
lajjrRocket2DMn, thanks for merging...01:55
=== bhuvan-afk is now known as bhuvan
mdkejbicha: your commit of yesterday, I think we should revert it. The translation deadline is quite close now and I don't think there is enough time. Typo corrections create new strings too even though the change is minor.06:54
jbichamdke: when can we fix typos then?06:58
mdkejbicha: before string freeze?07:05
mdkejbicha: or after the release07:05
jbichaok, I can revert rev 49 for now, do you want to update the pot for rev 48?07:07
mdkejbicha: oh, was that not done?07:13
mdkehow many string changes are there in rev 48?07:14
jbichamdke: rev 48 is a single typo which I can replace & the Help page for Vino/Desktop Sharing07:15
jbicha*I can revert07:15
mdkeok, since we are giving new strings to the translators now either way, we might as well go and do the rev 49 changes and update the pot file for that at the same time. Then we can send them a message to tell them to translate the new strings asap07:16
mdkeI will probably export the translations this weekend or early next week so they have a few days07:16
mdkeit's either that or revert 48 too, which seems a shame07:16
mdkecan you take care of this? I need to go to work. For updating the pot file, just use "./autogen.sh; cd ubuntu-help; make pot"07:18
jbichathe new page shouldn't break things too badly though, right? there's still some time before release07:18
jbicha& how do I get the pot into LP?07:18
mdkejust commit to bzr07:18
mdkelp will update automatically from that07:19
jbichaok, I'll revert the 48 typo & just push the new page07:19
jbichawe can push all the typos at stable release as you suggested07:19
mdkeok! Thanks a lot07:19
* mdke gone07:20
jbichamdke: looks like the System Settings launcher item is happening anyway08:30
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mdkejbicha: typical. Will the current instructions be broken or will they just be adding an item? Assume the latter so no action needed from us20:09
jbichamdke: just adding, but it affects screenshots20:10
mdkebut we haven't done screenshots yet, right?20:10
jbicharight, I was going to work on it later today, finally got my bluetooth computer working (I wanted a bluetooth indicator shown)20:11
mdkeif it will hold you up, I would just go ahead and make them anyway, i guess it won't be too serious20:11
jbichayeah, it's not a big deal20:12
jbichaI'm sure you saw the new bug I opened to make Help more visible, I think JohnLea is looking for a perfect solution and not a stopgap for Oneiric :(20:13
jbichathere's a definite communication problem between Docs/Translation & Design though20:14
mdkeit seems to me that Design isn't very good at communication generally20:14
jbichamaybe they think they can make the UI so good it won't need documentation...20:15
mdkethe way they dealt with that help icon bug was essentially a "let's shove this under the carpet because it doesn't happen to be on our list of priorities and we don't like discussing on bugs"20:15
jbichait's ironic timing with System Settings, which now has half a dozen or more ways to start it20:16
mdkeeven when they took the time to type a comment, it didn't actually say anything20:16
jbichaI have trouble coming up with user cases for help because it just seems so obvious to me, & the admittedly few I've talked to had no idea there was useful help pre-installed20:17
mdkeyes, it is obvious20:18
mdkebut if you have a preconceived idea that everything needs to be specced up rather than fixing a simple bug, then everything gets complicated20:18
mdkeparticularly since once you design and implement a spec, you just change everything around the next release anyway20:19
mdkelike the Session Menu20:19
mdkerant mode off20:20
skaetHiya,  There's a UIFE request pending that the desktop team would like to get in before final freeze,  could https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-greeter/+bug/860243 please be reviewed and commented on?23:25
ubot2Ubuntu bug 860243 in unity-greeter "UIFE: Darken indicator bar" [Wishlist,New]23:25
jbichaskaet: good evening, I added a +123:30
skaetthanks jbicha!! :)23:30

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