
dholbachgood morning06:42
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Rhondaduh?  bug #85034707:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 850347 in spl (Ubuntu) "Please sync spl 1.0~pre6-3 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85034707:53
geserwent something wrong in this bug?08:02
RhondaYes, the usual issue, non-communication.   %-/08:05
Rhondageser: My comment should be in there already.08:12
geserRhonda: saw it right now, looks like dtchen forgot to check other open bugs while working on the FTBFS. And unless you follow oneiric-changes there is no way to get notified about uploads08:14
Rhondageser: I like to differ, the PTS does/should mail out changes.08:14
RhondaI receive one for every irssi upload, and I received the mail for doko's upload. No clue why I didn't receive one for david's …08:14
geserah, I didn't know Debian's PTS can do it, LP can't (unless I missed something)08:15
RhondaAnd a "no way to get notified" is worrying to say the least, but I know the background why package maintainers aren't notified by default08:15
Rhondathat is, Debian package maintainers :)08:16
RhondaBut at least the multiarch patch could have been put into the BTS.08:23
RhondaI wonder why this multiarch path issue only lead to FTBFS in ubuntu but not in Debian? What would happen if I pull the patch into Debian, would Debian the FTBFS?08:49
geserRhonda: how far is Debian with multiarch compared to Ubuntu? I know there is also work ongoing in Debian but I didn't follow it closely.08:51
tumbleweedgeser: dpkg doesn't support it yet, and less libraries have been converted. But there are conversions happening08:53
RhondaAh, then I take it Ubuntu aims to have multiarch support complete for oneiric, and thus has more pressure on the thing.08:57
tumbleweedRhonda: yeah, oneiric can run flash and skype without ia32-libs, already08:58
Rhondatumbleweed: actually, the benefit of that non-free reasoning eludes me :)09:16
tumbleweedRhonda: the simple benefit is that ia32libs is a monstrosity and should die :)09:18
Rhondathat I can accept ;)09:18
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cjwatsonRhonda: there are plenty of free lines of reasoning for multiarch (e.g. has the potential to greatly simplify cross-compiling), but they don't provide the same kind of pressure and landmarks and such09:41
RhondaI understand, but having html5 and mumble, using flash and skype as reasoning for getting multiarch done only gives me a reason to yawn. Sorry for being ignorant in that respect. :)09:47
RhondaThough, granted, mumble requires a dedicated server. I really would like to have voice calls/conferences based on XMPP to lift off.09:48
cjwatsonthe point isn't what we use, it's what our users use ...10:12
cjwatsonand making the support for non-free software be less of an imposition on free software developers' time is a good argument I think10:12
cjwatsonia32-libs really is a nightmare ...10:13
Rhonda"it sounded like a good idea at that time"10:31
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hrwcan someone help me with this dput error? http://paste.ubuntu.com/697245/ ppa upload13:07
hrwworked earlier today13:08
hrwnevermind - ppa started builds13:11
Rhondaignore it, it's common13:11
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RhondaHmm. What would people think if I ask for a FFe for gitolite? Useful? Not so?13:41
Laneywhat's new?13:42
Rhonda"hooklets" allow you to have any number of site-local 'update hook' scripts play nicely with gitolite, the "include" statement can now use globs -- makes some types of setups sooooo easy!, but most of all: self-service key management13:43
Laneysounds like it would be nice to have, indeed13:51
Laneybackporting is also an option and should be easy as there are no rdeps13:51
micahggeser: DMB meeting?14:01
RhondaLaney: Of course actually I should finally do a backport to lucid.14:13
RhondaBut, past experience with backports doesn't convince me that I want to go through it for oneiric if I can do it through a FFe beforehand. ;)14:13
Laneywell, I can approve them if not make the upload happen14:15
gesermicahg: today 19 UTC, right? I'm sure I can make it today (some servers at work need to get hooked up on a UPS)15:35
micahggeser: no, was 14:0015:36
gesermicahg: oh, I can't make the early meeting anyways as I can't predict if (and how much time) I can spare at work15:38
micahggeser: ah, ok15:39
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micahgmdeslaur: there seems to be an issue with the last flashplugin-nonfree upload, could you take a look, bug 85922516:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 859225 in flashplugin-nonfree (Ubuntu) "package flashplugin-installer failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85922516:13
mdeslaurmicahg: argh, stupid mess...16:17
micahgmdeslaur: yeah, but I'm talking about the packaging :)16:25
mdeslaur/usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so is not a valid NPAPI plugin16:25
mdeslaurI don't know how that could be16:25
mdeslaurooooh, I get it16:26
mdeslaurok, I'll upload a fix16:26
micahgmdeslaur: thanks16:27
jtaylorhm where should one direct people who open bugs to ask questions?17:23
micahgjtaylor: askubuntu.com?  convert to question works as well, the greasemonkey script has a canned response which refers to askubuntu.com17:25
jtaylormh some firefox thing ._.17:33
micahgjtaylor: yeah, ppa:gm-dev-launchpad17:34
jtaylorah there is a button on lp to convert17:42

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