
stgraberoh, typo in the changelog, as it's still in the queue might as well fix that :)02:45
stgraberplease reject ^02:45
stgraberand re-uploaded02:47
ScottKstgraber: Rejected the older one.03:01
stgraberScottK: thanks03:06
ScottKNo problem.03:06
ScottKslangasek: ^^^ Yon kde-workspace upload has the upstart init change you're waiting for if you'd care to review (all the patches are cherrypicks from upstream).03:07
slangasekScottK: accepted05:26
ScottKslangasek: Thanks.05:27
slangasekand that lightdm is the last one that blocks fixing this on the plymouth side05:28
pittiev: will have a look at the custom widgets thing this morning05:35
pittislangasek: accepted05:49
slangasekpitti: huzzah, thanks to you05:50
micahgpitti: could you review firefox ^^06:37
pittioh, another one? :-)06:37
* pitti already accepted two yesterday06:37
pittimicahg: sure, doing06:37
micahgpitti: you weren't supposed to accept the first one ;)06:38
micahgor whichever one ubuntu2 was06:38
micahgpitti: thanks!06:42
pittinp; sorry for prematurely accepting ubuntu2 then, didn't spot that error06:42
micahgpitti: yeah, I didn't spot the issue either, cjwatson caught it, but we should've listened to infinity and rejected it :)06:43
=== jpds_ is now known as jpds
pitti^ review of that appreciated (I uploaded), breaking ubiquity08:18
micahgpitti: why the funny version?08:18
pittimicahg: it was -0svn1 before, and it's a bit impractical right now to commit that to debian's svn08:19
pittiI can also name it -0ubuntu1 if people prefer taht08:19
micahgpitti: right, so it should be -0ubuntu1, no?08:19
pittifine for me; rejecting, reuploading08:20
* micahg isn't sure what his obsession with version numbers is about...08:21
evpitti: thanks08:26
pittiev: sorry about that; I was going to test the new pygobject with ubiquity with the first live CD after b2, but we didn't get one yet; seems you beat me to it08:27
pittianyway, the just uploaded version works fine08:27
evno worries08:28
evwe should discuss doing this sort of thing in a more automated fashion at UDS08:28
evintegration tests and all that jazz08:28
pittiev: I thought QA used to have daily automatic tests of our CDs; they should catch this sort of regression, too08:29
evwell I was thinking of something less reactionary.  Have the buildd run through the unit tests of any package that depends on the package being built08:30
evthat way we catch it straight away08:30
pittiev: with jhbuild that already works pretty nicely, but that's of course not easy to move to our per-package source builds08:32
evadmittedly I haven't dug through the source here much08:34
pittinext time I upload pygobject I could just run the ubiquity tests08:34
pittithat's low-tech and rather easy to do08:34
evOh, my intention wasn't to just fix ubiquity with this approach, but make it hard to get any software into the archive that breaks existing software.08:38
evbut that works for now :)08:38
=== doko_ is now known as doko
evis it too late to switch wubi to building ext4 disk images? It's roughly a two line change.10:51
ogasawaracould I get the linux-meta- package approved in the queue please?13:15
ScottKpitti: I just uploaded KDE 4.6.5 for natty-proposed.  I'd appreciate it if you could accept it today.13:27
pittiScottK: will see to squeeze it in, and/or delegate to SpamapS :)13:33
ScottKpitti: Thanks.13:34
seb128^ I did reject my gtk upload, it had a small issue14:19
ScottKpitti: You rejected my oxygen-icons upload?15:33
pittiScottK: yes, see bug; it's a no-change upload, so I guess not worth an SRU?15:34
ScottKOK.  Thanks.15:34
ScottKPeople who had the bad PPA version already got the fixed one I guess.15:34
pittiyes, the reversion to .2 also seems to be in the PPA, according to changelog15:35
ScottKIt is.15:36
ScottKI forgot to go back and diff against what was in the archive.15:37
pittiScottK: ok, all done; that should keep the buildds busy for a while15:40
ScottKYep.  Thanks.15:40
cjwatsonpitti,SpamapS: I don't suppose one of you could look at my grub/grub-installer/hw-detect SRUs?  I have a tester ready and waiting eagerly. :-)15:41
ScottKThere will be a bunch of non-i386 failures due to transient build-dep uninstallability.  I'll keep an eye and retry, but don't be suprised.15:41
cjwatson(In fact, he first mailed me about this set of bugs in February ...)15:41
pitticjwatson: already at it :) (while I'm at it)15:42
cjwatsongrub <= natty shouldn't suffer from the problem I uploaded for today; I'm pretty sure that I've isolated that to GCC >= 4.615:43
pitticjwatson: for hw-detect, will that get an accompanying d-i upload?15:44
cjwatsonyes, although only after it's built15:44
SpamapScjwatson: hah, I read that as "I have a zester ready and waiting" .. and I wondered.. what does citrus flavoring have to do with grub?15:50
cjwatsonboots better if you add some lemon juice15:51
pittigood night!15:54
Davieysquashfs until the pips squeak.15:54
* ScottK prepares to get sabdfl'ed.16:02
lamontdeploying the correct fix for the archive mirror. this could produce a short period where the archive is not completely in sync16:21
infinity"The correct fix"?16:22
lamontthe one where we fix dangling symlinks by also syncing the target, instead of stomping on it16:22
lamontit would be interesting to know how debmirror deals with symlinks between components16:23
lamontI suspect that the answer is "not"16:25
lamontfwiw, the not-in-sync shows up mostly as 403/404 errors. :(16:26
infinityThere are worse things than a few missing files for an hour or two.16:30
Davieylamont: Hmm, you have concerns that debmirror (and others?) will be broken going forward?16:36
lamontDaviey: no16:37
Davieylamont: super, thanks16:37
skaetDaviey,  there are 2 cobbler-enlist_0.1 packages in the new queue,  separated by 10 days.    Should the older be rejected.   Note:  the sizes are different between the two.17:14
Davieyskaet: One is called cobbler-enlist, the other cobbler-enrol :)17:16
Davieycobbler-enrol can be rejected.17:16
skaetDaviey,  yup,  misread that, my bad.    cobbler-enrol rejected now.17:17
bjfskaet, is today's daily iso busted ? i get an "installation failed" "The installer encountered an unrecoverable error." dialog trying it17:18
skaetbjf,  I've just been doing updates myself today.   jibel,  are you seeing anything from the automated tests?17:19
bjfskaet, np, will keep looking17:19
SpamapSRelease team, need your thoughts on the situation with ensemble/juju ..17:19
SpamapSIts a leaf package, no dependencies..17:19
skaetDaviey, oo-er?17:20
SpamapSWe have a pending upload which renames ensemble's binary packages to juju, as the project has been renamed..17:20
Davieybjf: What ISO image?17:20
slangasekThe Situation is using Juju?  By all means, let's capitalize on this in all our marketing17:20
slangasekoh, not that situation17:20
SpamapSAnd there are two big features which upstream would like to see land in 11.10...17:20
DavieySpamapS: I assume you have a transional package in place?17:20
SpamapSSince its a leaf, unseeded, universe package, can we upload after Thursday?17:20
bjfdavidm, should have been the daily from today, i'm pulling a new one down, and will retest17:20
SpamapSDaviey: yes, thats part of it.17:20
SpamapSslangasek: Maybe we can get snookie too :)17:21
DavieySpamapS: ISTM that there are two issues, the name and the features.  Can they be handled in seperate uploads please?17:21
slangasekSpamapS: it can be uploaded after Thursday, but "new features" still means "FFe", which requires some lead time... I don't think you want to risk the name change not going through because it's caught in review17:21
DavieyThereofr eseperate FFe's17:21
slangasekso I would suggest uploading the package name change ASAP17:22
SpamapSOk I can upload the name change now for sure. Should I open a FFe bug to track the rename too then?17:22
cjwatsonbjf: do you have a bug# and/or installation logs?17:22
DavieySpamapS: Is a deprecation warning being issued under older commands?  Or just shooting for gold?17:23
cjwatsonbjf: and which daily, we build quite a few17:23
DavieySpamapS: Bugs are always handy :)17:23
SpamapSDaviey: I was thinking that at least /usr/bin/ensemble should throw up a warning.17:23
bjfcjwatson, not yet, just tried, failed, just pulled down one right now, am going to try that17:23
Daviey... and rewarding! :)17:23
bjfcjwatson, how to i tell one daily from the next ?17:23
cjwatsonbjf: it would really help if you could tell me the URL17:23
cjwatsonwe build dailies of Ubuntu desktop, Ubuntu alternate, Ubuntu server, Kubuntu desktop, Kubuntu alternate, Xubuntu desktop, Xubuntu alternate, need I go on17:24
cjwatsonseveral of which are Canonical-supported17:24
cjwatsonand we build each of those for multiple architectures17:24
Davieybjf: It's not clear to me even what flavour you have encountered this with... server, desktop, kubuntu etc?17:24
bjfcjwatson, sorry, ubuntu desktop amd6417:24
cjwatsonthank you17:24
bjfDaviey, ^17:24
slangasekSpamapS: if you want to just say in the changelog that I've pre-approved the name change, that's fine17:25
cjwatsonif you had the daily from today, what new one are you pulling down?17:25
DavieyHe's right ya know17:25
skaetDaviey, re: cobbler-enlist:  debian/copyright is different from what is in the cobbler-enlist.c file.   Note: cobbler-enlist.c, references cobbler-enrol in the title of the comments also.17:25
cjwatsonwasn't saying he wasn't, just needed something to look for ...17:25
Davieycrap, thought i caught them all17:26
SpamapSslangasek: alright that sounds good. I'm finishing some testing and will upload after that.17:26
bjfcjwatson, i have a script that pulls down the ubuntu desktop amd64/i386 every day, i tried it and it failed, i just ran the script again incase new ones had been built17:26
skaetDaviey,  np.  want me to reject it so you can re-upload?17:26
cjwatsonDaviey: do you know how I can extract installer logs from jenkins?17:27
Davieycjwatson: I think jibel or jamespage are the key to that.17:27
SpamapSAnd per the other features.. which should land late this week, is there anything I need to do to ensure that the upload early next week is approved?17:27
Davieyskaet: please17:28
skaetDaviey, done.17:28
cjwatsonit's chocolate-teapot levels of usefulness without logs, sadly17:28
cjwatsonwell, I guess we get one bit of information out, success or failure :)17:28
cjwatsonbut surely we can do better, I complained about this months ago17:29
bjfcjwatson, i'll see what i can get you17:29
cjwatsonthanks; I'm syncing now but it will take a while17:29
bjfcjwatson, i'm building a new usb key right now, when it fails, which logs would you like? (is there a wiki page for debugging installer issues?)17:31
cjwatsonthe logs from the previous usb key would've been fine, but ...17:32
cjwatsontl;dr: /var/log/{syslog,partman}17:33
cjwatsonoh and /var/log/installer/debug17:33
bjfcjwatson, ack17:33
cjwatsonshould probably edit that page to not talk about EOL distributions but life's too short17:33
bjfcjwatson, bug #85984917:44
ubot4Launchpad bug 859849 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "ubiquity crashed with AttributeError in do_set_property(): 'StateBox' object has no attribute 'label' (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85984917:44
cjwatsonfixed by new pygobject17:46
cjwatsonI'll find the dup target in a moment17:46
cjwatsonso will be fixed in tomorrow's daily17:46
bjfcjwatson, ok, thanks17:46
cjwatsonbug 85666917:47
ubot4Launchpad bug 856669 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 3 other projects) "pygobject 3.0.0-0svn1 does not work with custom python GTK widgets (affects: 24) (dups: 20) (heat: 194)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85666917:47
cjwatson(stupid bugbot, true status is fix released on pygobject)17:47
jamespagecjwatson, Daviey: it looks like that test run did not actually start installing - hence no installer log17:56
cjwatsonjamespage: ok, but it would do if it got past a certain point?  that's good18:13
jamespagecjwatson: yes it would - the preseed kicks off httpd in early_command and the framework then grabs the installer log every X seconds18:14
jamespagelooking at todays tests - https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/18:16
jamespageit would appear that all oneiric-desktop-* tests failed18:16
jamespagealternate was OK18:16
jamespagethey all appear to have failed in the same way i.e failed to start installation18:17
cjwatsonanything gtkish would have done18:22
cjwatsondunno if you test kubuntu18:22
Davieywoah, 2.6.38-1.3 → 2.6.38-1000.1 .. is that right?19:23
infinityDaviey: I'm on it.19:28
infinity(Feel free to ignore all the ARM kernels in the queue, I'm reviewing them all)19:28
Davieyinfinity: ah ok, i started chatting in -arm, if you want to take over.19:29
cjwatsonpitti: bug 720558 - do you want non-Xen tests as well, or do you think Xen tests are enough?19:48
ubot4Launchpad bug 720558 in grub-installer (Ubuntu Natty) (and 7 other projects) "Ubuntu 10.04 currently requires groot= workaround with pvgrub (affects: 1) (heat: 12)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72055819:48
cjwatson(obv. I need to test maverick and natty too)19:50
dokoplease could somebody approve openjdk-6? JamVM fixes, one CACAO fix and three OpenJDK fixes19:57
infinitydoko: Let me look.19:58
infinityLa la la, gnome3.20 flood...20:09
cyphermoxcould someone please ack network-manager-applet?20:51
infinitycyphermox: I don't see how it's at all improved over pitti's previous complaints.20:55
infinityOh, unless I'm reading the diff wrong.  Need more context.20:55
cyphermoxah? I moved the files over into a -common package as suggested20:55
* infinity downloads the full source.20:55
infinityYeah, but what depends on the -common?20:55
cyphermoxlibnm-gtk0. did I screw this up again?20:55
infinityYou depend on a -common (= ${binary:Version}) ...20:56
infinityIn essence, you've moved nothing, just created a new package. :P20:56
infinityBecause libnm-gtk0 and libnm-gtk1 will still not be co-installable.20:56
infinityWhich was the complaint.20:56
infinityDoes the library actually require those two unversioned files to run?20:58
infinityOr to be loaded usefully.20:58
infinityOr is it just the applet that needs them?20:58
cyphermoxthe library does20:59
infinitySeriously? :/20:59
cyphermoxat least wifi.ui; since it's used to display the dialogs the library is meant to display20:59
infinityIn that case, you're going to have to give them versioned paths.21:00
infinityAnd then you can safely put them in the library package.21:00
cyphermoxbut why not just keep them in this -common package? afaik it does follow policy (section 8.2 iirc)21:00
cyphermoxI was looking this up again this morning21:00
cyphermoxI thought I only screwed up the dependency21:01
infinityWell, the common package only works if (A) you fix the dependency, but more importantly (B) those files will work with newer versions of the library.21:04
infinity(Or, more to the point, newer versions of those files will work with older libraries)21:05
infinityIf that backward compat isn't guaranteed, just versioning the files and stuffing them in the library package is reasonable.21:05
infinityIf upgrading to libnm-gtk1 makes libnm-gtk0 fail to function, then we've won nothing with the split.21:05
cyphermoxFrom what I know these files should work with older versions, that part doesn't worry me21:06
infinityIf you're fairly sure of that, then yeah, your only bug here is the dependency.21:07
cyphermoxplease reject it, I'll fix this21:07
cyphermoxfwiw, I do see the issue with the dependency, sorry about that21:08
cjwatsonpitti,SpamapS: it turned out I already had a debian-installer/natty-proposed upload staged (for some time), so I uploaded that21:14
cyphermoxinfinity:  ^ I think this covers it all now.22:02
dokoslangasek, why not qemu-linaro 2011.09?22:05
slangasekdoko: because I haven't tested 2011.09 at all yet and time is short22:06
slangasekI really don't want to go through another round of ppa tests, etc. to get this done22:06

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