
magpiiwhat is liquidsoap?00:00
urlin2umagpii, did you install lquid soap?00:00
magpiinot sure, gimme a sec to check00:00
urlin2umagpii, look on the web for ehatit is.00:01
magpiiliquidsoap is not installed according to synaptic00:02
urlin2umagpii, not sure really00:02
magpiiusing the top command, how do i kill a pid user?00:06
magpiisorry, just a user00:06
SIFTUmagpii: use htop and save yourself some pain00:07
skegeekWhat are the up-to-date repository domains?00:07
skegeeksecurity.ubuntu.com has been failing on me for months.00:07
th0rmagpii: you can usually kill the process with 'kill -9 pid'00:07
bastidrazorskegeek: pick a different mirror00:07
skegeekI need a mirror list then.00:08
hellslingerdoes anyone know how to make a synaptic trackpad retain its settings after login?00:08
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th0rhellslinger: synclient might help00:08
hellslingerth0r, I'm able to set those settings with it, but the settings do not stay00:08
bastidrazorskegeek: Synaptic > Settings > Repositories > Download from; select Other > Select Best Server00:09
th0rhellslinger: I would put the settings into a script and run it at login00:09
magpiipyp is pid id 1390, when i try to kill it, it tells me the operation is not permitted00:09
jschallon my mom's machine, flashplugin has stopped working twice and I've had her run "sudo apt-get --reinstall install flashplugin-installer" which has fixed the problem both times. Anyone know why it happens and how to stop it from happening? She uses chromium on kubuntu 11.04 on a system76 gazelle professional.00:09
bastidrazormagpii: sudo00:09
hellslingerth0r: do you know where the scripts are that set it after it comes out of suspend00:10
th0rhellslinger: nope, I run debian00:10
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magpiiok, whats the command line to kill the pid id? i type "k" then type the pid number, then what?00:11
th0rmagpii: 'sudo kill -9 pid#'00:11
bastidrazormagpii: once you know the PID; outside of top type sudo kill PID00:11
bastidrazorth0r: -9 isn't always a smart idea.00:12
magpiiahh, so i type in a new terminal, duh, me thick lol00:12
th0rbastidrazor: I think it will be needed in this case00:12
bastidrazorth0r: assuming is bad.00:12
tester_ im trying to dual boot windows 7 and blackbuntu.  i have a c drive and then 373 gbs of unallocated space.  how can i put linux on the allocated space?00:12
bastidrazortester_: ask in the blackbuntu channel.00:13
graingertis it possible to get update-manager dist upgrade to just do the download section00:13
tester_theres only 2 people in there :{00:14
graingertwithout having to sit and watch it and hit cancel00:14
magpiiwhen i type in a new terminal: sudo kill pid 1390. i get this message: ERROR: garbage process ID "pid".00:14
graingertpid isn't a valid pid00:14
bastidrazortester_: then patience is key.00:14
th0rmagpii: just the number, no pid00:14
graingertmagpii: ^00:14
magpiiok will try again, thanks for ya patience, i am reletivly new to ubuntu. cheers for the help00:15
graingertwhy not use killall00:15
=== BerryPunch is now known as eyearesea
graingertwhat are you trying to kill magpii?00:15
StepNjumpWhat is linux's live session user default password please?00:15
bastidrazorStepNjump: there isn't one00:15
graingertStepNjump: there isn't one00:15
Stanley00StepNjump: nothing00:16
graingertlinux does not have a live session00:16
StepNjumpLol gmta00:16
graingertit's just a kernel00:16
graingert!google gmta00:16
ubottuI have no google command, use http://www.google.com/00:16
StepNjumpI am trying to change the password00:16
magpiiok, when i type sudo kill 1390, i get: kill: No such process00:16
graingertmagpii: doesn't exist anymore00:16
graingertit died of natural causes00:17
graingertwhat are you trying to kill?00:17
Stanley00magpii: then "there's no such process" ;)00:17
magpiiwhen i type sudo kill liquidsoap, i get ERROR: garbage process ID "liquidsoap".00:17
graingertmagpii: use killall liquidsoap00:17
graingertand why sudo?00:17
StepNjumpWhen I try to change the password, it says the current password is not valid00:17
jiohditry using terminal type top... it will show running processes and their pids00:17
Stanley00magpii: kill only accept pid, use killall with process name00:17
jiohdiand if you type k you can kill them00:17
graingertStepNjump: don't change the password on a live system00:17
StepNjumpI would like to sign on as su graingert00:18
magpiiif there is no such process, then why is it listed number 5 from the top of the list of running processes in "top"?00:18
graingertStepNjump: then use sudo00:18
StepNjumpyeah ok thanks graingert00:18
jiohdimagpii, type k then the pid then 900:18
graingertmagpii: did you run "killall liquidsoap"00:18
bastidrazorStepNjump: you can use sudo -i00:19
StepNjumpthanks bastidrazor00:19
magpiiyes, i ran killall liquidsoap, "no such process found"#00:19
jiohdizombies are hard to kill00:19
graingertmagpii: run ps -ef | grep liquid00:20
graingertand pastebin the output00:20
bastidrazorStepNjump: you're welcome.00:20
Derpywhat's the deal with the floodbots?00:21
magpiii think this is the right link to the pastebin page http://pastebin.com/wpfMFvwh00:21
ntr0pymagpii: maybe run as root:             for I in $(pidof liquidsoap) ; do kill -KILL $I ; done00:22
graingertkill 2009800:23
suprblyhow do you get root on ubuntu00:23
graingertsudo kill 2009800:23
graingertsuprbly: you can't00:23
magpiiwhen i type that command in terminal it tells me that the operation is not permited00:23
magpiii a running with elevated access00:23
graingertsudo kill 2009800:23
urlin2usuprbly, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo00:24
magpiieverytime i kill the pid number related to user "pypo" it instantly re apears in "top" list with a different pid number00:25
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BerryPunchoh my00:29
lostinthewoodsHelp. My BIOS can see my Western Digital green drives but Live DVD can't. Any ideas?00:31
ntr0pysudo chmod -x /usr/lib/airtime/pypo/bin/liquidsoap_bin/liquidsoap00:31
zykotick9suprbly, WHY do you need root?  sudo should work 99% of the time?00:31
Glitchy_Does anyone here know how to find the channels for anon?00:31
bastidrazorGlitchy_: /msg ubottu alis00:32
magpiiok, here is a full list of stuff that is shown in the "top" command in terminal. could someone please tell me whether i need to worry about user "pypo" as i am admin and the only authorized user apart from boinc client http://pastebin.com/zZnNpjCR00:32
og01suprbly: sudo -s for root shell00:32
og01suprbly: you can then change the root password if you desire with passwd00:33
tjiggi_fomagpii, pypo is part of liquidsoap: http://wiki.sourcefabric.org/display/CC/Scheduler+%28Liquidsoap,+pypo,+API%2900:33
zykotick9og01, why didn't you wait to see if they gave a reason?  And "sudo -i" is the more official answer.00:33
urlin2umagpii, I wold just reboot if it s just a zombie.00:33
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zykotick9og01, also giving directions to set a root pw is not supported in this channel00:34
Glitchy_Doesn't seem as though anyone wants to help, I think I may search elsewhere00:34
bastidrazorGlitchy_: i told you how to find channels.00:34
magpiitop is listing 1 zombie. I guess that must be "pypo". i did install some software to run a radio station a few days ago but havnt got round to configuring it yet00:34
og01zykotick9: he asked a direct question... it might not be recommended, but thats his problem.00:34
Glitchy_I messaged you, it's not finding them at all00:34
bastidrazorGlitchy_: possibly freenode doesn't have a channel like that.00:35
tjiggi_foGlitchy_, /msg alis list *anon*00:35
qinog01: Not, if he foo bar something and come back to help.00:35
urlin2umagpii, that is the answer the liquidsoap script I wouldn't worry about it really00:37
jmbsvicettoHello. Where can I find checksums for the 11.04 64bits desktop release? I couldn't find them through http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download and the checksums on http://ftp.heanet.ie/pub/ubuntu-cdimage/releases/11.04/release/ mention ubuntu-11.04-desktop-amd64+mac.iso and not ubuntu-11.04-desktop-amd64.iso00:38
Stanley00!checksum | jmbsvicetto00:38
ubottujmbsvicetto: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows00:38
og01qin: is it required to hold everybody's hand? his question was quite direct.  but dont worry I'll leave for now.00:38
ubottuSee https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.00:38
Stanley00qin: =))00:39
magpiithanks. i was told by a friend to run the "top" command to see what was running on my system, i got a bit worried when i saw "pypo" listed as a user as i am the only user of this comp. at least i know now that it isnt a problem. thanks everyone for your imput. I really apreciate the help being a new (ish) user of ubuntu00:39
qinStanley00: Discovering ubottu quite tricky sometimes ;)00:39
urlin2umagpii, I would used to htop you can kill stuff with it you just need to install it00:40
qinmagpii: htop is much better.00:40
jmbsvicettoStanley00: Thanks. I see that page only lists md5sums (no sha1 or sha256 sums).00:40
magpiiok cheers, is htop in sepositories?00:41
qinmagpii: Yes00:41
SIFTUmagpii: i probably suggested htop about 30 mins ago00:42
urlin2ujmbsvicetto, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToSHA256SUM00:42
magpiiindeed you did, but i didnt register it as i was pre occupied with a slight touch of panic at the possibility of my system being invaded.00:43
qinI do intend to connect to wpa2 with wpa_suplicant or wicd (or whatever), is there lesser (newer) how to, that I am not aware of? Natty, 32bit, RaLink RT2561/RT61, Headless.00:44
urlin2ujmbsvicetto, http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.04/00:44
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marcuscrassushey, can anyone help me? I can no longer view software in "software center" - ubuntu lucid 10.04: I'd like to know how to reintroduce the packages to software center.00:46
urlin2umarcuscrassus, run sudo apt-ge update in the terminal00:47
urlin2usudo apt-get update00:47
marcuscrassusok ill do that now thanks00:47
marcuscrassusthis is the message i got back: Type '“deb' is not known on line 52 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list00:48
magpiiok, pypo user just refuses to die. i cant figure out why liquidsoap is running as it is not installed on my system. i know there must be a logical explenation but i am too tired and still unfamilier with ubuntu. I will try a reboot and see if that helps. thanks for ya help.00:49
TechnicusHello . . . I have a friend who is trying to install the "IronHide" drivers -< https://launchpad.net/~mj-casalogic/+archive/ironhide/+packages >- on an Asus 1215n.  He has setup the repository and installed, but when he plays 1080 video it is like watching a slide show.  How can this be resolved?00:49
th0rmagpii: you said you installed software for a radio station but hadn't configured it yet?00:49
Stanley00marcuscrassus: you need open sources.list and edit the line it said, change the ", I think00:50
magpiiyes, i installed internet dj console but couldt configure it to work properly00:50
marcuscrassuswhat is open sources.list?00:50
th0rmagpii: liquidsoap is an environment for streaming audio and video00:50
atari2600acan you unmount /home/ when in a guest session?00:50
atari2600aI want to shrink /home/ to make a partition to hold a server VM I plan to create00:51
atari2600ayou know, to make re-imaging easier yet not have it goung through /home/'s ecryptfs bottleneck00:51
magpiii understand that, but i dont have the radio streaming software running yet liquid soap is still on the "top" list by user "pyro"00:51
Stanley00atari2600a: I dont think so, you should do that via a liveCD00:51
atari2600a(it's not DMA if it's ecryptfs :P)00:51
falthonhola sala00:52
atari2600aStanley00, yeah but that requires rebooting00:52
th0rmagpii: there is probably a daemon involved with the radio station software that was installed as part of the package.00:52
atari2600acould I dismount /home/ if I make guest symlink to /tmp/?00:52
magpiiok, i am going to uninstall it and start from afresh00:52
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urlin2umarcuscrassus, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_free_and_open_source_software_packages  Probablgive arefrence to stif ;ie that.y always00:56
urlin2usorry for the spelling give a reference to that if asking marcuscrassus00:57
marcuscrassusurlin2u hey so i opened that link, what can i do with it?00:59
urlin2umarcuscrassus, you asked about a list wityh no refrence that was the best I could glean from your question, which I think is self explanatory in itself really.01:00
RaptorsIs there any way to limit the battery charge level?01:00
RaptorsI want it to charge to a max of 50% of the capacity01:00
TtechRaptors, Unplug your laptop when it reaches 50%?01:01
urlin2uopen sourecs look that up and list hmm wonder what that means marcuscrassus :D01:01
Raptorsbecause apparently that's the optimum level01:01
RaptorsTtech, I don't want to use battery power when it reaches 50%01:01
Raptorsand I don't have a removable battery01:01
RaptorsIs there any software that can do it?01:01
TtechI think that is all hardware01:01
marcuscrassushm ok ill try to be more specific. i open software center but cannot find any packages there when i search manually or when i browse the categories provided. when i entered the line suggested into terminal: sudo apt: get update, i get the error message that deb could not be read in line 5201:02
sdperez79can someone please tell me how do I use alt ctrl del function in ubuntu?01:02
RaptorsTtech, why can't it be done on software? just stop charging when it reads 50%01:02
urlin2usdperez79, go to keyboard and set it up I think01:02
sdperez79to kill a process01:02
TtechRaptors, Because hardware controls charging not software01:02
marcuscrassusso what i want to know, is how to get those packages back, indeed, all packages so i can download software01:03
TtechSoftware just reads it01:03
urlin2usdperez79, use htop01:03
sdperez79i meant how to i kill processes01:03
sdperez79im a noob at this sorry01:03
urlin2usdperez79, install it, it has a search and kill01:03
urlin2usdperez79, you wil figure it out. :D01:04
Stanley00marcuscrassus: did you edit the file as i said?01:04
urlin2usdperez79, everything is on the web as well for info htop is in the software centrt. http://htop.sourceforge.net/01:05
marcuscrassusi did not, i wasnt sure which file to edit and how to do so...01:05
sdperez79this will kill stubborn windows like in windows?(Htop)??01:05
magpiion a dual processor, how do i restrict a programm to using just one processor?01:05
Stanley00marcuscrassus: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list01:05
Stanley00marcuscrassus:  the " cause the prob here01:06
marcuscrassusok ill punch that in now01:06
urlin2usdperez79, windows? not sure depends on what thwe window was.01:06
sdperez79one more question is it to late to change my login name or can i change it?01:06
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Stanley00sdperez79: try user account seting01:06
Stanley00sdperez79: if you cant find it there, it too late ;)01:07
urlin2usdperez79, not really a good idea just make a new account.01:07
marcuscrassusok so i typed that in, and i got a new window type thing with abunch of text... should i edit something there?01:08
sdperez79i found it thanks01:08
jmbsvicettourlin2u: thanks01:08
sanjidfor some reason, my sound was working perfectly, but is now coming out incredibly distorted. This happens with both banshee and movie player, so it's definitely an underlying issue. I use a Asus Sabertooth X58 if that helps.01:08
urlin2ujmbsvicetto, cool you figured it out. :D01:08
Stanley00marcuscrassus: press down key until you get to line 52, I guess it's some where in the end01:08
marcuscrassusok i did that01:08
marcuscrassusand i found some stuf id tried to download for tor01:09
marcuscrassusand there are quotes01:09
Stanley00marcuscrassus: delete the " before the deb01:09
marcuscrassusok, there are a few with quotes, all or just the one line?01:09
Stanley00marcuscrassus: yes, delete the " char , all of them01:09
marcuscrassusok, the ones before and after?01:09
Stanley00marcuscrassus: yes01:10
marcuscrassusok thats done01:10
marcuscrassusdo i just hit enter now?01:10
Stanley00marcuscrassus: press ctrl + O to save01:10
jmbsvicettourlin2u: Reading that page, there's no listing of the sha256 checksum, though01:10
Stanley00marcuscrassus: and ctrl + x to exit, then run sudo apt-get update again01:10
marcuscrassusok i hit that and nothing happened, is it saved or should there be a message?01:11
jmbsvicettourlin2u: and the one in the sha256sums file seems to be for a different file and has a different value01:11
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urlin2ujmbsvicetto, its on the second link I believe01:11
Stanley00marcuscrassus: when you press ctral + o, look at the bottom, it will ask you the name, just hit enter there01:11
marcuscrassusok, is it o the letter, or o the zero?01:12
marcuscrassusoh ok got it, it was the letter ;p01:12
Stanley00marcuscrassus: ;)01:12
urlin2ujmbsvicetto, http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.04/01:12
marcuscrassuscool thanks a lot, so ive done that, ill close this window and take a look in software center01:13
marcuscrassusThere is still a process running in this terminal. Closing the terminal will kill it- i got this message, do i need to do something else?01:13
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Stanley00marcuscrassus: did you press Ctrl + x to exit nano?01:14
jmbsvicettourlin2u: Thanks. Interesting, the iso I downloaded matches the md5, but fails sha25601:14
marcuscrassusum no i just clicked the close button at top left01:14
marcuscrassusdo that instead?01:14
urlin2ujmbsvicetto, I've never used anyone but the md5sum and hardly ever.01:14
Stanley00marcuscrassus: you should do that, and run sudo apt-get update before check in Ubuntu Software Center01:14
marcuscrassusok gotcha01:15
RaptorsTtech, can't the software tell the hardware to stop charging?01:16
marcuscrassushmmm still not seeing anything in software center... :(01:17
marcuscrassuswould reboot make any difference?01:17
Stanley00marcuscrassus: after running apt-get update?01:17
marcuscrassusyeah i ran that01:17
marcuscrassusand it did its thing01:17
marcuscrassusit looked like they all flooded back in01:18
marcuscrassusbut im still not seeing any options in software center01:18
marcuscrassusthere were some errors: W: A error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used.GPG error: http://dl.google.com stable Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY A040830F7FAC5991  W: GPG error: http://deb.torproject.org lucid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the pub01:19
marcuscrassusW: Failed to fetch http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/dists/stable/Release    W: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead. W: Duplicate sources.list entry http://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org/ lucid/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/deb.torproject.org_torproject.org_dists_lucid_main_binary-i386_Packages) W: Duplicate sources.list entry http://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org01:19
ubottuGetting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com <key> »01:20
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Stanley00xangua: thanks, maybe I need learn that ubottu ;)01:21
marcuscrassushey! theyre back! hooray! thanks Stanley00 :)01:24
Stanley00marcuscrassus: glad it did ;)01:24
TtechRaptors, no.01:26
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henningvisneed help to reset authentication using live cd01:29
henningvisany guru in here?01:30
graingerthenningvis: yep01:30
graingerthenningvis: what authentication01:30
henningvisi installed pam face authentication01:30
graingerthenningvis: k01:31
henningvisthen uninstalled it ...now my password is not recognised01:31
graingerthenningvis:  /etc/pam.conf01:31
graingertis your pw accepted in one of the tty's?01:31
henningvisi am on the live cd now01:31
graingertyou'll need to switch to your installed version01:32
graingertanyway I am off to bed01:32
graingertas I have nap to go to01:32
henningvisyes  i cn log in as root in reapar01:32
graingertI don't mean that01:32
graingertI mean tty01:32
maheanuugood afternoon/evening all, I am having a problem with an external 1.5 gb external drive that is formatted ntfs01:32
littlegi1affedoes anyone know which gnome component draws the wallpaper when gnome-control-center is started?  i would like to disable it permanently01:33
henningvisgraingert does mean no help form u?01:33
graingerthenningvis: I might help but IRC doesn't work in dream land :(01:34
qingraingert: hehe, i dream of irc01:35
=== sanjid is now known as sanjid|away
dr_willismakes me wonder why he just dosent reinstall pam face authentication again... and see if it works..01:38
maheanuuI have 2 of these drives that are both giving me the same error, and both ran beautifully on Ubuntu until they hiccupped and started giving me errors, I am running Ubuntu 10.10 and do NOT have windows on any maching01:38
maheanuumachine dammit01:38
dr_willismaheanuu:  what error?01:38
truepurpleHelp please, I put in a CD-R, I put in the files I want to burn onto it, it goes through what seems like the process of burning the files, afterwards it ejects the disk. But when I go to put the disk back in, it acts like it is blank, and when I bring it to another computer, it looks blank to that computer too01:38
maheanuudr_willis, http://paste.ubuntu.com/696993/01:39
dr_willismaheanuu:  and there are windows rescue/recovery/repair dvds you can get to fix any bad filesystems.01:39
dr_willisNot everyone has a browser handy. can you at least summarize the error message.01:39
maheanuuI have NO computer on windoze01:39
dr_willismaheanuu:  you CAN get a DVD that has windows on it... for free, legally, from ms..01:39
dr_willisits just a 'repair' dvd you can use to check ntfs filesystem and so forth.01:40
maheanuudr_willis, wow do you have more info or a lind?01:40
dr_willisbut the fact you have no windows machines.. makes us wonder why you are using NTFS at all.01:40
dr_willismaheanuu:  i think i bookmarked the link at my delicious.com/dr_willis site. I learned about the disks from the Lifehacker blog site.01:40
maheanuudr_willis, I use them for storage01:41
dr_willis #windows would know better.01:41
truepurpleHow do I mount my DVD player BTW?01:41
dr_willisquestion is why are you using  ntfs for storage :)  if its a all linux setup.01:41
dr_willistruepurple:  huh?01:41
maheanuuI need to have the large file storage and as everyone else out here in the leeward islands are all windoze users I can let them use the drives and be able to read them01:42
cornellHi, can anyone tell me how to ping a range of addresses?01:42
truepurpledr_willis, my DVD drive is not listed as a device, how to I get it to list so I can check the contents of the disk?01:42
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maheanuusorry dr_willis That was for you01:42
blacksunsevenmight seem like an odd question but is anyone aware of a cross-platform "air mouse" kind of application w/ keyboard support? i want to use my kb/mouse for control over computers with heads but no input devices w/o having to remote desktop or such01:43
dr_willismaheanuu:  http://www.delicious.com/dr_willis/windows    has links to the recovery disks - if you need to 'file system check' the drives.01:43
Anubiscornell: make it easy use nmap or install the gui version zenmap01:43
dr_willistruepurple:  then its not a 'dvd player' :) its a dvd optical drive.     a player would be an app or device that just plays dvd movies..01:44
Anubismeheanuu: use samba to enable linux and windows to share resources01:44
dr_willistruepurple:  you are putting in a dvd data disk? or are you trying to play a movie?01:44
PxGaZuZhello evry101:44
graingertblacksunseven: yep01:44
blacksunsevengraingert, name of it?01:44
graingertblacksunseven: it's called synergy01:44
truepurpledr_willis, it is a CD-R which may or may not contain data01:44
cornellThanks Anubis, I'll check it out.01:44
blacksunsevenok, that's the one i had found. didn't know if it was legit and wanted to seek any user reviews before troubling myself with installing it and trying to get it configured01:45
dr_willistruepurple:  if theres no data on teh disk. then you cant mount it..01:45
blacksunsevenhow is it graingert01:45
truepurpledr_willis, I thought I burned content to it, twice, but as I mentioned before, it isn't working right01:45
graingertblacksunseven: very good01:45
blacksunsevengraingert, awesome, that's what I want to hear. gonna give it a shot now.01:45
truepurpledr_willis, it acts like it burned the data, but then it doesn't seem to be there01:45
graingertblacksunseven: A lot of people use it for real world stuff01:45
sianhulohow can i enable screensaver?01:45
dr_willistruepurple:  burnt data to it how?01:45
graingertI used it to control my desktop from netbook01:45
cornellOf a sudden I can't "obtain addresses" from either of my WAPs, I don't know if it's the WAPs or IPCOP.01:45
graingertbut I never really needed it01:46
maheanuudr_willis,  Is This it?  Recover Deleted Files on an NTFS Hard Drive from a Ubuntu Live CD - How-To Geek01:46
graingertyou can't drag windows between the computers "yet"01:46
urlin2usianhulo, at will or after a bit of time?01:46
truepurpledr_willis, the pop up that came up when I put the disk it, I mean the pop up that use to come up when I put the disk in01:46
dr_willismaheanuu:  i never really looked at your pastebin of the error message and you never summariuzed it.. so i dont know what your original issue is.01:46
truepurpleIt even said "successfully burned"01:46
sianhulourlin2u, i meant, how do i change it?01:47
urlin2usian in screensaver01:47
urlin2usianhulo, in screensaver01:47
sianhuloi don't have that option here01:47
dr_willismaheanuu:  the win vista/7 recovery disk links there - let you get a windows 'rescue' type dvd you can boot and do various fs checks and other fix's.01:47
urlin2usianhulo, really what distro and desktop?01:48
sianhulohave screen, but it only shos how long the screen will be turn on without activity01:48
dr_willissianhulo:  so what are you wanting to change?01:48
sianhulourlin2u, oneiric with gnome, but haven't got an response at ubuntu+101:48
maheanuudr_willis, What is happening is that it tells me that it cannot be mounted and there are trashed files  It is telling me to do a fdisk /f and then reboot 2 times and I saw that  but not knowing 7 at all I wasn't sure01:49
sianhuloi want ubuntu to show an screensaver, right now the scrren just turn off01:49
maheanuudr_willis, headed back there now01:49
dr_willismaheanuu:  then you need to use a friends windows pc., or one of those dvd's to filesystem check the hd's01:49
dr_willisand make sure they safely remove usb device.. befor they unplug them :)01:50
truepurpledr_willis, are you still trying to help me?01:51
dr_willisoff to work for now truepurple ..    if its a data disk. try just mounting it by hand is about all i can sugegst. and check 'dmesg' command output for any errors.01:51
dr_willisbbl. if i can.01:52
truepurpledr_willis, how do I mount it by hand?01:53
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maheanuudr_willis, Thanks for your help, and time....  I have your page bookmarked now...01:55
cornellAnubis, Thanks, zenmap seemed to do the trick01:55
cornellI've a motorola WAP that I can access on an IP address.  I've also a Linksys, but it apparently doesn't have an IP address.  (zenmap reports 6 devices, none of which are the Linksys).01:58
cornellIf it's interacting with the LAN, it would need an IP address, no?01:59
PsiKloPxtruepurple: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount/USB Scroll down to Manually Mount01:59
mingdao_homeHow does one start sshd on Ubuntu?01:59
cornellps aux |egrep sshd02:00
syn-ackmingdao_home, First you have to install the sshd02:00
syn-ackthen it should start on it's own once installed. :D02:00
cornellto see if it's already running.02:00
qinmingdao_home: sudo apt-get install openssh-server; sudo service ssh start02:00
syn-ackcornell, it's prolly not installed.02:01
blacksunsevenany virtualbox users in here?02:01
mingdao_homecornell: it's not running02:02
mingdao_homemingdao@jeremiah ~ $ rsync -av .Xdefaults mingdao@
mingdao_homessh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused02:02
egoproctorcan anyone help me determine why my Fn keys are not working properly anymore?02:02
cornellsshd?  I just did  a new install on my ubuntu, don't recall installing ssh.  Of course, I don't recall a lot of things ;-)02:02
mingdao_homeI ssh'ed into .17 and I'm on .1502:02
mingdao_homecornell: this is my first time to use Ubuntu personally02:02
cornellmingdao_home, I've been using it for years, love it.  Of course that doesn't make me an expert ;-)02:03
mingdao_homecornell: there are *no* experts in *nix ;)02:03
mingdao_homeqin: thanks, mate ... that fixed me right up02:03
cornellWell, there's that ;-)02:04
mingdao_homeyeah ... gotta have my urxvt properly configed02:04
cornellAgain, shouldn't my WAP show up with an IP address in the zenmap results?02:04
mingdao_homekonsole rather stinks compared02:04
cornellk, gotta go take care of some chores, TTFN02:06
mbaxterhi all02:08
markivHi. Is this the right place to ask assistance for a bug?02:12
NostocA bug with your OS or another program, or a bug with xchat?02:12
markivNostoc: A bug with Ubuntu.02:13
jaypurcan someone help me at ascii filter at libre office???/02:13
NostocI believe there are more specific channels for that, I'm sure you can find one on the site.02:14
qinmarkiv: What isits number? Perhaps you can ask, but much better isto follow it on launchpad.02:14
quemi want to try if my mobile connection is working, while stay online through my 'regular' connection.02:16
quema few years ago i would've had a clue02:16
markivqin: thanks. I'm trying to check up with launchpad to see if there's been a similar bug/fix. I'll aks here if I'm unsuccessful02:16
qinquem: There is ifconfig02:17
quemqin: any way to tell the browser to use a specific connection?02:19
qinquem: Yes, you can bind (using bind.so) program to interface, or use iptables.02:20
semitonesrww: i just have one question about dr who02:24
semitonesoops wrong channel02:24
AmdpcHi..I just formated a partition in ext4.When I click on mount it gives an error and says "Daemon is inhibited".Any ideas ?02:35
bluebirdwow, so many peoples here.02:35
AnubisAmdpc: see here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=160456302:37
mingdao_homeAnubis: was just about to do that ;)02:37
mingdao_homefirst hit on Google ;)02:37
Anubisfix seems to be: sudo killall udisks02:39
AmdpcAnubis : Thanks :) I think I have to reboot the computer..see u soon..Bye. :)02:40
scxi want to convert bmp files to jpeg files02:43
arooni-mobile__is it possible to utilize a wifi connection and a mobile broadband connection at the same time?  and have it be faster than just using one?02:43
scxi tried: convert *.bmp *.jpeg02:43
Shaba1Hello all02:44
scxbut i dont want change file names02:44
kazzyscx, you mean you don't want the extensions to be changed?02:46
Shaba1I am a experianced windows user. I am just trying out linux using wubi  using ubuntu 11.04. I do have ubuntu classic deskt top on since that seems more familar to me from the previous version I have tried and since it looks more like a windows desktop. My first question is how to I arrange the icons on my desktop to my liking?02:46
sdperez79what is the alternative to real player?I need the flv downloader!02:46
Shaba1I see only "Organize Desktop by name" when I right click02:46
hikenbootanyone in here install cacti with plugin architecture patch02:46
Shaba1and a lot of the icon names seems to overlap each other02:46
sdperez79what do i need to be able to download flv videos from anysite02:48
Amdpc<sdperez79> : Are you talking about youtube ?02:48
sdperez79yes,youtube and other sites that have flv files02:48
segolCan only get 960x529 @ 0Hz apparently on an IBM G78 6627-4AN being pushed by an Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE/PE DRAM Controller/Host-Hub Interface (rev 03), I know this screen and GPU can do 1600x1200@60Hz as well as 1024x768@85Hz02:50
segolsdperez79 I know you used to be able to pull the videos from /tmp02:51
eblumeHi, I have what I think is a very basic question that I'm astonished I don't know and can't find the answer to. I have a file that is owned by user X and group Y with permissions rwxrwx---. If user B is also a member of group Y, shouldn't she be able to change the permissions of the file?02:51
Amdpc<sdperez79> : To download from youtube,Open the video in the browser and replace the www.youtube.com/<link> with www.keep-tube.com/<link>.02:51
Amdpc<sdperez79> This only works for youtube...I dont know for other sites ;)02:52
ChogyDansdperez79: I know there are firefox plugins that do it02:52
segolsdperez79 I remember someone posted a script that pulled the .flv files from wherever they're stored now02:53
sdperez79thanks ,thats the only thing i miss about windwos02:54
Shaba1Hello any answer for me?02:54
camurp0If I am just listening to music on computer and I don't need to put the music on a portable media player, should I use .mp3 or .ogg?02:54
Jordan_Ueblume: "The application shall ensure that the effective user ID of the process matches the owner of the file or the process has appropriate privileges in order to do this." http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/functions/chmod.html02:54
segolShaba1 right click the desktop and uncheck "keep aligned"02:55
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Jordan_Ueblume: So, barring special odd privileges gained through other means beyond classic *NIX permissions, to change the permissions of a file you must own said file.02:56
scxkazzy: i tried "mogrify -format jpg *.bmp" and it works for me as i want02:56
Shaba1I had that checked segol02:56
eblumeJordan_U: If I have a set of files which I want a group of users to be able to access, I should probably add the users to a group and make the group the group-owner of the files, right? So that works fine, but my followup question is - does what you just linked mean those users can never change the permissions of the file?02:56
Shaba1but it really did not seem to do anyting02:56
codehotterWhen I type in a java web start application, sometimes it stops responding to keyboard input for several seconds, after which I can use the keyboard again. I'm giving the input to a text box, the cursor is still blinking while it does not accept my input.02:56
scxsdperez79: try youtube-dl02:57
knightragesdperez79: missed your question, but if you're trying to grab FLVs from websites, check http://n00bsys0p.wordpress.com/2011/02/10/how-to-download-flash-10-2-video-streams-in-linux/ . don't do anything illegal :p02:57
Jordan_Ueblume: Correct.02:57
eblumeJordan_U: To put it another way, is it true to say that if you have two distinct users X and Y and neither are root, you can't have it so that both X and Y can change permissions of the file?02:57
Shaba1I still have some icons overlap each other02:57
eblumeJordan_U: I just want to be very sure I understand this. Thanks very much. :)02:58
segol Shaba1 the desktop itself is very limited on how it organizes, no idea why it's the only place that only allows organization by name or none at all02:58
Jordan_Ueblume: Correct.02:58
Shaba1Ok thanks segold.02:58
Shaba1I guess I will just have to make folders on the desktop and organize them myself02:59
eblumeJordan_U: Ok, thank you very much. One other quick question. If I really, badly needed the above ability, would it be generally secure to set up a 'sudo' profile that allowed members of that group to execute commands as a non-privileged user who is the owner of those files?02:59
scxShaba1: try fallback mode02:59
eblumeJordan_U: and thereby allow file permission changes?02:59
sdperez79thanks knight rage,i just dl music videos and others for work we dont have internet out there...02:59
Shaba1scx: what is fallback mode?03:00
codehottereblume: It's often more productive to try to go a level higher to what you really, in the end, want to achieve, rather than insisting in doing it in a particular way that the system was not designed to accomodate. You're swimming uphill, so to speak.03:00
Shaba1and how does one 'try' it?03:00
eblumecodehotter: I absolutely do agree. Conceptually though the challenge is a requirement handed to me in which a group of users need the ability to flag a file as read-only, after it was originally generated as read-and-writeable by the group.03:01
johnlatest firefox killed my bookmarks and removed google as search engine03:02
johncan't say I like it03:02
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eblumecodehotter: I absolutely 100% agree that it's a flawed requirement to begin with due to the fact that having the permission to change security means that setting a file as read-only doesn't provide any actualy security. But it's a requirement. :(03:02
codehottereblume: It is often possible to go to your superiors and get the requirement that is handed to you changed. In many cases, figuring out what the superior really needs can save you both time and trouble03:02
MTProwerjohn: Firefox is amazing. I've never had any problems with it. Been using it for years.03:03
eblumecodehotter: I'll do my best to try and get it changed. To give you an idea though, the PREVIOUS requirement was to have these documents synthesized as PDF's because PDF's "can't be edited". I tried very hard to explain how untrue that was and finally got it changed... to this.03:03
eblumeThanks everyone! I feared this was the case.03:03
johndon't think this has anything to do with firefox, its the ubuntu extension for it that screws up03:04
johnright now I can't even add google as search engine03:05
qineblume: You can add users to same group, man chmod, man chown, man adduser.03:05
codehottereblume: why are your superiors suggesting technical solutions for you to implement? You're the one with technical expertise ; ) Let them suggest what they really need - without any technical words - and let you implement the solution - which we'll help you with. But we can't help you with the specific way in which you're trying to solve the problem.03:05
eblumeqin: Thanks. We just established however that adding users to the group doesn't allow those users to change the permissions, which is the requirements.03:05
johnhad to disable the ubuntu addon to get rid of the Ask-shit03:06
segolCan only get 960x529 @ 0Hz apparently on an IBM G78 6627-4AN being pushed by an Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE/PE DRAM Controller/Host-Hub Interface (rev 03), I know this screen and GPU can do 1600x1200@60Hz as well as 1024x768@85Hz03:06
qineblume: whats, why: man chown03:06
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eblumecodehotter: FDA regulation is a very strange beast in which people who know nothing about software development made sometimes-specific and sometimes-vague proclamations about what is and isn't required. THis particular requirement reads something like 'after being created, patient data files must not be editable'. I'm working with the people who interpreted that as 'permissions!' to make them understand that other systems can work for03:07
=== Administrator is now known as scx
scxShaba1: https://help.ubuntu.com/11.04/ubuntu-help/fallback-mode.html03:08
eblumeqin: I'm not sure what you mean. Are you suggesting that the users use chown to change the ownership of the file so they can then chmod? I was fairly certain that only root can chown a file03:08
eblumeqin: or possibly the file owner, but certainly not 'group owners'03:09
codehottereblume: OK, so what system is creating the patient data files?03:09
mingdao_homeAm I the only one who feels it necessary to "export LC_COLLATE=C03:09
eblumecodehotter: Don't worry about it, I'm sure I can take it from here. I was just feeling stupid that I didn't know the 'rules' for group ownership & chmod.03:09
Shaba1Ok I just did and apt-get install qrencode03:09
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eblumecodehotter: thanks though!03:09
Shaba1how do I know where those files were placed?03:09
qineblume: Thats right.03:09
johnseems like nearly none of the search engines can be added to firefox now03:10
eblumeqin: OK, so I think we've worked all that out then.03:10
eblumeThanks again all.03:10
ubuntu_hey guys can any1 give some quick advice with dual booting03:10
johnI really hope this is _not_ a planned feature of Ubuntu or this release of the distro will be the last one03:11
devkorcvinceubuntu_: FORMAT C:03:11
devkorcvinceubuntu_: Joke03:11
ubuntu_OH NO TOO LATE I DID IT03:11
FloodBot1ubuntu_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:12
ToZjohn, I just had a Firefox update come through thats fixed the search engine problem03:12
devkorcvinceubuntu_: If your running windows and ubuntu install windows first then install ubuntu second in separate part...03:12
ubuntu_devkorcvince: ive done that however03:12
ubuntu_devkorcvince: it is now asking me which partition to install ubuntu itself onto03:13
IbisBy any chance, while working in a Terminal for Ubuntu-Server, will it ask you, or inform you that you need to Reboot the server when it makes Updates that requires a reboot for it to take effect?03:13
johnhow the heck did they manage to get _every_ search engine to be broken03:13
ubuntu_devkorcvince: but I can't tell which partition I should install ubuntu on, because it wont let me view any of them in archive so I can't tell which one had data on it,03:13
IbisI don't want to reboot my srver for no reason.03:13
ubuntu_devkorcvince: do you think if I have one that has 1572 MB its enough to install ubuntu onto?03:14
devkorcvinceubuntu_: just install to the blank part? did you setup your partitions?03:14
Stanley00Ibis: I dont think there will be one,03:14
IbisStanley00: Then how would I know when to reboot?03:14
penosi think ubuntu should have based unity on gnome 3 not gnome 203:14
ubuntu_devkorcvince: it doesnt let me set up my partitions it just says "full installation *OR* something else and then leads me to this, showing me the partitions that exist and saying to pick one03:14
Stanley00Ibis: anyway, reboot after update is a acceptable reason ;)03:15
ChogyDanpenos: I don't think it is based on either03:15
Jordan_U!ot | penos03:15
ubottupenos: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:15
ubuntu_devkorcvince: then it says if I pick "new partition table" that it will delete all current partitions if i make a new one....03:15
IbisBut I would  rather bee seen as a reliable server host :S03:16
ubuntu_devkorcvince: So if I install ubuntu onto my Windows Recovery Environment will it cause no problems??03:16
ubuntu_I dont even have a windows disk03:16
codehotterIbis: you reboot during your maintenance windows, which you've specified in your (formal or informal) service level agreement with your customers.03:16
ubuntu_cus the windows recovery environment loader has like  6614 MB03:17
devkorcvinceubuntu_: Click The Advance or Manual Button to setup partitions... then you will find your window partion labeled with ntfs...03:17
tnudHi, I'm having problems running a bash script (running a jar) under cron, it starts fine but gets an exception during the process. I've activated the root account and added it to its crontab. Still same issue :/ Is there some variables I can set so it uses the same java and dirs as another user?03:17
ubuntu_devkorcvince: K ill try that but just so you know it lists all 5 of them as NTFS right now lol03:17
tnudThis does not happen when I run it as the user or as root regularly03:18
ubuntu_devkorcvince: Where is the Advance or Manual button it's not in the install options..03:18
codehottertnud: What is the exception?03:18
devkorcvinceubuntu_: For safer way to partition. go back to your window and delete the partition that you want ubuntu to be installed in...03:19
tnudcodehotter: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /root/.tectonicus/native/liblwjgl.so: /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun- symbol awt_FreeDrawingSurface, version SUNWprivate_1.1 not defined in file libmawt.so with link time reference03:19
tnudIt's a minecraft map renderer..03:19
codehottertnud: I recommend that you do not run applications as root03:19
tnudYes I know03:19
ubuntu_devkorcvince: Ugh but I have a completely empty disk drive right now so i'd just rather use that03:20
tnudI'm testing running it as root to find the problem03:20
ubuntu_devkorcvince: cus its using nothing now, but thing i s i just dont know how to select it in this install menu03:20
tnudcause it isn't working running as user dell either03:20
urlin2uubuntu_, you have 2 HD's03:20
ubuntu_urlin2u: OH ok how do I tell which one is that smaller empty one? to install onto?03:20
devkorcvincedevkorcvince: For easy dual boot install window first...03:20
codehottertnud: can you paste the exception from your non-root user please?03:20
urlin2uubuntu_, you can run fdisk -l in the terminal y=to identify ut then use the something else inthe palcement03:21
devkorcvinceubuntu_: For easy dual boot install window first... cause it would be pain for you to restore grub if you install ubuntu first03:21
ubuntu_devkorcvince: my windows is installed already03:21
ubuntu_devckorcvince: im on the ubuntu CD atm03:22
codehotterubuntu_: while installing windows, did you explicitly leave space for ubuntu on your harddisk? Otherwise, windows may have claimed all the available space as NTFS (windows' filesystem)03:22
urlin2uubuntu_, can you run the fdisk -l and pastebin it?03:22
ubuntu_urlin2u: OK Ill run that03:22
ubuntu_codehotter: I have one of my disk drives empty for it , a really small one03:22
ubuntu_codehotter: but yea its all labled NTFS03:23
ubuntu_so fdisk -l is safe?03:23
tnudcodehotter: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /home/dell/.tectonicus/native/liblwjgl.so: /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun- symbol awt_FreeDrawingSurface, version SUNWprivate_1.1 not defined in file libmawt.so with link time reference03:23
Shaba1I just installed wubi03:23
urlin2uubuntu_, yes03:23
Shaba1It installed like a charm03:23
tnudsame one..03:23
Shaba1and saved me from having to repartition my HD03:23
tnudThis only happens when running through cron03:23
ubuntu_i put in fdisk -l and nothing happeened03:24
zykotick9ubuntu_, FYI you need to use "sudo fdisk -l" to see anything listed.  urlin2u note.03:24
tnudsudo makes the world go around03:24
ubuntu_OK now I see this fdisk menu03:24
urlin2uzykotick9, live cd03:24
ubuntu_yea i havent used ubuntu in like 2 years so i forgot about sudo lol03:24
ubuntu_urlin2u the livecd worked with sudo though03:24
urlin2uShaba1, read this before you get ti used to wubi http://howsoftwareisbuilt.com/2009/03/12/interview-with-agostino-russo-wubi-ubuntu/03:24
ubuntu_urlin2u: anyways I see this fdisk menu now , now what.. lol its the same stuff that shows up on my "install" menu03:25
urlin2uubuntu_, tep03:25
ubuntu_?? oh  you wanted me to copy paste results right03:25
codehottertnud: You've confirmed you're running the same command in cron as in your terminal? Can you pastebin your environment?03:25
urlin2uubuntu_, pastebin it so we can identify the place you want ubuntu.03:25
tnudexactly the same03:25
johnmenu seems  to be stuck on previous apps more often than not now03:25
tnudsame script03:25
ubuntu_OK NOOB alert but idk how to use pastebin -_   -03:26
Jordan_U!pastebin | ubuntu_03:26
ubottuubuntu_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:26
ubuntu_o thx jordan03:26
urlin2uubuntu_, paste here and post the htp03:26
tnudcodehotter: /etc/environment?03:26
Jordan_Uubuntu_: You're welcome.03:26
codehottertnud: sorry, can you pastebin the output of 'env' from your terminal and cron?03:26
urlin2u<Jordan_U> ubuntu_: You're welcome.03:26
segolCan only get 960x529 @ 0Hz apparently on an IBM G78 6627-4AN being pushed by an Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE/PE DRAM Controller/Host-Hub Interface (rev 03), I know this screen and GPU can do 1600x1200@60Hz as well as 1024x768@85Hz03:26
ubuntu_urlin2u: thx bro can u check that ?03:27
urlin2uubuntu_, so are you backed up as of now?03:27
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ubuntu_urlin2u: no, not really but I figured aslong as I don't install overtop of my windows and erase all my shit im good03:28
ubuntu_urlin2u: bcus I did it like that before... i know you're not suposed to but its gonna take  a while to reboot into windows and have to backup all my crap onto disks, I have ALOT of crap lol03:28
urlin2uubuntu_, yo will have to loose a partition, as you have 4 primaries the limit, so back up first , and figure which one you can loose,03:29
ubuntu_like the way i did it 2 years ago was i just installed onto new partition, and then could view my windows files thru ubuntu's (whatever u call the windows explorer equivalent) and then dragged them03:29
ubuntu_urlin2u I'm pretty sure SDA1 and SDA4 are OK to lose right03:29
ubuntu_i mean the one with the * is the one that has windows on it right03:29
urlin2uubuntu_, I don't know whats in them you do, so what is there?03:30
codehotterubuntu_: I would reinstall windows and leave some free space in the windows setup to be honest03:30
ubuntu_urlin2u: I have nothing on any of my drives except the C drive which I have windows installed on03:30
codehotterunless you're absolutely confident that you know what is on those partitions and that you don't need it.03:30
ubuntu_thing is codehotter I dont have any windows install disk it came with this laptop03:30
Shaba1ok I have the .deb for google chrome03:30
Shaba1How do I install it?03:30
ubuntu_codehotter: and also I have no files on anything but my main C drive03:31
codehotterubuntu_: OK, so you added an empty extra drive, that is to say, a physical hard disk, to your computer, so you can install ubuntu?03:31
ubuntu_codehotter: no it was always there since I first got this comp, i dont know why maybe just for extra storage space like music or something03:31
codehotterubuntu_: OK. Do you have windows 7?03:32
ubuntu_codehotter: no vista03:32
ubuntu_urlin2u: I dono where you went buddy but I wanna say thx for halping me and I love u bro03:32
escottShaba1, chromium-browser is in apt03:32
urlin2uubuntu_, I think sda1 is to small, sda3 and sda4 are both small how much space do you want03:33
Shaba1so just type sudo apt-get install Chromium-brower in a terminal window escott ?03:33
johnsearch engines back, rollback of bookmarks seems to fail03:33
ubuntu_urlin2u: oh yeah I know they're all super small but thing is I was thinking, after I install ubuntu doesn't it give me option to resize the partitions03:33
escottShaba1, unless you care for the google branding that would probably be better03:33
urlin2uubuntu_, you running W7?03:34
tnudcodehotter: http://pastebin.com/DjYqjLH2  wow..03:34
ubuntu_urlin2u: so I could take size off of the main huge windows one that isn't being used03:34
ubuntu_urlin2u: no VISTA03:34
codehotterubuntu_: To do this safely, you need to backup your files and shrink your NTFS volume.03:34
tnudcodehotter: one is quite a bit smaller then the first :P03:34
Shaba1google branding?03:34
Shaba1what is that?03:34
ubuntu_codehotter: It'll take like 4 hours to backup all my files though, also I dono how to shrink the volume03:34
tnudcodehotter: or maybe I just failed the pipe?  env > /home/dell/env.txt ?03:34
escottShaba1, i dont know exactly what the difference is, but its presumably not in the code. its only in the name, and one is from google the other is just recompiled from the same code. so one has the branding the other doesnt03:35
ubuntu_urlin2u: but do you know, after you install ubuntu does it give you an option to resize partitions etc.? Like I could take the unused space of the huge partition using windows and add that unused space to the one using Ubuntu?03:36
codehotterubuntu_: of course I recommend to backup your files regardless ~ ~ ~03:36
escottubuntu_, you want to resize before installing03:36
ubuntu_oh man how do u resize...03:36
MTProwerHello awesome fun peeps. I need some newbie help.03:36
escottubuntu_, use gparted which is on the livecd part of the livecd03:36
codehottertnud: I think the pipe worked OK03:36
urlin2uubuntu_ theoretically yes, but I think your not being backed up here is raising red flags for all of us to be honest.03:37
urlin2uubuntu_, no recovery disc ethier03:37
ubuntu_urlin2u: oh I know what you mean and thx for the concern even i am sort of concerned about that03:37
rwwubuntu_: resizing partitions without backing up is a really bad idea03:37
rwwdo not do that.03:37
ubuntu_o dang03:37
rwwyes, really.03:37
ubuntu_so if I dont resize anything03:37
FloodBot1ubuntu_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:37
ubuntu_and just create a new one out of the empty ones I have, is that safe?03:38
rwwjust do yourself a favor and make a backup03:38
ubuntu_rww: yeah Sigh because never backing up can't be safe but I'm talking about in comparison isn't it safer03:38
rwwit'll take four hours, but presumably will take longer than four hours to recreate if it breaks03:38
devkorcvinceubuntu_: urlin2u : i think his recovery disc is the hidden partition but im not sure... my hp dv6 has a hidden part that has a full factory recovery inside it.03:38
ubuntu_rww: Lol. OK fine I'll backup , you mean just put my important files onto a disk right03:39
MTProwerSo ummm... when you have MP3's on Windows, album art is created and stored in the same folder as the MP3's. I dunno what Kubuntu does. But the album art is hidden on Windows, out of sight. That same album art is in plain site in Kubuntu. Can I make that album art invisible in Kubuntu like it is in Windows?03:39
urlin2udevkorcvince,  mean a disc top run a recovery a bootable disc to fix the mbr...etc03:39
* ScottSanbar remembers his first concert - Santana at the Zoo Amphitheater and rocking out to Jimi Hendrix vinyl LPs with his Fender Stratocaster03:39
mingdao_homeubuntu_: sudo blkid    will tell you about your partitions03:39
MTPrower*in plain sight03:39
Shaba1escott,  well that did not work03:40
DropsOfSerenityI'm on 64 bit ubuntu, my sound works fine normally, but when running skype I cannot hear sound in flash, I close the skype call and I can hear it, and vice versa, running flash I cannot hear sound in skype, and when i close flash, skype works fine, All other sound works, playing music with skype or with flash, works fine.03:40
Shaba1I did sudo apt-get install chromium-brower03:40
tnudcodehotter: Tricky? :P03:40
MTProwerShould I repeat my question?03:40
cdh473so, why are we using chromium here and not chrome?03:40
sjihsHi, How can i know the name of the package that provides autoreconf command03:40
Shaba1I got E: Unable to locate chromnium-browser03:40
cdh473chrome has a prettier icon03:41
mingdao_homeubuntu_: my recovery partition: /dev/sda3: LABEL=""Lenovo_Recovery"" UUID="2ABC5F23BC5EE939" TYPE="ntfs"03:41
* ScottSanbar apologizes for irssi wrong window post03:41
codehottertnud: can you try from your normal terminal: env -i $(cat /tmp/crontabenv) <your script> ?03:41
ubuntu_mingdao OK i'll try sudo blkid03:41
MTProwerAre you all busy?03:41
rwwShaba1: spell it correctly, then ;)03:41
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urlin2uMTPrower, people answer if they want or know.03:42
codehottertnud: the point is to try the same environment crontab has in your normal terminal, to isolate the issue to environment. The file /tmp/crontabenv contains the env output from env as run under crontab.03:42
escott!info chromium-browser03:42
ubottuchromium-browser (source: chromium-browser): Chromium browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 12.0.742.112~r90304-0ubuntu0.11.04.1 (natty), package size 16095 kB, installed size 55952 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 all)03:42
DropsOfSerenityI'm on 64 bit ubuntu, my sound works fine normally, but when running skype I cannot hear sound in flash, I close the skype call and I can hear it, and vice versa, running flash I cannot hear sound in skype, and when i close flash, skype works fine, All other sound works, playing music with skype or with flash, works fine.03:42
netzsoocif I am moving /home to it's own partition, how much space should I let in OS own partition?03:42
edbiannetzsooc: ~10Gb03:42
tnudcodehotter: /tmp/crontabenv does not exsist03:43
MTProwerurlin2u: "if they want or know"? What does that mean?03:43
codehottertnud: yes, please create it ; )03:43
mingdao_homenetzsooc: depends upon how much you will install and how much total free space you have03:43
urlin2uMTPrower, want means if they want to, know menas if they know the answer, you have to realize that not every question is known right away.03:43
devkorcvincenetzsooc: if your running a development machine 40G or 60G and more would be great for your / part03:44
mingdao_homedevkorcvince: if he asks that he's not ;)03:44
MTProwerurlin2u: Yeah, I understand. It's just that if know one says anything directly to me at all, I wonder if they even heard me.03:44
devkorcvincenetzsooc: but if you want to install your dev tools inside your /home 20G might be enough for your / part..03:45
DropsOfSerenityno one knows?03:45
tnudcodehotter: I get the error.03:45
netzsoocI am planning to install different distros. My HD is ~600 G but I don't know how much to let /home03:45
codehottertnud: OK, so that means the environment is the problem.03:45
netzsoocI want to have 3 or 4 distros sharing same /home and swap03:46
tnudYep, I though it was03:46
devkorcvincemingdao_home: sorry I just generalize cause may be he might be a developer or technical cause regular user wont bother using separate part for / and /home03:46
somsipDropsOfSerenity: what version of Skype?03:46
DropsOfSerenitythe latest version03:46
mingdao_homenetzsooc: mingdao@ThinkPad-T420:~$ df -h03:46
mingdao_homeFilesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on03:46
mingdao_home/dev/sda5              24G  3.0G   21G  13%03:46
escottnetzsooc, one reason not to do that would be that if the different distros have different versions of gnome you could easily end up with a broken gnome preferences03:46
tnudcodehotter: Now how do I get crontab to work with dell or root environment.. Is there an alternative program that doesn't ahve this problem?03:46
codehottertnud: please don't consider running as root03:46
codehottertnud: it's irresponsible03:47
mingdao_homeMTPrower: to answer your question demands asking somem questions ... are you game?03:47
codehottertnud: Do you get the error if you run (in your normal terminal, in the directory /home/dell ?03:47
tnudcodehotter: Sorry haha03:47
somsipDropsOfSerenity: I've had no end of problems with that and found recommendations to stick to  skype_2.1.0.81,which I do and all is fine03:47
Shaba2Well that was strange03:47
Shaba2I just got a black sreen of death03:47
MTProwermingdao_home: yeah. Shoot.03:47
=== Shaba2 is now known as Shaba1
tnudcodehotter: No03:48
netzsoocso, escott, you suggest just to install the different distros with no sharing home?03:48
netzsoocbut then documents would be all over03:48
mingdao_homeMTPrower: who is the album art hidden *from* on windows, and who do you want to hide it from in buntu?03:48
tnudcodehotter: cd /home/dell and then ./path/to/script works03:48
urlin2unetzsooc, you can have a shared partition with documents..etc03:49
codehottertnud: OK, I notice PATH is different, that may be relevant. Can you try setting PATH at the top of your script?03:49
mingdao_homeMTPrower: because in windows it's just someone's idea of how to display files/directories that can easily be changed03:49
tnudcodehotter: How do I do that and what should it contain :O03:49
MTProwermingdao_home: the album art is hidden from everybody in Windows. All you have to do is go to Folder Options > View > show hidden files and folders. It's basically used for files that need to be there but do not need to be seen.03:50
codehottercopy the line starting with PATH= from the output of env in your normal terminal03:50
Anon2553I have a quick question if anyone can help. Running Ubuntu Server 11.04, this is probably an easy question. But out of the blue, I can't see anything I type into console. It's making things difficult in the realm of typos. Everything still works as normal if I type it properly, but long commands are a headache03:50
escottnetzsooc, i would be wary of sharing $HOME/.config. perhaps create a partition with folders for the different parts of home (Documents,Downloads etc) and symlink into that mountpoint03:50
codehotterand put it near the top of your script03:50
netzsoocurlin2u and then each distro will have its own /home but sharing docs and stuff? but what about preferences for some apps03:50
mingdao_homeMTPrower: in a Linux distro you have the ability to do similar depending upon your DE/WM/file browser03:50
mingdao_homeMTPrower: the question is ... why is it important to hide these files? Linux (generically) is a true multiuser system and as such your files as a user should no even be visible to "everybody"03:51
MTProwermingdao_home: I don't want to hide the album art in Linux, literally. I just want to make it invisible.03:51
urlin2unetzsooc, I would have a single partition with each distro, and a shred for the docs, music,etc and one swap, I have 7 OS on my one drive just like that except for the share partition03:52
mingdao_homeMTPrower: then ask "How do I make directories 'invisible' in <file browser>?"03:52
tnudcodehotter: Nope, still same error03:52
mingdao_homeMTPrower: and there I can't help you because I *never* use one :-)03:52
MTProwermingdao_home: you don't understand. I'm not hiding it from people. I'm not protecting it. I'm hiding it from view. The reason is because it's album art in an MP3 folder. Without the album art there, there would be no album art in the MP3 files. However, I don't want to see the art in the folder-- no one would. I just want to see the music.03:52
escottMTPrower, folders that begin with "." are not shown in the listings. that is how you hide folders03:53
netzsoocok, so if I don't move /home how do I create a specific disc for /home/Docs /home/Music /home/Downloads etc... any manual or how to on that?03:53
codehottertnud: OK. You want the script to work under crontab, but you probably don't want to just copy your whole environment over. Are you familiar with binary search?03:53
tnudI've implemented it in java once03:53
tnudThat's about it :P03:54
escottnetzsooc, create a partition and inside it have Docs,Music,etc... then either symlink $HOME/Documents to /media/myfolder/Docs or modify .config/user-dirs.dirs03:54
MTProwerescott: I can't change the name of these files. If I did, Windows would not be able to see them. I'm dual-booting Kubuntu and Windows 7, and I'm sharing my videos, music, and comics between the two OS's03:54
codehottertnud: near the top of your script, put ". /tmp/environment" - this will cause it to run /tmp/environment. Then, first, put the output from your normal terminal in /tmp/environment, run your script, and see if you get the error03:54
MTPrower*Windows would not be able to see = the MP3 would not see the art03:54
MTProwerescott: *Windows would not be able to see = the MP3 would not see the art03:55
escottMTPrower, its just not going to work then, unless you modify the ntfs-3g code to rename the NTFS hidden folders on the fly to .foldername03:55
giiker2anyone knows of an app to edit pdf files where I can have the option of adding restrictions (print,edit,copy,etc.) or watermarks, encryption?03:55
MTProwerescott: I'm not hiding a folder. I'm hiding files03:56
tnudcodehotter: so force the script to load the whole environment then?03:56
sgerbinodoes anyone know if eclipse indigo will make it in to 11.10? anyway I can find out?03:56
MTProwerescott: if I hide the folder, I won't be able to get to my music03:56
codehottertnud: step 2: take out the bottom half of the environment and see if it still works03:56
urlin2usgerbino, yes in ubuntu+103:56
escottMTPrower, whatever you are trying to do, I'm trying to tell you that it cannot be easily done03:57
sgerbinourlin2u whats ubuntu+1?03:57
codehottertnud: if it still works, take out the bottom half of the top half, and see if it still works. Etc. Until you have the minimum you need to get it to work03:57
tnudcodehotter: ahahaha, good idea :P03:57
urlin2usgerbino, the oneiric channel03:57
codehottertnud: make sure you run the script with env -i /path/to/script03:57
codehotterto prevent it from inheritting  the environment from your terminal03:57
escottgiiker2, those restrictions usually are ineffective, so most open-source software doesn't even bother to implement them03:58
sgerbinourlin2u: I'm using oneiric now, but it seems like I still have Galileo03:58
netzsoocescott, something like ln --symbolic newPartition/Docs $HOME/Documents or the other way around?03:58
MTPrower...have any of you guys ever used Windows 7? Because it seems that the ones offering support to me don't know much about it.03:58
sgerbinourlin2u: I also purged and re-installed03:58
tnudcodehotter: wait.. so env -i $(cat /home/dell/normalEnv.txt) /path/to/script ?03:58
escottnetzsooc, pretty much03:58
MTPrower...actually, they didn't seem to know much about Windows in general03:59
escottnetzsooc, you'll have to remove the existing folder first03:59
codehotternono, put ". /home/dell/normalEnv.txt" in your scrpit itself, then run it with env -i /path/to/script03:59
urlin2usgerbino, all things oneiric are on #ubuntu+1 it will be on this channel at realeae. :D03:59
codehotteris the .txt a nasty habit from your windows days? ; )03:59
MTPrower...Windows 7 was a nearly-perfect OS. It seems Linux can't do some basic Windows tasks that I had taken for granted. Like having invisible files...04:00
escottMTPrower, it can it just does them differently04:00
MTProwerescott: probably, but it sure doesn't do them as easily04:00
IbisMTPrower: You was the one askign for chat clients the other day, right?04:00
segolCan only get 960x529 @ 0Hz apparently on an IBM G78 6627-4AN being pushed by an Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE/PE DRAM Controller/Host-Hub Interface (rev 03), I know this screen and GPU can do 1600x1200@60Hz as well as 1024x768@85Hz04:00
ex0rofl u can do steganography in linux...04:00
MTProwerIbis: dun remember. I got Pidgin the other day. Now I'm trying the one built in04:01
netzsoocthen would be mv -r $HOME/Documents /media/newPart/Docs && rm -r $HOME/Documents && ln --symbolic /media/newPart/Docs $HOME/Documents04:02
giiker2escott, I know, but Iḿ trying to do it  'cause I don't want the receiver to be able to do that! they use Winblows!!04:02
MTProwerIbis: we did talk a lot the other day though04:03
MTProwerIbis: and I'm pretty new04:03
tnudcodehotter: HMM, still failing.. In crontab: 2 6 * * * env -i /path/to/script  | in script . /home/dell/normalEnv  ?04:03
codehottertnud: try without crontab, just from your normal terminal04:03
netzsoocesoctt, then it would be mv -r $HOME/Documents /media/newPart/Docs && rm -r $HOME/Documents && ln --symbolic /media/newPart/Docs $HOME/Documents04:03
codehotterenv -i /path/to/script04:03
giiker2anyone knows of an app to edit pdf files where I can have the option of adding restrictions (print,edit,copy,etc.) or watermarks, encryption?04:04
escottnetzsooc, i would do those as seperate commands just to be able to verify the work in between but yes04:04
IbisMTPrower: Look in the private chat window. I've queried you.04:04
tnudcodehotter: Getting a lot of command not found04:04
tnudcodehotter: looks like the LS_COLORS bit04:05
netzsoocok.. thanks a lot escott, and how much would you advise to let the Docs Music Download and stuff partition in order to let enough room to several distros?04:05
codehottertnud: OK, what if you put quotes around every line?04:06
=== Freejack is now known as Guest80509
urlin2ugiiker2, that is a lot to want I doubt you will get that info here, the web has lists of apps you will have to search I think.04:06
codehottertnud: sed -ie "s/\(.*\)/\"\1\"/" /home/dell/normalEnv.txt04:07
escottnetzsooc, du -sh $HOME and account for whatever growth you expect04:08
giiker2urlin2u: I did not mean to make a list, but just options, sorry, right now I'm trying apps from the Software center, but it takes time, I just need some app that some how can block other people from printing the pdfs at least!04:08
tomvolekHI ,  I have a dual boot system, I have a data parition which is writeable by both windows and ubuntu.  This parition'sowner is plugdev.  Why is that ?04:08
alkafootomvolek: according to what?04:08
codehottergliker2: If you don't mind me asking, why do you want to prevent other people from printing your PDF?04:08
ram0042Hello #ubuntu, I am setting up a DHCP server. Can any help?04:08
cdh473tomvolek: have you tried putting the harddrive in a microwave?04:09
giiker2urlin2u: I laready searched the net, and found dozens of them, that's why I came here04:09
tomvolekheh :)04:09
escotttomvolek, because linux and windows permissions are different so it uses plugdev to control access to windows format drives04:09
alkafoogiiker2: dozens of what?04:09
giiker2alkafoo: of apps04:09
alkafootomvolek: it's probably because it was auto-mounted, which is probably plugdev's domain04:09
alkafoogiiker2: for what?04:10
tomvolekthanks escott, someone had set this box for me .a beginner here04:10
giiker2alkafoo: really?04:10
alkafootomvolek: if you want more control, use /etc/fstab04:10
alkafoogiiker2: really what?04:10
* alkafoo just got here04:10
GameBoyi just scheduled a job using the command at... >> at 21:05 and the script to be executed was just echo testing.. but i couldnt find anything being run. plz help04:10
tomvolekls shows 770  for permision,  I am trying to use this parition as a place to put mysql replciation log files ...04:10
alkafooGameBoy: you'd have to have told it to echo somewhere you could've seen04:10
tnudcodehotter: Well it worked if I just quoted the lines that were affected (like so XXX="asdkl asdklasd asdlkmas"). Still the same error though, Your thing just qouted the entire lines which didn't do much for the command not found04:10
_Neytiri_I was wondering if someone knew a command that i could use to move any files with a set file extension from all the directories from my current working directory recurcevally and out them in a specific folder04:10
GameBoyalkafoo: like..?04:10
alkafooGameBoy: you just want to witness at working?04:10
escotttomvolek, put someone in plugdev and they will be granted automatic access to plugable devices, remove them from plugdev and they won't. if the plugable device has linux permissions they will be correct, if not they may be owned by plugdev04:10
tnudcodehotter: can't find any of them now :P04:11
GameBoyalkafoo: yes i want to see the execution...04:11
escott_Neytiri_, find04:11
codehottertnud: oh, my bad^^04:11
codehottertnud: I should test this before I tell you to try it04:11
alkafoo_Neytiri_: find  dir/ -iname '*.foo'04:11
tnudcodehotter: Maybe it's not the environment after all :/04:11
tnudcodehotter: haha, no worries :P04:11
_Neytiri_that wont move the files tho04:11
alkafoo_Neytiri_: you could use -exec mv {} other/place/ \; or... I think find has a 'move' builtin04:11
GameBoyalkafoo: i believe if i write to a file it might have done. but i need to see the processes steps using the echo command.. any way?04:11
tomvolektrue,thanks, my regualr user 'foo' can write to it ... i was not familar with the plugdev04:11
giiker2alkafoo: I previously asked: "anyone knows of an app to edit pdf files where I can have the option of adding restrictions (print,edit,copy,etc.) or watermarks, encryption?"04:12
escott_Neytiri_, find -iname *.txt -exec mv ...04:12
alkafooGameBoy: you need to schedule an echo on a specific terminal?04:12
Petskulldoes Minitube give everybody an error when downloading videos, or just me?04:12
alkafoogiiker2: ah04:12
tnudcodehotter: There is a related java problem with this specific file. It's already tricky to get it working in normal terminal. But now I do.. I just want it run at a regular basis :/04:12
codehotterwhat about sed -ie "s/=\(.*\)/=\"\1\"/" /home/dell/normalEnv.txt ? ; ) anyway, you're testing from your normal terminal right now, is that right?04:12
alkafoogiiker2: you know none of those are effective except against the truly ignorant, right?04:12
tomvolekls shows root as the owner and plugdev as user, with 775 permisions, was winderign why is that and where this gets set .. thanks04:12
tnudcodehotter: su dell04:12
tnudcodehotter: "normal" right? :P04:13
codehotterand it does not work if you env -i /path/to/script, but it does if you sh /path/to/script ?04:13
alkafootomvolek: when you run 'mount', it shows it mounted in /media/, right?04:13
GameBoyalkafoo: Could you please let me know how?04:13
giiker2alkafoo: I know, but the people I'm sending th pdf's I'm sending to are truely ignorants soft-wise...04:13
tnudcodehotter: if I remove the . /path to env yes04:13
tomvolekalkafoo , moiunt shows : /dev/sda6 on /data type vfat (rw,utf8,umask=007,gid=46)04:13
alkafooGameBoy: what use is that?04:14
alkafootomvolek: vfat? wow04:14
codehotterOK can you print out another "env" after your script did the . /home/dell/normalEnv and check if it's the same as the env from your normal env output?04:14
alkafootomvolek: what does grep -i data /etc/fstab say?04:14
_Neytiri_also is there a command i can use to change the file name removing 2 numbers and a space before hte part i wnat to keep04:15
GameBoyalkafoo:  i need to schdeule something where I could see the progress through echo commands.. like copying from a to b status : done etc04:15
alkafoo_Neytiri_: yes, 'rename' or 'rename.ul'04:15
_Neytiri_i want to do it all at once tho04:15
tomvolekI think the reason my freind had set this up as a vfat  was that windows xp was giving us fit .. and thats what worked .... this is a personal dev box by the way04:15
_Neytiri_i have a music collection i need ot go though and remove all the duplicates and tripilicts04:15
alkafoo_Neytiri_: each tool to its own job04:15
alkafoo_Neytiri_: ah, well for that use fdupes04:16
Shaba1guys. I do not have a printer right now.04:16
alkafooShaba1: bummer04:16
giiker2anyone knows of an app to edit pdf files where I can have the option of adding restrictions, e.g.: print,edit,copy,etc. or watermarks, encryption?04:16
Shaba1I have a program for windows called pdf creator that saves a pdf to my hd whenever I want to print something04:16
tomvolekalkafoo ,  ==>  UUID=16E4-1D1A  /data           vfat    utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0       104:16
codehotterIf you don't mind me asking, gliker2, why do you need to prevent people from printing your PDFs?04:16
alkafooI've never heard of a PDF that can block printing, that's sort of the format's purpose04:16
Shaba1is there such a think for the linux side of this machine?04:17
alkafooI'm sure there are apps for the pathetic password protecting, and watermarking, though04:17
alkafooShaba1: yes, chances are you already have it04:17
alkafooShaba1: check for 'print to file' in any print dialog04:17
alkafootomvolek: k04:17
alkafootomvolek: that's pretty weird =P04:17
tomvoleki see the umask 007, i am wondering if u mask 777 would be a problem ...04:17
codehotteralkafoo: well, I think Adobe's reader checks for a special flag in the document and refuses to print it if it's there, but most other readers just ignore those "digital restriction management" flags. And you can always print from screen.04:17
tomvolekya gid=46 is plugdev04:18
Shaba1ah cool04:18
Shaba1very nice04:18
alkafootomvolek: what problem, I thought the only problem was that you didn't understand why it was plugdev04:18
tnudcodehotter: It is not.04:19
giiker2codehotter: I work as a contractor , and have to convert certain docs to pdf, so I want to start charging for this time i expend in processing them04:19
codehottertnud:  how is it different?04:19
tomvolektrue,  no problem, i just remeber few weeks ago, I could not write to that parition as a regular user 'foo' to that parition, but i just tested it and it works.04:19
* Nova685 slaps Nova685 around a bit with a large trout04:20
codehottergiiker2: How does that require you to prevent printing?04:20
tnudcodehotter: . /home/dell/normalEnv (newline in script) env > /home/dell/anotherEnv should provide the normalEnv in anotherEnv right?04:20
tomvolekI tried to set the owener of the parition as my linux regualr user, and that does not allow me to write to it from windows os04:20
paulus68giiker2: perhaps this would be helpfull http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/open-source-linux-pdf-writer.html04:20
ngc604haven't seen the trout in years04:20
tnudcodehotter: PWD=/home/dell/MinecraftServer/Tectonicus SHLVL=3 _=/usr/bin/env                 <- That's the whole thing04:20
tomvolekbut plugdev seems to work ..04:20
tomvolekthanks alkafoo.  its all good04:20
giiker2Shaba1: the program you are talking about lets you protect pdfs with passwords and some other workarounds, but in the linux world, it might not work, or cincurvented04:21
codehottertnud: OK, then can you try prefixing every line in /home/dell/normalEnv with "export "04:21
codehottertnud: sed -ie "s/$/export /" /home/dell/normalEnv04:21
codehottertnud: again, didn't test04:21
paulus68giiker2:  ord this one http://www.techsupportalert.com/content/best-free-pdf-tools.htm04:21
codehottertnud: should probably be ^ instead of $ there04:21
alkafootomvolek: hum, you should be able to set it to use one user in Linux and another in Windows04:21
alkafootomvolek: maybe with uid=, I forget04:22
alkafootomvolek: what do you use the Windows install for?04:22
giiker2codehotter: well, If I want to start charging for the processing of these docs that I deliver by email, how Am I going to prevent the client from not paying for my time?04:23
tomvolekwindows install is used for certain windows app that I can not run under linux,  ..yes not even in virtualization mode :(04:23
alkafoogiiker2: get the money up front04:23
tnudcodehotter: omg....04:23
alkafootomvolek: oh, which I'm curious04:23
tnudcodehotter: Yes it was ^instead of $... It's WORKING04:23
codehottertnud: huh, what?04:23
tnudcodehotter: Thanks! HA! So relived xD04:24
codehottertnud: OK, now time to search ; ) or you can be lazy and copy the whole env04:24
codehotterI recommend taking the extra time, it may help us understand what happened here04:24
tomvolekI use this integration sofware , it has some native windows calls,  it wont run under linux04:24
giiker2alkafoo: I can explain here how i do my work and all of the details, but  what I can say is that besides charging per hour for my job, I really need to charge for these waste of time of proccessing these pdfs.04:24
giiker2paulus68: thanks!04:25
alkafoogiiker2: I got that: you should get your money up front04:25
tnudcodehotter: One more thing while I got you here, this script wants to copy files to /var/www and access some files from there too, which it can't under dell. How do I sudo the script under cron // make /var/www avalible to all users :O04:25
HyeDudehey guys, I got camera how can i get my PC recognize it? Im using last version of Ubuntu04:25
tomvolekalkfoo, have you heared of CastIron integration tool ?  Its an IBM tool ... for integrating , traditional Data sources like DB with things liek Salesforce and netsuit backends04:25
codehottergiiker2: get the money up front, or get in writing that they're buying your service and send a debt collecting agency if they don't pay. Don't try to solve a human interaction problem with technology.04:25
alkafooHyeDude: what sort of camera?04:25
giiker2alkafoo: I know, problem is nobody right now wants to increase the rates! :(04:25
alkafootomvolek: nope, weird for an IBM tool to be win32 only, though04:26
alkafoonot so weird for an IBM product to suck, however =)04:26
tomvoleksigh :(04:26
alkafoogiiker2: well password protecting PDF files isn't going to be any more affective than witholding04:26
giiker2codehotter: thanks, best answer so far!! made my eyes popped out!04:26
codehottertnud: I'm curious what environment variables were really needed?04:27
paulus68giiker2: http://www.gnurou.org/blog/2008/09/09/finally_real_pdf_annotating_under_linux04:28
HyeDudealkafoo, it's a web cam04:28
giiker2alkafoo: & codehotter : thing is times are so tight right now that it's the only way for me right now, but I will consider getting it up front by convincing my client, thanks! and thanks for hanging out in Ubuntu forums!!04:28
giiker2paulus68: thanx!04:29
Lasersgiiker2: How about using your money to buy Windows and more money for Adobe Reader Professional? Full control on your PDF. 'Spend your money to make money'04:29
tnudcodehotter: I'm working on it :P Meanwhile.. howto make dell have access to /var/www // run cron job as sudo :O04:30
paulus68giiker2: the thing is if you are going to transform the docs to pdf and you want to be sure that your client isn't going to modify  it, I can understand however when they paid you, you need to do the same work again to remove any protection you put on04:30
codehottertnud: The question is, why does dell need access to /var/www ?04:30
paulus68giiker2: so it's double time for nothing :(04:30
giiker2Lasers: I believe in helping each other in my community, so no thanks! plus Adobe is so heavy it makes me vomit!04:30
alkafooHyeDude: and what're you trying to do with your webcam?04:31
tnudcodehotter: The jar is generating a map which I need avalible from the web04:31
Lasersgiiker2: That's great news! You can help the clients in your community. :)04:31
codehottertnud: OK. What else does your script need to modify?04:31
HyeDudealkafoo, trying to get my friend to see me through the skype04:31
giiker2paulus68: I know what you r saying, I was just going to edit the original but keep a copy of the original untill they pay me!04:31
alkafooHyeDude: okay so you have Skype running?04:32
Coreygiiker2: What "processing" do you need to do?  ghostscript and other tools "just work"04:32
giiker2Lasers: you ...04:32
giiker2Lasers: :)04:32
tnudcodehotter: Just that, it saves image files to a folder under /var/www and has a cache there too (so it doesn't waste time on stuff that hasn't changed since last time04:32
HyeDudealkafoo, Yes, but the thing is the light on the camera isn't on, I think the computer does't recognize the driver04:32
codehottertnud: OK. Are you using the user 'dell' just for running the script or for other things too?04:33
alkafooHyeDude: is it a laptop?04:33
tnudcodehotter: It's the only user I have except the root acc04:33
tnudcodehotter: Which I intend to disable again after this is figured out :P04:33
=== Cam is now known as Cam_
HyeDudealkafoo, no it's desktop04:33
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paulus68giiker2: what you could do aswell is that you post a link of these pdf's to a location on your server and when people want to download it for usage they need to pay this way you don't waste your time with editing04:34
=== Kardos_ is now known as Kardos
giiker2Corey: yeah I know, thing is I use a scanner to convert these time sheets to pdf's so I can send them by email, but I need to charge for the time spent processing dozens of time sheets per week!04:34
codehottertnud: OK. Create a new user with 'useradd <name>' then give the new user write access to the subdirectory in /var/www (and set up the script for the new user)04:35
Coreygiiker2: Or get a scanner with a hopper, press the button, get a single PDF, use gs to slice it into individual pages.04:35
CoreyTotal time to you, five minutes.04:35
giiker2paulus68: I think that's a great idea! I will consider it .04:35
tnudcodehotter: How do I give a user read/write access to a folder (and subfolders) ? :/04:35
alkafooHyeDude: you might try a USB port on the other side; otherwise say what make/model it is04:36
codehottertnud: the easiest way is to just chown it to them.04:36
paulus68giiker2: your welcome04:36
codehottertnud: chown <user> <folder>04:36
tnudcodehotter I'm down to 5 lines of env btw04:36
codehottertnud: good news04:36
=== Cam is now known as Cam_
giiker2Corey: I use pdftk, thanks...04:37
paulus68giiker2: or at least you can create a login script before they can download the pdf and you need to setup a counter for how many times a specific pdf is downloaded and charge them x times for downloading04:38
tnudcodehotter: DISPLAY=:004:38
giiker2well good night everyone, as usual you guys helpd me a lot!04:38
giiker2paulus68: thanx again, you really keep pouring ideas eh!! :)04:38
paulus68giiker2: sorry will stop doing it04:39
codehottertnud: whoa, I definitely didn't expect that. The java thing shows a GUI?04:39
tnudcodehotter: It shouldn't04:39
giiker2paulus68: please DON'T, people need you here! ;)04:39
tnudcodehotter: I've set it to no gui mode, hmm04:39
NonConformistso ya i need an alternative way to install ubuntu... i can't use a cd or usb04:39
paulus68giiker2: no worries04:39
NonConformistthanks   in advance :D04:39
tnudcodehotter: oh well, it works! Thanks for all the help!04:39
codehottertnud: maybe the code is poorly written, and checks to see if there's an X environment before checking to see if it is run in GUI mode or not04:40
codehottertnud: no problem. You got your /var/www thing sorted too?04:40
NonConformistactually brb gotta restart lol04:40
segolCan only get 960x529 @ 0Hz apparently on an IBM G78 6627-4AN being pushed by an Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE/PE DRAM Controller/Host-Hub Interface (rev 03), I know this screen and GPU can do 1600x1200@60Hz as well as 1024x768@85Hz04:41
paulus68!ask |segol04:41
ubottusegol: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:41
tnudcodehotter: I just discovered -R with --help :P04:43
segol!fail |aulus6804:43
tnudcodehotter: Yes it's working! :D04:43
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=== Cam is now known as cam_
tnudMuch appriciated04:44
=== cam_ is now known as cam
tnudcam, problem deciding o.O04:45
ubuntu_yo guys, so i have this 6 GB harddrive formatted and ready 2 install ubuntu onto04:48
ubuntu_basically my files are bigger than any storage device I have, so I can't backup my photos and docs etc.04:48
ubuntu_if I install ubunto from liveCD onto the formatted 6GB partition is there a minimal chance I can have a huge error occur04:49
ubuntu_minimal as opposed to really big04:49
codehottertnud: final thing, you may have figured ito ut already. It's no sense to keep the export DISPLAY=0 in a separate file when it's only one line, best to put it in your main script with a comment why it's necessary and just remove the ". /path/to/newEnv.txt"04:49
ubuntu_I mean I have, wait hold on i meant I have like a huge 140 GB hard disk, and then a 6GB little disk as well and I completely formatted it and i wanna put Ubuntu onto it do you think that's safe04:50
codehotterubuntu_: you can get online backups for 0.15 cent per gigabyte and probably cheaper.04:50
alkafooubuntu_: it's about as safe as using the disk for any reason is04:50
ubuntu_codehotter: if I just do this quickly tho do u think its a really small chance anything can go wrong04:50
codehotterubuntu_: you won't have much space for your ubuntu install if it's only 6 GB, do you intend to put files on your NTFS filesystem while working in Linux?04:50
ubuntu_codehotter: I want to after installing ubuntu, take away unused space from the partition hosting windows and then add it to the ubuntu one04:51
ubuntu_there's like 79GB unused space on the one hosting windows04:51
alkafooubuntu_: a very small chance04:51
ubuntu_i was thinking take away like 60 GB from it04:51
alkafooubuntu_: unrelated to the install process04:51
alkafooany time you use a piece of hardware, there's a chance that will be the time it breaks =)04:51
ubuntu_alkafoo: Oh I see well ive had this comp since 2008 so I think it will be OK it's never crashed before04:52
alkafoothere's no particular chance it will decide to format a partition you haven't told it to, however04:52
codehotterubuntu_: if you can manage to direct the installer to install on the 6 GB hard drive and not use the other hard drive, then it's quite safe04:52
codehotterbut humans make mistakes, and I'd rather not do partitioning magic on a filesystem with important data that I have no backups of04:52
codehotterhumans include the programmers of partition magic, not just you ; )04:52
alkafoosounded like he'd already made the partition04:53
ubuntu_codehotter: how do I do that though? Im on the install menu and i selected "somthing else" ,04:53
ubuntu_yea i already made the partition though04:53
ubuntu_lols ;P04:53
ubuntu_ but after I select somthing else04:53
ubuntu_it lists me04:53
alkafoojust tell it to install to the 6GB partition, and that's the only partition it will use04:53
codehotteralkafoo: but how do you do that though? Screenshots please04:53
ubuntu_it listst me04:53
ubuntu_dev sda04:53
ubuntu_dev sda1 sda 2 sda 3 sda 4, all marked NTFS04:54
alkafoocodehotter: do what?04:54
ubuntu_and like04:54
codehotteralkafoo: tell it to install to the 6 GB partition?04:54
alkafooubuntu_: what'd you make the 6GB partition with?04:54
ubuntu_"Device for boot loader  installation"  and I can select the one I formatted04:54
codehotterand where did the 6 GB partition come from yea04:54
alkafooyou just click on it if memory serves04:54
ubuntu_is that what i want to do to install it to that 6gb partition04:54
ubuntu_the 6gb partition was part of the computer since I got it for no reason that I know of lol04:54
ubuntu_but I just formatted it to be safe with g-parted04:54
=== Kasjopaja23111 is now known as Kasjopaja
tnudWait what "Hour (2-24)" crontab can't run something 1-2, 6-24? :/ (every hour except 3am to 6am)04:54
alkafooubuntu_: for GRUB?  Probably sda (no number)04:54
codehotterThere may have been important data on the parition04:55
ubuntu_codehotter: there wasnt at all04:55
codehotteror it may have been the recovery and diagnostics tools04:55
ubuntu_codehotter: I checked alot and with windows04:55
alkafooubuntu_: but yes you can also tell it to use the 6GB partition (with number), and then configure Windows' boot loader to be able to use it04:55
codehotterok ok04:55
=== Kasjopaja is now known as Guest76996
ubuntu_alkafoo: but how do you select it.. its just letting me select "device for boot loader installation" but it already has the GRUB bootloader since I added it with the LiveCD while still in windows because rebooting didn't boot me into  UBUNTU04:56
ubuntu_ugh long sentence but get it ?04:56
codehottercan you pastebin the output of sudo parted -l ?04:56
ubuntu_OK i will04:56
tnud0,15,30,45 1-2,6-24 * * * Stuff      <- Will that work as a cronjob ? :/ The help file says that the hour field is between 2-24 (wat)04:57
tnudRun job every 15 minutes all hours except between 3 and 6 am04:57
ubuntu_codehotter: http://pastebin.com/SDCS8Rm904:57
GhostWolfhi all, have 2 questions, one whats the command in terminal to open up the audio configuration thing? and second, how do i do upates via temrinal?04:57
tnudapt-get update04:58
tnudand apt-get upgrade04:58
GhostWolftnud, ah i thought it was install update lol04:58
tnudclose :P04:58
GhostWolfi don't need upgrade just the updates, but what about the audio thing tnud do you know that command? i thought it was ls something04:58
tnudthey do different things04:58
=== Chris_ is now known as NonConformist
tnudupdate just updates your lists of programs, upgrade "updates" your programs :P04:59
GhostWolftnud well i have updates that pops up so i figured its what i need04:59
NonConformistok back does anybody know of any alternatives to installing ubuntu? I'm not able to use usb or cd o.O04:59
ubuntu_codehotter: what do you think about that04:59
codehotterubuntu_: sudo mkdir /mnt/3; sudo mkdir /mnt/4; sudo mount /dev/sda3 sudo /mnt/3; sudo mount /dev/sda4 /mnt/4; sudo ls /mnt/3; sudo ls /mnt/4 - can you pastebin the output of that?04:59
tnudI have no idea what the command for the audio settings diag is unfortunally05:00
codehotterubuntu_: whoops, there is one sudo too many in there05:00
ubuntu_codehotter:     :OOOO you want me to write all that in a row in the same commandline as you wrote it there then press enter?05:00
GhostWolftnud ok thanks for the update info tho05:00
ubuntu_codehotter: oh do I get rid of the sudo before mnt 305:00
codehotterubuntu_: yes, sudo mkdir /mnt/3; sudo mkdir /mnt/4; sudo mount /dev/sda3 /mnt/3; sudo mount /dev/sda4 /mnt/4; sudo ls /mnt/3; sudo ls /mnt/405:00
ubuntu_OK whats the ubuntu chat pastebin link so i dont have to make it public for everyone to see lol05:01
GhostWolfdoes anyone here know the command for the audio mixer or something along those lines in temrminal?05:01
grendal-primehey guys is anyone here in SF and able to drop off an ubuntu disk at my brothers house?05:02
grendal-primeI know that sounds werid but im sort of stuck and have to ask this...ver werid question..althoug i dont think its all that werid of a question for San Francisco actually05:03
wooterlol grendal-prime05:03
ubuntu_codehotter: sudo mkdir /mnt/3; sudo mkdir /mnt/4; sudo mount /dev/sda3 /mnt/3; sudo mount /dev/sda4 /mnt/4; sudo ls /mnt/3; sudo ls /mnt/405:03
ubuntu_BIN   BOOTMGRIMAGES_BOOT   PLANFOLDER  System Volume Information  ZZIMAGES05:03
tnudgrendal-prime: if he can wait you can actually order cd's from the official shop http://shop.canonical.com/product_info.php?products_id=85205:04
grendal-primewooter, ya i know funny..but damn dude i cant think of a faster way of getting someone an actual install disk..not to mention the "secret society" impact of some dude just showing up and saying..."hey this is from your brother"05:04
tnudId love taht05:05
tnudI'd love that*05:05
tnudIf I wasn't in europe I'd do it :P05:05
GhostWolftnud, i found it, its alsamixer for the sound deal haha05:05
grendal-primeya and man..like just..we could have soooo much fun with it...05:05
wooterany self respecting computer shop should have one laying around grendal-prime05:05
tnudGhostWolf: Good to know :D05:05
rohanhow do i set so that kernel modules from /lib/modules/`uname -r`/extra are preferred over the other ones?05:05
rwwgrendal-prime: ask #ubuntu-us-ca05:05
GhostWolftnud yep so next time soemone asks you can help lol anyways thanks for the update command05:06
grendal-primewooter, ya thats what i thought...i wound up almost yellling at these people...05:06
tnudGhostWolf: don't forget to upgrade too... that's the important bit :p05:06
wooteri never leave the house without one grendal-prime05:06
grendal-primeit was like they had not heard of it...05:06
GhostWolftnud nothing needs upgrading just updating lol but i'll check that05:06
grendal-primeya wooter me nitther. and im a pilot..05:06
GhostWolfanyways thanks tnud im out05:07
wooternever leave the ground without one05:07
tnudGhostWolf: The thing is, apt-get update just fixes your lists It doesn't actually update any programs05:07
grendal-primei just cant physically get one to him...05:07
rwwgrendal-prime: (and that wasn't a "pass you off to another person" answer, #ubuntu-us-ca actually has people in it)05:07
grendal-primeand the copy he downloaded i think is corrupt.05:07
ubuntu_codehotter: hey did that make sense to you05:08
grendal-primeand he has a fat windows virus05:08
grendal-primehes a bouncer...at a nice clube05:08
jroysdonI'm in #ubuntu-us-ca, but California is a big state.  What do you need to get sent and to where?05:09
grendal-primeif you did this..he would probabaly get you into nice places..05:09
ubuntu_grendal-prime : lol which club bro ill hit it up with the disk and give to him while hes working05:09
gbear14275Hello, I just clean installed 11.04 and discovered that when I insert a USB stick it isn't mounting.  Did I miss a setting?  I thought there was default automounting05:09
ubuntu_that way he'll have to let me in the club05:09
rwwgrendal-prime: seriously, /join #ubuntu-us-ca, say you're the person I sent there, someone in SF will poke you in the right direction05:09
Lasersubuntu_: Give him a blank disc. :)05:09
tnudYou evil evil man05:10
ubuntu_HAHA i will lasers nice05:10
grendal-primeright on ...rww.....   god i love this distro...so...quasi underground05:10
ubuntu_lol it is underground cus theres no big CEO running it and making cash off it05:10
grendal-primewe got our own resistance movement.05:10
EvilGenius101I cannot seem to install ubuntu on my laptop. Its overheating it and casusing a thermal shutdown05:10
alkafoodid Ubuntu stop doing the free snail mail CDs?05:10
ubuntu_codehotter: you there man D:05:11
rwwalkafoo: Canonical did, yes05:11
EvilGenius101its a new i3 laptop, windows works fine. even heavy operations. tried USB/CD install but it gets stuck at a  Preloader screen when i press install05:11
jroysdonEvilGenius101, clean out all the dust and stuff and be sure to keep the fan spots open while you install05:11
EvilGenius101jroysdon, Wish it was that simple.05:11
tnud11.04 is just to HAWT05:11
gbear14275Anything I'm doing wrong to dork up my usb automounting?05:11
codehotterubuntu_: take this http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=zHZNsirD and put it in a file05:11
LasersEvilGenius101: Try LTS 10.04 -- Far more stable than Ubuntu 11.04.05:12
jroysdonEvilGenius101, :/  even running at 100% CPU all the time it should never overheat.  Take it back05:12
codehotterubuntu_: then enter cat /tmp/thatfile | gpg -a --import05:12
tnudgbear14275: Tried this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=85737405:12
ex0i recommend 10.04 to all05:12
jroysdon(unless there is a fan or dust problem, otherwise you have some bad hardware (memory, cache, cpu, etc.)05:12
EvilGenius101jroy, I can run windows 7 fine, Visual Studio 2010 fine, Game fine. But one damn linux won't install05:12
ubuntu_codehotter: woah intense, OK so even though if I save it in a text file thats on this temporary liveCD ubuntu it'll still be able to read it05:12
ubuntu_codehotter: and also you want me to copy paste everything into the text file EXCEPT for the PGP Public key block parts correct?05:13
codehotterincluding those05:13
EvilGenius101I don't have 10.04 iso. Guess will have to get it.05:13
ubuntu_oh OK hold on im trying it out05:13
codehotterThat's my key05:13
EvilGenius101Is there any way to install it in from windows? I've got a spare drive05:13
ex0 yes highly recommended evilgenius05:13
EvilGenius101but the window install doesn't give me an option. it just says Demo & Install05:13
ex0nah boot up cd, or ubs best idea05:13
tnudgbear14275: that's quite old tho :/ Hmm05:13
alkafooEvilGenius101: a spare drive?05:14
EvilGenius101alkafoo, I mean partition.05:14
codehotterubuntu_: did it say it added my key to your chain?05:14
gbear14275tnud, would that apply to unity?05:14
alkafoooh partition05:14
ubuntu_codehotter: HOLD ON man it says.... /tmp/thatfile? I saved it to my desktop05:14
EvilGenius101I saw that window installer can install it, but i just don't get an option.05:14
ubuntu_codehotter: so should I put /desktop/untitled105:14
alkafooEvilGenius101: right, it installs to a file on the Windows partition05:14
alkafooEvilGenius101: you can migrate that to its own real partition later, but it's kind of the long way around05:15
codehotterubuntu_: so move it from your desktop to /tmp/thatfile or change /tmp/thatfile into ~/Desktop/untitled105:15
alkafooEvilGenius101: you don't have a CD/DVD/USB stick?05:15
EvilGenius101I do. I've got it on USB & CD05:15
ubuntu_OK cool hold on im trying it05:15
tnudgbear14275: I have no idea haha, I just felt sorry for you since noone answered and google'd it05:15
tnudgbear14275: Sounds very strange imho :P05:15
alkafooEvilGenius101: all set then05:15
gbear14275tnud, I appreciate that... weird thing is that it is a clean install... figured there shouldn't be any issues05:15
EvilGenius101alkafoo, CD or USB it gets stuck on Preloader screen with ubuntu logo. on reboot the bios moans OVERHEATED05:16
ubuntu_codehotter: something weird happened !05:17
alkafooEvilGenius101: sweet05:18
gbear14275is the fact that it is a bootable device affect anything?05:18
alkafooEvilGenius101: but your Windows install works fine?05:18
ubuntu_codehotter: you there man? something weird happened05:18
codehotterubuntu_: what happened man05:18
EvilGenius101yep. not a issue. even with heavy load05:18
ubuntu_codehotter: well first it says that desktop/untitled1 doesn't exist and it DOES though...05:18
ubuntu_codehotter: then it says it did a whole bunch of stuff and i dont even know what it did, lol, but the main point is it didnt even find the file on the desktop05:18
harry_good morning all ;05:19
alkafooEvilGenius101: did you try a different version?05:19
alkafooharry_: hi05:19
EvilGenius101alkafoo, don't have another iso right now. Will download something later then05:19
codehotterubuntu_: well, move it to /tmp/thatfile then05:19
ubuntu_codehotter: hold on can u just clarify what it actually did , lol05:20
ubuntu_codehotter: http://paste.ubuntu.com/697058/05:20
alkafooEvilGenius101: could be some weird option you could toggle in your BIOS, too05:21
codehotterubuntu_: It does that the first time you use gpg05:21
ubuntu_codehotter: LOL oh wow I should have never stopped using linux wat was i thinking going back to windows silly fool of me OK ill find /tmp/ create thatfile.gpg05:22
EvilGenius101alkafoo, I doubt it. Its very basic BIOS for the laptop. Nothing I think stands out. it won't even run as live cd05:22
alkafooEvilGenius101: has a live cd ever worked with it?05:23
EvilGenius101First time i'm trying linux on this laptop05:23
EvilGenius101that same iso worked fine in vmware05:23
alkafooit's just it could be a problem using any live media or just with that particular image05:25
* alkafoo shrugs05:25
ubuntu_codehotter: OK i did it and it worked,05:25
codehotterubuntu_: it added my key?05:25
ubuntu_codehotter: but what exactly did I do ? it added your key and says your name and email but05:25
codehotterOK, now take the output from the commands before that you didn't want to send to everyone05:25
codehotterand put it in a file05:25
alkafooEvilGenius101: technically you can copy your vmware install to empty partition space, but you'd have to possibly tweak the drivers instead of them being autoconfigured05:26
codehotterthen do gpg -e "<my name or email>" /path/to/file05:26
codehotterthen do gpg -a -e "<my name or email>" /path/to/file05:26
ubuntu_what exactly does that do though i forgot05:26
codehotterIt makes sure only the person that you have as "name or email" can read it05:26
EvilGenius101I'll grab  10.04 iso from my uni and dist-upgrade ... if it works05:27
EvilGenius101or i'll just install opensuse or fedore05:27
codehotterwhoa people actually use opensuse? *ducks*05:27
ubuntu_codehotter: OK 2 things, i forgot what outputs you wanted, and 2nd of all so it'll make sure only you can read what ?05:27
jroysdonFedora too.  Just be prepared to reinstall Fedora every 13 months (give or take a month).  I enjoy Fedora, but I'm looking at Ubuntu for LTS.05:28
codehotterubuntu_: ls /mnt/3; ls /mnt/405:28
codehotterput the output from that into a file05:28
ubuntu_OH right those outputs ill put them , into a NEW file??05:28
codehotterthen gpg -a -e "<my name or email>" /path/to/file05:28
alkafoonot a fan of Fedora, but there's rarely a good reason to reinstall a Unix system05:28
ubuntu_OK cool im just wondering tho does that mean u can directly access my comp and read it etc. ?05:29
paulus68codehotter: do you have an manual/howto on how to set up gpg?05:29
ubuntu_or what does this do05:29
ubuntu_to help my installation , i forgot05:29
alkafoobasically it comes down to which would take longer: reinstalling or fixing it, because fixing it is always an option05:29
codehotterubuntu_: it will print out another bit of garbled text that you can put on pastebin05:29
codehotterthen I will take it from pastebin and decrypt it05:29
ubuntu_oh lol ok05:29
ubuntu_thx are you swedish I can't tell where your name is from05:30
codehotterpaulus68: what do you mean? What do you want to set up?05:30
ubuntu_or maybe dutch05:30
codehotterpaulus68: gpg --gen-key then gpg -a --export "<your name or email>" send your key to somebody else, have that person gpg --import it. Then you can use gpg --sign or gpg --encrypt05:31
codehotterpaulus68: I didn't know how gpg worked either, I just did man gpg05:31
paulus68codehotter: I mean you are using a encryption decryption with gpg which interests me so I am asking if you have a howto or other manual that I can use as reference05:31
codehotterubuntu_: did it produce some garbled text? Encrypted with my key?05:32
jroysdonpaulus68, what do you want to use it for, email or files?  If email, there are a lot of good plugins that automate much gpg stuff05:33
paulus68jroysdon: both might come in handy :)05:33
jroysdonEnigmail for Thunderbird is a nice add-on05:33
ubuntu_codehotter: oh it said05:33
ubuntu_usage gpg [options] --encrypt [filename[05:34
ubuntu_what the...05:34
jroysdonyou got a parameter wrong05:34
ubuntu_like I saved the output as thatfile2 in temp05:34
jroysdonyou can use: gpg -es FILENAME05:34
ubuntu_then i put in gpg -a -e "<the email>" /tmp/thatfile205:34
jroysdon(-es tells it to sign and encrypt it)05:34
alkafooah gpg05:35
ubuntu_the output BTW was BIN   BOOTMGRIMAGES_BOOT   PLANFOLDER  System Volume Information  ZZIMAGES05:35
jroysdonerr, I mean gpg -se FILENAME05:35
jroysdonit should take your original FILENAME and generate a FILENAME.gpg file for you (encrypted for the people you tell it to and signed by your key)05:35
alkafoothey should've called it prettycrypticprivacy05:35
ubuntu_hey codehotter im totally lost here D::05:36
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ubuntu_i dont even know what were attempting to do nevermind why this isnt working now, lol...05:38
jroysdonubuntu_, look at gpgkeys05:38
codehotterubuntu_: sorry I wrote it wrong05:38
ubuntu_codehotter: Oh okay what was it ,lol05:38
codehotterubuntu_: gpg -a -er "<my email>" /tmp/thatfile205:38
ubuntu_OK i'll try it05:39
ubuntu_hold on05:39
ubuntu_security alert it says05:39
ubuntu_it is not certain that the key belongs to  the person named in the user ID05:39
ubuntu_if you *really* know what you're doing you may answer with yes05:40
ubuntu_is it OK to say yes? lol05:40
codehotterIf you got this key from somewhere you don't trust, you shouldn't just believe that it is who the name says it is05:40
codehotteryou can put any name you want05:40
ubuntu_codehotter: wait what do you mean?! I got it from you05:40
codehotterbut since you got that key from me directly, you know it's me, so you can trust the key05:40
ubuntu_codehotter: lol oh ok05:40
jroysdonunless Malory MitM'd you05:40
ubuntu_are you like someone famous on the whole ubuntu crowd of peeps05:40
Lasers'directly' or just the man behind the machine? :o05:40
ubuntu_lol ^^05:40
jroysdonYou should compare signatures05:41
codehotterjroysdon: but those can be MiTMd too05:41
jroysdonUhm, how so?05:41
ubuntu_wow im so over my head, so is like05:41
ubuntu_codehotter a super trustworthy dude05:41
ubuntu_and u guys all know him05:41
LasersWe don't.05:41
ubuntu_sry for being rude im just super paranoid about this kind of stuff05:41
jroysdonIf you call each other up on the phone and read the signature back and forth (the gpg key sig), how is that going to get MiTM?05:41
codehotterhe doesn't know my voice, so that could get MitMd too05:42
jroysdonHah, for sure05:42
ubuntu_yea if I call you you could be the guy who does kermit the frogs voice for all i know05:42
ubuntu_but guys05:42
ubuntu_so you dont even know who codehotter is he isnt like famous an stuff??05:42
jroysdonI think he writes malware05:42
codehotterubuntu_: the message is just saying, don't automatically assume the person whose name it says on the key is actually that person05:43
jroysdonj/k, new to #ubuntu myself05:43
jroysdonubuntu_, just say "yes" but don't trust the key05:43
codehotterubuntu_: which is good advice, you don't know if I'm really that person or if that's really my email05:43
codehotterubuntu_: but you know it's at least me, since you got that key from me05:43
rhin0i just abandoned inspiron m5010 - too many problems - downgrading to inspiron 152505:43
codehotterso just let it use that key :P05:43
ubuntu_OK ill press yes lol05:43
amh345is it common for history to not show commonds in the same order when you have multiple ssh terminals active?05:44
ubuntu_OMG MY LINUX EXPLODED what are these spots on teh screen?? why is my comp slowin down hey its got a million popups NOOOO05:44
alkafooamh345: multiple ssh terminals, what?05:44
jroysdonamh345, yes, as it is stored in .bash_history05:44
codehotterubuntu_: good, now take the output from that command and put it on pastebin05:44
codehotteramh345: I don't think history is written to file until you close the shell, it's stored in memory until then, isn't it?05:44
ubuntu_OK it doesnt have any output, i pressed yes, and now it just goes back to blank05:44
kooldaddyjhello all!05:44
amh345jroysdon: as i understnad it, these are not time/time stamped so they could show up in any order?05:44
ubuntu_codehotter: there's no output!! is that bad??05:44
codehotterubuntu_: ah, okay, so it made a file /tmp/thatfile2.asc probably, open that and put it on pastebin05:45
ubuntu_It is NOT certain that the key belongs to the person named05:45
ubuntu_in the user ID.  If you *really* know what you are doing,05:45
ubuntu_you may answer the next question with yes.05:45
ubuntu_Use this key anyway? (y/N) y05:45
FloodBot1ubuntu_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:45
jroysdonamh345, I would think each bash shell will have it's own history, but only the last one will be written to .bash_history (but I've not tested)05:45
jroysdonamh345, I recommend using screen anyway, so you only need one ssh05:45
ubuntu_codehotter: Hey it wont let me open that .asc file05:45
codehotterubuntu_: cat /tmp/thatfile2.asc05:45
ubuntu_codehotter: It won't let me open that, it says There is no application installed for PGP/MIME-encrypted message header files05:46
amh345im accessing an ubuntu server via osx terminal05:46
Lasers!screen | amh34505:46
ubottuamh345: screen is a window manager for terminal sessions, also useful over SSH. The 'byobu' package provides very useful additional utilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screen05:46
ubuntu_oh Ok05:46
jroysdonamh345, screen is a text multi-shell interface05:46
ubuntu_codehotter: I did the thing you said now it has the garbled code05:46
codehotterubuntu_: put it on pastebin05:46
amh345oh. neato.  thanks guys05:46
jroysdonbest of all, you can disconnect from ssh and screen is still there running05:46
codehotterI have been told tmux has much cleaner code than screen05:46
jroysdonYou can reconnect to it later (I always start with: screen -xRR)05:46
ubuntu_codehotter: http://paste.ubuntu.com/697063/05:47
Lasersamh345: screen is pretty common for unix. OSX should have it too05:47
jroysdonscreen is pretty universal05:47
ubuntu_hey guys codehotter just gave me advice and I used his code for some reason I dont even understadn what im doing do you think my linux just got hacked? Im not being rude im just super paranoid about this pls dont say jokes i mean seriously does anyone here know him05:47
Lasersubuntu_: I don't know him -- Just the same way you don't know me.05:47
ubuntu_codehotter you're not evil right so its all good lol ?! sorry im just super paranoid about this stuff05:47
jroysdonubuntu_, I dunno, what are you getting from him?05:48
codehotterjroysdon: he imported my gpg key05:48
ubuntu_jryosdon: I dont even know its just code he gave me and I ran it and I forget why im even doing it cus im that much of a dirty little noob05:49
=== Nicolus is now known as c_nick
ubuntu_so codehotter did you see the pastebin I gave you?05:49
codehotterbut I forgot the passphrase to my key05:49
ubuntu_does it make sense? lol sorry i didnt mean to insult u codehotter im just paranoid about this crap05:49
codehotterso I can't open it05:49
ubuntu_oh man so what does that mean... uggh05:49
codehotterThere are worse noobs than you lol05:49
ubuntu_oh OK good lol05:49
paulus68ubuntu_ you have to trust the people up to a certain level when you ask for help05:50
ubuntu_codehotter is that bad though? what were we really close to doing?05:50
ubuntu_paulus68 yeah I know im just unreasonably paranoid about computer stuff sometimes sorry my bad all around05:50
codehotterubuntu_: gpg is used to send private messages05:50
ubuntu_anyways codehotter what were we really close to doing? were we really really close? can we still finish it ?05:50
codehotterubuntu_: I sent you a key05:50
ubuntu_codehotter: So that means ??05:50
codehotterubuntu_: you imported my key05:50
codehotterubuntu_: after that, you can send me private messages using my key05:50
ubuntu_yea, but... all that = what happens05:50
ubuntu_oh its like05:51
ubuntu_an IM thing?05:51
jroysdonwhich is kinda worthless as codehotter can't remember his password to his private key ;-p05:51
paulus68ubuntu_: no worries you should see my network layout that's really paranoid :p05:51
codehotterubuntu_: well not really, all gpg does is take your input and produce garbled text, or take garbled text and get the input back05:51
jroysdonubuntu_, it's a way to encode it so no one else can intercept it05:51
jroysdon(well, they can intercept it, but they won't have a way to know what it means)05:51
codehotterubuntu_: the idea is that nobody in between can read it, only the person whose key you used05:52
codehotterubuntu_: for everybody else it's just garbled text05:52
ubuntu_ohh lol. so we were just trying to set up a fully encrypted IM system05:52
jroysdonunless Mallory MiTM your key exchange05:52
ubuntu_and then u forgot your password so we cant do it in the longrun anyways05:52
codehotterubuntu_: yes, because you were unhappy about doing it in public05:52
ubuntu_OH no im fine in public!!! that was just me talking about the regular pastebin site cus I saw it posts your message up forever and I was like, wow, but then I see the ubuntu pastebin doesn't have a huge archive for everyone in public to see05:53
codehotterubuntu_: ubuntu: well, I can send you a new key, and remember my passphrase, but you'll get another scary warning message!05:53
Lasers!info pidgin-encryption05:53
ubottupidgin-encryption (source: pidgin-encryption): pidgin plugin that provides transparent encryption. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1-1 (natty), package size 122 kB, installed size 608 kB05:53
ubuntu_so im fine using ubuntu pastebin i dont care if other people see05:53
codehotterubuntu_: ok05:53
ubuntu_what we talk about, I mean we're only talking about installing ubuntu right ?05:53
JokesOnYou77Hi all05:53
codehotterthen can you paste the output of those commands to ubuntu pastebin05:53
ubuntu_hahaha wow sorry man but that was dedicated of you to that cause wow im impressed by you05:53
ubuntu_I did codehotter05:53
codehotterI mean ls /mnt/3; ls /mnt/405:53
JokesOnYou77Can anyone help me get the Compiz cube rotation to work with 11.94?05:53
ubuntu_that one05:53
FloodBot1ubuntu_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:53
ubuntu_its there05:54
codehotterubuntu_: without encryption I mean, I can't read it since I forgot my passphrase05:54
ubuntu_NO WAIT THATS NOT IT, sorry05:54
ubuntu_codehotter: here it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/697065/05:56
codehotterubuntu_: OK05:56
codehotterubuntu_: now I made another stupid mistake05:56
ubuntu_lol oh05:56
codehotterubuntu_: can you run ls /mnt/3 and ls /mnt/4 separately so we can see which one generated it?05:56
codehottergenerated that output I mean05:57
StepNjumpHi guys, a while back, I lost my system. After an update that installed, when I rebooted my system, it would only run in low graphics mode (meaning no GUI). Now that I reinstalled my system, how can I ensure this will no longer happen in the future? How can I tell which update crashed my system in the future? Thank you.05:57
ubuntu_OK hold on05:57
LasersStepNjump: So you lost everything (your home directory)? I hope not...05:58
Zatara75                   ¦ 498e0f584ce9a812e61ca12183ea5b05:58
silv3r_m00nhi there05:58
StepNjumpNo sorry. I just meant to say that I couldn't get X to get up and running Lasers. sorry for the confusion05:58
rwwZatara75: ... what?05:58
Zatara75sorry guys wrong window05:58
ubuntu_codehotter: OK I put in sudo ls /mnt/3 and nothing happened now ill try 405:58
silv3r_m00non ubuntu 111.04 totem is not able to play simple vcds ? it says you may not have permission to open file , and when I try to play the .dat files from mpeg directory in the vcd , it plays horribly with 80% green patch area05:59
silv3r_m00nI remember on 8.04 totem used to play vcds very well05:59
silv3r_m00nwhat is causing this issue ?05:59
ubuntu_codehotter: OK yea 4 made it say that response05:59
StepNjumpbtw, I'm running an ACER notebook05:59
codehotterubuntu_: so this means that /dev/sda4 has all that stuff in it and /dev/sda3 is empty05:59
codehotterubuntu_: right?05:59
LasersStepNjump: Yes. Well, you could look in /var/log/dpkg.log to see the latest packages (installed). Determine which packages did it. Also, try "startx" to start X manually.06:00
codehotterwe can double check by typing df -h, go ahead and pastebin that too06:00
ubuntu_Hmm I guess it might , Im pretty sure SDA3 is what I just formatted so then yea ur right06:00
StepNjumpOk thanks a lot Lasers, that will help a lot in case it happens again.06:00
LasersStepNjump: It'd be better to learn how to configure/fix/get on IRC/learn about tty/etc instead of reinstalling fresh OS everytime a little hiccup occur.06:01
ubuntu_codehotter: here it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/697069/06:01
StepNjumpLasers would you have any ideas which updates I should beware of in the future?06:01
codehotterubuntu_: yep, it's nearly empty (1% used)06:01
LasersStepNjump: None, really. It can be anything. Learn about TTY first.06:01
codehotterubuntu_: ok, so back in the ubuntu installer, can you select /dev/sda3 as the partition to install on?06:01
LasersStepNjump: Remembrer... Control+ALT+F7 BRING YOU BACK. That's F7.  F-SEVEN.06:02
StepNjumpI salvaged my information via TTY Lasers fortunately I could do that lol! Ok... You are right. Where could I learn about TTY Lasers please??06:02
Lasers!tty | StepNjump06:02
ubottuStepNjump: To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution.06:02
codehotterubuntu_: in the installer, you have the option "Use free space" right?06:02
StepNjumpok thanks06:02
StepNjumpYes this is what I tried to do06:03
codehotterubuntu_: if you have the option "use free space" then you can delete the /dev/sda3 to make it free space06:03
StepNjumpI didn't know about startx command though lasers thanks a lot06:03
codehotterubuntu_: then try to install ubuntu to the free space06:03
StepNjumpWished you had been there when this happened months ago06:03
LasersStepNjump: Sure. Also, learn about irssi or weechat. It's a CLI IRC client. Great if you want to chat through terminal or in TTY.06:04
StepNjumpoh cool. that's awsome!06:04
ubuntu_codehotter: im back i was AFK sorry06:06
ubuntu_codehotter: OK , in the installer, it doesn't really give me lots of options06:06
ubuntu_codehotter: It says, either replace windows or do something else06:06
ubuntu_codehotter: I click on "do something else," and it says Allocate Drive Space06:07
cvamI've upgraded to natty some days ago. by uname -a I got to know that my sys uses kernel 2.6.35-22-generic . In boot directory I have another version of kernel(2.6.38)06:07
codehotterwhat does it say on that screen besides allocate drive space?06:07
ubuntu_codehotter: then it lists me the partitions, I highlighted sda3 , but it doesn't really say it's gonna use that to install onto, and then below it all it has Device for boot loader installation: and I don't know what I should pick for that because I already have GRUB installed06:07
codehotterubuntu_: what buttons does it show you?06:08
ubuntu_codehotter: but I highlighted sda3 for that aswell06:08
cvamwhat should I do . how to use newer kernel. what's the advantage for newer one06:08
ubuntu_buttons? oh just QUIT BACK and INSTALL NOW06:08
DNDin terminal, how can i killa all process that uses "curl" ?06:08
cvamI've upgraded to natty some days ago. by uname -a I got to know that my sys uses kernel 2.6.35-22-generic . In boot directory I have another version of kernel(2.6.38)what should I do . how to use newer kernel. what's the advantage for newer one06:08
jroysdoncvam, newer kernels are typically released for bugs/security issues, and also to improve performance, etc.06:09
ikonia!info linux-image natty06:09
codehotterubuntu_: OK, I recommend you pick /dev/sda (no number) for bootloader and /dev/sda3 for install06:09
ubottulinux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (natty), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 all armel powerpc)06:09
ubuntu_codehotter: OK, yeah sda 2 is the one with windows right06:09
ubuntu_whatever, im sure it is06:09
=== `Abhijit` is now known as `Abhijit
codehottersda1 and sda2 seem windows, and sda4 seems to have some important stuff but I'm not sure what06:10
codehottersda3 is empty06:10
ubuntu_codehotter: well it says sda4 is for windows backup06:10
codehotteralright that makes sense\06:10
ubuntu_but the thing about SDA blank though!06:10
blinkizHello. I monitor some files on my servers like the checksum of sshd. It has changed this morning and it is probably just a security update. Anyway, can I verify the current checksum against a value on the Internet somewhere?06:10
ubuntu_it says its called TOSHIBA MK3252GS (320.1GB) so I think it's just the name of all the partitions together??06:10
=== GreenCloud is now known as Antrax2000
cvamjroysdon: OK I got 2 versions of kernel. How can I use newer one06:11
Stanley00cvam: try update-grub06:12
Stanley00cvam: if that not work, add it manually :(06:12
ubuntu_codehotter: what do you think it seems like sda (no number) could be all of them together06:12
ubuntu_to me06:12
codehotteryes, but the bootloader should go there (NOT the installation)06:13
ubuntu_right so putting the bootloader on the SDA no number wont mess up the windows inst?  because the SDA no number doesn't even have a lable like NTFS and it's space is the space of all the rest together so im worried it might overwrite EVERYTHIGN by selecting that for the bootloader06:14
ubuntu_and also, I already have GRUB on my computer I installed it off the liveCD so couldnt I just skip installing a bootloader?06:14
Stanley00ubuntu_: install there is equal to install to MBR somehow...06:14
codehotterubuntu_: selecting /dev/sda for the bootloader will make your main bootloader grub06:15
codehotterubuntu_: if you already have grub, you may skip it, but I do not recommend doing so06:15
codehotterubuntu_: it's not certain the existing grub installation will work properly with your new ubuntu install06:15
ubuntu_codehotter: OK , does it matter if sda 2 and 4 have (loader) after their names on this installer though?06:16
codehotterI'm not sure what that means.06:16
codehotterblinkiz: debsums openssh-server06:16
codehotteralso check /var/log/dpkg.log06:17
ubuntu_codehotter: OK I selected the sda no number as the bootloader, and 3 as the installation, and it gave me this error message : No root file system is defined. Please correct this from the partitioning menu06:17
codehotterblinkiz: you should get the md5sum file for openssh-server from the internet, since the malware planter may have modified the md5sums file on your system too ; |)06:17
codehotterubuntu_: you need to go back to the partitioning menu06:18
codehottersorry can somebody help ubuntu_  here? I need to go06:18
codehotterubuntu_: good luck :(06:18
andrew_hey, I was wondering how I get the automounter to mount with sudo privileges, so that files can be drag/dropped using the file manager?06:18
ubuntu_there's no partitioning menu though... it only has this as its first screen in installation lol06:18
ubuntu_OK thx for help codehotter love u bro06:18
andrew_since right now, the files are locked06:18
Stanley00andrew_: try edit /etc/fstab file06:18
andrew_Stanley00, what does the line need to be for a usb keydrive?06:20
Stanley00andrew_: usb key is mount automatically,06:20
andrew_Stanley00, /dev/sdb1       /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec,utf8 0       0 is the line06:21
StepNjumplasers and others, good night... I will try that weechat see if I can figure it out and after that it's time for bed. Good night all06:21
ubuntu_Hey anyone here good at installing ubuntu?  I am lost on it badly can't get past first screen of installation on liveCD06:21
ubuntu_GNIGHT stepnjump06:21
Stanley00andrew_: I dont know what you mean when you said root privileges?06:22
andrew_Stanley00, well, all the icons in the file manager are have a locked symbol, and I want to be able to read/write to the drive with the file manager when it automounts06:23
dfcnvtAm I to learn that this new ubuntu version is disabled on screensaver?06:23
Stanley00andrew_: is that a cdrom drive?06:23
andrew_no, a 4gb USB thumbdrive06:23
ubuntu_hey guys im having a huge problem with the installation it is giving instructions that don't exist, makes 0 sense at all06:24
Stanley00andrew_: I think you should comment out that line in fstab and replug your thumbdrive again.06:24
andrew_ill gve it a shot, thanks06:24
binniwhat kind of problems are possible to happen related to if I install ubuntu 11.10 beta 2 and just upgrade it regularly through synaptic, instead of waiting for ubuntu 11.10 and do the same?06:25
spartan07hey guys is there a way to do 3 screens on a evga gtx 295? my 3rd screen does not work and needs to be HDMI. Anyone having an issue like this?06:25
spartan07running ubuntu 10.04 LTS06:26
urlin2ubinni, same install if nothing breaks06:26
andrew_Stanley00, no dice with that approach06:26
binniurlin2u: okay, thanks.06:26
stepnjumpLasers, if you are still here, it worked with weechat! Thank you very much06:26
Stanley00andrew_: can you pastebin the output of command "mount"?06:27
ubuntu_<-- really desperate for installation help, stuck on same screen for 3 hours.. - .   -06:28
andrew_Stanley00,  http://pastebin.ca/208294706:29
andrew_ubuntu_, what's on that screen?06:30
andrew_and did you get the right install for your system (x86, x64, desktop, laptop,etc)06:30
Stanley00andrew_: and you still cant read the files in /media/disk?06:30
ubuntu_andrew_: thx man, well basically its the LiveCD installation for ubuntu and, yea, really pathetic right? but I installed it in 2009 without these weird issues though06:30
ubuntu_andrew_: yeah I have 64 bit windows so I got the 64 bit ubuntu installer06:31
ubuntu_andrew_: oh i have a laptop though... but i just saw 1 option for 64 bit06:31
dhruvasagarHey is there a way for me to run a bash script without having for the commands to actually work, just to kindof test what it is supposed to do ?06:31
andrew_Stanley00, I can view yes, but not write.06:31
ubuntu_andrew_: but thing is, its stuck on this screen saying Allocate Drive Space06:31
ubuntu_listing my partitions, telling me to select device for boot loader installation,06:32
ubuntu_and no matter what i pick it always tells me   : No root file system is defined. Please correct this from the partitioning menu.06:32
ubuntu_andrew_: any ideas what this all means?06:32
Stanley00andrew_: it's strange, can yout pastebin the out put of "ls -l /media/disk" please?06:32
andrew_Ubuntu - there should be an auto-partition tool included with the liveCD, did you use this, or try and set up your own custom partitions?06:33
binnidhruvasagar: if it doesn't require root privileges then run it under a dummy user and see what happens, if it requires root privileges and changes the system then maybe you can run it undir virtual box.06:33
ubuntu_UPDATE: I just realize all the partitions dont have mount points , should I set them? but problem is it only gives me /dos and /windows to set the mount points as....06:33
ubuntu_andrew_: im just following after you click on the desktop icon saying Install06:33
andrew_Stanley00, http://pastebin.ca/208295206:34
dhruvasagarbinni: yes I am aware of the virtualization options, this is actually a script written by me, some of the commands are run with sudo so they require that. But I just wanted to check and see if the messages in between commands are formatted correctly, I guess I will simply comment out stuff and confirm that06:34
ubuntu_andrew_: any ideas?06:35
andrew_ubuntu_, try restarting the install, and install straight off instead of using the "try it out" option?06:35
ubuntu_andrew_: but I want to dual boot06:35
Stanley00andrew_: hmm, is your username andrew? it looks normal here,06:35
ubuntu_andrew_: my whole point is i wanna put it on a 6 GB partition I just formatted , while leaving my windows in tact06:36
andrew_Stanley00, yeah, username is andrew.06:36
ubuntu_andrew_: so i think that if I just did the install straight off it would format everything right06:36
sdperez79does anyone play ava from ijji.com?06:36
andrew_ubuntu_, you'll have to replace the windows boot record with one from a bootloader and edit the bootloader as appropriate for a dual boot.06:36
DontTripanyone have any trouble logging into google chrome "set up sync" in 11.04? It just keeps trying to authenticate and never errors out06:36
Stanley00andrew_: one more thing, can you pastebin "ls -l /media" and "cat /etc/fstab" ?06:36
sdperez79im am trying to run that fps shooter game on linux any ideas?06:37
andrew_Stanley00, http://pastebin.ca/208295306:38
Stanley00andrew_: thanks, I will look at that06:38
andrew_Stanley00, np, thanks for taking a look.06:38
greenmang0hi friends, i am running few windows VMs on a linux system using virtual box, i want to access those VMs through other ubuntu and windows system in network... (access as in the GUI, so that developers can test the website on different versions of IE , FF, and Chrome) .. is that possible? and if yes, how06:40
Stanley00andrew_: what is the output of "groups andrew" ?06:41
alkafoogreenmang0: yes06:41
andrew_Stanley00, andrew : andrew adm dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev fuse lpadmin admin06:41
LigHI found a lot of websites talking about "Ubuntu hangs while booting unless I press a key". How may I help detecting my specific reason?06:42
greenmang0alkafoo, how can i do that?06:42
ikoniaLigH: are you currently having a problem ?06:42
alkafoogreenmang0: there's a built-in VNC thing, let me see how one accesses it06:42
Stanley00andrew_: thay are all look normal.... cant figure out why...06:43
LigHikonia: Not always, but today again.06:43
ikoniaLigH: could you explain the problem please.06:43
alkafoogreenmang0: ah okay, Settings > Display > Remote Display (tab)06:43
alkafoogreenmang0: connect with vncviewer, I imagine06:43
andrew_Stanley00, would it help if I gave you the error for when I try and write to the device?06:44
alkafoogreenmang0: actually I'm looking at a Windows version of VirtualBox just now and it says RDP, but there's definitely VNC support there too06:44
andrew_Stanley00, or should we create a separate fstab entry with specific arguments for this?06:44
Stanley00andrew_: oh, I forgot that,06:44
alkafoogreenmang0: dunno if that's just substituted for the Windows build or what06:44
andrew_Stanley00, forgot which? The fstab entry?06:44
greenmang0alkafoo, let me check06:45
Stanley00andrew_: the error message :))06:45
LigHI have a multiboot environment (Ubuntu 11 in 32 and 64 bit, and Windows XP). When I select the entry for one of the Ubuntu installations, sometimes it stays with a blank black screen; when I press any key, even just "Ctrl", the mouse switches off and on, and a few seconds later the magenta text boot screen with the 4 dots appears.06:45
alkafoogreenmang0: but even if it's just rdp and not vnc, you could use rdesktop or freerdp from Unixland06:45
ikoniaLigH: how do you know the mouse switches on and off ?06:45
bilegtwhere is rc.conf in ubuntu?06:46
alkafoobilegt: what're you trying to accomplish?06:46
LigHIt is an optical mouse, partially transparent. The red LED is visible.06:46
LigHUSB mouse.06:46
andrew_Stanley00, http://pastebin.ca/208295606:46
ikoniaLigH: have you looked at the possability of removing the boot splash so you can see what's going on behind the boot up process ?06:47
LigHI may try that. I hope the GRUB Customizer has a matching option, or I would have to read the GRUB 2 manual first ...06:48
andrew_Stanley00, I also just looked at the permissions for a folder within /media/disk/ which revealed that it is read write, belonging to group: root06:48
ikoniaLigH: grub customizer ?06:49
Stanley00andrew_: it said read-only? but mount said that it mount rw,06:49
andrew_in the file manager, it said read-write.06:49
sdperez79onplayonlinux how do i create a shortcut on ubuntu 11.04 on the desktop06:49
andrew_but the group says root, which is not a group that showed up in andrews groups andrew output06:50
sdperez79i accidentally deleted it06:50
andrew_would that be the trouble?06:50
Stanley00andrew_: I dont know why it said group root, but the owner has all permission, and the group has nothing06:50
sdperez79programs still there just wanted a short cut06:51
andrew_Stanley00, though the thing that strikes me as odd is that it refers to the drive as a read only FS06:51
Stanley00andrew_: I think you should backup your UDB and reformat it...06:51
andrew_Stanley00, just fdisk it or cfdisk it?06:51
Stanley00andrew_: use the Disk utility instead... I prefer GUI tool :)06:52
LigHikonia: https://launchpad.net/grub-customizer -- used this to edit some options related to the appearance, e.g. using a lower-res mode for the GRUB menu. The shipped "StartUp Manager" is not really GRUB 2 compatible anymore.06:52
ikoniaLigH: I've never used that tool so I don't know how it may/may not effect anything.06:53
LigHAfterwards I executed "sudo grub-update" to ensure it being rebuilt compatibly. Afterwards it started several times without delay, so it was usually fine.06:53
LigHIt stalled sometimes before I ever installed grub-optimizer.06:54
sdperez79in playonlinux how do i make a shortcut from the programs i have installed(playinlinux)to desktop06:54
LigHSo it is not related to this.06:54
LigHRather to a cold-starting device, probably.06:54
ikoniaLigH: I'm not blaming it, I just saying I don't know how that tool works, so I don't know the effects it will have.06:54
andrew_Stanley00, which menu is the disk utility located under?06:55
LigHCurrently it has the kernel parameters "quiet splash", Shall I try to remove both?06:55
Stanley00andrew_: did you backup ALL your usb?06:56
andrew_yup, got it now, cp -R /media/disk to a ~/backup folder06:57
andrew_and found out this system didn't have disk utility by default06:57
andrew_so it's downloading from the synaptic package manager now06:57
LigHDetails about grub-optimizer: https://answers.launchpad.net/grub-customizer/+faq/1355 -- it aims at editing the menu order and misc. options, while preserving the dynamic generating features.06:58
Stanley00andrew_: start DIsk utility, just click on the USB diskdrive, look on the right panel, you will see format...06:58
andrew_Stanley00, what scheme should I use?06:58
andrew_MBR, right?06:59
Stanley00andrew_: yes06:59
LigHikonia: Currently it has the kernel parameters "quiet splash". Shall I try to remove both?07:00
ikoniaLigH: up to you.07:00
LigH '<07:01
LigHBRB - maybe...07:01
andrew_Stanley00, thanks for the help, we're good to go now that the backup and reformat has happened.07:04
dragonkiller666I am trying to do a fresh install of ubuntu with 1107:04
dragonkiller666.04 With the liveusb i to boots but it gets to a point it stop and my screen goes black my screen comes up no dvi signal thats normal for my montior when theres no singal going to it07:05
sdperez79what is the alternative to camstudio?07:06
wyang_Could not locate executable g7707:06
melvincvhi all07:06
wyang_someone see this error message?07:07
wyang_i should install gcc ?07:07
melvincvhow do I display the GRUB2 menu on starting Ubuntu 11.04? My GRUB menu seems to be hidden now.07:07
sdperez79anyone know a alternative to cam studio?07:08
Stanley00sdperez79: try recordmydesktop, or search in Ubuntu Software Center07:08
dragonkiller666melvincv i can't even get 1107:08
dragonkiller666.04 installed07:08
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melvincvI asked as the GRUB2 configuration is very complex compared to GRUB.07:09
melvincvI can't figure out how to do it myself :(07:09
ikoniamelvincv: can you see the time out option ?07:10
Stanley00melvincv: all config is in /etc/default/grub or /etc/grub.d/* , althoung it's a bit complex too :)07:10
melvincvYes, I tried that in grub.cfg. Doesn't work...07:10
melvincvI need to boot to the recovery mode. How do I do that?07:11
Stanley00melvincv: press Shift or Ctrl at booting time doesnt help?07:11
ikoniamelvincv: you need to do it from the grub menu, if you change the time out to above 0 you'll see the menu07:11
melvincvthere are two timeouts: -1 and 30.07:12
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melvincvI tried setting both to 30, doesn't work.07:12
melvincvStanley00, is it shift or ctrl?07:13
Stanley00melvincv: nvm, how many OS do you have on your system?07:13
Stanley00melvincv: I dont remember, one of them will show the grub menu07:14
melvincvJust Ubuntu 11.04. I need to get to it's recovery mode.07:14
Stanley00melvincv: That's the point, it seem that if you have only one OS, the time out will not work at all :(07:15
melvincvOK, will the shift or ctrl key work if there is only one OS?07:15
Stanley00melvincv: I hope so07:16
LigHikonia: Just had a kernel update for new Nvidia drivers; afterwards, the booting process got stuck with the mouse switching off, but not back on, so I had to reset the PC. Then it booted after a little while without pressing any key, but not with the expected amount of logging, fsck was the first I could read. You see, it is not reliable, and I may need another source of logs to search for possible reasons. Will try with the 64-bit version07:16
ikoniaLigH: that to me sounds like you have a hardware issue07:17
ikoniaLigH: possible the disk you are trying to boot not spinning up quick enough,07:17
ikoniaor a simple motherboard error.07:17
ikoniaor ram07:17
LigHOr USB.07:17
LigHI remember a version of Ubuntu years ago, which wouldn't boot at all unless I plugged out the APC BackUPS.07:18
ikoniaLigH: I don't believe this is an ubuntu issue, rather a hardware issue as I've stated07:18
ikoniaLigH: if it was an OS issue, I'd expect it to do it every time07:18
dragonkiller666i can get the 11.04 to boot from usb it get a point then it stops and my screen goes black07:19
LigHYes, probably a driver which was not perfectly programmed, often due to the lack of specifications from the manufacturer.07:19
ikoniaLigH: no, I'll say it again07:19
ikoniaLigH: I don't believe this is a software error - it sounds like a hardware error07:19
ikoniaLigH: if it was a software error, I'd expect it to be doing it every time.07:20
ikoniaLigH: so not drivers. Hardware.07:20
LigHWell. How to detect those ... as long as it boots after a keypress (or one reset in a while), I doubt it is worth much more effort.07:21
avelldirolldragonkiller666: did you check the md5sum of the iso file you used to make your liveUSB ? did you check the liveUSB on antother computer ?07:21
ikoniaLigH: There is your answer then07:21
LigH:| - Some like philosophical replies more than others...07:21
LigH\o CU07:21
ikoniaLigH: it's not philosophical you just said it wasn't worth the effort, so then carry on07:22
dragonkiller666avelldiroll i just tested it on my wifes laptop and it worked fine07:25
dragonkiller666never mind it came up with error07:26
avelldirolldragonkiller666: ok, so the culprit is most probably your usk key/disk, the iso or the process you used to build it07:27
anjay-hardhow to disable utc in terminal07:28
dragonkiller666avelldiroll: (initramfs) mount: mounting /dev/loop0 on //filesystem.squasjfs failed: no such device can not mount /dev/loop /cdrom/casper/filesystem.squashfs on //filesystem.squashfs07:28
anjay-hardhi guys , how to disable utc in terminal07:29
avelldirolldragonkiller666: the live system does not find the data it needs on the usb disk07:30
scarleoanjay-hard, utc is a global concept, you can't disable utc. What is it you want to do?07:36
dragonkiller666what do i need to do07:37
anjay-hardI am building a livecd  , the utc is not necessary07:38
rwwanjay-hard: if you mean "how do I change my timezone?", sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata is the command-line way.07:38
anjay-hardlet me try07:39
Zgomot/s irc.lug.ro07:39
avelldirolldarkcharl: test the usbkey (or try another one), check the iso's md5, and review the process you used to prepare your liveUSB07:39
avelldirollarf sorry darkcharl, i meant dragonkiller66607:39
anjay-hardthx , rww07:41
dragonkiller666i used www.pendrivelinux.com/07:41
farciarz84what is the channel for 11.10?07:43
avelldirolldragonkiller666: you're building your liveUSB from windows ?07:43
rhin01this farciarz8407:43
rwwfarciarz84: #ubuntu+107:44
avelldirollfarciarz84: #ubuntu+107:44
rwwrhin01: no, this channel isn't for 11.10 until it's released07:44
rhin01I just abandoned 11.0407:44
farciarz84anyway skype doesn't dock in taskbar in 11.10 it is in unity bar. Unfortunately it disappeared from unity. Hot to bring it to screen?07:44
elkyMy unity icons have all gone invisible. This is less than helpful.07:45
farciarz84ok but from console, I hope there is a way to bint it to my screen (skype proc)07:46
farciarz84because now I cannot do anything. There is skype process running and I cannot use it. Taskbar icon is not avaiable, unity icon cracshed.07:48
avelldirollfarciarz84: don't cross-post, your issue concern only #ubuntu+1, not here07:48
farciarz84avelldiroll: Isn't the same in 11.04?07:48
MyWayhello, I'm running this command at boot: xset m 3 1 but It's not working, if I do it from terminal, after boot it is, why? How can I do to autorun it? Thank you!07:48
avelldirollfarciarz84: i don't know, but you are using 11.10 hence #ubuntu+107:48
farciarz84avelldiroll: you know nobody responses there :/07:49
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farciarz84avelldiroll: finally I ask how to pring gui process to screen which is general question for linu/ubuntu07:49
avelldirollfarciarz84: you can't expect the same level of support for a testing version, testing is for bug reporting after all it means "not ready to be supported"07:50
ikoniafarciarz84: #ubuntu+1 is where you should be asking. Please take it herer07:50
farciarz84ikonia: I did it already.07:51
ikoniafarciarz84: then please wait for a response there, don't bring the issue to this channel please.07:51
dragonkiller666think i fuiger out what it was07:51
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avelldirolldragonkiller666: what was it then ?07:52
dragonkiller666The error "Can not mount /dev/loop1 on /cow" is because usb-creator.exe is not creating a valid casper-rw file holding ext2/ext3 filesystem07:52
scarleofarciarz84, just kill the process and start it again: killall skype07:53
dragonkiller666my dvd will not even boot it well get to the islinux 4.01 and just freeze07:55
shaibnHello :) I'm at a bit of a problem. I have a install of Ubuntu 10.04 Desktop 64bit and when I go to System -> Preferences -> Keyboard ; and click on Add to add another layout, it pops up a small popup really fast that I can't make out, and then just gets stuck. I can't close the Keyboard Preferences window, but I can move it around. Non of the buttons are clickable and the only way to close it, is to kill the PID. Any ideas what this might be?07:57
___MAXfailed recovery passwd in single mode : http://i54.tinypic.com/n4bj2b.png07:59
ikonia___MAX: why are you root07:59
ikonia___MAX: why are you asking for help with centos in #ubuntu08:00
ikonia___MAX: ask in #centos08:00
___MAXit is VM08:00
___MAXon ubuntu08:00
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___MAXany i dea08:00
ikonia___MAX: not #ubuntu's problem08:00
ikonia___MAX: ask in #centos08:00
ikonia___MAX: ask in #centos, please.08:00
shaibnIf it helps, when I start gnome-keyboard-properties as root from console, I get these couple of lines when I click the Add button:08:01
shaibndpy: 0x10b560008:01
shaibnevt/error/major/minor: 119/166/1/008:01
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almoxarifeI return from suspend to 'locked screen' regardless of settings in power settings/ screen saver / , any thoughts? I expect that there is a conf file somewhere, but I can't find it,08:06
tfreezeTrying to install php5-pgsql I get a dependancy error: http://pastebin.com/SLT2mqNf Could someone be so kind and help me out?08:06
mplhi. I'm on 10.04. What do I have to do for the visual effects choice to be persistent across reboots?08:08
almoxarifempl: look at login-settings08:10
sdperez79can anyone please tell me a alternative to adobe premiere08:12
mplalmoxarife: I don't think I have such a thing here. I have "Login screen" in the administration section.08:13
bambanxguys a good translator like babylon ?08:13
almoxarifempl: sounds right, should be able to set your preference there08:14
jlinddoes anyone here know anything about UDS and graphics sessions. how goes ubuntu's wayland integration?08:15
sdperez79whats the best video editor on ubuntu ?08:16
mplalmoxarife: what preference? this only allows to choose the default wm/desktop.08:16
x404xbambanx have u tryed google translate ?08:17
almoxarifempl: define 'visual effect'08:17
x404xor babelfish08:17
bambanxis a desktop app? x404x08:17
x404xno theyre online08:18
bambanxi need a desktop app for read my pdf08:18
almoxarifebambanx: evince should work08:19
bambanxevince have shotcuts like ctrl key for trasnlate on documents?08:19
mplalmoxarife: system -> preferences -> appearance -> visual effects tab.08:19
mplalmoxarife: I can set it to normal, and it works fine, I can then tweak all the compiz stuff. however after a reboot it sets it back to minimal.08:20
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sdperez79whats the best video editor for ubuntu?08:20
bambanxsdperez79, check this http://techcityinc.com/2009/02/04/top-10-free-video-editors-for-ubuntu-linux/08:21
sdperez79thanks sorry i am new08:21
bambanxCinelerra looks cool08:22
x404xheres how to translate docs like pdf ,word etc with google translate08:23
bambanxx404x, thanks men,but if i translate all document the context of phrase sometimes is losted08:24
bambanxx404x, i know a little of english , but some words i dunno08:24
rcngeoffHi.. I am getitng this in dmesg:  "Clocksource tsc unstable (delta = 73208028 ns)"  Is that something that could cause system instability?08:25
x404xno translater is perfect... its always fun to see the russian scammers using online translaters and their messages end up like total nonsence lol08:25
roger21hi, i can't get beep to work, any advice ?08:26
icerootroger21: what does "cant get to work" mean?08:29
sdperez79kool, now just to find a fps game to replace ava08:29
roger21iceroot, no sound08:29
icerootroger21: check "alsamixer" if "beep" is muted08:31
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icerootroger21: also check if the pcspkr module is loaded (lsmod)08:32
silverarrowthis might be a silly question but would any usb hub work the same in buntu, or are powered ones performing any better?08:33
StaRetjiYo :) What would be the command to show dpkg -l (but page by page, because I can't scroll it) THX!08:33
icerootStaRetji: command | less08:34
StaRetjiiceroot: thx dude :)08:34
roger21iceroot, alsamixer seems fine, pcspkr isn't loaded, how do load it ?08:35
icerootroger21: hm as it seems 11.10 is no longer using that module, dont know what 11.04 is doing there08:36
silverarrow11.10 is out?08:37
roger2111.04 here08:37
auronandacesilverarrow: not stable release yet08:37
silverarrowI see08:37
silverarrowstable is always debatable anyhow08:37
roger21iceroot, ok i worls with pcspkr, thanks08:37
ikoniasilverarrow: no08:37
roger21hum how do i have it loaded at startup again ?08:38
roxxyi am unable to open my home folder, it opens VLC up.  is there some where i can check to see if the file path has changed? if so how or where can i check to see and correct it?08:38
roxxyor a website that would help me with this issue.08:38
silverarrowroxxy, not shore, but you could hopen folder, then chose open in vlc to check?08:40
silverarrowroxxy, if things are lost you could investigate with something like GDmap08:41
x404xsounds like a bad symlink or cross linked file , if the shortcut to home changed to open vlc f.ex ?08:41
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x404xlol sound like game over for the raid mr opps ?08:44
roxxyit opens all my files that is in my home folder in vlc. and x404x its does that on my quickaccess browser and any other way08:45
x404xI never quite get over the days when kernel panic changes to oops08:45
x404xtryed to open a file explorer ? or open another path like computer and browse to home08:46
silverarrowroxxy, funny, like vlc mozilla plugin really have taken over08:47
alkafooopen a terminal and run ls ~/08:47
roxxysilverarrow: i believe it has! lol freaking did an update and had to restart my computer and it did that08:53
jtza8I'm still using Ubuntu 10.04, I'm also used to using the Emacs key-binding C-M-t08:55
jtza8... which opens a terminal in Gnome08:55
jtza8How would I disable that "feature"08:55
sitmaudathi everyone08:55
sitmaudatI am new here08:55
sitmaudatcome from HongKong08:56
alkafoojtza8: what do you want it to do?08:56
alkafoositmaudat: hi08:56
sitmaudat I wanna learn something about linux08:56
jtza8alkafoo: I'd like Gnome to ignore its shortcut key.08:57
elkyHrm. My unity icons are still invisible. Any way to make them visible again?08:58
jtza8IIRC, I might have been the guy that added that shortcut via the Gnome registry... oops, oh well... I might be able to fix it from here. Thanks :)08:59
auronandace!manual | sitmaudat09:01
ubottusitmaudat: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/09:01
BhaveshI was updating my Ubutnu 10.10 to 11.04 through System > Preferences > Update Manager > Upgrade, it downloaded all the files and was installing them when suddenly I had a power cut. After which when I open Ubuntu, it says the Drive at / is not ready09:02
Kv`hi, id like take a screenshot of my 2nd screen, its possible ? i dont want have my 2 screens in my screenshot09:02
Bhaveshand Ubuntu does not open09:02
Wiz_KeeDhello everyone09:02
Wiz_KeeDcan anyone please tell me how i can add a user to an existing group?09:02
chaospsychexBhavesh: Damn dude, you need to do a reinstall then09:02
Bhaveshchaospsychex: :(09:02
chaospsychexYou should look into a 'UPS'09:03
chaospsychexgood thing you weren't doing a BIOS upgrade or something09:03
chaospsychexWiz_KeeD: System>Administration>Users and Groups09:04
chaospsychexalternatively you can do 'man adduser' to learn about the 'adduser' command09:05
freckleHi. I am getting a problem with the lightning plugin for thunderbird not being compatible .. I am using TB 3.1.13 and lightning 1.0b509:07
pixie79hi all, I am looking to build a basic live server cd but am unsure if there is an ubuntu based live server image out there that I could base my work on to save reintenting the wheel (or any other OS), basically all i need is for it to boot the box from usb/cd and allow SSH - after which i will add xinetd.09:07
jtza8Who thinks a "registry" is a good idea anyway (other than Gnome)?09:08
jtza8I can't seem to find that keybinding I was looking for.09:09
sitmaudatand I am getting a problem with my graphic card, Nvidia GForce 310M.I can't install the Graphics driver. My ubuntu 11.04 is 64bits version09:11
sitmaudathow can i do09:11
roxxy:\ even the gui settings say the directiroy is correct and the vlc is correct also09:12
rachositmaudat, are you using the Additional Drivers tool?09:12
sitmaudatys   but it doesn't work09:13
rachositmaudat, what kind of error does it give?09:13
sitmaudatif i install the driver it offer  .i can't use the unity09:14
rachositmaudat, did you try using the other driver suggestions?09:15
sitmaudatno yet09:15
sitmaudatracho    is there any other method?09:17
wyang_Could not locate executable g7709:19
wyang_some idea on this?09:19
rachowyang_, what operation gives you this error?09:22
wyang_i am installing the autotest server09:23
wyang_actually i am not sure which packet need g7709:24
hamedhi when i try to install ubuntu on my laptop the hard converted to just 1 part and it didn't see the partitions09:26
rachowyang_, i think the g77 was connected with the f2c translator09:26
hamedoh any one here09:28
wyang_racho, fortran to c?09:28
wyang_racho, i search the internet, it mentioned that previously it is a part of gcc09:29
wyang_but after 4.0, gcc do not support it09:29
rachowyang_, i suppose you could get the shared libs or the actual fort compiler if it's in the dependencies09:29
wyang_hmm... how?09:30
rachowyang_, gfortran09:32
suxHi everyone, I baught an HP-dv7-4285dx laptop which comes with switachable graphics(intel/ati-readon), and 6GB of RAM . I installed ubuntu 11.04 recently and found out it only shows me 2GB.. does that mean I don't have a linux compatible hardware or what?09:32
wyang_racho, let me have a try09:33
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wyang_racho, no not work09:34
rachowyang_, ok remove it and try apt-get install python-dev09:35
wyang_racho, still not work09:35
wyang_racho, i see someone suggest this approach09:36
rachowyang_, show the error messages09:36
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binniis there a ubuntu 11.10 channel?09:45
MonkeyDustbinni: #ubuntu+109:46
binniMonkeyDust: okay, thanks.09:46
tapouthello, somehow I broke X.  I installed the bitcoin generating stuff, rebooted... and now when X is supposed to load, i get a black screen.  Any ideas on how to fix this?09:47
csenger41hey everyone :)09:48
hamedwhy no one reply me09:48
MonkeyDust!ask| hamed09:49
ubottuhamed: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:49
csenger41hamed: idk, i just came online, tell ur problem again09:49
lagMy computer just randomly shut-down - which channel is best to winge in?09:50
hamedi have windows in my laptop when i tried to install ubuntu it see the hard as a just one partition not more09:50
HyperJapanHey guys09:51
csenger41lag: is it a laptop or PC?09:51
MonkeyDusthamed: in ubuntu, type df - h | pastebin and paste it here, so we can see it09:51
hamedthe hard is 80 as 4 partition it appear as 1 partition09:51
laghamed: You have to create partitions - the Ubuntu Installer CD-ROM will help you09:51
lagcsenger41: Desktop09:51
HyperJapanIf I were to install Kubuntu 11.10 Beta 2 right now, when the final or another beta comes round, do I need to do a fresh install or update-manager -d, or can I just run normal updates to bring me to the latest release?09:52
csenger41lag: it may be PSU problem09:52
lagcsenger41: No, it was shutdown by the OS09:52
lagcsenger41: It shutdown properly, but I'm unsure what caused it09:52
almoxarifehamed: windows has taken all of the hard drive, consider wubi09:52
csenger41lag: ohh i see09:53
hamedi dont use wubi09:53
MonkeyDustHyperJapan: wrong channel, join #ubuntu+109:53
HyperJapanMonkeyDust: Thanks :)09:53
laghamed: How much free space do you have on your HDD?09:53
csenger41lag: when you turn it on again, does windows says anything like it was recovered from serious problem?09:54
hamed17 in first partition and 17 in second partition09:54
hamed17 gb09:54
lagcsenger41: Windows? I use Ubuntu exclusively09:54
csenger41hamed: does all ur partitions used?09:54
hamedthe first one (windows installed)09:55
csenger41lag: damn, sry lol, you and hamed wrote right after each other and i got confused09:55
laghamed: Use a disk manager (such as gpart) to divi it up better09:55
hamedbuntu@ubuntu:~$ df - h09:55
hameddf: `-': No such file or directory09:55
hameddf: `h': No such file or directory09:55
hameddf: no file systems processed09:55
hamedubuntu@ubuntu:~$ df - h | pastebin09:55
hameddf: `-': No such file or directory09:55
hameddf: `h': No such file or directory09:55
hameddf: no file systems processed09:55
hamedpastebin: command not found09:55
laghamed: df -h09:55
csenger41lag: what ru doing what ur comp shuts down?09:55
lagcsenger41: It has high I/O, but still shouldn't shut down09:56
tapouthow do you fix a broken X?09:56
lagcsenger41: I've looked in /var/log/[kern.log&syslog], but there's nothing in there09:56
hamedsorry i must go to pray now i will come back later09:57
csenger41lag: well i have no idea sorry09:57
lagcsenger41: I wasn't asking you to fix it :)09:57
suxHi, can anyone help me? I have laptop with 6GB of ram and intel/ati-readon switchable graphics card. I installed ubuntu 11.04, but it shows me that I have 2.3 GB of RAM.. and tried debian and gentoo live CD to check if I have the same problem in other destro. but still it keep showing me that I have 2.3GB of RAM, is it because of switchable graphics?09:57
lagcsenger41: I'd like to know what channel to take it to?09:57
hamedaufs                  1.3G  133M  1.1G  11% /09:58
hamednone                  1.3G  672K  1.3G   1% /dev09:58
hamed/dev/sr0              686M  686M     0 100% /cdrom09:58
hamed/dev/loop0            658M  658M     0 100% /rofs09:58
hamednone                  1.3G  556K  1.3G   1% /dev/shm09:58
hamedtmpfs                 1.3G   84K  1.3G   1% /tmp09:58
hamednone                  1.3G   96K  1.3G   1% /var/run09:58
csenger41sux: i think u installed 32bit version of ubuntu09:58
FloodBot1hamed: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:58
csenger41hamed: use pastebin09:58
csenger41lag: idk, maybe u should try asking it here later when some smarter ppl are here09:59
suxcsenger41, but when I tried live-cd of 64 bit it still shows me the same result?09:59
csenger41sux: i think it isnt because of switchable graphics10:00
csenger41sux: try installing a 64bit Ubuntu, it should solve the problem10:01
Pooky1hi guys, I have little problem. When i start ubuntu there is error "Can't mount disk /tmp becouse serious error" i skip it and then it stop on checking screen ( - Stopping System ... - Starting bluetooth - Starting web server - Checking battery state ) i remove this disk bat i dont know where setup to don't mount it10:01
suxcsenger41, hmmm.. Thanks.. let me go and install it would only take about 15 minutes.. let's see if solves the problem10:01
ikoniaPooky1: whoaaa, slow down there10:02
tapouthow do i remove all video drivers for my ati card?10:02
csenger41sux: ok, bye good luck :)10:02
Pooky1ikonia: ok ok10:02
ikoniaPooky1: is /tmp on a disk that is a problem ?10:02
csenger41tapout: launch jockey and hit remove10:03
Pooky1ikonia: tmp should be on root disk, bat it seems it not10:03
theadminPooky1: More of an obvious question, is /tmp on the same device as /, I mean, you did not specify a separate mountpoint for it, right?10:03
ikoniaPooky1: do you have an ubuntu CD you can boot from ?10:03
theadminWell, I think I've been clear enough10:03
ikoniatheadmin: crystal10:03
Pooky1ikonia: not right there bat i can do it if there is no another option10:03
ikoniaPooky1: we need to know the issue you are having with your disk, it's easier to do this from external media, such as a livecd10:04
tapoutcsenger41, the weird thing is, jockey says its' not enabled/installed.  I know the amd binary they gave me was hosed10:04
theadminLiveCD, liveUSB, anything, not necessarily Ubuntu, by the way, though preferable, Pooky110:04
Pooky1theadmin: i do not specifice any  another location for /tmp bat it seems its on the disk which i remove - i check fstab bat there is only one disk to mount10:05
Pooky1theadmin: i have access to console10:05
theadminPooky1: Hm, what *is* your fstab?10:05
theadminPooky1: Can you pastebin it?10:05
Pooky1i cant10:05
ikoniaPooky1: can you pastebin your fstab ?10:05
ikoniaconntrack: got anything useful to say ?10:05
Pooky1the pc which is fstab dont have access to network10:05
tapoutrecovery -> xorg low graphics mode -> ran the amd-uninstall.sh --force, ran jockey, enabled their driver, and rebooted... FIXED.  Yay.. thanks csenger4110:06
csenger41tapout: yw ^.^10:06
csenger41i have a question too guys10:06
ikoniaPooky1: could you copy the line that says /tmp in your fstab for us10:06
csenger41how can i adjust my monitor contrast and gamma?10:06
csenger41its a laptop10:07
ikoniacsenger41: that's normally done at the hardware level10:07
theadminPooky1: Does fstab have a line saying "shm /dev/shm tmpfs nodev,nosuid 0 0"? It's the only thing that seems related to it in my fstab10:07
ikoniacsenger41: I've never seen a laptop that can do that10:07
csenger41under Windows 7 it can be done with ATI Catalyst10:08
ikoniacsenger41: if the linux drivers support it, I'd imagine the same is true then10:08
theadminPooky1: Can't be sure that's what it is, though, with my 3.0 kernel things may be a bit different...10:08
Pooky1damit you right10:09
paulus68csenger41: these are 2 different OS and you can try to install the ATI drivers afterwards10:09
csenger41but on Ubuntu if I install the driver from jockey, it becomes slow as hell10:09
Pooky1i miss the line with /tmp10:09
ikoniacsenger41: that's just a limitation of the ati drivers.....the support for all cards is not great in linux10:09
paulus68ubuntu_: especially if you are running on 64bit10:10
csenger41but if ati driver is NOT installed, the performance is much better10:10
paulus68csenger41: especially if you run on 64 bit10:10
theadmincsenger41: You can use the "xgamma" tool for gamma adjustement via command-line, but I'm not sure about that other thing10:10
joe-f3is it possible to have one local IP point to another? (a LAN ip changed to something else, and I need to point basically to
ikoniacsenger41: that's not unusual for some cards10:10
ikoniaPooky1: 64bit has nothing to do with it10:10
Pooky1ok, i comment it and try reboot it10:10
ikoniaPooky1: darn it, not you, sorry10:10
ikoniajoe-f3: could you explain it a bit better please.10:11
paulus68ikonia: you fell in the same trap lol10:11
csenger41its 32bit and an older ATI Radeon HD2600 card10:11
ikoniacsenger41: possibly why the modern drivers support it poor10:11
Pooky1well now is there no error, bat still and on same :D can get to login screen from console manualy?10:12
joe-f3ikonia: i'm running membase, and it's no longer connecting as all of the node ip's have changed.. i basically need a resolv.conf type of thing but one ip to another..10:13
joe-f3ikonia: it's basically a quick hack so i can get my app up until couchbase can look at it10:13
ikoniajoe-f3: just cheat it in the hostfile10:14
ikoniajoe-f3: map the ip address to a hostname in the host file, then reference the machines by hostname rather than IP10:14
csenger41so any other software that can adjust contrast and gamma like catalyst?10:14
tapoutpidgin is supposed to be at:  ~/.purple, but it's not.  Any idea where it would be ?10:16
joe-f3ikonia: i can't change the current bad ip that it's calling.. i'll google hostfile10:17
theadmintapout: That's the normal configuration directory for it, it won't store configs elsewhere10:17
ikoniajoe-f3: if you can't change the ip - then you can't do it10:17
csenger41well bye guys10:17
csenger41ill try installing catalyst from ati homepage10:17
tapouttheadmin, ok thanks.  I see the problem :)10:19
joe-f3ikonia: i'm at least able to override the bad ip with a good dns entry for now.. :)10:20
ChotazHello everyone I have a general question, but might aswell ask here since the system I'm using is Ubuntu. We want to create a sort of Raido on our company, and we're searching for a way to do so, like creating a shared playlist, that everyone can independantly add songs to and have a computer reproducing it.10:20
joe-f3ikonia: can i create a local dns entry, that points to the correct ip?10:20
ikoniajoe-f3: just use /etc/hosts10:21
theadminChotaz: Icecast?10:22
Chotaztheadmin: I'm gonna search for it.10:23
JLucim on a  basic natty ubuntu freshly installed. What is the name of the file manager ?10:24
theadminJLuc: Nautilus10:24
JLucok thanks. in what repertory is it ?10:25
theadminJLuc: Uhm, I think it is in "main".10:25
KIAazeand if you meant folder:10:25
JLuci got it ! in usr/bin10:25
ikoniaJLuc: it's already installed10:25
JLuci needed the adress for another program preferences10:26
ComradeHaz`Hi all. Running a live 11.04 and have just installed the lated util-linux package that appears to be available, but the version of fdisk packaged therein is out of date and contains a bug that causes me a problem. It is fixed in later versions. Is there upstream stuff, the equivalent of Debian's testing or Unstable that might contain a later version?10:26
KIAazetry the which command next time: "which nautilus" ;)10:26
KIAazedpkg -L and apt-file also come in handy to find files from packages or vice-versa10:27
tomodachiComradeHaz`: well fdisk is a command line tool with very few, if any dependencies. You can always download a newer "deb" extract the binary and use it from there i believe10:28
Pooky1Ok guys, ubuntu stuck on "Stopping anachronictic cron" and I can't run gdm manually any idea how deal with it?10:28
JLucgreat !10:28
tomodachiComradeHaz`: or just compile it from source10:28
ComradeHaz`tomodachi: yeah, I was looking for a version, but I don't actually know where to get it from10:28
ikoniaPooky1: what's happened to your machine ?10:28
tomodachiComradeHaz`: http://packages.ubuntu.com/ should have it, check there10:29
Pooky1ikonia: many things...bat i just move it on collage and it broken10:29
tomodachiComradeHaz`: maybe you can use cfdisk , or parted or gparted instead though?10:29
Pooky1ikonia: day before it works just fine10:29
ikoniaPooky1: do you get any errors/warnings on boot up ?10:30
ehw /win 210:30
ComradeHaz`hmm, not sure tomodachi, valid point. How does cfdisk differ?10:30
Pooky1ikonia: nothing, just normal boot and then it stuck on this last line10:30
tomodachiComradeHaz`: its adifferent tool for partitioning a bit more "graphgical" than fdisk10:31
ikoniaPooky1: failing to start cron isn't a massive problem,10:31
Pooky1i dont think it  fail on it10:31
Pooky1it just stop on it10:31
tapouthow do you guys organize your photos on ubuntu?  I have so many photos and i want to encrypt SOME of them :)10:31
Pooky1before it stuck on "battery checking"10:31
Pooky1so i reainstall gnome-power-manager10:31
Pooky1and now it stuck on this10:31
ikoniawhy do you re-install things ?10:32
ikoniaPooky1: something must have happened to this machine for /tmp to be removed from fstab and packages needing to be re-installed10:32
KIAazetapout: encrypt how? like with ecryptfs? or password protected?10:33
tapoutwas hoping something was integrated with it10:34
KIAazeecryptfs-mount-private is the easiest way to get an encrypted Private dir I think10:34
Pooky1ikonia: yes, something happend bat i dont have idea what. Now i remove one disk which make boot error and now i use only the "root" disk to boot. I know there is problem bat i just want solve it10:34
KIAazethen just place the pictures you want to encrypt in there10:34
KIAazebut by default, it gets mounted when you log in, so anybody using your account will see them10:34
pamwe_cheteis it possible to have a wm in ubuntu in kiosk mode, with access to firefox only, and with firefox restricted to one website?10:34
ikoniaPooky1: because you don't know what's happened and why, and you've changing the disk config, it may be better to backup your data and re-install10:34
KIAazeotherwise as a software, shotwell is quite good10:34
KIAazebut it's also the only one I tried  since it's the default one on ubuntu10:35
ComradeHaz`gah, tomodachi, cfdisk cotains the same bug.10:35
pamwe_cheteshotwell is rubbish because it doesn't convert (eg jpg to png) and doesn't resize photos10:35
KIAazefor password protected dirs, I'm not quite sure10:35
KIAazebut I suppose it should be possible with ecryptfs too somehow10:35
Pooky1ikonia: it's last solution and i don't have nothing there to backup it on. I was glad when i find screwdriver... what about some log? it should say what went wrong10:36
KIAazepamwe_chete: then what is better? :)10:36
tapoutpamwe_chete, what else is there?  shotwell is highly rated with the reviews10:36
ikoniaPooky1: it won't, and you'll spend more time chasing something that may/may not have happened.10:36
ikoniaPooky1: use the second disk you had to backup to10:37
Pooky1ikonia: my second disk is full10:37
pamwe_cheteKIAaze: i guess i'm hoping the devs improve shotwell, as it's a default app10:37
pamwe_chetei'm not sure what there is to replace it10:37
ikoniaPooky1: what data do you currently have on the machine ?10:37
Pooky1ikonia: and i have really tuned up ubuntu for work so i really wan't setting everythink again10:37
AFDI am trying to add a password prompt before a .sh script can be run. Can someone tell me how to do this please?10:38
tapouthave you guys tried picasa?  someone mentioned that10:38
Pooky1ikonia: on another movies, series programs, backups10:38
ikoniaPooky1: but your machine is a mess, it's had serious errors (devices dissapearing from fstab) and now your randomly installing packages, I'd strongly suggest re-installing the OS after a data backup10:38
Pooky1ikonia: we meaby missunderstanding on fstab nothing dissaper i remove this disk i just miss line on fstab which mount this disk when i configure it10:39
avelldirollpamwe_chete: shotwell aim more at being a collection manager than an image editor, the features you are asking for are those af an image editor10:39
ikoniaPooky1: I see, the machine is till in a serious mess though.10:39
KIAazeAFD: http://pastebin.com/yGjVb2cw about as unsecure as possible ^^10:40
KIAazebut it works10:40
tapouti wish i could get a local dropbox running, where all the files are hosted locally.  I know about rsync and that, but where it's integrated right into win7/ubuntu and you don't have to do anything :)10:40
pamwe_cheteavelldiroll: then imagemagick should be installed by default10:40
AFDKIAaze: thank you!10:40
pamwe_chetefor a desktop10:40
paulus68Pooky1: the best thing is to do a backup and do a fresh installation10:40
KIAazethe password is in clear text in the script, so it's pretty worthless as a security measure10:41
AFDKIAaze:  I understand but for this purpose I think that is safe enough, it is more so that the script is never run by accident10:41
Pooky1ikonia you are right, bat i really can't do it now, i just need to keep it alive for couple days when next ubuntu realease come out i will make fresh install, bat now i really need to keep it work10:41
theadminAFD: Why not just have a "Are you sure?" prompt?10:41
KIAazeyou could try doing something with md5 and sh110:41
tapoutafd, couldn't you do a sudoers account where it can only run 1 script and then they have to sudo to do it?  something like that10:42
ikoniaPooky1: then deal with it in a couple of days10:42
KIAazebut not sure how to do it directly without some more trying10:42
tapouti think sudo lets you do what you're trying, you can setup an account to run certain scripts, and then to run them, they have to sudo (i think this works)... i don't think sudo is only for root stuff10:42
avelldirollpamwe_chete: if you know how to use imagemagick, you know how to use the command line, so you know how to use apt-get10:43
Pooky1ikonia thanks for help i will deal with it10:43
KIAaze(and yeah, being a script, if it's readable, there is not much point in password-protecting it, unless it's some kind of binary script like those game installers)10:43
AFDIt's something my boss wants rolling out ASAP (which is always the case) but we may revisit it later. I knew about the sudo option for just running that one file but it's more of a double-check (I like the idea of a "Are you sure" prompt btw)10:43
pamwe_chete avelldiroll: the average user wants tobe able to edit photos out of the box10:43
theadminKIAaze: Rather simple, actually -- read x ; mkfifo tmp ; echo $x > tmp ; md5=$(md5sum tmp|awk '{print $2;}') ; if [ $md5 == "hash_of_needed_password" ] ...10:44
AFDtheadmin: I'm copying that for future use ;)10:44
KIAazeme too :)10:44
tapoutis there a dropbox alternative that is *secure*?  where no matter what, they can't see your data/files?10:45
tapouti know dropbox says they can't, but it's been proven that they can10:45
theadmintapout: What KIAaze said.10:45
avelldirollpamwe_chete: do you know anyone that keeps a system "out of the box", or we don't have the same definition of the "average user"10:45
KIAazespideroak also allows you to have multiple syncs10:45
theadmintapout: spideroak does CLIENT-side encryption, soo...10:45
theadmintapout: Or, honestly, just put your stuff in a TrueCrypt container on the dropbox :P10:46
avelldirollpamwe_chete: anyway, this was discussed at length when gimp was removed from the livecd to get more room10:46
paulus68theadmin: and just pray that you don't loose your passphrase ;)10:47
avelldirollpamwe_chete: the fact is, translations are more important than image editing out of the box10:47
theadminpaulus68: Well, heh, true enough10:48
JLucwhat is the shortcut to switch screen with keyboard ?10:48
tomodachiJLuc: switch desktop screen you mean+ ctrl+alt left (or right)10:49
Nemiectrl+alt+ arrows10:49
JLucyes super !10:49
tomodachiJLuc: you can also use "windows button + s" for an overview of desktops in unity10:49
theadmintomodachi: We have no windows button. We have the Super key.10:49
JLucgreat tomodachi10:50
tomodachitheadmin: is that what its called? (i have a macbook but didnt think i could call it the command key, wich it is for me)10:50
theadmintomodachi: Well, in Linux that key is called "Super_L" for the left one and "Super_R" for the right one, according to xmodmap10:51
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tomodachitheadmin: ok thanks for the input, thats good to know10:52
Farghhi all10:52
Farghanyone can help me with setting up routing for vpn pptp ?10:53
Farghvpn is working, only issue is that all traffic is chunneled trough the VPN.10:53
theadminFargh: Well, like what? Do you connect to the internet with pptp? If so, just "sudo route add default dev ppp0"10:53
JLucwhen cmaking a programm, the dest rep should be /usr/bin shouldn it ?10:54
Farghthe theadmin, i want to avoit that all traffic goes trough the vpn10:54
theadminFargh: Ah... More complicated then10:54
p1oooophello sobersabre10:54
JLucor whatever10:54
dandandrumshello soersabre and p1oooop10:54
p1oooopodam, I need to clear some files10:54
sobersabreI have messed up the partition table. I thought need to reinstall grub. I booted into the live CD, chrooted into the root partition, mount -a, mounted /proc, sys, etc. and ran: update-grub.10:55
p1oooophay dandandrums10:55
JLucor /opt10:55
sobersabreAfter the reboot I am still getting grub rescue> prompt.10:55
sobersabreI think I didn't do what I thought I did.10:55
dandandrumssobersabre, i had the same issue once upon a time10:55
JLucor /usr/local10:55
=== agus_sintang_ is now known as agus_sintang
sobersabreso what do I need to run to re-install the grub boot manager properly with this new grub2 ?10:56
dandandrumsi took the affected harddrive, put it in a usb disk caddy, connected that to a ubuntu machine, took all the files i could and re-installed10:56
wildbatsobersabre: you need to reinstall grub210:56
sobersabredo I edit any /etc files ?10:56
sobersabrewildbat: how do I reinstall grub2 ? dpkg-reinstall ?10:56
sobersabresorry, aptitude reinstall ?!10:56
wildbat!grub | sobersabre: chroot again and do grub-install10:57
ubottusobersabre: chroot again and do grub-install: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)10:57
sobersabresounds .... inherently incorrect: the app is already installed. I only need to install something into MBR.10:57
sobersabreOh, this is what I need!10:57
wildbator follow the links for other method.'10:57
Pooky5It works :)))) thanks ikonia and theadmin :)))10:57
p1oooopI need to learn some sql10:58
wildbatp1oooop: there is #mysql channel.and you should read the doc online.10:59
theadminwildbat: Well, mysql is not exactly sql10:59
dandandrumshi guys, i'm using the most up to date ubuntu 11.10 version but having issues with lightdm and instead using gdm, it has something to do with not having appropiate permissions, can anyone point me in the right direction for help?10:59
jribdandandrums: just state your issue with details11:00
theadmin11.10 is not out yet, jrib11:00
theadmin!ubuntu+1 | dandandrums11:00
ubottudandandrums: Oneiric Ocelot is the codename for Ubuntu 11.10 - Support only in #ubuntu+111:00
jribdandandrums: oh right.  See theadmin11:00
dandandrumsubottu: thanks, will head into #ubuntu+111:00
ubottudandandrums: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:00
sobersabreok, I'm up!11:01
sobersabrethanks, wildbat11:01
KIAazetheadmin: just concerning the password protected script mentioned earlier: had to make some changes to get it to work: http://paste2.org/p/167244211:01
KIAaze(yep, it's not cleaned up)11:02
new-ubuntu-userhi guys11:02
new-ubuntu-useri need some help here11:02
new-ubuntu-userdoes anyone know how to install vodafone mobile connect modem on ubuntu 11.04?11:03
DiamondciteIs that exactly what it's called?11:03
new-ubuntu-userVodafone Mobile Connect (VMC)11:04
theadminKIAaze: Ah, well, the basic idea was there anyway11:05
DiamondciteI have to go, but try thos for further reading: http://www.greenhughes.com/content/vodafone-mobile-connect-ubuntu-netbooks11:05
paulus68new-ubuntu-user:  try this http://www.randombugs.com/linux/install-vodafone-mobile-connect-linux.html11:06
wildbatKIAaze: echo will ADD a newline to so ~ the hash won't match11:06
theadminwildbat: Ah, true enough. KIAaze, use echo -n there11:06
KIAazewell, it did work, but yes forgot the -n11:07
wildbator md5sum <<< $x11:07
KIAaze<<< ?11:07
KIAazeinterestinmg didn't know the <<< trick. :)11:08
wildbatredirect input with string11:08
sdperez79how do i install a bz2 app?11:09
theadminsdperez79: It's an archive, extract it, there should be a file called "INSTALL" or "README" inside, normally.11:10
sdperez79its a exe file11:11
theadminsdperez79: You make no sense. exes don't run in Linux.11:12
sdperez79i am new and i know exe dont run in linux but thats what i get when i extrac11:12
auronandace!software | sdperez7911:13
ubottusdperez79: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents11:13
theadminsdperez79: Then, this is not for Linux, and you should throw it away11:13
LjLsdperez79: ok, where did you get that file from and what is it11:13
sdperez79the file is cligrab-
auronandace!find clipgrab | sdperez7911:13
LjLsdperez79: that page says "for Windows"...11:13
ubottusdperez79: Package/file clipgrab does not exist in natty11:14
sdperez79there is a linux version11:14
LjLsdperez79: so get the Linux version. which does *not* contain an .exe file, i've just tried it.11:14
Diamondcitesdperez79: Use the 'file' command on the .exe if it says it's windows, won't work as good11:14
Diamondcitesdperez79: For example: file clipgrab.exe11:15
Diamondcitepatcher.exe: PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows     <---- windows app output11:16
sdperez79my file is clipgrab-
theadminsdperez79: Right, it does not contain any exes.11:16
LjLsdperez79: type "bunzip2 clipgrab-" to extract it.11:16
LjLsdperez79: type "bunzip2 clipgrab-" to extract it.11:16
theadminsdperez79: It just contains a file, which apparently is a binary. Extract it, make it executable, move it to /usr/local/bin or another folder in your $PATH11:17
MonkeyDusti think the installer for clipgrab is a linux thing, but the program itself is for win11:19
LjLhe's gone anyway11:19
salvatorehi there i am trying to install the ruby 1,9.2 from terminal with this script sudo apt-get install ruby1.9.1. But i get ruby 1.8...why? any suggestion?11:19
auronandace!find ruby | salvatore11:20
ubottusalvatore: Found: libaugeas-ruby1.8, librrd-ruby1.8, libruby, libruby1.8, libruby1.8-dbg, libshadow-ruby1.8, ruby, ruby-dev, ruby1.8, ruby1.8-dev (and 744 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=ruby&searchon=names&suite=natty&section=all11:20
LjL!info ruby1.9.111:20
ubotturuby1.9.1 (source: ruby1.9.1): Interpreter of object-oriented scripting language Ruby 1.9.2. In component universe, is optional. Version (natty), package size 34 kB, installed size 176 kB11:20
LjLsalvatore: is that on Natty?11:21
LjLsalvatore: how do you know you're getting ruby 1.8?11:21
salvatoreruby --version11:22
LjLsalvatore: run ruby1.9.1 --version instead11:22
ikoniawhich ruby11:22
ikonia"which ruby"11:23
salvatoreok if i write ur script what version will i be using?11:24
LjLsalvatore: scripts will use ruby 1.8 by default. i guess there must be a good reason for that. you must run them explicitly with ruby1.9.1, or perhaps (though i doubt it) you can "sudo update-alternatives --config ruby" to change the default11:25
auronandacesalvatore: which is a terminal command, not a script11:26
=== cipher is now known as Guest3267
salvatoreif i write this command sudo update-alternatives --config ruby response is a message errore: no alternative for ruby11:27
ljsoftnetsalvatore if u run that command ubuntu will install whats in the repositories11:27
LjLsalvatore: ok, as i said i was doubting that would work. just run your scripts with ruby1.9.1 when you need to use that version11:28
salvatoreso now i got 2 versions installed on my computer? 1.8 and 1.9.1?11:29
LjLsalvatore: that's correct11:29
LjLsalvatore: and again, i'm betting there is a good reason why 1.8 is the one being used by default. 1.9.1 probably breaks older scripts.11:29
salvatoreok thanks11:29
xoveruk1what are good websites for wireless hardware reviews?11:30
ikoniaxoveruk1: offtopic for this channel11:30
LjLxoveruk1: try asking ##hardware or #wireless11:31
MonkeyDustxoveruk1: wrong channel, ask in #ubuntu-offtopic11:31
JLuci have compiled a programm (scribus svn). after make install, it doesnt appear in menus. How do i launch it ?11:34
MonkeyDustJLuc: rty Alt-F211:35
MonkeyDustJLuc: try Alt-F211:35
ikoniaJLuc: you have to run it from a command line interface11:35
JLucits a graphic programm, not a command line one11:35
LjLJLuc: that's what you happens when you compile stuff instead of getting it from the repositories :)(11:35
ikoniaJLuc: but it needs to be launched from a command line11:36
JLucthere must be a way for it to appear in menus ?11:36
LjLJLuc: sure, you can add it, but i'm not sure how anymore11:36
ahhughezyo, can anyone explain/help me get my apple bluetooth keyboard working... I can run 'hcitool scan' and it finds the keyboard and gives me the mac address for it. However, when I exec sudo bluez-test-device trusted THE_MAC_ADDRESS  I get the following... .....'dbus.exceptions.DBusException: org.bluez.Error.DoesNotExist: Does Not Exist' any ideas?11:37
LjLJLuc: you can try with Alacarte, but i'm not sure that's the correct tool anymore, with Unity and all the new stuff...11:38
theadminahhughez: Is the bluez daemon, if there's such a thing at all, running?11:38
theadminahhughez: Because, I got a similar thing due to a stopped daemon once11:38
JLucok. i un-activated unity so.11:39
sdperez79can someone plz tell me how to download any flv video from the net?on ubuntu11:40
tapoutwhen i have 4 drives, i delete something on one of the drives, it doesn't hit the trash bin for whatever reason... why is that11:41
theadminsdperez79: It depends on the site, there are many services online for that, too.11:42
sdperez79youtube,and myspace for  start11:43
theadminsdperez79: savefrom.net for instance11:43
theadminsdperez79: Myspace? Someone still uses that? wow.11:43
Chotaztheadmin: earlier today you suggested icecast for shared playlist and having a radio inside our company, how could we have multiple computers compiling 1 playlist?11:43
deanHi I was wondering how I can get my programs to pick up my external dvd drive?11:43
theadminChotaz: Hm, I dunno, a public FTP server of some sort or... idk11:44
JLucthanks a lot for all your help :-)11:44
deanOr could someone tell me how to rip my dvd to make an iso file?11:47
theadmindean: dd if=/dev/sr0 of=whatever.iso11:47
deantheadmin, It is a external dvd drive?11:48
=== Mud is now known as Guest8736
alexandhhi there11:50
alexandhi have a massive problem with mdraid on ubuntu-server 10.04 LTS11:50
alx_hi all11:50
alexandhproblem is that after software update, initramfs cannot find mdraid module and than cannot find root11:51
alx_is it possible to have i386 and x86 libraries and binaries installed ?11:51
theadminalx_: Um, that's the same thing11:51
alx_need to compile qt4 32 bit under x86_64 ...11:51
theadminalx_: Ah11:51
alx_forgot x86_64 :)11:51
theadminalx_: Well, I think the package is ia32-libs or something11:51
alexandhis it possible to change grub.conf to force boot from sda1?11:51
ikoniaalexandh: grub boots where ever your kernel is11:52
ikoniaalexandh: if you point it at a kernel on /dev/sda1 it will boot /dev/sda111:52
alexandhyes, but its very tricky as it drops imediatly to busybox11:52
Naebliserr..hi! Can anyone please help me fix my sound issue? This is the alsa-project report: http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=927773d357d23428919915a5d36b902b4f1a54e611:52
ikoniaalexandh: then you've not pointed it correctly11:52
alx_theadmin, yes... but what about qt4-dev-tools (example) ... apt-get install qt4-dev-tools:i386 want to remove qt4-dev-tools (x86_64 version)11:52
alx_which is fine, as they install same files...11:53
alx_don't know :(11:53
alexandhmaybe. can you tell me what i shoud put in grub.conf?11:53
alexandhi dont know how to tell in grub directly11:53
ikoniaalexandh: I don't have a grub2 machine to hand to work it through with you11:53
alexandhok i see. grub2 is really a tricky thing11:54
ikoniathe ubuntu has it configured, it's a monster11:54
alexandhhow can it come that mdraid module cannot be found?11:54
ikoniaalexandh: what makes you think it can't be found,11:54
alexandhin the first place it showed: cannot load modules... gave up waiting for root device11:55
tapoutif you delete stuff as root in nautilus, where does it go?  Trash doesn't show anything, throws an error11:55
theadmintapout: It goes poof.11:56
theadmintapout: Trash is a gvfs thing, so it will only work if nautilus runs as the same user as you're running GNOME as11:56
Naeblisthe audio was gone after I installed ubuntu-restricted-extras.11:56
MonkeyDustalexandh: is dmraid correctly installed? type apt-cache policy dmraid11:57
tapouttheadmin, oh neat, thanks11:58
g00fyJust one question: I'm currently downloading v11.04 and want to find the checksum for the ISO file. but where are they???12:01
Pici!hashes | g00fy12:01
ubottug00fy: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.12:01
g00fythx  :-*12:01
Ajshwhere I get a good free ftp host?12:02
theadminAjsh: Not on-topic here.12:02
Ajsh[theadmin]: off-topic, you mean?12:02
adam__hey! Im using Ubuntu Server and trying to write a script to add a new user from a MySQL Database Server. i have the $USER and $PASS variables set up and taken from MySQL and useradd set up, how can i now set the server user's password as $PASS?12:02
theadminAjsh: So it is.12:02
adam__without admin input?12:03
=== |Jester| is now known as JollyJester
jribadam__: use useradd with -p and perl's crypt function.  Google "crypt perl useradd" if you want examples12:03
adam__so it would be useradd -p $PASS -d /home/$USER $USER ?12:04
adam__jrib: :D12:04
adam__since that had one way encryption i wasnt sure if i could use it12:05
jribadam__: no, your example is not correct12:05
jribadam__: by the way, you probably don't want users' login shells to be sh12:06
binniI'm configuring pidgin input settings for audio and I'm pretty sure I should either choose ALSA>USB Audio or PulseAudio>Webcam C310 Anal...   which one should I choose? (Ubuntu 11.10)12:06
MonkeyDustbinni: ask in #ubuntu+112:07
adam__jrib: i have the users chrooted with no ssh access, now im trying to add a user with a pre-existing password variable(from mysql), i want it to be user generated12:07
jribadam__: what is your question?12:08
adam__*be a user generated password with no human input12:08
adam__users register on a site12:08
adam__site stores info on mysql12:08
binniMonkeyDust: I think the setting and logic of it looks the same in both 11.04 and 11.10, not sure though.12:08
jribadam__: I know what you are trying to do.  But I told you how to do it above.  What aren't you sure about?12:08
=== FlyingFoX13 is now known as FlyingFoX
adam__jrib: will the perl encrypt allow a variable to be set as the password, did a quick google and it shows it as a password generator?12:09
jribadam__: sure.12:09
jribadam__: crypt() just returns a hash of your password.  This is what usermod -p expects12:12
krishnan I use ubuntu 10.04 & when Im connected to wi-fi and try connecting to my dongle the connection fails. however if I try the same when Im not connected to a wi-fi or in a new place with a different wi-fi then dongle easily connects. Why is this?12:13
oratedHello! Can this be command altered somehow to allow backup in parts of 7GB each - sudo tar cvpzf /backup/backup.tar.bz2 --exclude=/backup --exclude=/proc --exclude=/lost+found --exclude=/backup.tar.bz2 --exclude=/mnt --exclude=/sys / ?12:16
oratedusing | split -b etc ?12:17
tapoutorated, you're going to kill yourself once you find out about rsnapshot :)12:17
tapouti used to backup like that, rsnapshot is the way now :)12:17
oratedtapout: Can it take backups in parts?12:19
=== Chiliblue_ is now known as Chiliblue
jasondevmy trackpad for my laptop isnt working how do i fix this. this is my first time using ubuntu and I am a noob12:19
wxfyes,it can.12:19
tapoutorated, it uses rsync and does backups over time.  It efficientlly stores your backups so you don't have to worry at all.  It's like git+rsync all in one12:22
tapoutyou setup hourly/daily/weekly/monthly, and you can go back to a week ago from today, to see what the files were...12:23
oratedtapout: Ok, but atm I want to take immediate backup and want it in parts basically.12:23
tapouttrust me, you should check it out before you do that12:23
tapoutrsnapshotdoes it so efficiently and easily, you can even do your db backups12:24
oratedI'm out of space, do not have backup HDD.. crossovercables for rsync over it won't work since the other system is also out of space12:24
tapoutwithout space, you'll be hard pressed anyways..   look into rsnapshot tho12:25
oratedtapout: Any backup obviously requires equivalent space but rsnapshot cannot do compression nor parts, it ill not be of any usse to me. Nevertheless, I'll find about it.. Do you think split flag can be added in above command I typed?12:26
oratedif rsnapshot*12:26
BluesKajHey all12:27
theadminorated: As for the above command, remove -f and the filename, and pass it to |split, making it read from stdin and... Yeah, that's about it12:27
oratedtheadmin: stdin?12:28
theadminorated: Well, yes12:29
=== Martin_ is now known as BlaDe^
dddbmtHi guys. I've just formatted a USB drive on 16GB, I'm trying to copy a folder onto the drive. It fails with an error "Error splicing file: File too large". It's a Mac .dmg file.12:29
theadmindddbmt: Is the file bigger than 3.8GB or so?12:29
dddbmttheadmin, it12:30
dddbmtit's 5.6gb12:30
theadmindddbmt: There's your problem. Your flash drive is FAT32, right?12:30
theadmindddbmt: It has a 3.8GB filesize limit12:30
theadmindddbmt: Reformat it to something else or split the file to several pieces12:30
theadmindddbmt: Or maybe compressing it would help12:31
jamil_1Hi all, sound is giving me problems. If I do sudo alsa force-reload and manually select the alsa backend and the device in vlc then sound work for vlc only12:32
oratedtheadmin: Like this - sudo tar cvpz --exclude=/backup --exclude=/proc --exclude=/lost+found --exclude=/backup.tar.bz2 --exclude=/mnt --exclude=/sys / | | split -b 100m – /backup/backup.tar.bz2 ?12:32
jamil_1And I have to do this after every restart12:32
dddbmttheadmin, would ext2 or ext4 be of better use for me?12:33
ubuntu_bgf mj n n]\[}|12:33
theadmindddbmt: I think ext2 is better for flash drives... But note you can't read extX filesystems without additional drivers in Windows12:33
theadminubuntu_: Stop that.12:33
ubuntu_h pijejkjmyifk12:34
ubuntu_ 12:34
FloodBot1ubuntu_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:34
lolitaco tam?\12:34
lolitaale jara hahaha12:34
FloodBot1lolita: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:34
lolitalove frugo <312:35
ubuntu_frugo spadówa!12:35
___MAXlolita: use ubuntu-egypt if it is exist or stop flooding12:35
oratedtheadmin: Am I right about the change in the command?12:36
theadminorated: I think so, I don't have a running Linux to experiment on right now12:36
NaeblisI've got no sound in Ubuntu, and I've tried most stuff in the comprehensive guide. :(12:36
KamZouHello, is there a LEASES sharing mechanism between hosts (Master and slave) in a DHCP-Failover configuration ?12:36
NaeblisCan anyone help me, please?12:36
paulus68!patience| Naeblis12:38
ubottuNaeblis: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/12:38
Naeblissorry about that.12:39
oratedtheadmin: I'm not able to make things out properly but - http://pastebin.com/GgSbAih4 ...12:39
theadminorated: I'm not sure how to make split read from stdin... Is there a channel for coreutils?12:39
paulus68KamZou: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/intrepid/man5/dhcpd.conf.5.html might be of any hrlp12:41
paulus68theadmin: *help12:41
Piciorated, theadmin: if its anything like the rest of coreutils, then it should allow you to use '-' to refer to stdin.12:41
paulus68theadmin: sorry bout that12:41
theadminpaulus68: Indeed it should, which is why the output it gave is weird12:42
oratedI'm not sure If I did it right12:42
paulus68KamZou: or this one http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-267974.html12:42
Quantum_IonHow do you make compiz rotate on Ubuntu Linux, what are the commands ?12:43
theadminQuantum_Ion: Just use CCSM12:43
Quantum_Iontheadmin, I think it is control alt left mouse click12:44
Quantum_Iontheadmin, How do i install CCSM12:44
rkhshmi just bought a new HD as my old one was dieing.. i connected the new 500GB HD to the mobo and plugged in my USB with 11.04 on it and it says 'BOOT ERROR"12:45
rkhshmno matter what I try i'm unable to figure it out.12:45
rkhshmany ideas?12:45
icerootrkhshm: the hdd or the usb-drive is reprting the error?12:45
theadminQuantum_Ion: apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager12:46
Quantum_Iontheadmin, thanks12:46
rkhshmiceroot: i cant say that..because the moment after BIOS loads i get that error.. But I suspect that HD is the issue because i tried the same USB on my laptop with USB boot turned on.. And it booted fine.12:46
icerootrkhshm: is it a grub error? or a bios-error?12:47
maowhat is linux's hibernate12:47
theadminmao: Um, "hibernate".12:47
rkhshmlooks like its a bios-error12:48
theadminmao: It won't work if you have no swapspace, though12:48
jasondevhello my trackpad on my laptop is not working12:48
theadminrkhshm: Probably GRUB was on your old HDD12:48
jasondevthis is my first time using ubuntu12:48
jasondevplease help12:48
rkhshmtheadmin: the old HDD was removed completely12:48
rkhshmi think the BIOS needs to be told about the new HD?12:48
rkhshmsomething like that perhaps?12:49
theadminrkhshm: Yes, and now you can't find a bootloader and it doesn't boot12:49
theadminrkhshm: Where "you" is your BIOS/EFI12:49
rkhshmtheadmin: as in?12:49
theadminrkhshm: Well, you need not only the OS, but also a bootloader to boot it12:50
jasondevcan anyone help me with this please?12:50
rkhshmtheadmin:  i know that.. so what can be done12:50
Teh_Lemonanyone encountered a NO THEME mode?12:50
Teh_Lemonin natty12:50
Teh_Lemonyou use standard theme and suddenly it crashes and goes to notheme mode12:50
theadminrkhshm: Reinstall the bootloader12:51
theadmin!grub | rkhshm, see that last link12:51
ubotturkhshm, see that last link: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)12:51
paulus68Jasondev what brand of laptop are you using?12:51
theadminErr, the first one, rather12:51
theadminrkhshm: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - this is what you want12:51
maotheadmin: are you the administrite ^O^.And what about suspend12:52
theadminmao: I'm not an admin here, and suspend is still suspend.12:52
theadminmao: I don't quite understand your questions.12:52
* JLuc has just added a new entry in the ubuntu applications menu, using 'alacarte'12:53
paulus68jasondev what brand of laptop are you using?12:53
salvatorehi anybody knows how to refresh ip adress without reseting wifi router?12:54
tusharkumarHelp me with registering on IRC12:54
theadmin!register | tusharkumar12:54
ubottutusharkumar: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode12:54
JLuci have compiled and installed scribus svn to /usl/loca/scribussvn, and it runs fine, but i would like to move it to /home/jluc/bin : is it ok if i just move the files and repertory ?12:55
maotheadmin: when i suspend my ubuntu,then i can reboot it in 2s.how does it work.12:56
theadminJLuc: First, please speak freaking ENGLISH, there are no such words as "repertory", it's hard for us to understand you when you use your own, made-up terms. Secondly, no, it's not gonna work that way, you have to reinstall appropriately.12:56
MonkeyDustmao: you network connection may be lost after waking up from suspension12:57
JLucok sorry for repertory, 'directory' is better ?12:57
theadminJLuc: Yeah, that is at least a word12:57
JLucarf :-D12:57
JLucshould i uninstall the programm first ?12:57
maoMonkeyDust: um,yes12:57
theadminJLuc: I guess so, well...12:58
theadminJLuc: I see no point installing only for one user12:58
theadminJLuc: This is Linux, after all.12:58
JLuci dont get your remark... i did make then make-install12:58
JLucnow maybe i got to do make uninstall ?12:58
JLuci dont want to leave bits of links between the compiled file and the system12:59
JLuci dont want the system to become full of  previously installed programs that are not there anymore13:01
salvatorehello anybody knows how i change my ip adress? without reseting router if possible13:01
MonkeyDustJLuc: you can remove those with autoremove13:01
jamil_1Hi all, sound is giving me problems. If I do sudo alsa force-reload and manually select the alsa backend and the device in vlc then sound work for vlc only13:02
JLucit was not installed using apt monkeydust, since i compiled it locally13:03
maosalvatore: ifconfig?13:03
salvatorejust ifconfig?13:03
cvamIn natty I've installed kernel 2.6.38 thru update manager. I tried update-grub menu.lst has entry for newer version kernel. but boot menu shows only older version.how to make newer version in boot menu13:04
maosalvatore: ifconfing interface netmask yournetmask13:05
maosalvatore: you can man ifconfig13:05
salvatorewill it work with megavideo?13:05
Stanley00cvam: grub2 doesnt use menu.lst anymore...13:06
MonkeyDustcvam: grub2 uses menu.cfg13:06
tusharkumarcvam: maybe startup-manager might help you13:06
maosalvatore: what is megavideo13:06
cvamStanley00: but i have grub legacy only13:06
salvatoreweb site for watching streaming movie13:07
salvatoreafter 75 min it blocks ur ip13:07
conntrackdeleted a rule by mistake13:07
Stanley00cvam: I dont know about grub legacy. does it use update-grub to generate its config?13:07
salvatoreand you have to wait 1 h before they unlock13:07
=== manU is now known as Guest87784
maoum...sorry,i don't know13:08
cvamStanley00: update-grub make  entry for all available kernels in local disk in menu.lst file13:08
jamil_1salvatore: have you looked at jdownloader13:08
BluesKaj!grub legacy13:08
salvatoreno never13:09
cvamI've upgraded to natty  the system has grub instead of grub 2. why?13:10
Picicvam: Because an upgrade won't upgrade your bootloader.13:11
=== ShareMind is now known as lobe
lessshasteis there a tool for making animations like http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-13991135 ?13:14
=== rev_dhodgkin is now known as dhodgkin
cvamPici: I am using natty. I download kernel 2.6.38 using update manager. how to make it default kernel to load ?13:15
Picicvam: The postinstall process should automatically do that.13:15
JLucah : 'folder' is the right word !13:16
cvamPici: but i had only 2.6.36. today only i 've intalled 2.6.38 using update-manager13:16
MonkeyDustJLuc: folder = dossier, path = répertoire13:18
JLucthanks monkeydust13:18
JLucpath = chemin rather13:18
wyang_racho, are you there?13:18
JLucmy computer english will improve !13:19
wyang_i met the problem of "Could not locate executable g77" on ubuntu 11.04 when compiling the numpy13:20
cvamEven though kernel 2.6.38 is default to natty, I hadn't . I update it using update-manager(as it asked for updation). how to make kernel 2.6.38 as default kernel13:21
blinkizHello. It exist a easy to use SMTP tester tool that I installed some time ago. Can someone remember for me the package name?13:21
lessshasteis there a tool for making animations like http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-13991135 ?13:22
blinkizFound it. swaks13:22
mekwallhi! I just moved back to ubuntu (11.04) and noticing major lag when moving windows (nvidia gfx) - anyone know what causes this and how to solve it?13:27
saraany bodi can help me to find the persian chanel?13:28
saraany bodi can help me to find the persian channel?13:28
* conntrack squawks13:28
mehrenstjust downloaded 11.04 iso image from ubuntu.com but it does not fit onto a CD as the size is 714 MB. Am I doing something wrong?13:29
lessshastemekwall, the normal answer is that you are not using hardware acceleration properly.. do you know what driver you are running?13:29
pksadiq!Md5 check this on downloaded iso13:30
ubottupksadiq: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:30
rkhshmi'm trying to create a gparted USB stick..13:30
lessshastemekwall, have you read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia ?13:30
rkhshmis it just sufficient to copy the ISO directly to the USB device?13:30
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows13:30
mehrenstthanks a lot. I will check13:30
mekwalllessshaste: hardware acceleraiton is running, I've already checked that. and other stuff is smooth. running the latest driver from the x-updates repo13:30
lessshastemekwall, nouveau or the commercial one?13:31
mekwalllessshaste: nvidia-current (guess thats nouveau?)13:31
wyang_blinkz, msmtp?13:31
lessshastemekwall, try the link I pasted in that case13:31
lessshastemekwall, hmm.. nvidia-current should be the binary driver I thought13:33
mekwalllessshaste: yeah I guess it is... I purged all the nvidia packages directly after install and then added the x-updates repo, so its probably not nouveau13:33
lessshastemekwall, ah... can you read your X logs to see if there are any warnings?13:34
mekwalllessshaste: could be warnings bogging up :) good call... willl check13:34
mekwalllessshaste: Xorg log looks ok13:35
aamaxhi all.... i installed ubuntu last night, haven't messed with a *nix OS for many years.. trying to learn ruby and rails.. can anyone help me with understanding some things?13:37
rkhshmguys I'm trying to install ubuntu 11.04 on a completely fresh HD.. I created a gparted USB stick and tried using it .. i still get BOOT ERROR13:37
rkhshmany ideas pls13:37
rkhshmits now critical13:37
lessshastemekwall, I don't know what the problem is.. sorry13:37
lessshastegood luck!13:37
mekwalllessshaste: np, thanks for your time :)13:37
jamil_1aamax: please ask13:37
aamaxi installed rvm.... and i got ruby 1.9.2 installed but i can't seem to get the right rails version to install.. if i just do a apt-get install rails it installs the older version..13:38
aamaxi need to install 3.1.0 or later13:38
drapedupDoes wine support DX11 ?13:38
aamaxi did get xchat installed though :) LOL13:38
jamil_1aamax: have you tried gem install rails.....13:40
aboudreaultHi, does anyone already created a AMI (Amazon Machine Image) of Ubuntu?13:41
nmvictordoes ubuntu and generally Linux have support for the protogon filesystem expected to show in Windows 8?13:41
aboudreaultcan't get it to boot on ec213:41
somsipaboudreault: there are a few public AMIs that are available. Just search for them13:41
aboudreaultsomsip, that's not my question13:41
edbiannmvictor: I don't think so because I've never heard of that13:42
deanHi all I like k9copy but I want a ripper to rip the dvd to hard drive before I transcode is there a ripper better for that?13:42
drapedupNM i see that some guys developed a way to hook DX11 into wine13:42
ubottuFor information about the Sound Juicer ripping application see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CDRipping. To rip an Audio CD in KDE, put it in and then put audiocd:// in the Konqueror URL bar13:42
web_hello there !13:43
web_hi there !13:44
johnmnmvictor: it's safe to say, no. Not at all. It's currently a undisclosed filesystem subject to change, with no pubblic references made available.13:44
deanpksadiq, This is for dvd ripping not audio13:44
nmvictoredbian: Windows 8 might finally lock out linux with its secure booting, well am reading that the protogon FS might mean an 8sec boot for windows 8, so i wondered if Linux has support for this FS.13:44
johnmnmvictor: if you're talking about finding a solution to an "8 second boot" then there are already many available.13:45
web_is there any one to tell me how to change my boot team on ubuntu matice ?13:45
nmvictorjohnm: am looking to write linux drivers if it shows up13:45
web_is there any one to tell me how to change my boot team on ubuntu matice ?13:46
nmvictorjohnm: am not looking for such a soln, it just got me interested.13:46
edbiannmvictor: I don't think it's the filesystem that will allow an 8 second boot (although it probably helps).  Yeah I've been reading about UEFI and the issues there.  I think when it is actually a problem (hardware vendors are actually using it) we'll have come up with some solution. I am pretty sure the way it's implemented right now you can simply turn it off13:46
johnmnmvictor: the UEFI spec is somethign a little different, its hardware and software vendor collaboration with keychain protection, it isn't "windows" per se. It'll be interesting though for sure.13:46
johnmnmvictor: ever tried to reverse engineer a microsoft filesystem? :)13:46
kcm1700i need help to erase a file named '--'13:46
kcm1700how to remove that file in bash?13:46
nmvictorjohnm: nope13:47
Jordan_Ukcm1700: rm './--'13:47
kcm1700thanks a lot13:47
nmvictorjohnm: why?13:47
johnmnmvictor: tbh, I don;'t think its anything revolutionary, it's essentially just a database driven FS, similar to which already exist. It's non-compliant in many respects as well.13:47
nmvictorjohnm: :)13:47
Jordan_Ukcm1700: You're welcome.13:47
johnmnmvictor: Just curious, I'd like to wish you good luck in doing so and hope you stick it out - would be worth looking into support from the SFLC as well - just as a precursor.13:48
edbiannmvictor: I've seen linux systems that boot in ~3 seconds13:48
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nmvictorthanks johnm , edbian , about that, i though ubuntu was supposed to boot that fast, mine gets takes 5 sec after grub selection before the ubuntu boot progress dots start showing, any diagnose for that?13:50
johnmnmvictor: install bootchart and inspect whats taking the time13:51
nmvictorjohnm: sure. i'd look into that13:51
edbiannmvictor: There is a tonne of stuff you can do.  http://lwn.net/Articles/299483/13:51
johnmnmvictor: histortically slow boot is caused by a linear init boot process, pending wait on device dependancies, and/or lack of preload. Most of it depends on what you actually have installed, frankly ;)13:52
johnmnmvictor: If you want a lightning boot process, use hibernate ;)13:52
drapedupjohnm: isn't that essentially what win8 is doing?13:53
johnmdrapedup: pretty much.13:53
drapedupa hybrid hibernation boot up13:53
rkhshmanyone here has a good idea with gparted13:54
rkhshmi'm having major trouble.13:54
nmvictorjohnm: like you suggest i hibernate my laptop often, as opposed to poweroff?13:56
sanderj_Do anyone know if there is any diffrence in the datafiles between mysql 5.1.37-1ubuntu5.113:57
sanderj_<sanderj_>  and 5.1.37-1ubuntu5.5 on ubuntu 9.10.13:57
ikoniasanderj_: data files ? they are yours13:57
ikoniasanderj_: you should be able to export/import between the versions without issue13:57
sanderj_ikonia, with exportg/import you mean only copy the data files from one dir to another install?13:59
deanHi does anyone use Handbrake in here?13:59
sanderj_ikonia, should or is?14:00
ikoniasanderj_: well, you may have to do things like change the permissions on the database14:00
ikoniasanderj_: eg: the new database will need to grant permissions to the new schema,14:01
ikoniasanderj_: I'd suggest doing a mysql_dump on the database, then importing from that14:01
ikoniasanderj_: but in theory you could just copy the files and run a grant, but that's a very sloppy way14:01
ikoniadean: yes, why14:01
sanderj_ikonia, Why do I need to run a grant if I copy all the internal data also?14:02
deanikonia, I was wondering if you knew what option you have to select to make sure the subtitles appear after converting?14:02
ikoniasanderj_: I wouldn't advise moving ALL the databases, just the personal schema14:02
ikoniasanderj_: replacing the mysql db from antoher box isn't a good idea14:02
ikoniadean: there is a subtitle check box14:03
ikoniadean: there is also the #handbrake channel14:03
sanderj_ikonia, if it's the same version, then it's ok I guess.14:03
ikoniasanderj_: no,14:03
deanikonia, There is default, burned in and forced I didn't know which is best to use14:03
ikoniasanderj_: depends on how it's setup there could be references to hostnames/ip addresses that no longer are valid14:03
ikoniadean: #handbrake is your friend on that one, I never use subtitles so don't understand the difference14:04
deanikonia, Ok thanks14:04
sanderj_ikonia, I'm setting up the same ip adress also, because i'm moving it from one virtual platform to another.14:04
sanderj_ikonia, the same ip I mean.14:04
ikoniasanderj_: again, I would strongly not recommend it14:04
ikoniasanderj_: the internal mysql database is quite fussy and very core to your functionality, better to export the schemas and import into a new running database14:05
sanderj_ikonia, what if I have the same version on both places?14:05
ikoniasanderj_: the version is not the issue as I've said14:05
sanderj_ikonia, it will take so long time with 1200 databases.14:05
ikoniasanderj_: why are you against exporting and importing14:05
ikoniasanderj_: script it, it will be just as quick14:05
ikoniasanderj_: mysql_dump and then mysql -d < $dumpfile14:06
ikoniasanderj_: obviously -d $database name etc14:06
sanderj_ikonia, how can I copy over 1200 grants also?14:06
ikoniasanderj_: it's included in the dump14:07
ikoniasanderj_: well, again, depends on what you take over14:07
fireprintI have an issue where all my close minimize and what not button line is gone.. on everything. Tried googling but doesnt seem to give any solution. Anyone know of a quickfix? (im thinking i might've done something in effects that m not aware of)14:07
edbianfireprint: alt + f2     then compiz --replace&14:08
fireprintoh look at that!.. thanks! Appreciated edbian14:08
edbianfireprint: sure14:09
fireprintwhat exactly did the --replace& do?14:09
edbianfireprint: ur window decorator crashed.  (look at window decorations in ccsm)  that command restarts compiz (and restarts the decorator)14:09
MonkeyDustfireprint: the & makes it un in the background14:09
edbianfireprint: & makes it run the background14:09
fireprintNice. thank you for helping me out. Appreciated guys14:10
fireprintSo it would've done the same thing if  i restarted the computer?14:10
_cbTo get active directory like functionality I would need to deploy LDAP + SAMBA + Kerberos, right? (Any easy to use GUI's that would help with implementation and management?)14:12
fireprintedbian, am i correct in thinking that a hardrestart of my laptop would restart as well?14:12
fireprinti mean, as in fix it.14:12
reinholdDoes anyone have an idea when libguile 2.0 (released in February) will be available as a ubuntu package? In LilyPond, we heavily depend on guile, and we'd like to finally make the switch to guile 2.0. But since we depend on ubuntu packages for our docs writers etc. we can't switch to guile 2.0 as long as ubuntu doesn't have any guile 2.0 packages...14:13
fireprintAs my dock got messed up with the command. I will try the restart. Again, thanks guys14:14
osb_how would one enable dual core cpu support on Natty?  Ubuntu puts me in SMP mode with only one of my cpu cores appearing at half clock speed.14:16
ikoniaor using one14:16
ikoniaosb_: how do you know it's only showing one14:16
osb_Linux redbox 2.6.38-11-generic #50-Ubuntu SMP Mon Sep 12 21:17:25 UTC 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux14:17
ikoniaosb_: where does that show it's only using 1 core14:17
osb_and pastebin of dmesg: http://pastebin.com/nTkTaMm914:17
osb_ikonia: proc/cpuinfo says so.14:17
osb_cat /proc/cpuinfo | egrep '(model name|cpu MHz|core id)'14:17
osb_osb@redbox:/boot$ cat /proc/cpuinfo | egrep '(model name|cpu MHz|core id)'14:17
osb_model name: AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4400+14:17
osb_cpu MHz: 1000.00014:17
osb_core id: 014:17
FloodBot1osb_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:17
ikoniaosb_: pastebin the full output of /proc/cpuinfo please.14:18
osb_there's the gusto.14:18
ikoniaosb_: "cat /proc/cpuinfo" and put it in a pastebin14:18
osb_what are you looking for?14:18
ikoniaosb_: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && cat /proc/cpuinfo | pastbinit14:18
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osb_it's a dual core processor showing one cpu core at half the clock speed.14:19
ikoniaosb_: the clock spead is not a massive issue as powerscaling can effect it,14:19
BarkingFish!info opensync-module-python14:20
ubottuPackage opensync-module-python does not exist in natty14:20
ikoniaosb_: [    0.050174] SMP motherboard not detected.14:20
ikonia[    0.060000] SMP disabled14:20
ikoniaosb_: I suspect that's the issue14:20
osb_my motherboard supposedly supports this processor14:21
BarkingFishanyone know why the opensync python module wasn't carried into maverick or natty please? It's vital that I get it, and can't currently install it despite having backports available14:21
mekwallok, I'm having a really weird problem. I have stuttering and lag when moving and resizing windows, but when I run glxgears I get about 10k fps, but the gears that show gives me about .5-1 fps14:22
icerootBarkingFish: i guess the package was renamed14:22
mekwallany idea on what the problem might be?14:22
icerootBarkingFish: or integrated into other packages14:22
TronicAfter updating to 11.10 my network started to disconnect about once a day. The interface still has an IP but communication won't work for some reason until after I restart dhclient.14:23
icerootTronic: #ubuntu+114:23
osb_ikonia: any ideas?14:23
BarkingFishiceroot, that could be a problem then.  I'm trying to sync my HP iPAQ with synce - and the opensync portion of it is still looking for opensync-module-python, so that means opensync hasn't been updated properly.14:23
ikoniaosb_: just reading through the dmesg output14:23
ikoniaosb_:  0.000000] Booting paravirtualized kernel on bare hardware14:23
oratedI read that partimage does not support ext4 file system but I found that partimage takes backup of such partitions, why? Is it reliable?14:23
ikoniaosb_: that interests me, but I've not quite worked out the relevence yet14:24
icerootBarkingFish: yes, sounds like a bug about dependencies14:24
osb_i was going to try to use something from mainline ppa and see if that helps14:24
photofficinehi all14:24
ikoniaosb_: it's not a kernel issue, I don't believe14:24
BarkingFishi'm just wondering if I can nick the copy that was in lucid and install it as a safety net for now14:24
osb_my bios supports the cpu so either its reporting it to the kernel incorrectly or the kernle is borked14:24
osb_i dunno.14:24
darkknightczhi, is someone here using squid with some auth program?14:26
icerootdarkknightcz: #squid14:26
ikoniadarkknightcz: not at the moment, but I have done in the past, with local tdb database and ldap14:26
darkknightcziceroot: writting there for 3 days with no response :)14:26
photofficinei have a problem with my pc, i have a acer aspire M5641 and i installed Ubuntu 11.04, but the wireless connection no work, it constantly asking me the password. what's the problem?14:27
icerootdarkknightcz: its a good idea not to use questions containg "is someone". ask real question with usefull details14:27
ikoniadarkknightcz: you've been answered in #squid14:27
darkknightczikonia: thanks :)14:28
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oratedmoreover, why partimage calls ext4 filesystem as ext3fs and takes its image? Is it reliable when the documentation says that it doesn't support ext4?14:28
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osb_would be nice to be able to use the other core =)14:29
ana_ola ola ola ola14:32
photofficinehelp me please14:32
ana_ami tambien ayudenmeee!!14:32
MonkeyDust!es| ana_14:32
ubottuana_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.14:32
fireprintphotofficine, you say it continues to ask for a password. Are you not getting connected, or asking for password everytime you log on to it?14:33
ana_me valeee!!!14:33
oratedIn this partition table, which partition contains grub and MBR?14:33
ana_yes... yes!14:33
ikoniaana_: can we help you ?14:33
bearly230Quick question. Since ubuntu 11.04 does not send log entries to the /var/log/messages file anymore, where do those messages go to now?14:33
osb_oh well14:34
ikoniaorated: the mbr is on /dev/sda14:34
ikoniaosb_: still reading trying to understand what's failing14:34
oratedikonia: But if I want to take partition image, how will I take sda image?14:35
osb_oh ok14:35
oratedpartimage doesn't allow to do that14:35
xbuntuI need help.. in Ubuntu when i try to reload alsa it says a bunch of "Output Info may be incomplete"14:35
ikoniaorated: you take an image of /dev/sda - that's the disk, not the partition14:35
osb_[    0.000000] Malformed early option 'acpi'14:35
osb_i should acpi=off on that14:35
photofficinefireprint always asks the password, I insert it but requires it again, i can not connect14:35
oratedikonia: Yes, ofc. But not with partimage then14:35
osb_i killed acpi support in my bios14:35
ikoniaosb_: then do'nt use part image14:36
ikoniaorated: it's called "partimage" partition image, not disk image14:36
djinohi - I have been using the ubuntu software center to install an application. I have removed it, and tried to reinstall, but it seems that it never does it fully. For example, the configuration files that were previously present never get installed. Can I force it somehow?14:36
MonkeyDustphotofficine: password or a WEP/WPA key? or a password for the keyring?14:36
xbuntuCan anyone help me?.. Im trying to reload alsa.. and it says lsof: WARNING: can't stat() fuse.gvfs-fuse-daemon file system /home/xbuntu/.gvfs14:36
xbuntu      Output information may be incomplete.14:36
fireprintphotofficine,  if i understand correctly. Have you checked that you are trying to connect to the right ssid, and passwd is correct (say from another computer etc)? plus the thing MonkeyDust said.14:36
fireprintthe reason it asks, would seem to be (from what you're saying) that its not accepting the password..14:37
bearly230Quick question. Since ubuntu 11.04 does not send log entries to the /var/log/messages file anymore, where do those messages go to now?14:38
oratedOther than dd, is there any tool which allows to take disk image? The problem is that dd will take lot of space to write image to whereas partimage allows to take partition image which are necessary. ikonia14:38
photofficinefireprint, the password is correct, but the manager network asks the password continually, only this14:39
ikoniaorated: whats the gparted imaging tool call14:40
xbuntuCan someone help me when i reload alsa14:40
xbuntuit gives me this message14:40
vassie79hello, can someone help me to create a very simple samba share?14:40
xbuntulsof: WARNING: can't stat() fuse.gvfs-fuse-daemon file system /home/xbuntu/.gvfs14:40
xbuntu      Output information may be incomplete.14:40
xpololzHello! I just bought myself a new(3rd) monitor and plugged it in with a DisplayPort to DVI Cable. I've got a ATI Radoen HD 5700 se. But when I try to active the new display I get "Invalid Settings". I'm on Ubuntu 11.4, does anyone out there know how to fix this?14:40
oratedikonia: huh? Gparted is a partitioning software14:41
xpololzjust removed fglrx, can't even do fglrxinfo now, but when I try to "sudo sh ati-driver-installer-11-8-x86.x86_64.run" it comes up with a message that a previous install of fglrx driver has been detected.14:41
ikoniaorated: there is an image based live cd based on gparted14:41
ikoniaorated: I can't think of the name of it14:41
oratedikonia: Ok, I'll find out..moreover, why partimage calls ext4 filesystem as ext3fs and takes its image? Is it reliable when the documentation says that it doesn't support ext4?14:42
fireprintphotofficine,  have you tried wicd and see if it still accures there?14:42
ikoniaorated: no idea14:42
ikoniaorated: clonezilla14:43
ThonEneyanyone here that knows how can i remove ati drivers from a recovery console or simmilar?14:43
ikoniaorated: thats the name of it14:43
photofficinefireprint, I have not tried it yet14:43
segolAny fixes for the i845 GPU driver crashes?14:43
deanikonia, Hey I spoke to you before and you were a great help do you find your conversions on handbrake come out at m4v not mp4?14:43
fireprintphotofficine,  if you dont feel comfortable with using that, try removing the settings for the ssid you have now.. and retype in info. Like forget the one you're using and redo it. Might also be that simple14:44
ionitecan anyone please teach me how do i edit my 40-lib-sane rules in GUI under administrator privileges?14:44
ikoniadean: they use the mp4 container but normally have an different extension14:44
bearly230Quick question. Since ubuntu 11.04 does not send log entries to the /var/log/messages file anymore, where do those messages go to now?14:45
ThonEneyno one?14:45
deanikonia, What it is I have a samsung lcd tv with a usb media player and I know it plays avi and mp4 but not sure it would play m4v but I wondered if I could get it to convert to mp4 instead?14:45
photofficinefireprint, i have tried removing the setting for the ssid but don't work14:45
ionitehow do i edit 40 lib sane files?14:46
fireprinthmm and you were not using keyrings?14:46
ioniteikonia: are u there?14:46
fireprintphotofficine,  you were not using keyrings?14:46
ikoniaionite: yes, why ?14:46
ioniteikonia: do u know how do i edit lib sane files?14:46
ikoniaionite: why ?14:46
ikoniadean: mp4 container in an m4v extension14:46
ioniteikonia: i'm at this stage: http://welcome.solutions.brother.com/bsc/public_s/id/linux/en/instruction_scn1c.html14:46
ikoniaionite: are you doing this on ubuntu14:47
osb_im going to try a 3.0.0 kernel14:47
ioniteikonia: yes. i'm currently using easy peasy manager.14:47
Fucois there a way to use apt-get to install the package to my home? (I'm on a machine where I don't have full access)14:47
ikoniaosb_: I'd recommend against it, but ok14:47
ikoniaionite: I don't know what easy peasy manager is14:47
osb_i dont have many options14:48
fireprintphotofficine, im starting to get out of ideas for my "level" here. hehe Sorry but if none of that works im gonna have to let someone else come up with what it could be.14:48
ioniteikonia: anyways, what do i type in terminal to edit the lib sane file?14:48
ikoniaionite: easy peasy is it's own distro, not ubuntu14:48
ioniteikonia: it's based on ubuntu isnt it?14:49
ikoniaionite: it's not ubuntu14:49
fireprintphotofficine, try using wicd just as a trial, and if that does not help im not sure what it could be to be honest.14:49
ikoniaionite: it's support channel is #easypeasy14:49
ikoniaionite: http://www.geteasypeasy.com/help/14:49
deanikonia, I have read it isn't the same as mp4 though just uses the same codec14:49
ioniteikonia: assuming i am doing it through ubuntu. what do i type in terminal>14:49
ikoniadean: again, #handbrake is your friend14:49
ikoniaionite:  -no, you are not, use the correct support channel14:50
ikoniaionite: I've just pointed you to the right place and given you the support web page for more help, please use it14:50
photofficinefireprint, no without keyrings14:50
Dan23Any idea why my netcat version doesn't have the "-c" option available?14:50
photofficinei tried wicd but don't work14:50
ioniteikonia: u mean ure not telling me even though i am asking a ubuntu related question?14:51
fireprintphotofficine, that just sounds weird to me. Im sorry i couldnt be of much help.14:51
ikoniaionite: it's not ubuntu.14:51
ZontaXyo ! can somebody see my IP adress now ?14:51
segolI've got an IBM G78 CRT screen that isn't being properly recognized, under monitors it thinks the refresh rate should be 65Hz at 1600x1200, but the screen can only handle 60Hz at 1600x1200. How do I fix it?14:52
oldwzdnmnd me, misstyped14:52
ioniteikonia: thanks.14:52
katkeehello, ruby-activerecord-2.3 package on ubuntu 11.10 does not install anymore. can someone help?14:52
Dan23Is the netcat version in ubuntu not the latest version?14:52
fireprintZontaX, you're using a proxy. hence no.14:52
ikoniaionite: no problem14:52
ioniteikonia: it's actually only this gksu gedit /etc/udev/rules.d/40-libsane.rules14:52
ZontaXfireprint thanks for the confirmation :D14:52
ikoniaionite: I know what it is14:53
xbuntucan someone help me when i try to force-reload alsa it gives me lsof: WARNING: can't stat() fuse.gvfs-fuse-daemon file system /home/xbuntu/.gvfs14:53
xbuntu      Output information may be incomplete.14:53
ZontaXfireprint that finally works for me ...i was in hell to make this happen XD14:53
photofficinefireprint,  it's possible that the problem is the drivers?14:53
ioniteikonia: good.14:53
fireprintZontaX, i see. Well, paranoia is a good thing ;)14:53
katkeeruby-activerecord-2.3 : Depends: ruby-activesupport-2.3 (< but 2.3.14-2 is to be installed, E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.14:54
massicerco aiuto14:54
fireprintphotofficine, I honestly can not see how that would make it ask for a password. However, what i can do, is do some googling and see if i can figure it out.14:54
Pici!it | massi14:54
ubottumassi: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)14:54
massiqualcuno mi puo aiutare14:54
bearly230Quick question. Since ubuntu 11.04 does not send log entries to the /var/log/messages file anymore, where do those messages go to now?14:54
oratedikonia: But, I didn't quite get how clonezilla will help me. I see it can be used as a Live drive to clone a single partition on the media, to a separate medium device. The cloned data can be saved as an image-file or as a duplicated copy of the data. Bios usually goes to the first sector, so will sda1 contain the bootloader?14:54
usr13xbuntu: what was the command you used?14:55
xbuntui used14:55
xbuntualsa force-reload14:55
ikoniaorated: you can clone data to antoher disk, or to a file on a network(or other disk)14:55
xbuntubut u see thats not all i get14:55
xbuntutheres more but i dont want ot post the whole thing on here14:55
oratedikonia: yeah ...14:55
xbuntuit says "Fatal error"14:55
xbuntuFATAL: Error inserting snd_hda_intel (/lib/modules/2.6.38-11-generic-pae/kernel/sound/pci/hda/snd-hda-intel.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)14:55
xbuntu (failed)14:55
FloodBot1xbuntu: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:55
fireprintphotofficine, before doing that though. You're using network manager.. with no keyrings, tried wicd and redoing the ssid info..? did i get that right?14:55
ikoniaorated: what do you actually want it to do14:55
usr13xbuntu: alsa fouce-reload | pastebinit14:56
oratedikonia: I want to take backup of bootloader, grub14:56
fireprintphotofficine, are you on kde or fome?14:56
usr13xbuntu: It says "see dmesg"14:56
fireprintphotofficine, hehe gnome even14:56
photofficinefireprint, thank you. the problem is that i can't use the wireless connection but only the lan. the password that it ask is a WPA. thank you again14:56
xbuntuwheres dmesg im new to ubuntu14:56
segolI've got an IBM G78 CRT screen that isn't being properly recognized, under monitors it thinks the refresh rate should be 65Hz at 1600x1200, but the screen can only handle 60Hz at 1600x1200. How do I fix it? http://download.lenovo.com/ibmdl/pub/pc/pccbbs/visuals/g78e1.pdf14:56
photofficinefireprint, gnome14:56
usr13xbuntu: ls /lib/modules/2.6.38-11-generic-pae/kernel/sound/pci/hda/snd-hda-intel.ko14:57
fireprintphotofficine, oh, one thing.. you are NOT getting access to the wireless?14:57
photofficinefireprint,  yes14:57
fireprintphotofficine,  i thought you ment you had to retype the password each time you rebooted etc.. but you're not getting access?14:57
osb_i might file a bug report14:58
photofficinefireprint, not i don't have access to wireless because it ask me continually the wpa password, now i am connet with LAN14:59
oratedikonia: Or I need not take backup of bootloader? CAn it be easily fixed/installed when restoring other partitions?14:59
usr13xbuntu: What did  ls /lib/modules/2.6.38-11-generic-pae/kernel/sound/pci/hda/snd-hda-intel.ko  say?14:59
xbuntuall it does is just paste the same text i just wrote14:59
ikoniaorated: if you backup the disk, it will be backed up, if you backup a partition, you'll need to apply the boot loader manually to the mbr14:59
usr13xbuntu: So you are sure the file does in fact exist?  (Yes.  No.)14:59
fireprintphotofficine, oh i see. hmm has it ever worked? is is a fresh install? then there's a good chance you're not having everything installed correctly14:59
xbuntui think so15:00
xbuntuhow would i find out?15:00
usr13xbuntu: dmesg | pastebinit15:00
antihoaxhi guys15:01
antihoaxsomeone seen NixiePixie ?15:01
genii-aroundDan23: The package netcat-traditional should contain it, instead of the default netcat version15:01
photofficinefireprint, the wireless connection worked one time, the installation is not fresh, but i used little this pc because the wireless not work15:01
Dan23genii-around, thanks, that fixed it15:01
usr13xbuntu:  ls /lib/modules/2.6.38-11-generic-pae/kernel/sound/pci/hda/snd-hda-intel.ko | pastebinit15:01
oratedikonia: I cannot backup disk using dd as I'm out of space. So I'm left to consider partimage to take partition image or use clonezilla. If bootloader can be applied to it manually, you mean installing grub manually later? Could you link me a documentation for the same please?15:01
photofficinenow i have update all, but not i yet the reboot15:02
genii-aroundDan23: You're welcome15:02
ikonia!grub2 > orated15:02
ubottuorated, please see my private message15:02
xbuntuthen all it says /lib/modules/2.6.38-11-generic-pae/kernel/sound/pci/hda/snd-hda-intel.ko15:02
xbuntuthats what it says when i open the link15:02
usr13xbuntu: Maybe you should start by telling us why you are needing to do:   alsa force-reload15:03
photofficinefireprint, 2 seconds, i reboot and let you know how it went. just i arrive15:03
xbuntuwell because i added something to asla-base.conf because im not getting no sound out of my main speakers and i wanted to see if it would work15:04
xbuntuim only getting sound out of my subwoofer15:04
usr13xbuntu: Ok it says SOMETHING then.  (It reports to you the file and it's path, therefore confirming to you that the file does, indeed, exist.)15:04
xbuntuand im not sure if its an error or if maybe its loading the wrong jack idk15:04
oratedikonia: Ok, the documentation suggest about restoring/installing grub manually. So, by what I'm doing, will I be able to do that?15:04
ikoniaorated: yes15:04
deanikonia, Sorry only just seen your message I am going to do one chapter and try it on my tv15:04
ikoniadean: no problem15:05
oratedikonia: Thank you!15:05
usr13xbuntu: Did you first run alsamixer to see if channels are turned down or muted?15:05
xbuntuI reinstalled the os and everything15:05
usr13xbuntu: No M or MM  at bottom of collums?15:05
xbuntuthe the update / upgrade command to see if any packages are missing / restarted after15:05
usr13xbuntu: You reinstalled the OS?15:06
xbuntuMy sound card is Realtek alc88815:06
xbuntuand yes15:06
xbuntui did15:06
xbuntu3 times15:06
FloodBot1xbuntu: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:06
deanikonia, Thanks again tho15:06
=== DeLorean is now known as Guest39960
xbuntuWhen i do go into the alsa-base.conf it doesnt say anything about my model of my computer or anything15:06
usr13xbuntu: Did you see your sound card's ID properly identified in the alsamixer window?15:06
ikoniadean: welcome15:06
xbuntuWell it says hda intel.. and i think realtek is a intel chip if im not mistaken15:06
fireprintCan someone do me a favor here? I am trying to help photofficine out, however. i need to leave. Just give him the message please. Thanks15:07
ooxihi i want a ubuntu/debian live cd where i can install packages but on a console, not a x desktop15:07
ooxiwhere can i finde something like that?15:07
usr13xbuntu:  Do this:   cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp15:07
ooxior can i tell the ubuntu install cd to not start x?15:08
xbuntuUsr13: its just sitting there not doing anything15:08
usr13xbuntu: It should say  Card: Intel  on the first line and then  Chip: Realtek  on the second line. (In alsamixer window)15:08
segolI've got an IBM G78 CRT screen that isn't being properly recognized, under monitors it thinks the refresh rate should be 65Hz at 1600x1200, but the screen can only handle 60Hz at 1600x1200. How do I fix it?15:09
photofficinefireprint, i reboot but nothing the network manager ask me the password15:09
usr13xbuntu: Open a terminal and run alsamixer15:09
lucidgyRecomendations...  In need of a firewall.  Cheap small solution!  I'm thinking of maybe picking up a cheak negear router/switch and loading openWRT.. or maybe picking up a microPC and loading linux/iptables.15:09
antihoaxsegol<< you can set it in xorg.conf15:09
usr13xbuntu: Do you see the sound card properly identified in upper left corner?15:09
codemagicianfor a production server should I stick with ubuntu server 10.04 LTS or the 11 version and why?15:09
xbuntujust says15:10
usr13xbuntu: If not, hit F615:10
antihoaxsegol<< you can set it in xorg.conf15:10
xbunturealtek alc88815:10
usr13Yea... what does it say....15:10
=== Guest39960 is now known as DeLorean731
usr13Ok.... Look at bottom the collums, look for  M  or  MM15:10
xbuntuNothings muted15:11
awaadWhat is the same like "rpm -ql" in ubuntu ?15:11
usr13Expecially Main or PCM15:11
xbuntuNothings muted15:11
usr13Are they turned up?15:11
usr13How about the speakers themselves?  Power plugged in and turned up?15:11
bastidrazorawaad: what does -ql flags do?15:11
xbuntulaptop so internal sound15:12
llutzawaad: dpkg -L packagename15:12
usr13WHat port are they plugged into?   Try a different...... OH, it is a laptop....  Try the FN keys.15:12
xbuntuThe problem is that its only coming from the subwoofer15:12
xbuntuNothings coming from the main speakers so im thinking that its just something with alsa-base.conf15:13
usr13xbuntu: What do you mean it is only coming from the subwoofer?15:13
xbuntuits only coming from the sub15:13
xbuntulike when i go to youtube the sound is being directed to the sub15:13
codemagicianwhere do I find the unmodified Amazon EC2 Ubuntu AMI?15:13
usr13xbuntu: Oh well, I don't know.... but sorry, my time is up.  I must go.15:13
usr13work to do...15:13
codemagicianwhere do I find the unmodified Amazon EC2 Ubuntu 10.04 LTS AMI?15:13
usr13somone else may be watching and can pick you up... hopfefully.   at any rate, ttyl15:14
xbuntuwhats the commands to get your sound card model15:15
llutzxbuntu: cat /proc/asound/cards15:15
=== lucidgy is now known as lucidguy
mneptokxbuntu: have you looked at all the mixer settings?15:16
xbuntusays no such file or direc15:16
xbuntuand yes i have15:16
InphraRedhi I'm trying to compile some software... I'm having to run after ever little api.. is there a way to install all dev packages relevant to the already installed packages on a system?  And make it default so the next time I install gtk or something the dev package is also installed?15:16
xbuntuall unmuted and everything15:16
InphraRedI don't know why distros segregate dev packages anyway, it's always annoying :\15:16
xbuntucat /proc/asound/cards15:17
xbuntucat: /proc/asound/cards: No such file or directory15:17
xbuntuam i suppose to have the directery /proc/asound/cards15:19
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conntracktest worked!15:30
ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use #test )15:30
=== qwerty is now known as Guest60187
JLuci dont find ubuntu one in the applications menu (without Unity). How can i launch it ?15:31
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Nova685JLuc: its also located in the controll center15:33
salomonvhi, I need to get Fortran 77 on natty, any idea where I can get it?15:33
JLucyes last item thanks nova68515:34
pksadiq!Find fortan15:34
pksadiq!find gfortran15:35
ubottuFound: gfortran, gfortran-4.4-doc, gfortran-4.5, gfortran-4.5-doc, gfortran-4.5-multilib, gfortran-doc, gfortran-multilib, lib64gfortran3, libgfortran3, gfortran-4.4 (and 24 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=gfortran&searchon=names&suite=natty&section=all15:35
=== chris3 is now known as zooka
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baiaHello! Is anybody familiar with python-nautilus in oneiric? When I'm trying to run nautilus with some of the python-nautilus examples I get an "ImportError: cannot import name _API". I'm not sure if the problem is in python-nautilus or somewhere else.15:43
llutzbaia: Support in #ubuntu+1 , not here15:43
helpmei decided that i wanted to see Windows 8, so i shrunk my windows partition (no way i was gonna mess with my lenny part) and installed it, n then was quickly bored so i wanted to go back to lenny...guess what no grub.15:44
baiallutz: Where should I ask?15:45
bastidrazorhelpme: ask in #debian15:45
helpmeso then i changed the bootable partition back to the orig...win vista. but still no grub?? what do i need to do15:45
helpmebastidrazor, why would i ask in debian?15:45
bastidrazorhelpme: lenny is debian, not ubuntu15:46
helpmeoh..lenny meaning...linux, not the deb "lenny" rofl15:46
helpmeits ubuntu15:46
ActionParsniphelpme: can you give the output of:  lsb_release-sc    please15:46
=== gref is now known as blqqq
helpmeActionParsnip, sure 1 sec15:47
ActionParsniphelpme: oops typo15:47
ActionParsniphelpme: lsb_release -sc15:47
ActionParsnipmissed the space ;)15:47
PolahDoes the system attempt to verify user passwords multiple times with logging in if the first attempt is rejected?15:47
helpmeActionParsnip, thats the live cd im in, but ive upgraded to 11.4 "natty:15:48
zookaPolah: Should try about 3 times. Or did you mean multiple times for the same attempt?15:48
blqqqhello, can somebody help me with Realtek RTL8111/8168B driver problem - I have Internet, but is very slow. There is no such problem with wireless, so I think the driver is the problem. I tried to install latest official Realtek drivers but the Internet is slow again (ubutnu 11.04 64 bit)15:48
Polahzooka: Multiple times for each password entry. I only ask because I notice if I enter my password and it is correct, it logs in instantly, but if I enter it incorrectly it says "Checking..." for a second or two before saying "Authentication failed"15:49
helpmeActionParsnip, I thnk i need to fully re-install grub because one the steps i attempted did get grub to work, just no cfg, it was a ubuntu live cd version of the help15:49
ActionParsnipblqqq: tried a different DNS? I've seen people get faster web by switching15:49
zookaPolah: I'm not one hundred percent certain but I think there must be something like that since I've noticed that delay too15:49
helpmei have super grub 2 disk and managed to boot that drive ActionParsnip15:49
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blqqqActionParsnip: I tried and no result. On win 7 there is no problem with the same settings15:50
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ActionParsniphelpme: then chroot and run:  grub-install /dev/drive; sudo update-grub     obviously change drive to the actual drive name (sda is common)15:50
ActionParsnipblqqq: disabling ipv6 can help too15:50
helpmeActionParsnip, k ill give that a try15:50
Polahblqqq: What's the problem?15:51
blqqqActionParsnip: that was the first, that I tried - no result15:51
ActionParsnipblqqq: are there bugs reported?15:51
blqqqPolah: the Internet is very slow with Realtek RTL8111/8168B, with WiFi I have no problems15:52
SubNormalcan any one tell me why DHCP does not show up in servers in webmin? I can see it though in un-used modules15:52
blqqqActionParsnip: all day I search the web, and can find any solution15:52
ActionParsnipSubNormal: webmin isn't to be used in Ubuntu/Debian15:52
ActionParsnipblqqq: report a bug, let the guys know there is an issue15:53
sanguisdexI need to upgrade the the image on my android phone and have a vbox for windows but can't get the device to register in linux, anyone know what I should do here?15:53
SubNormalActionParsnip why not?15:53
ActionParsnip!webmin | SubNormal15:53
ubottuSubNormal: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.15:53
ActionParsnipSubNormal: it was pulled from the repos for those reasons15:53
helpmeActionParsnip, ahh man....one of the threads must have changed something, now the linux partition isnt eveing showin up15:54
amin`openbox has the file autostart for starting application at openbox start up. could some one mention the name of such file for XMONAD ?15:54
helpmeActionParsnip, itll prob be easier to just re-install from scratch? all the tweaks i can do easily, files can be temp moved to the win partition15:55
ActionParsniphelpme: makes sense, I'd move them back one at a time and test in case there are issues15:55
SubNormalActionParsnip damn it, and all the guides for DHCP that I've found are written for webmin. so what replaces webmin?15:55
helpmeOk ActionParsnip thank you anyhow...man when i mess it up, it just keeps snowballing on me rofl15:55
sliloSubNormal: edit configs manually15:56
blqqqthere are some bug reports, but the only solituon (in most cases) is the latest driver from Realtek - that isn´t working for me - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/83939315:56
ubottuUbuntu bug 839393 in linux (Ubuntu) "Network problem with the driver r8169" [Medium,Fix released]15:56
ActionParsnip!ebox | SubNormal you can use SSH easily15:56
ubottuSubNormal you can use SSH easily: zentyal is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Zentyal (Project formally known as eBox - including in Lucid/10.04).15:56
helpmeActionParsnip, wasnt there an easy way to fix/install grub from a program that does it almost automatically?15:56
ActionParsniphelpme: the only way I know is to use a chroot15:57
zuswill the new ubuntu have 3.o kernel and gnome 3?15:57
slilogrub-install does it almost automatically )15:57
oratedIs it possible to use split command to create dd? pipeline. Moreover, how can I let it split the file into parts after asking? ie can I configure it to ask before creating next part?15:57
ActionParsnipzus: yes15:57
Polahhelpme: That just adds complication. Using ActionParsnip's commands would be quicker15:57
zusty ActionParsnip15:57
ActionParsnipzus: oneiric questions in #ubuntu+1 please15:57
blqqqActionParsnip: there are some bug reports, but the only solituon (in most cases) is the latest driver from Realtek - that isn´t working for me - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/83939315:57
ubottuUbuntu bug 839393 in linux (Ubuntu) "Network problem with the driver r8169" [Medium,Fix released]15:57
helpmePolah, what should i do then? the linux drive isnt even showing up in nautilus?15:58
dagrovesHow can I install a program to a flash drive? Like in Windows I can select what Drive I want to install the program to, I want to do that with linux, how can I do that15:58
ActionParsnipblqqq: sounds like you want Oneiric then15:58
tomodachidagroves: you cant really in any simple way. It will install to its default location15:58
dagrovesThat really stinks, I really need to do it.15:59
ActionParsnipdagroves: if you are low on space, uninstall unused kernels and you'll get a tonne of extra space15:59
dagroveshow do I uninstall unused kernels15:59
SubNormalActionParsnip do I have to uninstall webmin before I install Zentyal?16:00
ActionParsnipdagroves: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/?p=1794016:00
dagrovesokay ill try that16:00
blqqqActionParsnip: can you tell me a little more about Oneiric?16:00
ActionParsnipSubNormal: I would, just to be sure. Why not just use SSH and edit config files16:01
Polahhelpme: Could be that you damaged the partition table16:01
stercorHow do I start Ubuntu without starting X?16:01
ActionParsnipblqqq: ask in #ubuntu+116:01
beevvyHi all. I am Kadu IM developer. Currently Kadu packages in Ubuntu are imported as they are in Debian. But we have good patches providing much better experience with Unity that are not included in latest stable version. I wonder what we need to do so that our Ubuntu users can take advantage of that work.16:01
ActionParsnipstercor: add the boot option: text16:01
tomodachiSeveas: add the linge single to your kernel parameters inthe grub bootloader16:01
blqqqActionParsnip: 10x16:01
MonkeyDustblqqq: type /j #ubuntu+116:01
helpmePolah, all the other drives are showin, win is bootin just fine16:01
stercorActionParsnip: how/where?16:01
blqqqMonkeyDust: yes, I know ;)16:01
=== george is now known as GeorgeTheSuper
bastidrazorstercor: /etc/default/grub/   on the line   GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"   add "text"16:02
helpmePolah...lemme check gparted and see if it show it16:02
ActionParsnip!bootoptions | stercor16:02
ubottustercor: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions See also !nomodeset.16:02
bastidrazorstercor:  also do sudo update-grub after saving16:02
scwizardI made a user called Abe and added him to the admin group16:02
codemagicianhow do I pick an Amazon EC2 Ubuntu 10.04 LTS server AMI?16:02
scwizardwhen I log in as abe, why don't I have permission to mkdir in /home/abe ?16:02
ActionParsnipscwizard: did you run:  sudo mkdir /home/abe16:03
helpmePolah, ok gpart shows all parts16:03
scwizardActionParsnip: that's what I'm justa bout to do of course16:03
scwizardbut I'm just wondering why? what's going on?16:03
deke111Just started using 11.04 - it comes with libreoffice suit. Just wondering what happend to openoffice.16:03
scwizardwhy don't users have permission to write to their own home folders by default?16:03
ActionParsnipscwizard: well your question didn't mention sudo... so its a fair question16:03
ActionParsnipscwizard: did you also chown the home folder to the user?16:04
SubNormalActionParsnip oh, I dont know, as my knowlegde regarding servers is almost none, I feel better about following guides and most of them i've found have webmin and stuff like that.16:04
ActionParsnipscwizard: sudo chown abe:abe /home/abe16:04
scwizardif I make a new user named Beth that isn't part of the admin group, why will Beth not have the ability to write to her own home folder by default?16:04
MonkeyDustcodemagician: is this what you're looking for? http://cloud.ubuntu.com/ami/16:04
ActionParsnipscwizard: the home folder gets made by default either when the user is made, or when it first logs in16:04
codemagicianMonkeyDust, thanks16:04
codemagicianis the most stable ubuntu server 10.04 LTS?16:05
scwizardActionParsnip: ok, and why are the persmissions of that home folder, such that the user who was just made doesn't have permission to write there?16:05
ActionParsnipSubNormal: it doesn't gel with Ubuntu. If you learn to modify text files then you can work on ANY server rather than constraining yourself to using WebUIs16:05
scwizardI don't want to have to sudo chown every time I make a new user16:05
ActionParsnipscwizard: it should, you can chmod the folder so that it can16:05
ActionParsnipscwizard: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc16:06
scwizardActionParsnip: maverick16:06
stercorActionParsnip: That information should get me started.  Thanks!16:06
=== mang0 is now known as mang0|HW
SubNormalActionParsnip I know :) but webUI's are just so nice and kinda dummy proof, and probably after I've finished this server I wont make another, exept for XBMC16:08
ActionParsnipscwizard: strange, never had an issue. are you using the:   --no-create-home     option? That will make it not make, you can use: sudo adduser abe --home /home/abe    and it should make the home for you16:08
scwizardActionParsnip: nope, I was just doing adduser Charlie16:08
ActionParsnipSubNormal: they won't always be available in all situations16:08
scwizardwent adduser Abe16:09
scwizardadduser Abe Admin16:09
scwizardthen peaced out16:09
scwizardnow when I try and ssh-copy-id Abe@someipaddress tis' saying it doesn't have permission to make .ssh16:09
ActionParsnipscwizard: admin is in lowercase16:09
scwizardso now I need to go to each of the various peoples I made and chown16:09
scwizardActionParsnip: yeah I put it in lowercase when I made the users16:10
scwizardand then double checked to make sure they were sudoers16:10
maxagazwhat is the next step after the beta 2 ?16:10
ActionParsnipmaxagaz: ask in #ubuntu+1 for anything oneiric please16:10
veloryhey there anyone using gedit as text editor here? I can't install third party plugin -- tried to copy folder to  ~/.gnome2/gedit/plugins (created plugins folder) and ~/.local/share/gedit/plugins (created gedit/plugins) any idea ? using 11.04 natty16:10
jamescarrhow come my gvim menubar is gone in the latest versions of natty narwhal?16:10
SubNormalActionParsnip btw I have zoneminder installed, could I get in trouble with zoneminder if I remove webmin?16:10
MonkeyDustmaxagaz: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricReleaseSchedule16:10
jamescarrI cannot access File, Edit, or anything esle16:10
jamescarrIs frustrating!16:10
ActionParsnipSubNormal: Ive used neither, so cannot comment16:10
SubNormalActionParsnip ok thanks16:11
oratedHow can I let it split command, the file into parts after asking? ie can I configure it to ask before creating next part?16:11
kernelpanickeranyone know how to start a new paragraph (escape the current one, which is bulleted) in openoffice?16:13
ActionParsnipkernelpanicker: press ENTER twice maybe...?16:14
ubuntu_ActionParsnip, ok so i tried " sudo chroot /media/417881c2-b5a6-446b-90d2-27d9715d2cd3/" and it says /bin/bash: no such file/directory16:19
xbuntucan someone help me?.. i fixed my sound issue i didnt have the right model.. its suppose to be targa-2ch but now the sub doesnt play with the sound either16:19
xbuntui tryed 8ch but that doesnt work it just goes back to the sub just workin16:19
kernelpanickerActionParsnip: didn't work... used to just ctrl-enter in Word... doesn't work here... maddening16:20
kernelpanickerI know it's something simp[le16:20
ubuntu_kernelpanicker, shift enter?16:20
yaerkinctrl+enter should be page break?16:20
kernelpanickeryaerkin: oh right16:21
kernelpanickerubuntu_:  tried that16:21
kernelpanickerit looks like backpace-backspace clears the bullet, but not sure I'm in a new paragraph16:22
xbuntuwhat models are avaiable for msi computers?16:22
xbuntufor like... alsa16:22
xbuntutarga-2ch and 8ch is that all/16:22
velorygedit third party directory is different on ubuntu I think not in .local/share/gedit ? anyone know ?16:23
veloryubuntu 11.0416:23
PazzoTIFY pazz016:24
DrGamutHello, if I use separate X screen, is there a way I can load another sidebar or global menu bar on the additional screen?16:25
ActionParsnipvelory: I found ~/.config/gedit16:26
veloryah thank you ActionParsnip16:26
dr_willisDrGamut:  theres supposed to be some way you can run a  seperate desktop on the other screen. but ive never really found a need to use seperate X displays in twinview.16:26
drumi have a problem somebody can help me?16:26
nathanelhey there amigos: question: how can i run chromium as normal user within a script running with sudo using xdg-open "http//....." ?16:26
dr_willisnathanel:  you could use the su command in the script to start somtning as a normal user.16:26
veloryumm no gedit directory there ActionParsnip there's gedit directory inside ~/.gnome2/gedit/ but there's no plugins directory there :/16:26
veloryopened one but didn't help16:27
nathaneldr_willis: will try now thx :)16:27
DrGamutdr_willis, I'm not using TwinView, I was having issues with TwinView and I wanted to try separate X screen to see if it may be more to my liking. The only problem I have now is that there is no menu bars or launchers on the other X screen.16:27
dr_willisDrGamut:  that is a twinview feature to have one wide desktop, or 2 seperate X displays in the nvidia-settings tool.16:28
dr_willisDrGamut:  what issues with  using a single wide desktop were you having?16:28
xbuntunvm fixed it16:28
nathaneldr_willis: it returns Unknown id: xdg-open 'http://localhost/phpmyadmin'16:28
DrGamutdr_willis, oh, I assumed they were separate because the options are either "TwinView or separate x screen". The problem I'm experiencing in TwinView is an occasional "wave" or vertical line that travels down the screen - where the picture is horizontally shifted on either side of it.16:29
DrGamutIt's not terrible but it's an annoyance.16:29
dr_willisthere may be some guides out on using 2 X sessions  but ive never needed to do it DrGamut . You basically need to somehow tell the 2nd x session to start a desktop.16:29
DrGamutI don't have the problem using the 2nd display alone, or using both displays in Windows.16:29
ActionParsnipvelory: sudo apt-get install gedit-plugins      then copy the deb from /var/cache/apt/archives    extract it and see what's  going on. I don't use gedit so can't really comment much beyond running the app16:29
dr_willistwinview is the term for the nvidia's fancy xinerama replacement.16:29
_cbIs there anything like active directories for ubuntu? (I know LDAP provides a directory but does AD is more than a directory)16:30
dr_willisDrGamut:   You may want to try the various vsync  type options.16:30
nathaneldr_willis: it returns Unknown id: xdg-open 'http://localhost/phpmyadmin'16:30
dr_willisDrGamut:  or is it called vblank.16:30
DrGamutdr_willis, I'll check the options.16:30
dr_willisnathanel:  means nothing to me..  try it with some differnt command see if it works. could be somthing odd with xdg-open16:30
=== sniperjo__ is now known as sniperjo
ActionParsnip_cb: LDAP does similar things to AD16:31
nathaneldr_willis: whatare the other default variables for using efault browser in ubuntu then?16:31
DrGamutdr_willis, although honestly I would prefer separate x screens if I could get another desktop session going. It's more suited to my purposes, as I'd like to have the 2nd screen detached from my 1st screens workspaces.16:31
dr_willisnathanel:  never used them.  so no idea.16:31
dr_willisDrGamut:  id say check the forums or the askubuntu.com site16:32
ActionParsnip_cb: http://www.pcdistrict.com/modules/productcatalog/product_images/145914-Ldap-Admin-Tool.png16:32
DrGamutdr_willis, thanks for your help.16:32
tomodachiDrGamut:  with twinview you can decide to have two separate screens or one "joined" one. You can also have to sepeare X sessons on each output. But that you have to configure yourself in xorg.conf16:33
nathaneldr_willis: i tried calling nautilus, it gives me the root session even using su16:34
BrixSathello :) i have a pen drive problem16:34
DrGamuttomodachi, can I configure separate screens with TwinView under the NVIDIA X settings tool?16:34
DrGamutthe default is joined screens, right?16:34
tomodachiDrGamut: yes but it requires a restart16:35
_cbActionParsnip That does look a lot like AD. Little I have read on the internet says Kerberos needs to be added.16:35
BrixSati plug my pendrrive and nothing happens :/  disk manager  says "cannot open /dev/sdc: No medium found"16:35
ComradeHaz`Hi all. I have a couple of sets of files that need to be merged, many files will be duplicates. I wish to merge the two sets. The directory structures are identicle and correct. Ideally I would merge by file hash and output to file a list of conflicts that I can manually resolve. I imagine rsync is the tool for this though am unable to figure this out for myslf, can anyone help, please?16:36
DrGamuttomodachi, don't you mean the "separate x screen" option? because that's what I just did, but now I have no desktop session on the 2nd screen. Just a context menu and a background.16:36
ActionParsnip_cb: possibly but yes LDAP is a great tool for managing users and systems16:36
ActionParsnipBrixSat: last time you used it then unplugged it, what steps did you take?16:36
nathaneldr_willis: it works through sudo -u $SUDO_USER16:37
BrixSatActionParsnip:  i never used on linux, first time16:37
BrixSatActionParsnip:  neither widnowd now recognizes it16:37
ActionParsnipBrixSat: did you last use it in Windows?16:37
BrixSatActionParsnip: yes16:37
ActionParsnipBrixSat: so, how did you unplug it. What did you do?16:37
BrixSati copied the file to desktop and safe remove :)16:38
ActionParsnipBrixSat: does windows give the option to format it in disk manager?16:38
BrixSatActionParsnip:  no, windows does not recognize as pen neither as any decent usb device16:39
ActionParsnipBrixSat: sounds like its damaged then, if no OS is picking it up.16:39
BrixSatActionParsnip:  but ubuntu list's the device under lsusb16:40
ActionParsnipBrixSat: ok can you run:  sudo fdisk -l     and pastebin the output using http://pastebin.com16:40
InsektOhi all16:41
BrixSatActionParsnip:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/697370/16:41
ActionParsnipBrixSat: ok and pastebin the output of:  dmesg | tail -n 1016:42
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BrixSatActionParsnip:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/697371/16:43
sburwood1Is there a way to "trick" ubuntu 11.04 into printing in black if the color cartridge is empty?16:44
sburwood1of course, the black cartridge is full16:44
ActionParsnipBrixSat: are there any sort of switches or buttons on the device/16:44
BrixSatActionParsnip:  nop16:45
ActionParsnipBrixSat: if you boot with the device inserted is it better? It may show up in lsusb which means the controller in the device is ok, but the memory storage may be screwed16:47
ActionParsnipBrixSat: 2 OSes not seeing it isn't a good sign16:47
ActionParsnipBrixSat: if all else fails. Put it on a strongish battery on each side for a few mins to blank it, made one of mine work just dandy16:47
BrixSatActionParsnip:  the see it under disk mangement but wont work with it16:48
BrixSatwhat is a strongish bat?16:48
BrixSatActionParsnip: what is a strongish bat?16:51
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ianjmhello all; have been looking for a way to move an _existing_ root partition to a USB stick and make it boot, am not sure how to do it, if i just install grub on the usb stick after i copy the root partition is this going to work, does anything special need doing?16:54
ActionParsnipBrixSat: not battery sorry, magnet16:56
BrixSathooo :)16:56
kblinhi folks16:57
PolahActionParsnip, he said a pendrive. Magnets would only really be effective on a disk drive16:57
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kblinfirst of all, "eva" is a spambot, please kick it16:57
kblinsecondly, is there any place where I can still get jaunty packages from?16:58
kblinin specific, I need armv5 jauntu packages16:59
DrGamutdr_willis, tomodachi: I figured it out. Gnome shell loads fine on separate x screens, unity does not. It's a confirmed bug.16:59
aveng3rIs there any way of update my Xorg drivers on ubuntu to a newer version?17:00
Tophanapt-get install xorg?17:00
Tophanj/k  idk17:00
arkiverhello i need some help with my ubuntu17:01
auronandace!latest | aveng3r17:01
ubottuaveng3r: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.17:01
aveng3rTophan: this doesn't solve the problem, the version is to old17:01
arkiverit crashed!17:01
arkiveri was trying to switch on a feature from compiz and on activating it, it suddenly hanged,17:01
aveng3rubottu: I know, but that version of intel driver is crashing running our games17:02
ubottuaveng3r: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:02
genii-aroundaveng3r: There is an xorg-edgers ppa, but use at your own risk17:02
arkiverand on restart, it hangs and the sidebar (ubuntu unity) or the top bar doesnt appear17:02
aveng3rSO I need to update dri drivers17:02
Polah arkiver: We need more details... What version are you using, what feature are you trying to enable and so on...17:04
vassiehello, can someone help me setup a very simple samba share on ubuntu server?17:05
arkiveri am using ubuntu 10.04 (unity)17:05
arkiveri was trying to turn on a feature which enables cube windows and then it asked me if i wanted to enable desktop wall17:05
arkiveri denied permission17:05
arkiverand then it just hung up, on restart, only my icons appearing nothing else.. !17:06
arkiverPolah, Is the info enough?17:07
`mOOse`<eva> hii sexx http://camera-msn.net.ms   <---- onjoin17:07
=== Guest67096 is now known as p1l0t
douf-nufemhey guys17:08
douf-nufemi have a question about resizing my paritions17:08
douf-nufemi have a windows xp part, and an ubuntu part. I need to take space from my ubuntu part and give it to my win xp part, is there a way i can do this with out dataloss?17:09
auronandaceikonia: i thought `mOOse` posted that, isn't he the one that should be kicked?17:09
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
vassieif i set the smb security to user any folder i create in windows is owned by root:vassie, but setting it share and new folders are owned by vassie:vassie, which is correct?17:10
ikoniaauronandace: no, he didn't17:10
Maartendouf-nufem: sure, just use gparted. But as with ANY partition resizer, there is ALWAYS a risk. It's a small risk only, but it is wise to make a backup first of data on both partitions.17:10
auronandaceikonia: ah, sorry, he was quoting17:10
ikoniaauronandace: not a problem17:10
yeatsvassie: you should probably ask in #samba17:11
hylianwhat software would i do to troubleshoot hard drive error? I need to save the files. the drive checks out, so i think it's the file allocation table...17:11
vassieyeats: will do17:11
sburwood1Anyone wanna help me with a printer question?17:12
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hylian!ask | sburwood117:12
ubottusburwood1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:12
douf-nufemMaarten when I do it should i shrink the ubuntu partion, let it run, then resize the windows part, or should I do them all as a single operation?17:13
arkiverI'd like to put up my questoin again, I use ubuntu (10.04) and was trying to turn on a 'cube window ' feature of some sort i dont properly remember from Compiz. So after turning it on, a pop up came asking me if i wanted to enable something called desktop wall, i denied permission and then another pop up and i denied permission without reading what it was . and then suddenly my pc hanged, upon restart, only my icons on my desktop appear, nothing else. Wh17:14
arkiverat do i do to recover my OS?17:14
sburwood1I want to print something out in black.  My color cartridge is empty and I get a message that the printer is not connected - probably for the color cartridge problem.  What can I do to print in black?17:14
knobydobscatalyst doesnt seem to want to recognise my gpu - neither does aticonfig and fglrxinfo returns segmentation fault17:14
aartistI see the network information as 'blocks' rather than in English. How do you solve it?17:14
Maartendouf-nufem: In gparted, you can "batch" the operation.... you first shrink the ubuntu partition, then increase the windows partition, and then hit "apply", and it will do those in that order.17:14
douf-nufemthank you17:15
douf-nufemtake care guys17:15
Adriannomhi.  best (easiest?) way of implementing roaming profiles?  maybe symlink /home to /local/home, sync the two, then mount the home dir on the server over the /home symlink?  will that even work without any problems?17:15
douf-nufemi gotta take the risk -.- i dont have enough media laying around to back up the hard drive17:15
douf-nufemwelp, wish me luck17:15
douf-nufemtake care guys17:15
l33_c u later17:15
hyliansburwood1, once you hit print, the print dialogue that comes up usually has an option section for your printer. you can choose black and white usually. If it's an image, you can open it and remove all the color with an image editor17:16
hylianwhat software would you suggest for fixing a hard drive with file allocation table or mbr issues?17:16
Nilziewhats the default irc client in ubuntu?17:17
Nilziehylian, google fixmbr linux17:17
auronandaceNilzie: xchat17:17
bampersandhey guys when i install the additional nvidia drivers on boot i get a black screen (after i see the ubuntu 11.04 and dots showing that it's loading), this only hapens when i install the add. driver, i've tried the nomodeset but i get random pixels over the screen, basically the same as this guy, http://askubuntu.com/questions/41681/blank-screen-after-installing-nvidia-restricted-driver17:18
bampersandi can provide logs etc, just ask.17:18
devil2005i have an amd computer and i need a live cd downlaod for it, which one is the best?17:18
hylianNilzie, thanks, i'll do that. what is the possibility that I will lose the data using that app?17:18
=== Nick is now known as Guest26738
thornhelp help help. I'm under the weather, not sharp as usual. Anyways, I'm having constant trouble with wireless, and the brother printers here in my office. Any help?17:19
iodevil2005: which what is the best?17:19
mimcan anyone help with setting up webcam on ubuntu?17:19
devil2005i burned the i386 one and it didnt work on my amd computer17:19
knobydobsmim, what with?17:20
mimwebcam doesnt work17:20
iodevil2005: then use the -amd64 version17:20
mimi am new to linux17:20
io!alternative > devil200517:20
ubottudevil2005, please see my private message17:20
io!webcam > mim17:20
ubottumim, please see my private message17:20
=== skoef_ is now known as skoef
sburwood1hylian: Thx, I will try that17:20
knobydobsmim, what program do you want it to work with17:20
sburwood1mim: So am I17:21
devil2005does alternate mean live cd?17:21
Nick2889Hey guys, just a quick question, I'm having issues with my USB live drive. The laptop loads and everything up until the Ubuntu screen with the five dots underneath it (loading main screen) but won't go beyond that.17:22
mimso if my webcam isnt supported there is nothing i can do?17:22
Nick2889Does anyone have any insight as to why this would happen?17:22
mimi am using cheese17:23
mimbut i need it for online chat17:24
devil2005are all AMD processors 64bit?17:24
mimcamera led lits up but screen is blank17:24
genii-arounddevil2005: The geodes aren't17:24
auronandacedevil2005: no17:24
Nick2889No they aren't all 64-bit. And if the camera is not supported, it can still light up.17:24
devil2005ubuntu only had amd64 downloads though17:25
Adriannomwhat's the best (easiest?) way of implementing roaming profiles?  maybe symlink /home to /local/home, sync the two, then mount the home dir on the server over the /home symlink?  will that even work without any problems?17:25
auronandacedevil2005: and i68617:25
elb0w`How can I sudo to become another user?17:25
knobydobsfglrxinfo is returning segmentation fault17:26
llutzelb0w`: man sudo (-u user)17:26
devil2005is i686 is the 32 bit version of amd?17:26
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mimis there any way to make unsupported cam to work on ubuntu 1117:26
auronandacedevil2005: for 32 bit processors (whether amd or intel)17:26
thornhelp help help. I'm under the weather, not sharp as usual. Anyways, I'm having constant trouble with wireless, specifically wireless usb, and the brother printers here in my office, I can't find any repository drivers for. Any help?17:27
devil2005so to get it stright, i386 is for intel, amd64 is for 64bit amd and i686 is for 32bit intel and amd ?17:27
ikoniathorn: that sounds like a bad mix.17:27
ikoniadevil2005: there is only really x86 (32bit amd/intel and x86_64 64bit amd/intel)17:27
ikoniadevil2005: ix86 is 32bit  amd64 is intel/amd 64bit17:28
auronandacedevil2005: i386 is 32bit amd64 is 64bit (that applies to both intel and amd)17:28
xbuntuis there away to upgrade to 64 bit without uninstall ubuntu?17:28
Polah devil2005: No. i686 is 32-bit, amd64 is 64-bit. amd64 is NOT AMD-only 64-bit17:28
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bastidrazorxbuntu: you can not upgrade 32bit os to a 64bit os17:29
devil2005thats is really confusing...17:29
Snicksiea reinstallation should work though xbuntu :)17:29
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xbuntuIts fine lol im set on 32 bit system :P17:29
xbuntuI can prolly run 6417:29
xbuntumsi gt 660 computer intel i717:30
devil2005amd64 would work fine in booting a 64 bit intel machine then?17:30
llutzdevil2005: just confusing names, read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X86-64 for some background17:30
auronandacedevil2005: yes17:30
Polahdevil2005: Yes.17:30
bastidrazorxbuntu: cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -i lm   ..if you get output your processor can handle a 64bit OS17:30
xbuntuit can bast17:30
xbuntuits core i7.. it has 8 logical cores17:31
Snicksiedevil2005, that works just fine :)17:31
devil2005so if i had an amd athalon and i wanted it to boot a live cd, i woudl downoad the amd64-alternate ?17:32
auronandacedevil2005: if your athlon is 64bit then use the amd6417:32
devil2005i dont know if it is or not  <:/17:32
dr_willisthen stick with 32bit.17:33
devil2005which would be which download?17:33
xbuntuso bast i just did the cmd that u told me to do17:33
dr_willisthe non amd64 ones.. :)17:33
xbuntuwhat am i lookin up :P17:33
devil2005well i downoaded and burned the live cd i386 and it gave me an error17:33
devil2005like "boot cd"17:33
auronandacedevil2005: if ever unsure just use the i686 (it works on both 32 and 64)17:33
devil2005there is no i686 there17:34
xbuntuwhats the command to see your processor17:34
xbuntuif there is one17:34
dr_williswhy are you usign the alternavie one anyway devil2005 ?17:34
llutzxbuntu: lscpu17:35
genii-aroundxbuntu: sudo lshw -C cpu17:35
devil2005is altrernative live cd? i need a live cd because i dont have a HDD17:35
dr_willisdevil2005:  and why do you think theres a 686? the 386 will do..17:35
dr_willisthe alternative is NOT a live cd...17:35
dr_willisyou want the desktop cd.17:35
auronandacedr_willis: sorry, my mistake regarding the 68617:35
xbuntuare u on ubuntu now17:36
xbuntuor windows17:36
xbuntuim geussing windows or something17:37
xbuntuCPU op-mode(s):        32-bit, 64-bit17:37
xbuntuCPU(s):                817:37
Stealth_CreationNeed some help with getting my Ubuntu machine to show up on  a Windows network17:37
xbuntuthats my cpu17:37
devil2005okay, ill get that. so to make sure , i have an amd athalon and im unsure if it is 32 bit or 64 bit. so i download the i386 desktop to get the live cd right?17:37
dr_willisdevil2005:  thats the 32bit desktop. yes..17:37
xbuntuso i can run 32 and 64 right? cause this is what it says17:37
xbuntuCPU op-mode(s):        32-bit, 64-bit17:37
xbuntuCPU(s):                817:37
Pici!paste | xbuntu17:38
ubottuxbuntu: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:38
auronandacexbuntu: yes the i7 supports both17:38
devil2005okay, how would i find out if i had a 64 bit supported machine? just google the processor?17:38
dr_willisdevil2005:  thats one way.17:38
devil2005whats the normal way?17:38
Co_HBloddy  hell. My sis just tried to reset the passwd my user account passwd from the failsafe terminal.  But that was the only valid command she wrote in the terminal17:38
Co_HBut now, Ubuntu doesn't load17:38
dr_willisdevil2005:  or get a 64bit cd and try it..17:38
Co_HI can't even reach the login page17:38
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Co_HWhats up?17:38
=== narwal is now known as narwalee
llutzdevil2005: grep " lm " /proc/cpuinfo   or lscpu17:39
RubiksCubecan someone help me to get two screens working?17:39
devil2005okay i see. well i didnt know i386 worked on amd and amd64 worked on 64bit intel aswell as amd17:39
dr_willisllutz:  but he dosent have a cd yet. :) that i know of..17:39
RubiksCubeI have an ATI card and am running the latest version of kubutu17:39
dr_willisdevil2005:  amd64 does not mean 'amd specific' its means its '64bit'17:39
devil2005counter intuitive i think17:40
dr_willisthe 64bit cpus are using the 'amd64 bit cpu extensions' i thinkis the proper phrase.17:40
dr_willisso thats why its called amd6417:40
benoliver999Hey - how stable would you say 11.10 is right now, for day to day use?17:40
RubiksCubeI think I'm using 11.0417:40
dr_willisintels 64bit cpus are also using the amd64 extensions.17:40
RubiksCubenot 11.1917:40
FloodBot1RubiksCube: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:40
auronandace!11.10 | benoliver99917:40
ubottubenoliver999: Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu.  Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+117:40
RubiksCubein case that makes a difference17:40
=== mij is now known as narval
devil2005oh i see, so intel uses amd for its 64 bit operations#?17:41
MonkeyDustRubiksCube: type lsb_release -a to find out17:41
dr_willisdevil2005:  i belive thats correct. youmay want to check the various wiki pages on the topic.17:41
RubiksCubeyes, 11.0417:41
arkiverhow to reset COMPIZ through the command line?17:41
RubiksCubedoes that make a difference in getting both screens working?17:41
dr_willis http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X86-6417:42
MonkeyDustarkiver: gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/compiz && compiz --replace <enter>17:42
devil2005to make sure then, "desktop" IS the live cd17:42
narvalMy network failed while upgrading packages. These packages are now shown with "apt-get upgrade", and "apt-get install -f" shows no result. What to do?17:42
dr_willisarkiver:  i think that  command can differ for 11.04 and 10.x also.17:43
arkiverMonkeyDust: Thanks alot ill try it out17:43
MonkeyDustnarval: try booting in recovery and select 'repair'17:43
rkhshmall of a sudden my wifi has died and ifconfig does not show any wifi interfaces at all.17:43
dr_willisarkiver:  the webupd8 blog site had a artical on resetting compiz and unity back to defaults.17:43
arkiverdr_willis, i use ubuntu 10.0417:43
rkhshmi'm however able to connect via ethernet17:43
rkhshmany ideas?17:43
rkhshmon troubleshooting17:43
nixmaniackhow do i reset Compiz from command line to its default settings? I have messed up compiz and nothing is shown up now except some icons on desktop.17:44
MonkeyDustnixmaniack: gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/compiz && compiz --replace <enter>17:44
nixmaniackMonkeyDust, okay thanks17:44
bampersandhey guys i'm running ubu 11.04 and nvidia geforce 9800gt, basically when i install drivers on boot i either get a black screen or random pixels and characters all over the screen.17:45
=== emilio is now known as fester-
RubiksCubeis it worth reiterating mysef or is that just spamming? :P17:48
amin`is there a way for "show desktop" in xmonad?17:51
aeon-ltdamin`: i'd assume not, the idea of tiling is that there is no dock or bar to minimize to; i can't confirm this for xmonad though since you can use it in conjuction with other DEs17:53
scwizardif I want to a script to scp to change another box's hosts file, is it better to change the permissions of the hosts file or to scp as root?17:54
iktcan someone tests how the audio sounds on this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qqR4wp3wog17:55
iktwhether it's to loud17:55
iktalso does anyone know why my audio goes scratchy and echoey and horrible in video editiors but is fine normally?17:56
salvatorehello, anyboby knows why unity sidebar wont save my launcher on reboot?17:56
iktwhat do you mean salvatore ?17:56
Bishhow do i change the behavior of the "autokonfigurator" of apt-get.. a.e when i install phpmyadmin, he tries to login to root@localhost(mysql) and this failes, since i changed the username17:56
roxanehello. i have a problem with my skype. others cant hear what i am saying but they can hear my music. any ideas?17:57
mang0roxane: Check your input settings17:57
roxanemang0: can you be more precise where?17:58
mang0roxane: sure, lemme open up skype real quick ;)17:58
amin`so there is not a use to set a desktop wallpaper in that case. but assume that xmonad support transparency at least?17:58
roxanemang0: in skype the only choice i have is "PulseAudio server17:58
amin`aeon-ltd, ^^17:59
bampersandas i've said a few times (with no responses whatsoever) installing nvidia drivers makes my computer either black screen/random colours, but without the driver i'm unable to play games through wine/java, is there any way to play minecraft without installing the drivers?17:59
StaticHi, I have setup a Ubuntu server but it seems to sleep if I leave it a while. I have to touch a key on the computer's keyboard to get everything running again. How can I stop it from doing this?17:59
mang0roxane: There is also a setting in System > Preferances > Sound17:59
scwizard_ach my browser crashed, anyways lemme ask again17:59
salvatorei mean that if i save a launcher on my sidebar (right click + keep on launcher) when restart my pc all the launcher i saved i the last session are lost17:59
scwizard_if I want to write a script to scp to another box and change its hosts file17:59
scwizard_is it better to scp as root, or to change the permissions of the hosts file on the other box?18:00
=== scwizard_ is now known as scwizard
BishAm i somehow able to change the mysql user/password which apt-get uses to configure applications which are using databases ?18:00
heoa_there is no /mnt for mounted USB drives etc?18:00
DocPlatypusanyone know how to authenticate a DVD movie from the command line (so I can copy the disc)?18:00
Lasers_DocPlatypus: You can't authenticate it yourself when you put the disc in yourself?18:01
roxanemang0: wait a second, i'll check there18:01
ActionParsnipheoa_: should be in /media18:01
mang0roxane: Sure. The other option is to make sure that there is no "mute" button checked on your mic itself, I've done that in the past!18:01
roxanemang0: thanks!18:02
DocPlatypusLasers_: is it not necessary anymore? maybe I'm behind the times, does Ubuntu always do this automatically?18:02
aeon-ltdamin`: transparency? yes with a compositing manager doing that, though most terminals support transparency or at least thhe pseudo kind18:02
ActionParsnipBish: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MysqlPasswordReset18:02
roxanemang0: test call was working now.18:02
mang0roxane: No problem :)18:02
BishActionParsnip: read my question completely please, i changed my passwort on purpose18:02
amin`aeon-ltd, so in that case setting transparency doesn't really related to xmonad.hs and is a standalone matter. am i right or what?18:03
heoa_ActionParsnip: thank you, found it.18:04
=== scwizard is now known as scwizard_
aeon-ltdamin`: yes, though i've only used xmonad once (about a year ago). a while ago i used xcompmgr to get transparency though some users claim it's a little buggy18:04
salvohi there anybody can help me?18:05
Lasers_DocPlatypus: If you're writing a script or something, you pretty much know if you're putting in a Movie DVD disc before you run the script. Otherwise, Gnome have their automounting stuffs that will mount DVD. Not sure what you're trying to accomplish.18:05
salvoi got a problem with natty sidebar18:05
DocPlatypusLasers_: so that's done as part of the mount. that's what I thought18:05
salvothat wont keep the launchers that i save when restart computeer18:05
aeon-ltdscwizard: yes?18:06
scwizardoh wierd, was having trouble talking for a bit18:06
Lasers_DocPlatypus: If script, do unmount it before you do something.18:06
NichesHI, I lost my pasphrase for my ubuntu home directory18:07
amin`aeon-ltd, yes i just installed it. about the bug I don't know. because using xmonad on server edition which has not much to mess with the transparency shouldn't cause much of a problem!18:07
NichesAnd I don't have access to it18:07
NichesHow do I recover it18:07
Mike9863Can anyone point me to a tutorial on how to VPN through ssh?18:07
ActionParsnipNiches: do you mean the encyption password?18:07
scwizarddid people hear my quesiton before? or did it not get sent?18:07
NichesActionParsnip: Yeag18:07
pc600When trying to run a cronjob with "cat" in it, I receive this error.  Runs fine from bash shell.   /bin/cat: /bin/cat: cannot execute binary file  ?18:07
ActionParsnipscwizard: looks ok to me18:08
ActionParsnipNiches: ok that's clearer18:08
llutzpc600: cat in cronjob? likely unneeded18:09
scwizardActionParsnip: meaning you got the question I asked about scp, or it didn't get sent to the channel?18:09
larsduesingpc600: maybe the cronjob-user has no execute (x)-right? *almost unlikely, but...*18:09
ActionParsnipscwizard: it was received ok by the channel18:09
pc600llutz:  - I need it.  It reads a file and outputs it to parallel18:09
DocPlatypusLasers_: no, it still has to fetch the keys somehow, it's not done as part of the mount like you say.18:09
pc600jars - Cronjob user doesn't run under teh same rights of the account it's in?  It's root.18:10
DocPlatypusI just tried it without, and I get all kinds of errors18:10
scwizardso yeah, I still don't know the answer, if someoen answered it maybe I missed it because my browser crashed18:10
mang0I'm looking for a "beep" noise, to use for xchat highlights. Where are the sounds stored in ubuntu?18:10
Lasers_DocPlatypus: You have libdvdnav/libdvdread installed?18:11
NichesMy ubuntu system is broken and I can't access my data because its encrypted and I don't have the passphrase18:11
Nichesand if I can;t recover it, my life is ruined18:11
NichesAny help is appreciated18:11
Lasers_mang0: Look in XChat Preferences.18:12
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Lasers_(And he probably didn't make any backups either)18:12
DocPlatypusLasers_: yes18:12
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mang0Niches: Why don't you have the passphrase, why don't you have backups...18:13
DocPlatypusNiches: restore from backups, or use the copy of the passphrase you wrote down in case you forgot it.18:13
RubiksCubecan someone help me?18:13
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=== RubiksCube is now known as Colourful
Lasers_Colourful: Pop the question.18:14
NichesShucks, I am to be blamed. But is there anything which i can do to unecrypt the thing?18:14
DocPlatypusNiches: yeah, type in the right passphrase18:15
TrueColors|ubuntI just did... vi /etc/php5/cgi/php.ini ... I have edited it, now how do I save... xD18:16
Lasers_Niches: Just to clear things up. Home encryption? Full-system encryption? cryptsetup?18:16
ColourfulLasers_: dual monitors, 11.04, ati card, xfce, laptop18:16
NichesLasers_: Just Home encryption...18:16
wcchandlerAnybody have any luck with "Ubuntu Friendly?"18:16
Lasers_TrueColors|ubunt:   ":w"18:17
Colourful*dual monitors in18:17
Lasers_TrueColors|ubunt: ":wq" -- Write and quit.18:17
TrueColors|ubuntthat ends up being typed in to the document though...18:18
NichesFYI, I don;t have thepassphrase18:18
oCeanTrueColors|ubunt: first hit <esc>, then :x!  to save-and-exit18:19
JasonnIs there any way to resize partitions without formatting?18:19
TrueColors|ubuntCannot open file for writing ...18:20
Lasers_Jasonn: Use gparted -- but you should use LiveCD if you plan to resize the one you're on right now.18:20
JasonnLasers: I am using ubuntu server18:20
JasonnLasers: so I would need a command or something :318:20
ubuntu_jest ktos z polski??18:21
oCean!pl | ubuntu_18:21
ubottuubuntu_: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.18:21
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io!resize > Jasonn18:22
Guest31065can i ask ubuntu 11.10 beta related questions here?18:22
Lasers_Jasonn: Not to lead you off -- but have you tried researching it on Google? Also, raw partition management sucks. Use LVM if you have lot of hard drives.18:22
Lasers_Guest31065: #ubuntu+118:22
Jasonn!google Lasers_18:22
ubottuI have no google command, use http://www.google.com/18:22
astevehow is cron.d acted on? is it ready checked every minute? can I place two cron times in a single file and place it inside cron.d?18:23
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llutzasteve: you can18:23
dweezGparted is just a GUI frontend for parted18:23
Colourfulanyone? :(18:23
dweezand I've used GParted a lot to resize partitions without losing data (mostly wwindows partitions18:24
dweezColourful, I didn't catch your question18:24
Colourfulwondering how to get dual monitors working18:24
Colourfulmy setup is; laptop with ati card, 11.04, xfce18:24
ubottuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama18:25
StaticHi, I have setup a Ubuntu 10.10 Server but it seems to sleep if I leave it a while. How can I stop it from doing this?18:25
ColourfulActionParsnip: thanks, I'll have a look there18:25
ubottuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead18:26
dweezubottu seems very helpful18:26
ubottudweez: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:26
dweezanyway to see a list of his/her/its triggers?18:27
oCeandweez: http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi18:27
dweezbookmarked, thanks oCean18:28
=== Anna is now known as Guest97289
TrueColors|ubuntI Had gksudo gedit,when I close gedit with the X ... it still runs gksudo ?18:31
TrueColors|ubunthow can I ... close gksudo ?18:31
StaticHello, I have setup a Ubuntu 10.10 Server but it seems to sleep if I leave it a while. How can I stop it from doing this?18:32
Mike9863How can I connect to a VPN over SSH?18:33
konayaMike9863, depends on what VPN protocol is in use.18:34
ActionParsnipTrueColors|ubunt: sudo -k    may do it18:34
Mike9863konaya: Do you know of one that supports SSH connections? It looks like the default one under the network manager doesn't seem to offer the option.18:34
ActionParsnipMike9863: you can ssh over vpn18:34
fester-dadm: fail to stop array /dev/md0: Device or resource busy -> what do i have to do?18:34
Mike9863ActionParsnip: I'm trying to connect to a VPN through SSH18:35
konayaMike9863, most VPN protocols worth their salt supports adequate encryption in themselves.18:35
ActionParsnipMike9863: this maybe https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH_VPN18:36
FloodBot1rodrigo: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:36
ActionParsnipMike9863: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-networking-3/vpn-tunnel-through-ssh-152272/18:36
rodrigodfgfdDñkj g18:36
rodrigofs lkjfdag18:36
ActionParsnipfairly pointless18:37
Mike9863ActionParsnip: Thanks18:37
BetaArkHi! I cannot boot the Ubuntu Natty amd64 iso with UEFI.. what I'm I doing wrong? I only get a blank screen.. If I set it to BIOS the live-cd loads fine18:37
rhin0anyone know the location of openbox files -- mounted xp (for example) volume18:37
ActionParsnipBetaArk: did you MD5 test the ISO?18:38
rhin0thats why I cn't find it18:39
ActionParsniprhin0: https://forums.virtualbox.org/viewtopic.php?t=1586818:40
rhin0ok thanks ActionParsnip18:40
BetaArkActionParsnip: Yes, it is the same. Also I can boot the live-cd in normal BIOS mode, but not inside UEFI. I also tried the newest (daily) iso, but no difference, still cannot boot with UEFI :S18:40
ActionParsnipBetaArk: what video chip do you use?18:40
BetaArkI have Optimus system, Intel HD + nVidia chipset18:41
ActionParsnipBetaArk: oh jeez, no idea then18:41
BetaArkActionParsnip: Tried also with nouveau.modeset=0, but again.. just a blank 'hanging' screen :(18:41
StepNjumpactionparsnip, you got my  message about printer was connected in the phone plug? lol18:42
BetaArkSo maybe giveup UEFI?18:42
ActionParsnipBetaArk: possibly:  nouveau.blacklist=1   that optimus stuff is a real headache. all I can suggest is try and disable the intel so you only have nvidia running18:43
ActionParsnipBetaArk: its the optimus thinig. I've never seen a success story with it18:43
BetaArkActionParsnip: You have right, going to try it. Thanks :)18:44
BetaArkActionParsnip: Hate optimus btw. :(....18:44
ThomasBerendsHi, how can I get Gnome 2 (classic desktop) @ Oneiric?18:44
ActionParsnipThomasBerends: ask in #ubuntu+1 for Oneiric until release day18:45
StaticHello, I have setup a Ubuntu 10.10 Server but it seems to sleep if I leave it a while. Then, obviously, my servers stop responding. How can I stop it from doing this?18:45
kaushik_is there any way to increase the size of ubuntu partition which is installed using wubi?18:45
ActionParsnipkaushik_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=162537118:46
ActionParsnipStatic: have you asked in #ubuntu-server18:47
oratedHow to pipe dd to bzip2 to split?18:47
StaticActionParsnip: No, I'll go ask there now. Thanks18:47
kaushik_no i have not asked in #ubuntu-server18:47
skaDoes anyone else have problems viewing this page http://agency.governmentjobs.com/leecounty/default.cfm       ?18:48
kaushik_i am asking now a18:48
ActionParsnipska: blank here18:48
skaOn 10.0.4 with FF 3.6.22+ I can't see it at all. No source.18:48
kaushik_and i am also going through the link , thanks ActionParsnip18:48
skaActionParsnip: ok, good.. well bad.. but what fix if any?18:49
oratedor atleast piping bzip2 to split?18:49
BetaArkQuestion: Should I skip UEFI + GPT? And just do a MBR + BIOS mode installation?18:49
BetaArkDoes it makes any speed difference?18:49
ActionParsnipska: not sure, is the site experiencing difficulties?18:50
ActionParsnipBetaArk: not to the OS, no18:50
skaActionParsnip: no, it shows up ok on an OSX system..18:50
ActionParsnipska: what browsers have you tried?18:50
BetaArkActionParsnip: So only in the boot time? So not while running programs, etc.? (I have a SSD)18:50
scarleoHi, I have an unfinilized cd-rom with images on that I want to try to recover. It's unmountable so how can I read from it?18:50
oCeanska, ActionParsnip, I get a "The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request."18:51
ActionParsnipoCean: mines a complete blank, no error18:51
skaoCean: maybe there is a "cold fusion" pluggin" that we dont have.18:51
allowoverridescarleo: there are forensics software you may wish to try, as well as disk-utility. anyone else?18:51
allowoverridescarleo: is it mouting?18:51
oCeanActionParsnip: couple of reloads, then the error returns. (including "JRun closed connection.")18:51
oCeanska: it's server-side18:52
allowoverrideopps, you said unmounted.18:52
scarleoallowoverride, you saw it :) I have the tools but no access to disk18:52
allowoverridescarleo: does that cd mount on windows18:53
skaoCean: how did you get that message??18:53
allowoverrideor a mac?18:53
BetaArkActionParsnip: Sorry for all the questions :P Need to know this, if this is correct, I will switch to BIOS mode and use MBR. :D18:53
oCeanska: couple of page (re)loads, every 5 or so pageloads it shows the error18:53
allowoverridewhere did you get this mystery disk?18:53
skaoCean: ok... thanks.. I'm not sure what the problem is though. .cfm pages.. wierd18:53
allowoverridego finalize it on nero, i have no idea.18:54
skaWhy can't they just use .html?18:54
ActionParsnipska: go figure18:54
scarleoallowoverride, It doesn't mount anywhere, it is not finilized but from what I understand the data is on there. It is made in Nero on windows18:55
scarleo...and maybe it will mount in Nero but non o my 5 PC have that other OS18:55
TrueColors|ubunttried to create a file with vi, what is: E353: Nothing in register " ?18:56
BetaArkActionParsnip: Oke, going to switch to MBR :D18:57
BetaArkSo I can install Ubuntu without any probs :D18:57
=== dougsko_ is now known as dougsko
scarleoallowoverride, Ha! there is nero for linux! Downloading now.... :)19:05
allowoverridescarleo: i heard about that before. tried it, didnt work on ubuntu at the time, gave up. had other ways to burn dvd/cds, mainly cmdline19:07
allowoverridelemme know what happens19:08
CyONHai !! all ,how to change the music theme in ubuntu 11.10 ?19:08
CyONHai !! all ,how to change the music theme in ubuntu 11.10 ?19:10
yeatsCyON: you'll need to ask about 11.10 in #ubuntu+1, but this may be relevant: http://titotheman.wordpress.com/2009/11/06/changing-startup-sound-in-ubuntu-9-10-karmic/19:11
yessirdoes anyone know if there is a faster way to transfer files from one dir to another than rsync?19:11
yessirI have 2 raid's consiting of 6 discs each and its only going 50mb/s hehe19:11
yeatsyessir: not that I'm aware of - it just takes as long as it takes ;-)19:11
CyONthanks yeats !!19:12
yessirugh :/ the disc's read/write at 500mb/s each partition hehe19:12
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=== dude is now known as jtrucks
arooni-mobilehi folks; for some reason chrome seems to be slower with loading pages than windows xp's chrome does (i have virtualbox; and chrome on guest windows xp loads pages wayyyy faster than on my native ubuntu).  how can i fix?19:17
usuarioola, como te llamas?19:19
yeats!es | usuario19:19
ubottuusuario: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.19:19
usuarioalguien me hablaaas!!19:19
CyONhai guys !! I have a ubuntu 11.10  installed on , one of my partition and now I want to install xp on my other partition..any one can help me !!19:25
=== daavis is now known as aldcor
aldcor hey19:25
aldcorI was playing game in Windows 7 when suddenly my laptop shuted down. Now i'm not able to boot into Win. When I choose Win, it boots Ubuntu anyway. Win crashed. How to fix this?19:27
zonedi'm trying to get php mail() to work on ubuntu... can anyone help? first i ran a "sudo apt-get install sendmail" then i wrote a quick "mailtest.php" function which sends a test email to myself. the mail function takes about 1-2 minutes to complete, $result = 1, but i never receive the email.19:27
Mneumonicaldcor what game were you playing?19:27
aldcorMneumonic, portal 219:27
frequenzmangentoo ist scheisse?19:28
CyONhai guys !! I have a ubuntu 11.10  installed on , one of my partition and now I want to install xp on my other partition..any one can help me !!19:28
yeatsCyON: unfortunately, neither 11.10 nor Windows are supported in this channel19:28
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Mneumonicaldcor are you sure you don't have a virus?19:28
MneumonicA similar thing happened to my brothers computer while playing WoW19:29
ubuntu_hi has anyone used lubuntu 10.10 and what do they think19:29
Mneumonicturned out he had somehow gotten a virus and couldnt boot anymore19:29
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CyONyeats so where I can find the solutions19:29
Gentoo64ubuntu_, its.. got lxde19:29
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yeatsCyON: you could try #ubuntu+1 for Ubuntu issues or ##windows for XP19:30
aldcorMneumonic, i don't know about viruses. I was using it about week19:30
zonedi'm trying to get php mail() to work on ubuntu... can anyone help? first i ran a "sudo apt-get install sendmail" then i wrote a quick "mailtest.php" function which sends a test email to myself. the mail function takes about 1-2 minutes to complete, $result = 1, but i never receive the email.19:30
CyONyeats thanks19:30
yeatszoned: you might try asking in #sendmail?19:31
aldcori guess repairing windows would be a case19:31
llutzzoned: sendmail is a monster, it needs "some" configuration to work. for your stuff, ssmtp/msmtp would be easier19:31
Mneumonicaldcor: yea i'd try to repair windows, and if it works I'd run a virus scanner and malware scanner19:31
TwevleWow look at you guys. I can' tell you how proud I am of you all.19:32
arooni-mobilewhy do pages seem to load remarkably slower on ubuntu than they do on my windows xp guest (via virtual box)?19:32
zonedllutz, can you provide me a link? i've been reading stuff for an hour and i just don't really know the simplest way to make this work19:32
Twevle15 years ago we could barely get 10 people together to work on linux.19:32
zonedi didn't think it would be very difficult19:32
Twevlemaybe that was 20 years ago19:33
MacelrickI've officially went insane...Lol, i've got a DMG file that i'm trying to convert to an Iso..and i'm failing, epicly. Any advice?19:33
h00kTwevle: you can continue the praise in #ubuntu-offtopic if you'd like, but we keep chatter in this channel for support and questions :)19:33
aldcor15 years ago Linux wasn't userfriendly :)19:33
aldcorat all19:33
Twevleya, but it fit on 2 floppys!19:34
Mneumonic15 years ago windows wasn't user friendly either19:34
llutzzoned: like this http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2008/10/21/sending-email-from-your-system-with-ssmtp/19:34
scarleoallowoverride, it installed fine on my opensuse box, now to try to finilize disk19:34
allowoverridescarleo: nero on suse? ok19:35
Fen-hmm any hint for software what i could use to take like 35gb HDD space as unallocated19:35
llutzTwevle: my first linux distro came on 50+ floppies, not very handy... but take this to #ubuntu-offtopic, this is support only19:35
zonedllutz, does ssmtp work with php's mail() ?19:35
Fen-to install win7 dualboot19:35
llutzzoned: it does19:35
allowoverridethink i will chk ubuntu repo's for nero19:35
TwevleThough we did have respect for our elders then.19:35
yeats!gparted | Fen-19:35
ubottuFen-: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php19:35
Fen-ye thanks19:36
allowoverrideprolly and rpm scraleo19:36
arooni-mobilehow do i use opendns for every wireless/wired connectoin in ubuntu (without having to edit each connection separately)19:37
llutzarooni-mobile: edit dhclient.conf19:37
arooni-mobilellutz, wheres that located19:38
MacelrickAnyone? Dmg to Iso? Or any way to mount a DMG so i can set up a virtual box?19:38
zonedllutz, will i have to remove sendmail now that ssmtp is installed?19:39
llutzarooni-mobile: /etc/dhcp3,  uncomment lines like: prepend domain-name-servers  w.x.y.z19:39
moahhello #ubuntu, for VLC i need a audio device file, how can I find out which device file I am using (for example with audio recorder)?19:39
llutzzoned: better to get rid of it19:39
Fen-hmm wont allow me to unmount grr19:39
arooni-mobilellutz, theres nothing in /etc/dhcp319:40
Fen-sda1 is the only partition and i cant resze it :S19:40
llutzarooni-mobile: find /etc/ -name dhclient.conf                          (sry i'm on debian here)19:40
zonedllutz, how can i find out all the mail servers that have been installed on this system and remove them? there may be others besides sendmail that i don't even know about (and i'm assuming there should only be 1 mails server installed right?)19:40
=== Teh_Lemon is now known as Lemon`BRB
yeatsFen-: you'll need to do it from a live CD19:41
llutzzoned: dpkg -l *mail* | grep ^i19:41
Fen-it wont break my current ubuntu installation still ?19:41
Fen-i hope19:41
llutzzoned: check the output19:42
Fen-basically ubuntu installer on and "try ubuntu" ?19:42
yeatsFen-: the ubuntu install disk has gparted on it - boot it up to try ubuntu and run it from there19:42
zonedllutz, run from where? '/' ?19:42
yeatsFen-: yes - exactly19:42
llutzzoned: wherever you want19:42
dweezRuning the LiveCD instance will not futz with your current install19:42
dweezoh, yeats already answered that19:43
yeatsdweez: ;-)19:43
dweezhehe, I was away for a bit and didn't bother to read ALL the convo19:43
dweezmah bad19:43
japroare there some settings to tell the kernel that i can do more agressive disk caching? the new machine has lots of excess memory...19:43
cyril0-9Hi, openoffice.org do pdf1.4 only. How can I create pdf 1.7 with Ubuntu?19:43
arooni-mobilellutz, once i do that i would do prepend domain-name-servers and  for each server; then do i need to reboot?19:44
zonedllutz, looks like php-mail, procmail, sendmail-base, sendmail-cf .... where's ssmtp? and is ssmtp still the best solution? (i've read a lot of stuff about php pear, didn't know it was already on here)19:44
tensorpuddingcyril0-9: why do you need 1.719:44
Fen-yeats:  ok i will check it out brb19:44
jack009guys how  must  newbiz  configure his 11.04 to make him feel the power of linux19:44
llutzarooni-mobile: "prepend domain-name-servers"     add this line and restart networkmanager19:45
mrryanjohnstonif I make changed to my resolve.conf, do I need to restart anythign other than init.d/networking?]19:45
arooni-mobilellutz, how do i restart network manager?19:45
cyril0-9tensorpudding: If I say why I need 1.7 , it is off topic (I have been almost kicked from ubuntu-fr) so I prefer to ask if yes or no there is a package for ubuntu who create 1.719:45
mrryanjohnstonI can't seem to ping www.google.com, and it isn't resolving an ip address for it, either19:46
llutzzoned: theres no "best" solution. but for just sending some mails msmtp/ssmtp are much better than a full-featured mta like sendmail/postfix/exim19:46
scannedredllutz: what is wrong with adding opendns to /etc/resolve.conf?19:46
moahdoes anybody know how to find out what device file "Audio Recorder" is using to record from the microphone?19:46
llutzarooni-mobile: sudo service networkmanager restart19:46
mrryanjohnstonI type in ping www.google.com and nothing at all comes up, not even PING x.x.x.x (x.x.x.x) 56(84) bytes of data19:46
llutzscannedred: head -2 /etc/resolv.conf19:46
tensorpuddingcyril0-9: possibly? it won't work on openoffice documents though19:46
jack009must configuration 11.04 WHAT19:47
arooni-mobilellutz, unrecognized service19:47
cyril0-9tensorpudding: in fact to communicate, I send pdf and I have learnt that some guy reject pdf older than 1.719:48
llutzarooni-mobile: service --status-all                to get the name of the network-manager-thingy19:48
alkafoocyril0-9: gs19:48
cyril0-9with GS it is only 1.3 and 1.419:49
tensorpuddingthat's really obscure19:49
zonedllutz, i removed all all the mail clients so it should just be ssmtp now. now i try to run my mailtest, i get "sendmail: Cannot open mail:2519:49
dweezllutz, you have too much down time...you should be helping more people at once ;-)19:49
tensorpuddingpdf readers are all going to support 1.419:49
tensorpuddingbackwards compat and all that19:49
alkafoocyril0-9: that's not my understanding19:49
alkafoopdftk should manage it, too19:50
llutzzoned: have you configured ssmtp?19:50
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tensorpuddingcyril0-9: can you do pdf printing?19:50
cyril0-9alkafoo: In fact with the command given by ubuntu-fr it is only 1.3, and I don't know how to pdf 1.4, 1.5, 1.6 1.719:50
zonedllutz, i set root=(blank)   hostname=mars (this was already set for me) and wasn't sure what to set mailhub= to? it defaulted to mail19:51
FratyrHi, anyone knows if there's an IRC channel for Xtreamer Ultra support? :)19:51
alkafoocyril0-9: "to pdf"? =)  What exactly are you trying to do?19:51
llutzzoned: mailhub is the smarthost you send all your mail to19:51
cyril0-9alkafoo: I am trying to create file in pdf 1.719:52
alkafooFratyr: chat.xtreamer.net19:52
Fratyralkafoo: thanks, found it already. looks pretty dead19:52
alkafooFratyr: them's the brakes19:53
Fratyrokay.. if I've upgraded my grub and now upon the boot I get bootmgr is missing. is there any way to fix that? :)19:53
zonedllutz... i'm a bit confused... this is just a linode.com server...19:53
moahcan anybody tell me how to find the device file for my microphone? I can use the microphone to record sound, but I need the device file to make it work with VLC.19:54
shadow98hey guys under places i setup ftp server...and it brings up firefox instead of file manager19:55
Macelrickshould i just give up on the idea?19:55
shadow98anybody know how to fix this19:55
llutzzoned: if you want to send mails from php you have to choices: 1st you use a smarthost, send it all your mail and hes delivering all your outgoing mails for you. or 2nd you run a full featured mta to deliver it yourself.  1st can be done easily with ssmtp, 2nd needs a "real" mta like postfix/exim...19:56
alkafoocyril0-9: http://superuser.com/questions/193791/batch-convert-pdf-versions#answer-19412419:56
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wenexxhey there19:57
Fen-ok i am resizing19:57
zonedllutz, where do i find a smarthost that will deliver my mail?? not seeing much on google... and thanks for all your help thus far :)19:58
llutzzoned: you can use a gmail account19:58
* ^Ciccios^ buonasera a tutti :)19:58
Pici!it | ^Ciccios^19:59
ubottu^Ciccios^: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)19:59
zykotick9Macelrick, be aware that not everything in a DMG may be convertable to iso -- but you might want to see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DMG2IMG19:59
_cbI loaded ubuntu 11.04 desktop and then server. Want default bootup to be desktop but start-up manager does not seem to work.19:59
^Ciccios^Pici, thanks :P19:59
Macelrickyou're shitting me..Lol, i so i downloaded this macosx for nothing?19:59
cyril0-9thanks alkafoo for the link.19:59
h00kMacelrick: please keep the language appropriate :)20:00
cyril0-9Oh, I see .exe. isn't it only for ms windows?!20:00
MacelrickOh, sorry..Lol, just not in a good mood.20:00
MacelrickSpent 9 hours downloading this image, hoping it would work, only to see its a .dmg..20:00
llutzMacelrick: google for it, theres a perl-script to convert dmg->iso20:01
MacelrickYeah, i googled for like an hour straight, all lead me to this "dmg2iso", which didn't work..20:02
MacelrickSo i'm trying this iso buster program right now through wine.20:02
MacelrickI love linux...lol20:02
curiousxyeah! also in the repos there is a tool colled dmg2img20:02
curiousxp   dmg2img                                                                - Tool for converting compress dmg files to hfsplus images20:02
bilygatesis it safe to install gnome-panel in oneiric?20:03
wenexxso, i have a cool screenshot of the new oneiric dash. Very beautiful BUT if the background is light its not possible to read anything there.... Why did no one noticed that?20:03
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BennitI got ubuntu 11.10 and I want to use the wirelss connection of my laptop to connect my desktop to the interwebz20:04
Bennitis this possible with ubuntu?20:04
MacelrickI'm gonna try it this way, if it doesn't work. I'm just gonna get an Iso20:04
guntbert!oneiric | bilygates20:04
ubottubilygates: Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu.  Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+120:04
guntbertBennit: see ^20:05
Polahwenexx: Oneiric is still in development, make a report about it and maybe it'll be changed.20:05
Polah!oneiric | wenexx bilygates20:05
ubottuwenexx please see above20:05
MacelrickYeah, it should be, just takes some patience. Is it even registering your diver?20:05
Bennit(via an ethernet cable connection)20:05
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Bennitguntbert: what does that have to do with wifi conn sharing? :p20:05
shadow98im using lucid by the way20:06
llutz!ics | Bennit20:06
ubottuBennit: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing20:06
bilygates@guntbert, polah i know what oneiric is, i know it comes with gnome3, i know it has classic fallback. i was curious if one could install gnome2 running beside gnome3. :)20:06
Bennitthanks ubottu20:06
shadow98so when i setup a places connection to an ftp server..when i go to places and click on the ftp site it launches firefox20:06
zonedllutz, if it was a gmail account, would i make mailhub=myuser@gmail.com ?20:06
wenexxof course. but the time is running out. the link above is where I can post the question?20:07
shadow98how can i fix this behavior..it did not use to do that..20:07
llutzzoned: read this to get an idea http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2008/10/21/sending-email-from-your-system-with-ssmtp/20:07
guntbertbilygates: but don't discuss oneiric here please20:07
Polahbilygates: GNOME2 is no longer supported, I think gnome-panel is a an implementation of the panels on GNOME3 rather than 220:07
wenexx@Polah: where can we discuss oneiric?20:08
llutzSupport in #ubuntu+1 , not here20:08
bilygatesoops, i'm sorry then20:08
wenexxoha! Thank you20:09
Polahwenexx: #ubuntu+120:09
wenexxThanks again20:09
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skegeekWhat's the difference between buffered and cached memory?20:12
Younderskegeek, a cache is on your processor allowing faster memory access20:13
Younderskegeek, a buffer is in memory allowing faster disk and network access. But still much slower than cached memory20:14
Younderskegeek, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cache http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Date_buffer20:17
GTRsdkhow would someone setup a function for a spreadsheet program (LIbreOffice Calc) to use in multiple rows with different answers?20:18
craigbass1976This has been bugging me since I switched to ubuntu at about the dapper release...  How can I delete a particular host from ~/.ssh/knownhosts ?  They're all encrypted.20:19
_cbHave Ubuntu 11.04 desktop and server installed. Server booting by default. Trying to change boot order. Start-up Manager does not work, neither gedit /etc/default/grub any ideas (other than re-installing?)20:20
llutzcraigbass1976: ssh-keygen -R hostname20:20
alkafooGTRsdk: that depends on the function, doesn't it?20:20
alkafoo_cb: but you _can_ boot to the desktop version?20:20
GTRsdkalkafoo: Yeah, for example, I want to have the numbers in the 5 - 10 rows to be put into the 15th row.20:20
_cbalkafoo yes by using the down key to select it20:20
zykotick9_cb, if you installed server 2nd, boot server, then edit the default entry in /etc/default/grub then run "sudo update-grub"20:21
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skegeekHmm. My server memory is close to max with just nginx, fail2ban, and postfix running.20:21
cyril0-9Thanks alkafo foe the answer, it is what I was looking for :D20:22
zykotick9!atemyram | skegeek20:22
ubottuskegeek: If you are wondering why some tools report your system has very little free memory, have a look at http://www.linuxatemyram.com/ | A short primer on Linux memory management can be found here: http://sourcefrog.net/weblog/software/linux-kernel/free-mem.html20:22
_cbzykotick9 done that several times but does not seem to work. Server is position 0, desktop position 4. Change the default but server still boots first20:22
zykotick9_cb, are you editing in desktop or server?  which did you install 2nd?20:23
_cbinstalled server 2nd, editing in desktop.20:23
alkafooGTRsdk: be into?20:23
zykotick9_cb, server is in control of grub, you need to edit it's grub!20:23
GTRsdkalkafoo: I want the numbers to be added and then be put into the row20:24
zykotick9_cb, or reinstall grub from desktop20:24
wplug_terrygAnybody convert a vmware image to vbox Recently?20:24
alkafoo_cb: I haven't used GRUB2 much, but GRUB(1) had an option to specify which rule was default regardless of order20:24
zykotick9_cb, installing desktop and server seems foolish to me20:24
curiousxwplug_terryg: i did it20:24
alkafoowplug_terryg: nope, maybe someone in #vbox20:24
alkafoowplug_terryg: and you could always just cp/rsync/etc.20:25
MichealHHi all, I installed Unity 2D... But it seems the launcher does not do its expected behaviour and just stays there, It does not hide! :/20:25
SomelauwDo I always need to explicitely unmount an external disk. Or does shutting down my computer work just as well?20:25
curiousxwhit qemu, but doesn't work too good =P any way if you want you can try it20:25
wplug_terrygI know that vditool is no long available.  I been reading links w/o  anything concrete.20:25
_cbzykotick9 learning ldap and server. Also the pc kids use to play on my weekends. Any editors loaded by default in server?20:25
wplug_terrygcp/rsync? to convert one image format to another?20:26
zykotick9_cb, well vi for sure, probably nano as well20:26
Zerpyanyone that knows a good guide to setup an apache2 server with php support and so on Ubuntu?20:26
curiousxwplug_terryg: is the disk you want to convert a vmdk file ?20:26
SomelauwI don't want anything to become corrupt and especially not my fat32 filesystem.20:26
zykotick9Somelauw, so long as you're doing a proper shutdown it "should" unmount externals fine20:26
curiousxwplug_terryg: do not convert the image, Virtual Box can run it without problems20:27
craigbass1976llutz, thanks.20:27
curiousxi am talking about Virtual Box 4.1 version20:27
wplug_terrygcuriousx: I compress even if it was once a multi-part image that I compressed in to one vmdk?20:27
alkafooZerpy: undoubtedly help.ubuntu.com20:27
Zerpyty alkafoo20:28
KadirBj java20:28
wplug_terrygcuriousx: oops even if20:28
wplug_terrygcuriousx I'll fire it up now.20:28
^MikeHow can I delete CAs from chromium-browser? Diginotar appears to still be trusted.20:28
curiousxwplug_terryg: just when Virtual Box ask you for a new disk to create or if you want to use a existent disk choose "Use an existent disk" and brows in to your path and locate the vmdk disk20:29
curiousxits work properly20:29
wplug_terrygcuriousx ok will try that now thanx20:29
curiousxyour wellcome20:29
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curiousxi am not american =( i wish a be one xD becouse my inglish is not too good, but i do my best =)20:31
wplug_terrygcuriousx: its going through a repair process and crashed20:33
ActionParsnipcuriousx: come to england instead, we speak properly20:33
wplug_terrygcuriousx: AutoFailover 18 badDriver20:34
ActionParsnip^Mike: what are CAs?20:34
llutzActionParsnip: certificate authorities20:34
^MikeActionParsnip: Certificate Authorities.20:34
curiousxwplug_terryg: doesn't work ?20:35
^MikeMind-bogglingly, chromium-browser appears to continue to trust Diginotar.20:35
llutzthose you cannot trust anymore20:35
wplug_terrygcuriousx: Nah  I even went to the trouble of making sure vmware-tools was removed when I had the multi-part image compressed into one.20:35
ActionParsnip^Mike: it may be in ca-certificates, have you searched your system for the domain? there may be a cert file of the same name20:36
Hans123Hi! I just installed Xubuntu 11.04 and now my xmodmap doesn't work anymore. It worked fine in 10.10. I want to change Ctrl and Alt-Key on the Left. http://pastebin.com/6twA7LP320:36
ActionParsnipllutz: why not?20:36
^MikeActionParsnip: Yeah, IIRC there was a security update to ca-certificates already, which is why I'm confused20:36
curiousxwplug_terryg: move the vmdk file into the "VirtualBox VMS" folder and then do waht i wrote you20:36
curiousxits will work properly i am sure20:36
SomelauwWhen I shutdown my windows, suddenly my harddrive started spinning while closing off windows. Then it stopped again, because my laptop halted.20:36
curiousxwhat is the version of VirtualBox you are runing ?20:37
^Mikeyep: ca-certificates (20090814ubuntu0.10.04.1) lucid-security... SECURITY UPDATE: Blacklist "DigiNotar Root CA"20:37
_cbzykotick9 that worked. Thanks !20:37
llutzActionParsnip: some of them were hacked20:37
mang0NIGHT NIGHT20:37
wplug_terrygcuriousx: Yeah I have them in a separated folder20:37
ActionParsnipllutz: i see20:37
sysadaminquick question about bootup process.20:37
curiousxmove in to the VirtualBox VMs" folder20:38
sysadamin(ushare in specific) despite being added using the update-rc.d command, ushare still wont launch at boot. i suspect it has somethign to do with tryign to launch before the network interface is up.20:38
curiousxi have more than one VMDKs disk runing i'll show you waith me a minute20:38
PwnusMaximushi guys, i have a quick question about VPN and my little Ubuntu box back home20:39
ActionParsnipPwnusMaximus: ask away20:39
PwnusMaximuswhats your preferred VPN server software and can i use such a service to bypass my schools firewall?20:39
PwnusMaximus(they block Linux Outlaws streaming here)20:39
ActionParsnipPwnusMaximus: could use www.hidemyass.com20:40
^MikeActionParsnip, PwnusMaximus: Please don't, hidemyass is a terrible service that doesn't actually offer anonymity20:40
ActionParsnip^Mike: its just to get around school proxy, so is fine20:40
tularisi'd like to share you my last 320:40
^MikePwnusMaximus: If you don't actually need anonymity, then give'er20:40
_cbHave been looking at virtual-box and libvirt. Looks as if capabilities are pretty close. Assume libvirt ships with ubuntu server because it is open source. Am I correct? Trying to decide which one should I learn.20:40
llutz^Mike: it does, if you respect their rules and the law20:40
* ^Mike patpat llutz, "sure, sure"20:41
PwnusMaximus^Mike: im not interested in being anonymous. i just want to stream Linux Outlaws and connect to Skype through my schools firewall. (and i have a Ubuntu box at home i was thinking i could install a VPN on)20:41
^MikePwnusMaximus: in that case, it seems to fit your needs20:42
ActionParsnip^Mike: you need to sell some tinfoil hats dude20:42
^MikeActionParsnip: pfffffft, everyone knows your foil hat has to be made out of *lead* 9_920:42
curiousxwplug_terryg: can you see it ? ---> http://img69.xooimage.com/files/0/4/c/curiousx_2-2d3179b.png http://img68.xooimage.com/files/4/b/4/curiousx-2d317ba.png20:42
ActionParsnip^Mike: i wear zero hats.20:42
tularis i'd like to share you my last 3day experience with ubuntu, first day i install ubuntu with desktop version, after some updates, i couldn't use my computer or reinstall Ubuntu-desktop. I then downloaded ubuntu-alternative, proceeded another one installation, computer worked for one day, and now can't boot up normally, i don't even get a boot screen ...20:43
ActionParsniptularis: what video chip do you use/20:43
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tularisActionParsnip: wait a sec ><20:43
tularisplease ><20:43
antihoaxi'd like to share my first experience trying to install ubuntu: install disc said "Unknown error has occoured, exiting setup..."20:44
ActionParsnip^Mike: the only reason I have a cloak is because I'm an ubuntu member :)20:44
wplug_terrygYes curiousx: I see the files kioptix..  Are those all the files that I should have moved over?20:44
ActionParsnipantihoax: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?20:44
bastidrazor^Mike: you can get a free cloak too.. ask in #freenode and they will give you one.20:44
antihoaxdisc wa ok20:44
ActionParsnipantihoax: how did you test it?20:45
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antihoaxboot from it20:45
ActionParsnipantihoax: means nothing20:45
antihoaxthen wanted to install20:45
^Mikebastidrazor: I already have one O.o20:45
ActionParsnipantihoax: the boot data may be ok but the remainder may be corrupted20:45
curiousxyeah! first what version of virtualbox you are runing on?20:45
antihoaxit was not virtual20:45
jluc_Hello, Is there a way to copy from any source and paste in the terminal ?20:46
ActionParsnipantihoax: test the ISO you downloaded, it may be corrupted20:46
curiousxwplug_terryg: what version of virtualbox you are runing on?20:46
Polahjluc_: Ctrl+Shift+C/V to copy/paste from/to terminal20:46
ActionParsnipjluc_: yes that is default20:46
jluc_ok great !20:46
antihoaxActionParsnip<< its an earlier version i tried, 12 month ago20:46
antihoaxdonno if any other version would work20:47
ActionParsnipantihoax: you can also test the CD/USB consistency once it starts to boot20:47
wplug_terrygcuriousx: 4.0.12r7291620:47
tularisActionParsnip:  AMD Radeon HD 6250 Graphics, AMD Fusion Processor C-50 (1.0Ghz, 1MB L2, 1.0GHz FSB) 2.0GT/s20:47
ActionParsniptularis: try the boot option:  nomodeset20:47
tularisActionParsnip: i can't, i dont' have access to boot option ><20:48
antihoaxActionParsnip<< i guess it was some hardware driver/recognition error20:48
antihoaxit simply didn't like my hardware20:48
ActionParsniptularis: you do, its before the OS boots so as long as Grub is installed you can add them20:48
tularisActionParsnip: that what i meant20:48
tularisActionParsnip: i don't have the purple screen with grub20:48
ActionParsnip!nomodeset | tularis20:48
ubottutularis: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter20:48
antihoaxit was an AMD thunderbird @ 1100MHz and 768MB sd-ram20:48
tularisActionParsnip: the only thing i got is a my motherboard message20:49
ActionParsnipantihoax: thunderbirds are sweet20:49
tularisActionParsnip: then a black screen20:49
ActionParsnipsee the no modeset option above20:49
skegeekWoah. I actually only have 174MB free out of 512.20:49
antihoaxdo you recommend ati card for any linux?20:49
ActionParsniptularis: you need to verify the CD as good so you know that the data isn't bad20:50
curiousxwplug_terryg: i have 4.1.2 but i think your version have support for VMDK, first move the VMDK file you want to virtaulize, in to the "VirtualBox VMs" folder20:50
tularisActionParsnip: i md5 checked it20:50
tularisActionParsnip: usb key is OK20:50
john_ramboThunderbird has no sound  for new nail notifications20:50
conntrack-and then?20:50
ActionParsnipantihoax: I don't like them but their drivers are ok and the open drivers aren't too shabby20:50
antihoaxi think i shouldn't get any nvidia chipset video card20:50
wplug_terrygcuriousx: Yes done that20:50
john_ramboinstallled esound20:50
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_cbActionParsnip could it be that tularis grub is all messed up?  How would one test that?20:50
ActionParsniptularis: ok that's good, MD5  BEFORE transferring so that you know  the data is ood20:51
wplug_terrygcuriousx but there are two files a flat.vmdk file and a text file with the specs with a .vmdk extension20:51
ActionParsnip_cb: not sure on testing, but you can chroot to reinstall grub to the drive20:51
curiousxthen create a new machine and when VirtualBox ask you for "Create a new disk" or "Use an existent disk" choose "Use an exsistent disk" and go into "VirtualBox VMs" folder and choose the vmdk20:51
wplug_terrygcuriousx:vbox recognized the spec file as the image file20:51
PolahActionParsnip: Do you really need to chroot? Couldn't you just use --root-directory to specify where /boot goes?20:52
ActionParsnipPolah: its the way I do it, I can only call it as I know it20:53
wplug_terrygcuriousx: Yes I did as you have instructed to use an existing file.20:53
curiousxand was the VMDK in to the VirtualBox's folder ?20:53
xpololzHello! I bought a new (3rd) monitor today, plus a DVI to DP cable, but I'm having problems setting it up. I got a ATI Radeon 5750 pro, and I'm running Ubuntu 11.4. When I try to activate it I get "Invalid settings". Is there anyone out there who can help me a little? :-)20:54
curiousxmove both the text and the flat20:54
curiousxy try one and then the other one20:54
wildc4rdout of interest, researching something for a friend, what are the chances of getting Ubuntu to dual boot on an iMac?20:54
tularisi'm trying a recovery mode from the live USB20:54
yrushiHello, how do I use network printing with ufw enabled?20:54
curiousxif problem persist i'll try with another image or i install the last VirtualBox's version20:55
curiousxwich is 4.1.2 i think so20:55
llutzyrushi: allow needed ports outgoing(515, 631,9100  depends on your setup)20:56
tularisActionParsnip: i just started x from the recovery mode20:56
tularisit worked ...20:56
curiousxi think i have the Virtual Box's PPA if you want i can paste you wplug_terryg20:56
wplug_terrygcuriousx: Ok I may try to rebuild it again from the split image that it was before20:56
tjiggi_fowildc4rd, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPC20:56
wplug_terrygThat would be the latest stable version?20:57
wplug_terrygcuriousx: why not...20:57
yrushiwhich commands do you use to do that?20:57
veloryif anyone using gedit-- anyone using any plugin for opening multiple files ?20:57
KnightRiderhi. how can i deactivate F10 key in gnome-terminal? I already unchecked "Edit - Keyboard Shortcuts - Enable the menu shortcut key" but F10 opens still the menu. I have ubuntu 10.04 with unitiy desktop.20:58
curiousxdon't you can get just one image disk, without compressing ? maybe this is the problem20:58
tulariswhy can't I access grub >< ????20:58
tularisi just got that god damn blackscreen20:58
wplug_terrygcuriousx: Yeah I compressed from a multi-part image it was about 20 or so vmdks20:59
ActionParsniptularis: get updated in recovery, see if it helps20:59
tularisActionParsnip: i'll try that thx21:00
curiousxi converted a vmdk to a bin then to a vbox file but i have problems, try to find just one image it will be better21:00
curiousxthis is the PPA i have ---> sudo add-apt-repository ppa:debfx/virtualbox21:00
wplug_terrygI had problems with a bin conversion as well21:00
wplug_terrygcuriousx: ok will try be in communicato for a bit21:01
VampsDaBeastI seem to be having issues running a few game that when i exit a server they lock up. I am running the nvidia driver 270 on natty fully upgraded as i can see, and using Gnome. any ideas why this may happen21:02
curiousxok dude good luck21:03
wplug_terrygcuriousx: thanks later21:03
curiousxwplug_terryg: what is the operating sistem you are trying to emulate, maybe i can find it21:03
wplug_terrygcuriousx: I have a licensed install of windows 721:03
alkafoooh yeah which license? =P21:04
curiousxoh! i see, is irreplaceable21:04
curiousxok, good luck21:05
VampsDaBeastI seem to be having issues running a few game that when i exit a server they lock up. I am running the nvidia driver 270 on natty fully upgraded as i can see, and using Gnome. any ideas why this may happen21:05
wplug_terrygcuriousx: Yes unfortunately;<21:05
cdavisIs there a file I can monitor to determine if my nic has dropped its link and then come back?21:06
tulariscan anyone give me the name of the package for ati radeon drivers ?21:06
tularis(please :))21:06
alkafootularis: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI21:06
tularisalkafoo: thx21:07
jluc_Plz How to know the current path ?21:09
llutzjluc_: echo $PATH21:10
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jimubaojluc_: just type "pwd" in ur terminal21:11
xbuntuCan someone help me with real quick.. i added an options line to my alsa-base.conf and its for my model.. and i saved it and now my sound works through the right speakers but once i turn off my computer and turn it on21:11
xbuntuits like i have to force-reload it again21:11
xbuntuis there away to make it stick21:11
jluc_thanks jimubao : echo $PATH was the wanted command.21:11
alkafooxbuntu: you have to do what?21:12
xbuntui have to alsa force-reload21:12
xbuntufor it to work every restart21:12
velorywhat you guys using as text-editor ?21:12
xbuntufor what? for terminal?21:13
curiousxxoveruk2: me, nano21:13
llutzvelory: no polls here pls21:13
veloryllutz:  it's not a poll if anyone using gedit here I want to know if they use any plugin to open multiple files21:14
RouninRemind me again how I escape the mandatory install of the ttf-mscorefonts21:14
velorygedit channel is dead21:14
RouninEvery six months it wants me to agree to some Microsoft license21:14
xbuntuI still use gedit vel21:14
tularisi think i'm going to reinstall ubuntu ><21:14
veloryxbuntu: so are you using any plugin to open multiple files -- or whole folder21:14
tularisfor the third time21:14
tularisi love ubuntu so much21:15
xbuntuwhy tul and no i dont vel21:15
curiousxme too21:15
tularisbut ubuntu hate new hardware21:15
velorybah anyone using gedit here and using plugin to open multiple files at once ?21:15
jimubaomy natty crash all da time ><...21:15
jimubaoit hangs ...21:15
tularisthe secret is use a DELL21:15
tularisi just bought a lenovo21:16
tularisi have a shitload of problem21:16
tularismy dell just worked fine21:16
jimubaoi had dell studio 1521:16
tularisits like Mac os21:16
jimubaohad ubuntu natty on it21:16
tularisbut with dell - ubuntu21:16
jimubaoand crash very often ~21:16
xbuntuanyone know why everytime i load up my os i have to force reload alsa.. after i just added a line to the .conf to make my sound work properly21:17
llutzvelory: have you read gedit man-page about filenames?21:17
veloryllutz: well I don't want to write every individual file when opening gedit I want to choose whole folder and open all files inside21:17
rhin0anyone know why with vinagre servername:0 on ubuntu 10.04 I can see the desktop but can't click on anything (control it)21:17
alkafoorhin0: there's a pref for just seeing or actually being able to do stuff, too, IIRC21:18
rhin0so maybe its the preferences on the server machine21:18
rhin0or it is21:18
curiousxcya all =)21:18
rhin0which means I have to get up and walk across the room - damn21:18
jimubaoxbuntu: which conf did u edit ?21:20
xbuntualsa base21:21
alkafoorhin0: well you _could_ probably do it from SSH but =P21:21
xbuntui had to because the sub was only playing21:21
xbuntuso i just added targa-2ch-dig21:21
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xbuntuand downloaded hda analyzer and edited some options in their now its working great but everytime i restart21:21
xbuntui have to force-reload, then mess with hda analyzer21:22
tularisfucking hardware builder21:22
tularisi hate them21:22
tularisif they provided good drivers21:22
tularislinux would be equal to mac os21:22
tularisno i have to buy a macbook ><21:22
VampsDaBeastwhat version of X.org does Natty use?21:22
tomodachidoes anyone know how to issue a suspend command to a laptop from the command prompt?21:22
alkafootomodachi: pm-hibernate or something21:23
alkafoodpkg -L pm-utils21:23
tomodachialkafoo: thnx for the tip! ill look into it21:24
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xbuntuVamps i think natty uses 1.10?21:24
VampsDaBeastany way to find out thru term?21:25
lnx1Hello all, ive asked before but im trying again... Hello, can anyone suggest some software that can be installed onto ubuntu desktops that counts down users and thenlogs them out? Like you would find on a windows based pc in say a library or an internet cafe?21:26
maletorCan I install http://packages.ubuntu.com/oneiric/redis-server on 11.04?21:26
alkafoolnx1: informing them of how much time they have left?21:27
llutzVampsDaBeast: Xorg -version21:27
VampsDaBeastllutz, ty21:27
tomodachianyone know where to look so I can put a script that is triggered on suspend/resume?21:28
alkafoolnx1: it'd be pretty easy to start a script from the shell or DE startup system and inform them with libaosd21:28
xbuntullutz can u tell me why everytime i restart my comp i have to force reload my alsa?.. i just added an option line to alsa-base.conf.. and now my sound works perfect21:28
xbuntubut not when restart21:28
llutzxbuntu: no21:28
jriblnx1: maybe timeoutd (never used it)21:28
lnx1alkafoo: yes, basically i have 2 pcs setup that the public can use but there is now way to kick them off unless i ask them to leave, which doesnt really work in a public building where they are allowed to come and use them. basically to stop them hogging the pcs.21:28
alkafootimeoutd does look right21:30
LjLCaoYoussef: that's not on-topic for this channel, please don't post it again21:30
CaoYoussefLjL, ok21:31
VampsDaBeastllutz, do u have any exp[erience using nvidia cards21:31
llutzVampsDaBeast: i use one (6200 something), it works, thats my experience :)21:32
lnx1alkafoo: if only i knew how to write such a script! :) i did try one from one website but no joy im afraid.21:32
VampsDaBeastllutz, hahah. ok.. im having a small issue between some games and all that i cant figure if its my cards drivers, or the game.21:33
xbuntullutz do u know if u can install the normal video card driver for ur card on ubuntu or do u have to use the one they recc?21:33
alkafoolnx1: you say jrib's msg, right?21:33
llutzVampsDaBeast: i cannot help you, i don't play games at all.21:33
xbuntuvamp what games?21:34
xbuntuthrough steam?21:34
qinlnx1: How many users, same usernames, same time to kick?21:34
VampsDaBeastllutz, totally understandable21:34
lnx1alkafoo: sorry! no, dont know what it is, let me google...21:34
VampsDaBeastxbuntu, no, they are those available thru the software center.21:34
MaxHRHello, am looking to use my pcmcia flash card reader to boot a laptop that doesn't have a working cd drive, anybody know if this will work and how to set it up?  looking to use Plop boot manager21:35
xbuntuOh lol if u used steam or whatever i was gonna tell ya to do net_graph 3 but that command is only avaiable through steam21:35
xbuntutell's ya fps21:35
alkafoolnx1: it's what you want21:35
alkafoolnx1: if it doesn't inform users, you can probably fix it like I said21:35
xbuntuthat prolly woulda told u if it was ur card or just ur os or something.21:35
rhin0alkafoo I think it's because of compiz on the server machine (vinagre can't control)21:36
lnx1qin: 2 pcs in a public office, so 1 person on 1 pc at a time, (a local user account has been created, already logged in) just need to have some kind of timer to count down say 30 mins.21:36
rhin0when I get up21:36
VampsDaBeastwell the issue is when i play a FPS and switch off a server, the game locks up.21:36
rhin0disable compiz - all ok21:36
xbuntuHmm idk.. never had that issue21:36
xbuntutry google?21:36
xbuntumaybe someone else has had that issue21:36
VampsDaBeastnext step21:36
VampsDaBeastalready on the ubuntu help section21:37
mattalexxI'm trying to set up autofs but I can't seem to find which log file to tail in order to get mounting errors.. Which log file does autofs report to?21:38
xbuntuis there a command to tell you your video card?21:38
zykotick9xbuntu, "lspci | grep -i vga"21:38
qinlnx1: use "users" to detect login and sleep 1800 && service gdm restart (need to be run as root and is very crude)21:38
xbuntu01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G92 [GeForce GTX 285M] (rev a2)21:39
xbuntudoes that mean its in use?21:39
xbuntuor no? it says compatiable...21:39
rhin0yes xbuntu21:39
rhin0if its in lspci its in use21:39
rhin0I think21:39
xbuntuwell when i go to the nvidia control panel it doesnt say anything about gtx 285m..21:40
xbuntuso i wonder if i can go to the nvidia website and download the driver21:40
rhin0maybe go to the nvidia website look21:40
aboSamoorwhenever I open a terminal I get $ instead of my normal bash, any idea ?21:40
xbuntucan i use wine to open?21:40
xbuntuor just dl the linux if they have it21:40
rhin0or look for hardware drivers on the machine21:40
VampsDaBeastthats wat im doing xb..21:40
rhin0hardware drivers from system preferences I think will maybe detect if drivers are available xbuntu21:41
VampsDaBeastnvidia does have linux driver21:41
llutzaboSamoor: you removed ~/.profile or ~/.bashrc? you don't use bash at all (echo $SHELL)?21:41
rhin0system > administration > hardware drivers21:41
rhin0click on that it will look for drivers for you21:41
xbuntuthank u rhin0 and Vamps kk i will try that rhin021:41
xbuntuand if there is none i will go to nvidia website21:41
lnx1alkafoo + qin: thanks for your help!! much appriciated! will look into this now :)21:41
VampsDaBeastxbuntu, be sure to look at the thread in the nvidia forums bout using the drivers.. its quite helpfuil.21:42
qinlnx1: For visible time you canuse conky, to make it easy.21:42
xbuntuwell rhin0 thats the thing... i have v 173 installed21:42
xbuntubut i think i can look up MY driver for my card on nvidia21:42
xbuntumade for my card21:42
ubottuThe Ubuntu forums can be found at http://www.ubuntuforums.org. There is also a channel on IRC freenode #ubuntuforums.21:42
aboSamoorllutz echo $SHELL gives /bin/sh21:43
xbuntuwhats the command to see what driver u have install for ur vga21:43
VampsDaBeastxbuntu, you can .. findin the drivers for your specific card is simple..21:43
llutzaboSamoor: and /bin/sh links to /bin/dash?21:43
xbuntui know vamp21:43
xbuntuthats what im saying21:43
VampsDaBeastinstallin them is the tricky part21:43
xbuntubecause when u install ubuntu they give u drivers21:44
aboSamoorllutz: yes21:44
xbuntubut not made for UR card21:44
llutzaboSamoor: chsh -s /bin/bash21:44
xbuntuwell it is but it isnt..21:44
xbuntuidk if that made sense but w.e21:44
VampsDaBeastcorrect, they are global/universal drivers21:44
aboSamoorllutz: chsh: user 'my_user' does not exist in /etc/passwd21:44
VampsDaBeastnvidia has started to make there drivers compitable for multi cards series'21:45
hagusI have a wubi installation on windows7.   I have been taking photos off my camera SD card but my shotwell is telling me that I am running (have run) out of space.   Can I increase that space?   I shall move my photos onto my external drive but I would like to increase my ubuntu data space as well.21:45
llutzaboSamoor: ... thats odd, you don't exist... "getent passwd <yourusername>"21:46
xbuntuhagus i think u need to make a partition u cant just add space21:46
xbuntui dont think21:46
aboSamoorllutz: it is there, my_user:x:2020:2020::/home/my_user:/bin/sh21:47
hagusCan I do it with partition manager type stuff or does the fact that I have used wubi suggest that I might need to reinstall?21:47
DaSingeHey, how do I set up a server for ftp?21:47
VampsDaBeastxbuntu, i sent you a pm, check out that link21:47
mattalexxI'm trying to set up autofs but I can't seem to find which log file to tail in order to get mounting errors.. Which log file does autofs report to?21:47
warfarencan one change the default screen key config? i would like to detach with a different key combo than ctrl A D21:48
aradaCan anyone can help me figure out why my machine can't be accessed remotely anymore? ftp, ssh, http, it's all inaccessible.  I'm stumped.21:48
llutzaboSamoor: not really  recommended, but if chsh fails: "sudo nano /etc/passwd"  change  /bin/sh into /bin/bash    in that line starting with your username, save & quit21:49
aradaIt was all working yesterday.21:49
llutzaboSamoor: or try: sudo usermod -s /bin/bash <yourusername>21:50
jrtechArada try point the those see it it issue21:50
alkafooqin: how's that work?21:51
aboSamoorllutz: I can not see my username in /etc/passwd gotta to say that we are using NIS21:51
aradajrtech:  what?21:51
llutzaboSamoor: oops, no idea how that works then. sry21:51
DaSingeor maybe just an ssh server21:51
tomekhI use openoffice 3.3.0 on ubuntu 10.04 and math symbols (for example sum) is not showing (I just get rotated "?" symbol), am I missing some font?21:51
qinalkafoo: It works good ;)21:51
jrtecharada: try to ping your host see if it us up21:52
aradait doesn't respond to ping either21:53
aradaI do have access to the machine locally21:53
jrtechOn try to access your host local http arada21:54
jrtecharada: also make sure the serves are runing21:55
bentglasstubeIt seems that the aufs module in ubuntu 11.04 does not support exporting aufs over nfs.  What is the best way for me to make this possible?21:56
aradaeverything is running, I can ssh, ftp, etc.  It even has internet access.21:56
aradaI jus't cant access it remotely any longer.21:56
ComradeHaz`Hi guys, if I wanted to run a command such as "sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda | grep -i cycle" on each of my drives in turn, how would I do so? So 'pseudocode' to explain better, something like sudo smartctl -a /dev/sd[a-c] | grep -i cycle21:57
ComradeHaz` 21:57
alkafooqin: as a count down widget, or as a display for one?21:58
jrtechOkay and your http is not accessible remotely?21:58
Zerpyif I have uploaded wordpress to my local apache/php5 server, do anybody knows why I get an error 500 then? :O21:58
alkafooComradeHaz`: for i in {a..c}; do something "$i"; done21:58
tomodachiComradeHaz`: if you have just a couple of drives why not just put them in succession in the script?21:58
aradano it's not21:59
jrtecharada: it kinda strange how the http can not be accessible21:59
ComradeHaz`tomodachi: it's a simple example to ask the question. I just want to learn21:59
ComradeHaz`(I have 9 drives.)21:59
qinarada: All closed21:59
aradaThe machine is in the router's DHCP client table22:00
qinarada: You sure your firewall is ok?22:00
tomodachiComradeHaz`: you got an example there, you could make is less dependet by actually using your devices22:00
aradaI shut down shorewall22:01
tomodachifor i in ls /dev/sd*22:01
MaxHRHow can I use one computer to network boot ubuntu using another computer? (over ethernet)  the second computer doesn't have a working cdrom drive22:01
tomekhI use openoffice 3.3.0 on ubuntu 10.04 and math symbols (for example sum) is not showing (I just get rotated "?" symbol), am I missing some font? http://img707.imageshack.us/img707/9739/screenshotbba.png22:01
aradais there another firewall?22:01
tomodachiMaxHR: an ubuntu usb stick, or netboot22:01
aradashorewall is all I configured.22:01
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jrtecharada: you have to the hosts in demand mode you want to be access remotely or poor forward them22:02
aradathe ports are forwarded already22:02
aradaeverything is like it was yesterday.22:02
qinalkafoo: Not sure, but you can use same countdown for display in conky and to trigger logout, this would mean second job (script for conky).22:03
MaxHRtomodachi, ok, I will try netboot from windows... this computer doesn't support usb stick booting22:03
qinarada: Is your local ip the same?22:03
tomodachiMaxHR: the network card needs netboot support, you need to set up a machine that will serve dhcp tftp and more for it to work.22:03
MaxHRtomodachi, it supports netboot, am using this howto https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/WindowsServerNetboot22:04
MaxHRbut I need a LTS netboot image22:04
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ComradeHaz`alkafoo: tomodachi, trying what both are you are suggesting to no avail22:05
jrtecharada:  check your long22:05
aradawhich log should I check?22:06
qinarada: Compare ifconfig with router forward configuration.22:07
aradaifconfig shows correct ip22:16
guckohi guys, I have Ubuntu server and I installed LAMP. I created a virtual host, but when I try to access it, I get: "You don't have permission to access / on this server." how to solve that please?22:16
guckoI changed the files permissions, but it didn't work :(22:16
qinarada: Do you have DZM option in router?22:18
aradayes but that is not my problem22:19
xbuntuhow do u get to restricted modules in ubuntu22:19
bastidrazorxbuntu: ubuntu-restricted-extras is what you're referring to? codecs?22:20
debugnetgucko: check your configuration file to see if a default index.html or default.asp is directed to when no path/ is added to the url...22:21
xbuntuim attempting to install nvidia drivers directly from their website22:21
xbuntui need to go in there to disable22:21
bastidrazorxbuntu: follow the guide on their website.22:22
guckodebugnet: which conf file?22:22
qinarada: You can access ssh locally and local ip = ip forwarded in router. Well you could check iptables -L to see if there is something.22:22
xbuntuDISABLED_MODULES="nv nvidia_new"22:22
guckodebugnet: "/etc/apache2/httpd.conf" is empty!22:22
debugnetgucko: from the error message probably the apache/httpd configuration.22:22
debugnetgucko: correct file, check man httpd.conf22:22
aradawhat am I looking for in iptables22:23
guckodebugnet: what do you mean by "man htttpd.conf"? I doesn't have a man!22:23
sburwood1I have a problem with my printer.  When using the desktop (64 bit ubuntu) to print something, the printer is announced as not being connected.  When I use my EEEPC with 32 bit ubuntu, it works fine.  Why doesn't the desktop with the same 11.04 want to print?  In the past, if worked and I didn't fiddle with any parameters of the printer22:23
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debugnetgucko: sorry try: man apache222:25
aradaI don't see any REJECT22:26
debugnetgucko: under see also should have a link to a doc you can review with zcat command to read on configuration options.22:26
qinarada: DROP?22:26
aradaChain INPUT (policy DROP), also Chain FORWARD (policy DROP)22:27
aradashouldn't it be ACCEPT also22:27
edwardpatchhow do i make my ubuntu look like windows 722:28
ikoniaedwardpatch: there aren't really good windows themes for unity.22:28
edwardpatchi do havew one but its still downloading wine but what does wine do22:29
ikoniaedwardpatch: wine is not a theme22:29
edwardpatchi know22:29
ikonia!wine | edwardpatch22:29
ubottuedwardpatch: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu22:29
edwardpatchbut in the theme theres stuff included22:29
alkafooedwardpatch: it runs win32 .exe's22:29
edwardpatchwhy is it downloading then22:30
alkafooedwardpatch: probably a "windows" pack22:30
alkafoothe better to satisfy your irrational Windows desires22:30
edwardpatchit was just a expirment22:30
MiDoWellcome all :)22:31
edwardpatchshall i leave it to download or shall i cancel it22:31
TrueColorshow do you reformat 11.04?22:31
debugnetgucko: do you have an /etc/apache2/apache2.conf file? if not, i can upload one that i have that was the default install from apt-get so you can read and manipulate to your liking...22:31
TrueColorsI want to have a clean install... :(22:32
edwardpatchoh i know22:32
edwardpatchdid u install it inside windows22:32
TrueColorsdual boot22:33
BarkingFishsince my half of the distro appear to have gone to get some z's, I'm going to ask this here - apologies for the cross post, my lot have dozed off.22:33
edwardpatchboot off disc22:33
ikoniaTrueColors: clean install, just do a re-install.22:33
edwardpatchthen delete through that way22:33
edwardpatchwhy do u want a clean install??22:33
xbuntuwhere do u find the restricted files?22:33
xbuntui do22:33
xbuntugksudo gedit /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common22:34
xbuntuand it brings me to a blank page22:34
ikoniaxbuntu: what are you actually trying to do ?22:34
xbuntui just installed the package22:34
BarkingFishEarlier, per instructions to install a program called synce, i removed some kernel modules - rndis_host, cdc_ether and usbnet - I now need these back, because I'm working a different way to sync my iPAQ (WM5) - but I can't reinstall the modules. Any ideas?22:34
TrueColorsi need to erase all installations of php5, mysql and nginx.22:34
TrueColorswell i think mysql is fine22:34
TrueColorsbut when I install nginx22:34
xbuntuinstall a nvidia driver for my vid i dont wanna use the ubuntu driver22:34
TrueColorsit should be in... /etc/init.d/nginx22:34
TrueColorsto start and stop etc22:34
FloodBot1TrueColors: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:34
TrueColorsand it doesnt' exist.22:34
ikoniaxbuntu: why not ?22:34
aradaqin: you led me in the right direction, it was a problem with iptables, thank you.22:34
edwardpatchwhy dont u delete it then22:34
xbuntuidk dont want to i wanna try  the one that goes to my video card22:35
aradaanyone can recommend a good tutorial for firewall configuration?22:35
ikonia!ufw | arada22:35
ubottuarada: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE Lucid and Maverick) also exist.22:35
ikoniaxbuntu: I very very strongly advise you to use the video drivers that are available from the ubuntu repos22:35
edwardpatchso how is everyone22:35
xbuntuwhys that22:36
ikoniaedwardpatch: try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chit chat, we try to keep this channel to support only22:36
xbuntuworst comes to worse i reinstall ubuntu22:36
ikoniaxbuntu: because they are tried and tested, installing nvidia/ati drivers from external sources can cause a lot of problems.22:36
TrueColorsyeah so basically, it's refusing to properly install nginx and php so i cannot follow the tutorial... I need to pretty much... erase it all. and I'm not sure how22:36
ikoniaxbuntu: if you have no reason to do it, and you don't know why you are doing it, I strongly advise you not to do it22:36
ikoniaTrueColors: just re-install, simple and clean22:36
xbuntuwell the source is from nvidia website22:37
ikoniaxbuntu: that is not a good thing to install unless you have a genuine reason22:37
xbuntuso im guessin they are tested?22:37
ikoniaxbuntu: no, they are not,22:37
zebulon_hi, can someone give me hand installing linuxq3apoint-1.32.x86.run?22:37
rnswhat's a good malware/virus scanner for ubuntu?  I know "you don't need it" but what do you suggest for those who want to take precautions?22:37
zebulon_./ and sudo don't do it22:37
xbuntuwell.. can u just help me install them im the one doing it not u :P22:37
ikoniazebulon_: what's the issue22:37
ikoniarns: there isn't a malware scanner for what you're saying22:37
zebulon_just commands ikonia22:37
rnsikonia, why not?22:37
ikoniaxbuntu: no, I'm sorry, I'm not going to blindly help you ruin your machine for no reason22:38
rnsno open source solution out there?22:38
ikoniarns: because malware doesn't happen in the same way as windows, so the scanner isn't the same22:38
xbuntuur not going to ruin my machine..22:38
ikoniazebulon_: what's the error22:38
zebulon_permission of course22:38
xbuntuthe worse that can happen is i have to reinstall ubuntu22:38
rnsikonia, so you're saying a virus scanner doesn't exist for ubuntu?22:38
ikoniazebulon_: why of course, I'm asking sensible questions22:38
ikoniarns: not in the safe way you're thinking of as a windows desktop22:38
zebulon_no doubt :]22:38
ikoniazebulon_: sudo chmod 755 $filename22:38
rnsikonia, in what way does it exist?22:39
ikoniazebulon_: then ./$filename22:39
CanadianPirateDoes anyone know it the compat wireless patch is still working in linux3.0?22:39
ikoniarns: as a scanner for windows virus (eg: if your machine was a mail server for windows clients, or a file server for windows clients) that sort of thing22:39
zebulon_file not found, hang on.22:39
ikoniaCanadianPirate: linux3.0 is not in a supported ubuntu release at this time, so we don't support it here22:39
ikoniazebulon_: you need to be in the same directory22:39
gerzeldo you answer questions for xubuntu?22:39
ikoniagerzel: if we can22:40
ikoniagerzel: also be aware of #xubuntu channel22:40
rnsikonia, why doesn't linux have an easy malware scanner?  Surely ubuntu malware exists, no?22:40
ikoniarns: no22:40
zebulon_ikona - when i start a shell there it is, in my user22:40
gerzelHey I'm having trouble mounting a couple of vfat usb drives.  It is giving failed to mount "Error mounting: mount: unknown filesystem type 'vfat'"  -- asked in xubuntu channel but no response22:40
ikoniagerzel: it should auto mount when you plug them in22:41
SIFTUrns: clamav will scan for viruses22:41
DontTripI dropped unity for gnome classic and was wondering how to get that 4 screen division that shows all your desktops in one in classic22:41
ikoniaSIFTU: no, it will scan for windows virus22:41
DontTripdont know how else to describe it22:41
SIFTUikonia: yes22:41
zebulon_ikonia - if its properly compiled the ./$ should run it in general, no matter the exention?22:41
ikoniaSIFTU: which is not what he asked22:41
gerzelIt is showing them on the desktop but double clicking gets the error I gave you22:41
ikoniazebulon_: no22:41
ikoniazebulon_: that has nothing to do with compiling22:41
aradathanks for the help qin, jrtech22:41
rnsikonia, how does ubuntu not have any viruses?22:41
ikoniarns: the permissions system in linux is different to windows, so virus don't work in the same way,22:42
SIFTUrns: well what could happen to *nix machines is something called a rootkit22:42
zebulon_the file itself is some kind of download script so just have to run it22:42
zebulon_thanks ikonia i think i got it22:42
ikoniazebulon_: so change the permissions as I told you and run it22:42
=== gucko_ is now known as gucko
rnsikonia, what about the ubuntu permissions make it impossible to becoming susceptible to viruses?22:43
ikoniarns: please research on the net - this isn't ubuntu specific, it's Linux in general22:44
VampsDaBeastwhy question the fact that an Operating System has higher security against Viruses on install? be happy and dont worry.22:44
hamedhi every body22:46
hamedany one here22:46
gerzelrns: Nothing about ubuntu permissions make viruses imposable.  They might add an extra hurdle or two, but it would depend on the attack vector of the virus as to weather or not they would apply at all to the operation of the virus.22:46
ikoniahamed: lots of people22:46
SIFTUVampsDaBeast: he should question the fact actually.. becuase it's very possible for a rootkit to happen, which to me is a virus22:46
enferexI need to package our patched linux kernel for some stuff at work.  Is there a specific doc (that I have yet to find) on creating a custom-kernel Ubuntu package?22:46
hamedok i tried to install windows and ubuntu on my laptop but i damaged my hard22:47
ikonia!packaging | enferex22:47
ubottuenferex: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports22:47
CanadianPirateLinux can have viruses. Just nobody makes them because the audience is too small at the moment.22:47
hamedat first i lost one of my partitions22:47
edwardpatcheveryone hates linux22:47
ikoniaedwardpatch: please don't talk silly in here22:47
rnsgerzel, so landing on a website that installs something in my browser to sniff passwords can't happen on ubuntu?  Or are you saying that in order for something like that to happen the attack would first need to get the root pass?22:47
edwardpatchand its windows who has more viruses22:47
hamedhis name changed22:48
hamedand no data on it22:48
ikoniarns: please research outside the channel as suggested, this isn't ubuntu specific.22:48
hamedthe second when i try to install ubuntu the hard appear as a one part22:48
CanadianPiraterns, It may happen, but it is very unlikely.22:48
ikoniaCanadianPirate: no, it doesn't happen22:49
rnsikonia, I am doing research, but comments by other people seem to contradict yours, so I am following up.22:49
SIFTUrns: and if it does happen it will be very unlikely you can detect it22:49
CanadianPirateI may have been mistaken22:49
hamedany read my q ?22:49
hamedany one read my q ?22:49
ikoniahamed: no, as you spaced it out on 10 lines22:50
zebulon__so is it ./$linuxq3apoint-1.32.x86.run :s22:50
hyperrealwhats the ssl port for this server?22:50
CanadianPiraterns, Here is the wiki article on linux malware: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_malware22:50
ikoniazebulon__: sounds good22:50
edwardpatchu do know22:51
edwardpatchthere are virus scaners on linux22:51
hamedi lost data on 1 partition and my hard converted to one part with no partition22:51
CanadianPiraterns, just worry about anything that you would run as root.22:51
zebulon__ikonia filname is parsed until -1.32 then file not found.22:51
g0rsedwardpatch: why do you want to use virus scanners? perhaps you have to search for maliciuous scripts22:51
ikoniazebulon__: type the filename in correctly and make sure you're in the same direcotry as the file22:52
zebulon__ikonia: .:. bash: ./$: No such file or directory22:52
* zebulon__ mumbles22:52
rnsCanadianPirate, thank you, that link is helpful.22:52
ikoniazebulon__: you don't need the $ unless the file has a $ in it's name22:52
zebulon__ikonia: Error in check sums 375899461 3293662273 ... file not so good22:53
ikoniazebulon__: rin "file $filename" (replace $filename with the filename)22:53
ikoniazebulon__: looks that way22:53
hamedi lost data on 1 partition and my hard converted to one part with no partition when i open my laptop with live cd it read the hard as partitions but when i open gparted or try to install ubuntu it appear as one partition unallocated22:54
zebulon__ikonia - last question, how i open the file for direct edit?22:57
ikoniazebulon__: depends on the file type, I asked you to run "file" against it22:57
ncupteahello all22:57
ikoniazebulon__: please show the the exact output22:58
ikoniazebulon__: actually don't bother, it's a binary file, you can't edit it22:59
zebulon__excuse flood paste22:59
ncupteaPlease help me in my cron on karmic server edition not run if, but on lucid desktop cron is working22:59
zebulon__file: invalid option -- '1'22:59
zebulon__file: invalid option -- '.'22:59
zebulon__file: invalid option -- '3'22:59
zebulon__file: invalid option -- '2'22:59
zebulon__file: invalid option -- '.'22:59
zebulon__file: invalid option -- 'x'22:59
ikoniazebulon__: don't22:59
zebulon__file: invalid option -- '8'22:59
zebulon__file: invalid option -- '6'22:59
zebulon__file: invalid option -- '.'23:00
FloodBot1zebulon__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:00
zebulon__file: invalid option -- 'u'23:00
qintoo late23:00
zebulon__thanks, soz23:00
ikoniazebulon__: not a problem.23:01
qinncuptea: sudo service anacron status23:02
hamedplease any one can reply me23:02
hamed lost data on 1 partition and my hard converted to one part with no partition when i open my laptop with live cd it read the hard as partitions but when i open gparted or try to install ubuntu it appear as one partition unallocated23:02
pythonsnakeI have accidentaly removed some packages.23:03
pythonsnakeHow to undo ?23:03
robot-armyAfter running updates last night, I am no longer able to boot using either the current or previous kernel.  (Natty)  I am getting the following error: http://i.imgur.com/V9mFk.jpg - Any help would be greaty appreciated23:03
zebulon__hmm, file -C -m ... talk about flood output23:03
ikoniapythonsnake: you're using kubuntu 11.1023:03
g0rspythonsnake: reinstall them again23:03
ikoniapythonsnake: please don't ask in here23:03
pythonsnakeikonia: No I moved back23:03
qinpythonsnake: history, s/remove/install23:03
ikoniapythonsnake: please show me the output of uname -a23:03
ikoniapythonsnake: please show me23:04
pythonsnakedoes it have anything to do with my question?23:04
ikoniapythonsnake: show me23:04
pythonsnakeLinux Raptus 2.6.38-11-generic #19-Ubuntu SMP Fri Sep 23 21:23:39 UTC 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux23:04
ikoniapythonsnake: please show me the output of that command23:04
ikoniapythonsnake: thank you23:05
pythonsnakeban me ?23:05
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ikoniapythonsnake: no23:05
hamed1no one can restore my data in my partition ?      no one can make me install ubuntu with out lost the rest of data ?23:05
IdleOnePython1320: look at the history in Software center and reinstall whatever was removed.23:06
IdleOnepythonsnake: ^23:06
hamed1why no one wants to reply me23:06
hamed1is it difficult23:06
g0rshamed1: you might have to use a sw tool to extract data from that partition by booting from a separate drive . What was the file system of that partition?23:07
meaniefacehamed1: they will reply just be patient don't flood the channel23:07
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hamed1it was ext423:07
ubottuSome tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel23:07
g0rshamed1: looks like this is bad news. there might not be a way to recover that partion. Were there important files you want to recover or do you have backups?23:08
hamed1ok no  problem about the data lost23:09
hamed1but now i have a data on my hard23:09
hamed1and i want to install ubuntu with out delete this data23:10
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hamed1when i trying to install it it appear as 1 part but when i open it with windows or live cd i can open the partition contains data23:11
TrueColorsI removed my entire ubuntu installation23:11
TrueColorsso I now have... 107GB Freespace.23:11
Guest92938so does anyone have experience with wacoms23:11
TrueColorsWhen I try to install 10.10, I click on the free space... so it goes orange, then click "Install now" ... but it says "No root file system defined" ... how can I fix this issue?23:12
Guest92938i finally FINALLY got my wacom working, and then it screwed up x, which i believe was more trying to install gnome-shell23:12
g0rshamed1: windows wont recognize ext4 afaik23:12
hamed1no i have ntfs partition23:12
Guest92938so classic mode for me in ubuntu cause unity sucks on this netbook23:12
StepNjumpfor 64bits users, is there any easier way to download Adobe flash player from their website TAR.GZ, 6.9 MB. I have no idea how to install tar.gz23:13
hamed1the ntfs contain data but when i try to install ubuntu the hard appear as 1 partition and when i open it with gparted it also appear as 1 unallocated23:15
StepNjumpfor 64bits users, is there any easier way to download Adobe flash player from their website TAR.GZ, 6.9 MB. I have no idea how to install tar.gz23:15
_Neytiri_is there a command i can use to copy all files form driectories recurcisfuly that mathca a specicic file extention?23:15
MiDocould i can found any data recovery for my centos vps ??23:15
pythonsnakethere are packages who were dependency of another one. let's say x is dependency of y. y got deleted. aptitude tell me to delete x, but how to get aptitude to download y instead ?23:16
ex0neytiri: cp *.(EXTENSION) (/dest/file23:17
ikoniapythonsnake: is the package in question rekonq ?23:17
robot-armyAfter running updates last night, I am no longer able to boot using either the current or previous kernel.  (Natty)  I am getting the following error: http://i.imgur.com/V9mFk.jpg - Any help would be greatly appreciated23:17
pythonsnakeikonia: no23:17
g0rshamed1: I'm not sure but you may not install linux on an ntfs partition  you have the distro's manuals.23:17
ikoniapythonsnake: which package ?23:17
MaxHRHello, have a softmodem recognized with the slmodem driver, but when I try to connect, it dials and tries to connect, then I get no carrier, any ideas to fix?23:18
TrueColorsOn the Ubuntu install... "Who are you?" why is the forward button greyed out?23:19
TrueColorsit's still copying files.23:19
TrueColorsand how does it know whether to do 64bit or 32?23:19
coz_TrueColors,  it would, i believe, grey out after hittin enter,, did yhou do that?23:19
coz_TrueColors,  you have to download the 32 or 64 bit install cd23:20
TrueColorsi can click back23:20
pythonsnakeikonia: deborphan23:20
ikonia!info deborphan23:20
ubottudeborphan (source: deborphan): program that can find unused packages, e.g. libraries. In component universe, is optional. Version (natty), package size 99 kB, installed size 588 kB23:20
TrueColorsUbuntu sent me the 10.10 disk...so... im not sure23:20
coz_TrueColors,  which iso did you download?23:20
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ikoniapythonsnake: in that situation you'll have to just re-download the dependency23:21
yeatsTrueColors: if you don't know, it's probably 32-bit23:21
_Neytiri_ex0 i tried somethign liek that and it gave and error23:21
coz_TrueColors,  its most likely the 32 bit version then23:21
pythonsnakeikonia: it's a bit strange, each time I talk, you intervene, just like I was highlighting you :)23:22
qin_Neytiri_: find . -name *.mp3 -type f -exec echo cp {} /copy/there \;23:22
ikoniapythonsnake: I was active when you asked the quesiton, there is nothing strange about it23:22
qin_Neytiri_: Remove echo if you fine with results23:22
TrueColorsah, now it's showing.23:22
_Neytiri_i'll give that a try23:22
pythonsnakeikonia: you are everywhere I come23:22
coz_TrueColors,  if this was sent by canonical,, I believe it should be printed on t he cd cover if it is 32 or 64 bit,,although I have not seen one lately23:22
ikoniapythonsnake: I've been in these channels for years23:23
TrueColorsyou cannot start your username with a capital letter23:23
_Neytiri_find: missing argument to `-exec'23:23
pythonsnakeikonia: can't have a linux-channel withoout you :)23:23
qin_Neytiri_: Have you closed command with: \;23:24
TrueColorsi guess I'll find it when it's installed23:24
TrueColorsif it is 32bit i can always erase23:24
_Neytiri_that was it23:24
yeatsTrueColors: 32-bit is fine and probably indistinguishable from 64-bit for most casual users -FYI23:25
qin_Neytiri_: Also, try to highlight person you sleak to. !who !tab23:26
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TrueColorsI upgraded to 64bit with windows 2 years back... I'm not downgrading :P I'm a average gamer but I'm also a developer. I like to have tons of windows open...23:26
qinpythonsnake: Try mint channel, ikonia isnot there...23:26
TrueColorsbut when I did upgrade to 64bit, I did end up going up to 3gb ram from 1gb ...23:26
TrueColorswent from a microprocessor to a core i3...23:27
ikoniaqin: I think you'll find I am, and what's the point of trying mint channel if you're not using mint23:27
TrueColorsi guess I wouldn't notice the differenceb ack then23:27
qinikonia: Helping pythonsnake to escape "This" feeling, but you right, no point, just best show this evening.23:29
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melikhello i'm having trouble setting up the catalyst ati graphics with unity23:30
melikthe dragging feature is not working properly23:31
urlin2umelik, try alt key.23:32
melikurlin2u: do i have to enable xinerama?23:32
urlin2umelik, not familiar with xinerama23:33
ubottuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead23:34
coz_melanie,   do you have an nvidia card?23:35
coz_melanie,  nevermin d23:35
TrueColorsok, whats the command in terminal to see the system specs..23:35
TrueColorsincluding if it's 64bit or whatever23:35
coz_melanie,  you may want to go to the #radeon channel for setting that up23:35
coz_TrueColors,  simple command for architecture is     arch23:36
StijnHHello. When doing a "command-line install", there's just a blinking cursor on boot. Ctrl-Alt-Space-F1 brings up the terminal. Is this expected behaviour?23:36
StijnHAlso, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems says the installation takes around 450MB, but with an 800MB hard drive the installation will fail during package manager configuration. It seems an install takes about 1GB. Is the help page outdated then?23:36
TrueColorsthat.. helps..23:36
coz_TrueColors,  ok thats  32 bit23:36
urlin2uStijnH, on what distro?23:37
StijnH11.04 alternate CD23:37
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TrueColorsyeah it's 32..23:40
TrueColorsok well...23:41
TrueColorsof I go all over again23:41
FloodBot1TrueColors: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:41
urlin2uStijnH, you have things mixed up I believe look closer 800MB HD 1 GB on install. Ubuntu is about 2.8 gigs installed are you looking at a mini install?23:41
yeatsTrueColors: you might just try living on 32-bit for a while, just to get acclimated ;-)23:41
zykotick9StijnH, that link is outdated.  The requirements for Desktop state 5GB for space.23:41
TrueColorsdo I need to google the definition?23:42
coz_TrueColors,   get used to it,,, rather23:42
StijnHurlin2u: the 1 GB install is after I gave it a HD of 20 GB.23:42
jclbrtmaybe someone can help here... i'm trying to set up a ubuntu server to be my main router...  I'm using 10.04LTS...   the topology I have is .... Comcast modem --> Ubuntu eth0--> to switch on eth1-->to client PCs23:42
coz_TrueColors,  the differenct is in the architecture not the functionality23:42
StijnHzykotick9: ok, thank you.23:42
jclbrti was following these instructions: http://www.server-servers.com/ubuntu-router-network-gateway/23:42
yeatsTrueColors: sorry - yes - "get used to" ;-)23:43
jclbrtin the picture where they show the interfaces configuration i notice they have a line that says iface eth0 inet dhcp23:43
jclbrtwhat the heck does this mean23:43
jclbrtdoes that mean it's trying to serve IPs on eth023:43
DthenQneed help installing TOR. have the tar.gz, says to just extract and run. but where do i extract to?23:43
yeatsjclbrt: no - it means "get my network address from DHCP"23:44
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jclbrtah ok... yeats: isnt that the whole point of auto eth0?23:44
xbuntuwheres that guy that was installin the nvidia driver23:44
jclbrti didnt think it needed that extra line23:44
yeatsjclbrt: the alternative is "static", where you then define the IP address manually23:44
ikoniaxbuntu: that was you.23:45
ikoniaxbuntu: I advised you not to do it23:45
xbuntuNo i just did that23:45
xbuntustill here arent i23:45
yeatsjclbrt: it does need it - it needs to know how it's getting its connection23:45
xbuntuwith no help from u23:45
Younderyeats, DHCP is a server which delegates IP addresses. It should be the default and therefore you should not have to worry about it.23:45
ikoniaxbuntu: it's up to you what you do, I advised you not to do it.23:45
jclbrtyeats but it's not in there by default23:45
xbuntuI just did it ik23:45
zykotick9jclbrt, "auto eth0" is NOT dhcp!  I believe it's like automatically initialize on boot, or autodetect link change23:45
xbuntuand nothing happened23:45
ikoniaxbuntu: good for you. Be aware that when your kernel updates next, X will probably stop working totally.23:45
robot-armyAfter running updates last night, I am no longer able to boot using either the current or previous kernel.  (Ubuntu 11.04)  I am getting the following error: http://i.imgur.com/V9mFk.jpg - Any help would be greatly appreciated23:45
yeatsYounder: jclbrt is the one with the problem ;-)23:45
xbuntubecause when it downloaded23:46
xbuntuit asked me if i wanted to update xconfig23:46
xbuntuso when it updates23:46
yeatsjclbrt: if you use NetworkManager, it will not be defined there23:46
xbuntuit will update to it to23:46
DthenQI need some noob help - have a tar.gz, the site says to just extract and run, where should i extract to?23:46
jclbrtyeats this is a server install23:46
jclbrtno desktop environment23:46
xbuntuand it already back up all the files23:46
jclbrtso all cli23:46
yeatsjclbrt: understood23:46
StijnHMy goal is to set up a build machine. It needs a toolchain and samba, and I'd like to run this with low memory and disk space usage.. Possibly someone can suggest an alternative to this command-line install option?23:46
ikoniaxbuntu: yes, but when the kernel next updates, the module you download will no longer be valid, so X will stop working as that module won't be loaded.23:46
ikoniaxbuntu: it's a common issue.23:46
xbuntuLol kk we will see23:46
ikoniaxbuntu: just be aware of it, so if the display stops working, thats the most likley cause.23:47
rs-azizhi every one23:47
yeatsjclbrt: 'auto eth0' just means "bring up eth0 automatically"23:47
xbuntulol it wont stop working23:47
Younderjclbrt, so you are using a linux machine as a router? ir is it CISCO?23:47
xbuntubecause before i downloaded it23:47
xbuntui uninstalled nvidia23:47
xbuntuand it was working still23:47
jclbrti had at one point had one working but i dont recall needing that line, but i guess i'll put it in...23:47
jclbrtYounder I am using a ubuntu server 10.04LTS as a Router23:47
yeatsjclbrt: it is required23:47
zykotick9xbuntu, using the driver from nvidia.com is a poor choice23:47
ikoniaxbuntu: please listen to what I'm saying, it's a common problem.23:47
ikoniaxbuntu: just be aware of it, so that if it stops working you know the reason.23:47
ikonia(or at least the most likley reason)23:47
xbuntuLol zykotick Please tell me why is it a poor choice?23:48
jclbrthmmm.. odd my other server which isnt a router and getting it's IP from DHCP does not have that line in there, thats why i was wondering, but i will put it in23:48
zykotick9!tab > xbuntu23:48
ubottuxbuntu, please see my private message23:48
zykotick9xbuntu, no23:48
StrangeCharmdoes locking the screen cause gpg-agent to forget cached passphrases?23:48
jclbrtyounder: i'm using a ubuntu 10.04LTS as a router23:48
jclbrtmainly so that i can get ntop working23:48
viktyr_korimirI installed Ubuntu about an hour ago and I know next to nothing about it.23:49
edbianviktyr_korimir: Ask more specific questions23:49
jclbrtcomcast gave me a warning for going over my bandwidth useage23:49
jclbrtapparently i did more than 250GB in 6 days23:49
Younderzykotick9, no it isn't It is vastly superior to the open-source driver in ters of performance23:49
ikoniaviktyr_korimir: https://help.ubuntu.com is a good place to get you started/introduction23:49
viktyr_korimirI want to add a source to the Software Center. There are instructions on the website, but they do not make sense to me.23:49
edbianviktyr_korimir: link please23:49
jclbrtyet i have no clue how... my ddwrt router says i only transferred 60GB all month (combined with upload and download of course) so i want to compare it to ntop23:50
edbianviktyr_korimir: What software are you trying to get?23:50
viktyr_korimirHmm. This may be part of my problem.23:50
prod_Hi all, I have a very silly friend who tryed to fix his windows machine by reinstalling via the built in automated installer. Then realised he had formatted his whole drive and reinstalled and forgettin to backup his family photos. Which program would you recommend me using to track down deleted files?23:50
edbianviktyr_korimir: ur on 11.04 right?23:50
zykotick9Younder, i'm not saying use neouvea (spelling?), but using Ubuntu's tools to install nvidia driver is FAR better then using manually installed driver direct from nvidia.com23:50
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viktyr_korimiredbian: Yes, I am using 11.04.23:51
Younderzykotick9, true23:51
edbianviktyr_korimir: which game?23:51
zykotick9prod_, i've had success with photorec23:51
jclbrtprod_ how much money you got??23:51
viktyr_korimiredbian: I'm trying to install FreeCiv and a handful of emulators that I had running under Win7.23:52
zykotick9prod_, you don't get the names back, but you could (try and) recover like *.jpg23:52
prod_im aware of testdisc but im gettin any results.23:52
edbianviktyr_korimir: so you click 'install this now' and what happenes?23:52
Younderjclbrt, Do you have the 'Unix administration handbook'?23:52
zykotick9prod_, photorec is part of testdisk - but for files instead of partitions23:52
viktyr_korimiredbian: I get an error message saying that there's no software by that name under any of my software sources.23:52
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prod_googling photorec now23:53
viktyr_korimiredbian: I followed step 1 to "install the playdeb package", and the Software Center says it is installed, but no joy.23:53
edbianviktyr_korimir: step 1 ?23:53
viktyr_korimiredbian: From the link. I clicked on the playdeb link.23:54
edbianviktyr_korimir: give me a link to step 1 please23:55
viktyr_korimiredbian: Okay, I got it to work for FreeCiv 2.3.0. I'm going to try some of the others and see if my problem has been resolved.23:55
edbianviktyr_korimir: ha, ok good :)23:55
viktyr_korimiredbian: http://archive.getdeb.net/install_deb/playdeb_0.3-1~getdeb1_all.deb23:55
DthenQneed help please - where would i typically extract/install tar.gz files on a home computer23:56
surialI'm trying to work with a bttv video capture card. "modprobe bttv" seems to work, and lsmod says a bunch of bttv-related modules are in there, but there's NO /dev/video0. udev is running. What does that mean?23:56
surialno error messages in dmesg about bttv.23:56
DthenQie in windows it would be C: or C:/program files/....23:56
edbianDthenQ: do the compiling in your home.  Install them to /usr/local/bin or /home/you/bin23:56
coz_DthenQ,  you can extract them anywhere you like,, I generally do it on the desktop   ,, right click the tar.gz  and "extract here"23:57
edbianDthenQ: create /home/you/bin if it doesn't exist23:57
jclbrtDthenQ whereever you want23:57
DthenQcoz_ it will make it's own folder wherever the tar.gz is located, where is the place to neatly store new programs?23:57
jclbrtyou can create a file in the home directory called "extracted files" or something and extract them there23:57
viktyr_korimiredbian: Thank you for your help, even if the problem did seem to clear up on its own.23:57
edbianviktyr_korimir: sure :)23:58
jclbrtDthenQ only if runable... try /src23:58
viktyr_korimiredbian: Could you explain to me how to add software sources manually, in case it ever comes up again?23:58
jclbrtthats where i extract mine23:58
edbianDthenQ: yeah, the folder  /home/<yourUsername>  is your home folder, but a folder in there called bin.  /home/you/bin :)23:58
coz_DthenQ,  well if you extract and follow the instructions for compiling it will install in its proper loaction,, unless this is an executable  then you can store it in the home diretory if you like23:58
DthenQawesome, thank you, can't extract to /usr/src, i think admin gets in the way23:58
edbianDthenQ: you don't have permission to write anywhere outside of your home folder23:59
DthenQcoz_ no compiling, it's like a zip file with the program in it ready to go, just need the place to put it23:59
zykotick9viktyr_korimir, check out /etc/apt/sources.list (this is what Debian uses by default, not 100% sure it applies to Ubuntu)23:59
DthenQedbian - okay thanks23:59

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