
brandinichatty in here tonight01:05
tgall_fooogra_, slangasek : is it going to be possible to get some sponsorship love for libjpeg-turbo that's in revu?03:00
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lagDaviey: You're lucky you found _one_ person who would room with you ;)07:14
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ogra_tgall_foo, whats the reason for using that old debhelper version =11:39
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=== plars-zzz is now known as plars
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brandiniis the daily from today worth downloading and installing?17:09
brandiniit'd be great to see what changed between those builds somewhere17:09
GrueMasterbrandini: You can also just do a "sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" to find out.  On a daily basis, this can be much quicker, especially after Thursday when we go into final freeze.  After that, it is critical bug fixes only.17:33
infinitybrandini: Unless you're looking for installer changes, there's probably no point in new dailies (or even the final release), just upgrading should be fine.17:46
infinitybrandini: On the other hand, if you want to help make sure the installation media is in good shape, please do. ;)17:46
brandiniinfinity: both mostly17:54
brandinibut back to my original question... is it good? :P17:55
infinityDunno, haven't used it.17:56
brandiniok, here I go17:56
brandiniupdated and rebooting18:06
prpplagueGrueMaster: i really should build more of my panda netbooks18:07
GrueMasterYes, and send one to me.  :P18:08
prpplagueGrueMaster: with all the new omap4 devices coming out, i would how economical it would be to build some....18:09
brandiniprpplague: got pictures?18:09
brandinimy friend is building one of those, would you be interested in doing one for him?18:10
prpplaguehehe, i would love to build some more, simple don't have the time18:11
* prpplague tries to remember a quote from roscoe brown in the cowboys18:11
brandinitime is money?18:13
brandiniis it possible to turn off wifi/bt from the command line?18:13
brandiniI don't use them and I'd like to disable them18:13
prpplagueyea if you export the gpio controls18:14
sniperjo_whats the best way to install dependancies on a chroot environment?18:14
* brandini looks up the gpio controls18:14
brandiniprpplague: in bsd we have soft and hard switches to control them18:19
sniperjo_I'm desperately trying to get lucy running on an omap device, not beagle!  it comes with angstrom. I've swapped the rootfs between the two and it boots up to "Starting GPE display manager" and hangs, any ideas ?18:32
sniperjo_GrueMaster: oops, think i probably meant lucid!18:36
GrueMasterWhy do you want Lucid?  It was only a tech preview on omap3.18:36
GrueMasterAnd it is due to drop support next month for armel.18:36
GrueMaster(18 month support cycle for ports).18:37
sniperjo_GrueMaster: because apparently it will work the best with the old kernel that works with angstrom18:37
GrueMasterI take it you had issues with ubuntu core?18:42
infinityHow old is this kernel you're using?18:42
sniperjo_GrueMaster: I'm not going to lieā€¦ I've had issues with everything18:42
infinityNew userspace should work fine with old kernels, generally.18:43
sniperjo_infinity , GrueMaster " its 2.6.3218:52
GrueMastersniperjo_: I have used 2.6.31 on a different system (Dove) and had it boot into an oneiric rootfs, so it does work.18:54
* martyn has just booted an oneric rootfs18:54
GrueMastersniperjo_: What are you currently booting from?  SD?  eMMC/Flash?18:56
sniperjo_GrueMaster: SD18:56
GrueMasterOk, how is the SD partitioned?   And do you have a spare SD 4G (or bigger)?18:56
sniperjo_GrueMaster: i have a 4gb18:57
GrueMasterThat can be wiped?18:57
sniperjo_GrueMaster: partitioned as their sdcard config script does, one boot, one rootfs18:57
GrueMasterOk, clone your working SD onto your spare SD.18:58
sniperjo_GrueMaster: ok done!19:01
GrueMasterMake sure the spare boots.19:01
sniperjo_GrueMaster: it works19:04
GrueMasterOk, power off, and move the SD to your PC.  BTW, what are you running on your PC?19:05
sniperjo_ubuntu netbook, 2.6.32-3319:05
GrueMasterOk.  Old, but ok.19:06
GrueMasterOn the netbook, insert the SD, but make sure it is unmounted.19:06
GrueMasterWhat drive is it (/dev/mmcblk0, /dev/sdb, etc)?19:07
GrueMasterOk, no format the second (rootfs) partition with "sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdb2" (no quotes).19:09
sniperjo_GrueMaster: ok, done19:12
GrueMasterOk.  Now, do you have a copy of ubuntu-core?  If not, "wget http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-core/releases/oneiric/beta-2/ubuntu-core-11.10-beta2-core-armel.tar.gz"19:14
sniperjo_i have ed2e64d339cb4fc89c8965e6717d6d3e  oneiric-core-armel.tar.gz19:15
GrueMasterLooks like it is the same one.19:16
GrueMasterIn the directory where that tarball is, make a mnt directory "mkdir mnt".19:16
GrueMasterNow, "sudo mount /dev/sdb2 mnt"19:18
GrueMasterNext, "cd mnt" followed by "sudo tar -zxvf ../oneiric-core-armel.tar.gz"19:18
GrueMasterThat should finish rewriting your rootfs with the ubuntu-core.19:19
GrueMasterok, "cd .. ; sudo umount mnt"19:19
GrueMasterWait for it to flush any cache writes.19:19
GrueMasterThen try that SD in your system.19:20
sniperjo_GrueMaster: ok, it has a massive spas out on udevd[2861]: unable to receive ctrl connection: Function not implemented19:23
sniperjo_as in it just keeps on repeating it19:23
sniperjo_also a modprobe: FATAL: Could not load /lib/modules/2.6.32/modules.dep: No such file or directory19:24
GrueMasterThat is to be expected at the moment.  No kernel in ubuntu-core rootfs.19:25
GrueMasterIt should still give you some sort of prompt.19:25
GrueMasterIs this serial console or on screen?19:25
sniperjo_GrueMaster: Serial console.19:26
GrueMasterok.  need to make a tweek to the rootfs.  Shut it down and move the SD back to your netbook.19:28
sniperjo_ok, unmount ?19:28
sniperjo_good to go!19:29
GrueMasterok.  Easiest is to do the work in a terminal.  cd to the mount point.19:30
GrueMasterand cd etc19:30
GrueMasterthen type "sudo cp init/tty2.conf init/ttyO2.conf19:31
GrueMasterthen "sudo vi init/ttyO2.conf" and change "exec /sbin/getty -8 38400 tty2" to "exec /sbin/getty -L ttyO2 115200"19:32
GrueMasterSave, cd away, unmount and reboot.19:35
GrueMasterSee if that gives to a console shell.19:36
sniperjo_no looked like their might of been a longer pause, but then same error19:37
sniperjo_udevd[2861]: unable to receive ctrl connection: Function not implemented19:37
GrueMasterDoes hitting enter on the serial console bring up anything?19:37
GrueMasterWhat is the kernel cmdline?19:38
GrueMaster(scroll up to see).19:38
sniperjo_enter does nothing and19:39
sniperjo_GrueMaster: where am i meant to be looking ?19:40
sniperjo_for uboot ?19:40
GrueMasterAs the system boots, after "Uncompressing Linux... done, booting the kernel."19:41
sniperjo_err "Linux version 2.6.32 (root@edward-desktop) (gcc version 4.4.1 (Sourcery G++ Lite 2010q1-202) ) #20 Fri Aug 6 13:54:51 CST 2010" ? its all on http://pastebin.com/ukRiFiaB19:43
sniperjo_GrueMaster:  Kernel command line: console=ttyS2,115200n8 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rw rootfstype=ext3 rootwait19:43
sniperjo_sorry, diddnt see it19:43
GrueMasterGot it.  Ok, need to reedit.19:43
sniperjo_ok I'm back in ect19:44
sniperjo_etc even19:44
GrueMasterOk, "sudo mv init/ttyO2.conf init/ttyS2.conf"19:44
GrueMasterThen "sudo vi init/ttyS2.conf" and replace ttyO2 with ttyS2.19:45
GrueMasterThat "should" now give you either a terminal or a login on the serial console.19:46
sniperjo_GrueMaster: still the same19:48
GrueMasterpressing enter should give you something.19:49
sniperjo_GrueMaster: still the same19:50
GrueMasterAre you using the keyboard on the serial-console system or a keyboard attached to the test system?  use the serial-console system.19:51
sniperjo_still have "udevd[2861]: unable to receive ctrl connection: Function not implemented" that comes up 15x a sec, and pressing enter just adds a like between wherever it is printing19:51
sniperjo_GrueMaster: yes, its all going through a modem19:52
sniperjo_& minicom19:52
sniperjo_well, usb / serial adapter19:52
GrueMasterOk.  BIGGGG difference.  :P19:53
GrueMasterLose minicom.  It is a pita.19:53
sniperjo_i had some awful belikin thing before which was one19:53
GrueMasterJust type "screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200"19:53
GrueMasterThat should give you a better serial console.19:54
sniperjo_ok, but its still the same !19:54
* infinity glares at sys/ucontext.h on ARM.19:54
GrueMasterOk.  Next we will need to disable udevd.  Shut down and prepare to edit while I look at my systems.19:55
sniperjo_ok, thanks so much19:56
GrueMasterLooks like we can just edit etc/init/udev.conf.  Comment out the "exec udevd --daemon by adding a # to the beginning of the line.19:57
sniperjo_ok, and try again ?19:58
sniperjo_GrueMaster: ok, so by the looks of it now, its just stopped before where the udev would start spamming it , enter does nothing20:02
GrueMasterNot sure what the issue is now.  I'll muck with some stuff here on a different system and see if I can recreate the environment.  But first, I need food (haven't eaten all day).20:06
sniperjo_GrueMaster: ok, that would be amazing20:07
sniperjo_thanks for your help again!20:07
GrueMastersniperjo_: One other thing, you might want to keep and eye on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/PBlueprintIdeas.  One of the blueprints for next cycle is to help enable other consumer devices.  For the most part, yours may be failrly simple (like patching u-boot & kernel to ID your board).20:12
GrueMasterIf you can make it to Orlando Florida the first week of November, you can discuss it in person, otherwise you can monitor the sessions in IRC and comment where appropriate.20:13
sniperjo_i'd love to, but its a bit far !20:14
GrueMasterGetting full support for your system in Oneiric is unfortunately not going to happen.  We have final freeze Thursday, with only critical updates after that.20:14
GrueMasterBut I can try to help a little as time allows.20:15
GrueMasterFor now, lunch.20:15
sniperjo_GrueMaster: yea thats great, I'm only really looking for something that will play nice with chromium and mplayer at the moment!20:15
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rsalvetiwow, everything is omap now :-)23:22
rsalvetiprobably omap 423:22
GrueMasterWould explain why pandas are hard to buy.23:36
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=== Jack87|Away is now known as Jack87

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