
TLEdpm: hallo07:54
dpmhey TLE :)07:54
TLEahh, we need to figure something out with the next language pack update, but I'll not be as much available for chat this week, I'll have a large ping07:55
dpmok, we can also do e-mail if you prefer07:57
TLEnah it's ok, as long as you don't mind, point is that we need to figure out if wa have packs built from the end of last week and if we can get them placed in -proposed07:58
dpmyeah. I need to have a chat with pitti today to sort out the Oneiric langpacks as well08:00
TLEhow is it, did you get the permissions to upload the packs or do we still go to pitti for that?08:00
TLEfor natty, since we are so late in the cycle, I don't think we need to wait until the end of this week to get fresh packs, but can just use the ones from thursday08:01
dpmI'll need to check, as I've only done it once, but generally, it's better to talk to pitti, as he's obviously got more packaging experience than me. Ack on Natty langpacks08:03
TLEgreat, let me know what happens08:05
Odisha1hello dpm08:05
Odisha1how r u..08:05
dpmhi Odisha108:06
Odisha1now i m creating a guidline page for oriya translation08:22
artnay_oh god, there should be something like "stringlocking" available in LP when translating docs...13:48
artnay_absolute horror when docs team swaps a few words and then you need to translate again ~30 words.13:50
sagacibut then again it may not apply or the translation may be slightly different for some languages, albeit a small change-around by the docs team13:51
kelemengaborsagaci: there are nice solutions for this on the maket, too bad that LP does not do something like this: http://people.ubuntu.com/~kelemeng/pix/K%C3%A9perny%C5%91k%C3%A9p-default%20%E2%80%93%20Lokalize.png13:55
kelemengaborartnay_: there is one trick you might want to try, the Translation Details link at the top of the template - click the filter link after your name, and you can see the old translations you made to the given template.14:04
kelemengaborit is far from being a real translation memory, but that's all we got right now14:05
hggdhhello. I received this email: "Hello! My name is Daniil. I'm from Russia. I'm read14:57
hggdhhttp://team.ubuntu.ru/qa, and i see orfografic error "Сообщение или14:57
hggdhкомментарий при обнружении ". Need - "обнАружении"."14:57
hggdhcan someone take care of it?14:58
Jessica_Lilydpm glibc upstream said no to na'vi17:02
trijntjeping dpm, is there any news on the project for localised ubuntu images?18:50

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