
TribaalHey folks09:59
TribaalIs anybody looking for a flatmate starting in November, by any chance? I've looked around the net and there seems to be enough offers, but I figured it could be fun to have an ubuntero as a flatmate :)10:00
Tribaal(in Dublin, I should add)10:00
terranwell Laurz10:16
ebelTribaal: you could try emailing the ubuntu-ie mailing list, or some of the other techy mailing lists (e.g. ILUG, Python Ireland, Ruby Ireland, etc.)10:21
ebelmore people there than are on IRC regularly10:21
ebel(and TOG mailing list, think there's a PHP list aswell)10:22
czajkowskimoonpie: ping pong10:56
Tribaalebel: will do, thanks for the tip11:15
Tribaalhehe nice12:44
czajkowskiI think my mail fell on deaf ears last week19:31
delcoyoteI'm hibernating19:35

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