
charlie-tcaI really got to go today. I will see all you good people tomorrow. GridCube, good luck.00:03
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=== Exio|Away is now known as Exio
ochosimicahg: ping09:32
Exioups.. sorry09:58
micahgochosi: pong13:49
ochosihey micah13:50
ochosii wanted to ask you about thunderbird's new monochrome toolbar-icons13:50
ochosiat the moment those are broken13:50
ochosigreybird uses a bright grey toolbar and the icons in thunderbird are white13:51
ochosiit's bug 85693913:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 856939 in murrine-themes (Ubuntu) "Default Thunderbird icons in Oneiric unusable with Greybird" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85693913:51
ochosido you have any clue whom i could ask about that?13:52
ochosi(i already checked a few themes, it seems that the color of the icons depends on the background-color of the menus)13:52
ochosior do you know what i could do about that?13:52
micahgdefine "broken", I saw the bug, but I don't see the problem13:53
ochosiright, well the problem is that the monochrome color is chosen wrongly13:53
ochosiit doesn't depend on the toolbar-background13:53
ochosiso white on light-grey is barely readable13:53
ochosibut it can happen the other way round as well13:53
ochosibright menus and dark toolbar > dark monochrome icons = barely readable13:53
micahgah, I guess I don't have the text on13:54
ochosik :)13:54
micahgchrisccoulson would be the person, but he's on vacation ATM13:54
ochosioh :(13:54
ochosianyone else?13:54
ochosiyay! :)13:55
micahgI have a meeting in 5 minutes though13:55
ochosiuntil when?13:55
ochosior: when would you have time?13:55
micahgan hour or 214:00
ochosii don't know if i'll still be around then14:01
ochosibut if you can take a look at the problem and ping me that would be great14:01
charlie-tcaGood morning14:39
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #xubuntu-devel to: Xubuntu Development | Oneiric Ocelot Beta2 released | #xubuntu for support | Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricReleaseSchedule | Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu | Xubuntu Community meeting 2011-10-03 at 19:00 UTC | Oneiric Ocelot images at http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/
charlie-tcaThis is an interesting bug... Bug 78411515:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 784115 in gmusicbrowser (Ubuntu) "gmusicbrowser is absent from Preferred Applications in Unity" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78411515:57
charlie-tcaI have to wonder if Unity will add it ?15:59
* micahg wonders where "Preferred applications" is in unity15:59
charlie-tcaAren't they still using a white-list for such things?16:00
micahgcharlie-tca: no idea, can you find out and I can try to make the necessary changes?16:03
charlie-tcamicahg: I will find out what to do to get it added16:16
micahgcharlie-tca: thanks16:25
charlie-tcaOh, by the way, we do have new images today!17:19
micahgooh, alternate dropped 2MB in size17:20
* micahg wonders what we lost17:23
charlie-tcapleia2: can we publish http://2tu.us/3jei on the website news, please?17:30
pleia2charlie-tca: newsletter or fridge.ubuntu?17:33
charlie-tcaboth, if we can, I think. I don't really know.17:34
pleia2I can add it to fridge17:34
pleia2just requested access17:34
charlie-tcaIt is limited to Xubuntu Users team on launchpad, but I need as much exposure announcing it as possible17:34
charlie-tca600 users, should be able to get two nominations, I hope.17:35
pleia2is the text in this document the same as the -news-team post?17:36
pleia2ok, I'll just post and link to that then17:36
charlie-tcaOkay, thank you17:36
charlie-tcaI am not so good at this kind of stuff, I just wanted to get it out there17:36
pleia2charlie-tca: I assume when you say "either mailing list" you mean -users or -devel?17:40
madnickmorning :)17:42
micahgmadnick: what TZ are you in?17:43
charlie-tcapleia2: yes, since I pushed the announcement to both mailing lists.17:48
charlie-tcaWe have people that do testing of the development releases that never get to -devel17:48
madnickmicahg: well GMT+117:49
madnickSo its 8 in the evening :) but i sleept in :P17:49
pleia2charlie-tca: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2011/09/26/nominations-for-xubuntu-project-lead-2011/17:49
micahgmadnick: heh17:49
charlie-tcafirefox gets slower and slower, I think17:50
charlie-tcapleia2: thank you very much17:50
micahgcharlie-tca: it should be getting faster17:51
charlie-tcaI know17:51
charlie-tcabut loading almost all pages seems to take a long time now17:51
charlie-tcaat least in Oneiric17:52
pleia2fridge is slow today17:53
knomeany ubuntu web stuff slow(ish) everyday :(17:53
charlie-tcaIt was getting faster, but now it is slower again. I even got that busy error today when updating the wiki17:56
Olbihello :D17:57
charlie-tcaHello, Olbi 17:58
madnickmicahg: ive tried blueman some more, but i cant tell you which one works best18:44
madnickI can tell you that, indeed they work :P18:44
madnickim not sure about when the computer gets prompted to accept a key18:49
madnickBasically those prompts dont go away18:54
madnicki ran dist-upgrade and got ask.com as search engine19:31
madnickis that the new thing?19:32
charlie-tcaThat's a bug19:38
charlie-tcaIs it the only search engine?19:38
ochosimicahg: hey, did you get anywhere with thunderbird?19:52
madnickcharlie-tca: yes it is19:58
charlie-tcamicahg: Do you know about this bug in firefox removing all search engines except 'ask.com' ? latest update19:59
Unit193I have all the ones I normally do (Ask is in there, not sure if it's new thougfh)20:00
micahgcharlie-tca: should be fixed with the ubuntu4 update20:00
micahgonly affected those that upgraded to ubuntu1 or ubuntu220:00
charlie-tcaum, madnick just got hit by it20:00
micahgochosi: sorry, haven't had time to look yet20:00
charlie-tcamadnick: run updates again20:01
micahgmadnick: what version is firefox?20:01
micahgmadnick: re blueman> idk, you said the new version didn't crash, I guess that's one up on the old one20:01
madnickmicahg: thats true :) but the popup thing is kinda annoying20:02
madnickPerhaps it should be like that, i guess20:02
micahgmadnick: did the old version have that?20:02
madnickNot that I recall, i just wiped the hdd of the testing computer to install todays image, i can try again20:03
charlie-tcaSo it is today's image?20:04
madnickNo i did the dist upgrade last night20:04
madnickWhen installing from micahg's PPA20:04
ochosimicahg: if you get a chance to look at it please let me know, it's really a prominent *and* ugly bug :(20:04
charlie-tcaYeah, should be able to run updates and fix it then20:04
micahgtoday's images shouldn't be affected (at least not the alternate)20:05
charlie-tcaochosi: I didn't think it was that bad; at the icons are visible, even if you have to squint a bit.20:05
micahgyeah, today's images should be fine WRT the search engines20:06
charlie-tcamicahg: thank you20:07
madnickam i the only one testing blueman? that is scary O_o20:09
ochosicharlie-tca: hm, yeah, dunno, i'm just trying to get whatever i can fixed (and currently almost everything is fixed) ;)20:09
charlie-tcamadnick: most of us don't have anything bluetooth20:10
charlie-tcaochosi: As long as you got time to fix things like that, every fix makes it a little bit better. :)20:10
madnickwell, ill do my best, im just waiting for the install20:11
madnickIm gonna compare it i wrote some stuff down20:11
ochosicharlie-tca: i already squashed 6 gtk3 bugs today, finally getting to the sprint20:12
charlie-tcaYou do know you have the only gtk3 xfce theme out, right?20:12
charlie-tcaAnd it works!20:13
ochosiit'll work better as soon as i've pushed the fixes20:20
ochosibut i need to spend another day/night on it i think20:20
mr_pouitI think the xubuntu-docs upload got accepted20:37
mr_pouit(so, even if they aren't up-to-date, they'll at least show "11.10" on the webpages)20:37
charlie-tcayes, I think it did. Thank you for updating it20:37
madnick"the installer encountered an unrecoverable error"20:38
madnickOn todays live images20:39
micahgochosi: BTW, final freeze is Thursday at 21:00 UTC20:39
charlie-tcaHm, which image?20:39
charlie-tcaor both?20:39
madnickPermission denied /proc/4299/environ20:40
ochosimicahg: yeah i know, that's why i'm a bit pushy now (sry bout that btw)20:40
madnickthis one:20:40
charlie-tcaOkay, will see what I can find20:41
madnickim gonna try to run the installer from the desktop it dropped me to20:41
madnickFailed, ubiquity crashed 20:42
madnickoh gridcubes testing interface has crashed20:43
charlie-tcamadnick: I think you are correct. The image won't work today20:43
madnicknope :(20:44
madnickDoes the alternate images work?20:44
charlie-tcaThey should, yes20:47
Unit193But... It just synced... So did alt though20:50
charlie-tcaI see the same traceback in both images, I suspect desktop images are bad today20:52
charlie-tcaubiquity fails to start20:53
charlie-tcahm, I can't install Ubuntu or Xubuntu desktop images today20:59

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