
cyberangerbinarymutant: didn't know a distro smelled00:40
* cyberanger stocks up on fuduntu powder00:40
binarymutantfrugalware has a distinct fungal smell01:09
binarymutantdon't get me started on that old red hat :P01:09
Unit193Moth balls...01:11
=== chrispluns is now known as binarymutant
cyberangerUnit193: http://packages.debian.org/wheezy/pianobar09:14
cyberangerexplains why some issues never occured (check the date, you told me same day)09:14
Unit193Yep, that would do it. You have to use arch or debian unstable/sid to get things that are actually updated09:15
Unit193Same maintainer though09:18
Unit193Didn't want to wait any longer, installed from Oneiric on Launchpad :P10:01
cyberangerUnit193: debian testing (note, wheezy)11:39
cyberangerUnit193: ubuntu wasn't an issue due to my squid cache for 24 - 36 hours11:41
cyberangerbut it's showing the issue11:42
cyberangerbut debian testing (current codename: wheezy) never did11:42
wrstmorning cyberanger11:45
cyberangermorning wrst11:46
wrstcyberanger: you are up and at it early11:47
cyberangeryeah, a necessity today11:49
wrsta necessity for me everyday, welcome to my evil world :)11:49
* cyberanger wondered about the slimy ooze, all gooey11:50
wrstha ha11:50
cyberangersomething about it felt evil11:50
* cyberanger "accidently" kills xorg11:50
wrstha ha11:51
cyberangerwell that was overkill (was merely aiming for unity)11:51
cyberangerwrst: might get one (of a few) jobs, night shift mainly11:52
cyberangerso trying to match that expected routine a little, and finish the switch to debian testing (not to metion this flood mess, saved most eletronics, lost more stuff in some rain as carpet was getting swapped, bed clothing, seems the ATA took a second hit then too, which is why that's been waterlogged more than the rest)11:54
cyberangerand land this job (11 months since my last stable work, be nice to grab)11:55
cyberangerwrst: I'm just not a fan of unity, maybe a newer netbook (one that can run it better) I'll adjust my opinion some11:57
wrstcyberanger: i'm not either but in 11.10 it is better11:59
xpistosHery everybody13:43
xpistoswrst - rocking quassel13:43
xpistoscyberanger: wrst made me do it13:43
wrstha ha did not13:43
xpistosI even installed it at home13:43
wrstxpistos: i'm really liking cyberanger's last suggestion of bitlbee too13:43
xpistosI will try that soon13:43
wrstxpistos: that's the only place I have it at :P13:44
wrstat home13:44
xpistosso here goes christos setting up his ssh tunnel for his gmail13:48
wrstxpistos: you are going all out13:49
xpistosmy business is nt there business13:49
wrstha ha i thought you were the IT king13:50
wrstat your business13:50
xpistoswell you know14:00
wrstjust in case? :)14:02
wrstha ha14:11
wrstI have wented to investigate doing that also... we need cyberanger to give a clinich14:12
pace_t_zulumorning y'all14:14
xpistoshey greek14:15
wrsthowdy pace_t_zulu14:26
wrstbinarymutant: about time you get back in here?16:22
xpistoshey wrst, can I get my facebook chats on quassel as well?16:48
cyberangerxpistos: well, dunno if an SSH Tunnel is enough then16:55
cyberanger(something ignores a proxy setting, you have a DNS Leak, oh boy)16:56
xpistoswho has a DNS  leak cyberanger?16:57
cyberangerwrst: lesson one, backups are king, always have two, rotate them out regularly, keep one offsite, not in the very same apartment as the other backup with the great flood of 201116:58
cyberangerxpistos: your ssh tunnel, if your not careful16:58
wrstxpistos: with bitlbee16:58
wrstcyberanger: amen on backups16:59
cyberangerwrst: not with bitlbee (that's set at home, not work) the client side of his ssh tunnel16:59
wrstohh you are over my head xpistos17:00
* wrst retreats17:00
cyberangerxpistos: DNS leak being a dns request that slips past (ignores) the proxy17:00
xpistosWait, there is a problem with the client side of my ssh tunnel?17:00
cyberangerxpistos: could be, how'd you set it up17:00
xpistoson the client side?17:00
cyberanger(and not a problem in some setups, but for what your wanting, gotta ask, cause it would be)17:01
cyberangerwindows, portable putty and portable firefox, via an addon, or normal settings, so on17:02
xpistosthrough putty local, auto and forwarded to my server IP at home17:02
cyberangera local tunnel, not a dynamic tunnel?17:02
cyberangerso (random port on client) localhost (server port) just for quassel ?17:03
cyberangerquassel is told to connect to localhost:random_client_port17:04
cyberangerwell, then your proxy should be ok (nothing for dns from that, however that's a fair bit of traffic to one server, at one port, as a constant stream)17:06
cyberangerand two programs got installed17:06
xpistosI am not going through my proxy for quassel17:06
cyberangeroh, then what is going through the proxy?17:07
xpistosI only go though my ssh tunnel for somethings17:07
xpistoslike personal email17:07
xpistossince I leave my irc up all day, I don't bother17:07
cyberangerhow do you access your email?17:09
cyberangerand what proxy is setup on the server?17:10
cyberanger(sorry man, just I've learned alot of tricks from both sides, and the #1 rule I learned was presume your adversary is at least as good as you, if not better, and rule #2 is what you overlook, what little mistake, is the easiest thing to notice, for that very reason)17:12
cyberangerxpistos: do you use firefox, is the proxy an http proxy (squid, privoxy or another?)?17:15
wrstbinarymutant: hello19:36
Unit193wrst: I'll get you. Hello!19:37
binarymutantwrst: hiya!19:40
wrsthey Unit19319:41
wrstbinarymutant: here to stay??? :P19:41
binarymutantof course19:42
wrstha ha good :P19:45
Unit193Now you can bug him all the time!19:47
wrstthat's right Unit193, just as it should be19:50
Unit193Now we should just get you using pianobar... But you may be more of a Pithos person19:54
wrsthave no clue Unit193 :P19:55
binarymutantPandora should just stick to being a plugin for bigger clients, idk about having a client *just* for pandora19:56
binarymutanthad to google it though https://github.com/PromyLOPh/pianobar.git19:57
Unit193I don't know something that currently does that, but I really love pianobar and saver2/client19:57
Unit193(Last for when I'm not in linux. It's that or caster)19:58
binarymutantsome ppl are trying to ingegrate mpd and pandora19:59
binarymutantthat would be awesome20:00
Unit193Except I don't use mpd :P20:00
wrstbinarymutant: , Unit193 i'm slow on this stuff, I spent 2 hours saturday trying to get amazon music downloader working on 64 bit and didn't have the presence of mind to just open up banshee :|20:00
Unit193I've done something like that before... I'm sure I've done worse20:01
binarymutantUnit193: mpd is aWWesome20:01
Unit193binarymutant: I like vlc personally, they have an ncurses interface too (But music is normally with pandora or maybe grooveshark)20:02
binarymutantthat's cool. Different approaches. I throw all my music and vids on a file server20:09
binarymutantso mpd is a must20:09
Unit193Most of the vids are on the computer over there that I can access with file shares/gigolo since it's got the 1T HDD20:11
binarymutant1Tb? My dream20:13
binarymutant<-- still has yet to break the terabyte record20:14
binarymutant<-- still has yet to break 100Gb record :/20:14
Unit193344G used, but that's with a crappy OS installed too20:17
binarymutantheh that's a lot of music20:18
Unit193It's not music...20:18
wrstcrappy os?20:18
binarymutantheh thats a bunch of videos :D20:18
binarymutantwrst: windows :D20:19
* wrst sends condolonces20:20
binarymutantI'll go ahead and guess... Vista20:20
Unit193^^ Basic20:23
wrstouch Unit19320:23
wrsti think i would be like cyberanger and just go cli all the way20:23
Unit193Not too much, I don't really use it at all (Best running hardware in the house though :/ )20:24
binarymutantcli all the way is hardcore, even I use Xorg20:24
wrstbinarymutant: I like my mouse20:25
wrstand flashy stuff20:25
wrstbut not flash20:25
binarymutantI don't hate my mouse or flash20:26
Unit193I use my mouse, but I use terminal all the time20:26
binarymutantyeah ^^ +120:26
wrstbinarymutant: I just don't care much for flash I'm really glad for html520:26
binarymutantwrst: no youtube?20:27
wrsthtml5 binarymutant20:27
wrsti'm going to start using it at home, have at work today a little bit20:27
wrstflash in winders or linux is just too much of a hog20:27
binarymutantthat's true, but it still installed on my stuff20:28
binarymutantGAH what is with recruiters hating on my PDF resume and asking for doc?!20:29
wrstbinarymutant: that's weird but some people...20:31
binarymutantalmost all the tech recruiters I talk to in the area request for me to change formats. I'm like are you really that scared of a pdf?20:33
wrstsend them an odt?20:33
binarymutantlol yeah right20:34
binarymutantif they freak out over pdf, I don't want to see what they write about odt20:34
binarymutant"Whats 'O', 'D', 'T?' 'Are you sending this company malware?' etc20:35
binarymutantidk it's been bugging me all week. Doc format bleh20:37
Unit193Looks like I had atleast 30G of ISOs20:47
wrstUnit193: no telling how many GB of ISO's I have i think i have every version K, X etc of ubuntu since 7.1020:48
Unit193wrst: I still have over 10 in just one folder :P20:48
wrsti have folders for each release20:49
wrsti have ubuntu/current  ubuntu/old with teh release numbers aand server etc all x64 x3220:49
binarymutantthat's a lot20:50
wrstbut if i need to free up space I can pretty easy20:51
binarymutantbet you'll be glad when they stop doing releases and switch to rolling20:53
wrsti won't care then binarymutant :)20:54
wrstbinarymutant:  if they do that I might go more fulltime ubuntu20:54
vychuneas usual nobody is home21:00
wrstvychune: that's right we always leave when we see you coming :P21:01
vychune-_- lol21:01
vychunehow's it going wrst21:01
wrstgood vychune, you?21:01
vychunelotta wining i can do but i wont21:02
wrstthats not good vychune :\21:05
vychunei know21:05
vychune? meetingology ?21:06
Unit193Meeting bot21:08
vychuneUnit193: o/21:09
vychunehow you been dude21:16
Unit193Hopefully not too bad, you?21:17
vychunei can complain but i wont21:19
cyberangereven I use openbox, but I keep it light, I want processing power to process data, not render graphics I don't need21:21
binarymutantcyberanger: +121:22
cyberangerbinarymutant: ho's it going mr. mutant ;-)21:22
cyberangeryeah, just not flooding again21:23
cyberanger(so far)21:23
binarymutanthopefully it stays like that21:24
cyberangerno kidding21:24
cyberanger(already had one flood this week man)21:25
binarymutantgeeze really?21:25
vychunecyberanger: o/21:25
cyberangerthursday night/friday morning21:25
cyberangernot as bad as I first thought, but a mess nonetheless21:27
binarymutantI forgot it stormed before the weekened21:28
binarymutanthttp://loco.ubuntu.com is new to me23:16
binarymutantthe wiki get ditched?23:16
wrstbinarymutant: you have been gone too long23:16
binarymutantyes I have23:16
wrstyou have lots to catch up on!23:17
binarymutanthttp://loco.ubuntu.com ?23:18
Unit193LoCo directory23:19
binarymutanthttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/TennesseeTeam/Meeting I remember this, seems like it got replaced..23:22
binarymutantanyone else experiencing problems signing into wiki.ubuntu.com?23:31
binarymutantha nvm, that took forever23:31
Unit193It's wiki.ubuntu.com, what do you expect?23:32
Unit193Problems with wiki = normal = no problems here23:33
binarymutantstellar performance :D23:34
Unit193Quite! Couldn't beat it with a hammar and nails!23:35
binarymutantwoot wiki updated, doing stuff is fun :P23:37
wrstbinarymutant: that's here now: http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/tennessee.team23:37
binarymutantwell I can't edit that :P23:39
binarymutantI linked the wiki to the loco.ubuntu.com page :D  [random babble]23:53
wrstcool binarymutant23:54
binarymutantterra nova?23:58

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