
thinkjsonmhall119: thanks!12:03
mhall119thinkjson: when do you start?12:04
thinkjsontwo weeks12:04
thinkjsonthey're flying me out on the 9th12:04
thinkjsonmhall119: ^^^12:06
thinkjsonEdmund, OK12:11
thinkjsonmhall119: I've never been to Oklahoma in my life, and now I'm working for a company located there!12:11
thinkjsonbrb - I have to go set up some appointments for training.12:12
thinkjsonhehe. they're so screwed.12:30
zusi cant seem to find a Debian Squeeze XFCE usb iso torrent. 13:26
DammitJimzus, what are you doing, dude?13:27
zuslooking for a 64bit Debian Squeeze iso. 13:27
zusDammitJim,  hi :)13:27
zustinkk im in the right place but i want  XFCE not Gnome13:28
jck77zus: install it without the wm and then select XFCE13:29
DammitJimhold on13:29
jck77I think that's the best option13:30
zusjck77, command line way? im not good with that13:30
jck77zus: then why you dont use xubuntu?13:32
DammitJimzus, will that do?13:32
DammitJimthere is adebian- 13:32
jck77DammitJim: that one should help him13:33
zusi've never tried "Debian" before, jck77 13:33
DammitJimwhat's your deal, zus ?13:33
zusDammitJim,  lets see thanks13:33
DammitJimDebian is awesome13:33
DammitJimbut there are a lot of details that Ubuntu takes care of for you13:33
zusi keep hearing that lol13:33
DammitJimI use both, but Ubuntu is what I'm getting my wife to use13:34
jck77if you are not good with command line I do recommend ubuntu13:34
DammitJimeven though it looks the same to her (Debian and Ubuntu) since I run e17 on both, it's not as easy to cusomize as Ubuntu13:34
DammitJim+1 jck77, 13:34
jck77zus: on debian you might need to use a lot of command line to set the system right13:34
DammitJimbut hey, if you do jump into Debian, you'll learn a lot13:35
DammitJim(not that you can't learn it in Ubuntu), but you are kinda forced to13:35
zusim specifically waiting on the  new xubuntu on my main laptop, dual booted with bodhilinux. but on my desktop i wanted to check out debian13:36
DammitJimzus, stick to Debian stable... you don't want to have to deal with development issues in testing13:36
zusDammitJim, is that and the xfce+lxde both  on one iso?13:38
zuscool. thanks DammitJim, and jck77 13:40
zusthat sucks, connected to  7 of 7 peers, but now 0 to 0 peers for seed...maybe tomorrow?14:53
jck77zus: did you tried the direct link?15:10
jck77http://cdimage.debian.org/debian-cd/ 15:10
zusjck77,  sorry, i got the file from a torrent, and have it already but it wasnt seeding15:13
zusi try to seed when possible - 15:14
thinkjson!xkcd seed17:11
ubuntu-flthinkjson: http://xkcd.com/553/17:11
thinkjsonnailed it17:11
hubristhe same people20:35
hubrishow have you all been20:35
hubrisyou guys should check out hack miami some time20:41

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