
RedSingularityvalorin: I think seb128 usually works with unity related bugs.  It doesnt look like he is around at the moment though.00:01
micahgvalorin: best to ask in #ayatana tomorrow00:02
valorinOkies, I'll try in there again. It isn't the first time I've tried and had no responses...00:03
RedSingularitybdmurray: Any way to sort through bugs that need a pattern?06:10
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bdmurrayRedSingularity: Sort like how?14:28
RedSingularitybdmurray: Maybe on launchpad?  Sort bugs with the tag pattern-needed?14:29
bdmurrayRedSingularity: If I were looking for bugs with the bugpattern-needed bug tag I'd probably sort by most recently changed first14:33
bdmurrayRedSingularity: As those are seeing, in theory, activity14:33
RedSingularitybdmurray: alright.  So the best way is to use the tag search feature then?14:34
bdmurrayRedSingularity: yes definitely14:35
RedSingularitybdmurray: very good :)14:35
_robb_Hi everybody15:13
_robb_Can someone help me a little bit?15:14
_robb_I have a bug that I don't really know how to mark as.15:15
_robb_Can #858034 be marked as Wishlist?16:30
Xadi<Xadi> Xadi@x082:~$ locate Cours16:41
Xadi<Xadi> /home/Xadi/Cours16:41
Xadi<Xadi> Xadi@x082:~$ ls -a16:41
Xadi<Xadi> .        Documents       .local     Téléchargements16:41
Xadi<Xadi> ..        .esd_auth       Modèles     Vidéos16:41
Xadi<Xadi> .bash_history  .gconf        Musique     .Xauthority16:41
Xadi<Xadi> Bureau        .gconfd        .nautilus    .xchat216:41
Xadi<Xadi> .cache        .gnome2        .pki     .xsession-errors16:41
Xadi<Xadi> .compiz        .gtk-bookmarks  Public     .xsession-errors.old16:41
Xadi<Xadi> .config        .gvfs        .pulse16:41
Xadi<Xadi> .dbus        .ICEauthority   .pulse-cookie16:41
Xadi<Xadi> .dmrc        Images        .sudo_as_admin_successful16:41
Xadican someone help me? can i get back my directory /Cours?16:41
charlie-tca!pastebin | Xadi16:41
Xadii don't understand why my /home reset16:41
charlie-tcasupport is in #ubuntu16:42
micahgcharlie-tca: we would need a bot for that :)16:42
charlie-tcaXadi: This channel is for discussing bugs that are already filed16:42
charlie-tcamicahg: where is the bot now?16:42
micahgXadi: or how to file a bug16:42
micahgcharlie-tca: AWOL16:42
Xadii don't know where to go16:42
charlie-tcait's always broken here now16:43
micahgcharlie-tca: I don't think it came back after the last super netsplit16:43
charlie-tcaI see16:43
micahgcharlie-tca: maybe poke in the #ubuntu-irc or #ubuntu-ops (I can never remember which one)16:43
charlie-tcaThank you, micahg16:44
hggdhXadi: join #ubuntu, we do not do support here16:46
hggdhXadi: /j #ubuntu16:46
charlie-tca_robb_: that doesn't look like a valid bug at all. The game is played per the rules written for it.16:47
charlie-tca_robb_: it looks like an invalid bug, actually16:47
_robb_charlie-tca: Oh16:47
_robb_charlie-tca: But doesn't it fit in "Feature Requests"?16:49
charlie-tcaNo, it is not a feature request. It is a complaint that the game isn't playing the way that user would prefer.16:50
charlie-tcaIf he wants unlimited deals, he simply needs to change to 3card deals16:51
charlie-tcaSame thing as a bug report that quadrapassel drops the new blocks facing the wrong way. Would that also be a feature request?16:52
_robb_In that case, can you please take a minute and invalidate it?16:54
charlie-tcayes, I can do that16:54
_robb_Ok, thank you16:55
hggdhjust for the record, eeeBotu is rebooting after a change of KVM16:55
charlie-tcabug 85803417:17
ubot4Launchpad bug 858034 in gnome-games (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "AisleRiot Solitaire Klondike mode does not allow redeals (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85803417:17
alex_mayorgaHi, can someone here help with bug 55166822:31
ubot4Launchpad bug 551668 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu) "Fn+F5 and Fn+F6 don't modify brightness on Sony VAIO VPCCW (GT 230M) (affects: 4) (heat: 11)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55166822:32

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