
=== Jack87 is now known as Jack87|Away
twbDoes qemu-system-arm work *at all* on lucid?06:41
twbHm, same behaviour on sid06:51
twbI give up, qemu-system-arm won't work for me on lucid, and the only non-lucid host I have, is a shitty little Atom netbook (where it works, but unbearably slowly)07:30
twbI will just reflash the TF101 again with ubuntu so that I have something to actually do compiles on07:30
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=== Jack87 is now known as Jack87|Away
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MMloshGrr..  the Oneiric kernel froze again..  (pandaboard with 2 DVB-T tuners atached)17:36
Davieyjanimo: Hey!  Can you confirm the bump is correct on linux-ac100?19:26
DavieyNew package: linux-ac100 (universe) [2.6.38-1.3 → 2.6.38-1000.1]19:26
janimoDaviey, yes19:26
Davieyjanimo: What is the reasoning?19:26
janimoI am about to upload the linux-meta-ac100 so it is in universe by tomorrow19:26
janimoDaviey, I started with a new packaing using git19:27
janimoand followed a tutorial and existing ubuntu/linaro numbering convention19:27
janimoprobably not needed in this case but I played it safe19:27
Davieyjanimo: I don't follow?  Where does it state jump to 1000?19:27
janimobeing my first time packaging a kernel by lots of trial and error eve19:27
janimoDaviey, it doe snot, the linaro template I started with uses 1000.019:28
janimoand all linaro kernels use such large abi numbers afaik19:28
janimoomap 1200, landing team ones 1400 etc19:28
Davieyseems odd, but ok19:29
Davieyinfinity: ^^19:29
janimoDaviey, tbh it seemed odd to me too, but if I were to question or dig into everything that seems odd to me in kernel packaging it would take me a lot more to get something ready19:30
janimonot one of the tutorials were 100% correct or covered the various cases, jcrigby's one is the closest and best yet19:31
janimoDaviey, at leats this package is now maintained in git and more or less in sync with how the kernel team and linaro manage their kernels19:32
infinityThat works for me.19:32
Davieyjanimo: heh, it's a black art that i don't understand either... The changelog generation blows me :)19:32
janimoI even plan to upload it to the kernel repos so it is not only on my disk19:32
janimoDaviey, I thought I understood everything about the changelog, when an innocent change in it (well version number addition _before_ the last one) tripped the ABI checker19:33
infinityWould it surprise you to know that most of the kernel team doesn't know how the packages are built either? ;)19:33
infinityA lot of that stuff is from BenC and I fiddling years ago.19:33
janimoat which point I deferred work to next morning being an unexpected error after I thought I had ironed out all issues and built the package a few times already19:33
janimoso I try to touch as little as possible19:33
infinityThe fact that it's survived is a testament to opaque code that no one wants to touch.19:33
janimoand learn more as I upload new revisions19:33
janimoinfinity, that would not surprise me in the least actually19:34
infinityjanimo: To fully understand it, you have to first understand Ben Collins.  After rooming with him at many conferences, I don't recommend it.19:34
janimoand also it does not scale well19:35
janimowould need many many conferences or very large rooms19:35
infinity(That's not to say that I have anything against the guy, we're great friends, just warning that insanity may ensue)19:35
Davieyinfinity: I think you might want to room with lag.19:36
infinityI don't need to corrupt any more Canonical employees, past, future, or present.19:36
infinityFor the good of the company, I should probably always room alone. :P19:37
janimoinfinity, how selfless, you are.19:38
Davieyinfinity: I was more worried he'd corrupt you. :)19:38
infinitySeems unlikely.19:38
infinityBut I'm always willing to be surprised.19:38
infinityjcrigby: LINARO: always build debug packages19:39
infinityjcrigby: ^-- From your recent uploads.  Don't we have that turned off for distro kernels (to avoid duplication of massive packages between -dbg and .ddeb)?19:40
jcrigbythat was a change for linaro ppa19:41
infinityI figured.19:41
jcrigbybecause we wanted the debug stuff19:41
jcrigbyinfinity, ok educate me19:41
infinityBecause PPAs don't do ddebs, yes.  Longstanding feature request for that in LP. :P19:41
jcrigbyso my fix didn't fix because it still goes to ddeb19:41
jcrigbyit just always does it19:42
infinityOh, in which case, these are fine for the primary archive. ;)19:42
infinityAnd you still need a better fix for your PPA, I guess.19:42
jcrigbyso two wrongs make a right19:42
jcrigbyyes, I need to not do the rename to ddeb19:42
jcrigbyin ppa19:42
jcrigbyso the debug stuff will just stick around like a normal deb19:43
infinityYou can cheat and use archive_purpose to conditionally rename.19:43
infinityI'm a bit shocked the default templates don't do that.19:43
jcrigbyyou can tell me what the current stuff does19:43
jcrigbyit looks in / for some file19:44
jcrigbylet me look19:44
infinity /CurrentlyBuilding19:44
jcrigbyand uses that to decide if it is a local developer build or an archive build19:44
jcrigbyif that file exists it sets fullbuild or somesuch19:45
infinityKay, but if you check the value of it, you can get more in-depth.19:45
jcrigbythen later do_debug get set or not based on full_build19:45
janimoinfinity, jcrigby a meta package should just need a changelog bump and debian/rules will DTRT on build?19:46
infinityjanimo: Depends on the meta source.  But that's how most work.19:46
janimook, this is ogra's ac100 meta. Should work as it has no magic besides the debian/ dir in it19:47
infinityjcrigby: You can see in build logs that Purpose is actually set to a value in that file.19:47
jcrigbyok so packages are ok except for crappy short changelog19:47
infinityjcrigby: (Check the sbuild call for '--purpose='19:47
infinityjcrigby: For instance for primary archive, it's --purpose=PRIMARY19:48
janimoinfinity, linux-meta-ac100 uploaded, fingers crossed, etc19:48
infinityjcrigby: For PPAs, it should be PPA, but double-check one of your build logs. :P19:48
jcrigbywow, I need to hang out with infinity for a week of intense training19:48
jcrigbyok, I'll do that19:48
jcrigbyinfinity, is this documented anywhere?19:48
jcrigbyor just in package masters heads?19:48
infinityjcrigby: *mumbles something about the launchpad source code*19:48
infinityjcrigby: I'd be willing to bet that about 5 people know how this works, and 2 don't work here anymore.19:49
infinityjcrigby / janimo : Kernels all accepted, after some very generous review.  May $diety have mercy on your souls if they all break. :P19:54
* infinity really goes to find food this time.19:55
janimoinfinity, thanks19:56
infinityjcrigby: Even for subarches like this where we're not building official images, it would be swell if, next cycle, you keep slightly more in sync.  Diffs that large a 2 weeks before RC are a bit scary.19:57
infinitys/a 2/2/19:58
jcrigbyI agree19:59
jcrigbyI need to make the ubuntu upload part of my normal workflow even though we (linaro) consume kernels from ppa20:00
infinityCertainly until we hit kernel freeze, anyway.20:04
infinityThen you need to get picky and potentially fork.20:04
jcrigbyinfinity, are you back from lunch20:29
infinityjcrigby: I keep forgetting to start lunch.20:30
infinityjcrigby: 'sup?20:30
jcrigbyso did I understand that I can look inside /currentlywhatever to figure out if I am ppa or normal or ...20:31
infinityjcrigby: Yup.20:31
infinityjcrigby: "Purpose: PPA" or "Purpose: PRIMARY" for PPA versus primary archive.  There are a few other possible values (PARTNER, etc), but those are probably the only two you care about.20:32
infinityjcrigby: And no /CurrentlyBuilding at all can generally be assumed to be "user machine, or non-LP buildd".20:32
jcrigbyok those two are all I need, thanks20:32
jcrigbythanks, I now need to go fix debug for ppa again20:32
jcrigbybut conditionaly so i don't break primary20:33
infinityIf and when we get around to merging the archive sbuild and the buildd sbuild, this might become more easily testable.20:33
infinityAnd someone should probably hack up some CurrentlyBuilding support into pbuilder for similar "pretend I'm a buildd" testing reasons.20:34
Davieyinfinity: I started doing that for sbuild20:34
infinityThe upshot of that is that it would de-facto document it all.20:34
infinityDaviey: You're not the only one. :P20:35
Davieyinfinity: CurrentlyBuilding support requires to know the component, which means it is network bound - or you have to delcare it at spawn, i guess?20:35
infinityDaviey: On the buildds, it's declared when you start the job.20:35
infinityDaviey: --component=foo --purpose=bar20:36
Davieyyeah, but launchpad is lucky enough to know the compoent.20:36
* Daviey looks up what a compoent is20:36
infinityDaviey: That's more than enough to get people to be able to match the archive behaviour for reproducibility.20:36
infinityDaviey: I'd argue that if you don't know what component your source package is in, you probably shouldn't be uploading it. :P20:37
Davieyinfinity: Incidently, i came acorss a package which built fine in pbuilder and sbuild, but failed on the buildd's.  Grabbing the LP chroot, and throwing it into pbuilder allowed me to debug it20:37
Davieyinfinity: Well, my usecase was automated builds.. so thar! :)20:38
infinityDaviey: Yeah, for doing automated rebuilds or something, you could still cheat with the apt Sources.gz and grep-dctrl or some such.20:38
infinityDaviey: It wouldn't be up-to-the-minute accurate, but close enough.20:38
infinityBut you'd want that sort of logic in a wrapper, not in pbuilder/sbuild themselves.20:39
infinitypbuilder and sbuild should just trust user input.20:39
infinityNot be clever.20:39
DavieyOh aye.. that is what i was doing20:40
Davieyinfinity: Incidently, i'd like to steal LP's Architecture: $target handling.. Need to see if/how that is exposed via API.20:41
infinityNot sure I know which Arch handling you're referring to.20:43
infinityYou mean the part where it selects arch_indep for i386, and passes '-A' to sbuild?20:44
infinityIf so, that's exposed via the API.  See is_nominated_arch_indep at https://api.launchpad.net/devel/ubuntu/oneiric/i38620:47
infinityDaviey: Was that what you were driving at? ---^20:47
* infinity lunches for real this time. Honest.20:49
Davieyinfinity: Well that yes, but also processing of linux-any, and the others20:59
DavieyAlthough, not really an sbuild issue itself.20:59
Davieyfor each package21:00
infinityDaviey: http://paste.ubuntu.com/463055/ <-- The patch that was applied to lp-buildd's sbuild to handle linux-any.21:03
infinityThough, I'd assume the distro sbuild does the right thing anyway.21:03
Davieyah, nice21:05
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