
* apachelogger waves fist at slow lunchpad00:19
apacheloggerfreenode is totally boring tonight -.-00:28
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: I'm trying to remember what you asked, what I answered and why you asked why not01:03
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: good, because I had to remember what you answered to :P01:48
apacheloggersince apparently I started the conversation I'd argue it had to do with prn or I could easily draw a connection01:49
apacheloggeroh right01:50
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: it was about whether you can commit prn upstream to cause a riot01:50
apacheloggerdocumentation porn02:23
Daskreechah nice02:24
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: ahh, right. No. I cannot commit anything upstream anywhere yet.02:25
DarkwingDuckI like my new computer. Just waiting to get my SSD tomorrow so I can finish setting up my system.02:27
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: so.... why not? :P02:30
DarkwingDuckUmmmmmm. Because I have not actually sent anything upstream 02:30
apacheloggerpostpone the work item then :P02:31
DarkwingDuckIt's a time thing. Yeah, i need to start contributing to upstream more.02:34
DarkwingDuckAre going to want a meeting prior to UDS to hash out what we want to cover at UDS?02:42
apacheloggerif someone bothers to organize one02:47
DarkwingDuckAfter tomorrow I'll have my email back. I'll set one up.02:52
ScottKShouldn't you have a pre-meeting for that to make sure it's well organized?04:13
DarkwingDuckScottK: LOL Yeah, prolly but, you never know :P04:55
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: You still awake?05:05
DarkwingDuckWow, Kubuntu detected the 3G modem in this thing.05:06
txwikingerwhy do I alsways have to remove .kde after upgrade?06:02
txwikingerThat is ridiculous06:02
txwikingerwhere are all the knetworkmanager info stored?06:05
txwikingerfound it06:15
valoriespeaking of networkmanager, has anyone else noticed that since 4.7, nmgr no long auto-connects?08:37
valorieor is it just me08:37
valoriereally annoying when I forget that I have to click the wireless in the menu Every Time08:38
Mamarokworks here08:40
shadeslayervalorie: wfm as well08:41
valoriehmmm, it was brand new behavior with 4.708:42
valoriebut only on this laptop -- netbook is normal08:42
shadeslayerhey bambee08:53
bambeeCould a kubuntu dev upload kde-workspace-4.7.1-0ubuntu4 please ? (see lp:~kubuntu-packagers)08:53
bambeekde-workspace-4.7.1-0ubuntu4 == patches cherry-picked from upstream + A fix for inotify_add_watch 08:54
bambeerbelem: poke me if you want some help to fix mobile-settings, I need this fix to get kubuntu-low-fat-settings working on my ac100 :)09:04
bambeeI mean, I've time :)09:05
* shadeslayer noms a cookie and looks around09:25
ryanakcaMamarok: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/amarok-243-berlin-released10:38
ryanakcaMamarok: An image should show up momentarily.10:39
ryanakcaMamarok: There.10:42
ryanakcaScottK: Our image uploading RT is complete. At some point somebody (i.e. me, unless someone volunteers) will have to go through all of the past news stories and move the images to www.k.o10:44
ScottKryanakca: Cool.10:44
Mamarokryanakca: thanks a lot!11:15
rbelemapachelogger, i will take a look on that11:42
rbelembambee, which changes need to be done? :-)11:42
rbelemapachelogger, rsalveti confirmed that we can build linaro images from a ppa :-D11:43
bambee_rbelem: startkde overrides KDEDIRS on netbooks/mobiles , it conflicts with /etc/X11/Xsession.d/50lowfat11:43
rbelembambee_, hum... lets fix that11:44
bambee_in apachelogger's opinion KDEDIRS should not be exported from startkde11:44
rbelembambee_, how do i get /etc/X11/Xsession.d/50lowfat11:44
bambee_rbelem: apt-get source kubuntu-low-fat-settings11:45
rbelembambee_, i agree with that11:45
bambee_me too11:46
* rbelem starts to take a look on startkde11:48
bambee_rbelem: the problem is 50lowfat is executed before startkde :)11:49
bambee_if startkde is invoked with "netbook" or "mobile" as first argument, KDEDIRS is overriden and then lowfat is not used11:50
rbelembambee_, lets remove 50lowfat from /etc/X11/Xsession.d and create an entry in the startkubuntu script11:51
rbelemwhat do you think?11:51
bambee_I don't know what startkubuntu is... do you have a link or something?11:52
rbelembambee_, it would be a script containing the modifications that currently are in startkde11:53
bambee_it could be a solution... :)11:53
rbelembambee_, nice :-)11:53
rbelembambee_, i will move the stuff to it and then i paste it to you11:54
bambee_awesome! thanks 11:54
bambee_in this way no modifications would made to startkde ? (except bugfixes)11:57
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
rbelembambee_, yup :-)12:10
rbelembambee_, it would be nice if we could upstream these bugfixes12:10
bambee_rbelem: don't compute fixes for netbook and mobile are not upstream12:27
txwikingerWhy do we always have to rm .kde after an upgrade?13:06
txwikingerThat is not very user-friendly for the non-technical user13:06
apacheloggerwe don't13:14
bambee_rbelem: what is the link you pasted yesterday about kubuntu-mobile ? (on LP)13:18
bambee_apachelogger: can you upload the lastest kde-workspace ? and then you will get cookies and cholocate :P13:21
txwikingerapachelogger: I had too.. at least three important processes die with seg fault when I don't13:21
txwikingeramong them plasma-shell13:21
shadeslayeri haven't rm -rf'd my .kde for the past 3 upgrades ...13:21
apacheloggerit might make more sense to backtrace them rather than remove .kde?13:21
txwikingerwell.. I renamed it and now add config files one by one from the old one13:22
txwikingerStill very tedious13:22
txwikingerI could not even file a bug since it complained kded was not running13:22
txwikinger(with the backtrace)13:23
apacheloggerdoesnt compute13:23
* apachelogger is actually reasonable certain that plasma crashed due to python plasmoids13:24
txwikingerI doubt I was running any plasmoids13:26
txwikingerI don't think I added any of those (barring the standard configuration in maverick)13:26
txwikingerI really only changed the colours 13:27
rbelembambee_, hum... i dont recall right now13:37
apacheloggernew project for mobile settings13:39
apacheloggerrbelem: btw, maybe you can somehow get arm building for the kubuntu active ppa13:40
rbelemapachelogger, i think we can :-) i will ask rsalveti about this13:41
apacheloggerawesome, thanks13:41
bambee_mhhh... I could test plasma-active on my ac100...13:41
apacheloggeryou'll need to build workspace, runtime, and plasma-mobile13:43
* txwikinger has an mx51 dev board and a screen for it13:46
CIA-130[calligra] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110927134618-z02sjas1knx635vy * (34 files in 4 dirs) koffice -> calligra \o/13:46
rbelemapachelogger, oki :-)13:48
txwikingerapachelogger: btw.. I tested the defunc issue in kubuntu-notification-helper.. It is definitely fixed now !!13:54
apacheloggerof course it is ... apachelogger looked into it :)13:55
txwikingerWell.. it took about a year ;p13:56
apacheloggerthere is only one apachelogger13:57
shadeslayerand a billion bugs?13:57
apacheloggerat least13:57
txwikingerWell.. if y'all would have more automatic testing13:57
txwikingerAnd not produce bugs in the first place ;)13:57
bambee_apachelogger: don't you want cookies ? :(14:01
shadeslayerapachelogger: you should definitely order one of these : http://www.topatoco.com/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=TO&Product_Code=TKT-ICECREAMCORN&Category_Code=ALLSHIRTS14:04
apacheloggerbambee_: no, shadeslayer keeps harassing me14:06
apacheloggershadeslayer: what I shoudl order is a fez14:06
apacheloggeryou'd not believe how difficult it is to find a high quality fez on the intartubes14:07
shadeslayerbut a fez does not have unicorns14:07
apacheloggerit can14:07
shadeslayerit can, but no one puts unicorns on a fez on the intratubes14:07
apacheloggershadeslayer: googlez it14:08
shadeslayerapachelogger: nothing interesting pop's out14:12
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: didja get my email?14:14
shadeslayeror did google eat it thinking it was a part of its birthday cake14:14
=== shadeslayer is now known as shocklateboy42
=== shocklateboy42 is now known as shadeslayer
cndScottK, I don't know if Jussi (Satoris) brought this up with the kubuntu devs yet, but we have a fix for bug 80597215:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 805972 in qt4-x11 (Ubuntu) "Touchpad scrolling bounces" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80597215:00
cndif you have another upload before release it would be good to get it in15:00
jussibah, non highlights :(15:01
cndsorry jussi :)15:01
ScottKcnd: Great.  I know that bug.15:01
ScottKWe definitely need to get it in.15:01
ScottKcnd: The current armel build should finish later today, so we could upload it tomorrow if you're ready.15:02
ScottKdidrocks: ^^^15:02
didrocksoh nice :)15:03
* didrocks was poking around this issue as well ;)15:03
ScottKdidrocks: Would you please coordinate with cnd about getting this together?15:05
didrocksScottK: sure, will do for a tomorrow upload15:06
cnddidrocks, do you need anything from me?15:06
cndor is the patch in the bug sufficient15:06
ScottKHow about signature in blood somewhere this won't cause regressions?15:07
didrocks+1 on ScottK :)15:09
didrockscnd: is that something upstreamable? if so, is there a merge request?15:09
cnddidrocks, I'm not sure what to do with upstream15:09
cndat this point15:10
cndit's clearly broken on X, but it's something that Qt probably wants to get fixed properly15:10
cndbut it will conflict with what we want to do in the future too (smooth scrolling through utouch, with extra physics stuff like momentum)15:10
cndso it probably wouldn't hurt to point it out to them, but I don't know if this specific patch would ever be merged15:11
cndtriggering it is also dependent on the XInput multitouch support15:11
cndwhich can't be upstreamed until X.org upstream has multitouch support15:11
cndso there's quite a chain here :)15:12
cndfwiw, the patch is merely commenting out two lines of code that subscribe to pan gestures, so it's well contained and simple15:12
didrockscnd: ok, got it15:13
cndScottK, didrocks: this may need to be SRUd for natty too15:13
* cnd will be biab15:14
macodidrocks: you the second half of your nick!15:22
didrocksmaco: heh, thanks :)15:22
macodidrocks: thanks for fixing that thing in the unity lens15:23
Riddellhmm, I think I killed muon with my upgrade, it's just giving me the busy cursor15:24
CIA-130[packaging] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110927152653-32s3mvtgho3m42fi * debian/ (7 files) more complete install and use wildcards where sensible15:27
apacheloggerman that is a PITA15:30
ScottKdidrocks: I think the pressure patch from yesterday needs to be SRU'ed too, so those two patches together ...15:44
ScottKapachelogger: It'd be nice if that commit message mentioned what package you were working on.15:44
apacheloggertell that to bzr15:45
ScottKTell that to the guy that set up our branch naming plan ...15:47
ScottK(which actually I quite like)15:47
apacheloggerthe commit message has nothing to do with the branch naming 15:48
apacheloggerbut with my local directory name15:48
apacheloggerwhich happens to be packaging right now15:48
apacheloggeriff it were using the remote name it'd be called calligra :P15:48
ScottKI see.16:03
micahgScottK: kdesdk won't happen before next week from me, so reassign if necessary16:07
didrocksScottK: sorry, didn't follow it, Satoris' patch you mean, for a natty SRU?16:22
ScottKWas the the Krita related one from yesterday?16:24
ScottKIf so, yes.16:24
shadeslayerScottK: i bought a CD today, should be able to test the final release now16:26
didrocksScottK: yeah, ok, I'll do the SRU once we are in hard freeze if you don't mind, things are a little bit crazy until then as you saw by the number of FFe I guess :)16:27
bambeeScottK: by our default install... you mean... kubuntu-desktop ?16:36
bambeebecause I installed oneiric on my ac100 few days ago, folderview is installed...16:36
* DarkwingDuck sighs16:37
apacheloggerwhy you be so wasted16:37
DarkwingDuckI hate this bug.16:37
CIA-130[packaging] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110927163833-5nvgzbde8jii80o9 * debian/ (108 files in 4 dirs) TODO: think about the following packages: - kformula - fold in calligra-libs? rename to eg calligra-formulashape? - kplato - provide transitional package (once upstream fully renames it to "plan")?16:38
apacheloggerah wth16:39
* apachelogger is to tired to pursue this16:39
bambeeScottK: I used this script (which uses rootstock), see the "--seed" option http://paste.kde.org/127849/16:39
bambeeto summarize : I use kubuntu-desktop,oem-config-kde,kubuntu-low-fat-settings in the package set -> and folderview is installed16:40
ScottKI thought we removed it ...16:40
apacheloggerno we didn't16:42
apacheloggerupstream did16:42
apacheloggerKDS still has it16:42
bambeeupstream did? o.O16:42
bambeefolderview is the... only one plasmoid that I use on my desktop... :(16:43
shadeslayerScottK: the CD still doesn't boot btw16:43
shadeslayeri get a cannot find live file system error16:43
shadeslayerthat i'm sure is reported somewhere16:43
bambeemhhh plasmoids buttons/checkboxes are unclickable on the ac10017:14
bambeedon't know if the problem is armel specific or just on the ac100... :\17:14
ScottKI'd ask Gruemaster.17:30
ScottKkdepimlibs/pim/pim-runtime ought to get updated to the 4.7 branch head ...17:40
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
bulldog98_apachelogger: FFe what? the fixes of rekonq?18:12
yofelbulldog98_: looking at the changelog 0.7.0 -> 0.7.90 doesn't look like a bugfix update18:31
shadeslayerit most certainly is not18:32
pythonsnakebulldog98_: congratz :-)18:50
bulldog98_pythonsnake: thx18:53
=== bulldog98_ is now known as bulldog98
BarkingFishGoodly evenlode all :)19:17
BarkingFishI'm in one of those types of moods today, everything is funny :D   I need some help from the devs side at the moment - it's support, yes, but it's dev support.19:18
BarkingFishI've rebuilt one of the modules for my kernel using basic instructions I picked up on the net - the module won't go into the kernel though, because it argues about an unknown symbol in the module.19:19
BarkingFishWhat I need to sorta find out is, what have I done wrong?  I have the headers for the kernel installed, I've written a basic makefile for the build, and I generate a .ko which modinfo can read perfectly well19:20
bambee_http://paste.kde.org/128047/  o.O19:31
bulldog98bambee_: nice output19:36
bulldog98thing is somehow systemtray only works, if you have it one time added in plasma19:36
bambee_Does anyone have an ARM device ?19:38
bulldog98bambee_: my N8, but it’s running symbian19:53
BarkingFishbambee_, I think my old iPAQ is ARM or StrongARM, one of the two.19:53
BarkingFishspeaking of which, any clues on the module building doodad? Surely you guys must build modules for stuff that goes into the current kernels :)19:54
BarkingFishI'm sure I built it right, which makes me wonder why it's going wrong.19:54
yofelask that the folks in #ubuntu-kernel (no, no support), the most I build for the kernel are nvidia modules19:54
BarkingFishokies yofel19:55
yofelBarkingFish: natty or oneiric?19:55
BarkingFishnatty, yofel19:55
BarkingFishi built it against 2.6.38-11-generic19:55
yofelyou could poke in #ubuntu-beginners, if someone of that level is online19:56
BarkingFishI sorta know what I'm doing, but just not why the module is going mental on me.  I'll drop a note in -kernel first19:57
BarkingFishyofel - just to let you know, it's all good now...  I realised afterwards , that i'd been an ID 10 T :)20:26
yofelwhat was wrong? ^^20:26
BarkingFishI built the module against the wrong dang kernel.  I have 2.6.38-11-generic and generic-pae in the system20:26
BarkingFishi had generic-pae running, but built it against generic20:26
ejatyofel: if im in unity .. should i add akonadi to startup for me to use kontact on unity ? 20:27
BarkingFishi just rebuilt it against generic-pae and insmod'd it, it's gone in fine, and my iPAQ is registering :)20:27
ejatKMail encountered a fatal error and will terminate now.20:28
ejatThe error was:20:28
ejatFailed to fetch the resource collection.20:28
yofelejat: not sure actually, I would think akonadi would start by itself, but if it doesn't you'll need to start it somehow20:28
ejatis it becoz of the akonadi cause that ? 20:28
yofelI don't use kontact myself, but with that error I would check in ~/.xsession-errors for something akonadi related20:29
ejatyofel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/698111/20:49
ejatany idea ?20:51
yofelnope, never seen that20:52
yofelsomeone else?20:52
ScottKSeen that.20:55
ScottKFiddled and reinstalled stuff until it magically worked.20:55
ScottKNFK what fixed it.20:55
ejatScottK: means ? 20:57
ejatpurge then reinstall ? 20:57
ejatwhat package ?20:57
ScottKIt means I've seen it, but I don't have any useful advice.20:57
ScottKIIRC I created a new user and copied all the akonadi configs over from it (~/.local and ~/.kde/share/config)20:58
ScottKThat might have been what did it.20:58
ejatowh .. 20:58
alleenm-plasmoid + vpnc broken in oneiric?  Worked here since karmic without problem but not in oneiric.  21:08
ScottKI think there's a multi-arch issue.21:14
alleeoneiric broken: http://paste.ubuntu.com/698128/   natty working: http://paste.ubuntu.com/69812921:22
ScottKAsk slangasek.21:32

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