
pleia2copied over summaries, just need stats and meetings added tomorrow, but otherwise we're ready for editorial review: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue23400:00
nlsthznsee the summaries are done...00:21
akgranerpleia2, thanks - I'm up for the rest of the night so I'll check the wiki and see what still needs to be done :-)  You all rock!04:14
nlsthznThe newsletter has zipped by very fast the last two weeks...04:19
akgranernlsthzn, I think that's b/c the team is really working together as a team and the magic is back  - thanks to all of you!04:24
nlsthznGood to hear :)04:24
pleia2akgraner: if you could add the dev meetings that'd be great04:36
pleia2I wish we could script that, I hate that part the most04:36
pleia2I can add stats tomorrow if needed, and I'll publish again04:37
pleia2next weekend I'll be out of town with family04:37
akgraneryep no worries only takes me like 5 minutes04:38
akgraner:-)  I just copy the list from last week and change the dates04:39
akgranerthen verify the links :-)04:39
pleia2ah, smart :)04:39
pleia2we should probably go around some time and see if there are more out there04:39
pleia2some of the teams we used to have in the newsletter went away, not sure if more popped up04:39
akgranerI can add the stats tonight since it's already the next day and you can publish early if you want04:39
pleia2well sure04:40
akgranerI thought I would use the time at UDS to verify all those team lists etc04:40
pleia2we should probably add the 11.10 post from today on fridge too real quick04:40
pleia2dholbach got it in later than usual04:40
akgranerthe teams page on the wiki is really out of date as well04:40
pleia2ah yes, uds is a good time for that04:40
akgraneryep saw that - you want me to add that while I'm in the wiki04:40
pleia2yeah, please do04:41
akgranerI'll clean it up and add the stats - so everything will be ready in the am for you04:41
pleia2awesome, thank you :)04:41
pleia2the fiance isn't feeling well, so I am going to take the rest of the evening off to keep him company04:41
akgranerawwww - hope he feels better soon04:45
akgranerpleia2, stats and development team info is updated  - if someone can go through and check for camelcases and make sure I removed all the ## comment lines that would be great.  :-)08:24
akgranerI'll be afk most of the morning and into the afternoon08:24
nlsthznakgraner, camelcases?09:07
akgranercamelcases are words like LoCo and stuff like that that need to be written like Lo``Co to that they want look like they are linked to another wiki page12:13
nlsthznakgraner, hmmm, thanks for that... seems their is so much more that goes into getting the newsletter done than13:08
nlsthznI could ever imagine13:08
nlsthzn... every week I learn something new :)13:08
pleia2The new edition of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is now available here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue23416:09

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