
=== jpds_ is now known as jpds
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* micahg waves14:00
* bdrung waves14:00
micahgstgraber: DMB meeting?14:02
stgraber:/me waves14:02
* stgraber waves14:03
micahgok, we have quorom, let14:03
Laneys go14:03
micahg's get started...14:03
micahg#startmeeting DMB14:03
meetingologyMeeting started Mon Sep 26 14:03:32 2011 UTC.  The chair is micahg. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot.14:03
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired14:03
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | DMB Meeting | Current topic:
micahg#topic Review of previous action items14:03
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | DMB Meeting | Current topic: Review of previous action items
micahg#subtopic Laney to start thread on ubuntu-devel about renaming UCD14:04
Laneyclearly not done, sorry14:04
Laneydo people care much about this?14:04
bdrungLaney: it would be nice to have a better name, but there was no better one proposed yet14:06
micahgI don't think it's so bad, but I'd have to go back and look at the reason why we decided to change this in the first place14:06
LaneyI don't want a tiresome bikeshedding thread for choosing a new name14:07
bdrungbecause it can be misinterpreted14:07
LaneyI said we should use Ubuntu Development Members as that's in line with other stuff but some people didn't like that (I don't remember why)14:07
bdrungLaney: we should collect name suggestions and then discuss it here.14:07
Laneyok i'll start it soon then14:08
micahgLaney: thanks, carried forward then14:08
micahg#subtopic geser to e-mail the TB with the result of the poll14:08
micahgI believe this was done14:09
micahg#subtopic stgraber to add micahg to the mailing-list once TB has added him to the team14:09
micahgthis was done as well14:09
micahg#subtopic jono to ask Daniel to update https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopers to be easier to read14:09
micahgI think that the main membership page was updated, but not the Developers page yet14:10
micahgdholbach: is the above on your list?14:10
micahgwell, carried forward until we can find out...14:11
micahg#subtopic cody-somerville to write some documentation on how to endorse someone14:12
micahgcarried forward as Cody's not here14:12
micahg#subtopic stgraber to get the list of all package sets and their content somewhere online14:12
micahgthanks stgraber14:13
dholbachmicahg, add to which mailing list?14:13
micahgdholbach: sorry, I meant on your to do list :)14:13
dholbachI didn't have time to look into https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopers yet, but I'll bump the priority14:13
micahgdholbach: were you at least asked :)14:14
Laneycan we have the team and packageset name in the reports?14:14
dholbachJono indeed mentioned it to me14:14
micahgdholbach: excellent, thank you14:14
Laneyteam → LP ID of uploader(s)14:14
stgraberLaney: package set name is the filename but I'm happy to add it to the report as well14:16
micahgstgraber: I think Laney is referring to the uploaders team14:16
micahgah, heh, missed the first line :)14:16
stgraberLaney: I can expand the teams though probably won't do it recursively as it may take a while in some cases14:16
LaneyI don't care about recursively, just the top-level entries14:17
Laneyalthough I hope there will only be one of those ... :-)14:17
bdrungstgraber: can you put the generation script into a bzr branch under our hood?14:18
micahgwell, top level of the teams should have multiple people hopefully14:18
stgraberbdrung: sure, I'll do that. What project should I use?14:18
bdrunggood question. +junk?14:18
stgraberI guess that'd be a start :)14:19
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micahg#action stgraber to publish packageset generation script so the rest of the DMB can help maintain it14:20
meetingologyACTION: stgraber to publish packageset generation script so the rest of the DMB can help maintain it14:20
Laneyand get it auto deployed ;-)14:20
Laneybzr pull && ...14:20
micahgdoes that need a second action?14:20
Laneynah, I'm sure he can remember14:21
micahgok, anythiing else about this script?14:21
stgraberindeed :)14:21
bdrungrule the world ;)14:21
stgraberupdated script is running at the moment :)14:21
Laneywe should link it from somewhere14:22
stgraberyeah, the developer membership wikipage would be a good candidate14:22
bdrungstgraber: Launchpad.login_with('testcase') -> better app name than testcase, please14:23
Laneycan we do code review some other time?14:23
stgraberbdrung: looks like some copy/paste, will fix that :)14:23
stgraberLaney: sure14:23
micahgok, yes, let's debug the script later14:23
micahgmoving on14:23
micahg#topic Administrative Matters14:24
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | DMB Meeting | Current topic: Administrative Matters
micahg#subtopic Continue discussion on Ubuntu Developer Survey Report with jono14:24
LaneyI guess we should have some TB involvement?14:25
micahgwell, did we exhaust the subject ourselves or do we want a joint meeting before that?14:25
micahgor did you have something else in mind?14:26
Laneydunno, I just thought the idea was to have them involved14:26
Laneydidn't see any reaction on the email from them though14:27
micahgwell, perhaps we can discuss this further once the wiki gets updated to clarify the membership guidelines14:29
Laneyi suppose the main issues were dealt with14:29
micahgright, it seems so14:29
micahgI'll leave this on the agenda and we can discuss with jono at the next meeting14:30
micahg#subtopic Continue discussion about our package set management workflows14:30
micahgI think we should wait to discuss this until the end as we can easily run out the clock with it14:31
micahgany objections?14:31
Laneynah, go ahead14:32
stgrabersounds good14:32
micahg#topic PerPackageUploader Applications14:32
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | DMB Meeting | Current topic: PerPackageUploader Applications
Laneyas long as we do, because I know how I think it should work :-)14:32
micahg#subtopic cyphermox applying for PPU for usb-modeswitch*14:32
micahgcyphermox: are you around?14:33
micahg#link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mtrudel/PPU-usbmodeswitch14:33
* micahg wonders if that worked...14:33
cyphermoxIIRC you don't get ack for #link :)14:33
micahgcyphermox: can you please introduce yourself?14:34
cyphermoxI'm a developer working for Canonical on the Ubuntu Desktop team. My "official" task is to maintain NetworkManager, but I also usually touch other things such as evolution and generally interested in the networking stack14:34
cyphermoxas such, usb-modeswitch is a clear dependency/important point, when you want to use 3G devices14:35
cyphermoxat UDS-O we discussed porting the usb-modeswitch dispatcher script from Tcl to C which is what I've done, and a big part of why I'd like to be able to upload it directly14:36
cyphermox(just keeping up maintenance and porting changes to the upstream script to the C version)14:36
Laneydo you anticipate having to maintain this patch in Ubuntu for long?14:36
cyphermoxLaney: no. I've already spoken to the Debian maintainer and upstream author, the plan is to have both versions available from upstream14:37
bdrungcyphermox: why both? what drawbacks does the C version have?14:38
cyphermoxbdrung: mainly the one of not being as editable by users directly; which is something upstream sees as important.14:38
bdrungsounds plausible14:39
cyphermoxbdrung: my feeling is that it's mostly a matter of keeping it in a scripted language, I haven't really had other responses from upstream14:39
Laneycan't you close bug 679256 now? :-)14:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 679256 in usb-modeswitch (Debian) "drop tcl/tclsh dependency" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67925614:39
cyphermoxyes, I can ;)14:40
* Laney has no real questions14:40
Laneythanks for getting the endorsers14:40
Laneyoh, and please subscribe to bugs for -data14:40
cyphermoxoh, indeed, good point14:40
tumbleweedcyphermox was very helpful when I ran into issues related to those packages, thiscycle14:41
tumbleweed(drive by endorsement)14:41
* bdrung has no questions.14:41
micahgcyphermox: I'm just curious about your response to what slangasek said on your app under Areas of Improvement14:41
* bdrung has only 30 mins left.14:42
cyphermoxmicahg: well, it's right, it was a dumb move, not sure what else to add :)14:43
micahgcyphermox: ok14:44
stgrabercyphermox: wasn't that related to the PATH from within udev being broken at some point (just remembered you mentioning something like that, so thought it could be related)14:44
cyphermoxstgraber: well, it was based on the fact that it *could* be missing, but testing it proved it was available from udev when the script was called14:44
* stgraber is ready to vote14:45
micahg#vote cyphermox to gain PPU for usb-modeswitch and usb-modeswitch-data14:45
meetingologyPlease vote on: cyphermox to gain PPU for usb-modeswitch and usb-modeswitch-data14:45
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me)14:45
meetingology+1 received from Laney14:45
meetingology+1 received from bdrung14:46
meetingology+1 received from stgraber14:46
meetingology+1 received from micahg14:46
micahgcody-somerville: ?14:46
meetingologyVoting ended on: cyphermox to gain PPU for usb-modeswitch and usb-modeswitch-data14:47
meetingologyVotes for:4 Votes against:0 Abstentions:014:47
meetingologyMotion carried14:47
micahgcyphermox: congratulations14:47
stgrabercyphermox: congrats14:47
micahgjamespage: are you around?14:47
micahg#topic Ubuntu Core Developer Applications14:48
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | DMB Meeting | Current topic: Ubuntu Core Developer Applications
micahg#subtopic James Page14:48
micahg#link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JamesPage/CoreDevApplication14:48
micahgjamespage: unfortunately, we only have 12 minutes before the next meeting, but we can see how far we get here14:49
micahgjamespage: please introduce yourself14:49
jamespageSo my name is James Page and I work for Canonical as a member of the Ubuntu Server Platform team14:50
jamespageI have been contributing as a developer to Ubuntu for the last year; my contributions  have mainly been server related with a particular focus on Java.14:50
jamespageI already have upload permissions for the ubuntu-server packageset (June this year)14:51
bdrungjamespage: why do you want to become MOTU too?14:52
jamespagehaving a broader set of upload permissions would really help me work more effectively - and reduce the sponsorship burden I place on others at the moment14:52
jamespagebdrung: I would like to be recognised as MOTU as well I have a keen interest in helping ensure the quality of packages in universe14:52
jamespagemost of the Java packages I have worked on are in universe14:53
bdrungjamespage: motu != universe. what have you done in the motu team?14:53
=== ayan_ is now known as ayan
jamespageand I think having MOTU membership as well as core-dev recognises this contribtuion14:53
micahgjamespage: were you aware that core-dev membership includes membership in the MOTU team?14:53
jamespagemicahg: yes I was14:54
jamespagebdrung: I have helped a few people on IRC (mainly pointing them in the right direction)14:54
jamespagenote sure whether its directly related to MOTU but I also ran a UDW session - helping raise awareness of the Java packaging toolset14:55
micahgjamespage: your direct uploads appear to have ceased at the end of July, is there any reason for this?14:56
jamespagemicahg: I think that reflects that I work outside of the server packageset that I have upload access to14:58
jamespageand the fact that eucalyptus moved out of the packageset; taking alot of java dep's with it14:58
micahgright, but what about the stuff in the package set, what happens to it, are you still keeping an eye on those packages?14:59
micahgor were the java packages your main focus in that packageset?15:00
jamespageI definately have more focus on the java packages in that packageset - but its not exclusive15:00
micahgok, any more questions?15:01
jamespageI have a few contributions to the packaging of openstack (nova) - but we do that through a packaging branch15:01
bdrungmicahg: no15:01
jamespageso it not always relected in my personal upload history15:01
stgraberI'm ready to vote15:02
micahgLaney: anything else?15:02
Laneygot pulled away, sorry15:03
micahgwe have 2 minutes....15:03
micahgLaney: any questions for jamespage or can we vote?15:04
Laneymy only question is social and is in regard to the MOTU application15:04
Laneydo you feel you are as involved with the MOTU community as you should be?15:04
Laneys/you/a MOTU/ :-)15:05
jamespageLaney: honestly - I feel I could be more involved15:05
micahgtime's up...I guess we'll take this to the mailing list15:06
Laneythought so15:06
* Daviey raises pompom's for JamesPage.15:06
LaneyI am ready to vote15:06
Laneyif you still want to do it now15:06
micahg#vote jamespage to become core-dev (with social MOTU membership)15:06
Davieymicahg: If the others are ready to vote, couldn't it be achieved in meeting?15:06
meetingologyPlease vote on: jamespage to become core-dev (with social MOTU membership)15:06
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me)15:06
Laneyyou should hav edone that separately!15:07
meetingologyVoting ended on: jamespage to become core-dev (with social MOTU membership)15:07
meetingologyVotes for:0 Votes against:0 Abstentions:015:07
meetingologyDeadlock, casting vote may be used15:07
micahg#vote jamespage to become core-dev15:07
meetingologyPlease vote on: jamespage to become core-dev15:07
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me)15:07
meetingology+1 received from bdrung15:07
meetingology+1 received from stgraber15:07
meetingology+1 received from Laney15:08
Laneyno qualms about quality of work, good testimonials15:08
Laneygood observations of your interactions with the release team :-)15:08
micahg+0, I don't have any technical reservations, but just a question if there have been enough main uploads that belong outside the packageset of server (which I think is broken), I"ll have to discuss this later as I still need to do a review (tentative +1)15:09
meetingology+0, I don't have any technical reservations, but just a question if there have been enough main uploads that belong outside the packageset of server (which I think is broken), I"ll have to discuss this later as I still need to do a review (tentative +1) received from micahg15:09
meetingologyVoting ended on: jamespage to become core-dev15:09
meetingologyVotes for:3 Votes against:0 Abstentions:115:09
meetingologyMotion carried15:09
micahgjamespage: so core-dev tentative15:09
micahg#vote jamespage to be MOTU15:09
meetingologyPlease vote on: jamespage to be MOTU15:09
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me)15:09
meetingology+1 received from micahg15:09
micahgbdrung: Laney: stgraber ? ara is waiting :)15:10
meetingology+1 received from stgraber15:10
Laney-1 Sorry, but I would really like to see more social involvement with the MOTU team before giving people upload rights which they technically already have. I'd really like to see you back here in a few weeks though.15:11
meetingology-1 Sorry, but I would really like to see more social involvement with the MOTU team before giving people upload rights which they technically already have. I'd really like to see you back here in a few weeks though. received from Laney15:11
micahgLaney: would that be a +1 w/out core-dev?15:11
micahgbdrung: ?15:12
bdrung+0 core-dev gives you indirect motu membership. direct motu membership has a social component. (+1 without core-dev)15:12
meetingology+0 core-dev gives you indirect motu membership. direct motu membership has a social component. (+1 without core-dev) received from bdrung15:12
Laneyerm, probably. I'd need to think about it.15:12
meetingologyVoting ended on: jamespage to be MOTU15:12
meetingologyVotes for:2 Votes against:1 Abstentions:115:12
meetingologyMotion carried15:12
micahgok, we'll take that to the ML15:12
micahgwe'll decide a chair offline15:12
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Mon Sep 26 15:12:42 2011 UTC.15:12
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2011/ubuntu-meeting.2011-09-26-14.03.moin.txt15:12
micahgmy apologies to ara and the Ubuntu Friendly team15:13
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aramicahg, no worries :)15:13
araTurn for the UF meeting15:14
roadmrhey! o/ o\15:14
meetingologyMeeting started Mon Sep 26 15:14:59 2011 UTC.  The chair is ara. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot.15:14
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired15:14
araGetting started, we only have 45 minutes this time15:15
ara#topic AGENDA15:15
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: AGENDA
ara* I want my 3 stars!!15:15
ara* AOB15:15
ara#topic I want my 3 stars!!15:16
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: I want my 3 stars!!
araAs you guys know (or if not you know now), a system that reports all its core components as working gets a minimum of three stars.15:16
ara#link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuFriendly/Process15:16
araIf one or more core components are reported as not working, the system gets the minimum rating (1 star). What happens at this point:15:16
araIt is clear that some tests that are associated with core components are still failing.15:16
araThis meeting is an attempt to coordiante between the people working on the client side and the people working on the server side to know exactly what needs to be done in order for this to work correctly.15:16
araAnyone has an idea where to look?15:16
araroadmr, go ahead15:17
roadmrI guess everyone has something to say on this :)15:17
roadmrWe should look at submissions from systems we know from experience are mostly working, see which tests are marked as failing, and either improve the tests so they don't fail, or have the calculation script not consider them as fail-worthy15:18
roadmrI know for instance a lot of systems fail the cpu_frequency_governors test by a small percentage, but they still work fine15:18
roadmrsince this test is in the cpu category it is considered core15:18
roadmrit's just an example though, I'd still say to review the submissions and make any tweaks necessary is a possible way to go15:19
arathanks roadmr15:19
arabrendand, ?15:19
brendandfirst of all, roadmr - frequency_governor isn't in the whitelist ;)15:19
brendandi'll just clear that up15:20
brendandbut what i was going to say is, take the example of this Samsung N310 i have15:20
brendandi have two bugs:15:20
ubottuUbuntu bug 855382 in checkbox "Some wireless cards are not reported as being in the WIRELESS category by udev_resource" [Undecided,New]15:20
brendandthe wireless on this system works perfectly but because of this bug the tests don't run15:21
brendandsecond, and this is a question as well:15:21
ubottuUbuntu bug 855538 in checkbox "camera/detect and camera/still don't run because they depend on xawtv which is not installed by default" [Undecided,New]15:21
brendandthe question being does that impact the stars (i didn't think camera was a core component)?15:22
brendandalso that one is easily workaroundable (by installing xawtv)15:22
arajedimike, ?15:22
jedimikeat the moment, in UF I just store if a certain category of test has passed or failed. What I'd like to do is store the names of the tests that caused a category to fail, so we can see what we need to do for specific systems to get the 3 stars and above.15:23
jedimikeI feel like that's starting to duplicate the results tracker's functionality though, so I'd like cr3 to feedback on that before i do anything15:24
aracr3, around?15:24
arait looks like he's not around15:25
cr3ara: I'm there, thinking15:25
jedimikecr3: it's not something i'd display on the site, just something i'd record so we can get a breakdown of failures easily based on the definitions of systems that UF has15:26
cr3jedimike: I'm not sure about the implications of what you propose, does this need to be solved here?15:26
arain the mean time I have a question about brendan's wireless. If his wifi card is not recognize as wireless, it shouldn't count as core component, shouldn't it?15:27
arait is like it is not there15:27
jedimikecr3: it doesn't need to be solved on the UF side if you already know which tests are the troublesome ones, or have an easy way of finding that out15:27
cr3jedimike: I meant "here" as in "within the 30 minutes of this meeting". this is the first time I hear about this request, so I'd like to better understand it and having to raise hand to talk is going to make that rather long15:28
jedimikecr3: ok, it's an idea i came up with in the last 5 mins, which is why this is the first mention of it :)15:28
cr3jedimike: no problem, lets talk about the implementation details after the meeting15:28
ara#action jedimike and cr3 to talk about how to get a list of failing tests15:29
meetingologyACTION: jedimike and cr3 to talk about how to get a list of failing tests15:29
arabrendand, ?15:29
brendandi think it would be better if wireless was a seperate category so we can make the distinction between it not working on a laptop and it not working on a desktop15:30
brendandwouldn't it be the case that *all* tests in a category would need to pass to say the component is working?15:30
arayes, that's the case15:31
brendandso as long as we test each of the network interfaces, having them all bundled under NETWORKING would be okay15:31
brendandsince both the wifi and ethernet would have to work15:31
arabrendand, but wifi is not core in a desktop15:31
brendandyeah, see it's a tricky one. well as i said in the bug, the only way may be to relax the requires on the wireless test. if a system doesn't have wireless then the user will just have to say that, since there doesn't seem to be a perfectly reliable way to detect it15:32
araroadmr, go ahead15:33
roadmras far as I could see, looking at the output of iwconfig is pretty reliable to identify wireless. Just a thought.15:33
araI think that it is clear that we need a better solution for the atheros wifi, but I am afraid that it is too late for that :(15:34
arado you think a fix is feasible for Oneiric?15:34
arabrendand, go ahead15:35
brendandroadmr, that's true - i meant using the info in udev_resource. we'd have to write a new resource script. as ara said, feasible in the next couple of days?15:35
brendandmay be better to relax the requirement and put whatever better fix there is in the PPA version15:36
araI was voting for not even relax the requirement ;-)15:36
araatheros will have 1 star15:37
araknown issue15:37
ara(we will be in Beta, anyway)15:37
brendandfair enough, i don't agree - but your call ;)15:37
arano, let's vote15:37
ara#vote defer the problem with the atheros wifi cards to 12.04 LTS15:38
meetingologyPlease vote on: defer the problem with the atheros wifi cards to 12.04 LTS15:38
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me)15:38
aranobody votes?15:39
meetingology+1 received from roadmr15:39
brendandara - i don't think the question is well worded15:39
cr3ara: I'm still trying to understand how significant the changes really are15:39
meetingologyVoting ended on: defer the problem with the atheros wifi cards to 12.04 LTS15:40
meetingologyVotes for:1 Votes against:0 Abstentions:015:40
meetingologyMotion carried15:40
araOK, let's discuss it a bit further before voting15:40
araand brendand, you do the wording ;)15:40
brendandara - sure15:40
araroadmr, go ahead15:40
roadmrthere are many tweaks to be done, I think if we scram to fix this particular one when there are so many to handle is not good15:40
roadmrso I'd say working on those tweaks for the P cycle (and maybe making progress available in a checkbox-stable ppa) would be better than rushing to meet O release15:41
aracr3, your turn15:41
cr3is there a bug open about atheros wireless cards?15:41
ubottuUbuntu bug 855382 in checkbox "Some wireless cards are not reported as being in the WIRELESS category by udev_resource" [Undecided,New]15:41
aracr3, go ahead :)15:42
cr3should systems with these cards be reported with one star or, if the card is detected as NETWORKING instead of WIRELESS, could the device be ignored and reported as 3 stars?15:42
aracr3, I thought that it would be 3 stars, as UF thinks that there is no wireless card15:43
arajedimike, go15:44
jedimikecr3: if there's no wireless card, and no wireless tests run, it would still be possible to get 3 stars, yes15:44
jedimikeI'm wondering what cards this bug affects15:44
jedimikebecause reports an atheros wireless card, and one unit has the tests passing for it too15:45
jedimikeso perhaps it's only a certain model of atheros card?15:45
aracr3, go ahead :)15:46
cr3after looking at the bug, I personally don't have enough information to determine the scope of the change necessary to make this work. so, if we vote, I'm: 015:46
arabrendand, go ahead15:47
brendandto answer jedimikes question, i have two netbooks though i'm not sure if they have the same card or a different one - and they are both affected by this15:48
brendandthe exact model is shown in the bug15:48
brendandbut for the purpose of voting people should assume only one model of atheros card is affected15:48
araOK, let's vote, this is taking too much time15:49
arabrendand, what should be the wording?15:49
brendandara - now that i'm trying to think of one it's quite difficult!15:50
arashall I give a try?15:51
brendandara - i'll go with your wording now that we all understand the issue better15:52
ara#vote Postpone the investigation and fix or workaround for bug 855382 for P15:52
meetingologyPlease vote on: Postpone the investigation and fix or workaround for bug 855382 for P15:52
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me)15:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 855382 in checkbox "Some wireless cards are not reported as being in the WIRELESS category by udev_resource" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85538215:52
roadmr+1 we need more data to decide on this, tweaking for specific systems piecemeal is going to be too much work15:53
meetingology+1 we need more data to decide on this, tweaking for specific systems piecemeal is going to be too much work received from roadmr15:53
jedimike0, because i'm not sure if we have enough information to prove the fix or not15:53
meetingology0, because i'm not sure if we have enough information to prove the fix or not received from jedimike15:53
ara+1, we don't even know if this issue is causing those systems to have one star15:53
meetingology+1, we don't even know if this issue is causing those systems to have one star received from ara15:53
meetingology0 received from cr315:53
meetingology0 received from brendand15:53
meetingologyVoting ended on: Postpone the investigation and fix or workaround for bug 855382 for P15:54
meetingologyVotes for:2 Votes against:0 Abstentions:315:54
meetingologyMotion carried15:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 855382 in checkbox "Some wireless cards are not reported as being in the WIRELESS category by udev_resource" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85538215:54
araOK,  moved to P15:54
araBefore we end the meeting I would like to know if it would be easy to cr3 to get a list of tests in the RT that are failing, and jedimike a list of core categories that are failing15:55
araso we can concentrate if fixing those15:55
arajedimike, go ahead15:56
jedimikeit would be relatively easy for me to record the failing tests against the failing categories in UF, and that's what our action is about discussing15:56
aracr3, ?15:57
cr3ara: could what jedimike is proposing meet both requirements, ie absolving me of that action item? :)15:57
aracr3, jedimike: I would prefer if you guys could talk about it, so we make sure that we are not putting stuff in UF that should be in LR15:58
arabut we need it, urgently :)15:59
araOK, anything else on this topic?15:59
cr3ara: ok, feel free to add another action item for both of us to coordinate15:59
arait was about that :)15:59
aramoving on to the next topic?16:00
ara#topic Any Other Business?16:00
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Any Other Business?
araroadmr, go ahead16:00
roadmrJust a last call for testing, if you get a minute to add the checkbox ppa to your oneiric system and run it, to make sure we don't have any nasty showstoppers at this point. Thanks!16:01
arathanks roadmr :)16:02
araAnything else?16:02
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Mon Sep 26 16:03:09 2011 UTC.16:03
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2011/ubuntu-meeting.2011-09-26-15.14.moin.txt16:03
arathanks brendand, roadmr, jedimike and cr3 for participating!16:03
roadmrawesome, thanks!16:03
roadmrready for the 'freeze?16:03
=== dlm is now known as dlm_
jdstrandso, let's get started17:01
meetingologyMeeting started Mon Sep 26 17:01:51 2011 UTC.  The chair is jdstrand. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot.17:01
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired17:01
jdstrandThe meeting agenda can be found at:17:01
jdstrand[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/Meeting17:01
jdstrand[TOPIC] Announcements17:02
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Announcements
jdstrandUbuntu 11.10 is scheduled to release in a few weeks. If you are interested, it would be great if people helped make sure that the [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-cve-tracker|Ubuntu CVE Tracker]] is up to date for the devel release (particularly for universe/multiverse packages.17:02
jdstrand[TOPIC] Review of any previous action items17:02
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Review of any previous action items
jdstrandjdstrand to update highlighted packages to also mention UCT in general: this was completed, but not in HighlightedPackages, because it is included by GettingInvolved, and that didn't quite make sense17:03
jdstrandI updated the wiki docs to mention it and made it part of our release cycle checklist17:03
jdstrand[TOPIC] Weekly stand-up report17:03
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Weekly stand-up report
jdstrandI'm on community this week17:03
jdstrandI've got some more MIRs to audit, some pending updates, a couple work items and some last minute oneiric bugs17:04
jdstrandI hope to actually squeeze apparmor testing in this week as well17:04
jdstrandthat's it from me17:04
jdstrandmdeslaur: you're up17:04
mdeslaurI've just rebuilt my tomcat6 packages because of a new CVE that popped up this morning17:05
mdeslaurso I'll be testing those this week17:05
mdeslauralso, there are some CVEs mismatches in oneiric still, so I'll be working on those17:05
mdeslaurthis week, we need to brainstorm our UDS blueprints17:05
mdeslaurso we can start creating them at the end of the week17:06
mdeslaurand that's it from me17:06
mdeslaursbeattie: you're up17:06
sbeattieI'm still working on php (*sigh*), apache and openssl17:07
mdeslaursbeattie: need any help/moral support?17:07
jdstrandmdeslaur: ah, yes, meant to add UDS prep to my list as well17:07
sbeattieI'm also hoping to do some qart testing this week, to ensure that things are in a good shape for oneiric17:07
sbeattiemdeslaur: send booze.17:08
* kees hugs sbeattie17:08
sbeattieAnd I guess UDS prep as well.17:08
mdeslaursbeattie: heh17:08
sbeattieI think that's it for me. micahg, you're up.17:08
micahgtomorrow's Mozilla release day, so Firefox/Thunderbird to go out17:09
micahgI still have chromium that needs to go out17:09
micahgNSS should be updated for oneiric final, I'm going to try to get that done as well17:09
micahgUDS/blueprint/qrt next week for me17:09
micahgoh, and it's a short week for me, off Thu/Fri17:10
micahgtyhicks: your turn17:10
tyhicksI've got the triage role this week.17:10
tyhicksI will finish up mutt testing (some other items preempted me last week), finish backporting and testing a few eCryptfs patches for a libreoffice-on-ecryptfs bug, and take a closer look at an upstream eCryptfs oops report.17:10
tyhicksjdstrand: that's it for me17:11
jdstrand[TOPIC] Highlighted packages17:12
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Highlighted packages
jdstrandThe Ubuntu Security team will highlight some community-supported packages that might be good candidates for updating and or triaging. If you would like to help Ubuntu and not sure where to start, this is a great way to do so. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/UpdateProcedures for details and if you have any questions, feel free to ask in #ubuntu-security. To find out other ways of helping out, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Securi17:12
jdstrand[TOPIC] Miscellaneous and Questions17:13
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Miscellaneous and Questions
jdstrandDoes anyone have any other questions or items to discuss?17:13
jdstrandthanks everyone!17:16
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Mon Sep 26 17:16:59 2011 UTC.17:16
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2011/ubuntu-meeting.2011-09-26-17.01.moin.txt17:16
mdeslaurhanks jdstrand!17:19
mdeslaureuh, thanks17:19
micahgthanks jdstrand17:19
akgranerok it's time for the Ubuntu Leadership team meeting18:00
meetingologyMeeting started Mon Sep 26 18:00:33 2011 UTC.  The chair is akgraner. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot.18:00
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired18:00
akgranerhere's the agenda for the meeting - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuLeadership/Meetings18:01
akgraner[link] - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuLeadership/Meetings18:01
akgraner#link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuLeadership/Meetings18:01
AlanBellit got it, just doesn't echo it back to you :)18:01
akgranerok clearly I need a lesson on how to use this new bot18:01
akgranerthanks AlanBell I didn't realize that18:02
akgranerok I'll give it just another minute then we'll get started18:02
AlanBellit is a bit inconsistent at the moment, but it should be less echoey in principal18:02
* charlie-tca waves18:02
AlanBellthe other one is like Sigourney Weaver in Galaxy Quest18:03
akgraner#topic - Welcome18:04
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: - Welcome
* pleia2 waves18:04
akgranerSince this is the first of our meetings I wanted to take a moment and welcome everyone and say thank you to those who have already joined the team18:04
akgranerand are working toward the goals of better leadership resources and skills18:05
akgranerThe main wiki landing page that gives a little more description about the team can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuLeadership18:06
valorieI'd like to thank Amber and David for getting us up and running18:06
valorieand everybody who has already contributed!18:06
valorieevery day there is new cool stuff!18:07
akgranerThanks valorie! and thanks to head_victim for working on the wiki pages over the weekend18:07
topyliindeed, the infrastructure is pretty much there18:07
akgraner#topic Ubuntu Leadership document -18:07
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Leadership document -
akgranervalorie, this is your item  - ready to discuss it?18:07
valorieyour item and my item are pretty much the same18:08
akgraneroh and if you have comments on a topic please use o/ and wait to be recognized18:08
valorieI would like to know what plans/thoughts are about the docs18:08
akgranerahh ok18:08
akgranerthen let me go through what we've got and go from there then18:09
valorieI see that we are planning to get the manual into version control18:09
akgranersound ok?18:09
akgranerright now we have a couple active documents we are working on  - LoCo Leadership handbook, Leadership skills list and the welcome letter18:10
akgranertopyli, go ahead18:11
topyliabout the handbook. it sounds like it could easily become an actual book on leadership and not very ubuntu specific. i see this as a danger, how can we handle producing it?18:11
akgranergreat question18:12
akgranerLeadership is universal18:12
akgranerno matter what the project - but we can add items that tailor it to the specific needs of the Ubuntu Community18:12
akgranerin the case of the LoCo leadership handbook the target audience is LoCo leadership18:13
akgranerI am not sure I see a danger in a general book on leadership skills and styles as there will always be some overlap needed18:14
topylisure, but there already are books like that18:14
akgraneryes but not tailored to Ubuntu community18:14
valorieso this is seen as about Loco leadership, and not about all the leadership roles in the ubuntu community?18:14
akgranerwhich is what we are wanting to do18:14
topylimaybe we should steal jono's disposition and tailor it18:14
akgranerwe can take elements from Art of community - but the goal is to give leaders the skills they don't have18:15
akgranerand teach the leadership styles and how it fits with an all volunteer community18:15
akgranerwe had to start somewhere  - so we started with LoCo teams b/c over the past few years I have had several people ask me about leading loco teams18:16
akgranervalorie, no it will be for all leadership positions - but again we just picked a place to start18:16
akgranerthis will not be a requirement but a set or resources for the community18:17
charlie-tcaLoCo Handbook would seem like it should be very loco oriented. That doesn't mean limiting this group to loco's, though.18:17
akgranercharlie-tca, right18:17
akgranerpeople can take and tailor it to any group18:17
akgranerwe aren't here to force people to use these skills but to lead by example and be here to help and provide training etc when people ask for it18:18
akgranerback to valorie's point18:18
jussiIs it planned then to actually be part of the process that that happens? or just a lets do this and hope others pick it up and taylor it?18:18
akgraneryes we want to get it into bzr by module/chapter for proper version control18:19
topylii can imagine it being versioned for forums/irc/technical...18:19
akgranerjussi, the hope is that we get this first resource written and promoted18:19
akgranerthem encourage and help tailor it to other projects and teams18:19
akgranertopyli, exactly18:20
akgranerhere are the links to the documents in case someone doesn't have them already - Leadership Handbook - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_5CJYkBSaoN4l7L8mIPKoZNxzPrr16NOZP12Ln_8EXg/edit?hl=en_US18:21
akgranerskills list - https://docs.google.com/document/d/13VOmTgEqCzIW8oITV2d5fIRD3xsiKRVMd39OUlpx6xQ/edit?hl=en_US18:21
akgranerwelcome letter - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1da8Moj340VcvzIQuX8XUm3OXDZpb9l6bfxz8vkvIZM4/edit?hl=en_US18:21
akgranerany other questions or comments about the documents we've started so far?18:22
akgranerAlso I plan on blogging weekly about various leadership skills and styles each Monday18:22
akgranerso if you want more information on something let me know and I'll add it to the list18:23
akgranerand the wiki page will contain links to all blog posts about or from the leadership team stuff18:23
valoriethat is very useful18:24
akgranerAnyone opposed to sending the welcome letter to members who join the mailing list?18:24
akgranerI can set it up to send it automatically when someone joins18:24
akgranerJust means we'll have to be careful to make sure it's always up to date :-)18:25
valoriesounds great!18:25
topyligo ahead, it's a good idea18:25
akgraner#action akgraner to add automatic welcome letter to those joining the mailing list18:26
meetingologyACTION: akgraner to add automatic welcome letter to those joining the mailing list18:26
akgranerok any other comments about documentation before I move on?18:26
akgraner#topic needs18:27
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: needs
akgranerGetting the documentation into BZR by module18:27
akgranerRecruiting more members18:27
akgranerthese are just a few of the needs I listed - I am sure there are more but for this meeting I didn't want to go over an hour18:28
akgranercan someone work on getting a logo designed?18:28
akgranerthat meets the branding guidelines18:28
topylii could talk to knome, he's good but i don't know if he's interested18:29
akgranercool - could someone contact the Canonical design team and see if someone there would be interested in helping18:29
akgranerI know they are busy right now - but at least we can get it on their radar18:30
akgranerBasically let's all explore the contacts we have with various design people and see what we can come back with18:30
akgranerhow does that sound?18:30
akgranerLet's see what we can do between now and UDS18:31
jussi++ knome being good.18:31
akgraner#action topyli to talk to knome - other team members to talk to other sources as well and see what we come up with18:32
meetingologyACTION: topyli to talk to knome - other team members to talk to other sources as well and see what we come up with18:32
akgranertopyli, is that ok with you?18:32
topylisounds good to me18:32
akgranerthank you!18:32
akgranernext  - we need someone who can add the chapters into BZR18:33
akgranerI'm not a documentation person, but I am willing to learn18:33
akgranerif someone can take the lead on this that would be great18:33
akgranerAny documentation guru's in the group18:34
valorieDarkwingDuck is a natural18:34
akgranerI know DarkwingDuck said he would help with this as well - I know he's been a little busy18:34
valoriehe just pushed the kubuntu docs for 11.1018:34
akgranerbut can some folks contact him and give him a hand18:34
valorieI will gladly do so18:35
akgraner#action DarkwingDuck to get documentation into BZR18:35
meetingologyACTION: DarkwingDuck to get documentation into BZR18:35
akgranerI just volun-told him :-)18:35
valorieI'm on the Kub. docs team18:35
charlie-tcaI guess I will have to learn BZR yet, then.18:35
valoriethe beginner bits weren't hard18:36
akgranervalorie, awesome - can you talk to DarkwingDuck and you all come up with plan18:36
valoriewill do18:36
valorieI think the big bit is the docbook-ification18:36
akgraner#action valorie collaborate with DarkwingDuck on documentation efforts18:36
meetingologyACTION: valorie collaborate with DarkwingDuck on documentation efforts18:36
valoriewe might need some group help with that18:36
charlie-tcaMaybe mallard would help with it?18:37
akgranerI'm getting a class at UDS on how to do this18:37
valoriemallard and DarkwingDuck sound like a match made in Heaven!18:37
akgranerok recruitment18:37
charlie-tcaakgraner: subscribe me to it?18:37
akgranercharlie-tca, ok will do  (the class you mean)18:38
charlie-tcaright, the class18:38
akgranerwill do18:38
akgranerwe've had a lot of people show interest in this group - we need to make sure everyone knows this is a place for resources and training and learning about leadership18:39
akgranerit's nothing that leaders will be forced to go through18:39
akgranerbut we want to know what people need from this group.18:39
akgranerI'll email all the leadership councils and boards and loco-contacts but if you all could forward that email once I send it to the list that would be great18:40
akgranerany thoughts on what else we can do at this moment to gain more interest in the group?18:40
akgranerthere will be  many things we can do once we are more organized and have more resources in place18:41
akgranerbut for now - any suggestions?18:41
akgranerCheesehead, go ahead18:41
CheeseheadI'm interested in providing...18:42
Cheeseheadsmall-group sessions on IRC of specific skills.18:42
CheeseheadSo if anyone looks at that skill list...18:42
Cheeseheadand sees something they want to learn or teach , please let me know18:42
akgraner+1 one for that - we would like to have a series of leadership based classes18:42
topylioh yes, small sessions on specific topics18:43
akgraner#action Cheesehead to manage online leadership tutorial sessions18:43
meetingologyACTION: Cheesehead to manage online leadership tutorial sessions18:43
akgranerCheesehead, that sound good to you - you can clear the dates with the classroom team and start rolling them out18:44
akgranerI am sure there are many people on the team already who are ready to go forth and share various skills18:44
valorieI hope that we'll be advertising to *all* leaders in the community18:45
valorienot just loco leaders18:45
akgranerso if you are interested in teaching leadership skills online talk to Cheesehead18:45
akgranervalorie, we are18:45
valoriebecause really, aren't we interested in growing the group as well as providing a good skillset?18:45
topyliespecially aspiring ones, i would assume18:45
akgranerall councils, boards, and team contacts are getting emails18:45
akgranervalorie, yes - much like UW is a springboard to the community  - this is a springboard to leaderhip mentoring and better leaders18:46
akgranermake sense18:46
topyliakgraner's blog (and hopefully all our blogs!) works to getting new blood inspired i hope18:47
akgranerwe want current, new and aspiring leaders to all be part of this team and learn from each other18:47
akgranertopyli, yes exactly18:47
akgranerjust make sure when you blog about leadership and the team you add the link to the wiki page18:47
valorieakgraner: that's a great crystalization of the team mission, right there18:47
akgraneryep :-)18:48
topyliyeah put it at the top of the wiki page :)18:48
akgraner#topic acknowledgements18:48
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: acknowledgements
akgranerAgain thank you to everyone who has helped so far in everything that you have been doing!18:48
akgranerGreat work!18:48
akgraner#topic next meeting18:49
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: next meeting
akgranerdo we want to have monthly meetings or bi-monthly meetings?18:49
topylithanks all18:49
akgraner+1 for monthly from me18:50
valorie+1 here18:50
topyli+1, we change if it doesn't feel right18:50
akgranerI'll check the calendar and see what is going on the last week of October18:50
akgranerpeople will be getting ready for UDS but...18:50
topylioh dear, it's last week of the month again. where did my time go?18:51
akgranerOct 24th at 1800 UTC is open18:51
akgranerso let's set it for 24 Oct 1800 UTC and see how it works out...18:52
akgranerany volunteers to chair the next meeting18:52
akgranervalorie, are you voluteering or do you have a comment18:53
valorieI've never done it, but can pick AlanBell's brain18:53
akgranervalorie, it's easy  :-)18:53
* AlanBell reads back18:53
AlanBelloh yeah, help yourself to my brain18:53
valorieI'm not going to UDS, so it's perfect18:53
akgraner#action valorie to chair next leadership meeting on 24 OCT 2011 @1800 UTC in -meeting18:54
meetingologyACTION: valorie to chair next leadership meeting on 24 OCT 2011 @1800 UTC in -meeting18:54
akgraneranything else before I end the meeting?18:54
topylihow did you think about distributing the minutes?18:54
topyliit could be advertising too if you distribute them widely18:54
akgranermailing list, wiki page18:54
akgraneras well as social media :-) and blogs18:54
topyliok good enough :)18:55
akgranerThanks everyone!18:55
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Mon Sep 26 18:55:43 2011 UTC.18:55
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2011/ubuntu-meeting.2011-09-26-18.00.moin.txt18:55
valoriethank you akgraner -- good meeting!18:56
charlie-tcaakgraner: thank you for chairing18:56
Cheeseheadakgraner: Good meeting. Thanks.18:56
akgranerthanks! :-)18:56
* akgraner blushes and heads back to -leadership18:56
AlanBellvalorie: grab me any time with questions or to try a practice meeting with the bot19:01
AlanBellhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology <- reasonable documentation19:01
valorieAlanBell: I'll make a doc with stuff I can copy/paste for the meeting, and get your feedback on it, if you are willing19:23

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