
robert_ancellis anyone here having display problems with lightdm+unity-greeter?00:47
jasoncwarner_robert_ancell: what kind of problems?00:47
robert_ancelljasoncwarner_, there are reports of wrong resolutions being used, and corrupt screens.  Mine works fine here00:48
jasoncwarner_robert_ancell: I've not seen or heard those myself00:48
robert_ancellbug 81356600:49
ubot2Launchpad bug 813566 in unity-greeter "Greeter not displayed correctly on multi monitor setup" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81356600:49
brycehrobert_ancell, just tested multimonitor with lightdm on arrandale Friday and it was working dandy for me00:51
robert_ancellbryceh, Doe this indicate anything to you? http://ubuntuone.com/2mtu72aL9iryaLmhUoqp9x00:51
robert_ancellthe window is clearly being displayed too high00:52
robert_ancellbut unity-greeter is just getting the monitor co-ords from GDK and using them00:52
brycehrobert_ancell, xrandr -q output available?00:52
bryceh(one sec; baby needs tending)00:52
stgraberrobert_ancell: oh, weird, I have the exact same laptop and don't get that problem00:54
brycehrobert_ancell, the aspect ratio on that looks odd, but is there one or more external monitor's attached?00:55
robert_ancellbryceh, one afaik00:57
robert_ancellbryceh, one thing that might occur is I'm not checking the "monitor-changed" signal.  In the default behaviour of gnome-settings-daemon+X would you expect much to change?00:58
stgraberrobert_ancell: just did a quick check on my x201s here with an external monitor on VGA. Starting lightdm with an external monitor plugged in sets the external monitor as clone with both at 1024x768.01:03
robert_ancellstgraber, that's the same I get.  And removing and replugging the monitor has it blank with lightdm on the original screen01:03
stgraberrobert_ancell: plugging the external monitor once lightdm is already running, extands the display to the external monitor with both running at their maximum resolution (1440x900 for my laptop and 1920x1080 for the external monitor)01:03
stgraberright, we have the same behaviour. Which is pretty weird as I'd have expected to be hit by the same bug you showed above, having the same hardware... might be caused by whatever modes the external monitor announces then01:04
robert_ancellanother idea is that X has laid out the second monitor to the right with them both bottom aligned, and unity-greeter has placed the window at (0,0)01:05
jasoncwarner_hey RAOF , have you started digging into bug #824099 (g-s-d multi-monitor) bug yet? wondeirng what you thought if you had01:46
ubot2Launchpad bug 824099 in gnome-settings-daemon "Max GL texture size can break multi-head" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82409901:46
RAOFjasoncwarner_: I have, and am halfway through a gnome-desktop patch which should implement the policy we decided.01:48
jasoncwarner_RAOF: oh, sweet!01:48
* RAOF updates the bug status.01:48
jasoncwarner_weird, I just did an update and my firefox search is now ask.com?01:57
jasoncwarner_micahg or chrisccoulson do you know anything about that? ^^01:58
jbichabummer, I failed at blocking onboard from autostarting in gshell02:04
TheMusoThis gnome-shell business of building everything in is just not right IMO...02:06
jbichait's also frustrating because NotShowIn:GNOME; blocks autostarting in GNOME Fallback which doesn't have all the new stuff Shell does02:08
stgraberplease make sure not to regress stuff in gnome fallback as it's one of the two supported environments for Edubuntu... (AFAIK gnome shell isn't going to be shipped by any of the official derivatives for 11.10)02:11
jbichastgraber: right, I think I'm going to just leave onboard as is and let it autostart, it's easy enough to close it02:12
stgraberfor 12.04 it might be interesting to see if we can have a different XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP for fallback or gnome-shell. So we can do OnlyShowIn=Fallback or similar02:13
jbichaI don't want installing gshell to enable caribou for fallback as caribou-antler is a pain02:13
stgraberI think Shell and Fallback are different enough that having a different XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP would make sense and will definitely help fixing a lot of the problems we've seen recently02:14
brycehrobert_ancell, from the photo, Jane's laptop looks like it's offset +300 pixels or so.  I'm not sure what would cause that.  xrandr -q output might show something interesting, or enabling randr debug dmesg (sudo xdiagnose; first checkbox; reboot; dmesg)02:36
brycehrobert_ancell, I notice the mouse cursor appears to be offset by the same amount I guess?  So seems most likely a KMS bug of some sort.02:37
robert_ancellbryceh, ok, cheers02:37
brycehrobert_ancell, was a bug filed on this issue?02:37
robert_ancellbug 81356602:38
ubot2Launchpad bug 813566 in unity-greeter "Greeter not displayed correctly on multi monitor setup" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81356602:38
brycehrobert_ancell, hmm, the photo on that one doesn't match jane's...02:39
brycehrobert_ancell, btw X defaults to mirrored, so the mirroring in this case may simply be because lightdm isn't adjusting things the way gdm does02:40
brycehrobert_ancell, 813566 probably is kms as well.  From the comments in the bug I wonder if gdm is "hiding" the issue when it does a randr operation. Would be interesting if just doing 'xrandr --auto' might refresh it properly.02:43
brycehrobert_ancell, I've updated the bug report02:45
robert_ancellbryceh, cheers02:46
brycehanyway, can help look into it more monday, need to go help with dinner02:47
RAOFYou know what would be awesome?  If it didn't take like 300 lines of boilerplate code to nab GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE :)02:51
micahgjasoncwarner_: so, the  ubuntu3 update was supposed to fix it but apparently didn't03:11
micahgjasoncwarner_: I can try to fix that in a little bit03:14
jasoncwarner_micahg: thanks!03:19
jasoncwarner_hey robert_ancell , I asked slangasek about text-free boot and flicker-free boot on shutdown and he mentioned that lightdm would need to be involved in that discussion....could you and he grab some time to talk through what needs to get done? not sure if we can make any wins now or if we have to wait to LTS03:34
robert_ancelljasoncwarner_, sure.  I suspect we'll have to wait until LTS though03:37
jasoncwarner_robert_ancell: figured, but worth checking either wya...get a headstart on LTS ;) thanks.03:39
jasoncwarner_oh, robert_ancell do you know what is causing the "flash" in either lightdm or unity-greeter on boot when it takes over from plymouth?03:40
robert_ancelljasoncwarner_, it's the X window being drawn, but the unity greeter not being able to write over it fast enough.  It's because we don't have compositing inside the greeter X server03:40
robert_ancellthe latest version sets the background color to purple so it's not very visible03:41
jasoncwarner_oh, nice, ok..03:41
jasoncwarner_oh, that is what steve was mentioning, probably, that you have in a branch...ok03:42
jasoncwarner_I'll give that a go when it gets uploaded. Is that today or tomorrowish?03:42
robert_ancelltonight hopefully, seb thought it might need a ffe though03:44
RAOFThis would all be much simpler if I could assume querying MAX_GL_TEXTURE_SIZE wouldn't SIGSEGV on a small, but substantial, number of systems.03:48
micahgjasoncwarner_: I think this issue only affects people that upgraded yesterday04:07
jasoncwarner_micahg: good to know for general release...easy fix for those effected?04:10
micahgnot sure, I still have to verify the issue, on my machine that I went from beta 6 to ubuntu3, there was no issue04:10
micahgerr, rather firefox 7.0~b6+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu1 -> 7.0+build2+nobinonly-0ubuntu304:11
jasoncwarner_micahg: ok..thanks!04:11
micahgjasoncwarner_: after further investigation, this only affects people who upgraded to7.0+build2+nobinonly-0ubuntu2 going from ubuntu1 to ubuntu3 is fine, do you think this is still critical to fix?04:35
jasoncwarner_micahg: which build did people have for beta204:35
micahgjasoncwarner_: the 7.0 beta 6 build04:36
micahgubuntu2 was uploaded 17 hours ago, ubuntu3 7 hours after that04:36
jasoncwarner_micahg: what I'm really asking is would beta2 people be effected? most people wait to upgrade until beta2, so fi they are, that # could be high. Probably not "critical", but depending on the # of people...04:37
micahgjasoncwarner_: well, upgrading from beta 2 shouldn't be affected, people who have already upgraded and have been upgrading every few hours could be affected04:37
jasoncwarner_micahg: not critical to fix, would be nice to get those people sorted...or offer instructions to fix04:38
jasoncwarner_micahg: for instance, how do I get canonical affiliated google search back in my firefox?04:39
micahgjasoncwarner_: since you're affected can you see if removing firefox and then reinstalling fixes it?04:39
jasoncwarner_micahg: sure...just sudo apt-get remove firefox?04:39
micahgjasoncwarner_: yep04:39
jbichajasoncwarner_: I upgraded, lost my search plugins, updated again, and everything came back04:40
micahgjbicha: you probably didn't upgrade to the ubuntu2 revision then04:41
jbichamicahg: I'm using that version now, what's wrong with it?04:41
jasoncwarner_micahg: yup, removing and reinstalling worked fine04:42
micahgjbicha: you're using ubuntu2 or ubuntu3?04:42
jbichamicahg: apt-cache policy says I'm still on ubuntu204:43
micahgjbicha: weird, if you upgrade to ubuntu3 what happens?04:43
micahgjasoncwarner_: we could send out an e-mail to u-d-a04:44
micahgbut post beta 2 there might a lot of people not reading that04:45
jbichamicahg: yeah ubuntu3 busted the searchplugins again04:49
jbichachris wasn't supposed to be working today!...04:50
micahgjbicha: can you tell me what ls -l on /usr/lib/firefox-7.0/searchplugins and /usr/lib/firefox-addons/distribution/04:50
* micahg has to run out in 10 minutes04:51
jbichamicahg: http://paste.ubuntu.com/697048/04:52
micahgjbicha: and this /usr/lib/firefox-addons/searchplugins04:53
jbichamicahg: http://paste.ubuntu.com/697049/04:54
micahgjbicha: here's the one: /usr/lib/firefox-7.0/distribution04:54
ScottSanbarHi, all.  Is there a way to change my default desktop from Gnome to Unity via the command line or an application available after login from the Gnome desktop?04:56
jbichamicahg: that folder's empty here04:57
micahgjbicha: it's a folder, no link, right?04:57
jbichamicahg: yes04:57
micahgjbicha: awesome, thank you04:58
micahgjasoncwarner_: I have to run out now, but I can upload a fix in ~2 hrs that'll catch everyone up04:58
jasoncwarner_micahg: works! thanks04:58
micahgjasoncwarner_: you're welcome04:59
slangasekjasoncwarner_: ehm, more precisely, I have a change already staged in lightdm to fix flicker-free shutdown and need to sync up with robert_ancell to find out what's going on with what he currently has staged in bzr :)05:12
slangasekbut I seem to have bad timing :)05:12
jasoncwarner_slangasek: even better, I guess!05:29
rickspencer3good morning all .... what's the word on the street? how's Oneiric looking?05:31
pittiGood morning05:32
jasoncwarner_morning pitti  and rickspencer305:35
jasoncwarner_rickspencer3: more efficient with better access to the internet ? (southpark bill gates quote for those who might not get it)05:35
pittihey jasoncwarner_05:35
jasoncwarner_pitti: the boot chart for the dell looks much better today...getting there! http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/boot-speed/dell-vostro-3400/index.html05:36
pittijasoncwarner_: indeed! desktop is down to 1/305:38
jasoncwarner_pitti: :)05:38
jasoncwarner_morning didrocks05:38
didrockshey jasoncwarner_05:38
pittijasoncwarner_: http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/boot-speed/samsung-n150/index.html looks really weird, though05:40
pittithe variance in plumbing, I mean05:40
pittithat's very unlikely to be caused by package updates05:40
pittioh, seems they don't properly initialize ureadaahead05:41
jbichapitti: what do you think of including gnome-font-viewer on the CD? it was in Natty bug 83940705:41
ubot2Launchpad bug 839407 in gnome-utils "gnome-font-viewer missing in oneiric" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83940705:41
jbichaand good morning05:41
pittihey jbicha05:43
pittijbicha: sounds ok to me; can you please write that rationale to the bug and retitle it for FFE?05:43
jasoncwarner_pitti: so we can't really believe that one, then, right? hope the dell is all good05:46
jasoncwarner_pitti: I thought it was weird that the samsung only saw a 3s gain in desktop where the dell saw roughly 15s05:47
pittijasoncwarner_: in e. g. http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/boot-speed/dell-vostro-3400/2011-09-22_16-50-38/bootchart.png clearly did something, but there's still quite a lot of IO going on afterwards05:47
pittijasoncwarner_: it depends on the video driver05:48
pittijasoncwarner_: as e. g. ati is exceptionally slow in randr probing (driver issue, presumably), the reduction from 6 to 1 probes helped a lot more :)05:48
jasoncwarner_pitti: true...05:49
slangasekpitti: yes, there's a ureadahead init problem in there for sure05:51
slangasekor was; maybe it's addressed in the latest runs?05:51
pittiperhaps, for now I'm happy to write off the variance as "noise during initial setup"05:52
* slangasek nods05:54
rickspencer3pitti, are those boot charts for reals?06:03
* rickspencer3 dist-upgrades06:04
pittirickspencer3: the reduction of desktop startup time? yes, they are06:05
jasoncwarner_ hey didrocks I'm using desktop PPA and I've been sporatically seeing both dash and alt+tab going behind windows06:06
jasoncwarner_not as often as before desktop ppa, but still happans06:06
didrocksjasoncwarner_: there is no more need for the desktop ppa btw, but if you still have stacking issues, I think it's for sam. Do you want to open a bug? (I didn't see any new since the push) so that I add the relevant targets?06:07
jasoncwarner_didrocks: I'll remove desktop pa then...06:07
jasoncwarner_didrocks: I haven't opened bug, was going to check with you first. I'll do that now.06:08
didrocksjasoncwarner_: there is just a new u-l-m in it, nothing below that06:08
didrocksjasoncwarner_: yeah, you are the first one to report it, did unity crash and respawn in your session by any chance?06:08
jasoncwarner_didrocks: not that I saw...let me check my crash logs06:08
didrocksjasoncwarner_: just a guess why your internal stack state went out of sync06:09
didrockshey pitti, how was your week-end?06:09
jasoncwarner_didrocks: no, doesn't look like unity crashed...though I do have a compiz crash log06:09
pittididrocks: lots of travelling, but nice! the Queen musical on Friday was amazing, and lots of family time on Saturday06:10
didrocksjasoncwarner_: ok, just open a bug then (and clean the compiz crash log or report it ;))06:10
didrocksgreat :)06:10
rickspencer3jasoncwarner_, didrocks I'm *not* using the desktop PPA on my netbook, and I haven't seen the z-order issues in a few days06:15
didrocksrickspencer3: great, just happens with jasoncwarner_ it seems though06:16
jasoncwarner_rickspencer3: I hope most people don't! :)06:16
rickspencer3jasoncwarner_, perhaps you are not up to date?06:16
jasoncwarner_didrocks: I'm special...ask robert_ancell about me and lightdm ;)06:16
jasoncwarner_didrocks: fyi..https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/85940506:16
ubot2Ubuntu bug 859405 in compiz "More Unity (Launcher, Dash) and alt+tab stacking issues" [Undecided,New]06:16
didrocksjasoncwarner_: heh :)06:16
rickspencer3if it happens to jason, it'll happen to other people06:16
didrocksok, sam is already aware06:18
jasoncwarner_thanks, didrocks ...06:18
jasoncwarner_didrocks: yeah, saw that...hope is just a really, really obvious minor case!06:19
didrocksthey just didn't open bugs to track, adding jasoncwarner_'s to track it06:19
didrockspitti: I transformed an old tracking issue to a FFe as a contributor worked on it: bug #814610. If you can have a look, I opened because I think it's a regression in Oneiric06:25
ubot2Launchpad bug 814610 in unity "FFe: Since showing devices in Nautilus is removed, there is no way to format an usb stick" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81461006:25
pittididrocks: hm, I don't see unmounted USB devices in the launcher any more; should I?06:27
pittithat seems to be a prerequisite for doing anything with usb devices06:27
didrockspitti: really? last time I check, they were06:27
* didrocks try to get one06:27
pittinow it works, of course06:27
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
jbichadidrocks: Disk Utility can format USB drives, it may be a bit complex though06:28
pittipalimpsest is not too bad for this indeed06:28
pittiI don't think we need a format option right in the launcher06:28
didrockspitti: you're right, sometimes it's still in the launcher, sometimes not…06:28
didrocksok, let's pend that for later then, commenting on it06:28
jbichadon't want to make re-formatting too easy, hate to misclick on that one...06:29
didrocksjbicha: the design team seemed to be in favor of a quicklist item though06:30
rickspencer3Sweetshark, libreoffice is not opening for me :/06:32
micahgjasoncwarner_: fix uploaded06:32
jasoncwarner_micahg: thanks!06:33
rickspencer3jasoncwarner_, is libre office working for you today?06:34
rickspencer3it ran the recovery dialog for me, then won't open :/06:34
jasoncwarner_rickspencer3: yeah, I don't have any issues with it opening...haven't used it much today...are you opening libreoffice, writer, something else?06:36
rickspencer3jasoncwarner_, libreoffice06:36
rickspencer3I started with impresse, but nothing works06:36
* rickspencer3 logs bug06:36
jasoncwarner_rickspencer3: what happens if you launch from command line? any error?06:37
rickspencer3pitti, jasoncwarner_ $ubuntu-bug openoffice.org?06:37
pittiGunnarHj: FYI, .check_output() doesn't need any wait() etc., that already should be race free06:37
rickspencer3there doesn't seem to be a libreoffice package06:37
pittirickspencer3: libreoffice-writer06:37
rickspencer3oops, never mind, there it is06:37
rickspencer3there is no libre-offce ;)06:37
jbichaany opinion on bug 859416 before I ask the mailing lists?06:40
ubot2Launchpad bug 859416 in gnome-session "UIFe: Rename GNOME Classic to GNOME Fallback & GNOME to GNOME Shell" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85941606:40
rickspencer3Sweetshark, I'll leve this here for you when you get in: bug #85942206:42
ubot2Launchpad bug 859422 in libreoffice "libreoffice will not open" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85942206:42
GunnarHjpitti: It was not for that function I tried using wait() etc., but for subprocess.Popen. OTOH, at http://docs.python.org/library/subprocess.html#convenience-functions you see the comment "Wait for command to complete" for the two other convenience functions, but not for check_output().06:44
didrocksjbicha: maybe a little late for translators06:44
GunnarHjpitti: In any case it didn't wait long enough. :)06:44
jbichadidrocks: it could wait until next cycle if it's too much now06:45
didrocksjbicha: I'm ok with the change (for next cycle), seems to make sense, just wondering about edubuntu which will run a "fallback" session by default. Doesn't seem attractive :)06:46
jbichaI believe Edubuntu uses Unity by default but Fallback is included but I haven't installed Edubuntu in a while06:47
mvokamstrup: good morning, could you please check https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/857931 ? is unity using the dbm file yet?06:48
ubot2Ubuntu bug 857931 in software-center "software-center crashed with DBAgainError in _dump_bsddbm_for_unity(): (11, 'Resource temporarily unavailable -- unable to join the environment')" [Undecided,Confirmed]06:48
didrocksmvo: it uses it since Thursday06:54
micahgjbicha: BTW, the firefox fix should be built available in ~2 hrs07:00
didrockshum, thunderbird crashing07:01
didrocksand restart doesn't restart it, let's see07:01
kamstrupmvo: checkin07:05
kamstrupmvo: are you post poning db dump until the ui is mapped?07:06
kamstrupmvo: but the exception looks pretty odd...07:06
mvokamstrup: the exception looks like something else tries to write to it or that the env is opened wrongly07:07
mvokamstrup: I'm trying to reproduce currently07:07
didrockspitti: FYI, I tried on Friday to start doing the french respin, but I got bug #857494 on lb07:10
ubot2Launchpad bug 857494 in live-build "package in config/chroot_packages/ isn't installed in the chroot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85749407:10
kamstrupmvo: it's probably a good idea to wrap the call to _dump_bsddbm_for_unity() in a "try/catch Exception" as we have no clear picture of what Exceptions bsddb.db might throw at us07:12
=== jpds_ is now known as jpds
kamstrupmvo: uhhh, interesting... the report says EcryptfsInUse: Yes07:12
mvokamstrup: ohh07:13
kamstrupmvo: with zzg for example we've had tonnes of weird errors for ppl with EcryptfsInUse: Yes07:13
robert_ancellmicahg, hey, is the security team happy with lightdm + unity-greeter?07:13
mvokamstrup: it seems like it has issues writing to FS with no mmap support like nfs, ecryptfs seems to be common among the dupes too07:14
mvokamstrup: I have a ecryptfs laptop, I will try on that now07:14
micahgrobert_ancell: that question would be better directed at mdeslaur07:15
kamstrupmvo: there's a bsddb.db.DB_NOMMAP flag you can pass to db.open()07:15
kamstrupmvo: but that would be a perf hit of course07:15
mvokamstrup: thanks, I see if I can reproduce it here first, performance should be ok(ish) as its in its own thread (so its as good as the python thread implementation … )07:16
kamstrupmvo: ok, ping me when/if you find something. I may need to add a re-try-open-without-mmap() branch to the apps lens then07:17
pittididrocks: right, that's known; I reported that to Debian and it got fixed there, but unfortunately we didn't merge07:18
chrisccoulsonjasoncwarner_, you still get the issue with ubuntu3?07:18
didrockspitti: ok, I'll try to have a look tomorrow at it then07:18
jasoncwarner_chrisccoulson: the firefox issue? I think it is all set07:18
jasoncwarner_chrisccoulson: micah walked me through it07:18
chrisccoulsonjasoncwarner_, you shouldn't need to remove and reinstall it though07:19
chrisccoulsonit should have upgraded fine07:19
chrisccoulsonif it didn't then it's still broken07:19
chrisccoulsonb'ah, upgrading from ubuntu2 -> ubuntu3 is broken because the version in the postinst script is wrng07:20
kamstruppitti: have you seen the Zeitgeist FFe? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/zeitgeist/+bug/85639607:21
ubot2Ubuntu bug 856396 in zeitgeist "FFe: Update to Zeitgeist-0.8.2" [Undecided,New]07:21
pittididrocks: I updated the bug; my debian bug report has a simple workaround which we could upload (safer than a merge now IMHO)07:21
pittikamstrup: not yet, still catching up07:21
kamstruppitti: okidoki07:21
didrockspitti: ok, thanks!07:23
kamstrupmvo: any luck without the mmap()?07:45
pittikamstrup: updated07:46
mvokamstrup: no luck so far, but I think I need to modify/stop unity for a proper test as this is using the file in the "wrong" way07:54
mvo(well, may use it in the wrong way, its not entirely clear to me yet)07:54
didrockskamstrup: sync req done btw. launchpad timeout to close bugs though07:58
kamstrupdidrocks, pitti: awesome! Thanks07:59
desrtgood morning, eurobuntus08:02
didrockshey desrt, how are you?08:03
pittihey desrt08:03
kamstrupdesrt: "morning" desrt08:03
desrtdidrocks: good, i hope :)08:03
desrtkamstrup: hey.. i don't think i got a chance to say welcome back yet :)08:04
desrtseb128: i think i solved that mime mess08:04
desrtseb128: (good morning, btw)08:04
kamstrupdesrt: lol, thanks :-)08:04
desrtseb128: testing appreciated!!08:04
seb128hey desrt pitti didrocks kamstrup08:04
pittibonjour seb12808:04
didrockssalut seb12808:05
seb128desrt, oh, nice, sure I can do that08:05
desrtseb128: it's one of those "wtf is this so complicated?!" fixes08:05
desrt 1 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 39 deletions(-)08:05
desrtprobably means i failed to understand something important08:05
desrtbut i'll run it by cosimo when he's awake08:05
seb128desrt, run it by alexl rather08:06
desrtseb128: cosimo is the one that introduced all these changes08:06
seb128well cosimoc might know was well08:06
seb128desrt, oh ok08:06
desrtseb128: trouble entered here: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=63631108:06
ubot2Gnome bug 636311 in gio "appinfo: tweak application positioning for content-types" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]08:06
seb128oh, they already rolled a stack for 3.2 tarballs08:08
pittiseb128: still working on some critical bugs, but can join the packaging fest this afternoon08:08
seb128pitti, ok, thanks08:08
desrtdidrocks: how's that getenv() pain treating you?08:08
didrocksdesrt: we talked about it, it seems that the unset done after all the initialization aren't needed, so for this cycle, we can maybe remove them (seems safer)08:09
didrocksnjpatel: I didn't follow if API removed the reset after init() already? Can we put that in this release? ^08:10
mvokamstrup: this is funny, after removing ~/.cache/software-center/reviews.ubuntu.com_reviews_api_1.0_review-stats-pkgnames.p__4.8.db.dbenv/__db.* its all fine again with no code changes08:10
kamstrupmvo: wow, scary...08:10
njpateldidrocks, desrt i'm going to shuffle around what happens inthe main() today so we don't do a g_unsetenv after launching gdbus stuff08:11
njpatelwhich seems to do the trick, but we'll know after more people test it, of course08:11
desrtnjpatel: excellent.08:11
desrtnjpatel: we're going to look at doing a better job of fixing this properly during the next cycle08:12
desrtit's a bit of a disaster right now...08:12
AlanBellanyone know about automated testing of ubiquity?08:12
pittiAlanBell: the package has a few tests which are run during package build08:13
AlanBellcan we turn that off now?08:13
pittiAlanBell: but the full integration testing is done by our QA team, i. e. they inject keystrokes etc. to perform a fully automatic install08:13
AlanBellit is abusing the a11y interfaces, and breaking it iall08:14
pittiAlanBell: err, what?08:14
pittiwhy would we disable the test suite?08:14
AlanBellbug 78138508:15
ubot2Launchpad bug 781385 in ubiquity "Ubiquity GTK should have useful accessible names set in the Glade .ui files instead of using the variable names" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78138508:15
AlanBellbecause there is code in it which deliberately overwrites the accessible name of every widget with the variable name08:16
AlanBellso it reads out junk, and it masks the useful and possibly translated actuall stuff it is supposed to read08:16
AlanBelland the only reason the test suite works is because the a11y interfaces exist08:16
AlanBellso abusing them in this way is a bit harsh to say the least08:17
pittiAlanBell: ah, can you please discuss that with ev?08:17
pittiAlanBell: right, it is; wasn't aware of this, usually test suites ought to use the actual accessible names, not some placeholder junk08:17
xclaesseI cannot pair my oneiric with the N900 over bluetooth08:19
xclaesseit says connection refused (error 111)08:20
xclaesseis there a known but about this?08:20
njpateldesrt, yeah i was reading the bug report, sounds like a fun thing to fix ;) Thanks for looking into it, dude08:21
mvokamstrup: bzr diff -r 2433..2434 lp:software-center <- my change, you may consider ommiting the mmap stuff as well as it will probably fail on nfs/afs mounts08:28
seb128xclaesse, not that I know about no08:28
mvokamstrup: but I'm not sure if this is good enough, it seems to be all too easy to get into this state again08:32
seb128tseliot, hey08:52
tseliothi seb12808:53
seb128tseliot, bug #855943 might be something for you08:53
ubot2Launchpad bug 855943 in fglrx-installer "Installing then uninstalling FGLRX makes Oneiric's Unity unbootable" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85594308:53
seb128tseliot, just pointing it since I crossed it while doing some triage08:53
tseliotseb128: I'll have a look at it, thanks08:54
kamstrupmvo: even with mmap() disabled?08:54
seb128tseliot, thank you08:54
Sweetshark bug #859422 sounds a lot like bug #859112 however I cant reproduce it here. did you have anything suspicous going on on update?09:00
ubot2Launchpad bug 859422 in libreoffice "libreoffice will not open" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85942209:00
ubot2Launchpad bug 859112 in libreoffice "No icon for .ods files" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85911209:00
Sweetsharkrickspencer3: do you have the libreoffice desktop files? e.g. /usr/share/applications/libreoffice-writer.desktop?09:02
rickspencer3hi Sweetshark09:03
rickspencer3let me grap that 'puter and see09:03
rickspencer3Sweetshark, yes, they are all there09:04
tseliotpitti: I guess bug 855396 is still not fixed, even after the last upload09:06
ubot2Launchpad bug 855396 in jockey "Jockey doesn't provide fglrx-updates" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85539609:06
Sweetsharkrickspencer3: does libreoffice launch from a terminal?09:06
rickspencer3Sweetshark, nope09:06
rickspencer3I can try again, hol don09:06
rickspencer3Sweetshark, it's not launching or returning to the command line09:07
rickspencer3btw, it works fine on this puter09:07
Sweetsharkrickspencer3: hmmm09:08
Sweetsharkrickspencer3: what does "strace libreoffice" say? does it hang somewhere??09:08
rickspencer3Sweetshark, ^09:10
Sweetsharkrickspencer3: thats looking good in general (the splash does not seem to have any issues trying to bootstrap the app).09:11
Sweetsharkrickspencer3: could you try to mv/rm -rf ~/.libreoffice and try again?09:12
rickspencer3you want me to delete ~/.libreoffice, right?09:13
Sweetsharkrickspencer3: right, delete it or move it somewhere else.09:13
rickspencer3I deleted it09:13
rickspencer3still not working09:13
Sweetsharkdoes /usr/lib/libreoffice/program/soffice.bin start? if not,could you strace it?09:16
Sweetshark(well, if it hangs)09:16
rickspencer3Sweetshark, well, soffice.bing was running09:18
rickspencer3and when I killed it, the splashscreen opened09:18
rickspencer3I clicked through the recovery dialog09:18
rickspencer3and now, nothing09:18
rickspencer3though soffice.bin and libreoffice are both active processes09:19
rickspencer3Sweetshark, I killed both processes, ran libreoffice from the command line, and it all seemed to work again09:20
Sweetsharkrickspencer3: right.09:20
rickspencer3Sweetshark, it works from the dash again09:20
rickspencer3sorry, did I jump the gun and blow away the state you needed?09:21
Sweetsharkrickspencer3: nah, its ok.09:21
Sweetsharkrickspencer3: those are damn hard to rootcause. The soffice.bin is running but unresponsive, thus the starter scripts think everything is fine. I would have needed the state of the unresponsive soffice.bin to dig deeper, but even then it might have been hard to find the real issue.09:24
rickspencer3Sweetshark, ok, I'll let you know if I see it again09:25
seb128vuntz, there?09:26
Sweetsharkrickspencer3: maybe the starter script should try to talk to soffice.bin and if it doesnt answer complain to the user (like firefox does) so that the user can kill the stalled process.09:27
vuntzseb128: yo09:27
seb128vuntz, how are you?09:28
seb128vuntz, unping, I was checking on "org.gnome.desktop.default-applications.office.calendar" which doesn't match dconf-editor path, but I just got confused09:29
seb128there is no "default" in dconf-editor09:29
vuntzlife is good!09:29
seb128great ;-)09:29
jasoncwarner_didrocks: is sam going to get those changes for compiz today for final upload? wasn't sure on timing09:30
didrocksjasoncwarner_: there should be a new tested tarball today yeah. Not sure it contains stacking fix though09:31
jasoncwarner_didrocks: ah, ok...today is final upload for final freeze, right? if stacking fix isn't there next chance would be SRU?09:32
didrocksjasoncwarner_: well not sure == "no your fix" anyway as he's aware about it, but don't know what produces it09:32
didrocksjasoncwarner_: for compiz, I guess it's today latest chance, maybe Thursday if something new urgent appears. Then SRU, right09:32
jasoncwarner_didrocks: ok, thanks09:33
=== mpt_ is now known as mpt
didrocksseb128: do you know if it's possible for g-c-c to only show one category (or to start scrolling to one category?)09:38
seb128didrocks, I don't think it is09:38
seb128didrocks, why?09:38
didrocksseb128: design request it.09:38
seb128well, not for this cycle09:38
didrocksyeah, answering that09:39
didrocksdespite, the g-c-c window is pretty small, I don't see the gain09:39
pittiand once we fix the duplicate ubuntu one icon, it'll be even smaller :) (it takes a whole extra row in teh default size)09:48
pittirodrigo_: ^ is that on your radar, or need help with this?09:48
rodrigo_pitti, it's being fixed by dobey, yes09:48
rodrigo_pitti, so yes, on my radar :)09:48
seb128vuntz, hum, something changed in libgweather, it doesn't install the html documentation in 3.2 when not using enable-gtk-doc09:48
pittididrocks: also, categories are a bit mixed up right now, so that would confuse even more09:48
seb128vuntz, where that worked in 3.1.309:48
pittididrocks: e. g. keyboard layout is in personal, while keyboard settings are in hardwarew09:49
seb128hey rodrigo_09:49
pitti(it's wrong to have two icons for this in the first place, but *shrug*)09:49
rodrigo_hi seb12809:49
rodrigo_pitti, yes, they're removing the control panel one and leaving the u1-installer09:50
didrockspitti: agreed, the category on the bug report were wrong as well, hence the ask for precision first as I didn't know if they wanted categories or capplet09:50
didrockspitti: I guess, they used the natty one and so g-c-c of GNOME2 to make those comments…09:51
seb128rodrigo_, how are you?09:51
rodrigo_seb128, a bit tired after an exhausting week end :) you?09:51
seb128rodrigo_, GNOME 3.2 updates to claim on the pad if you want to do some ;-)09:52
seb128rodrigo_, I'm fine thanks09:52
rodrigo_seb128, yes, starting on that as soon as I do some tomboy fixed Chipaca asked me to do09:52
vuntzseb128: only translations changed compared to 3.1.3, though09:52
seb128rodrigo_, ok09:52
vuntzseb128: so maybe gtk-doc changed, and so my generated tarball doesn't work the same way because of this09:52
seb128vuntz, well in any case it's broken :-(09:53
vuntzseb128: can you check if libwnck has the same issue?09:53
seb128vuntz, ok09:54
rodrigo_Laney, ping09:56
seb128hey Laney09:56
rodrigo_Laney, are you updating tomboy?09:56
Laneywill do09:56
Laneycan you chase up chipaca?09:56
rodrigo_Laney, ok, I'll push a liottle change to bzr09:57
rodrigo_Laney, jkust talked with him09:57
rodrigo_Laney, the change is about disabling 06_use_ubuntu_sso.patch09:57
Laneyyeah I was going to do that anyway09:57
rodrigo_Laney, anything else you want?09:57
Laneyif they didn't do a better fix09:57
rodrigo_Laney, ah, already done, so pushing in a minute09:57
Laneythere's still some problem with the save button09:57
rodrigo_Laney, no, no better fix coming :(09:57
rodrigo_Laney, even when using the tomboyweb thing?09:58
Laneyyeah, it's not made sensitive at the right time i think09:58
Laneyneed to recheck09:58
seb128vuntz, no, libwnck or gnome-desktop don't have that issue10:04
seb128vuntz, it's only libgweather10:05
vuntzseb128: hrm. That's really weird since it's the same build environment for the tarball, and there's really just translations changes10:06
seb128vuntz, well, try to ./configure --disable-gtk-doc && make && make install DESTDIR=...10:07
seb128the gtk-doc is not installed10:07
vuntzseb128: I will do that soon10:08
seb128vuntz, thanks10:08
rodrigo_Laney, ok, pushed my changes, all yours :)10:08
seb128vuntz, ok, I might be wrong10:09
seb128vuntz, libgweather is building with builddir!=srcdir I'm trying to build in srcdir10:10
seb128vuntz, could be a bug for builddir!=srcdir10:10
vuntzseb128: ah, yes, that's possible. I've seen fixes for that elsewhere10:10
seb128vuntz, ok, that fixes it, so 3.1.3 -> 3.2.0 broke the build out of srcdir for gtk-doc10:11
vuntzseb128: yeah, that's probably because of a gtk-doc change10:12
seb128vuntz, so bug in gtk-doc? or libgweather needs to update its makefile in some way?10:13
vuntzseb128: libgweather needs to be adapted; it's an annoyance of the new gtk-doc, but not a bug10:18
seb128vuntz, ok, want a bug?10:19
vuntzseb128: I'd like a patch ;-) I'll just commit the fix, no need for a bug10:23
seb128vuntz, don't wait on me for the patch, I will try to have a look once I did catch up on the w.e activity and GNOME 3.2 tarballs10:23
seb128i.e not now10:23
rodrigo_hmm, libgnome-keyring u-d's branch has 2.32, so what's the branch we use for it?10:28
pittirodrigo_: ubuntu:libgnome-keyring10:28
pittii. e. UDD style10:28
pittirodrigo_: we synced at some point, so the Vcs-Bzr: also got dropped (and the sync didn't update it)10:29
pittifor those packages the UDD branches are slightly more practical, I think10:29
rodrigo_pitti, hmm, lp:ubuntu/libgnome-keyring is not a debian/-only branch, so what do you mean by UDD style?10:35
rodrigo_oh, ubuntu:...10:37
pittirodrigo_: you never worked with the UDD branches?10:37
pittirodrigo_: right, these are full source (which is ok), new versions are done with "bzr merge-upstream", and the icky bit is that it has patches pre-applied10:37
pittirodrigo_: I can do the libgnome-keyring update if you want me to10:38
rodrigo_ah ok10:38
rodrigo_so ubuntu:libgnome-keyring = lp:ubuntu/libgnome-keyring10:38
rodrigo_I did work with these branches, yes10:38
rodrigo_I thought UDD was = ~ubuntu-desktop... branches10:38
rodrigo_and they're the contrary, right? :)10:39
pittirodrigo_: right; our debian-only ~ubuntu-desktop branches are explicitly not UDD10:39
pittirodrigo_: the main two things to know there is (1) always use "bzr mu" (or "merge-upstream", long alias), and (2) take care to unapply patches before mu and reapply after10:40
pitti(2) is a real pain in the butt; I discussed that with poolie last week, and they want to make this more transparent in the future, but for now it's a gotcha10:40
rodrigo_yeah, it really sucks10:41
pittibut at least "bzr mu" is fairly magical10:41
rodrigo_also, it gives conflicts when merge-upstream'ing10:41
seb128UDD works fine for dx10:41
seb128where you can bzr merge a revision from upstream trunk10:41
pittiwhat I do is usuually10:41
seb128i.e no use a patchsystem10:41
pittiquilt pop -a; rm -r .pc; bzr commit -m "unapply patches"10:41
pittibzr mu10:41
pittiquilt push -a (refresh/update while you are at it)10:41
pittibzr add .pc10:41
pittibzr commit -m 'apply patches"10:41
rodrigo_ok, thanks for the trick!10:42
pittirodrigo_: mu will use uscan for the latest upstream version, download it, integrate it into bzr, do the necessary stuff for pristine-tar, etc., and give you the diff to review and commit10:42
pittiI usually look at NEWS (for the changelog) and configure.ac diff (for updated build deps, etc.)10:43
rodrigo_pitti, yes, I've used it several times, but didn't know about the unapplying patches part, so always had to resolve conflicts by hand10:43
pittiyeah; I still think that having pre-applied patches in bzr is really sick and broken for a package maintainer, but it seems that the UDD guys think otherwise10:44
rodrigo_I agree with you :)10:44
pittiit should either be unapplied, as we traditionally used to do, or use bzr the full way with looms/threads10:44
pittibut anyway, </rant>, back to work :)10:44
seb128well, I'm glad I stand up for my position and refuses to switch desktop to UDD when there was a push at UDS for it ;-)10:45
pittiseb128: in general I like our ~u-desktop branches as well, but I have used the UDD ones for the packages where it was grossly out of date (because we synced, etc.)10:46
pittiif someone wants to update them and add back Vcs-Bzr:, that's totally fine with me :)10:46
seb128right, same here10:46
pittifor packages without patches UDD works quite well, though10:47
seb128things which are in sync half of the time at annoying to keep in sync with your team vcs10:47
pittibut we'd go insane for heavily patched ones like gtk10:47
rodrigo_yes, udd makes sense for stuff we sync from debian, right?10:47
pittipretty much, yes10:48
seb128lunch, bbiab10:59
pittirodrigo_: for P we should attempt to move to the control-center language selector11:00
rodrigo_pitti, yes, I'm looking at adding the install language thing again11:00
rodrigo_pitti, although it's hard to do it cross-distro11:00
pittirodrigo_: language-selector code has become a messy hack by now, has lots of obsolete code, and is rather brittle :(11:00
pittirodrigo_: oh, I think the check-language-support script needs to stay11:01
rodrigo_pitti, yes, unless there's another way to know what to install11:01
pittirodrigo_: although I'd like to rewrite it from scratch, to just be some 50 lines long instead of the 2000 ugly ones that language-selector has :)11:01
rodrigo_yeah, that too :)11:01
pittirodrigo_: what does the upstream version currently do if you want to enable a language?11:01
pittirodrigo_: does it call a kind of hook function or script which gives you teh packages to install for that language?11:02
rodrigo_it just allows you to select from the installed languages11:02
pittiah, I see11:02
rodrigo_I had a look at adding it this cycle, but as I said, hard to do cross-distro11:02
rodrigo_but I'm trying harder again :)11:03
pittirodrigo_: perhaps we should have an UDS session about this, then we can discuss teh architecture of this?11:03
rodrigo_also, we need the input methoid thing11:03
rodrigo_and that would give us 1<->1 feature parity with lang-selector11:03
rodrigo_pitti, yes, sure11:03
rodrigo_ugh, again the flash plugin is gone, isn't it in adobe-flashplugin package?11:10
pittirodrigo_: flashplugin-installer11:10
RAOFOh, man.  Is the gnome package build infrastructure *deliberately* designed to make me want to throttle it with barbed wire? :/11:47
seb128RAOF, what build infrastructure? autotools?11:49
seb128RAOF, don't be an hater ;-)11:49
RAOFThe weird, freaky gnome-autogen.sh and the CDBS and the autogeneration of debian/control.11:49
RAOFShould this build fail I may add another item to the list of hate :)11:49
seb128I didn't use gnome-autogen.sh for a while11:50
seb128cdbs is nice ;-)11:50
seb128RAOF, don't you dare complain, at least we use dh-autoreconf nowadays, we used to add "autoreconf" patches that needed a manual update at each new version ;-)11:51
RAOFI need to update the some of the autofoo, and because GNOME is special and can't use autoreconf like a sensible person, that adds another hoop to jump through.11:51
RAOFHah!  Yeah, I don't pine for the days of 99_autoreconf.patch.11:51
seb128RAOF, hum? we use dh-autoreconf for 90% of GNOME without issues11:51
seb128RAOF, what issue do you get?11:52
seb128what source?11:52
RAOFHm.  gnome-desktop3 doesn't seem to like it; it fails in autoreconf with some error about gnome-doc.11:52
seb128RAOF, you probably lack a build depends11:54
RAOFAnyway, it's 10pm.  I'm not likely to test this much, even if it does build now :)11:54
seb128RAOF, i.e gtk-doc-tools11:54
RAOFseb128: That might be it, I guess.  It failed outside of a build chroot, though, and I've been building upstream's code (with autogen.sh) just fine.11:55
RAOFAnyway.  To the bed!11:56
seb128RAOF, 'night11:57
vuntzseb128: fwiw, I didn't have the libgweather issue when updating the openSUSE package here11:59
seb128vuntz, do you build out of srcdir?11:59
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
vuntzseb128: ah, right, we don't12:03
seb128vuntz, that's why then ;-)12:04
didrockspitti: ok, so new unity have been released. we discussed about few pixels adjustements at first (unoticeable dots and such) which shouldn't need an UIFe as it's not noticeable. However, the dash is now way smaller and I wonder what to do: http://people.canonical.com/~didrocks/smaller_dash.png (in addition to the scrollbars not looking nice…)12:08
didrocks(still fixing a cut text issue in the dash post-release, I'll then get back to it)12:08
seb128didrocks, did the scrollbar change? or do you mean the fact that's it's packed against the filters ui?12:10
seb128(it looks similarly rectangular on my oneiric)12:10
didrocksseb128: the dash size changed and all is now packed12:11
mvopitti: do you think you could have a look at bug #854622 today? I suspect its the changelog de-duplication or something along that line12:11
ubot2Launchpad bug 854622 in update-manager "Could not install libglib2.0" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85462212:11
* rodrigo_ lunch12:12
pittimvo: yes, I have a tab open for this12:16
pittididrocks: I thought we already had an UIFe for adjusting the dash spacing?12:17
didrockspitti: we had 2 already…12:17
didrocksthis is a third one…12:17
pittididrocks: I think it doesn't invalidate screen shots or documentation, unless the arrangement of controls changed12:17
didrockspitti: indeed, the final adjustements discussed were substile and I gave my ok telling the UIFe isn't need. It's still an arrangement, but way more visible that what we previously discussed, hence I prefer having a second thought on it12:18
didrocks(the arrangement of controls didn't change)12:18
pittididrocks: I think it's ok12:19
didrockspitti: thanks!12:19
pittididrocks: bamf introduced an USE_GTK3 conditional; does it actually set that anywhere?12:21
didrockspitti: is should be in configure.in, isn't it?12:21
didrockspitti: the last commit of DBO broke the gtk2 build12:21
pittididrocks: oh right, mislooked12:22
didrockspitti: so I added the switch, to be able to use "the old way" with gtk2 and the new with gtk3 (it's an API change in wnck which had be added in the 3.1 series)12:22
didrockspitti: that was the most reasonable fix I found…12:22
didrocksdobey: hey, are you around?12:53
dobeydidrocks: hi12:55
didrocksdobey: have you successfully reproduced bug #857514 ?12:55
ubot2Launchpad bug 857514 in ubuntu-sso-client "/usr/lib/ubuntu-sso-client/ubuntu-sso-login shouldn't stop if a login dialog is shown" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85751412:55
dobeydidrocks: i did, but didn't have time to debug further. nessita was on holiday last week, but is back today; maybe she will know more, as she is more familiar with that code.12:56
nessitahi there!12:57
didrocksdobey: oh nice! :)12:57
* nessita reads backlog12:57
didrockshey nessita, welcome back ;)12:57
nessitahi didrocks :-)12:57
didrocksnessita: how were your holidays? (seems I have a nice new bug for you!)12:57
nessitadidrocks: it was fine, I stayed home and took care of tons of outdated errands :-)12:58
seb128hey nessita12:58
didrocksheh, backlogging during holidays :)12:58
nessitadidrocks: so, looking at this bug report reminds me of another bug report, let me look for it12:58
nessitahi seb128!12:59
didrocksnessita: probably link to the one when I didn't get the second answer12:59
didrocks(after a second request before the sso daemon closes)13:00
didrocksnessita: this one is though more annoying, as people see the login dialog disappearing and think that it crashes…13:00
nessitadidrocks: the bug I was remembering is bug #80115413:00
ubot2Launchpad bug 801154 in ubuntu-sso-client "Some request can be missed in racy calls" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80115413:00
nessitadidrocks: let me read the new report again to see the difference13:01
didrocksnessita: exactly, it's the one I was reffering to. I guess it's linked, I just think that this one is more details and show a more important issue13:01
nessitadidrocks: I think I know what the problem is13:01
nessitadidrocks: in the new bug, looks like the old and new DBus Ifaces are being mixed13:02
didrocksnessita: oh? I used the one in the wiki though13:02
nessitadidrocks: oh, you're right, is not login_or_register_to_get_credentials, is just login_or_register13:03
nessitadidrocks: give me one sec, I have my daily standup13:03
didrocksnessita: sure :-)13:03
seb128rodrigo_, you don't have upload rights for libgnome-keyring?13:07
kenvandinerodrigo_, did you start gnome-keyring already?  i can do it, i was just checking if it fixed a bug i was working so i have it ready for upload13:09
seb128hey kenvandine, how are you?13:10
seb128kenvandine, does it fix the issue? ;-)13:10
kenvandineseb128, good, and you?13:10
seb128kenvandine, I'm good thanks13:10
nessitadidrocks: can I reproduce that somehoe without needing one-conf?13:10
seb128kenvandine, how is gwibber coming along for the freeze? ;-)13:10
didrocksnessita: if you are on oneiric by defaut, you have oneconf already, isn't it?13:11
kenvandineseb128, i need to prepare a release13:11
kenvandinethere is one more bug i want to fix first though13:11
nessitadidrocks: I'm still in natty... the windows port of the control panel did not give me time (yet) to upgrade\13:11
nessitadidrocks: can you confirm the software center is not using the sso old Dbus api?13:12
didrocksnessita: hum, I guess you can directly use oneconf trunk then, and call with software-center the ratings and review credential req. creation13:12
didrocksnessita: it's using login_or_register()13:13
dobey        self.proxy = self.bus.get_object('com.ubuntu.sso', '/credentials')13:13
dobeynessita: ^^13:13
nessitadobey: is that software center?13:13
dobeynessita: yes13:13
nessitadobey: that's old API13:13
dobeynessita: why don't we refcount in the old api?13:14
nessitadobey: because is deprecated since natty13:14
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
nessitadobey: also, refcounting is "local" to a dbus interface, not global13:15
mvonessita: hm, could you point me to a wiki page/mail or something that oulines what I need to do to port? happy to fix this now13:15
nessitamvo: hi there!!! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SingleSignOn/UbuntuSsoClient13:16
nessitamvo: the non-deprecated API is at com.ubuntu.sso bus name, on the /com/ubuntu/sso/credentials object path13:16
mvook, thanks nessita, I check it out now13:17
didrocksok, that's the one I'm using in oneconf backend, once mvo will do the fix in software-center, I can test if I can still reproduce13:17
nessitamvo: you need to use the com.ubuntu.sso.CredentialsManagement interface, and you may wanna hit find_crecentials method for credentials querying only, or maybe login()/register() or login_or_register() for a GTK UI to prop up if there are no credentials in the system13:17
nessitadidrocks: please let me know if that's the case, then we'll debug further and fix if needed13:18
didrocksnessita: so not the same issue than the first bug after all :-)13:18
didrocksnessita: well, keep you in touch! Thanks :)13:18
nessitadidrocks: no :-)13:18
nessitadidrocks: thank you! and thanks dobey and mvo13:18
didrocksmvo: as I use from softwarecenter.backend.login_sso import get_sso_backend13:19
didrockshopefully, it will fix it :)13:19
kamstrupI almost assume that it's a known issue, but I can't find it in LP: my integrated intel graphics hd 3000 (sandybridge) no longer works (no glx). This worked smoothly ~1 month ago... ?13:24
seb128kamstrup, try asking on #ubuntu-x rather but that isn't known that I know about13:25
seb128kamstrup, when did it break?13:25
seb128mterry, hey13:26
kamstrupseb128: not entirely sure... I am mostly using the discrete nvidia card on the laptop, but just tried switching to the integrated intel yesterday, and noted the regression13:26
seb128mterry, upload, patch piloting... but aren't you supposed to be on holidays? ;-)13:26
mterryseb128, tomorrow!13:26
mterryseb128, squeezing in one last day13:27
seb128mterry, oh ok ;-)13:27
pittihey mterry, how are you?13:27
mterrypitti, good!  Released deja-dup 20.0 this morning, looking forward to 22.0 for Ubuntu 12.04 already  :)13:27
pittiplanning is everything! :)13:28
seb128if anyone feels like helping on GNOME 3.2 tarballs to claim are on the etherpad13:28
pittiI'm in the final testing round for new language-selector; I'll do a review of unapproved, then join the fun13:28
=== mc01 is now known as moise7864
seb128pitti, excellent ;-)13:28
=== moise7864 is now known as hideki2
hideki2Hey pitti I'm here about the bug 771788 (the driver active but not in use).13:31
ubot2Launchpad bug 771788 in jockey "nVidia driver activated and apparently being used but reported as not being used by jockey-gtk" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77178813:31
hideki2You wanted someone to be able to reproduce it if I m correct ? ;)13:31
pittihideki2: hello13:34
pittihideki2: ah, you still get it in current oneiric?13:34
hideki2ah nop natty, sorry ;)13:34
pittihideki2: I can have a look on natty as well13:35
pittiand then check if it's fixed on oneiric, or whether the bug is still present13:35
pittiso that's fine as well13:35
hideki2Ok lemme setup an ssh account to that natty box then, if you 're intrested to check. Otherwhise I ll jump to 10.10 right away if it s fixed in it.13:37
hideki211.10 sorry13:37
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
rodrigo_kenvandine, haven't really started on gnome-keyring, so take it13:38
rodrigo_seb128, no, it rejected my upload13:38
seb128rodrigo_, can you email cjwatson about it?13:39
rodrigo_seb128, yes13:39
seb128rodrigo_, btw when you package g-s-d can you backport fixes from trunk that seem like they would fix the screen power handling?13:39
seb128rodrigo_, they might not land in 3.2.0 but we should try to get those issues fixed for Oneiric13:40
kenvandinerodrigo_, cool... also i sponsored libgnome-keyring13:40
rodrigo_kenvandine, ok cool13:40
rodrigo_seb128, yes13:40
seb128rodrigo_, thanks13:41
pittihideki2: the second one on https://launchpad.net/~pitti/+sshkeys is my workstation13:43
seb128cyphermox, hey13:51
seb128cyphermox, do you have time for the evolution 3.2 update today?13:52
seb128cyphermox, cool13:52
seb128cyphermox, while you are at it could you clean the git patches from the evo vcs and check why the session delay patch isn't used?13:52
seb128(or not in the install evolution-alarm-notify.desktop at least)13:53
seb128cyphermox, thanks13:53
didrocksmvo: do you need any help with the software-center port to the latest sso API? I can give you an hand as I want to test it soon :)13:53
mvodidrocks: please check trunk, it should be ready there13:53
didrocksoh nice :)13:54
* didrocks tries13:54
didrocksmvo: nessita: indeed, it fixes bug #857514 (mvo, you can add it to the bug changelog if you want). Thanks both of you!14:01
ubot2Launchpad bug 857514 in software-center "/usr/lib/ubuntu-sso-client/ubuntu-sso-login shouldn't stop if a login dialog is shown" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85751414:01
didrocksmvo: however, it seems that the login_text doesn't appear anymore14:01
nessitadidrocks: GREAT NEWS!14:09
nessitadidrocks: can I help somehow some more? I just got off the call I was in14:09
mvodidrocks: oh, odd - maybe a typo in my _get_params() code? I have a look14:09
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
didrocksmvo: you missed the self.login_text in _get_params()14:14
didrocksso calling self.proxy.register() doesn't get the right parameter :)14:14
didrocksoh sorry, it's there14:14
desrtseb128: any results yet?14:15
seb128desrt, result for what?14:15
desrtthe mimeapps thing14:15
seb128desrt, no, GNOME 3.2 tarballs keep me busy and since you were still discussing details with alexl I figured I would wait for you to settle on a patch rather trying one known to be broken14:16
desrtseb128: k.  i'll have the second patch soon, then14:17
seb128desrt, would it be useful if I try the first one anyway? I can squeeze a glib build between 2 updates14:17
desrtseb128: i'll have a second patch along in about 10 minutes14:18
seb128desrt, ok, great14:18
desrtseb128: pre-building glib is to your substantial advantage, though14:18
desrtseb128: because of the gdbus ABI change14:18
desrtyou're going to need to rebuild a couple of things after glib14:18
seb128desrt, well, it's only goa and nautilus affected14:18
seb128desrt, neither got tarballs yet, and I can't really "pre-build" anything out of locally, we will just queue the nautilus and goa updates until glib is out14:20
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
mvodidrocks: how did you reproduce?14:21
didrocksmvo: removing my credential and launching OneConf, one sec, just saw something14:21
mvodidrocks: thanks, I give it a go14:22
didrocksmvo: I think we should use help_text now14:22
* didrocks tries14:22
mvodidrocks: seahorse took *ages*, I thought it was broken, but then it recovered14:22
didrocksmvo: if you do the search before expanding, I can get one billion result with the only entry14:22
didrocksso in seahorse, expand then search before deleting :)14:23
didrocksmvo: yeah, it did it!14:23
didrocksmvo: do you want me to replace all occurences of login_text to help_text so that we are aligned with the API?14:24
mvodidrocks: please14:24
mvodidrocks: thanks a bunch for finding this!14:24
didrocksmvo: no worry, thanks for updating to the new SSO :-)14:24
desrtseb128: okay.  new patch is up and alex agrees.  please test.14:26
desrtseb128: meanwhile i'll go hunting for some release-team votes14:26
seb128desrt, thanks14:27
seb128desrt, can I apply it on top of 2.29.92 or do you want testing on top of trunk?14:27
seb128trunk^W glib-2-3014:27
desrtseb128: we didn't change that code on master, so it should work the same on glib-2-3014:27
desrtseb128: the only thing that did change was adding more tests on master14:28
seb128ok, it's easier for me to test on our current packaging14:28
seb128so I'm doing that14:28
rodrigo_seb128, sorry I forgot, but did we add gnome-contacts to the desktop set?14:31
seb128rodrigo_, no, it's in universe14:31
seb128rodrigo_, but maybe kenvandine can sponsor it for you14:31
seb128doh, I also need to comment on your motu wiki ;-)14:31
seb128will do that once the GNOME 3.2 crazyness is over14:32
mvodidrocks: let me know when your copy/replace is done and I will merge (or I can do the copy/replace myself, either way is fine)14:32
rodrigo_kenvandine, fancy sponsoring lp:~ubuntu-desktop/gnome-contacts/ubuntu ?14:32
cassidygnome-contacts \o/14:32
rodrigo_seb128, the deadline for getting beers was yesterday though :)14:32
cassidypick the version, I fixed a bug in it this afternoon14:32
didrocksmvo: doing, just realign texts now :)14:32
seb128rodrigo_, lol14:32
rodrigo_cassidy, yes, that's what I got14:32
didrocksmvo: lp:~didrocks/software-center/replace_logintext_by_helptext (tell me if you want a MR)14:34
kenvandinerodrigo_, will do14:35
rodrigo_kenvandine, thanks!14:35
pittirodrigo_: uh, folks ABI changes?14:41
* pitti bbl14:41
rodrigo_pitti, some deprecations, I don't think they are ABI changes, or are they?14:42
pittiNEWS marked them as such14:42
pittibut yes, apparently just deprecations14:43
rodrigo_pitti, no symbols were removed though14:43
pittiok, need to head out for a bit14:43
didrocksseb128: you released your lock on seahorse? :p14:47
seb128didrocks, yeah, I got sidetracked in glib testing and some other things and since the queue was getting low I put it back there ;-)14:49
m_conleyseb128: ping14:49
didrocksseb128: can do nautilus as well14:49
seb128m_conley, hi14:49
seb128didrocks, if you want to do it please do14:49
didrocksseb128: ok, stealing then :)14:49
seb128didrocks, thanks ;-)14:49
didrocksyw ;)14:49
m_conleyseb128: hey!  So I just grabbed the Oneiric beta and did a clean install.  Looks great!  However, I noticed that even after installing chrisccoulson's thunderbird-couchdb, it doesn't look like evolution-data-server was installed by default.14:50
m_conleyseb128: did something go wrong during my install?  Shouldn't we have EDS in there by default on a fresh install?14:50
seb128m_conley, urg, you are right, good catch14:51
chrisccoulsonhey seb12814:51
seb128we get the libs on but not the service14:51
seb128I guess nothing is pulling e-d-s service on14:51
seb128not sure if indicator-datetime should do that with a recommends14:52
seb128or thunderbird-couchdb14:52
seb128chrisccoulson, hi, how are you? aren't you supposed to be on holidays?14:52
m_conleyseb128: I accidentally dragged him back in with my EDS issues.  ;)14:52
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah. no rest for the wicked ;)14:53
m_conleyseb128 / chrisccoulson: on a positive note, once EDS was installed, my Ubuntu One contacts showed up!  Finally!  Ubuntu One contacts in Thunderbird!  :D14:53
chrisccoulsonyeah, i'm glad that works now :)14:53
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seb128so I wonder if something in the default installation need e-d-s14:53
seb128like indicator-datetime14:53
seb128or if we should just have tb-couchdb depends on  it14:54
chrisccoulsonseb128, the thunderbird-eds extension is installed by default too14:55
seb128chrisccoulson, well, it should depends on e-d-s then?14:59
chrisccoulsonseb128, it already depends on libedataserver and libebook15:00
chrisccoulsoni didn't realize we needed to depend on e-d-s too ;)15:00
seb128chrisccoulson, right, the issue m_conley raised is that nothing pulls e-d-s in15:00
seb128before he pointed it I didn't even realize e-d-s was not on the default installation15:00
kenvandineugh... indicator-datetime probably should15:01
seb128kenvandine, why?15:01
seb128the default install has no calendar nor way to configure one15:01
seb128but yeah, you could restore a config which has a calendar configured15:01
seb128like you need evo to configure one but not to get datas from one already in use15:02
kenvandineseb128, well hopefully indicator-datetime fails gracefully without eds :)15:04
seb128kenvandine, can you add a recommends to the next upload?15:04
chrisccoulsonwe need gnome-online-accounts integration in thunderbird :)15:04
seb128I think we should install it by default15:04
kenvandinewill do15:04
chrisccoulsonthen we could get google addressbook for free ;)15:04
pittirodrigo_: oops, seems you dropped the gnome-contacts upload?15:13
pittirodrigo_: ^ this one15:13
pittimerge error?15:13
rodrigo_pitti, kenvandine did it15:13
rodrigo_kenvandine, ^15:13
vuntzseb128: ok, I can't reproduce your exact issue with libgweather. I guess there's something I don't understand...15:13
seb128vuntz, what did you do?15:13
rodrigo_pitti, oh that's the previous one15:13
vuntzseb128: (but I found another issue with builddir != srcdir)15:13
pittirickspencer3: right, and your upload reverts it15:13
pittisorry, rodrigo_15:14
pittirickspencer3: ignore me15:14
vuntzseb128: I see the same behavior in libwnck and libgweather15:14
seb128vuntz, I think mine is something about this line; mkdir build: cd build; ../configure --disable-gtk-doc && make && make install DESTDIR=... the gtk-doc dir is not installed15:14
pittirodrigo_: can I reject, and you merge the previous upload and reupload?15:14
rodrigo_pitti, ok, I guess it wasn't in the bzr branch15:14
rodrigo_yes, it's not there15:14
seb128vuntz, it's likely libwnck has the same issue, when I tried I didn't catch yet that is was a out-of-srcdir-build error and only libgweather had an out-of-srcdir15:15
vuntzseb128: right, so I was assuming libwnck was behaving right, even though it looked wrong too :-)15:16
pittihey chrisccoulson15:16
pittichrisccoulson: am I now supposed to use /usr/lib/firefox-addons/distribution/distribution.ini ?15:17
jcastrothe little power cog thing is in indicator-session right?15:17
seb128jcastro, yes15:17
kenvandinerodrigo_, just ping me when it needs sponsoring again :)15:17
tkamppeterAnyone of the desktop experts, rodrigo_ seb128, pitti, has an idea about what is happening in bug 857929? It is about the systray icon of HPLIP not working (it should be whitelisted). For me it is even worse, for me the icon does not appear at all.15:18
ubot2Launchpad bug 857929 in hplip "hp-systray icon does nothing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85792915:18
seb128jcastro, if your issue is it going away it's bug #85429215:18
ubot2Launchpad bug 854292 in unity-foundations "indicator-session power menu disappears after running update-manager or apt-get" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85429215:18
seb128tkamppeter, do you have sni-qt installed?15:18
jcastroseb128: ah thanks, you saved me searching15:19
seb128tkamppeter, we moved away from using the whitelist for qt application to use sni-qt which transform qt systray icons to indicators15:19
didrockstkamppeter: sni-qt should take your systray and convert to an indicator and show it for you15:20
rodrigo_kenvandine, ready for sponsoring15:21
kenvandinerodrigo_, thx15:22
tkamppeterseb128, it is installed. How do I make it applying to hp-systray?15:24
didrockstkamppeter: it should appear without the need to do anything15:28
didrockstkamppeter: you can turn some debug on: edit /etc/xdg/sni-qt.conf15:28
didrocksthen add:15:28
didrocksrun hplip and send to agateau the output15:28
tkamppeterdidrocks, first, I have added "hp-systray=1" to the file, this brought me on par with the bug, I get the icon and not the menus. Now I will try the debug mode ...15:38
didrockstkamppeter: please remove hp-systray=1 to the file, this is not needed15:39
didrockstkamppeter: when you click on the icon, there is a menu showing normally, isn't it?15:39
tkamppeterWhen I restarted hp-systray, already before adding the debug mode, I got a message on the terminal: /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gtk-2.0/gtk/__init__.py: RuntimeWarning: PyOS_InputHook is not available for interactive use of PyGTK set_interactive(1)15:42
tkamppeterdidrocks, now I will try debug mode and hp-systray removed.15:42
didrockshum? it's using gtk, not Qt?15:43
tkamppeterdidrocks, I am wondering, too.15:44
tkamppeterNow I have restarted hp-systray again. Got an icon again, and empty menus when clicking.15:44
tkamppeterI got also this GTK error message again.15:45
tkamppeterdidrocks, ^^15:47
didrockstkamppeter: try at least to know if it's using Qt or Gtk (try ldd the binary)15:51
tkamppeterdidrocks, it is a Python program, I cannot ldd that.15:52
didrocksah, ok, does it import Qt or something like that?15:53
didrockstkamppeter: open it then and look if there are some import gtk or import Qt15:53
pittigood night everyone!15:54
kenvandinegood night pitti15:54
didrockshave a good night pitti15:54
seb128'night pitti15:54
tkamppeterdidrocks, I have grepped all .py files in /usr/share/hplip and subdirectories for GTK. There are three which use the string gtk or GTK somewhere.15:54
seb128pitti, can you let gtk3 in btw before going?15:54
seb128pitti, so it can build over night on slow archs15:55
didrockstkamppeter: so seems you are using GTK. it should have been converted as an indicator then15:55
didrockstkamppeter: well, someone should have done this work15:55
didrocksseems not, I don't get why you have the icon sometimes, needs more info and debugging from you I guess15:56
seb128pitti, thanks ;-)15:56
tkamppeterdidrocks, I did not know that it gets that complicated.15:56
seb128didrocks, tkamppeter: it's weird, I'm pretty sure hplip is using qt, that's why we didn't take it on the CD before15:57
didrocksseb128: that was my thought as well, I'm really surprised15:57
didrocksI guess the one wanting that on the CD should debug this and have a clear story there :)15:58
seb128but anyway, I'm out for an hour of sport outside15:58
seb128weather is nice and it's still day time15:58
didrocksseb128: enjoy!15:58
seb128didrocks, thanks ;-)15:58
tkamppeterdidrocks, I have checked, systray imports only base/utils.py from the three .py files with gtk inside. And utils.py only uses GTK if it does not find Qt, to pop up an error dialog.16:06
didrockstkamppeter: it should never show an indicator then, it's weird you get the icones sometimes. Anyway, you should port it to an indicator16:07
tkamppeterdidrocks, perhaps systray is not able to find Qt (but hp-toolbox does) and then gives this error, but how does the icon appear then.16:10
tkamppeterdidrocks, seems to be a major Ubuntu-specific patch needed still for Oneiric.16:12
didrockstkamppeter: yeah, a pity that it wasn't tested before :(16:15
jbichahi, would someone like to sync gnome-devel-docs from sid?16:16
dobeyhyperair: hey; is there going to be another banshee upload to ubuntu this week from you?16:17
hyperairdobey: nope.16:17
hyperairdobey: why, do you need anything included?16:17
dobeyhyperair: there was a fix from lamalex that i think landed upstream after 2.2 that we should get in. it makes u1ms:// urls switch to the right source if banshee wasn't already running16:20
hyperairoh that.16:20
hyperairdid i not upload that already?16:20
hyperairyeah i uploaded it already.16:21
hyperairdobey: it's in -1ubuntu2.16:21
didrockshyperair is too effective :)16:21
dobeyhyperair: oh, ok. thanks!16:21
hyperairhahah :)16:22
dobeyhyperair: i didn't even check if it was. but thanks again :)16:22
hyperair:) i talked to lamalex about it when it popped up in my email.16:22
didrocksjbicha: build fine there, syncing16:24
tkamppeterdidrocks, now I have simply comment out this GTK dialog in base/utils.py. I do not get the GTK message any more but a lot of debug messages of sni-qt.16:26
didrockstkamppeter: something is weird, it's an app mixing gtk and Qt apparently16:27
tkamppeterdidrocks, http://paste.ubuntu.com/697358/16:29
jbichadidrocks: thank you16:29
tkamppeterdidrocks, clicking the icon (and receiving the empty menu) does not add more debug messages.16:30
tkamppeterdidrocks, this one error dialog which I have commented out now was the only GTK code in HPLIP.16:36
jbichacould someone create lp:~ubuntu-desktop/gnome-themes-standard/ubuntu ? perhaps I don't have the right permissions for that16:39
micahgjbicha: you should16:39
micahgjbicha: the problem is such a project doesn't exist16:40
jbichaok, I can do that I think16:40
micahgjbicha: why not just create it under Ubuntu?16:41
micahgah, then it's series specific16:41
jbichamicahg: thanks, I can register the project, I just didn't understand the error16:42
chrisccoulsonhi pitti16:44
chrisccoulsonyeah, you can use that16:44
chrisccoulsonis that ok?16:45
chrisccoulsoni hope i don't need to move it again ;)16:45
didrockstkamppeter: you need to port to an indicator if the systray usage is not an indicator16:54
didrocksas it's in python, it's pretty easy, and you should ask tedg if you need any help (I think he will point you to the classroom he made)16:54
didrockstime for some exercice, have a good night everyone!16:54
tkamppetertedg, can you point me to a HOWTO to pass a systray icon of a Python program to an indicator applet? Thanks.16:58
tedgtkamppeter, You can use the new fancy http://developer.ubuntu.com/ :-)17:00
tedgtkamppeter, Specifically these: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopExperienceTeam/ApplicationIndicators17:00
tedgtkamppeter, and: http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/ubuntu-11.04/GIR/python/AppIndicator-0.1.html17:00
tkamppetertedg, thanks. The sample Python program is only GTK, do I have to do the indicator in GTK?17:08
tkamppeterI also tried to run this sample program. No icon appeared and the mouse cursor got a cross, like a + and one could not click anything yuntil stopping the applet with Ctrl+C.17:09
tkamppetertedg, ^^17:09
tkamppetertedg, the little program works now. Is there no way to make an indicator-applet in Python with Qt?17:18
tkamppetertedg, and how do I add a different right-click menu?17:22
tedgtkamppeter, If it's a KDE application you can just use the KDE libs SNI library.17:23
tedgtkamppeter, There is no right click menu.  We don't support that.  Single menu only.17:23
tedgtkamppeter, If you use the Qt status item, and you have qt-sni installed, it should "just work" :-)17:24
tkamppetertedg, what is the qt status item?17:25
tedgtkamppeter, I'm not sure, you'll have to ask agateau that one :-)17:26
tkamppeteragateau, hi17:26
mdeslaurpitti: mind if I upload the fix to CVE-2011-3170 into oneiric's cups?18:09
ubot2mdeslaur: The gif_read_lzw function in filter/image-gif.c in CUPS 1.4.8 and earlier does not properly handle the first code word in an LZW stream, which allows remote attackers to trigger a heap-based buffer overflow, and possibly execute arbitrary code, via a crafted stream, a different vulnerability than CVE-2011-2896. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2011-3170)18:09
jcastromterry: are you still "the quickly" guy?18:10
mterryjcastro, yeah18:11
jcastromterry: is there a template (or whatever it's called) for unity lenses that's updated for 11.10?18:11
mterryjcastro, not to my knowledge.  11.10 has seen little new quickly development18:12
jcastrolike, I want to write a lens, blam, here's the boilerplate.18:12
* jcastro nods18:12
mterryjcastro, quickly as a project seems to drag in maintainers that immediately then become busy with other things  :-/18:14
jcastromterry: I think you're like the third guy to be "oh he's the quickly person" and then goes and gets dragged to do something else, heh18:15
mterryjcastro, see, quickly does help you bootstrap your own project!  ;)18:16
mterryjust not the way we intended...18:16
ricotzrodrigo_, hello, just wanted to let you know that libgoa-1.0-dev doesnt depend on gir1.2-goa-1.018:23
seb128rodrigo_, btw you put your name for gnome-utils but didrocks did it before you18:53
chrisccoulsondoes edge reveal not work for anyone else with maximized windows?19:04
seb128chrisccoulson, wfm19:09
cyphermoxchrisccoulson: sometimes I get issues with it, but it's pretty random19:17
chrisccoulsoncyphermox, it happened to me as soon as i logged in, but it seems to be working again now19:17
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
htorquechrisccoulson: have you made the edge trigger thing a bug report? i've seen it too: logged in, started and maximized a gnome-terminal → launcher would not reveal (using hide mode "dodge windows").21:04
htorquechrisccoulson: i've added myself to bug 83215021:25
ubot2Launchpad bug 832150 in unity "ubuntu desktop unity. Mouse at the left side doesn't reveal launcher" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83215021:25
jbichaI think I finally figured out why Contacts has been broken23:14
cyphermoxjbicha: ?23:39
jbichacyphermox: bug 848843 would you like to sponsor https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/gnome-contacts/ubuntu23:59
ubot2Launchpad bug 848843 in gnome-contacts "gnome-contacts should recommend libfolks-eds" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84884323:59
cyphermoxI can take a look, sure. just give me a few minutes :)23:59

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