
akgranerawwww - dang it  - I missed jussi...thanks for the kind words and I'm glad you liked the package :-)04:55
jussimorning czajkowski!06:36
czajkowskithese rugby games are gonna be the death of me06:39
czajkowskiup early again before work06:39
dholbachgood morning06:42
ejatmorning ..07:07
akgranerczajkowski, you make me smile when you talk about rugby...your energy is contagious :-)07:17
czajkowski<3 my rugby07:21
czajkowskisee  my blog07:21
akgranerI did :-)07:27
popeyMorning community.08:55
nigelbMorning popey08:56
popeyAlanBell: is there any way to make the wiki be full page width?09:15
popey(I dont want lots of dots either side, I want content)09:16
AlanBellchange to another theme09:16
* AlanBell thinks 960.gs should be nuked from orbit09:18
popeyoh ok. classic works, tra09:19
mhall119popey is no fun :P12:32
head_victimShhh, he'll shut it down.12:34
mhall119I'm gonna start a G+ viral post claiming that popey is going to shut down Google unless people repost it12:34
head_victimI just found you and added you to my circle so I can repost it ;)12:35
czajkowskireally do not like G+12:37
AlanBellI like it a lot more than facebook12:38
AlanBellor I dislike it less than facebook, to put it another way12:38
head_victimI use it intermittently. I don't use any other social media and only have accounts on them to manage the Loco accounts.12:38
mhall119I'm trying to like G+, but it's just so much like Twitter12:39
AlanBellthey all have a problem with the cult of the celebrity thing12:42
czajkowskiI've people adding me there I've no control over12:48
czajkowskiand frankly no frigging idea who they are12:48
jussiczajkowski: Just as you would on twitter, identica etc, no?12:49
head_victimI follow a couple of people I'll never post to, I've set up a circle for "following" just so I don't accidentally annoy the crap out of them.12:49
czajkowskijussi: no tis on private so I add who I chose12:53
czajkowskiand I don't use identi;ca any more12:54
popeyczajkowski: why do you care who follows you?12:54
popeyyou just post stuff to your circles and they wont see anything12:55
jussiczajkowski: I dont understand though, those people that follow/add you on g+ can only see your public posts. why is that an issue?12:55
popeywhich is exactly the same as being private on twitter12:55
czajkowskipopey: guess I just find it odd, why random people I've never met randomly find me and follow. *shrugs*12:56
PendulumI've been getting a lot of 'requests' that google tells me are follow notifications, where actually the person hasn't followed me at all yet12:57
Pendulumsome of it is for people in my address book, but some of it are random people I've never heard of12:58
popeyczajkowski: you're a public figure12:59
popeyczajkowski: (in your communities)12:59
czajkowskipopey: I do get that in OSS land, but the folks that are folling me have no connection hence the confusion I guess12:59
czajkowskiwill take some time to get used to it12:59
czajkowskione feature I do like is any pic I take on my phone goes there straight away13:00
popeyhow do you know they're not OSS people?13:00
czajkowskiI look into them13:00
popeyyeah, wish my phone did that13:00
popeyi look at peoples streams if they look vaugely interesting I add them to a circle13:00
popeyi have circles for "unknowns" as well as "gimps"13:01
cjohnstonDaviey: ping13:01
czajkowskiI've a circle for fedora13:03
czajkowskimac loving whores ;)13:03
czajkowskiUK and irish geeks ubuntu friends, UL, skynet13:03
cjohnstonis there a circle for your circle?13:03
czajkowskiI like categories13:03
czajkowskiwoild prefer if I cold pick what circle to display13:03
czajkowskicjohnston: there is a circle for the special folks13:03
cjohnstonThat must be where I cam13:04
cjohnstondepending on your definition of special i guess13:04
cjohnstonDaviey: ! how familiar are you with etherpad13:09
Davieycjohnston: <- this much -->13:10
czajkowskiaww dearest darling Daviey13:12
cjohnstonlol.. I'm wondering if we can make like a team or something for UDS..13:12
cjohnstonor somehow to define that a pad is related to uds.13:12
cjohnstoncause if you go create a pad right now, it says Welcome to Ubuntu Developer Summit13:13
DavieyNot currently possible.13:14
Davieysorry :)13:14
* czajkowski pokes Daviey 13:17
* Daviey pokes back13:19
AlanBellDaviey: it could be done with themes13:23
AlanBellif passing theme names on the query string wasn't hopelessly borked13:23
DavieyAlanBell: patches welcome13:24
AlanBellpersonally I think leave well alone until after uds-p13:25
AlanBellthen maybe install etherpad lite and have a play with that13:25
AlanBellthe other thing we could do is move what we have to udspad.ubuntu.com and set up something different at pad.ubuntu.com13:26
cjohnstonIm good with that one13:26
AlanBellthat leaves the historical pads in a predictable location13:27
DavieySeems like more work for little benefit?13:31
mhall119Daviey: yeah, but work for someone else13:31
* popey files bug 85967814:21
ubot2Launchpad bug 859678 in ubuntu-website "Search for Linux mostly turns up USNs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85967814:21
mhall119popey: \o/14:21
jonokim0, brb, rebooting, and then lets do the call14:59
jonokim0, ok, firing up a hangout15:03
kim0can u give me one min please15:04
jonokim0, sure15:04
kim0jono: joining15:05
kim0jono: I dont see the invitation15:07
kim0got it15:07
dholbachhey jono15:13
jonohey dholbach15:14
jonodpm, about set?15:31
dpmjono, yep!15:32
jonodpm, hangout sent15:32
dholbachjono, ready? :)16:30
jonodholbach, yup, just wrapped a call16:30
jonocreating a hangout16:30
jcastro<-- lunching16:35
* czajkowski steals jcastro lunch16:54
jcastronom subway17:00
dholbachalright my friends17:06
dholbachI call it a day - see you all tomorrow!17:06
Pendulumdholbach: have a good evening!17:06
dholbachyou too! :)17:08
akgranerFor anyone wanting to join in on the Ubuntu Leadership Team meeting it starts in about 8 minutes in -meeting...17:52
jcastroman dpm18:16
jcastrothis is amazing18:16
jcastroyou guys did an awesome job on this18:16
dpmjcastro, thanks, glad you like it :). I saw your bug, if you see anything else, keep'em coming!18:24
jcastrodpm: yeah, on the one page, AskUbuntu is 2 words, not one18:32
jcastroman, I had no idea we were this far along18:32
jcastrolike, you've got everything here for commercial apps and everything18:32
jcastrojono: SOMEONE TO SAVE ME19:24
jcastrosomeone to save me from myself!19:24
jonojcastro, :-)19:25
jcastrobought ready? let's light this candle19:25
jcastroer, about ready I mean19:25
jonojcastro, give me two mins19:26
jonoand then we can roll19:26
jcastrohey don't forget to pick "with extras" or whatever they call it19:26
jcastroI need to show you a document19:26
czajkowskidear gods am stuffed, cooked yummy foods and polished off glas and a half of wine so far19:29
czajkowskiI may actually sleep tonight19:29
jonojcastro, I need coffee19:41
jonowill call your phone19:41
popeyEvening all!20:08
jcastrohi popeys20:36
popeyHELLO JORGE!20:37
jcastroDoctor Popey20:41
jcastrohey I'm going to try to work on a minecraft charm tonight20:41
jcastroI subbed you to the bug so you can follow along20:41
jcastropopey: someone asked me if I was shutting down brainstorm20:42
jcastroI said, I'm no popey20:42
jcastrosee what I did there?20:42
mhall119past popey, what happens to you if future popey decides to shut you down?21:15
popeyNO CARRIER...21:22
* mhall119 is in pasta fagioli heaven22:39

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