb15:15
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ioniteikonia: sighs.15:15
ActionParsnipionite: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/wp-content/uploads/MoonOS.jpg  pretty enough :)15:15
KM0201domedagen: ar eyou typing just to hear yourself talk?.. he said he upgraded it15:15
ActionParsnip!away > jnix_detached15:15
ubottujnix_detached, please see my private message15:15
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lotuspsychjeActionParsnip: looks nice lol15:16
ionitethe very reason why i am still hanging on to ubuntu is because of this channel, the friendly users supportive help for me.15:16
ActionParsniplotuspsychje: lightweight too15:16
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ikoniaionite: be aware of #xubuntu - it is just as good, but specific to xubuntu15:16
lotuspsychjeActionParsnip: is that 1 ubuntu based?15:17
domedagenKM0201: Thought you meant a terminal print, but know I understand you mean something else15:17
ioniteso now.. i'm just so lost. so many OS.15:17
ionite*i mean environments.15:17
ActionParsniplotuspsychje: yes, but you can install Lubuntu and theme it up and get supported here15:17
tetsuo--hello, i am running ubuntu with 4 different user accounts, one of those users cannot access darkorbit.com, and the other 3 can, what could be causing this problem and how do i fix it??15:17
ikoniatetsuo--: 4 users at the same time (desktop)? or one at a time15:18
pythonsnakeHow to logout from command line ?15:18
domedagenionite: You cant use Blackberry Sync probably but you can use other services that work on linux15:18
KM0201Python1320: exit15:18
Stanley00pythonsnake: type exit or logout15:18
ikoniapythonsnake: the gui is it's own shell, you log out from the gui15:18
tetsuo--ikonia: each have their own desktop/sessions, it doesnt matter if all or just one are logged in15:18
pythonsnakeexit terminate terminal15:18
escottPython1320, gnome-session-quit to exit the gui15:18
ikoniatetsuo--: check the users session, proxy for example15:18
KM0201oh i thought he meant to close the terminal15:19
pythonsnakeescott: Thanks :)15:19
domedagenionite: What do you need to sync? Files or calander?15:19
ikoniaescott: he's using kde15:19
ionitedomedagen: yep.15:19
ionitebut i really appreciate all of ur help guys.15:19
pythonsnakeshould be something similar15:19
tetsuo--ikonia: it says direct internet connection for proxy15:19
ikoniapythonsnake: could be, but there doesn't have to be15:19
ikoniatetsuo--: what happens when he tries to visit the site15:20
Dinux17I have trouble with my DNS15:20
mang0With firefox on ubuntu, is there a way to play quicktime movies? I've got vlc installed, and mplayer, but I get "plugin missing" if I try to view a page with quicktime embedded on it...I can play them when they're downloaded though... :/15:20
tetsuo--ikonia: There is no site configured at this address. Server srv021059 | Host15:20
ikoniatetsuo--: that sounds like the site is down, or using a different address than the other users, and the other users are using a cached version15:21
xanguamang0: installed restricted extras¿15:21
Sidewinder1!flash | mang015:21
ubottumang0: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash15:21
domedagenionite: Calender could be Google Calender and files could be dropbox15:21
mang0Sidewinder1: I've got flash.15:21
mang0xangua: What're they?15:21
xanguawhat does flash has todo with quicktime videos¿15:21
tetsuo--ikonia: can i clear the local dns cache? i think its the other way around15:21
xanguaSidewinder1: (10:21:58) xangua: what does flash has todo with quicktime videos¿15:22
ikoniatetsuo--: do you run the local dns server ?15:22
tetsuo--ikonia: eg an account that never visited the site before got on it just now15:22
tetsuo--tetsuo--: all ubuntu defaults for networking15:22
kasi_how do I make 'service autofs stop' permanent? It starts up after every boot. There's no autofs in /etc/rc*.d15:22
tetsuo--ikonia: to you :P15:22
xanguamang0: incluide closed videocodecs15:22
ikoniatetsuo--: but do you control the local dns server ?15:22
htlmionite you want pretty desktop then got for the 3d effects  all distros have it, call compiz... but on a netbook be warn that the kde is nice , but must have some decent horsepower behind it.. it run properly...  or it will lock up on you nettop15:22
domedagenionite: Zoho could also be an alternative15:22
tetsuo--ikonia: if ubuntu comes with one and it is enabled by default then yes, i have root rights15:23
KM0201htlm: that's his issue no horsepower15:23
ikoniatetsuo--: no, it doesn't15:23
Sidewinder1mang0, xangua Probably nothin' 'twas just a suggestion.. Guess I've been on here way too long.. :-(15:23
domedagenKM0201: ?15:23
* mang0 puts Sidewinder1 to bed15:23
ikoniatetsuo--: if you don't control the local dns server, you'll just have to wait for the cache to expire15:23
ikoniatetsuo--: you could clear the browser cache if you think that's worth while15:23
tetsuo--ikonia: i know in windows dns queries get cached locally for a few days, and you use a dns purge command to get rid of them15:23
ikoniatetsuo--: works slightly different15:24
* Sidewinder1 Hiding in the corner, again.15:24
mang0xangua: I can play .mov through vlc when it's downloaded, but I can't seem to get it to work with firefox :C15:24
domedagenionite: What is your current status?15:24
* lotuspsychje throws cookies in the corner15:24
pythonsnakeDoes using DNS like google's one protect me and speed up my internet ?15:24
ionitedomedagen: i'm looking and reading up on all the myraids of environments. i'm now at jollicloud15:24
ikoniapythonsnake: no15:24
tetsuo--ikonia:  can you access the site? http://www.darkorbit.com/15:24
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ikoniatetsuo--: I can15:25
htlmmang0 get the vlc boswer plugin15:25
tetsuo--so it has to be local, clearning cache made no difference15:25
ikoniatetsuo--: it can still be remove,15:25
mang0htlm: It exists? I must google this >:)15:25
edbianpythonsnake: It makes things a bit faster (because google dns is very fast).  Protect you from what?15:25
ActionParsnippythonsnake: if it's closer, then yes15:25
escottpythonsnake, google claims it will be faster, and i do believe they try and prevent malicious sites from appearing in the dns, but just read on their webiste15:25
ikoniatetsuo--: on the user thats failing, type the following command in the terminal "nslookup www.darkorbit.com"15:25
ikoniatetsuo--: tell me what it returns15:25
ActionParsnippythonsnake: you can use namebench to test known DNS servers for speed15:26
tetsuo--Server: Address:  Non-authoritative answer: Name:www.darkorbit.com Address:
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tetsuo--ikonia: ^^^15:26
mang0htlm: Where is vlc stored? I can't see .vlc or .videolan?15:26
ikoniatetsuo--: ask the user to put in the browser, what does he get15:27
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htlmActionParsnip  font you ever sleep ?  or are you  a Linux zombie? ..)15:27
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tetsuo--ikonia: There is no site configured at this address. Server srv022081 | Host15:27
tknudsengood morning. is there a channel for ubuntu testing. My ISP (Comcast) curiously lets me download only 500M of files only with ubuntu and beta in the name.15:27
htlm(htlm) ActionParsnip  dont you ever sleep ?  or are you  a Linux zombie? ..) *15:27
tetsuo--ikonia: interestingly, a different srv number15:27
ikoniatetsuo--: ok - so it looks like it's a loadbalancer issue at the isp's end15:27
ActionParsniphtlm: I work 12 hour shifts, the an hour on the bus home, then chillin and sleeping. 4 days of that then 4 off where I pop in and out15:27
japrook, this is really starting to piss me off, i blacklisted nvidia and it gets stuck the same way just that the splash screen is messed up also15:28
jnixthat shold fix it heh15:28
ActionParsniphtlm: AndChat lets me IRC on my phone easily :)15:28
a4im trying to compile an application and it says it requires glib 2.6 or greater and that i dont have glib... How do i get it? sudo apt-get install glib was a no-go15:28
auronandacemang0: the .name folders in your home directory only contains settings files (not the application itself)15:28
tetsuo--ikonia: if you reload it a few times does it stop working for you at any reload?15:28
ActionParsnipjapro: blacklist nouveau too and you will use the nv driver15:28
htlmmang0 check to see if you install vlc and vlc plugins that go along with it15:28
ikoniatetsuo--: no, because it's cached in my browser the content15:29
mang0auronandace: Ah, I see. Am a linux noob :3. Where are the applications stored then?15:29
tetsuo--ikonia: ok, and you get the same ip adres?15:29
ikoniatetsuo--: totally, that's why I think it's a remote load balancer15:29
auronandacemang0: mostly /usr/bin/15:29
tknudsenis there a channel for ubuntu testing?15:29
auronandacemang0: some files are stored in /etc/ too15:30
pythonsnake#ubuntu+1 tknudsen15:30
mang0auronandace: Oh okay. Thanks :)15:30
tknudsentnx, python15:30
mang0htlm: Ah, have just installed the plugin ;)15:30
pythonsnaketknudsen: you15:30
pythonsnaketknudsen: yw15:30
tetsuo--ikonia: OK thanks, then i give up and will see what happens in 2 weeks when the DNS cert is supposed to expire15:30
Paulo39hello guys. a few days ago, my ubuntu crashed and i made a hard reset, then on the restarting it went to initramfs and was unable to mount all directories like you can see in this photo: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1890161/Imagens/ubuntuBootError.jpg15:30
japroActionParsnip, i assume the source of all this trouble is that i have cuda drivers installed and when it installed a new kernel it didn't automatically update the kernel module... but it seems unreasonable that i have to fix this by going through a live cd15:31
auronandace!programs | mang015:31
ionitethanks everyone for ur help!!! :)))15:31
Paulo39i tried do boot with the previous kernel, but i get the same error15:31
auronandace!software | mang015:31
ubottumang0: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents15:31
htlmmang0 you got what need?15:32
mang0Yeah, great! Thanks ;)15:32
ActionParsnipjapro: what are cube drivers?15:32
ActionParsnipjapro: cuda, sorry15:32
japroActionParsnip, nvidia drivers that you need for cuda development (running stuff on the gpu)15:33
jnixsorry bout that folks15:33
jnixdownloaded an irssi script and didn't bother to check first15:33
lotuspsychjecan a user set permission to his /home dir so root cant read content in folder?15:33
dr_willislotuspsychje: :  he could password protect/encrypt stuff. but  how yo15:34
ActionParsnipjapro: I see, not heard of that15:34
dr_willislotuspsychje:  but otherweise no15:34
Paulo39hello guys. a few days ago, my ubuntu crashed and i made a hard reset, then on the restarting it went to initramfs and was unable to mount all directories like you can see in this photo: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1890161/Imagens/ubuntuBootError.jpg15:34
ActionParsniplotuspsychje: root can do anything so I doubt it15:34
Paulo39i tried do boot with the previous kernel, but i get the same error15:34
lotuspsychjedr_willis: what about other users then root? can one set home dir to unreadable?15:34
edbianPaulo39: It's upside down15:34
dr_willislotuspsychje:  yes15:34
dr_willis!permissions | lotuspsychje15:35
ubottulotuspsychje: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions15:35
htlmmang0 did you get it to work15:35
megatr0nHi there15:35
ActionParsnipPaulo39: if you boot to liveCD then tell it to boot the first drive, does it boot?15:35
escottlotuspsychje, ecryptfs is part of the standard ubuntu install. just click the "encrypt the home directory" of course when you login you loop mount the encrypted system and root can read it then15:35
mang0htlm: Just checked it, ana apparantly not :(. The plugin installed, but it's just showing black where the video is supposed to go...15:35
megatr0nhey i'm gonna install the ubuntu 11.10,is that a good idea ? I mean is it bette than 10.04?15:35
Paulo39edbian: oh, sorry. if you download and open it, it will be right15:35
Gentoo64megatr0n, its not officially out yet so its in testing15:36
dr_willismegatr0n:  depedns on your needs.15:36
ActionParsnipmegatr0n: its in beta so venture at your own risk. support and questions in #ubuntu+115:36
edbianPaulo39: :P15:36
htlmmang0 up date it.15:36
mang0the browser or the plugin?15:36
Paulo39ActionParsnip: how do i tell it to boot the first drive when i'm in liveCd?15:36
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ActionParsnipmang0: keep it open a while, see if it starts15:37
ActionParsnipPaulo39: its before the CD starts, any ubuntu CD will do it]15:37
megatr0nI think i perfer 10.04 , i'm using it ,pretty good ,once i installed the 11.04,and after updated .it can't boot .15:37
htlmmang0 if I dint answer then I fell asleep been up to Kling must sleep15:37
Gentoo64megatr0n, if you like it then no need to update15:37
mang0ActionParsnip: Have done so, no result. I am looking to see if updates are availible15:38
mang0htlm: Okay, that's cool. Apparantly it's newest version...15:38
megatr0n<Gentoo64>It's right ,now i'm afraid of update15:38
RobinJ_help :| wwhen i boot from a usb drive there isn't a problem. but when i try to connect to my wireless network it seems to refuse the wpa key15:38
henningvisneed help with autentication ... I changed my password succesfully in root terminal but now I see it is still refering to a file that I do not know how to fix. I had Pam Face Recognition installed and removed that and now  iget this:henningvis@henningvis-Ubuntu:~$ sudo passwd root15:38
henningvis[sudo] password for henningvis:15:38
henningvissudo: pam_authenticate: Module is unknown15:38
henningvishenningvis@henningvis-Ubuntu:~$ sudo pam_authentication15:38
a4im trying to compile an application and it says it requires glib 2.6 or greater and that i dont have glib... How do i get it? sudo apt-get install glib was a no-go15:38
Gentoo64megatr0n, so many people have problems when upgrading. if its all fine theres no need at all theres nothing amazing in the newer ones15:38
htlmmang0 yes15:39
japrowell, it seems like the graphics driver isn't the problem... even with nv it just gets stuck int he splash screen15:39
dr_willishenningvis:  theres various -dev packages you need for the devlopment files to compile things15:39
megatr0n<RobinJ_> it does need15:39
dr_willisoops that was for a4  :)15:39
mang0htlm: Yes what? ;)15:39
japroif it at least would display some sort of error message15:39
dr_willisa4:  whats the program you are trying to compile?15:39
RobinJ_megatr0n: it does need... what?15:39
a4im trying to install the irssi IRC client dr_willis15:40
mang0htlm: GoToBed. I'm going to eat some dinner :)15:40
Gentoo64a4, is it not in software centre?15:40
mang0Thanks for your help!15:40
escott!info libglib2.0-0 | a415:40
ubottua4: libglib2.0-0 (source: glib2.0): The GLib library of C routines. In component main, is required. Version 2.28.6-0ubuntu1 (natty), package size 948 kB, installed size 2696 kB15:40
dr_willisa4:  You need one thats newer then the version in the repos?15:40
rkhshmis there a way to find out if there are disk faults?15:41
rkhshmon my builds I"m getting IO error15:41
japrofuck it, i'm gonna reinstall it15:41
dr_willisa4:  use sudo apt-get builddeps irssi   command   to pull in all needed developer files for it.15:41
dr_willisor was it build-deps15:41
a4I have a fully updated 11.04 dr_willis and its telling me i dont have glib period15:41
Hedgehog456Is the ubuntu-desktop package essential?15:41
escottrkhshm, disk-utility or smartmontools15:41
dr_willisa4:  the DEV files are not installed by default.15:41
oCeanjapro: control your language here, please15:41
escottrkhshm, the gui disk-utility is probably easier to use just click on the drive then on "SMART status"15:41
trident523rkhshm: if your drive has S.M.A.R.T you can use smartmontools15:42
dr_willisa4:  you will need to install several things to compile stuff besides just the 'build-essential' package.15:42
Sidewinder1rkhshm, "Disk Utility" under System-->Administration?15:42
rkhshmtrident523: yes i have S.M.A.R.T15:42
rkhshmits enabled15:42
japrooCean, ok, "screw this" then15:42
htlmmango the vlc media plugin for firefox15:42
StijnHHello. What is different with the ubuntu-11.04-alternate downloads?15:42
Paulo39ActionParsnip: i tried tell him to boot from hard disc (from LiveCD) and start and give me this error: The installer encountered an unrecouverable error. A desktop session will now be run so that you may investigate the problem or try installing again15:42
Gentoo64StijnH, some are basic installers for low ram15:42
trident523StijnH: they do not boot into a live enviroment. they offer a text baised installer, and alternative installs.15:43
xangua!alternate | StijnH15:43
a4according to terminal "builddeps" is an invalid operation dr_willis15:43
ubottuStijnH: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal15:43
StijnHThank you all.15:43
lotuspsychjeis it possible yet to move unity bar to bottom?15:44
dr_willisa4:  i said it may be build-deps. try tab completion :)15:44
megatr0n<RobinJ_>u mean u want to install from usb disk ,and update during the installation?15:44
dr_willismay be build-dep also.. not on a box to test right now15:44
dr_willisa4:  is theres some reason you need a newer version of irssi then whats in the repos?15:44
RobinJ_megatr0n: no, i mean i siumply cant connect to my WPA protected wireless network anymore. when i try to boot from a usb drive it works, but not from my current installation15:45
Gentoo64newer = better15:45
a4i guess i just forgot to check the repos before downloading it dr_willis.. build-dep worked thank you15:45
shawn_can someone help me? im kinda having trouble with realtek alc88815:45
shawn_it only plays through sub not the speakers15:45
henningvisany guru to help newby with  login authentication.. removed Pam Face authentication and now it does not want to accept my password:  i get this15:45
Gentoo64a4, you're better off doing it from ubuntu that way itll be maintained at least15:46
henningvishenningvis@henningvis-Ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get update15:46
henningvis[sudo] password for henningvis:15:46
henningvissudo: pam_authenticate: Module is unknown15:46
dr_willisa4:  i perfer weechat over irssi these days15:46
lotuspsychjeRobinJ: did you try on WEP?15:47
rkhshmtrident523: disk utility reports i have a few bad sectors.. would running a fdisk on it help or should i run a self assement on the fileystem and let it auto-clean?15:47
megatr0nHey , I'm here and i just want to say : days without windows is perfect ! I love ubuntu . awsome job !15:47
shawn_Can someone help me? zmy sound is coming through my subwoofer on the bottom on my laptop not the normal speakers15:47
a4ill try weechat too then dr_willis, is there any thing you know of off hand that i should get besides build-essential in order to compile in the future?15:47
qrqAre ubuntu  backports packages less stable?15:47
trident523rkhshm: I don't know much else about drive saftey, but I'd assume if it's hardware bad sectors your drive is failing.15:48
a4they arent fully tested yet qrq15:48
biopytehi, i cant boot  11.04  on my eepc 901 using a startup usb-stick, however, it boots nice on my lenovo t61.15:48
knightragehey guys... what's this mean? x server error on restart of machine. "(EE) RADEON(0): No modes." http://pastebin.com/NEqJc4E315:48
biopyte11.04 does not support eeepc 901?15:48
dr_willisa4:  totally depends on what you are compilign15:49
trident523rkhshm: you can scan and fix it, and it might just be OS based.15:49
qrqHow about proposed packages? :D15:49
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a4those are mostly beta versions qrq which are more so unstable then backports15:51
lotuspsychjebiopyte: what error u get on netbook?15:51
rkhshmtrident523: how do i do that.. Because I suspected a HD to be failing. now when i open disk-utility -> SMART DATA , i see i have 513 bad sectors and i see it reports saying.."Failure is a sign of imminent disk failure"15:51
a4i use backports without any problems so far qrq but I wouldnt used proposed15:52
escottrkhshm, there won't be a software fix. you need to order some new hardware15:52
rkhshmescott: unfortunately yes.. I figured it out.15:53
trident523rkhshm: backup first. then check out fsck.15:53
biopytelotuspsychje, no error, it just boots from the hdd, disregarding the BIOS setting to boot from the usb drive.15:53
biopyteno problem when booting on th et6115:54
japroso what is the proper way to handle non-ubuntu nvidia drivers in case the kernel gets updated?15:54
aztekany body know how to download video youtube in ubuntu?15:54
dr_willisjapro:  you will need to reinstall them by hand15:54
lotuspsychjebiopyte: what hd inside?15:54
shawn_what should be in the /etc/modules?15:55
lotuspsychjebiopyte: did you enable ahci in bios15:55
xanguaaztek: lots of addons for firefox to do that15:55
biopyteone moment, i check it out ...15:55
japrodr_willis, thx, next question, how do i set up grub to prompt me with what kernel to boot when i installed from livecd?15:55
megatr0ncould anyone can tell me how can i reset my keyboard shortcuts ? please15:56
shawn_What lines of coad should be in /etc/modules15:56
megatr0nI set a wrong keyboard shortcut . And now there's some problem with that ,but i don't know how to fix it .ds15:57
shawn_all it says is that there is gonna be kern names etc.. then below that says just lp15:57
shawn_and thats it15:57
escottjapro, for an installed system modify /etc/default/grub and rerun update-grub15:57
qrqUbuntu 8.04 Server is still updated?15:58
mang0I've got the VLC firefox plugin in hope that I can watch .mov's embedded into a web page. However, when I view a .mov now, I get a blank video area, whereas before I had "missing plugin" notification. Ideas?15:58
nilziehow do i remove a program i installed AND all of the dependencies it installed? i used apt-get15:59
pythonsnakeHow to generate passwords ?15:59
mang0nilzie: either sudo apt-get remove program_name15:59
megatr0n<nilzie>try apt-get remove xxx15:59
arooni-mobilehi folks; i started update manager then lost internet connection and now its stuck in the "Configuring flash-plugin installer" and its not downloading anything new15:59
=== bullet_ is now known as Guest62740
nilziethat just removes the program, not all of the extra stuff it installed15:59
mang0nilzie: Or open syanaptic package manager, locate the program, then right click > mark for complete removal or something16:00
Guest62740hello everyone. i'm trying to share inet through wi-fi on ubuntu 10.10 but it works only without encryption, how can i fix it?16:00
ujjainWhat do you guys recommend as backup software?16:00
qrqujjain remastersys clonezilla16:01
lotuspsychje!info dejadup16:01
ubottuPackage dejadup does not exist in natty16:01
ujjainI dislike clonezilla, it sux. I will check remastersys.16:02
megatr0ni want to know how to reset keyboard shortcuts ,can anyone help me ?16:02
biopytelotuspsychje, i solved it. had nothing to do with achi. there was an additonal menu for the boot sequene, i overlooked16:02
biopytethanks, anyway16:02
lotuspsychjebiopyte: cool, my netbook works flawless on natty here16:02
mang0So any ideas about my .mov problem?16:03
pythonsnakeHow to generate random numbers16:03
biopytegreat, i just want the plain vanilla gnome desktop16:03
lotuspsychjebiopyte: sounds nice16:03
biopytecan i change that at the login screen?16:03
bears8989this is a pretty simple question, I want to buy a cheap printer server and printer (color deskjet)  that works with ubuntu (has the support/drivers)- any suggestions?16:04
megatr0n<biopyte>hey what the version u r using16:04
xangua!hardware | bears898916:04
ubottubears8989: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection16:04
biopyteso, i'm running natty right now on my eee901 ...16:04
biopyteeverythng is fine16:04
megatr0n<biopyte>i mean ,if u r using 10.04 try this :sudo cp /usr/share/applications/gnome-appearance-properties.desktop /usr/share/gdm/autostart/LoginWindow16:05
biopytei will install it rightaway16:05
timetravelGood afternoon folks16:05
SIFTUbears8989: you are usually safe with HP printers/scanners.. my $70 has wored fine for years16:05
megatr0n<biopyte>then login out ,u can now change the login screen as u want16:06
biopytemegatr0n, gdm used to have a menu to select the desired desktop16:06
timetravelSIFTU > discussing hardware huh? What about TFT screens? Which has best support? Still got a crt here :|16:06
megatr0n<biopyte>yes ,but in 10.04 , u can't do that16:06
ujjainWhat drivers are commended for ATI 5770? The official drivers crash.16:06
JLuci have installed ubuntu as a dual boot along with windows716:07
JLucat first it worked fine16:07
megatr0n<biopyte> i don't like the newest version ,cause less thing i can change .16:07
JLucthen i switched off the computer16:07
SIFTUtimetravel: pretty much any monitor will work.. you sometimes get a little weirdness with TV resolutions16:07
JLucand when coming back16:07
JLuci couldnt boot on ubuntu again16:07
JLucall options fails16:07
JLuconly 7 works - at least16:08
biopyteyep, just the plain gnome desktop16:08
megatr0n<biopyte>in the old version before 10.04 ,u can change in the menu ,but after 10.04 , u can't do that anymore16:08
timetravelsiftu > with this old crt, i'm only getting 1024x760 .. :(16:08
Headcase_FargoneHi folks.  Need to know where mount point configuration for boot is stored.  I have two drives, /dev/sdb1 and /dev/sdc1 that are mounting as /media/Storage1 and /media/Storage2 respectively.  I can umount and re-mount them in reverse (the way I want them), but upon reboot they're back to the way they were originally.16:08
__Shawn__Hello, I boot the Ubuntu 10.04 Live CD but I can't activate wireless. It worked with 9.04. Can you help me to solve my problem ?16:08
JLucis there something i can do to recover ubuntu ?16:08
henningvisPleaze somebody...anybody--how do i reset logon authentication to default settings? it s currently calling for" henningvis-Ubuntu sudo: pam_sm_authenticate: Called"16:08
Headcase_FargoneBasically I want to make /dev/sdc1 default to /media/Storage1 and /dev/sdb1 default to /media/Storage216:08
SIFTUtimetravel: could be a number of things. GPU driver, or you have to input the resolutions manually..16:09
graingertJLuc: what do you see on grub?16:09
ActionParsnipJLuc: how did you install ubuntu? did you use Wubi? Did you resize your NTFS and install Ubuntu there?16:09
birvisHeadcase_Fargone, check /etc/fstab file16:09
JLuci resized ntdfs to free space and installed an iso16:09
JLucthen i upgraded what needed to and installed a couple of apps16:10
graingertJLuc: k what do you see when you get to grub?16:10
JLuci see options16:10
ActionParsnipJLuc: you can boot to liveCD and reinstate Grub2 there16:10
JLucubuntu failsafe16:10
megatr0n<biopyte>after changing ,u can use this command to ensure the menu won't appearce again: sudo unlink /usr/share/gdm/autostart/LoginWindow/gnome-appearance-properties.desktop16:10
graingertJLuc: okay so you can see the ubuntu option - can you boot that16:10
JLucand more from mageia previous install16:10
ActionParsnipJLuc: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/09/live-usb-sticking-grub-2-video/16:10
graingertJLuc: and press a key eg up on your dpad16:11
graingertActionParsnip: his grub is working16:11
JLucif i boot it brings a black screen16:11
graingertJLuc: do you get a splash?16:11
JLucsometime i get to a terminal16:11
shawn_can someone help me?... i downloaded gnome alsa mixer says my sound card is realtek alc888 but in the normal alsa mixer just says hda intel16:11
JLucno splash16:11
shawn_for my sound card16:11
graingertJLuc: try using nosplash and verbose kernel options16:11
JLuchow do i ?16:11
graingertJLuc: grub should give some help text on how to edit options16:11
JLuchmmm ok16:12
graingertthen replace the word quiet for verbose16:12
graingertand add nosplash just after verbose16:12
Headcase_Fargonebirvis, fstab did the trick.  Thanks mate16:12
JLuci shall try16:12
JLucor wait for the oniric16:12
megatr0n<JLuc>u mean u get a blank screen after boot ?16:12
shawn_can someone help me real quick?.16:12
graingertJLuc: google about for grub2 help16:12
JLucyes black16:12
graingert!question | shawn_16:12
ubottushawn_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:12
graingertJLuc: it's probably not something that will be fixed in oneric16:13
shawn_i did ask lol16:13
pythonsnakehow to remove rpeo16:13
megatr0n<JLuc>just open a terminal and try this : sudo rm -rfv /etc/x11/xorg.conf16:13
shawn_i just wanna know if its loading my sound module wrong16:13
graingertpythonsnake: ppa-purge16:13
shawn_says in gnome alsa mixer sound card realtek alc88816:13
shawn_but in the normal alsa mixer say hda intel16:13
graingert!patience | shawn_16:13
ubottushawn_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/16:13
JLuci'd prefer to avoid terminal hacks16:13
JLucthats why ubuntu16:14
graingertJLuc: that's unlikely to help16:14
graingertmegatr0n: we don't know if it's X yet16:14
graingertmegatr0n: and why -r on a file?16:14
JLucwhat would be the way to unistall as clean as possible the grup and start options16:14
JLucsi as to recover a clean state and start again16:15
shawn_can someone tell me why in gnome alsa mixer it says my sound card is realtek alc888 which is correct but in the normal alsa mixer it says hda intel??16:15
Boom_Farmershawn_: Do you get sound when you try to play music or a video?16:15
shawn_only subwoofer16:15
megatr0n<graingert>just a hobby :P i like force delete .16:15
JLuci think thats safe16:15
JLucclean uninstall grub i mean16:15
biopytemegatr0n, ok16:15
muzerohi there16:16
shawn_and i went to /etc/module it says its only loading lp which im not sure if thats correct due to im very new to ubuntu16:16
JLucok i got answers with google, sorry16:16
graingertanyone know where I can grab apt logs?16:16
graingert/var/log/apt contains tem and history both are empty16:16
__Shawn__can someone help me to activite wireless on ubuntu 10.04 ?16:16
megatr0n<biopyte> u mean got it ? succeed?16:16
Boom_Farmershawn_: It seems that the realtek ALC888 chip is integrated and part of the Intel HDA chipset.16:16
lotuspsychjehowto launch driver license test cdrom with run.exe in natty?16:16
zykotick9graingert, check /var/log/dpkg.log16:16
oCeanmegatr0n: -r has nothing to do with force delete, the -r means recursive and should be used very carefully16:16
shawn_Yeh but why am i only getting sound from only sub?16:16
escottshawn_, that is normal, most module loading is done on the fly by udev16:16
arooni-mobilewhats the best program to update dyndns.org of my new ip16:17
Boom_Farmershawn_: Probably because you're only getting one channel of output.16:17
Sidewinder1lotuspsychje, From wine, perhaps.16:17
shawn_is there away to change the channels?16:17
megatr0n<oCean>u r right !16:17
Boom_Farmershawn_: OPen up yuor volume control mixer applet, and check that all channels are unmuted.16:18
lotuspsychjeSidewinder1: anything like deamon tools for ubuntu could mount that ?16:18
megatr0n<oCean>i just check it ,u r right buddy !16:18
graingertzykotick9: that doesn't show what I am looking for, to be clear I am having this issue: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/85900416:18
ubottuUbuntu bug 859004 in Ubuntu "E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages." [Undecided,Incomplete]16:18
escottshawn_, if the sub is connected to a different jack than the speakers you might try the hda_analyzer tool. perhaps the output is being sent to the wrong jack16:18
shawn_well doesnt have channels just has master etc and there all on 100%16:18
Sidewinder1lotuspsychje, I've no clue; humblest apologies.16:18
JLucits very busy here16:18
JLucthanks and good bye16:19
lotuspsychjeSidewinder1: tnx anyway m816:19
escottshawn_, and yes your system is intel hda (which is a rather general standard) and the chipset is realtek16:19
vltHello. Is there a repository for fcdsl kernel modules? (fcdsl = Fritz!Card ISDN/DSL from AVM)16:19
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=== cannon|rdlBNC is now known as zsu
sosaitedOn a default install of Ubuntu 10.04 without any iptables frontend like Firestarter, are the incoming ports/connections ALLOWED by default???16:26
shawn_can someon ehelp me i dl'd hda analyzer.. this is what it says16:26
shawn_** (hda_analyzer.py:3136): WARNING **: column number is a boolean, but will be interpreted as an integer; this is likely not what you intended16:26
biopytemegatr0n, everythings fine, i just chose ubuntu classic from the login screen. thats it.16:27
lintyQuestion: Can I manage RackSpace Cloud instances/servers with Landscape?16:27
zykotick9sosaited, as Ubuntu doesn't have a firewall setup by default, everything is allowed by default16:29
Boom_FarmerAren't all ports masked from host scans, though?16:29
matzehallo leutz (=16:30
dr_willissosaited:  thers no default services by default..16:30
dr_willisnothing listening = nothing replies..16:30
samdsosaited: allowed if you have some service listening to the port16:30
shawn_** (hda_analyzer.py:3136): WARNING **: column number is a boolean, but will be interpreted as an integer; this is likely not what you intended16:30
sosaitedAnd if I have firestarter installed. It won't apply its rules until its gui runs?16:30
matzetsching tsching,ich bräuchte Hilfe bezügöich Xubuntu.... *umher gugg*16:30
dr_willisshawn_:  a bug in the program. just a warning.16:30
oCean!de | matze16:31
ubottumatze: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!16:31
dr_willissosaited:  I think they get applied at boot time. firestarter is just a tool to manage them16:31
lotuspsychjeSidewinder1: wine did the trick tnx16:32
sosaitedThough this is the biggest surprise I could have gotten. As I always heard (apparently misunderstood) that Linux had iptables which was a firewall (and consequently blocked any incoming stuff), and firestarter/ufw were just GUI to add your rules and monitor connections16:32
llutzsosaited: theres no need to block something incoming, if theres nothing listening.16:32
dr_willissosaited:  its never been stated it blocks by default.16:33
samdsosaited: thats right, iptables is the firewall built into the linux kernel and you can add rules (block/allow) ports using either ufw or firestarter, there's just no need to do that since you have no process listening by default16:33
dr_willissosaited:  windows takes a totally opposite type approach to firewalls.16:34
billet75I got this Error: cryptsetup: evms_activate is not available fresh install any ideas on how to resolve?16:34
dr_willisI just love playing a full screen game for a few hrs.. then exit. and seeing a windows 'allow this game through the firewall' dialog..  :) glad it wasent some nasty program16:35
sosaiteddr_willis, That is what I am confused about. A default Windows Xp with no firewall and a ubuntu default without any frontend to iptables are different from a security standpoint how?16:35
dr_willissosaited:  xp has serviecs listening by default. netbios for one..16:35
dr_willissosaited:  also windows firewalling is often about blocking stuff from going Out..16:35
dr_willisie: malware that may infect the rest of the lan.16:36
sosaiteddr_willis, Hmm. Thank you.16:36
dr_willisthe various iptables docs/guides/tutoals are worth a read. if interested.16:36
dr_willisi rarely use the firewall features of windows or linux.16:36
KIAazeis XP vulnerable by default because of netbios?16:37
KIAazehow big of a risk is netbios?16:37
dr_willisKIAaze:  i think its been patched up now a days. there were some exploits on it ages ago16:37
ActionParsnipKIAaze: if you don't use it, disable it16:37
SIFTUany service listening on any OS is a potentential security risk16:37
dr_willisKIAaze:  the 'shields up' web site had some info on the topic i recall.. ages ago.16:37
irv___join #diaspora16:38
KIAazeis netbios similar to telnel or ssh? i.e. for remote access?16:38
dr_willisKIAaze:  its samba :)  how windows does shares.16:38
KIAazeah ok. :)16:38
dr_willisport # err.. i forget. :)16:38
lintydoes anyone use Canonicals Landscape Project?16:39
=== iradnik is now known as Kindari
Boom_Farmerirv___: Can they help me with setting up tun/tap network interfaces so that I can talk to a Diaspora pod running in a VM on the computer that I am trying to access it from?16:42
dr_willisBoom_Farmer:  what VM?16:44
Boom_Farmerdr_willis: QEMU, using the AQEMU GUI, and a 10.04 host and VM.16:44
dr_willissomthing ive not used befor. I just toy with vbox.16:45
Boom_FarmerWould you recommend virtualbox for this application? Is it easier to set up a tun/tap interface using vbox?16:45
dr_willisI jist normally set vbox where the guest machines show up on my lan as  a real machine would. same ip range.16:47
dr_willisie:   and  so on. :) i forget what setting is called in the network settings in vbox.16:47
dr_willisthen my router or whatever can port forward to that ip#16:47
Boom_FarmerAh, see, i don't have access to the router, and would not want it in any case.16:48
dr_willisif you are not comming in from the internet.  thenyou wouldnt need to mess with the router.16:48
Boom_FarmerI'm just trying to talk to the guest from the host, accessing an HTTP server there.16:49
timetravelnoob question: if my Windows in Vbox runs spyware, will Vbox & iptables just let all that spy-traffic through?16:49
Boom_Farmerubottu: !bot | webchatterr16:49
ubottuwebchatterr: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots16:49
dr_willisBoom_Farmer:   should work in vbox. but no idea about tun and stuff. ive never needed to mess with them in vbox.16:49
a4dr_willis i installed weechat but it wont open via terminal and i dont see it in my applications list :\16:50
neil_mvbox for the win16:50
dr_willistimetravel:  by default vbox is on its own private lan. but yes. it could send naughty stuff out to the internet.16:50
Boom_FarmerBut you were connecting to the VM buy going from your computer through the router back to your computer and into the VM. I want to cut the router step out.16:50
dr_willisa4:  weechat(tab)   to get its name16:50
dr_willisa4:  it dosent have a menu item. and you will want to check its docs/guides16:50
Boom_Farmera4: try running which weechat, then running one of those files.16:51
timetravel@drWillis > So IPtables just opens outgoign ports whenever an application asks for it?16:51
dr_willistimetravel:  they are not closed to begin with.. so thats not correct.16:51
dr_willisan app opens a port..  befor that - the port is not open or closed.. its a blank wall. Not a locked or closed or open door. :)16:51
dr_willisi think thats a good metaphore.16:52
Boom_FarmerHokay, breakfasttime.16:52
timetravelso: everythign goes out, nothing is listening to incoming stuff?16:52
dr_willistheres no default rules on outgoing traffic that im aware of.16:52
Sidewinder1timetravel, Sounds like my bank account.16:52
dr_willisyou install the ssh server. you dont need to do anything to allow it out.16:53
timetravelwhy are you mentioning ssh server?16:53
dr_willisas an example service16:54
timetravelah ok16:54
webchatterrBoom_Farmer: how to know package info using ubottu16:54
dr_willisgiven ssh is perhaps the most common service installed on a box by most people. :)16:54
webchatterrubottu: help16:54
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:54
a4eh so are there any programs that will automatically organize ubuntus desktop?16:54
dr_williswebchatterr:  do a /msg ubottu  help16:55
dr_willisa4:  organize in what way?16:55
a4say i delete a file the files behind it automatically close the gap left from the deleted file dr_willis, much like wind0ze16:56
pythonsnakerosalinda is spamming porn16:56
Sidewinder1webchatterr, Or, perhaps better yet, open a dialog window with ubottu, but please don't abuse her. :D16:56
pythonsnake/ignore rosalinda16:56
pythonsnakeIdleOne: thanks16:56
oCeanpythonsnake: please report such issues in #ubuntu-ops16:56
timetravelDrWillis > Sosaito mentioned earlier Firestarter .. if I install that, will it change my FW rules? (like windows FW's do) or will it just be a gui and do nothing until i make changes?16:57
dr_willisa4:  behind it? behind what?  the file manager icons auto -rearange for me as i delete things.. the desktop icons have settings for that  i recall.. i dont put icons on my desktop much any more. :)16:57
dr_willistimetravel:  if you make rules.. it will.16:57
pythonsnakeoCean: ok16:57
dr_willistimetravel:  it does nothng by default that ieve ever seen16:57
timetravelgreat :)16:57
a4the default desktop on 11.04 leaves your files where they were originally placed unless you right click then press organize16:57
a4dr_willis ^16:57
timetravelIs taht the FW-gui you would recommend? Or is there another one i should check?16:58
dr_willistimetravel:  rember windows does the opposite approace blocks and nags by default on a per app basis.. Linux fw's do not work on a per app basis. but on a per-PORT basis16:58
dr_willistimetravel:  it all depends on your needs.16:58
dr_willisa4:  thats a feature... :)16:58
a4its a "feature" i dont want dr_willis, it makes my desktop a mess16:59
timetravelmy needs are: a gui that a noob understands, but not something that will makes automatic changes16:59
zs1otbi have a jack server error in ubuntu 11.04. "Cannot lock down memory..." any ideas16:59
dr_willisa4:  thers prob some way to make them auto arange. but its not somthign ive ever bothered with. or wanted.. and it will be a moot point when gnome-3 and unity replace gnome2 i imagine. You may want to check the gnome forums and askubuntu.com to see if theres a way to auto-arange icons17:00
dr_willisicons on the desktop = a mess. :)17:00
dr_willisgotta love sitting down at a friends windows machine and they have 200 icons on their desktop..17:00
a4i saw it mentioned on ubuntu brainstorm but there werent any responses or votes for it -_-17:00
c-beamsI'm trying to create an image of a 1TB hard drive. using both dd (with various bs settings) and partclone, they start fast and get continuously slower. why is this? how can i fix it?17:01
zs1otbi have a jack server error in ubuntu 11.04. "Cannot lock down memory..." any ideas17:01
ghabitHello. Explain me please what actually means 'proposed' updates?17:01
dr_willisc-beams:  monitor dmesg output as they work.. there could be some bad parts of the hd they are having to re-read17:01
a4i use the desktop so i can keep my panels clean plus its harder to use panel icons since im on a laptop with no mouse so its more difficult to get the pointer over them, and im not a big fan of menus or using terminal unless its for actual commands17:01
arjunhey all, what do i need to do before installing a sound card17:02
=== arjun is now known as A_J
c-beamsdr_willis, could you give me more detailed instructions please?17:02
zs1otbGood day all. I have an error connecting to the jack server in ubuntu 11.04. Any person will some help?17:03
A_Jhey all, what do i need to do before installing a sound card17:03
henningvishow do i reset  default login authority .... I messed around with Beta program,  removed it and now I get this:Sep 25 18:55:04 henningvis-Ubuntu gdm-session-worker[1412]: pam_unix(gdm-autologin:session): session opened for user henningvis by (uid=0)17:03
henningvisSep 25 18:55:04 henningvis-Ubuntu gdm-session-worker[1412]: pam_ck_connector(gdm-autologin:session): nox11 mode, ignoring PAM_TTY :017:03
henningvisSep 25 18:55:06 henningvis-Ubuntu polkitd(authority=local): Registered Authentication Agent for unix-session:/org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Session2 (system bus name :1.31 [/usr/lib/policykit-1-gnome/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1], object path /org/gnome/PolicyKit1/AuthenticationAgent, locale en_ZA.UTF-8)17:03
henningvisSep 25 18:55:06 henningvis-Ubuntu dbus-daemon: [system] Rejected send message, 2 matched rules; type="method_return", sender=":1.8" (uid=0 pid=964 comm="/usr/sbin/bluetoothd --udev ") interface="(unset)" member="(unset)" error name="(unset)" requested_reply=0 destination=":1.36" (uid=1000 pid=1635 comm="bluetooth-applet "))17:03
FloodBot1henningvis: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:03
a4is ubuntu going to switch to gnome3 with v11.10 dr_willis?17:04
dr_willisc-beams:  see what 'dmesg' says in the terminal when it slows down.17:04
dr_willisa4:  it  has unity by default. and gnome-shell  in the repos... both run on top of gnome-317:04
A_Jdr_willis: can you look at my question, it's a simple one17:05
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c-beamsdr_willis, it is getting slower all the time17:05
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Sidewinder1!pastebinit > henningvis17:05
ubottuhenningvis, please see my private message17:05
a4so ubuntu 11.04 is already using gnome3?17:05
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zs1otbGood day all. I have an error connecting to the jack server in ubuntu 11.04. Any person will some help? Error says "cannot lock down memory area (cannot allocate memory)17:05
timetravela4 > nope17:05
* Sidewinder1 Sighs..17:05
Mikey^a4: Ubuntu ueses unity17:05
ubunutu_fu_ckerhey SterniX17:06
marcus--my eth0 and eth1 keeps swapping when PXE booting with NFS root, so the mount fails.17:06
dr_willisunity runs on top of gnome. :)17:06
SterniXhey ubunutu_fu_cker17:06
Mikey^dr_willis: yes17:06
=== ubunutu_fu_cker is now known as looser
a4im not using unity im using classic so im using gnome2? or gnome3?17:06
KindariHow would I check that an additional ipv6 address is loaded and ready to use? after performing "ip addr add 2600:3c01::20:5000/64 dev eth0" I tried pinging the address and got nothing.17:06
SterniXhow are u looser17:06
A_Jhey all, what do i need to do before installing a sound card. Just Pop it in ?17:06
dr_willisI thought 11.04 was using gnome-3 in part.17:06
dr_willisbut not gnome-shell.17:06
looserhow to turn off a pc that runs ubnutu 12?17:06
dr_willisim on the beta now. :) so it dosent matter to me much17:07
zs1otbA_ as far as I am aware yes just pop it in17:07
benoliver999A-J, yeah17:07
A_Jok ty zs1otb17:07
dr_willislooser:  shutdown command,  or the various menu items.. is one way17:07
looserIf you're in trouble he will save the day17:07
* A_J will brb after restart17:07
looserHe's brave and he's fearless come what may17:07
A_Jthanks all17:07
looserWithout him the mission would go astray17:07
looser 17:07
IdleOne!ot > looser17:07
ubottulooser, please see my private message17:07
henningvishow can i reset login authentication ...after i deleted a program it does not accept my password : I get this http://paste.ubuntu.com/696763/17:08
ActionParsniplooser: ubuntu 12?17:09
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pythonsnakelots of ban over there17:09
=== Jasonn|NotHere is now known as Jasonn
occam1Hi! I am writing a server program (using C) that executes a script when the client asks for it, but I am not sure how to do to see the exit of that execution in the client side or, at least, to know if the execution was successful or not.. any ideas??17:09
oCeanpythonsnake: stop the random/offtopic comments, you know that17:09
pythonsnakeoCean: sorry17:09
SterniXwhat is the new release of Ubuntu17:10
SterniXand where can i get one?17:10
Mikey^occam1: #C, maybe17:10
occam1can I redirect the script's output to a socket or something like that??17:10
oCeanSterniX: Oneiric/11.10 is not yet released (still beta). Please join #ubuntu+1 for further support and discussion17:10
pythonsnake!give SterniX 11.0417:10
ubottupythonsnake: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:10
pythonsnake!11.10 | SterniX17:10
henningvisnobody for help with authentication .please this is my 4th attemp17:10
ubottuSterniX: Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu.  Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+117:10
dr_willisSterniX:  if you have to ask.. you should not be usiong the beta version i imagine. :)17:11
CanadianPirateWhats the command to change the mac address using ifconfig?17:12
SterniXbeta version of what?!17:12
dr_willishenningvis:  have you tried somthing basic like booting a live cd, chrooting in, and reinstalling ubuntu-desktop package?17:12
pythonsnakehow to connect konversation to my ssh weechat ?17:13
oCeanSterniX: you asked about the new Ubuntu release. Latest stable is 11.04, the 11.10 is still beta17:13
henningvisdr willis it refers to pan-unix when i authenticate not unix17:13
SterniXaha 11.0417:13
dr_willispythonsnake:  weechat is an irssi client.. and i thought konversation was also.. you dont normally connect the 217:13
SterniXthats a 0.6 increment17:13
dr_willishenningvis:  no idea on it. but if you removed somthing.. and it removed other stuff.. reinstalling 'ubuntu-desktop' should pull back in  the needed packages.17:14
pythonsnakedr_willis: so how to connect weechat to my ssh weechat ?17:14
dr_willisSterniX:  version # is the date.17:14
henningviscommand line for that please17:14
cProgHi all17:14
dr_willispythonsnake:  never needed to. or wanted to do that. I just use screen and connect to a single running weechat instance.. or use znc and have all irc clients connect to the znc server.17:14
quqwertygreat, I've only installed xchat and now I'm here17:14
SterniXthanx dr_willis i just found something nu17:14
ActionParsnipSterniX: natty is current stable, Oneiric is current Beta17:15
henningvisdr_willis can you give me a command line to reinstall ubuntu-desktop?17:15
Sidewinder1SterniX, This explains a lot: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_%28operating_system%2917:15
dr_willistoo late. :)17:16
pythonsnakeBTW, iwhat is the best bouncer ?!17:16
Mikey^henningvis: apt-get reinstall ubuntu-desktop17:16
dr_willispythonsnake:  depends on your needs. I only use znc17:16
Mikey^henningvis: use sudo before apt-get17:16
pythonsnakedr_willis: my needs is to connect to it safely17:16
pythonsnakeand performance17:16
cProgMy front microphone is not working. Anyone can help me to fix that problem? Thanks. I run ubuntu 10.04.3 LTS, and I have followed these instructions in vain: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshootingProcedure17:16
The_BROSWhat Visual Assistance for? Can I delete it from startup applications?17:17
dr_willispythonsnake:  check the znc docs I guess...17:17
pythonsnakedr_willis: ok thanks17:17
dr_willisall my irc clients connect to my znc server via dyndns :)17:17
dr_willisso i can irc from my phone, come home, and be on the same channels and so on. You guys never see me leave.17:17
Mikey^The_BROS: yes you can, unless you need applications like magnifaction etc.17:18
dr_willisgo upstairs.. or down.. irc chennals are all the same. :) znc is handy17:18
timetravelwe will think you're crazy17:18
c-beamsI'm trying to create an image of a 1TB hard drive. using both dd (with various bs settings) and partclone, they start fast and get continuously slower by 0.07MB/min every second (approx). why is this? how can i fix it?17:18
dr_willisc-beams:  you saw no error messages in the dmesg logs?17:18
ActionParsnipc-beams: look into the bs option17:18
Mikey^c-beams: maybe you can use the block size option17:18
dr_willisc-beams:  whats the exact dd line you are using?17:18
The_BROSMikey^: thanx17:19
dr_willisc-beams:  if you use the ddrescue command (or was it dd_rescue) with the logging option. it can start from whhere it left off also. :)17:19
pythonsnakedr_willis: nice17:20
c-beamsdd bs=16M if=/dev/sdb of=./backup.img17:20
The_BROSMikey^: What services can I delete as well which are not nesesery?17:20
Mikey^c-beams: then it should write at 16 MB/s17:20
Mikey^The_BROS: the ones you dont need...17:21
dr_willisc-beams:  how big is that hd you are imageing anyway?17:21
Mikey^The_BROS: Each one has a comment about it17:21
dr_willisisent 16mb a bit big for a BS option? i thought i read ages ago that anything over  a few K was overkill and could slow things down.17:22
cProgIRC Council: Hi17:24
The_BROSAnybody knows about integration of Google docs into Ubunto or about syncronisation with tomboy?17:24
dr_willissyncing what with tomboy?17:25
The_BROSdr_willis: google docs17:27
dr_willistomboy just has its notes.. so i dont see how that would work. You could store stuff on your ubuntu one account i guess..17:27
dr_willistomboy is so handy. but gets overlooked. :( - same with ubuntu one.17:28
zs1otbdr_willis do you have any knowledge on JACK server in Ubuntu 11.04?17:29
dr_williszs1otb:  nope. never needed to use it.17:29
dr_willistheres some wiki pages on it i recall.. but wheni read up on it.. it had me all confused. :) im not even sure what it does exactly.17:30
zs1otbok thanks... is there anybody here that knows jack server?17:30
dr_willis'lets you do nifty sound stuff' :)17:30
The_BROSdr_willis: I m using dropbox17:30
dr_williswell night all..17:30
=== marc is now known as Guest60450
ActionParsnipdr_willis: dude, get tomdroid on your phone. Its read only but dead handy17:34
alphebHi all! I've touble to migrate from 10.10 to 11.04. The do-release-upgrade fail with "E:Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages."17:37
ActionParsnipalpheb: can you run:  lsb_release -a; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade    and pastebin the output please17:38
alphebActionParsnip: ok17:38
ubottuanother contentless ping... sigh...17:38
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pythonsnake_Anyone receive me ?17:38
pythonsnake_Oh cool17:39
pythonsnake_dr_willis: It works !17:39
pythonsnake_ZNC is great!17:39
pythonsnake_well sorry for offtopic comments again..17:39
alphebActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/696783/17:39
le0n1da5hello eveyone17:40
le0n1da5i have a problem with  HDA Intel Intel G45 DEVIBX, i can here music but i can't use my mic17:41
Guest97585speak spanish17:41
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:41
le0n1da5 problema con HDA Intel Intel G45 DEVIBX, tengo buena salida de sonido, pero el mic me tira solo interferencia y no me reproduce mi voz ni en el grabador de sonidos17:41
ActionParsnipalpheb: ok now retry the upgrade, see if its ok17:41
The_BROSGive me an advise where I can find News Radio playlists for Banshee?17:42
ActionParsniple0n1da5: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh; chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh; ./alsa-info.sh17:42
alphebActionParsnip: ok17:43
=== pythonsnake_ is now known as pythonsnake
le0n1da5permiso denegado17:44
ActionParsnipalpheb: you may need to edit /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades and set Prompt=normal17:44
ActionParsniple0n1da5: run:  cd     first, then execute it17:45
le0n1da5*ActionParsnip acces dnied17:45
s0126hdoes EXT4 use MBR or GPT or it can use both17:46
llutzs0126h: what does the type of a partition-table have to do with a filesystem?17:47
le0n1da5sorry but i don't understund17:47
ActionParsniple0n1da5: try: cd; wget http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8850924/alsa-info.sh; chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh; ./alsa-info.sh17:48
alphebActionParsnip: Same result. I try with the Prompt=normal option17:50
ActionParsnipalpheb: cool, there may be: Prompt=lts   in there, change that line17:50
alphebActionParsnip: No. It's already set at normal17:51
guest32-093e-when i try to update i get a error17:51
=== pythonsnake is now known as Incognito
ActionParsnipalpheb: what release are you upgrading to again, sorry17:51
henningviswhat the terminal command line when loggen in as root to COMPLETELY remove a package : I want to get rid of PAM... dr_willis not even sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktp worked17:52
Bizzehhi, im using useradd -b /home/a/m amcs, the user is created, but the home dir of /home/a/m/amcs isnt created, can anyone tell me what im doing wrong17:52
rwwBizzeh: using useradd instead of adduser. See the manpages.17:52
=== Incognito is now known as pythonsnake
rww"useradd is a low level utility for adding users. On Debian, administrators should usually use adduser(8) instead."17:53
=== jnix is now known as jnix_away
=== jnix_away is now known as jnix
mikeypizanotrying to get ubuntu to boot on an old toshiba 1135, and every one i try wont work17:54
HenriquezHi, Does anyone know where to find the correct ubuntu huawei U8160 driver17:54
mikeypizanoeither get a blank screen with blinking cursor, or get dropped into busybox shell17:55
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mdskygood evening everybody17:55
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=== pythondnskr is now known as pythonsnake
CanadianPirateIs not being able to change a mac address using macchanger or ifconfig a driver issue? (I could change it when it was using a different driver)17:56
=== shaman is now known as Guest73467
Bizzehrww: thanks for that adduser --system is what i was looking for17:56
shawn_http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1849930 view this topic please so u can help me with my sound problem17:56
Bizzehrww: is there anything that would allow me to set the users password on the commandline, i.e. "passwd username password"17:56
Gentoo64passwd username17:57
BizzehGentoo64: on the command line, not via program input17:57
shawn_http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1849930 please check this post out and see if u can help me with my sound problem please.17:57
pythonsnakeikonia: I'm sorry, I was just testing something.. will part now17:57
rwwBizzeh: no idea17:57
HenriquezBizzeh >" sudo passwd (username)17:58
BizzehGentoo64: that isnt specifying the password in the command line, thats specifying it within the program, as you are asked for the password after you press enter17:58
BizzehHenriquez: again, the password must be specified on the command its self, not within the program, passwd will not do17:58
Gentoo64Bizzeh, i dont get what you mean. so its asking you to set a password?17:59
Slurpee<Slurpee> "Places -> Connect to Server" is now loading my connections in firefox, it used to load in Nautilus. Any idea how to ditch firefox for "connect to server"?17:59
th0rGentoo64:  he wants to do it in a script, without user input17:59
Gentoo64ah ok17:59
BizzehGentoo64: i want to be able to use the command line to specify a password... ie. no user input17:59
llutzBizzeh: "echo "password:name" | chpasswd"18:00
cnzwhen Im runing chmod 655 filename it's not changing the permissions on that file18:00
CanadianPirateWhat do these lines in a wireless pci card driver mean:18:00
CanadianPirate#Support to show the MAC address without bring up interface.18:00
cnzno matter what I set the permissions to it's not changing18:00
llutzBizzeh: echo -e "password\password" | (passwd --stdin $USER)18:00
HenriquezDoes anyone know is there are ubuntu drivers for the huawei U8160? Tried google but cannot find it18:01
th0rBizzeh: looks like chpasswd is what you want18:01
shawn_http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1849930 can someone view my topic on the fourms and review my information and see if theres anything wrong with my sound18:01
Gentoo64CanadianPirate, im guessing so it can tell the mac without bringint the if up18:01
shawn_only playing from sub not main speakers18:01
Gentoo64CanadianPirate, how come you need to chnage the mac?18:01
amin`the xmobar config is ~/.xmobarrc what is the config file for dzen and where?18:02
CanadianPirateGentoo61 I have my reasons. If I change it to n will I be able to change the mac?18:02
Gentoo64i dont know18:02
CanadianPirateI am going to try anyway.18:03
cnzanyone k now why im not able to set permissions with chmod18:03
cnzeven as root18:03
Coreycnz: What error do you get?18:04
llutzcnz: on what filesystem?18:04
shawn_can someone help me with my sound problem?  the sound is coming form underneath my laptop (subwoofer) and not main speakers18:04
cnzllutz: ext418:04
callaghanHi, is there a way to use my ATI HD2600 graphics card for video decoding? On my other system I have a Nvidia, I just select vdpau in the preferences of smplayer. Is there someting similar for ATI? Thanks18:04
Gentoo64callaghan, i think choose gl18:04
cnzI even change it in properties it just resets18:04
Amdpchi..When I start my laptop,a notification says " The battery might be broken".Does anyone know hoe to avoid this notification ?18:05
ActionParsnipAmdpc: is it before grub loads?18:05
Maartenreplace the battery? ;)18:05
ActionParsnipshawn_: run: alsamixer   are all levels unmuted and cranked?18:05
shawn_more info18:06
FloodBot1shawn_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:06
cnzCorey: I get no errors it just doesn't take18:06
shawn_i used hda analyzer also18:06
shawn_didnt wanna mess with anything18:06
AmdpcActionParsnip : No . When I my ubuntu starts up..ie after I enter my login password.18:06
shawn_because im ver new to xubuntu18:07
bastidrazor!enter | shawn_18:07
ActionParsnipshawn_: can you give the url generated by: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh; chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh; ./alsa-info.sh18:07
ubottushawn_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:07
callaghanGentoo64: I tried that, but cpu load stays high and video stutters... I have the fglrx driver installed. Since I found no solution via google, I think there might be no easy way ;)18:07
Coreycnz: You mounted read-only?18:07
Gentoo64callaghan, no idea about ati. try xv or the other vos18:07
cnzIshouldn't be18:07
ActionParsnipAmdpc: read through:  dmesg | less      it may give clues18:07
callaghanGentoo64: OK, I'll try everything in the list, thx18:08
Coreycnz: Find out? :-)18:09
=== Cam_ is now known as Cam
cnzwell I can create files18:09
cnzwrite what ever to the drive18:09
Coreycnz: And what's the chmod command that isn't working?18:10
cnzchmod permissions filename18:10
AmdpcActionParsnip : Thanks :)18:10
qrqHow pack files in deb?18:10
Coreycnz: Can you pastebin the output of the following:  touch testfile; chmod 400 testfile; ls -al testfile18:11
StijnHHello. I've tried the command-line install from the alternative CD twice, and both times after installation I end up with just a blinking cursor. This is with VMware Player 3.1.418:11
cnzsure Corey18:11
ActionParsnipshawn_: i'd add the text from the generated link to your forum18:11
shawn_on ubuntu fourm?18:12
qrq I edited deb file18:12
qrqAnd now I want to pack it again18:12
cnzCorey: http://pastebin.com/Kc8QGvh218:12
Coreycnz: That ain't right.  What does "mount" say?  Pastebin again plz.18:13
cnzCorey: mount for what?18:13
llutzcnz: just "mount"18:14
cnz /dev/sdb1 on /media/Datastore1 type fuseblk (rw,nosuid,nodev,allow_other,blksize=4096,default_permissions)18:15
Coreycnz: Yeah, I don't need you to pass any flags to the command. :-)18:15
llutzcnz: thats a fuse-fs not ext418:15
shawn_can someone help me with my sound prob? i can provide info scrip18:16
ActionParsnipshawn_: try: options snd-hda-intel model=targa-dig-8ch    in /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf  and reboot, may help18:16
ActionParsnipshawn_: you need to find the option to make yours work18:16
Coreycnz: Seems like a known issue, sorta.  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/39205618:16
ubottuUbuntu bug 392056 in Ubuntu "chmod not working on other drives" [Undecided,Expired]18:16
cnzllutz: yeah my bad I was thinking my internal drive is ex4 not my external18:16
cnzCorey: oh ok, thanks for the help18:17
=== Rodrigo1 is now known as Rodrigo1_Ausente
alazyworkaholicI use x64. I'm having trouble with a program that wants to use 32 bit libs. I got the 32 bit lib version & would symlink to it but in /usr/lib I have the x64 version & want other programs to use the x64 version. What can I do to make only a specific program that calls libavformat.so go to the 32 bit lib while others use the x64 version?18:19
Coreyalazyworkaholic: ldd "binaryfile" should show what it's linked against.18:20
shawn_didnt work18:21
alazyworkaholicCorey: I get a bunch of not founds.18:21
zykotick9alazyworkaholic, check out the getlibs script to install 32bit libraries on 64bit OS18:22
Coreyalazyworkaholic: There's the problem. Where did you get this binary from?18:22
alazyworkaholicCorey: Is there any way I can change what this program links to? It's the X3 game from Linux Game Publishing.18:22
alazyworkaholiczykotick9: Ok, I'll look it up. Thanks.18:23
Coreyalazyworkaholic: Not really. You get to play the "solve dependencies" game by figuring out which packages contain the libraries it needs.18:23
shawn_does anyone know if this would help my subwoofer problem on msigt66018:25
shawn_#Fix for Intel (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller with Realtek ALC888 on MSI GT66018:25
shawn_options snd-hda-intel model=targa-dig18:25
shawn_# targa-digTarga/MSI18:25
shawn_# targa-2ch-digTarga/MSI with 2-channel18:25
shawn_# targa-8ch-dig Targa/MSI with 8-channel (MSI GX620)18:25
FloodBot1shawn_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:25
alazyworkaholicCorey: Ok, I have a 32 bit ubuntu in a VM so I can get the 32 bit libs & transfer them to my real ubuntu, but anything I can do about the issue of having the rest of my programs use the 64 bit version? I have library.so.###. There's a symlink to that called library.so. I'd like the symlink library so to pass requests from X3 to library.so.###-32-bit, but pass all other requests to the original library .so###. I don't want to brea18:27
duncan-nzWhat's the chatroom for 11.10 called?18:28
Coreyduncan-nz: #ubuntu+118:29
duncan-nzCorey thanks18:29
Coreyalazyworkaholic: That's not how you do it. :-)18:29
le0n1da5some can help me with my sound card?18:29
=== Odd-rationale_ is now known as Odd-rationale
HenriquezDoes anyone know where to download a driver for the Huawei U8160 (Vodafone 585 smart) for ubuntu 11.04 64 bit18:30
MyrttiHenriquez: what have you tried so far?18:31
Odaymwill doing dist-upgrade upgrade my kernel specifically?18:31
Odaymor jump me to 11.x?18:31
fossalaHas mobile-broadband support greatly improved since 10.04?18:31
maujhsnCan someone advise me on performing a recovery for a wubi install for ubuntu 10.04! gnu grub version 1.98-1ubuntu12: Note able to boot into ubuntu but have no wubi directory!18:32
An_Ony_Moosehow do I reconfigure the locale?18:33
alazyworkaholicCorey: Ok, how do I do it?18:33
unkhey can anyone tell me is there any system info applet(side panel) for gnome??18:34
Coreyalazyworkaholic: There are packages in the repos that provide those libraries.18:34
Coreyalazyworkaholic: There's probably "a better way to do it," but I'd install apt-file, apt-file update, apt-file search */MISSINGLIBRARY, then install the package it names.18:34
alazyworkaholicCorey: But my desktop is x64. I can only get x64 libs.18:34
Coreyalazyworkaholic: Not true.18:34
gener1cwhere is the oniric chan?18:34
bampersandhey guys, after installing the nvidia graphics driver (through admin -> additional drivers) on boot i get a black screen, from googling a lot of people are getting this error on boot but for me it's only when i've installed the driver, the computer works fine without it but i'm unable to play games (minecraft / wine games) which is a total let down, i tried adding nomodeset and the usual answers but i'm experiencing the same problems18:35
pythonsnake!ubuntu+1 | gener1c18:35
ubottugener1c: Oneiric Ocelot is the codename for Ubuntu 11.10 - Support only in #ubuntu+118:35
BenXYZIs there an ftp client pre-bundled with Natty?18:35
An_Ony_MooseBenXYZ: yes. What kind do you want? command-line or graphical?18:36
omegaphihi I just installed ubuntu 10.10 and my wireless isn't working. How do I make it work offline? please hlep18:36
An_Ony_Moosegener1c: #ubuntu+1 and please be patient18:36
An_Ony_Mooseomegaphi: that's a very vague problem description18:36
BenXYZAn_Ony_Moose: Graphical. If I have to install one I'll go for Filezilla. But I don't want to if there's already one available18:36
unk@ubottu- can you tell me is there any application for display sytem info on my gnome desktop.18:37
gener1cit doesnt sync18:37
An_Ony_Mooseunk: ubottu is a bot18:37
=== Catbuskris_ is now known as Catbuskris
BenXYZunk: Hit windows key and type system settings18:37
gener1coh i lag like hell18:37
An_Ony_MooseBenXYZ: Places > Connect to Server18:37
BenXYZunk: that's if you use Unity18:37
omegaphiAn_Ony_Moose : what else do I need to tell you? when I click on the network manager I get "firmware missing" written alon wirelsee18:37
unkBenXYZ: where ?? i didnt understand18:38
maujhsnCan someone advise me on performing a recovery for a wubi install for ubuntu 10.04! gnu grub version 1.98-1ubuntu12: Note able to boot into ubuntu but have no wubi directory!18:38
unkBenXYZ: what is unity18:38
BenXYZunk: What version of ubuntu are you using?18:38
An_Ony_Mooseomegaphi: then you'll need a cabled connection or something to download the driver18:38
unkBenXYZ: 10.0418:38
unkBenXYZ: lucid18:39
An_Ony_MooseBenXYZ: oops sorry I forgot about unity >.<18:39
An_Ony_MooseBenXYZ: look for "Connect to Server"18:39
An_Ony_MooseI don't know my way around unity, sorry18:39
urlin2umaujhsn, take a look in the first post here. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=163919818:39
BenXYZAn_Ony_Moose: That's ok, it looks liike18:40
BenXYZ10.04 was before unity anyway18:40
pythonsnakehow to get bouncer's logs18:40
maujhsnurlin2u OK I will take a look!18:40
unkBenXYZ: any solution??18:40
An_Ony_MooseBenXYZ: oh ok. Found it?18:40
omegaphiAn_Ony_Moose : I don't have a cabled connection, I have wireless onl;y18:41
Henriquezsorry for the late reaction. I have tried to install the android SDK including java JDK and tried to run windows drivers via wine. I have tried it with Windows 7 in a vmware server machine18:41
urlin2umaujhsn, then read what the designer of wubi says about using it. http://howsoftwareisbuilt.com/2009/03/12/interview-with-agostino-russo-wubi-ubuntu/18:41
Henriqueznothing works for the huawei U816018:41
An_Ony_Mooseomegaphi: then I'm sorry, without the firmware you can't use the card18:42
unkAn_0ny_Moose: how do u come to know that was a bot?? how can i know that ??18:42
uriel1998unk: Do you use conky?18:42
BenXYZunk: In Gnome if I remember, you can go to the system > administration menu18:42
An_Ony_Mooseomegaphi: you'll have to find a cable18:42
An_Ony_Moose!bot > unk18:42
ubottuunk, please see my private message18:42
maujhsnurlin2u OK I will take a look at that url as well thanks!18:42
BenXYZunk: That menu gives you all the system settings you'd expect from Windows' System Settings panel18:43
unkBenXYZ: i want that system monitor on my desktop (on right side always)18:43
BenXYZunk: Oh I see, you want gadgets. Like showing CPU usage etc?18:43
unkBenXYZ: yeah18:43
uriel1998unk: Conky is a low-resource way to do so, but requires a little work on your part18:44
urlin2umaujhsn, cool, hope you get it fixed, there is the option of actually moving that wubi to a partion if you want to at some point the thread for that is i=on the same forums.18:44
BenXYZunk: http://www.brighthub.com/hubfolio/matthew-casperson/articles/73185.aspx18:44
bampersandgoing sys -> pref -> monitors shows that my monitor is unknown (installing the additional drivers usually fixes this but installing them gives me a black screen this time..), any way i did `cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf` to find that it was completly empty, that can't be good?18:44
unkuriel1998: i dont know anything about Conky18:44
unkBenXYZ: thnxxx18:45
pythonsnakehow to get quassel load znc logs or whatever18:45
uriel1998unk: Brief summary here -> http://lifehacker.com/5067158/conky-puts-lightweight-ambient-system-stats-on-linux-desktops18:45
BenXYZunk: You will need to install one of those apps first (choose your favourite). Every single one should have the basic CPU monitors stc18:45
alazyworkaholicCorey: I installed apt-file & updated. apt-file search  */libavformat.so gives me a list. However, apt-file search -a i386 */libavformat.so returns nothing18:45
unkAn_0ny_Moose: are there anyone else?? like ubottu ?? i really anything about them18:46
uriel1998unk: And then customizations can look like this -> http://lifehacker.com/5068294/beautifully-minimalist-conky-setup18:46
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uriel1998unk: Or anything, really.  Mine's a thin black bar across the top with desktop, CPU, RAM, CPU temp, uptime, load, network, wifi strength, up/down speeds, and LAN/WLAN IP addresses.18:47
BenXYZunk: regarding the bots on this channel: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots18:47
maujhsnurlin2u My problems were all created when i created a new partition in windows, than late partitioning with gparted!18:48
unkBenXYZ: thnxxx18:48
unkuriel1998: thnxx18:48
maujhsnurlin2u this stuff drove me nuts!18:48
uriel1998unk: No prob.  Mine's complex, but if you want to see it (and then tweak), it's here: http://pastebin.com/qUfFDy4x18:50
Henriquezok, i am trying to use my android 2.2 phone with ubuntu. Ubuntu 11.04 x64 will not recognize the phone.18:50
HenriquezWhat i have tried : I cannot find driver via google. Installing the android SDK + Oracle JDK on my ubuntu machine. That does not work. Installing a windows 7 ultimate 32 bit VM in vmware server 2 and installed the android SDK + oracle JDK + huawei driver. And it does not get recognized by windows 7 ultimate 32 bit.18:50
pythonsnakehow to get quassel load znc logs or whatever18:50
HenriquezDoes anyone have any suggestions what to do ?18:50
uriel1998unk: Deviantart also has lots of examples:  http://browse.deviantart.com/customization/skins/linuxutil/applications/conky/18:51
urlin2umaujhsn, not sure what happened, wubi is just a file in windows, a pseudo virtual to some extent, without the host actually running, if you can get it back moving it to a partition may be a answer, not sure some can only use a wubi, if say it is a employers computer for example.18:51
unkuriel1998: how should i use that?? i m newbie18:52
pythonsnakeI need someone to test18:52
llutzpythonsnake: those are in ~/.znc/users/<znc-username>/moddata/log18:52
pythonsnakehow to get quassel load znc logs or whatever18:52
pythonsnakellutz: yeah but how to get it in quassel18:53
pythonsnakeso it looks like I never disconnecte18:53
llutzpythonsnake: ask in #quassel18:53
uriel1998unk: That's the configuration (or .rc) file.  When you install conky, there's automagically a file called .conkyrc in your home directory.  That would be a replacement for it.18:54
paulus68is there a big advantage for a home user to use the cloud services of Ubuntu?18:54
unkuriel1998: okk18:55
uriel1998unk: Usually folks find one they mostly like and then change bits to make it work the way they want.18:55
uriel1998You can also get some system stats through appindicators on the gnome-panel.  That's probably the EASIEST way to do it.18:55
KIAazewell, if you have multiple pcs at home or handheld devices, it can help with synching contents between them18:55
KIAazeand backup is always a good idea18:56
pythonsnakeif I enter that link www.ohloh.net/p/quassel  with rekonq, whole system freeze and I have to hard restart (pressing button)18:56
pythonsnakeany ideas ?18:56
BenXYZAn_Ony_moose: Thanks for your help earlier, it solved my problem18:56
uriel1998unk: You can also get some system stats through appindicators on the gnome-panel.  That's probably the EASIEST way to do it.  Been a while since I used that, but I had most of that info on the panel before I switched desktop managers.18:56
paulus68unk you can also use conkys to help you out to get system info on your desktop18:56
omegaphiHow do I manually install wireless driver on ubuntu 10.10 offlne? Please help :)18:56
maujhsnurlin2u I happen to own the computer! The info you gave looks promising...I think you pointed me in the right direction! It takes me awhile to absorb all the info solutions these forums propose!18:56
katfhwhen I log into my system, I see a black shell kind of screen which asks for login and password. After entering those, I can't access my desktop environment18:57
urlin2umaujhsn, cool being that you were running lucid the loss of the wub made sense.18:57
katfhit remains on the same black screen18:57
LinuxAdminhi guys,  I already asked for help on #ubuntu-server but I couldn't solve my problem. I hope you can help me18:57
katfhHow can I get access to my desktop environment(KDE )18:57
LinuxAdminI forgot a KVM guest password, but I can access it's file system from the host18:57
IdleOnekatfh: run:startx18:58
LinuxAdminI already tryed to change /etc/shadow but it didn't work18:58
katfhIdleOne: ok, trying18:58
LinuxAdminany ideias how to reset a user password?18:59
urlin2umaujhsn, here is the wubi to a partition link the author is the resident wubi person on the forums as far as fixes. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=151935418:59
paulus68unk: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28186518:59
omegaphi*Reposting* How do I manually install wireless driver on ubuntu 10.10 offlne? Please help :)18:59
LinuxAdminI'm afraid to chroot from host to VM mounted folder18:59
zykotick9!password | LinuxAdmin18:59
ubottuLinuxAdmin: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords18:59
maujhsnurlin2u i am feeling fortunate that I did not tamper with the master boot record! If I had, I would be looking at a new laptop!19:00
maujhsnurlin2u Thanks for that link as well! Ubuntu really makes you think!19:01
omegaphi*Reposting* How do I manually install wireless driver on ubuntu 10.10 offline?19:01
deanHi all could someone tell me if Dvd95 Converter is any good?19:01
paulus68!patencie | omegaphi19:01
urlin2umaujhsn, not really that is a easy fix, the mbr can be reloaded with MS or grub, depending on what you need there. Seems daunting at first, but both MS and Ubuntu/Linux use that area for booting OS, so there is very good information on fixing if broke.19:02
pythonsnake!patience | omegaphi19:02
ubottuomegaphi: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/19:02
paulus68pythonsnake: thx19:02
LinuxAdminubottu, this wouldn't be a problem if this were a physical machine, but I'm talking about a KVM guest19:02
ubottuLinuxAdmin: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:02
anonissi1usI am having a problem recording audio from firefox to mp3 I tried arecord -f cd -t raw | lame -x -r – out.mp3 but there is so much static... any suggestions?19:02
petemchi, whats the simplest way to have a ~/.xsession file started on boot on natty ?19:03
maujhsnurlin2u OK!19:03
urlin2umaujhsn, :D19:03
AraneidaeHi.  My wireless network is refusing to connect, says "wireless is disabled"19:04
unk!bot >unk19:04
ubottuunk, please see my private message19:04
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bastidrazor!away > termleech|away19:05
ubottutermleech|away, please see my private message19:05
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duncan-nzAraneidae, have youtried clicking on the network icon at the upper right and checking the wireless category?19:06
unkuriel1998: where i can find tutorials for i better understanding IRC ?19:07
urlin2uAraneidae, lots of good help on this channel, try to post the release, and the desktop, and wireless card, here is a link in the mean time. https://help.ubuntu.com/10.10/internet/C/troubleshooting-wireless.html19:07
Araneidaeduncan-nz, the network icon currently says simply (well, there are five lines in total): Wireless Networks/wireless is disabled19:07
maujhsnurlin2u I will go ahead and add you to my friends list!19:07
Araneidaeurlin2u, unfortunately that link tells me that my device is turned off, which is not the case19:07
qinunk: http://www.freenode.org19:07
urlin2umaujhsn, cool I don't even know how that works. :D19:08
uriel1998unk: This seems to be a good one - I'm still getting used to it again myself.  It was 1992 last time I used IRC before this year...  http://www.irchelp.org/irchelp/ircprimer.html19:08
AraneidaeWhere is my Ubuntu version listed?19:08
sewerurchinHi all, can anybody recommend any good DVD Ripping software; I've tried dvd::rip so far..19:08
unkAraneidae: type lsb_release in terminal19:09
AraneidaeThis little netbook (an Acer Aspire One) has been working just fine for ages19:09
urlin2uAraneidae, lsb_release -a in the terminal will tell you19:09
unkAraneidae: type "lsb_release -a " in terminal19:09
Araneidae10.04.3 LTS19:09
omegaphiOK now I have a wired connection, but my wireless driver is missing, how do I install it? PLEas help!19:09
maujhsnurlin2u I use xchat! All you need to do is right click on my name and friends list is one of the choices!19:09
urlin2uAraneidae, I runing the d250 same acer at this minute19:09
AraneidaeSo, `lshw -C network` says it's DISABLED19:10
urlin2umaujhsn, col just added you19:10
AraneidaeWireless worked perfectly on this machine until yesterday, and I didn't change anything then!19:11
Araneidae(So it's nothing to do with driver version...)19:11
Araneidae`rfkill list` says "Hard blocked: yes"19:11
maujhsnurlin2u Gotta go take care & thanks again!19:12
urlin2uAraneidae, if you have a live cd you could see if that shows wireless running, my ether port net broke 8 moths into using the computer19:12
unkuriel1998: Is there any Command line (colourful) IRC app ??19:13
Araneidaeurlin2u, well, I seem to be encountering a problem with WirelessEnabled set to false in /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state19:13
uriel1998No idea.  I'm using XChat.19:13
StijnHHello. I've done a command-line install three times now and it keeps booting to just a blinking cursor. Booting in recovery mode and then choosing "Resume normal boot" works fine.19:13
AraneidaeFollowing some searched advice, have stopped network-manager and will hack that file and restart...19:13
uriel1998unk: No idea - I'm using Xchat.19:14
unkuriel1998: ok19:14
unkis anyone know any CLI base IRC app ???19:14
uriel1998unk: I believe you can use pidgin as well - which would imply you could use the Finch ncurses version of Pidgin, but I could never get the hang of Finch.19:14
antnashHey guys. I wanted to use ubuntu as a file/print/scan server but I can't seem to get my scanner or printer to work19:14
llutzunk: irssi, weechat19:15
unkllutz: are they colourful or just simple??19:15
shawn_has anyone else had any sound issues on msi computer/19:16
llutzunk: you can configure them to look as you like19:16
antnashI can't find linux drivers for my scanner anywhere. Is there any way around this?19:16
Polah!details | shawn_19:16
ubottushawn_: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."19:16
llutzunk: at leat irssi can be highly configured19:16
unkllutz: OK19:16
shawn_I have a problem with my sound.. it only plays through the sub woofer.. and thats it19:16
Araneidaeurlin2u, interesting.  I delete /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state (after stopping network-manager) and rebooted ... and it's now offering me a list of networks to connect to19:17
AraneidaeLooks like an Ubuntu bug here somewhere...19:17
AraneidaeAnd now it works19:17
Araneidaewtf was all that about?19:17
djskiddI am playing a FLAC file in Audacious19:17
djskiddand I am getting no sound19:17
djskiddIt started after I tried DJPlay...19:17
urlin2uAraneidae, not sure there mine was set to true you can open it and edit it in the future with sudo gedit  /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state19:18
shawn_I tryed to do sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf added the model of my computer.. options snd-hda-intel model=targa-dig and restart19:18
Araneidaeurlin2u, I tried that, but it wasn't enough to fix things.19:18
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shawn_and i get no sound when i do that19:18
Henriquezok, i am trying to use my android 2.2 phone  (Huawei U8160 / Vodafone 585 smart) with ubuntu. Ubuntu 11.04 x64 will not recognize the phone.19:19
HenriquezWhat i have tried : I cannot find driver via google. Installing the android SDK + Oracle JDK on my ubuntu machine. That does not work. Installing a windows 7 ultimate 32 bit VM in vmware server 2 and installed the android SDK + oracle JDK + huawei driver. And it does not get recognized by windows 7 ultimate 32 bit.19:19
HenriquezDoes anyone have any suggestions what to do so ubuntu will regocnize mu Huawei U816019:19
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pythonsnakeI have a static build19:19
urlin2uAraneidae, my knowledge ares are really where I have had to fix things, luckily never here19:19
pythonsnakehow to install it ??????????/19:19
AraneidaeJust crossing fingers and hoping it carries on working.19:19
unku123k hey19:20
AraneidaeThere's definitely a bit of correspondence out there on this topic, guess it's an unfixed issue in 10.0419:20
Milez-Hello, Looking for a method to install ubuntu from a 128mb flash drive to a harddrive.  Is there an small ubuntu install image that I can use and then download the rest during install?  thanks.19:20
shawn_Can anyone help me with my sound problem? My sound only plays through sub woofer19:20
urlin2upythonsnake, static build?19:20
pythonsnakeurlin2u: yes static build19:20
HenriquezMilez > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD19:21
urlin2upythonsnake, I don't know what that means19:21
Milez-Henriquez - perfect, thank you mucho19:21
shawn_can someone help me im nto sure if this is the right model of my computer targa-dig i have a msi ht66019:21
shawn_intel model19:22
HenriquezYW milez19:22
shawn_not computer model19:22
llutzpythonsnake: why don't you use the one from repos?19:22
root__unk hey19:22
=== root__ is now known as u1234k
unku1234k  hey19:23
sm4ohi all19:24
djskiddI want to know19:24
bastidrazorunk: u1234k you're the same person19:24
djskiddHow can I get my sound to function?19:24
ujjainIs there a location where Ubuntu saves a backup of /etc/fstab?19:25
Polahdjskidd: We need details. That is a hugely vague question...19:25
llutzujjain: no backups by default19:25
ujjainI destroyed my Ubuntu install again, using GUI mountmanager this tim that replaced all default things by UID's19:26
ujjainnow my computer boots a black screen19:26
unkbastidrazor: ya i know i m testing how i look to others19:26
Polahujjain: Boot a LiveCD and edit your fstab to the proper options19:26
c-beamsin partclone the the time remaining is continuously going up while the speed is continuously going down. what do i do?19:26
djskiddPolah: My sound does not function at all. I can adjust the volume and all, but I got the app DJPlay, ranit, and now Audacious freezes on my FLACs, and I can't get YouTube or anything to play audio. Help?19:27
ujjainPolah: Yeah, I will try that, just using default fstab setup19:27
bastidrazorujjain: UUID's are a better option than /dev/sdXX since your UUID doesn't change19:27
unkbastidrazor: is there any problem in doing that??19:27
Dookiesound is overrated19:27
bastidrazorunk: it adds clutter to this already busy channel.19:27
=== Spacewalker_ is now known as Spacewalker
Polahujjain: There is no "default", it's configured on installation or when manually edited19:27
sewerurchinHi all, can anybody recommend any good DVD Ripping software; I've tried dvd::rip so far..19:28
ujjainbastidrazor: Yeah, that's fair, but I have no idea what causes the black screen then. All I did was add /Maxtor for a 2nd disk, it replaced all default entries19:28
djskiddCould the update installer be interfering?19:28
shawn_whats the command t restart alsa iin xubuntu19:28
ujjainso even the default /dev/sda1 got replaced by UID and no longer boots19:28
shawn_/etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart19:28
urlin2uujjain, you can pastebin the fstab if needed19:29
Polahujjain: Nothing wrong with using UUIDs, pastebin your fstab for us please19:29
bastidrazorujjain: you use a livecd to see if the uuid's are pointing at the correct /dev/sdXX's .. sudo blkid and sudo fdisk -l are the two commands that will help you in this.19:29
djskiddK, it says needs to restart. Will do so and hope it fixes in a reboot.19:30
zykotick9sewerurchin, if you want mp4/mkv check out Handbrake (there is a PPA for it, as it's not in the default repo)19:30
c-beamsin partclone the the time remaining is continuously going up while the speed is continuously going down. what do i do?19:31
=== Alpha is now known as Guest43095
michal_Hey, have anyone couple minutes to help me with grub 2 please ?19:31
alexfpmsHi guys, I executed a script in terminal... but it take too much time to finish his job... is there anyway to put it in "pause" then resume it later?19:32
sewerurchinzykotick9, thanks! I need to rip a bunch of DVD'd to AVI if possible. DVD::RIP is a nightmare19:32
urlin2umichal_, sure whats up?19:33
yeatsalexfpms: Ctrl-Z will stop it, you can then do 'bg' to resume it in the background19:33
yeatsalexfpms: that way you don't have to be logged in for the process to continue19:33
zykotick9sewerurchin, dvd::rip isn't a nightmare, but AVI is ;)  Best of luck man.  Handbrake dropped AVI output, because it's such a mess - so it's no help to you.19:33
bigLankyi can't remove a directory from my drive19:33
bigLankyhere is what i do;19:33
bigLankyhtpc@XBMCLive:/media/Media/downloads/complete/TV$ sudo rm -r 'drugged high on 720p'19:33
bigLankyrm: cannot remove directory `drugged high on 720p': No such file or directory19:33
bigLankyhow can i bypass that to delete it?19:33
sewerurchinzykotick9, thanks anyway!19:33
bigLankythe file is right there19:33
FloodBot1bigLanky: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:34
=== tikohumsup is now known as Rajasun
michal_ok, on my notebook i allready had Wxp and yesterday i installed Ubuntu 11.04 after reboot i got unknow filesystem and rescue grub19:34
omegaphiI can't connect to wireless on ubuntu 10.10. please help!19:34
c-beamsin partclone the the time remaining is continuously going up while the speed is continuously going down. what do i do?19:34
TheEvilPhoenixwhats the difference between the currently-installed libre office programs and the package 'libreoffice' in universe?19:34
michal_in grub.cfg and fdisk it looks ok but it dont work19:34
ioomegaphi: did you check the wireless documentation?19:35
io!wireless > omegaphi19:35
ubottuomegaphi, please see my private message19:35
yeatsTheEvilPhoenix: you can do 'apt-cache showpkg libreoffice' to see available versions19:35
alexfpmsyeats, I want it to stop for 1 hour or so till I finish some work here, then I want to resume it from the point it stoped... the ctrl-z does it right?19:35
yeatsalexfpms: correct19:35
TheEvilPhoenixyeats:  no, i mean they're literally separate packages :/19:35
alexfpmsyeats, and to resume, ctrl-z again?19:36
urlin2umichal_, this can happen when windows needs a chkdsk some times, you may need to do this and releoad the mbr. Did you remove any partitions in this install as well?19:36
kasi_are there nautlius scripts available for vmware? (e.g., open a docx file in vmware)19:36
djskiddSound's back19:36
djskiddSee ya19:37
michal_no i allready had some empty space on HD and i used it to create swap and ext4 partitions19:37
yeatsalexfpms: 'bg' to background it, or 'fg' to resume it in the current terminal19:37
urlin2umichal_, here is the chroot for reloading grub. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#ChRoot19:37
* djskidd has quit (Sound's back, I want moozik...19:37
michal_it's not working for me19:38
shawn_acan someone help me with my sound problem19:39
shawn_im just getting sound through sub woofer19:39
urlin2umichal_, there is aboot script that may help you, you can pastebin the results.txt as well. http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/19:39
zoskyhi yall. how to test for SSID="myWireless" in a bash script ?19:40
c-beamsin partclone the the time remaining is continuously going up while the speed is continuously going down. what do i do?19:40
michal_ok i'll do it19:40
alexfpmsyeats, Thanks so much mate :)19:40
yeatsTheEvilPhoenix: looks like libreoffice is only available in universe - it would be where the default packages were installed from19:40
yeats!info libreoffice19:40
ubottulibreoffice (source: libreoffice): office productivity suite. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:3.3.3-1ubuntu2 (natty), package size 3 kB, installed size 44 kB (Only available for alpha amd64 armel armhf hppa i386 ia64 mips mipsel powerpc powerpcspe ppc64 s390 s390x sparc kfreebsd-amd64 kfreebsd-i386 all)19:40
shawn_i can anone help me i have an msi laptop installed ubuntu and only getting sound from sub19:40
yeatsalexfpms: happy to help ;-)19:41
urlin2uc-beams, you using clonezilla?19:41
c-beamsurlin2u, no19:42
gettons_itahi all19:42
yeats!pm | shawn_19:43
ubottushawn_: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.19:43
unkhow can i get the names of users present in a channel??19:43
urlin2uc-beams, could you be less detailed. :D19:44
yeatsunk: /who (in irssi anyway)19:44
petemc /names19:44
djskiddjoin #android-dev19:44
c-beamsurlin2u, im using patclone19:44
icerootunk: /n19:44
urlin2ushawn_, you will be kicked soon I would be careful19:45
swine_hey, where from the kernel can i get the ip address assigned to an interface ?19:45
shawn_Why?.. he told me to ask in channel which i am19:45
mali_heya.. does ubuntu use oss, alsa + pulse  or what as default?19:45
gettons_ita@swine you need ifconfig19:45
unkyeats: will "/who" not work in xchat??19:45
yeatsunk: dunno - I haven't used it enough - however when I have it has a user list in the right panel so no need19:46
bampersandWhen i install the nvidia additional drivers on boot I get a black screen, i've heard others saying they get it on normal boot but mine is only when i install the additional drivers (which i need in order to play games), i've tried adding nomodeset and the usual advice for the problem but had no luck, i can use the computer w/o the drivers but want them to play games/change resolution (as in the past it's let ubu recognise my monitor19:46
=== Guest59902 is now known as will
=== will is now known as Guest46883
Jimbo99I need help getting a split DNS set up for Zambia.  I'm new and know mostly nothing about bind9 and split dns.19:47
Jimbo99for zimbra*19:47
=== Guest46883 is now known as willbillwill
michal_Hey, result.txt is in http://pastebin.com/0reqpP7719:48
unkyeats: its not working with XCHAT19:48
yeatsunk: ok - sorry - I don't know, then19:48
yeatsJimbo99: I would ask in #zimbra19:48
unkyeats: do i have to use irssi everytime for that/?19:48
yeatsunk: again - I don't know19:49
Milez-can 2 seperate installs of ubuntu on the same PC use the same swap partition?19:49
llutzMilez-: sure19:49
Milez-ty ty19:49
urlin2ushawn_, capitalization is considered to be shouting and continualpost rude, just saying.19:50
urlin2uI don't care just letting you know. shawn_19:50
mdlueckI ran into trouble installing from a 10.04.3 x86 LiveCD. I burned a copy of 10.04.3 and have an installation error. I ran the self-check of the CD and it shows one file in error. However the burned CD image, and the .iso file, all have matching checksums with the checksum file on the server. Please explain where the problem is.19:51
mdlueckPerhaps there is a bad package on the CD image?19:52
=== MonkeyDu1t is now known as MonkeyDust
Milez-what was the install error?19:52
Polahmdlueck: Reburn the CD perhaps?19:52
mdlueckI tried burning the CD twice, same error19:52
mdlueckThe MD5sum of the .iso file and the resulting CD match.19:52
Milez-is there any error info?19:52
Milez-a messege?19:53
nac-godfatheranyone got ndiswrapper or any driver working for a cisco/linksys ae2500 usb?19:53
mdlueckI did a self check of the CD and it says that one package fails, does not tell which one19:53
unkCannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services   what does it means??19:53
OerHeksmdlueck, burn @ 4x/8x speed19:53
urlin2umdlueck, probably a new download may be in order finding a error package is a bit tough I think.19:53
yeatsunk: ask in #freenode19:53
Milez-unk - that's a freenode thing19:53
=== michael is now known as Guest45016
unkyeats: i dont you how to do that??19:54
xialunk: it means you need to be registered with nickserv, i think...19:54
Milez-unk - type /join #freenode :)19:54
bastidrazor!register | unk19:54
mdlueckurlin2u: but the md5sum on the server matches the downloaded .iso and the resulting CD's when unmounted19:54
yeatsmdlueck: have you tried just installing with the "bad" CD?19:54
ubottuunk: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode19:54
=== droid is now known as Guest60566
mdlueckyeats: That is how I encountered the error... installation halted the first try of the 10.04.3 CD19:55
yeatsmdlueck: I see - just a thought19:55
mdlueckyeats: Next I checked for errors19:55
mdlueckAnyone having success with 10.04.3 x86 LiveCD?19:56
Polahmdlueck: If the ISO md5sum matches then it's most likely an incorrect burn.19:56
yeatsmdlueck: you might try the alternate CD too - it's easier to discover what's actually (not) going on19:56
yeats!alternate | mdlueck19:56
ubottumdlueck: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal19:56
Milez-mdlueck - run a scan on the destination harddrive if you can19:56
RealAndydoes anyone know how to solve this: (when the patch doesn't work) http://www.itservices.manchester.ac.uk/vpn/install/linux/problem/19:56
=== Rajasun is now known as rajasun
Milez-oh nm, you failed the cd check.19:56
Milez-its not the HD.19:56
Polahubuntu_: 50/100, C-19:56
michal_<urlin2u>:  what with result.txt ? Do You see something strange ?19:57
=== rajasun is now known as Rajsun
mdlueckI would think since the entire CD image md5sum matches, that the master image has a bad package on it, no?19:57
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yeatsmdlueck: very doubtful, since no one else in here has that issue, but possible19:58
Polahmdlueck: No one seems to have an issue and I think that'd be pretty unlikely. Your ISO matches but your CD is bad, reburn your CD.19:58
=== eric_ is now known as LLStarks
mdlueckI manually unmounted the CD and did an md5sum check of the burned CD, matches the advertised md5sum of the .iso file19:58
Milez-mdlueck - try a slower burn speed, 4x.  i've had that fix that problem a few times now.19:58
Milez-i know the crc's match, it doesnt make sense, but, you should try if you havent yet.19:58
mdlueckI tried reburning on a second blank CD, same md5sum, same "fail of CD self check" siting one package fails19:59
urlin2umichal_, I didn't see you post it hold on19:59
shawn_Can someone please help me with my Problem, Ive tryed everything to get this thing to be corrected.. The sound goes through my Subwoofer not my main speakers, i have a  Realtek alc888 sound card, msi gt660 laptop, im not sure its the module or if its using the wrong jack.19:59
Milez-mdlueck - at high speed?19:59
mdlueckMilez: I burn with K3b on a 52x burner, and let it pick its speed20:00
kasi_does fileExistsInGuest only work for files on the drive? This doesn't work with files in the shared folder, but it works with files on the c:\ drive: vmrun ${opts} fileExistsInGuest "$VM" Z:\\vmware-share\\b.bat20:00
Milez-mdlueck - ok.  try 4x.  thats all i got.20:00
mdlueckMilez: Will do.20:00
mdlueckMilez: Do you think I can trust the downloaded ISO since the md5sum matches...??? Well for that matter the md5sum of the unmounted CD matches... hhhmmm....20:01
nulld3vicei want to do a tiny shell script: "a=1 b=5  for i in {$a..$b}; do echo $i; done"20:02
mdlueckI need to install soon the x64 version, so truing to decide if I trust 10.04.3 to download / burn another "bum" image of...20:02
yeatsmdlueck: you could try installing in VirtualBox using the ISO - if you really want to test it20:02
nulld3vicebut it doesn'works20:02
mdlueckyeats: great thought!20:03
llutznulld3vice: for i in $(seq 1 5) ....20:03
mdlueckI will... oh, can I install x64 on x86 VirtualBox?20:03
urlin2umichal_, it loos correct as far as I can see, you have done a reload of the mbr recognizing the difference between sdX=mbr and sdaXX as a partition correct?20:03
mdlueckI am intending to try switching to x64 as I rebuild my system20:04
urlin2umichal_, sorry sdx=mbr sdxx=partition\20:04
nulld3vicethanks mate20:04
yeatsmdlueck: don't know about that... - I've never tried - some of it depends on whether your processor has virtualization extensions20:04
michal_urlin2u, yes in my case hda is hd -mbr and hda3 is ext4 linux partition20:05
yeatsswap: do /join #ubuntu-br20:05
mdlueckyeats: My CPU had some extensions which I needed to upgrade the BIOS to enable them. G33 chipset and 8500 CPU I seem to recall.20:06
mdlueck"Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     E8500  @ 3.16GHz"20:06
michal_urlin2u, i installed ubuntu from flashdrive , but it doesn't matter?20:06
swapThank you very much20:07
mdlueckI will at least try downloading 10.04.3 x64 Live and see what VirtualBox thinks. Thanks all! :-)20:07
ssfdre38how can i completely remove phpmyadmin from my server20:07
llutzssfdre38: apt-get purge phpmyadmin20:08
mdlueckssfdre38: Purge the package20:08
michal_urlin2u, any ideas ?20:08
mdlueckLess invasive than sudo rm -rf /   ;-)20:08
urlin2umichal_, there is no hda, that is grub legacy, did you use the chroot link I gave and reload using sda and sda3, you have to run a fdisk -l when using a thumb to make sure it is seeing the HD as sda not sdb, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#ChRoot20:08
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!20:09
bastidrazormdlueck: don't post that here. that is not a funny joke20:09
llutzmdlueck: don't show that command here, not even for a joke. there are enough ... (experiences users) trying it20:09
henningvisI have removed Pam face notication but it still calls for its modules for authentication -- how do I remove it?20:10
Milez-it's all fun and games until someone loses a root drive.20:10
mdlueckL O L... I know how to get Windows people worked up... seems same for *nix folks20:10
Milez-what a dick.20:10
michal_urlin2u,  " make sure it is seeing the HD as sda not sdb"  maby this is the problem, i'll try to do it this way20:10
urlin2umichal_, yeah with a thumb the hd gets switched to sdb often, always run that fdik -l it will save you alot of trouble.20:11
suboneI'm not sure if this is a limitation with zsnes or some other component of X/gnome/ubuntu etc, so I'm asking here as well as #zsnes: Is there any way to run zsnes in fullscreen on ubuntu and still have access to my media keys (e.g. Volume Up/Down)20:12
urlin2ufdisk -l20:12
tonywadeany 1 got any ways to speed up your network20:12
Awesomeo2000unk: hi20:12
Milez-ugh. why is ubuntu install trying to write grub onto my flashdrive mbr20:13
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=== unk is now known as Unk
Milez-i guess i can just run grub-install on the proper drive after the installation completes?20:13
urlin2uMilez-, it happens use the something else option on install placement you can point grub there.20:13
Milez-oh ok20:14
=== Unk is now known as unk123
urlin2uMilez-, a thimb will sometime end up being the sda.20:14
Mondragonis there an updated version of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Python anywhere?20:14
Milez-got it, thanks20:14
urlin2uMilez-, you can reload grub though as you suggest to the correct mbr, if the thumb get the grub you can boot the OS and do it from the desktop.20:15
Milez-yah i just said "20:15
urlin2uwith the thumbs grub20:15
Milez-yah i just said "NO" to install on master, then it let me type in /dev/sdb20:16
urlin2uMilez-, which release?20:16
Milez-this is 11.0420:16
Milez-command line20:17
hellslingerthe JumpyCursorThreshold property doesn't seem to have any effect on my synaptics touchpad20:17
urlin2uMilez-, there is adropdown if your at the something else. a fdisk -l in the terminal will tell you how he HD and thumb are being read20:17
hellslingerdoes anyone know how to make this work?20:17
tonywade milez20:17
Milez-nah im good20:17
Milez-it worked20:17
Milez-hey tony20:17
urlin2uMilez-, cool sounded like you were. :D20:18
tonywadedo u know how to speed up the internet thanks20:18
Milez-actually i do.20:18
Milez-you need more bandwidth.20:18
Gentoo64tonywade, silly question20:18
a4So i installed 11.10 beta dr_willis and it does by default KEEP your desktop aligned muhaha20:18
tonywadefine lol sorry i asked20:19
benoliver999tonywade, lol20:19
Milez-tonywade - If your internet experience is slow, it's either your PC that needs an upgrade, or your internet connection.20:19
conntrackNot amazing but I just figured how to force skype to use SSL20:19
tonywadeim using satellite connection20:19
Gentoo64tonywade, thats why then20:20
urlin2utonywade, is the browser slow? you can run a speed test to see if you getting the correct speed.20:20
Milez-omg satellite20:20
Gentoo64actually disabling ipv6 (if you dont use it) can speed things up20:20
tonywadehow do i disable it20:20
Gentoo64hang on ill check20:20
Milez-your data has to go up to a satellite and back down.  it's a costly trip to make.  See if you can get something besides satellite in your area.20:20
pjdelporthi there; i'm trying to set up Internet connection sharing for a LAN (on Ubuntu 11.04)20:20
urlin2utonywade, also fasterfox FF addon will speed thing up a bit as well, and the latest FF release.20:21
tonywadewhere do i get faster fox20:21
urlin2utonywade, it is a addon use the addon in tools20:21
Gentoo64tonywade, http://goo.gl/lEy920:22
urlin2uff tools20:22
pjdelporti have the DSL connection set up and working in the Network Manager, and i also configured my Ethernet connection to be shared20:22
tonywadecan i get it 4 chromium20:22
pjdelportbut it seems Network Manager only lets you connect with one of those at a time20:22
Gentoo64tonywade, no20:22
Gentoo64i dont htink so20:22
tonywadeok just firefox20:22
urlin2utonywade, don't use it but I think chrome has it.20:23
pjdelportin other words, i can either connect to the DSL provider, in which case NM disables the eth0 configuration for the LAN20:23
tonywadek thanks20:23
pjdelportor i can enable the LAN (and connection sharing), but then NM disables the DSL connection20:23
pjdelportis there a way around this?20:23
pythonsnakecan I use oneiric for  regular use ?20:24
Gentoo64tonywade, basically its your connection. you can tweak stuff to make things more reponsive (sometimes) but chrome has very good defaults20:24
urlin2upythonsnake, the general answer is if you have to ask no.20:24
pjdelporti tried to see if you can configure connection sharing on the actual DSL connection, but its IPv4 settings tab does not have the "Shared to other computers" option20:24
tonywadeya i wish i could sometin better than satellite20:25
a4im using it for regular use pythonsnake... they just dont recommend using it on a machine that is relied on for service /business20:25
pythonsnakeok Thanks20:25
urlin2uor stabilty20:25
Gentoo64tonywade, try looking at using polipo with chrome, it caches pages and makes them load faster if they havent been changed20:25
tonywadek thanks20:26
michal_urlin2u, i double chcek i still have problem20:29
michal_urlin2u, how i can boot OS from grub rescue20:30
=== newbie is now known as Guest75359
Guest75359Hello! Anyone can help me solve some doubts I have about partitioning my hard drives, related to mount points20:32
TtechGuest75359, You are doing it manually?20:33
michal_urlin2u, how i can boot OS from grub rescue20:33
alkafooGuest75359: what doubts?20:33
Guest75359yes, I am at the live session atm, right to apply20:33
alkafoomichal_: what's the problem?20:33
Guest75359what I need is...20:33
alkafooGuest75359: to finish your messages20:34
Guest75359I have 2x 500gb HDs and I want to mount the / in one HD and the /home in another...20:34
TtechI usually do 200mb for /boot, 50% of / and 50% for /home20:34
urlin2umichal_, you might try a supergrub disc. http://www.supergrubdisk.org/super-grub2-disk/  If that gets you in you can reload the mbr from the desktop20:34
michal_alkafoo, i hava a problem with grub after instalation ubuntu on my notebook, this is result.txt http://pastebin.com/0reqpP7720:34
alkafooGuest75359: you're never going to use up 500GB just on OS files, but it won't actually hurt anything20:35
Guest75359but, I want to install every app in the / even games... is it possible?20:35
alkafooGuest75359: yeah, but you'll still never get to 500GB20:35
alkafookoumi: hi20:35
urlin2umichal_, is that a script run after your last try?20:35
michal_urlin2u, can i use this superdiskgrub with flashdrive ?20:35
Guest75359that's why I am in doubt20:35
Guest75359how to partition it...20:35
koumie\any any of yoy know c?20:36
michal_no this is the old one but i cant see any difference20:36
urlin2umichal_, it is spradic there I use a actual cd20:36
guntbertkoumi: ask in ##c20:36
Guest75359on Windows, I used the second HDd as my Data partition, not sure how to do it in Linux/Ubuntu20:36
alkafooGuest75359: it's still fine that way, it'll give /home/ 500GB to start with, and if you need you can always make a generic storage dir on /20:36
mickster04Guest75359: yes that's doable20:36
alkafooGuest75359: also you can mirror your important personal files on both, for backup20:36
koumi## any of yoyuknow c?20:36
Guest75359I have a lot of backup files to put in the /home/ partition20:37
alkafookoumi: #friendly-coders20:37
urlin2umichal_, your choice but with the script any changes made will need a new scipt to be accurate.20:37
Guest75359it will take most of the space there20:37
alkafooGuest75359: mmhmmm20:37
alkafoojargon: ha20:37
SuperNoeManI have been thinking about a hypothetical project20:38
SuperNoeManI want to take the regular desktop keyboard that I have20:38
guntbertjargon: keep to the toipc of this channel please20:38
SuperNoeMana keyboard that IS NOT wireless20:38
Guest75359maybe if I format the second HD and mout it in /Data through fstab ?20:38
koumiI have to make a bitmap editor in C for 256 -bit Can any one help me?20:38
SuperNoeManand use the bluetooth dongle that I have20:38
Guest75359may this work?20:38
urlin2ujargon, lol20:39
Guest75359mount* sorry20:39
SuperNoeManand make the bluetooth dongle broadcast as if it were a bluetooth keyboard. then anything that I type into the usb keyboard20:39
SuperNoeManwould get broadcast as if it were bluetooth20:39
guntbertkoumi: not here, this is no programmer's channel20:39
SuperNoeManis this possible?20:39
koumido you know one/20:39
alkafooGuest75359: what you original said is fine, / for one, /home/ for the other20:39
nathanelquestion: which is better? apt-get or aptitude20:39
alkafoooriginally* said20:39
alkafoonathanel: they have different uses20:40
guntbertkoumi: try ##c20:40
Guest75359alkafoo: even tho I will have one bloated HD and an empty one?20:40
alkafooif you want something that doesn't try to be smarter than you, that's apt-get20:40
nathanelreformulation: which is more absolute in package management20:40
alkafooGuest75359: you won't, you'll use the empty space in one for backups20:40
Guest75359alkafoo: cause I will install games on .wine20:40
alkafoonathanel: what?20:40
Cenobit Amanda_2120:41
nathanelbetter management, less breakage, more absolute20:41
alkafooGuest75359: any free space on the first disk you will still be able to use, it won't be wasted20:41
TheCowboyany ops? natali = spambot20:41
jpdsjargon: Please stop that.20:41
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, or rww!20:41
TheCowboy<natali> hi msn sex http://live-cam.de.lv20:41
alkafoonathanel: I'd say apt-get is less likely to do something automagical that you didn't intend it to do20:41
Polahnathanel: Neither. Aptitude and apt-get are both frontends for apts with are frontends for dpkg I believe. They do the same thing with the same repositories.20:41
Rajsunnathaniel: I'm an aptitude fan for tasks small and big but to each his own.20:42
nathaneloki doki :)20:42
nathanelthx for clarifying20:42
alkafooI like aptitutde for installing things initially20:42
Guest75359alkafoo: let's say I have 100gb of music, I put it in the first HD which will have loads of free space and then soft link it to my /home/*/Music ?20:42
alkafoobut not for maintenance stuff, it tries to be too smart20:42
alkafooGuest75359: yup, easy20:42
TheCowboyrww, you forgot to ban natali20:42
nathanelit overrides too much?20:42
alkafoonathanel: it tries to be smart, which is good sometimes and bad other times20:43
Guest75359alkafoo: ok then, gonna leave 60gb to the / and the rest I will create as an ext4 without mount point, does it sound proper?20:43
alkafooif you take the time to educate yourself about it it shouldn't matter though20:43
PolahGuest75359: No need to symlink it. You could just tell your programs to look for your actual music directory on the other drive rather than through a symlink.20:43
nathanelalkafoo: because i have a little intriguing bash bug that seems to be related to apt-get execution fr initial install of packages after format20:43
alkafooGuest75359: there's no need to do that, you can use the unused space if you give the entire drive to /20:43
alkafooGuest75359: no need to limit yourself like that20:44
Polahnathanel, what bug?20:44
alkafoonathanel: neat20:44
nathanelif i run the "add" script manually it runs fine...20:44
alkafooGuest75359: oh, you should make a partition for swap, too, though20:44
alkafooGuest75359: know how much memory you have?20:44
Guest75359alkafoo: yes, I will20:44
Guest75359alkafoo: 4gb with 3gb usable20:44
nathanelalkafoo: if i call on the master config script containing "add" and others.. it gives me somekind of dbus error20:45
alkafooGuest75359: 3gb usable?20:45
rwwTheCowboy: thanks for the report20:45
Guest75359alkafoo: because I am on a dv7 with shared VGA20:45
nathaneland it only occurs for add and remove which use apt-get --force-yes -y install BLABLABLA20:45
bfreisIf I install Oneiric Oncelot beta 2 today, and simply keep it upgrading automatically, is it equivalent to install the final release?20:45
alkafooGuest75359: so, [disk1: 3-4GB swap, the rest for / ] & [disk2: all for /home/ ] should work out fine20:45
rwwbfreis: yes20:46
nathanelbfreis: yes sir20:46
a4bfreis just be aware that 11.10 does not have a gnome classic option... your stuck with either unity or gnome-shell (like unity)20:46
nathanelbfreis: though it doesnt guarantee a clean install's no-bug policy20:46
Guest75359alkafoo: just a little last thing: on Ubuntu, only Wine will install things under /home/, let's say a game, right?20:47
bfreisok, thanks!20:47
bfreisabout Gnome Classic...20:47
Polahnathanel: Why are you using -y and --force-yes?20:47
urlin2ua4, by some freak accident mine does and a no effects classic as wel with the latest updates.20:47
rwwbfreis: in 11.04 or 11.10?20:47
urlin2urww, 11.1020:47
untermenschcan anyone explain to me, why my sound works with movie player, but not amarok or banshee?20:47
alkafooGuest75359: by default yes, but I'd be quite surprised if you can't configure that20:47
nathanelbc it doesnt seem to want to consider -y as a valid flag (it's an unasttended config)20:48
urlin2urww, sorry you wern't addressing me.20:48
rwwurlin2u: indeed20:48
a4please share your freak accident with me then urlin2u.. im stuck with gnome shell and i hate it... I dont have any panels, i cant minimize programs without them hiding in their activity menu20:48
Guest75359alkafoo: hehe... yes, dont wanna change default things...20:48
alkafooGuest75359: yes, if you run 'winecfg', there's a tab for 'drives'20:48
rwwoh well20:48
rww!notunity-#ubuntu+1 | bfreis, urlin2u, a420:48
ubottubfreis, urlin2u, a4: To use GNOME Shell on Oneiric, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool". For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place a new entry in the Sessions dropdown on the login window.20:48
alkafooGuest75359: and even if there weren't, you could probably trick it with symlinks20:48
bfreisI'm actually using it on Natty, but it's far from the default configuration: I have a bunch of custom keyboard shortcuts, I use Gnome-Do, Avant Window Navigator, and other things, and have something I really enjoy working with20:49
Guest75359alkafoo: yeah... let's leave like that...20:49
Guest75359alkafoo: thanks man for the time!20:49
nathanelalkafoo: any idea?20:49
alkafoo500GB will still take you quite a long time to use up20:49
bfreisIs it possible to do similar customizations on Gnome Shell or Unity?20:49
nathanelalkafoo: all the rest is pretty champ on execution, nice and clean :)20:49
alkafoonathanel: no sorry, but dbus isn't much to do with apt-get AFAIK, so it's probably not that directly related to apt-get itself20:49
bfreis(actually, I really dislike Unity... I tried it once I upgraded to 11.04, but rushed to my customized Gnome 2)20:49
Guest75359bfreis: I actually am starting to like it a lot...20:50
a4rww I have gnome-shell, gnome-session-fallback, and gnome-panel installed and I still cant get a gnome 2 like environment20:50
slyXfceeeeeeeeeeeeee is the way forward. Sorry, random stuff just gets splurted out.20:51
bfreisGuest75359, the problem is that I don't want to get used to a completely different user interface, which focus on tablet and other touch devices. I simply love my keyboard-friendly customized Gnome 220:51
Guest75359bfreis: I got you, you're right20:51
a4id be happy with gnome shell if it would just give me a bottom panel to minimize programs to and to add panel apps to20:52
a4its stupid to either have to alt tab or open a menu to bring programs back up.. right now i have to keep every thing unmaximized so i can click back and forth20:52
nathanelalkafoo: care to sample?  http://dl.dropbox.com/u/10728225/oneiric.tar.gz20:53
astartothhi all, how can I make urxvt's color exactly like gnome-terminal's?20:53
alkafooa4: can't you just add another panel?20:53
alkafooastartoth: change it in ~/.Xdefaults, then run xrdb ~/.Xdefaults20:53
bfreisOh, another question: I remember problems when installing 11.04 (or was it 10.10?) with my graphics card on my laptop (Dell Latitude E6510). It worked fine on the live cd, but after the installation, the screen wouldn't work. I don't remember what I did (maybe I changed drivers through the console?)20:53
a4how do i add a panel in gnome3 alkafoo? right clicking on the top panel does nothing there is no visible option to add a panel20:54
bfreisHas it been solved for Oneiric?20:54
alkafoourxvt.background:black, etc.20:54
alkafooa4: there must be a way20:54
a4show me the way alkafoo20:54
astartothalkafoo: exactly. But I can't seem to find the correct color code and pass it to ~/.Xdefaults as 'URxvt*background: rgba:xxxx/xxxx/xxxx/xxxx20:54
Guest75359alkafoo: haha, last! I promise... can I extend a partition once I just put all my backup in the proper place? Because now I got 2 partitions on my main HD, a windows one and a backup one, so I will erase the windows NTFS one and set as /, then place the backup around, so then I can extend it later on, right?20:55
george_Ok, because of this bu https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/760131 I've installed the proposed kernal with https://launchpad.net/~kernel-ppa/+archive/pre-proposed/+packages but now my laptop runs hotter (+ 60º C) than before. How can I revert it to the defult 2.6.38-11?20:55
ubottuUbuntu bug 760131 in linux (Ubuntu Oneiric) "Power consumption raised significantly in natty" [High,Triaged]20:55
glebihana4, you can't add panels in gnome320:56
cccangelhey i got a problem with plugging in my headset.  it works when i restart the computer but how do i make the headset work WITHOUT restarting my machine?20:56
CounterPillowHow can I make ubuntu send interesting offers about viagra per e-mail to a list of e-mail addresses? Is there a package for that?20:56
a4linux mint said their 11.10 equivalent version is going to have a gnome3 "traditional" environment without gnome-shell or unity... how are they going to do it? glebihan?20:57
a4take a walk CounterPillow20:57
urlin2u CounterPillow you want us to help you spam.20:57
alkafooGuest75359: you can but I wouldn't bother20:57
alkafooGuest75359: having swap and one big partition taking up the rest will be simpler20:58
trisma4: gnome3 fallback mode uses gnome-panel, so it is pretty similar to gnome 220:58
alkafooastartoth: if you really can't find it, just take a screenshot and sample it20:58
CounterPillowI am the king of nigeria, I'll transfer some of my bajillions of dollars to your bank account if you help me.20:58
a4how do i use gnome3 fallback mode then trism?20:58
alkafooCounterPillow: done20:58
vltHello. What do I need to do to make bash-completion work again after having started over with a clean home dir?20:58
trisma4: install gnome-panel in oneiric (which is supported in #ubuntu+1)20:58
CounterPillowI'm just trolling, don't worry :/20:58
rwwvlt: copy the files in /etc/skel/ to your home directory20:58
Guest75359alkafoo: yeah... cause this partition is a shrink for the another one, gonna leave that for testing purposes! Done. man, thank you! Gonna install the system.20:58
vltrww: Tanks.20:59
Guest75359bye guys20:59
urlin2uCounterPillow, you in sweden and we know your IP20:59
CounterPillowurlin2u: I'm not in sweden20:59
a4gnome panel was already installed trism...20:59
trisma4: then select it when you login (gnome classic)20:59
trisma4: unless you didn't install the recommends, then you will need gnome-session-fallback too21:00
urlin2uswitzerland CounterPillow21:00
CounterPillowurlin2u: by any chance, are you us-american?21:00
cccangelguys, how do you get a Logitech Headset to be useable in Ubuntu 11.04? Ubuntu recognizes it but it wont let me use it.21:00
urlin2uCounterPillow, no I,m a nigerian.21:00
CounterPillowurlin2u: Well, that is awkward21:00
notlisteningcccangel, bluetooth?21:00
alkafoocccangel: is it bluetooth?21:00
cccangelits not bluetooth21:01
cccangelits corded21:01
notlisteningcccangel, usb then?21:01
alkafoomake sure it's not muted in alsamixer21:01
cccangelyes, usb logitech headset.  it shows up in Sound Preferences -> Hardware but it wont let me select it for Input / Output21:02
cccangelalkafoo, how do i check that?21:02
nathanelis there any way to stop the stupid color blending on unity 11.10??21:02
notlisteningwhen you see it in hardware what does it have as the desctiption?21:02
nathanelME WANT GREY!21:03
george_Please help me...21:03
cccangelnotlistening, what would be considered its description?21:03
cccangelit looks like this21:03
alkafoocccangel: run 'alsamixer' in a terminal, look for muted channels, channels with really low volume, or anything related to line/capture/mic/output/input21:03
alkafoocccangel: hit TAB if you run out21:03
nathanelgeorge: what is the issue21:03
notlisteningMine = 1 Internal Audio, 1 input, 1 x Analogue Stereo Input21:05
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cccangelalkafoo, where would the usb headset show up in alsamixer (first time using it)21:06
george_nathanel: Because of this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/760131 I've installed the proposed kernal with https://launchpad.net/~kernel-ppa/+archive/pre-proposed/+packages but now my laptop runs hotter (+ 60º C) than before. How can I revert it to the defult 2.6.38-11?21:06
ubottuUbuntu bug 760131 in linux (Ubuntu Oneiric) "Power consumption raised significantly in natty" [High,Triaged]21:06
notlisteningcccangel, try this aplay -l21:07
nathanelif you have access to synaptic look for the recently installed package and remove it, the other kernel (old one is normally still present) after removal, run sudo update-grub && sudo reboot21:07
notlisteningthen post the output in pastebin21:07
nathanelgeorge: if you have access to synaptic look for the recently installed package and remove it, the other kernel (old one is normally still present) after removal, run sudo update-grub && sudo reboot21:08
cccangelnotlistening, ya just ran that.21:08
dirtycookiehi a few days ago i installed the package ubuntu-restricted-modules, which as a result took a lot of harddisk space. how can i remove all the other packages that came with it but get removed upon the uninstallation21:08
craigbass1976So, my kids are about to fight about whose turn it is on the computer.  I'm more concerned with catching the older one lying than whose turn it is.  Can I vnc into his display, or just see what's on his browser?  Is it possible for an instance of an app to be on two displays at once if I do something like ssh -X ?21:08
Bizzehare there any decent tutorials for configuring bind, spessifically in ubuntu?21:08
kermitcraigbass1976: ssh -X no, vnc yes21:08
craigbass1976Bizzeh, there are.  I set one up recently and can poke through my command history if you want.21:09
alkafoocccangel: sorry, is the audio meant to come in over USB, too?21:09
notlisteningare you worried about what he is lookin at craigbass1976?21:09
craigbass1976kermit, how can I do it now that everything is already running?21:09
alkafoocraigbass1976: lying about... whose turn it is?21:09
cccangelalkafoo, yes.  its a mic and headphone headset.21:09
craigbass1976notlistening, no, I'm concerned with him saying he didn't die when in fact he did and it's now the younger kid's turn21:10
alkafoocccangel: with only a USB port input21:10
alkafoocraigbass1976: oh in a game? =P21:10
cccangelalkafoo, this is usually corrected with a reboot if i leave the headset plugged in during the whole process21:10
th0rcraigbass1976: you could use ffmpeg to record the desktop21:10
alkafoocccangel: hrmmm, that's odd21:11
craigbass1976kermit, nothingspecial alkafoo: although, I've often wanted to be able to do this to see what my wife means by "this won't work" when she's here and I'm not21:11
cccangelalkafoo, so something tells me some sort of "reset" on the audio in ubuntu would get it working21:11
notlisteningvnc is the best solution21:11
alkafoocraigbass1976: well for your wife yeah, just start the VNC server, it comes with Ubuntu by default21:11
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alkafoocraigbass1976: I'm still not sure what you're talking about that your kids are doing21:11
notlisteningmy gf does it all the time, i login fix and she rants some more about how easy i make it look21:11
alkafoocraigbass1976: what OS are you using when you're not here?21:12
craigbass1976alkafoo, but I've got to be the user whose desktop I want to see in order to fire it up properly?21:12
craigbass1976alkafoo, it's all linux21:12
alkafoonotlistening: "you know it baby"21:12
alkafoocraigbass1976: yes, but it's just a check box and then they read an IP to you over the phone21:12
alkafoocraigbass1976: though if you really want to, I'm sure you could get it to work by just having a shortcut on the desktop/etc.21:12
alkafooor you could even leave it on 24/7 if you think the box is secure enough21:12
alkafoocraigbass1976: you can ask it to ask people trying to remote in to provide a password, so it can be fairly secure on its own21:13
cccangelalkafoo or notlistening, any idea on how to get my headset useable in ubuntu without rebooting the whole machine each time i want to use it?21:13
alkafooit's like, ssh is realy secure, but not even having ssh running is _really_ secure =P21:13
alkafoocccangel: if rebooting fixes it, then...21:14
alkafoocccangel: you're probably losing a service or something to do with udev21:14
notlisteningcccangel, when i plugin my usb camera to get the mic working i have to select is an a input in sound properties before it works21:14
alkafoorebooting is the mean/tedious/silly way of restarting services21:14
cccangelyeah what service would a usb input/output headset be under?21:15
alkafooI can only imagine it has something to do with audio (pulse, alsa, etc.) or udev (devices)21:16
cccangelwell it shows up when i type "aplay -l"21:16
craigbass1976kermit, nothingspecial alkafoo: Awesome, I got it.  Now they've moved onto the wii though, and are cooperating.  Star Wars will do that to you I guess...21:17
cccangeland it shows up in sound preferences under the hardware tab.21:17
alkafoocccangel: when it's working or when it isn't?21:17
cccangelits not working atm21:17
alkafooha, gaming consoloe redundancy21:17
cccangelalkafoo, its not working atm and when i "Test Speakers" it crashes the "Sound Preferences" dialog21:18
alkafoomaybe your audio stack has become not sane21:18
notlisteningFighting over computer games = banned for life (i'd make a harsh dad)21:18
alkafoomaybe you should just remove pulse =) or maybe you don't have pulse and you should add it21:18
alkafoowe didn't do turns in my house21:19
alkafoofirst come first serve21:19
alkafooworks out the same way, just longer sessions21:19
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cccangelalkafoo, how do i check to see if i have pulse?21:19
alkafoocccangel: you should I'm pretty sure it's still default in Ubuntu21:19
alkafooit causes some people problems, particularly with certain hardware21:20
notlisteningcccangel, run sudo servie pulseaudio restart21:20
alkafooand is pretty unnecessary21:20
alkafoofor most people21:20
notlisteningand see if it works21:20
dirtycookiei wanted to know where does the ubuntu software center store it's records21:21
cccangelnotlistening - no21:21
cccangelhmm im going to try this later... brb21:21
urlin2udirtycookie, why?21:21
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dirtycookieurlin2u: i need to uninstall a bunch of packages in oder to save up space that i have installed before21:22
urlin2udirtycookie, use synaptic or purge from the terminal.21:22
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mhI need help updating my BIOS. I have a .exe file from fujitsu. Any ideas on what to do with this?21:25
alkafoodirtycookie: store its records21:26
alkafoodirtycookie: hopefully somewhere in /var/log/21:26
Bizzehanyone know of any GOOD uk based dedicated hosting companies? all i want is a clean ubuntu box, nothing on it but a basic ubuntu install with ssh only. needs to be a reliable place to host too21:26
alkafoomh: ummm, maybe create a DOS boot disc with it on there?  I forget how that works21:27
alkafoomh: you might actually ask ##windows21:27
mhwell, I see a .img inside the .exe21:27
mhso it could be a disk image right?21:27
alkafooBizzeh: why does it need to be UK based?21:27
mhI still don't know what to do with it21:28
* alkafoo shrugs21:28
notlisteningmh, you can download some msdos iso images a bootdisk.com and add in the exe on there21:28
alkafoomh: http://www.google.com/search?q=linux%20update%20bios%20dos%20boot%20disk21:28
mhoh sorry, it is .ima, not .imc21:28
alkafoomh: what's this BIOS update got that you think you want?21:28
Bizzehalkafoo: because thats what im asking for21:28
alkafooBizzeh: that's not a reason, though =P21:29
mhfujitsu amilo PA 1510 1.07C21:29
mhI want to update because I have this smart disk failure all the time I boot and it is annoying, it does not affect me at all. I am tired after years of pressing F1 when I boot and I cannot disable SMART with this bios version21:30
JLuchaving a problem with booting21:31
f1I tried logging into my normal account today and got three errors after clicking my user name. When ready I will produce those errors21:31
JLuci was advised to edit the script lanuched by grub21:31
alkafoomh: heh21:31
JLucand add verbose and nosplash21:31
vlt!enter | JLuc21:31
ubottuJLuc: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:31
alkafoomh: might be more worth your time to just get a new computers, one that coreboot supports21:31
Bizzehalkafoo: because all of my customers are in the uk, im in the uk, and my company is in the uk, i want the conveniance of the server and the hosting provider being in the uk21:31
JLuchow do i save  edited script after editing ?21:31
alkafooJLuc: can we visit the problem first before we assume this person who advised you was right?21:31
alkafooBizzeh: ah =)21:32
alkafooBizzeh: but you don't care where in the UK?21:32
mhalkafoo: is that an answer???21:32
alkafooBizzeh: somewhere on great britain?21:32
alkafoomh: ?21:32
JLucwell i installed ubuntu with dual boot with 7 after freeing space, everything went fine, i updated programms and installed some apps, ok, but when switching on21:32
alkafoomh: I gave you a link for updating already21:32
JLucOffbeatAdam, and then on, i could not boot anymore21:32
alkafooreally you got two answers21:33
alkafooJLuc: but when what now?21:33
Bizzehalkafoo: i have 4000 customers, about 3200 of which are just hosting 5 pages of html, a style sheet and some images.21:33
JLucwhen switching off and on again, i couldnt boot on ubuntu21:33
Bizzehalkafoo: the customers are randomly scattered across the uk, so im not really that bothered where in the uk as long as its in the uk21:34
alkafooBizzeh: northern ireland? =)21:34
JLucnow i got fgrub options, and when choosing ubuntu i got a pink screen with ubuntu in center and 5 points , it goes black, then pink again and nothing more21:34
mhalkafoo: oh yes thanks a lot :)21:34
mhi did not see the link21:34
Bizzehalkafoo: i would rather mainland england, but i would consider NI though21:34
JLucstays pink with ubuntu and the five points, nothing moves nor happens21:35
alkafooJLuc: okay, so you can hit 'e' at the GRUB menu, and add ' text' to the end of the line with 'kernel' in it, then hit 'b' for boot, or21:35
JLucno need to save ?21:36
alkafooJLuc: you can boot up your Ubuntu live/install image and chroot into your broken install and fix it from there21:36
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alkafooJLuc: no it's all temporary there21:36
urlin2uJLuc, use the recovery boot from and failsafe in the next gui, scroll to it with the arrow keys, then if in look in addotional drivers21:36
JLuci'm no linux pro21:36
alkafooJLuc: if you reboot again you'll have to add it again; the idea is to fix it before rebooting21:36
ionelmchow do i get a list of packages i intalled manually?21:36
sdzI can't see any cups printers in chromium... thoughts?21:36
JLucyes 2nd option is failsafe21:37
f1_Darn network, anyway the first error was "Could not update ICEauthority file home/<username>/.ICEauthority"21:37
alkafooionelmc: manually, or explicitly (not deps)?21:37
urlin2uionelmc, dpkg --get-selections > installed-software21:37
urlin2uthais all packages21:37
urlin2uthat is21:37
JLucfailsafe proposes another menu - in french ! (my langage)21:37
alkafooJLuc: the nerve!21:38
vltionelmc: Browse /var/log/aptitude or make a diff of urlin2u’s output to one of a fresh install.21:38
JLuci can resume, clean, dpkg, failsafeX, fsck, grub21:38
hacked_kernelwhich configuration file is used to set a proxy server information?21:38
JLuci dont get "the nerve" ?21:39
alkafooJLuc: just a joke, no worries21:39
JLucok :-)21:39
urlin2uJLuc, none will break use failsafe21:39
JLucok it says it will be low res, ok for this time,21:40
JLucthen "no required hardware for unity"21:40
JLucAMOF i had some display glitches with unity when it was going ok just after install21:41
sammyis the best practice to install a package (with a needed update) from oneiric to download the single package and install it, or to add the repository to apt, change its priority and pin the single package?21:41
JLucOh its running now !21:41
urlin2uJLuc, this will identify the graphics lspci | grep VGA21:41
JLuclspci | grep VGA21:42
JLucno not that keyboad21:42
vltHello. How can I select a country name by typing hte first letters in the keyboard layout settings?21:42
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Milez-How do i know which release of nvidia drivers ubuntu's currently using?21:43
JLucit says ATI Inc 760G Radeon 300021:43
JLucvga compatible21:43
vltMilez-: Try "lspci -k"21:43
urlin2uJLuc, argh a radeon try the xswat ppa I think21:43
JLucsame with -k21:44
sammyMilez-: packages.ubuntu.com will show you current and past versions of packages for each ubuntu release21:44
JLucits a cheap pc but much faster than good laptops21:44
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sammyMilez-: and I believe the numbering scheme for ubuntu's nvidia packages follows along with their build numbers from nvidia.21:45
JLuchow do i xswat ppa ?21:45
urlin2uJLuc, hmm I found this. http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/hardware/201011-669821:45
ThonEneyi got a problem, since the last update a week or more ago after booting nothing shows on the screen, i'm almost sure it's the graphics drivers (latest from ati site hd6850 card)21:45
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urlin2uJLuc, is that the computer?21:46
JLucits a compaq SG321:46
ThonEneycan i uninstall my graphics drivers from the recovery console?21:47
JLucSG3-130FR as far as i can see21:47
JLucCompaq & HP21:48
JLucis there an installed tool to display technical characteristics of the computer so as to compare with HP pro 3125 ?21:49
urlin2uJLuc, this is the PPA not sure really, but it has the fglrx installer for amd https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates21:50
f1Does anyone know about the /usr/lib/libconf-sanity-check-w exited with status 256" error? I tried to do everything that is posted on the forums and I still get three different errors when logging into my old account21:51
JLucso i type the 2 lines with deb and deb-src21:52
urlin2uJLuc, add to sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list  or read the how to add fropm the terminal you get the key that way it is best.21:53
JLucwill the next soon release be better with this ? cos i can wait 3 weeks...21:54
urlin2uJLuc, hard to say man read the ppa if you want to try that.21:55
JLuci dont understand much of the context and perspective21:56
JLuclets try these 2 lines...21:56
urlin2uJLuc, look at the read abput installing.21:56
Milez-can i boot off of the flash drive on my camera?21:57
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GneaMilez-: if your system supports it21:57
urlin2uJLuc, sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-  use at your own risk as I'm not sure21:57
Milez-sweet.  my flash drives are all out on load21:57
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GneaMilez-: in that case, I'm gonna go with a 'no' :)21:58
JLuctheres something wrong with radeon ?21:58
sven^is there a way to exclude packages from update-manager?21:58
urlin2uJLuc, sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates   sorry21:58
lnx1Hello! Does anyone know of a solution to a21:58
lnx1utomatically logging out an ubuntu user?21:59
ThonEneyCan someone tell me how to uninstall the graphics driver without it loading?21:59
Gnealnx1: this is a problem?21:59
sammysven^: you want to put a package on 'hold'. if you only use apt-get and synaptic package manager (and update-manager), you can use synaptic package manager to place the package on hold. update-manager will still notify you when updates are available, but they will by default be unchecked for held packages.21:59
cccangelHello.  I am working on figuring out how to get my usb logitech input/output headphones working in ubuntu without having to reboot my machine.  Any ideas?21:59
urlin2uJLuc, actually it would be this one.  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/ppa22:00
sammysven^: I say 'if you only use' because there is a different procedure for putting packages on hold when using aptitude.22:00
sven^sammy: is there a way to do that on the command line? I read something about package pinnig but that sounded like a too big mess for one package22:00
mikeypizanois it still possible to upgrade 8.10 to 9.04?22:00
JLuci try it22:00
Gneacccangel: try plugging them in and selecting them from the alsamixer22:00
lnx1Gnea, i work in ano office where they have public computers, they need a solution to giving the public timed access to the pcs basically so they cannot hog the machines. does that make sense?...22:00
Gentoo64mikeypizano, why would you when its that old?22:01
cccangelGnea i dont know how to use alsamixer.. how do i got about doing that?22:01
Gnealnx1: yes, it does. one moment...22:01
sammysven^: I think you're looking to edit dpkg-selections. you can use a command to 'get' the selections, dump them into a file, edit the package you wish to put on hold, then you can load the newly saved file into the dpkg-selections database. try googling that with any luck, Ive done it recently but Id have to google again to find specifics.22:01
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sven^k, thanks sammy22:01
mikeypizanoi get an error saying that it failed to extract the upgrade and there may be a problem with the network or the serve22:01
JLucit imported one key but no ultimate key22:01
JLucnow i type the 2 lines with deb and deb-src ?22:02
Gentoo64mikeypizano, probably because its old22:02
Gneacccangel: it's a terminal program, so you should start by opening a terminal (apps->accessories->terminal) and then typing:  cat /proc/asound/cards  see how many are listed after you plugged it in22:02
mikeypizanoyes, but is there a repo i can add so i can do the upgrade?22:02
Gentoo64mikeypizano, no idea. why dont you use a newer one?22:02
cccangelGnea, ok i got that.22:02
sven^sammy: http://fosswire.com/post/2008/08/exclude-packages-from-being-installed-and-upgraded-in-debianubuntu/ thanks ;). Should have googled right away ;)22:02
cccangelGnea, i also went into alsamixer and turned up the volume on my headset...22:02
mikeypizanobecuase this is the only cd i could get that wanted to boot on this old computer22:03
cccangelGnea, however sound preferences wont allow me to select it as an input nor output device for audio22:03
JLucbut deb command is not found urlin2u22:03
Gneacccangel: oh good, you found that.  you'll need to make sure you have the pulseaudio device chooser installed and running so you can choose it to output to22:04
JLucubuntu is sure not for Oma22:04
cccangelGnea, i take its not installed by default?22:05
Gneacccangel: correct22:05
cccangelGnea, whats its package name?22:05
lnx1Gnea, thanks! by the way, i know there are some scripts that can be run, but i cannot get them to work, its got to the stage where the company are will to pay for a product, if there is one of course...22:06
alternutanyone know some good gps mapping packages for ubuntu?22:06
Gneacccangel: actually, it may not be necessary - left-click on your sound icon at the top, then go to 'sound preferences', see if you can select it there first....22:06
KNUBBIGHey guys, I got a technician who installed a webcam which saves data via FTP/Samba on my server's external drive. He said it would be better for the FS to be NTFS/FAT. Is there any reason for that? FTP/Samba hides the FS, doesn't it? Thanks!22:06
cccangelGnea, yeah thats whats iffy. it shows up in the hardware tab but it wont let me select it in the input nor output tab.  And my only fix i found is to reboot my machine... so... something is faulty (somewhere)22:07
SIFTUKNUBBIG: yep, doesnt matter about the filesystem22:07
basslinerKNUBBIG: go slap your technician with a chainsaw.22:07
Gneacccangel: perhaps pulse just needs to be restarted after it's plugged in? that is strange...22:08
cccangelGnea, ya someone already had me try "sudo service pulseaudio restart" but it didnt work.22:09
basslinerKNUBBIG: when using an external hard drive with ntfs under linux, you'll probably use fuse, which will have massive impact on performance. if you can avoid that, do it. from your description, i was not able to mentally construct your scenario though.22:09
cccangelGnea, unless there is another service that needs a restart.22:09
KNUBBIGbassliner: where did I miss out something that would help you?22:10
basslinerKNUBBIG: so you have a server attached to your lan, where you want to store images that your workstation that has a camera attached to it, and the workstation transfers data to the server via smb or ftp?22:10
Gnealnx1: this tends to be an okay reference: http://www.fatwallet.com/forums/technology/981157/22:10
basslinerKNUBBIG: like, there is no fat/ntfs on the workstation?22:11
KNUBBIGbassliner: no, it's a cam independant of any computer. It just works as an addressable webcam attached to LAN22:11
Gneacccangel: well, there is that (the system-wide service) and then there's the user-level service (the one that's started everytime you login from the GUI)22:11
Gneacccangel: have you tried just logging out then logging back in?22:11
basslinerKNUBBIG: ah fine. so if your server is running linux, then using ntfs/fat is b*llsh*t.22:11
cccangelGnea, lemme check that22:12
Gneacccangel: k22:12
KNUBBIGbassliner: thanks, that's what I thought. Sorry for the bad explanation :)22:12
basslinerKNUBBIG: you're welcome. :)22:12
cccangelGnea, nope22:13
urlin2uJLuc, deb command?22:13
JLucin the terminal, deb22:13
JLucas shown on the page22:13
cccangelGnea, i guess this would create a bug report :/22:14
urlin2uJLuc, you don't run them in the terminal just add the PPA and run a update/upgrade22:14
JLuci've typed your command22:14
cccangelGnea, except im not knowledgable as to what would be causing the problem22:14
urlin2uJLuc, I know it is confusing at first you will get it. :D22:15
JLucso i've added the ppa i think22:15
JLucand now how do i update / upgrade ?22:15
tomanhello, I really need some help. I have an aiptek 14000u tablet and i just changed my ubuntu version to 11.04. On 10.10 i had to configure the tablet driver, but here it is just plug and play. The problem is that no Wine app detects the pressure sensitivity. Can someone help ?22:15
galaxyforestanyone can help me setting up the brightness on a samsung rv411?22:15
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lnx1Gnea, thanks! am reading up now...22:15
JLuci'm about to restart without unity so as to try22:16
urlin2uJLuc, then run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade and see if anything is added, and a logout and in may be needed or reboot to get alll in place.22:16
galaxyforestanyone can help me setting up the brightness on a samsung rv411?22:16
antibodyhi how can I re-install all installed packages»22:17
urlin2uantibody, same computer?22:18
Walex2antibody: why would you need that? Can't you just check the checksums?22:18
JamesT_Hi, I mentioned this in the ubuntu server channel as well but hopefully someone here can help. I am having trouble connecting my ubuntu server machine to my university campus wifi. The details we are given about the network are here: http://www.ucc.ie/en/sit/network/wireless/tech/ This is my wpa_supplicant.conf http://pastebin.com/WnrpP3j5 It seems to be connecting (according to iwconfig). But dhclient doesnt work.22:18
JLucso its downloading the ppa urlin2u22:19
antibodyyes urlin2u22:19
urlin2uJLuc, cool hope this gets you what is needed.22:19
wangerinHi. There seems to be problems with the dk.archive.ubuntu.com ( - and there has been for some time now. Where to report a problem?22:19
antibodyWalex2: how can I make the checksums being checked for all pkgs and the wrong ones get re-installed then?22:19
GunClivehi. do usb sticks that are automatically mounted when inserting under ubuntu need a clean umount when removing them? thanks.22:20
urlin2uantibody, check the post right after mine from Walex222:20
Wiz_KeeDhey everyone22:20
antibodyI know but how can I check everything automatically?22:20
Walex2antibody: a bit of work unfortunately. But nearly all packages should be fine. You'll get a list of failed checksums22:20
urlin2uGunClive, best to yes right click and safely remove drive22:21
Walex2antibody: look at 'man debsums' and you can get a list of packages installed in '/var/lib/dpkg/info'22:21
E3D3Synaptics says that I have to do:   dpkg --configure -a   but that process repeats itself endlessly. What should I do ?22:21
Walex2antibody: silly me, you can just do 'debsums -c -a'22:22
galaxyforestanyone can help me setting up the brightness to the function keys in a samsung rv411 (they're actually set up but the brightness doesn't change)22:22
Walex2antibody: also note the example "Reinstalls packages with changed files." in 'man debsums'22:23
bx-ghIf all mb don't implement an option to disable uefi, what you kernel devs do?22:23
Walex2galaxyforest: that may be impossible if the laptop-specific way to change brightness does not work.22:24
urlin2ugalaxyforest, you using a monitor with that lappy22:24
Walex2galaxyforest: however to start you should bind the keybodes for those function keys to bind to the keysyms for brightness up and down.22:24
Gneacccangel: pulseaudio-utils or pulseaudio-module-gconf22:24
Walex2galaxyforest: there are probably lots of examples on the web for similar laptops.22:24
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arooni-mobilehi folks;  i just bought a mobile broadband wireless card.  it give me an ip address of x.x.x.x;  i'd like to make it so i can access my web app via http://ip-address-of-moile-wifi-card:80  ; or http://ip-address-of-moile-wifi-card:3000 ... i'm running ubuntu linux 11.04; is this possible?22:27
cccangelGnea, i just filled out a bug report.  Can't come to any ideas at the moment to fix it.22:28
ubottuUbuntu bug 859249 in Ubuntu "Headset Not Useable when Plugged In" [Undecided,New]22:28
lnx1Gnea, read that link you sent, kind of helps but not a solution for me, i'll keep looking and posting, thanks anyway for your time, appriciated!22:30
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arooni-mobileis there a way to track how much internet usage my mobile wifi card has gone through?22:31
Walex2galaxyforest: http://what-ho.posterous.com/linux-hotkey-support-on-samsung-laptops22:32
urlin2uarooni-mobile, I doubt it it would ahve to have a memry of it.22:33
qrqI use 8.04 Server and I got some theme issue22:34
qrqI need to change theme everytime I launch some app22:34
qrqThen it would apply to app22:34
qrqAnyone knows how to fix that?22:35
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alkafooqrq: stop using a GUI with a server?22:36
qrqalkafoo ...22:37
ThonEneyhow do i remove the ati drivers from the recovery console or the like?22:37
RocketLauncheri am on wifi and i need to do internet sharing through ethernet into my imac g3 so i can install linux on it.. i went into auto eth0 and ipv4 settings and selected SHARE TO COMPUTERS and restarted it but it didnt work at all22:38
RocketLauncherInternet sharing works on Windows 7 so it's not the mac or the cable that's having problems22:39
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bx-ghIf all mb don't implement an option to disable uefi, what you kernel devs do?22:40
bx-ghRed Hat developer Matthew Garrett stated that Windows 8 it will impact generic linux kernel, what does all this mean for laptops, desktops and so on22:40
urlin2ubx-gh, you can disable the uefi says MS.22:41
rww!ot | bx-gh22:42
ubottubx-gh: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:42
og01Hi im about to setup a raid array and mount it in a non-standard location. I want it to get remounted on boot - how do i manage the setup of the array on boot?22:42
tomodachiog01: doesent mdadm assemble it for you automatically?22:43
og01im not sure is there a init script that does it on boot?22:43
og01In the (far distant) past (not on ubuntu) i wrote my own startup script22:44
tomodachiog01: do you need it on boot? or is after boot ok?22:44
og01after is fine22:44
antibodyhey (again) so my /home was full for a moment gtk apps crashed..and now everything segfaults... which hidden dir should I rm to check if that was the reason? tnx22:44
GunClivegot a mount problem. this does not work: sudo mount -t ext3 -o rw sync /dev/sdc1 /media/0 why? thanks22:44
boltRanyone know a package for displaying sys uptime on the web?22:45
og01tomodachi: perhaps before fstab get read?22:45
tomodachiwell if you have a configuration file for mdadm, it will assemble the array for you automatically. Then having it in fstab, it will mount22:45
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tomodachiog01: i havent used mdadm for a while. Just do raid with servers. And then i prefer hardware raid.22:45
drapedupboltR: why not just call on the "uptime" command?22:45
kisukeok can ubiquity be run from a wubi install?22:45
jack^_GunClive, do you get an error?22:45
boltRdrapedup, how would i output that through php?22:46
tomodachiog01: i believe mdadm will be called automagically before fstab22:46
og01tomodachi: heh not in my budget :)22:46
og01tomodachi: ok cool22:46
syn-ackI don't see why not, kisuke. Then again I don't know much about wubi.22:46
tomodachiog01: yeah  same for me I guess if i would ever want it on something wich is mine. Make sure to enable mailing so you get status updates on how your array is doing.22:46
jack^_you can get a hardware raid controller for $100. there is no need for mdadm22:46
drapedupboltR: i'm not sure the best way to do it, but you could run a script that pipes the output of "uptime" to a txt file and have php call on that22:46
drapedupboltR: i'm sure there's a more elegant way to do it, but i'm really rusty22:46
tomodachijack^_: hardware controllers are often , if not bundled with a "real" server not reliable. When they brake, your raid is gone. With sw raid there is no hardware dependency22:47
og01tomodachi: i'll give it a shot - box is in use atm so i didnt really want to test with a reboot22:47
GunClivejack_, no. mount just prints out a standard text for correct usage22:47
og01tomodachi: reading the manpage you look spot on though22:47
boltRdrapedup, hmm i'll see if there's a way to use php to call on uptime22:47
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kisukesyn-ack: i jsut want to double check, cant make a CD atm and this compy's old wnought that USB is not an option22:47
drapedupboltR: there should be a simple way to do it. I'm sure someone's written a simple php script to do it too22:47
tomodachiog01: happy I could be of help. Just verify that it works. Last time i used sw raid in linux it failed me....22:48
jack^_GunClive, try removing the space between rw and sync. use a comma22:48
drapedupboltR: I just googled "php uptime script" and got some results...22:48
mattalexxIs there a command like ssh-copy-id that will install a public key on the local computer but not add it twice (like >> would)?22:48
tomodachimattalexx: whats wrong with ssh-copy-id ?22:48
jack^_og01, tomodachi, i missed the begining of the conversation, but you can add a command at boot time to assemble software raid if it's failing to do it automaitcally. something like `mdadm -Ac partitions -m 0 /dev/md0`22:49
mattalexxThat's for copying the local pubkey to a remote machine. I want to copy the pubkey of another machine (in string form) to the local machine.22:49
GunClivejack_, i had a space at the end of the line that confused mount. lucky that i noticed..22:49
tomodachijack^_: just for my own interest not that I use mdadm ,but knowledge is always nice. where would you enter it? the grub console?22:49
mattalexxtomodachi, ^22:49
jack_sorry wrong jack guys22:50
glebihanboltR, you can use the php functions "system" or "exec" to make a system call and get its output22:50
jack_this is Jack87 testing ubuntu chroot on touchpad22:50
GunClivejack^_, i had a space at the end of the line that confused mount. lucky that i noticed..22:50
jack^_tomodachi, it would only have to bee in grub console if you were booting from it. if its mounted after the fact you could put the command in rc.local22:50
tomodachiglebihan: boltR  sounds a bit "unsecure" though. I would just make a bash script. that adds the uptime every 1 day to a file. Wich then php "reads"22:51
jack^_tomodachi, im not sure if there is a way to do that. it shoudl be called by the ramdisk22:51
tomodachijack^_: ok thanks for the intel.22:51
glebihantomodachi, that's not unsecure at all22:51
og01jack^_: thanks jack^_22:51
boltRtomodachi, glebihan i'm wondering if there are native php functions that might serve a similar purpose22:52
tomodachiglebihan: if you say so :)  but my solution can hardly be "less" secure!22:52
glebihanboltR, system and exec are native php functions22:52
sammythe directions on the ubuntu wiki for building a package from source from a newer distribution version (to avoid libc6 problems) leads me to an error saying it cant find the source package for said file. I've added oneiric's deb-src line and updated my package cache. nothing saying 'oneiric' shows up in the output of 'apt-cache policy' if thats significant22:52
glebihantomodachi, about the same as mine actually22:52
boltRglebihan, oh i meant for retrieving uptime directly22:52
jack^_i've haerd they're insecure. if somebody gains accesses to those commands through your public facing page they get complete access to your system22:52
jack^_not that i have experience with that22:53
boltRglebihan, sort of like the time() function22:53
jack^_boltR, you can exec the uptime command and have it print what is returned22:53
JLucwell it seems to be good now urlin2u22:53
jack^_i do it on my server22:53
boltRjack^_, okay i think i'll do that then22:53
JLucbut i switched to ubuntu classic because of problems with unity typing-zones22:53
jack^_bollullera, http://jack-server.com/blog/?page_id=152122:53
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jack^_boltR, http://jack-server.com/blog/?page_id=152122:54
jack^_has an update22:54
JLucthanx for your help22:54
jack^_bollullera, unping22:54
sammyif I add a deb-src line, then apt-get update, shouldnt a new entry show up in apt-cache policy?22:54
boltRjack^_, awesome22:54
boltRexactly what i'm looking for22:54
jack^_boltR, one moment. let me grab the code22:54
[unf]I have a WD external drive, I password protected it on windows... I recently formated and installed ubuntu, is there a way I can run the Unlock.exe and unlock my drive?22:55
notlistening[unf],  have you tried wine?22:58
alkafoo[unf]: you installed Ubuntu onto the password protected drive?22:58
[unf]I installed ubuntu on my laptop, and the drive is external22:58
PanochaI am designing an ubuntu help forum for Spanish22:58
alkafooPanocha: hey22:58
alkafoo[unf]: ah22:59
[unf]but the drive is password protected, and i'm trying to access it..22:59
Panochait will have ubuntu-es embedded22:59
Panochain a java applet22:59
Panochabut I need feedback on the logo choice22:59
[unf]and I was reading up on wine, and I don't think wine will allow it22:59
alkafoo[unf]: right, try Wine first22:59
Panochahere is a montage of the 4 logos under consideration22:59
PanochaI need some feedback22:59
alkafooPanocha: hahah22:59
notlistening[unf] see here http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=55533423:00
alkafoodoesn't make a real great logo, either, heh23:00
jack^_boltR, list($uptime, $uptimehour, $user, $load1, $load2, $load3) = explode(",", exec('uptime'));23:00
Panochastop trolling23:00
Panochathey have penguins23:00
Panochaand ubuntu motifs23:00
FloodBot1Panocha: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:00
alkafoosure they have23:00
boltRjack^_, thanks a lot man23:00
Panochaoh sorry23:00
Panochathat was the logo for my other project23:00
alkafoothere are so many more disturbing images you could've linked to =P23:00
Panochathe forum for gay emo aspies23:00
alkafoosee I couldn't even tell it was a dude, looked like a chick23:01
Panochait is disturbing for closeted homos who are homophobic23:01
alkafoonot that distrubing, it just looks like ordinary porn23:01
jack^_im banned from this channel on my actual name for disagreeing with a mod , and this fruit loop can post that shit?23:01
Panochalike Michelle Bachman's husband23:01
notlisteninga person near to where i live got a suspended prison sentence for trolling :D23:01
alkafooPanocha: yeah but if that's a guy it looks like a girl23:01
Panochaits an emo guy23:01
alkafoojack^_: and now you'll probably be banned again, smart23:02
alkafooPanocha: same thing23:02
[unf]my issue is that the drive has software that will only work in windows, as it's a .exe file23:02
Panochaalkafoo  I know  I love fucking whiney emo guys23:02
alkafoo[unf]: Wine is software for running win32 apps23:02
[unf]there is no way to execute a .exe? or perhapse chmod the file?23:02
alkafooPanocha: heh23:02
alkafoo[unf]: install wine, then run wine path/to/unlock.exe23:02
alkafoo[unf]: might work, might not23:02
[unf]just sudo apt-get install wine?23:02
alkafoo[unf]: it might take less time to find a Windows install and remove the password protection23:03
alkafoo[unf]: you can re-encrypt with something less Windows specific afterwards23:03
alkafoo[unf]: probably yeah, apt-cache search wine would know for sure23:03
[unf]oh i'm getting an error23:03
[unf]The following packages have unmet dependencies:23:03
[unf] linux-image-grsec : Depends: linux-image- but it is not going to be installed23:03
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alkafoo[unf]: hrmm?23:04
ubuntu_can someone help me23:04
og01ubuntu_: depends what your problem is...23:05
RocketLauncheri am on wifi and i need to do internet sharing through ethernet into my imac g3 so i can install linux on it.. i went into auto eth0 and ipv4 settings and selected SHARE TO COMPUTERS and restarted it but it didnt work at all23:05
og01ubuntu_: dont ask to ask on irc (its rude)23:05
ubuntu_i have ubuntu 10.10 on disk one then i pluged in my windows disck mainly because i dont want to touch the windows boot loader so how can i run a dual boot23:06
alkafooubuntu_: what version of Windows?23:06
Mondragonanyone here know anything about packaging?23:06
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glebihanMondragon, you should ask in #ubuntu-packaging23:07
Mondragonah, thanks23:07
alkafooubuntu_: pretty sure you can use EasyBCD with Windows XP23:07
alkafooubuntu_: which'll make it easy to set it up so your Windows boot loader can chainload GRUB23:07
ubuntu_ok thanks23:08
alkafooubuntu_: why is it you don't want to touch the windows boot loader?23:08
ubuntu_i like ubuntu but it always seems to hate xp on my pc optoplex gx28023:10
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kisukeany one know anything about running ubiquity on an installed copy of ubuntu?23:15
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RocketLauncheri think internet sharing doesnt work because ubuntu doesnt even recognize my ethernet.. what do i do? god..23:24
og01RocketLauncher: is the network interface showing with the command: ifconfig?23:25
RocketLauncheryeah og0123:26
RocketLauncherunder wired networks i never see anything even when i enable internet sharing23:26
RocketLauncheri'm sharing this computer's connection to another one and i use wifi here.. but i want to share it with ethernet..23:26
og01im not the best person to talk to - im not sure what this 'internet sharing' feature is (im not very ubuntuy myself - maybe someone else can chime in)23:27
yagooRocketLauncher, is this computer hooked "directly" to the internet?23:28
RocketLauncheryagoo: yes, through wifi23:28
RocketLauncherif that's what you mean23:28
yagooRocketLauncher, it's probably better to get a wifi adapter for the other station..23:28
yagooRocketLauncher, wifi is not a direct internet connection...23:29
yagooRocketLauncher, i'm not sure if the tools support wifi as a NAT point..23:29
RocketLauncheri had a laptop running Windows 7 and it worked23:29
yagooRocketLauncher, where's the AP ?23:30
yagooRocketLauncher, that's windows.. but i'm not sure on linux..23:30
og01RocketLauncher: its all perfectly possible23:30
og01RocketLauncher: but its not particularly simple stuff23:31
blacksunsevenAnyone else have issues with XBMC not listing shows/movies in Library Mode?23:31
RocketLauncherog01: do you know how though?23:31
cProgHi all23:31
cProgMy front microphone is not working. Anyone can help me to fix that problem? Thanks. I run ubuntu 10.04.3 LTS, and I have followed these instructions in vain: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshootingProcedure23:31
yagooRocketLauncher, lookup NAT wifi23:31
yagooRocketLauncher, problem is this..23:31
og01RocketLauncher: yeah pretty much, you can run dnsmasq for dhcp and dns, and then route traffic via your wifi23:31
alkafoocProg: laptop?23:32
yagooRocketLauncher, you need to have WIFI documented as the WAN interface..23:32
yagooRocketLauncher, which means.. almost impossible documentation23:32
cProgalkafoo: no it is a desktop23:32
RocketLauncherwould it just be easier for me to dual boot Windows 7 on my Pentium 4 lool23:32
yagooRocketLauncher, you can try it.. but treat the WAN wifi interface from documentation as its a LAN interface..23:33
og01yagoo: which documentation/23:33
yagooRocketLauncher, so instead of eth0 mentioned in documentation, think of it as wlan0 or wifi023:33
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almoxarifeblacksunseven: you need to visit #xbmc23:33
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RocketLauncherso is hould just edit wlan0 ipv4 settings in network manager?23:33
StepNjumpHi guys, I can no longer get X up and running so I logged on using a USB pen drive ubuntu. Now I would like to view my data that is still on this computer before I reinstall Ubuntu on the machine (essentially I'm trying to back up). I see my user name there but when I try to click on my old 'home' folder, permission is denied. Is it true that I need to sign in using SU so I could have access to my files?23:34
yagooRocketLauncher, google "masquerade debian wiki"23:35
yagooor masquerade ubuntu wiki23:35
RocketLauncherok i hope this works23:35
yagooRocketLauncher, maybe this http://www.google.ca/search?q=masquerade+ubuntu+wiki&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a23:35
og01RocketLauncher: its on of those things, linux is perfect for this job - it can do pretty much any networking magic you could ever think of, but on the flip side its never as simple as you would like, and you just need to put in the time reading documentation and understanding networks in general23:36
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JeruvyStepNjump: I wouldn't go that route.  I'd fix gdm.  How did you break it?23:36
StepNjumpOh gosh, it's totally dead Jeruvy... I forget what happened. I think I just downloaded the updates and since then, it will only boot up in low graphics mode23:37
yagooRocketLauncher, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing23:38
RocketLauncherthat's what i read23:38
StepNjumpJeruvy, I just wanted to install on top of the current installation. Will that confuse GRUB?23:39
og01RocketLauncher: does your ethernet port show a link light?23:39
JeruvyStepNjump: well it's your call, but I'd review the problem and fix it rather than reinstall.23:39
og01RocketLauncher: that guide is esactly what you want to do23:39
RocketLauncherno og0123:39
RocketLauncherog01: i followed that guide though23:39
StepNjumpWhy Jeruvy?23:39
swimI'm using lucid on a dell d600 with a bcm4306 wlan card.  for months the wlan has worked great.  yesterday and today had router disconnect issues, now have extremely slow connection23:39
og01RocketLauncher: are you usinga  special cross-over cable?23:39
JeruvyStepNjump: easier, less work/time23:39
flowranyone wanna cam? sexy girls, ASL? webcam?23:39
RocketLauncherflowr: i do but i'm not a girl and i may be small23:40
StepNjumpJeruvy, I'm a new user so I have almost nothing in there as far as data is concerned23:40
og01RocketLauncher: are you using a hub or switch between the two pc's or are you connecting computer directly to computer?23:40
RocketLauncherog01: directly to computer23:40
og01RocketLauncher: does this cable work udner windows?23:40
yagooRocketLauncher, are you using a "cross-over" link rj45 cable? maybe u have to set it up with the driver.. or simply use a cross-over cable if the data-links don't light up23:40
JeruvyStepNjump: your call, good luck.23:40
RocketLauncherIn windows i went into the wifi adapter's settings and enabled internet sharing and it worked through ethernet somehow23:40
og01yagoo: drivers can do that?23:41
StepNjumpJeruvy, how would you identify using the old password and old username using a pendrive?23:41
StepNjumpshould I use su?23:41
RocketLauncheryagoo: i dont have a crossover cable23:41
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og01RocketLauncher: usualy if your connecting a computer directly to another computer you would need a crossover cable, but this applies to windows too23:41
kristenCan anyone point me in the right direction for wireless help?23:42
JeruvyStepNjump: You can't.23:42
RocketLauncherog01: since it worked on windows could it work on ubantu23:42
og01RocketLauncher: unless as yagoo implied it can be managed or set these days23:42
elkyflowr, do you plan to start behaving any time soon?23:42
StepNjumpJeruvy, so how an I get to my previous data under a gui environment?23:42
og01RocketLauncher: well yeah, it should - but the driver level autocrossing of the pairs is news to me23:43
JeruvyStepNjump: take ownership of the data and move it.23:43
og01RocketLauncher: if you have no link light between the machines thats at the datalink level23:43
flowrelky: I havent behaved at all since .. umm.. 20kb of text.. aer you still waiting? :p23:43
og01RocketLauncher: ie its not related to linux or windows23:43
og01RocketLauncher: and you need to sort out the cabling23:43
elky!guidelines > flowr23:44
ubottuflowr, please see my private message23:44
flowri mean.. behaved as in, doing actuion23:44
yagooRocketLauncher, i'm not sure if there's an option for cross-over somewhere, it's possible.. but I would use a cross-over cable to make things easier..23:44
StepNjumpJeruvy, I have no problem copying the data in terminal when I boot up with grub to that partition but not when I'm booted up using a ubuntu mounted on a  pen drive23:44
koahey guys i need help with uninstalling kde on ubuntu 11.4 <23:44
JeruvyStepNjump: I cannot assist you further in this course of action.23:45
StepNjumpok thanks23:45
brylieWe have a computer lab with several Ubuntu PCs. I would like to remotely configure and update those machines. What are some good tools to consider that would allow for a centralized configuration server to be utilized for our lab computers?23:45
koa-.- everytime i boot kde mess up my nvidia driver and i have to install it again in order to log hlep plz T_T23:45
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Logan_rww: I keep getting false pings :P23:47
falseLogan_: I keep getting false highlights :P23:47
Jeruvyfalse :)23:48
yagoobrylie, i dont think much more tools would be needed.. you'd like to set a LAN restricted repository in order to save internet bandwidth.. and add that "repo" for your machines.. (the dpkg-scanpackages tool is used to make a repo from a directory of .deb files)23:49
brylieOK. I would also like to do things like manage printer configurations.23:51
og01brylie: rsync maybe?23:51
og01brylie: and cron23:51
yagoobrylie, well I dont know of all the tools.. but you'd probably like to ask #cups.. there's "swat" but it's not very secure.. (there's ways to make it secure)23:52
og01brylie: you can auto push certain configuration files that23:52
yagooog01, he doesn't need rsync..23:52
og01yagoo: sounds like a combination of rsync and cron would fullfill all the requirements he asked for?23:53
yagooog01, rsync would unnecessarily mirror all .deb files.. it would sort of increase LAN activity with his LAN repo.23:55
yagooa LAN repo would be sufficient (he was asking for centralized control)23:55
og01yagoo: ah no i was refering to the remotely configure server machines part23:55
yagoootherwise no point in calling it "centralized" :)23:55
magpiiok, i am admin, there is only me using my system, but i have a pid user called pypo listed in the "top" terminal command. can someone advise please23:55
magpiipypo is running a program called liquidsoap23:56
SIFTUbrylie: puppet is your tool23:56
yagooog01, that wouldn't be good enough.. he needs dpkg-scanpackages to make his local meta description index file23:57
og01brylie: puppet++ - but i've never used it personally i've heard good things23:57
yagooog01, he'd be overwriting his on index files for his repo..23:57
yagooand then he'd have to recreate his index files if he uses rsync..23:57
yagoohe needs to do a one-shot copy for now.. test it out locally.. then i guess he can mess around with it later..23:58
urlin2umagpii, are you streaming any audio or video?23:59
magpiino, I am doing nothing at the moment23:59

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