
=== API is now known as Guest66753
njpatelTrevinho, does your panelmenu-fixes branch effect unity 2d?07:44
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MrChrisDruifHiyas everyone08:55
MrChrisDruifAnyone online?08:58
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TrevinhoHi njpatel... I've tested also the changes in unity-2d10:16
Trevinhoand the issues related to the menu-closing affects also unity-2d10:16
TrevinhoI've tested the unity-2d-panel and it works well10:17
njpatelyeah, I tested it this morning too and it worked fine, hence I merged10:17
njpatelTrevinho, awesome work dude10:17
Trevinhothank njpatel ;)10:17
njpateldoing a release now and then the last upload opportunity is Thursday :)10:18
Trevinhonjpatel: another branch related to the menus fading is near to be ready... I've also contacted JohnLea and he agrees on the work...10:19
TrevinhoOk, so I've to push it before thursday..!?10:19
njpatelyeah :)10:20
TrevinhoMh, I've to run... Too many things I want to fix... :D10:20
TrevinhoSmaller changes I guess, btw10:20
TrevinhoThen? How we manage the development in the mean time before the UDS?10:21
TrevinhoSince it's more than a month...10:22
njpatelTrevinho, on thurs I'll branch trunk for oneiric stable series and make trunk itself 5.0.010:22
njpatelso we can make changes and have a ppa for testers10:22
TrevinhoOk... Nice10:24
TrevinhoAnd then is there any chance to get fixes backported?10:24
didrocksTrevinho: important ones can be SRUed, yeah10:29
htorquehello all! is there a way to build unity without the tests (they take quite a bit to compile)?10:38
Trevinhook, thanks didrocks...10:40
TrevinhoBut do they include also usability ones?10:40
TrevinhoI know about the "standard" policy... but since there have been some discussions about this topic10:41
Trevinhoon the latest weeks...10:41
didrocksTrevinho: SRU are just important bug fixes, no minor tweaking neither enhancements10:41
TrevinhoI was wondering....10:41
TrevinhoYes, I know that... I wanted to know if there's something changing...10:41
didrockslike, don't change the way people are doing something10:41
didrocksno, we need to have the same policy on every project10:42
didrocksand nothing was decided10:42
Trevinhook, thanks10:44
njpatelhtorque, not right now, sorry :/10:53
htorquenjpatel: ok, thanks! :)10:54
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Kaleomardy, greyback, Saviq: we have 2 crashers that need to be squashed :) bug #831868 and bug #831663 They are tricky and highly reproduced.15:50
ubot5Launchpad bug 831868 in unity-2d (Ubuntu) "unity-2d-launcher crashed with SIGSEGV when opening a folder on a CD" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83186815:50
ubot5Launchpad bug 831663 in unity-2d (Ubuntu) "unity-2d-places crashed with SIGSEGV in QMetaObject::metacall()" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83166315:50
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greybackdidrocks: hey, you got a sec? I just noticed the "update-notifier" in the system tray bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-notifier/+bug/77938216:25
ubot5Ubuntu bug 779382 in unity (Ubuntu Natty) "update-notifier not visible under unity" [High,Triaged]16:25
greybackdidrocks: I'm testing it with unity-2d, but I never get a tray icon. Do you?16:26
didrocksgreyback: this is for people enabling the update-notifier systray icon which is off by default16:27
greybackdidrocks: Ok. In any case, it's not whitelisted for unity2d, so I want to check it out16:28
greybackdidrocks: also, I'm told you're the man to talk to about this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity-2d/+bug/81742216:29
ubot5Ubuntu bug 817422 in unity-2d "[dash] result group headers do not give updated description" [High,In progress]16:29
didrocksgreyback: hum? it's whitelisted! did you turn the update-notifier systray icon on to show?16:29
greybackdidrocks: oh I see you just fixed that16:31
didrocksgreyback: it's fixed for beta 216:31
didrocksso again16:31
hichamhi all16:31
didrocks*if* you have turned on the option in gsettings to tell update-notifier to show a systray16:32
didrocksit will be shown16:32
hichamany progress on upstreaming menu proxy patches for gtk2/gtk3 ?16:32
didrocksthat's a question for tedg  ^16:38
greybackdidrocks: ok, thanks16:40
tedgOh, everyone logged off before I could reply?16:56
tedgSeriously folks, this is IRC, you never expect people in the room to actually be here.16:56
jonocan someone set https://bugs.launchpad.net/ayatana-design/+bug/837993 to be confirmed?18:55
ubot5Ubuntu bug 837993 in unity "Where the average background colour is either very light or dark, adjust this value to darken/lighten in order to preserve readability" [Medium,Fix released]18:55
jonoI can't set it18:55
jonothe bug is still present18:55
jcastroseif: around?19:11
seifhey jcastro19:28
seifjcastro, sup19:28
jcastroseif: hey, where can I find the latest code to the old people place?19:28
seifjcastro, let me get it out19:29
jcastrodid you rewrite it and finish it by any chance? :)19:29
jfiHello, is there a way to autostart an application *after* the Unity WM?19:49
jfiX-GNOME-Autostart-Phase does not appear to work19:49
greybackjfi: sticking its desktop file in /etc/xdg/autostart no good?20:13
andyrockJohnLea, around?20:17
jfigreyback, not good at all, application appears to be started before20:35
greybackjfi: and Startup Applications app no good either?20:37
jfigreyback, : more exactly, the pb is that the application placement is wrong, it is put on the left-top corner below the top bar and the launcher of unity20:39
jfigreyback, I guess it is because the WM is started after20:39
greybackjfi: have you the launcher set to be on-screen always?20:40
jfigreyback, there are trouble with both cases20:40
jfigreyback, it concerns this report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/psensor/+bug/85972420:42
ubot5Ubuntu bug 859724 in psensor (Ubuntu) "PSensor as startup applications goes "over" Unity dock" [Undecided,New]20:42
greybackjfi: hmmm, tricky that. I can't really think of anything except nasty workarounds (using "sleep" to delay, or if you can gran the window corner, holding Alt lets you move the window)20:50
jfigreyback, well, I would prefer to add to the application the capability to restore placement/size of the window :)20:52
greybackjfi: I know, sorry. "Devilspie" being only way I know of for sure20:53
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AlanBellshould the unity search look into the X-GNOME-Keywords field of application .desktop files?21:57

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