
=== Freejack is now known as Guest54707
milian_how do i remove the keyrings in lubuntu01:09
KM0201you can install the keyring manager.01:10
KM0201hang on01:10
KM0201sudo apt-get install seahorse01:11
=== Evixion` is now known as Evixion
milian_cool , thanks for the help01:11
KM0201then the Menu/Preferences/Passwords and Encryption Keys01:11
=== robotman09 is now known as robotman
=== Freejack is now known as Guest37917
=== Freejack is now known as Guest80509
mhmultitouch in lubuntu? I have the apple magic trackpad07:52
silverarrowdoes anyone know if usb hubs /splitters are much the same?08:34
silverarrowI'm wondering if I it matters whether they are powered or not08:35
=== bastlfreenode is now known as thebastl
silverarrowwell, I was out, and bought a regular usb hub no-powered09:44
silverarrowit works09:44
silverarrowwhere are all dependencies and plugins for Mplayer?12:38
stlsaintsilverarrow: what do you mean?12:38
silverarrowI am trying to delete it for reinstallation12:39
stlsaintsilverarrow: by doing a complete removal from synaptic you will be able to do that12:39
silverarrowI have trouble with the gecko plugin, something is interfering12:39
silverarrowhoping that it will be an easy reinstallation12:40
silverarrowhmm, lubuntu desktop goes out the window too?12:41
silverarrowit looks like it?12:41
silverarrowdesktop would be like a irrepairable issue?12:42
silverarrowa bit worrying12:43
stlsaintsilverarrow: wait you lose the lubuntu-desktop package when removing mplayer?12:43
silverarrowit looks like this12:44
silverarrowdoes it make sense?12:46
silverarrowa bit odd12:46
silverarrowshould I dare?12:47
stlsaintyea i never knew mplayer was fused into meta package as such, no i would not12:47
silverarrowdesktop is needed12:47
stlsaintone second12:47
silverarrowmy gecko/mplayer issues seem unsolvable12:48
stlsaintsilverarrow: wait.....did you install the lubuntu-desktop overtop a ubuntu install?12:50
silverarrowit all came with os default12:51
stlsaintok, try using the mark for reinstallation option12:52
silverarrowI have, but not much happens12:52
stlsaintyou say you think the issue is with a specific plugin?12:53
silverarrowit's soon time for 11.10 isn't it?12:53
silverarrowyes, I used to stream online tv fine12:53
stlsaintsilverarrow: 11.10 is in beta right now12:54
silverarrowafter an update (of the test type) it got messed up12:54
silverarrowit is some kind of windows player plugin that doesn't work12:54
stlsaintsilverarrow: i would suggest trying to upgrade that specific plugin itself12:55
silverarrowor perhaps have two conflicting ones side by side12:55
stlsainttry removing what you updated12:56
silverarrowit is a bit obscure by now12:56
stlsaintexactly what problems are you having?12:57
silverarrowmost things run fine, but I have a lot of plugin crashes in browser12:58
silverarrowand i can nolonger stream the local tv channel12:59
silverarrowat all12:59
silverarrowwhich I still can in puppy linux, with much the same set up of mplayer/gecko12:59
silverarrowI'm not sure it is resolvable anymore13:01
silverarrowit is like detective work13:01
silverarrowwindows media plugin crashes immediately in browser13:02
silverarrowI need a brake13:03
silverarrowit is a tricky one?13:05
silverarrowremoving packages turned out tricky at least13:06
stlsaintsilverarrow: seems like a bug within mplayer if it effects more than just one area13:06
silverarrowit happened right after an update i did13:07
silverarrowsomeone asked me if I had tried the latest version of something13:07
stlsainti would suggest trying to test with another player such as vlc until you can hone in on what is wrong with mplayer....OR try removing plugins until you find the culprit one13:07
silverarrowand I went and tried it unfortunately13:07
silverarrowvlc isn't as good as it used to be13:07
silverarrowit will not work as long as gecko is there at least13:08
silverarrowvlc mozilla and gecko doesn't like each other13:08
silverarrowthey jump at each others throat13:08
silverarrowwhere are the plugins then?13:09
=== lighta is now known as Guest20689
kosaidpohello guys16:34
kosaidpocan i install google gnome shell theme  ?16:35
KM0201hows it going l33_16:37
l33_thank you - fine :)16:37
KM0201kosaidpo: what is google gnome shell theme?16:37
l33_how are you - everything allright there ?16:37
KM0201so far, messing w/ some stuff in vbox16:38
l33_is emulation still slow ?16:40
l33_heardt that virtual machines are slow -  too slow for makin musi with em16:40
KM0201it depends on your hardware really (and also what OS youre trying to virtualize)16:41
KM0201i use vbox for testing16:41
kosaidpo1hello back16:46
kosaidpo1l33_: here you go http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/09/google-gnome-shell-theme/16:46
kosaidpo1l33_: you saw ??16:47
l33_i am very very happy witzh lxde16:49
l33_lxde works better here then xfce16:50
KM0201i agree16:55
KM0201kosaidpo1: that looks like a gnome/unity theme.. so very unlikely..16:55
KM0201actually, it is.16:56
kosaidpo1KM0201: so it wont work ??16:56
KM0201thats correct16:56
KM0201on lxde anyway16:56
KM0201you can install gnome-shell, and install it, but beware, gnome-shell is causing folks a lot of issues.16:56
* kosaidpo1 tyin it tho 16:56
KM0201gnome-shell?..lol, make sure you have a THOROUGH backup.. cuz you'll end up reinstalling16:57
neighborleeKM0201, ageee 100%,,I tried gnome3 once in fedora I think it was,,horrible expereince considering it stole a few minutes of my life from trying to FIND the minimize widget..wasn't amused on any level.16:58
neighborleeThey can keep it16:59
KM0201neighborlee: yeah, gnome 3 was a huge letdown.16:59
KM0201they took the KDE route and said "bloat bloat bloat"16:59
neighborleeIt is pretty , but pretty isn't always functional LOL16:59
KM0201even xfce4, is very bloated, i was disappointed in it as well... was happy to find out about LXDE (had enver heard of it before)16:59
neighborleeyeah lxde is quite light and enough for most I suspect.17:00
neighborleeI love light, when talking about my laptop at least ;))17:00
neighborleelight and functional17:00
kosaidpo1it doesnt work : P but still alive :D17:02
* kosaidpo1 will get ide of it now17:02
KM0201kosaidpo1: good luck..17:02
kosaidpo1ls: ]17:02
JohnDoe_71RusWhat for at change of the user after password input xscreensaver once again asks the password?17:11
KM0201JohnDoe_71Rus: that didn't make any sense17:11
JohnDoe_71RusIf to use gnome session, simply input of the user without the password from screensaver17:12
KM0201well, i don't use gnome-session..17:12
KM0201but the question still doesn't make a lot of sense17:13
JohnDoe_71Rusok. login in lubuntu session - change user - enter password - xscreensaver ask password once again17:15
l33_c u later17:15
JohnDoe_71Ruslogin gnome sesion - change user - enter password - login as user17:15
JohnDoe_71Ruson the same system17:16
KM0201i dunno man.17:16
JayPHello Lubuntu irc17:23
JayPI am trying to use Lubuntu.  First, I like it a lot!17:27
JayPWhat I am stuck on is trying to reset the keyring password.17:27
JayPVanilla ubuntu help would bring up the same GUI I saw when I originally set it in Lubuntu.17:29
rezbdwelcome JayP  :) mee too very new to it. like it very much.17:29
JayPBut there is no option from the menu.  Do you know what the command line to bring up the gui is?17:29
=== bodhizazen is now known as bodhi_zazen
kosaidpohello guys21:56
kosaidpohow can i download a deb package and all its dependecies using teminal ??21:56
svkoskin_you should prefer using a software repository21:57
svkoskin_if the package is available in the repositories you've set up, you can use 'apt-get install package'21:57
svkoskin_well 'sudo apt-get install package' probably21:58
kosaidposvkoskin_: infact cus ill use em to install em in other pc where theres no net22:00
svkoskin_allright. you can use wget to download a package to a media and then 'dpkg -i package_file.deb'22:00
svkoskin_but dependencies are hard to manage in that condition22:01
Unit193!info apt-offline22:01
ubot5apt-offline (source: apt-offline): offline apt package manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.2 (natty), package size 78 kB, installed size 452 kB22:01
kosaidpoi already asked here : P22:02
szczurkosaidpo, or you can use synaptic22:03
Unit193szczur: Using a GUI? Shame.. ;)22:03
kosaidpoUnit193: can you please be more specific cus i didint get it22:03
szczurUnit193, :P22:04
Unit193kosaidpo: Read the link from szczur, it should be easier22:04
kosaidpoUnit193: ok22:04
kosaidpoUnit193: but still shud have the net in the other machine right ??22:15
kosaidpocus i dont have it Unit19322:15
Unit193kosaidpo: You need to have internet to download .deb files anyway, just this way is much better22:16
kosaidpoUnit193: but me i dont have the net at all :P22:18
Unit193Then you can't get deb files either and asking the question you did is rather pointless....22:19
kosaidpowell so how can i kno only the dpendencies for a deb so ican dl first22:21
szczurkosaidpo, you can donwload the debs on one PC22:21
szczurand then use downloaded debs on the other one without internet22:21
kosaidposzczur: yeh but i need to ld its dependecies also22:21
kosaidpoto kno *22:22
szczursynaptic wil take care of it, mark some packages to installation, then click on File -> Generate download script22:23
szczurthen take that script to a PC with internet connection22:23
szczurdownload teh debs22:23
szczurand take them back to PC where yo want to install them22:24
szczurand then in synaptic click on File -> Add downloaded packages22:24
szczurand point it to a folder where files are located22:24
bioterrordpkg -i package?22:28
kosaidpoguys what tool to use to get eeased files ?22:30
droid664hi I got conky all configured, how do i set it up to autostart ?23:35
droid664how do i set up an app to autostart ?23:36
KM0201menu/preferences/desktop sessions23:39
droid664don't see the option to add ?23:40
droid664any thought KM0201 ?23:42
KM0201well, conky... i'm not that familiar w/ it.23:42
droid664i googled my option, but all the configs I came up with were for ubuntu and not the same options23:44
droid664I created a script, any thoughts on how to make it autostart at boot up ?23:45
KM0201droid664: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/FAQ/Guides#How_I_can_autostart_a_program_when_logging_in_to_Desktop23:46
droid664ok, that looks good, thanks for the pointer-- lubuntu comunity rocks !23:48
droid664km0201 you got it going on, thanks again23:50

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