
JamesTaitHappy Monday, all! :)08:37
ehwhi, guys, if i've got a song stuck in 'queued', how can i get it moving again?09:18
ehw^^ u1-purchased song, that is09:19
duanedesignehw: hello09:25
ehwduanedesign: hi09:26
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czajkowskimpt: http://www.lczajkowski.com/2011/09/24/annoying-bug-reports/ see annoying stuff like that , any ideas how to better improve?11:00
mptczajkowski, I didn't comment because I would only have repeated what Alan P and Colin W said11:01
mptczajkowski, if you're "a brand new user to Ubuntu", and you ever see that dialog, whoever set up Ubuntu for you was reckless. And soon (i.e. within a year) no-one will see it at all.11:02
czajkowskimpt: hmm ok. I know I'm running beta so expect to see larage crazy messages but I've seen similar on stable versions11:03
mptIf you ever get that on stable versions, that in itself is a bug, unless you've tricked apport into thinking you're still on an alpha/beta11:05
czajkowskiI'm good I'm not magical mpt11:11
nessitahello everyone!11:19
nessitaralsina: you around?11:28
gatoxhi every one11:36
nessitahi gatox11:36
nessitahow is it going?11:36
gatoxnessita, fine! i've just arrived.... any news?11:37
nessitagatox: not that I know of. Any news I should know about from last week? :-)11:37
gatoxnessita, about anything?? or i just start killing ui bugs? :P11:37
gatoxnessita, i don't think so... ah yes! we stop using tests :P jeje11:38
nessitagatox: jo-jo (not)11:38
nessitagatox: what you have been working on last week?11:38
nessitagatox: something else besides the bug list?11:38
nessita(I'm still catching up with the emails)11:38
gatoxnessita, nop... just medium bugs.... i dont have any critical or high11:39
nessitagatox: great. I'd say keep working on that untill I catch up with email, if anything comes up, I'll ping you11:39
gatoxnessita, ok!11:39
nessitagatox: when you have a moment, would you please attach a screenshot to bug #856362 ? so I can evaluate the priority of the bug11:40
gatoxnessita, ok!... on it11:40
gatoxnessita, i've 2 branches ready for review if you have a minute (i thought that they were already approved)12:08
nessitagatox: shoot12:08
gatoxnessita,  in this order (sso dependes on installer): https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-windows-installer/captcha-refresh/+merge/76622  -   https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntu-sso-client/captcha-refresh/+merge/7662112:09
nessitagatox: ack12:15
nessitagatox: question... why the adding of the import of PIL in  ubuntu_sso/qt/tests/test_controllers.py?12:24
* gatox checking...12:24
gatoxnessita, I needed to patch it12:25
nessitareloooking then12:25
gatoxnessita, screenshot added: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-control-panel/+bug/85636212:26
ralsinagood morning again!12:30
gatoxralsina, hi12:30
ralsinahi gatox, nessita12:31
nessitahi ralsina12:31
ralsinanessita: how was holidays?12:44
* ralsina realizes just how bad english that is12:44
nessitaralsina: good, they were needed12:47
ralsinanessita: awesome12:47
nessitaralsina: I stayed in home catching up with pending errands12:47
ralsinaI should do the same eventually12:48
ralsinanessita, gatox, dobey: standup in 10'12:50
gatoxralsina, ok12:50
nessitagatox: NF to https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntu-sso-client/captcha-refresh/+merge/7662112:52
gatoxnessita, ack12:52
nessita(sorry for the duplicated comment, LP was acting up)12:52
ralsinanessita: standup?13:01
ralsinadobey: ^13:01
ralsinagatox: go13:02
gatoxNot much since thursday (assist to PyConAr)13:02
gatoxUI Bugs (network detection, Multiple calls to captcha, etc)13:02
gatoxralsina, go13:02
ralsinaDONE: made release-for-the-press, removed the fanta ads, smaller greeting font, pycon argentina, worked on some updater bits. TODO: close final release for tomorrow BLOCKED: no13:02
ralsinanessita: ?13:02
nessitaDONE: holidays13:02
nessitaTODO: Email catch up, bosses catch up, define next tasks for the team and myself. Migrate to Oneiric?13:02
nessitaBLOCKED: nopes13:02
nessitaNEXT:  dobey13:02
ralsinawhile dobey stretches his typing muscles...13:03
nessitaralsina: when is the final windows release planned for?13:03
ralsinanessita: tomorrow13:04
ralsinanessita: but I am starting it today, trying to do it too close to the release time doesn't work13:04
nessitaralsina: did you see lisette's email? I'm not sure what info was she asking for13:04
ralsinanessita: the version number of the release. Seems we are going with 2.013:04
ralsinawhich I know is weird and everything13:04
lisettenessita: the name of the file the user will see when they download it13:04
dobeyλ DONE: bug #856331, bug #80071713:04
dobeyλ TODO: releases/uploads/stable branching13:04
dobeyλ BLCK: branch reviews/landing.13:04
nessitaralsina: can you please answer her when that's settled?13:05
nessitadobey: which releases/uploads will you be doing?13:05
ralsinanessita: sure. Lisette? It's called 2.0, and the file is called ubuntuone-windows-2.0-installer.exe13:05
lisetteralsina: thanks13:06
ralsinalisette: you're welcome13:06
dobeynessita: we need releases for control-panel, client, and client-gnome at least. probably storage-protocol also. and sso could use one too i think; basically i think we need to do releases for most everything, but some of them are blocking on branches i have waiting for reviews13:07
nessitadobey: as far as I know, sso does not need a release (I made the stable release the week before I left)13:07
dobeynessita: you made the branch, or you made a release and uploaded it to ubuntu?13:08
nessitadobey: both, the release, the branch, asked sponsorhip, was sponsored by daniel13:09
dobeynessita: plus there is the bug didrocks filed on friday13:09
lisetteralsina: is the file size still 21,7MB?13:09
ralsinalisette: haven't built it yet, but should be about that big13:09
ralsinalisette: say 22 just in case ;-)13:09
nessitadobey: yeah, I'm analyzing that... not sure we're fixing that ASAP13:09
nessitadobey: I would like to take care of the control panel release, if possible13:10
dobeyi think we should, it's pretty nasty; though i don't know how often it comes up in normal use13:10
lisetteralsina: okido - the wyciwyg is gonna stay too?13:10
ralsinalisette: not sure I understood that13:10
nessitadobey: I still think is a matter of mixing deprecated and non-depreceated APIs13:10
nessitadobey: but I need to confirm13:11
nessitadobey: we do only refcounting in the new API13:11
dobeynessita: is software-center using old api?13:11
lisetteralsina: in my email on the bottom image, there is text saying wyciwyg resource13:11
nessitadobey: maybe, trying to find out13:11
ralsinalet me check13:11
lisetteralsina: i am back in half an hour or so, please email me :)13:12
ralsinaI have no idea about that13:12
ralsinalisette: I think that's just something manuel typed, I will check13:12
ralsinalisette: that's not ours, that's firefox: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WYCIWYG13:13
mandelgood morning!13:16
mandelwhat did I type?13:16
mandelralsina, ^13:16
ralsinamandel: nothing13:17
ralsinamandel: firefox just shows weird descriptions for downloaded files13:17
mandelah, ok13:17
ralsinaand I thought you just had typed some random thing in a placeholder or something13:17
mandelralsina, did you see the email from elopio? the auto-updater works everywhere except windows vista...13:17
ralsinamandel: yes13:18
ralsinamandel: and I can do nothing about it, I suppose :-(13:18
mandelralsina, which is a PITA :(13:18
mandelralsina, I can take a look, but I think that the issues is from bitrock, I'll try to find some docus about it13:18
ralsinamandel: ack13:18
ralsinamandel: but aren't you doing sugar today?13:18
mandelralsina, can we try and get the flag of not starting the dialog?13:18
mandelI think that is the only big error we have atm13:19
ralsinamandel: I am doing this: http://support.bitrock.com/article/how-can-i-create-an-upgrade-installer check the part about actions that only happen when it's not an update13:19
ralsinaand I am not doing an "upgrade installer" but just a "smart installer"13:19
ralsinaAnd probably for the next release, we are dropping the bitrock autoupdater and going simpler13:20
mandelralsina, I think we can drop it and do what tey do ourselves with no ui13:20
mandelralsina, will reduce the size and make it simpler to change13:21
ralsinamandel: simpler still13:21
ralsinamandel: we can just open the upgrade page in browser13:21
mandelralsina, I'm doing sugar but I'm here for any issues and help  :D13:21
ralsinamandel: cool, appreciated :-)13:21
mandelralsina, uh, really? that is kinda ugly :P13:21
ralsinamandel: why ugly?13:21
dobeymaybe i can actually get some reviews today13:23
ralsinadobey: yes, I'll get to it in minutes13:24
mandeldobey, sure!13:24
mandeldobey, are they in that order?13:25
dobeymandel: that's the order from oldest to newest, according to my +activereviews page :)13:25
mandeldobey, ok13:26
nessitadobey: did you got my u1-cp release comment about me doing the release? any thoughts?13:30
gatoxlisette, ping13:31
dobeynessita: need to make sure there is nothing left to put in it first. do you need to do the tarball release, or just want to do the ubuntu upload?13:31
nessitadobey: I would like to do the whole process (from tagging stable branches and all, tarballing, package building)13:33
mandeldobey, did you change the tabs in https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntuone-client-gnome/list-expand/+merge/7646713:35
mandelline 2313:35
dobeymandel: my emacs does spaces instead of tabs (which is what should have been in the first place)13:36
dobeyi know, it makes the C changes annoying, but alas13:37
gatoxlisette, are you around?? :P13:37
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gatoxralsina, do you know which image is the one that should be included here? https://launchpadlibrarian.net/74424711/network_detection_wireframe.png (it's not very clear for me)13:39
mandeldobey, it would be nice to keep the same style, is it a PITA if you change that? if it is dont worry13:39
ralsinagatox: I am pretty sure that's the one with the two large icons13:40
ralsinagatox: the same one we use in two other places13:40
ralsinagatox: confirm with lisette please13:41
gatoxralsina, ok! thanks!13:41
dobeymandel: well, i tried fixing it in another branch, and it seems tabify went completely nuts and re-tabbed a bunch of unrelated things :(13:41
mandeldobey, ok, if it is a problem lets leave it like that, is not that the compiler cares13:41
mandeldobey, only thing about that branch is that you left it as table rather than vbox, is not a big thing but if it is a vbox it would be nice if the var represents that (I need to find things to complain ;) )13:46
dobeyi was minimizing changes; i have no idea why a table was ever used really. :)13:47
mandeldobey, approved anyway hehe13:47
mandeldobey, for https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntuone-client/bad-compare/+merge/76476  do we need to store tmp_path in a var at all?14:07
mandeldobey, the rest seems perfectly ok, although I hate you for the tabs hehehe14:07
dobeymandel: don't hate me, hate M-x tabify14:07
dobeymandel: and yes it has to be stored in a variable; this isn't python. we have to manage memory. we can't just let the interpreter run amok with it :)14:08
mandeldobey, ok :)14:09
nessitamandel: hi there! weren't you in a day off? :-)14:10
dobeyshhh, he's reviewing my branches14:12
nessitadobey: :-)14:13
nessitadobey: so, not sure of I got your ack re packaging u1cp... I would like to be sure we're in sync14:13
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
dobeynessita: amongst the several things i am doing simultaneously right now, is checking on whether there is anything else needed in it before a release. i will let you know14:14
nessitadobey: thanks14:14
mandeldobey, do we have tests for the c code?14:14
mandeldobey, or we just do IRL tests14:14
dobeymandel: not exactly, no. nautilus/g-s-d do not have frameworks for testing plug-ins (as does pretty much nothing else :( )14:15
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mandeldobey, is that realted to the last tweet ;)14:21
mandeldobey, I'll do an IRL then :)14:21
dobeyyes :)14:21
dobeymandel: which one are you testing?14:22
dobeymandel: bad-compare?14:23
nessitaralsina: can you please reply/comment on this bug? I'm not sure we're at with this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-windows-installer/+bug/85954814:24
ralsinanessita: already did14:24
ralsinanessita: I suspect it's a bug on the Visual Sudio runtime installer. I am waiting for filenames to verify.14:25
mandeldobey, yep, what is the best way to move foward with the IRL14:25
dobeymandel: reload the MP page. just added instructions for testing it to the description14:26
nessitaralsina: also, is there any news for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+bug/854216? I saw your internal email saying we fixed it for Portuguese but the bug has no news in it, maybe we missed a bug-branch linking?14:30
ralsinanessita: I think that was fixed by alecu's branch. I'll mark as fix-committed and ask him to test with tomorrow's release. So I'll do it tomorrow :-)14:31
nessitaralsina: can you please link the branch or close it as a dupe?14:31
ralsinaI am not really 100% sure it's a dupe14:31
ralsinabut I am pretty sure, so I'll do it.14:32
elopioalecu is not working today?14:33
mandeldobey, thx!14:34
ralsinaelopio: no, he's taking the day off and working on sugar for olpc14:35
nessitagatox: you moved this bug to fix committed but no branch is linked: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-windows-installer/+bug/828938 can you please link the branch?14:37
elopiomalditos hippies.14:38
gatoxnessita, checking....14:39
nessitagatox: also, your last comment here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-sso-client/+bug/853794 says you could reproduce, can you please add details about what is the problem?14:41
gatoxnessita, wow...... that bug belongs to pindong i think.... he was checking that14:42
gatoxnessita, i should try if i can reproduce it again now14:42
nessitagatox: ok, can you please update the bug properly, and assign to pindonga if he's looking into it? also, if it's a SSO issue we need to affect canonical-identity-provider project14:43
gatoxnessita, ok...... i'll check that14:44
dobeyugh, it is hard to understand some of these bugs14:44
gatoxnessita, give me a couple of minutes...... i'm finishing with network detection14:44
nessitagatox: sure14:45
nessitamandel: can you please link the branch that solves the autoupdate with https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-control-panel/+bug/845659 ?14:47
nessitabu, my IRc connection went down and I did not noticed15:15
gord*cough* sure would be nice if my instant photo uploads got added to the messaging menu like google plus does with its notification thing ;)15:19
mandelnessita, yes15:28
mandelnessita, that bug is for control panel but it was fixed and lined in the ubuntuone-windows-installer15:29
mandelnessita, I'll change the project and will make it as a duplicate of the installer one15:30
nessitamandel: thanks15:30
dobeylunch time bbiab15:35
dobeynessita: we'll chat after lunch re: releases :)15:35
nessitadobey: ok15:36
nessitaralsina: I see you added the tag windows to some bug reports, could you please use the "official" tag instead? (u1-zomg-windows) Since the tags are global to all LP, using only 'windows' may be too generic15:41
ralsinanessita: I think the bug report guide we were giving to the testers said to tag as windows15:42
ralsinaand I thought u1-zomg was only while we were on zomg mode15:42
ralsinaSo, maybe u1-windows?15:42
nessitaralsina: maybe, though I would like to stick to only one tag... can we change the guide report?15:43
ralsinanessita: could you ask joshuahoover? I think he's the one who wrote it, and I am trying to finish this thing15:43
nessitaralsina: sure!15:44
joshuahoovernessita: i'll have to create an faq for that for users interested in filing bugs going forward and i'll be sure to note that in any emails we send out in the future related to windows15:45
nessitajoshuahoover: thanks... so which tag will we using? I like u1-zomg-windows since we have tons of bug already tagged with that15:46
joshuahoovernessita: hmmm...i'd prefer to not use that for users :) i can run a script to update those to u1-windows...what do you think?15:46
nessitajoshuahoover: hum, better no update. Can we tell the users to use u1-windows instead? (we should make that an official tag)15:47
joshuahoovernessita: yep, but what about the existing ones (u1-zomg-windows), want those tagged u1-windows as well?15:47
nessitajoshuahoover: hum... maybe, if we don't loose the zomg one?15:48
nessitamandel: are you sure https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-windows-installer/auto-update-python-only/+merge/76047 fixes the bug linked? I looked the diff very quick and I think that is the autoupdater branch, but not the one that updates from an old beta. Or am I missing something?15:49
joshuahoovernessita: yep, i can run a script to add u1-windows to those15:49
nessitajoshuahoover: sounds great :-)15:49
joshuahoovernessita: while still keeping u1-zomg-windows15:49
elopioahhh, it seems that you have to sign syncdaemon exe too.15:52
ralsinaelopio: it should have been signed15:56
elopioralsina, how can I tell if it's signed or not? The issue is #85974815:58
ralsinabug #85974815:59
ralsinaelopio: if you go with windows explorer and hover the pointer over it, it should tell you. Or right-click->properties15:59
ralsinaI may have missed checking one signature, though16:00
elopioralsina, no, its signed.16:01
elopioso, we can go back to blame windows and its firewall :)16:01
ralsinaelopio: then I have no idea whatsoever :-/16:01
nessitadobey: let me know when you're back from lunch16:02
gatoxnessita, ping16:06
nessitagatox: pong16:06
gatoxnessita, do you want to have a quick mumble to determine the priority of some new bugs?16:06
nessitagatox: sure, let's16:06
nessitaI'm there16:07
gordhey all, i just noticed that u1 appears to have charged my three times for the same album, banshee was having problems and i was actually getting 403 errors whenever i got to the payment page when trying to buy the album, any way i can reverse that?16:07
joshuahoovergord: hi, sorry about that...did you submit a request to https://one.ubuntu.com/help/contact ? if so, we'll get that refunded for you...if you haven't, please do and we'll get it taken care of16:10
gordjoshuahoover, nope, i'll go do that now, thanks :)16:11
joshuahoovergord: thanks16:11
joshuahoovernessita: script is running now to add u1-windows tag to those with u1-zomg-windows16:16
dobeynessita: hi16:17
nessitajoshuahoover: great!16:17
nessitadobey: hi there16:17
nessitadobey: I'm all eyes16:17
ryegord, could you please clarify, how did these 403 pages look? were they styled or raw regular apache responses?16:19
dobeynessita: ok. i just made a 2.0.0 milestone on u1cp and am targeting some bugs to it right now. could you go through the u1cp windows bugs and target them to it as well?16:19
nessitadobey: sure. So, is there any pending branch to land in u1cp?16:20
gordrye, 504, don't know why i said 403, and yeah standard looking errors, this was a few days ago though16:20
dobeynessita: no, it doesn't seem so.16:20
nessitadobey: anyways, I think the last stable release for O should not be 2.0 (I agree we can have that for P)16:20
nessitadobey: what motivations are there behind the 2.0?16:20
dobeynessita: i think they should be 2.016:20
nessitadobey: can you please share why?16:21
ryegord, interesting. Ok, understood16:21
dobeyversion alignment with windows release, and future versions won't be gtk2.x based, but rather qt or 3.x (and i think we should switch to 3.x version numbers when we make those changes for P)16:21
nessitadobey: from my POV, there hasn't been changes in the ubuntu version of the u1cp in order to move it to 2.0. What about having a 2.0 when moving the Ubuntu version to qt/gtk3?16:22
nessitadobey: (though I don't have strong feelings about this)16:22
dobeynessita: i'm not sure waht 'changes' would be necessary for your POV, but i think the version alignment is much more important than whatever they are :)16:23
dobeynessita: ubuntu-sso-client is the only thing i am up in the air about calling 2.0, because it's not really part of "ubuntu one"16:24
nessitadobey: right, and is already released under 1.4.0 as the stable version. We can consider a change when we migrate to gtk3 (sso does not depend on twisted so it should be doable)16:25
nessitadobey: ok then, let's release 2.0. So, after the milestone targeting, I will start the stable branching and release for u1cp, I've been looking forward to do it :-)16:25
dobeywell, the tests depend on twisted. and they don't like my gtk2/gi reactor either :(16:26
ralsinafor the relase-after-this-one, windows should release from stable branches too16:26
nessitadobey: right, anyways, we'll take care of that after UDS, I would guess16:26
dobeyralsina: really, i would like to see the windows release being from tarball releases, or at least the bzr tags for those tarballs16:27
ralsinadobey: from bzr tags is easiest16:28
nessitajoshuahoover: can you please share with me your script? I would like to target the u1-zomg-windows bug to the 2.0.0 milestone16:28
joshuahoovernessita: sure16:28
dobeyralsina: right, i don't know how it's being built exactly. we can discuss those details later :)16:28
ralsinadobey: cool16:28
nessitadobey: anything else you wanted to talk about releases? any change I need to add/remove to the .install files?16:30
dobeynessita: btw, after the tarball release is made/uploaded to LP, please make sure to deactivate the milestone, so people can't target new bugs to it after release16:30
nessitadobey: nice one, I didn't know we can deactivate a milestone16:31
dobeynessita: yes there are a couple small packaging changes that need to be made. ping me after you finish targeting the windows bugs, and make the tarball release and i'll explain the packaging changes that are needed16:31
nessitadobey: great, I will16:32
joshuahoovernessita: http://paste.ubuntu.com/697361/ and then look in (the server code) utilities/milestone for changing the milestone on bugs16:32
dobeynessita: it's the default when you make a release on the LP ui; i guess the script you were using to make the releases sets it to keep the milestone active :-/16:32
nessitadobey: I was using lp-upload-project16:32
nessitadobey: it creates the milestone if it does not exist, I'm not sure if keeps the milestone active16:33
dobeynessita: right; i have no idea what it does by default.16:33
dobeynessita: well i guess it keeps them active, since i had to go through and deactive a whole bunch of milestones :)16:33
nessitadobey: I ll check after using it in a while16:33
nessitajoshuahoover: thanks, I'll play with that16:34
dobeynessita: ok, thanks. you are still on 11.04 right?16:34
nessitadobey: yeap, planning on upgrading to O this week. I have a pbuilder for O though, that I used for building the sso package16:37
dobeynessita: ok. i think lp-project-upload was moved into lptools; but you wouldn't see that in oneiric if you're using the ubuntu-dev-tools packaged version16:38
nessitadobey: thanks for the tip, I've found a bug in it the week before holiday and I branched dev-tools to propose a patch, and couldn't find the script :-)16:40
nessitanow I see why16:40
dobeyah, yes that would be why :)16:42
nessitadobey: shall I target to milestone 2.0 all u1cp bugs or also u1client windows bugs?16:43
dobeynessita: don't worry about u1client yet. just u1cp for now16:46
dobeynessita: client still has a branch or 3 that need to go in i think. and i haven't made milestone for it (or anything else) yet16:47
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
nessitadobey: ok, we can reuse the script later then16:49
dobeynessita: reuse what script?16:49
nessitadobey: the one I'm using to target the u1cp windows bugs to the 2.0 milestone16:50
dobeynessita: oh; you are writing a script to do that?16:50
dobeyhrmm, i think mandel stopped in the middle of reviewing my branch :-/16:51
nessitadobey: I'm trying to, yes, using some help from joshua who already have some cool scripts16:51
dobeyhmm, ok16:51
ralsinadobey: I know I already asked 2 times before, but I swear I now have a review slot open, which one should I look at :-)16:52
dobeyhttps://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntuone-client/launcher-botchup/+merge/76985 is trivial16:52
dobeyhttps://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntuone-client/bad-compare/+merge/76476 less so16:52
dobeyhttps://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntuone-client-gnome/gsd-schema/+merge/76771 even more less so :)16:52
ralsinaok, going in decreasing order of triviality16:54
elopiodo you have the number of the clock issue?17:29
elopioI can't find it, to mark as a duplicate my bug.17:29
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
nessitaelopio: sure, let me grab it17:34
nessitaelopio: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-control-panel/+bug/69259717:34
ubot4Launchpad bug 692597 in ubuntuone-control-panel (Ubuntu) (and 3 other projects) "If the user has the date wrong, connection fails (affects: 11) (dups: 3) (heat: 48)" [Medium,Triaged]17:34
dobeynessita: how is the milestoning/release coming?17:40
nessitadobey: writtting release notes on u1cp now17:40
nessitadobey: mving to the package now. Wanna give me those hints about what's needed at package level?17:41
elopiothanks nessita.17:41
dobeynessita: the .desktop file is gone. and ubuntuone-control-panel-gtk package needs to have a Depends on ubuntuone-installer17:42
nessitadobey: ack. Something else?17:42
dobeyi *think* that's it, let me check17:43
dobeynessita: indeed, seems to be just those two things17:45
nessitadobey: ack. Question about packaging (for another project, magicicada): how can I make the package to install a source_magicicada.py file under the apport hooks? the setup.py is not installing that file nowhere ATM, and at first that is intended (arguments are that not every linux  distribution install to the same location)17:46
dobeynessita: well, other linux distributions don't have apport, either; it's an ubuntu thing. so installing it there on other distros really doesn't matter since it wouldn't be used anyway; and all ubuntu-derived distros that don't get rid of apport, will use it.17:52
dobeynessita: but if you just want to install it from the packaging you can do so in an install file, but using such a file in a package that results in only 1 binary package is annoying17:53
dobeynessita: you can also install it in the rules file, by overriding the appropriate install rule depending on which system you're using for the packaging (dh, cdbs, etc)17:54
nessitadobey: so, for educational purposes, how can I use the .install file to do that? since, if the setup.py does not install it, then I can't make any reference to tmp/debian/foo, no?17:55
dobeynessita: data/source_magicicada.py  usr/share/apport/package-hooks/17:56
nessitadobey: ah, makes sense (but did not try that). Thanks!17:56
dobeynessita: along with whatever other files need to be in that package, listed as you normally would with just the path to the files/directories17:57
nessitadobey: great. Another packaging question: when writing the debian/changelog, shall I add all the changelog entries added to the tarball changelog? or shall I filter only those that will end up in a binary package only? (meaning, shall I list all the QT changes we're releasing(17:58
dobeynessita: just list the changes relevant to ubuntu; we don't ship the qt code on ubuntu yet17:59
nessitadobey: ok, I was wondering since the source package will have the qt source in it17:59
nessita(but no binary will)17:59
dobeyin fact, i think i added an rm -rf to debian/rules to delete those files after installing17:59
dobeyi did either in cp or in sso18:00
dobeydon't recall exactly18:00
nessitadobey: probably sso, u1cp rules looks "standard"18:00
dobeyralsina: did you give up on reviewing my non-trivial branches too? :P18:00
ralsinadobey: got sidetracked when was running the tests on the semi-trivial one18:01
nessitadobey: so, to confirm I get this right, the qt code will end up in the source package, right?18:01
dobeynessita: well it is in the tarball, yes; but it is not in the binary packages. the debian/changelog is more about what affects ubuntu directly. for instance, the typo fix to setup.py i wouldn't normally list as a change in debian/changelog18:02
nessitadobey: what would you list? a link to a documentation answering me is welcomed as well18:03
dobeyi don't think there is a specific document dealing with this situation. :)18:03
nessitadobey: ok, I'll use my criteria then, and I'll learn from reviews/feedback18:04
dobeynessita: i would list the bugs that affect the ubuntu release of the project. ie, bugs filed against "ubuntuone-control-panel (Ubuntu)" in this case. and if some bugs should be filed there, but aren't, i would update those bugs first, so that they are. but the windows-related bits, i would just leave right out18:04
nessitadobey: makes sense, thanks18:05
nessita(I kinda did that)18:05
nessitaconfirming all bugs had his ubuntu bug as well...18:05
dobeynessita: and you are updating the packaging in the bzr branch, that had the typo fix to debian/control already applied, right?18:06
gatoxnessita, please re-review: https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntu-sso-client/captcha-refresh/+merge/7662118:06
nessitadobey: not sure what you mean, could you translate that to code/filenames? :-D18:06
nessitagatox: sure18:06
nessitadobey: I mean, I know what you're referring to, not sure I'm doing all that needs to be done18:07
dobeynessita: you branched lp:ubuntu/ubuntuone-control-panel afresh to update for this release?18:07
dobeynessita: ok, great. thanks18:08
nessitadownloaded the tarball, used bzr mrge-upstream with the tarball18:08
gatoxnessita, i just realized that i added about 50 lines of test for 3 lines of code... Win!18:08
nessitadobey: I now understand what you meant. And the answer is yes.18:08
dobeynessita: yep. i just wanted to make sure, as there is a change in it which hasn't been uploaded yet, and i wanted to make sure that change isn't lost :)18:08
nessitadobey: right, so my changelog will have these 2 UNRELEASED entries: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/697410/18:10
dobeyright; though UNRELEASED seems weird to me; but i won't bother questioning colin on that :)18:11
nessitadobey: ack18:11
dobeynessita: also, please use your canonical e-mail there18:12
nessitadobey: yes18:12
nessitadobey: is there a way to swicth between addresses depending on what package I'm building/releasing?18:13
nessitadobey: I have DEBEMAIL=nataliabidart@gmail.com, not sure how can I use that in a way that canonical email is used in some places, and gmail in some others18:14
dobeyi don't think there is an easy way to change that based on what package you're building, no :(18:14
nessitadobey: what's the rationale behind using my canonical email address?18:15
dobeyif bzr-builddeb defaulted to using the e-mail address configured in bzr to commit as, you could do some neat stuff in locations.conf for that, by using directory structure18:15
dobeynessita: well, if you are an ubuntu developer, you should use your ubuntu address, but this is something for work, so you should use your canonical e-mail; same as for when you commit to branches for work and such18:16
nessitaack, I'll try to remember to do the switch... or I may just change to default canonical email address18:18
dobeyi wonder why bzr-builddeb doesn't do that; shouldn't be hard for it to do18:20
dobeyand would be a really nice feature18:20
nessitadobey: I will make u1cp depend on u1client 2.0, so let me know when that's released so I propose this branch for merging18:21
nessita(for consistency sake u1cp 2.0.0 should depend on u1client 2.0.0)18:22
dobeynessita: you can propose it now. if it gets uploaded, it will just wait for new client, to build.18:22
nessitadobey: ah, nice18:22
nessitadobey: Depends on ubuntuone-installer at any particular version?18:23
dobeynessita: i am not sure it needs a particular version for that, but you can make it 2.0.0 also if you want18:23
dobeyi will make a 2.0 release of that too18:24
dobeyi guess i could do that now, since i don't really need to do any other work on it right now18:24
dobeynessita: btw, the milestone is still active :)18:25
gatoxnessita, ping18:25
nessitadobey: looking18:25
dobeynessita: can you deactivate it please?18:25
nessitagatox: pong18:25
nessitadobey: sure, give me a sec18:25
dobeynessita: sure. i could do it right now, but i want you to, so you know how :)18:26
nessitadobey: of course18:26
gatoxnessita, do you know of anywhere in the code where ubuntu_sso.networkstate.linux functions are used?? i can't find it... (not the tests, somewhere in the rest of the coode)18:26
nessitadobey: shall I change the 'series' linked to the 2.0.0 milestone to be the stable-2-0 series?18:27
nessitagatox: u1cp uses, not sso18:27
gatoxnessita, ok, thanks18:27
dobeynessita: no…18:27
nessitadobey: why no? (trying to understand the logic behind that)18:28
dobeynessita: because i have no idea how LP behaves when one does that. it seems like something that would result in the universe exploding18:29
dobeyand i don't think debian/watch deals well with that18:30
nessitadobey: all done, included stable branch, bump of development version, and bump of packaging branch18:47
dobeynessita: ok, thanks18:48
nessitadobey: thank you. Want me to do this for u1storageprotocol? (I'm not offering for u1clien because I need to learn autothings for that - also I know there are some pending branches)18:49
dobeynessita: sure. i don't know what bugs need to be targeted to the 2.0.0 milestone, or if there are any, but should be pretty trivial to figure that out. :)18:52
* nessita on it18:52
nessitagatox: https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntu-sso-client/captcha-refresh/+merge/76621 lint issues18:53
gatoxnessita, ack18:53
dobeynessita: or actually, maybe it is better for me to do the packaging bit for protocol, as i have upload privs18:53
dobeynessita: but you can set up the milestone and make the tarball release, and let me know when it's ready to package.18:54
nessitadobey: perfect18:54
ralsinaWatching all the windows bugs pass by is either making me feel like we accomplished something, or as if the matrix is in the fritz19:00
dobeyralsina: deja vu?19:03
ralsinadobey: yes, and a vague sense of alarm19:04
dobeyralsina: pay no attention to the man behind the curtain19:04
ralsinaif there is a man behind the curtain, I am calling the cops19:04
dobeysigh; i think it's going to rain again soon19:11
nessitadobey: all done with storage protocol except packaging bits (but stable branch is done, release bump for development done, and release bump in packaging branch done)19:14
ralsinadobey: +1 on bad-compare, I am running tests on the third branch19:15
ralsinaand.... going to pick up the wee beast from school. See you all in a while19:15
rmcbrideand now I need to figure out how to get SST to do shit that I haven't done before. Which means looking at the current code19:17
dobeynessita: ok, thanks19:18
nessitadobey: let me know if I can something else in this front19:18
nessitaI will keep triaging bugs now, and I will start the O upgrade...19:18
nessitaralsina: ^ (FYI)19:18
gatoxnessita, done, u1lint checked and rechecked: https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntu-sso-client/captcha-refresh/+merge/7662119:19
dobeycrikey we have a lot of projects19:19
dobeynessita: you use "classic gnome" right?19:19
nessitadobey: "classic" is a way of looking at it... I have it heavily customized, but yes, is not unity19:19
dobeynessita: prepare to be very disappointed.19:20
nessitadobey: meaning?19:20
dobeynessita: meaning all that configuration you had will be meaningless19:20
nessitahow come?19:20
nessitadobey: meaning, not even I will be able to configure it again?19:21
dobeynessita: because gnome3 also has a "non-3d mode" thing, that seems to use gnome-panel and stuff, but forces a certain panel/applet configuration, which i haven't yet figured out how to change preceisely to what i had before i upgraded :(19:21
nessitadobey: argh... that just kills my spirit of upgrading19:22
dobeynessita: yeah, it's why i haven't upgraded my workstation yet. i upgraded my smaller laptop, and was very very upset with the result :(19:23
dobeyi am not sure what to do about it yet either19:23
nessitadobey: I might try first in the laptop then19:23
nessitawill let you know how it went19:23
nessitagatox: I sitll have lint issues19:25
nessita    761:  [C0103, FakeControllerForCaptcha.addErrback] Invalid name "addErrback" (should match ([a-z_][a-z0-9_]{2,79}$|setUp|tearDown))19:25
gatoxnessita, just uploaded that a while ago, maybe launchpad didn't rescan the branch yet19:26
nessitagatox: re branchinf19:26
nessitagatox: re branching*19:26
dobeyand i only upgraded my laptop because i figured i should be running it at UDS :)19:26
gatoxnessita, npo...... i write the push and never press enter :P19:26
* gatox pressing enter19:26
nessitagatox: I will charge a ninja ide t-shirt for this ;-)19:27
gatoxnessita, okok jeejje19:27
nessitagatox: small for me, thanks19:27
gatoxnessita, the U1 team will be walking advertising! jejee19:28
* nessita -> mate making19:29
dobeyninja ide que estan?19:29
tarvidHow do I check the progress on synchronization?19:29
gatoxdobey, what?19:29
dobeygatox: what is ninja ide?19:30
dobeytarvid: can you be more specific about what version you're running, and on what os version?19:30
gatoxdobey, an IDE for python: http://www.ninja-ide.org/ (it's a project that i do in my free time :P)19:30
dobeygatox: what font is that? comic sans?19:31
tarvidUbuntu 11.0419:32
tarvidNo handy version indication19:32
gatoxdobey, yukarimobile19:32
dobeytarvid: a progress bar should show up on top of the u1 icon in the launcher on the left side of the screen, while it is synchronizing19:33
tarvidI am not using Unity19:33
tarvidMaybe that is the little red dot that is no moving19:34
dobeytarvid: not sure what little red dot you're talking about; we don't really have any progress indication outside of unity, at the moment19:35
tarvidUbuntu One Control Panel, Under the line Using x of 5.0GB, there may be a progress bar and I have a red tot under the U in Using19:36
tarvidIs there a CLI API19:37
tarvidI live with SSH on most of my machines19:37
tarvidI am on satellite at home with a FAP of 400 MB per day and Ubuntu One could kill me if I can't control it19:38
tarvidI am an old geek who can read but suffers from geriatric agitation with incopmprehensible GUIs with bad color schemes and limited documentation19:41
dobeyu1sdtool -s will show status, and there is a --current-transfers i think as well19:41
dobeybut it doesn't easily work over ssh19:41
tarvidits moving19:45
tarvidno rate19:45
tarvidtime for the stopwatch19:45
tarvidcan I share content with others?19:46
dobeyyou can share a directory to someone else, yes19:46
* ralsina is back19:46
tarvida file19:47
tarvidby url?19:47
ralsinatarvid: currently there is no way to share a single file. BUT you can publish it, and noone should be able to guess the URL unless you give it to him19:47
dobeywhat he said19:47
tarvidwhat does "publish" mean in this sense19:48
dobeymake public19:48
dobeyvia a URL19:48
dobeythe person opening it does not have to have an account on u119:49
tarvidInvalid OpenID transaction19:51
tarvidRequires me to change my password19:52
tarvidNot sure how you can do this for free, I may push enough to need the $30/year account20:03
tarvidI should haver found that myself - apropos ubuntuone20:04
dobeythe idea of having a service as a business, is for people to pay for using that service, yes :)20:11
tarvidu1sdtool shows the transfer is complete, Nautilus still shows the file as synchronizing20:32
tarvidand the folder does not show up on a second machine20:34
dobeyis the folder under ~/Ubuntu One, or is it something shared to you, or another folder you marked as synchronized?20:35
nessitagatox: lint issues in https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-windows-installer/captcha-refresh/+merge/7662220:36
dobeyralsina: did you finish testing my other branch?20:36
gatoxnessita, ralsina review please: https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntu-sso-client/network-detect/+merge/77048  -  https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-windows-installer/network-detect/+merge/7704920:36
gatoxnessita, ralsina launchpad not updated yet, but i have to leave for a while.....20:36
gatoxnessita, will fix that before leave20:37
nessitagatox: ack20:37
ralsinadobey: got sidetracked while reviewing the 3rd, should have it in a bit or two20:39
dobeyok, thanks20:40
dobeyi think i will have to do the releases for ubuntuone-client and ubuntuone-client-gnome in the morning at this point anyway20:40
tarvidwrong link20:42
gatoxok, EOD, see you tomorrow...... or later :P20:47
tarvidI need to stop uploads from my laptop20:49
dobeyhave go to too; have a good evening all20:51
tarvidsmall disaster20:54
tarvidI have two uploads "waiting" for which the transfer shouled be complete20:54
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nessitaI'm off crowd21:09
nessitasee ya tomorrow!21:10

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