
TheMusomaco: Thanks for that, I'll probably set things up to rebuild the files instead, and only have a text diff for that change, as it will likely be cleaner.00:39
macook. i wasnt sure about heavily modifying debian/rules just in ubuntu...seemed like merge hell00:40
macobut you have debian access so you can avoid that i guess :P00:40
TheMusoYeah I don't mind doing that.00:40
TheMusomaco: Thanks for your work on espeak. I merged it into the git vcs branch for Ubuntu, as well as picking some other changes from Debian. I converted it to a patch, since Debian is using quilt v3 format, and I altered debian/rules to rebuild the english dictionary on package build.04:34
macoTheMuso: you rock05:27
* AlanBell hugs maco and TheMuso 06:17
=== API is now known as Guest14461
Fudgewhat were you compiling espeak for guys09:49
AlanBellFudge: to add pronunciation hints for "oneiric" and "ocelot"09:53
FudgeAlanBell  is it usable yet, oneiric?10:01
AlanBellit is getting there10:03
AlanBellthere are significant improvements in the ubiquity installer about to arrive (not sure they made todays build)10:03
AlanBellthere is a problem with unity and it reading out "button" for every app rather than the app name, but I think that will be fixed soon10:04
Fudgegets me why ubuntu has gone down this unity path10:16
Fudgethink ill be happy with xfce is more accessible 10:17
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=== API is now known as Guest99583
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AlanBellwhat other burning issues are there for a11y in oneiric?14:54
AlanBellthe installer is becoming reasonable14:55
AlanBellunity2d and orca are not exactly friends, but I think that might come together before release14:55
AlanBellonboard can type into unity 2d but not 3d14:56
AlanBellthe release can pronounce it's own codename :)14:57
AlanBellPendulum: any other bit issues you know about?15:03
Pendulumoff the top of my head, no, but I haven't sorted through my bugmail recently ;-)15:08
AlanBellcharlie-tca: hi16:47
charlie-tcaHello, AlanBell 16:47
AlanBellwhat are the showstopper a11y bugs from your point of view now?16:47
AlanBellthe installer is getting better16:48
charlie-tcaI have to look again. Onboard is looking good. We still have at-spi crashing upgrades16:48
AlanBellonboard works with unity 2d but not 3d (works for applications in 3d, just not the dash)16:48
charlie-tcaWe can release note 2d for a11y16:49
AlanBellunity 2d and the "everything is called button" bug might get fixed16:49
charlie-tcaThat would be nice.16:49
charlie-tcaI will look the list over today and see, but I don't know of any show-stoppers yet.16:50
AlanBellagainst all expectations this might come together as a decent release16:51
charlie-tcaThat would be really good16:51
AlanBellhopefully the LTS will be testable sooner so we are dealing with small bugs not show stoppers16:54
AlanBellwe should line up a blog article for release day16:55
charlie-tcaA blog article would be great. Especially with the Ctrl+s working17:00
charlie-tcaBut I won't have time to write that one17:01
PendulumAlanBell: do you want to do it or I can?17:04
AlanBellwe can both do it17:04
AlanBellbut I need to do chargeable stuff this week :)17:04
joanieis there a supersecret keystroke to get to the top panel to choose shutdown from the login screen?17:47
joanieand then to give focus to the resulting window to choose restart/shutdown?17:47
charlie-tcaF10 should get you to and from the panel, arrow keys navigate across17:54
charlie-tcaOh, login screen...17:55
charlie-tcaMaybe it will work, maybe we have to wait for TheMuso to tell us the real keys17:55
joaniecharlie-tca: thanks lemme try that. Although once I clicked the resulting dialog was still inaccessible17:57
joanief10 sweet17:57
joaniethanks charlie-tca 17:57
charlie-tcayou are welcome17:57
joaniethat just leaves the dialog (the "are you sure you want to close all programs bla bla" one)17:57
joanieoh nice, screen reader is in the Ubuntu/Unity accessibility menu :-)17:58
charlie-tcaI have issues with those dialogs17:59
charlie-tcasmall gains, but important ones, too.17:59
* joanie is setting up a dual-boot system with Unity and Fedora so that she can test everything17:59
joanies/Unity/Ubuntu/ I need a nap it seems :-)18:00
TheMusoUnfortunately lightdm is still lacking some code to actually launch orca. A bug has been filed, but not much has happened with it yet...21:59
TheMusoBug 85055422:00
ubot2Launchpad bug 850554 in unity-greeter "Enabling screen reader and on-screen keyboard options from the a11y indicator do not start the application in question." [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85055422:00
charlie-tcawell, that is not the best thing going then :(22:02
macoTheMuso: lightdm is in what language?22:03
TheMusomaco: GObject C.22:03
TheMusoSorry, the greeter is in vala.22:03
TheMusoSo still GObject based.22:03
macohmm ive never done vala, but ive used gobject before...22:04
macoi can attempt a look tonight22:04
TheMusoOk thanks. Bare in mind what I said in that bug.22:04
charlie-tcaAnd that brings me to a couple of other bugs, that I don't know how important it is to try and get fixed:22:09
charlie-tcabug 85678222:09
ubot2Launchpad bug 856782 in ubiquity "Prepare: Unable to read system requirements with a screen reader" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85678222:09
charlie-tcabug 85677322:09
ubot2Launchpad bug 856773 in ubiquity "Welcome Screen: Cannot reach 'release notes' link with keyboard only." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85677322:09
charlie-tcaI think we can work around the second one by telling users to read the release notes before starting the install22:09
charlie-tcaTheMuso: Can you push bug 781385 through tonight?22:11
ubot2Launchpad bug 781385 in ubiquity "Ubiquity GTK should have useful accessible names set in the Glade .ui files instead of using the variable names" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78138522:11
charlie-tcaIt will be a lot better if we can get it through the queue22:11
TheMusocharlie-tca: Its in ubiquity already afaik, i.e in the source tree. It just requires Colin or Evan to upload it.22:11
charlie-tcaOkay, I will ask them tomorrow to do that, then. It could sit through final if we don't insist on it, sometimes.22:12
AlanBellcharlie-tca: I don't consider 856782 or 856773 to be show stoppers22:37
AlanBell850554 is more so I think22:38
charlie-tcaOh, okay. I don't think we have any more besides 850554 that are, then22:38
AlanBelland for the lightdm bug, launching onboard is probably more critical than orca22:41
AlanBellassuming a single user system22:41
TheMusoAlanBell: I don't agree.22:43
TheMusoWe have had accessible login for a while no, it is a regression if we don't have it.22:43
charlie-tcaexcept if it doesn't autologin, in which case lightdm needs to kick orca22:43
charlie-tcaI think with unity 2d/3d/xfce/gnome, users need to be able to use orca anywhere22:44
TheMusocharlie-tca: I feel that accessibility should be better next cycle, that is as long as DX/unity 2d devs don't go breaking things on us again.22:45
charlie-tcaI have hopes, too22:46
TheMusoI will be doing more work to polish accessibility, both in the installer, and on the desktop in general.22:46
AlanBellTheMuso: yes, I want both orca and onboard to be startable at lightdm and it would be a regression22:46
charlie-tcaIf they don't break it completely, we should do well22:46
TheMusoMy focus next cycle will be making things more accessible. I already have many a work item drafted for this.22:46
AlanBellmy point was if you don't have a hard keyboard you are totally stuffed when typing your password22:47
charlie-tcaMy goal for accessibility should probably bringing the wiki up to date again22:47
AlanBellI am hoping that next cycle we spend longer finding and fixing smaller bugs22:48
AlanBellthis time the huge issues have been getting in the way of finding the smaller ones22:48
charlie-tcaYup, Hopefully, we have accessibility working from at least alpha1, which would give us more time to find and fix things22:49
AlanBellI think the drums at the start of ubiquity are coming a bit early22:52
AlanBellif you hit ctrl+s when you hear the drums orca doesn't start22:52
AlanBellneed to wait a few seconds before it is ready to listen to ctrl+s I think22:53
charlie-tcaSomething we note if it doesn't get fixed?22:53
AlanBellcould be my machine being slow22:54
TheMusoAlanBell: Ok, something to experiment with in the P cycle, its just a matter of moving the call to play the sound.22:55
TheMusoAlanBell: Were you running from USB or CD?22:55
AlanBellcd that time22:55
TheMusoI must admit I have only tested with USB recently.22:55
TheMusoHate wasting CD-Rs.22:55
charlie-tcaMight be good to file a bug for it, so we don't lose it22:55
TheMusoI'll add it to my work items list22:56
AlanBellI have about a thousand CDRWs22:56
TheMusoAs I am preparing a blueprint.22:56
AlanBellI will try it again a few times, I have only observed it once22:57
charlie-tcaI will too, but not today22:57
AlanBellmaybe twice, I thought I had the wrong keystroke before but maybe it was a timing issue22:58

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