
zillyWhat's the easiest way to automatically login a user?02:53
GridCubezilly, ?03:12
GridCubehow so?03:12
GridCubeyou mean to autologin a session?03:13
zillyGridCube, I don't think.  I don't want a GDM to display.  I want to user to be logged in without having to enter a password or anything.03:13
GridCubeits easy03:13
zillyGridCube, mind letting me in on the secret? =]03:14
GridCubego to >System >Login screen (sp?) and set it up to autlogin03:14
GridCube(sorry i have my setup in spañish)03:14
zillyGridCube, I don't have a login screen under system.03:15
GridCubeyou can launch the aplication whit >alt-F2 >gdm-setup >run03:15
GridCubesorry i can't remember the correct names in english03:16
GridCube(or if they moved it of place on 11.04)03:16
GridCubebut whit the last thing i gave you, you should be able to configure it to autologin03:17
GridCube!info gdmsetup03:17
ubottuPackage gdmsetup does not exist in natty03:17
GridCubeit does exist zilly is gdmsetup03:20
GridCubewhit no -03:20
zillyGridCube, do you have to have gdm installed?03:20
GridCubei just tried it03:20
GridCubezilly, if you don't a lot of things will broke03:20
GridCubealso until 11.04 gdm is part of xubuntu, whitout it we can not provide you support :(03:21
GridCubebecause its part of xubuntu03:21
GridCubestarting whit 11.10 we will ship lightdm03:21
* GridCube says "we" as he is part of the team XD03:22
GridCubeas if^03:22
bazhangwell you offer support enough, so surely a part of the team (community)03:28
Unit193bazhang: He is, he does ISO testing too03:30
Unit193Making a slick new interface for it even03:30
bazhangUnit193, indeed, to counter his "as if"03:30
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ZepretenderHi, I'm a newbie and I try to use Vino on lastest stable Xubuntu. Can't find xfce4-autostart-editor to autostart it... Anyone can help me ?08:42
ALECVqualcuno può aiutarmi per l'istallazione di xubuntu?09:31
well_laid_lawn!it | ALECV09:32
ubottuALECV: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)09:32
well_laid_lawnI hope that's italian... :)09:32
ALECV[11:31] == #xubuntu-it Cannot join channel (+i) - you must be invited09:32
ALECVi not can join, only invite :)09:33
well_laid_lawnthat's not friendly09:33
well_laid_lawnALECV: try /join #ubuntu-it09:34
well_laid_lawnALECV: I don't know what idem means09:38
ALECVgives me the same error, by invitation only (google translatre)09:39
well_laid_lawnALECV: I just joined #ubuntu-it with no problem - are you registered on freenode?09:40
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode09:40
ALECVthx well_laid_lawn09:42
well_laid_lawnnp :)09:43
wontbootmorning everyone09:57
wontbootmay I ask something ?09:58
wontbootbeen fighting to install xubuntu or lubuntu for over 5 hours now09:58
wontbootmore that my first slackware in 1995...09:59
wontbootis there any web page I missed that would cover booting problems ?09:59
wontbootthe live CD boots all-right09:59
wontbootbut I can't get the system to boot then from HD09:59
wontbootI eventually replaced the boot loader with LILO09:59
m6locksdid the installer copy all the files to your HD succesfully?10:00
wontbootwhich gets the thing to start up but eventually bumps into weird HD problems I'd never seen before, and drops me into some sort of failsafe command-line mode10:00
SaaMmYI would try with SUPERGRUBDISK wontboot10:00
wontbootfrom which I only have read-only access10:00
wontbootyes it did10:00
wontbootlubuntu did10:00
wontbootxubuntu did :D10:00
wontbooteverytime, as a precaution, I just have it format the relevant partition10:01
wontboot(/dev/sda1 for /,   /dev/sda4 for home is kept untouched of course)10:01
m6locksare there any other partitions?10:01
wontbootwhat is SGD ?10:01
well_laid_lawnwhere do you try to install grub?10:01
wontbootonly those two partitions : /dev/sda1 for /, where I do the install,   and a /dev/sda4 with a /home directory which I want to preserve10:02
wontbootwhen I start up10:02
SaaMmYhttp://www.supergrubdisk.org/ wontboot10:02
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!10:02
wontbootall I see is the bios screen, and then just an empty sceen with blinking cursor10:02
wontbootok I'll check that out :)10:02
well_laid_lawnwhere do you try to install grub?10:02
wontbooti'm not familiar enough with grub, so I just went with the default option in the main ubuntu installer, that was "/dev/sda" simply10:03
m6lockshmm ok you could try booting without any splash or quiet mode so you could see what the system is doing10:03
SaaMmYI suggest you wontboot rescautex... that stuff is cool and userfriendly10:04
m6lockslike first going to the grub menu and then like manually entering the boot commands or selecting the boot option you want10:04
wontbootSaaMmY I'll make sure to try that right  now :)10:04
wontbootm6locks : it doesn't even get that far :)10:04
m6locksyou can get to the menu by holding shift key when it is booting10:04
wontbootstops right after the bios, not even mentioning any PBL10:04
wontbootI'll try supergrubdisk before bothering you guys any more :)10:05
wontbootoh one last question though10:06
wontbootas I only have access to this one workstation10:06
wontbootwhich is running on live CD right now10:06
wontbootis there an way to unmount the live CD in order to burn a CD ?10:06
wontboot(I know that sounds tricky...)10:06
m6locksyou need to use the same usb-port for a drive?10:07
wontbootoh sorry you're right10:08
SaaMmYwontboot do you need to burn the SGD in a pendrive right?10:08
wontbootI forgot you can boot from USB these days10:08
m6locksaye, the usb stick boot is VERY convenient10:08
wontbootI just need to find one around this place... this is not my place, I'm doing this as a favour on an old PC10:09
wontbootI'll check if it can boot from pendrive :D10:09
SaaMmYyes with unetbootin is universally easy to burn iso into pendrive10:09
SaaMmYbackup your pendrive... and download the standalone unetbootin for linux10:10
SaaMmYand then is userfriendly but if you have to ask ask it here10:10
SaaMmYwontboot unetbootin10:11
wontbootthanks :)10:11
SaaMmYu r welcome10:11
wontbootI tossing this house inside out to find a pendrive right now10:11
wontbootthe owner told me "it's there on the desk"... over phone10:11
m6locksi my opinion it is a lot easier to just use dd to copy the iso10:11
SaaMmYare you stealing inside houses?10:12
wontbootyeah, making a mess is part of the service  :D10:14
SaaMmYsecret agent10:15
wontbootI was asked to replace an old install with a recent xubuntu or lubuntu10:15
wontbootI said "nor prob, that'll take 1/2 hour, works staight"10:15
wontbootso I came hands in my pockets, no pendrive, no own laptop...10:15
wontbootand know I'm stuck10:15
SaaMmYI know this situation mate10:15
SaaMmYI did it too10:15
wontbootstupid me :D10:15
SaaMmYwontboot cd rom?10:16
SaaMmYvirgin cd?10:16
wontbootyes, I have this ONE virgin cd i found here10:16
wontbootquestion was : since I'm running the PC from a live CD right now, is there anyway10:16
wontbootto burn a CD ?10:16
SaaMmY? I don't understand10:17
wontboot(I live 100 km from here... shuttling home to fetch the proper kit is not an option :D)10:17
wontbootwell I started Xfburn10:17
wontbootbut the thing legitimately told me it can't access the CD drive, cause it's mounted10:17
wontbootand obviously I don't manage to unmount it10:18
wontbootso I wondered if there was any special trick to get the CD to run from RAM maybe10:18
wontbootand free the drive10:18
SaaMmYok no10:18
SaaMmYunetbootin works on hardisk too10:18
SaaMmYtry it but I don't have garantee10:18
m6locksyou can unmount it by force, but the system might require reading some files from the cd when running software when burning10:19
SaaMmYif you have some free partition select by unetbootin that one and burn the iso in there10:21
wontbootI could crush the swap partition10:21
SaaMmYthen reboot as unetbootin says10:21
wontbootthat's the only free one10:21
SaaMmYright way wontboot10:21
SaaMmYuse it10:21
SaaMmYmake it as ext310:21
SaaMmYor fat3210:21
SaaMmYyou will restore it10:22
wontbootok so let's recapitulate before I dig my hole even deeper10:22
wontbootI change it to ext3 and I just run unetbootin to create a bootable partition on my future-ex-swap10:23
wontbootor does Rescatux still fit into the picture somwhere ?10:23
wontbootcause that's starting to feel dodgy :D10:23
SaaMmYI don't know rescatux I 'd use grub2 but if it fits inside the swap size it's ok10:23
wontbootcause the other option is I take a tour from the neighbours (whom I don't know) and beg for a pendrive :D10:23
wontbootyep swap is 2 Go10:24
SaaMmYoh ok wontboot use it as you are doing10:24
wontbootok guys10:24
wontbootfirst of all, I must really say a big big thank you for the advice10:25
wontbootI feel like a total leech right now10:25
wontbootcoming over unprepared and stuff...10:25
bazhangeveryone starts from there10:25
wontbootnot having fettled with linux installs for four years (living on the dark side of OSX now...)10:25
SaaMmYdid you write everything? things to do list XD?10:25
wontbootand the second thing I have to say is :10:25
wontboot"Banzai" !!!10:25
SaaMmYno but seriously Good Luck mate10:26
wontbootI'll try the safe option first10:28
wontbootbeg access to a machine in the neighborhod10:28
wontbootin if I get shot at with big salt10:28
wontbootthen I'll try that swap crushing craze10:28
wontbootthanks a lot guys10:28
wontbootI think we'll have to loose radio contact for now :)10:28
wontbootbut I'll make sure I return the favour :)10:29
SaaMmYok gl wontboot10:29
KokonutAlguno que hable español???11:01
Kokonutinstall Compiz??11:02
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz11:03
SaaMmYKokonut !espanol11:13
SaaMmY!espanol | Kokonut11:13
ubottuKokonut: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #xubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #xubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.11:13
focaltyo guys13:00
focaltis the prprietary ati driver for xubuntu 10.4 the best option?13:01
focaltlike... I get a reeeally bad looking boot loader13:01
focaltalso I would like to understand why xubuntu lucid has pulseaudio?13:08
focaltwhat for?13:08
oregano4Guten Tach auch13:19
focaltanybody can help»14:57
focaltanybody can help?14:57
focalti'm trying to install an audio card driver, but when I type 'make'14:59
focalthttp://pastebin.com/hE9Z5Zhq > this happens...14:59
GridCubemmm lets see15:00
GridCubeyou dont have /lib/modules/2.6.32-33-generic/build15:00
GridCubeits says so right there15:01
GridCubeif im not mistaken you need to install build-essentials15:01
focaltbuild-essential is already the newest version.715:02
GridCubethen you need...15:03
focalthoe do I do that15:06
focalthow* (sorry i'm a bit new to linux)15:06
GridCubesudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install linux-headers-2.6.32-33-generic15:06
focaltthanks :)15:07
GridCube:) hope it solves your problems15:07
GridCubeif not come back and we will try something else15:07
focalti'll report in a while...15:07
focaltthanks a lot man :D15:10
GridCubefocalt, you are welcome :) good luck15:12
focaltyo again15:26
focaltother thing...15:26
focaltI own a laptop with an ati graphics card15:26
focaltthe best option is to install the proprietary driver?15:26
focaltcause it makes boot loader ugly...15:26
focaltit makes me doubt on its performance15:27
focaltGridCube, any suggestions?15:31
GridCubenever used ati15:36
GridCubeso i don't know about that15:36
GridCubeyou could google arround and see peoples opinion15:36
GridCube>The open source driver is currently not on par with the proprietary driver in terms of 3D performance on newer cards or reliable TV-out support. It does, however, offer better dual-head support, excellent 2D acceleration, and provides sufficient 3D acceleration for OpenGL-accelerated window managers, such as Compiz or KWin.15:37
GridCubeso you choose15:38
focalthow can I make bootloader picture of xubuntu to disapear?15:42
ubottuPlymouth manages the Ubuntu boot process (before the root filesystem is mounted) and also provides a graphical boot animation.  To change your Plymouth theme use « sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth && sudo update-initramfs -u »15:44
knobydobshia having a problem with minecraft17:37
knobydobsknobydobs@knobydobs-ASM1610-VTM261:~$ java -Xmx1024M -Xms512M -cp Minecraft.jar net.minecraft.LauncherFrame17:37
knobydobsException in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/minecraft/LauncherFrame17:37
knobydobsCaused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net.minecraft.LauncherFrame17:37
knobydobsat java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:217)17:37
knobydobsat java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)17:37
knobydobsat java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:205)17:37
knobydobsat java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:321)17:37
knobydobsat sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Launcher.java:294)17:37
knobydobsat java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:266)17:37
knobydobsCould not find the main class: net.minecraft.LauncherFrame. Program will exit.17:37
Sysiyou need sun-java instead of icedtea17:38
ubottuTo install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://goo.gl/zwOip -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.17:38
Sysiin future, if you got more than four lines, use paste.ubuntu.com17:38
knobydobssysi ok thankyou17:39
knobydobsubottu thankyou aswell17:39
knobydobsdo i have to remove openjdk aswell?17:50
focalti dunno what happened18:03
focaltand I can't install anything via synaptic...18:04
focaltcan someone help?18:04
charlie-tcaXubuntu community meeting in #xubuntu-devel in 4 hours. Everyone is invited to attend. Agenda is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings18:07
GridCubefocalt, how come you can't install from synaptic18:11
focaltGridCube, I don't know, it gives me that error...18:12
focaltand it began with trying to unisntall and install a lot of stuff18:12
GridCubesynaptic gives you a python error?18:12
focaltmaybe I screwed things up18:13
GridCubecan you run it from a terminal, and grab the dumped log, and then post it to a pastebin?18:13
focaltfor example18:14
focaltI try to install idjc18:14
focaltand it say this (without installing)18:14
focaltwell atually it installs...18:15
focaltbut then I can't run the app18:15
charlie-tcain a terminal, type     sudo apt-get update     and hit enter18:15
charlie-tcaThen type     sudo apt-get dist-upgrade      and hit enter18:15
charlie-tcasee what it says18:15
charlie-tcait won't run because it did not completely install18:16
focaltcharlie-tca, but it doesn't appear as broken18:16
charlie-tcaaccording to your paste it does18:17
focalton synaptic I mean18:17
focaltanyway i'll paste the output of the commands you gave me18:17
charlie-tcapython-twisted is broken, bad.18:20
charlie-tcatry removing it, restarting, and then installing it again.18:21
focaltrestarting system?18:22
focaltor synaptic?18:22
charlie-tcaI would use      sudo apt-get remove idjc python-twisted-web python-twisted-lore python-twisted-conch python-twisted18:22
charlie-tcaall on one line in terminal18:22
charlie-tcaclose synaptic, do it in terminal.18:22
focaltthen reboot?18:22
charlie-tcathen try reinstalling them through the terminal, using    sudo apt-get install18:23
charlie-tcaand the same list of files18:23
charlie-tcaThen it should tell you what to do to fix it18:23
focaltcharlie-tca, http://pastebin.com/AtPshRix18:27
charlie-tcaIt won't work. You should remove those again,.18:33
charlie-tcabug 62765418:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 627654 in twisted (Ubuntu) "package python-twisted-core 10.0.0-2ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62765418:33
charlie-tcaand about 5 others with no comments yet.18:34
focaltso I just uninstall?18:35
charlie-tcamaybe this one is better for the install, not an upgrade, but it is the same issue:18:35
charlie-tcabug 81493318:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 814933 in twisted (Ubuntu) "package python-twisted-core 10.0.0-2ubuntu2 [modified: usr/share/pyshared/twisted/python/dxprofile.py] failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81493318:35
focaltoh god...18:36
focaltI guess i'll just reinstall xubuntu for now18:38
charlie-tcaYou could try run in a terminal18:39
charlie-tcasudo apt-get clean18:39
charlie-tcathen try removing again18:39
focaltsame error18:40
charlie-tcaIt is not necessary to reinstall for this, but it might take another reboot to let you finish the removals18:40
focalti'll brb18:40
focaltcharlie-tca, back19:04
focaltrebooted and still can't remove them19:05
focaltcharlie-tca, I guess it's all ok now19:10
focaltthanks :)19:10
focaltcharlie-tca, found whar program required those19:11
AlgyzHi, why 11.04 is not waking up from screensaver and I have to restart? :|20:44
charlie-tcaTried a different screensaver?20:45
Algyzrandom is on20:45
charlie-tcaThen try one at a time and see which one is causing the issue.20:46
Algyzthe one with kernel number is appearing :)20:46
charlie-tcaThen try one at a time and see which one is causing the issue.20:47
knobydobshia again - when i start minecraft.jar i get the login screen then wheni log in it dissappears and i am left to start all over again20:49
GridCubeknobydobs, have you tried asking #minecraft ?20:53
GridCubethey might know how to help you better20:53
knobydobsGridCube thanx will do20:54
madbovinehey guys quick question...does xubuntu have dropbox integration?21:07
madbovineany help with that?21:11
charlie-tcaIt has it through xfce, but not through the repositories21:11
charlie-tcaIf you install using dropbox-nautilus, it installs nautilus21:12
madbovineso no way to do it through thunar?21:12
charlie-tcaI installed it using the information in http://antrix.net/posts/2008/dropbox-without-gnome/ and it worked fine with Thunar21:12
focaltmadbovine, I alway used dropbox with thunar21:15
focaltand I installed nautilus one21:15
focaltI dunno what that means, but alway worked for me21:15
madbovinenautilus one?21:15
madbovineoh nevermind21:15
madbovineand it worked with thunar without any extra work?21:16
madbovinedoes it display in the systray?21:16
focaltand on a karmic install21:16
madbovineI wonder if it would keep working if you then uninstalled nautilus21:17
focaltyeah... dunno21:17
focaltbut it installed nautilus?21:17
madbovinemay not wanna try21:17
madbovinethanks guys...I think i can now give xubuntu a try21:17
focaltI didn't noticed21:17
Algyzhow to know name of sound device? It is not /dev/dsp. I just want to know name of microphone.21:34
knobydobshow to get fglrx to work with xubuntu21:37
charlie-tcaAlgyz: open a terminal and type     sudo lspci, search it for microphone21:37
charlie-tcaor maybe just mic21:37
Algyzthere is strange app, called xvidcap  :)21:38
charlie-tcaknobydobs: I have to wait for someone else on that21:38
charlie-tca!info xvidcap21:38
ubottuxvidcap (source: xvidcap): Screen video capture for X. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.1.7-0.2ubuntu11 (natty), package size 1140 kB, installed size 2792 kB21:38
charlie-tcaknobydobs: did you do what it said?21:46
charlie-tcaSystem -> Additional Drivers should have the ati driver to install21:46
charlie-tcaIf it is already installed, try running     aticonfig      in a terminal?21:47
knobydobsnothing in aditional drivers and aticonfig not recognising card21:47
hombreany wizzard in here to help me with some minor issue xubuntu related21:48
charlie-tcaThen catalyst was correct21:48
hombrei wait until someone will be available21:48
charlie-tca!details | hombre21:48
ubottuhombre: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."21:48
charlie-tcaNo one has ever given an answer without a question21:49
charlie-tcaknobydobs: If the card isn't recognized, catalyst can't work21:49
hombrejust installed xubuntu dual boot with win xp and it was ok until i did updates because after restart and login and enter password it wont go to desktop21:49
hombreit comes back to login screen asking for login and passwd21:50
hombrei added new user same problem21:50
charlie-tcaChange anything?21:50
hombrei did updates lots o fthem21:50
hombreit was a fine installation i was almost proud21:51
charlie-tcaDo you get a grub menu when booting?21:51
hombregood graphics nice speed21:51
charlie-tcago to recovery mode, try fix broken packages, clean, then restart and see if it will login21:51
hombrei have an older version which is xubuntu generic 622... and a newer one which is xubuntu generic 622. 1121:51
knobydobsok but its in there and giving me my graphics21:51
charlie-tcahombre: I don't know what those numbers are21:52
hombreoh, you mean choose from the menu to fix those packages21:52
charlie-tcaXubuntu versions are different than that21:52
hombreok, that i didnt do that, i ll try21:52
charlie-tcaknobydobs: A video driver is installed, but apparently, not the ati hardware driver that catalyst wants21:53
hombresomething elese, when i boot into safe mode, i can get to the command line ok but i have no idea how to start desktop with sudo and  so21:53
hombrei mean this is my first linux install ever21:54
hombrecommand line for getting desktop on21:54
knobydobshow do i remove the open source drivers21:54
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto21:55
hombreok, charlie-tca, thanks, and i come back with the beer if all goes ok, thanks again and all the best21:55
charlie-tcaYou are welcome21:55
charlie-tcaXubuntu community meeting in #xubuntu-devel in 4 Minutes. Everyone is invited to attend. Agenda is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings21:56
knobydobsi did !ati and aticonfig came up saying there were no supported adapters21:56
focalt/usr/lib/pd-extended/bin/pd-gui: error while loading shared libraries: libtk8.5.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory22:01
focaltwhat to do?22:01
knobydobshow to get catalyst to recognise my gpu?22:12
focalthey guys22:47
focaltI have 2 separated harddisks22:48
focalti'm using sdb22:48
focaltand I want to access my sda hd22:48
focalthow do I do that?22:48
charlie-tcais sda a windows drive?23:14
m6locksit's whatever is you hard drive partitioned with23:16
knomem6locks, naturally, but if it's a windows drive, the way to get it to use is different. that's why charlie-tca asked.23:17
GridCubemy sisters computer, in wich i installed xubuntu, doesnt allow her to log in23:18
charlie-tcaWhy not?23:18
charlie-tcawhat does it do?23:18
knomeGridCube, did she was her hands? xubuntu wants its users to be clean. ;)23:18
GridCubeit started to ask her for a password at loging23:18
GridCubebut it doesnt accept it23:18
charlie-tcaThat's a good sign, normally then it works23:18
GridCubeand it was preconfigured to login23:18
charlie-tcaIt doesn't accept it at all, just gives "invalid password?23:19
GridCubei doenst accept it23:19
GridCubei could guide her to log in from tty123:19
GridCubebut for somereason her desktop is on tt823:19
charlie-tcaIt should be giving a message on the login screen "invalid password" if it doesn't accept it. If it just flashes back to login, that's a different issue23:20
GridCubeyes that last one23:20
GridCubeshe has 11.0423:20
charlie-tcaThat's harder23:20
charlie-tcaIf she installed the wildbush theme, you have to remove ~/.cache and ~/.config and restart23:20
GridCubeshe did nothing of that23:21
GridCubeit started closing her chromium windows when she opened them23:21
charlie-tcaIf she somehow managed to turn ~/.ICEauthority to a root file, just use chown to make it her user name again23:21
charlie-tcachromium I don't enough about to help23:22
GridCubeshe didn't even knew the password for root23:22
charlie-tcaAnd autologin no longer works?23:22
charlie-tcabut she can log in through the tty?23:22
GridCubei told her how23:22
charlie-tcaDid it work?23:22
GridCubeby phone23:22
charlie-tcaThen she needs to turn off autologin23:22
charlie-tcalog in to the tty, cd /etc/gdm23:23
charlie-tcasudo nano gdm.custom23:23
GridCubeoh boy23:23
charlie-tcaremove or comment the line to autologin, save, restart23:23
charlie-tcaor just create a new user, maybe23:23
charlie-tcaBut that is hard too from the tty23:24
GridCube:/ so complicated23:24
knomecharlie-tca, adduser username? :P23:24
charlie-tcaYou don't have ability to ssh in and fix it?23:24
GridCubewhy is that NOT ONE SINGLE time i wan't to install xubuntu to someone and I say, it will be better, NOT ONE SINGLE TIME im correct23:24
GridCubethere is always a huge issue like this23:25
GridCubeim pretty upset23:25
charlie-tcabecause you did not set up ssh to fix things like this23:25
knomemaybe tell her to install openssh-sercer23:25
knomethat might be easier23:25
charlie-tcaknome: she doesn't even have root password23:25
GridCubei can tell her that23:25
GridCubebut the problem is what IP does she has?23:25
charlie-tcaGridCube: did you make her user an admin user?23:26
GridCubehow can i tell?23:26
charlie-tcahave her log in to the tty and do ifconfig23:26
GridCubeit was just a plain install23:26
charlie-tcashe can give you the ip from the top line23:26
charlie-tcawell, from this:     inet addr:
knomewait, ifconfig doesn't necessarily show you the WAN ip23:27
knomethat's useless. that's your local network :)23:27
charlie-tcaOMG, it's wireless, too?23:27
GridCubeifconfig doesnt do that23:27
charlie-tcaThat's a local network because I assign all my own IP addresses here23:27
GridCubeits wireless but she is corded23:27
charlie-tcaIf it is corded, it will show it23:27
GridCubeit will not23:27
charlie-tcait will be a different number, though23:27
GridCubei just tried on mine23:28
GridCubeit doesnt show internet adress just lan23:28
knomeno, it doesn't show WAN ip even on corded, unless you specified the WAN ip to your ip settings23:28
GridCubei need her to log into her router23:28
GridCubeor maybe use links to go to whatsmyip.com or somethinglike that23:29
knomeGridCube, lynx --dump http://whatismyip.org/23:29
knomeGridCube, that outputs it to the shell23:29
knome(the external ip)23:29
knomedoes the router allow ssh ports? :P23:29
charlie-tcaOh, good one.23:29
charlie-tcaWe're going to make the poor guy scream...23:30
charlie-tcaI am backing away, you try and help, knome, please.23:30
knomeas much as i can23:30
charlie-tcaless confusing with one person23:31
knomei'm trying to do some commercial work in the side :|23:31
knomeGridCube, openssh-server23:38
knomeGridCube, anc cut down the volume by a few dB's thanks ;)23:38
GridCubeyes sorry23:39
GridCubethank you23:40
GridCubei cant log in23:45
GridCubei cant log in :(23:46
GridCubetime out23:46
knomeare ssh port (22) allowed from router?23:46
GridCubei don't think23:46
knomethen you need to allow that, after which you should be able to log in23:46
GridCubeyeah she wont23:47
GridCubei hate this23:48
GridCubei try to make things better and it just messes things up23:48
madnickshe needs to create a user?23:51
charlie-tcaGridCube: just have her create a new user, then23:52
GridCubei don't know if that will fix things23:52
GridCubewill have her try23:53
knomeor tell her to remove ~/.cache, if that'd help23:53
GridCubeshe quited23:54
GridCubeshe want's me to check he computer myself23:54
charlie-tcaHow did she learn windows?23:55
charlie-tcaIt wasn't something that isn't learned23:55
GridCubeyes, yes, but thats what it is23:55

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