
=== Chat6312 is now known as let_me_in
tumbleweedSymmetria: something is broken on mirror.ac.za. Getting odd 403 and 404s05:59
kbmonkeythats no good tumbleweed :/06:05
superflyyeah, mirror.ac.za has been quite buggy of late06:05
magespawnmorning all06:13
superflyhiya magespawn06:13
magespawnhow are things on this fine monday morning?06:14
kbmonkeylinux: be root. windows: re boot :D06:15
superflyYou know, initially I didn't like takealot.com's design, but it's growing on me...06:17
superflyit's actually a tad easier to navigate than Take2's old site06:17
magespawnnever really shopped at it that much06:20
kbmonkeyoh so that is take2 redesigned? was wondering how I got on their mailing list 06:20
superflytake2 had a whole big "remake" of themselves06:21
superflyI can see their offices from my office, and their warehouse is just up the road from my office... it's really cool being able to just go and fetch my stuff instead of waiting for it to be delivered06:22
kbmonkeyi like take2 too06:23
kbmonkeywow thats close superfly06:24
superflykbmonkey: yep, very cool06:25
magespawnsuperfly if we ask you to get our stuff will it get to us quicker? maybe start a delivery service?07:15
magespawnthat is meant as a joke.07:18
DraZoroGood Morning World!07:18
magespawngood day DraZoro07:18
DraZoroHello magespawn07:18
superflymagespawn: hehehe07:22
magespawnwe need a sarcasm/joke font.07:23
* superfly goes to grab some tea before the next meeting07:27
nuvolarimornings o/07:38
Kilosmorning superfly and others07:59
kbmonkeyhallo nuvolari o/08:17
Kiloslo kbmonkey nuvolari 08:17
kbmonkeyhuh, I placed an ad in gumtree for a free operating system, advertising ubuntu discs. they removed my ad. how rude.08:17
Kilosthat sucks08:17
kbmonkeyi think they have a policy against links in the text :p08:18
Kilosah do it again and give your email address08:18
Kilosi think i gave a fone no. as well and got calls next day08:19
kbmonkeybbl, have to run some errands :D08:21
magespawnback all.09:24
magespawnmorning kilos09:24
Kiloshiya magespawn 09:24
Kiloslol same thing09:24
magespawni charge ppl for the actual disk but not for the download09:25
nuvolarimorning oom Kilos 10:07
nuvolario wag10:07
nuvolariKilos: hoe gaan dit vandag oom?11:00
nuvolarien het oom 'n lekker naweek gehad?11:01
Kilosdit gaan goed dankie seun en ja die naweek was nie sleg nie dankie11:01
nlsthznAny wiki experts here? posting the IRC log of our recent meeting (ubuntu-ae) and the lines are to long... what would be the easiest way to make the lines wrap?13:19
confluencyWhat wiki?13:31
nlsthznubuntu wiki... sorry13:31
nlsthznconfluency, ^^13:31
confluencyYes, but what is the wiki software?  Link?13:31
confluencyI'm guessing the answer is either "don't paste it in a preformatted block" or "wrap it in a text editor before pasting it in a preformatted block".13:32
nlsthznI pasted into edit and it is wrapping... but whan I copy paste from there it is again not wraped13:33
confluencyI mean hard wrapping.13:33
confluencyMost editors will display long lines as wrapped; that doesn't mean it's doing anything to them.13:34
nlsthznby hard wrap you mean break each offending line manually?13:34
confluencyWhat do you mean by "the lines are too long"?  Are they not wrapping in the browser, or do you just not like where they wrap?13:35
confluencyYou shouldn't need to wrap *manually*; I'm pretty sure there's a hard wrap option somewhere in teh editor.13:35
nlsthznthey are too long... so you have to scroll to the right in your browser to read them...13:35
confluencyOK, then you are probably pasting them in such a way that they are becoming a preformatted block.13:36
nlsthznconfluency, will go look... had done it before, can't remember how :)13:36
nlsthznthanks for the assistance :)13:36
confluencyDo you *want* them to be a preformatted block, or do you not really care?13:36
inetpronlsthzn: https://addons.mozilla.org/addons/previews/235113:37
confluencynlsthzn: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpOnMoinWikiSyntax13:37
inetproToggle word wrapping and PRE element wrapping in the message composition and HTML display windows, respectively.13:37
inetprobut that will only help to read it in the browser13:38
inetprowithout wrapping13:38
confluencyUh... that isn't going to help anyone else who is reading the wiki.13:38
inetproconfluency: true13:38
confluencynlsthzn: can you pastebin your page source?  It looks like you have to do an explicit {{{ }}} to suppress formatting, so I'm not sure what you're doing.13:39
* inetpro off to a meeting... wbbl13:40
nlsthznconfluency, http://pastebin.com/ZEsHBBMt13:40
confluencyYeah, that's your problem -- you're putting it in an unformatted block.  Which also suppresses line wrapping.13:42
confluencySimplest solution: hard wrap in an editor.13:43
nlsthznconfluency, k, thanks... will try to get that done (shall fire up writer and see what options I have)13:43
confluencyFor maximum prettiness I would use tabs and indents, but that may get a little involved.13:44
confluencynlsthzn: fold -s yourfile.txt13:46
confluencyDefault width is 80; you can override it with -w.13:47
confluency-s makes it break at spaces instead of in the middle of words.13:47
nlsthznconfluency, awesome... should have known GNU would have this covered... thanks :D13:47
nlsthznalready man fold open :)13:47
confluencynlsthzn: also check out fmt.13:53
confluencyfmt -t indents lines after the first differently at each split, which could make the logs more readable.13:54
nlsthznconfluency, with fold, it just dumps to stdout and doesn't effect the file it seems (which isn't an issue as i just copied from terminal)... or is it possible to write it to a file (man is vague and my terminal skills are non existant)13:56
confluencyYes, you need to redirect it somewhere.  It doesn't modify the file in-place.  GNU utilities seldom do.13:56
confluency> newfile13:57
nlsthznthat would use > then fold -s orignal.txt > new.txt ?13:57
nlsthznawesome, thanks... this is more than enough for the purpose of the wiki... cheers13:58
confluencyNo problem.13:58
Kilosgood avy14:53
nlsthznhate when I have song in my head and can't remember the name/artist15:01
nlsthznsong from SA, late 90's early 2000... think it was called sea level...15:01
nlsthzn"... got dust on my tekkies, a bump on my head..."15:01
Kilosthere lotsa dust there. i seen pics of sandstorms15:02
nlsthznthat was lyrics from the song15:02
Kilosmaybe one of the younger fellas will know15:03
Kilosmy favourite times were 60's to 80's i think15:04
Kilosapart from no matter what15:04
Kilosthat got me first time i heard it15:04
Kilosmaybe the guys on #glug.za will know . there seem to be more jollers there15:05
nlsthznto many geeks in here for good music eh>15:09
Vhatawhat part of being a geek excludes you from listening to good music?15:09
nlsthznnotice the ?... it was a question... and a joke at the lack of response ;)15:12
highvoltagenlsthzn: I guess if anything, being a geek would cause someone to listen to a much wider variety of music.15:14
nlsthznpossibly... but I guess at the end of the day people have preferences and you listen to what you like :) No right or wrong answer to music 15:16
VhataI'd say there is definitely an objective measure that can tell you that some pieces of music are better than others15:17
Vhatamusic and maths go hand in hand15:17
highvoltageI tend to disagree and draw the line at music that's not in any way artistic. Like "Sokkiejol 2011 Volume 23" or things like that.15:17
highvoltageand I agree with Vhata :)15:18
nlsthznWell, I like what I do... and it may be bad by any measure... not going to matter much to me15:18
Vhatarelativist fallacy!15:19
* nlsthzn has no idea how to respond to that so decides to fire up Banshee and listen to music he loves...15:20
Kilosand still no answer15:22
Kilosmaybe the monkey will know15:23
Kilosbe patient nlsthzn 15:23
nlsthznTried Facebook... I doubt that the mathematical algorithm of the song is in harmony with ubuntu-za at this time of year...15:23
nlsthznj/k :p15:23
Kilosor give a few more lines of the song15:23
Kiloslo highvoltage Vhata 15:24
* nlsthzn hates singing... very off key (or is that of key)... only time will tell...15:24
Kilosoff is right15:25
Kilosnot the one that also says money in my pocket and a tiger in my tank?15:25
nlsthznthanks uncle Kilos ... 15:26
nlsthznno that isn't ringing any bells15:26
nlsthzn..." sea level, caught between the angels and the devil..." part of chorus...15:26
nlsthznnot to worry... seeing as I can't get anything on-line I doubt I will find a way to play it (via youtube etc.) 15:27
VhataUrban Creep - Sea Level15:28
Vhatasomebody had the same problem as you: http://osprey.unisa.ac.za/phorum/read.php?260,9485815:29
nlsthznVhata, awesome... I actually looked into urban creep and it didn't seem right so I gave up... thanks, much appreciated!15:29
Kiloswell done Vhata 15:30
VhataI just googled for:  "sea level" caught between the angels and the devil lyrics15:30
nlsthznso did I :/ ... I tried various different variations... oh well I fail at Google15:33
highvoltagenlsthzn: I'm very bad at singing but that doesn't stop me.15:34
nlsthznI feel sorry for those around me15:34
highvoltageoh it's one of those things that I only do in my car and in the shower.15:35
Kilosnlsthzn, how big is it 15:38
Kilosand can you just go download it15:38
nlsthznah... it is only a demo (used for ringtones) about 1.3MB... not worth it if Net is capped... 15:39
Kilosna get that song scroomba i think it was called it wipes other songs outa your mind15:40
Kiloslol especially kids15:41
Kiloswhat about de la rey nlsthzn 15:44
Kilosyou eek that too?15:44
nlsthznwell... I am not going to listen to it on purpose...15:45
magespawngood evening all15:51
Kiloshiya magespawn 15:51
nlsthzno/ 15:52
magespawnjust reading about the music discussion earlier15:53
magespawnone is an opinion about what is good or bad and the other is a technical quantification.15:55
magespawnbig words for this late in the day. anyway i am off home later all.15:56
Kiloscheers magespawn 15:56
nuvolaritoday be a happy day16:32
nuvolarijust 'cause16:32
Kiloslol what happened nuvolari 16:32
Kilosgood to see you happy at the end of the day16:32
nuvolariniks oom16:32
nuvolariek het net 'n goeie gemoed16:33
Kilosgaan jy  miskien n lotto wen of iets16:33
nuvolarinee oom16:33
nuvolarikan nie wen as ek nie speel nie :P16:33
nuvolaridink dis dalk oor ek uitsien na my helikopter16:34
Kiloslol gaan jy een van hulle koop?16:34
nuvolarija oom! ek't gister uitgevind die een oom en sy seun vlieg en voer self in16:37
Kilosbietjie veiliger as n mountain bike16:37
Kilosskuus man16:37
nuvolariheh, ja dit is oom :P ek't my alie bietjie lelik gesien die eenkeer, maar ek begin nou weer fiks word16:38
nuvolarioi dit was 'n lang dag!16:57
nuvolaridink ek moet vanaand vroeg  gaan inkruip16:57
Kilosgoeie plan as jy moeg is16:58
Vhata250 #ubuntu-za18:25

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